RATES OF ADVERTISING. Four Man or lent inassAlMe half norms. Tan lined 4 .4 more than four', constitute a spare. Half q., one sp. a o khut sq., one day. $0 60 cc one week— 120 . 4 one week.... 200 " one month.. •800 " one month.. 600 44 three usinitha 5 110 " three months 10 00 44 Biz m nabs.. 800 44 six months.. 15 00 . 4 one ye0r.......12 00 44 one year .-- 20 00 IE7 Business notices inserted in the Loom. counts, or balsam marriages and deaths, TEA OBJETS MI LIVE for mach Lnsertion. To merchants and others advertising by the year, liberal termt *ill be offered. Os Ike number of insertions moat dasignate4 aa he nivertacement. W . " . Marriages and Deaths will be inserted at the same qetes ta regular advertisements. iluoinego eats. ROBERT SNPDGLASS i.,. .., ~ -- • ATTORNEY Al' LAW; Office with Hon. David Mummy - T . , Third street, above Markel, liarriiburg, Pat N. B.—Pension, Bonnty an4,Militliry claims of all lands prosecnt, d and collected. Refer to floes John 0: Kunkel, David Mamma, 3r., and 11. A- Lamberton:' •' ; - ' • inyllidacw6ux 31. H. MItLER,'' • AirtortStkys•L AW, OEFlCE_ AN ' 811,9 z AKp.i , s BUIA,DINGE - • • t BETWEEN WALNUT/ma Iit4I4AKET SQUARE, sigtAdcw Nearly opposite the Buehler House. T HOS. C. MAoDpIVELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IifTLITARY CLAIM AND PATNIVT A6'.NNT. Office IN Barke'a Bow, Third street,' (Up Biafra.) Having formed a connection with parties in Wash ington City, wno are reliable business men, any, busi ness connected with any of the Departments will meet with immediate and careful attention. mfky . WEICHE ; 1 1 SURGEON AND OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. Hale now folly prepared to attend' proniptiiin dallas of profoseion in&Rita braokkal. A Laois AND Vller , IFIIICHABEIWIIL MIIIDIOAL MXPEII.IIII3I Justin's hint in pfoialalng fall sample satisfaation to all who may 'favor lkiinirlth a WI, be 'Mediums. Chronli oroAretlisrimitura. ; . I ' Inlll4AArly , , . . 11. WARD. , • • . NO. 11, NORTH THIRD ST., 114.10LISBUNAL ST.EINWAYPS PIANOS; juLopms, VIOLIN N 4ttrrAßBl Banjos, _Flutes, Fifes, Drains, Actordeass, dramas, nasal AND . 300 i &cc, dce., PHOTOGRAPH FRAMJE ALBUM, Large Pier and Mantle Hinton, Silunripand Oval Frames of every descriptionpade to order,Regnildingdons. Agency far lisraePa Ileekhg Machines. U7' ehlet Music amity Wall. , ontl-1 SOHN NV. GLOVER, .IFERCIIANT TAILOR ! Has Jest received from New rOlt; an assort meat of , fN/LSONABLE Wick la 61.11 SO Lli 111M1X1010.114 - 1110 Publis ai nov22) MODERATE PRICES. - dtt W RARRY. WILI/4 1 4M COLS43I2Mr. A• 4l 3 l 7 3sl W r i n g 402 WALNUT STRUT, 'H.T.E7tiIELP.III A.. Genoilfdlabits for Soldiere proitiptij at - Medea, State Mhos adJosteditc, • 101120•411 m SMITH & ATTORNEIra-AT-LAW, THIRD STREET, Harrisburg, Practice in the several °carte of Dauphin county. Col lections any's-promptly. • " • A. 0. SMITH, 7. B. EWING. tJCOOK,.Merchant Tailor; e 2 7 CHESNUT ST., between Second and Front ? Has just returned from the city with an assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMIMES AND ; TESTING'S, Whle.h will be sold at. moderate mime and. Made up to • order; and, &loo s ita anorkment of TOADY &UDR Clething and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. • • no►2l-lyd: D FiNTI.I3TIVIE. 4 L GII,DEA, B. D. 8. 1 14 i, tut N 0 . 119 MARKET STREET, 381 BILTINKEL'a .BUILDING, lIP, 81Vit.ti. RELrG-I° TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOLSIEPOSTIORT, ' E. OEP,MAN; st aorrni smooml trfiezety Ames* onasinni, • Ruminants si.t Depot forthesele of Stereeeeepee,liteloompopleTtere Dude and Misdeal Inetiumente. * Mee; onbeari tibia ri*Ovirtiticommist j 0 RN' WV'M'Ait T As NA,8101.-: . • C - AII-13 RIRWS HOTAL, HARRISBURG, PA. Allmanner of visrrrNist, WEDDING INIVINTISP NESS .CALROS eXecated im! the 01 P4,a4iPti s =r id stoat ressoiable terms. - tidy' bfiligt arm et IWO •"itto4; PLARRISHRRO, PA. The undersigned intbrins the Public, Shit'he has' Mi.: rently renovated and refitted his mell-known "Union lotel" on Ridge avenue, neer the Round House, and is preparedtobecommodateMtisses; atrangersandtravel as in the beat siiyPb 100411 1 .4 His table wlß'be supplied withlhe bebt the Meskete sPord,,andat Ws her ! d.l be Assad superior brands .of ignore and melt beierages. The, very best III:0OMM -4stliyortor reliroaderl employed It the!ettops In this , fal4 , -USN= BOBTORN, F BrA:N.KiLIN;1101781 11 1 DALTINOVN' • This pleasant• and commodious Mobil keg beim tko relighly, riadttied and . re-faralshod, . It is' pleasantly dtaatedon NortbzWest earner of Howard and Vraiklin streeta,a few doors wen °MO Northern Central Rail vay Depot. lavactattelitamladditartiiikaaitart ends Pests. ' • - fk;:/alWinf9yrioprietor, Jel2-tt aild. Of R. :rILA THEO. F. BOHEFIrrit I ..;:!a• CORK CARD 'AND , JOD 111114_TEar.. No_ is MAAZET EIT*II7, HARSIBRuzak.. 1D particular attentio6 plid ' to'ptinting,'ruling sad bhdraihoad Blankiidibilfests,./noursio. Poii eit 0 ealus,Bill-Reade, &a. W ViAting and baraii Oita st4fifi low. • :eel and in The beat merle s INN 0138P68. ORICKERINGA MATE AGAIN OBTAINED TDB GOLD - RIED,At,s strbCtifics , 'FAll., BOSTON,' • sits TKO IitiONDIMF *WM O.PER $l.lfY, comPAiiroasi Wessman for the oniatingtreeuzioa, at Mania bujettp Market shoot, w.nwooss i e MUSIO STORM. AWNS 1 YOU KNOW WERE. YOU TJ can get Ana Note Paper, Nerelopea, Whiting and Wedding Oar& ? At SONIFYIIIMI NOONATOEN. Rtriliall9ll STOCK OF QQ ORS.— wflitllooX, & 00.. are now able to offer to tufa . leteenakOad the pablAvat large" • 'took tlio Purest lignora ever itOts~ into tIJ, stiarlubb, Wirt at bk Part the following varieties . : W 111.13) 1z SPOTCH.OLD BOURBON. WINE--08 ,- SHREW, ota) MADEIRA. WARD, ToUPBY & qq: PALE BRANDY.' •• %. - • - " ,lARDCA' SPIRITS. PRINZ NIIIW,INNIZANDISUM. • - DRAWS PLANTATION BITTERS. Then Minors can 4 iternagfri,l, Wlnotlision to tbelooNiek & Oa. BMW sly 'masa Wil• variety of W 6l a l g7 ankstialit Wrilifftiebao imitivtas war inmates eT the, i a. NI lia—-*;*4o4sr,iit !PM eideetaildail aitieje4—ebasp—iit I • 10111,111:11 11001E8TOBE. • • . " . ,- - i - 1- --- ,:,'----% --, - ,- - - 1,-- *.-..- - ------ --- -- ~.... - -.. . I . * .- . . . • . ' . ........_ - ' - I'V '''- ---- -`''''. -- -IP• - - • . . . ~ . . ,- --:- . . _ .... • . : .... r , 4 , ' - • • ' 1 1 I A mil= .... .._.„ :,y... . • . . •••.. • ...... . . . . . . , . • VOL. 5 , -NO. 247. Alietellantous. PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, W}i Claims . aid Claims for Indemnity. STEWART, STEVENS, CLARK & CO., etgiorna • and Counsillorr-sliZato, and Solicitors , , for all kinds of Military Claims, • 450 PENNb . YLVANIA AVENUE, • WASHINGTON, D. C. 'hie Arm, haying a thorough knowledge of the Pen. don 'Business, and being familise with te practice in Lif the Departments of.Goverinnent, believe that they cart afford greater facilities. to Pension, Bounty, : and other elsimente,.for the prompt and successful ILOCOM. plishment of Mantles" catenated to thic4than any. Other erM in Washington. They. desirel to socnre Inch an amointof this business se will enable ,thernito execute the buaineas for each Claimant very cheaply ouid on the basis Of their pay contingent upon 'their success 'in 'eeich, case, 'Far this purpose they will secersethe serileecof Law Firms drt each , protejnent .leszlity throughout the fhates. where such husiness may. se , hid, furaidi one} iiith the ineessary - blank 'forms of application and evldenis; teqUiaite printed pamphlet infitractione, and circulars-for distribution in their vibinitY,w4h also- Clateo XMMOS illaerted l .eri upol diis exertion of the papers and tranamlisimi of - the same to - them' by their local. associates, they will promptly perform tie business here. • • • , • .. 117' Their chargei will be ten dollars for o f fi cers and Me do/Uri/or privates; for eacliliension or Bounty and Bark Pay 'obtained, and ten' per cent.' on amount of Olaima for Military Supptiss or Cksimsfor Indemnity. 1.17"' Soldiers enlisted since the let ofMarcli;18(11, in any kind Of Service', Military or Natal;who are disabled by:Mimes 'Or mesundS,' are entithid to Pensions.' All soldiers who .serve •twq years or during the. war, should it sooner dole. will, be entitled to $lOO Bounty ' . Widows of soldiers who afi or ern killed, are 'entitled !to Pennions, and the $lOO Bounty. If thers:bs no widow, then the minor children. And if no minor children, then the father mother, sisters or brothers. are enti _ad es above to ' lliellloo Bounty and Back Pay. JOSEPH B. STEWART - , • - • • • RESTOS L. STEVENS, EDW &RD PLARII, 'OSCAR AI . PTRVENB,' ' ' WILLIS ILIGATLORD: • .fraeuttleGTOE, D. 0., 1862.. - lApply at our office, onto .our AsSooletetit manta, P4.--JOHN A. BIGLER, Attorney and pierasvga.,. Pl. l -40tW8UR3-, & :RIDDRIAL,.A34,I - PA.—WM. R. MUTH, A.M.ofiLej. awl Pau.soludrin.s, ..41,111:INNIORILD,411 Atwood street, :M. ill. SHIM, Attorney and Counsellor. r • lifilsinsaTom, Pi.-31011)' sod Counsellor; • • U M BINQE~ ` ' • • iyil-dly J . ,49,,K Ey & 0-0.18 - 8.11 - o sTo At.E; • HO. SOX , II 41,11,11,111,T. T • • ' Iit.AR.RZEIBUREP, n i t w it t r kst a.: &wets '419i4 , . Astpo Mae to the eanufsebtre of • ••• • . . BOOTS .AND E B ' ' SI; Irlitds and issleitiss, lit the salted ind•siost rut. st ostiitikorytkitei. ' ' Thar Oki* 41/i.Soiitlity lit it'll, • %Phis Csif sad Patna Loathe , ' Booti' aid tAids, lrteet mitYlei; Lama , Said Misses; editlis;iikiii istherylhois in irest misty; 'and' tr rat irTerytblni Manacled with tut Shot, - • ; CbSTOMSR WORK will be partlaalirly 11102910dt*, sad in all &wee dalisflotion . bemitreMed! 'Lairs Stied +fp &h. ?fiss of the'bsgt onakirsitt tAa efitiitrry. Theibrifi praistical etperienie of the undersigned, and their thorough tireowledge of the. busineseiwill, they trait, be stificient gnsraotae ta the public that they will do them justice,„andifarrdeh tqltexa- art mead,' that will recommend itself for utility, cheapness and dura bility. , (lane] • • • ..4AONSON & CO. URINGER'S PATENT BEEF TEA, in_ 1 holid, ciatntratellattliet df ' JAEF AND IttljEtA Convertiblolipmedistely into a nourishing and` Oli o:4m* soup. Highly apribed 14. illaWleer of eniSiblefif This admirable article condensed into a compact form, ill'the substantial and nutritive properties of a large Hof Meat and vegetables. The readinese with which It dissolves into a rich and palatable Soap, whielegoold require hours ,of preparatlen accerdbig to ~the liana method, method, is an advantage ire ma nj iltaatioiii of life too obvious to seed Urging.. Its highlynotrlahing qualities imagined.with Ira delicacy, it lovaluriblefor the sick; whilelor thruitin h ft; it lis a perfectsubetitnie for !Fortin:mit aid vigitib -ft will keep griod si4 olimato. • ' • • • 1, ' It hi ppeigliudy,w,"ll, adapted NOB 4 FBAtTipisliff . , by tand or pea, ph° esinilis amnia thOse Mildentadipriva tions of a comfortWe tlieys • • VOW INVALIDS, whose caprielovroppotite can this MP (*Wed& moment: , r FOR SPoItTiIhOIN and IttO,ORFIONIILST to whom, both ito compactness and anti pkeparithiii 'WO 'reisOad reeintit• ••Itt!r bbl :f u • " • •• • •`• aviiv r tg , Wbl:1 1 ,10a & /I - It Ault; T 11, 1,, i , O• ; 1. lesl LL 1r Fat 0 17-11 i `Tilt 1 17. Al*J? aVA11g94 11 , 4 4 1 / r IV _AL IV7 C 3 . -211 33,31 , 11,111: - 1 1 11 9FIFRAND ( .o.E.fimrirt.PlLN/Al r 13 ' kik?* -!1.• it• • gIiODA DtwaQigti filetiveradisaly libido- 160 the , eittfraw 4j l Aare*. TitrAL, east as. da/taaar:. • ; 1 .W1,17. 7 4 01 t5..* , Jc 00, 1110 IT 8.1 goS T .0 R , • • NO.9i 114.1.1K1T H. 471141111050, EMT MiliiBp3, PIAIOIq, , - miaLopEON6, . , VIOLIN E?; ST*7O ( l, " • DRUMS, Frnik _PkaUTINS, AliONDNOttli, at the lowest CITY P 110119; at " LNOOIIWB MUSIC amen,' , , , • no, es luirkwAT exam. THE.' BEST- •PAIWILY SEWING ' ' WIIEELER"it IWILSOWS:. NEW OFFICE, SkuareViiezt to" Odider's • . • 'irrAlatigni Nie earn in operation. ' A general . nadetturent of "natieblike , a6d*edlea cos Menai, on .115214-1 . • : •• . . MISS MARGARET HIN '; E! Will exbfbit and iell, them, and also , do. all Matti maehlneoaeldrig oitiltebe•niaebined , in'the.beat manner. The patronage of the yelolieia teepbotfullyraolititoki. • 01488,W g .. • z' "I L . :Wavracrevis CARBOTS; DZIELTOHNII, WU is, POSTBIt i ittNIAAL WATES, All) .p it .1C AR.Tr /I .840 TTL/1 S ,• of 'vizir Dzeinurrios. -` • B. G. W. BANNERS; eland!, • - ' 27 flouth Avoid steret, Phihmielplda. TA PANESE '6hoice. lot of eJ this celebrated Tea justieceived. It is of the first cargo ever Imported, and Is much superior to the Chi nese Tess its quality, strmigth sal fragrance. and is also entirely free of aillOtepstioa, coloring or mixture of any, kind. It is the naturalise Of the Japanese Tea Plant. Yor sale by - • • Wit. ;WOK, jr., & 3 ov„ BUSHELS York Stage, Potatoes, , of different' kinds, ) 1;400 swain, vet* Pete 411 11 17 • • A choke lot of York State -Bettor. nneerkr lot of Chttowips4llolMiesalli 4kellbluirt B l Net vendee& and for sale lor • !1.1 , 11 - . W. ea Bog +4 co- • deal4tt Nsi,lool,lositeedriet " li tcart2 &ANL], 2 and 11, in an ANA, new, and 4000 ago toerrowad. 'sot tor ahla low till ' TIC D00Z,! .. J " giarilz l ' iitilici - DIS. Prir s )" . "O'Pat*llirtlitrall szuhisiniZ' ,• 11 ''' ,- . • )., . or . ri,, i , to_.--it •Pirromirra t na l it f i ~ ~ A . .., ~......„...,. .." ~ • , ..t. .. .. HARRLSgURG,' PA., THURSDAY; JUNE 18, 1863. eR(ic.F.EDIDiA;S THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. 11218ui81}i18i i Jelle l l7, 1863 The trienniel Convention, of the pemooratie party of liennsYlvania,'foi 'the nomination of candidates for Governor