AGittuuLTURE. CUJILLIIMIO ON At a recent meetino, ut the. fit - Lenin horti cultural society, the subject of the attatikaAnd remedy for the ravage" of the - eurifullo — etrthe• plum was tawny nil • Mr. Madd took the positionthat any other remedy than the total destruction of_ thein sects themselves, or a preveniiall of eieir re production, must be partial and of questionable policy ; because we might succeed in driving away the insect from our plums ditifto have OUP ether fruits, apples and ponchos especially, attacked and destroyed_ Tha4 in fact, the destruction of the apples-and peaches by this insect is alarmingly on the increase, and that unless these depredations were checked, they would, ere long, be as fatal to them as they now are to the plum. As means for destroy ing these insects and preventing their repro duction, be recommended the destruction of every kind of wormy fruit as fast as it fell from the trees, either by gathering it up or turning in the bogs; having the ear:h firm and hard under the trees 50 . ,,,as to prevent the lame, when leaving the fruit, from penetrating the grcemd, or, it in the ground, trent emerging thence. Mr_ Colman, thong° meanly agreeing wil k Mr. Mudd, believed that a plum orchard could be protected by a high paling fence, sty ten or twelve feet high, as the insect never flies high, and to prevent the increase of those which might accidentally get in, either to jar them down onto denroy them, or turn bogs in to gat her the fallen fruit. He took issue with Mr. 3ludd as to the local origin of the insect, and believed it was migratory is its habits. As to the value of the various specifics which had from time to time been proposed to prevent depredations, he had too many 'well authenti cated facts to deny their partial efficacy. How ever little we might know of its disposittoo and habits, there could be no doubt that it possessed a keen sense of small, and betide anything offensive to this sense was more or lest. effective in preventing its depredations. Mr. Mason stated that the offensiveness of the smell of the gas lime from the gas works, strewed on the ground under the trees, would prevent it from comraittinedepredations. Mr. Cornetts stated that two years ago he had tried the wash of whale oil soap, tobacco, and lime, which he saw recommended, and be bad a. fair Crop. Last year he did' ot apply any thing and he had no fruit. Mr. Tice stated that' he had tried the same wash with similar results, and the year before he had experimented with crude oil, saturating pieces of oil-cloth with it, and hanging it in the tree or laying it in the fork of the tree, and had succeeded equally well in protecting he fruit. His opinion was that whatever had an offensive odor was more or less effective intriving away the insect, and consequently prevented its dep redations. - . Mr. Quinette handed from the library a ume of transactions of the American Institute, and requested the secretary io read certain por, tionawf a dieezweion before the said institute relating to the cur olio, and Low to prevent ita ravages. from which it appeared that such par tial remedies as those mentioned above had also bean[ tried, together with jarring doihr the in sects and destroying them, and all with more or less success. Also that. the black knot, so destructive to the plum and Morello cherry trees in the Easters States, was ;produced by the curenlio depositing its eggs in the young wood. Mr. Tice stated that he had examined knots on the canes of the blackberry, similar in all respects to the black knot on the plum and cherry trees in the east, and found them filled With larva), from whose size and shape he had inferred them to be those of the curculto. and bad them out out and burnt; .and this before he was aware that the black knot in the.plum was attributed toi this calve. Me. Mudd gave it as his opinion that the blest( knot, ao destructive to the pin Oak (gter- GIIB palastris) of our forests, was owing to the same canoe• In general discussion as to the habits of the insect, it was admitted that ih its own immigra lion it flies, though, the general opinion was that it only migrated in search of food-and- of substances a ispted for propagating its species ; that, when both are found in the legality where it is produced, it migrated but little, it any that it is a clumsy tly&, - tbildiberefere but sel dom if ever lights 'on, the tree, but on• the ground. and ascends the trunk ; hence cotton tied aroma the truok has presented their as cent, and hence also the efficiency of =buten cam of oflonsists-odor applied-on the ground, to the -trunk, orate the tree, in preventing its depredations. - GSA/TING °Lb Ari• TREES. in the spring of 1 8 . 1 % a Mr. W... wis engaged. in `grafting apple trees in. 'variant . "art. , of Rockingham. county. New Hampshire, and, with the rest, grafted-egos& to amount to about twelve dollars for Mr. 8., of Brentwood, upon the old tscheed of nate:rill fraft.lailisist ing of abotti en° hundredf.regis.An.Br. thought it rather 43*.ti wage* to, vv. tea ninelalnqurem periment tialiofteless + end W. finally proposed that he would go on in subsequent years and graft as mmy of the old trees as he chose, do the necesary pruning, and receive for his pay one-half the fruit that should grow on hie grafts daring the next twelve years, and R. ebould cuttir ate the land among them. for his awn profit. This was a verylihe sal proposition, en - 1 at once accepted, and the contract reduced to writing and executed. I happened to be at Brentwood during the au tumn of 1850. just after W. had called for his share of fruit, and learned that the scions set in 1845. for setting which he had sinned twelte dollars, produced sixteen- barrels of marketable gcldwitrapples, Worth twenty-four dallefil. Me B. had become so tar convinced of his . mistithe that he offered- W . one hundred &naive° release his interest , in the Orchard, which W. promptly declined. I met, W.. soon sfterfrards; and conversed with him on the subject, and he said that so rar teem releasing Jib ist-arent in the eontenet, tartlet. sniu, weep not sell his share of the ,fruit for one year. - farthat amount, and allow the purchaser to chasms-it out of the term.—H. F. French; in .Hortieulturu f. • , MATIREIM, FOR DECOEATIVE ORNAMENTS. Take five parts of good whiting. and mix with o. solution of one part of glue-. When the whiting is worked up into a poste with the gins it proportionate amount of turpentine is added- , Ia order to prevent its clinging to the Sands while the turpentine is being' worked 'into the paw*, it ontitl qcontity of linseed oil is added from time to time. The mass may also b-r. colored by kneading any pigment that may be desired It may be pressed into moulds And need for the production of bas-reliefs, &o. It may worked by houdinto models tor gonlplers and architects, during which ems tiOn" the hands mint -be rubbed with linseed ail; the mess must be kept warm damn& - the process. When it cools and dries (which takes place in few hours) it becomes bard. yY Di V 4 - Wig - I Lord Ser." «T easaren of th 4 Iffort," and " Days? three new and na.ntifial songs by 1. S. (Pori - "Oar ilpiricry and flag" a new and betatifitl song s with higblg o do-ed Ills page. by Chiller_ are am ng Mu tains. receipts of new mute biW.IENOIMES, where ein be timid at all times a tail aslortuiest of Drams, irireN.nit atl iciNt4 .4 • U joel hut ataerite_ lionisethar the plane, Na in to a'-^rot - 11 - EALITH, AWN Br 1 11.41.r.r.taN matib a a . . . _ A *is sesheonei year, when so inns& admen penile. anew use &Mold provide blireelf Anti ; DZ. MUM IMIRMYM MOMOIOI I .A. 141.0 MMDICIIMM 11. wed 'preload Meeivie:iivitobegioulag.. . . A Irk& ganaiabials OR Ma& it - . i __ ,___.' '• ,•t -- . HOMpipinnval 11400i-11TOMav • =IMP . • ' EDM/HHIV. lot Oak S Co Rent rnsi 'OR il4klii.L-The BUILDING on: the earvief be 'Walcott and 'Moil 'Street*, wliel‘ is je 1/00PEIL SHOP. Tide tadtdi was originally)** Fe .bat it soul, glib tubbed lute_ ,..,.. ,fitniegt.. Ira.- whoa Wipe igeppiitts ftitilipejalefla of 17 beirkgEh ITS° feet, sneliArE wan. b a gh:siethaik, - Minds itylVe l t fees sad id hist iiif li, I mi d ift e g i a m VgliTHollls.o o git salting Annyounn, maity, ,,„",, m id Ow; 0 thr e i li k s l:P ate "PAVS and 'a Set q t:Sapos' for ] . ..Taistia . t , &dm.. T s v preyertylrlß be ebld It ai hakplu4sieet 44 1. )0# 0 • she ground en whir& - the buildups steads: Enquire at the Brokers Oftee of e: L. WOULLOCE, feb9-dt: ‘ 11141 hiskhet Walt: M 0110 N TO BPSOULATORS I L TALUARLN SILbING LOTS-Pint BALM ! • amber of largo size. WILDING l e oTrioe4Wining idle Round Howe Wok Shots 6f. the 'Pennaylviuila Railroad Company, will be: iota'low and on reasonable tenne. Apply to an2R-iny • JOHN W. HALL. LOTS FOR' 8 ALE-ON NORTH ST. and Pennsylvania Avenue. -Apply to ••- . mArs4ltf - VOR SALE—A' House and "Lot on Sixth lk street, near State. Enquire at the Exchange Once of 14. WOMACK:in, 26 Market street, Where the'highest price le always paid for GOLD and SILVER fehl.2-dtf FENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, Way Claims and Claim for Indemnity. STE viART, STEVENS, CLARK & COW, Attorney's and Counseilam-at-Law, and Solicitors for all kinds of MiWary Claims, 450 PEN.NbYLVANIA AVENUE WASHINGTON, D. C. This firm, having a thorough knowledge of the Pen sion Badness, and being familiar with the practice in all the Departments of Govefturmikt; believe that they mu afford smittef facilities to Penalme, Bounty, and other Claimantisflir the prompt and successful accom plishment of business entrusted to them, than any other arm in Washington. They dears to secure snob an amount of this business as will enable' them to execute the business for each claimant Cery cheaply, and on the basis of their pay contingent wpm their SIMMS in each case. For this purpose they will secure the services of Law Flew in each prominent l.mlity 'throughout the States where inch humnese may m had, furnish such with ell the necessary blank forms' f application and evidence, requisite printed pamphlet instructions, and circulars ' for distribution in their vicinity, with 8/1180- elates names inserted, and upon the due execution of the papers and transmission of the same to them by their local associates, they will promptly perform the husismist has.. Er Their charges will be ten dollars for officers and jos dollarsfor privates, for each Pension or Bounty and Back Pay obtained, and ten . per Cent. on amount of Maims for Military Suppsiei or Claims for Pridemaity. arr Soldier* enlisted shice the Istlif March, 1861, ill pny kind of Service, Military • or Naval, who are disabled by disease or wounds, are entitled to Pensions. All soldiers who serve for Min 'years, or during the war,, should it 590ner, Mose, will be entitled to 6100 . Bounty. Widows of soldiers who die or aro killed, me entitled to Pemdons, and the $lOO Bounty. If there be no widow, then the minor ehildren. And if no minor children, then the father, mother, sisters or blether* are Wi eld as above tothe $lOO Bounty end Back Pay. JOSEPH B: STEWART, RESTOS. L. STEVENS, BDW AHD CLAIM, OSCAR A. STEVENS, WILLIS B. OAYLOBH N~BEfI4IOII, 0.,136% Bar Apply at our (Moe, or to our Associate at Raiunsisoace, PA.-4011N A. BIGLER. Attorney and gennsellor. P.ITTEMORG, PA.—ARTHIIRB & RIDDELL, Attn asys-aVLaw. Pernsynas, PA.—WM. IL SMITH, Attorney an' Contasenor P.1111.1_01141111. 4 street, WM M. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor. earnsurros, Pe—BOYD ouumappas, Attorney and Counsellor. jy3l-dly WHITE SULPHUR AND. CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, At Doubling Gap,' Penn. .1 Am x 8 D . Psopoawros, Lots of Kirkwood House, Workington. SEASON OPENS 15th JUNE; 1863. These Springs ay., in cum' , nebula county, Penn's, 80 miles wear of Hard burg Thiy are accessible from all the principal cities by - railroad to fierriablog, thence by the Cumberland railroad to Newvillei,frorn Newville Smiles good Mooing to Springs: The stage is -..lwajs in waiving upon the arrival of the cars al, Newvi.le. Passengers'leaving Philidelphia, Baltimore or Wash. inston in the woruingcan arrive . ay the Springs the same evening at tire cecina. ' • . . The - Hotel is Vorumodioaa and com'ortable, with Hot and Cold 41Attaf attkoiked,-sfald' trictensive Wettish, for -walks and amusement. • • 'The lo.'g experiellte . 6? the Ofeient - Proprietor (for manyyears peA at the 13,..rkwobi Biotite in Wantlengton, D. C ,) enables him to sayi thatit will be conducted in a manner to pleat.° all Vier on . T !OWES :—s4 per d •y; $l2 per week; 4 weel , a $4O Children andaervaata prieci • • jt9-d2ut JU.ST RECEIVED! THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTBEEN 07 FINN 02 a I 'I; STEEL ENGRAVINGSI - ORINTC- : AND HEADS I T &N D SCENES, ADAPTED YOB 0-REOIAD . OIL PAINTINGS; AT Wm._ Knoche's Music Shire. U Illarket strot, Rapisbarg.,' MORTON'S TINRIV ALL ND GOLD PEN.=.IiIERST QtALlft WeitisANTAD. NONE BETTER IN TILE WHOLIC WORLD.. A GRZA.T. 1/Ull3'lllEl ,- . . Plint3ONS in want of a superloi apaL reallygoodaopo ma will sad with ins a laige assortnibist *stalest from; tad base the primileige tit exchanzi thefreas arktil their hand is perfectly suited. did by Ear means the Dia. mond points break or Mini it , Anal!! pion the the . pox, Amer shall have the privibige tfi 14141 a lOW cm; Withatt Say charge. , • .I bays very good Gold 'Nokia eby Mr..Korton, no` winTonted - in 'strong iiiitiottplateevsasekTor $1;111.1111, . . Fuse, 123i0 Por sale at 8011.11/1111Vii BOOSSTOIIik • - io: IS ildshat Strifel,liirrisbirk, ?a . • lir Cr Et.LNG.NI WEI PATENT_ lIKNIF i rk:24 IYlsiobal.:l664itimk-vkosaiilt . . BEEP'- - AND V.EfIETABLE?; . • Convernbie tintnediiit4 into i done up. - highly approved by a antisher of /mina* s e;orlersheofi Intoi compact form, all the substantial and nutritive .propertied of a lam.. ' theitadiwou with Thick absorreig into pastiblelatp: trbich,woul would esquire hours of preparation aeseerdigg to the . :insist method, Is an adveSitap In %mak alketatipoi of . .0 e, too obvious to need artist& fts highly nourishing veal eine combined with ire denote*. renderi it inialetieble for the dek; while for fitoictin health; lot a befineteibentitter for fre.b meat and vegeta**. - It will keep good, in any inmate. • It a painterly well adapted 1011, TtaIrBLIIREI; land or lea,- who ea. thus avoid thane issOlesitil deprive Ogg of a comfortable Inett, to which' they are so liable. FOR EtilfaiiLDS, whine capriole= appetite can tans ie satisfied I. a encenafat: - - - POR EIPoRTISKIN tihdlllCOUßlllobri STB: itcwhoni, both its - compactness and easy prepaistion will rotten mend it. for aide by i5,2441r. WK. BOOK. Js., & Co. CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR! FNEXCBLLED BY ANY IN THE tr. STAYS'S ! AND OIIPIRION, TO ANT d s, zg• Cs - Ir . IV' X 3) go ONNNEND IN rAwNalttrAlltd: ' IT 16 MADE OF CHOICE MISSOURI WHITE WHEAT. IV - Delivered any pines in the ally Jr.. re charge " Tdrmz nen% on delivery. WM. DWI, Js., & CO. pMPTY BA RR MLR.— A -large number 14 of empty Wipe, Brandy and Wbisky Barrels for 41er uric. 1111 OST -X RAMA L RGE L I SUPPLY of %die deliefenia'arsoker ■kw ieceived 'and for sale by NM. DOTE. Ja,, it CO GOLD . PENS 1 --The large; 1117 U Moak, Vow SLOG t. s4.oo—oorroiketa 'r=ole 601111117111119 1110011170111 R. J. RALPRIKAN, Vor. Front And Walnut ate ,iistellaneanm. Lbws of trod. SUMMER ARRANGEME T. ---- NEN AM .LI7YR-gt,MTE. nil PHILADELPHIA ON AND APT= MONDAY, 'Agit 20,1803, the Pas senger Trauns will Isave the Philadelphia and' Aladin, Unpaid Depot, at Harriabiarg, for New York mad Phil •eiphie, am follows, via: BAJITWARD. EXPRESS LYNN leaves Harrisburg at 2.36 a, m., es arrival:of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from tke West, arriving in New York at 9.16 a. is., and el Philadelphiat at 9.20 a. in. A sleeping "ear is attached to tho train throrigh from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leavee Hbrrisburs at 8.00 a. qui - ar riving in New York at 6.80 and at Philadelphia at 1.60 p. in. PART LINK leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 p. m ., an s r rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Past Mail, arriving in Haw York at 10.25 p. m., and Philadelphia at 7.00 p.m. WBEITWJUID PAST LING leaves New york at 6.00 uto phila• delphis at 8.16 a. in., arriving at Ilarrialtotrg at 1.20 p, m. HAIL TRAIN learn New York at 12.00 nooa, and Pkiladelphia at 3.80 p. m.. arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 p. in. IXPRIIBB LIN 3 leaves New York at 7.00 p, m., ar riving at Harrisburg at 1.45 a. in., and cauneeting with the p, m „„ ym ,„ l . i tipro pp Train for Pittsburg, A ;sleep img ear le also attested tea this train. Connections are made at Harrieburreith trains onthe Pennsylvania, Northern Genteel and Cumberland Valley Railroad; and at Beading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Barton, ito. Baggage checked through. Pare between New York end- Harrisburg, $5.15; between Harrisburg and $3.35 in No. 1 ears, and 13.00 in No. 2. Far tickets and other Infontuatiou apply to I. J. CLYDE, General Agent, op% . Harrisburg. N ORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Three daily Mine to and from Baltimore end Wont ington City. Connections made with trains on Penn• aylvania Railroad to and from Pittsburg and the West two trains daily to and from the North and Wes Branch, Onfiquehanna, Bimira and all Northern New York. ON AND ATM ilioilßAT, APRIL 20,11039, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as Bows, vis : 80IITHW4BD HAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday at 10.10 a: m.; lenses Harrisburg at 1.15 p. and ar rives at Baltimore at 5 - .35 P. RIPRRBS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Bun• day} at 11.07 p leaves Randeburg incept Monday: at 2.00 a. m., and arrives at 'Wilmer. daily (excepi Monday) at AM a. m. • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave Harrisburg daily at 6.30 a. at..., • NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily(exneptliiaday at 9.15 a. m, Harrisburg at 1.15 p. m., and arrives a 4 &mbar', $t 405 p m. IINPRBBB TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily at 9.111 p in ,'arrives at Harrisburg at 1.36 i in., and loaves Her riebnrg daily (except Monday) at 8.00 a. m.,rind arrive. at finulmry at 5,33 a, m, • HARRISBURG AUCOffildOlikT/ON TRAIN leave Baltimore daily (eicept Brinday) at ,2.55 p. m., and rives at Harrisburg at 7.80 p.m. Nor further information apply at the Office, in Pen eylvania Railroad Depot. . J. N. DuBARRY, General Superinternolons, Harrielittrg, April 20, 1863-dtf • PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ! SUMMER TIME TABLE: MEN tIM IM FIVVIMM WU, TO St - FRON PitiluiDElßlA • ON AND AFTER molffirciv, APRIL . 21), 1563, The Pasienger Train's of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart fruit: and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows BASTW IRD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves ilsl7lsburi daily ai 2.00 a. m., and arrives' at West Philadelphia at 8.10 i. m. . PART LINN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Idezulay) at 5.45 a m.. and arrives at' Vest Philadelphia at 8.55 a. in PsamingeM take treidcfait at Lancaster. WAY eikIoMMODATION, via . Mount Joy, leaves garriiburg it 7.08 a. m., and arrives at West Pkiladil- Pia at 12.96 p. m. _ . . FAST MAIL -TRAIN leaved Harrisburg daily (ex- Copt' eindiky)'lt .!)q arrires at West Phila delphia a 6.9/04;:m. HILIGtiRI3I7HG ACCOMMODATION' TRAIN, via Co inmbiqleareatilibrfabitig and arrives at Wait it 9101.. M. • . 'WIIST WARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisbur daily (except Monday) at 2 90 . 1. m ; A1t00na,..7.1u a take breakfast. and arrives at Pittslmrg at 12. 'PHILADMApPHIA-411LP1111813-TRAIN leaves Aar - burg dallyat 3.00 a. Ku., Altoona al 8.00 a.m., take break. fast Pittsb*.at 12.80 p. m. ailkyL,T*Afit . leaves Hisliabsig at lap p. m., tonna at '9.18 f. - M. - , - iake htipper, and arrivei at Pittilberg at 12.30 a. in. 'PAST LINK leaves Harrisburg 8.80 n. m., Altoona 8.88 p. m , and arrive, at Pittainiig at 1.00 a. in. ACOOMMODATIGN TRAIN liaise Philadelphia at 2.80 p. m., and ArAves at Rant:Mug at 1:orp. m. .' • WAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leariS Philade/- Plaa at 4.00 p.. w., and Irrlßgs at Harrisburg at 9.48 p.; m. This train rune via Mount Soy. OAHU= D. YOUNG, 'Att. Pean'a R. R. . , llarriabure. April le. DWI —dtf. 1063, • 1863. 0111LADELPHIA & FRIE RAIL , ROA 0.--/this gieat line liaierses the Northern and Nirtlriiesi counties of Pennsylvania to the shy of griepon Lake &rte. _ . IL gre.,renrs3!lranies Rail Read narip'siiii ag danderii ,isqiie:e lie being raphll7 npnutia tbrvailiiiil 4 -I . ‘ 4067 iougth, It is now in use for Passenger and Vreight business from ilarriaburg to briftto - ood, (neoond Fork) (In miles) fin the Eastern Divis , on, and front Sheffield to Erse, (78 milts) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENO Eft TKAINS ♦T RIC' Leave Northwara. - Kai Train..." 1.16 a. m. hzprees Train.. 8.00 a. m Care ran through without chants both wolye on the • trill= between Philaaelfobia and Lock Haven, and twee') Baltimore and Look Raven. Bkgato Sleeping Cars on Express Trains th way %ammo Williamsport and Baltimore, and Wiluatospo and Philadelphia. for Information reipecting passenger business appl at the 8. B. oor nth and Market atre,ts. And for !freight business of the Company's Agents B. Ringstiin, R. , ear. 13th and Market etre Philadelphia. Z. W Reynolds. Erie. J_ M. Drill, Agent N. 0.8. 8., %him H H. Emus Geu'l Preigkt LEWIS L. 1101-PT, Geu'l Ticket Agt, Phire. SOS. D POTTS, Gong Manager, Williamsport. w 5-47 I N E • 3EI 2C. NIL 11. CI 'UV IS I NOSE, LIMON VANILLA GINGER; Wimp, ORAEGE FEACH_,_ Pl*.lll APPLE. VITTIX ALMOND; 0 -lumul:,l, cleurAmON, nuviLEG NEOTARtNE; P.IIENTG, cooRIENAL, (tor . 0010 rulla asserted dozens, fe , family tire.' • Tks above worthiest jest received from one of Or largest ßuten , n o u l ies—age4 Bet:Wand Package war faterlol WM. tosKig, le.. & Dat r igEf .ICNIVEB. 7 -A 'very fine 69 actiornors Wuroa Books, Stationm, Stit. %;;CHOOL BOOXFI.—SpIOOI Directors', Teaehers; Parents, SeVelars and others, in need of School Hooke , Sphoql , will and pi OM. PleAlsafortalont aAlr. M. POLLMS ¢ SOIY'S BOOS STOlLE,Mizketlignare,fleavisbarg,Mmprigngin part the following: RIADIDBEI —Matinfferm, Parker's, Cobb's Angelys. SPILLING . 800N5..... n Whitey's, Coltbia,Wsbattelsi • Town's, Byerly's Combry's. IINGLI6H GRADlMA.Rft.—Bullion's, Smith% Wood bridge's, Monteith ' ., Tuthill's, Bart's, Welto. • lllSTOitlllB.—ermshawla, Davenport's, Frost's,Wil son's, Goodrich's, Pinnock's, Goldsmith's and CI &tit* • AGITHMITIO4I.--Greenlears, Stoddard's. But.reon'a i•lke's Rose ' s, Coltara's, Smith and Duke's, Dortes. aiolll l / l AL—Groweleani, %WI; Daps, RSINsk 3ridge's. „ DlCTlONARTS.—Worcester's Quarto, Academia, Com oreheneive and Primary Diotionares Walker's kahoel. •Clobb's, Walker, Waiter's Primary, Wader's Higli "chool. Webster'. Quarto. &oedema. NATURAL PHlLOSOPHlBB.—Coinstock's, Parker's. S 'KVA. The above with a great variety of others can at tiles be found at my store. Also, a complete assort writ of 84001 Stationery, embraeire in the win Te a com plete outfit for achoolpunotlea Any book Eli In the thee • pricured lit one days notice. cr. Ociuntry Merchant seapplled at wholesale rates. ALMANACIL—John Baer and Bon's Almanac for sale at 4.1 d. POLLOCK & BON'S BOOK EITOBB , Harrisburg. irr. • Wholesale and Beall. roil WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER ! suss received, 4341 Wit% Stock of WALL PAPER SOUDERS, TIRE BUBB" &0., &o . It is the largest laid beet selected assortment ill the oity , ranging in price 'rout six Meanie tip to one dollar and a quarfer ($1.25.) As we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to (ell at as lowrates, if not lewer, than can be had else whet* .• If imrethasers will mall and examine, we feel asnAdent that we can please them in respect to price and quality. E. M POZLOON A 80N, MOP Below J6ney House. Market Ptuare. LAW BOOKS 1 LAW BOOKS 11-A general sisortment of LAW 'BOOKS, all the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of ire oldlingliali Reports, scarce and rare, together with a large assortment of second-liand Law Books, at very low prices, at the ems pries ,Bankstcwe of B. M. POLLOCK & myS 'Market Square, Rarrisburg • THBwbscribent proimso to publiah by Mthecription a ""FARM .MAP." of ths Township of 6 11WATARA," . Dauphin county,. P. if sufficient en couragement is given The Map will embrace the Bounds.. ries of the Vownship and Farms Contained therein, num. ber of Acres, Location of Residences and,Names of Pr& pertyhold ere generally. There Wilialso be on the Map • Table of Distances, showing' the distance from, each Cross Road in %be, Township to Harrisburg, time ren dering it a valuable' Map to immure sidia Beam in ' Real listate particularly. Those desiring Views of thpir Residences put on the Map *lll be charged a moderate extra price. The Map Will be 'neatly executed, colored and mounted, and delivered at the low price Of Frye Dol lars, payable on delivery. of the same. CLARK & ATM, m Maltint street, Philadelphia. Harriebrirg, Noiember 1. idal —tf WORCASTER'S ii,ol Ali QUARTO DIOTIONART! WI Sin DETIRIAG AND rzasouircria , DICTIONARY OE TER ENOLISE LANGUAGE, °ordains 1,854 Boysl•Quiato "Pages Said 20,000 words sod meaning. not Toned in any ether Erieoh 'DietionarY cooks Goko 1,000 Ilbsstrations' inserted in 'Molt proper idiom ; oyes b,OOO words sysfinyinlifid; together. with atunerone tablei of Nononuood 'proper names. Bold by E.M.YOLLOCE & SON. Also 1/Foremast.% eolsoorplotionstios. ..sasr23 A NOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS ! NONE BRITTER IN Tllll WHOLE! WORLD! For 7b lents, $l, sl.2b, $1.60, $2, $3, $4. Warranted to , made of good gold, et febl6 SORRTIFERI3 BOOICSTOBR. fINIIY ONE DOLLAR for a good bib ldestlft) Wand Omni lainle at SelleitiarPs BookitOre. QCHXFFER'b Booke;torr is the place to bit. (441,14 Pono—wsmaitio WM. KNOCHE, 93 MARKET SE, HARRISBURG, PA DIALER IN PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the beet makers, from. $2OO upwards. ' MELODEONS. THE BEsr MANUFACTURED. INSTRU MENTS, from $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, - Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and mtt• • sisal merchandise • in general SHEET The LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand Miele sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL ; SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOC FRAMES, Suitatite for looking glasses and all kinds pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of beet plated LOOKING ar,AssEts Froni smallest to largest Bikes. Any style of frame • made to order at the ehortest notice. WM. SNOVIIE, • novl-dir&s ' 93 Market et. -"TOWN? Sewing Machine, 437 Broad- IL Hy, New Teat; brazil* Moe 90%, Market street, Harrisburg. The undersignei • respectfully Informs the manufactarers and Milieus of Harrisburg that he has opened, s sewing mealtime °Moe for the Wolof .. , he celebrated 'Rowels sewing machine, making the well known lock-stitch, ,and adapted for all kinds of leather and cloth, and fairdb , use.' , GK. laPttitalL, -`"=- feb2ll.dly ' Acent GUTTA PEROEIA. WATER-PROOF "- ~ 3E3 3Ca .021. a, S.,' AT:Ca , I (WITHOUT 8R11811IN4,) FOR BOOTS, 3110 FS, HARIVERS, CARRIAGES, AND MILITARY • LRATIIRR-VIORII. Thin new and excellent article excels everything ever before 'farm°, for neautifying and softening the Leather. It =keg k polllb . ire patent leather; will not rub off With water, nor stain the - Mien white Min, and mhos the leather perfectly water-proof. Twice a month ap plied on boote.aad shoss,.sad.onae.g month for huges t Es sidhillat: 'lf the leather becomes dirty, wash it with clean water and the polish - will re-appear.. War -ranted as rePreaented: - • DIRECTIONS FOR Ml.—Apply a few drops owe sponge, rub it slowly over the leather t , and the polish is complete Priem ICJ( cents pow bottle_ - JAMESON & CO.. Sole Agents. Otig Market Strap,. • jan9-dtt • • - JACKSON & CO.'S 8)10E 'STORE. 110. *Om MAILEBT BT11;31111", HARRISBURG, PA., Where they ntend to devote their entire time to th• manufacture of BOOTS AND 811028 all kinds and varieties, in the neatest and most fun. onsble Stylish and atsatisilictory Woes. Their stook will abrade% in part, of Gentienus , a wand :Pima Leather Beats and Slues. litest styles (Adzes' and Misses' Ci:aitirs, and akar Shoes in 'great variety: and in fact, everything connected with the Oboe basin's. , CUSTOMER WORK will be particularly attended to, end in all oases will satisfaction be warranted. Lasts two sip by oas of Ms but makers in Me country. The long pieties' experience of the undersigned, sae sheir thorough knowledge of the business will, 00 brut, be sullident guarantee be * the public that the, will do them jostles'. and furnish these' an article that will tenon:mend itself for utility, oheapneks and dam bihtv, [Jan9j JAGEt3OII & Iis3ARDEIRB WANTED.--The under signed. haemg rented e: fine large and eientdodious bowie, in Mulberry 'attest, two doors from the corner. or Beeped street, in the city of Harriebnig, she is Prepared to accommodate single gentlemen, or gentlemen and their wives, with boarding on reasonable terms. jyl9-46m t• 'B A.' JOilifilnle FLUID AND ALCOROL,-IN LARGE quantgtleo and of pure quality, for eele WY., Otaf. Jo &00 HAVANA ORANgES.—just received by , WM. DOOM, .1t kCO DRIIM BEER, 130 LOGNI. LL 2.1172L0/18, [or sale loss,br WM, MA I IL, 4 fi ealadiinerP• --- - - EAGLE WORKO, HARRISBURG, PENNSY6IANII, MANU7IO=I,III, 01 BOOM-ENDEW ULM MANNINO Mt PIN% STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOALDS, • MID DAMS= POl GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Kills and Fodder Cutters; SCHOOL FURNITURE, Gourd 'Nadine Work and Iron and Brain CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, RTC., RTC. 'err Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes made to order. Gear and screw Cutting, Ae., HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN &CREW CUTTING TOOLS U 3 ". Cash paid for Old Copper, Brava, Spalie:, &e. STEAM BOILERS. PENNDYLVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE BTATB STREET. - CELLAR WINDOW GRATES Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging, BASE WEIGHS and 'Various other Building Castings, for sale every cheap at the [mr24-dly.l EAGLE WORSE. I c. AtoLTz, ENGINEER, megrim? STEAM FITTER, Na. 6, NORTH SII-ItH STREET, Between Walnut and Market, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every description made and repaired. Braes cocks of all sizes, and a large assortment of Gas 'Fittings constantly on hand Ali work done in this establishment wilrbe under his own°cat; supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. • QTE . ABI BOILERS. Raving made efficient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we ara now prepared to make .15FLIMALMUL SO=URS of every kind promptly and at reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by Bailey & Bro., the reputation of which i■ second to none is the market_ Erblons bat the host hands employed. Repairing promptly attended to. Address • KAGLR WORKS, maylll-cily] • Harrisburg, Pa. WM. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND OAS FITTNR, THIRD STABBT NBXT HOCH TO THII TBLEGRAPH PHINT/NG OFFICE. • Stores, dwellings, churches, public buildings, facto ries, &0., tilled up with gee, lead and iron pipe in a workman-like manner. Hydrants, Wash Basins, Bath Tabs 'Lift and Force Pumps, Water Closets, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gee and steam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solirdted. All work promptly attended to. jelpdam R .BMOV-AL. • The imbeeriber has removed his PLUMBING AND BRAN FOUNDRY froni Marketstreet to Fourth (street above Mutat, opposite the Bethel Ohuroh Thankful for past patronage, he hopes, by strict attention to buil ness, to merit a continuance of it. mar2T-dtf • WM. PARKHILL. insurance. INSUEANC_S'Jk . GEprOY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED -1835. This Institution is doing business on the Mutual In surance prineepte combined with a Joint Stock Capital. By the act of incorporation the stock is pledged for the pay.uent of any losses which the company may ens fain, and as an additional urinal; to the assured, the act requires that the profits of the business shall be funded and remain with toe corporation. as a guarantee and protection to the insured against lois, until °veered by the Board of Directors to be redesmed in accordance with a provision of the act of incorooration. This fund will be represented oy scrip issued by the company, bearing interest not exceeding six p.-r cent No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and expanses excaed the amount of earned premiums. 10-manses will be made on Vessels. Freights and Car goes; on Goods tr maported ov railroads or Cantle, are by steamboats on ri ears end lakes; also, against damage or loss by Sire, for a limited time, or permanently. The undersigned, as agent for the above well known comp.ny. will make Insurance against I-ss or damage by tire, either perpetually' or annually, on property in either town or country Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to ROBERT L_ MIIHNOH jan26 tf ilarrisbutrg, Pa. §otelg. UNITED STATES HOTEL, OPPOSITI THI PATINSYLYANIA AND LKANON VALLEY RAILROAD MOTS, • - . 11A1L11631711141, The undersigued hiving taken the above Hotel, which has been refitted and furnished throughout, begs leave t o inform the publiothat he le well prepared to second moo t* those who mat favor him with their patronage, a that will'give entiroastiefaction. The lIIIITZD STATIOS IiOTRL is located in the lame Mate vicinity of the depots of the Peintsylwanis am Lebanon-Valley railroad; where the traveling public es, be accommodated withevery comfort witlioutthe 'neon wardens° or expense of going up-town Neither pains nor evens, shall be oared to reader the guests of ihiedatabliahnient u opmfortable as they can possibly be eliewhere in the city of Harrisburg. Careful and aonspetent porters will always be louse at the depots on the arrival of the trains, to take charge of the baggagefivi of edema. Ask for the lINITZD STATICS HOTZL. m77-dly L. W . TEN RYON. Proprietor NATIONAL LOTEI, ( LATE WHITE SWAN,) Race street, above Third, Philadelphia. This establishment off rs great indacements, not only on a.•onnnt of reduced rates of hoard, but from the cen tral lecithin to the avenues of trade,- as well as the con venierinv afforded be aeveral passenger railroads run ning past aturcontignous to it, by which guests ran pear to and from the isiotol to the diffar- et rail wed should they be preferred to the regular *mut...uses be loaning to the h .nee. I am d•.termieed to devote my whole attention to the comfort and coi.venisnce of my guests, and endeaVet to give general satisfaction. •Terme,--$1..25 "Per Day. DAVID 0. PIRARIgT, (larmerly of Nagle Hotel, Lebanon, Pa ) T. V. Enoosa. Clerk. Inrll-dtf transportation. D AN lEL A. MIIEVOII, Agent of the Old Wallower Line, Respectfully informe'the public that this Old Dail: Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now ii egistmce in this city,) is Is sucoessfal operatiori t luu prepared to carry freight as low as any other indindua line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewis burg, Williamsport, Jeresiy Shore, Look Haven. and al other points or. the Northern Oertral. Philadelphia am Vela and Williamsport are Blmii a Railroads :1117BNOLI. Agent, Harrinbaig, Pa. G"ode sent to the Warehouse of Mess's, Peacock. Zell & ilinchmaa. a o. 808.aud 810 Market street, above eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock p. m , will arrive it Harrisourg ready for delivery, next a °ruing. mid 60,000 POUNDS!!! Flay Thousard Pounds - "EXCELSIOR"" HAMS TrißT RIMMING, which we will eel' at a very low lime by the Hogshead, Tierce , Barrel or Biagio Ham. my3o IptICK. Jr., & CO. SOLAR AATOECEASI NO - SULPETURI NO SM.ELLI FIFTY GROSS of the above Superior Matches Iwo eetv.4, end for ealw hv Wb MUIR In A. It ING Lill —BOS Ameri v • can fiuid. a splendid ink. at 62 cents per q lan ; ARNOLD'S genuine Writing' Fluid. OAR- Rploppg; Writing Fluid, LAUGULIN & bUtitIPIRLDI3 Ink, rallying Ink, Carmine and Red hum of the best quality, Blue Ink, limeitage. &a at : , , BOOKaTtiKII. lANDENSEV MILK = - Just received V land for We by WK. DOM it., VD. Aliettliattecnig. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES 1 I A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD!! JOHNS & CROSLEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! THR STRatrusaf BLUR IN THS WORLD: FOR "CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, 10. i £O., £O. TEM ONLY ARTICLE O} ?RR. KIND EMI PRO xfoolD wawa WILL WITUBTAND WATIII.! BITShOTB• "irever7 houeekeeper ehould haves ennui of Muss d: uroßlero American Cement ellas.”—Pet York Dims. "It is so convenient to have in the honie."—Nsw York Express . "It is always ready ; this commends it to eVerYbwa.T. —Pat York independent. ' , We have tried it, and end it as WNW ill our hens es wster.”—Wilkes3 Spirit of the Tiniss. PRICE 25 CENTB PER BOTTLE. TART LIBDRAL . 11 3DUOTION8 TO WSOLDBAL7 DICALIIs. TERMS CASH. Er Tor sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers gene tally throughout the country. JOINS & CROBLEY, (6ole Itianisfactarere ) ) 78 WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of Liberty Street ) ) NEW• TORS. UM T . LYON'S PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY. THE 08/0 CATAWBA BRANDY has, for several yeari, tees mansfastured from too pure juice of the ADIEItIOAN OATAWEA and /BABELLA GRAPE, and has attained a rare popularity throughout the West and South, where great quantities of this superb article is _sold for MEDICINAL and FAMILY purposes. It not only equale. but excels the most choice IMPORTED BR PURITY, QUALITY and-RICHNESS OF FLAVOU, and wherever it has been introduced it had invariably met the moot unqualified favor and extended Bale. • The want of really pure Brandy has long been felt in thle conntry and the opportunity . to procure an article of inch quality sa•to supersede the male and Use of the many vile compounds so often sold under the name of Brandy,” can be regarded only as a public good. L. LYON'S CATAWBA BRANDY possesses all the choice qualities et the best imported liquor, and is posi tively known to be of PERFACT PURITY and of 811- PBRIOR FLAVOR. In support of the above statement, we refer to the certiflovto of the undtrmeation4xt well-lenewn ehamists Dr. A. A. Hayes, Assayer. Benton, Mass. • • Dr. James R. Chilton & Co.„ Onemists, New York. Dr lambs B. Nichols, Analytical Chemist, Boston, Mass. Dr. J. V. T. Blaney h. Dr. G. A. Marriner, Analytical and Consulting Chernists,.ohlcago,Snots. Dr. Coz, Chemist, Cincinnati, Ohio. br. Charism Upham 86:ppm!, Okay'eaten, 11. O. Messrs. Gentry And Blackwood, Chemists, Tenn. Dr. N. A. Pratt, Savannah, Georgia. - All of whom have analyzed the Brandy and - recommend it as a perfectly pure article and as an invaluable medi cinal agent.! • I brave been appointed the sole agent for the sale of this Brandy for the city of Rarri*bnrig and Dauphin co. nova-dy Dr. LOUIS WYBTH. JOHN TILL-. 8 COAL YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT'S ROLLING MILL, Where he keeps constantly on hand Lyilaki WILKESBARRE COAL, Emeh as STEAMBOAT, BROKEN,' IGQ sadiff/2", which he will dispose of at the lowest market pries: Consumers will do well to call on him and, lay is their supply, an the Ooal will be delivered clean, and full weight. mn2lssm 1 / 4 'l T. LOUIS FLOUR. -. THE BEST ) BRAND FOR FAMILY MB in the market. IMI bath's or the celebrated St . Lou s Flour, universally 'pronounced the moat superior article ever offered in ski market, just received and for sale by WM DOCK, Is., & 00 PR1 4 3811 FISH every Tuesday and Fri day at JOON WM'S Store, corner eiVhint out Walnut. myS VV ALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES, HENRY C. SHAFFER Rae a large dock of Widow Shades and Wall Paper ea hand which will be Amid very tow. Call and examine. Paper Hanging personally attested to. No. 1; DIABIENT LITAXST, liver tho bridge, 0et7441 - 4f. . (CEDAR TUBS, CHURNS and MEA SURES, together with a large assortment of BAS RIOTS, BROOMS &c., Put received, and for eale very iv. by WM. DOOH, & 00. H. P. & W. C. TAYLOR'S • IEI w 151 JEL Lt is eConomical and Micky detersive It contains no Rosin and will not waste. It is warranted not to injure the Lands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is therefor suitable for every purpose. For sale by WM. DOOR, Jf.,1 00. FOR BALE.-3,000 BUSHELS PRIME IfiILLOW CORN. 600 bushels barley malt, Stet quality. • 60 bushels rye. 50 barrels whisky, find quality. lenquirs of RICHARD 1101121 LAND seontf Washington Avenue, Harm• burg MPTY HOGSHEADS —A large LA of linitity Meat Hogsheads, hi good oositlitirm and with heads in. Thews Hogaheas- • 3 / 4 4disib.s for maliggaw, Paricoors - " tis said at a wary low price. WM POCK, Jr., & Co. jj A ill Sill —Just received, 'a large LI supply of 00VIBBD SWAB-0V MM HAMS, of as but broadax. the market. Bret; one a old is gnu %l abed. june27l WK. DOCK, JA.„ & 00. go STUN CRACKERS. -.—A supply of these de li eionS crackers just received sad tor .ale WM. DOCK, Jr , & OD . 'MINCE MEAT.-A SITIERIOR AR TIOLI just reeekred mid for ode by WM. DOOM, h. l & 00. 6 000 POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar eared Hams for sale very low, wholesale or Wm.DOGHiR 0 retail by Glll3Ol CORN.—WINSLOWS fresh Green Cora just received by THE FINEST STOCK OF PHOTO- GBAPB ALBUM% POET• VAISP-0038, POORME-BOOKIL for au st 48c Metier's BoOkstore, RIICKWHE AT MEAL-15,000 LBS. 1J SUPER BIXTRA,,.from Wyoming Valley, for sale by Wat a., & 00. WALL PAPER, BORDERS; &0., & c., at last year . prices, for sale at ccheffer's bock.tore Jele hOR LEI TER E and teCOLS GAP Paper. knvelo es sod all klz.d of Stationery, sail at Seh , net Bookstore. Jen U6'l, RECEPJED—AnctIier lot of tj Beautiful Albums, at lichefferie BOokatov, /8 Mar k• t street j 916 A large variety of Notions just, received /11 et Se •effses Bookstore felt{ hLi aEALINti Fit OA Janal - 1 Beet arid (Weapon in the markets! Call rid examine them i. 73/ FBENCH MUSTARD , ENGLISH and Domestic Pickles, (by the dozeno haralrod,) sa peeler Salad Oil, Ketchup, Sauces r a nd cloodimmita of every description, for sale by aryib WM. BOOK, Je., & Co • N. w Assortment of - MORTON'S A 17 rivalled Gold Arne, in Go d Plated limp& Bel dere, just secenetd, at Scheffres 119okatore, 18 Marko street • - jel6 "[IOW ARE YOU GR wEN g Bvigst ) 3 ---D&N BRTANTI'aew comic Solar-- Priam 30 ea is, prat ,realved and (Or We by wOIID. at his Kuala store ) Third street. Call and pa a cePt early. sp2B WAL PAPER, 80K1N471-8, &c., aoblyt.tikt Last year , - price., wi thee sr. r adviineL At SORES V BoOKBTORM. Rki, &Ali FA AT BA( WM—A email but yen choice lot or auger Urns “Dreakfiko Dacca , (iivas,l to the imparted Turk/shire) just a - WO"- frP • wal. Does. L, &CO DR' D PE -WIMP-PM:IBD. AND iniPARID--idet received by Mkt DOM. & 00. • Tale. ATIONAT, ALMANAC :AND ANNUAL ANCORD for DM. for astWit_ . BOUBMiII NOIAMPIts- WM. DOCK. Ja g *. CO WM, DOOR, *