LOCAL NRWS. Tor. DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION may be had at Jack's Book Store L oornek of Third and Market streets. duo. at Ito Vries Agency of George L. Walter, Market street, near Fifth. TAB MAlL—tinder the change of schedule en the different railroads, the time of closing the malls at the Kerrteaurg Post Office, April 20, 18b, is fOnOWb: NOWNICRW auslusi itiaLwau. NOBTIIWar Mais.—Por all places between g m . isburg, Lock Haven and Elmira, N. Y. at 12.00 m.. For Lock Maven, Williamsport ansi elwiaboug 9 I.- le. soung . ....w A Hmt..—lfor all please between Mar- S. and Baltimore, Md., and Waebiugtoti, D. 0., at Fer 2.00 m. w ag bi ng ton, D. 0., Baltimore, Md., sad York, at 9.00 p. m. LISASOM T 61.1110 1/411,Epitio, ItAin ,,w AT WM.—Fee In plums - eatwase Harris burg, Easton and Philadeleida..eis tipaa ng , at t oo a. in, For Beading and Pottsville, at 12_33 p. m. paIXESTLVAILL ZAILRO,Lo WAY btati..—For all plasma between Harriaberg and Philadelphia, at 630 a. m. for Philadelptda and Lancaster, at 12.03 m: • - Per New York, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Columbia, Marietta and Nsinbri, at 3.46 p. m. • for New York, PWadelphia and Lancaster, at Leo wEBT,_LwAT mult,—rn , all places batsman Harris burg and Altoona, 12.00 m. For Johnstown, Pittsburg and Brie. Pa., Cincinnati, Columbus and Olevebutd, Olio,at 2A5 p. m. For Pittsburg, Hollidayabur, Altoona, PhiMpsburg, Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lewistown, at 9.00. p. m. 017316ZZLAND V A LLST RAILROAD. For ,Hrtsbaniesburg,(lllhippeusburg and Ohara berabusvPa., at 7.oati. m. , WAT Ma= —lror aU plasma between Harrisburg and Hagerstown, Md., at 12.80 p. m. BONOTLKILL AND aUSQUIKINNA RAILROAD. For 110endale Forges, =wood, rinegrove and Summit !Station, at 72.80 p. m. DUOS /S9I7TrO. p gr er ov e go , I t higi+wars, Msesdaßill , Wad Maio. ver, Zest Hanover Ono and Jonestown , on Monday, Wednesday , and Iri dsy, at Yooa. m. _ For Lisburn and Lowieberry, on Saturday, at 12.33 D. ot. 07 Office Holui.—From 5.33 a. m. to 8.03 p Sun day &am TAO to 8.30 a.m- and from 3.00 to 4.00 p. m. Pio-mc.—The Maderlnas Sing ing Association will give their first pic-nie for the season, at - Indepeaden6e Island, on Monday next. Th 6 sled* and festive strimeseents will be com plete. AU Proper characters are cordially invited to attend and participate. DEMOCBATIC Idmerista.—A meeting of the De mocracy of Lower Allen township, Cumberland county, will be held at Shiremanstown, on Satur day, hum 27. Able Spfcabere are expeoted to be in attendance. It is hoped that every true Demo crat will turn oat. • - ' Tia Nay Torii Szvzivn.—The limns New York Seventh, which was on its way here, was stopped at Philadelphia yesterday, by order of Gana chath, add ordered to "Ope` to !aloe Gen eral Schenck, at Baltimore, which city seems also in immhomolepserefeclefis. The Seventh is ac eompanied by a band of thirty-six instruments and a howitzer battery. T . PROil f #ter l ittorriam MAyon.--44yor, Room fort has Usual his pviclamatforn requiring all per sons selling brume at ,retall to aloes their planes of busies from ire o'clock p. m, to five a. m. This measure is dictated by *Worn and prudence, and its.effects will doubtless be salutary under ex fadgreircumetenges, We haven& doubt that the inYtiticipal - reqUlrement Milt' be Cheeifully obkyod ty'Actse interested. S „Pdisciltaioata.-Cfsiiig to the .excitement of the past few dare, aid , the pikers of other impor tant-maktar, we UV. basweompelled to forego our regular Folios report, but hope to resume it soon. A large number of arrests have been made and the cases disposed of, principally before Alderman Kline. The chief of polioo and his araistailti are untiring in their efforts to - presqya the peace and safety of the city. A COMPANY OF Pomesmarr.—A fine company of volanteere, belonging to the police 'force of Phila delphia, arrived here yeaterday, arid are-now quar tered on the Capitol grounds. They belong to the organization knoWn as the "Pbiladelphiallome Guards," and . Dumber over ninety men. Pew neater looking of betterproportionad soldiers have visited the State Capital. They , have adopted the heavy infantry tactics. Let the robs take to the bushes if they don't want to be "spotted." Vs worm) for decal** our readers in regard to the real condition of affairs. We warn them'that this city is in greater peril than - ever before, The sky is full of posttests. The action of military matt pow . hore ehows that we underrate the dan ger* that beset ns. 'leery pre wtany suggestive tillage -which we =not new divulge, bat wtroult spot ill true 065 to mottle now in defense of the' etate, for her Capital may even now stand ` .on, the brink of a great disaster. • - - Tsoors in Came Currne.—Tirera are now about five thousand troops in Camp Curtineand thenum. her is constantly, and rapidly ittleittiSittg. Besidee those, large numbers of the militia itay in the Capitol grounds and other places, finding their own sleeping accommodations. We noticed the steps and vestibule of the Capitol building and the department buildings filled with ini)itiamen last night, who were apparently resting as soundly as they ever did en downy bids in the "piping times of pekes." . • Rama; OLD Hag.—All persons over forty years of age not attached to other military organizations, able to do military duty and willing to defend their homes anl,familios in the entrenchments on the 'Cumberland side of the Susquehanna, will meet in front of the Mervin • House, corner of Pine and Second streets, at ten o'clock a. m. on the 19th inst.,,to iirgatniii and appoint their °Sleeve, and be ready AO Data at a Moment's warning. ' A' SO‘DIZE OF 1812. 'HELP pnosi Simon Svorsa--41m 116th. New York, the Bth New York, and the 231 New Jersey came in on the eastern trains yesterday afternoon. Tae last named regiment was lying in camp in New Jersey, waiting to be mustered oat, their nine months' enlistment having expired. ' Upon hoax ing of oar danger, they promptly and generously volunteered their services. The action of these sister Staten forms another link in the chain of affection that binds the old Keystone Common wealth to them,: Since the e t bove was in type two additional re ntents—one from. New York and one from New Jereey—have arrived. COXIIIINICILITON - WITS Viintardh—Wg noticed the train. for Carlisle go ing , outps-usnal yesterday morning. Among those returning was a large number of negroea, who had lied down the valley a day.or twp before, lest ihey might' fall into the "hands: of the Philistines." They probably return upon the: strength of the itltelligence that the rebels bevel halted at Chambereburg, and are for- tifying ' theft' position there. The condition of these blach roiugies is pitifuL If they stay at home, they are in danger of capture; if they go away , they And an nafriendly world with whieh in deal, and 4iitopee hunger and misfortune with out money cliNnildence on their side. ' Even their professed friAtidpal treacheronaly with them, and ignore thela4chni for help and, sympathy.— o l io It would be ip . . 1 r, the conirnipnni :to stay where he is at%it i s 'Ol, in:o4l`tilin run . the gauntlet of the Pre( .. ;gm downright hatred, and the hypocritical, iiatllipi'fiinniinhiP WOO . hi fade rbt his every step aorthwird. ; PARTICULARS ABOUT TIM LATE FIGHT AT MAR TINSBURG AND Tax Winos Thheh BOW HERE.—We yesterday learned some.important partietthms con cepiag the tight t Martinsburg on Sunday, and the retreat of thawagon train now encamped here. Our informant iiCapt. F. A. Afaulaby, of Western Virginia, who commanded.an independent battery in that light, was wounded in the leg, escaped to Havertown, and now lies at a boarding bowie in Walnut street. Prom his statetnent it would appear that we have been in error in stating that the ttain spoken of belongs to General Milroy. It consists of the wagons of Capt. E. P. Pitch, A. Q. M., Capt. Wm. Bosbyeltell, A. Q. M., and Lieut. J. Lamb, A. A. Q. EL, Third brigade, First. division, and of the regi mental teams of the 146th New York and the 126th Ohio. This train was lying on the road to Wil liamsport, four miles from Martinsburg, at the time of the engagement there on Sunday, and was started immediately, arriving here on Tuesday. They did not lose any wagons or stores except from breaking down on the road. All the govern ment stores 4 were moved away from Martinsburg. This Third LBrigade, First Division, was under command or colonel F. B. Smith, 120th Ohio, and was attacked by a large rebel Mee, which had passed around Milroy at Winchester, and came in on them while lying at Martinsburg. Skirmishing commenced there at 8 o'clock on Sunday morning, 14th inst., and was kept up briskly until 1 p. when it ceased entirely. About 230 p. in. it coin maimed again, and grew hotter until six. o'clock, when the rebels . opened with artillery from four different points. Captain Msulsby replied as vig orously as be could with his battery, maintaining the unetrial Contest in the streets of the town, un= til be received orders from General Tyler (who was on the ground, but not commanding) to get away se econ as he scald, as hte Infantry and cavalry supports bad already gone. Captain Maataby then retreated through the town, the houses and streets of which were filled with rebel riflemen, and took the road leading to Wsillemsport. The rebel cavalry followed and captured his battery about three sailed cut that road. The Captain escaped to Hagerstown, his horse being shot through the neck and himself badly wounded in the leg, the ball passing through below the knee. From Hagerstown he took the oars to ilia point, and, together with twenty-four of his men, arrived hero on Monday. Trisi officers now have charge of guns on the fortifies- ; done across the river. • Captain Manleby states that the forces engaged op our side in the above fight werathe 106th NeW York infantry, Col. James; the 126th Ohio in fantry, Lieut. Col. W. H. Harlan ; independent Virginia battery, Captain blanleby, and about forty men belonging to the Ist NeW York and;the 12th and. lath Pennsylvania eutilM, /tie prOh blelhat, had his battery,been properly supported in the tight, the result might have been different, notwithstanding the large force of the enemy. COLLEGED Quaarn7s.--klilroy's : wagon train, which haerbeen encanipid for•it day or two on the flats the other side the canal,arits moved yesterday ; into a new camp about three miles out on, the Jonestown read, where it will remain until farther orders. Daring their otoy borf, pit wail horses ? which had been on , the go for one, hundred and twenty miles without an hour's rest,'git Come lit tle chance to rectiperate. Tbe dusty drivers and the contrabands also enjoyed and improved their brief respite from the toils of the march. It was a diverting sight to see them performing antics in the meadows and diving into the waters of the brook. There is something remarkably fresh and volatile in the temperament of the African. Here were old and young negroes of both sexes, and lit tle children, all traveling they knew not whither, penniless, outcast, in a strange land; yet, despite these depressing circumstances, their natural gal ety and good humor would assert itself in a hun dred different ways, rising supekor to the canker ing care that would prey upon the heart of the "pale.:faees" under like, surrounding's. It one of the merciful arrangements of an all=wise Provik depee, which adapt. the creature to' the filmset. ties of its fate, and "tempera the wind to the shorn Tun New York men who comer here to defend our State have made no cavil about the expression in the President's, proclamation'te serve during the emergency, end why 'should our men do it. None but copperheids ittempt to cleate dissatis faction, and we hope that the good fortune of being drafted may befall theni.--Tetegropla If the stupid dolt who 'penned the above bad an Won above an meter, he wouid have: known , that the 'President% proclamation Cailint out. troops for six months did not include New York. The New Yorkers, of course, did not '"cavil," for' they had nothing to "cavil" at. They come as Patriots; at the solicitation of a Demooratio Gorerapr, txo do battle ins common cause and to share in com- Mon &age& The pot-honse slang about, o ,oopperheads" comes with a bad grace from the roly-bolt' proprietor of the Telegraph.. Hid contemptible poltroonery a few days since is too fresh is the minds of one citizens to give his opinions much 'retie:am any subject; more especially in a matter where courage and manhood are concerned: Have you got that plane book houte'rift, bravo Telegraph 7 To PICRSOXII EXPOSICD.—The agent of Pr. Bar renton, of St. Louis, is now here with a few dozen of his celebrated Amulets, or preventives of Camp, Typhoid, or Scarlet fevers, now worn by thons'ands of our soldiers in the Army of the South-west.— Put up very neatly, worn around the neck or in *the pocket. Never fails if the directiens are obeyed. Try it i WHO times, when persona are se much Lipari*. References can be given'of its pbwers by officers new in town.' Call at ths - City Hotel Friday and Saturday, June 19 and 20. * 2t Wit have taken over on the Ist of April the balance of goods lought of 111 r. Boger, to oar own store, where we - will continue to sell the balance left at very low pricer', until Oa whole are sold. Among these goods are 1,000 yards remnants delaine and calico, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 500 yards remnants lawns and other dress goods, 16, 18 and 80 cents. 200 yards of barege and lustre. 20 and 25 cents. I,ooo,yardo of linen crash, 16; 18 and 20 cents. 100 yards of brown nlid grey cloth for gamma. Coate. 1,000 yards of linen, eotton and wool pants stuff, cheap. 300 dozen of the very best , spool cotton, white and corded. 1 ,000 papers of the very best of Smith's needles, 5 cents a paper; also stockings, gloves, pocket handkerchiefs, hoop Maki, all si ito of combs, Potent timed, tapes, socks, sr by the dozen or pine. We have also lin•haniEffiri about 10 pieces of CARPET, which we will sel at 75 cents per yard. 20 pieces of straw matting, .ohesp. 20 pieces of splendid ligared'whidow seriatim • 121W1 1 . . • Penneivania Militia and Recruiting , ijinitnfi," United States Tension, bounty, saTeara of 404, aubsistetoi4dgaio be.; act £O9 made oit and col % leoted by RUGICRI . ORTAIIN Attorney 'at 1.07, office, Third street, Di" 903047 BAD CASE OF Btarrnusas-- 7 -Deacon Bergner says we didn't fly the Stars and Stripes on,Tues day. Yes we did. They were floog to the breeze from the third story window of the office, but the flabbergasted and demorarzed 'Hessian was too mush seared 'and excited to see . It. He *as too busy in packing up and flying himself to see any thing else flying. We will believe In 'charity that he did not take time to look up trod. see the old star spangled banner waving over the walls of our building; but if he did see it, then we know that he has only yielded ones more to the lying devil that has for years poosessed aid held him in We much fear that this last is the case, and that his bold and palpable falsehood "came right up from the belly of N. B.—We do opt wish to bethought inquisi tive, but please tell us, 0 Deacon of the direly "woke!" have you brought that piing hems yet? And the oiliest books? And likewise the jewelry? Ix Towx.—We were pleased yesterday to meet our ancient friend, Mr. Wilhelm Von Menikowski' the mild-mannered editor of the Hanover Citizen. His beard is as long, his cane is as heavy, and his name as bard to pronounce, as ever. He is still etreug in the faith of Democracy, and still clingi to the heretical belief that the "negro" holds an intermediate position in the mile of animal Elia coca —or, in the language of the showman, 'is the connecting link that separates mankind from the human race." Manl has come down from York to see 'What' is up, and braves the storm of excitement "unmoved, unterrified, unconquerable." We are firm in the opinion that be is directly descended from that cool old antediluvian cove, whit, when the fhod was descending to drown the earth. told Noah that he "guessed there wouldn't be much of a shower." Taswas.—We acknowledge' the receipt of a lbas het full of lindens cherries from Reilly's farm, west of town, presented by Mre. Sarah Stevenr. The treat was enjoyed by all hands in the office, and at an impromtn meeting held ; by them it, was Refaced, That, while we feel thankful and complimentary to ladies In general, our thauks are due to Mrs. Stevens in particular for the kindly and practical manner in which she has manifested her regard for the printer. Resolved, That in token of our appreciation of this act of ,kindoess, we hereby engage`te, eat all the cherries that are sent to us, Dome from' what quarter-they may, Reader, if you can do anything toward putting i 'way to carry. oat Abe , last resolution, we Lops ycn won't be "backward about coming for ward." Btreatanr.--The !Moe . ebop ,of Mr. T. IL WM : ast§tate street, was entered by burglars about two o'clock yesterday Morning, and thirty pairs of boots, several.pownds of shoe thready and half s pound of bristles taken therefrom. Berard pe.irs.of the boots. were merhed "T. 11:.T.Ilhime," and-the public are therefore eantlone4 ‘ aglin4 *- vesting in leather , thus marked . A reward is offered for the arres t of:the thjeves, or t 1 e. of the property taken by , them. . p'crrica.--Boys and men emplog'ed in tbellagl. works who are not obi.; to dolkilitary duty,..or work in the w fottifidatlons,.tan bogie work ow the laies of the whistle. 't SPECIAL NOTICES. DR. i.TOBIA.S'. VENETIAN LINI MENT has given universal satisfaction during the four teen years it AM beim introduced Into the United States. After being tried by mullions, it has been proclaimed the pain destroyer of the world_ Pain cannot be where this liniment is applied. If need as directed it cannot and UCTOr has failed in a single instance. For cede, coughs and infinense, it can't be beat. One 26 cent bottle will ears all the above, besides being useful in "every family for sudden accidents; such as bums, outs, scalds, insect stings, dec. It is perfectly innocent to take Internallyi and can be'given to the oldest person or youngest child. Price 26 and 60 ,cents a bottle. Sold by all Driggiebs. Olio°, 56 Cortlandt street, je4 dikwlm EXCELSIOR TIDE ONLY TIVEPAIinT.OIi that will inetantly : pro. Mee, a splendid brown or black in ten minutes. without irjnry to the hail or ealAng the, akin, of the face or head, is • CRISTADORO'S HAIR' DYE. It hae been certified brthe first Chemists in America, including Dr. K. CHILTON, to be free (rain every dele terious substance, and has,no equal in the certainty and rapidity of its operntion, Manufactured by Z. ORMITADOEO, 6 Astor House, New Tort Bold everywhere; and applied - by all Hair Ditneere. Price $3, Sl5O and $ll per box, according to mks, . Criatadarohi Hair Preservative Is invaluable with his Die, u it imparts the ntmont softness, the moat besatliqi glow mad great vitality to the Bair! Pries 50 cents, $1 sod $2 per bottle, seeording to . .tee • je4-d&wlre Brandrethos Pills, Ilelir BiLtivikitßrzrs zrzzo, NEI" ,STY:iti4, BRANDERTIPS PILLS, NEW STYLE, BRANDRETIPS PILLS, NEW STYLE, Are Infallible for costveness, spasms, kw of ametite, sick iteMlaabe, glddlneas, sense of bloating after male, dlislness, drowsiness, and cramping pains, and all dis orders of the stomach and bowels. , ONE 07 MANY 0111113. • tEr Original Letter at 294 Oanal etreet, New York : , I. C. 0098.,,pablisher of the State Banner, Ben nington, Vt., flays be was attacked with B,YSPIPSIA4 and suffered so severely from it, that not &particle of food could be swallowed without oecaisiomisg the most uncomfortable sensation in kis stomach.. For five years be suffered from this dreadful complaint, t when be used BRANDEBTB'S PILLS. The first box did notsipmto benefit him much, but the second produced a,.che*, and by the time he had taiieu six boxes, a 0031ppirli BUBB wam effected. /lesiva alifydyspepsi&WlEWPe) and my expectations of an early disstli Tmdaied,.n ASK 10.8 NSW STTLIV. ASK TON NEW STYLIi. P01t..)1741if STYLE. • . ASK FOE NEW Principal office, 294 Canal street, New York. For sale in Hartiebtirgiby . 0/40. BELL. m6-d&wtr ••• IMPORTANT TO FE4ALEB. DR. CHEESEDIANIS' - The combination of ingredlenti in:these Pills ar4C.the result of • long and exteneive ptalitice: 'They are naild is emir operation, and certain i e tstorreetiiug 'sit brags ties, painful menstruation, obstructions whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pal in the side, palpitation of the heart; whiten, ail servearatteo thaw, hysterics; fatigue, pain la th dwelt attliMbi, ito.„'dliturbed sleep, which mile tatesittpti of ,cHps..64w,s kuas was the sononenoemen e =sir a aiillhihreniewe of thole) irregidatitifie, itor qbetrelehacssf Om eft; signed so =my to a posturtn rep r b sirjultoan enjoy good health =loss sheis reviler; and whenever an obstruction Ashes place the general health begins to de cline. ' • DR. CHEXSZIEdIVIS PILLS are the most effeettua remedy ever known for alt eom plaints peculiar to Ama/es. To all Wee the are invaluepa, indateinfotittil certainty,periad regular ity. Tliey are known , to tinkunuide, who hp"' wiedtkein at different periodertiOnighostthe 'country, lumingthe sanction of mome , ot• the: moat at/iaeiit'Physicians in Ilaterfca. . • , i ___._. . Saiiiicit directed:l4., staling WOO • Obey . IMMO% not 8 e used, 'with 'sob Box- ' the 004. DOliar TPOr . 130 1 containing from 1410 SO/gib! . Vine sect kgoi opgig,'by remittin g to - 't o e Afvdi Feat /D" generall y. R.34 • I SINGS, Proprietor, . , . NI :L.‘ %I. • 20 • vqdiiilitre44,,..gay ' fi. pr . C. ilold In HerriebOrgi by Ot &: laioirlirt. , , “ Mechaniesburg, 'J. 13 "..potitt:” '. '- ' ''. .... ...“ Oarliele t -by L - =on: - -' ' "-- ----- •., , • !, JAlPPulagogrPl iaiatri r l_. t .' , ' ; 1 , - o4arebersbarg. X ,'VT., 4'4 • : ~ 0 MOOOODbitalll3 4 byt‘ WO : ..., 4 7 „, . il LebOitory toj George Boa . dee64Airly AYR, '8 COMPOUND EXTRACT SARSA . aitt/. l —lte•one remedy is more needed In this country than a reliable' A/terming, 1 nt the sick have been so out rageoltely cheated, by the worthless preparations of Oar saparMla ahroad that they are disgusted, even with the name. Yet the d"ug cannot be blamed for the imposi tions 'from whiCh they have suffered. Most of the ro c:Wed ilargaihrillui in the market contain little of the virtues of Sarsaparilla or anything else They are mere slops—inert and worthless, while a concentrated extract of the active variety of Sarsaparilla compounded with Dock, Stillingta, Win% etc., is, as it ever will be, a powerful alterative and effectual remedy. Such is Fxtract of Sarsaparilla, as Its truly webderfui auras of the great Variety'of complaints which require an alterative medicine have abundantly shown. Do not, therefore, discard this invaluable medicine, because you have been imposed upon by something pretending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When, you have used AMR'S—then and net till then, will you know the vir tues of. Sarsaparilla. For minute particula , a of the diseases it cures, we refer you to Ayerls American Alma nac, which the agents below named will furnish gratis to all who call for it. AYER'S CATHAnTro PILLS--for the core of Costivesuus, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul &ornate., Headarhe, Piles, Rheumatism Heartburn arising from disordered stomach, Pain or Rheumatism, /sw oon of the Bowes, P/atukncy, Loss of 47 186 47 Liver Complaint, Dropsy ; Women , Gout ? Neuralgia, and fer a Dinner Pill. Tkey are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleaaantiv, and they are the best Aperient in the world for all the purposes of a fondly physic. Price 26 cents per box. live boxes for $l. Do not be:ut off by unprincipled dealers with other preoratione which they make more profit on. Demand Mikis and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is ior theta, and they should have it.' Prepared by Da. J, o, AYER Co, Lowell ? Nam Bold by Ca A, BANIITINT, 61068 d 00,4_13, s rale LER, BOIMAIDNee, Da. Muss aid L. Her ricburec, and demises everywherf je4 diewln MOTHERS! MOTHERS! Don's fall to procure Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO gyRUP for CHILDREN TEETHING. This valuable preparation is the presoriptibn of one of the beet female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been need for thirty years with never failing a ifety and am ens by millions of mothers and children, from the fee ble infant of eon week old to the adn t. It mit only relieree the child from pals, hot rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole ',ltem. It will al most instantly relieve illarrinci IN THZ BOWZLS AND WIND COLIC. We believe It the beat and surest remedy in the world in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIAREHOLI IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. lull directlans for rising will accompany sack bottle. H one g einglio ithlogg the foe simile of 011:1ItTIS & TER. BINS, Hew York, is on the ontiiide *tappet. Sold by all Medicine Dealera. - Principal Office, 45 Dey street, New York Price only 25.cente per bottle. iny2B-derw6ak. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DDPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS ! FOR FEMALES! infaUfbis ix . corresting, 44golating and .flalinting ObstweetiOns, from whatever raver" aid always semessful as a 'Pro/many,. Theis PILLS have been used by the Doctors for meny years; both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every case; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who need them, to make the mum ,public for tie alleviation of those suffering frcm any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. Females particularly situated, or those supposing themselves a% axe eintl toned against these Mlle while in that tvadition, as; they are sure to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no relpinsibility titer this admonition, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health—other wise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit di rectiOns'alichmranY each boX. Price 11.01i_p_er box. Sold,4lo:llaNtle brOIIARLBS-A:HAWS TART Druggist, No. t Tonesßow, sod 0. /12.. In/I,LBR, Druggist, Harrisburg, Pa. Ladies, by Fending them $1.40 to the Hirrisbiirg Poet Office, catihive the 'Pills - sent Red of observation to any pa rt iff the country (confidentially) and ofrie of postage"by mail. 0914 $O9 by IT, t,, j sicssadsa Lebanon; I. Weir, Wilghtsvitle; N. T. BIILLRE, Yorkj ZLLIOTT. OW lisle ; J:0. AMOK, bhippeneburg;J. Seititil, Chinn bersburg ;S. WILD, Newrille ;A. Vilivrvaras. ehardeautirg ; BROWN BROTHER, No. 4; South Mir ty street, Baltimore; and by "one Druggist" in airy town sod aitythroughout the , Ernited States. HALL & BETHEL, • 218 Greenwich Street. New York, General Wholesale Agents. N. B —Look oat for counterfeits. Bay no Golden Pills of an, kind unions' every Vox signed 13. D. Howe. All otiiersafre 3 i.bise iMposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health,(to say nothing of being humbegged oat of your money,) buy only of those nlad chore the eignature of N. B. Howe on every bon, whir ~Ofeerrensently- b een added on account of the Pills beioirsontegbited. The ingredients composing the shoes Pills are made known to every Agent. They will tell yen the; 411$8 are perfectly harmicss, yet will do all claimed - for ens: 8. D. ROM, ifrit/." • Bole Preprietor„ New York. elkmusentento. New York GAIETY MUSIC HALL! WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. 808 EDWARDS ..... Kole ireprietor. JOE 'COOK Business Manager. WAR NEWS. WAR NEWS. The Southern Army has Arrived and taken Possession of the Great Gaiety Music Hall. Read the Proclamation from the President:. of A T .- T EN TIONI. 500,000 - RECRUITS WANTED! Headquarters, Gaiety Music Hall, 1 City of Harrisburg, State of Penn's. f This is to certify, that you are eonsoripted to appear at Bob Edwara4' graisq Must° Hall this evening, fully armed and Equipped with a TICKET, or the , equivalent, to witness the great performance given by POE EDWARDS' STAR TROUPE. , evorybody is e;pected to appear in full Uniform By Order. ' 808 EDWARDS, • Commander-in-Chief_ ;TOE COOK, Adj't Gen.. . $l,OOO REWARD TO THE PERSON WHO DON'T LAups ! THE MUSIC HALL OF THE MASSES ! ITS CAREER IS STILL ONWARD ! STILL UPWARD! It is the grand centre of all that Is great in the World of,Amusenient, The Fountain hiead of egranth Griginality end Artistic Excellence. WE ,'KNOW 'NO 'LIMITS. WE HAVE NO BOUNDS! The public endorsement of our Managerial career is our incentive to new. exertions. In the chronicles of 'the Stage, has ever been the best., the surest, thesaly real test of, merit, and never before ee there been4known , 1 $ place of amusement with !such A Brilliant Record of Lasting Triumph:! The Voice of the,People declares the GAIETYtrim HALL THE GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTION' .For the furnishing otlealthfuhaiith and true enjoyment. The ,only.,place in America where ALL the • BRIGHT 'LIGHT of, the PROFESSION' are _continu ally engaged, Vora EVERY STACR 0T E may be nightly found. I, •' THE AMuSEMENt .OF. THE ,MASSES! Grand Succession of orowded houses '_QUADRUPLE A1iTR*9.!1,194. BILLY WART! and •A:' 44t, , ftit . IS Ae the COMI P C CLOWNS. - • The - wor/d-rePeWnedlr A lipheht , TlßO pear thla BTeniktiV.' Entire, ChanAof Pregrimit flik t r .s. y SirePi!g Nillmissifivi,7oiiir tents‘ F°B BAlX. l .4B ) ooMisiiil3 PRIME, ~ ..ystiumicknum ,1 - tkaa4tr• haahels - tys: , er / , ‘ r i 4 • - 114.01 ire 0 4"::.(10 4 1, Biomaalipaikurni , sapair Washington Ayenns, Sacrie the Upited States. ijelmbolbto THE GREAT i‘ AMERICAN REMEDIES,""' KNOWN AB "HELMBOLD I V! GENUINE PREPARATLONS, v REL'AIBOLD'S EXTRACT 4613UCHO' HELMBOLD'S EXTRUT SARSAPARILLA RELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH. I=EC=l HELMBOLIPA GENUINE PREPARATION, "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED 1, •COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A posit . " and speak Remedy for IMMO of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This medicine increases the power of digestion and ex cites the absorbents into healthy cc ion, by which the soarer or .eakareosts depositions, and all unnatural en largements, are reduced, as well is pain and inflamma tion, ant is good for MEN, WOKEN and CHILDREN.. ---547 HELMBOLD'S EXRAACT BUCHTT, Per Weakrp ea prising from Excossr, Habits of Rini pation, Earky Iniisaretion or Abuse, attended irith the FOLLOWING, bYMPTOMS : Indisposition to XxPrtion, Dryness of the Skin, Lose of Memory, Loss of Poser. Weak Nerves, D.Bilplty in Breathing, Horror of.Diuesae, Trembling. • • Dimness of 'Vision, Wakmfulness, Universal Lassitude of the Pain in thellack„ • Muscular 83 stem, Flutliog of the Body, , Hot hub, Npuptiond eh the ift4 6 l 4 1 Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi cine invariaby removes, soon fol.ow , IMPOTENCY, FATIITTY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can pay they are not frequently fo_lowed by those (•direful die ay” INSANITY AND OONSUMPIFON ? • Many are aware of the cause of their Naming, but none Will maim, The TY99119 9f the feeelie Ae7letee l and the melanehaly deaths by flonanmptlos, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AB 'Berra) BY OR- taANI.O WEAKNESS , Requirea the aid of medicine to strengthen gird invigo rate the system,which lIRLIIBOLD'S IXtRACT 1313011:U invariably &ea A trial wilt etnvince the moat skepticat. —:o: FEMALES ! FEMALES I ! FEMALES!!! OLD OR TOUSG, SEROLV, MARRIED, OR COMM- PLATING MARIIIAGM. In many' affections pecuFar to iciness, the' Extract Bnehn is Unequalled by any , other r tnedy, as in Chlorosia or Retention, Irregularities, Psinfulnrsa, 'r Eukai melon of Crislomary Evacuations, Me rated or S3irrhons state of the' Uterus, Leueorrh-a by Whites, bterility, and' for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising Irons in diaeretion, ilabileoef Ditelpition, or in the DECLINE OR ORANGE OF MFR.. EBE BYMPTOBIB ABOVE. iiiinuty MOULD BE iiltltOtiv IME=I .9o ; ,Baka.n, Ddor usy_or crapleaunt Medicine, for troVe sant and Damp roes Di eased. iminows litaitut JB CURES £4IICRET DISZAI3IO fa all:tbeirstages, at little expanse; Nt le or 110 ;charges in diet ;;no inecommienee, AND NO EXPDSUDE. Nausea fr. gueat deAre and gives strength to_Urirate, thereby removatg otat,netiOns,. Fri/renting and: curing strietu es of the urethra, allaying pain ant inflammation, so fr , agent in tirls class cf diseases, and expelling POl.- .80NOUS, DISEASED AND WORN-ODT MATTS.R. .Thousiuds upon thousands who have been the ''•' ' - . VICTIMS OF QUAgICS, AM who have paid EffrAYY }M&§ to be tired in a abort time, have found they ircra deceived, ***that the Pot ; Fon " bac by the use of • Powerful Abtr Nenta,” been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated fop% and _PERHAPS MT= MABRI4GE. " ÜBE . , RELMINfkLIYIEi EXTRACT BUCHII , rat Arktrs ikm Diseases of the URINAIiT qAws. Whites( eximUng is RIAD a 'ati IrRiIIALE, frogs wbatewer eatillismiginating, and no matter .of how long standing. Diemen of these aeons nquire the aid of DicutfaiC. - RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 131701111" IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And it is cArtain to love the dediredntfect in an Diseases for which it is recommended. ' BLOOD! BLOOD!! BLOOD!!! lEWLMBOIoW3 111QIILIf CONCENTRATED COM o'youtm tar) DXTRAOT fAIVAPARILLA. SYPHILIS. This is an alfecitlon of the Blood, and attacks the *email organs, Linings of the Noes, Ears, Throat, Wlndpive and otherMucas ciarfaces, nrilinrits appearance in the forum of,lllCers. BELMBOLDPS Extract Sarsaparilla parities the Blood and rraioves all Scaly Eruptions of the 6k n, giving to the compl.:xion a clear and hoalthy color. It Ming preparol isprateiy far 41 4 CU" of 64inpi luta, its Blood• purifying propertiel are preserved to a greater es tout then any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. =rz=i HRLMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An excellent lotion for diseases of a Ryphiliqc nature, and as an injection in dimmers .f the 'Urinary Organ. aris ing from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Ex.racts BaChU at'di9!4tapu'lila , in such diseases as rewrite mended. Evidence of she ,moat reaponsinio and relic& character will accompany the med'cines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES; ' prom three to twenty yes& dueling, with mime known TO 80INNON AND DAMN For medical p - tmertien of DIJORII, see Dispensatory of the Cnited ett.tre. •& e Prefeesor DIWBIB' valuable works on the Prac tice of 'Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PRYSICK, , • See harksMb ' WIXOWBLLIII celebrated Physician Cud Member of the Royal College of Sing.ims,:lrilenci, and published In the Tninausiions of the. IC:neand gums's Journal. fea Medico Chiiiirgical 15-view, published by BiIeJA MIN fRAVEgS, Yellow of Royal College of Burgeons See moat of the Lt. Standard Works on Medico.. Extract Brichu...... —sl 00 per,bottle,oi six for 85 00 .Rxtraet Barstow ilia 01 00 per bottle, or s.x. for Pb 00. Imp eyed Rose Wash.... 500. per bottle, or Mx for 12 50 Cr half dozen of each for 812, wlech will be sufficient to cure the moot obstinate oast 0, it dispetiops ore adhered to. Delivered to any addreasaneurely , picked from °beer- Tattoo. , IDescribe symptoms in 11 commun'oations. Cures' g. ararteed. Advice gratis. • APPIDAYITI ' f LI 11 En • t Personally appeared before rne k art *demon of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmho d, ty4o:heing ditty. sworn dofh Say, his preparaiione,cgritilp ;to in4rooldc, no mor el:my, or other hijurionastrige t but.erepovaly vegetable. ;Alm iL„Aci•tt'SPALBOLD. Sworn and subscribed bito - o 'MN this 284 dayof Nevem. ber, 104_ - 0/40,W11.' P. HIBBERD, Alderman, st., obsiV.S tiaeov./ Address lettaiWtiElfiformatioW in confidence to . • 3 11. T411,1114 , 1.130LD Oheznist. Depot. No. 104 South Tenth street, below Chestnut ; .Philestelpi4.. -4 or . . 7 BEWARE OF OODETERFELFS - AtrlD UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavoi to • &Rom 4 g OF TRElR:,thyx it and . t 4 other U aiticite ok the repeat* , atteriell pf lIELBIBOLDII GENIIINS'PRIPAIXATIONI4 .! IMIOXSoiDt ITIENVISMILtaIieei 0 14 . MXIVIR B.4WPARILAi OLD) INN I irai AMMO, held b Y, ,lll : e rr I MPIer. 1 +. ` • LEm or, ioutsapmpows—vabc NO OTNINi entr eat' the auteertleiatest end tend It;Nadilevole a • I ,a t.: ' • lIIPOIIITION and EXPOth74NII.: SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. mffmnsimfitiiik Tun MAIM DAILY To itsw YOU. PHILADELPHIA ON AND ATTER 'MONDAY, April 20,11E8, Do Pas. genpr Trains Will leave the Philadalphia and Needing sid b oa d Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Phil. adelphia, as follows, via : EASTWARD. IMPRIMIS LINN leaves Harrieburg at 2.15 a. in. on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad lzprees Train irom the Weft, arriving in New York at 9.16 a. m., and at Philadelphist at 9.20 a. m. A sloeping ear is attached to the train through from ?Moberg without oisange.* MAIL TRAIN leaves Hanisimrg at 9.00 o, Wig at riving in New York at 9.19 p. as., and at Pll 161411 a at 1.60 p. m. FAST LINN leaves Harrisburg at 2EO p. a., P ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fut Mail, arriving in New York at 10.25 p. m., and Philadolphia at 7.00 p.m. WISTWARD. PAST LINN leaves New York at 6.00 a. m., and Phila• 44phil at tile a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at N , HAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 non, aid Philadelphia at 8.80 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.10 p.m. =PRIM LINE leave. New Zink at 1.00 p. »ti as at Harridan at 1.46 a. E., and oenneetisig with the Pennsylvania Iltprers Train for Pittsburg. A sleep. lag car le also" attached to this train. Connections are mole at Harrisbungwitk testa oath* Pennsylvania, Northers, Contra' and Cumberland Talky Railroads', and at Reading for Philadelptia,.Pottsrlle, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Beaton, to. Baggage shasked tbrougli. Pare between New York and Harrisburg, 16.14 ; between Harrisburg and Pain. delptia, $8.86 In No. 1 ears, and 18.00 in No. 2. Poe tickets and other intone:Won apply to J. J. iThlnab 6eaetal APIA, Hanchilmor. or.. OE NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIGWAX. . . E • TIM TABLE. Threi daily trains to ggd front Baltimore and Walk Ington City. Collocations lasillieltk tram on Yana. Sylvania Ballread to and from Pittsburg and the *ant two trains daily to . snd from ilte Nor% and WN Branch, Basquehanna, Ilmirs snd all Nortkiii New York. . ON AND UTNE MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1868,43t0 Yaseeng9r ?MIT, of the Northeizi teltatrei Railway will 'thee sad depart from Hanle esui Haltiemerea Mae, Tie : MAIL ?MAIN kiwis . 861bary daily (eneept smithy at 10.19 a. m.; learn llarilsimrilst 1.15 p. m., sad se . rives at Baltimore s / 85 p: at • ; • TRATiI leaves illinbisty daily Zeiteept lon dayiat 11.07 p. at.; lenses Mirrisburg (except Monday) at 0..C0 a. 1/1., 11.114 'arrlmr,se at lialtintore dant' (elesit Monday) at 8.15 a: m: 1. ! ACCOMMOIPAtION . TRAIN lest* Marrisburg dilly it OM ' 4 0 Eitli 3 W Ali D-. • _ MAIL TRAIN lekves italti*oiellatinetteptiikalay ' at 9.16 'a. Hattiabaii It 115 ar.,•antl antral' at Banbury at 406 •ta: '• , ZXPRIBB TRA1H . 1461441 Baltimore 'doily at 4.16°p. , arrives Harrisburg M 1.36 a' la.; 'and Llama )119 , rlsbutg daily . (exatipt Miiilsty) at B.Yba. ii.y and arrivai at Sunbury at 6.38 ' ' • ' • HARRISBURG AOOO6HtIODATION Tipknt aimed Dallapre 41wili , frx.cekt threttai) at 2.66 p. mit rives Hairietrnsa at Tor farther inforinstiOn'applilitllke Oldee,ll-Pti eybriala latilroed Depot. ;' J.N.. DeBARRY, • ' ' Gaited •Sepoiaseiotiot: Harrisburg, April 20, 18611-4tt •' - • pRNNBYLVANIA , RAILROAD! SUMMER. TIME TABLES PM TAMS DAILY TO k FROXIIIUDELPILI ON AND Attila • . • • MONDAY, APRIL' 20, .134114. The PieseitiOrltTendi its ifinnayliaide Iteillreed Oompuly will t depart teem ant 01 I #/relit Harrtebtal led Philadelphia , se Midi s : ' THROUGH RXPRINII , TRAIN leivei Hartiabourg daily 142,00 a.- la;fand - 114 3 WePt Pidiadelpkta at 11.10 a. al. ' • - ' -VAST Lunt la ► wSl ifitaliaert &Hy (srdeptilfendiy) b. 45 a. a., aid srrivis Veit ►t7.ii s. m. Passengers tiYo briaktait WAY. ACIOOMMODATION, vis,lllmlt JOy,. 1441noit garrimburg at 7.00 km., mid 'Metes st AMAMI'S*. phis at 12.26 p. m. is FAST MAIL TRAIN leaved HarriebniT dal* (es. eipt Bandar) at 1.00 p. le., and striver at Weft'. Phila delphia at SAO p. at: HARRISBURG LOOONNODATION lambic, Tepee Harriebarg at 41c011 p. in., and artirmialb Heat Philadelphia at 9.80 , ' • WEST VASS' • __ -' BALTIMORE RXPREOO TEAlMlaaves daily (exteit Monday) at 2 00 s. m.; Altininsj.oB" take breakfast, and arrives' at Pittsburg at 341., , PRILADRLPRIA IXPRIUB3 TRAIN leaves Ner burg dailyst 11.00 s. in., Altoona al 8 00 take break fast, and arrives at Pittsburg at IS 80p. m. • MAIL TRAIN leaves iluipebbArcag I.li,p.•m+, Al toona st 1.16 p. m., take Onpperouid arrives al Pilialarg st ISAR a. m. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg 3.60 D. re., Altera 8.86 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.0 . 0 a„ m. HARRISBURG AOCOIIIBIOHATION THALIA, leases Philadelphia at 2.80 p. at.* amp arriv.o! OA/06pm at 1.00 p. re. , • ' • . • • WAY AOOO34IIIIODATI9II. TRAIN leaves 'Wird phia at 4.00 p. : and arrives at Rarrialmis At 9.40 p. m. This train 1111111 Ai Mount Joy. dA1111:12L D. TOW% Superistsidast Middle Div. Pesug'a Harrisburg, April 111. 18118 . 1883. PHILADELPHIA & .ERIEr RAIL BOA D.—This great line traierses the , Nythern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the tier of Brie, on Lake Erie. • • • • . . It has been leased by the Panissyleasis Ralf Reed Compeer, and nadir their auspices is being rapidly dpested thresigkest its entin isugth, It is nowin Sum for Pamenger and !might business from ilarristarg Driftwood, (Beeond fork,) (171 miles) on the Beaten' and &dm Shojisid to Eris, (78 mike) on the Western. .• TIME OF IFASEZIYORE ;TRAINS ATIEI *.111 , 4 BMW. • • Leave Northward. • Mali 1.15 a. m. I Exprene Train., 11.0 Q e. m. • Ours run through Widow dieliir• beth*ets - entles trains between Philadelphia andrlMeir Haven i paint • tween Baltimore andiack Nava. Bkgant. Sieepiing , Cita Noiailidest.Trabut th way beAweee Willlainapertaintlaltlinang aid Rlfiiamapo t and Philadelphia. ' I. : for information ?Seventies , Paiannwinalimanappi at the ii. E. cor. litb and Market atrootio:t, ; +7l' And for Freight busitieidef the Clkitaigeke 13 4 B. 'Xiarteriv Jr 4 oor. lath. eft& Iterliet4tre Philadelphia': • • , 1 s , J. W• P471.1",1114*- •. ~.., ".•,,•", ~ , ri. , t' •, / 17 „N. Drill., Ageot•N. 11. , ii.-B,p, **be 1 1 . - /e-rt v R. 11E 14 1tfilTIK , 4,,,, ,, "j ' irlrE #1 ireiglii-crid; a • • .. • • ' . ' 9 Gong IS 1 T e " feilft i: !; Philp. . . vzott. D'.''reviir,' ' • • niarii•ilf - ; Oen't Waiiihrer, Williamsport. , F 1 -,' - ' - •- ,- . .3EI . • ti• i. . All 2 0 . •:. , tlme .. 11 76 i i l . , 1.P1f9 1 liciii .., , ~..6„ . ....4 , 01 1 ANGL J ~.. 11 , 11 d ,01 ens .i. ~,,,. .I=T>Sr i agal •'-' ' PAlnlitql l WS, -'% BITTBS ALMOND, . 0 ! iii i iii , =l, ~ i Allr*„ p 1 0. .; 1 .4eigypouvel . to i Ailbt' eld,lairi) Wif . ornigt, ' Ar yea We : .. ' situ •g - ,etit L: '., , ~-• 4. " 5./s4)_/•t Vitt 'MO . j:, / Elm Apportmen t jut received from one o ,tie I.hiaTirlad Bottle end areiemower • roorit. 4.- 't7 .- : riallrAlß . .-. WW. pg 0.241 . 14 ili-** E=l Lituo of Crud, sotylkwit = __ Ell IV • A ` very Katirizwo so • TO& iiI3:=EMNIS 1863. ".'il Z:1