Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, June 17, 1863, Image 3
L ©0 A-10.---NEW 8. TEN blans.—Under the change of seheduie on the different railroads, the time of closing the mails at the ilerrishurg Post Office, April 20, 1863, is as follower • * *owns= OINTRAI SAILWAT , NORTH~WAY MAIL —For sal plains between Ear islntrg, Lock Haven and Elmira, N. V., at 12.00 m. Nor Look Haven, Williamsport and Lewisburg at 9 p. m. 8913111.— WAT MAIL.—For all places between Har sinning end Baltimore, Md., and Weabington, D. 0., at 2 P -M or in- lifashingion, D- 0., Widmer., Ma g ma Turk, Pc at 9.00 p. m. Llll-41011 TALLXT RAILROAD. DART.—WAT Man..—For all plains between Mania burg, Baotou and Philadelphia, via Reading, at 7.00 It. ru. For Beading and Pottsville, at 12.80 p. rawsirrivssta War larl- -rar all plasm between Harrisburg and Phllsdelphis, at 6.30 a. m. For Philadelphia and Lancaater, 12.03711. For New York, Pruisdelptia, Lancaster, Columbia, Harietta and Bainbridge, at 2.45 p. in, For New bora, Philadelphia and Lancaster, at LOU. D. m - WBEIY.—WAF Mari.--For all places between Hands -tors Awl Altoona, 12.00 m. For Johnstown, Pitts inuu and _grin. Pa, Cineinnati, &igniters ant Claeoluid, Ohio, At 2,15 ti. in. For Pittsburg, Hollidaysburg, Altoona, Phillipsburg, Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lewistown, at 9.00 p. rm. ID/RiSRLAND VALLit RAILROAD. For Neekanicaburg, Oarlisle,Shippensbing and °bass berslnirg, Ps., at 7.00 a. in. WAT all places between Harrisburg and Hagerstown, Md., at 1220 p. in. suixurtxrim AMID evaquatiawa nart.aosn. Per Blleadale Verges, Inwood, Pinegrove and Summit !Italian, at UM p. in. MIZE comas_ For Program, tinglestewn, hisuada mu, Wed Jima- Ter, Nowt Hanover, Quo sod Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 700 a. in. For Lisburn and Lewisberry, on Saturday, at 12.3) D. In ffrOMee Houn.—From 6.33 a. in. to 8.00 p. Sun day from 7.30 to 8.80 a.m- and from 3.00 to 4.00 p. m. POSTPONID.—The Methodist Sunday School pic sae, which was to hare taken place to-morrow, is indefinitely postponed on account of the present condition of affairs in this ell. SUPPEESSED.—The Harrisburg Telegraph was suppressed yesterday, by order of Major General Lee. This Is an unwarranted encroachment on the liberty of the press. A DISPATCH was received at the war department last night, to the effect that the rebels were throwing up defensive works on Colonel M'Cture'a farm at Chambersburg, in expectation of an at tack from this point. They expect heavy rein forcements Immediately. OttnnancE.—A large amount of ordnance was sent over the river yesterday, consisting of light field pieces and heavy guns. A fine battery ar rived from Carlisle in the early part of the day, and is probably by this time mounted and ready for netien. TROOPS PROM Yona.—About five companies of soldiers from the convalescent camp at York et= rived yesterdayoulder eommand of Col. Brisbin, late Lieutenant Colonel of the .Forty-ninth. The men are all randy and eager f foi Action, notwith standing the wounds they have heretofore received in battling for their country% cause. Sosurrnma ta THIS WIND.-WO have boon in feinted-that all the government contractors in this vicinity, and a numerous delegation of our most , virulent Abolitionists, left In the early train yes terday morning, taking their families and all their valuables with them. This would seem to indicate a somewhat protracted absence. What's in the wind ? ilioneumucsutiouppany Captsiin if arr 9 Hanusel, formerly belonging to the 127th regi ment, was on parade yesterday, looking as finely as ever. 'The company roorganized, most of the old members and several new recruits having joined its ranks. Under the leadership of its gal lant and soldierly captain, all that is needed for the compaoy to make a good record is a fair field and no favor. • Company B, of the same regiment, is also organ bed and ready for the fray. FIRST CITE Z3VATZ3.—This fine company, lately attached to the 127th regiment, perfected an or ganisation yesterday morning, and assembled for drill in the Capitol Grounds. They there went through the skirmish drill and various other evo lutions. The case and certainty with which they perform drill movements go to show that they have not grown at all rusty since being mustered out of the nine months' service. Their ranks are now full. They are under command of their former captain, F. Asbury Awl, ana will give a good so_ count of themselves if called into action. FLAG Twain COLORS.—We notice that the dis play of the grand old starry flag is not in the least truninished by the peril which menaces the State Capital. The bunting is flying to the breeze from the tops of most of the business places and public' buildings. The Demeeraey, hot having their minds pre-octupied with trunk-paoking and trans portation duties, found time to throw - out the old flag and stand by it. Among these we are pleased to note our old friend Chambers Mullen, corner of Locust and Second, who "flouted the skies" with the emblem of liberty, rawly to sustain it now as he did in Mexico, and flying It from his grocery in a style which went to allow that he WIWI in favor of the stars and stripes arrangement, and "didn't rare who hewed it." Fsaaruz. Accznartr.—On Monday night a young man named Louis Drexler, who had been at work on the entrenchments on Hummel's heights, oppo site the city, met with a fearful accident, which has sines reanited fatally. It appears that he was starting bone, end, canting to the law fence that runs ;slang the edge of the deep cut made through the hill by the Northern Central railroad, sprang over it, alighting close to the edge of the .ent, , of the proximity of which he does not seem to have been aware. The earth gave way under him, and he was precipitated down a rooky and almost per pendicular precipica sixty feet in, heigth, striking on the 'Wier - oak - Of theload bed below: He back, both legs incl.left arm, were broken. He lingered until ten o'clock yesterday morning, when death released him front suffering. Young Drexler was employed in EpplePs store-Market Square, is well spoken of by his employers and acquain- tanees. GOOD 8Y14.--It is with feelings of deep emotion that we part with the Tefegraph. It started on a summer excursion by rail up the country yeiter day- Its /ma had Pawn farailitt, and fis be 4 fallen into a regular habit of reading it of eve ninga•by of amusement. A moderste dose of its odd syntex and bull-froggy attempts at thunder making was good for the diaphragm. It had a style peculiarly its own—a sort of spraddlelegged style, that went on all fours, got tangled tip, and - *ever got any place- •Tke habit of reading it may have been a "wieicutt'ona on our part, but it had become a second nature, and we. can 116 more en joy ourselves without it than the poor widow who had lost a snoring husband Cauld,go to sleep with out hearing the grinding of a 'ooffsernilL - Who will curse the "copperheads" now? Is there any longer a prophet in Israel, or have they all packed up and skedaddled ? "Fare thee well, and, if forever, - : Btiil forever fare thee well, 'l4Bl/ though usifolgivhig, u m ," 'Selma thei•oan our-heart rebel:" As the Telegraph has become nomadio iai habits. wooomortd - it,to tbeitin4ettention of 'tiny community in "high' it mix Mist .its ,for the, time being. "Farewell-4rind,t,l44 must biankhath been— A Bound that IniikansTliitigTer,'Te't—rfare*ell!" . WARArs4PO-...1M. IHRATARERAUt77ILiVek In of our citizens assembled at the Court house at 01:o'clock yesterday t morning, to take notion in reference to the , defence of the city against, the invaders conilatup the valley. The ,nieeting was a large and eat-nest one, the eapanioni thorn being tilled in a very thort time iftit . thp tinging of the bell.. Gen. Cameron was called to the chair, whited by Vice Presidents and other affieers. In a few minutes Governor Curtin entered, look ing somewhat fatigued and eare-worn. lie was welcomed with lohd applause. The Governor said, substantially, that be was gratified to say that men were arising all over the State, and would soon be here. The New York Seventh were on the way to our assistance; men were coming from Philadelphia, and one thousand men from Berke would arrive in the next train. We will not sur render the town without a struggle. The rebels had probably destroyed the beautiful valley on our west; hot, thank God, we word separated from them by a natural barrier, the passage of which would be disputed. Although it was dry here, the river had, through the providence of God, raised daring the night; and should we mortals stand inactive, while the Almighty was working for us ? Ile had no property here, but the honor of the State was dear to him, and should be to every Pennsylvanian. He thanked the brave W illie for the support they were ready to give, but he was sorry for the lateness of this call; he desired to make it last Week, but the PresideLt refused it.' But let us forget that we have been treated wrong ly. The general government must be sustained, as well as the State. He had been willing to'con cede everything to the administration, and to carry out their plans to the best of his ability. He Galled upon all Penneylvanlaus t 4 Nib to arms for the defence of their native State, that her Capital might not be defiled with the tread of the invader. There would be plenty of guns and antmunition on hand before the day cloud. General Cameron followed in a short speech, in which he said that, by virtue of his office, Gov. Curtin was Commander-in-Chief of the Perineylva nia Militia, and that be was willing: to take him as his leader, and follow him in defence of our homes. lie moved that he be requested to take command of the force now called out, ant jest to the orders of General. Conn. When we kee our brave Governor mounting his steed,,and calling upon the people to follow, we will at once rally to the call. The highest cam and the humbleit in dividual ' - erere on now/smd, every person 'should deists duty. thon * kit 4e:should lie lid by ear eonstitational commander. ' / . • To this Mr. Kunkel strongly objeeted, saying: that-it .wwitld bean nitandonment of hie ofttee. M. 'Cameron. 'lt is not an tibindionment . of his office; itte 1 / 4 arirt.pf .4 ,bis legitimate duty. Mr. Kunkel. I can undefstand I.donft see why our -Governor, who is ?Torn' out by the dutieS of his office, should leAd the , irawcif the mil. ha, when Gettewtk c owebi, lintte4 States etTteeh , .is with us. There is a deposition tin-14a-p4t Mr. Cameron to drag flag flotiaPnof from his legiti mate duties. I moult:as soon the President gof this meeting Should be grouribitider; ainT he - lit 4, mutat fittedied called upon to peiform that duty as the Goveinor. ' ' • Mr. Cameron. Jam ready to shnuider a musket and go as a private under the Governor. • Governor Clare& then said he fioald do no more than this . ; he would go asike - dld last fall, when he went wiih the militia to Hagerstown, but got from the United States the' co-operation of a military mind to direct immediate operations. Mr. Cameron, That is what we want. (To which the crowd responded with ringing cheers.) The meeting then adieurned by order of the President, to meet at their respectiVe wards to or ganise military . companies. • MIMING TO RAISE Exicaurrs. 7 -A very enthusi astic, meeting was held in the . Court House yester day afternoon at four o'clock, for the purpose of enrolling and organising troops for State defence. David Fleming, Esq., was called to the chair, and J. Wesley Awl elected secretary. Mr. Fleming stated tle.object of the meeting in a brief, pointed, prestioal speech. Be urged the necessity, of immediate organisation under experi enoed*officers. :‘,' Colonel W. W. Jennings then said that the great drawback to the cause was the want of system and organization, caused' by the variety of preferences felt by the men for the officers 'who should com mand them. Some wanted one and some another. and the result was to divide them ; in 'sentiment and action, and prevented the neededorganization. He was willing, to take command of men, oralt stood in the viay'fli all, was willing to take.a , IMUIP kat arid go under some othev man. .A call wan, Made .for: ilia Rev fltfr: Jackson, who responded in an"eloquent and telling Speech. .sitidlimi`witei':not made for a soldier,.-but would, offer ali'that be had to the dear old State in yrhich blawashorn. 'Would take:his , musket and go into the entrenehments, and, if he failed to carry' up on' the z field, they. were . welC4ne to his oaroaes to heitottlild broatwOrittbohindisihich 'the sillo'ng Ones might fight:, ' ; '46 was for thelfresbut a "fight ing ehaplain." knew no ohurc ,no order, no . inatitutionotidig. 4.ye Ow great, preffent, im mediate duty of defending , thci grand old Coin monwenith and, in it* ,q;libettivid olvili cation, hurling hack the horde that was pressing gore upon her, • • At the conclusion of his remarks, which Wl* received with Cnthttsiestio applaitee, ,Tenninn 'called upon all who were willing to go to rise to • their feet. , About half of t hose tirele4 itoad • and went forward to sign the roll *hi& badimen prepared. The object of the - meeting . havingfully, succeeded, a motion to adjonrn:wal'made aild Oaf- Aed.' ' 001. Xennings and, his men aro now'organizid anstr.eady for notion. Tae WASHINGTON ROSPITALS.--FOr khe,hlLllllll - dm. 'who sgo.yhaviesiek or wounded rela= titles and friends in the military service, we publish herewith a list of the names and location ,of the variotwhospitals in and about Washington, D. C.': Armory Square Hospital, Seventh street; west ] between C and D south. • ; . , Glertrer Holpita.l,..Four,tee,nth aireet west, at ter mintia of city railroad. Colombian llospitid,Fourto:oritit Dont woo., at terminus of oily railroad. • , Campbell Hospital,•Seventh street welt, at ter minus of oily, railroad north. . 'Douglas Hospital, corner of I, and,Neilersey avenue. • Eekington hoipital, on Galea' farm, northeast of city. lipßulkynear Alms House, ease of the Capital • Finley Hospital, Kendall Green, Fourth street, northeast of et . • Harewood Heepithi, Core'oran'e farm, Seventh street west. , Judiciary. Square . Hospital, Judiciary Square, Louisiana avenue', plopitai, Rook creek, out 'Ksloraniatimall4oi) Twenty-second 'street. - 4 Lincoln liospital,,one mile ',resist Capitol. , Mount Pleasant !'llospttal, on Twentieth street, half mile beyond city limits. Seminary Hospital, Viebrisstown ) corner of 6:17 and Green stream' Stone Hospital, Fourteenth 1044 beyond Ger fetHopital. , ; , St* B l izabeth Hospital, (InettnerAsylttko,) beyond Nary Yard west. , . (St: Atioysiue Fth Citß ital and+ Ki streets. , • I • ' Stlittrm hospital, I' mud New Jersey avenge. Deopartes Forpital. • • ' . *as - zATs.. F EC/R,A — lt would not be possible to describe the . scenes of yestsvday.• Is Tined be proeutoptnen§ to at tempt it. In a time of such general excitement, alluietails are-stale. 'and unproitable, and so We forego all system or minutiae, contenting ourselves with a brief outline of yesterday's proceedings. • The morning broke upon a populace; all 'astir; who bad been called out of bed 'hyt . the "beat of the alarming drum," the blast of the bugle and the clanging of bells. The Streets WNW lively .with . men who were either returning from a night's work on the fortifications, or gbing over to relieve those who were toiling there. Ae the sun rose higher, the excitement gathered head. All along the streets were omnibuses, wagons and wheelbar rows, taking in trunks and valuables and rushing them down to the depot, to be shipped out of rebel range. The stores, the female seminaries, and almost every private residence, were busy all forenoon in swelling. the mountain of freight that lay at the depot. Every horse Use was Impressed into the service, and every porter groaned beneath his weight of responsibilities. The scene at noon at the. depots was indiscriba ble, if notdisgraceful. A sweltering mass of hu manity thronged the platform, all furious to escape from the doomed city. Among these were weakly women and children, but we grieve to say thit large proportion of them belonged to , a class called, by courtesy, men—men who had lived and prospered in.-the city , owsibleh they now turned their backs, leaving her to - be defended by the stranger and the• poor man in her hour of need. When the trains came in, these men thronged the platforms of the cars so obesely that the dele gates to the _Democratic Convention had to debt their way out through the . terrifted.mob of elsedad dices. Women and ehildren stood no chance for a seat, for the gallantry of the flying horde seemed to have oozed out of their finger ends alongwith their courage. Among the throng of "cream-faced" fugitives we noticed many .an one ,who had chat tered brave words about "loyalty" in times past, caned the cowardice of ".00pperheads," and gone in for "a vigorous prosecution of the war." The trunks and trappings piled up along the platforms were countless, and represented in. Lheir, ownership a very large number' otpeople. We took an inventory of two piles' in partiCtilar,,whielt stood separate from the rest, bearing labels Marked •lileo.,l3erguer." ,Who cal,this be? Whoever be is, be is prepared to go into the bookselling, eta- . tienesy or printing lila Wherever be may elanee" to dump his 0 trop8" ' ~-•• • At the bridge and across the - river the scene was squally tithed. All_ throtid daY a iteadY atreaM 'of people; on' foot' arid in' wagons, young and. old, black 'and white, Was pnnringal4o4P it from the Cumberland bearing with iheni_ their leasehold gods:lnd all mmlei of goodi and 'lock. ; . Endless trains, , laden withibur, grain and merchandise, 'hourly emerged from the valley and tVgildt l o 4 l IheArldgeand throng]; the, city. Miles of- retreating baggage wagons`, .wagons filled rrith.llbl4o4,.e gseep lied together, and . great old4ehlowed furnace wagoni loaded Ivitb iond .trunks did-looses, defiled in continuoue procession down the pilm - and - abrOSs the rivers rat sing` dust that muted the ciailine of ' the road as aa Abe eye could : see. • . But we,need not Prating oil!. attempt at deeorip tior4.as the scene war o . "much for the task of pen Rd paper ; Yet it was butia mere preface, a prelude, to the unutterable' horrors of war. 3i/LROY'S WILOOX Milroy, com manding in Western Virginia, was attacked last week by the force of rebels now invading this State, and his command ant in two, the troops be ing on one side and the wagons on the other.— Many of the latter were ospEnred. The remainder commenced a retreat from Martinsburg in this di rection about noon on Sunday, having eight hours'. start of the rebels. They, passed through the va rious towns in the , valley, still in advance of the • enemy, and arrived here yesterday, the van of the train passing through town in the forenoon. The train IS an immense one, consisting of upwards of five hundred wagons, (four horses to the wagon,) and is about three miles in length. They 14ve made the extraordinary marsh of one hundred and twenty miles In forty-eight hours, having bad no sleep during that time, and stopping only to feed the horses: Both horses and drivers bear evidence of the hardships endured on the retreat. Very many of , the wagons were driven by contrabands, who rode the.*leel hereei•while.their families sat perched upon fle x top .of the load. Here en one . wagon were old , white beaded crones, and of lino.; ther would be little: Dean chlldren who bad fallen asleep frtun either tlSlrustion ) while the sun beat full en their upturned'faces.' Over all wee thrown .mantle 'of t Eyelashes, eyebrows, flesh and wool were,PoWdered bo thickly as to , give the caravan a most motley and grotesque appear ance. The luggage consisted. of provisions, knap sacks; haversacks, steres,"&e. The entire: train crossed the Market street hridge,find is encamped on the Other side the'elsel. WE Lave tams over Qtl the lift Of ,April the balanee of goods bought of kr. ,Boger, to our own store, where we w ft ill'ee*tinite to sell the balance left at very. low •pricies,.. until the whoy, are Cold. Among these ,goqde ar,e • 1,000 yards remnants delaine and calico, 18; 18 End 20 cents. 500 yards remnants Isernir and other sr9"ls° o dar 1b 18'and 20 0014.11,, '2OO yards of bane and 121463,20 and 25 costs. 1,000 yartla of, linen' oraith,..l.o, 18 and 20 °esti. 100 yards of brown and grey oroth for summer coats. 1,000 yards of linen, iotton And wool pants stuff, cheep. • # 30 . 0 010 Se D tho'..,4o,best spool cotton, white and corded 1,000 papers . of the very best of Smith's needles, 5 emits a Tapell also etookings, gloves, pocket )ntidkeiphiefth Ito* akirteh all i I . ls pf patent Slimed, tapes, soelts,eitam. by the dozen or piece.. We haro.also on hand yet about 10 pieces' 'of' CARPET, 'which wo will soil at 75 cents per -yea • .; • 20 pieces of straw matting, cheap. 20 pieces 'of splendid figure 4 window curtains. 8. LEWL MC SPICIAL :NOTICES. MOTHERS! moirugits Don't fail to proeure Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINP, SYRUP foi OEULDR,}3S ?I'DISTU/Ng. Tiis valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the , beet female physi dans. =4 u n rees in DO! United giates:and hai been used for thirty YeartWith never failing stfet4 and SRO.. cesa by =Miami of mothers and children, from the fee-' Me infant of .ene w eek old to the adutt. It not only .relieves, the chila from pain, Vtivinvigo ratee the stomach and bo 4 wele, corrects acidity, and giVea tens' aid energy inthe whole Bram*, T most instantly relieve • " ultimo id THE BOWELS AID WINO 9oLIO. We believe it the beet and unrest T,einedy 'Pt the .world in -:all vans al' DYSENTERY AND- DI i kILDELCEA DI ClittitotAtt, whother it a rtOitt iistlayt, 6 r- fifim any other 'cause. • Vail Allied:lima fps tolpg,7lflA; accompany eactleixottle.., None geoninei unless ttbefac alnjele of 0111r:10'it PER", New yoir.; ; _ • • • Seld 'by` ell Adrcinelgeeklege& , Prinapalt OffleiN 48 Day. street; New York. Prine only 26 cents pii"6:4ll7:"'" -- zny23-d&w6in z • • 1 , r i • • ~,„,LIpORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. , VUEESEMAN'S , nee tombiliation'of ingrediente in these Pills are 'the reahlt of along and eitensive practice, They are mild Operation, and certain in Mrlscting all irrelll4- Isktilies, Painful menstruation, removing alivbstruotiona. whether from Cold or otherwase, headache, pai ha the ?aide; palpitation of the heart, whites; all itirmiasitec time!, hysterics, fatigue, pain in tb back et Hmbs, id., disturbed sleep, whieh arisx Irma intertipti of ;attire. DR. CHEIFEMIN il&L8 lem She oornmeneemen 41 UMW • I Isar .2en vt those irregularities end obstraritta OM/ /AM 101 4 signed so many to a nrassahlreOt S 11,0"11a. enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes plate the general health begins to aa aline. OR. CIIERSEMAN , S PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all eons- Pilate peculiar to Pesnaks. To all mem they are Invaluable, inducing, wit/ soggiest's'', periodical evoker ity. They are known to thousands,wko have need them at different periods, throughout the gauntry, having the sanction of some of the most amines; Physicians in Amerieg. Bxplieit directions, staging •Wi4414 they should not 66 sued, with each Box—the Pries One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 to'6o Pins. Pills sent by snail, promptly , by remitting to the Agents. Bold by Druggists generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. Bold is Harrisburg, by C. A. Bannvart. " .blecihauleiburg, by Jr. B. Dellett. " Carliclo, by 6. Elliott. " Ehippeesburt by ,D. W. Rankin. " dbambersburg, by Miller & Hershey. " anunnelstown, by George Wolf. " Lebanon, by Geom. Ross. deced&wly BrttudrethysPllls, New Style. BRANDRETIPS PILLS, NEW STYLE, -BRANDRETWS PILLS, NEW STYLE, BRANDRET.FPS PILLS, NEW STYLE, Are infallible for eoaVvenese, spume, loss of" appetite; pick headache, giddiness, settee of bloating after meals, dittaiiten, finisibasa, and cramping pains, and all dis orders of the stomach and bowels. ONB OP, MANY OABBIL • ta" Original Letter it 294 Canal street, New York J. I. Cl. 000 E, publisher of the State Banner, Ben. nington, Vt., says he was attacked with DYSPEPSIA, and suffered so 'severely from it, that not a particle of food could be swillowed without occasioning the most uncomfortable sensation in his stomach. Por Ave years he enffered frem this dreadful complaint, when be used BRANDKETH'S PILLS. The first box did not seemt• benefit him much, but the second produced a change, and by the time he had taken six boxes, a 00$1.PLBT/i OURS wee effected. De saYs " /Widmer's. was gone, 'and - my expectations of •an early death yetaishid," ASH FOR NEW STYLE. ASK FOR NEW 13TYLN. 19.11118 W STYLN. .ASK FOR NZ*. BTYLS. .1 1 ;b4elpitb9lee, 294 Canal street, Neer'lrerit. for We in Harrisburg by mikilswtt 'amusements. GAIETY MUSIC HAIL! 'WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. 808 . Sole Proprietor. .70E. COOE. ...... WE , ARE NOT; TO BE OUTDONE BY ; ANY,. Tbeilreatost Bill ever•given in any one Estab , habment in the Country. Hundreds: TUrnett Foiery INOREAKEDAMAOTION FOR THIS WEEK. 4ALLI, WEEi AT. THE. GREAT GAIETY, GREAT StrdeESS GRtAT SUCCESS 1 ALBERTINE CIIIRISKIE, the Wonder of. the World, Magician, Juggler and Slack Wire Performer, received with tremendous applause last night. ' • • * With its powerful Combination of elB- 7 such an immense array of Beauty andnalent upon one Stage. without a precedent in the annals of amusement. THE CROWDED HOUSES Accorded to it by the public demands an acknowledgement of unparalleled patronage. it stands on the Rock of Public Opbaion;which is the soUd foundation of success. The ()vat Gaiety spares no expense to ob tain the best talent la the country, for hero all the great STARS of the PROFESSION first make application for engagement. Never in the recollection of the oldest inha bitants was heard TORNADOES OF APPLAUSE • EXSTATIC SHOUTS OF LAUGHTER? From the audience as emanated every night at Bob Edwards' Great Gaiety: The world renowned GAIETY—The cry is, "Still they Come ! " The great BreMe Neck ACt; by Ward & Harris. The Largest and most Talented Troupe ever - Orgattixed, Look and Behold the Stare of, the World. MRS. JULIA ED:WARI)S, the Queen of Song. MISS JOSEPHINE DUCROW, the talented • , Datiseuse:: M'LL N.F4LLYI:OOII, Vocalist. ALBERTINE CHIRISKIE, the Weet , Ii diti ' Juggler and Sleek Wire Perfariner, this evening,. Every one-should set:44*j' DAN IVE , MARBLE, the Versatile Performer: BILLY WART ~the nelebrated Irish Comedian •• . end Tainbdriniat. JOHNNY CARL, the world-renowned Violin • . Ask 9.0 Jig Dancer. • PERRY EDWARDS, AhnWell-known Comedian and. Bone River. 808 EDWARDS, the'greatest Ethiopian Come- ' (Hen in;the world, • AARON put T A, great Iris 1 Vocalist: . The whole ; under the management the far-14 11 0A 11 0 B D ARDP Entire Change , of Programme eiii3t . .Evoningl A 41111818104 'only 2 5 (Jents. The cheapest Plate of Amusement in the World Look out for the Royal Citctill .the great Gaiety every night this week COME ONE! T 'F• WAT MASTIC -Vt;'O.IZ,KER PRACTICAL .CEMf.lif i TEll, Is prepared to -Cell:lent the exteriorof Buildings With the'NOW York Improved. • ' 1 • ' 4 W atepTivof •Mastic'.Aemen,t; . ' ThiS lititifirittY Aifferent froinAll other 'Dements. It 'fortis a solid, durable adhesivehbac to , any, Ahrface; imperishable by the action of watt* or frost. Every 8. 0 4 hvildiag should-be crated wittithis Cement i his a perfeet pr eseiver ,4 o .th e _wells, end ulkes a beautiful, fine finish, equal to .Eastern brown..sand,9TM, tor',, any ,color &sired • ' ~. . . Amokg others for whom I have applied the liastie Cement, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Ili sell, residence, Penn street, Pittsinui, finished five yelre. • • . , • J. 11.13hoenberger, residenci, Lawrenceville finished five yis*s., Jamel M , Candlesi;reildence, Allegheny City,fitilshed five years. ' • Osiris Adanis, residence, Third street, finished four A. Ecisieler; reSidentse; 'Lawrenceville, finished four years. D. tieoOra, Penn street, finished Out ytify - P Hen.' tlfernat . 1 1 - rSr9l; Diamond fit t, ed four Qt - Olifirles Hotel and Girard Hones, finished tote ,yenrs..„ • EZ,.. l t4ifailisi °hull Hcfiee find Bank , for Barr "ft Moser, arenAteSti, PiStebhrg','llnlfflied five years. ; Orders received atthefefliaenf ft, 61 , 161downey, Paint ROI '2O Seventh street, or please address 4 T.F. WATSON, use.yl64f p. 80x 13.6. Pittsburg, • AUluthe* THE fOREAT REMEDIES,” H L M titt,CD'S " HE LMBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUCHAV lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA lIELDIROLD'S imruovrin ROSE WASIL HELMBOLD'S ORNUINE PREPARATION, " RIGOUT CONCENTRATED ' COMPOUND PLUM EXTRACT BUCELU, A posit".ve and spec - flo Remedy for Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. Tule reedleine tameless the power of digestion and ea rths the absorbents into healthy aelioe, by wbieh the water or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural en largements, are reduced. as well as pain and inflamma tion, ant ill good for MBN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. lIELMBOLD'S EXRRACT BUCHIY, Por Weakm-a% Prising from Examine, Habits of blood- Ntioo, Ebro. /12 . 11oorolion Of Ono, attended with the Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, LON§ of' Memory, 'loss of Power. Weak Herr' s, • D,ffimity in Breathing, Horror of Disease, ' Trembling. Dimness of Vision, Wak.fulness, . tinivereal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back, • Muscularillatern, Pluthiag of the Body, .Hot Hands, • Eruptions ostthe Pace, . • Pallid Countenance. These symptom, if allowed to go on, which this midi. clue ibtatiably renmeas, soon follow IMPOTENCY, PATIIITY , EPILEPTIC PITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can Pay they are not frequently followed by thou. "direful die• onion," Many are aware of the cause of their imfAiring, but none will confess. The records of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE APPEOTED BY OR GAN/0 WEAKNESS, Regaims the aid of niediclue to strengthen and inrigo nde the eyetem,whiett tri.ELMEGLD 7 II EX tRACT BUO SIT invariably dteii A that will convince Vie moat elepticali . . FEMALES ! FEMAUMfI! FEMALES!!! OLD OR YOUNG,SINGLR I NA RRIED,,6R CONTIM , , f , . PLATING- MARRIAGE. ~..„*miller to to li _ In ,niaky affeotione *milgnia'ai, fis t ,Riti e lt Budin is iiiiequilltot by iitiy: *Mei remedy, RH in ,9hlo a it Retention, Irregula•ities Psinfulwan, i r Ptipirreis en 'of Cnitontlit Evienatione, ' trloorated or Slirrh 9 up, !data or the Merge, Leneorrh.ta or, Whitta, tirerilfty, , ,awl for #ll comtilaintaineittenttp'theisei, aihiliiai arising tram' in discation, Habits of Ritaipatien, or halthe ~ ' '"' 0140. H. BELL: DECLINE OR CHANGE OP LIFE. L SEE SYRETOSIE ABOVE. NO r FAM - LT SHOULD DE :WITHOUT - IT. •r . • ; ; Take bdkill, Mercury or Unpleasant bledicin?, for egg end Pang' cone Dl ere". BELMBOLD'S BXTRAOT BUCRU CURES, SICCRET In all their ntagesi at little expense; little or no. change in stet; no inomorenience, AND NO EXPdßlJxli... It swum (regnant deriro *Pi glom strength to Urinate , a s rernoetrig ilikttinetions, prevailing and Wag strieturei.of the'urethra, allaying pain and inflemenatioa, an frequent in this chum of diseases, and expelling POI SONOUS, DISEASID AND WORN-OUT MATTER. ThousandAuptin-tlaoneardifisho have been the ViOTIMS OrQUACIES, And who have paid - MUTT PIM to ba cu-ed be a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the" Poi son "has, br the use a a Powerful Abtrongents "• been dried up Initis ardent, to break out in an aggravated form, and For all Affections and Diseases of the URINARY OR- OaNS. trlttber existing is MAL OK FEMALE, from whatever amiss originating, and no matter of how long standing. Dismiss" of theee corona re quire the aid of a DIURETIC.. . RELSIBOLDT EXTRACT BIJCII . . - IS TEE GREAT DADESTI% And it is cntaia to have the desired effect in allDisessss for which it is recommended. ILELMBOLDt i HIGHLY CONCENTRATED 0031 ECITZ.iD FLI7,ID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA .BTPHILTS. ' • This is An affection of the Blood, and attaarp the Praat4 organs, linings of th: Ni.e, Bars, Throat, Windpipe and other !tuella:Surfaces, avhing its appearance in the form of Ulcers. altl.slßoLpod tsarina sarsaparilla purifies the-Blood and r -mover all Scaly' Ira !Alone of the gkir n, giving to the conord-ixion a clear and healthy color. It ,beiag !waisted e*Pkgaly for', thiSoliss of compl. late, its Blood-.purifying properties;are Preserved to a' greater es • tent than tither preparaftfon of Sarsaparilla: An exlellent lotion for diseasee of allyphiliiic nature`, and as an injection diseases the Wrimary Organs aris ing from trabiti of dies pation, din connection with the Entreats Beckon aridB.osaparillai; in sung dige:w3es as iirom .mended. Jtvjdeace tote most respensilue and reliable character will antentpany,the medicines, OIRTIPIOAT/Cd OP CURES, From three to twenty pork". standiog, with names known TO SOLING/1 - AND TAKE Po Medical p.olieittest at snick U, see Dispensatory of the Unitedlitstda. • Ste Profermor 4 DRlCEplin!viduable works on the Prat taw& • ..• remarinialade bythedale celebrated Dr. PHYSICS, viii!adophrt. ,, ; .4. L. See retharks made by Dr. EPHRAIM' DPDOWELL, celebrated Physipian,and Member 0 . thelitoyal College of • thirrinis, ludo* and larbiiihell ins,the Transactions of •the Kong sod Queen's SprAliediro-Ohlrinrgi*.neviaw, published byjiliff,4l 3118 TEAVEII9, Bellow of faiyal corege of Surgeoris Bee moat of the late Standard Works on gitedioine. ' Extract Bnchn -.111 00 Per brittle, or slx fin 05 00 Extreet Bergsma; ock per imttle, or six for 05 CO Imyprored Ref; Wish— b la. per bottiP,'or,liptek Kt (r half dollen of each for $l2, Tied' *lit be tisttnii-mt to ears the most oh/Albeit casts, if direetiobbriayer Jpdbred to: Pelivered to' any .addrere,:neettrely vick(eal• feOW obser vation. . . • : , Cascritte arnS o ms in all commatrioltions.- Cures raranteed. Aditice' grotto.. • "; . .•! _ Atk,lgaiT/T• • COME ALL ! Parsons, appeared botore-Ine; laderanurof 'Me My of Igki/adelphil, 11. T. aelmbo d, who b beiar duly sworn doily say, MI plparatioost .00noin no .narcotie, no mer : &my, or other likptrikr'dragii,gsot are parely vegetable., L I'l .. ,4•;t,., U. I T.'ssIRIAIBOLD. Sworn and subscribed befo•e mp,•thie 2&1 day of Novens er, 1.004: ' HISBERD, Aldfirman, Ninth o.,liiers !twee; thiLadelphils.... Addters lettere for infimiuktion'in conildtmce to ' Bi.*)olotp, thx.miet, • D'Apot, NO. 104 South Tenth street, below ChestuUt, Philsdelptis. BDWARD OP DOUNtEßtuirts' " I . „ AND UNPRINcIePtigir , MMALEDS, Who 'eindearar to dispose "1.0!" I THEIR OWN sus ' " other" articles orllthe rein:datio l n attained by lIELMBOLD , 3 ONNITII9I. PRETADAVIONfiy Iltrerta• 4,F f ppycpylr . h omprpi,p vr i ttikommrsAltAtamei, ..HErathoioni R?t3EsvA9lat ** &rid by all Drugghts etViinrheri. ° ASK IMM EtKLIABOTID4-1 1 jAKS NA Iltkillt.r Gut lout -Pug .advedisiment snit: wit bit... 21064 ivo:d IMPOSITION and EXPOSURE: ' rjett.y KNOWN AS GENUINE PREPARATIONS, v,z I=ES:=l I=MEMI lOLLOWINO SYMPTOMS INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION' 1 _;d~_. PERHAPS Ann MARRIAGE. USE RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU BLOOD ! BLOOD!! BLOOD !!! . • F RELBfIiOLD'S BOSE WASTIE MINIIIII G=M=l = SUMM. AItRANGINET. NEW AIR LINE AUTE. aMegeß l6ll MEE MINE EMU TO WSW YOU. AND . Ott AN AP D TER MONDAY, Ayril_2o. 18( 3 3 the PSI ILADELPHIA Unger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading road' Digio t , at Harrisburg, for NEW ;Pork and Phil. adelpida, al follows, via: EASTWARD. EXPRESS tOill leaves Harrisburg at 2.16 a. an., on arrival of Permervania Railroad Express Train from the west, arriving New York at 9.16'a. m., and at Philadelphist at 9.70 a. 3K. A sleeping ear is attached to the train througliTroni Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leave. Harrisburg at 8.00 s m., ar riving in New York at 1.80 p. m., and at Philadelphia at 1.60 p. In. FAST LINE leaves garrillearg at tee P. In., on at rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Past Mail, arriving is New York at 10.25 y. in., and Philadelphia at 7.00 p.m. WRETWARD.. FART LINE leaves New York at 8.00 a. m., and Phila delphia at 8.15 a. nr., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 8.80 p. m. , arriving at Banishers at 8.211 P. la. MIXPIIBII LINZ leaved Now York at T.OO p, tan U . string at Harrisburg at 1.45 a. in., and conneoling With the Pennsilvaila PapeFa Train for Pittsburg. A sleep ing ear la also• attached to tide train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains oaths Pennsylvania, Northern Central and thuaberiand Valley 'Railroads, and at Beading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Banton, he. Baggage &asked through. Para between New York and Iferetibiarg, $5.16 between Ilerriebnrg and Pais dolphin, fB.id in No. I mu, and 10,09 in No. !or Whets and other information apply to J.J. CLYDB, General Agent, Harrisburg. arr 9 NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. Three daily trains to and from Baltimore and Wash ington Bity. Ommeetione made with trains on Penn sylvania /Unread to and from Pittsburg and the West two trains daily to and from the North Ind Wes Branch, Bruquehanna, Alndra and all Northern New POOL • ON AND ArrEn: MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1883, the PaSainager Trains of the Northern Central Railway will S.-five and depari,from Harrisburg and Baltimore as viz: ; , 6011T11WA.8,D., MAIL TRAIN billies Banbury daily (except Sunday' at 10.18 a. m.; !Nivea ,Harrisburg at 115 p. m., and ar rives at Hattliaora at 5415 p. rm. • gitsg,t i gglinitirl-)44yea Salim" daily (exempt Ban. . day) at 11.97.; p. m 4 'milli! la'attiOttglaxeopt Monday; 2.Ge s. in,, and arrives at, itiattnaqre daily (except lffondak 6.15 • • • 41.3comm,o4nicqr TRAIN leave Hinfifinng daily at 6.80 tn. HAIL *ll.4Eftelesivee partitnore'dal(ezeept Sunday at 9.15 s. Harrisburg st 1.,15 . 1, : p., and arrives at Sunbury at 4 06. n. r'.. . , IXPREIN TRAIT leaves Baltinuni daily at 9.16 p. lni,,,Arrivims At ilaviabao at IA a I r., and leaves Her risburg dully (excepf itintsy) m., and arrive:l at Eitinbary sit`s.3llli. m. . _ RARRIOBURR :ACOOKIRODATiON TRAIN leaved Baltimore daily (except /Sunday) at 2.65 p. m., and rife' at llearlibuit at 7.80 Nor farther information apply at the Oidoe, in Pea sylvan's. Railroad Depa. J. N. DoBARRY, Gesehi Superintendent. nanicimrs, Airll 20, 1263-dtf pENNBYLVANIA RAILROAD ! SUMMER TIME TABLE' MI aims DM TO & FROM PHILLDELIIII ON AND AVM MWirDAY, APRIL 20, 1863, The Passenger. Tram; of the Penneylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as fellows : . _ HARTWALRD. THROUGH HILYRREIa TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.00 a. at., and arrives pt West Philadelphia at 4.10 a. m., , /AST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (exeept Monday) at 6.45 a id,i and arrhee at West Philadelphia at 9.65 a. in. Passengers take brealtfoot Lame:Later. WAY AOCIOMMODATION, VI& Mount Joy, leaven Harrisburg at 7 ' .09'x, m., and arrives st West Philadel phia at 12.26 p. mt. • VAST HAI!. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (ex wept tiundaY) it 1.00 p. in., and arrives at West Phila delphia at 5.00 p. m. 1441Bilisiuut ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Cie ituubia,leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 p. on., mut arrives IS West Pidistielphia at 9.80 p. m. •WEISTWABB. 114TIMORS EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hardebar dnily (pleupt Monday - ) at 209 w Atitoona. 1 7 .14) a. take breakfast, and iir . rlyeil tat l'it . tutnns wt 12. PHILADELPHIABXPIIII3I3 TRAIN leaves Her burg daily at/3.00-a. m:,, Altoona at 8 00 a. m., take break fast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12 31 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves IlartistArg at 1.16 p. loons at 735 p. in., take 'tipper., and arrives at Pittobarg at 12.30 it. m. FAST. LINE ,Ilaves Harrisbut 3.50 v. Altoona '3.36 m., alid'arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 a.m. HAItRIS/ItritH AOHOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phila4elplita at 4.80 p. tn., and arrives at Harrisburg - at 3.00 p. m. WAY. AOOOOIHOHATION -TRAIN leaves Philadel phia-at 4.00 p. in, and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.40 'lp.nor.. This train raw via Mount Jay. • • EIAIIII7EL D. YOUNG, , . ,Soporintodint Middle Div. Paw la R. B. Harrisburg. April 113.1.883 --dtt 18113. 1863. - D - HiLVAD,I4I.4PRRAJ , J% ERIE RAIL. wyAl);,.—Phis, stoat line traverses the Northern and Northwest mintilties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. ' = It hsa bienlaiiel bi She Pennsyivania Rail Road CoMpeirep, , ant under their ,anspices is being rapidly pelted thriitigtiontlts entire length. liis'noir'in use Paisenger end Freight basins/a ryrookrzienyletssrg; to Drifiumoil, (Second Fork,) (177 miloslon the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Rrie, miles) on the Western,Diviiiion. TIME OF PASSE/fan ' . TIMAMS AT H.. .R.TC 2.15 1 7 In.,l'Axp r reaa Train.. 5.00 a. at. • pars run through wpithout eha*ge both wayo on the • trains between i'hibulelphliv 'and Lock Haven, and tween lieliblorfand Elegant Siesping Cars on Xxpress Trains tit way betwiesi - Wpliamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport fwd Phitsibitlatil3 r : ier r ,infrption sleesaVing Rultugor !mallet/0 apps atie g`. E. nor. fitlidnd litirisit streets. Aid ftsr Prelett.businese ot rthe Company's Agents K . * *tijkitbAr; 'Jr.,; - oer'" , l3tll and Market titre • ric, • J: W. Boynoids,Mrie.... .; satin) • 4, II • • - TP - M. MOUBTON, • • en I Breigkt Aft., L1W..1 - 8 L. HOUP r I : e Gezo Ticket Agt., m+rssdT; ~_ :g# 3 3111=11 11. 33. m iv MOSE4I:, LEMON, • • ' ELNONDJ A ' • ORANeII PAOll l _ PI NEAPPLE, itimmMit ALMOND - . ;Aft= Y. • 9LNNAMONIL NUTMEG 1. ' _MBOTAtatin, P.MMINTCP, .I„oposuirdtrat (mx , 9001414,) aSsorted dosage, for Ma l eMiece4tikilif lAN received frozene of Um u ra vit looter* Ho leei—each Bowe and Pa ckage war %Nara. '.+ I NERW'' WM. DOON, Js.. & 00. EitICM•ittrIVRELi---A very fine sa -1 MIEFFER'S BOOBOTOB : . : £iiifJ SUMMER TIME TABLE. R T VA,B.Dr. sly B E(Rf Leave 'Northward, • JOS..D. POTTS, Geniimanager, Williamsport ravel.