ttt Vairifit &Rim MONDAY MORNING, .TIINg 29 1863 0. BARRETT & CO., PROPRIETORS Communications will not be published in the PATRIOT AND UNION 111110614 accompanied with the name of the tither. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR, HON. GEO. W. WOODWARD, OF PHILADELPHIA. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, WALTER H. LOWRIE, Or ALLEGHENY COUNTY TSE pIATIONAL PLATFORM_ PURPOSES OP THE WAR. Congress, by a vote nearly unanimous, passed the folleWing resolution, which expresses the voice of the Nation and is the true standard of Loyalty: That the present deplorable civil war has been forced won the country by the diennionists of the reathern States, now Marne sgainetthe Constitutional etnrernment, and in arms around the Capital; that in We National emergency, Coogrese, banishing all feel ing of mere pinion or resentment, will recollect only its duly te the whole country; that this war is not waged On their part in any spirit of oppression, or f. r any purpose of conquest or subjugation, or purpost of overthrowing er interfering with the rights or established institutions of those States,but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the Onestinetion, and to preserve the Thaliss,-Seith all the dignity ? 'quality and rights of the several States unimpaired; and that as soon as these Ob jects are accomplished the war ought to cease." THE WEEKLY PATRIOT AND WINN FOR THE CAMPAIGN. - The Weekly _PATRIOT AND UNION will be furniebed ito clubs of ten or more, for the campaign, with an extra number giv ing full returns of the October election, at 56 cents TO THE PUBLIC. TICE PATRIOT AND UNION and all its business operations will hereafter be conducted exclu slvely by 0. BARRETT and T. G. POMEROY, un der the firm of 0. DAMN 4 co-, the connec tion of H. F. WReyhOlds With said establish- , ment having ceased on the 20th November, inst. Novi:mists 21, 1862. The Situation. The situation is becoming unpleasant, but as the danger betObitt niore eppwrent, and the rebel forces approach nearer and nearer, we are pleased to say that, generally, our citizens appear to be more calm than they were when all was rumor and uncertainty. 'At this hour, 3 p. m. Saturday afternoon, we have no infor mation that is at all reliable as to the numeri cal strength of the invaders. Some place it as high as 10,000 and others believe it exceeds 20,000. Our own opinion is that it is not half 10,000—indeed we question whether there is at any one point a rebel force of 2,000 men.— But be that as it may, we have evidenee that they are within 25i miles of Harrisburg, and that some skirmishing, resulting in casualties to our troops, has occurred- At 9 o'clock this morning, (Saturday,) the State Department 'received a dispatch from Gettysburg, Adams county, stating that the rebels had captured a party of militia and kil gfitieifrom Sergeant W. B. Chambers, of the. Murray cavalry, gives an account of a skir mish between a squad of the cavalry, com manded by Lieut. Wm. Fisher, and the rebels, at Holly Springs, just beyond Papertown, Cumberland county, on the Baltimore turn pike, six miles south of Carlisle. The skir mish was quite a sharp affair, in which Wm. Rudy, a respectable young man, son of Mr. Jonas Rudy, of this city, was killed, and James Crossareve wounded. The following members of the watt/ally ware taken plows /mph Weaver, Jacob Stiner, Richard Bucher, John Dobert, Jacob Feig, James Irvin, John Storm felts, D. Slack and John Bates. The latter was captured in the Stone tavern at the Springs, but not until he had killed two of the enemy by shots from his revolver. We under stand the boys behaved well, but were over powered by numbers. The sympathy of every heart in Harrisburg is with Mr. RUdy, the father of the gallant young man who was slain. SUNDAY, 10i a. X.—Brigadier General Knipe has just arrived from his headquarters, at Oys ter's Point, and assures us that no rebel infan try had passed Newville up to six o'clock this morning_ Nothing but cavalry had entered Carlisle, who were scattered over the surrounding coun try. From Michael Loudon, one of Col. Jennings' men, captured at Gettysburg, we learn that forty prisoners were taken at that place and were quartered in the Court House, and after words paroled. The regiment formed a line of battle, and held the advance of the rebels in check until CoL Jennings saw the rebel infan try advance, when he retreated. They gave the rebels several volleys, but it is not known with what effeat? SUNDAY Evntawn, 9 CeOLOCK.—The intelli gence up to this time leads to the belief that York is in possession of the enemy. What their force is we cannot even conjeCture. This estimated at any number between five hundred and five thousand. We have no decided con viction on the subject. • LATER.—lntelligence just received states that the enemy are at Wrightsville, York coun ty; opposite Columbia. Oar troopd have blown up a span of the bridge on the York county side, and are cannonading the enemy from the Columbia shore. As respects the situation of affairs in the vi cinity of the Capital, we learn from unquen tionable authority, a volunteer aid, as Re be lieve, of Gen. Couch, who was upon the spot, that the cavalry scouts of the enemy are ad vancing down the Carlisle turnpike, the' Trin die Spring and Shiremanstown roads, and at 6 o'clock this evening were within a mile and a half of Oyster's Point, oh the pike, three miles distant from the west end of the Harris burg bridge. note has been some skirmish ing between the pickets, and the rumor runs Bann, Funerroaantas.---A refugee from that seven of the enemy were killed. We can- Chambersbnrg informs us tlaatAte was standing not learn that any casualties hare, se fieseriltrolioor while the rebel cavalry were pass happened on our side. There must b w .Ais . olana w it y the street, one of whom remarked serlP „an have been, for the past two time be a large federal force on the op get us into the Union, and side of the river, and the heart of H suppose yOu Will be fight is calmness. sin." This is adding in- We may add the general belief enemy, in considerable force, cavalry, artil lery mu d infantry, are advancing slowly in the rear of their scouts somewhere.-between this city and Newyille, a point thirty-one miles from 111414 Aw f , A gentleman froth; CtOnbettiburg just handed * tke folioniqcopf in print of an order ignited - by : • lIEAD QUARTERS 2D CORPS, ARMY NORTHERN VIRGINIA, June 2210863. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 49 In moving in the enemy's country the ut most circumspection and vigilance ate Ream saTy, and the safety of. the army, and the suc cess of the great object it has to aecomblish, depend upon the observance of the most rigid discipline. The Lieut. General commanding, therefore, must earnestly appeal to the officers and men of his command, who have attested their bravery and devotion to the cause of their country on so many fields, to yield a ready ac quiescence in the rules required by the exigen cies of the case. All straggling ,and wandering from the ranks and all marauding and plundering by individuals are prohibited, upon pain of the severest penalties kt. own to the service. What is required for the use of the army will be taken tinder regulations to be established by the commanding general, according to the usages of civilized warfare. [The last paragraph of the order, admonish ing eitisena in the route of the army to abstain from committing hostilities, se., is the same precisely as we published a few days since.] By command of .LIEUT. GEE. R. S. EWELL. A. S. PENDLETON, A. A. General. Mr. Given, of the firm of Given & Brother; of Carlisle, who left there at 10 o'clock a. m. yesterdly, anti reached here at 7 o'clock in the evening, states• that a rebel column passed through Carlisle on Saturday', composed of in fantry, Cavalry and artillery, which took an hour and three quarters to pass a. given point. They were slowly marching forward towards this place, and were estimated to be 8,000 Wong. A gentleman just in from the outpost, saw the rebel pickets four miles from this place ana was fired at by them, 10i- o'clock p. m.—We have just learned that the Columbia bridge is on fire. The light can be distinctly seen from the Pennsylvania railroad ebservatory. The Governor's Proclamation. Our Provincial Governor, Andrew G. Curtin, has at length obtained permission from His Excellency Abraham Lincoln to call out the militia of the State for the defense of our bor ders, and -has issued his proclamation, which we publish in another column, and to Which we invite attention, for the immediate enroll ment of 60,000 men. The Governor says that "the calls already made for Volunteer militia in the emergency, have not been met as fully as the 'crisis re quires." The reason of this is evident to any one having the least discernment, or whose• eyes and ears were open to the acts and con versation of those patriotic men who congre gated here under the call made. They were , led to expect that the call was made in accor dance with the .Gonstilution •of our fathers and State laws, under which we have grown so prosperous and great; but when they ar rived hero and found that our State sovereignty was disregarded, and that we had only a Pro- vincial Governor, who issued the call by order of Abraham Lincoln, and that they were to be °WWI- - - ' L . t. I e .. 1; -e' vii/e , ~to ' their homes. This prevented others from coming forward, and a gloomy apathy, such as precedes the belief in some great and unavoidable calamity, seized upon the whole people of the State. Had we been blessed with a Governor de facto, like him who presides over the destinies of tlit State of New York, and bad the call been issued when the first alarm of invasion was given, we should now have one hundred thou- Bout brave men in the field, nerved with the fixed determination of sweeping the invaders frpw the soil. If our teeming valleys are laid waste, and our cities and towns sacked and burned, we have only to thank the miserable and short-sighted policy of the administration at Washington, in their attempt to override Constitutions and laws, and our Provincial Governor, who lent himself as a mere tool to carry out their designs. But whatever ivay be thC fault of eitt Valeta, it is clearly the duty of every citizen to protect his native State from the invasion of the rebel foe; and now that the armed legions of rebel lion are thundering upon our borders and al most at our doors, we 'call upon every true man to come forward at once in respense to this call of the Governer. The danger is im minent, and if there is, the slightest delay it may be too late to save 'our good old Common wealth from devastation and destruction. Rally, then, men of Pennsylvania-, to the aid of your brethren on our southern borders, our State and our common count y_ clip the following from the Harrisburg Telegraph of Saturday morning : "The rebel officers boast that the splendid uniforms in which they appeared, and which were remarked by the people of Gettysburg, had been sent to them by their friends (the copperheads) of the North." Now this the Deacon knew to he a dastardly lie when he penned it, and an insult ton ma jority of the people of the North. The rebel soldiers at Gettysburg belonged to Ewell's di vision, who had just whipped the Abolition General Milroy so disastrously at Winchester and Martinsburg, and taken all the. baggage belonging to his corps, and if the rebels had on Federal uniforms they were doubtless ob tained from this source. Is it not outrageous that while ciev, Sey mour, of New York, and Gov. Parker, of New Jersey, are daily sending in their thousands for the defence of Pennsylvania, and while at least one-half the men who are flocking to the borders from' our own State are D;mocrats, that this vile Hessian should be permitted to stigmatize them as ooPperbeads and Eiympa thizers with rebellion? The truth is that the cowardly renegade from Hesse Darmstadt, af ter having packed up till his own property, and sent most of it out of town, preparing to ske daddle on the first appearance of danger, can not bear to see Democrats standing up man fully in defence of their State and Otriltary. The A bulitha**rtsoi• There is no way in whicldhe folly an mad nos oi tO.Northern fanatics ip more clearly , *own 1411 by the desperite- atteitkpts now Ithikingininvade the Penn- Brnial r dln" 4 uffei'atie trtrmeStatee arestillsterintfrortltese invhsiOns; while writetg froth the 'West warn the people that inroads they be' expeeted into Kentucky and the Northwest all through the summer. The infamous and unpatriotic course of the Abolition press in the North is the spur , which urges on the rebels to these inroads, and if any man needs proof of the blackness of their designs, he can see it in the attempt now so desperately being made to transfer the war to the North, and to give over our fair fields and firesides to ruin and desolation at the hands of the invader. Ever since this war began, the Abolition press throughout the land has been, from day to day and from week to week, assuring the rebels that all the Democrats in the North sympathized with them in their efforts to ob tain a seperate nationality, and would give them every aid in their power. The national administration too, by its repeated arrests of Democrats all over the North and the suppres- Olin of Demooratio papers, has given weight and character to these vile slanders. Is it any wonder then that the rebels, when they find from the result of recent elections and the general expression of public opinion, that the Democrats are in large majority, should invade the North ? They are assured by the repeated acts of the Federal administration, by every Abolition paper; from the New York Tribune down to the Harrisburg Telegraph, and by every Abolition orator, from Phillips down to Robinson, that the Democrats are their friends, ready to assist them whenever an opportunity presents. Is it not natural, then, for them to oonoindo that they have only to advance lath the North in sufficient force to form a nucleus around which Democrats could rally to ensue 'a complete revolution in their favor ? The loyal people of the North and the Union loving elements in the National and State. gov ernments owe it to themselves and our sacred cause to use such measures as will put down these mischief-toalters ere they work more harm than has yet befallen us. So long as the rebels can be infatuated with the idea that they have only to come North to gain friends, so long will this war continue. While we use every effort to -vanquish them in the field, we must also make harmless their despicable al lies in the North, who care neither for State ights nor State duties, for National rights or National duties, and heartily co-operate with the rebels in their efforts to destroy the Union. It is true the objects these fanatical factions have in view are widely different; the one hoping to extend and perpetuate slavery, the other to destroy it; but the means' through which they hope to accomplish their purposes I are identical, to wit : the destruction of the glorious Union founded by our fathers. The power of the law against treason has never yet been properly invoked in all its ma jesty in the Northern States,. but the present crisis may bring its ministers to a realizing sense of their stern duty to punish all who fur nish aid and comfort to the enemy. We warn the Evening Bulletin, and others of and the Nation, while professing to uphold it, that if they do not change their.course, there is a retributive justice—an avenging Nemesis —which will sooner or later overtake them. Lay on the Lash. The Albany (N. Y.) &Wittman, a leading Ab olition paper, on the subject of the raid into Pennsylvania, says that. the rebel force i 3 not. more than 10,000—probably not s,ooo—that the strength of the invading army in Mary land and Pennsylvania both, does not exceed 20,000, and concludes its ,remarks as follows ; "HOW diegreceful bteemea the late 'tonic in •the presence of such figures. The War Office deserves to be horse-whipped for the fuss and timid ity which it has created among our old women 0.7 bath sexes." What have Mr. Stanton and Gen. Halleek to reply to this proposition ? TUB PRITRNE OF rinTROTITANIA.—The way military affairs are managed in Pennsylvania is an effectual damper upon the enthusiasm of those who at first were inclined to rush to the defence of the State. No other explanation can be given of the apathy manifested every where. even in Philadelphia. The Trenton True American says : We learn from . the Philadelphia Pres., that only eleven hundred men have volunteered from Phitedelphis for the defence •of the cap. Hal of their State, and up to yesterday noon we have heard from good authority there were more than•forty-siz mere joined from the city of Harrisburg itself. Including the 27th N. J. regiment, there are now more troops from this State in Pennsylvania than from the city of Philadelphia." Though this comp:Wan id seemingly so fa vorable to New Jersey, Gov. Parker, judging from his late proclamation, thinks the troops from that State are of no further use. He says:, " Whereas, The necessity no longer exists for 'the citizens of the State to meet and or ganize into companies, and report to the Adj u tant General of the State as soon as possible, to be organized into regiments as the of New Jersey, and press forward to the assist ance of Pennsylvania in this emergency,' ac cording to my proclamation of the 17th inst. "I therefore direct that the troops raised in accordance with the said proclamation be hon orably discharged, and return to their respect ive places of enrollment, to be mustered out and paid for the services they have per formed." . Perhaps Gov. Parker is miffed about some thing.. Or may be that Gov. Curtin consents that. the rebels shall remain where they are for the present, till the climate South becomes more . salubrious.,.Tourunt of Comm„„. WHAT ,rs A COPPERHEAD ?---Th6 New York Evrn;ny Post, in speaking of a Kentucky can didate for Congress ? gays : is ail OPPOoOot of all the radical mea sures of the administration—otherwis e a Cop perhead." This, then, is the Abolition definition of the term Copperhad—"an opponent of all the radical measures of, the administration." Ta king this definition to be correct, it will em brace all the really loyal Union-loving people in the United States, who are all, to a man, opposed to that radical Abolition policy, whose end and aim is ultimate, disunion !Ltd final separation of the States once united under one Constitution and in oneglorious Union.—Ohlo Statesman. ' There is a great difference between the uni forms of our soldiers and those of knightly days, when, according to "the writer," an iron clad knight who fell in battle lay still till the fight was over, when his man-at-arms lei surely cracked him open with a sledge hammer. gvy, THE MAILS. Ioscm'AIFIOKLCURG •-•-• JOHNSON MOVIN4VTOWARD oLIgTON TEXAN Tkiti g OK ON LA" PIM"' { PENCE REPULSEDV&Q i• !,.;" „Iliesteers, June 2'1% via. Caillo, Tpiiiie 26 4. Official intelligence from deneiel GrrezO's arn# to the 20th inst. is received. Johnston is sa#l, : ta-have withdrawn his troops from across the Big Black, moving toward Clinton. About 1,000 Texans attacked Lake Provi- Idence on the 10th, but were repulsed with Joss by the npgro troops, who fought bravely. Colonel Phillips, with SOO cavalry, was at. tacked by 200 rebel infantry and 1,000 cavalry under Rockerford, on the Tallahatchie. The fight was very Revere. Cal. Phillips lost seven killed and ninety wounded. He cut his way ,out, and came in yesterday. The rebels are in force at Booneville. Gen erals Roddy, Ruggles, Chalmers, and Billies threaten our lines, and troops are reported to be moving north from Okalona. Stirring news may be expected from this sec tion. ‘ MEMPHIS, June 24.—Colonel Miesener has Oust returned from an extensive cavalry expe dition south from Lagrange. He reports having broken up the command of Geoige A. Panola, destroyed the railroad bridge at Jackaway, the itrestle-work just beyond, and a portion of the 'road from there North ; he then crossed the Tallahatchie, pursued Chalmers beyond the iColdvaater on the Helena road. Chalmers 0141ei440r4d to cross the Tails hatchie at the mouth of the Coldwater, where Alissener killed fifteen or twenty of Lis men and (took forty prisoners. He paroled all the sick lat Panels, brought away or destroyed all army supplies, workshops, mills, tanneries, depots, &o. He passed within three miles of Austin l and Commerce, destroying an immense amount lot forage and Stib9ieto4o I took from six to eight hundred horses and mules, and five hun dred head of cattle; sent detachments north and east from Helena to destroy or bring away all subsistence, forage, horses, mules, &c., passed through five counties, traveled two hundred miles and crossed three'rivers. Chal mers bad with him Stokes's, Stemmers's and ]3lythe'a men, nine hundred strong, with three mecca of artillery ; the remainder of his force, nine hundred, fled BOUth, Via Charleston. Phillips destroyed all the ferries at Panola and 'Coldwater, lest one man killed and five woun ded. His fight at Tallahatchie was very severe. The enemy's loss was over one hundred.- THE PENNSYLVANIA HAID-LEE'S MOVEMENTS HOOKER "JUST WHERE HE OUGHT TO BE," &C. The New York World has the following ape= dal dispatches, which, if true in each and all particulars, are of the DMA lively interest to the people of southern Pennsylvania at this juncture, when the rebel forces ere said to be not more than twenty miles off at this time, Saturday afternoon, 2 o'clock, and we are ex pecting to hear the roar of. cannon before dark WASHINGTON, June 26.—1 t is now ascertained beyond a doubt that Lee's main , army has crossed the Potomac arid is now in Maryland and Pennsylvania. His object is, of course, a great movement on Washington. There can be, of course, no harm in stating that such disposition of the Federal forees have been made as are proper in the emergency. Heintzleman's troops, with the exception of a few tarn in the trenches, are- now under Hooper. The city is wild with rumors that the pres suraof events has induced thereeall of M'Clel lan, but they are mere rumors—not true, nor likely •to be true. WASHINGTON, June 26, 11.42 p. m.—lntelli gence from up the, Potomac to-night shows that. there are no rebels :this tide of Harper's Petty Or South .Mountain, and that there are no demonstrations of the'enemy on the Poto mac, river ling, • -.117 -- irfOr • - wrirtifirOommand is on the north side of the Potomac; that his left wing is in Pennsylva gia ; that Longstreet'a corps is in the valley of Boonsboro', between - the -town of Boonehoro' andllie Pennsylvania State and that A. P. Hill's . corps, accompanied by Gen. Lee himself, is not far from the battle field oltf Antietam. Immense rebel traina of wagons have re turded across the Potomac from.the valley of Booneboru', loaded with all sorts of goods.—. They have made Charlestown, six miles from Harper's Ferry, the depot for 'these stolen goods, as wagons, after unloading at that place, return again to Maryland. The Star says tins ,of Lee's army were crossing the Potomeo all lest night. • This in &cattle that he hia crossed or is now crossing hie of isr ear-pa. Itkirt aro to-day labor in dications that he designs operating with al most the whole of his army north of the Poto mac. mon The - Republican extra says that Gen.' Hooker id in the field; not in this city, as many have erroneously reported. It is sufficient to say that he is just where he ought to be, attending to the great work specially assigned to him.— In due time he will be heard from, ci,n4 whoa beard from the people of Pensylvania, who are constantly sending committees here to harrass and complicate the duties of the general gov ernment by asking questions and favors alike unreasonable, wilLbe satisfied that the Presi dent has in this Aerials an eye , to the general good, and at thifiliame - time has•net - been so in different to PennOlvania as the people of that State have beeeto themselves." Last night the rebels occupied Fairfax Court House with a guerrilla force somewhere be tween one hundred and five hundrefl strong. it hating been previously •vacatetF'by'• the Union troops, who were recently there ; these troops are now elsewhere employed. This rebel oc cupation of that point gave rise to the story that Fairfax station was burned last"*ight, which is untrue, though currently belieied in Alexandria. FROM PORT HUDSON—NM ORLRA.NEI—TEXAS, The steamer Creole, from New Orleans '• the 19th, arrived at New York on Friday. S brings the following intelligence: The attack upon the rebel works at Po Hudson was principally by Weitzel's and Gro verrg divisions, on tin right, Our troupe were repulsed with the loss of seven hundred men. Five companies of the Metropolitan cavalry were captured within a mile and a half of Gen. Banks' headquarters. Two United States tow boats had been burned by the confeder Plaquemine. Our New Orleans correspo] contains interesting details of the posh affairs at Port Hddson. It was said that Dudley had offered to lead four thousan( for another assault upon the enemy's • and that an order had been issued nutho volunteers from all regiments for tb4 Dope. There had been four arrivals of woi at New Orleans, and the St. Louis and hotels were filled with them. All seer the *rounded was strictly prohibited. Ch Magruder was said to have withdraw] troops from the Rio Craude, and bad toward Port Hudson. A large mass meeting of U ion eitizati held in New Orleans on the ev, ning of thr instant. 1 The Bank of Louisianaand the Lou: State Bank, of New Orlea#s, have bee. le quired to go into liquid ' ati n under cm aions appointed by the fed al authoritit DEATH OF ADMI L FOOTE. Rear Admiral Foote, o he U. 8. Navy, at the Astor Rouse, New ark, at half pat ealook on Friday eveni . VERMONT WAIT. DEMO The Vermont Demom was held on Friday, al following State ticket wi Governor—T. P. Red! Lieutenant Governor land. Treasurer—R. A'S, ATIC CONVENTI frtio State Convei Montpelier, ani toe nominated : Aeld, of Montpelit. E. A. Chapin , of moby. Resolutions were adopted the same as those passed at the recent Democratic Convention of Ohio, with the addition of one thanking Gov. Seymour, of Newprk, !pr., his letter to she' Albany meeting deglOnciag the arrest of Val landigham. • THE lifALWilitllGHAlk PETITION. Wasuniarcin, Jtictel2G Hon. George A. PinAlettiri; chairman, and be other members of the delegation appointed by the Democratic convention of Ohio to wait upon the President with reference to the return of Vallandigham, have had two interviews with the President, and to-day stated to him, in writing, their ob. ,feet and purpoer. A reepenac will not probably be made before Monday. FOSTER ' S ARMY EMBARKED FOR VIRGINIA-GEN DIX TO BE REINFORCED Newnan , N. C., June 23.—As soon as the intelligence reached General Foster of Lee's advance, he, od his own responsibility, com menced making arrangements for embarking all his available force for Fortress Monroe, to be used by General Diz in taking Richmond, or to assist in repelling the rebel invasion, 8.13 sen. Dix might think proper. Our waters, since the reception of this news, have been black with moving masses of troops. WHAT THE REBELS SAY. WAsnisoTow, June 26.—The Richmond Dis patch of the 23d says: " For 'the past few days public attention has been withdrawn in a measure from the opera tions around Vicksburg by the brilliant achievements of our army =lda (}ea; Los, on the northern border of Virginia, and in Penn sylvania and Maryland. It is gratifying to know, however, that our successes on the Mississippi rival those of our arms on the Po tomac. It was stated in this city yesterday morning that information had been received of the landing of a heavy column of Federals at some point on the York river. West Point is the safest base of operations on that river, and we learn that yesterday, when the train on the Richmond and York River railroad left Whitehouse, there were some Yankees at the point below. The rumor mentioned may be baseless, though the Fortress Monroe corres pondent of Baltimore papers, writing on the 18th, says that important movements are in progress in that vicinity. With their forces from Suffolk and the penitiittla, the Yankees might risk a feint on Richmond, with the hope of turning general attention from Washington. New abutrtisements. HIADQUARTERS PRIINSYLVARIA MILITIA, / H ARRISBURG, June 28, 1888. GENERAL ORDERS No. 44. In organizing the troops, tesponding to the Proclamation of the Governor, this day issued, calling for SIXTY THOUSAND men for the defence of the State, to be mustered into the service of the State, for the period of NINETY DAYS, unless sooner discharged. It is-ordered; I. Camps of Rendezvous will be established by the United States Government for districts, comprising the adjacent counties at such points as may be indicated by the commandant of the Department of the Susquehanna and the De partment of the 'Monongahela, in charge of which Camps Commanders and skillful Sur geons will be appointed. 11. Squads and companies will be received at the•campo, and, as rapidly as possible, or ganized into oompanies of not less than sixty four men, and into regiments of ten companies each, and mustered into the service of the State, by officers appointed by the Adjutant General for this purpose. 111. Officers will be elected—company offi.• cers by the men, and field officers by the com pany or line officers. IY. Transportation to the camp of rendez- . Tons, nearest their location, will be furnished by the United States Jovernment..on. toptiftir t: squad or company, to' the agent at the nearest railroad station. V. Troops, responding to this call of the Governor, will be clothed, subsisted, equipped and supplied by the general government, after arriving at their rendezvous. VI. Annexed is the quota required from each county, on the present call, after crediting those counties which had already responded, under recent' orders, with the number of troops furnished and actually'mustered into service. Adams 469 Allegheny ...3600 Armstrong ....... 720 Beaver 600 . Bedford 540 • Barks .1738 Blain 650 Bradford . 886 . - Bucks 1147 Butler .. 640 Cambria. 588 Cameron .. 70 Carbon . 425 Chester 881 Centre 540 Clarion. 520 . Clinton ... 286 Clearfield 865 Columbia 321 Crawford 980 Cumberland 587 Dauphin ... 744 Delaware 255 Erie 1000 Elk 115 Fayette 800 Franklin Fulton 180 Forest 120 Greene - 480 Huntingdon 502 Indiana 675 Jeff Orson 360 Juniata 297 Lancaster 2154 Lawrenbe 460 Lebanon 514 Lehigh 907 Luzerne . 1447 • • Lycoming 623 Mercer 740 M'Kean , 1 80 320 Monroe 840 Montgomery 1261 Montour 175 Northdmpton. 911 Northurro- 472 460 7718 150 240 1312 232 ;40 80 655 . 90 . . 500 880 950 640 1080 GRAND Plc—NIC for the BENEFIT OF THE HOPE FIRE COMPANY NO. 2, AT HOFFMAN'S WOODS. SATURDAY, J ULY 4gh, IE6B. TICKETS CENTS. FLOOR MANAGERS. T: G. SAMPLE, Jona D. E. MARTIN,WM. °ARSON, GARTERICIT. I[7 - rto improFer chaiactero 14in k 8 admitted, and • there will be a sufficient police force on the F ound to preserve order. j el3 did 187 efITY TAX! • 1138 V A. G. OUR,TIN, !ommander-in-Chief. ant General of Penn. York State Potatoes, Butter. wba Grapes, and 80 bushaLt for sale low by W.SIBLE it 00., Na. 108 Marketatreet. aters and Cabinet Works, Harrisburg. jolB4ar PENNSYLVANIA, SS In the Name and by the Authority or TIM COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA., ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of the sold Commonwealth. A PROCLAMATION. The enemy is advancing in force into Penn sylvania. He has a strong column within twenty-three miles of Harrisburg, and other columns are moving by Fulton and. Adams counties, and it can no 1012 gar be doubted that a formidable invasion of our'State is in actual progress. The calls already made for volunteer militia in the exigency have not been met as fully as the crisis requires. I, therefore, now issue this,, my proclamation, calling for SIXTY THOUSAND MEN to come promptly forward to defend the state. They will be mustered info the,service of the State for the period of NINETY DAYS, but will be required to serve only so much of the period of muster as the safety of our people and honor of our State may require. They will made - stein at points to be desig nated in the general order to be issued this day by the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, which order will also set . forth the details of the arrangements for organization, clothing, subsistence, equipments and supplies. I will not insult you by inflammatory ap peals. A people who want the heart to defend their soil, their families and their firesides, are S not worthy to be accounted men. Heed not the counsels of evil disposed persons, if such there be in your midst. Show yourselves what you are—a free, loyal, spirited, brate, vigorous race. Do not undergo the disgrace of leaving % your defence mainly to the citizens of other States. In defending the soil of Pennsylvania we are contributing to the support of our na tional government, and indi r cating our fidelity to the national cause. Pennsylvania has always heretofore re sponded promptly to all the calls made by the Federal Government, and I appeal to you now not to be unmindful that the foe that strikes at our State, strikes through our desolation at the life of the Republic, and our people are plun dered and driven from their homes solely be cause of their loyalty and fidelity to our free institutions. People of Pennsylvania, I owe to you all my faculties, my labors, my life. You owe to your country your prompt and zealous services and efforts. The time has now come when we must all stand or fall together in defence of our State, and in support of our government. Let us so discharge our duty that posterity shall not blush for us. Come heartily and cheer fully to the rescue of our noble Commonwealth. Maintain now your honor and freedom. Given under my hand earl the-a-neat weal of the zrato - ; -- n Ild - friffig, this twenty-sixth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. ANDREW G. CLTRTIN. BY THE GOVERNOR ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth SECRET DISEASES ! SECRET DISEASES! " . SAMARITAN'S GIFT! . SAMARITAN'S GIFT! THE MOST CERTAIN REMEDY EVER USED. Yes, a Positive Cure! BALSAM COPAVIA ¢ MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a cure. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, ippue the stemaeh or bowels of the meat delicate_ Cures in from two to four days, and recent cases in twenty-four hours. No exposure, no trouble, no change whatever. Price male packages, $2; Female, $3. Sold by D. W. 011088 & CO. Sent by man by DESMOND & CO., Box 151 Phila. P 0. janS-dly MILITARY CLAIMS AND PEN SIONS. The undersigned have entered into an association for the collection of Military Claims and the securing of Pensions for wounded and disabled soldiers. Muster-in and Muster-out Rolls, officers' Pay Bolls, Ordnance and Clothing returns, and all papers pertain ing to the military service will be made out properly and expeditiously. Office in the Exchange Buildings, Walnut between Second and Third streets, near Omits Hotel. Harris burg, Pa. • - THOS. C MAODOWYLL, je2s-dtf THOMAS A. MAGUIRE. SECOND ANNUAL PIC-NIC 01 1 TEE PiXTON FIRE COMPANY, Will be held at HALEILSILXN , S WOODS, ON JULY 4TH, 186 8. TICKETS 26 CENTS, Weber's unexcelled string band has been engaged for the occasion, sad a pleasant treat is in store for all those who may favor the woods with a visit en that day. Nothing shall be left undone,. or no pains spared to make it the ple.nie of the Reason, and nothing to pre vent all from. enjoying themselves in a pleasant and proper manner. Oninibuses and conveyances will leave different poinls of the city for the woods every fifteen minutes. No improper characters will he admitted on the grounds. A sslEcient Follett force will be on thegroond to preserve order. Committee of. Arrangements :—David Crawford, B. 7. Shoop, Wm. H. Eberly, David L. Arlin', George Fears ter, John J. Zimmerman, John A. Halier. jes3•St RROOMS, BRUSHES, TUBS AND BASKETS of all descriptions, qualities and prices, for sale by WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. Notice is hereby given, that the Coinmon Council of the city of Harrisburg have com pleted the levy and assessment of Taxes for the year 1863, and that all persons shall be entitled to an abatement of FIVE PER CENT. on the amount of their respective City Taxes, on the payment of the same to JOHN T. WIL SON, Esq., City Treasurer, on or More the first day. of July, 1863. By. order of the Common. Council: DAVID HARRIS,. Harrisburg, June 8, 1863-td • • , Clerk. kOR RENT A STABLE-, next to Colder'a Livery Stable. Apply to 708. SAHNWEILER. cor, Reamed •nd Walnut streets. Sob-iilsa