N OT T A- BUM DRINV 4 highly foacentrated ittgetable Extract. A PI7RN Tomo Tast. WILL RELIKVD THE *F. DLICTBD AND BOT , MANN DMIXIIHARDS. DR. HOOPLANDPS' GERMAN DR. B',I7."SZKsoN, PEELLAAELPRIA, PA-. WILL " 174E31:60 - 4 4 Stlldtslo3T CERTAINLY CURE ALL DD•EARRE,.tiItISING FROM A DIS041110)11)04 Liver, Stomach or laithleYs• • TimatunslacCgar aitizetti are aufferinr from DyspEip. .141A4nd LIVEN DISEASH?. and to whom:the following gitestionsgos-anfee ' 1100ILAND l t OERMAIE."BUTERS , • WILL 'CURE T 1110 15? ; '1 Dyspepsia and -Liver,D4ease, Do you rise with a mall torigue . initithinksorith Itxd taste in thiPinonTh , aari roor Intents SOT brealifist? • Do youf etsheu.Snu4ratgetnPyn:wFttkasl tangtati you,pan ararcely : get l about ? y u..kkre a dipmcWiln head at times, and end a *Wheat 'with' headlelfe Are yJurbilireliisiiitVie an I inegular, and appetite change able ?" Do IPOLVitness Sind/am k atom id and do you oven up crteto ? Do you, feel a fulness after eating, and a Sinking tvliiii . the it 'Mich d empty`! Do y' n have helithelie ? i .yan SM -low spirited, and ladkiaddinr dark sil*.pLithisgs ? Are you not normally nervous at times , 2 Boyce. nos oecomOresflese, jowl atom, lakT until midnight before pi u can g o alselbep tiorsit•*rt- easel , dnll :and AWAY - 1110111 'or the time? Is yourAgarlosano scaly? alsopal ow?, . la short, is not „year fife.a bprtoon, fall of foiabi'dfOß? ..• Hoollasulls German._ }Bitters Will cure everpoase of CHRONIC ICIR' NARVOITS DBBILITY, BEMUSE OP _Tapi voly,gx.s, AND,. AXISING •111031 A DLIORDBRED;ST7MAIIit. • . „ WASFfettatillieWing resulting from Disorders - of the , Digeoliie Organs Constipitint, Inward Pilee:Stilhessitiood to the Head, Acidity or the. iltomaeh,..Newesi HMO them, Dif3l4l4n • for 'SOW, Fulness or Weight - in - the stoaatelt,'Vear _trues:time, Sinking or Flutering at the Pitohthe Stomach, Swimming of t,a Head, 'Hutriet , ard DitiontitAireathttg,.Plutterlrig at - the Heart, 4 lehokinghsSuffeesitingaeklbkin i n when in • " a lying post be e:re,fore Dimmers of Pillion, hots • Webs he do ff Pillion, Snip 3 1311741111 A -t , tlcienc7 et. • . . - ••" '''Yerepurttfort,- -Yellownees4 'hf . 44 .3.? ! I.4:Jatin Bid *yeti, Pdnitt Lomat, q f.•;r Alock, Cliegt.L4ubr, Ac. . Bidden Plashes Of' Heat, ' Burning in the Plash, Conctantiosaghtiagaef Neil, and' great • - /34*Onot8firitd ' : • ; Liu itoincE. There are many preparations sold' Wader the name of Bittern, put np in quart betties, compounded of the chase cot- ehjeir,j , or °ammo& rum, costing from 20 t 0.40 cents. Per Settent the Una dieitidecil by AAA, or Coriander Seed. This class f . Bitters Mut catherd,lind will - wattage to , as cause,'low 'air they caw be •eekicitturdreds to die the death of the drunkard: ,By. thuir ,n.se .tbe system is kept scistimedly wader the indium:me Of Acpbckie titininlants of *sworn kind, be desire for UMW' 18 crescled,',and, kipt nes and' the remit is ill the; luirristir attendant upen a' ihanksid'S bfe wind death. •.• a,; • •,• • • • , For those who &wire and.poill, /cape al,i'quqplFitters, we psiblienthe following : lfe% One. D. outs 1194tottd's Hotshots Bitters attl mix irithMilires quarts of gioit Brassy or •W-i-hp, and the sewn-Idb • be a preparaton tbetwillfor ooze, in medicinal :wartime a nd true 8100 IMO , any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and cost lima less. Yu all the virtues of Roajittud'i Bitters in elmuNstiew with, a: good article of Liquor, at a much Less . pr..e e inferior' prepbre.. Vows tOkeost you— ~s f.~•~ s. ... Hoe Berman Bitters WILL-GIVE Ocer. G-Noori. - ' • wit& 0/191 YOU • , STRONG';, HEALTHY- NERVES, 1171 a; WWI lam : Briar.' and "Eilergello WILL ;ENABLE YOU tlt: g asx. i mwrim Nrir3241.4.141', - AND WILL PoSItIVIELY PRX+Zif YELLOW FENTE. BILIOUS &a. - &a. •z T!s. r.Be tx „ Wit ccad„ Delicate COaelftalleas; arm whr 4 74E OR FEMALE, , HOOFLANB'S gERION BITTERS rt. 331 mamrsr That wElrittore them to their penal health. - 'Each i bis heirithe (vie inthonarede ofilistanceei and a fali - trial la butrtignirtd to prove theAserton - t • 7 t. - .":• Si .144 T. Ta&S.t 131.Ti'ERS '.1012 1 • NOT.AtetiffOLIC , NEP, -1114:AT MENDED AG A 331 E "R ' . R. (26 1 110 • n • - %he Proprietßis,hme Iheugandra letters from the moat erilmeit ' CLERGYMEN; : ; -14A.WISR8 9 , ELLYEIGIANS. ant • OITIZENR; Teititykig'Of their Ownpersoosi knowledge, waft herni Watts andm dical virtue of these 1i.4; re, 1 ; Ninon itec..4 Newton Brawn,Al. D.; Editor of Encyclo . z .; peak, At Beysions, Knowledge. „Although not dlspos, n tetarirr or rventpaepti out idedidnedin goneral, 4 thrtiugh tie#nst of thteringte, Meets Mid' effedlid, l yet :know of no sufficient tomcats whys man may, not testify to the benefits 11 Wier" bimeelf to hem received teen any simple preparation, in the hope that be tidy UM eentrtbute to the benefit of tithvin; • • " idathismorereadily *regard to “itoollend'S Gems* Bltters,' , prepared by Dr,,..0. ' 11 Jackson, of thip eitg, becanabl was prejudiced against'them for years under the impreedon thaf - tlidY were Chien,' an alcoholic oda - Wrik, indebted to my frieffi, Robert Shoemaker, 317.9 for 140 removal of, thit prejudice by proper tub, an encoprngentent tcilry them when suffering ftcsa great and long continued-debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the pitapat reari.U B SPl[tfo4 by el'ldent relief and restokaiton t• deplebeney So d montstrilior wbich,l bad net . to*X f or Months before,` and had almost des Mired of rip. , piths. I the*efore , thank diudiand.sy friend for irbeling me to the use of them I. NEWTON BROWN. • Phr a‘eliZia, rune 23, 1861. . ,-; Disviso or • IClAN4nArl4l, , ,apiad BLADDER lon `` "' ipeddliy Via ttifirstairt: foitOtool to UM*. ca twl scillEl6llo ATE, ' "Phokto *uttering limn 1itAR4143.1134 volottog sway, lox . , scarogpilikr A - 43..,RAber bOAN re m u * in Y eT Ys l ;._ PO VW:p . 41; 1 10% cases vt hcre,a,mootoWAßT-Nro efitet. T - 1 - ' • - 1 : " ". 1 • T lexift„einklreu se above, and Ideliog to Mpg fa'l-#*tthe'llay they commthee ' 12 Id* t) • • " • • L'II I ERART NEN STUDENT& • , pne 3 .4 F o r hin g hoz; with theft ., kilik tria ways keep *'bottle of abort/moo , neat thou , mintoritiklial nwitchlwnellt from itv flee , tri both mind and body, hm, , i , gor4iog and not .**Tr9nsigz,,* IT IS Id A 1,10,1101 t STIMULANT, Apii haves pa prostration Attention ) , Soldiers E` FRIENDS OF .SOLDISAS. . . We call-the nttiketon of /in hav:ni relationi Or frielda . olatho um, Is, the riot that ~s ooFL. i ffat'd ters " wilt care nine-t4ntba er the dime ntOdfildttasiby Ca=; wares and Fre:rations 'lncident to camp 'fife. Ili' published almost' daily in the neweeapere, On the tirtivet el tilts -ick it win , he -noticed that a vary tone prdpettiott , aseanifering from debility. 'ltykry east of :that kind oan ieogily cared by Hobliand's Ciennan Bittern. We!boao, L sioliteifetstion in stating that if these Bittern we e freely ' nestansong our miners. hundreds of liy,s might be eased iggit btharwise wsult be lest. • - lebe proprietors are daily ree.eivimy thankful letters from aMdfirsost intim army +LOLL himPitaUr.who hay. t...en res u me d ..tke mkaottlismi /Micro, sent to them by their friqW lll . L BEWARE Or COUNTERFEITS!, 411Senitlare of O. )I.laolotoi "v-bzukui th• MUM= of exalt BOWL R i ft ply/Ai-Tit. cams, frIA.A4 OS HALF DOZEN for SA 00. la m ad wi - A - . o,kkeedrltatogilt not tors the article, do not t t emiCeitokilitt of the iotoxicetittg repeat - oas that ;may its itiered 111 Its plow, but seadt_tto oisoma to Will finwArd: •3o eureki l lia lli,b r e "`" l 'l • '." ' • • priaopm, 1011 W ;aiiii insiiiitiry, Val ,11110Cli ST*.. TONS, di?: 3E1117' ..11L 1 1 1 T 191 (Suixlesson t; O.S. JACKSON, A C 0.,) pito MINORS. 'toe age lay Druggists arid Dealers in every town is the Visited States anvil, dr for Oak' S ao Rent. V.ALUA.BIA _IRON .VIDPERTY for v W **OEB and OR R HSPIRS. This property is situated on the Juniata riveroin Mifflin and Huntingdon eountiai, PL, , withinone militia 'fount Union Station, on Pennsylvania railroad. The Juniata canal and Tflrtnerlvankt• ratio:l.4'oMS through the pro perty. It embraces about Twenty-seven Hundred Armee of /and, about three hundred. son* et Which is good 'farmland, in a high state of 'culti*Stion l the balance 18 good timhar land„..would supply sufficient charcoal for the thritaces 'The iniptiriemente Area gbod substantial Furnace, Stack, Steam Engine Iron Blowing Orlinderd, &c.„ with all the necessary buildings. Therela on thin property an extensive bed of Iron Ore, being identical, in the geologic a series, that at Danville` and R l oollllhPrgi ;This are van be,mined and delitered at the furnac,ll for about one dollar per ton. Limestone 3frubiatidaheti F loud:quality, on this property. The. extensive coalfields of the Broad Top and Alleghenies are from forty to arty miles distant, by Penesylvidia raffrOad or canal, and the renal running throngh , the property makes it. one of the ,best location. Sor the manufacture of iron, either' with coke or anthracite. In addition:to the, charcoal, the buildinge fel , ' the 'fir nace and faun areionnle, sabstantial, and in glind repair: The property Wirl be sold a bargain, and en elm?. totes. For furtherparticulare address L:.,_ _ _ • WASHINGTON RIGHTER, , • • UoLviansa, Lancaster coliaj,L .P. S.—For quantityaud qualityLof, the, ore see Prof. Lesalie'a reporrannitine.. ,• .je3-418ollm VALUABLE PROPERTY AT pi:titian& of the last - 4111 lin4 testament of JOHN deceased, will,be exposedlte kAdic Sale on Bpturildy, the 13th day of Juee, 1868, At theVourt Haase, in the city of Harrisburg, at two o'clockp, m., a valuable , TRACT OF .L AND, sktuatein tlie„pity of Harrisburg, on the;,Toneatowh road, adjoin ing property:or John Shoop,lVlllAnni Allison and tls. Haehnen estate, it being thelitiopertiof John Bele:de l ' ceased'; containing Tainty l one ACres;more or less. , ~Erected thereon is a go L ad t i ro-100'i ' FEti "FRAME 110VSE"AND 04024 '' Other outbuildfogs i good wafer and a thritig .1"9 1 41 APPLE oftcaeltD. , , Sale. t o commence : it two 'O'Clock, as above Stated,. when the` terms and' Conditions of sale will be made knearrebt .71 i ; . § 7,OHN D 4ARY. my2s•dte Adniantsfrator de bons - , Stpa, C. T_ A. vn, 13AL.R.-1 , 4 , T.110 BULL IN amp, . 0 - corner of Walnut and Short itrilete, A uged, as, a. Ili NUL IDICIP": r• nib ;lA:Aiding was originally , built ad last it could , be turned into Dwelling Hobtiee: 'lt 'deal Ittpof iletaratstratoiltplaialtottheifoashisame ing 0 1420. feet; *lank the entice . gilding, aa Oncnr, i ilia, e ft feet long and lb tall i lsaier. • Will, Bell also an WORT HORSE7OIVEitiN Garft AND 00:11-NR,. nearly nenn sad gee Ot• prolp#psys Ppor.rstaist cartspsy lad a set tit . Sates for Jointing Statist. ,T,lwiLb9Vt preptirtf wit be lOW at a bargain, as we vial. t . to ollax ,the pound int which thn heading stands. ' lbigidre at mai r &vie,,,etti,qmAeadr: • , , ILN.wouLLooni , ~ he ben . ; ... '• . c - -Ile Market stritet: ~ . .. , NOTICE TO SPECULATORS 1 ---- . • TALUABLI BUILDING LOT!! FOR BALI ! A rannbez of Argo sire 411711‘DING LOTS, adjoining ex Bound ROnoo and Work• Bhoiefof the Pennmyll:ania AinasollriGosopooy, 'rill ba wad low and on reseoestele ter*. Apry 'arati-ay 'JOHN W.IRALILi 'Ems POI NORTH- ST. and Pennsylvania Arrni??. '&1 1 P/T to 'TAAL DEMAN, nuire-4ttz , dpr. 44151 Wikbutt OH. VOA SA.Lt,"44. Um*, :014 lot a* iliithigkestoioar swim" at th PRI,'• . ...•11.7,‘ 2 1 6 8. 1#43 1 : 123 ° '' Where*" lifsitest ! , ! Arioe is siwsys paid for GOLD and 82L &B. , .140 Vein "S'Att.-L=A. tWO-STORY Fitiata Loves _in short street_ Inquire of , , seplOtf W. IC_ IPIRWEILII. • WPting. Voic WORK PIIOMISED,IIs' 1- vita w z Xi STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, . a - 109 111A/I.alIT STD22T, ~ ~ , ;.li :P.TIW;PiPaIr 'PO IT BIT 11 A ND FIFTlif , tilt ! ....:1;14V4/4.113118Q '41.4,_,, 1 'gene every dew* do bi" Ea ' ead,leFeageto !pia ,eisirnwstta t llece oboas,, .i.. 0 , are ' led; Oleandei, and _Liiishect in tie itie%ili:artaiir aia'aftle shortest notice; eioltd&mily ' • . 61'4 'h'en - l 4 proorakrerl O :AROIRTECTS.—The South Word. • - Ai I stool Pc4l4yriilpay premiuM of Tbirtr Dollars for a p an and sPeolliettiuns fora ttrui , story Brick ES chock' Menlo, Its be Oreetedeutbeir tali out etulit Pifge,tl ' lna. above anutint will, he-pad, for ,the plan and specitlca.- tions adopted. All necessary information.eillbeadvis by calling on the committee Plane to be furnished by the lei of June. JACOB ROUSER, President. HENRY t EICLLENBERGER, Secretary-my2l-dtd'. rionvicsko *ILK received ti 'mind loi'sale 'l' . " W.M. DOOk Jr., OCi: 'BORDE118; I Y goleyet at lust year's pri see. lattleat Pny adv ance. j As ,i3oupv,sys BOOKSTORX: IRIEr P iCHES—PARtt "AND 1311 " 11 D — luat - ' ------ NAL ALMANAC AND HE NATIO 4amit"E"lMtratVaiatoKsToßE 1 -f-W ARE YQ GRREN- I BACKS "—DAN BRYANT'S issircothio /tag, Prise Oillrahijoat saaeived and for sale bYWARto,st his 'Music - store, Third street. Call- a t zsi t get copy esrl t y:i ' i aP2; ' 6021781TIILISIIIIMB AkPLitiljuit 'ricefirett (i , ciiy low) by - AVM. DOCK, jr., & L I EW ContY, ANS SUGAR !=-Figf 1-IPor Jude WI r ... , WM. DOWL. Akotercf!i. I AmeriL can Wriitair Rinid„a; ipbmdid rim larids!edate imee.quielii-ARMOLDIA *maim • Writim Shad, BAR MOWS Columbian Welting plaid; •L&DG8II41; ink, Owing, Ink, Carmine and Red Ines of the beat quality; Mem Ink, Mucilage. &e., I • yr 4 BOORSTORD'. marrlNG iparro:.44,titir ..perfor to Arnold's Aiseisis rit:4f !61r PI Per q = "7 : l l(AtigiOttle. ( I • Newbold?* oeleboated, .• allehaner's ,Btaelelor, ;Brans gwitt's eu,periberop •.• • • - , jersey Plain very Ago._ *tea, yyded-seer, Tongues and Bologna Swage: * For' sale by apl4 r ; INN. ,D 994, Jr... • Co. a RIiEN 4001L.1.--4VINSLOW / B"frash green corajust raneived by W. DOCK, /a., & 00. FINEST STOCK Cfr PROW. 'OR AP Et ALBUMS, PORT lOLIOS, OA3D-OABREI, POOSAT , ROOKII, for-8 , 44.e.t. ' semetrees BoOkittbitc:". . rS eK Tt. Sa!"..MBA.L.-15,000 LBS. UPBR =TILL, from w-omio ,* D84777.46/Mi'f . i._iviL ALL Y bIG Alj a if% oysters, Li ,174,11,7r.ror9Irsi—toee—b;" Lowbeirr4m....yBalitta.ojar.,lllo6 4 7'. . ~. ilfgi llil liff kl IP 1. (1 SOLDIER'S AMP COMPANION... - V A very SoaveniSat Wsplng Desk ; also, forgolios, Moroorawdoini Books,PortinonnaloO, &o:, _al • ,* 80101111111 . ,11S 11119118T611.1i.'" 'JAMS, DRIED BEE V, BOLOGNA xj.,644,o•4os l ,Tez . timp, &a" fOr Ogle low, WM MOM jja, & . , , 50 , 0001 OIINT 45 i t ! . Fity , Thomas& Pounds ' .", !. :; . „ 41FOIL CEIL SI 0.13 Lr 1111!'P RIOV ifirrWbreh we will sell at a very low baltrer by tlie-flogsalist; Tierce, Basel brifts#o.llAnc a3y , WM. DOCK, & CO. ,30 - S L A ,11 ; M T - HEi4 NO SULPHUR! NO SMELL! ei rjr a lit r it of e 49 abol i r; m tn . Superior 4? -01,0 ti: ' NBITUANON AGE-Noy TEE DELLWAAR MUTUAL SAFETY - INSURAECE .C6MPATZt. OF PHILADELPRIA. INCORPORATED 1835. ' 1., This Institution is doing basic g's!'im the Magnal in surance principle combined Wirk a Joint StOckettinlat." By the set Of 'incorporation the 'stork. osse4 for the paymes of any how; "blob the company mar s "" tain. Mid as in additional sonnies. to the insittredt be thO act requires that the of the business shall 'Waded and remain withrtne cerebration, as a guaranies .andproceetiois to thelnatteedApsinstloesi,pitril'ordered by the Board of Directors to be redeemed in accordanoe : withproyision of the act of incorporation. This fund will be repieniented by scrip Owned by the 'colcilianY9 l bearing interest not outselling 'six per cent. No dividend of scrip caul). , made when the tossesanw expenses exceed the am ount of earned premiums • Insurances will be' made onlieliels; Freights and Car goes ; 'on BoodstianspOrted by railrbada. or canals and' _by steamboats °nal yore and. Lake' • againct4B6lP or loss by Fire ! liTkted Vai s e or.pernianeßtly. The undersigned, as Agent for tilt. alio*. ;welt coinPanY, wili make InaugliDWe agsiustliosS or damage by , tlre,' either, perpetually. or aruzuslip t on property in either town or ministry., 11 , ,*( Marine and inlaid Tcatwportation Make a ll 9 Applyveraonsily orly letter tto . , s . • - ~ . „ .• :; , ilipp .. .*RT L. mtrzN9l;l_2, ; , oan24 • • Harrisburg, Ya. • :'I:`N • •. • A . N. C E-- -. TitTW , LIFT INSURADItg -'2 'ANNUITY , AND "TRUST COMPANY OF' PiIfEIDZ , LPHIA. -OFFICE Ne.llloB ,CMESTNIUT ST. - .AI 'A r.[WIAit'PERI•PERPETUL.] • CAPITALk AND. AASETS; $4;543,8 : 90 .BID3WAY, President: • JOHN:Y. JAMES F actnary. . OONTINUEAoimakei.INALWANCE. ON LIVES ill t 9,7116. They met as 4iectitors, Trustees and Guardian ruder feat WilieVaiiivaintecelverti and 'assignees. I 1 kghli otitith4 being paid: hp and invented, together with ,a urgs. 1 4 14 11cPWMPlaTInoreheitelittliqrVeci !laid;;offeli p,infeAt,gmettrity to thelneured. - The - p!eifilifireiasuif bd paid `yearly, half yearly or tEdiirtfirly: •' •• •••• • •,.r She emopany, add aDPIIitEA /emcee for life. The ,10III:ST BONUS appropriated in Dcember, 1814 the PECOND 'BONUS id Deceteber,' 1&/9; the TIIIRD , 1101 , 11:18-th.11eeembee, 1854, and the • PLID.RTS .80e1D4 , Thage.,iiii,ditione are midle wlthout. requiring any /learner?, la the preinianill 'to hie ; PO to the 4empeti " , " The following few exataillei Erodi'the Reglitar: " " " 11:mixiiit fpf PolivAnd P 01.14. ' leriiii 1 illbiiiii 3 Or :bciiiiivtb be inaresaid , , . Insured , additiqn ) :by future( silditiowl: .; O. , 89% :itiOsor? ;11,6.887' BO i SBABT. 60 '. 7 `‘ 34 1 . 2- .;B,' , i -,, .7050 00 4,050 00 0, PR-, .1, , , , 400 00 1,400 00ii f: - ' (v un — ' .. .5;01* '''i,B76 00 1 6 3 STA 90 ; kgibittl litifilhburtand vicinity. " " - ' • '' ' "' .. -.' WILLIAM BUEHLER. , 1618 -illy "', ' . , t , ,- • -- i. - • , -i ' .-" ' ''' ' 1 INBII R 0 - 11 : r . 1 ; • • Wilk' Pire Trinire4tioi.' 1, t Atentle iiirt3burg, a., 0.. , ' ' t,3 '.'•$TH.ll comp - ,ug, OF N.QRTH Akrairok, Of -pffiLAtmLtquA. Inoorporated-1794u-Charter PeriititttaL utirditTAL AND- A85ET8F4444.4.14.‘3,,6, 11,200;000 . • - WRECTO.M.! • I Arthur 0: Hollin, Samuel W. Jones, Folin Brewn, , Simnel P.Smith, OhariesTsylqw, Ambrose W-Idte; John IR, Neff, Richssi..l)„ Wood, WilliardiVels_h, Bowen, James N. Dickson, B. Morris W ain; jokin Ma - son, George L. Harrison, Francis R. Copeoßdward•H.. Trotter, idWard B.43larkti. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CEFABLEB PLOT, .Seeretary7 file As Ceritisl agent - for the Owe solosol cRBIFILuTv undersigned is pro gamd to halts Firs ILisim in' an y part °CAM/Kate or Fesjimintiogther anniAly. or parpet nliot, Ilittiftlrip.tivrlble terms. Offioein Vir,alrint str eet neat Etteond. WIX,tIA24( BUEHLER, Junin -ay • Harrisburg, Pal' TAB COLUMBIA INSURANCE:CO., Of Colutpb a, LancustCr county, Pa. ' CHARTER PERPETUAL. ' This aerapany continueto ingure buildings, inexeban diee,and'ilfhAtt property, against lose and damage by are, oh the , pinta* plan, eitber for a ,oash'y'reydexa or pra m-10i note. The'targe atatineressing eapital, of the cifiropaby, con sisting of prezobuzi notes given by its. 'members, and based upon,_ *1,475,789 35, ' • 'lnsured on the rintuakplan, 4ffords a reliable guaran. :tee equal to; ten times the average loss on ; the amount insured ; ,and the fdreitors pledge themdelVeStobial a& libirally with those who may sustain lees or ,damage M the' ease may admit of, consistent with justice to all Parties concerned.. ,f . . • Amount of .Promlum Notes, $155,620 49 lialeaiee. of Cash Premium nnex- •.. . • pond, Jan. let. 1882 • $1 668 57 • Cob receipts during the year 1.862, lose Agruoo 41, , Osebaesiopts in January, 895,80. ' • • ' $0,21 - 5 '•• • • Losses and Ballengee paid during Via year 186' " i. $6,829'78 • - '• • unemieided, February 2d, , ; 1865..... 8,016 11 . $9,34$ ge • :••- .. • : . A. B. gFesidPpl• ORARas,Youso, Jr , Secretary. l, M. S. 811031 LIE, Tremolo'', DIRECTORS: t• S Robeft 'ltt Ryon, M. S. Strpriar, , Abrehoun limner; • ;• , Michael H. Moore, &dart ?Andrick4 George Ynting; "t s • 0 - Miniely • t Nicinklas McDonald, Samaei F. Rberlein, Amos Si Creels. • 1, = tbbi234zadf l FlR4": l PiTh e . 7 ' • ElO4 E ',air TE S yoplri } , Q q tuo l l' i t ! mte iit iff a t rio li toßtig t a ,LßlßANON atiliaxamirie;PA. • .* Jibe Vsidensigiiiid having taken the ahovellotelorldch Itif Week imitted throusbont, bees ieive thiddliftivihs pablia that he is well prepared to accosal witirtheli parables's*, ,„ 4,141 rill give enure 'stinted - ion. 4 4 1,11ffl'IldpikTA4741310TIM lorsited le the Immo deioti of the PenneYlT,lts !sari, ;iefiesion . lfglely iidlroade, where the traveling puldirt sae lie nioosninedated with every comfort Withinit the III00111;- Inoniiintii or ezpenfi d going np-town PRO . hi? 3. .pnins nor expense shall bird to 'resider thhi ontiblininnenins oo ortable as they ilopeelbly be elsewhere in the city of garrianteg: sad OrAiPetent porters dill Almon %Po fauna et ithe , dopoteois i the arrival of the traisuyto *also chose of l the baggage five of charge. Leklor the ITN/TID STATES HOTIL. ; Z. W. TZN EY{lB, Proprietor. , • NATIGNAL 0. 1 1 1 Fi ( L:LTI. SWAN,) . e street, above Third, Philadelphia. eitablishMent offere greet induces:oMS, not only on account of reduced rates of 'board, but from the 00U sroilocation ; to the avenue ettrade, as well as the con. veribmetei afforded "by eeveratpass‘nger railroads ran nitiepist and contiguous to it, by fhicti guests!! Cal pus rtro* , sot tfrilm the Betel to the different railroad depots, •shbuld they be •preferred to the regular omniouses longtOglo the' house. I am determined to , dewritetnY whole attention Ito the comfort and convenience of my ,glieetti, Mid. e?l,4,lllwey toVve s general patisfaction.,,, '„ternii—stas Per ` • • prianiar,, ; ( ropwri, Rag, tebariesi; Estenes;,olerk. ; ' , „ gransportatim z • • • D ANIEL Agent of •„ • the•iid Wallower lrim p or tolon Line,. Beepeetfally formal the ,pablio that this Old Dail) existence in this oity, is In zueoesehil open am,• he on; Wallower, Lint nomitt.7 l „properCtq carry Fret as Idw , as any otheitn line between PhriadelOra, Hatrisbidif Santini% tilrirtat/. ,burs, Willini4sPoct,,EPeson - Shims. Look it all. and sebaltstizaiji 11,0+9.3,6110)4rq °antral, Ph lade 'pi& amid Inc Sin Wunamspors and ,wrirs natlroads -1) : ciAgrifyl„. Hl NCa,£g , •liarrisAssirge k , , I r &wok tat tq -the ,Warelsoinse Messrs . - . Peacock.,. Soli & tlltisOutalt, , N 00308 .4pA, 810 Market streatotbovs ~ Sighth, )hUddelphia, Colblook p. m., will artiiiitig • alPerilumg. fintd7 for delivpry. next morning. • TVMPTY BARRELS:4.-- A large number 12.4 or empty Wine, Brandy and Whisky Barrels for sale by WM. DOCK, jr., & 00. I= ,acljinct. A - G :.W.O it . i r c - PR r4 111. 45r itel93749TP,Vga PR 11 . 10HINEg. AND TEIII,-. . • STAND -P. BAR S . SR, -SAWING LACHINES;: PRESS. BOALM - AND' 1/40JUSIlli FOX . • - r .; GRINDING- CIITTIQWOi.AGHINN SIMS& Portable Cider Mills. and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOLT UCILI6 11111E - Pd r lathini 'Welt mid !rot' altd Brds . cAS.T if • S Weop , T URN IN G lleras ITS BRANCHES, ZTP• - fth•:A4 of itrOoir, rioo o;,;lirodmitdo / to tader,.. Obit *nr - " Sisiitir Cattingi ice:, des; ; liii 0 K°l3 Mill PATENT WOODEN.SCREW 017TTING TOOLS. jar Claihidtid foe Old Clapper, Brult, Spotter, Opo. F., ••.... . . . . . T V.,11 .s.). .p.sivysYiv4pi.r4t . Aspipo ifr*Ts •i 3 TIOIOT . • , • . • fi..,1! gELtA it` Witcriow ' GRAPA Of varione patterns, I bottlaiatioikary aside:tinging: OM Valenta luid variotiii etlier;Building Oilistiiio l MO Ora ‘eTerY ebeal# at the , ' illiYl 2 f 4 PO i - ZAGL 3I . / ‘ #l.o,lgifft Elifq-IPTAWB.) M*CHIN2q7If , ST44 4III : , F 2 T r fg I I, No p,, DToicrt3,pXlA:r# 6Y4EEE, !afro? Walnni and of diver.) , ilitborlktidn' and Biaee`Cockd be all slaea,:and a'lirgeashbr!rnent ,oI Gas • iNititinipt,onniVlF4oßAtingt, . , 'Ali work done in esiAblialitteint wlll bit under his Oen bapeekialoe f iend Wari*rted to give aatiedatition.i e I T E. 421 5 B. 0,1,L8R8 " eying ma e ellietent an erman n thelputtibein we ire mew pnepsiredytoMake. JOVIISBALIVE 2FIACPXXii3BILEI orwrery kinfloPPArtfotr, ,reaspnable.,Fseß. , nee We shall n Iron =gide b alley & Rio., the reputation OT *SUN is second ece . eione!iirliti Market' • I , lltris.€o, 4ut , the ))itft 111 0 3 4, f/409,11111 epatrJlag Pfl?'nEtinit" ll 4 6 ' ; Addr O! • ' ;SAMS WORKS, • . Par" 4 / 7 ] • • • .4ard°11117•1:11.. MTN: , K , • / 1 : tWaiwamilea.l4 . a .puraumwt. Juip 04s -Err4Z4c TRIED STREET, NBIT. DOOR TO ,TRIt TBLBGRA PAINVING 01171011! n • ) - MOM; 011 MK ra ODA S v 14' 0 0 raato ries, 81,0, tilled ,np with , load and iron pipe Di a Worionsinaika Ilydratitn,Wiek Basins, Bath Topsixtft-fin4 /Ares, ib i ninps ) Water closets, Lead t and Iron Pipe for water; gee and steiiin. • A share 'Of' publle tistrolage darselieothallywolieltid.l All work morally, e4t,!)10144 tg ies4la p 01,1 V Irrtt- The imbeintber has removed YU rhumnilder AMY IVICASEITOUNDATIMMiraiketatreet to fautk ghost above blukotoppositethe ,Botbel Okurek Thankful for paelpatronage; koholied, bYetilistattiiitionle SUP neer, rtomterft anithmonomotit. r.r •rs inar2f-oltf WK. • Y ~YI j ~ ~i OMPTHIN4:O 4 4SHEtiOtiraS A NECESSITY IN EVERY )16'013.!HOLD GUNS . Bi PS • rd CiE3 LEI AMERICAN CEMENT - .OLLIE'. • • - TES , BTRONGESTI(ja FE , 111 C raw WORLD! FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEkTEEE,GILAAE ? IVOEN,•CMINA 4 ' MARBLE, PORPE'LAXE, ALADASTEE,' BONE, CORAL, THil ONLY ARTIOLH OP. TRH KIND WVDR PRO HUMID( WH/OH MILD WITHSTAND WATDRI, - • ' ..11•XV St AO SIS‘ ' "Avery housekeeper iklawild have a supply of Johns & Crosiers American Oacient: Cilue.m—New Yoik Mites: 441. t• is . se oemeenlinct to 'litre in the house"—Nev York Aceprigss, , 4 • • "It is always reedy this somulende it to syssyluiy," •--IYeni York 'lodine/aced. • • • "We here tried it, and end it as-useftel in inizi hots u weter."—lffilosi Spirit of ems limo. • • PRIC.E: , 26: CENTS PEII, BOTTLE." ;VERY L.IDDIAL • - 'WHOLDBALII T E It'ld" ' S CASH.., tEr For sale by alt Druggists :sad OtiirsiSeaors genii 141.117 AILAVUO IOI O thg 1 0 9 1 0 1 7- " Elp. .4 O R s Y.,'• • , • . (olatdannfacturors,) .• , „ 7 WiI t DX.4M S.TRRII I I I ,,' (Oornorof Liberty Btreati) - :, 154 W.YORV. •• • dly • ,-,LYON'S 01110 OATA WBA JJ e BRANDY. , TEM 01110' CAtAtIVBA BRANDY hae,.for several, beihr.truinufacturet, from tie pure jade of the' „AMERICAN DAWSWBA and ISABELLA. GILAPB. , and' has attained a'rare popularity tbroughout the West and log* whproggreat , ignantities of this'aupetb article is Sold for MEDIOINA.L and PARTIN purposes.:' It not Only stituoil,' tint Om* US 'Mast choice IMPORTED BRANDIRS wriqviL.x, 9.IIALITYand RICHNESS OF Pf, AT 0 1, and wherever it has t4en sittrodrosed. It" tlietnioirt Unqualinistfavor and extendect l . ac . •-• ' • he want of realpnreßrandy has , long • been felt in Da Oduritry; and t he opportunity to procure an article . of /1 . 14 12: 10/1 2 . S" tilillalleXcede.the wile and use of the many eo pounds so often Sold under the ramie of ;if Braridy, o, v,isi•be regiuvieil only lie a puhlic good. 'LA QATAWIIA. BRANDY posesses' all the choiceef ti;iA l best imported liguor.und is peal twelylmowtr-to be of I'AiREZOT PII TY and-of SU PEI4O4kIfLAVOR r In support of 'tile above statement,' we TOW to, he.. .taiitticate.of the nedermentioned well-known chemists Dr. A. A. Reyes, Assayer, Boston , Mass. , • '". J'atilei R. Chiliton & Co., Oneroists, New T,ork., ' DrPiannis 8. Nichols, Analytical Chemist, Boston, Mass. , Dr. J. V: IP: , Man — v . & Dr. 0. A. MMus", AnAytleal., Polgt anundtiniChcAnats,Chiesgo, Dr. Cox, Chemist, Qincipnati, Dr. Charles Upham Sheppard; Charleston, I. O. - , Moore. entry and Illacharood, chemists, Tenn. Dr. N. A. Flack, Rbyr.inakiLla. aeorgfika L • , All of wboin hove analyse' & the bisaOly aminecemme,l4, It as acperfeetly artlato *ad id an'ilivalinible nee. .einal ent!. '• o! I h ave been sop/Anted the Cole agent I for tli ti cale, of, Shill Wendy for. he city of jlarrialnufmut Ih in s hin co. novB-dy • Di. LOUIS 'VI TH. !: GREAT LIYINd TKO -1 • KIEBELLION RECORD, . A Diary 'of Anier4at; Events, tdifed by - FRANS 1110IpRE. Publishing in•parts, at 50 cents, each inert illnatrated with two Portraihr engraved on steal.' FOUR VOLVME • are` ciw reedy, et annexed priest:, nntii April 1, 1863: Cloth • " V 5 a volume, Sheep Half Calf, or half Morocco.. 6'00• " THE REBELLION RECORD ' 'INDISPENSABLE TO MIRY PUBLIC ANA rat . , VARVATS'LIBRARY.. The tour volumes contain: 1. -ArPULL AND-CONCISE DIARY OF lIVENTS 2 from the meeting of the South Caroline Convention ,In ) 1)(te.1360 tikhe Capture of New Orleans, incluskre. 11. , Oval' ONE THOUSAND °TRICIA; REPORTS and Nar: - ratite" of art tliti? Wales' mid Skirmiahes that have foceAred dminethoi War. • ; , • ; • • o omerriwzburfpßED 41;pi6ks, AND, BALLADS, both tiera/ 1 4 4 -feb47 • IT. 1 ItINTINERVIIN PORTR &ITS, engraved: on steel, of the most ;celebrated ovum -.of !the, tice, and Twenty-six , .6faya of Battles. , THOUSAND Incidents and Anecdotes of IParbtated-Saidng 'and Bravery. , • mAItA4W,I3F.R.TO6 CONSTANT REFERENCE IT IS *p.ll7,Ly TO BR 11$L ED ON.I I • , runtism, Publisher, LT 7;1 632 ttrondway. o . et. EvAPI,I, ,f • • 114841 rbauwar• • . , OPTIMAL NOTIti. • Ow awl attere April Aetil Oa rice o ft Tai aiissu:rox nuooao" w ill be advanced Fifty Cto. a volume. From that data the, eats' of Parts', 'from Nos 1 to 24; will be ottelaiiititearld: ^ BOA gate bf " Tee RensLiams Reaolon ,Wilhigtnsicild only in trolmnino., io u td iam i, Cu d . otbged,„ ":ro r so' llWhl ike av it e o lk ttril iq l continue toto e ' fo toe ur pli le ah m aZ t a 'Wat once at sty imintiL.leatit part illustrated With tiv portriLM Iteillc! Winne T. will nompristi seven parts. a win POUNDS, Extra Prime Sugar cared Haw for sale very low, wholesale or retail by WU. DOOR JR. 0 RIMS • RANK it( GT Pi ICJ—Moth* is hereby L) Oven Olaf the undividigned have forked an &aeon's- WltraliareCketirti4este for the purpose et Petah it taw/ lyrimitte, Discount and Deposit, under the provisions of the act entitled 44d. supplement to an ricpt4:?o,4ibugh system,of free Banking in Penisyl "vaniaLand todifitire the public agidnst lose from Insol ventldaidus,4lapptaau4the Shit dayof MayAnno Domini elgOttken hundred and sixty-one. The said Bank to be tolled TED 'ThltliTtaliv BANS 01 MOUNT JOT, to Itm located ih the:burough of Mount Joy, to consist of • ,capital, stock ,of Qllll, Hundred : Thousand Dollars, in "Wei bf fifty Denali each, With the 'privilege of:in erbaeing libc . mime tor astrainount - not exceeding Three Mundred pnvand Dollars in all_ ' Hoffman If &shay, john M. Sivihey, Mestiml3.'Pelfet, Jacob M. Stanger, • ~enben G erber,, Tjan2tl dgmodr' hereby 9 ICE. - 7. 04 9Up9 ;1S r giyen of an fi intention to eiltafillah a Batik of Disdount, Deposit asid•Oiretiatiott. under therproviiions of as act, entitled g:4111..k.ct to estalfliah o,system of free banking in Nina. • byfviinisabd the sufeilement theieto ; said Bank tO be:valled TUN MANUMApiitlitatia , BANit,sE .to be, leeatei in the byrongii of Columbia,Lancaster emit*, itispital . of Ode ' Illindre .Thonaand iDolLsrli;th.beallided Dato r troithetuparui shares of Fifty Dollars each. • dec4-6md - T ? t OEI y .E ... : . ..141tegOT AND BEET Assolitnit 9 I!' ,;;? ;ALP • . ?- • AK :,STEEL.AANGRAVINGs . ! f,".. ! • 'PRINTS; ! , AND. - HEADS, Z f. 11! L.; .3 .;" .P• , • •, • .: . • GENES, -ADAPTED FOR .OREOIAN • -,- Win.; Knoche% IMusie rStom' nu'l6 (4,1-11i44stieilIgnisburg. o 'Aia3tr 3 it p i , .1 iPd: - • " T : ri -IL= A SLIG S T r: Witt; CHEAPEST.•ASSORTMENTi • .i..o ? ltitoquat'lvwB,te mu( . I - -' r f- • •0, , ,• j r l,, ME • 00 . * ) 67 : #9:1!i t tatit n tE i ri r t.t.r.ow, pAcerrA - Ifflieb Ike keeps econstantaylon - kint ILYIKENIEWAND.'WILILESBAARE COAL, Seek $0 , 87E4M8047, - BBOIES/fi Effeliniii NOR', which he will dispose of at the lowest markit'prioe. • 9ensoTers will de Well' CO: !Anil-and, lay le their,eapply; is the (foil will lie'lielivered Glean, end follweight: • • • k 3eues-aem .LOtilf3 FLO. -THE liter . , 1j BEhlits f lPOß'iumritir rt3E . in the"nakrket, YOO barrels! or eel'ebratesi S. ..Leuiii.llour, universal'," pronounced the moat superior article ever offered iritlis market, jddt received and for safe-by r WM. DOCK, At., ar..00 INRESII FISH every 'Tuesday .and. day at. JOHN Btore, corner . of Third and Walnut. WALL , PAPER -AND WINDOW SHADES. . , large -Y C. S'HAFFER Rea a large atocit of Widow Shades and Wall Paper or hand whiatki will be mold very low. Call and entwelne Paper Hanking personally, attested to. ' • , No.-12, MARKET . S T REET' , ' oet24-dtf ' ; ' '• Neat the fort**. RgdRET' .DIBEASES ' ' DISEASES" 'SAMARITAN'S 9.1 - FT ! 1 SAMARITAN'S GIFT! 'TV/ MOSTOBltvAlir MUNDT Bran'BSED. , . Yes, Po.”.tive Cure! •.,VeILBAM-CO,PAVIA'MERCURY DIRCODED. Only ienTilla: to abe taken to effect, Cure: • They are entirely wegetablii, having no small:Loran, unpleasanttaste, end will not, in any wm, injure the storeacli boweliof tlie' most delicate. Cures in :from .two to four' davi t ad rodent easethi twenty. four ItOttra. 100 ezinisisre,ito trowhiS; no change whatever. Price Male - packages, $2l Penile, $ 3 - Sold. by D. W iiROl3B & Bent by 'Mall by DB/MOND &'OO., Box 161,Ybila. P • ' jard-dly . . L' 0 0 D B.L 0 0 D 1180 ES TEETS CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON 13' OR_ TILE VITAL FLUID; which produces 7 sq.RoPui..4, VICRIM SORES L 'SPOTS, rEr. irs.! SCALES, SOILS, SYPHILIS OA , REAL' DIS.S.IIf As, 3 1. 9. , • : • . •-. SAMARITAN'S • . • IL 050 T AHD HERD TUICRS . Is offered to the public ast positive etre: , Banishes/Ai impurities of this blood Asst. brings the system ; to, a healthy action,'cure those Spots, 'fetters, 'Scales sad' Copper colored Patches. , • ; SYPHILIS' OR ` VENEREAL Tim Elainaritatoo Root an ft the most • asertale remedy ever prescriße d. I limicrioli every par , ' tfole of theltoisdn; • ' • - PRISEALESI. FEMALES! ,Iu many affections with which numbers of Females Sifter, the ROOT AND HEBB ZUIOES. Unmet. happily' sidaptski, l in. Ulcerated Uterus, in 'Whips's. in..benring Apra, Yellin of , the sSomb; ebility; and 'for 1M coin •Plaintairisiderit to thivillis • t - .1/0 war ,DEffekrit. Keep oat of hosp Rals. Here is a cure i s any ease foi $5. Price $l per bottle,sor sit for $5 , with full dire*. :Soldtby: 1.• , D. W.,,AROSS fc 00. Alm% by Up ress carlif, l 4 n . 064 by • . • • pusioND & CO, • ;,'!jan6.ly ' • . ; ,Box 15/Thila, P.O. tEVA:R ' TUBS., ontiAN and 'MBA !amiss; tiorither'with a bone aeeettaexa of BASr: zapoms is t e., just received and for , sale very oil. by WM. DOOlf.q.Ta.,?e-00 H P. it W. C. TA L04',13 4 ' 41- k'3lll - 1717 111110.4i.F . :' ft b oeenoraleoli end highly ileterelye. . ' r j Itiontaiße By R ogan And 'will II t waste_ • it it warranted not to twjere th hands. ' • It will lelimet In aiThable. 0r,.00d. is therefor 'suitable for every purpose. Poiaele - by ' , ' ..i • - - W}l. DOOR, Is., !& 00. . pi - A ! 1 ---Suct received , a large kJ. inPPIr of COVERED 81:74M4-013RED HAM, qf 'SAO but brand in. As etorkst. Evetl one /old is gnu Sliteed.' • 311118271 WM. DOCK, JR., & 00. "ROSTON OR ikOKER9.-1 supply , ,of 11 therm 'delicious oraolon jwit resalvkluol. for 11/41 • WM. DOOll, jr., &'OO. • • IlioE MBAT.-A SUPERIOR Alt ma. MLA just received and for sale by , WM. DOOM:, w.F.BSTER'S ARAM xsp, NAVY "POCKET DICTIONARY. Jest received sad for eat. at, , goIiZIFFXRI:SPOKOTORB. LOOKING' 'GLABSES-..4--A et•lendid Assortment of NeW Looting Magas ; hi s t Tee d ire d , at w, OLIEEEPS Mule 9tere, , BB Market street, where they will be sold cheap. 0111 Qui ettehies. mrlB gmoKliD pagokt.--400ide s upply k) for P4( l . 11 1* WAIL DOCK, jr., k. Co. , „ 1 3 ;/ , n 3 3 ;i2;OtrititANTS, , CITRON ‘ ,. ,• 1; LEMONS, ono% ~, CIIDER ; WINES s hiiiiiCA:NDl;s4 l ., 131064614,141 1 • Will, 1iPP94(1,..11.4pApR, . . if - )41 DIEB:,, , MAD AAR BURDETT, ••J from ISerrlibrial bee lama roams on the corner of Mifiristiond mrsstsy(Wyeth , s 81po,)m4ere eke is preparad i entail sod make Isdies'idMisses of every description, and in'tbe latest and most fashionable style. Also, in the. same ?aun t machine matching of every de scription done by birs. OLAIIB. ap4.4ltf Bctnis Notices. John M. lieu. Books, OtationetT, 4f. caOOL BOOKK—School Directors Teachers, Parents, sebolare and others, in need t ' f. School Books, Sehool•Stationeri, &e., will end a cop, plate assimtment POLLOCK 4* SON'S II 06E - stoR,R, IdarketEit rare Harslablarg. comprising in part the following: BB ADBBB.—lffeenfirs, Parker's, Cobb's Angell', STBLL'INO 80011.8.- trey e, Coblve,w e b ater ,. Tb etni ri°l : wd , l ic ga ti eG lT 'sl o nt ißl Llte rnil s tY : B ---G 'is i ttebtM ri m m e TbAll a ah ar h Yt s h !w i : l 7' i p s ' , Nß l D an ali a l o r iarf e ck o n tn po: : ::::t F :a e l i d i P it s sh r at ' O a s it t . h 7 , 7 , 1 ;:i d 43saris , e, • • ottottm.inol.—Ortilinieg% Bkand% Imeteow, eikels,Rosetss;Oolbana's,iSsoith and Duke'e, Bayles, • ' "ALCRIBBAB.- 1 -Nretenleps, Davie's, tars s prt-LicaryW4:"Dimiteotiro'nall Quarto, Academic e ds U b il° oe Yl l‘s>z DluT ON ( I .1 r bbis, Walker, Webeter's Primary, Webster's si g h 4elkbel; Webster'sftluarto. Academic. • NATURAL RHILOBOPHISI3.--Constock's, Parker's, owutt „ . . T he Aire with a great rarlity of other, can at say time be found at my store. A1e0,,11 complete assort vi.nor. &i m p stationery, embracing the wto le a coin. fsie Otkisolpttryoem. Any book nOt in the store, Pr notice. Mtaitty lierebaatasapplled at wholesale rate'. lILMAIMIL..47chn Baer and EWA Almanac for sale at it. POLLOCK & SOTS 1301/8 STOIC', Harrisburg. icr Wholesale and Retail. myl WALL,,PAPEA WALL PAPER Jost received, our : Spring Stook of WALL PAP2II BORDER'S, ItilLß SORSENSI, &a., &a. Itia thelargest mod. bait aeledidassortmentlnthecity, rangingin price (6) cents upto One dollar and squatter ($1.25.) As welpurolnise very low for cash; we are prepared to sellAt ad Mt WOO, if Wit lower, than can be had else who've. Tf phrOhasars will call and eruanainc, we feel oonildent that we canplease them In respect to price ant ' • „L M. POLLOCK & SON, nuar2B BeloW Jones , House, Market Square, "ITAW'SOOKSI - LAW -BOOKS !!--A 11 amoral inmortment of LAW BOOKS, all the Stat.. , Reports and Standard Blementary Works, with many of the old Baglish Reports, scarce and rare, together with a large assortment Of settotitt-hand Law Books, at rey low prices, sixths ons pries Bookstore of B. M. POLLOCK & SON, Market Square, Harrisburg. ES Tr'' . .subacribers propose to publisla br subscription a !'PAWN MAT' " 'of 'the Townships; 4 8WATARA,: , Darrihin - county, •Pa., if sufficient an. eiouragementra given. The Map will embrace the Bounds. rtes 6/ the lowuledP ;AA Para* contained therein, nun. bar of Acres, Location of Residences and Names of Pro. 'pertylibldera generally. There wilt also be on the Map a Table of Distances, showing the distance from each Cross Road in the Township to Ilarriaburg, thus rea. ierlaait alaliable Map In rairaera and. Dealers in Rea: pnetieularly. !Phase desiring .Viewil of their Residences put. on the' Map will be charged a moderate extra price. • The. Map will be - neatly executed, colored and mounted, and delivered at the low price of live lire, payable on delivery of the same. OL&RIE & ATM, - *- 882 Walnut street, Philadelphia. narrisbarg, November 1, 1881.1—tf WOACESTEa ROYAL QUARTO WEN 11111 T DIinNING 411111Y.PXONOIINCING DICTIONARY Or THE ENGLISH LANGKAGE, bents/ha 1,854 Royal' Quarto Pare and ?0,000 words and gyeriairrip not, found in any other linglieh Dictionary; more 'than 1,000 Illustration!' inserted in their proper pUeee over 5,000 wordavywnvieleedi together with all2arEelOubles of pronounced proper names. Wold 1* 2. W.IPOLIOOK k SOW. Also Worcester's IkanolSioldonaries. . mar 23 istOtitt'R SUPPLY OF ~. MORTON'S (J'N — El V r AtLED GOLD PENS: - Mrs merrinvity m WHOLE WORLD' ~ 'Yoe TS louts, $l, sli&. SI" $3, $3, $4. Warranted to toodO of.teed gold. at %WA - -• EIOHSP/101 1 8 BOOKSTORB. fiNLY. ONE DOLLARfer a good Sub t.P,stuntiul bound Ihunily 'gib% at Seheherls Bookstore. QUEUKITFAR'S Bookman is tbe place te , 7 tali Geld Pans—wirmim kIIfOCIIE, 93 MARKET SE, HARRISBURG, PA DEALER IN PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the be?: makers, from s2oo' upwards. rIELODEOITS. Tat. BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU. MENTS, from s4s' to $lOO. . . Guitars, 'Violins, Abcordeous,' 'Flutes Fifes , bruins f Banjos , ~ Tambourines; -Violin and Guitar strings and mu - sioal merchandise in genersi, •' . SIHE'E.T MUSIC. The LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on han Idusio not, by mtiil to any part , oY thy country. GyAL; SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEwoc FRAMES, %ultimo fo r looking glasses and all kinds • piotuFee alniaya on hand. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES From reganlicoA..to largest eiaes. bar Any style of- frame made to order a the shorted notice. WM.• KNOCHE, noel—dw&s _ • 93 Market at. WE S Seifirig Machine, 437 Broad , ttaw Toil; : branch oMee 903( , Market Arse: Harrisburg. The Itadaraigned respectfully inform; the ssicuttfaaturers and citlesuc of liarristoure hie; firmed irmewi3g tiaebhs*olltee for the male of ti' celebrated • Have'. sewing .machine, making the wel. knowtklock-stitch, and adapted for all kinds of lesthe and Muth, and family me. H. M. RAPHAEL, fab2,6-dly • ' Agent. 110ARDERS - WANTED.--The under :LA si4ned, having rented aline large and oommodio , awns, in Hu'harry Street, two doors from the earner e Sebond street,in the alt -of Harrisburg, she is prep to oeCommodsto s idogle gentlemen, er gentlemen tkelr wives , TO" boarding en reasonable terms. #l9..dem • • R. Al. JOHNSON, DLUID , ANP ALCOHOL, IN LARG quastitieo and of pure.quality, for sale by • ' ' ' WM. DOCK., JR., & CO. GIITTA• PERCHA WATER-PROO 3E3T-N-A.CMLXBTC I I - : • • (WITHOUT B811713HING,) FOR ROOM Offors, irkitivEss, CARRIAGE AND iiiILITAR LEAritteß. WORK, This newand excellent article excels everything 4 " before In use, for ,bearietifying - ind softening the Leather It Wishes s polish Ilkii•pa*mat leather ; will not rub a with water, nor stain the finpst white silk, and make the leather perfictli water-proof. Twice a month K plied on boots and shoes, and once a month for flame . .1, s sufficient.. If the leather becomes dirty, wash it e with clean water and the polish will re-appear. Wu rented t _atizeresented. Mt—Apply a few drops." "et y nit it slowly over the leather, and the poietth eomp ete. 'Price, M cents per bottle. JAMISON' & 'Sole Agents, 90)( Market meet. . . RAI3 L E BUILDING LO , A./ 70M BALM, west of the Caps tai, fronting on Gra **eat end Hammond lane:? Maguire of MEO. C lINKLB, 86 Market street BOSTON , , CRACKERS. -A LARD SUPPLY ; a 13}ese delicious crackers just receive and far 1411017 DOCK, Ja., & CO. ('f OLD PENS I—The largest and Le LI stoat from $l.llO to gi.o o —warmat 4o4-- nt 130113111,110$ BOORSTO., . ,