Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, July 24, 1863, Image 2

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( tile Tlatriot it , 14i run.
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0. 1003BETT tr, CO:, TROPPINTOP.O"::
Cominuni cation!' !rill not b 4 piblish4 hi ~OtaTlitoT
AND UNION aCcompanied• with
~(11, the
author. rz - ' _ •
s. M. rwrrEittn,t l r..
M.. 37 *ark Row, IL Y., olaiii3 Mite St., Biosterir
-Aso our Agents for tho-PaosiorAdo ID thaw
*Moo, suit Are MOtb o6 l o 4 to _ Advertisements nd
Ihabieriptions for no at ouiri,glifin Ron.
The Weekly PArntoT Mat UNION will
be furni2be3 to clubs of ten or more, for
the eamptit,rn, with an extra number giv
ing full returns of the October election,
at 50 cents
Congress, tgre:votexurar ous, penned
tint iegswists teitiaittAark, *Alai :OSP - rhea" the
voice of the .Natlezi and is the true standard . of
Loyalty: "
That the present deplorable civil war his been
forced Upon the country by- the distutionists of the
Pouthern States, now in anus against the Constitutional
Government, and in arms around the Capital; that in
this National emergency, Congress, hantshii&t , all feel.
log of men +random or.reseatment, will reediest Only
its duty : t• the whole countryl that :ht war ie sot
waged oneUlipart in any spiral of oppressien, or far
any parpoSe of conquest or subjugatfon, or-playare of
orowthromiugar interfering midi thereghtsorestablished
institutions, of those States t but to defend and maintain
the supremacy of the gonstetution and to preserre the
that", with ail the dignity; 'equal ity and tightsof t 7
senerat States unimpaired; and that as.soas as these Ob:
Teets eta accomplished - the tour ought to cease-7
THE PATRIOT AND Mtn* and all its business
operations will herenfterco!kagt.tv4,
sively by O. BewsiTT Ina Q.:PsessueT t on!
der the grin of O. Baositri 4 1 h Co., the 0141.3e0
tiott qt H. F.-1 r'l with said IstabliSh,
Tnexitie.l*ls9oll4d tke `4oi4Anullber, huiti
nv 1161 -
Tin State Central CoMinittee are _requested...to meet
it the Merchants' Hotel, ih the - eiq Philadel phia, on
Ineiky, the 11th daj of August neat, iffoir o'clock
pm. - - CHARLES J. BIDDLE, Chairman.
Ylimainarim, TalTlB, OW.
Democratic_Statf Centtal Committee:
The following is the State Central 00 . 511111111 ap
pointed by Hog. FINDLAY PATTERSON; of Washing
ton county, who, as I%.esident of the"l'ate Democratic
ConveutiOn, 1,11 antitor3v4 rooltition of the 11 01
to announce the Committee. It consists ors Chairmen,
and Representative* of the several Senatorial 1115 4 .victs
into which the State is diiided : ' .
HON. Casale J. BIDDLE, 91111SIXIESI.
let District—Theodore Cuyler Phihidelphia.
Do Robert .7. Hemphill.... do.
Do John Inllerton, jr do.
Be. ...Isaac Leech do.
„ John Ti_ Rearm, Chaster minty_ •
d 0.... . Wm. H. Witte, Montgomery county...
4th...d0 Wm. T. Rogers, Backe county,
Thoinas Heckman, Northampton, county
6th...de Hiester Clymer, Berke county. '
7th...d0 William Randall, Schuylkill county.
5tb...d0.... Packer ,. Canton comity. -
- _ _ _Michael biyiert, Sullivan county.
itteriaqs SI rinnerne county
_Mortimer X, Elliot r _Tiaga eansty,
intli...do John H. Timicos, Lycoming comity.
William Elliot , Northumberland county;
14th...d0 Samuel Heliburn, Cumberland county.
15th...d0. William St_ Briabin, Lebanon county.
16th...d0 George Lancaster county.
Re--James Patterson
17th...d0 John P Spangler, York county.
Dith...do -Henry Smith, Fulton county, .
19th...d0 7. Simpson Africa, Huntingdon county.
Zirth...do William Bigler. Olearlieldconnty.
rivs77 l 7 ,
1111....d0......Thinnan B. Bsialglit, N*Tettll'eount7.
138.. ..d0.....W. T - H.Pan'ety, Greemircilanty,
nth. W. Con, Allogheny. County. -
D0.....7ames F. 8art...... ....do. - . •
25t1c...de..... Jaipur EL Campbell, sutler cornity.
26th...d0....:David 8. Norria;Lawrener. comity, -
27th...d0..... TlVAtaall W. ariiyabn, CrimforB eoug.ty._
28th.. .....lennedy. L. Blood, Jelferson county.
moveral-CountyComoitkeeis ofie
are regetwited to owankrudirate the names. aid portoKee
Wawa 44 quiz liwoorberl to the Obatruudi of grolliate
Gerard Conuoittire.- .rdlterd of. irroolatio - Mere 1 / 1
PenagriVaall jarerreimeeted to forward wider Whirl.
- , c/WILIOS PUIPLZI 414 11,0 4- -
Paredot&rwrre, July - 141, 7885.-
We are iiid - ebted to Ria. 14irei Sreottui for
a volunte of important State ?opera, entitled
“Measage and Diplomatic Carrepondenee."
We are glad to see, by the frequent notices
of this raper" inthe editorial column of the
Pittabarg Diepate lt, that the eilltot of that little
but intensely -black Abolition sheet is a Con
stant, if not carotid, reader of our remarks
upon the political questions of the Atty. lie
will excuse us if we think it not - torth while to
correct his mierrepo tisilitattone or reply to; his
strictures. In our judgment it does not stem
to be neetetary. As we - are *444 is so
Quixotic expedition now, luit batiling %shot
great wrongs and real danaers, we cannot of
to charge upon windmills or sheep. But
we rest - in the hope that the blackamooy of the
Dispai4if he persevere in reading our paper,
may is time, change his skin and become an
Albino - , if not a white man.
"A Cheerful View of the Riots."
'Under this pleasing caption Forney's Prass:
quotes a letter written by an Ohio' Abolition,
anti-Constitation, anti-Union, Lincoln, con
solidated, centralized Government man, with
apparent satisfaction. The " cheerful view of
the riot" consists in this, that its existence and
results atust convince the wealthy and influ
ential classes of the necessity of a government
different from that of the Constitution. It - is
in support of the views of the administration,
- who 'have avowed the purpose of overturning
our republican institutions and substituting a
different and -more stringent form, and-there
fore' meetit the views of Forney and those who
are in,favor of perpetuating despotic power in
tho hiludO-Of party that le now dOininact.
The writer says':
" nun almost alone in regarding New York
mobs` as anything but an unmitigated evil.
There is, as. I think, a ' compensation along
with them.
predict a why. =Action, end, I hope ,
Peetiiitheet good to c oolt.- f - * *
," The truth is, prapeTty, o!...wonds goiorn
unit, and must have ,it, ,hien are crazy. who
think that our rich cities can aftord to. forego
a strong gcrierament." . ,
It is not difficult to see in what direction we
are drifting tinder this Abolitiet4'aiensrobi4"ll
administration. iready the war has been
diwerted from its legitimate purpose and the
Constitution and laws set aside. The next
step will be, if they have the power, a despotic
:Government and a nation of slaves.
- >
The radicalrefement in 114eowitry (sin
the Cleveland Ain:pea/44 deftrveelhe craft',
of being - 1 6ssitdentlymischievotte. 'lf 'the-4mi
ergy, zeal and perseverance with which it wars
upon the institutions of the country, as they
were eetablisited by ; our fathers, were directed
to laudable etviiiit_TlO
est admiration. Great vices, when blended with
persistent zeal and : l44h conram,..have sonie
tbing.in their Initigate.-our abhorrence, in
the involuntary homage we render to the qual
ities whit* make them potent: Milton 'has
touched' thi s chord' in his picture. of Satan un
repentant and undaunted in the.burning marl,'
Mid Sehillerr in Lie portrait:of Chador De
Moor, Mt niadethis disposition of our' nature
subsidittry to the , suceeiti of. that
The radical element in this
,cpantry is. not ,
without its claims to this gloomy respect. Its
brain never wearitti la ite evil Work. Ile heed
never Konen& Its hand- neieifforgets its bale'.
ful isruthig. The ob„iect of all thiti ; direful
labor of intellect and physic 11 force
. is vast
as the prosecution is tireless. It .is no,less
than - the revolution Otour entire political eye- .
Um, the breaking dein 0 . 41 the 'distinotions
between the races, and the erection of a cen
tralized goTernment °Vet, the States and peo- .
To effect these great . chatgett,it has opera
ted upon the mind of the eountryinn-thonsand
potent ways, cu*iinatingnt last in this gigan
tic war.- . -
This was the first. afrep. The next lisk ^in
the chain iv the sheittion of slatery 'in - ths
Ssuth, and the institution pf si large standing
- The negroes are to 4.h01d the balance of
power;'''and by. theli4otes kip the radiesjs
in possesaion of the goirerntnent,
pretext or another, the st. em are tube eta - ippon
ottherights which they reserredzte.themielvee
in the formation' of - thii'goetrunient;' and it's
corollary . , the . which the piiiple
defined : for their . pr.otection in the atneruimpats
to the, Coliatitution-7-xot inaptly,; termed c•A
f- Bights," a WOO te.be gradually
stricken clan. Over this wreck of the system
wbibh our wile and, good kingsspir l •Ae;elpeA..4-
most perfeot, the ;'strong gerernment",:of.tita
isdioals is to rise With, its 'east - -engitter,t , Of
pitysicalLfdrce. -WI "defy any itiprejudie - ed
149 4 14;4107-_0`° career ; ) f - 0. -48 f71 ; ! ° P 1. 9/I:frOk
the time when a small faction they began to.
interfere With. thelci tat inititutions' lite - skive
giatee attheir efferts iid irees,italaa
room, public discassioN literature, ilia •eyprl
the-pulpit, - to make. the .different- sections ;Of
ths . conntil hatt i ai d'ethtitdirefit tO' the of
of th4eir i r, when they, lfaTe . steadily, ajskiied
the plain.rights gf. tvlita men, and, clamored
for sweeping violationt of All•lturt, without:ad-
mitting that oar statement of-their-policy and
deSigns is trite itt litter and in spirit'.
Consider their ceaseless' .efforts to make
Abraham Lincoln forget•his pledges and turn
the army which had enlisted to save, the Union
into an engine for the establishment of a -negro
republic in the largest half the country.
congiler their violent appeals ; for a Dicta
torship throughout this entire,otruggle.
Recollect Sum,ner's proposition' to abolish
State lines, and Thad. Stevens' threat that
"there should never ,be a Union again with
Consider their tireless hate 'of
because he is a type of the law drilling sentiment
of the people. •
-Matt their furious antipathy to Gov. Sey
mour for the same reason.
Mark their.rage in Mispouri, at tite.elosuc'i•
potion ass -passed ist -Wale, because itz io
gradual. -
' Obeerve their datsterentspimali to the !mi
dterm to make thetuaeWii,thidiajmnoerg of oZcas
in ,the countiy. •
Recollect their. Cries for - «Committees of
Safety!' and a spy' systinn,
cal denunciation of secret Millet*, while they
were banded logethei in lingual Callinithlem
selves "14yal".iond Piltaeiainy reltrootto , , not
twirlers, and even above• all these-ontwaid
and visible types, oliserie their - o=6st frenaied
attachment to tbo obotraot idooTor Who so:tlie
trio jever,ot guvetnient, and dislitiol of th e
peopk as a 4sfe.ghide of notion, siul it: is utterly
impossible -to escape the - conebisions which vie
hate Sniigeeted. 7
Let the people be careful, that the, Schemes
of this Verfdeatilictive 'clement be timer:tea.
There is in the ;Republican party a eousersa
tire feeling which will.side with the Democ
racy in milt a struggle. It -abrinks from the
ruin of so many 'minable inttirestitn - ' promote
'the narrow ideas of a feverish 'fanatiasm' It
will, as it has already done, Aissolve compan
ionship with its terrible associate, when :the
eXtremitY of afff in preowned. - There are hun
dreds of public men in the ranks of that party
who will not sacrifice this grand'country to al
passe a set of wild anarchists, crazed with
vicious dogmas.,
In this hope, and in the boiterence of the
fletn2eracy, are rely for., the safety of our
Slavery and the Rebellion
The "distinguished" North Carolina "states.
man" who has recently written an "elaborate.
work" entitled "Slavery at the Rebellion,"
whieh will soon be published, favors lain one
part of his book with his opinion of. the effect
of this.war upon the "peculiar institution,"
whfch, coming from an anti slavery slavehol
ought to have some influence in correcting
the false ideas held by his brother anti-elavery
men On the subject. He says !
"Slavery will not be materially injured by
this war; but will come out of the ordeal stron
ger Mtn ever, and satisfy the world that State
and municipal laws' sustained by the religious
training of the Southern people, are more than
a match for the prejudices of the world: A
standing Army of half a, million of men, in the
acceptance by the Sotith 6f gradual emancipa
tion, is the only method that will check its
growth or cause its extinction, neither of which
the administration at Washington will deem it
necessary to enforce. Henee slavery will he
all the stronger for, the war." ,
A firm in Bridiciater, Miss_ are Making a
gun from wrought iron Vrhiil4lll weigh when
completed about seventeen tons. It is forged
solid, in an octagonal foem, Wi*,,tho cavity
bored out thirteen inches in diakuSter,,and will
be hooPed with strong bands of iroiLpat on by
hydraulic pressure. The lathe Up t on which the
metal is being turned IsOne of the largest - in
the world.
Executive Power—Eternal V ~__., .9
, ,
cessary to Guard Again i ...1: - " It
Since the establishment- of goitlinilli4l.
other iliett - pateinrehal among
,men,lltelr ,
eat demo! to liberty has beet
ir ~ ~,..:, . , .1 -,''
toitcroaCento .0 - ' zaecutliv:** ;,, -.•-: -,„
44e language of A.merica's grat i litn.' :,•
Hkulte content for, es has here ii4 , ', !
from the grasp of the Exec". :.•-"' ,-. .rf,11 :
the long list of the champions o human 4ee
dom there is not one name dimmed by the re;
preach of adlocatiilLthe extension` bf 'Execu
tive authority. On the contrary, the uniform
and steady purpose of 114 such chatepionshas
been to limit and retain it. Through all the
history of the contest for liberty, Executive
power has been - regarded as a lion that must
be caged: •So -fir from being the object of
enlightened popular trust=ao far from' being
considered the natural protection of popular
rightz—it.has been elfletyled tes. the great, of jest
of danger. _
•. ~ - •
security is our ,,
watchfulness of ,Execu
tire power. It was the constitution of this
department Which was infinitely tliOneet diffi
cult part in the great work of erecting our
Government. To give to the :Executive each
power as should make it useful, and' yet not
dangertniselticititt, independent, strong, and
yet' prevent it from sweeping away everything
by it military and civil power, by the infiu
encle of patronage and favor—this, indeed, was
difficult: They 'who had 'the' work to die saw
this diffroulty, [and we see it. •
If we Would maintain our system, ,we shall
act. wisely, by -preserving every - restraint, every
guarantee the Oountitution has provided:L.-When
we and those who come after us, have done all
ice can di, and all they can do,' it Will be well
for ue ma - Win.; if „till „till SlCOCUtitii by the
p 0 wAr , cif: , palpme ge . and party,. shall, iot prove
an overmatch for all other branches! of the
Government: We will not acquieseninEthe re
versal of all - ideur of Government. We
will not degradirthe , Cheraoter ef popular re
presentation. , We Will not .10;6417,0,M0
when 411 experience rulmeeishee to.bejealons:
We will not trust,Executive'riwer, , vested in
single magistrate, to leap the vigits.ef liberty.
Eneroaehde9t artist, p e resiste4af evory' Step
_the coriacquenees :be .pr.cjedicai or
not, if there 'be any illegal exercise of peirer It
must be resisted in the proper =timer. : We
are not to wait great"rciiiclilet cornet:4lM
the OoVernment ig.crierthrown, or liberty itself
put in.lxtrerne jeopardy. %. We - .would be. un
rrcittbi-Xorrs "of r'ocir!fathers,'were vre ao
gars 061itio t naikitecting ,0004061:
Fiat Ma's .Nsw iliOtriator.r—The Jung nura l ,
ber. or'llarperla 'Neel , Monthly Maglizine, haa
- come : to' haia', Its 'table of . cohtenp is; 'lts
rieh, The Indian Maclattorfe ciika!Witt
of 1862.; The Quicksilver AlineEof New Alma
deh, Cali!efriiity; 'Rosemary ; Osgood's ,Predica
inent; Inseeis . injuriond to the . Vine Katy
Keith ; Romolo ; Small Ummo at; Ailing-
tool The 'Players - and 'the. Puritans; Two
Weeks tit POrt-Royal ; Miesing'; pee of Many ;
The Spirit ofPhotcgriphy, &c
REBELLIOR.,--NOB. 1 , 2, 3 arid 4 of this work,
are befell - Et is the size of ,Harpere • Rreekiy,
and will' contain, besides a concise histiry of
the colonization of the craintry,thlformation
of the. Confederacy of.. States; the.jormation of
the Constitution and establishinent •ttie
government, the origin, development and
progress of nullifiCation and secession, a full
history of the present gigantic rebellion. So
ot, least we are informed by the publishers on
the inside of the covers. The pictoriall illus
trations wilt tOnsist . of the ipostraits of .• the
signers of the Declartitiow,of IndePendence,
the - principal, etatennien and generals of the
Revolution and tlis present time, and repre
sentations of the varlenn•hattles which have
been fought on land and Watersinde the . rels4-
lion broke out. No:1 oinitiiio 01.0 - 41.thilo;4f
the original drangilt of the DieclarntiostAy
Jefferson, Price ,25 cents per nuther.,issued
send-monthly, and to be cattpleted in one'yeer
la ; tWenty-four numbers.
;Ti .e t idea of a martial low
li.bettomiag familiar to *lli snit 'the , neemeity
of the iderotien of some etteh measure itgene
re* conceded, bat" Without a Very'y, cleirton
ceptioh# thj3 .minds .0f
. 1 / 1 08t L piireone , as. to
What Anicits • legal. iteadition of things mesa.
Below we copy the definition of martial limes
even in' the "New'Amerman _Encyclopedia."
.14- will be read with interest Sit his time
, Martial lawis - often confounded; with mili
lary law; bat: these terms are by no mesas
. - Oonvertiblee -Military law, besides some cos
tomsey lair; consitita.ehiefly of the, articles of
war; that is lo:say,, of the code enacted by the
supreme legislative authority, as in Bogland by
Parliament,. and in -the United States. by Con
gess, for the government of the army and navy;
It embraces, also,' the body of rules end regu
lations which are prescribed from time to time
by •competent autherityi. for the pre
servation of the general discipline and order.
Military laW..does not- supercede the general
municipal law. It is rather a brand' of if,
mere,limited, , indeed, in , the range of its appli
cation than the admiralty or chancery law,
for example, yet nttvingn like authority with
them. : In this country, unlike some of the
States of . continental Europe, the application
of military law, to the soldier is not exclusive
of, but co-ordinate with, the general civil kW.
The special tribunals which administerper
law are named courts martial, nn
has arisen in part the confusion of the
military law with the law martial. Martial
law is, says Blackstone, in fact, no law at all.
Yet Stephen, as eminent commentator, defines
the law as that, whatever it may be, which-is
imposed by the military power ; and says that,
if it ex:st at all now in the institutions of
- England, 'it is ,icicntioci with the articles of
war. So, in his "Law Dictionary," Bouvier
says martial law is a code established for
the government of the army and navy. Its
principal rules are to be found in the articles
of war. Its object is to subjeet the whole mili
tary body to certain rules of discipline, es
sential to energetic and effetaive action, gad
violations of it. are -to be tried by courts mar
tial. These authorities define very well mili
tary, and in a certain sense, hutuot well, mar
tial law. A clearer idea is , that furnishe a d li b s y k
an old writer, Smith, who, in his ~ En
Republic," says.: " Martial law is the law of
war, that depends on the just but arbitrary
power and pleasure of the king_ For, though
he doth not make any laws but by common.con
sent in Parliament, yet ie time of war, by'rea
son' e t , th e necessity it, to -guard against
dangers; that etien Oise, nseth absolute
aower, Bo thatbis word Is :However op
posed to other aethoritiie, this eipressee'what
18 dietinctively meant, bothn .thigland lind in
this country, by martial law. When in time
611111ftipperil to the State, either from with
ent(or frt irlithin, the general safety cannot
b e timste lo a the ordinary administration, or
thp:Vablielreitare demands the adoption aid
elEilwition of extraordinary measures, it MW
,betteidie necessary to declari the existence of
YoatiOttlaw. This is, indied:l l mo, rqr st sit*
lin cliniiirriMige; it. is, fin '' fact„:4llo.ibr -
tt e i t Allti . -TWA which is 440 Adekl mt I
1111**0 11##$Fmediate.ocitistituliolip cm - -i -
kilWas*4lamn - as the Military orihe stay e
.rote r iiiiiiiil4, has. It proceeds directly
Prow the military power, which has now be
come supreme. :Yet remotely, andlitiiiectly
martial lei expresses the Will of the people.
The SupeWMA Ottuttifol , the United latoterden.
held that A State Legislature may proclaim its
existence whenever' thephtillp safety demands
it; and the .ConstitutiOn; by. implication at
least, also permits its Troclamation 'ly that
clause Which provides diet the privileges of the
wilt of habeas corpus shall not be suspended un
less when, in caves of rebellion or invasion, it
is essential to , the general welfare. The right
to judge whether the eiigqnci Lae arisen, ta
bors, it seems, exelttsieely to Congress. So
in England,. inertial . law wilts inciaent, the
suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, require
the authority of parliamentary acts to give
them a constitutional existence .
DRAFT.-01(qeemor Seymour's pledge that the
constitutionality of the draft will be thoroughly
tested; will be fulfilled. A case, covering all
the disputed points, has been made up, and it
is understood. will be argued' before Judge
Daly, on. Monday next, in the Court •Jof Com
mon Pleas. The subject would properly come
before the Supremo Court, but as some of the .
Judges had committed themselves on it,qt wasi
deemed more desirable to pretient it before
another - eourt--all the courts , Wog equally
competent to entertain it. The decision will
then be carried before the Court of 'Appeals;
which Will be specially convened Tor thatlittr=
pose. - If thddecision is adverse to the consti
tutionality the.conocription hw; the'groVerti
meat May , appeal it to the:Milted - States Court,.
but durigg ID interval - Me draft 'must 14 busy
peided, at( whabegt wlll 3 ipsiit, -
wad be gustaiiiidalp the iitiole'nuthtirity - of "the
State of New"Yorli.- 7 id Cade ihe'State• Was'
sustain the - law;` the 'draft veill"itidieed;J:tititT
persons coasideriag
appeal' £ o the higher-ootrts:N;Y, Sun 23d'
An'A.balitiatiet the last man_ige.tie world
who .c..... 1 ,Paqe j a
mob; yet they, l ,,bifve, _been :ite . ;:bne:tafbiles
that busitneg,(o**o4 . loaf: two teare niioerltkl
patronage of Nationit'oollAqatio;p+..
They seetn,fa havaforgott!is E!? 81 04 0 4 1 0
bold in POli°ap 5 1 4 - Arc' self
confessed otitlaWa, as every man Aeom§a4l4
moment he Ignores .the bindt9g,a,bfigatkoßa:d
the '0 3 48044 1 mA, t4e , 4 1 )914 3 tg0t-s,Al,',e.vp#P-x
detested. Atalt LiWorrP4Aliie • fl'gr* .9
sea and fee 043 fELlktg of .;their a. ,
Manchater,PPlocrfg..; t a; .‘
DE* - IYE - 4at A
LEE'UOviitd:tirt WiNct2sitjc:,
Tat LittIMAM 4.lqb tat)
tivnisolli e 3ul3P 2V4Wo
quarters that abOut'3' , o'clock this morning Lee'a
entire armiwas in motion and moving rapidly
in the' direction of Winoitester. - Ewell, who
had made' a move in the• direction of Cimber
land; also fell back and •followed Lee. There
are De partiecnow- at. Martinsbaulp but a body
of cavalry, and• some fear caralry;scattered be
tween that place and ihe Potomac. Scouts re
port an increased body of cavalryrnear Harper's
Ferry, supported:by two regiments of infantry,
one of which is .dreseed...in Federal uniform.
About 400 rebel cavalry;encanfpect near Nolan's
Ferry, three miles from.the Poineofgßecks, at
tempted to cross the''FcitOislieo last night, with
the intention of tearing tip tht , Ditltimore • and
Ohio railroad: track, but their 'designs were
- fritstri,ted lir_ii:detaclitnene"W — itidependent
1.411!,64.4; potainandid by Capt. , Means; -who
dick , * 'them the river. 'They still remain
encamped tketr qnartere.
PHILADELP'HIA, - Jul 7 - . 23. The Common
Council of this city this , afternoon refused to
pass the bill to appropriate - $600,000 to pay
the exemption fees Of "drijilted men. The vote
20004. Mlt - 18 e*tternts, and against
it 18—Republicans and. 4, Demerits.. A. bill
was sulmequeiStlt' parked lib, aPproptintte a
`dolhirit Tbeihii rOlfercif theifiriftlieS. or
drafted' mem
NEW YORK; July -28:—Thelluperior Court has
- ordb d the-17'Pa Trittit eteraposy to pay Mrs.
- Oithetine. N.:Tetreet, ilia
:gagetfoi. $76,000; ea the prepertyiolthe atiore-'
.vary., tilt: Vine - eta , Db"Mrs.= Forrest's,
allegation 'waif •that he haelagetto!pay
kurifit,lB6o: • - r: •
Flit titurctsc4i,.7i4 21-4 fhlegrimiltohl
'heti eaysi' that lewd hatt%ehl'teceh4d.' biei
hind fioti reporting that the eletthil
ihleihitton - Tertithit had gone-
Nsy ;OKI
Prisoners taken at 41,4Y0F.g,4
lip to fP,PRiIi4 at
IsiondtAnd 800 Dvrel, arrive
to night. • ,
••_B ..: ITJi'.)P-',:..X,'4' - T:4•..§' .
......1..T• 1 ,
Wisrnsaros, July 19 -
To Hid ExeilleneJ John Andrini, :Gliivanor of
the State of litnaaaOnsetta t Boston; Man
gm: The Enrollment act only provides that
in es,4igning ILO the districts of a, gtate .the
number of Men tb-b•-furniaimd therefrom, Ate
President shall take into, gonsilleration the
number of volunteers and 'militia tfurnished by
and from said State; and the :period of their
service, - So.
• i
If. however, t shall 'bg. made to . appear to
the Provost Marshal General, by tha Governor
of try State; that partioullar towns 'to which
quotas have 'been assigned, 'have heretofore
actually furnished a surplus of men over their
quotas, an order will be issued discharging
from the servicp of the United StateS a number
of men called into service by the present draft
from said towns, equal to the surplus proved
to have been :furnished 'heretofore. Towns
will thus get. creuit,actually for their excess on
former mine- •
The number of men thus discharged from
the service, will be added to the, next subse
quent quota of :the congressional district to
which said towns belong. ,
I am, sir, very respeptinlly, ybnr, 40edient
servant, JANFS B. rps
rrovoat Alarakal Genakal.
CINCINNATI, July 22.—Morgan passed through
Nelsonville. Athens county, this anorningoour
forces closely. behind him. •
A spicial dispatch- frota Colutatnis to
• the
commercial says : sgAfter perambulating Athens
county, Morgan took a. monthnly direetion,
crossing Washington coun ty ,
river, in the direction of M'Conziefevilla, with
the evidentintention to, gain a,point on the
river above ginboat navigation, rind : crose into
Virginia;. : . •. -
The authCrities . hava . rtukdisuCh: arrange
ments an Will effectually checkmate hit time
ments and capture his band.
WASHINGTON, July 22 —The precise situa
tion of the armies of Lee and Meade has been
for two days past utterly unkno here. In
foot, Lee*movements aF, o + •re aeon
qitel thi those , Gene There are
• ,er • •ers, he P Army of
th-'2 oto a ti . su " ion as will
en t ' to dct eif/•,-, • *.:4
WA IN 0, ITEM Y 22.
The _official advicee received at the Navy De
partment from Admiral Dahlgren are to the
calefOt u lke,j7th.lait_,446l,o4o:d4y. the
attack - on the - harbor defences of Charleston
was to be renewed: l . Everything was in readi
ness, and, a favotable result was confidently_
antici.iie.. Until/ rumors were °hou
nded yby Ppe ri.re and r mpa
this ... c -4gard ) ult ocack ;
but t are withourViti.ation. = O 7"
. .
It is rumoricktliiit tha..indja generalship in
tbe„linited,A,titqsArnly y evil i by, the retiTe
menhif ilepeitil.rool wi hitendinlid to. ;iien.
(runt ; bat io fir i% ii on ylti-iiutfor:
Seine surprise liras
_excited here by the re...
port, via Fortress Meproe, that the attempt on
Fort Darling, at. Drdry's MA', had hien aban
doned. No attempt tb, take Fort' Darling' has
been made by Admiral tee, ell it has long since
been established that,iteatt anti hkreducedly
a combined land and. naval- attack. :Admiral .
Lee. ascended the James river above City Point
with tiro iron -clads; but not On'lhe'tluliotio
errand intimated.
THE 60111 ti MAltriAtfOß - THE DISLOYAL
'The court marthi,l biganiied for - the 'trial of
citizens charged with ,, disloyalty • concluded to
day, the cave of . Hazel s .pashel. The. teati•!
Mony sutained the " a ` lierge f., giving informs
tion to the enemy es the situation of a herd
of governmeift cattle, the:nunibeitiffieldentien;
&O. ' '
21. Wa4I4L'NITLO7!B' PIPE/POT Tor x,onik..;
Cannon and .mttnitlass. of -war hate been
sent,from here, to,dtly to. New- York,for .the
purpose of insuring preserra on i pf,ihe
Peabe hekeafter." •
THE99FIRRIPTi. I 4 - ART, Nut 'NR 4 - XlitlQ PPM'
csene 2.24.31E55.
Lending Democratic politicians of Ohiewrite
tqfq 44 1 ' e'c'uLPPAINtr.ICAk the.7.9 O APPOPAQn
will be urged by *nal but, tbittif it le r ot:FitA
out the Democratic ms j ority in the State will
• • t 1 , , .
dovzwitaturists iffer,ll.Timinit Atm CIZII9
ec ilgt- I , t fe . * 7.
- .ar the F great .sortribe Of , the 'Dili=
more 'Ohio railroad fti Military operations,
tntoDkfialtddecit hi :dfroitoll thitt..paytninvefiii
arrearagos of its accounts against the:paean
meat shall be promptly made.
'M$ Mime& Tsfr Vit - ottl Var.! ntfis
- To] Onnoitt:
- -
It is stated in high quarters that t
14111.6d1:ailiacwititi:'sanikivlioto - s - erikwae
ordered the lattercto retreat forfthe;reasezi that. ,
troops cottliirnallkillllidd in Virginia to de
ritivizzase EQS SB-S2041141)14-1SONJAX1/0.
The government has decided, in general or
der No. 216, that all able bodied men between
eighteen-and forty-five yearrof age, who-have
heretofore been enlisted and have served for;
not less than nine months, who have been
honorably discharged and can pass the exam
ination required by the mustering regulations
of the United States, may be enlisted in any
regiment they choose, new or old, and when
muttered into the United States service will be
entitled to the $402 provided for recruiting
veteran volunteers. 'This $402 comprises $3OO
exemption land, SIQO bounty, and $2 hand ,
money,. A reginieht, battalion, or company ;
of these recruitswill:mar the title of Veteran,
provided half of eir number are "Veteran
Volunteers." _stame_beno.fit_wat oe - gtven
to.-men WHO en isted prior to order N0..191,
____ Ti 4
provided the conditions therein set forth are
fulfilled. - . r
A large number of siezures of rebel pro
perty, under'the General Confiscation Act, are
being made in .Alexandria.. Fifty "writs of
sieznre". have alteady been batted by the 11. S.
Attorney, declaring The owners ,Of these es=
tatea to be in armtraselitst the government, and
contiMiiiiietheiriropes . ftle.thearnitell Sts 'es.
The Commissionerssurployid tt maim an in•
ventory, of rebel estates, previous to selling
fotthe icinfpaimeint of
taxis, according to latelacts of Congress, will
0 4411r.ititrtliW.A*teinttftit 4 2 310 1 11.0+214,,i
4 -91.°'!" Foirk*, 9 5 9P4*. 8 2 Y-t‘ 2 d ußng
the iietik: The iicfgAtti lama #1,44441 3 : 04 4 1
vertint k irrproysityAluite wnfilogo,4, PcTr. Puti
_ -
) : •<,l '1) ' ,
' ••it • C U T M . Pligß i r 4 1 9*1 1 , 1 M5, : •
lbeilOrP: l2 ol l o4t'iQQo 4 .ool.4#o4tttit
kki,,e4i l o l 44*Clo444o r • p f Siii*VS;;f4bali , ,
meat kfothimeamp Oven iso,ooo:scpaystegoiiiis
him otrit,rttunivi i t ?
. t!!eir .
fiat. • I j
Remo* irai - 00111iNG NOWrit
A Tumor current here tottisy, that Lee'eisrmy
hail croseetl into Itiarylind leohp, nonftrotti.
hop: theitaliihrholleitilliteittienekiegntred
here leaves: thee twel srmieLwat chingheank. cat
er, retain on the nest and the f:e_derthicou
the eatteitidn Or 'the-
It IO underitood t at in 4iew o arm
wiliest by tbe:approacuiug: dealt in-tbia
re, l 7 o l l o l42eci,Lizeitl's
to guarantee. tlf o peqrpe.
be drafted la Yelielase from , aervinvopoa- ; theta
oeipt, of Ibirtidotbire - - ;
[That •greilliolfsibre altiien" must' be :promi
saint in the whn canttol af
fairs at ITasliington.]
Antra. Halbach% son Theadat, July MI: o'clock
The funeral will 'tate place on Surday morning,
July 26, at 9 o'clock, from , the residence of Mrs.,
bsch, Susquelsannet township. •
July 2 1 ,1863, BlearFestices, infant daughter o! John
andloanisaAlurphy.ppdB mouths and 21 days. •
The funeral will take place on Saturday afternoon,
at 3 o'clock, fromtho residence•or her parents in. North
Street, between Third, and Fourth: the friends of the
familv 'are respectfully invited tb'atterid. *
Infaiiibie in Correcting, Rego/cuing, and Ilemoviag all
abstractions, from whatever cause!, and always
successful'as a Preventive.
These PILLS have• been need by the. Doctors for many
years, both in France and America, with unparalleled
success Irk eveyy cash ; andhe is urged .by many thousand
ladies who use d theM; to make the Pills public for ,- -the
*Bevil!' Ann of Jhrsto r eoffering fekra any ittegalanttina
whatvier r as Well td prevent an increase of family
where health will not permit it. , Females .particularly
'Minted, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned
against these Pills while in that condition, en they are
intro to produce miscarriage, and:the Proprietonasinines
no renponsibility After thib admonition, although their
mildness would any mischief to health-other
wise the Pills are recommended. Bull and explicit di.
reetiondfatenatimiy each box. Price 11/.00 per box.
Sold, wholesale and retail, by CHARLES A, DANN
VANT, Driggist, No. 2 Simea Row, and C.
Druggist, Harris burg, Pm.
Ladled, by sending them 11.00 to the Harriebarg
Poet Ofilod,:oan have OA Pills sent free of observition
toimf part 'of the country Pi lls
and "tree of
4 14 1r1 iidso by , J,L LineunnoitadLebanott ;
Wrightirdllo ;Ali T. 'Maxis, it'arkr Nuawsti Aar
irTi.iliasifftt 1 1 0 1 110101111111rgirg BFAINGLII,
berablllPi @WPM. j A. Z. Es.orrassas, Ma
o u n iesborg ; Dams & Drionsi, No. 4, South Libor
etreetV r tjunre i r.. ..and by eons pragglet”
Sown an r li d ling
4* • T 21 4 - 4r e filiir n ie k k i ttlirvl l iew i lf T 4l4
x —Look out for 'ecnin' G:al l6l:f a e l ite l4 . ii A o g g i ol gs den
Alißeny Odd unless WrerY boxia dyeed'e.a. Hew..
Alf others are l ll bare imposition and• mode dberefore,
*pm valnii n teniZlree r and Health, Vo say nothing of
4.tf i t n trie t i d ienilli c r l e Y ol ;.' o on every box,
w ' h a y -rbfkillfbeet addedlbio' account of the Pills
beingLeonolexteiadilt MiliVinesediewta. compodng the
abovelPiikidad An do knowtoto every. Agent.. They will
onlyof . those
tell yinirthe9Pilledire 4ierfierly:beirialase, yet will do all
claimed for thenr. , ,.. • :1 zr S.' ROW B, •
jyl74lly • ...Skil,•Prdirleldr. New York.
The combination of inxrediewitie *elle Pi 111) ire the
result of a lon g and They are mild
is thole operation, and certain irreerreitirlif all insta
l...llles, painful menstruatibn, removlasaillebotructions.
whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pal in the
aide, palpitation of the heart, whittle, an 'nerirousaftee
bons, hyiteries, fatigue, pain in Us thick shalhabs,
ite., disturbed...leap, whieb eXII3 frant trisinnisi of
moue. .
DA. CHEATilfitlir 6 'ALS
was the COliallIiiii011)14.11 o ate? is 'lab?gth)Lien At
thpia irregularities' sad - tlbildkardi t g shr I
sigaed BO manylo PlNfr
enjoy good healthstsdess . ake ie regalas, and wheneyer an
nbstsattton takes place thesenerel health begins bode
aline. •
are the most effectual rescwdy ever known for ell coat
plainte peculiar to Females. To all asses they are
invaluable, inducing, with - certainty, periedisai regular
its,. They are known to thentiantle,who have usedthem
at different periods, throighont.the country, having the
sanction of , POMO of the mop% eminent Physicians. i s
America. • • ••• •
Explicit directioss,"stittistg rhea they should not La
and, with each Box—tbsi Price One. Ifollar per Box,
containing from 50 to 60 Pills.
-E3u. mai• by -boolkpronspag l -remitting to. the
Agents. ;Sold by-Druggistotgely: - ' •• -
R. B. NIIT.CIIINGI3I Proprietor,
• •
• • • • 2o Ce d a r.astreet, New , York.
0014 iii-Tibrrieburg, by C. A. Baunvirt 4 -"
" Neettaidboburg r .T
by J. 8 . Dollett,
" Carib* b 8c XThlott. • - • 1
iiiiippensbnrg, by D. W. Rankin.
" Obamboroborg, by Miller do geraboy,
llamas/Atte:o , n, by gtotts walr,
Lotiazion4 by4looros BON. itecti-d&wly
Mublt hail given universal satisfaction during the four
teen years it bea :aten Introduced intiethe trill fed States.
Alter been proclaimed
the rain - destroyersitthe emarlif Lr: Pain cannot be *hien
thislininiebt • It *ladies directed it' eannot
and rigspr hinflifted'lr? - a7400 Instance Iforjebb*
cot i nitts ) .11E 14 i !ft can't blea. 9ne cent
&lttle : mill i cure all the ghaie, besides geineliseful in
every fatally for-sudden accidents, such as burns, cuts,
scalds, insect Acei.z.' Ilia perfeCtlylunoeenti to
take internally, and can beiriven to the oldest periodos"
youngent 14044 pt9e . 2kanir gents a bottle
Sold by all Druggistei. Office, 66 Cortla?dtitiresiti;"
. : `. 4 4 " • .k.a.4T„Xis,f;
Don't Tail to proenre-Mrs. WINSLOW'S BOOTHINO
preparation ls the prescrlption of one of the be female
, nliYaleisnirind l nuiivi in thsTinitedrEttates, aid heal:teen
need for thitly,years with never failipg slib i ty and suc
cess b z xalgionaoii s icitheriihd childien; Pon? the fee
ble InfPntof ace
It not only relleiini thit child from . gain, Int *vlgo
triter the stomach and bowels, torrecta acidity f luid
gives 'tone and energy to the whole system.
most laden* relieve.. •
We believe it the best,andsurest remedy in the world
in allcases of; DYSENTERY AND DlAltlifiCßA IN
CHlLDDEN,,whether. it prises from teething or from
any other ciinert. - •
*Fall firectionc for accompawykacb bottle.
None genuine unless the fad simile of CURTIS &PER
KINS, New York v ia on, the outside wrapper.
' sobeby all Medicine Healers. '-
Principal Office, 48 Dey street : New Ye rk.
:Price only 25 cent' per bottle. • .
nty23-d&wihn' * •
Pat untantoug-,-
e r n KD 140-14 1 -1 1.:fatilt BENEFIT
ON FRIDAY,.J&E'.I"- 24, 1.6V.3.
fig- Omnibuses will run ever] boor from White Bill
liostauraut„Marinat street; WOislian Rouse, railroad,
and Comp. iteufellkidlia
..kg . ..8 . . : 1 : ,::. : - .g .i p - : 5 .. ! :; ,.. , 4? T"3,-.p...,7
The aieisintof Abner:Couisel and Dr. John A. Stehley_
.adehtneee of Jacob 0. Bebtd, and Mary M., bin wife, of
Derry townehtp. hp been Hint in the Court of Cletentbn
Pleas ' of 2 Daiphin ionity; aid will be eonfirmedLon the
27th daj of August, Ises, unless cause le shown to the
conlei•tki L . -* - tt 2 J.R. , YOUtKE
2tdou*kltir • • Prothonotary.
Orrnn. or eviirdinasinsiind Sunnis Cord
1. • c ci. - • Jnirdit, '113010. ,
A dividend of three pereeinei-on An'e l iertaridoell or
Nada .41onspalw enu' rime Ante Bat intend oke-111 ¢4a of
iiireeitove out of the prOkAolitiehlet IromeeltillOper
- - tie-Tensmoever,--Wainv-Vetreet-near
(. WILL IAM; 7 LLTAM "*;
pßopos ALS_FOB .131Efe ONI3TIRI/C
-ffict PP Alnklnilt,„lNNXikezik 1 ,-71
proposals, addrisV o f f i, , Lia,,tresaosl oft 40 yQ11.2101111
. Con netl_ or the a. or Naniabl a II beyeseload_nA
ilaraMS3- Atininku thiraElfrufr
lion of a oinror three *Witt Oil iii"MikaiV.
1, " • to
the *her': Tlites bidders to state. ilidu -per-1 "
mate{ ale. and
specifications .eat W saiinAt lb* !Ace b Mote,
Beq , City Sterveyer, wbAro all necessary ion
can be clitiilied. - a - IWM- - MORaRk
- • dE.V.IIREKE,
- Ara-eolltd •
A SSIG}NEE'S 1. — N otice
11 hereby Oren** the seepuutwf Robt. W. ili , Clure,
Aide:lie of - Sainstiel,r 'hail been filed the
Court of CoromOnAfilelea of Didphineounty, sad will be
epriftronit mutigegth thiypf nem curie
be shoirti to thil contrary. - . i.e - yotritrq,.
- Prokbchiotirry.
POIINDL-A box 'of . `Tobaboo. The
1 owner can gave it by proving propertv and paying
oharaelki9ttiiPlintli Pio • -- :4oatittititlfiliT,
.i 9. . -B Plg • • 1 1111 ;..eTti atrF` o , Arftr{-41turg.
Teet I rrite.qetc - kak in the city, is found et,ll.ol4erket
street._ Ft); bele by • GEO. W . pArLgoNs
,ygg dlw • •
Preaident and . Man
TURNPIKE ROAD COIIIPANY have this day declared
a ditridend of two per Met. upon the capltal. - stotk of
skid company, payable to thastockholdemondemani.
RUD. F. KELKEr, Trcatttrer,
!, July 13, , 64-00.6t Do. 5, B.l'rent st.
WANTED.— $.75* A:MONTH I . I want
to hire Agents in every county at-$75 a month.
expenses paid, to sell my nyw . cheap Family Sewing
Machines. Address, t . 8
m7-10m - Alfred, Maine.
MTANTEJ).--160 `.A - MONTH ! We
, ,
Y v want. Agents, at 66.3 st'?pouth, experses paid, to
sell our Ererlasting Poricils, Ori c nial Surne,soind
thirteen other new, neefil ihd enriOne artielee. Fiftten
'elrenlere sent free. Addrelle,
. m7.w3na
,sgAN pX,1,1 . 1K, Biddeford, Maine.
Ideeerf. BgeKER, & FALK, Proprietors, announce to
the citizens of Harrisburg that this cool and delightful
Bummer retreat now ovenfor visitors. Accommoda
tions will be furnished to parties and pie-nice at reason
able terms, adancing platform having been erected fr r
their special use. Beason tickets:for families, good for
one year, $l.OO
. No improper characters adniitted, and no intoxicated
person will pc permitted to , dela the island.
A Berry Boat plies constantly bettieen the island arid
the, foot of Broad street, West Harrisburg. jelB.3m
• %L i •
.SATUR - DAY,, ;ILLY 25th, 48 , 63 .
TICKETS "' ' ' 25 CENTS.
91, 1 14111PL1T, , Tons Wecdcas,
4 , .. 15 1.4/APTIN, JONN Caux.a.,
tel ' ililVolkel: characters will be admitted, east
there wi "Se a sufrecient "police terve on the defied to
preserve order. iy9-eedt4