C TEE CANADIAN ELOPEMENT CASE. [From the Chicago Post, Jane 12.1 In 1861, the Thirtieth British infantry came out to Toronto, and with it came a gay officer named Captain Nathaniel W. Massey, a rela tive of wealthy and aristocratic celebrities ia England and Ireland. The snivel of the mili tary created quite s flutter among the ladies of Toronto; and while the soldiers were doomed to associate with kitchen girl; and uptown cooks, the officers were courted by the beauty and fashion of• aristootatin circles. Cards were issued and .a,gaa:time = the officers bad in making morning- omig attending evening parties at the, assasiona of the wealthy Toren tonia. ns. Captain Massey , was one of the most favored officers, and as a matter of course was a us& vessel favoiite among all classes in which he eltsccMted. But it got rumored about that, he 'had left a beautiful and wealthy wife , in Eng load, and brought out with him a pretty, yet Artesipated daughter of a country renter. • This ANett.too much for the moral ideas of Canadian mamas, and Captain Massey was dropped from their list of acquaintanees- The Oaptititt's ire knew no. bounds ; he complained' to hit brother officers, and the coubminence was-that they refused to attend partite-J*lm their friend, the Captain, was peradtted -to , go With them into society. The . fawning "plovers" of To ronto satiety were tompelied to specititnio;' , and the Captainanekais old place in aristocratic circles, although his bison with the pretty English , womaa, with whom as attended the theatreand opera, was well-known. • Daring the captain's residence in Toronto he visited England three' times, taking with him the English woman on one occasion: Some eks ago he visited NeW York, and returned ta.company with SMiett drritelak, niece of a Toronto banker; and her aunt. This Miss M'- /ravish, who is a daughter 'of the celebrated Madsen Bay WTavish,"wha committed suicide in Montreal some; fifteen - years ago, and ob tained quite a celebrity as the owner of the "Haunted , House," situated on the mountain, nearrMontreal, had an income of fifteen thou sand pounds, per year, and moved in ,the best circles In Toronto, where' she freqUently met Capt.,idamey, Pros - .to the captain's visit to New YOrk,'he took_the English giro Hal- NIS, and sent her to Bdrope, and society in cowleqrtence began to forget his .foliles and Nni° him a eialiai *lre at all their retinioris. ib* evenings ago Bliss I.l"Tayish attended as evening party tittle residence of &Canadian member of.-Parliament and was suddenly missed She was. nottonnd that night,, butin the morning it was discovered that the captain had sold his commission and was Cones/. The uncle of the lady made inquiries, and learned that Misslii'Ttivish had left for Niagara Fags- • A. cousin of the n lady immediately started in pursuit, and'at,the falls that the tagitiveshad . gene:te New Yiirk. He tot /Owed theta there, and after searohting . the ho teio4ourid that,thei had eacupied a room. nder the name of "Mr. and Mrs. Morse," and had left , for parenaknown. He traced them to . Washington, but only to find that they hell just one day's start Atter searching Aertwel elitists, he traced the= to this eith where they, arrived, two - days ago. Ile arrived here and found that to avoid muspioion they bed lefkthe Trenbout Hew and , gamut *de l'ark• wbere,they remained one clef... On going there t end, examining the regis ter he discovered that the, hiving pair, had re -Awned to thccity. Zack he game, mad with rage, ,and on Wedieentey- -evening was riding out State street in a car, when be vet the fu gitivendrivirig past carriage- He sprang :roman tor in an instant, but as no haoke comddhe had.-t e: was foroed to -follow them on foot. Arriving at theetourt House, instead of proceeding to his betel, he took a carriage; drove , to the Wage aid` Milwaukie dope% but found them not. -Retracing his stews lie drove" rapidly to the Cruchinatniir line de- fett,.and wen gal, fejle4 when- he saw.the k. moving fro - the statieni and keened 'lltat 'they had - lefit - far- Chicinnati as fait as Alain scald waft ” them* on •their` guilt flight. The unlucky *ought mei an old acquaintance in t tis ;. gity to w.hankil Serrthe 4101111211 ere, :,ined mire, by the God above that he would ,cheet, the !captain,4.llA,ikad to follow him to the dominions of Lucifer ; to do it, andlie, will no doubt keep his wet* as.it is well known in TOrOlate thitt.thie cousin wee:betrothed 'siege. to the infatusted-young, lady, who has thus brought disgrace upon herself oedema .llterfeet circle of odereeeti relatives: . , Akit Miss kilevisk• is a ward b. Casneery, it will: not be safe for the captain to show _himself in Britiala teeritary_agoitt..au the-British larr.pro ..ilidericheavy peellity.ferrututin away with a ward in Chancery. • Mom thollocheater Wes, Innen] Iths redoubtable hero of the Thirtieth Bri tish infantry—the idol of the *upper- crust, of , Theonts..-:thenneediCaptain Nathaniel. Wr Maa r who.4itiaid arrest; was captured last nighttiCitifono,patoin t irons and lodged in jailat Genisee r adiere be now lies awaiting Alse-enstbeimoselesuef the courts.. 4 akfl.ar.siewilialit from the , hotel in this city, , he reektitiediaineented-eoniswheve la the. vicia itiy~i< the oily • tiltillise .hrTavishjoined 4 etatittben-they proceeded in a carriage to Avon and took . a room at the United States Hotel, • arriving there about ten yesterday morning. Chief of Penn Mudgett telegraphed to consta ble Chase, of Avon, and was advised that the party Mut arrived. Under Sheriff' Wilson left this city yesterday, p: , and drove ' ion 'post haste:' Arriving there he found •- Antihero 'wee MO Ertfittreett liberiff or deputy there, and at once telegraphed to GellPfe6.- - 1 144 Sheriff oaths 'din* Wiring bat a short tin& lieferetite train Arts 'to lead 'for Elmira, on which Ditiaseialtif hfsla'cliWoire'tio depart.. Tfiti'fiberiff, -- wiLfildessrs. Wilson and Chase, Wait %fli' thh root Odcfnpleir Maisey, and the informer inquired if he iri:s Ilfr:fdailey. The , captain declined to anoter. Mr, Wilson told - 'the %Merle! . ShertfrlbeviWilli - 1 ,1 19,1 1 1e1k and he At woe precneedthemorrant_ordering his - f Massey inquired what was to -be done, and was inforeaxl,alkatobsimais rroinired-togive bail foothaentaoLtwp , thensandodtdlars or tossa to jail at Geneses, ten sailes.diabinta ;Massey said ifitheitteditesiene.bhansand dollars •hei might fix icap; as-bp had that sum •with Re said•thather aupposed7he should have to go to jail, and then asked. 4.1.4 his lady• would. be allowed to attend , bina .Tho , sheriff replied, that she could go to Genesee if she desired, but, mot to jaiL Massey , asked that she be permit ted to ride in the satheoarridge. The ihatiff , repho4` that he kitbags single seat, and.ctould notoceommodate both. Massey then begged that he might ride in a separate carriage with _her: Ton this the 'sheriff- o.bjeeted,•as .he had Radoretood that , the captaitt had played the leg game at Rochester, and he did not propose to ItswatiOtrepestetthere‘ Massey had istipri dently inaderwrentark that if he got two steps' thsitartet the• eitetiff he timid not be taught_ Liter with* pariejringi the sheriff produced a pair of handcuffs, and adjusted' theta to' the lyrists of the gallant oaptain, but not withoet" protest that the act was disgraceful to him, an jgozUelt officer ; his honor was enough when 044144 ease him from such disgrace ; he had pet *edit, mon. deserters, but had never seen snob oriisments upon an officer. The captain h a d oiready.paid his hotel bills, and was then • iiiirtgerigivigatoil - bythireltetilf - int 'driven to Geneeeo, and there lodged iti jail, :when thekrisegter wee thus removed, Wee Me Wert elhaVihiAres`the first thee shies shel4kTigdpleldist shi'reslized her unfortunelerAbliaint le y_44l4oliii , 'carriage Snit fallowad heramptairto Genesee, and tooh lodging' a t 0 allY Tort I ,f - th• cl l 7 !'t t krel 418 ,ti Ptr ~b r -h ! " giv.int% t:1 7 , • .• • • • I I '4III4InV -YANA ORAN9II3 - re e , • 7 in i Acoookirs!; co: e ; NOT A RUM DRINK! highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract. A PURE TONIO THAT WILL, RELIATM TRH A, EMOTED AND NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. 1100FLANWS GERMAI I I3ITTERS, DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, WILL IFFEC tUALLY and MOST CERTAINLY CURE ALL 'DIvE ORS ARMING FROM A Ditiordered Liver, Stomach - or Kidneys. Thousand. of our citizen. are aufferin; from DYSPEP SIA and LIVER DISEASES, and to whom tie following queationd apply—we gheantes ' HOOPLANJYS GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE TEEM. • Dyspepsia and , Liver. Disease. Do von•riew with s cestql tomtne mornings, with bad taste in the mouth an t koor appetite for, breakfast? . Do you tel •el when you first get an so week and languid you can scarcely get about? DO yit have's dizziness in.the heat at nines, and *Rea a dullness, .ith headache ocomionaily Are yam bowels costive ant inegalsr, and appetite ably? D o you throw up Wind from the ettmeh, and do you swell up Mts . ° ? Do you frel a fulness after eating, and a oinking when the st , mach ismnpty ? . DS yen have heartburn occasionally? D i yon feel low spirited, and look on thh dark side of thugs ? Are you not unusually nervous at times ? Do yon not /*come rustiest, and often lay until midnight before y, u can go W sleep? and then at times, don't ycn feel dull and. Weepy moat of nip time? Is your akin dry ano stay-? oleo sal ow? In short, is not your life alturthen, full of forepedings ? . lloollandis German Bitters Will cure evny case of CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DESFASE Of THE KIDNEY 4, 4ND DIE EASE i ABISIN4 FROM A DIEORDERED STOMACH.. • Observe the following Symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs constipstifm, 'lnward Nisei. Vtilnya ny Vend 1 0 the Stead, Acidity of the Etomach, Nausea, hear tburn , Di+ggust for Food, Ft . :doers WelOt in the Stfimach, rour . Erne`ations, Stoking pi Flat ering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of t e Head, ilurriel and Daces Breathing, Fluttering at the Dea#, Choking or Suffocating Sonsationi., eilien in a lying posture, Dulness of V oleo, Dots . or Webs- before the bight; Foyer and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Pe ' r ation , Yellowness of the a and Eyes Pain In the - Elde, .Ohivt,Linser, &0., Ito. • Sudden ;Flushes, of Neat ) • - Burning in the , Flesh, , . • . Con -taut Innighlioge of. and great . pressihn oTEpirits: PARTICULAR`NOTICE. There ate many prerwretioni gold under the name, of Biters, put np in qiiareboltlea,•cipMpoilided of thescheio eat whisky or common rum, opting from 20 to 40 debts per gallon, the tsate disguised by A.,se or Coriander Seed. This class of Bitters has caused, and will continue to cause, as long as they cal be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By tit* the the systrm Is kept continually under the inanely* of Aenho ie dtiostelanta of the worst kind, the desire for. Liquor is created and , kept 'up, And the reiult it - all the heifers 'att6iidant ripbn a drunkard's life and !loath. - Per those who desire and asosA legvor,Ditieva r wo pubiieh thlfollorrintre•eipt : (let One Bottle Hooflcsd's Gerwsiin Betters and . mit with Three Quayle of gOod Broioly W.li.froo, and'ttio tomtit wilt , to a' prep Yon that will farfarej in ogriiciata virtues stauffj trite exya lexica Any; of the numerous Uglier Vitteis ih 'the market and Witt cost muck less. Yon will tight all the virtues of Hoojfaad'a /Hamlin connection 'RV a g , od 'article of Liquor. at a much lesa prioe.than thaw inferior prepara tions will • cost you. Hoottaud ) s Gerausai Bitters WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE, WILL OVIS YOU STRONG ittAvror NERVES, WILL OWE YOU Brisk and Energetic Peelings, • WELL AN4III.T. YOU. TO tiliaßElN" ein) WILL •POEfITIVISLY PltWirkln• ' • TBLLOV,EIVRII. BILIOUS' PIPER, Thus aufforiug From Broken dow_n and Delicate Constitutions, Fri,ia'*hiievir csaee, either in MALE O. FEMALE' WLI4. FIND IN HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS That will reetore_timatp.thi4 usual health. Filch bas been the eeae in tbongancbi of inatarees, and a fair trial is bat required to prove the location .. : I. I 7WEPPMO4 --.- • - r i ) 1!./ T :fipcs: : BITTERS .t , i. NO, ". , 'A,. .-. - .0: 1. ,LIC , . -, 'A!.), NOT kINTONDSW AIS 1 ' ' 3.N•r:pwr57..410.,:p'. I lie Proprietore.bmre Uto manill of lettere from the most velment ' C;2A4720.).4 - • • , . • • I kw/rim, , ant CITIZ 4NR, Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to the bene ficial effacte and m virtues of thew B.ttera. • Prom fLer4 N,ewton. Brpwp, DD, Editor of EncycloL podia of Religions Knowisege. •Althistith not didfroako Ye' fatide br radoinniehil Eat enklietliPLlVYAMeßeb tALlMlghreirbit qui.* 4grik• Ceuta sod - onsets, I yet know o sin :dent reasons whys man may not itaisligli to'fire benefits he believes himself to have received iron any alagde . preparation, fit tills ISope 'o64' Its histr tlihe elOVlMite to the Unlink I 'the this J amie reiptrdallquilandpiss Bitterie,l 7 ' prepared by . br„, O. IC of ty ; because I've2mpreljadias4 espihnit them ' &Vie ; and., the inipieetnon that they Ware chiefly ski' alcohidliftais tire. lam iiidebtedlo MY friend; lidflakt Beur, for the redninfar of this prijadiesi'lly prciPlit'tWte, and for bricoirilgeinelit td try them When elitrdring from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters c akthe beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had net felt for six mkinths before,' Ind - hit almeat' delpsired of re gaining. t ikoroforo thank @pd wed my friend fir d'- rooting nie tithe use of them. • ' ' ' ' • • - J. NEWTON BROWN. Phrwtelpida, ToneB, 1861: 1 • ' DISBABBB -OF KIDNEYS and .1111LADDER3 lu. Yang. or. Aged, Rale or 'Female, Arc speedaymeyekand , Lne) pptisat(rootored to heath. nattirevria ,ThcoNtAggpopipip:,iputom-gr.s. vfastinsiwilTi with scarcely any fi-sh en their bones, _are cared in &very abort tl t 5 IlTie.bPltikitu.S fl nqh ise474 kayo s most gar/mains effect. • .1L 1P 426:1 4 1:1312 1 nrei" 4 S ..0 • 1,1 1 t 31Y In !Tteß IPIENLY • 494O O , 4/ 1 , 1100 7.• 74 21 qmi taWnif xo.Taise them, will serer regret ;tote.{u, taey , C3/11teangerd wish tileAeßitPettgli ; •. , • LITERARY NE;-STUDEN TS • ••••AS *Nip !loos bpmi. Jab 'their brains, should ways keep b o ttl e 00FLAN . D , 3 lITTOZ nem them, ss they.wp (04 Much benefit from iti use, to both mild ant hily,,mvisorstraft and smt,depr•ssing. • IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, And loam no prostintion. Attention, Soldiers AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call the atte , Ven of all har'er relations or friends, in the army to the fact ,titat g!HOOFL, t ND'S German Bit ters" will cure nine-tenths of the Mamas induced by ex auCp*ksiations Incidebt 'to Came life. brthe Hats, vahhahea admit - daily in the newspapers. , on the arilral di the 1614'11 will be nOtltstei th 4 *lvry lira PNP 9 riidu .are dalleietij from del*ity. Beery miss •of that kind can ba ieadily:ettred by if oofland's German akttere. We have .ne hesitation In dating that if tune Bitters wee freely used among rine soldiers. hundreds of lira; might be eared that otherwise werddries The jtroprietprg fie daily re6eiving tbs ABA letters from self rare in the army ant bospdals, who havPbten restored to health by the nee of thesellitti.rs, lent to them by their friends. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I See that the Signature of C. M. Jackson is on the WRAPPIEB of each Bottle MOBYOB noTTLE • 911 1 RAVI DOZEN for $4 00. Should ft yoor neareatdramigt not b nee the article, do not tm oby a otthe,,,,th ibiloatlngreparat o that may be offered ny Da Place, bat' send to p us, and no will forward. securely paekerlby GOWN. ' • Principal Oasis. •nd< itaiinfactory, Oat 'ARCH RS ill, tir AS: iv iss , (Summon to 0. M..i4LOXNON •Re 04 . , • - PRO PRIRIORS. Brier sele loy Dregniete and Deaden in weep tern In the United ,Statee, may 26 dy for Salt & to Relit. _ - VAL UA BL E IRON - PROPERTY for SALE—MATILDA ifttRNAOBS, and ORI B This property is situated on the Juniata river, in.Mifilin „,„d gentingdon counties, Pa., within one MUG of Moiled Uition Station, onPennigrivania railroad. The Juniata Gaul and Pennsylvania railroad pies through the prO petty. .it embraces about Twenty-seven Hundred Acres of land, about three hundred acres of which is good farm land, in a high state of oultivOlon ; the balance is good timber land, would supply sufficient charcoal for the furnace, The improvements area good substantial Furnace, Stack, Steam Engine Iron Blowing Cylinder's, &o.,with all the necessary buildings.. ,There is' on this property an extensive bed of Iron Ore, being identical, In the geologio it series, w“:. that at Danville and Bloomsburg. 'This ore can be mined and delivered at the farnacta for abort One dollar per ton. Limestone in abundance; of good quality, on this property. The extensive coal fields of the Broad Top' and Alleghenies are from forty to fifty miles distant, by Pennsylvania railroad or canal, and, the canal running through the property makes it one of the beat locations for the manufacture 'of iron, either With Coke or anthracite. In addition to the charcoal, the buildings for the fur nace and Cairn are ample, substaatial,'And in good repair. The property wid be sold a bargain, and on easy terms. For further particulars address WASHINGTON RIGHTER, COLUMBIA, LAILOAder County, Pa. P. B.—For quantity and quality of the ore are prof. i'mille'ererirt an mune. - jeB•ddrw3m VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE. In parsuence of the last will and testament of JOHN MILE deceased, will be exposed to Public Hale on Saturday, the 13th day of June, 1863, At the Court Hottie in the city of Harrisburg, at two o'clock p. it va lu a bl e TRAOT OW ream sitirde in the city. of Harrisburg, on the Jonestown road, adjoin ing property or John ShnOn, William, Allison and the Hisholen estate. it'being the property. of John Sete, de ceased ;contsining Twenit-one Acre'', more or less. Erected thereon is a good two-sio-y FRAME HOUSE AND BARN, 'Other out bnild"ngs ; good water and a thriving young APPLE ORCHARD. • Sale to commence at two o'clock ; an above stated, when the Urine and conditione of scle will be made known by . n • JOHN 8 .ADY. 111 7 2 4 -1 0 11 . Admssisstraror de ?noels *on, C. T. A. 4. 4 1 011, SALE.—The BUILDING on the V corner bf 'Walnut and Short •streete, used as a uOOPER - 8110P. .This building' was originally built so bkatilt could be turned into Dwelling ; /louses. It con nets of three. Operate frames placed:together, each frame being - 25 by2o Net; snaking the entire building, as itnow stands, 16 feet long and 20 feet wide. Will eel also an RIVET HORSE - PO WEE. ENG INR AND BOILER, nearly now, and one of Drawback's Patent Stave Catiera, 'awl a' Se: of Saws for JOinting Statists. The above property will be sold at a bargain, as we • Wish to clear the grown' en which the building 'amide. Enquire at the Broken, 0200 of S. 7e.M'CI7LLQCH, febiOdtf IES illarket Street. NOTICE TO SPECULATORS I YAWAHLi B Anra , xau ai NOW WO. ! A number of large - Buntaso tom, idjoinii N the Roendolloruie end Work Sops 9f the Pennrylventa Crompany; will be)eold low rind on reeponable terms. Apply to An2ll-4117 001ALW. HALL. L OTS FOR.SALE-ON NORTH ST. and Penneerands Anomie. Appli , to IL J,HALDBIdAN,. iontd-dtf ' Cot. front sad Wslast eta. OR BALE-4 - House and Lot. , on • Sixth street, near State. ' Maguire at the Biehanp °Mee MVULLOQII, 26 Market street, • Where the highest pries isallraye paid 'for GOLD and SILVIGn. ' tablZdtf FOR SALE.-A TWO-STORY FRAME ROME In Short street. Inquire of sepSotf W. E. VIIIRBRIEB. TAILORING'. • . • • . . ar. . The 'iubit . erlber Is ready al NO. 94, MditlElT ST., four doors below ?mirth street, to make MEN'S • AND BOY'S CLOTHING In anydesired style, and with skill and promptness. Persons wishing elating done can have it done at the shortess natio) &p27-dly B LI.NDS BEA:DES-. B. J. WILLIAMS, N 0.16 Nerthlllith street, Phila delphia, Manufacturer of VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SIIADE. Ili The largest and finest assortment in the city, at the lowest prices. Blinds painted and trimmed equal to new. Wore Shades made a'.d lettered. mrBt-2rod I'IfiARLES F. V OLLISI.EB, PHOLSTERER, Okestatir :street, four doora above Sec ond, (Orroarrs Wasursovon Hoswflonsa.) Is prepared to, Punish to ordanyla thp very best style of workmanship, pting Ilia Hair; hiattrideti, Window OW• tairks ; •Lennges; andrli ethavamities of Pnvnitwre in his liap, *cohere notice!. and moderato terms. 111 , 1 1 n1 ex pelleiotin the business, he feels warranted la ag a abare'of Obit* patronage , confident °This e.bilitY give satisfaction. jantl-dtt TO ARCHITECTS.—The South Ward ' t , nada Nikki Trill: pay a•preuit4iiol tiiiriy tiallimi . for ty,plai! Awl spiee„ifiostions for istlymatory priokSobool 'llSiise; to be erectedd on ifieir bit oileourth street the albcime-aatousit poill,be paid For tiie , splan aadr,aillea %%Tit aciptid? tiv pisa Alt necessar/ itiforEatitfo ilr VI eves bx callps ou the, eousaiitter Flaps to be fetraisheS by , th_t)sl9r7l:4o7 ;11 ' ?J'A,4:1011110111111t, Piregident. I } IS spy Iriv4.l.ieleasima,Secretary-inyll•dtct ' 'A: • ! • • Nbirtkpld'weelettrated, , Mlichener's Axaelrio!, Igyans le Swiithi superior, Jorsoy Plain very fine. Also, Driest4Seet, tongube and Woes Sausage. For sale by ~ , , apl4 . , WM. 1:191)*, jr. & Co. GR,EgN fresh Gri6 owe juit readied by • • - • , WM. DOOM, & CO. THE 'FINEST STOOK OF PHOTO GRAVHILBUP.IB,IPORT igLI08; OAIMOASNO, POOKBT-BOOFei for Rol+ S,c e ffe s Bookstore, , RUCKWHE A.T MEAL-15,000 Ll3B. DP? .19LTMA., from lt'omise Valley, for sale by DoOX. Ja.;k, 00. TITERMIKTICALL bEAL 11 Peaches, Tomatoes, Lobster t flairoon,i Oysters iplossigr#Ar,s, for Sale by WM. DOOll, Jr.. & CO. QOLDIER'S DAMP .COMPANIQN.- L 7 A. very aaavercient Writing Desk; also; POrtfolioa ) lieraorandltun Books, Portraonnaies, /cp. at • : , 80HEPTD11.41 IibOKSTORM. hAMS, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNA BALM-GAS, TONGIIBB, &c., for sale low, by, . . WOK, JR, & 50 , 000' - 0 TJ N D 8 Tholielo,d Poimds "EI.CSLSIOR” Sep S .1151EiT RECEIVING, which we will sell it II ow I . igone by the Rogabead„'lleree,Barrel or Bitmle Nara. my3o WK. DOOR, jr., & CO. SOLAR' MATCHES! NO, SULPHUR! NO SMELL! .DITTY GROSS of the 'above Superior Matchesjust eei ved. and for late by . WM. DOOR. it.. & CO. A P • V' LES! T. tiO BUSHELS PRIME APPLES just received and for sale (very low) by WM. DOOR, jr., & CD. FAV OitLEANS SUIIAIII---nasT IN L VP; Mastsl :—.lPor made by WM. DOOR Js., & CO. WRITING -- FLUIDS.BOSS' Ameri • . can WdliPfc Plui4 l a PRIODdia ink, at 62 cents NT Tule. ARNOLlPS_gettuin e Wrisi ug BAR . RIEIN'S Columbian Writing Fluid. LAUGHLIN & gIigHnNLDII. Ipk, Copyin g Ink, Carmine and Red Ina of the'beet q uality Blue lot, Mucilage. & c ., at 80/111 1 / 1 103 BOOKSTORE. Tt 0 S fp . A- M E RIC A N — WriIITRTI 21 r uin, e q ual if not superior to Arnold's English Plaid, and only 62 cents per quart bottle, at 8011E1PER'll BOOKSTORE. CfLT fiOW. ARE YOU GR HEN i_J•suks "—D &N BRYANT'S new comic Song. Prioe 30 coota,tjust secei7cd and for sale by WARD, It, h i e law , ibp'e t Third Went. Call and got a onpr app; early: - WALLPAPER, BORDERS, &c., &c., V mold yet at last year's priess,wittiont any advanes. A 13CHEITICIV8 BOOKSTOR N. FAD PEACHES—=PARED ANt)' UNPABSD-414 fecidTe4 by. 4-1 • ' WIC PPM: *ItV.4 r(f• Tux ANVON AL . ALMANAC' AID ANKtrui gicoliDfor!Mt, tot Ws at, 806111/fiIIara.BOOROTOSIII. nONDENSED Nee - veil v -Wad:Was IM'' • MM. Dooitle.;*94l, Jtteuranct. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1835. This Institution ie doing bnainess on the Atutnal.Tn. sureties principle combined with a Joint Stock Capital. By the sot of •Incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of any loosed which. the company may sus iglu. And ed an additional *amity to the assured, the act requires that the pro fi ts of the business shall be funded and remain with tne corporation, Y agstarantos end protection to the inured against loss, until ordered py - that Board of Directors to be redeemed its accordance With a ProTialen of the sot of inoorporation. This fund will be represented by scrip issued by the company, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent. • No dividend of scrip can be made when the leaden and expenses exceed - the amount of earned premiums. Insurances will be-made on Vessels, Freights and Car goes iloods transported by railroads or canals, and by steamboats on rirtra and lakes; also, against damage or loss by Wire, for &limited time,: or permanently. .The undersigned ; as Agent for the above well known company, will make Insurance 'against loss or damage by BM either perpetually or asuraally; on property In either town or country. Marine-and Inland Tranaportatlon Maki! also taken Apply piorsonally.or by,letter.to - - • ROB.HRT L. liIVENCII, Harrisburg, Pa. Jaa9B tf LIFE INSURANCE. THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, . • ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, • P 1 , H11.:411tLY1111. OFFICE No. 405 'CHESTNUT ST. [CHARTER PERPETUL.] CAPITAL AND 'ASSETS, - - - $1,543,586 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN. JAMES, Actuary. • , _ • • CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the Most reinamableterms. They ad es aseeuters, Trustees and Guardiaue under last Min, and ulDeoeivers and Assignees. The capital being paid upend inverted, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, offers apurfeat security to the lammed. - Thel premiums may be paid yearly, yearly or arter The company add a. BONUS ,periodicaly to the insu rances for life. The PtBST BONUS appropriated in December, 1844.. the ShICOND .BONUS :in December, USW, the . THIBB BONUS in December, 3864,,,and -the .0 dlr. al 11010113 - to - 1859. Theis 'additlone lee made with , ret requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to the oempium. . • The fcillowing are &lbw examples from; the Register: 1 Bum Bonus qr //loured eidditiPo ' ftliq 1.4., 89, y• , ' , $ ,881 60 .., • $3,887 SO '' 182 '3, ~ , 1,050 00 , 4,060 00 cc" 199 1,000. 40000 1,400';00 cc 888 6,000 1,876 00 • ' 6,875 00 . pant 4, 11012•110)413 quid v10130t7. . . . .•• ILLIAM BUEHLER. jele-dly MO INSURANCE. Marino, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OP PIfIVADZIAPBTA. Inoorporoied' 1794—Chaiter Parrots:a CAPITAL AND *soars $42 1 4, 19 0 DIRECTORS • Artinir a. titan, Seem! W. lowa John A. !frond, Samuel M. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood,-William Welsh, William, N. &Men, Janne" N. Dinka's, S. Nan* Wain, John- rira son, thrsirge L. ganiouzs, Poknolo IL Cope. Zawsza R. Trotter, Alward S. Clarke. _3 ASTDFD , G. COP/IN, Prosideve*. 011AllINS PLATT, Secretary. . As central agent for the above awned coinpasy, the undersigned is prepared-to-take Fire Risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the mast Womble teiuns Mae in Walnut street near Second. isirtnuti, kg/ 1 48-dly. • , • EarFliblulf Pa. T H. COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO., Of Columbia, Lancaster coMitty, Pa. cliAtrEit PERPETUAL Tian oompany continue to i.enre buildings, moralist diae 1i124 ether property, against less and damage by Ire, on As mutual plan, aither for a cash. premium or pre , . mluranota. • The large and increasing capital of the company, con sisting. of , premium notes. given by ita members, and based itpon . R 7 ' 9145 TW 35, ••• $ • /neare on the islittnal plan, etlbrds a reliable 'guaran tee Anal to ten times the average lONS on. the amount issared ; and the Directors pledge themselveeto dual as liberally with theakirisisnisui abathid less or damage ae the ease may /Aga of, "tydistikat with.jastieirto all piiirieeeihieerhed. •' ereintunt Notes, Sla 0)90 49. Biklasee of Cash "Preininni unex- pond, Jan. Ist. 1882 plBB4 67 Cash 704.17148 leat i kketttarC6l6intbalcina... .... 6.781 47 Chnin'anelpin in Janna4;'lB6B...':. 886 80* • -- 104116 Lehafie - arid Ittieneee paid . &lir% the year 1.862..._. 75 Blames =expended, Sebriaty 2dy : • /863 . • wal l a $3 , 1 • I. A. S. GIMES, Presideal GENtai,Tome,2l:l, fkoarbtary.. t• M. 8. Aatnietift Ttep oll o P ri• i , • ' Robert T. Byon, M. P. Ilbunien • , Almo k w . la . ri ? .* , pr i , • • 1 . ![Dore, • .yO4l Randrett, George 'Young. Jr.. R. kfnieb, Nicholas MeDoodad, Samuel IP AutosAir,,eny Rphritrii:Merefmr, • - feb23-3tod 0 9,, =ME 4.111 4. 111118 * () TPAL, OPPOSITH THR PRINNHYtTANTA AHD !MAHON VALLEY RAILROAD , DRPOTA, The' nwirusigued having taken the 'above Hotel , Which hie been fitted mud furnidled ti roaghont , been .leire to that he prepared to peanut !lasi Who thiSS , favor him 'With their patronage, • --v- • e that esitibietton, ThstrtrAimirrA.T.lo nom iiibicalsin Mate irlittittT of the depotsof theiPenneyltaxia• and LenaininTailey Willoindii,4lkere the trAvelinqiii,Ale cee be aedorniruiditeAwith•oiery eiruifOrt WiNtouttlie Union. *platen°, ore lms, of going 4p-town Neither lab* nor enpenee ' , loll be spared to render the guests of thu establishment ari Comfortable as they can possibly be elsewhere that city of Harrisburg. Careful and oOniiihtini 14 , 64 *Hi always be found at the depots on the anTral 'of 441 traWa, to take charge of the baggage/tee •of eliarge.‘ Ask for the UNITED BTAPBB HOTEL. my 74117 L. W. TBN ITCH. Proprietor. NATIONAL NOVEL, (LATH WHIT: . • Rage street, above Third, Philadelphia, This establishment offers pelt Inducements, not only on coconut of reduced rates of boarditut from the con. 'tral location to the avenues of trade, as well as the con. vediences afforded by several passenger raliroada run. ning past and contiguous to it, by which guests can pass to and from the Hotel to the different railroad depots, should they be preferred to the regular °mak:urea be longing to the house. I am determined to devote my whole attention to .the comfort and convenience of my guests, and end to give general satisfaction. Terms-1.91.23 Per Day. 8.010 0. CIIIO-11101% (Tormerly of Tagle Hotel, Lebanon, Pa.) T. V. RIIODNIS, Olin*. • mrll-dtt t ransportation. DANIEL'A. MITENOH Age* of the Old ,Wallewei Neepeirtralli Jerome the publie that tile Old Datil truallartatios Ltht (ple:oillfirillfter Line Wow 111 nilitoulle is :this * ll 4O measasfal 6 , 4 14111611, end prepared to carry Freight as low as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewis. bug, Wiltiamsport,'Serser Shore, Look Raven, and aL other points on the Sortbervi central, Philadflpkts and Brie and Williamsport rant - • • WANIIIIL A. hltilitiOn, Agent, • • ; Hiirrieburg, Pa., Goals sent to. tha Alrerebonso "fliseirs, Peacock. Z Zell litnelimno. sad ale market atreet, above ghth, ithiledelph% br 4 oWaelt..p. m., will arrive at Harrisburg -ree.,4l,p Mamie/. m 76 LY8AR11.61 , 9:- A large number 01 , -mp.„ yr"; Pt,lifiti ri Whisky Barrels for oap,,by , , )1. bOOX, & CO. Amount of Policy, and balain - to. tya by aiiPtie"- =MI itaisisavis s ?A. ,inar4inerg. EAGLE WORKS, EARRISPMG, PIINNiTI.TAN/A, ItAIMPAOPMUCR OP 80011-BINDEW EULIIU MOINES AND PENS, STANDING PRILSSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOALDS, AMID 11A01111111111 GRINDING CUTTING-MACIIINE KNIVES. PortableLCider Milli an Fodder Cutters, .8 H 0I& FURNITURE, General Nadine Work and Iron and Bran ' CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN. ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., EtC. Er• Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes nude to order. Qeer and Screw pitting 7 7 dm. &a. , . , PATENT WO OD EN SCREW OUTTEN° TOOLS. EX! Clash paid t or, Old Copper, Erase, 9elter, . STEAM BOILERS. rzrissirL ANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE BMW. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES • Of yarions patterns, both stationary and swinging, EASE :MIMES and radon' other .untidios canting., for sale *Tory' cheap at the Day24-dlyf EAGLE WORKS. 0.,,ra 0 L T Z , ENGINEER, MACHINIST t STEAM FITTER, No. 13; NORTH Sill t 4 STREET, Between Walnut 'and 'Market, Harrisburg, Pit. Machinery of every description 'made and repaired. Bran Cocks of - all slays, pod a /lerge apsortmeat of Cias rittilags . 6cinetnialy on hand. work done in this establishment will be under Iris own supdrvision, and warranted to give satisfaction. 0c36 • • • TEAM POILPARS.,. ;Riving made Mit:dent. sat permanent arrangements for the purpose, we are now prepared to make lerr 33COIXAMPLAII of every ' kind ` promptly and at' reasonable r ates. We shall nee iron made by Bailey & Bro., the reputation of which is second to none in the market. ' Irr'N'orre but the best hands employed. Repairing promptly:attended to. Address EAGLE WORM!, awitig• 4l 4 ' • ' Itarrisbniz Pa. M. M A. PARKHILL PLUMBER ANDiCiAS FITTER, • THIIMBiIAZIT,NEXTIDOOS TO TER TELEGRAPH PRINTING OrrICB. Stores, dwellings, churches,. public buildings, facto iries Oiled rip with gas, lead and iron 'pipe in a workman-like. manner. Hydrants, Wash Basins', Bath 'Tube, Lift and Torte Pumps, Water Closets, Lead arid -Iron Pipe for water, gee and steam. A share of public retrousse is respectfully solicited. Al! work promptly Mt:ended to. ja2,4Bnt E . lll 0 V A L h o eahieriber Aseremovol .lia PLUMBINO AND BRAN TOUND.IiT from hiarketetreet to 'mirth ; street above Waxliet, Otroeitiiihs 'Bethel Church Thankful for log patronage-, he hopes, by strict attention to bust nem, to merit a continuance of it. maillf-cttf ' WM. PARK:NITA. litticittitantotto. OMETL4I , I4I. FOB THE TIMER 111 S. A gEOESSITY IN EVERt 110TISEHOLD1 .3911 NS & CAOSIAR:i r 'S AMERICAN CEMENT , GLUE! THB STRONOEUT GLUE IN THE WORLD! ROB. QZHERTrigH yiGOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, PUNA. 414iHRLE,..PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BOHE, CORAL, tai ovvy o.Tiois tirty ivIR Pao. Duos" WHICH WILL virtitHAßß _ , II T S'A 0 T "aver, hourekeeper ahead haves supply of Johns & Croaley% American Cement tilue.”—New York Times. "It it. so convenient to have 'in the honee.”—Zfewo York Barret.'. "It ik attragriady this commends it to everybody."' —lWrie•York oldest. 'FiTeitave tri it, andttlatit an potful in our hou ea water."—Wilkas' Spirit of the Timis. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. 2.11D/Bo2a=ltB.lollB wirmasem Di rE R s 117. Par oak brall Brag late and iltarakeepatamene rianrAkroNFtwns th. 441 Rat NT. JOHNS & CROBLEE, (Bole Illansfaatanna,) 711 rILL'I'A'H' STREET, r. (etieltei ;of ilk.* Stanet,) NA*: *Oa , dly 'LYON'S PURE OHIO CATAWBA L • P. BRANDY . ; THE ORWCIAIIIMBAVBRANDT has, fer /wend yearn, beelLmannlactured i ffy= tap spare liaise of the AMERICAN O`LTA.WBA'and ISABILLA EIRAPIL,and -hasattsiniuka rirlihopnlaritytbrenghent the:Weet Ind South, _where great guanottimi of *Ls superb article. is /Mid ' foto Ilirgiffelit L'and' FAMILY 'napalm. 'I t 'not 9017 eQualsobut asedle:thii , :niost .oIheiewIMPORTRD BRANDIES:in PURITY, QUALITY and RICHNIOII,OII FLAVOR; in& wheievei it itan - been intralueed it had invariably 'net the mostittimualifled laver and eit,ended e. ral . Wentlit pnrwßiandihas long been felt. in this t coptstry, and tbs opportunity to prepare an Article of such quality as to supersede the sale and use of the many vita compounds so often sold under the. ramie of 4 1' Bfan474'?.ean , he regarded only is a pablio goat. L. LYON'S lIATAWBA 'BRANDY posiesses all the choice qualitius Of the best' imported Monet; iukl. is post. tively known to be of F. 1133.160 11 PURITY and of EC PEROR . 11ZATOR. In support , of the• alms. statement, we refer to the certificate of theupdermeptionedweli-known chemists: Dr. 'A: A. Hayes; alayer;Boston, Mass. ' ' Dr. James R. Chilton_& 00. 4 Oneallati, Now York. Dr. James M. Nichols .4mArticel OhoP4sts Poston Mass. I..lllaney tc. Dr. G. A. Marriner, Analytical r and Conan Mug Chemists, Chicago, Illinois. Dr, Cox, Chemist, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Charles Upham Sheppard, Charleston, 8. C. Messrs. Gentry,and Maohwood, Ohernieta l ,Tenn. 'l)r. H. A. Pratt, Biivinnal, Ceiatia. Allof whom hare wiped the Brandy and recommend it as # perfectly pure article and asan pavainglae medi eiasl he" beet itoolateil the gale agent 'for the sale of this Brandy..,ler the eitp of Harriebnrs and Dauphin co. no•r&di • ' " Dr.'LOl7D3 WYMTH. T ILE GRIA 'AT LIV.INGt HISTORY. THE REBELLION RECORD, A. Diary of American Events, Edited by FRANKINIOORE. Publishing in parts, at)so dente, each pert illustrated With two Portraits engraved on steal. FOUR VOLUMES are new ready, at annexed pricee, until April 1, 1863: Cloth ES 15 a volume. Sheep • 4 00 .‘ Man Calf, or half Morocco... 00 4 , THE REBELLION RECORD IS 7.NDISPNNSABLII TO EVERY PUBLIC AND PIM VATS LIBRARY. The four volumes contain: 1. A FULL AND CONCISE DIARY Of EVENTS, from the meeting of the South Carolina Convention in Dec. 1860, to the capture of New Orleans, inclusive. 11. Over ONE T HOUSAND OFFICIAL REPORTS and Nar rettfee vt 911 Vior Rattles and Skirmishes that have occurred during the War. • Over FIVE HUNDRED 80N413 AND BALLADS, both loyal and rebel. FORTY-SEVEN PORTRAITS, engraved on steel, of the moat celebrated men or the ti=e, and Twenty Maps and Plans of Battles. Y. Over THREE THOUSAND Incidents and Anecdotes of Personal Daring and Bravery. egAS WOltil TO CONSTANT REFERENCE IT Id EMINENTLY TO BE BELIED ON .11 G. P. PUTNAM, Publisher, 532 Broadway. CHAS. T. SW% Gen..Agt. 448 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTION. Oa and after April Ist, the rise of w Tits RiIIiLLION Itsoozir" will be odoesuesd Flfty'ets. a volume. From, that date the sale of Parts, from Nos 1 to 24, will be discontinued. Back seta of " Tns REssuaos Asoosa” will be sold only volts ss . gurehaaers and apbeeri bark who have sot onaplersd the fear cols inse, t "Me° dose. The ar,ortwill ousaisnue t o be publisned r tra,... stiff) part iilnstrated with twe Fe is 02 ova. Vahan' /NM,. wlll et/reprise seven parte. 1."m41 lured Saw for sale 1 ,91 7 low,whigeraio Or I,vots Ext. pr or Suvir_ ret; n il br WM. DOCK JR, Oatik Notirto. B 4NIC NOTICE.--Notioe is hereby • is given that the undersigned have formed an ammonia. Lion and prepared a certificate for the purpose of estab lishing a Sank' of lone, 'Discount and Deposit, under the provisions of the act entitled ".& supplement to an act to eltabliSh a optima of late Banking main, and to mere the riblic against loss from Ingot. vast Banks, 'I approved the Brat day et May Anno Domini eighteen hamdredend sixty - one. The said Bank to be called NABBIZILIV.BANK OR . MOUNT JOY, to be located fn the' bereugh of Mount Joy, to consist of a capital stook of 03 Hundred ,Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars siabh, with the privilege of in. amain' The same to. any amount not exceeding Thr ee Hundred Thousand DoUars in all. J. Ildffroan Hershey, John M. Hershey, Martin B. Reiter, Jacob M. Stauffer, Reuben Gerber, John. Bear. isnllB46moworlF NOTICE.Notiee is hereby given of an Intention to establish a Bank of Discount, Deposit and circulation, under.the provisions of an act, entitled "[An Act to establish a. system of free banking ill Penn. aylvania," &a., and the supplement thereto ; said Bank to be called "T ilill INANIINAOTIIHNIVP BANE," to b e wa i ted in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa., with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Dollars , t .• . • , deoll-Omd JUST ItE , CEIVED/ THE LARGEST AND 'BEST ASSORTNIEN Of YINA STEEL . ENGRAVINGS I PRINTS; AND HEADS, AND SCENES, ADAPTED 808 GRECIAN OIL PAINTINGS; AT Kuocheis •Musie Store. No. 93 Market street Harrisburg.. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. ME LARIVEST CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT; AT W. KNOCHE'S MUSI( STORE, AT 93 MARKET ST. n0.15-tf JOHN TILL'S COAL .` YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW !BATT'S 'ROLLING MILLI Where he keel's oonstantli en band LYKENS AND WILICESBARRE COAL, Om* as STEXILBOAT, BROKAW, EGG, and Alt ft whist" he wilddispose of et, the lowest, nuke% pries. Consumers will do well to Sell on him. end, ley In their supply, as the Coal will be delivered Olean, and toll weight. Jan2646te QT. LOUIS FLOUR. TM BEST BRAND NOR FAMILY ME in the market. 100 barrels of the celebrated St. Lou's Flour, universally pronounced the most superior article everoNered in the market, just received and for sale by. WM DOOR, is., & 00. want FISh every Tuesday and Fri. J. day at JOHN WIBBII Store, corner of Third and Walnut. myB WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. HENRY C. SHAFFER Has a large stork of Widow Shades sad Wall Paper on hand which will be sold very low. Call sod examine. Paper Hanging personally attested to. No. U, HANNNT STRUT, Near the bridge. oet24.dtf SECRET DISEASES ! &WERT ,DISRASES! SAMARITAN'S GIST! SAMARITAN'S GOT! Tim Moor Comm Beam Bona tram Yes, a .positirre Core BALSAM cepArlA MERCURY DISCARDED. Onlylin Pine to be taken to elect a core. • They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, a nd win not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the moat delicate. Oases in from Vero to foes dye; dad resent eases in twenty f fenr hour'. • No exposirre,leo trOirble, na change ortaresec Price male pacliages,s2 lerosle, $3. sold by D. A. ODOM Ss 00. sent by mail by DESMOND & 00., Doi 161 Phila. P 0. . jan6-dly 101 O'D ! BLOOD! I) BORNS TIMM OMB A WHAM 0011- MON OF THI6 MAL WILD, width produces , SegoFt7.../, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TAT TERS. SCALES, BOILS, SYPHILIS OE VENE REAL DISEASES, ETC. SAMARITAN'S • ".R0907 AND HERB JUICES Is.elfered to the radio asa positive cure. Baaishasall Imputitlei of the blood and brings the system to a healthy , action, care those Spots, Totters, Dudes and Copper Dolored-Patches. OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The DaMaritares Root and Herb Juices is the meet certain remedy ever prescribed.. It removes every par ticle of the poison. BilifitLlS 1 FRMALNS! . In assay oftwotiown with which numbers of Females tmffer, the ROOT AND BIRD JUICSI3 is most happily 11l adapted, it binited Uterus, in Whites' in beering down, Falling of the Womb, Debility, and for ail coup plaints incident to the sus. • : DO NOT DESPAIR. Keep out of hospitals. Here is a cure in an cue foi $5. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5, with full direct tions. Bold by. D. W. OEM & 00. Bent by lixpreSs carefully pact ed by DBBMOND & 00„ an& Box 151 Phila. P.O. . _ riEDAR TUBS, CLIURNS and MEA -1,o; 8171,38, together with a large assortment .148- 1(178, /1500103 Ito., jut received, aad for sale wry ewe, by Wsf. DOOK, Ja., & CIO H P. 8i W. C. TAYLOR'S .IV . STir .ES Jah. ri ie economical and highly detersive. It oOntains no Rosin and will not waste. It la warranted not to injure the heads. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is therefor suitable for every purpose. For sale by WM. DOCK, Js.. & CO. AMSIII —Just received, a large ILL supply of COVRRED 8114 AIII-OURBD aklal, 41 ..s but braoti ix tAs "naafi. limy ono Bold 18 par %mime& mean WIC DOOM, Jxti A C. ROSTON CRACKERS.—A supply' of /I these delicious cracker's just received and for sale WM. DOOIC, Jr., & 00. MINCE MEAT.-A SUPERIOR AR TIOLM just received and tor sale by WM. DOCK, & CO. WEBSTER'S ARMY AND NAVY POCKET DICTIOiIIanT. Just received sod for sale 1101LEFPR1'S BOORS TORII. T.OOKING GLASSES —A Splendid .111 Asoortment of New Looking Glasses, Pat received, si x W. MNOUI2II I I3 Music Store, 93 Market street, where they will be sold . cheap. Call and examine. mall M.OKED SALMO.N.—A choice supply for sale by W6f. DOOR, Jr., & o. MINCE PIES! .=._.... . 46AISMS, CIIREANTI3, . , CITRON.LEMONS . ,- SPICES, CMOs . WINES, BRANDIE . B, - *0 /or nab by . Ws. 1i0011,4 714 ik.CTO. A D E S.--MAD AMR : 11: DETT, from New York. hoe taken mains an 'ID corner of A7arkit and died , ..d straaa, (W !MVO blank? *lore she to propend to ant, fit and make lisdlostdrennoof over] dneorlption. and in the latektend alert fiindsionnble style. Also. in the MAO 10•111, 7114401 i ot ipregi d d . gerlytion done by iho. °LAM. bPdP4SI