Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, June 19, 1863, Image 2

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    ttt ;Ilatriot ttnion.
ITAIIINTT & CO., Paomp.toss.
OCIMUOINgIeaIttOIN Win notbepgbliehediathePATßlOT
411 1 D Ustor unless accompanied - with the Dame of the
s. 111. PETTENOILL , k CO.,
NO. 37 . Park Item, X. It n ang Y ggate a t ., Biwa*,
Are our Agents for the Pelson. As trews in thole
Otte; ant Advertisements and
Ilitheertiniese fur us sated Lewes Beres-
W. W. XIII4IIIIIIMT, BBL, of Towanda, is a duly an
allarhid SaWlit. to ladled amounts and rendre subscdp-
Slows aad adnettisanoats for tide pallor
neumpaii sat TOM
Congress, by a vote nearly unanimous, passed
the fo ll owing resolution, which expresses the
vole, of the Nation and is the true standard of
" Tbit Ike_prelout deplotstplo *oil war has been
' , wood tipn isonntry by the disunlonials of tho
Pontliorn States, now in arms sgainet the Oonatitutional
-Government, and in Mau around the Capital; that in
this National emergency, Congress, banishing all feel
ing of mere passion or resentment, will recollect only
it. duty is the whole country; that this war is net
tonged on their part he any spirit of oppression, or for
any purpose of conquest .or subjugation, or purpose of
overthrowing or interfering witarthe rights or established
institutions of those Statos,bsst to defend and maintain
she supremacy of the Constituiion 2 and to preserve the
Union with eft the dignity, et/eta/sty and rights of the
seeerai States unimpaired; and that as soon as these ab
lest: arc ocooloplishod the loot owsttt to teem"
The Weekly PATRIOT AND. UNION will
foniklied to. clubs of ten or More, for
•the campaign, with an extra number giv
;lag, full-retarns of the October election,
at 50
Tax •PassioT AND UNION and aa its business
-"castles, win heroater be conducted; enehi-,
suety by CL BABBaSTT sad T. a. PtddititoT 3 m
iler the fain of 0. Bassewrz: &- the•eonneo-
Sion of 'H. F. irlieynolds with mid establish- •
moth:ming ceased= the 20th November, bet.
Noising& 21,1862. • •
She rebels left Chsenbersburg, Wednesday
-about 1 e'cleok. 'They I)n:rued a railroad
-bridge Scotland and water station at 'Chem
-bereburg.- :They plundered the stores and
Ind-ono fraine ware-house near the depot,
which -weseitinguished without much shim
-age, They retreated in the direction of He
YesteFdlsy there were. many exciting,runkors
118 to-therezappenttneb of the eneit,r; but the
mol s tA4t ialtHeften9eisost .10olitno,on'
a fewbundred , tiene into Greencastle and 'di
vided, onepCrtiett going 'towards lirfyiesburg
and the other towards Mereersburg, both Sup
,ll:lloTB4;citchli4 tOd-
, Mikeonexer istippopod to be in. force in the
yeirio*'ofliatexnloin WillhunnoOrt.
I:; v - •
At Alcoa Isaterthit heavynannouading was
hesicrit ilretinkasstkiithe direction of Ear
per's lee*. .It. is supposed that Gen. Tyler,
eininnakkA Itaryland Helightaoukii Seen
atuick4fivtor ihstateeker is engaged .with the
enenky ikk that %Cluny. - =
The itirliticutioni.writ prareseisg opposite
Riatiabttkeshdfroi# the rapidly sOttnalitiing
tesops hailtim ouhktahe a laze :force to oap
tore thatity.:
ifilr fl oy was in tan laid , evening, and
soutwl,2oo.,erhis troops, Who' were reported
captured; have made their appearance at lied.
ford. • • '
legio f rtiaiton' received by tieto opera' a t r
Cirobersimarg; through 84:outer; leads us to be
lieve 'ifbe:V"ib fo#l4: f ouiviitlin eight miles
of huts flaw
- fatelnginioie* - readied Ahrongh
,soents, Went
by, the operator at :Shippeasburg,-indieates a
rapid adOwneoi in limo upon 9htunberibtirg,t
The. : tone, 250itio strong, which last, nigh t
was sad to'be within tirenty-six miles of Balti
mett4,4swop_t heat heard from to-day.
General 14,1 ftri 9tatll!and pared through
MoConneilsburg 1944 on their way to Bed
ford. 'iloneral'ilkilkiki i tiiiien hire foi the latter
aimed plane ,to-night,.to: look after, the men
and supply them with necessaries. They will
be ,geed,effeotieely the defense „of Pennsyl
vania( if required.
leczoox: P. IL I:XEITILIWA3E.
• :At toot to.ilay the rebels were said to' be
..rettirriumAo inlwaliurg. The telegraphic
opernion procured' his. information frosi a
konst,Mlp,fi 71844. hiin At, leave at once. Men,
woineir , ininichildren pawed the telegraph
, 9mTi.fil_. 5 - 0 ,
offib( s potifnicon s leavulgr ,the town. The
tratkaalaide eviiey reparaticaitto leave, ta.
1 004 5 4minent, in, order that he
might iidiiicaEa with de at eome point on
the 41,XxX13116111 !owever, at thin lour
nuaitiagr iiiialeotite:ol, And the:bienniaoo;
• 16 b 1 3' POCt'
The made tie' sidgiliberlioat 'of 421pttys.
,02.).L.46 6.;
101ffg have 3 , 1 1 1 1 0 !" Avr"Wit. 11, •
• -17'. are,
hOweyer, add tofbeislwee, ter 25,000 strohg t
,end4,:pi•tholiight a/A..6;4444k
*basin Ohimbenthinfresioliated
a l ittrn r c T ert yl ex".l 4, W?r#l , *FM
con tadm :,firkiith were eleidevidodtostat pif4
for in COldialiite grip. - .f I- t
The Democratic State Convention.
The Democratic State Convention assembled
at the appointed time—Jane 17th, at 10 o'clock
- 6 . is ,.___h, the hall of the Souse of illifpresenta-•
tives, and, as.. eAroces. • give in ouos- ,
sue of yeste , yri - , 4 . e g testAkitr
mony and
AL. ' 4 9
etanding the*EcipSerte
.., ed , re
count of the threatened invasion our ate,
every delegate was present. Large numbers
of people from almost every part of the State
were in attendanne, *honing emiclusively that
the Deisberntle - 19111,,eisletra - deeptneereat 4n
the deliberation, of the Convention. , The final
reedit-41e nerninathin of Geo..W. Woodward
for GOVernOr, and. Walter. H. iorierie for Su
preme Judge—was greeted with the most rap
turous applause, which, we doubt not, will be
echoed by every honest heart in Pennsylvania.
Among the thousands assembled there' was
evident a pervading feeling of rest for the
preeent and security for the future, such as we
hate never beford witneaved ; With • this was
mingled a sense of respect and gratitude to
wards the Convention, who, they felt, hol
nobly done their whole duty.
After the nomination, Messrs.. Witte and
Clymer, the gentlemen most prominent before
the Convention, (until the concluding ballot,)
addressed the assembly in the most, high toned
snd patriotic strain, giving in their adherence
to the choice of the Convention, and pledging
themselves to use every effort in their pewee
to secure for him an overwhelming majority in
October next.
The nomination of Judge Woodward is of
peculiar significance at this time. For many
ye past there has been a settled apathy
among the people in reference to public Weirs.
They had enjoyed so longs period of peace
and prosperity that they did not appreciate the
danger of its being disturbed. They had for
gotten the sublime maxim that' " eternal-vigi
lance is 4he price of liberty." 'They had
permitted expert knaves, wily, demsgegues,
political trieketerB, and.seifigit scheming pull"
tieisais to usurp all this places of power mind
trust in State and National Administration*
The result was, that venality and cerruption
from every department stalked boldly forth at
noon-day, and went unwhipt of justice. This
decay of public morals was followed by a de
cay of patriotiem, until' the philosoptLer, who
viewed n With a critic's , eye, began to fear that
we were no longer capable of self-government,
and •that our republican institutions were a
fail Ore. From this sleep of folly we
awakened by the ellankieglot the chaste which
an attempted central despotism is teying to
rivet upon - us.. Lookbig .around for :oonte
iftOrditi of escaPe in this season of pent, we find
it nowhere except in a return to,fi nd
it virtue
and .a re-kindling of the fires of patgiotism•
which lighted our fathers through the dark
days of the revolutioh, and culminated se
curing our liherties under the, hest govern**
artfr devised by-wen... ,
In this reactionary movement towards public
safety )Tew York and New Serge,* have, taken
the kid, and placed, at the head of Mak s get
ornmento true patriots andstatesmen.,•. Follow
ing in the-same direction the Legislature of
Pennsylvania, list winter,' elected to the 'Uni
ted States Senate a man of Undqubtedintegrity,
and high qualities as a statesman, and now
the nomination of Judge Woodward , for Chief
Maglettat4 of the State is a ft/the; evidence
that the phoph3lTe i !rohged thejmptottacce
the Pki!B that efiviTO?) Unge? 4udil*;
Woodward the people will ,feel the frillestas ,
Buratto° that their rights' end libeilles 'will be
carefully guarded' and tho:dignity i ?f our good
old Commonwealth: fully matUtaineil: There
ca be 11) ioub t °i' ,4 3, 1 1 1 4 41 4 by4 s )-4/1h".
tug- majority- f o•
Who Are w !, Whitt AtiftWip
The Governor .of the -sovereign Common. ,
wealth of PennsilveUia:hat called out her Peo-,,
ple to defend her against ..the: rebel istender.:
The people have responded : :Thonsimds' have
Hocked to the Capital,. and are .now reedy,.
Official assurances` coin° . every hour 'Ate
enemy ,are. upon as., The peril is said to be
inuninenk Brit confunion reigrni';• there is no'
order, on Allergy. The . State, authorities ,arzi.
said to be at cross purposes with - the Geriiial
.Government.;; ThA men in the camps ` retOoft to
he mustered into service under the ainbiguens
Orders which. haVe been:issued by the joint, 4u:,
thority of the General in command and the .
Adjutant General of the State. In. the name'
of Heaven, why is GOA I Why are not the dif
ficulties which stand in'the way tf the ergani
ration of theStalstrosperemoved by the Gover
nor at once? The way is plain; the siuffic4itibe
longs to litmi whydosq henot act? Hirhas called
on the State forces hie its 'defense.. lie l 'has the
right, under the Constitution, to organize them,
at once to repel the invader: Itrithe'iiide the
, T r , ' .
tardy movement4o:the Washington affieials,t
Where 'does the Conititrition of "Tennaylvania
say that he innswnitk the notion of the wretched
inoonipetents at the' head of 'the Government
before he can. move Viand or foot to put eur
forces in the field ? In the name of the sove
reignty of this Cpmmonwealth-in the name of
our homes and firesides,:whieh are said to be-
In danger from an advancing _
the Governor to act, amd .act at lone°, Indetken.•
dent of the officials who are,lmbarraisingtbe .
enrollment by ambiguous orders, and zissie hie
own comininds under the authority Of • tbe'
State Coustitution, inspire those who are now
ready iiklmarcih to the defense of the 'borders'
with the confidence and hope they - eo Much
need. Let him 'abandon 'the haii9plitting
,policy which z
is. now being pursued, let him
announce to thode who are Waiting to'heir it,
that when the danger is past and the rebel in
vader drivesi front oar 'soil they may return to
their homrs—:let 411 s, and the thou
mulls who are' eagerlytiWiliing the assurance
will gladly obey iiii,9442lc6' 8..: '
The ,T,* _
From this time waif after ; the olection la
Ohio, says the Cleveland trials Deekr, receive
the'Volitical outgivines of thb •tstleir7ph. with
the , allififibt circumspection. 'it litheial4
f i g s
,engine . of, the . I:43pubihnus!, pargy . ,: and
04114 tok4enominated parties!' gentrivaaell
*Milk oticssionally tells news."
', 4 ,
Noble Response of N :: ' ~ ,, ,f , - .. ti
Ry the following, from tfi l
• n T : ' ; - . '-'°
Wednesday, it will be seen whit New Yorki .
doiti 4: 'cur. -,. lf. Some - regimegitithithit
alre , . y .et) . ' ' epatched for the,defetatte*
I ta td; e u attend, welirtiiint:ii ti4rial,b,r
destiiaiiiion 414,l'hiladelphinand !t iti I trit
, __,-,„,
' tegion. .10! .. ,Ithis will help to defi n t T e mp.!
eylvania we may learn hOookfter; though. *4 , 1
cannot see it now : ' ' ' -''
Gen. M'Clellan is in this city—at the request
of Gov. Seymour—for the purpose of aiding
thelatteria .erganising seladj og l orwar a,
troops for the defense of Pennsylvania. His
experience is of the greatest value at this
critical MOMent, and has been el'eerfUllY
dared available to the Governor. General
M'Clellan is a patriot, prepared to serve his
country in any capacity, the highest or the
humblest, where his labors can be useful.
iiiiont 14,000 men - have already been - se
cured and they are beginning to go forward.
Tne Governor is acting with the utmost energy
and priomptness and all his military associates
are vigorously supporting his efforts.
The 7th, etb, 11th, lath,. 22d, 28th, 187tb,
47th, 56th, 69th and 71st regiments of• New
York and Brooklyn, and tbe 65th, 67th, 68th
and 74th regiments of Buffalo and Erie rowdy
are under marching orders.
.Tho 7th and 71st
either left New York last eve ning. Or early this
morning. . The others will rapidly follow. All
the Other regiments of New York thsd Brdok
lyn are ordered to hold themselves - in readi-
The 22d, 30th and 34th, returned regiments,
now in the barracks in this city, have volun
teered to go, and the Governor is awaiting or
ders from Washington in respect to them.
The Ohio Resolutions.
The strong and able series of resolutions,
passed at the late Convention at . Columbus,
Will be feud in mother coininii. From the
sixth to the , thirteenth inclusive they will .i,e
found identioal with those of Kentucky and
those passedat the late session of the Legis
lature. We regard the Ohio platform as emi
nently sound, practicable and conservative.
It is more moderate in Its sentiments in refer
ence to the polity of the war than those of the
extremists of the peace school, aid so'tempered
as LO Bit It the views-of the larger portion of the
conservative masses throughont:the, country.
The nomination of Mr., Pugh for Lieutenant
Governor, and the passage of the, resolutions,
will tend to harmonize and unite the party in
Ohio, and make it certain of victory in the fall.
We commend the example of Ohio to Pennsyl
vania and the , party everywhere. '
- sticcisin nay, y•
rune 18, 1868.
The Convention ittiel, agreeably to adjourn
ment, at 9 o'clock, it. m., and was called to
by 091, L. L. Tate, in the 'absence of
Bandertioni'khe Prceidtat of the Coma
tion. The Other officers were in their places., '
On motion, the secretary was instructed‘o
record the names, of such additional delegates
to the dinvention as• might be pfestnt t The
follovring,mtmett were presented :
4 '.l‘ (Aeorgo Ripper, Pittsburg Democrat.
J. S. Todd. Detn.ectat and: Sentinel i Ebens
Truman H. Purdy, Northumberland 'county
Demobrat. ;
• D. W.. Moore, Clearfield , Thiptiblidear.
David Fist er, Geist der fieitr,Nutztown.
Franklin Weiribk, Selinsgrove Times.
J. B. Sansom, chairman of the committee on
preparing business for the Convention, submit
ted a verbal' eport,.
On motion of Nelson Weiser, amended by .
Henry Ward, an Executive Committee of seven
was appointed for the purpose of eoefoiiing
with •the State'Central - Committee,`witir a view
to perfecting an arrangement by lich,a,more
peHect fioneert oft. aetioti the local,
• piesteit'of the, Stateitillbieetitireti; end greater
efficsituity tin thertOndUitof *Mire campaigns
attained; aid it; transmit Broth tither bitsittess
14 may deettied".iiibeisttrYtd;;liitilier the
intekeeftielthe s ddoidtloh'`"
'The ''OPpOitited
'OM etitamittiiii. Hebei •Wbliiefi l tkeirgo
, derseti; •Ir. Ift%, "Thithan ,
thidfatit, ./ Wifi e jnines
el J . :- brim iirt
Follbwiegltm lip'ixliatideitter teOl
Specific ditties' ef 'seine; lied ards upon
etlier'aiatttersi'relatitig to the'firtialfilf hf ^the
ititity" readie 'before thelle4eihto l r after
Irhieh; con itibtiolt of H. (U 1
• iteiol,tied; 'That' the Ge l oi l ttellizalerson,
Preildeet of the Conimitiotr elltdisiatiO ed
itor/rot the State of reilasylitirilli,iielaiitlested
to appoint an , eailj day *rile %Wadding- of
the Hemostatic' editors 'Of tie
ter, Manna we hereby urgetha oartbriith
ren the inportanee'"of thet4't ear rielicibee
to the c aw 40 e
(fd motion of Mr.l. 8: Sandaititeit4iii" l
Resolved,' That the Dealocritic iditdriNif the,
State . of PenusylVania
ratifyjthe -proceedings' of the Demddriltfdlitate
Convention-in' the nomination 'of tie s , Won.
Gelato' W. - "Woliiiitard for Uoveriet; afit4be
Hoe. Walter 'll:l.oerili for Judgeliflillißu
piano Moult :cif the'State PeedefliatiW'
After -Which thd Vorivention t itd,roiltined` to.
meet at the call cif ilitiVikaitrrian' of the %Goa
vention. :s • 1
, (Signed) Tntnits -J.' Min; , Staijit
At a IneetingCarthe liteentive Qon> itee held.
immediately on thentouroment of the Conyvu.
i.lreigkee, P.' Bin' ittoo•liosea Sreni.
dent, and henry. Ward Secretary. • -'
After the-transaction ofillininefia,i the cora-,
mittee adjourned, to meet .at the - call of the'
Chairman.. • - .;
A TitAoznir rx PwriAtun6rifiA--;9Ik,TIRS4a7
evening the inmates of a boarding i house on -
Third Weal, ntladeiPbint Were *Wiled, by re
ports from a pistol. The gentlemen who were
'in the parlor, dashed up the stairs, ate` met
litre. Herr, a ; lady, boarder, coming from her'
nPlqtment. Going 40 the room, her, lipband,'
.pluartl.llerr, weadiscoTereduPon the floor in`
,an apparently : dying condition, „bleeding: from
two wounds- He had shot, his wife in the neck,"
and upsn her'fleeing from him, discharged the
,contents of
reyolverin his giir and breast,
ilia ilAing wtow011: each, of which is ;c4Tec
,to be, mortal-1:54e7 TO a draughtSsistl, and
had been marrietkaboat,fostr months., li e an d
his wife appeared have .beed on, molt excel
lent terms. They, had gene to *or ,room
together after supper, and had reniained.with
out the slightest, ttltercation up toithttinae of
-this sad 0001irrell0S•iii 0 esuse can Wool/ivied
for the act. 'min! H.. will probably. recover.
, ;1 1 01 L21 4 71-A p aper— Eve r ybody
9fe w know s ti ow it
came to. bear that singular cognOmen., wh en
Charles I. found his revenues abort, he granted
certain prisilegee, With & view to recruit them,
,amountingo 7 MonoPoliON , and among ,these
was the manufacture of paper, the e;elhaire
;r i ght of which was 80/4/ to certain perties E Irhp
grew riot4nd epriishod., the Govvipp ezi k
r also
at qiee3irman of those who Wow cqied to
nee , r4Pqr ,, w4 i , 440 Pink all 240 4 Biter
Ogre • ,11,4 1 iratmr „TRlll:kliil4e • royal, arc es , , ,, , y e
,RtrilanlPT;; under PrPMwell, madei‘leog of
:A/ At 4,74 :PTV/ PorMlSErable manner,.
, st o ,
un ih ignities to the, memory. 4f . ! * g
el pg A cwil it, fir p,o, ordered P ioyelitlie by
rempeif fepm, !la TaPer,tan,d
, I",eatbstitifted.- Thrse44,,gi' mra t omp
were tgliillemnved when the Ru PATIP44);
wakjlrqogued;lo4 PaPer of 4 ll4B4zsiCtlie
Parliament Journal • still bean 4h31, fiimg°
"foolscap."—lOndon Note. and Querior, •
4 1 ' :it •• OF THE DAY.
• .
P. . PM - Ail" OfT1311 1 0" 83311AC :
'''' IrkS RUN, Vu., June 0---•,, an ""'
1 011811100 is now o' nd r
,„, o till
Aj z
ran .kb)isliield. The ir4 r co ar
3fived it Ifttpaetas Jun ow,* ay rn-,
lig4_,_l4lostand eleven corps it aat C tre
lifilbalance of the army of the Potomac,
the'second, fifth, sixth and twelfth corps, will
probabjy„: reach here 10-night.
:Major General Hooltirt and tharetinue at-
Afitiertfttteptflfallietall Itre en their
way to this point,. and by to-morrow noon or
n ight the army will be together again. •
- Our aaValry , otievtpands have, ' Midair the
*hole time, been on our flanks. They have
done invaluable service as scouts, gaining in
formation of the enemy's movements, and
making reconnoissances which impeded the
enemy's progress.
General Gregg, with his division, is and has
been operating in the neighborhood of Warren
ton and White Sulphur Springs. General Duf
fie's division, late General Averiite, are' at the
bade of the Blue Ridge,aetti Ashby's Gap.
General Buford, with the regulars, bib M
pletely blocked up Thoroughfare Gap, thereby
preventing the approach of the rebels to this
neighborhood through that channel.
Clonel Taylor, of the Rirst Penneilvania
cavalry, now temporarily in command of Gen.
Wyndham's brigade, has had the Orange and
Alexandria railroad • under his special • care.
General plementen ' now, in command of 'the
cavalry corps, has hie headquarters , in -the
neighborhood of Warrenton Junction. •
Our cavalry have captured= many prisoners
and brought away numberless ' , contrabands,"
from whom valuable information has been Ob
tained.. Among the' prisoners captured is
Captain Hutchins of 'Stuart ' s cavalry: ' e
was with Gen. Twi ?l
ggs - in Zuni When Twiggs
surrendered' his command and ihngertrnment
propertyt - •r.
Athong the most important seitiirtia made by
our oa*alty has been that 'of a bag containing
mail matte*--lettera written "'by the rebel 861-
diets anit'addreeeed to their `Mende in the
Smith: 'Mt only wall the big Indite Contents
caPturid; but' Clio the parties Who' Ittia • it' in
Charge, tt us breaking up aitinitioitte that has
doubilece isien in cenatint operation fora Ohn
elder:o3M length of lime Aficing'the - Tettere
taitiiid*ite ens *Mien' by an aid cienita
Longetreet to his tiife, .
Atter Calking of ' fetidly' 'Mittel% the writer
goes On to tell 'fflui:e le l the ,:object' of 'their
movement north..", Ile t eayelltit they 4411 ulti
mately 1 44ititirylortSe,iiitoliqttabliig 03d
sack burn toire, while' their Infantry
ate„ to *4'l Piiiedef ahhdrY parts of
Maryland and Penneyhaoia. ,
sPE01:1141:Fril VANili,o7l/TUI6,6nUATJOS.,
.Wealdngton itlispatobi: dated Janelti :eon
taint the 'follotintiatelllgehes : ,
The, latest odvitami from' the army • show that
Gen. , Lee hattimahed wdrery'largeloraesp the
Shensitdellt Valley oorpstis. in
the &demi oti f • accompanied by Gerr
Gen.AlilihnoorpO is r•clostOtehind, Aintl
Gen. , lstnitatrilet ifilitistifit up , thulium
There no longer seethe Ito be any doubt. tat
that Get. Lee isthtowilig the - whole of•his for
ces up toward Maryland and Penneyitania.' •
Oar cavalry Irwro - teen skirmishing with
Lee's . . rear guard' fortwe days, and all infor-,
maticht now tends to shim that the rebels are
not moving totgirtres battle On the-field of Bull,
Runk or in Oat 31001.10 , 4, ,r •
Olar g°;ceBATACilaittd. , gr_.4 ol : l 9kl *Wang ,
thot , vigiu#,Mit'AfduffiLbinkito, thfAPPO'
AcTIM thismorning. /'l O . GWANWSO I IIIUItag 044%
th.g,TOurP 4 e4: o ; grgafg ol ; akifilAtTrAni. 104 11
strnng reintoreemeu4, , . , . I
Some rebels appeared it. Petitepeiße
eveni.pg, but witbdretf•fo l iprptdo4ig:any dam-,
An extra train went
,to, Ferry last,
night and returned this morning. Soon after
the train passed. the Voila, of Rooks some of
Goa, fill's oorßit, eaMe in on a tour of observa-
tion. ,
It In said by some who watch military,tuat..
ter& olos,ely, `that pp Ao4tttlo will be fought
in Maryland, and perhaps on 'the old field of
04 O
- ••,• G• •
n.,Le g s, Nov A og on :Ionse;; line titan
Gen. iloOkei;,but be has not succeeded in out:
very' ''(fen.- R Oker was at'
Fairfax Court MO.IIBB this ,utorning..,butrit can-1
not. be,oold , whoro /4,1101 be ,to•eight. •
in .110,LbelleYed • :thot..tho /we got
into Pennsylvania in anygreat 41.14mhers.—•
What they may i doarat ttwnty-four hours more,
is hard.lo,teiL 'r: . 1, • .
The talthaare Sine; Julia 18; Bays the-Fede
ral forces eradiated ilaipeti's Ferry yeeterday
MbrisinglindVetfied to the telghts On the Ma
ryland side, where, at last accounts,they' 're
mained; end 'hitt liWe bear distfirbd by the
Confederateh: Large • bodies of Confederates
Were marble - westward: lyteterday,.along the
?I'M and railroad, awards°timberland 1014
New Creek; destroying the 'track end bridges,
and doifig otherdamage its theyq progressed.
Cumberland was 'occupied for a short time
by a portioa of the invading Aimee, who' , then
joined the main body,' marching westward.
Gen. Kelly is reported. te be at New Creek, and
battle was imminencas tailed marehed out
to' meet the adtturiing - Confederated.. Eight
thousand 4onfederat es: sere reported 'to , be - at
Williamsport; , .and twentylSve 'hundred at
South Mountain, near Boonsboroi. •
. .
The Beaufoit correspondent of the
World; writing•under deterof June fa, says :
. We have New York. papers to the 9th inst.
-We' sea thatVioksbnrg is-not yet taken; and
you will see by accompanying papers from the
Department. of the 'Oen* that . Charleston is not
yet taken'aleo. •
- Hunter has beenielleyed by Gen, Gil
more, who has assumed:liommand.r We all
expect a change of policy, more -*vigorous
'measures, and 1104 attention to,' the devehip
went at the doctrines of theAbOlitionfeti.—
We expect no better administrative, officer, than
Hunter, but, a more aggressive anti vigorous
war policy. Het has made , many friends _and
instil enemies -44e former are rank A4.l.itien-
JOS, and,the latter good Union men. One of
these daisies regrets his, departure, -the other
bids hintGod-opeed.
--Not one in• ten of• vessels attempting to
run the Charleston blinkede have been caught.
We have vessels sufficient to put a belt around
the. harbor-; yet every day richly, freighted
Vessels are passing in. t l'ho expedition for re
cruits obtained about two hundred able-bodied
negroes, and more than Ave handred• women,
children and disabled men.. In the raid above
forty houses were' bullied, and 'mubli' private
property destroyed. This 'appears too much
like plundering.. , Privates and. effacers have
now in their posseasiodbooks, pictures, rings,
clothes and family mementoes alit 'keepsakes.
Watches, silverware, silver ectp, and various
other articles • were taken.front the. houeee be
fore setting them fire. The country was
defenceless, and the expedition returned with
out the loss of a man.
The weather is warm, the health of the de
The paymasters
soldiers contented and
happy. The 14nesters are at work, and the
sutlers in-equal degree ; . ,Frpm the 4th to the
nth lnsiani fifteen vesiela arrived tiki r s la
bors. and edge cleared- . or the ort h-
14 •71111)X Ticuguzia.
• CincE-A fAIT, BA: 1 ( 01 44ns 10.—News from the
front represeitUit our mega works ore toeing
pushed close to ' , the: rebel lines in several pis
cle• copioillereg immiaett. - The
army, is m.better , srarlts:tion.it , 4y.'plre•filous
time. The rebels have made their uppearanee
• ,
BitIFF, feaeralail4k
Grin jOhnsteldife , apeoted for•point days.
rinht obatiiiiietiiplaliolisburg from all
aides. There are no further demonstrations
on the Louisiana side.
10.—By the arrival of the raSwitzerland,
Col. John A_ Ellet, fro/grate, ni f of the Red
o ul it
riier today, we have rum& n of the de-
Afizeiitiie of 4KiikorpoNion thi,-Atchafalaya, •
fait thefikh ito4. y', i ,tti , :-,‘,..''
1 ,.t 1 A. rdiOnnoa*bAlike Sl i i#erland on the
8f diecovercita hattertiOx ' aid pieces, and
a regithent of infantry holdlOgOse `shore. The
Switzerland 'engaged thew Ott was struck
seven times, one shot eeverinet e eteampipe.
The damage was repaired,,and Capt. Walker,
with the Lafayettee antiPitteburg, silenced' the
VitterYillfirbertfed'llte totfn and comndiantry
stores.. . , , .. . i , . - ,
The river i s Clear between Port Hudson
and Vicksburg.
HSAilatrAllisa t ii, l WlLllllT HILLS, YIGNIBI1110 )
June 12.—The best information credits Gen.
Loring at JaCknin frith t. five thousand rebels,
Gen. Walker at Yazoo City with five thousand,
and Gen. Johnson . ..at Canton with fifteen thou
sand. These will be massed , to attack General
Grant's rear; but he holds all the fords on the
Black river, which must be crossed by Gene.
Johnson and Loring. ' ' -
Rebel cavalry are eontinually scouting out
side of Giment Grant's lines.
Much 'Lanese le said to prevail in Vicks
burg, and the citizens. desire its SiLpitUllitiOn,
Vlach General Pemberton absolutely refuses.
WASHISIGTO7,, June 17..—The news ' him.
Vickalbiirg lot several - 43ra past bee been un
important. All, the *deices received represent
the siege 'se progressing steadily and every
thing , g3ifilf oh *ell, . - ,
The steamship Norwegian, Captain Mc-
Master, which left. LiVerp9Ol on the 4th and
Londonderry on,the sth 9f June, for MOntreal,
twatiorrecked On 4be - 44tb instant on St. Paul's
Island, Cape Breton. : , She struck abontseven
o'clOck bailie morning,:during a doom 'fog,
about a mileand- a= quarter east of the - ,North
east.litght: She had three hundred aniftwOnty
ninapasoagers on board. They, were ail sated,
with the roster portion•of tbeie baggage. The
I.3l9.teiTi9r of§L i Tsitil's Island lint aU the as
eisimoiali bie Peiror;,, Thagorweghtikl: l oileiged
to the. Montreal Steamship Company, and her
wreck "nnikertlifAisitTeulh vessel vibibh- tfiey
hive loot ..: • ' f- , ~ ,': • ~, . ''
SPIIIMIiILD4 /ILL:, June 17.—The Demo
critlO - ihaettok: to-day was largely atten.
ded, and Planed of iiarmeniewsly. ,T l lO Demo
crat* *etiolate tbs :numir flyeseretis. at, from
50 ; 00016 10;000; • • I
There,man great-chemists forNalliedigitam.
Wm. A. Richardson was elected President,
erithlift 'Piesfderiti:indledfni fdt:Veor.
hoes. Co.cro OCOltiopLyier, Dickey, *tin.
stry, Dick Merrjek,..4l:- C.' Dean, ant dtliersv
Bake' fkifity:reatillitiotis 'Were' IttOpted.
the same effect as those adopted by 'the Ohio
State conitention Aominated YaAlandi.
ghat,: Resolations-weie failoidi , tted denotin
oingfloy, Yates for pgprognAng the is Lure,
thetftpplesidon .1;f the ChtUipto Tinies t tied the
arresteofidudge emosiabie and othercitizens of
Illinois. , r
. - •
„ .
) 1r 9/171911 , 0141111 , 011: v. , •,::>:.; ?
The Abolition State Convention,-wition. met
et Celumlme on the Rai' inst., nominated the
following tioket.:- . '
For Governor•r4olni .Brough, .of Cuyahoga
Lieutenant Governor,Chas, - Anderson,- of
IA • • • •
Auditor-v•Jobn ilL,Godinan, of Marion. za.
Treasurer—G. Volney Dorsey, <ef Miami.
• Beprelne:Judge—ilLll. Nuater, , otFairfield.
Publio Worke--44thali: birder, of
ighland. n.a n+ = r It: tv , r•al a .
• t in ocxrita 'Tulin's? lir ionzikmmriti:
, . ,
At:twenty minntesma past o'clock last eve
ning, ( - ..Tutieol7th;la - shecking tragedy occurred
on the pavement , in front of the New York sa
loon. on Chestnut street, above Franklin place.
It seems that 'Lieut. David Ludwig, of Luzerne
county, - , Pao aid belonging to the 581 h •regl
meet Fennsylvaniamolunteers, artillery corps,
(late Cell Blade*. donee,) shotionan named
Walter Celli* :the keeper.of the saloon, mor
tally wotindifig hini. He then shot himself in
„the head nad. fell dead. ...AA. gentleman who saw
the transaction says thatite observed the lieu
*94kiii".4 .ike:':Oivement. He ap
neared, to , .be under the influence of
=liquor. He = stood , . in-'conversation with Mr.
;Collin ftehrlylliathinnt es,' when 3addenly, the
lieutenalit presented a pistol and fired. The
=ball entered the tight breast .of Mr. Collin and
P ail f i l d 4br°,ulo l 4#ig.b 4 P. l s Aqß , r,the spine : tke,
wounded than pasted hbi handa'upon the.wound
ivtd. ran into the , cellar, where he walked to
eadltitAitit'shittitilme, when kelelL 'He was
the ,Owner. of , awe, prperts, ate , Tune aids Wa
ter streets. 'physician , was eaLled in, who
prono9uos thairßund mortifL"He thnde his
ouC, and was conveyed by police Officers
of the Resetive Corps* ifte'reniksylvatiiallos
Vic Lk° pistol to hie ewn , peed sad pulled the
trigger.anapped... Be deliberately re
cocked the 'Weilion, and 'the second trial took
fatal offset, lhe
Lieutenant 4444 ...Tilted at Philadelphia
as. one, of .tho.bndy guard of late colonel.
He - attended' the 'funeral. 'Since that tune he
ha* been livinrat Mr. Miller's hotel; 'was
yuryplessant spoken man, and rather tem
partite ilk his drinking. The nature of the
conversation that took place between him and
Mr. Collin has not been very definitely stated.
•It Wee-something about a woman who attends
the restanralit,, but What it'was has not been
satisfaotorilfexplained. !The body of the de
mised was removed tckthe.Contral Station.—
Among other things pocket, was a fur
lough, extending to June;27tb,.inse., signed by
L. Harwood esiiitant adjutant general.
At ;Letiasint,lTtioat Hp, 288$i" If alai, dausghter of
Henry Ind Mails WOrovidb, iii the'22:l yeas; ofhie age.
The relatives and friandk oC r the family are rasiret•
fully invited to attend' the funeral this' afteilnotni at
three &elm* withotteforther notice.
Nau abertiotmente.
p R N.
• • . ;; • :4111kt-18,1868.
For the preservation of peace and good or
der - in 'the - city,' it is enjoined on all keepers of
retail liquor establishments and lager beer
shops to close their bars every day, precisely
at 5 p. -m., till 5 'a. si. the next morning, until
farther notice. The Mayor ex:poets from every
good citizen a faithful and cordial observance
of this oil:fir. _ A. L. ROUMFORT.
jep-tf Mayor.
Mwell worn leather
wallet was missing from the pocket of the atibiieri
her in the rotunda :of- the Capitol yesterday. at. con
tained s22o.ha Bank hills, and notes payable to P.
Applebach t., the amount of over $4,000. Any .pen o „
. who will leave the notes at the PATRIOT AND Union'of
lice will, be welcomer:to the wormy, and:no. quessi ono
jelo-.lbit , 'Applebath i a Mille, Amin * ir ii.
Ege 10t
.114 9f //tarty Meat Hogitheedasin good eon 1431 and
with beads in. These goiter.onV. deidiiklik for
Builders, Farmers, in be col d r' err
price. • . l i%; & 00.
11TANTED-Carpenters and babuiet
yy makars at thejligliWoiki,:tarasbuir.
-1.18-11 w
_ _ ... ...,
pitcioms; ' oliMir4.:4.int - ga A ND :
LI BAOKBTO of alf diteariptloius, q ‘4 tiailtiosioaprioio,
for We bi 7 ,, . W .- M, Js„ to 00.
. ,
it ~ SAW I R,l; 'ill litatEß
ri, snd WlL'l''B EIAW MILL. "Apply ""Iy.
jolil-dOto 2 , .')0 .It l lo - - : ' ...
B 4,44.41,a- .A. ,I
DAY • EVENING, Juin 22, 1863
nt psis
Producing ill tbUintest noreltien,
.Latagkiatusurieggaig,. PbMtation. Scenes,
Grand Inirnmeirstal Overtures,
Vocal Quartettie, now Dances, de., ice,
As performed-by the
Read the ILlst or Artistes:
J. L. Purneross, R. P. Dixey,
Frank Moran, J. n. Roes
J. S. Cox. , A. R. Rsekott
a. Campbell, " " J. Lamont,
Charles Messes, 0. Villiers,
Thomas A. Becket,. ,
CMIL.LID: :dint:oe:d.:,
B. P. Blrapsezi, ', • ' E. Patter son ,
I. Prsear, •
forming In all the largest organization extant.
Doom' quarter Tot
-o ea aqu clock. Entertain
ment commercfs at S o'clock.
Tickota r lb coati; reservedseats SS cents.
I. L. OARNOItOPS, Manager.
jel9 6t
AT 0 T, I C" E
—LI to f u
Hdatidsioad, Ain. 17, 1863.
The following order hasjusto been made by
Major General Conch, commanding the De
partment of the Susquehanna :
17th June, 1863.
NO: 6.'
Captain Dodge, Chief Mustering Offi
cer; Will, at , 9 a: 'in. on , the 18th • coin
menus .musteiing , the troops here assembled
under the proclamation of the President of the
!Jolted States and the call of His Excellency
GOvernor Curtin.
He will,continite musieringfrom day to day,
until all are mustered. The time of eertiee
• SIN MONTHS, unless sooner die
By command o f
' '' ` hie dert. 0. N. COUCH.
„114zuy'Lit Rt r, Ciptidzi and A. A. G.
791utitder militia iiito e uie Willing to en
ilie*Ofea,ftir the ,defettailif public and
Pri3rAiktk pl.j esiy.nq/Ifie.:J?noattelftnt, will ae
tumble, those now,in. Cionp Vtarlin, st Camp
Curtin, and all others • on the capitol Hill, on
to• morrow Thursday) morning, when they will
be Amp ija_and,At onoe„furnished with all the
nevieitry u nts, irior id being regUlarly
'oritinfialf lute regilnentr. •
The people . of Pennsylvania who have testi
fied by attik ( presiihobdiete their Willingness to
bear arms ta drive the rebels from our State
and protect - it fronainvsnien, will readily notice
the propriely i of i'b i i , "9rder and their duty to act
in obedience to '
bey.. iervice )ky the United
Sfatets - 13bverifinfuf lbr the turposh. bf?proteet
lug the State:: ,au:tati 'plated tinder the com
mand.of ageniraliilfieer detailed for that.duty.
`Tii•enjoy all the benfits of that Government,
it is neeespary they, should be mustered into
service, and tbatservioi opJy to - continue ditr
for witiqh ,they ; were called arid.np one can de
airei.tO return to hialtonie untitthe people of
Pennsylvania and the soitof our, State is safe
from the' rebel. A."L. RUSSELL,
jel9 St Adjutant General Pennsylvania.
fdeenrr. BECKSB & BALK, Proprietors, announce to.
the eithsene of lioniebarg that thin 999/ end delightful
anmeaer•retrest le tow open foryisitors. Acoommoda-
MOW will be furnishvd to parties and pic-nice at reason.
ablU twin's; tidancing platforialiarink been erected 'ft r
their special use. Beason tickets for families, good for
one year, 1.1,00 „.
No improper Charaaters admitted, and no intoxicated
person will be permitted to.visit the Island.
A Foxy Bpat piles,oonstsatly,between the Island and
the foot' farad *shah*, Whet Harrisburg. jel3.lm
9, S. MARQUART having opened a
IV 110 W 0T99917 SRI/ rtoli49o store at he foot of
Second and' teatigge - strenter new ilaft lower , 'winding
bridge, would v. °tinily invite the attention of the
public to his I selected stock of groceries. He will
1 54 45 9 - on bead all kinds of country produce,
such as p.
aitaiewl y Lard,
,: m bo ta uld at t or l e it n , Pall,
- • 0 • and Black Teas,
• ; • rata
r •
s:) fl''' • ' - Green and Routed Coffee.
Also. a large lot of Glue, Queen and Crockery Ware.
4frVP l a keep,constantly on band a large stock of
u; andlreed k anki as Oats, Corn. Rye and Ray.
Notions of eibry description ; in fact everything un
allyitipt in a ffrat clue retell grocery and provision
store. Cheap for auk. 8.8. MARQUART.
.May hlet,l66s.* • • jell-lw
UST ,RECEKE.D.--Another lot of
Ler.4:6l-141P`uP", at e fl , ehelffes Bookstore, 18 Mir
- • .016
u Po -,toient of MORTON'S
tatliTnrivaed Goleredi, ini Gold Plated Desk Hol
ders, just reeelyed, at ilehelferla Bookstore, 16 Market
• jel6
rdsl o kti: 146 fin- orb st Pektlf"'g
Bookstore. JOl6
. 434.f.F4er,.icpiiielogo od all k/ad of Stationery,
eqUit,tlchielrghtllo9lFittore. jel6
Alarge iarie4rof . Nqtions just received
at ficheilier Bookstore. jel6
FOR sALE---A new double-aeated fem
ify OarriSßO; fbf one or ITO itOrAoo, Enquire of
jole-if UENAY BOMEN, Ride Rola.
- , - AT 110}7pSAWS WOODS.
3.44:7 UR XI AY, JULY 4th, 1868:
• stool. XIMA.O2IIS,
' • W 1 CARBON,
J. if. G.taysarcit.
No Improper characters wi ll he admitted, and
there will be a. sulacient police; force on the ground to
preserve order. ra.S.dtd
OR ' RE " 4 -
- older's Idierretable-.- -Apply to
4," STABLE, ::t_ to
stlA"Wall"tut gtreete.
199-41 m
TO BITILDEBS.—The South Ward
$4OOl /*two* wig receive proposals for build
ing a School House on the corner of Fourth street and
Blackberry alley, accindinir to plan and specifications
which can be seen.fit,the office of the deoretary,•No. SO
Market street., Royments will be made in cash as the
building progritage, mewing 15 per cent. till comple
ted. Sealed proposals must be banded to the Secretary
On or ,before, June 22d. Approved securities must be
stien'lgy Ihlts party. receiving . the Coatis:at: •
unsay nitsw.nssasoss, Seertatary.
.' , Bfik; IC' E• T Sir's; "--
, = MARKET, • • •
ft 1. 0 ,2111.
Her sale l owaby
lArPi...,VraiYs7s A DI&TIE! I want
to lire Atitirin every capity,At ;75,11 month,
!Tomes pfid. elell , my 2 sew' choir Aandly Sewing
=iillniU mad -. 4, :8b -MADISON,
.440411404,1 t • • 444,51tignine.
':AMEP#44OO. - .l' OA, 1 - , W e
Vwant Agents At s6o.a moatlrfarptassivaid,, to
call - our - .Evertastais• Pencils, Oriental -- Burne r a, and
thialalext other aawc, twelnlawNtlliositaittatti:f
circulars mit fro. Adarora, • , ,
. alab4jat. ‘: sah'w- o/Aiiit
Jr., lc Oo