RATES OF ADVERTISING. Tour lines or less constitute half a square. Ten lines • r more than four, constitute a square. Half sq.,one day.— $ l 30 One sq.. one day. —.-. $0 60 oneweek.. 120 . 4 one week.... 200 " one month.. 300 ‘, one month.. 600 " throe months 500 " three months 10 00 It site mmtha__ 8 001 " sir months.. 16 00 u one year .... 12 00 I ~ one year ... 20 00 Tr Business notices inserted in the LOCAL OoLuits, or bet..l.7e marriages and deaths, TIM mire yea LINS for Saab Lmertion. To merchants and others advertising by the year, liberal terms will be offered. ID The number of insertions mast be designated on he advertisement. !LT Marriages and Deaths will be inserted at the same ar n tes as regular advertisements. Moines!) Cabs. ROBERT SNODGRASS, ATTORNEY AP LAW, Office North Third street, thard door above Mar ket, Harrisburg, Pa. N. B.—Penalou, Bounty and Military claims of all kinds prosecuted and collected. Refer to Nom Joha 0. Kunkel, David Mumma, Jr., and. R. A. Lamberton. myll-d&w6m MILLER, - R. E. FERGI-IJSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE IN SHOEMAKE - R'S BUILDINGS SECOND STREET, BETWEEN WALNUT and MARKET SQUARE, sip-d&w Nearly opposite the Buehler Howe. THOS. O. MACDOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILITARY CLAIM AND PATENT AGENT. Office in the Exchange, Walnut st., (Up Stairs.) Raving formed a connection with parties in Wash ington City, wno are reliable business men, any busi ness connected with any of the Departments will meet with immediate and careful attention. m6-y DC. R. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. U. is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the dudes of profession in all its branches. & LONG AND TINY 13000113131 1 9 Th NADIOAL 11122121310) justilee him in promising fall and ample satisfaction Is all who may favor himeritli a Gall, be thedisease Chronic or any ether nature. mlB4thwir SILAS WARD. NO. 11, NORTH THIRD ST., H&HRISBIDIG STEI-PFWAT'S PIANOS MELODEONS, utnarra, MUM Banjos, Flutes; Fifes, ' Drams, „itecordsons iiirsar AND BOOK MUSIC, 460., PHOTOGRAPH FB.AWLSS. ALBUMS, Large Pier ind Mantle Mirrors, Wiese and Oval 'rearm , of everydeseriptioamagie to order. Regaildingdoes Agency for ' Hawes Stearin Machhtei. U7' Sheet - Mania sent by'Mail. ootl-1 JOHN W. atov • ER, lIIIERVELANT TAILOR: Kamjust Te . oiied from . New York, an assort ment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which he offers to his customers and the public m nov22) MODERATE. PRICES. dtf w HARRY WILLIAMS, .421.4G-MW - 90 7 . 402 WALNUT STRBIrf, FHTLADELPHIA. General Claims for Soldiers promptly collected, State Olaistmadjusted, fcc. mar2o4llm S MITH & EWING, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, THIRD STREET, Harrisburg, Practice in the several Omuta of Dauphin eounty. 0 01 - factions ode promptly. . A. 0. J. B. BWINe. T COOK, Merchant Tailor, 2 ` to . 27 OffEEINUT ST., batireen Second and Front, Ras just returned from the city with an assortment of CLOTHS, CtSSIMERES AND VESTTNGS, Which will be sold at moderate prices and made up to order; and, also, an assortment of READY MADE Ciestlalum meld ,Gentlemenla Furnishing Goods. novilATd DENTJ - STRY. B. M. GEDEA, D. D. S., i N 0 . 11 9 MARKET STREET, EBY & KtINKBLII BUILDING, VP STAIRS. janB-tf RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, =ACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. S. GERMAN. IT sou= UOOND STAMM, ABOVD cnceszrer, mamma; PA. Depot fortke sale of Stereoseopee,Stereoseopierriews, Ruda sad Musical Instruments. Also, subscriptions taken for religions publications. uo3o-dl JOHN (1. W. MAILTIN, FAB4IIONABLE CARD WRITER, HERB'S HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. Allmamter of VISITING, WEDDING . AND BUSI NESS CARDS executed in the moat artistic styles and most reasonable terms. deisl44tf UNION HOTEL, Ridge benne, Ear= of Broad street, HARRISBURG, PA. The undysigned informs the public that he has re cently renovated and refitted his well-known " Union Hotel" on Ridge avenue, near the Round Holum, anti is prepared to accommodate citizens, steangers and travel ers in the hest style, at moderate rotes. His table will be supplied with the beat the maskets afford, and at his bar wit be found superior brands of liquors and malt beverages. The very best accommo dations for railroaders employed at the shops in this vicinity.fal4 dtf] HENRY BOSTWEN. FRANKLIN ELOUSE, BARTIMORR, MD. This pleasant and commodious Hotel has been the roughly re-fitted and re-funded:led. It is pleasantly situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doors west of the Northern Central Rail way Depot. livery attention paid.to the comfort of his gawks_ LIifEDINRING, ProPrietor; e19.-tf Mats of Bono GM% II.) T RE O. F. SCHEFFER, BOOK, CARD AND JOB PRINTER NO. 18 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. ID— Particular attention paid to printing, ruling and binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Insurance Poli cies, Checks., !111-Reads, &a. Wedding, Visiting and Business Oar& printed at very low prices and in the best style. jan2l MESBRIS. ORIOKERING SE 00. HAVE A6.&IIOI3TAINED TES GOLD MEDAL! AT TM! MECHANICS' FAIR. BOSTON, MELD SMI PAZONDIII42 VIER, OVER 11.11'Y OOMPRTITOREI Wardroom for the 011101EBB/NCI PIANOS, at Ilarrio umi. Market street. tiroOMl l B MIMIC BTOCI. TADISS ! YOU KNOW WERE YOU 3 / can get fine Note Papa; Envelopes, Visiting and Wedding Cards !! At 8011RF1FER , S BOOKSTOMS. RUPEItIOR STOCK OF wm . DOCK. Ja., & CO. are now able to offer to their eluting:Lard and the public at large, a atock of the purest Ilquiothever imported into this nustlea l comprlv sing in part the followine. varietiea : WHISKY—IRISH, SCOTCH,OLD BOURBON. WINE—PORT, SHERRY, OLD MADEIRA. OTARD, DUPEY & CO. PALE BRANDY.. JAMICA SPIRITS. PRIME NEW ENGLAND DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. These liquors can all be warranted; and in addition to these, Dock & Co. have on hand a large variety of Wines, Whisky and Brandy, to which they invite the particular attention of the while. • MOTIONS.--Quiti a variety of niotill entertainin• gartiales—chesp—at 0011111PRIBMILBOOKSTOBIL --... .. _ ' - - - - -' - • ~ , .... —... , ~ , _ .. , ~ , „ .. . _ _ - - , . . • . ' .- -. . l ' 2-7------- '— ,• _ --__=—_ c - _ --- - -- -- 7., --i - --'l 4 . - -z4 - =*:',7-7 - • -: -,.... , '_--__ --:---- - , ~,