RATES OF ADVERTISING. lour lines or less eonstitnte her a square. Ten lines or more than fear, constitute a square. Half eq., one day...—. $0 30 One Ng, one day...-. 80 DO 1 one week.... 120 ~ one week.... 200 " one month.. 300 4, one month.. 800 CI three months 800 g , threemonthslo 00 " six months.. 800 ~ . slit months.. 15 00 " one year.... _ l2 00 " one year.... 20 00 110" 13tteiness notices inserte Tenh 1,00,ki, commac or hef.so marriages and deaths, dinNTEI Pen LINE for each iasertion. To merchants and others advertising by the year, liberal terms will be offered. . . Er The number of insertions toast be designated on he advertisem ant. 117" Marriages and Deaths will be inserted. at the woe atee as regular advertisements. enointos RoBERT SNaD . GRASS, ATTORNEY ' T LAW,: Office with. Hon. PavidOluntnizt,jr. 3 Third street, above Market, garrisburg, Pa. N. B.—Pension, Bounty azid Military claims of all kinds prosecatt d and collected. Refer to Hopi : John C. Kunkel, David! Mumina, Jr., and it. 'A.-Lainladrtini. myll-d&w6m. • WM. If: MILL:ER ) . END' R. E. FERGUSON, ATTORNEYS -AT LAW, OFFICE IN' . BEIO_EMAICER'S 'BUILDINGS SECOND STREET, BETWEEN WALNUT and . MARKET SQUARE, ap2l.d&w Nearly opposite the Buehler House. T HOS. C. MA cDOWEIAL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILITARY CLAIM AND PATENT. AGENT. Office in Burke's Row, Third street, (Up Stairs.) saving formed a connection with parties in 'Wash ington City, wne are reliable business men, any bust-, ness connected with any of the Departments will meet with immediate and careful attention. m6-y • lilt. C. WEICHEL,. I) SURGEON AND OCULIST RESIDENCE WEIRD . NZABNQBTHSTBRAT. , , He is now - fully prepared to attend promptly , to thi &Odes of profession in all its branches, .. A LOCO LEO TINY 813002138FUL alainnar. ezrzamena jruitiles him in premising full and ample satisfaction to all who may favor himwith a Mill, be ; the disease Chronic -or any ether nature. mlB-118verly TAILORING. - c;rm it); -.A.. ME 3LI T_T Gr• The subscriber is ready: at NO. 'O4 MkiEN four doors below Fourth street, to - m akem T BT., MEN'S AND BOY'S,' CLOTHING . In any desired style, and with elan and promptness. Persons wishing matting done cati. have it done at the whortsat notice: ep2T-dly CHA-RLY4-8 P.• VOLLMEB , TIP.IIOI 4 STERER; Chestnut street,: four thrra iibOvo Second, 107P0511911 WISHINGTOfi Hon goms!",) , Is prepared to furnish to order ) in the very beet style of workmanshiP, Spring and Hair Diattresses, Window Our tains, Lounges, and all other articles of Furniture in his line, on short notice end moderate terms,. Having ex perience in the business, he feels warranted in asking* share of public patronage, confident of his ability to give satisfaction: • . r. janl7-dtf SILAS WAItD. KO. 11., tioita TRIED Bf., lIARRIdIIIIICO. ST*EINWANIS PIANOS, MRLODRONS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, • Banjos, Elutes, Fifes, Drums, accordeons, STRINGS, SWUM AND NIGOILAGISIO, &C., &G., PHOTO GRA.P FRAME S. ALBUMS , Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Square and Oval Promo of every description 'made to order. Reguilding done.. Agency for - Howe , s Sewing Machines. IP" Sheet Music sent by Mall. oetl-1 JOHN W. a -LOVER, MERCHANT TAILOR! ilas just received from New York, an assort ment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which he offers to his cw3tomers and the public at nor= MODE RATE P RICES. HARRY WILLI&M 3, ..11L.GrMl%T a X'r 402 WALNUT STEW, PHILADELPHIA.' General Claims for Soldiers promptly collected, State Claims adjusted, &c., &c. mar2o-dlm SMITH & EWING AT T ORNEYS-AT-L A W, THIRD STREET, Harrisburg, Practiee in the several Omuta of Dauphin county. Col lections made promptly. . A. C. SMITH, J. B. EWING. T COOK, Merchant - Tailor, 27. DIINENUT ST., between Eecond'and Front, Has just returned fram the city with anassortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND YBSTINGS,' Which will be sold at moderate prices and made up' to order; and, also, an assortment of BEADY MADE Clothing and Gentlenten4 Furnishing Goods. • nov2l-Iyd D E .N._ T L L GILDER, D. 11. - ' N 0 11 9 MARKET STREET , 4 41410 . . BIM dr, KETNNiLI BUILDING, VP STAIRS. •jarkB-tf -RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE , MGT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. S. GERMAN. TT SOUTH SIOOND STRUT, ADDY" 0H310117T, RARILISEIT/G, PA. Depot for thesale of stereoacopea,Stereosoopielfiewa, ilitude anti Musical Inatrnmente. Also, anbsoriptiona 'taken for religions pablicatierus. noBo-dl JOHN 11. W. MARTIN FASHIONABLE CARD: WRITER,- lIIIILWB SOPHIA HARRISBURG, PA. All manner of VISITING, WEDDING AND Bus"- NBSS CARDS executed in the moat artistic styles an d. most reasonable terms: • ' decld-dtf TTTTN'ION' - H EL , Ridge Avenue, corner of Broad. street, BAHHEEBURG., PA. The andersigned informs .the pablic that he hag re cently - renovated and refitted his Well-known " Union Hotel , ' on Ridge avenue, near the Round House, and is prepared to accommodate citizens, strangers and t ravel era In the beat style, at moderate retell. His table will be supplied - with the beet the markets afford, and at his bar wil be found superior brands of liquors and malt beverages. The very beat accommo dations for railroaders employed at the chops In this vicinity. dtfl - HENRY ENTREE. F "NKLIN HOUSIgy DAL TIMORI, MD. Thlis pleasant and commodious Hotel has been tho toughly re-fitted and re-furnished. It is pleasantly situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doors west qf the Northern Central Rail way Depot: liiery attention pelt to the comfort of, his guests. LRISBNRING, Proprisiter, Jel2-tf ' (Late of Selina Grove, Pe.) THEO. F. BOHEFFER BOOK, CARD AND ,JOB. PRINTER, • NO: 18 MkRIERT STREIT, RABRIBBIIR4. cr . Particular attention paid to prii4ing, ruling and binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifeetd, iniurance Poli cies, ChS*ll,, Bill-Heads, &a. Wedding, - Visiting and Business Cards Pifatadl at " 1 7 l o w prises and in the beet style. . lan2l MsBBBB. CRIOKEILING & CO. HAT I N AGAIN OBTAINED TR nI E D A , LI AT TH2 MICT.ANICit, NAIR. BOISTOir, 0 yEli 111171-",j'elTir7l,lirosBi a 11) , . Wizireem - for 01110/1.111M4 Pr4NOB, bt to a 92 Market st. eeig-t t t W. tree twoonik wren a?ORI. - . . •II • 4 • • 114 -":714*--A . 111 P ;' .7•;.•-••••-'1*`jMI11 • • ,ror ,— •4 0 t •••••"" • ..Vll • . • t , i 11+ to a : . 7 _ . • IT VOL, 5 -NO. 24G JUistelictneous. pENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, ' War Claims and Claims for Indemnity. STEWART, STEVENS, CLARK & Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law, and Solicitors for all kinds of Military Claims, 450 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, • WASHINGTON, D. C. This firm, having a thorough knowledge of the Pen sion Business, and being familiar with the practice in all the Departments of Government, believe that they can afford greater facilitiewto Pension, Bounty, and other Claimants, for the. prompt and successful accom plishment of business entrUsted to them, than any other firm' in Washington. They desire to secure snob an amount of this business as will enable them to execute . the business for each claimant very cheaply, and on the basie of their pay contingent upon their-success in each' case. Pot this purpose they will secure the services of Law Firma in each . prominent !entity throughout the . States where . such business may -.el had, furnish such with all the necessary blank forma of application and evidence requisite printed pamphlet ifistructions, and circulars ' for distribution in their vicinity, with asso ciates names inserted, and upon the, due execution of , the papers ,and transmission of the same to theni by' their 'local associates, - they-will prOmptly perform the business here. . . , 1131' Their 'charges .will he ten dollars for officers and ' Ace dollars for privates, for each Pension or Bounty and Back Pay obtained, and ten- per .Dent. on' amount of: Olititne for Military Supplies or Claims for indemnity. WY" Soldiers enlisted since the Ist of March, 1881, in any kind of service, Military ' or Naval, who are disab led by disease 'or wounds; l ire , entitled to Pensions. All soldiers' who • eerie for %We years or during the war,. should it sooner close, will be , entitled to $lOO, Bounty. Widows of soldiers who' ie or are killed, are entitled to Pensions, and the $lOO Bounty. If there -be no widow, then the minor children. And,if no minor children, thee the father, mother, sisters or brothers are enti sel as above to the $lOO Bonnty'and Back Pay. • • JOSEPH B. STEWART, • ROTOR ;L. STEVENS, EDWARD CLARK, ' ' OSCAR' A. STEVENS, WILLIS E. GAYLOAD. flrsoictsaroi, D. 0., 1862. ' tila.• Apply at our office, or to our 'Associate at HARZI510:100, PA.—JOH N BIGLBII, Attorney and lennsellor, • ' ; . PITT801:143, & DIDDDLL, Attsr oeyn-st-Low. Petrovitts, •Pk.:---WM. It.. 881.1211, Attorney anNt Counsellor. . " , PHILADBLPHIA, PA.--7. 411:411 I NNICHILD, 40 A orqou street, WM. M. SMITH, Attorney And CoUnselfor. • W.taititotoo, P.I4—'BOYD 0A1121.11.1N011, Attorney ond•Ootinsellor., . . , jy81.41.1.y. • ' lA.C . lc N.& CO. 8 S rS Ili R -E' to ..90 3( MARKEIT'BTRIIII!, HAIRISBURG ) .P A., . . Where they. 'gaud, to fievote theitentirietioie to the etenufsetnre of ' ' ' , BOOTS A , ,ND 'B-11,0•B 8 all kinds and varieties, in the neatest and most lash-; onable styles, and at eetisfactoxy prices: Their stock will consist, in part, of' Getationna's Mar Calf and Pittent : Leutater Boots anci:Sltocs, latest styles; Ladies' and Misses , Gaiters, and otheriShoes in great variety; and, in fact eyerything connected with the Shoe business. CUSTOMER WORE will be particularly attended to, and in all cases will satisfaction be warranted. Leese Stud up by one of the best makers in the country. The long practical experience of the undersigned, and their thorough knowledge of the business will, they trust, be sufficient gnarantee te ' the public that they will do them justice, and furnish them an article that will recommend itself, for utility, cheapness and dire. bility. JACKSON & CO. URINGE EL'S PAT ENT BEEF TEA, LUL a e obd, concentrated extract of • BEEF AND VEGETABLES, Convertible immediately into a nourishing and deli cious soup. Highly approved by a number of eminent Physicians. • • This admirable article condensed into a compact form, all the substantial, and nutritive properties of a large 'hulk of 'm'eatnnd vegetables. The readiness with which it dissolves into a richlind palatable Soup, which would require hours of preparation according to the usual method, is an advantage in many situations of life, too obvious to need urging. Its highly nourishing qualities combined with its delicacy, renders it invaluable for the sick; while for those.in health, it is a perfectsubstitute for fresh meat and vegetables: It will keep good inanY alimate. .. It is peculiarly well adapted FOR TRAVELERS, by land or sea, who can thus avoid those accidental deprive lions of a comfortable meal, to which they are so liable. FOR INVALIDS, whose capricious appetite. can thus le satisfied in a moment. - FOR SPORTSMEN and.EXOURSIONISTS. to whom, both its compactness and easy preparation will recom mend-it. For sale by sep24-tf • WM. DOOlf.. Js., & 00. CHARTER OAK . FAMILY riaou.R! ITNEXCELLED, , BY ANY IN THE STATES AIM SUPERICE TO ANY . 3E‘ IV 13 rt. A I\7* XI NO OFFERED IN PENNSYLYANIA! IT IS MADE OE • CHOICE MISSOURI WHITE WgF4r. Er Delivered any pliee in the city fret of Margo. Terms cask on delivery. 2 _ 2 jyte - WM. DOCK,CTR., k CO. MUSIC STOREI • • ~ NO. 98 MARRNT STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, • MELODEONS, GUITARS,.; VIOLINS, • VIOLINS, BANJO 'STRINGS, • . Of-every description. • DRUMS, PTPXI3, TLTITNS : ACOORDNONS, etc., at the lowest °ITT PRIORS, at W. KNOCHE'S Kiln° STORK, No. b 8 MAWS Massy. TELE BEST FAMILY SEWING ' MACHINE IS WHEELER & WILSON'S. NEW ,OFFICE, Market Square; nezrto CoZdeX.' 11:7 - Call and see them in operation. • , 'A general assortment of machinery and needles con. stantly on hand. MISS MARGARET ELISitT Will exhibit and sell them, and also do all nada) machine sewing on these - machines in the beet manner. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited.. apl3-61n DYOTTVILLR GLASS WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, 1163177.L0Ttra1l ARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, FOBTBR, MINBBAL WATER, PIONLA AND PRESERVE BOTTLES Of UM DIBOZIPTION. H. B. & G. W. BADINBBS, ' ' 0 619417 27 South Yront steroid, Philndelphin. • TAPANESE TEA.---A choice lot of 0 this: celebrated Tea just received. It is of the first cargo ever imported, and is much ,superior to the Old ness Teas in quality, strength and fragrance, and is also entirely free of adulteration, coloring or:mixture of any kind. It is the natural leaf of the Japenese Tea Plant. Tor sale by • WM. DOCK, jr., do 00. 3'AOa.BUgHELS York State Potatoes U of different kinds, 1,400 Bushels York State k_PPles) A choice ,lot of York State Butter. Also, a superior lot of Catawba Grapes, and 30 bushels Shellbarks, just. receired and for sale low by H. W; BIBLE & CO., • deel-dtf - No. 100 Market street. I. - AT A C K:SR - . : F...,: L .. . - -• . : .:. ra.- • hiLOIDIRIL, Noe. 1, - 2 and X. in all sized packager -new,rold each pcociags tOrraatiii. Just received, aimi for sale low by . ' . , WM; 1)00i, , Jr.: & Cip.; 51614/r. BEAU-Nia..FAUIT - JARS ! • •• -Seat and °heaped la ,t,&• apsOcills! 04 1 ad wet, DOOR; Is., & • HARRISBURG / PA.., WEDNK.DA Y, JUNE 17 1863. :~:iebic~~. *** DR. SWEEVS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT 13M 1 GREAT EXTERNAL, REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, 'GOUT, NEURALGIA, iUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AWOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, and. ALL RHEU MATIC and NERVOUS DISORDERS. For. all of which it is a apeedy and oertaqi remedy, and never fails This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the fa 'acme bone setter, and has been used in his practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing Suc cess. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of whiclithe most skeptical may be convinced by a singletrial: This - Liniment will cure rapidly and radically , RHEU MATIC IIISORD ERB of 'every kind, and in thousands of' cases where it has been used it has never been known to fail. . FdR NEURALGIA, it;will afford immediate ' relief' .in every case, however distreseiog. - • ' ,; It will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. ' • TOOTHACHE also wil it cure.instantly. 'FOR. NERIYO US 'DEBILITY' AND GENERAL LASSITUDE, arising Dims imprudence or ,eicuess, this Liniment is a moult happy and unfaUing , remedy. Act ing directly upon the nervous tissues, It strengthens and reyivitles the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES.--Aa an ex,ternal remedy, we dale, that it is the belt knoWn, and we challenge the world to pro duce an equal. Every victim' of this . distressing corn plaint should give it a-trial, for it will not fail to afford' immediate, relief, and in a Majority of cases will effect a radical Mira. ' - • . QUINSY and SORE THROAT are sometimes ex tremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely applica tion of this Liniment ,will never fail cure. SPEAIMS *are sometimes very obstinate, and entaige- • 'meat of the joints is liable to.ocOur if neglected. The worst case may be,congriered by this Liniment In,two or ; three days. 'S R DIMES: CUTS, WOUN 03,'SORES,'UL:CERS; -BURNS and:SCALDS, yield readi' to the wouderful . healing; properties :of ~DR..SWEET'S INFALLIBLE. .LINIM ENT, when used aceordioi to directioni. Also, CHILBLAYMN,' FRGSTED FERt and - INSECT BITES and ;STINGS; -;! •• ' :,EVERIF HORSE OWNER -• , should have this remedy at handi for its 'timely tea at the flist appearance of Larneness;will effectuallY pre vent those formi4able diseases ,to • which all horses are liable and which render ,so many otherwise valuable horses nearly , Worthless]: ," . • ' • Over four hundred volantarytestimonials to the won ,derful curative properties of this Liniment have ben received within the last 'two yea: s. and many 04 them from persons lit the highest ranks of , 1 . CAUTION. To wield imposit'on, observe the Signature and Like ,ness of Dr. ;Stephen Sweet: on every label,i eta also ‘• Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment blown in the glass of,each bottle, Without which none are genuine. RICCI sitDS'ON & CO., ' Pole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. Por sale by all,dealers. aplieow-d&w ITUBBAItD 8R,05., IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, NEW YORK, Have the pleasure of annruncing to their numerous friends and patrons in the Army, that they are prepared to fill .orders and transmit parcels Brigs rt.. with the ut-,, most care and promptitude. Watches so forwarded are registered; we take upon ourselves all risks of tranapor. : tation, and guarantee a safe delivery. Improved Solid Sterling,Silver Im ENGLISH LEVERS, in g0,..d running order, and warranted ac curate timepieces.. Th is an entire new pattern, made expressly for American Army and Navy sale. They are manufactured in a very handsome manner. with Englteh crown mark, certifying, their genuineness; all in all, they are a most desirable Watch. Frank Loslie'S Buys tratt d News of Feb. 21st,- , 63, says OBBARD'S Tima- BEEPERS are becoming. proverbial for their :reliability and accurary. They are particularly:valuable for offi cers in the army, `and travelers 1, The price is Sevnati- TWO DOLLARS ($72) per case of six, being about one third the cost of ordinary English Levers, while they will readily . retail for a larger price.. Postage, per case, RAILWAY TIMEKEEPERS, for ArmySpecn lation.---The Army, and avy, Gazette. of Philadel phia, in its February number, says:—" This importa tion of the Hunierin Baos ;of New York, fills a long felt want, being a handsome and serviceable Watch at an extremely- low figure." Superior in style and fin tsh ! Decidedly the most taking novelties out! Should retail at prices from $2ll to $..0 each. Good imitation of both gold'and silver, with fancy colored' hands and beautiful dials,“ toith sunerier regulated movement. Sold only by the case of six of assorted designs. Engraved and superior 'etectro-plated with gold, and silver-plated, per case of six, FORTY-EMEIT'•DOLLARS, ($43.) By mail, postage, $1.65 per case. -MAGIC. TIME OBSERVERS, the Perfection 'of Mechiniem I—BBING A. BUSTING( AND OPSR eACS, Or LADS% OR 4RNTLRMAR'S WATCH COMBINED, WITH PA rim fist.r-Wirmixalstrapvintaxr.—The New Yorkll- . hesitated News, the leading pictorial paper of the UM; tea States. in its issue of Jan. / 10th, 1663, on page 147, voluntarily says :-- 4 •We haVe been shown a most pleas ingnovelty, of•whichthe HUBBARD BROS , of New York, are the sole importers., It is called the Magic Time 'Observer, and is a Hunting and Open Face Watch corn bined. • One of the prettiest, most convenient, and de cidedly the beet and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use ever offered It has within it and connec ted with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely ntmeccessary. The cases of this Watch-are composed of two metals, the outer one being line 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby ac tion lever movement, and is warranted an accurate time plece.” Price, superbly engraied, per case of half dozen, $204. Sample Watems, in neat mo. occo boxes, for those proposing to buy at wholesale $35. If sent by mail 'the postage' is 36' cents. Retails at $lO9 and upwards. 11:7` We have no agents or Cirettlairig. Buyers must .deat with us direct, ordering frond this advertisement. Twins' Cash in advance Remittances may be made in United States money, or draft payable to our order in this city. -If you, wish goods sent by mail, enclose the amount of the postage with your order.: Write your address in full. Registered Letters only at our risk. - t Address HUBBARD 113RO 4., IMPORTERS, . • ' East cot. Nassau and John streets, ap29 dam New York. • • S 1 ! ! . . 2 . 0,000, lbs. Composed of the followirig 13rarlis just reeeiired : . , NEWBOLD'S—celebrated. NEW JERSEY—SeIect. EVANS & SWlFT'S—Superior. MICHINER'S EXCELSlOR—Canvassed. MICIIINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not canvassed. IRON OlTY—Canvaissed. IRON CITY—Not canvassed. PLAIN HAMS—Strictly prime. • ORDINARY HAMS—Very good. Er Every Ham sold will be guaranteed se represen. tad. WM. DOCK. jr. ; Or CO. I ADIES 1 YOU KNOW WERE YOU A can get fine Note Paper, Envelopes, Visiting and Wedding Cards At SCHREYER'S BOOESTORE. p,UPERIOR STOCK OF LIQUORS.- WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO., are now able to offer to their customers and the public at large, a stock of the . Purest lignora ever imported into this market, compri sing in part the following varieties: HLS K X —IRISH, SCOTCH.,O BOURBON. WINE—PORT, SHERRY, OL ADEIRA. OTARD, DUPEY & CO. PALE BRANDY. JAMICA SPIRITS. PRIME NEW ENGLAND RUM. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS.: These liquors can all be Warranted; and in addition to these; DOA &•Co. have. on' hand a large variety or Wine., Whisky, and Brandy, to which they' invite' the particular attention' of the public. NOTIONS. --Quite a •vaiiety of usefil and entertilidatsritoles—eliesp----iit - •5, . .•;; 11011E71.111R 3 8 . BoossTmut. • VRENCH MUSTARD,: ENGLISH , and Ilscieetic Pi&lee, (Ay' the .dosen or hundred,) Etu peFlor Wad 011, Ketchup, Sauce. uuul oesulimeOte of, every 4upriplllen, for We, by ' 127211.4 A ' WM. DOOK. 311.3 & Oo T H E Weekly "Patriot & Union," THE CHEAPEST PAPER PUBLISHED IN PENNSYLVANIA! AND THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER- PUBLISHED AT THE BEAT OF GOVERNMENT • • FORTY-POUR COLUMNS OF READING MAT TER EACH. WEEK I AT' THE LOW PRICE OF ONE DOLLAR AND FI•FTY CENTS! WHEN SUBSCRIBED FOR IN CLUBS OF NOT LESS THAN TENCOP,IES 70 ONE ADDRESS! We have been compelled to raise the club subscription price to one dollar and fifty cents in order to save our selves from actual lose. Paper has risen, including taxes, about twenty-five per cent., and is still rising; and when we tell our Democratic friends, candidly, that we can .no longer afford to sell the Weekly PATRIOT AND Moos at one dollar:a year. and must add fifty cents or stop the publication, we trust they will appreciate our position, and, instead of withdrawing their subscrip tions, go to work with a will to increase our list in every county in the State. ,We haves endeavored, and shell continue our efforts, to make the paper useful as a party organ, and welcome as anewe messenger to every fam ily. We 'flatter 'ourselves • that it has not been witiMut some Influence in producing the glorious revolution in the politics of the 'State achieved at the late . election; and if fearlessness in the discharge of duty, fidelity to the principles of the party, and an anxious desire to pro mote its Interests, with'some experience and a moderate degree of ability, can be made serviceable hereafter, the Weekly PATRIOT AND UNION Will not be less useful to thejarty or less welceme to the family circle in the fu ture than it has been in the past. •We confidently look forlna - Oa - Bed encouragement in this great , enterprise, andappeal to every influential Democrat in the Stateto lend us his aid in running our sapscription list up to twenty or : thirty, thosusand. The expense to each Judi '''vidual le trifling, the benefit'ui the party may be great. Believing that the Democracy of the State feel the ne cessity of 'sustaining a fearless central 'organ, we make this appeal to them for assistance with the fullest couti 'dense of success. ' • • The Same reasoner which induce us 'to raise the price Of the Weekly, operate in regard tothe Dailipaper, the price of which is also increased. ' The additional cost to each Subscriber will be but trifling; and, While we can pot pershade ourselves that the chinge hecessarily made will result in any diminution' of our daily circulation, yet, were we certain that such would be the conse , . • Auence,, we should still be compelled to make it; or sett. fer a ruinous loss. Under theirs circumstances we must throw ourselved upon the generosity; or, rather, ) the justice of the public, and abide their verdict, whatever it may be. • • • The period for which many of ;our 'subscribers hare paid for their paper' being on , the eve of expiring, re take the liberty of issuing this notice; reminding them of the same, in order that they may RENEW THEIR CLUBS. We shall also take it as an.especial favor if our preient subscribers . Will urge upon their neighbors the fact that the PATRIOT AND lINToi is the only Democratic 'paper printed in Harrisburg, and 'considering the large amount of reading matter, embracing all the current news of the day, and TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES From everywhere up to ,the moment the paper goes to press, political, miscellaneous l general acid local news , market reports is decidedly the CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE STATE ! There is scarcely a village or town in the state in which a club cannot be raised if 'the proper exertion be made, and surely there are few places *which one or more energetic men cannot be found who ire in favor of the dissemination of notuni Democratic doctrine% who would be willing to make the effort to raise a Club. DEMOCRATS OF THE INTERIOR ! Let us hear from you. The existing war, and: the ap: proaching' sessions of Congress' And : the Mate Legisla tire, are invested, with unusual interest, and every. man should have this news. TERMS. DAILY PATRIOT. AND UNION. Single copy for one year, in advance. . . .. 00 Biles copy during the session of the Legielsture.. 2 00 City subscribers ten cents per week. • , Copies supplied , to agents at the rate of 11 50 per hun dred. WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UNION, Published every Thursday. Single copy one year,ln a.dvance $2 00 Ten copies to one address. • . lb 00 Subscriptions may commence at any' time. PAY AL WAYS IN ADVANCE. We are obliged •to make this imperative. Ia every in:oam* Cook must accompany subscriOfon.. Any person sending us a club of twenty subscribers to the Weekly will be entitled to a copy for his services. • The Price, even at the advanced sate is so low that we cannot offer greater inducements than this. Additions maybe made et any time to a club of subscribers by "remitting one dollar and fifty cents for each additional name. It is not necessaryto send as the names of those constituting a club, as we cannot undertake to address each paper to club subscribers separately. Specimen copies of the Weekly will be Sent to all who desire it. , - 0. BARNETT & CO., Harrisburg, Ps N. B.—The following law; passed by Congress in 100, deines the duty of Postmasters lri relation' to the de- Weery of newspapers to club subscribers: (See Little; Brotiol ¢ po. , i edition of the Lew of 1860, page chapter 13.1, section 1.) "Provided, however, that where packages of new pa pre or periodicals are received at any post office directed one address; and the names of the club subdcribers to which Ihey belong, with.the postage for a quarter in ad vines, shall be handed to the, postmaster, he shall de liver the same to their respective owners.2l • To enable the Postmaster to comply;with this regula tion, it will be necessary.that be be furnished with the list of name" composing the . club, and paid a quarter's (or yeses) pmitage in advance. The uniform courtesy of Postmasters, affords the issurance that they will eheerfeliyaccommoastd club lubseribers,•arid the latter Should, take care that the postage, wide is put a trifle in each case, be paid in advance. Send on the clubs .NOTICE. -Notice hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of HENRY SCHREINER, late. of Susquehanna towoship, Dauphin county, deceased, have b• en granted to the subscriber, who resides in said township. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of said deceased are here by requested to make known the same to the subscriber without delay, and those indebted to •decedent, will please to call and pay. jell-a 6t • MICHAEL G. SCHREINER. ESTATE OF SARAH S. WILSON, deceased ....Letters ef administration on the estate of Sarah S. Wilson, late of the City of Harrisburg, de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, resi ding at Mount Toy borough, Lancaster county, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to, make im mediate payment, and those having claims against it, to present them duly authenticated, for settlement to A D. REEBN, Administrator. May 18th, 1883-myl9-6t* A STRAY.—Came to the residence Of LI John Fauber, in Jack.on township, Dauphin co., Pa., on the 19th of • Febtuary, a BLACK Hahn, with front left foot part white'. and white star on 'Forehead, about 16 hands high'i between 6 and 7 years old. The Owner will come forward, prove property, pay charges; or otherwise he will ;be bold according to law. JOHN FAIIDga. Jackson Township, March 9th, .1863-ml2-13tw ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration having been issued to then ndheersig es ned tate byof the Ittgist RICHARD er of Dauphin ceunty, up t HAWKINS; late of the City of Darrisbnrg, deceased; all parmana 'having dolma ;against the estate of said deordenti will make them 1-own without delay, and those indebted to said estate'vrill present them form. ment to • R L. MU NCH, 144-6tx Achni4iistrator rem. teal. onnsz. PRICE TWO CENTS. tept Notices. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 'the Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, to distribute among the creditors the balance remaining in the hands of David C Keller, ase'gnee of Phillip Peck and wife, of East Hanover township, in said county, will sit for that purpose, at his office, in the city of Hurtisburg, on Tuesday, the 3 ith day of June inst., at 10 o'clock a. m.. at which time and place the parties interested are hereby notified to attend and present their claims. jeB-doaw3t , H. M. GRA.YDOrsI, Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICK.—The Auditor CV., appointed by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county to distribute among the heirs the balance re maining in tne hands of Christian and . Jacob Zimmer man. administrators of Mary Straw, late of Jackson township, deceased, will meet the parties interested at his office, in the city of Harrisburg, on Tuesday, the 23d day of June next. at 10 oVock, a. in., of which they are hereby notified. H.M. GRAYDON, my3o-doaw3t Auditor. XECUTOR' 8 NOTICE.--Letters 12.4 .Testamentary upon the estate of D t NIEL S. 'MEP ER, late of Jefferson township, Dauphin .county, dectd, having been granted by the Register of said county to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to render immediate payment, and those having... Wins or demands against said estate are requested to make them known without delay to JON AS• SWETGAED, Executor. mn.s-law6w* Jefferson tow'p, Dauphin co., Pa. • OTICE.---Whereas Letters of Adtnin l. istrati q n have been granted to the subscriber this day, on the estate of his late Rife, Charlotte E. Rob. erta, late of the city of Harrisburg, deed, all persons having claims against the estate of the said dec , ti will please make them known to the subscriber at his resi dence in Market Square, in said city. A. ROBERTS. May 13, 1863—my14-dlawBw* (IFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG j COTTON COMPANY, HARRISBURG : , Pa., May 18th 1803 —An election will be held at the offrie of the un dersigned, en Walnut' street, near Second., on . Thnrs day, June 11,1308. between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock p,mon. for a President, six Directors, and a Secretary and Treasurer td Serve tor the enNuiror year. WILLIAM BUEHLtR, mayl9-6te39*- • • Eenretary and Trasurer AUDITOR'S NOTICE Ia the Orphans' Court of Deruphin county : The Au dit,,r appointed by the said coat to make distribution, among the heirs, of the balance in thO hands of Adam Brenneman, administrator of tbe estate of Sohn Bren neman, late of the tewnehip 'of South Hanover, in said *aunty, deceased, hereby gives notice that. he will at tend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, the 25th day of June, inst.. at 16 o'clock a. m., at his office, on Third street, adjoining the NatiOnal Telegraph Office, in the city of Harrisburg, when and where all parties interested will attend if they see proper- R'ODT. SNODQBAS,I, Harrisburg, Pa., June 8, 1883-law3w ;, Auditor: • A DMINISTR.ATOR'S NOTICE. - •Letterss of administretion having :this ,day 'been granted by the Register of Dauphin county to the sub• scriber, on the estate of PITER BSCHER, late of the city of Harrisburg, decwised, all :persons' knowing them selves indebted to said estate are revested to make im mediate settlement, and these having claims. are re quested to present them to the subscriber.. HEARGE GARVERICA. . 3e4., doaw6w Administrator. A UD IT OR' S NOTICE. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court of Dauphin countyto distribute the bat— aces in the hands of the Executor of Charlotte M% Laughlin, deceased, and also the balOnee in the hands of the Trustees appointed by said Court to sell the estate of Mid deeedent„hereby gives not.c-4,tbat be will attend, for the pu-poses aforesaid, at, his office in 'Har risburg, on Tuesday„the 7th day or July next, at 10 o'clock a oi., when and where all parties interested are requested to attend, if they think prop-r. D. FL.EM LNG, Auditor. Itarrisbufg, June 12, 1863—je13-lawd3 IRE! TYRE! FIRE! Pit.it:anELpula May 30, 1863 IT. C. Sadler, Bsq.,: FEAR FIR :—During the night, of May 19. ISq3, our- Grocery and Provision Store, at North Second and Wil low streets, took fire at about 2 o'clock a in., and ac the store was a two-story.wood building it burnt rapidly, and bSfore the fire engines could act upon the lire, our whole stock of goods, including much combustible ma terial, and amounting to over $2:00, were wholly de• alloyed. We bad one of your No.ll Chilled Iron Sato, which was i n the hottest part of the fire, at d it came out of the fire not in the least injured, except the mel ting off of the name, plate and- paint. The contents inside were not affectid in the least, and we consider the Safe just as good a protection against fire now as before, and shall use it hereafter with increased confi dence. The lock works as pdr'ectly as before the fire. Yours truly, . M'MA.NDS &- CROFT, Late 429 North Second et. Attention,to the above certificatg particularly re quested, as it is the first trial of LILLIE'S SAFES in an accidental fire is Philadelphia. • I..would say to all parties who want a Fire and Burglar-proof Rafe that "LaLLIE'S WROGIMIT AND .CHILLED IRON SAPES,are. much the cheapest and the only real Fire and Burglar-proof Safes now made; and to those who want simply a Fire-proof, ln would say that LILLIVS WRoUGHT IRON SA:PR is fully Oqual in all resp , cts to any . of the mostapproyed makers, and is sold at fully one-third-.less price. All parties iaterested are invited to- examine the safes above described, at my store. GEO. W. PATISDNii. Agent, jel94aw Zvr 110 Market street. p PAPER MANUFACTURERS Sealed Proposals will be receir - d at the office of the Superintendent of Public Printing, for supplying the paper 'used bythe State for the commencing July 1. 1888. Said paper to be Took Paper, measuring 28 by 40 inches, and to weigh; mid 50 pounds to the rearn. Also, Double Flat Cap, measuring 17 by 28; inches, weighing 28 pounds to the ream. Bids will be rsesiTed for each kind separately. Bids can lea handed in up to WEDNESDAY. JULY, 1, at 10 o'clock A. M., and must 'state specifically the price per. pound of paper. Samples of paper required will be sent to any parties 'upon applieaVon to the undersigned, and can also be seen on the day of letping. L. It FUNK, • Euperintstadent PubVe Printing, jel.o-d3t oaw 7.5 Market st., Harrisburg. MORTON'S UNDIYALLED GOLD PER.--FIRST QUALITY WARRANTED., NONE BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD. A GREAT LUXURY! PERSONS In want of a superior and really good GOLD rras will flnd with me'a large assortment to select from, sad have the privilege to exchange.the Pens until their hand is perfectly waited. And if by fair means the Dia, mond points break off daring.twelve months, the pnr chaser shall have the privilege to select a new one, Without any charge. I have very, good Gold Peas, mule by Mr: Morton, not warranted, in strong. silver-plated eases, for $l, $1.25, $1.60, $2.00 Nor sale at , SCHEFFER , S BOONSTORN, No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. • IQ T. BABBITT'S. Concentrated, Con- IL., denied, or Pulverized ;loft Soap. Three gallons of handsome white soft Soap made in aye minutes. No grease required. . . DinserlosS :—Dissolve one pound'of the soap in one gallon bolting water,-,then add twe gallons warm, when cool yoU will have three gallons !Damsons? Wang Poir SOAP. Ten pounds will make one barrel of soft soap. The soap thus made is an excellent wash for trees; shrubs and plants of all kinds. For sale by my2B- ' W.M. DOCK, jr., Cc CO. RtALTH MONEY 1 lIAPPLNESs t I At this season of year, when so much sickness prevails, ever, one should provide himself with DE. MM. PHRET , I3 HOMEOPATHIC MEDICIHEE, and prevent disease in its beginning. A fresh supply always on hand at SOREPLEIVE BOOR-Arpon. HarrisbUrg. SPLENDID O ASSORTMENT F LITHOGRAPHS, Formerly retailed at from $3 to $5, are now cffered at 50 and 75 cents, and $1 and ,$1 50---jublished by,the Ar Union, and formerly retailed by them. • Splendid Photographic Album Pictures of all distin- guished men and Generals of the army at only 10 eta. For sale at SCHEFIBR'S Bookstore, IS Market street„ Harrisburg. RECRUITS WANTED for the • 47th Regiment V., Col. T. IL GOOD, now stationed at Kt!' Ww4, Florida. Apply to 1n7 2,64 n 1 d * LteuL. W. W. OrIiRTY, &mai opposite Pfesbyterian church. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, SUNDAYS 11XCIEPTBD, BY 0. BARRETT le CO TiR DAILY PATRIOT AND IINIONI.I.bO served to sub. scribers residing in the Borough for TNT CENTS Plll 11/111Z, paribte to the Carrier. Mail subscribers, rxra nOLLAIIi PER ANNUM. THE I iIiEFNLY PATRIOT AND UNION is published etre.° DoLLARs PER ANNITAI, invariably in advanoe. Ten coign to one address, fifteen doftars C.nnected with this establishmenb n extensive JOB OFFICE, containing is a variety of plain and fancy type, unequalled by any establishment in the interior of the State, for which the patronage of the public is so li el ted PENNSYLVANIA, SS In the Name and by the , Authority OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of • the said Commonwealth. A PROCLAMATION. The State of Pennsylvania is again threat ened with invasion and an army of rebels are approaching Our border. The President of the United States has issued his proclamation calling upon the State for fifty thousand men. I now appeal to all the citizens of Pennsylvania who love liberty and are mindful of -the history and traditions of their Revolutionary fathers, and who feel that it is a sacred duty to guard: and maintain the free institution's of our country, who hate trea son and its abettors, and who are willing to defend their, homes and their firesides, and do invoke them to rise in their might, and iush to the rescue in this hour of imminent peril. The issue is one of preservation or deetrue den; it invokes consideratione paramount to all'matters of mere expediency ; and all ques tionsof local interest, all ties, social and po litical, all impulses of a personal and partisan character, sink by comparison into insignifi cance. It is now to be determined by deeds, and' not by words alone, who are for us and who are against us. That it is thepurpose of the enemy to invade our borders with all the strength he can com mand is now apparent • Our only, dependence rests upon.the deter- Mined action of the citizens of our free Com- nonwealth. I now, therefore,. call upon the people of Pennsylvania capable of bearing arms to enroll themselves in military organizations, and to encourage all others , to give aid and assistance to the efforts which. will be put forth for the protection of the• State and the salvation of our common. country. Given under my hand and the great Seal of the State,.at Harrisburg, the fifteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thou rand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. ANDREW GT. OTJRTIN. BY THE GOVERNOR - (Signed) jel6-3E ELI SLIFER. Secretary of Commonwealth •HEDQVARTERS PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA, lIARRISEURG June 13 , 1863 . GENERAL ORDERS.) No. 42 WHEME AS, Inforniatien has been received from the War Department, "that the State will receive credit for all enlistments of colored men who may be mustered into the United States service as Pensylvania troops, under the authoriOy of the War Department, and that no credit can be allowed for individuals who leave the State and are mustered into organizations 6!Bewhere;" IT is 03.DEMED— I. All persons are prohibited from raising, colored volunteers in Pennsylvania otherwise• than under the authority of the War Depart nient, to recruit in Pennsylvania. 11. The-people of color in Pennsylvania are forbidden to enlist in or attach themselves tc any orgamization of colored volunteers 'lO be furnished from other States. 111. All magistrates, district attorneys. and officers of the Coramonwealth, are, required to arrest and prosecute all persons l who shall dis obey this general order, and particularly all persons, their alders and abettors, who, under any pretended authority, shall enlist colored volunteers for any brigade,'regiment,. battery or company, to be furnished from other States, or who shall advertise and open or keep re cruiting stations for such. enlistments, except ing under the authority of the War Department to recruit in Pennsylvania, so that such offend ers may be brought to justice. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-In-Chief. A. L. RUSSELL, Adjutant General of Penn jel6-3t WHITE SULPHUR AND CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, It Doubling Gap, Penn. JAMES D. ELEN*DIiEY, PROPRIETOR, Late of Kirkwood House, Washington. SEASON OPENS 15th JUNE, 1863. These Springs are in , Cumberland county, Penn's., SO wiles west of Harrieburg. They are accessible from all the principal cities by railroad to Harrisburg, thence by the Cumberland Valley railroad to Newville ; from Norville, 8 miles .good staging to the Springs. The stage is alwaqa in waiting upon the arrival of the cars at Nearville. Passengers leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore or Wash ington in !the. morning. can arrive at the Springs the same evening at five o'clock. The Hotel is commodious and cons rortable, with Hot and Cold Baths attached, and extensive grounds for walks and amusement. The loeg experience of the present Proprietor (for many years past at the Kirkwoo 1 Home in Washington, ~) enables , him to say, that it will be conducted in a manner to please all Via , ors. T eathiS :—s2 per thy; $l2 per week; 4 weels $4O Children and servants half .price. je9•d2m QAND..—Sand delivered to any part of ► the,eity at three cents per bushel. C. A. DAVIS, South street, near Second. jee-lwd ViTAR ! WAR I —BRADY No. 62 v v Market street, below Third, has received a large assortment a SWORDS, SI3BSB and BELTB, which he will sell very low. ao.o..dtt BLACKING !—MASON'S "CHALLMNGB Bu t oznio.l)-100 Gaoss, assorted else jut re aoiTed and for sale, uthe/esalcand retail. • deal WM. DOCK, :a., & 00. WHITE BRANDY 1 ! 1-FOR PRESERV TV two Pusroses.—A very superior article, (strictly pu t %) just receive¢ and for sale by ply/ . WM. DOCK, Jr., & Co. trAYARA, ORANGES.—Just received WU. TVG& 74,0 t. CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers