Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, July 08, 1863, Image 1

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Yob lines or less constitute ball a square. Ten line ,
more than four, constitute a square.
Sq.7one So 30 One eq., one day. --. $0 65
one week .. 120 " one week.... 2C •
one month.. 300 " one month.. 6on
three months 500 " three months 10 "
4 , six m mathe.. 800 " Di:months— 15 Oe
" One YeNr.-.-12 it year 20 Ot•
mr Business notices inserted in the toast. COLUMN.
er bet- ze marriages and deaths, TNN DENTS PHD LINE foe
each busertion. T 0 merchants and others advertisink
by the year, Rberal terms will be offered.
117" The number of insertions menthe designated on
he advertisement.
11:r Marriages and Deaths will be inserted at the BUN
a tea as regular advertisements.
Business tabs.
Office North Third street, third door above Mar
ket, Harrisburg, Pa.
N. B.—Pension, Bounty and Military claims of all
kinds prosecut« d and collected.
Refer to Rona John 0. Kunkel, David Mumma, Jr.,
and R. A. Lamberton. myll-d&w6m
a l k29-41,kw Nearly opposite the Buehler House.
Office in the Exchange, Walnut st., (Up Stairs.)
Wring formed a connection with parties in Wash-
Imeten City , wno are reliable tmeitiess men, any bug.
WEN connected With any of the Departments - will meet
with immediate ami. careful attention. m6-y
Re is now folly prepared to attend promptly to the
dudes of profemion in all its branches.
/Mateo him in promillug fail@Ad ample satisfaendon
all who May favor him with s sall,be the diseases dtu - oute
or may other nature. mlB-d&wlY
Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, ..tfccordeons.
Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Square and Oval Prams ,
L' O i nverydescription made to order. Reguilding• dons.
Agency for Hewes Sewing Machines.
try- Sheet Music sent by Mail. octl-1
Has just received from New York, an assort
ment of
which he offers to his customers and the public ai
nos 22) MODERATE PRICES. dtt
=MABI7I/I Bal . -M-W 9 9r,
general Claims for Soldiers promptly collected, State
Claims adjusted, acc., mar2o-dim
THIRD STREET, Harrisburg,
Practice in the ooyerel g94vta of Dauphin ennnti Col
lections made promptly. A. 0. Mill,
T. B. !WING.
JCOOK, Merchant Tailor,
. 27 OfIESNUT ST., between Second sad Front,
Has Just returned fromtl.e eitruith_an
Which will be sold at moderate prices and made up to
order; sad, also, an assortment of READY MADE
Clothing and Gentlemen's Eurnialing Goods.
DENTIST - U . l r ,
B. L Man D. D. S.,
.14i#11sli NO. 119 MARKET STREET,
'Depot fortkesale of StereoscOpes,Stersoscogielflows,
Hilda and Monica Instruments, AUo, subscriptions
taken for religious publications. noSO-dy
NESS CARDS executed in the moat artistic styles and
most reasonable terms. decl4-dtf
Ridge benne, corner of Broad atm
The undersigned informs, the public that he has re
cently renovated and refitted his well-known "Union
Hotel's on Ridge avenue, near the Round Rouse, COO is
prepared to accommodate citizens, strangers and travel
ors in the beat style, at moderate rAtes.
llis table will be supplied with the be e t the maskets
afford, and at hie bar will be found tilPrior brandof
liquors and matt birterages. The very bast aucommo.
dations for railroaders employed at the chops in this
[alt dtil HENRY BOSTGEN.
This pleasant and commodious Hotel has been tho
roughly re-fitted and re-furnished. It is pleasantly
situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin
streets, a few doom west of the Northern Central. Rail
way pp p o t , I T " I attention paid the comfort of kis
guests. G. LOBBNBING, Proprietor,
lel2-tt (Late of Selina Grove. Pa.)
Er Particular attentiou paid to printing, ruling and
binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, bat 111111.66 Poli
cies, Checks, &c.
Wedding, Visiting and Business Cards printed at very
l o w prices and in the best style. jan2l
G - 0 1 4 11) NEDA ird!
Wareroom for the CHIOMBEINGPIANOB, at Ilarrla
barg, at 92 Market street,
oc9Xtf W. KNOOHM , 9 mum STORM.
can get fine Note - paper, Envelopes, Visiting and
wedding Cards ? At ECTIREVER ) S BOOKSTORE
- S,,ZUP b' Watt STOCK oif _LAP /M.—.
10 Wm. DOCK, Ja., & CO., are now able to offer to
their customers sad tne public at lara stock of the
purest liquors ever imported into thi markst, comp&
sing in part the following varieties
These liquors can all be warranted; and in addition to
these, Dock & Co. have on hand a large variety of
Wines, Whisky and Brandy, to which they invite the
particular attention of the publi c
OTiONS.—Quite a variety of useful
Vi and entertaining articles—cheap—at
_.. -
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VOL. 5.-NO. 264
Bank 'Notices.
Noti , e is hereby given that anplicetioo -.will be
made to the legislative authority of Pennsylvania, at
the neat session of the General assembly thereof. eom •
mencirg the first Tuesday of January, A. D, 1864. for
the incorporation of a Bank having banking and dis
counting privileges, with a capital of One Million Dol
by the name and style of 4 g Tile Oil City Bank,"
and to be located at Oil City, Venango county, Penn
sylvania.. O. V. ()LINER.
June 29th, 1863-6 m
NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that
"The Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania," intend
to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their nex
session, for a renewal of their charter. Said bank is lo
cated in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized
capital of one million of dollars, a renewal of which
will be asked for, with the usual banking privileges.—
By order of the Board. S. C. PALMER, Cashier.
PHILADELPHIA. June 29,1863-6 m
MOT ICE .—Noiliee is hereby given that
application will be made to the Legislature of
Pennsylvania at their next session, for a renewal of the
charter of The Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill County,
located in Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, with
the present capital of one hundred thousand dollars,
and with the usual banking privileges.
J. W. CAKE, Cashier.
rune 16,1863.-7 m
ANK NOTIC E.—Notice is hereby
Li given that the undersigned have formed an aseocia.
tion and prepared a certificate for the purpose of estab-
Dahin'g a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposit, under
the provisions of the act entitled "A supplement to an
act to establish a system of Free Banking in Pennsyl
vania, and to secure the public against loss from Insol
vent Banks," approved the first day ef May 2 Anno Domini
eighteen hundred and sixty-one.. The said Bank to be
be located in the borough of Mount Joy, to consist of a
capital stock of One alintifed Thousand Dollars in
chafes of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of in
creasing the same to any amount not exceeding Three
Hundred Thousand Dollars in all.
J. Hoffman Hershey, John M. Hershey,
Martin B. Beller, Jacob M. Stauffer,
Reuben Gerber, John N. Bear.
OTlCE.—Notiee is hereby given of an
intention to establish a Bank of Discount, DepOSit
aild. Circulation. under th. , prOgiiliotill Of an net, entitled
"Au Act to establish a system of free banking in Penn
sylvania," Ac , and the supplement thereto ; said Bank
to be called THE MANIIPACTURERB , BANK.," to
be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster
county, Pa., with a capital of One Hundred Thousand
Dollars,to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty
Dollars each. dec4-6ind
Ameseroww Bass. June El lEtk.
Notiee is hereby give; that application will be made
to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its next session,
for an increase of the capital of said Bank to the amount
of $200,000 in addition to that authorized by the present
Charter; and also for an extension of the Charter of
said Bank for twenty years from the expiration of the
present Charter.
B 3: order of the Board of Directors.
e2okitml CHARLES W. COOPER, Cashier.
BANK NOTICE !—The Stockholders
of the Tatum:iv AND DROVERS' BANK OF
WAYNEBDURG, in Green Minty', Pa., will apply to
the next Legislature or the State, for an extension of
charter, for - the term of fifteen years from the expire
tion of its present term The location, corporate name
and privileges, and amount or capital stock, to wit:
one hundred and fifty thouvand dollars, to be tne same
as under its present charter.
Ily order of the Board. J. LAZEAR. Cashier.
Waynesburg, Green co., Pa., June 15,1863—ja.0-dtml
VOTlCE.—Notiee is hereby given, im
I V Conformity with the act of Assembly, that the
stockholders of the Bank of Montgomery County will
make an application to the next Legislature of Penn
sylvania for a renewal of the Charter of said Bank, with
the same amount of capital(Four Hundred Thousand
Dollarsinanndot C,•-•
- present name and location.
By order of the Board of Directors.
W. H. SLINGLIIFF, Cashier.
Norristown. Pa., tune 20, 1863.-6 m
NOTICE.—The Miners' Bank of Potts
ville, in the county of Schuylkill, hereby give
notice that they intend. to apply to the Legislature of
panneylvania at their next session fora renewAl of their
@honor. Said Bank is located in the borough of Potts.
vine, in the county of Behuylkill, with an authorized
capital of Five Huodred Thousand Dollars—a renewal of
which will be asked without any extension of privileges.
By order of the Board.
011 A. LOBSEB, Cashier.
Pottsville, June 20. 1863.--6md
CP .
Where every description of Ladies' aneGentlemen's
garments, Piece -Goode, Ac., are Dyed, Cleansed, and
Unshed in the hart manner and at the ehorteet notice.
ned-d.k.ml7 _ 'DODOS A CO.. Proprietors.
la prepared to Cement the exterior of Buildings with
he New York Improved
Water-Proof Mastic Cement,
This Material is different from all other Cements.
It- forms a solid, durable adhesiveness to any surface,
imperishable by the action of water or frost. Every
good building should be coated with this Cement; it is
a perfect preserver to the walls, and mAkes a beautiful,
fine &deb, equal to Eastern brown sandstone, or any
coins desired.
Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic
Cement, I refer to the following gentlemen :
J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg, finished
five years.
T. H. Shoenberger, residence, Lawrenceville, finished
five years.
dames M'Candlass, residence, Allegheny Oity,finished
five years.
Calvin Adams, residence, Third at eet, finished four
A. Hoeveler, residence, Lawrenceville, finished four
J. D. WOord, Penn street, finished four 31.00,
Hon. Thomas Irwin, Diamond street, finished four
St Charles Hotel and Girard House, finished five
Bittanning Court House and Bank, for Barr & Moser,
Architects, Pittsburg, finished five years.
Orders received at the adfice of it WElSowney, Paint
Shop, 20 Seventh street, or please address
mayl6-tf P.O. Box 12.6. Pittsburg , Pa
Chestnut street, four doors above Second,
Is prepared to furnish to order, in the very beet style 01
workmanship, Spring and Hair Mattresses, Window Oar.
tains, Lounges, and all other articles of Furniture in las
lice, on abort notice end moderate terms. Having ax.
parlance in the business, he feels warranted In asking a
share of public patronage, confl&ent of hie ability to give
eatiafaetion,unit to
TA PANE gE TEA.—A choice lot of
s, this celebrated Teajust received. It is pf the first
cargo ever imported, and is mach superior to the Chi
nese Teas in quality, strength and fragrance, and is also
entirely free of adulteration, coloring or mixture of any
It ie the natural leaf of the Sapenese Tea Plant.
Tor sale by - WM. DOCK, & Co.
Ely atria tt anion.
0 F
Democratic Association, at the Academy of Music
FELLOW-CITIZENS : When I accepted the in
vitation to speak with others at this meeting,
we were promised the downfall of Vicksburg,
the opening of the Mississiptpi, the probable
capture of the Confederate capital, 4 and the ex
haustion of the rebellion. By common con
sent all parties had fixed upon this day when
the results of the campaign should be known,
to mark out that line of policy which they felt
that our country should pursue. But in the
moment of expected victory there came the
midnight cry for help
. from Pennsylvania to
save ire despoiled fields from the invading foe,
and, almost within sight of this great commer
cial metropolis, the ships of your merchants
were burned to the water's edge. Since that
time I have occupied every hour, to the point
of physical exhaustion, to rally our troops to
the rescue of an adjoining sister State, (tre
mendous applause ;) to organize the militia of
our own State for our defense, and to plane
New York in that condition of dignity and
power which a great State should ever hold
that truly veer ects its own rights. (Great ap
planse.) I have concerned myself with those
measures that I thought were calculated to
protect the commerce of this great city. I
stand before you, then, upon this occasion, not
as one animated With expected victories, but
feeling, as all feel who are now within the
sound of my voice, the dread uncertainties of
the conflicts which rage around us, not alone
in Pennsylvania, but along the long line of the
Mississippi—contests that are carrying down
to bloody graves so many of our fellow-coun
trymen, so many of our friends—that are
spreading renewed mourning throughout this
great broad land of ours. Under circumetan--
ces like these I shall allow to go unnoticed
many topics upon which I meant to speak on
this occasion. They might seem to jar with
the solemnity of the occasion. They might
not be in keeping with the feelings which now
press on each breast of ours. ' But there is one
subject to which even now I feel it my duty to
call-your attention. There is one appeal that I
want now to make to this whole community,
irrespeCtive of party, and I pray that you may
hear that appeal.
A few years ago we stood before this com
munity to warn them of the dangers of sec
tional strife, but our tears were laughed at.
At a later day, when the clouds of war over
hung our country, we implored those in au
thority to compromise that difficulty, for we
had been told by a great orator and stiteemas,
Burke, that there never yet was a revolution
that might not have been prevented by a com
promise.made- in e. timely and 13 -.......rut-inan
t Ureat applause.) Our prayers were
Again, when the contest was opened, we in
voked those who had the conduct of affairs not 1
to underrate the power of the adversary—not I
to underrate the courage and resources, and
endurance of our own sister States. All this
warning was treated as sympathy with trea
son. You have the results of those uuhecded
warnings and unheeded prayers; they have 1
stained our soil with blood; they have carried I
mourning into thousands of homes, and to day
they have brought our country to the very
verge of destruction.
Once more I come before you, to offer again
an earnest prayer, and bid you to listen to a
warning. Our country is not only at this time
torn by one of the bloodiest wars that has ever
ravaged the face of the earth, or of which his
tory gives an account, but, if we turn our faces
to our own loyal States, how is it there? Do
you mat find the community divided into polit
ical parties, strongly arrayed against each
other, and using with regard to each other
terms of reproach and defiance ? Is it not said
by those who support more particularly the
administration, that we who differ honestly, pa
triotically, sincerely, from them with regard
to the line of duty, are men of treasonable
purposes and traitors to our country? ("Hear,
hear.") But on the other hand, is it not true
that many of our organization look upon this
administration as hostile to our rights and
liberties; look upon our opponente as Men Who
would do us wrong in regard to our most sa
cred franchises? I need not call your atten
tion to the tone of the press or to the tone of
public feeling, to show you how, at this mo
ment, parties are thus exasperated, and stand
in almost defiant attitudes to each other. A
few years ago we were told that sectional strife,
waged in times like these, would do no harm
to our country; but you have seen the sad and
bloody results. Let us be admonished now in
time and take care that this irritation, this
feeling which is growing up in our midst, shall
not also ripen into civil troubles that shall
carry the evils of war into our very midst and
about our own homes. Now, upon one thing
all parties are agreed, and that is this: Until
we have a united North we can have no sue
meal lear. Until we have a. united, harmo
nious North we can have no beneficent peace.
How shall we have harmony? How shall the
unity of all patties be obtained ? I wish to
say a few words to you upon this point, which,
I firmly believe, is one of the most important
considerations to who I could . call your at
tention. Is harmonz jo be coerced? I appeal
to you, my Republicnfi friends, when you say
to us that the nation's life and existence hangs
upon harmony and concord here, if you your
selves, in your serious moments, believe that
this is to be produced by seizing our persons,
by infringing upon our rights, by insulting our
homes, and by depriving us of therm cherished
principles for which our fathers fought, and
to which we have always sworn allegiance ?
(Great applause.) I do appeal to you, my Re
publican friends, and beg that you will receive
this appeal in the earnest and patriotic spirit
which prompts me to make it. I appeal to
you if you are not doing yourselves and your
country a great wrong when you declare that
harmony and unity of parties are essential to
save the nation's life, essential to the highest
interests of our land, and yet stigmatize men
as true and honest as yourselves, and whom
proved to have been wiser, too,
experience has
as men who do not love their country, and who
are untrue to her institutions ?
How, then, are we to get this indispensable
harmonythis needed unity ? It is not to be
obtained by trampling upon the rights ; it is
not to be obtained by threats ; it is not to be
obtained by coercion; it is not to be obta,ined
by attempting to close our lips when we would
utter the honest purposes of our hearts and
the warm convictions of our judgment. But,
my Republican friends, there is a mode by
which it can be reached; there is a mode by
which the nation's life can be saved ; there is
a mode by which, in the end, we will restore
this Union of ours, and bring back those glori
ous privileges which were so wantonly thrown
away. We corneae you in no spirit.of arro
gance. We do riot come to you asking you to
make any concesdion of advantage to us. On
the contrary, we only ask of you, holding in
your hands and in your control almost all the
political power if your country, to exercise it
according to ytlur chartered rights. (Tre
mendous apple*.) We only ask that you shall
give to us that4hich you claim for yourselves,
and that which every freeman, and every man
who respects hiinself, will have for himself—
freedem Of speech, the right to eaereise all the
franehiate . eooferred by the Constitution upon
an American. (Great applause.) Can yon
safely deny us these things ? Are you not
trampling 'upon us and upon cur rights, if you •
refuse to listen to such an appeal? Is it not
revolution which you are thus creating when
you say that our persona may be rightfully
seized. our property confiscated, our homes en
tered ? Are you not exposing yourselves, your
own interests, to as great a peril as that with
which you threaten us ? Remember this, that
the bloody and unreasonable and revolutionary
doctrine of public necessity can be proclaimed
by a mob as well as by a - government. (Ap
plause.) Remember all the teachings of his
tory ; and we itoplore you, with regard to your
own interests, to stop and inquire if you are
not doing yourselves and your own fatuities,
aad all that you hold dear to you, an infinite
wrong when you sustain propositions that tear
away from theni, as well as from us, all the pro•
tections which the Constittition 01 your country "
has thrown around public liberty. (Great ap
plause.) Can yon tell when ambition, love of
plunder, or thirst for power, will andboe bad
and dangerous men to proclaim this veryprioci
ple of public neck Belly, as a reason why they
should trample beneath their feet all the laws
ofour land and the institutions of our country?
I ask you again to think if measures like thpse
give power, dignity, or strength to our Govern
vim 7 I ask you, on the other hand, if these
governments have not lived out the longest
periods, which, in times of -public danger, in
stead of shrinking back from the principles of
liberty and the barriers of order, have raised
aloft these great principles, and battlednunder
them, and thus given strength to the hearts of
the people and gained the respect of the world ?
(Applause.) I ask you if it is not an evidence
of weakness, defeat and discomfiture, when, in
the presence of armed rebellion, the adminis
tration is compelled to assert that the very
charter by which it holds its power has ceased
to have a virtue that can protect a citizen in his
rights ?
Suppose we accept this doctrine, what will
be the consequences to this governments. To
day the great masses of conservatives who still
battle for time-honored principles—for char
tcro principles of government, amid denunei
tion, and contumely, and abuse, are the only
barriers that stand between this government
and its own destruction. If we accept to-mor
row this teaching—it we to-morrow should
acquiesce in the doctrine that in time of war
Constitutions are suspended, and laws have
lost their force, then we should accept a due
trine that the very right by which the govern
ment administers its power, has loot its virtue,
and we would be brought down to thelevel ee
-arielli-oir itself, haiing an existence only by
virtue of- material power. Would not a vital
blow be struck to liberty? If we should ac
cept this doctrine, what would be the conse
quence ? When men accept despotism, they
may have a choice as to who .the despot will
he. The struggle then will not be, shall we
have constitutional liberty ? But having ac
cepted the doctrine that the Constitution has
lost its force, every instinct of personal ambi
tion, every inallnoS of personal security, will
lead men to put themselves under the protec
tion of that power which they suppose most
competent to protect their persons. And then
this administration would find that, in putting
military rulers over us they had made military
masters for themselves; for this war teaches
us that the general who will betray the liber
ties of the people for the purpose of gaining
the favor of power, will, when opportunity
occurs, seize power itself. (Applause.)
I came here to-day to appeal to you, who
may be politically opposed to us. Don't do
yourselves a - wrong. Don't do your own ad
ministration a wrong, and push us from that
position which we are trying to hold. Do not use
abuse and contumely against our parsons, and
threats againet our poorly, because we stand
up to say that you, and we, and all shall have
out rights ; because we stand up to say, your
houses shall be sacred; because we stand up
to say, the family circle shall not be entered,
am p in English parlance, every man's home
shall be his castle, within which he is safe from
intinsiOn. (Applause.) Why, what is the
glory of a people and the glory of a nation?
it ii not the magnitude of its power ; it is not
the extent of its dominions. It is the fact
that the humblest home is safe under its pro
tectlcn. The proudest boast ever uttered by
Bribm's proudest statesmen was this—not of
tuella' achievements—not of the triumphs
upon the field—not of that wonderful domin
ion hen which the sun never sets—no, it was
' this abet the -British monarch could never eii
terwithout permission the humblest home in
the litld, although its broken ceilings might
give ti t : scanty shelter to its humble inmates.
(App • se.)
Foi'what are governments constituted but
for thit? not for diminion, not for grandeur,
but in order that these great ends might be
reach4t; that every man should enjoy the
rights if person rind security of home, and
freedoh of conscience and the enjoyment of
his praerty, subject to the laws. These are
the get; objects of government; and any gov
ernmen, and any system that comes short of
this, faze in its objects; and any declaration
that mails or endangers these great objects is
treason gainst human rights. (Applause.)
But, i is said there is a law of necessity that
in timestke these suspends our Constitution—
that wads. unfavorable to liberty. It is not
true. Lzerty was born in war, it does not
die in wr. (Great Applause.) Liberty was
wrought'ait in the battle field. That wonder
ful peopl who founded this great State—the
Tlollandes, who for eighty years battled
against te martial laws and martial pewers of
Spain, mile it a principle which sustained &tem
during tht long contest, and enabled them to
render thir history glorious in the annals of
mankind. Were personal - rights and personal
liberties espended by our own forefathers du
ring our evolutionary contest? You beard
the word of that Declaration of Independence,
which. sail that men had a right to trial by
jury ; ththe military authority should never
be exalts above the civil. jurisdiction ; that
men shou, not be transported abroad for trial
—(tremenous applause)—that they should
have all to rights and privileges known to
English jOsprudence and English law; and
yet to-daywe are told that the men who put
forth thatd, eelaration of rights and of inde
pendence 'mid the roar of battle, when our
nation watistruggling into existence in all its
weakness, `l2O declared—and they made their
declarationrod by their conduct through that
contest—tht these rights were to be held sa
cred in was that these men who uttered this
declarationan war made a Constitution that
dies and shniks away in war—that men learned
in the perils of revolution had formed a gov
ernment, under which we live, that was not
equal to the very highest purpose fur which
governments are constituted. I tell you it is
a libel upon our fathers. (Great Applause.)
So far from it being true that those who formed
this Constitution contemplated that these pow
ers should be suspended, you find in all these
provisions particular care for all the dangers
and the exigencies of war; you find numerous
provisions that are meant to guard against the
very dangers that now menace us. Your at
tention has been called to the fact by the gen
tleman who preceded me. Why was it that
they so carefully guarded all your rights amid
public disorder if they meant that. the mere ex
istence of disorder should suspend the barriers
of public order and private rights ? This doc
trine of the suspension of the Constitution—
this doctrine of the suspension of the laws, is
unconstitutional, is unsound, is unjust, is trea
sonable I (Tremendous applause, and waving
of hats and nandkerohiefs. *A voice : '-That's
just the word !")
I am one of those who are full of hope for
the future. Not that I underrate the dangers
which threaten us—not that I do not deplore
as much as living man can the terrible ravages
-of this war. But why does war rage in our
land? It was because the people of this gene
ration have lost the virtues, and patriotism,
and wisdom of their fathers. It was because
we had become indifferent to those great truths
which we have now laid before us as if they
were curiosities in legal literature, instead of
being principles that should be impressed upon
the heart and mind of every American. I tell
you why I am full of hope that our liberties
will be maintained, our nation notor4d, and
order once again prevail over this land of ours.
It is this: Examine yourselves, and I ask you
how many men there are withiniethe sound of
my voice who knew twelve moults ago what
the Constitution of this country was ? I do
not say that you did not understand it intel
_ _o not mean to say that it was
I not imprinted epon your memory. Ido not
' mean to say that it had not received your as
sent; but it was not until we wet ade to
feel, as our fathers felt, the value ofdecla
ration, that they had put forth, that a l of us
could ever see the significance of the Constitu
tion of our country and the Declaration of In
dependence. (Applause:) We have accepted
it, as I said, mentally and intellectually ; but
why was it, when these familiar words sounded
upon your ears on this occasion, as you have
heard them often before on the anniversary
of our country's liberty, that they stirred
your very hearts within you, and made your
blood tingle in your veins ? My friends, we
have not now a more intellectual knowledge of
the Constitution—we do not give it now a mere
mental support—we have now, upon that sub
ject, a Vital, living piety that makes us better
men and better patriots ; and wherever you go,
all over this land, you find these sentiments
now exist in the minds of more than a majori
ty af the American people. They are now fer
vent in their faith ; fixed in their purpose—
! fanatics, if you please, for the great principles
of liberty, and fanatical in their determination
to see that, those rights and liberties are estab
lished. (Great applause.) —...._
. . itt. 1...-....-.4.-,:cr-lantl-lito - titicall parties,
each an inconsiderable minority in the section
of country where tbey existed, but men ofpur
pose—men of zeal—men of fanaticism. We
have seen theut-iragek.atitalt tipowthe.Clansti ,
tution of your country, with a - persistence and
power that has at last shaken it to its very
foundation and brought us to-day to the very
brink of National ruin. We hive seen what
zeal and purpose could do when it was opposed
only by a dull mental acquiescence in great
truths. What may we not hope that, we may
do when_ the great majority of the American
people have a fervent and vital faith in these
principles which you have heard and read, and
who propose to maintain them at every cost
and at every hazard? (Great applause.) Do
you wish for peace ? Do you wish for victo
ry ? Do you wish for the restoration of our
National privileges ? Here lies the pathway,
tirld let, the American people once learn the full
value of their liberties as our fathers did, and
the battle is fought and. won. Without this,
my friends, war can bring you no success—
peace can give you no quiet, until the Amer
ican people are thus educated and elevated;
and I believe they are rapidly . becoming
educated and elevated—until that takes place,
war or peace are the mere incidents of the
great underlying causes of convulsion whi h
have affected our land and shaken our insti
tutions to the very centre. Your particu
lar views may lead you to attribute it to one
special cause or another special cause, but
there is one great underlying general cause of
this war which must be removed before the
country can be restored, and that cause wee
indifference to our rights, indifference to our
liberties, and want of an elevated wisdom that
could understand the duties of American citi
zenship. When you have gained this peace
will be restored; when you have gained this all
the world can see that we have gone back to
the wisdom of our fathers and that we are
again sustaining institutions that invited the
whole world to their shelter and protection—
institutions that made us but three short years
ago the most glorious nation on the face of the.
earth. When we have again restored that vir
tue and that intelligence our country will again
be restored to its former greatness; and toils
former glory. (Great applause.) But, my
friends, anything short of this will disappoint
your hopes. No victory can restore greatness
and glory and power to a people who are unwore
thy of liberty. No peace will bring back pros
perity to a laud which cannot understand the
great principles upon which governments
should be protected, and the great objects for
which governments are instituted.
But, my friends, I must close. ("Go on
Go on 1") Let us now, upon this sad and sol
emn, as well as glorious occasion, re-dedicate
ourselves to the service of our country in pure
and fervent patriotism, putting aside passions
and prejudices as far as we may, and preparing
ourselves to assert and maintain the great
principles stated in the Declaration of Inde
pendence, and secured to us by the pro Visions
of the Constitution of the United States. Let
us resolve from this time on to do our duty,
and to demand our rights. (Great applause.)
In all that dignifies us, and so far as they are
acting in the sphere of their constitutional
powers, let us be obedient to rulers, let us sub
mit cheerfully, patiently, and willingly to
those commands which they have a right to
whether we like them or not. When we
have done our duty let us claim our rights in.
all their fullness, in all their completeness, and
in all their p er f e ction. He Who does not do
his duty without retard to the misconduct of
others is untrue to his country. He who does
not claim his rights is untrue to liberty and to
humanity. (Applause) Our pathways are clear
before us if we will but accept the simple and
wonderful teachings of our fathers. From this
time let us resolve that we will uphold all the..
just powers of the general government, and
the rights of the States, (applause,) and the
rights of persons, and, above all, as their best
and surest shield, the independence and purity
of the judiciary. (Applause) We stand to
day amid new made graves; we stand to-day
i n a l an d filled with mourning, and our soil is
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Connected with this establislaaens a extensive
JOB 0711108, containing a variety of plain ,and fabcy
type, unequalled by eeresraplishmont in the interior of
the dtate, for white) the patronage of the Puha, la ee•
saturated with the blood of the fiercest conflict
of which history gives us an account. We can,
if we will, avert all these disasters, and these
calamities, and evoke a blessing. If we will
do what ? Hold that Constitution, and liber-
ties and laws are suspended—be untrue to them
i —shrink back from the assertion of right ?
:Will that restore them?' Or shall we do as
j our fathers did under circumstances of like
'Arial, when they battled;againet the powers of
a crown ? Did they say that liberty was sus
pended? Did they say that men might be de
prived of the right of trial by jury? -Did.they
say that men might be torn from their homes
by midnight intruders? (Tremendous and
! continued applause.) If you would save your
1 country, and your liberties, begin right, begin
-' at: the hearth-stones, which are ever meant to
be the foundation of American institutions ;
begin in your family circle; declare that their
rights shall be held sacred ; and having once
proclaimed year own rights, take care that
you do not invade your neighbor's rights..—
! Claim for your own States that jurisdiction and
1 that government which we, better than all
others, can exercise for ourselves, for we best
know our own interests, and that which will
do the most to advance the happiness and pros
perity of our country; and when you decide
that, take care that you do not invade your
neighbor'e rights. (The speaker was here in
terrupted by a cry from a person in the au
dience, which was followed, by shouts : "Put
him out.") I thank my friend yonder that my
! eppeal has stirred his heart enough to say that
! zhen should respect the rights of others. All
. the lessons of political wisdom are very few
and very simple; they are, for men to respect
I their own rights and to respect the rights of
others. (Great applause.) They are to de
-1 dare that the great principles of government
were not holiday affairs, meant merely for a
period of calm ; but that they are great truths
1 that can battle a storm as well. Wten we
have determined this, as I said before, we can
hope that our country will be restored to its
former greatness and former glory.
Once more, then, you, my Republican friends
I —once more, this whole community, Ido In
-1 yoke you to ask yourselves whether, in giving
l way to your passion§ and your,RrelndiCes, frau
will not endanger your own safety and , youy'
I own homes ? Once more I ask those who are
I politically opposed to me, if I am honored
; with the attendance of one such, that they will
! i nq uire if, in attempting to strike down my
liberties, they have not struck a blow at their
I own also ? (Great applause.) I ask all such
I if they can hope to stop the mighty ball of
revolution precisely at that point which may.
suit their passions, their prejudices, and their
purposes, and if they are not admonished that
if they still set such an evil example, and de
clare that laws and constitutions have lost
their virtue to defend us, they have equally
lest their virtue to defend them ?
Mr. Pendleton, of Ohio, was next intro
duced, and announced himself as one of the
embassadors from the Democracy of Ohio ac
credited to Abraham Lincoln (hisses) with the
message to him to fulfil the guarantees of the
Constitution and restore their banished cid
-con home. (Entiinciastic cheering.)
Men bad said tbat the destruction of these
constitutional guarantees and security of per
sonal rights were necessary to a vigorous
prosecution of the war. He denied that it was
true, and instanced the witr'of
war - with' Mexico as evidnitiee'ef the feettj
it-it was true, then the war should instat4";'-'
stop. (Applause.) He believed that cegipifew -
mise could still restore the Union. But m 4,1
said we must net compromise with arms'&'
rebels. Compromise is tit; fret law of combs
nation—he had almost ea of stairs; Whams—
in business compromise,lovernmentli oempiti.
mise, husband and wife compromise, and the•
scheme of salvation was a compromise by
which God accepted in our stead the atone
ment of his son. (Cheers.) If we adhere to
the compromises of the past, then in God's
good time, when peace shall be restored, and
weunds be healed, and widow's weeds be laid
aside, and new-made graves become green by
time, then he believed there would arise over
all this vast country a joint anthem of frater
nal harmony never excelled since. on Judeah's
plains, on the.natal morning of the 'great Me
siah, angels announced his coming and saag.
"Peace on earth and good will trimen.” (Load
SPNEOH OF 1110 Ait7l) 9'0ch04.61.
. . .
The" , next elpeaker - intreduted was, Hibbard'
O'Gorman. He commenced by referring to thee
remarks of the previous speakers in terms of
commendation. In referring to the importance
of union in the North, he spoke as follows :
How are the people of the North to become
unanimous ? The government has its own plan,
and it is exceedingly simple if it could be car
ried into effect. It is simply this : That all the
people in the North are to concur with the
opinion of their party or retire to the Dry Tor- .
togas. This plan of securing unanimity is ex
pretised exceedingly well in the phrase. of un
conditional loyalty. It means that you must
discuss no public question unless you discuss
it - in: alone feVorable to the government and
the Republican party. When there is a discus
' iiOn you must not stay silent, because, as the
President says, you must come out in favor of
the government and its actions, whether you
like them or not. You must read just what pa
pers the government likes you must get what
telegrams from the war that the government
concocts ; you must get so much and se little
information about what is most dear to you,
the success of your armies anti the fate of
your own brethern, precisely as the govern
ment chooses to give. The government will
be , paternal. and you' are reducing yourselves
tothe condition of little children—open your
mouth and shut your eyes and take what the
Igovernment gives you. (Great Laughter ) Now
that little nursery plan was from time to time.
tried in Europe. There was a monarch in Zu
rope who made that experiment in France some
•!titne ago. He was Louis XVI ; and he. could
n?C get his people to agree with him in eery
_ thing—they had one will and he had another ;
f and the plan that he adopted to secure unanim
ity, was to send as many as he thought proper
1: to a place called the Biotite, ' NOW, possibly
you remember that he continuedthat until the
people, long apathetic, were at last stung into.
resistance, and they walked up with their un
armed breasts to the Beadle and tore it down
stone by stone. and swept the foal thing
. from
the face of the earth. (Great cheering) And
1 that reminds me of a little story. (Laughter.)
1 The key of the Hostile was sent by General
4 : Lafayette to General Washington,who accepted
1 it as a token of the victory of freedom over
despotism, and he hung - it up in Mount Vernon.
I have heard that that key is missing, (laugh•
ter,) and 1 am very credibly informed that an
experiment has been made in the depth of mid
night, and that it exactly fits Fort Lafayette.
The experiment was once made also in England.
‘ There was once upon a time there a king who
had a will of hie own, and a minister who was
I disposed to. help him. The king was Charles
the First. They inaugurated a system of un
conditional loyalty that ; they called wonderfuL
The king willed one thing and the people an
other, and there was no compromise between
Ithem, and the result was that the king boat the