Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, July 10, 1863, Image 2

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    point have not sufficient fasts for their . sup
port? Will it be contended that there is
nothing in the current history of the day to
warrant a well-grounded apprehension that
American liberty is in danger? Must I prove
by arguinent that the sun is shining ? Must I
demonstrate that the night foltowe the day ?
This servile cry of "all is well" in the face of
the unboundel exercise of lawless power, leads
to but one result as inevitably as mathematical
science reaches its conclintions. The fawning
courtier who, from the bare motives of promo
tion and gain," seconds with the- voice FRI
smile of approbation, every encroachment on
the rfghts of the people, is the most dangerous
instrument toy' 'which - popular governmen t s
bare begs overthrown in all ages of the world.
He seeks to lull the people into a false sense
of security, and at the mane time invites the
_daring usurper to boldly bound over every
barrier. A celebrated foreigner thus fairly .
describes the manner in which this clam ob
tain eminence and favor with a corrupt and
designing executive:
"One makes a fortune because he can cringe,
another because he can lie; this man because
be seasonably dishonors himself; that because
he betrays his friend; but the surest means to
mount as high as Alberoni is to offer. like him,
regents of ninehreenta to the Duke of Ven
dome, and there are Veudornes everywhere.
They who are called great have generally no
other ascendency over us but what our weak
ness permits them, or what.our meanness gives
tit. ,: atria it 'anion.
CODIRIIIRIMIIOIIB will not be published in the PATRIOT
ARO VIZOR unless secolopanied with the name of the
s. st. eETTEIII6III.I. & VO.,
No. Si Park Row, N. Y., and II State St., Belton,
Are our Agents for the PATRIOT AR Mhos in those
cities, and are authorised to take Advertisements and
Itsbeforialloos for us at our Lows:st Rates_
be furniled to clubs of ten or more, for
the campaign, with an extra number giv
ing full returns of the October election,
at 50 cents I
Tux PATRIOT AND UNION and all its business
operations will hereafter be conducted 103ICIR
eively by 0. BARKNTT and T. G. POMEROY, un
der the Arm, of 0. BARRwrr & Co., the connota
tion of H. F. M'Reynolde with said establish
ment having ceased on the 20th November, inst.
Novannan 21 1062.
Congress, by a vote nearly unanimous, passed
the following resolution, which expresses the
voice of the Nation and is the true standard of
" Tbat the present deplorable civil war bee been
forced spew th e 99uu t r y by the diennieniete of the
Posthorn States, now m arum against the Constitutional
Government, and in arms around the Capital ; that in
this National emergency, Congress, banishing all feel
ing of mere passion or resentment, will recollect only
its duty to the whole country; that this war is not
waged on their port in any spirit of oppression, or jr , r.
any purpose of wariest or subjugation, or purpose of
overthrowing or int , eferaeg wise a x e :teas or established
institutions of thins States, bin to defend anti maintain
the supremacy of the Constitution, and to preserve the .
*Won, with all the dignity, equality and rights of the.
several States unimpaired; and that as soon as these ob
jects are accomplished the war ought to cease."
The Draft—'Substitiates.
We Lave not seen any official order to pro
seed with the draft, or conscription provided
for by Congress last winter; but it is stated
by the Washington correspondents of the New
York papers, with much positiveness, that
such an order hats been issued, and that the
three hundred thousand conscripts are to be
made up without delay. The Coiumissioner of
Internal Revenue in ' each congressional dis
trict has been authorized by the Secretary of
war, and directed by the Secretary of the
Treasury, to receive from drafted persons, who
desire to pay it for the purpose of exemption,
the sum of $3OO. On receipt of this sum, the
Collector of Internal Revenue shall 'give the
drafted person paying it duplicate receipts.
One copy of these receipts shall be delivered to
the board of enrollment on or before the day the
drafted person is required to report for duty,
and when so delivered to the board, the drafted
person shall be furnished by the board with a
certifiehte of exemption. "Form 31, Regula
thins of Provost Marshal General's Bureau,"
stating that the person is discharged from
further liability under that draft, by reason
of.having paid the sum of $BOO.
Aston of . ennsylv
When the Army of the Potomac, finding it
self outflanked and evaded by Lee, moved
northward to cover Washington, Baltimore,
audits menaced communications with the loyal
North, there was a vehement clamor for local
protection and security. It was very wrong, •
many said, not to have guarded the loyal States
from invasion at all hazards. But it was not
lining—it was wise and right. The further
Lee ventured North, with our noble army in
tact on his flank and rear, the more probable
his defeat, and the more certain and complete,
in ease of such defeat, his destruction. •
We commend the above extract, from yester
day's Tribune, to the attention of our farmers
in the Southern counties of the State. It
would seem, according to the Tribune, that the
devastation of our fairest fields, and the plun r
deeing of many of our border counties, was
"Wise and righetz great piece of military
strategy—ihich it would be well, on the same
basis of reasoning, to repeat as often as it can
be accomplished ; for whatever is "wise and
rischt" should be done at all fates. Not being
shako in she profound tittlitca which governs
the movement of our armies, it may be difficult
for our farmers to see or understand why an
a rmy that readily beats Lee in Pennsylvania
could not, if properly handled, have beaten
him in Virginia- But, says this expounder of
military strategy, the Army of the Potomac'
was outdanked and evaded by Lee, but he does
not inform us why this was so. Alive general
never permits himself to be ou:flanked, unless
by superior numbers and in actual conflict,
when it may be inevitable. lf, as Wendell
Phillips says, Hooker lost the battle of Chan
celloreville by being drunk, he Was evidently
unfit. to command, and should have been dis
missed at once. We feel confident that Ge n .
Meade would not have been outflanked, and
could have whipped Lee in one place as well
as another.
The administration is, thereforeaqi is crim
inal neglect, clearly responsible for the calam
ities that have befallen u's_
Wendell Phillips on the Fourth.
All history furnishes to the reflective mind
abundant evidence of the truth of the remark
once made by John Randolph, "that fanati
cism knows no stopping plaee between Heaven
and Hell." Once latinched upon its hhadlong
career, it knows no turning, calculates no con
sequences, but rushes forward until itself, its
followers, and the cause it espouses are plunged
into irretrievable ruin. This is precisely the
career now-being run by the National Admin
istration, under Abolition control, and in
race of this kind whoever is maddest, and goes
fastest and farthest, is necessarily a leader;
we may therefore fairly set down Wendell
Phillips as the grand commander of what they
term the "Army of Progress."
On the Fourth of July inst. Wendell Phil•
lips made a characteristic speech at Framing
ham, Mass., from which we propose to make
some extracts, and to briefly discuss.
After his peroration, Mr. Phillips proceeds
to speak of Moncure D. Conway—who our read
ers will remember, in a letter to J. M. Mason,
the Confederate Minister to England, offered,
as he said, by authority of those who controlled
the government, to acknowledge the indepen
dence of. the Southern Confederacy, providing
they would abolish slavery—and says :—" I
think his intention was as honest as the mid
day sun is clear." And yet, while he says
that Mr. Conway did not represent his friends
on this side of the Atlantic, he adds :—" I en
tirely agree with the essence that underlies
that offer. The Union without liberty is ten
fold, to-day, more accursed than it was at any
time the last quarter of a century. Union
without liberty I spit upon, as the subjection
Of the North and the eclipse of the nineteenth
century." The liberty Mr. Phillips speaks of
is, of course, the liberty of the slave, and he
cares not how vast a treasure may be squan
dered, how many lives sacrificed, or how far
the liberty of the white race_ may be imper
rMed, in the pursuit of his object; that is of
no consequence to him. With the peculiar
idiosyneracy that invariably accompanies in
sanity, his mind contains but a single thought—
the freedom of the negro. To this all other
considerations must give way. Though "thick
night" envelope the land, his star, the negro,
still shines on and lights him on his way.
Further on we find why,Mr. Phillips objects
to Conway's plan, and why he is bitterly hoe•
tile to President Lincoln's scheme of coloniza
tion. He says:
" Now I am going to say something" that I
know will make the New York Berald use its
small capitals and notes of admiration—(laugh
ter)and yet no well informed man this side
of China but believes it in the very core of
his heart. That is, *amalgamation '—a word
that the Northern apologist for slavery has al
ways used so glibly, but which you never
beard from a Southerner—amalgamation!—
Remember this, the youngest of you; that on
4th day of July, 1863, you heard a man say,
that in -the light of all history, in virtue of
every page he ever read, he was an amalgama
tionist to the utmost extent. (Applause.) I
have no hope for the future, as this country
has no past and Europe has no past, but la
that sublime mingling of races, which is God's
own method of civilizing and elevating the
world !"
Here is the grand secret. He does not want
the negroes colonized out of the Country; he
does not want them freed in a separate Con
federacy ; he wants them here, placed on a po
litical and social equality with you white men
and women of the North ; he wants you to in
termarry with them, and thus, as he impiously
declarets work out " God's own method of
civilizing and elevating the world." " God's
own method of civilizing and elevating the
world!" It is the Devil's owi'method of de
genera:Ling and destroying the white race,
without in the slightest degree elevating the
negro. The patient research and laborious
investigation of our most. eminent naturalists
and physiologists have determined the fact
that a hybrid fitoe is in direct 'violation of
God's eternal law, and therefore impossible ;
that the mixture of the white and black races
produces a weak and emasculated people, who,
without frequent infusions of fresh blood, in
evitably die out. We need not go beyond the
southern part of our own continent for Mtn
pies to illustrate this point. Whoever has
traveled through South America or read the
works of our best authors upon the subject,
will be abundantly satisfied that the admixture
df the blood of different races produces an im
becile, enervated nation, scaicely capable of
self-government, constantly subject to civil
wars, led by any more :vigorous adventurer,
who may from time to time find a place amongst
them. Coming nearer home, we have but to
look at Mexico, the history of 'which is familiar
to all. Their leaders have always been of the
pure blood of Castile and Arragon, while the
mass of the people, through au admixture of
negro and Indian blood, have constantly de
teriorated, until, torn by civil dissensions, they
have become a nation of robbers and guerfil
las, the helpless tools of any mercenary or
ambitious leader, an! fall an easy prey to
France under Louis Napoleon, or any other
vigorous northern. nation.
This ie the "elevation" to which the Repub
lican party would e invite us ! God save the
mark !
In this connection we *wish to address a few
words—not to the Republicans, because Phil
lips says that "Republicanism, specifically, is
sunk beyond any depth that plummet ever
sounded" butto the more moderate of the
Abolitionists. Many of you who are not in
favor of amalgamation are in favor of emanci
pation under the visionary and impracticable
colonization theory of Abraham Lincoln; but
the maiOrity of you heliCTO that the negrOs.e
may all be made free and live on !terms of
equality with the White race in peace and hap
piness. * This ignores the teachings of all his
tory. No two distinct races ever lived on an
equality in the same country without constant
quarrels and dioooneions f growing out of fro
qttelit, attempts to dominate over each other.
Hungary presents a ready illustration. There
the liclavonians and Magyars have remained in
the same little kingdom, a separate and dis
tinct people, for over nine hundred years, and
their constant feuds have so weakened them as
to cause them to lose their nationality, and
both become the slaves of Austria. In this
country the inferiority of the black rags, in
point •of numbers, energy and fords,
pre;ent them from materially impairing the
strength of the white race, but the antagonism
would be broader than in Hungary, and would
doubtless result in the extermination of the
We do not believe in amalgamation. We do
not believe that the proud Caucasian blood
will ever mingle with the humble African ;
but if it were possible, your placing the negro
on a political equality must necessarily pro
duce it It needs no argument to prove that
political equality begets social equality, and
that social equality cannot exist except among
people who intermarry with each Other.—
It is an axiom. So that however you may
shudder and recoil at the idea of amalgama
tion, your theory carries you to the same re
sult, and is equally absurd with that of Wen •
dell Phillips.
Wendell Phillips and his arrogant cabal,
having captured the President last September
and drove him into issuing his emancipation
proclamation apparently against his better
judgment, subsequently, in January, forced
him to consent to arming the negroes, and as
the result has not been commensurate with
their expectations, they are now whipping him
into "a more vigorous prosecution of the war"
in this direction. They want more ruffians,
and assassins like Montgomery and Lone, to
burn, rob, kill and destroy—to free and arm
the negroes, and exterminate the whites of the
South. We confess to be somewhat amused
by the vigor with which they apply the lash,
but fear that Mr. Lincoln having yielded him
self up to the destructives, will not now be able
to withstand their striking arguments. In
speaking of the Army of the Potomac, Mr.
Phillips says :
"Now I have hope, strong hope, in the pres
ent attitude of the Union army in Pennsylva
nia. We have a sober man, a brave man, and
an able man, at last, at the head of the Army
of the Potomac. (Applause,) We never have
had these three qualities combined before.—
Mark me ! lam speaking of the commapder
in the field, not the one at Washington—Hal
leek. Well, there is one green spot, one oasis,
in the barrenness of his utter incapacity, and
that green spot is, be hates M'Clellan. (Laugh
ter and applause.) I remember once, I was
in the office of a neighbor of mine, a worthless
fellow came in and borrowed five dollars of
him. I said to him—'What did you lend that
fellow five dollars for? You know you will
never get it again.' 'True,' said he ; • •but he
might have salted for ten.' So, when you think
of the utter, unredeemed, unfathomable inca
pacity of Halleck, remember—we might have
had M'Clellan I (Applause and laughter.) Put
him out of the way. Let us hope that in due
time the idea of his incapacity will penetrate
even the mind of the President."
Further on he says:
"Washington. in my view, is the great ob
stacle to the success of the North in its endea
vor to restore the power of the Union. I will
tell you why. To begin with that stereotyped
phrase, 'the honesty of the President.' I do
not believe that Abraham Lincoln consciously
makes the preservation of the Union second to
any other object ; but I believe, at the same
time, that, misled by his ambition—deluded by
artful counsellors, the government at Washing
ton today, instead of being a machine to carry
on this war effectively, is nothing but a great
national committee to manage the next Presi
dential election. The war is to be carried on,
but the idea at Washington is to carry it on
subordinate to the chances of certain parties
in the next Presidential canvass. Now, I am
not charging on the Republican leaders at
Washington copperheadiam. That rank •and
file which, when it p:eye 'the Constitutio'n as it
was,' means, in fact', 'the institution as it was,'
is one thing ; the mistaken one-quarter honest
and three quarters wicked effort. of the party
at Washington is to save the Union, subordi
nate to certain selfish plane of their own. I
linger on that statement, because I believe it
constitutes the peril of the country. Hitherto
we have bad only delay and inefficiency. Now,
some men say, 'every step of the President,
however long delayed, has resulted in benefit
to the anti-slavery cause.' I know it. When I
look up and onward into the designs of Provi
dence, I see as clearly fie ally tnau in this otien
try or in Europe how good it has been that
government has been composed of the most
obstinate and ignorant men in the country.—
(Applause.) Let no man leave this grove after
listening to me, with any notion that 1 do not
fully appreciate that element in our nation's
While •we cordially endorse the first part of
this paragraph, the sentiments cont a i ne d i n
the last are too monstrous to pass unnoticed.
Stripped of its rhetoric it is simply this, throw
away the Constitution of our fathers, trample
it under foot, do not strive to restore the Union,
but prolong the war to' any period required for
the extirpation of slavery, Squander all your
mane, saerifiee. all your white men if neces
sary, but be careful of the niggers, for in them
lies the hope of the nation. Can it be possible
that the great States of the North will furnish
any further men and means to be used on such'
a principle. Will they not rather demand that
the policy of the administration be changed,
and the war conducted upon the principle laid
down by Abraham Lincole when he was inau
gurated, and the resolution passed by Congress
at its stilfsequent extra session?
In the following paragraph one can almost
fancy they hear the crack of the whip the ora
tor holds over the powers at Washington:
e Events are so imperative and overwhelm
ing, that even that Cabinet, inefficient as it is,
cannot resist them. If you go to the cataract
of Niagara they will tell you that the heaviest
amount of iron, lodged on its surface, cannot
sink. Niagara tosses it like a chip, and bears
it onward. The Cabinet is unredeemed ineffi
ciency—heavy as molten and doubly ham
mered iron ; but in the Niagara of 1863 it is
tossed upward like a chip. (Prolonged ap
plause.) No thanks to it, but to the Niagara
that will not be resisted. (Renewed applause.)
But why do I call the government only a com
mittee to manage the next Presidential elec
tion? I will tell you. I am going to read to
you some passages from a little speech, by a
little man, at a great meeting, where nobody
li s t ene d t o him—(laughter)—and yet it is a
great speech in its significance. The Blair
family have no consequence of their own.—
They are the fungus growth of the 'kitchen
Cabinet' of Andrew Jackson—(laughter)—and
their existence is that of parasites hanging on
the etatcliet trees of the forest, which they
poison. But, at the same time, this speech of
the Postmaster is of great significance. It was
prepared in the city of Washington, and elabo-•
rately written out there. The manuscript was
subjected to the ethicist:el of others, and inter
lined in another ink by another hand before
the schoolboy speaker was allowed to leave
with his lesson well conned in his pocket. A
Cabinet officer, he gees by express to the cap' ,
Jai of New Hampshire, makes his speech, and,
without waiting to dine, expresses himself
back to Washington, while in Concord he per-
!easily superintends its printing and mails
slips to Boston and New York. No member of
the administration does all that—foregoing
dinners to correct types—merely to make a
speech. A great government does not allow
its representatives to throw away their time
in that manner_
4The man—our Postmaster General—Who
last spring approached Henry Wilson and
wished to know of that most experienced wire
puller in New England whether it is time yet
to put Abraham Lincoln in nomination for
another term—(a voice—ghat time will never
come !')—goes in the summer to Concord,
with his credentials in his pocket, and makes
this 'speech. It has a significance as the ac
tion of the government, as the programme of
the future, as the great effort of the adminis
tration• to perpetuate its power. Now, I for
one, have no objection to the Presidency of
Abraham Lincoln for four or eight years lon
er. I told him myself. and I believed it then,
and T believe it now—l meant it then,
am f
mean it now—that the man who would hon
estly put his right hand to the plough of that
proclamation, and execute it, this people would
not allow to quit the helm while that experi
ment was trying. (Applause.) Whoever starts
the great experiment of emancipation, and
honestly devotes his energies to making it a
fact, deserves to hold the helm of the govern
ment until that experiment is finished. Rut
this programme is a different one. The mean
ing of this speech, of which I want to read to
you a few extracts, is this : In the future there
are to be two candidates. Butler is to be one.
something like Seymour, and M'Clellan is to
be the other. Radicalism is one point, peace
Democracy is the other. Republicanism, spe
cifically has sunk below any point that plummet
ever sounded—(applause)—and in the future
a radical man and a Peace Democrat are to
bear up rival banners. This speech of the
Postmaster General is Abraham Lincoln's ef
fort to run between the parties—a compromise
candidate. Again, I have no objection to that.
—mark you ! I ve so sublime a oontetnpt
for the level of Washington office that I am
willing the very men who hold them shall hold
them in perpetuity—themselves and their heirs
and assigns forever—(laughter)--provided that
in those offices they will honestly do the work
of the people and the age. But this speech is
the bid of a hybrid politician, born betwixt
the upper millstone of the North and the lower
m illstone of the ,South, pandering to the preju
dices of the worst obstacles to the war l -in or
der that he may continue to feed at the public
-Montgomery Blair, in his speech, it seems,
advocated the President's colonization scheme,
and of this Mr. Phillips says
"It is foolish and useless in us to say—a
trite truth though it be—that no man, with
the slightest claim to the name of statesman,
can ever name the word 'colonization.' That,
no doubt, is true. But it is not because they
believe in it that these men never mention it.
It is because they know that in the unthinking
masses they shall find a chord to work on to
Nerve a base purpose. It is, therefore, to that
mass that we should address comments on a
speech like this. For this nation to dig down
the Alleghenies and fill them up again would
be a wise and thrifty use of means compared
with colonizing four millions of workmen. But
that is not the whole truth, either. There
never was in the history of the world such a
thing done. Spain expelled the Moors after
four centuries of !battle. This brainless Cabi
net cannot defend its own country without the
help of the blocks trf oureo, therefore, they
are in no condition to prate of expelling them
by battle. The Spanish precedent, therefore,
does not, serve. France expelled half a mil
lion of Huguenots by starvation, persecution
and the gibbet. If this hybrid Cabinet wanted
or dared to do that, they are not capable.
England drove two millions of Irish from the
shelter of her flag by famine and cruel laws.
This nation ,does not propose. and if it were
possible to propose such a plan, it could not
execute it. The only method of colonization
left is to devote the wealth of the nation to
making itself bankrupt. What is the creed of
Abraham Lincoln I cannot tell. Montgomery
Blair is too well informed to believe in coloni
zation. - Honest colonizationiste have been—
but not since 1861 has there been any well in
formed man so deluded among those whom the
Proboto Court lets walk our streets."
With this paragraph we • leave Mr. Wendell
Phillips to the tender mercies of the Adminis
tration, who may cringe to him as they have
done in the past, or apply the lash in turn;
but we enter our solemn protest, in the name
of a patriotic and christian people, against
their trying to carry out his atrociously bar
barous and damnable doctrines.
WASHINGTON, July 9.—The following has
been received at headquarters:
July 8, 1863.—Maj. Gen. H. W. .Halleck, Gen
eral-in- Chief :
I have the honor to report that the cavalry
sent from here, July 3d, under Colonel Lewis,
Third New York cavalry, have safely returned,
having successfully accomplished their mis
sion, and without loss. •
They destroyed, twisting the rails, &c., by
Gen. Ilaupt's plan, two miles of the railroad
at Warsaw ; also destroying for five more miles
all the culverts as well as the telegraphs
At Knoxville, Duplin co., an armory was
destroyed, with large quantities of small arms
and commissary and quartermaster stores,
which were burned.
About 150 animals and some 30 prisoners
were captured by them, and some 100 men and
300 negro women and children came in with
thom. J. G. FOZTFA,
Major General Commanding. it
CINCINNATI, July 9.-A special dispatch to
the Commercial, dated Tullahoma, July Bth
sa ys, Bragg, yesterday; retreated across the
Tennessee river and destroyed the splendid
bridge at Bridgeport. Stragglers from the
army say that Bragg's forces are demoralized
and the army is crumbling as it recedes. •
BALTIMORE, July B.—l have received the in
telligence to-night that General Lee is massing
his force at Antietam creek, a few miles above
the old battle ground of last year, and is for
tifying his position. It is not believed in
military circles that he intends to make that
locality a base of offensive operations, but his
whole motive is to hold Gen. Meade in check
until the flood in the. Potomac river abates
sufficiently to enable his taain to cross into
Virginia in safety.
There seems to be no truth whatever in the
report that he had either a pontoon or trestle
bridge over the river at Hancock or Williams
port. He had one four miles below Williams
port, at Falling Waters, which our forces de
stroyed on Sunday last. He had but twenty
two pontoons in hls train when he came through
Winchester on his march northward. It is
possible, however, that the river may rise suf.
ficiently to enable him to`get canal boats from
the canal to the .river to form a bridge, but it
is doubtful. The rebel sympathizers here say
that such will be his plans.
It is probable that another severe battle will
be fought upon the old field of Antietam with
in a very.few days.
There are many reports going the rounds
here, but they are coinages of stay-at-home
military geniuses, and are not worth telegraph
ing. I may say, however, that no part of Lee's
army has crossed the Potomac into Virginia. ; he Could raise, started from Fort Scott to Fort
Of this lam assured by the highest authority. Gibson, in the Indian Territory.
The only bridge nlvt upon the river is the rail- Information received at the headquarters of
road bridge at Harper's Ferry. i the District of the Fronrier shows that Cot.
The American's dispatch, dated Frederick, Phillips's Indian brigade is hard pressed by
Wednesday noon, July 8, says : I the enemy, who is reported seven thousand
strong. .
The position of the rebels and their Bondi- I Three infantry regiments are marching to
tion have been definitely ascertained. Their reinforce Col. Phillips.
'infantry line is drawn across from Funkstown, :
Md., to Falling Waters, and behind this line 1 ' Blunt took no train, and will cross the
Arkansas and offer battle
they are using almost superhuman exertions '
to get their trains, such as they have saved,
and their artillery and ammunition across the
The best military authority here doubts—l
might almost say is convinced—tbat, they have
no pontoon train besides that destroyed at
Falling Waters; and that, with such canal
boats as they had not previously burned, and,
with timber felled in the vicinity of and at
Martinsburg, they are endeavoring to supply
the deficiencies of their engineer corps.
. .
It is known that two days ago they had
troops felling timber. They also attempted to
cross some wagons on at boats, but the im
petuous current of the river rendered the at
tempt futile. They are now crossing their
horses on boats and leaving their wagons on
this side, probably intending to take them in
pieces and thus transport them on the canal
I have heard the opinion expressed in a very
high military quarter that the rebels will prob
ably secure the most defensible line in front of
Williamsport, intrench themselves, and endea
vor to hold our army at bay, while they secure
the means of crossing. The position of the
rebels is much more desperate than I had al
lowed myself to think heretofore. Of course
they may get away ; but it looks much less
probable now than it did twenty-four hours
General Lee's headquarters are definitely
ascertained to be at Hagerstown to-day, and
his troops are mainly on the road between
there and Williamsport, which is only 7 miles
General Early's rebel command is to-day
reported to be cut off in the mountains neat
Greencastle, by our cc.valry. This is of course
at present only a rumor; but it is credited to
some extent in view of the knowledge of the
purposes of Gen. Pleasanton'fi present move
The cavalry of lieu. Pleasanton have been
operating with magnificent success during the
last three days. It is a positive fact that
while the rebels were retreating we bad caval- ;
ry in their front and rear and on both flanks.
Its pregence and bold dashes greatly aided in
increasing the demoralization of the rebels, i?
and their discipline has been greatly relaxed.
TOWN BY OUR TROOPS, CARRIAPES for sale. Enquire at S. S. DAVIS ,.
Livery Stable, rifle at , ne a r blorgari's hotel, iy7•36
FREDERICK, MD., July 8-11 p. m.—lt is re- . • -
liably reported that our troops to-day occupied STRAYED away from the subscriber
Hagerstown, after a fight. The particulars - between the Drove Yard and Colder , s Inspecti •
are not known. Yard,. two horses, marked with figure 8 on left hip—may
have had on rope halters. A reasonable reward will he
The rebels were transporting their men across
paid to any one returning said horses to me at Stock
the river on two flat-boats, upon which our Yard Hotel.
artillery had opened and were shelling. The jyT-Std*
rebel army is supposed to be strung along the;
river between Williamsport and Sharpsburg, N
and the opinion is entertained by parties whose 4
Corner Front and Markete rs ee
word is entitled to great consideration that Respectfully inform their custome and the public
there will be a decisive battle to-morrow, or generally that they did not remove any of their goods
during th. late invasi,,n, and consequently they will he
next day at the furthest,
able to sell all their choice stock of Groceries at much.
NEWS FROM GEN. MEADE'S HEADQUARTERS. lower prices than can be purchased elbewhere. Call and
see our full shelves and cheat , gam's.
July 8, 1863. S Cor, Front and Market streets,
General Lee is still on this side of the Poto
mae, unable to cross with his army. His lines
extend to Sharpsburg, and are formed by
Longstreet's corps, whose headquarters are
reported to be at Funkstown. The rebels were
busily engaged yesterday in sending over their
wounded and supply trains on flat boats. Two
wagons are ferried across on each boat. and
the crossing necessarily progresses very. slowly.
It is not believed that any of Lee's effective
force has yet crossed.
Lee is undoubtedly anticipating an early
attack, and making every effort to render his ,
position a secure one. Should the aniicipated
battle take place, it will probably occur on or
near the old Antietam field. Our forces are
rapidly concentrating, and a desperate battle
is impending.
Generals Kilpatrick and Buford are annoy
ing the enemy with our cavalry, and have
rendered great service to-day. Over seven
hundred prisoners were brought in, captured
by Kilpatrick, day before yesterday. General
Gregg is pushing the enemy at another point,
and heavy firing heard in the direction of
Hagerstown to-day indicates that Lee's rear
is hard pressed.
We have a report that General Buford en
gaged the rebels to-day, but no details have
been received.
Every preparation is being made for a re
newal of the fight. The river is swollen to a
great height, and is still rising. There remains
no opportunity for Lee to escape.
Gen. Butterfield has been relieved from hie
position as chief of staff. Gen. Warren, an
able and accomplished officer, succeeds him.
Gen. Paul, reported killed at the battle of
Gettysburg, is alive although dangerously
wounded. Hopes are entertained of hie re
The movements of our army are being con
ducted with remarkable celerity. South Moun
tain hen been occupied, arra Harper's Perry is
in our possession. Yesterday there wan some
skirmishing in the vicinity of Maryland Heights,
though no action of importance took place.
All quiet to night.
WASHINGTON, July 8,1863.—1 t has been
raining in torrents all day. The prospect is
that the Potomac will be higher than it has
been for two years.
At 8 this morning flags of truce appeared
before A. J. Smith's front, when Major Gene
ral Bowen and Col. Montgomery were led
blindfolded into our lines. They bore a com
munication from Gen. Pemberton of the follow
ing purport:
"Although I feel confident of my ability to
resist your arms indefinitely. in order to stop
the further effusion of blood I propose that you
appoint three commissioners, to meet three
whom I shall select, to arrange such terms as
may best accomplish the result."
Gen. Grant soon replied substantially in
these words:
•• The appointment of commissioners is un
necessary. While I should be glad to stop
any unnecessary effusion of blood, the only
terms which I can entertain are those of. un
conditional surrender. At the same time my
self and men and officers of this army are
ready to testify to the distinguished gallantry
with which the defense of Vicksburg has been
At 11 o'cloek the messengers returned. This
afternoon General Grant met General Pember
ton between the lines, and after an hour's con
sultation settled - the surrender. Gen. Pember
ton urged that the soldierS might be paroled
here and furnished rations to carry them to
their lines; in view of the bravery they have
displayed and the _advantages of the plan,
Gen. Grant will consent.
The number of prisoners, wounded, &0., it is
said, will be 18,000, of which 12,000 are in
fighting condition now.
The immediate cause of surrender is ex
haustion of supplies and amunition, mid the
failure of Johnson to come to their aid.
At daylight our whole army will enter tri
umphantly and celebrate the doubly glorious
Not a shot has been hied since eight o'clock
from our lines, except from the river mortars .
A generalinterohange of civilities extends all WAR ! WAR! —BRADY, No. 62
along the lines. Market street, below Third, has received a large
~ aesertreent of Swoons, RASHER end hams, which he
IMPENDING BATTLE AT FORT GIBSON. 1 " will sell very low. eut,o el
LEAVENWORTH, July 8,1863.—0 n Sunday QMOKED SALMON.—A choice supply
the sth inst., Gen. Blunt, with all the cavalry ' WM. DOCK, jr., & cu.
I.J for sale by
No. 54 Second street, between Mulberry street and
Cherry alley,
An parts of ouno 7 I)l¢tra S, a- 9, mede tv qrder. Re—
pelling of all kinds done at the ?honest notice.
Hanging of bells and repairine of clocks attended tO
at moderate rates. PETER ALTMALER.
and beautiful assortment of Photecrapli Albums
just received and for sale cheap, at KNOCHE'S,
iY 9 93 Market Street.
Why I Lored Her," " Treasures of the Heart'," and
" Childhood Days," three new and beautiful songs, by
J. S. Cox.
" Our Country and Flag," a new and beautiful Song,
with highly colored title page, by Cult es, are among
the latest receipts of new music by W. %NOCHE. where
can be found at all times a full assortment of Drums,
Fifer, and all kinds of n-usical instruments.
Remember the place, No- 93 Market street. jy9
SATURDAY, JULY 25th, 1863.
tu - No improper characters will be admitted, and
there will be a sufficient police force on the ground to
preserve order. jy9:eodtd
STRAY COW.—Came to the premises
of the aulveriber on the 26th inet,, a Brown Mitch
Cow. The owner is requested to come forwant prey§
property, ay cuarges and take her away, otherwise she
will be sold according to law. LOU S HOENIG,
jy9-3tosiw Cor. Paxton and Second at , liarrisburg.
Y several WOODWORKNIEN at thq
C 333
Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Re
presentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia in General Assembly met, That the following
amendments be propveed to the Conetiriation
of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the
provietons of the tenth article thereof:
There shall be an additional section to the
third article of the Constitution, to be designa
ted as section four, as follows:
SECTION 4. Whenever any of the qualified
electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any
actual military service, under a requisition
from the President of the United States, or by
the authority of this Commonwealth, such
electors may exercise the right of suffrage in
all Orations by the citizens, under such regu
lations as are, or shall be, prescribed by law,
as fully as if they were present at their usual
place of election. •
There shall be two additional sections to the
eleventh article of the Constitution, to be de
signated as sections eight and nine, as fol
SECTION S. No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature, containing more than one subject,
which shall be clearly expressed in the title,
except appropriation bills.
SECTION 9. No bill shall be'passed by the
Legislature granting any powers, or privile
ges, in any case, where the authority tee,grant
such powers, or privileges, has been, or may
hereafter be. conferred upon the courts of this
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Speaker of the Senate
lierrisburg, Juiy Ism 5
I do hereby certify that the foregoing and
annexed is a full, true and correct copy of the
original Joint Resolution of the General As
sembly, entitled "A Joint Resolution propo
sing certain amendments to the Constitution,"
48 the same remains on file in this (ace,
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand, and caused the seal of the Secretary's
office to be affixed, the day and year above
writ ten
jy7 law6m Secretary of the Commonwealth
Commencing Monday, Ally 6, 1863.
With Men and Horses Life-Size.
The largest and moat popular exhibition ever before
the American public. Commenced at th. Brat breaking
out of the Rebellion it has been in steady progress
down to the present time. Every Fcene sketched upon
the spot and painted with scrupulous fidelity by a corps
of celebrated Artists
It shows every event of importance from the Bom
bardment of Sumter through a apace of more than two
pars or hostilities to the last grand Battle, profuse
with dioramic effects, entirely new end on a scale or
magnificence never before attempted. The fire and
smoke of the advancing host is seen, the thunder of
cannon and the din of battle fall upon the ears of the
audience, and the fearful work of carnage and death Is
presented with a distinctness making reality, so that
the audience ran readily imagine themselves actual
spectators of the sublime and stirring scenes repre
Doors open at seven. Panorama eommencee moving at
eight O'C/Ock.
je2s-tf Front seats reserved for ladies.
want Agents at $6O a month, expenseapaid. to
sell our Everlastmg Pencils, Oriental Burners, and
thirteen other new, useful and curious articles. Fifteen
circulars sent free. Address.
in6-40m, =Am cyjafig, niciaarard, maim.
to hire Agents in every county at $75 a month.
expenses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing
Machines. Address, S. MADISON,
m5-d3m Alfred, Maine