gATES OF ADVERTISINU. Pour lines or less oonstitute half a square. Ten lines .er more than four, constitute a square. Hay sq., one day...-- E 0 30 011.1 One day. SO 80 u one week...- 120 one week.... 200 .r one month.. 300 g , one month.. 600 three months 500 gg three months 10 00 six m mths.. 800 ,4 six months.. 15 00 . one year—•.-12 00 g , one year -- 20 00 10- Rosiness notices inserted in the Loost. COLUMN, or bet.... -e marriages and deaths, TSB Osiers rue last for s ea Usertion. To merchants and ethers advert sing by the T he earh terms will be offered. Byt number of insertions must be designated on be advertisement. try- Marriages and Deaths will be inserted at the same ates as regular advertisements. • Business tails. ROB ERT SNODGRASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, o p, K ith Hon. David Mumma, jr., Third street, a beam .Market, Harrisburg, LI- N . v.—Pension, Bounty and Military claims of all kinds rosecut , d and collected. Refer 1,0 HODO John C. Kunkel, Davld Mumma, Jr., and R. A. Lamberton_ myll-dicw6m WM. H. MILLER, AND R. E. FERGUSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, °MOE IN SHOEMAKER'S BUILDINGS SECOND STREET, BETWEEN WALNUT and MARKET SQUARE, ap2o.dew Nearly opposite the Buehler HOUDD. MAoDOWELL, T HOS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILITARY CLAIM AND PATENT AGENT. Office in Barks's Row, Third street, (Up Stairs.) Raving formed a connection with parties in Wash ington OUT, wno are reliable business men, any busi ness connected with any of the Departments will meet with immediate and careful attention. m6-y DE. O. WEIOHEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, RISTIMINCE TRIAD NILAit NOWA STRUT. He Is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of profession in all its branches. A Lags AND TEAT IMPONSI3.III7I. IIIILDIOA.1.1.1091111M10) justiaps him in pp:o44lin fall andmnpla su woo may favor ltimnith a Gail, be tbadinanaOhronir or saw ether nature. mlB-ditelv TAILORING. GI- MI . 111.. MC Xs Gr S . The subseritwr is reedy at 00. 94, WIARKIET ST., four doors below Fourth street, to make MEN 3 AND DO V'..3 CLOTHING In any denidid style, and with skill and remptnem. Persons wishing elating done can have itdons at the shortens notice ap27Ally CHARLES F. VOLLMEB, UPHOLSTERER, Manna street. four doors above Second, tosroerre WAELKINCITOS Rosa Honenj Is prepared so rernieb to order., in the very bolt Style co workmanship, Apring and Hair Mattresses, Window Oar pins, Lounges, and all other articles of rarniture in bis line; on short notice and moderate terms. Haring es lenience in the business, he feels warranted .n &skim; s share of public patronage, conlidentof kisability to es. eatiafsetion. janl7-dtt SILAS WARD. O. 11, sow= THIRD XT., RARRISHITIO. STEINWAY'S PIANOS. INSLODBONS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, Basjos, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Accordeons. Drumm SNIIT AID 11001.1117910, &e., PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. ALBUMS, Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Square and Oval Frame of every deseription made to order. Reguilding done Agency ter liewe t s Sewing Machines. 1D Sheet Music lent by Rail. octl J - OHN W. GLOVER, MERCHANT TAILOR! Rae just received from New York, so /mom ment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which he offers to his customers and the public a , n0v221 MODERATE PE TrEs. WHARRY WILLIAte , S, • delocamwir 402 WALNUT ATltier, r, PFITLADELPHIA General Olslms for saldiers promptly col sate.), State adjusted &c , &c. m4r2o-dlm SMITH & EWING, ATTOB.NVYS-AT - LA W,• THIRD wrREIRT, Harrisburg. Practice in the several Courts of Dauphin county. Col lections made promptly. A- C 831ITR, J. D. SWING. TCOOK, Merchant Tailor, , 2T DfiIIENUT BT., between Second and Pront, !Unjust returned from the city with an smortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND TESTINDS, Which will be sold at moderate prima and made np to order; and, alm, an msortment of READY MADE Clothing and Gentlemen's IPurnishinn Goods. nor/1-Iyd D ENTISTRY. B. M. GI,DR.I, D. D. S., EO . 119 MARKET STREET #fige• ENT & KUNKBIAS BUILDING, UP ST AIR jsull S -tt RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, MUST AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. S. GERMAN. ST 11011 Th SIGOND STRUT, ABoVI 01118111:1T, munsnao, PA. Dos for these!, of Storoomoopeo,Staroomopiolnewo, ilnoio and Kudos' Instruments. Also, onboorlotions taken for religions pnbliostions. 110N4Y JOHN G. W. MARTIN, FASHIONABLE OARD WRI.TER, usum WITILLUARRIBBITAG, PA. AU fawner of WS ITINg, WEDDING IND DDS L. NESS CARES *zonated in the mold *AMA styles and most reasonable term'. deel44ll UNION HOTEL, lidge benne, corner of Broad street HARRISBURG, PA. Teelldgeed informs the public that he has re. eeetly romerabsi and matted his well-known "Union ou Ridge avenue, near the Round Hon-% and is prepared tosecom tweets sit sees, at a:worsen& t 1 ere In the west MIA.% at moderate r tee His table Rill b 4 lepOps apth the beet the maakato afford, as 4 at his bar tai I be found ehorrier hrun4 6 6 f ihaura end moot beverages. The very be4t eceommn detintui for railroaders emp'oyed et the *Aker in this vicanitY. [O4 dtfl FURRY BOdT4RN. F RANKLIN HOUSE, BALTIIBO3I, MD. This pleasant and commodious Rotel ku u m th o roughly re-fitted and refurnished It is pleasantly Masted 90 liesth-West earner of Howard and Franklin m i rs o * ,* fee items west of the Ifortbiire %Mal Rail way Depot. livery attention paid to the soinhist et his watt S. Liusztninie, Proprietor, tv (Late of (cline Grove. Pa.) TH EO. F. BCITEFFER, BOOK, CARD AND JOB PRINTER' NO. 1.8 NOM ST STONE?. IIABILIOBITRO. irr Foreknew sate:Moe paid to printing, ruling and Ungtns- sf Rearead Blanks, Misitesto, thleiranto cies, Cheek', bill-HotAs, *L Wedding, visiting and Business Cards printed at Very low prices sad in the beet style 41.01 MEM& OHIOKERING & 00, HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE GOLD MECHANICS' FAIR. BOBTON, INLD WIIICIDIIRO *WM OVER BLEPT 00.11P1ilr0R8 Warman!' tor CM 01111(HI -- 7 . WW0 ITANOIN !it Hande l= f t liarkit Mis t. - W . 131100111111muoiti NOM MEDA.L! AT TIEII . - . = a - . ,-----7 ---- .. - . --' . . - ..---''-- 0I I I 11;: -. ';:.' -- - -- ii. - , I_.----;--...•;gi -- il' - $ . ' __.: . , 1- - - il4-.1:-4tIfi ' -i' ,4".7 . 7 .' -''',:•;-`=-- Mr'•' • . ,- ' . , i . 11,1 . ~_, , , ',- -- 40 . • ''';' 10 Union. ~_ VOL. 5 -NO! 244 listellancoug. PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, War Claims and Claims for Indemnity. STEWART, STEVENS, CLARK & CO., Attorneys and Counocllors-at-Late, and Solicitors for all kinds of Military Claims, 450 PENNbYLVANIA AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C. This firm, having a thorough knowledge of the Pen sion Business, and being familiar with the practice in all the Departments of Government, believe that they can afford greater facilities to Pension, Bounty, and other Claimants, for the prompt and successful accom plishment of Minium cutructvd t