raiz IxtfitotilA - ficr Mat VIP 11 STATE QS mg Nolli t iVit VONA: From be Easton Santini We nail to our mast besot to-day the nominees of the Democratic Convention for Governor and Supreme Judge, Hon. George W. Woodward and 'Hon. Walter IL , Lowrie, names familiar to almost every . Voteiin Penn sylvania, and we will keep them there until both are triumphantly elected on the second Tuesday of October next, which they'Will be, so sure as they We most heartily congratulate the causer. vative people of Pennsylvania on the oppor tunity which is now afforded them of contri buting their support to the electiOn of two gentlemen so eminently qualified for their respective positions and ea high in the confi dence of the public. Such men the times demand. Both are now upon the Supreme Bench, the one having been elected in 1852, and the,other in 1851, and both are justly celebrated for great ability es judges and statesmen. Judge Woodward knows the interests of Pennsylva nia, and Leis just the kind of man to see that they are properly cared for. 'His nomination has struck the opposition dumb, and notwithstanding their ingenuity in raising objections to the nominees of the Dem ocratic party, thus far they have spoken of him only as a highly honorable man. Set down old Northampton for , 3,500 ma jority for Woodward and Lowrie. From the Juniata Register The nomination of George W. Woodward for Governor was the most fortunate and hap py nomination that was ever made. His notn ination was unsolicited by himself. It was made by the people in spite of the machina tions of political tricksters, and vial the ,in auguration of a new era in the making of po litical nomimations. In all the elements which are requisite to the office of Governor Judge Woodward pos sesses them in the highest degree. No better man lives in the State of Pennsylvania than George W. Woodward. This eminent abilities, his purity of rcharacter, and love of law and order and the Constitution, has made him strong in die affections of the people, and they. now feel a certain confidence that under his administration every right of person and of property will be respected. The nomination of Walter H. Loicrie for Supreme Judge was a just tribute to an able and upright judge. The nomination of these inp has created the greatest enthusiasm, and the entire party rejoices that their nominees are men who.are equal to the great emergency in which the country is now involved. From the Lackawanna Register We congratulate the Democracy of.the whole country upon the nomination, by the State Convention, of a ticket over which every in dividual has reason for exultation. The nomi nation to the office of Governor of the Key stone State, of one of her purest and ablest sons, is hailed with delight by every lover of his country throughout the length and breadth of the land. It is oonoode4 by all that in point of purity of character, integrity of purpose, as well as ability, that the Hon_ George W. Woodward is P mut/ to no individual in our glorious old Commonwealth, for the high and honorable position for which he has been nominated by the lion-hearted Democracy. His elevation to the Executive chair will place this State along side of New York and New Jersey, and will form a trio which will ensure safety and tran quility to the citizens of all. He is too well known throughout the State to require any endorsement from those among whont be has lived from childhood. All that is to be done is simply to arouse the people to a toll sense of the danger with which they are threatene", and the news of his triumphant election wilt gladden the hearts of the friends of liberty everywhere. The Hon. Walter H. Lowrie, our caLdidate for Judge of the Supreme Court, was nomina ted by acclamation— t sufficient endorsement of his fitness and qualifications for the posi tion. He, too, will be elected. The people delight to honor men who reflect honor upon the office. The news of the _nomination of a S ate ticket was never more enthusiastically received; nor were the opposition so completely taken by surprise. Many -of them admit that the election of our ticket is gt forerne,eoneusion. Prom the Perry County . Democrat The Democratic Slate Convention has given ns George W. Woodward for Governor and Walter H. Lowrie for Judge of the Supreme Court. The former is a native of Luzerne, but for some years a resident of Philadelphia; the latter is of Allegheny county. Both arejusti- s : eels of the Supreme Court at the present times The nomination of these pure, able, patriotic men is hailed by the Democracy of the State with unfeigned delight. Preferences for other men have been lost sight of, and all now concur in the opinion that no better nominations could be made. In this county Clymer men and Witte men and Franklin. men are all satisfied and will give the nominees a cordial support: With such standard-bearers the victory is oars if the work of organizttion already inaugura ted throughout the State is persevered in. Let every Democrat put on the harness., The con test is for the preservation and perßetuittion of the principles which made us the great and glorious country we had before the mad efforts of fanatics succeeded in producing civil strife. It is another contest for the maintenance of the doctrine of self-government—for the pre rervaticn of the liberty of speech, a free press taid the reserved rights of the people under the Constitution. Let the people as once arouse and with "Woodward and Lowrie, the Coneti. tution and the Union" as our rallying ory, we we will sweep the State from Lake Erie to the Delaware. Fr.= the West Branch Democrat. The Democracy of this Commonwealth could not have selected's more worthy, and compe tent individual ;Or the price Of Governor at this critical period-of our biktioasi history_ He is emphatically the men for the times, and will meet the issues as they arise-after Weigh ing their importance—with a due sense of their bearing upon the interests of the State and.na tion. Sioaring above the narrow condnes of party cliques, 'and party machinations, he will take hold of the creations of the hour, weigh ing each point at interest with an eye single' to the good of the whole country. With itu Constitutions of the State and nation as his guide, he will adjust his course accordingly. Judge Woodward, for a long series of years has occupied a proud position in the public eye. Recognized as one of the ablest jurists of the State, his judicial decisions 'have com manded more than ordinary consideration. The radicals may conc3ntrate their attacks at any point in his public life ; they may de nounce him as a copperhead, as a rebel sympa thizer, as a constitution-loving Democrat, it will avail them nothing ; he wilt receive the u. rse . v g vote ever given to any man for Governor of /Me C'eftonenteenith_ 13 cl, SKETBI LADIVA TRAVELIX4I, MARKET, EBHOOL, PAP Alt. KNIFE. CLOTHES, ROUND, CHILDREN'S, 111&11E, For sale low, by, jel2 ONE FOR SALE.-3,,ooo',VErts PRIME tiSLLO* CORE. 600 bushels barley malty got 4idalilY. 601 , bushels rye. trk ~:„ , 1 I . " 50 barrels whisky, li l t elat:' '''' • Bullwhip of 1[10.1104151541011.1141111, i sepgahl . Washiucton Avenue. HAITI. her , . . •-• " • EA.IPTY H0G5i1E4163,7-4, largo iot mi na of B ' E mp ty Meat Hogsheads, In mdelOndition ;end with , timid in. These MogMniredi arediMiable i for „Ru m e n, N . ern, &e., &c. Will ba sold ol.* vol., low price. . WM DOCK, Jr., & CO. WI!. DOCK, Jr., i c Ca Tir)'Xtitt. VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY for BALE—MATILDA TURNAOHB and ORE BANES. This property is situated on the Juoista river, in Mifflin and Huntingdon counties, Pa., within one mile of Mount 17nibn Btation; on Pennsylvania **Mond. The hiiilitta canal ind Penneylrani& railroad pass through the - pro perty. It embraces about Twenty-seven Hundred Acres 0 lend, about three hundred acres or which Is .ipiasi farm land, in a high state of cultivation the balance is good timber land, would supply sufficient charcoal for the furnaces The improvements area good substantial Furnace. Stack, Steam Engine, Iron Blowing Cylinders, with all the necessary buildings. There is on this property an extensive bed of Iron ure, being identical, in the geological series, that. at Denvine sygl Bloomsburg. This ore - eon be mined and delivaredigt the furnac,s for about one dollar per ton. Limestone in ahundanco., of good quality, on this property. The extensive coal field.; of the Broad Top and Alleghenies are froniTorty to fifty miles distant, by. Pennsylvania railroad or canal, and the "canal Phoning through :the property makes it_ one of the best locations for the manufacture of iron; Millar With coke or anthracite. In addition to the iiharccial; the'hulliiings for the fur nace and Arai areinfifilie, substantial, andln good repay. The treberty4iille kad bi*fitlic * itab sell teems. Per fht•their arfichlefe addrktie s.-1 t WASHINGTON .RIGHTER, COLUMBIA Lancaster county, Pa. P. S.--,Poi_quatitfity and qua:litir of the! ore site Prof Lesslie's report same. fel-dh.wim ;4'oll SALE.—The BUADJNG on the corner of Walnut and Short sti*ets, need as a DOOPER SHOP.. This building visa originally built co chat it 'could - be turned into Dwelling Houses. It con mstsof three separate frames placed together, each frame being 26 by 20.. feet, making the entire building as itnow stands,-7B feet tong and 20 feetwide. Willtien also an FIORTHORSA' PO WER ENGINE AND *OILER, nearly new, eiad one of brow/ma's ParonttState Cutters, and a ,sit At . : Saws for ,Toiestiseg - sterns. • The above property will be sold at $ bliigiin, as ewe' irrish to clear the grcmnd 4n. Which the building stands/ Enquire at the Brokers,ol,dce of . 11,1VOULLOCII., " 7" . • feb9-41t1 'l2B Market Street. NOTICE TO SPECTILATOAS 1 • -.- • 'VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS 110,1 t BALE & tomber of large size BUILDING BOTB, adi oll2l '.E. the Itotmsl Donee and Work Shops of ttte Peowaylvartia Railroad Company, will be sold 107 mid on reasonable terms... - Apply to an29-dly : JOHN W. HALL. LOTS- FOR SALE-ON NORTH ST. LA and Pennsylvania Avenue. Apply to - = • IL. nALDEMAN, marsdtt (or. Firant:Anct Walnut sta. FOR SALE—A }louse and ' - --,Lot on Sixth street,• near Stateo Znquire at thefl4xchange Mae of a. k, argulaNcli, go m a rket street, Where the highest price hi always paid ter OLD and • . SILVER. - febl2-dtf IPOR SALE.-A TWO FRAME X /101181 t Short street. Itstuire of . aep3Otf W. K. '9IO4BERE. ~,.. ..,..,,,,..--,. ~ :,.:':. • 4 11acb .!*!cp....,,-) AGLE W-ORIiSy HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, _ MANTIFACTUABB OF BOOK-BINDERS' RUIMI Eleffillii AD PENS, STANDIXO PRVBSES, SAWING INIACHINV, .PRESS BOALDS, AND MACINNIU FOR I GRINDING CUTTING-MAt:CIIEVE KNIVES. Portable Cider Drills and roddii Cutters, SCIIOO L FURNI '1 1 111? : E General Mackin Work and Iron ad Bross WOOD 'TURNING IN ALL. ITS swarm, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, E'TV.,ETV. Er Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brien made to order. Gear and Screw Patting, &0., .$e • ILI C K O.K' 8. PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS, D paid for Old Copper, Brawl, Speiter, &a. STEAM BOILERS. - PENNSYLI , JUNIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STBSET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging, BABB wmcias and various other Building Castings for sale every•cheapat the Etuy2.4-dly NAGLIt WORKS. 0. :HOLTZ ENGINEER, MACHINIST 4.. STEAM' FITTER, t • • NB. 6 140$Tfi STRkMT, Beta - 14n Walnut' and kart actiarrisburg, Pa. , Machinery of every destriptfon made and repaired. Brace ClP:slof all sizes.'and. a large assortment, of Gas Bit - dugs constantly on land. . A. - ii.,ektdone in _ this establishmentwill be under hie owe gaparviaion, and warranted to give satisfaction. ' - • - , &I EA M & : U ' l-1: ER S Lit Having made efficient and permanent , arrangements 'for the pUrpose - , weAre,•now prepared tovi&ke'' isits.mitazsber -'l.lc:kx3tiritenetoes of everykind promptly and at reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by Bailey & Bro., the reputation of vs:hichlo igircond to none in the market: , 117 ., N one but the 'beat binds employed. 14p ' ring Promptly attended to. Address • • • Adele& WORI4S, may23-dlyj' Pa. \V P• A. It K 11 , ' , L, PLITIOIER . AND -GAS 'FITTER; Tiiint•matie,NßVl" DOkSti TOTEM TEILBORAPII PRINTING OFFICE dwellings, churches ' publiclinildingli facto ries, feel, tilled up with gas, lead and iron papa in a worloMatedilce , manner. Hydrants, Waalp Batt Tabs, Lift awl Force Pumps , Water Closets , teed and Iron Pipe far , water, gas and steam. A share of public patronage is tespectfally solicited: All work promptly attended to. je2-dam R E ;BF ,0 V A L an!Nocalber has removed kid, PLUMBING AIN') BRASS 101714 DRY from bisirkOtatieet to renrth street above Market; opposite the Bethel Church Thankful for past patronage, helulpea, by atrbotattentioeto boat need, ttentelit a continuums of It.• w ze,l 7 -dtf POUNDS!! 50,000 -! - FiTty Thousand Pounds ." E X'C E SI OA - 1 7 • • -HAMS Jun RECEIVING, which we will eell, at a very low figure by the Hogshead, Tierce Barrel•or Single Bata. my3o 161. DOCK, jr., & 'CO. Alt M.A.TCHESI SU'i, P rt ! N 0 ay.E L L FIFTY dItOSS df the aboye Bapperior Matches jut calved, and for sale by WII.IIOCH. Jx.. k. 00. F*,L E S 150 BUSWELS PRIME APPLES just received tad for sale (very low) by WU- DOCK, jr., & CO. EW ORLEANS SUliAlt!—YiltsT IN :—For sale by W/111 DOCK Is., h CO. .\ITBITING Ameri if Can Writing Fluid, it splendid ink,'at 82 cents per quart; ARNOLD'S. g'enuias writing Fluid, HAR BMA'S Columbian Writing Fluid, LAUGHLIN & BUSHFIELDI Ink, Copying Ink, Carmine and Bed Inas of the beat quality, Blue Ink, Mucilage. &c., at SCHEFFER'S BOOHSTORB. Tit B OSS' AME R I AN WIIITING FLUID, equal if not superior to Arnold's English Fluid, and only 62 cents per quart bottle, at SCRUM'S DOORSTOP& friatow ARE YOU GR EIEN tj BACKS 71 —Dati.filtYANT1 saw comic Song. Price SO cents, just received and for see by WARD, at his Music store, Third street. Call and get a copy early. • ap2S WALLPAPER,, ; BO U DER S,- &c., , &c., sold yetAt last yeses prices, without any advance. At SCHEETZR'S BOOKSTORIII. DRIED PEACHES PARED;AND ITPIPARISD..inse received by W/47 - Wag, k CO_ THE NATIONAL ALMANAC AND ANNUAL RECORD ' BOFIEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. CONDENSED tilt& '--Just received kJ and for sale by ' V14.,D,0CK ir., fig ,CO. T ADI ES.-11.1 . ADA.ME BURVETT, j from New York. Ms takon ilie" corner of market and Second streets, (Wyethle Bloctawlmre she iiripinvd_to cut, tit end .mato teideoeofrnft of mit* description, and in the latest and most fashionable style. .Also, in:the same roam, mschiste stitching of everyde acription dwie by Mrs. MARK. • 6*M : 1411.0. SUMMER ARRANGEBENIa. NEW. AM LIN ROUTE. alrffignollatika TUBE TRAINfr DAILY . TO JEW YOU. PHILADELPHIA ON AND APTIR. MONDAY, April 20, 1868;the Pam monger Tralne will leave the Philadelphia and Readl4 Railroad Depot, at Harriaburg,for New York and Phil adelphia, as follows, via: • RASTWARD. ' NICPREBB LINK leaves Harrisburg at 2.16 a. in., OD arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad lizpress Train from the West, arriving in New York at 9.15 a m,, and at Philadelphia% at 9.20 a. tn. A sleeping ear is attached to the train through from Pittsburg Without ch ange , MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 a. m., ar riving in New York at 5.80 p. in., and at Philadelphia a% 1.50 p. m. PAST LINK leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 p. m ., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 10.26 p. m., and Philadelphia at 7.00 p.m. WESTWARD. PAST LINE leaves New . York at 6.00 a. in., and Phila delphia at 8.16 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg as 1.20 p. m. NAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.09 noes, and Phlladelphia at 820 9. m„ arriving at Harridan.” at 0.9.0 P. El. NXPRNSII LINN leaves New York at. 7.0(1 m., ar riving at Hmlisburg at 1.4 t, lb. Ul u and connecting with the Pennsylvania lixprees Train for Pittsburg. A sleep ing ear is also attached ., to this train. 'Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Oaf/roads, end at Reading 'for Philadelphia, Potteville, Wilknebarre, Allentown, Banton, &o. Baggage checked through. Pare between New York and'HerristrOrg, $5.15; between Harrisburg and phis dolphin,- $8.85 in No. 1 care, and $3.00 in No; 2. • Per tickefe and other information apply to' • J. J. °LYNN, General Agent, spry Harrisburg. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. SIIMMERi • TIME 'TABLE. Three daily trains to and from Baltimore smik Wash hngton'City.•' Oorinections made• with trains on Penn sylvania Railread to end from Pittsburg and. the West two trains daily to and from' the North and Wes Branch, Susquehanna, Elmira; and all Northern New York. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1863, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central. Railway will arrive and depatt from Harrisburg aid Baltimore as Howe, viz : SPIITHWARD MAIL TBAlNleaves Sunbury dailj . (exiepit Sunday at 10.10 a. m.; leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 p. m., and ar rives'it Baltimore at t. 36 p. • t EXPABBS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sun day) at 11.07 p. in.; leaves Harrisburg (except Monday; at 2.00 a. m., and arrives at Baltimore daily (except lifondiy) at 6.15. a. in. ILARRISBITHG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave Harrisburg daily at 6.30 a. in. • NORTHWARD , Mali TRAIN ileißT#4o Beatimore, dailz•(!xcept Sniaday at 0.15 m, Harrisburg ob. 3./5 F. Nat i SA4 ervitso Sunbury at 4.05 p. m. • RX.PRBSS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily at 9.15 p m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.35 a m., and leaves liar risburg daily (except Monday) at 8.00 a. m., and arrive/ at Sunbury at 6.38 a. m. HABATIBBITRG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. leave Baltimore daily (except Sunday) at 2.55 p. rives at Ilarriaburg at 7.30 p.m. Nor further information apply at the Office, in Pen cylvania itailroad Depot. J. N. DaBARRY, qenere/ Superintendent. War . riaburg, April 20, 1863-dtf PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ! SUMMER TIME TABLES 7;27/ FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO & FROM PRILLDRI)RIA ON AND AFTER . , MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1863, The Paseenger Trains of the Pennsylvania 'Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD.' THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.00 a. m 7 ,and arrives. s t . West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. PAST LINE leares Harriiihurg daily (escept'Mdiiday) at 5.45 a. m., and arrives at West Philwielphia at 9.65 a. in. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. • WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. in., and arrives at West Philadel phia at 12.25 p. M. .` FAST MAiL . , TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily wept Sunday) at 1.00 and arrives at West Phila delphia at 5.00 p. m. ' • EILREMILI,II.G.ACCOM3IODATION TRAIN, via Co lumbia, leaveallarrieburg at 4.00 p. in., and arrives at Weet:Philidelphia at 9.80 p. m. • VESTWAED. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisbur dail}' (ezewpt Mcnday) , al. 2 00 a, m ; Altoona,l 7 ./ 101 .- take breakfast , and arrives at Pittsburg at 12. PUTLADELPHTA: W.XJPRP.SS TRAIN leaves Hai berg deiip'at 3,00 a. rm., Altliana at 8 00 a.m., take break. &St, add siridveS'it Pittsburg at 12.30 P. la: • 'MAIL TRAIN' leaves Harriiihdrg at 1.16 p. m., Al toona at 7.15 P. M.; take 'supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 ' ' FASTII6 7 / 1 'mires Harrisburg 3.60 Altoona 8.35' ni.; and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 a. ' HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION' TRAIN leaves Philedelpidelit 2.80 p. in., and strives atHarrisburg at 1.00 pots:''' • • ' . WAY AI3OO3IMOPATION TRAIN leaves Philadel phia aV4.oo'lll.' and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.40 This train rang via Mount Joy. gAMOIIII D. THUMP, Superintoulent Middle Div. Penn'a R. R. Harrisburg, April 18,1863 -dtf 1863. 1863. DBILADELPIIIA & ERIE RAIL ROAD..—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Brie, on Lake Brie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Ball Road Company, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Driftwood, (Second Fork,) (177 miles) on the Bastern Division, and from Sh e ffi e ld t o Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HA 'oil's' BURG. Leave Northward. Mail Train.— 135 a. m. I Express Train.. 3.00 a. m Cars run through without change both ways on the • traits between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains th way between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Waumnspo i and Philadelphia. 'For information respecting Passenger business app] at the S. E, cor. llth and Market streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents - 8. B. Kingston, Jr., nor. lath and Market stre Philadelphia. J„ W. Reynolds, Erie. Drill, Agent NI 0_ H. N., Baltim _ H. H•r HOUSTON . Geu'l Freight Igt., Phil's. LEWIS L. HOEFT, Gen'l Ticket Agt., JOS. D.-POTTS, mar& dy Gen'l Manager, Williamsport. 'F • , mic Mi. WI. 46.. 0 ir4 l es Roan, . LEMON,' -} VANILLA, ' 'GINGER, ALMOND, ORANGE, . , REACH, PINE APPLE, BITTER ALMOND, ' CELERY • :LTINNAMON L . • NITTA= • • • • NECTARINE, • PARENT% 0001 IINEAII) (for 'coloring ) ) atsorsal dozens fr) , timnity sag. The above aroortatont pot repaired from one of tht• ourgoet Asaterniloostil+444CA Mid "Wats sior. ,rostiot. , , tr in a,4ol WM_ TIMM. Jo_ h. pa OCKETk NIVES.—A very fine as I aannenet. SCHB/1111103 BOOKSTOR • AND St,c. c;011.00L BOOKS,SchooI Directors, t Teachers, Parents, Daimlers, and others, in need of School Books, School Stationery, &e., will find' a cam ' plate assortment it 8../If. POLLOCS ¢ SON'S BOOS . sroBE, kit.rketSquare, Harrisburg, comprising in part the following: BBADEBB .;—MeGalfey's, Parker's, Cobb's SPELLING BOOKS.--ticGaffey'a, Cobb's,Webstrr Town", Byerirs Conibry's. SZIGLIB II GRAMMARS Smith's, Wood bridge's, Monteith% Tuthill's, Bart's, Wells'. HISTOMBI3.---Grimphaw's, Davenport's, Prost's,Wil 0011%,Willards, Hoodrich'e, Pianack's, Golden:Laura and Clara's. ABITHRIBTHP3.--fitreenlears, Btoddard's. *stetsons tike's, Beres, Colburn's, Smith and Dnke'ey Davies. ALOBBBAS.—Greenlearil, Davie's, INT% ) Bay'., Cridge's. oiaTlONAKTl3.—Worcester , ii Quarto, Academic, Com prehensive and Primary Dictionares. Walker's kchoel. Cobb's, Walker, Welster's Primary, Webster'. High School, Webster's Quarto, academie. NATIHIAL PELMOStlPHlßS.—Cktmstock's, Parker's, wirtre. The above with a great variety of others can at say time be found at my store. Also, a complete assort. m^nt. of School Stationery, embracing in the Wilt le a com plete outfit for school Fano:lee. Any book not in the stares prAirried at one days notice. Er Country blerchante supplied at wholesale rates. AhMANACS.—John Baer and Son's Almanac tor sale at S. N.. POLLOCK & SON'S BOOK STOBB, Harrisburg. 11C7" Wholesale and Retail. snyl WALL PAPER! WAT,T i PAPER ! ! Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL PARRA BOBDPBS, Pißil SORRENS, &a., &c. Itistholargeat and best selected assortmentin the city, rangingin wine 'roma& (5) cents up to one dollar and aquarter ($1.25.) As we purchase very low for cash, we are prepated to sell at'as low rates, if not lowei, than can be bad else. where. If purchasers will call and examine, we feel confident that we can please them in respect•to price and quality. 8.111 POLLOCK & SON, =O B Below Jones' Nouse, Market Square. • LAW BOOKS 1 LAW BOOKS ! 1.1 general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Reports and' Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Itepprts, scarce and rare, together with a large assortment of elmond-liana Law Books, at very low prices, at the one pries Bookstore of B. M. POLLOCK Zr SON, nryB Market Square, Harrisburg. - - rliki subscribers propose to publish by 1 subscription a "FARM MAP" of the Township of 'SWAT ARA . ," Dauphin county, Pa., if sufficient en coniarment is given . The Map will embrace the Bounda ries of the Township and Farms contained therein, num. per of Acres, Location of Residences and Names of Pee pertyholdese generally. There will also be on the Map eTable of /Rattiness, showing the distance from each Crass. Boat , in the Township to Harrisburg, thus ren dering it a vabiable Map to Farmers and Dealers in Real Estate Particularly. Those desiring Views of their Residences put on the Map will be charged a moderate extra price, The Map will be neatly executed., oOlosed and mounted, and delivered at the low price of live Dol lars, payable on delivery of the same. CLASH & AUB, 382 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Harrisburg, November 2, —tf , IAL QUARTO DICTIONARY! ENS! DEFINING AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, eoutains 1,854 Royal Quarto Pages and 20,030 words and Oselosings not found in any . ottior Auslish DintionAgy more than 1,000 Illustrations inserted in their proper places; over 6,000 words synonymind; together with numerous tables of pronounced proper names. Bold by E. M. POLLOOR. Pr, BON. Also Worcester's School Dictionaries. marta ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENSI NONE SPITTED. IN TEE WPIOLE WORLD For 76 -tents, VI, $1.14 $7.10, $2., IS, S 4. Warranted to made of good gold, at 011115 • SOKEFFER , S' BOOKSTORE. ONLY ONE DOLLAR for a good Sub •J'etantial bound.Fataily, tsible at Seheltees Bookstore. QCHEFFER'S Bookstore is the niece to Int. Enid Poit—rm-ma:dm' WI?!. KNOCHE, 93 itAREET 37'., HARRISBURG, PA DEALER IN PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the hest makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU MENTS, from $45 to $lOO. , Guitars, Violins Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, ' Tainbourines, Violin and Guitar strings and mu sical merchandise in general SHEET MUSIC. The LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOC FRAMES, Suitaute for looking glasses and all kinds pictures always on hand. kfine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES From smallest to largest sizes. , ter Any style of frame made to order at the shorteet notice. WM. 'KNOCHE, noel—dw&e ' 93 Market ht.. HOWE'S Sewing. Machine, 437 Broad way, New 1 1 or.k ; branch office 993 i, Market street, Harrisburg. The undersigned respectfttlly informs the mansfacturers and citizens of Harrisburg that:he has opened a sewing machine office for the sale of the celebrated Howels sewing maChine, making the well M known ai-stitch, and adapted for all kinds of leather and cloth, andlasilly use. M. SAPHA.IIIL, feb2s-dly • • , Airsai • GUT7A PERCHA WATER-PROOF 3r-a ,AEL it:;" IN. XMT Z (WITHOUT BRI:18HINO,) FOR BOOTS, SHOES, HARNESS, CARRIAGES, AND MILITARY LEATHER-WORK. This new arid excellent article excels everything ever before in use, for beautifying and softening the Leather. It makes a polish like patent leather; will not rub off with water, nor stain the finest white silk, and makes the leather perfectly water-proof. Twice a month ap plied on boots and shoes, and once a month' fol , harness in ou gu c tect. If the leather becomes dirty, wash it off with dean water and the pothih will reappear, War ranted as represented. DIRECTIONS FOR 17811.--Appiy, a few,drOps on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather, and the polish is complete. Price, 37% cents per bottle. JACKSON & 00., Sole Agents, 90% Market street. • jan9-dtf DESIRABLE FOR SALE, west of the Capitol, fronting on Grand street and Hammond lane. Enquire of GEO. CIINHLE, 86 Market street ROSTON CRACKERS.-A LARGE Se-P PLY of these delicious crackers just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. G OLD PENS !—The largest and Lei stook, stook. from $l.OO to sl.oo—warraliteo—at SCREFFEIt'a BoollB7'olll VXCELSIOR I I I-SUGAR CURED . 12 j HAMS !—A Delicious Ram, cured expressly for family uss. They are superior to any now in the mar. tet. [my24 . l WM. DUCK, JR, & CO BREAKFAST BACON.—A small but 1 , 41.7 elkoine lot of Sugar Cured "Breakfast Bacon (equal to the imported Yorkshire) just received. ir 29 WK. DOCK, Ja., & CO (TOFFEES AND SUGARS OF ALL j GRADES, and at reasonable prices, for sale by WIC DOCK, Ja., & CO. CI °OPE It'S GELATINE.—The best Miele In the, ineziret,juet repelyed and for sale by warl4-tr . , WM: WNW Je pOARDERS WANTED.--The under fligned, having rented a tine large and commodious house, in Mulberry street, two doors, from the corner of Second street, in the city of Harrisburg, she is prepared to scoommodate single gentlemen, or gentlemen and their wives, with boarding on reasonable terms. jy1946m4 11,. A. JOHNSON. LUID AND; ALCOHOL, IN LARGE 0100141:490 ao4 9f pure 11119314', for sale by WM. DOCK, & no_ trAVANA ORANGES.—Just received A. by WM. DOOR, Ja., &CO. nsu - rince. INSURANCF: AGENCY. TEE. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY; OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 183 S, Tide Institution is doing business on the Mutual In surance principle combined with a Joint Stock Capital. By the act of incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the company may sus tain. Aim as an additional security to the &seared, the act requires that the proftts of the business shall be flonlvd and remain with the corporation, as a 6ecsrante4 and protection to the insured against loss, until ordered by the Board of Directors tole redeemed in accordance with a provision of the act of incorporation. This fund will be represented by scrip issued by the company, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent. No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums. Insurances will be made on Vessels, Freights and Car goes; on Goods transported by railroads or. canals, and by steamboats on rivers and lakes ; also, against damage or lose by Pire, for a limited time, or permanently. The undersigned, as &gent for tie above well known company, will make Insurance against loss or damage by tire, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. . Marine and Inland TraneportaMon Rieke also taken Apply personally or by letter to ROBERT L. MURSCII, Harrisburg, Pa. jan26. tf LIFE INSURANCE. THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TEITST COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 40S CHESTNUT ST. [CHARTER PERPETUL.] CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - $1,543,356 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN P. TAMII3i. Actuary. CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reasonable terms. They ant as Executor*, Trustees and. Guardians under last Wills, and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital 'being paid up and invel led, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, offers a perfect security to the insured. The premiums may be paid - yearly, half yearly or quarterly. The company add, a BONUS periedicaly to the insu rances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in December, 18 , 14. the SECOND BONUS in December, 1849, the THIRD BONUS in December, 1854, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1859. Thee additions are made without requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to the compau. The following are &few examples from the Register : Amount of Policy and Policy.l Bum I Bonus or borate to be increased Insured addition by future additions. No. 89 $2,500 1 1 $ 'BB7 50 23,387 60 " 132 8,000 • 4050 00 4,030 00. (c 199 1;000 400 00 1.400 00- t , 333 5,000 1,875 00 6,875 00 Agent a Harrisburg and vicinity. =IAN BUEHLER. jell3-dly INS . 0 ANC.E. Marine, Fire and Inland Tranaportailea, Central Agency at Rarrisburg, Pa., of THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794---Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $1,200,000 DIRECTORS: Arthur G. CAW, Samuel W. Jones, John A. brown, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White. John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. Morrie Wain, John son, George L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter; Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, 'Secretary. riAs central agent for the above named company, the undersigned is prepured to take Fire Risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. Office in Walnut street near Second. WILLIAM BUEHLER junelB-417 Harrisburg, Pa. pE COLUMBIA INSU_RAiNCE CO., Of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. CHARTER PERPETUAL This Company continue to ir aure buildings, mercban dise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or pre mince note. The large.and increasing capital of the company, con sisting of premium notes given by its members, and based upon e 1,475,789 ;35, Insured on the mutual plan, affords a reliable guaran tee equal to ten times the average loss on the amount insured ; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally with those who may sustain loss or damage as the case may admit of, consistent with justice to all parties concerned. Amount , of Prernittin Notes, 41155,620 49. Balance of Cash Premium unex pend, Jan. let. 1862 $1.668 57 Cash receipts during the year 1862, less Agents' Commissions 6.731 47 Cash receipts in January, 1863..... 895 80 $8.345 84 Losses and Xspenses paid during the year 1862 $6„329 73 Balance unexpended, February 2d, 1663 ' 4,016 11 ' 59.348 84 A. S. GREEN, Presideni GICoRGIIi YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. M. 8. aurmuls, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Robert T. Ryori, . M. S. Shuman, Abraham Bruner - Michael H. Moore. John Fendrick• ' George Young, jr.; 0 Minich, Nicholas McDonald, Samuel F. Eberieln, Amoii S. Green. Ephraim Hershey, • feba•Stod .E)otels. tTNITED STATES HOTEL, OPPOSITE THE PENNSYLVANIA AND LEFANON VALLEY RAILEO.3D DEPOTS, IlAawszvaci, PA. The undersigned having taken the above Hotel, which has been refitted and furnished throughout, bop leave to team the public that he le well prepared to 1 9 ,999x. 1 ma te those who may favor him with their patronage, e that will give 'entire satisfaction The UNIT= STAITS HOTEL is located In the Immo Mate vicinity of, the ,sispots of. the Pennsylvania and Lebanon Valley railroads, where the traveling public can be 'accommodated with every comfort without the inoon. venienoe or expense of going up-town Neither pains nor espense Quill be spared to render the guests of this establishinent as comfortable as they eat possibly be elsewhere In the city of Harrisburg. Carefhl and competent porters will always be feud at the depots on the arrival of the trains, to take charge of the baggage free of ckargo. A.ek for the UNITED STATES HOTNL. • m77-41Iy L. W. TEN EYCK, Proprietor NATIONAL .110 TEL, (LATE WHIT)/ SWAN,) Race street, above Third, Philadelphia. This establishment offers great Inducements, not only on &coolant of reduced rates of board, but from the Cell. tral location to the avenues of trade, as well as the con veniences afforded by several passenger railroads run ning past and contiguous to it, by which guests can pass to and from the Hotel to the different railroad depots, should they be preferred to the regular omnicuses be- longing to the house. I am determined to.derote my whole attention to the comfort and convenience of toy guests, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. . Terms--$1.2.5 Per Day. DAVID C. PIEgRIST, (Formerly of Eagle Hotel, Lebanon, Pa.) T. V. I:HODES, Clerk. mrll-dtf granspartation: DANIEL A. MUENCII, Agent of the Old Wallower Line, Respectfully informs the public that this Old Dail Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now ix existence in_thia eity,) is in successful operstion, &a prepared to Carry Freight as low all any other Indicidus line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewis burg, Williamaport,•7ereey Shore, Lock Haven, and al other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia ant Erie and Williamsport and Elmira Railroada. DANIEL A. lettrENoll, Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. Goods sent to the Waribciuse of Messra, Peacock. Zell & Hinchman. No. 808 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock p. m., will arrive at Rarrieburg ready for helivery. neat morning. my 6 MPTY BARRELS.— A large number. I 'tot' empty Wine,Diltandy and Whisky Barrels for sale by WM. DINH, jr., Sc CO. Bank Notices. BANK NOT I. C E.—Notice is herebv given that the nadersigoed have termed an ernevci;,, tion and prepared a certieceste for the purpose of Web. limiting a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposit, under the preedsione of the ,act entitled ctA anppleinent to an act to establish a system of 'Free Banking is Pennsyl- Anno Domini vania, and to secure the public against lose from Pneol hlikliandarpepdrclavneddetitetyfirned."f The lda ma r id Bank to be eighteenventl d called TM FARMERS' RANK OF MOUNT yey, to b e located in the borough of Mount Joy, to consist of FS capital stock of One Hundred Thousand Dolrars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, With the privilege of in creaming the same to any amount not exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Dollars In al/. J. Hoffman Hershey, Rahn N. Hershey, Martin B - . Peifer, Jacob M. Stauffer, itenben Gerber, John . Bear. jan2B-demoawit NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given of an. intention to establish a Bank of Discount, Deposit and Circulation. under the provisions of an act, entitled "An Act to establish a system of free banking in Penn sylvania," ?sc., and the supplement thereto,, "id Bank to be called' 4, TUB SSABUFACTIIRMAS' BANK," to be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa., witha cqpital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Dollars each deat-6md ALLIINTOWN BANK. ALLENTOWS BANS., June 20, 1863. Notice is hereby given, that application will be made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its next session,. for an in crease of the capital of said Bank to the amount of $200,000 in addition to that antlierized by the present' Charter; awl also for an extension of the Charter of said Bank for twenty years from the expiration of the present Charter. By order of the Board of Directors. je2o-dtml CHARLES W. COOPER, Cashier. BANK NOTICE I—The- Stockholders of the "FARMERS' AND DROVERS' BANK OF WAYNESBURG, in Green county, Pa., will apply to the next Legislators of the State, for an extension of charter, for the term of fifteen years from the expire tion of as present term. The location, corporate name and privilege* and amount of capital stock, to Wit; one hundred and fifty thougand dollars, to be the same as under its present charter. By order of the Board. T. LAZEAR, Cashier. Waynesburg,. Green co., Pa.,,lttnels,lB63—jeko-dtml Stlisteltantouo. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES !! ! k NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD! ! JOHNS & CROSIAEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD! FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, AC., AC., AC. THE ONLY ARTICLE OF THE RIND EVER PRO. DIIOND WHICH WILL WITHSTAND WATER! EXTRACTS. "Every housekeeper should' have a supply of Johns R Crosiers American Cement Glue.V—Neu York Tirma. is so convenient to hove in the hOlifie•"—N4se- York Express. • "It ie elways•ready This commends it to everybody."' —Nem York Independent. "We have tried it, and tbad it as useful in our hots as water."—Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. VERY LIBERAL REDUCTIOISS TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. TERMS CASH. Por Sale by all Druggists sad Storekeeper/igen* rally throagheat the country. JOHNS St CROSLEY, (Sole Dlannfacturers,) 78 WILLIAM STREET. (corner of Liberty Street,) jyll NEW YORK. dip - E LYON'S PURE. OHIO CATAWI3A L • BRANDY. THE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY has, for several years, been manufactured from the pure juice of the AMERICAN CATAWBA. and ISABELLA iIitAPE, and has attained a rare popularity throughout the West and South, where great quantities of this superb article is sold for MEDICINAL and FAMILY purposes. It not only eqnals, but excels the most choice IMPORTED BRANDIES in PURITY, QUALITY and RICHNESS OF FLAVOR, and wherever it has been introduced , it had invariably met the most murialiiied favor and extended sale. The want of really pure Brandy has long been felt in this country, and the opportunity to procure an article of such quality as to supersede the sale and nee of the many rbk compounds so often hold under the name of " Brandy," can be regarded only as a public good. L. LYON'S CATAWBA BRANDY ponsesses all.ths choice qualities of the bebt imported liquor, find is posi tively known to be of PERF.ROT PURITY and of SU PERIOR FLAVOR. In support of the above statement, we refer to the certificate of the undermentioned well-known. chemists : Dr. A. A. Hayes, Assayer, Boston, Mass. Dr. James R. Chilton & Co., Chemists, New York. Dr. James B. Nichols, Analytical Chemist, Boston, Mass. Dr. T. If. P. Blaney & Dr. G. A. Marriuer, Analytical and Coneulting Chemists, Chicago, Dr. Cox, Chemrst, eineinnati, Ohio. Dr. Charles Upham Sheppard, Charleston, S. C. Messrs. Gentry and Blackwood, Chemists, Tenn. Dr. N. A. Pratt, Savannah, Georgia. All of whom have analyzed the Brandy and recommend it as a perfectly pure article and as an invaluable medi cinal agent.' • I have been appointed the sole agent for the sale of this Brandy for the city of Harrisburg and Dauphin co. aOvS d9 Dr. LOUIS WYET/i. JOHN TILL 8 COAL YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRAMS ROLLING MILL, Where he keeps mmstantly on hand LYKENS AND WILKESBARRE COAL, duck Mr STEAMBOAT, BRIR,ILEN, EGG and NUT, which he will dispose of at the lowest market,priee, Consumers will do well to call on him and, lay in their supply, as the Coal will be delivered clean, and full weight. Jan2s-dem QT. LOUIS FLOUR. - THE BEST BRAND FOR FAMILY USE in the market. 100 barrels of the celebrated St, Lou's Flour, universally pronounced the most superior article ever offered in the market, just received and far sale by WM DOCK, Ja., & 00. FRESH FISH every Tuesday and Fri day at JOHN WIER'S Store, corner of Third and Weanta_ my 3 W ALL PAPER AND WINDOW V V SHADES. HENRY C. SHAFFER Has a large stock of Widow Shades and Wall Paper on hand which will be sold very low. Call and examine. Paper Hanging personally , atiented to. MARKET STREET, Near the bridge. oct24-dtf rCEDAR TUBS, CHURNS and MEA. MBES, together with a large assortment of .111A8- KEITB, BROOMS &c., just received, and for sale very ovo,by WM. DOOR, Ja., & CO P. & w. 0. TAYLOR'S LL. MkT -.lMy w SS 41:20 463k..1P It is economical and highly detersive. It contains no Rosin and will not waste. It is warranted not to injure the hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is therefor suitable for every purpose. For sale by W3l. DOCK, Js., I CO. TTA DI S ! I ! —Just received, a large o nupply of CCIVBRED SUGAR-CURED RAMS, of .ne best brand in the market. Every one *old is gnar armee. june27l WM. DOCK, JR.., & CO. BOSTON CR ACKERS.—A supply of these delicious crackers just received and for sale WM. DOO.K, jr., & CO. MINCE MEAT.-A SUPERIOR AR TICLE just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. WEI3SIEWS ABAIY AND NAVY POCKET DICTIONART. Just received and for Hale at SOHEFFER'S 800 STORE - E . OOKING- GLASSES —A Splendid Amortment of New Looking Glasses, just received, at W. KNOJHE'S Music Store, 93 Market street, where they s ill be sold cheap. Call and examine. mrl3 LP NUKE SALMON.-A choice supply for sale by wm. DOCK, aPI & Co. g INCE PIES! RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, LEMONS, SPICES, CIDER, WINES, BRANDIES, &0., Nor gale by WM. DOCK, .7a., & CO - - - 6• POUNDS Extra Prime sugar .ooo (Wed Ham for male yery low whalers's or retail by WM. DOCK JB. 0