PENNSYLVANIA, 88 In the Name and by the Authority OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governer of the said commonwealth. A PROCLAMATION Information having been obtained by the War Department that a large rebel force, composed of cavalry, artillery and mounted infantry, has been prepared for the purpose of making a raid into Pennsylvania, the President has therefore erected two new depatintents—one in Eastern Pennsylvania, to be commanded by Major Gen eral Couch, and the other in Western Pennsyl vania, commanded by NWT General Brooks. I earnestly invite the attention of the people of Pennsylvania to the general orders issued by th ese fficers on assuming the command of their respect i ve aecartments. The importance of im mediately raising P , sufficient Alive fOr Ole de. fence of the State cannot be over-rated. The corps now proposed to be established will give permanent security to our borders. I knoW too well the gallantry and patriotism of the freemen of this Commonwealth to think it necessary to do more than commend this mea sure to the people, and earnestly urge them to respond to the call of the General Government and promptly fill the ranks of these corps, the duties of which will be mainly the defence of our own homed, attaidas Ita4 property from devastation. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this Twelfth day . of Jtine, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. ANDREW G. CURTIN. By nu Gomm& ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. ORDERS NO. 1. lILIDQUAIITEPB OF VIII 817EQIIIMInitd i , - CliaX3ll2l3lltfuG, Pa., Jw.e 11, 1563. 5 The undersigned assumes command of this Department. In view of the danger of invasion now threat ening the SW. of Pennsylvania by the site , Wei of the government, a new military de partment has been made by direction of the War Department, embracing all the territory of l'enneyivanis east of Johnstown and the Laurel Hill ridge of mountains. Headquarters at Chambersborg. To prevent serious raids by the enemy, it is deemed necessary to call upon the citizens of Pennsylvania to furnish promptly all the men seeepagry to organize an army corps of volunv toefintantry, artillery spa earelry, to be desig sated the Army Corps.of ,the kluequehanna.— They - will be enrolled end organized in accord ance with. the regulations of the United States service, for the .protection and defence of the public and private property within this de payment, and will be muutered into the service of the United mates to serve during the plea sure of the President or the continua:toe of the war. • The company and field officers of the de pqrtinentml corps, will be provisionally com missioned by the President, upon the reeom itienqation of the General commanding. They will be armed, uniformed, equipped, and wt de in active service, subsisted and sup plied as other troopi of tbe United States.— When not required for active service to defend the d'eparimeut4 they will be retuned-0 'bell' homes, subject to the call of the commanding general. Cavalry volunteers may furnish their own horses, to be turned over to the United Slates at their appraised value, or al luwance will he made for the time of actual service at tbe rate.authorized by law. All able-bodied volunteers between the of eighteen and sixty will be enrolled and re adv. d into thiscorps. The volunteers fur State defence willreceive ao b.unity, but will tie paid the same as. like service to the army of the United ,Siates for the time they may be in actual IterYinnins soon as Congre's may make en appropriation for that purouse. If volunteers belonging to this army corps desire they can the volunteer service forthree yeatwor during the war* when they will ae gadded A,o all the bounties and privileges, granted by the ants of Congress. The general commanding, In accordance titth the for.-going general authority—calla upon all cit•sepa *Milk this 11 .Partinent to name forward promptly to perfeot company 8 Organtsations under United States regulations, :to wit: One captain. One first lieutenant. One neeond lieuvenant. Sixty-four privates as the minimum and e4gley.two as the maximum standard of each congruity. the General -ozesmanding specially desires that. citizrns of this district recently-in the army should Vokinteer fur duty in this army ovate,. thereby.. from their' explorietiOt. adding greatly to the efficiency_oi the force for burne d:Sate defensive operations.. Each company orgspizetios 'he pertletited " eoo{i . as Poo3okrsil:FiPort. 4 44 -Plink. of adder iti s ,cointotaid it this azimber of Jusui,Auld the place of ha beqdquar. ere. in at der ,that. they may be,protiThlyifilitniehed.. with. tram., porta , ioo to the genera rendezvous, which, will he at Ittwrishurg. o . • . Any Pelson, who 4144..furnisli forty ;elusion men, who will be enrolled, ,if othaewiseautoit— jectionable, will be entitled to a, espeellic7l , any person who will bringtweittyrfive orinnr , men under above conditions will he entitle& to. a first lieutenancy, and any person who will bring fifteen or more men under same condi tion* to a second lieutenancy. • On arrival at the place of rendezvous- titer will he formed into Fegiments. 8o far oars° , tiaahle and as may. bf faint(' oossiatent with the lute:tete of -ilia ipublito service, ootapaniee fr e ig i thespay* localiggs. will be pet together 'l4.glieratel organizations. For tha present, alkeommunications will b e addressed to Reitieburg. Chiefs of their re speedeafiiipperintents will report accordingly. .(givied) - D. IL Conn; jelS Si] Major General Commanding. CITY TAX! Notiee : ie. *web! given. that the Common Caused of ,the city of Harrisburg have sow plow • the, levy atr4 , sseeeement of T-.zee fur the year 1863 . , mid- that ell portions shall hp emitted to an sibateilat. of FIVE PER CENT. on the amount of their respective City Taxes. on psi ineut of the Berne to JOHN T. WILSON. E -4 1 • Col Treeeisverwati or before the 20th do of Janet. 1863 • - . By order of the tlontmetiConnolL , - 1:41FID HARRIS, 18 — $04•11tersiAtinie _ Viper. ciOintortable t 'llll6llir man Wad Aidy. -- Wia 7 lll4l, M. Ole j STABIA: set t A V411414 , 16iTe7 t-. 81 10510— Apply to 1 . 411. j , 11 1 . Oilvessoid 111alost =swim. )0411. - ; for gale & eu Rent. VALUABLE,' IRON PROPiilitTY for HALF—MATILDA FORNACER and ORE B A NHS. This prdperty is s.tueed on the Juniata river, in Mifflin and Huntingdon counties, lea., within One mile Of Monet Union Station. on Pennsylvania railroad. The Juniata canal and Pennsylvania railroad pass through the pro perty. it embraces about Twenty-seven Hundred Acres Of land, about three hundred acres of which is good farm land, In a high eteto of cultirvion i the balance is good timber land, would supple sufficient charcoal for the furnaces The improvements are a good substantial Furnace, Stack, Stearn Engine, Iron Blowing Cylinder!, kc., with all the necissary buildings. There is on this property an extensive bed of Iron gyre, being identical, in the geologic 1 aeries, sr , `.., that at Danville and Blciomsbbrg. This ore can be mined and delivered at the furnac s for abon' one dollar per ton. Limestone in a"undance, of good quality, on this property. The extensive coal field-, of the Broad Top and Alleghenies are from forty to fifty miles distant, by Pennsylvania railroad or canal, and the canal running through the property makes it one of the best locations for the toaaafaotore of iron, sitheemith Mtn or anthracite. In addi>ion to the elitrcoal, the buildings for the fur nace and fa, m are ample, substantial, and in good repair. The property wi I be sold a bargain, and en easy terms. For further particulars address WASHINGTON RIGHTER, Cotunsti, Lancaster county, Pa. P. S —For quantity dud q ialily of the ore s«e Prof. Leeslie's report en same. je3-418011m VALUABLE,' PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE. In pursuance of the last trill and testament of JOHN SELE, deceased, id .1 be exposed to Public Sale on Saturday, the 13th day of June, 1863, At the Court Hones, in the city or Harrisburg. at two o'clock p m.. a valuable TRACT OF LAND. aituete in the city of Harrisburg, on the Jonestown road, adjoin ing property or John Bboop, William Allison and the Haeholen estate. it being the property of John Bele, de ceased ; cont4uilig Twenty-one Acres, mere or less. 11 Erected thereon is a good two.s•o y FRAME HOUS 1 1 3 AND BARN, lAbor out build op; goodw:Ltzr and a thriving young A&PL °fieMAIM sale to commence at two o'clock, se ei1 . 6441 tasted, when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by JOHN R ADY. my2a-dta Admintstrotor de boeis non, C T. A. I,OOIX SALE.—The BUILDING on the 4 1: corner of Walnut and Short street!, need as s uOOPER SHOP. Tbis building was originally built so Just it could be turned into Dwelling Rouses. It con mats or three separate frames placed together, each frame being 25 by 20 feet, making the entire building, as it now Mande ,75 feet loag and 20 feet wide. Will sell also en slam moils" , POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, seedy new, sad one of brambadslb Pcitioit Stew Cutters, wet a Set of Somas for Jointing Starnes. The above property will be sold st s bargain, is w's wish to clear the ground en which the building Stands. Enquire at the Brokers Olioe of 8. L.Pd'OIILLOCII, feb9-dtf 128 Market Street OTIOE TO SPECULATORS VLLUABLI BUILDING 'LOTS 103 BALI! A number of large aim 'BUILDING LOTS, adjoining' Ito amyl UOIIMO and Work Shope of the Penzipylvarda UMW Oatapaey, will ba mold low and OE flamnable term. Apply to ibuilk-dly JOHN W NALL. L OTS. FOR S ‘LE-ON NORTH ST. and Pennsylvania Avenue. A 'pp!' to R. J EILLDIIIIIIIC, nor. Front and Walnut etc marbAtf FOR SALE—A House and Lot on Sixth street, near State. Enquire at the Exchange Office of EL 1.. ISTIII.LOOII, 26 Market street, who r t th, sheet rtes L always lout tor GOLD and SILVER febl2-dti rOR SALE.-A TWO-STORY Fwitz, 11491:TBS in Short West. Inquire of oop3Otf K TERBIM. IDnetruit. TO ABC . lIITEOTS , —The south Ward .Bchoot Scrod will pay s'premi”nto , Testy Dillars for a plan and !Tariff oationa for a two...tory Brick School House to be.ereoied op their lot on Fourth etr.-et The above am , not will be paid rbr the plan and specifica tion. tutopted All oecti.sarrinfortnatiop will be given by calling on the committee Plana to be furnished by the let Of Inn*. • JACOB HOI SIER. President. BURT HELLRBBUGCH, Secretary-iny2l.dtd `ONDENSED MILK . —Just received and for ego by WM". DOE Jr., k UO. BOKDICH3; &d., &c., v. solAystAt l,.et year).• price*, witboat Any advaae ? .. At - SCUIp Pleitt'lluqatiTOßN. . . PE AGELP• r -PARED AND lINPABZD—bwi reosiyedr M . . _ • DOC*: Nl* NATIONAti.ALDIANAO AND ANNUAL mictifib teifisiss. tieir :male at , satturrgra BOOKATORE „ "1.1 OW ARE - YOST G.R'EtE'lf- BAOIIII. II —DIN 1111YAN . rii nett comic BrmS. Pries 30 emu% jnit / eceived and by WARD, at his Music 'tore, Third street. Call end get a copy early. &p2B A_PrliEBll 180:111:11WELS TRU= AP PLlflniist' received iced foi sale very low) by NA[ 1)09K, je:, & . Cer EW •ORLEANS SUtA-A.R I—Fran IN LI MI Malin' !—To! age by t , 3712 WM um* br an w ILvinLTerJa• per q , art ; ARNOLD' peip!lfisfeAnglo( Avid, HAP, Oalutibriit Ifluid LAUGHLIN & lek,'Hatudui •-aild Rot 411111 of the beat quality, Blue Ink, ' . . - 11/01allii Ai AI RR Lt3A N-W DTI A rLutio, opal (tnet.eeperter Aroold , r#ers4 Irma; l ei 407'0 Ve#e*teetti, tie: it' . ' SORAVV1611141"10 ,1 1E8t0 2 1`' Li'A' by . . % loreeforildie•bilfbetti4, bliedenir'r Otoelribt, • • Sven' tillettt'drepetier, ' • • • leesey Lisle veer lee. &be t Dried Beet, Teague' ant Noloana Elanana. 911110:b* • • &pl 4 . D.) Z, & Oe. rl i jibla t tg Ul Greet Vera jte.t (*edged • . w/i. DOOK. :a., & OQ.' THE FINEST STOCK OT PEWTO. , GRAPH LIAM, PORT /01.1011, CARD-CAUL POolubv-jsoOlLtl. 114 At senefferls Bookstore, BIICKWHIC AT .111314211:4-15,000 LllB. Surgi vrnectfrow , TrialiPt Viably, for sib; sy • ' .ww em‘ft. * nn s R at'64 - 1.0 n /via V.. La D Lobrtar, Babson, Op al, iplastlOymbenkriar rip by • Arm fr.. e • ~ULDI~fi ' t3 CIAAP. 1111.1 e esawastast WAIL= Beak; Moe,- Partibiam, ina Books, Portasoanalea, to , at aintainnta.m AnfllfflTAAl 11 1 018, D B.:ail/0214 a&IIISAGXB, TONOCIIIB, &a, far sale low, by DCIO/1. Ja„ h. • 50.000 POUNDti!!! Fits? Thonsmid Peimide " - "EXCELSIOR."' ,1 =FT iticneinna; skietimr. 4411 AN is tip"! 1 1141 4 4 .11 1 034, ?kites Noma , vt 1104114 Dotit, fr.. si on. 11 A 11 A 'T - 0 . 111 _ ' NO SII . LPHURI' NO BM ELL! siwzr•semaiir las ekingapAll_esokettilespisi mired, and fag gol, y WM. MUM' &in & 1119. nsurattre. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1835. This Institution is doing business on the Mutual .rwo manes princfpk combined with a Joint Stock Capital. By the act of incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the cotnpany may sus tain. And as an additional security to the assured, the act required thst the profits of the business shall be funded and remain with tne corporation, as a guarantee and protection to the insured against loss, until ordered by the Board of Directors to be redeemed in accordance with a provision of the actor incorporation. This fund will be' represented by scrip issued by the company, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent. No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums. ILI6IIIIIIIGUO will lee nIA4 O an 114444 / 1 7 I/4404 gad Cal' goes i on Goods trmeported by railroads or canals, and by steamboats on rivers and lakes; a‘so, against damage or lose by Mire, for a limited time, or permanently. The undersigned, ae.agent for the above well known company, will make Insurance against leas or damage by fire, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country Marine and Inland Transportation MAN also taken Apply personally or by letter to HaIMIST L. PritiHNCH, jan2s M Harrisburg, Pa. LIFE INSURANCE. THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 40S CHESTNUT ST. [CHARTER PERPETIIL.] CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - $1,543,386 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN V. JAPdEB, Actuary. CONTINUE /0 11140 INRTTRANoE oN LirEs on the must est ma. They ad as liseCutors, Trustees. and Guardians under last Wil,y, and as Deceivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and hive. ted, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, offers a perfect security to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or quarterly. The company add a BONUS periodienly to the insu rances for life. The P [DST BONUS appropriated in D.-camber, 1844- the rECOND BONUS in December, 1849, the Taints BONUS in December, 1854, and the pituirgu Buoirn to ISSO. These aiditleme are made w ith- 11 4 rogoirins say increase in the premiums to be paid to the company. , The following are a few examples from the Register: I 1 . r m... of Policy a.,0 Policy. Sum Bonus or bona' to be inoremod insured addition by futnre additions. No. 89 $2,509 $ 887 50 33.387 60 " 183 8,000 1,050'00 4,060 00 " 199 1,000 400 410 1,400 00 883 6,000 1,874 00 6,876 00 Agent a Harrisburg and 'viaintly. IMAM BUEHLER. jelll-di? INSURANCE. Sadao, Fire and inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Chatter Perpetual_ CAPITAL AND ASSETS 51,200.000 DIRECTORS: Arthur G. Colin, Samuel , W . Jones, John. A. Brown, Samuel F. Smith, Charing Taylor, Ambrose White, John B. her, Richaril D. Wood, William Webb, William S. Bowen, James N . Dickson, S Morris Waln, John Ma son, George L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN. President. QUARLES PLATT, Secretary. As minted agent for the OFT, Filmed company, the undersigned is prepared to take Fire Risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet uslly, on the 'moat favorable terms. Office in Walnut street near second. WILLIAM BITEILLER Harrisburg: Pa. THE COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO., Of Columbia Lancaster county, Pao CHARTER PERPETUAL This company continue to i sure buildings, merchan dise, and ether 'preperty , against loss and damage by tire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium. or pre mium note. The I.rge and inc reasing capital of the enmpany, Con dating of prowl= notes given by its members, and based noon 91.475,769 35, Innured.wa the mutual plan. 'Surds a reliable guaran tee equal to ten times the average lee• on the amount Nan red and the Directors pindg•' themselves to deal se liberally with those who may em.ta o Is-c or damage as the ewe may admit of, consistent with justice to all parties concerned.' Amount of Premium Notes, $155,620 49. Balance of Oaah Premium nue:- pond. Jan le( P'62 $1.863 57 Cash receipts during the year 1882, less Ag•-eta' ommissions 6.781 47 Cash receipts in limitary, 1863..... 895 80 ------ $9,315 84 Losses and Xxpenses paid &trill the •year• 1961.. $6,329 73 Balance anexpeudeil; Irebriary 2d, 1868 . • 8,016 11 $9•346 84 ..Ay. 8. OMEN, PreAdmit . Gu^sol'lrtmita;li , Itioretary. K. 8. BaI7MAN, TralaUrnr. DIRECTORS: X A. Shuman, Michael H Moore, Chorgo Young jr., Mello au McDonald, • Amos 11: Croon. Robert T. Ryon, Abrahgeo, Bruner, John Teddribt; H. to !Mulch, Ben knel zi,Aurnioliberehey, i tlø ITN , ITED STATES HOTEL, OPPOUTI PINNSTLTANIA AND LIII.A.NON VALLIFT'ILILILSOAD DSPOta, HAnzusim, PA. The ondweigned hieing taken the'above Hotel, whieh haa•beelt ielittod - and tarnished throughout, bop more to Inform the public that he is; irell 'prepared to accomi woo & theiWydre tneglemor hi* With their patronage, • that will givl satire Ptillsettion• msirwl?y, 4 LTFR ROTEL I. lo eated in the fame 4stie'vieintii dePcte ' ol the Penneylvaaia ear iivekuon VaU rallroldi; Whilie the traveling pOollis air bb aaast bd tod iolthiorery oimitort without the isete wealeueeer espouse of ping upeowa Neither pains nor espeiwe shall be spared to render the passim of tlAe Nitiblitlintant'as - eomfortable as they tan possibly be elsewhere is the city of Harrisburg. einepatent pesters Will always'se tonne at ifs depots o 1 put,arri val of ;tlle - tratns, to take charge Or Sill 'cke4: Art for t UNITID STAINS HOTZL. ne-4113 1 Ti STOR. Proprietor AFTIONA.L. rioTzL s. 414111 . iilirT/1 MAN./ N I Race street; above Third. Philadelphia. lkisiebtolilkhifitait ofi re great indsoments. b o tosbly ir ~efirminee4 rates et board.lint from the aim trs s i i„ s to the avenge,' of trod', en well as the ooro vantaeame sidorded b. sever.' wiener eallniade run ning poet so d euptigoom to it, by which mite ran pest to an* from iNe bowl to - the at mil end dupe* shook - Only be' prafetted to the regular (mud .usti be tomb lir to the h nee. 1 ant eV ter:Dined to devote my whotomineittion the oilinfort sod onavotiblabe atm imov i rtk iev i rto give general eatiataetion. Per Day , ~ • DAVID 0.. I. " 1 e 1 torteglii Hotel Librium Pi 'V. V. Zw is I . - P 4 rtnG r r i k,, • : . mrll4ltt • im. trthigivirtittion: fANISL.A , MUENOII, •Agem; : uf the-Old Wallower Lino, ' I=Misr " stabile that hig 0u.0103- V:g; (the only liallOwer t Uwe Ai. Is JlVlquieleifia ogiroubo. or o,, b e roughs sw ► ao any other in4Uvidiso; •Stuolovy, Um& , our, dosloY Boom Look !Isom and al thskl‘ortiloys/.ooutral.thlladelphhs sat ° Zigaroaggiot and Insilis tuaimmu . Thomil 114 11 “4 0 . , iNa tene r; t if i Ztik; IVO? M i t%•• r MAl•Astfer•Pt,fioboxii , els a. ydo dash n. wiU anion ist BilanMh Vriff4r.oloMPA im9o/± so* Jr/ nit PIT"EktI O4 I) 4 .. iqr/Pi Jr/ 411 min" whip, lei* sim Witsks relit foe ash 1,0011 1 ,r i R 11*. EAGLE WORKS, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, MANUFACTURER OF BOOK-BUDERS' ULM ROHM AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOALDS, AND MACIIIIMIS 101 GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Bran CASTINGS, • WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, 80EQLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., ETC. E-3- Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brass made to o rder. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c., &a. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS• Er Cash paid for Old Copper, Brass, Spotter, Sta. STEAM MOSLEMS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILB.OADt CELLAR WINDOW GRATES Of various patterns, both stationary said swinging, 13A811 WEIGHS and various other Building Castings, for sale every cheap at the [my24-divi EAGLE WORKS. L. MOLTZ, • --• ENGINEER, MACHINIST 4 STEAM FITTER, No. 6, NORIB SiliTH STREET, Between Walnut and Mart it, Harrisburg, Pa. MACEIDefy of every description inane and repaired. WARM noeks of all sizes, and a large ageortlnost of ails Fittings constantly on hand Ah work done in this estanlisbment will be under bis own supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. 0c36 STEAM BOILERS. Having made efficient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we are now prepared to make 313.400X1L.Wri..19 1 of mrery kind promptly and at reasonable rates. We shall spy irce pipAe by Bailey ar. Bro., the reputation of utieh ieeeeond to none in the market. [Er ti one but the best hands employed. Repairing promptly attended to. Address RAGLI WORKS, maril-dly] Harrisburg, Pa. WM. A. PARKH.ILL, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. THIRD STREET. NEXT DOOR TO THE TELEGRAPH Stores, dwellings, clitrebtli off bile building?, MOTO ries, &c., Ailed tip With gas, lead and iron pipe in a workman-leke manner. arrant., Wash Rasing. Bath Tobs, Lift and tome Pampa, Water Closets, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas sad steam. Alt akar* of public patronage is respectfully solicited. An work promptly attended to. je24lBsa REMO V AL. The sohseriber has removed his PLUMBING AND BRASS BOUNDEY from Marketstreet to Fourth street above Market; Oppedte the Bethel Church Thankful for pUt patroller, hehopes, by strict attentive tO baai sees, to merit a 000tinusooe of it. mer27-dtf WM. PARKHILL. lOMETHING FOR THE TIM.EB l I 1 & NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD!! JOHNS & °ROBLEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD! FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, AC., AC., AC. THE ONLY ARTICLE OP THE KIND EVER PRO HUMID WHICH WILL WITHSTAND WATER! EXTRACTS. "Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns et Orosley's American Cement Glue."—Nero York Times "It is so convenient to have in the house."—Nets York Express. "It is always ready ; this commends it to everybody." —New York Independent. "We have tried it, and find it as useful in our hone ea water "—Wilkes' Spirit of Me Times. PRICE 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE. VERY LIBERAL REDUCTIONS TO WHOLESALE DB 4.81t5. TERMS CASH [I:7- for sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers gene rally throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Bole menefeecezered 78 WILLI/alit STREET, (Corner of Liberty Street,) /Yl/ NEW YORE. di, LYON'S PURE OHIO CATA W BA BRANDY. THE OMIO OATAWBA 11 AANDT hes, for several years, been menufactured from tue pure juiee of the 0 &TAW nA acri GLAP R and b an a ttu ne d a rare popiillueity throughout the Weigand Smith, Wher- greet qoanutiaa of t his ruperb a tide is sold for and FAMILY putpsses. It not on y egoula. bet axcola the moat °bolas IMPORTAD BRANDIES in PUBItY, QUALI IT and RICHNESS OP PLATO and wherever it has been introduced it had invariably met the most unquelified favor and extended sale. The want of really pare Brandy has long been felt in this country, and the opportunity to proapro en article of auch . qnality as to supereede the sale and use of the many eau Compounds, so often sold under the name of cc Brandy, n cif M Tegardea only 116.11puallo good. L. LYON'S naTALWIiii AttAt.lier pervseeee all Ike elides qualities of the best imported liquor audio posi tively known to be of PDRFADT .PUBITY , and of SU PBRIOtt !FLAVOR In support of the above etatement, we refer to the certificate of the undermentioned well-known chemists Dr. A A. Hayes, Assayer, Boston, Mag. Dr. Jams B. Chilton A 00., Ilismists, New York Dr Jules Ri Nioltobi, Anslytios3 Obomist, Holton, Maus. Dr.J.T. F. Illaneylit Dr. G.A. Marriner, Analytical and Onenadting Chamois, Obitage, Dr. Clox,,ChemAst, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. 0 basica Upham Sheppard, Oluarloston, B. 0. Messrs. Gentry and Blackwood. Licentiate, Tenn. . Dr. N. A-Pratt, Savannah, Georgia.. Alt of whomhave analysed the Brandy and recommend it as a porfeatly pare article Ind as an Invaluable nasal. alma *MA . • _ IlaVe.been a -pp ointed the sole agent for the sale of this Brandy for the city of Harriebnrg and:Dauphin eo. stovady Dr. LOUIS WYBTM THE (MEAT LIVING EIL,TVAY. Tax feb2ll-Suad REBELLION RECORD" A Diary of Amdri&as - Emote, noto by 14• V,K ht ell 0R 'E . , Paldiehing In vans, as 60 yenta, each port illuttret4d with two Portraits engraved en steal. 101 IR Vutalidas are now ready, it annoted prides, until April 1888: Cloth 8.8 75 a volume. fibeeti ' 400 " Ralf Calf, or half llfereeo.... 6 00 " THE REBELLION ELMORE 18 INDIIIPSNBAII.6I TO laVoirr PUBLIC AND PRI WATIt LIBILART. The four volumes °oath' : A YITIA, AND cßiveum DtATlv 0T - EVENTS, from, the meeting the &nab Carolina Convention in Deo 1880, to the Haters of New Orleans. inclusive. , 11. Over inig THOUS I AND CHITIOI4O- ESPoRTS and Nar rative. of all the Settles and Skirmishes that have occurred miring the War. Over TiVi lIIINDRIID KINGS AND BALLADS, both aitd , rebel. • . IV. . • /011TY-1111V1IN TORTE ALTO, engraved on steel, of th. meet celebrated Men of the lace, and Twenty-als Maps and Plane of Battle& arrer TODSIII , IIOIISAND Incidents and Aneedotea of pentane) Donut and Bravtul altia A WOLK On CONSPOPPEDPEDEINCOI IT Ie SEIWENTLT TO NZ ILNL RD off , • G. F. PUTNAM. .Piablialter t . 532 ereadway. CHAS. T. EVANS, ern. Alt , 7418 NOTIM . Os awl shot Ail' bit.xtbe p flionf* Tan Rinettaires soesp!! beirolvoseset Fifiv - Vbil'ii volume. Tram tlet date tbe Went Porte, V 092,401 1 to. 20,4 will A N , diecontletied: 'Reek iiPti of . 4, Tia Raliel.Lioi eonnel` gill be meta may In rams* revelment' hod edb144 4 1; bees wbe , bintmet nesspleiathe- I .tQvela nnun,sn o be s i do Mr, rukirla eentiantW 1s publWsd . ln . parte. a t 10 esa part lljuetrateClitb two j . 0000011 ua atm 144 , 14101 V 4111 egnepefaii Priem pole Kura Near UUU eNtiriml lianrier retail by Wit DOME 711' • ' 0 Illat4intrp. ABOVE STATE STREET PRINTING OFFICIO Alistellantous. Bank Notices. RANK NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby JJ given that the undersigned have formed an associa tion and prepared a certilleaste for the purpose of estab lishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposit, under the provisions of the act entitled "A supplement to an act to establish a system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent Banks," approved the first day of May Anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one. The said Bank to be sailed THB FARMERS' BANK OF MOUNT Jay, to be located in the borough of Mount Joy, to consist of a capital stock of One Hundred Thousand Holism, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of in creasing the Came to any amount not exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Milani in all. J. Hoffman Hershey, John M. Hershey, Martin B. Peifer, Jacob M. Stauffer, Benben Gerber, John M. Bear, jan2/I.46mosw* NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given of en intention to eatabl 4 sh a Bank of Discount, Deposit and CI rostiktion. under tha provisions of au act, entitled g :An Act to establish a syatum of free banking in Penn sylvania," ace , and the supplement thereto • said Bank to be called " TRH MANUFACTURERS' hANs," to be located in the borough of Oolumhia, Lancaster county, Pa., with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Dollars each dec44lmd JUST RECEIVED! • 'THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMEN OF PING STEEL ENGRAVINGS PRINTS, AND HEADS, AND SCENES, ADAPTED FOR GRECIAD OIL PAINTINGS, AT Win.' Knoche's Musk, -Mora n. 9$ Market street, Harrisburg. PHO'T'OGRAPHIC ALBUMS. TUE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT AT W. KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE, AT 93 MARKET ST. n026-tf J 0 HN TILL' 8 COAL YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT'i ROLLING . MILL, Wham' he keeps constantly on hand LYICENS AND WILKESBARRE COAL, Such as STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, EGO and NOT which he will dispose of at the lowest market pries. Consumers will do well to call on him and, lay is their supply, as the Coal will be delivered clean, and felt ..night vant4-4615, .„ 4 :l'. LOUIS h LOU et —'l HE BES BRAND FOR FAMILY USB in the market. no barrPls or the celebratvd St Lou a Flour, universally prozionoced the meet superior artless everoffered in sk• market, just received and ter salt. by WM DOOR, JR. & CO f 4 I RKSH FISH every Tuesday and Fn A. day at JOHN WISH'S More, corner of Third ant Walnut unyd . - ALL PAPttit AND WINDUV► SUA.DISS HSHRY C. SHAFFER Hasa large 'stock of Widow Shades and Wall Paper of hand which will be sold very 'ow. Call and ermine Paper Hanging personally attented to. No. 12. MARKET STRISET, oct24-dtf Nrar tb.. bridge 4ECREr DIbEA-ES! SECRET DISEASES! SAM A RITAN'S GIFT! RAM tRITAN'S GIFT! Tag MOST 11.1INTAIN RkIEZDY tirint UMW. Yes, a Pon , eve Cure! BALSAM COPAVIA . MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pi lie to be taken to effect a care. They me entirely vegetable, haring tio smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not. in any way, iujare the stomach or bowels of the most dmiexte. Caret in from two to four days, and recent CUM it twenty .foar hours No exposure, so trouble, so change untateeer. Price male packages, $2; Female, $3 Sold by D. W GROSS & 00. Sent by mail by DESMOND & 00., Box 151 Phila. P 0. lene.dly 13LoOD! BLOOD! WRNS: THEIR 041151 A TIP.PRAVID CON- DtT/ON Of TAB VITAE FLUID, which produces SCROFULA ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TNT. TRIM SCAL S, SOILS, SYPHILIS OK VENE REAL DISEASES, ETV SAMARITAN'S R o' l o T AND FIRRB Is offered to the public as• positive Bare. Banishesall impurities nv the blood and brings the system to a healthy sego's 'cure those ISpote, Totters,. Scales and Hopper Word Patobso SYPHILIS OR VENRRRAL DISEA.IRS. The Samaritan's Root sod Herb Juices is the most certain retool, ever proscribed It removes every psi Heise the poison. PIiMALISS! In many affections witb which numbers of Females suffer, the HOOT AND HERB RHODA is most happily adapted, in Uleorattd Uterus, in Whites, in besting down, Palling of the Womb. Debility, and ter all omm plaints incident to the sex. DO NOT DITSPIAIR. Keep out of hospitals Here i ll a ears in any ease fo, $5. Price $1 per bottle, or six for I& with full dirso gold. bold by D. W. Gll.OBB & 00. Sent by Exprewhoorefolly pool , at by baghttnaD & 00„ Buz 151 Phila. P. O. juratf3-17 'IDAR TUBS,. CHURNb and DiEta.• 11171111111, %Wither with a large wortineat of BAB. (NTS, BROOMS &0., just waived, and for sale VW) 41T. by iwtl in ..F tin LI • P. & W. 0. TAYLUWS tc I%T WSO CO 41. I' I larsoesunnical and highly detentes p noosing no Rosin and will not waste. It IN warranted not to injure the handle. It will Impart an agreeable vier, 01.4 le thsesfee ,citable for every purpose. Pot We by WIC WM, AL I 4 VU. CT AA. S 1 I 1 --"Twzit received, a large LI supply of COVERED SIIGAR-OURtill RAMS, ill as beat Pans( is We marker. Every one old is guar ,aneect. jene47l WM. DOOK, JR, & CO WISTON CR A.CICIIIIIB.—A sup ply of LP these delicious crackers Net reeeived for mato WM. MOIL jr., & CO lam% MEAT.—A SUt ERJOR AR ltd TICUII just received and tor sale by WM. DOCK. la.. & CO ‘A / EdSIEWS ARMY AND NAVY POCKET DICTIONARY. Jut rewired sod for sale at 8 ;118PPERI 800