LOCAL NEWS. THA DAILY PATRIOT AND Union may be had at JackPe Book Store, corner of Third and Market etregte. Arco. at be News Agency of George L. Walter, Market street. near Fifth. Tu Mans.—Under the change of schedule on the different railroads, the time of closing the mails at the Harrisburg Post Office, April 20, 1883, is ae follows: WOWIERRII OMITS AIL RAILWAY. NORTII.—WaT lian._—Tor all_ places istween Hsi. Wen, Loa Haven and NW N. Y., at 12.00 in. For Lock Haven, Williamsport and Lewisburg at 9 P• In- BOITTEL—Way illan..—Vor all places between Har wining and Baltimore, lad., and Washington, D. C., at 2.00 m. For liraoldngton,M. 0, Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa. at 9.00 p. in. LIMOS YALTA! wuLacian. BAST.—WAY MAIL.—Nor all places between Harris. berg, liadonand Philadelabia. via Reading, at 7.00 a. m. par Boeing and Pottsville, at 12.30 p. EEL *AILKOAD. VAT MAIL for all planes between Harrisburg and Phfisdelphil, At 6.90 0. in. Par Philadelphia and Lansaster, at 12.00 in. Per New York, Philadelphia, Lanesater, Columbia, Marietta and Bainbridge, at 2.46 p, m. Nor New York, Ybibdelphia and Lancaster, at 9.60 p. m. WBEIT.—Wer lierr..—Por all planes between Harris burg and Altoona, 12.00 m. Nor Johnstown, Pittsburg and Brie. Pa., Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio, at 2.46 p. m. Nor Pittsburg, HollidavalutriL Altoona, Phillipsburg, Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lewistown, at 9.00 p. m. otousia.z..aiD • ALLEY AD. For Meelsaniesburg,Carliale,Shippensburg and Chem boudoir& Rs., at 7.00 a. m. Haar blatr..-IPor altrbiees between Harrialmrg and Hagerstown, Mil, at .1.2.80 £WD ercrequau.A.thik lot - Allendale Forges, Bllwood,Pinegrova and Summit Station, at 12.30 p. m. STAGE 10111118 For Progress, Lingiestown, Masada Hill, West Hano ver, Rat Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, atl 00 a. m. Por LIMA= and Lewisberry, on Saturday, at 12.30 p. m. Office Hoare.—From 5.394. in. to 8.00 p. m. Sun day from 7.80 to 8.30 s.in- and from 8.00 to 4.00 p.m. Novica.—A meeting of the Fifth Ward Demo cratic club will be held at the Rising Sun tavern this (Thursday) evening at o'clock. A full at attendance is respectfully invited, as business of importance is to be transacted. W. A. MaLure, Betty. Noncts.--A. meeting of the Sixth Ward Demo cratic club will be held at the house of John Stem ler, Ridge read, on Friday evening, at n o'clock Democrats of the ward are invited to be presen By order of the President.. Naw Anasauswur.---Sanford's Opera House • been leased by Mr.-.T. G. H. Shorey, the pop ar comedian, and will open under his auspice to morrow and Saturday 'evening. A fall trout is engaged, including ballet dancers, vocalists d acrobats. Tim pannwrt To-stottr.horey's benefit of to-night at Brant'a Hall, and, judging fr number of tickets taken, will be an enth and encoeseful affair. The programme is ire, and contains the names of the Whiting Mr. Cfeorge Carlotta, Charley Cannon, thy pion jig dancer, and a host of others. f Davis' Paxonawa.—We understand .at Mr. Harry Davis is expected home in a few ys, and will afford his friends an opportunity of eing his sidlobrated panorama of the rebellion. tis pro nounced by those who have looked at ii to be an artistic and finely 8615641,6 d Walt. II bee been on. exhibition in. various parts of the elan try du. ring the present season. I Saar Ponwann.—Sixteen deserters a4d four pa roled prisoners started from this city sot Washing_ ton yesterday afternoon. They belong to different sections of this State, and were sent in here to be forwarded to Washington, whence they will be furnished transportation to - their respective regi ments. They were in charge of Lieut. Jones, of the Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry. DESERTER ARRESTED.-A deserter named Ed ward Pope, belonging to the Fifth Pennsylvania Reserves, Col. Simmons, was arrested on Ridge road last evening by officer Fry, who banded him over to the Provost Marshal. He was sent to camp. Pope is from Huntingdon county. He was much exasperated when apprehended, and draw a knife upon his captor, threatening to take his life if in terfered with in the enjoyment of his liberty. Max Itonnan.—A soldier who was stopping at the National Hotel, Market street, was - attacked and robbed in his room on TneYday night: He was knocked dowri, his money taken, and himself thrown out of a back window into the yard in the rear of the house, where he was soon found in an insensible conditien. His empty pocket-book was found concealed under a side-walk near by.— The two other inmates of the room, the one a eclat rade and the other a cigar.inaker, were arrested on suspicion, searched, and, committed by Alderman Peffer for a farther. hearing. POLICE Arrems.—Before Akterman Aline:— Frauds Gruber, who seemed to labor under a su perfluity of stimulus, was overhauled yesterday by °Meer Essig. lie was doomed to twenty-four hours in the Walnut street snuggery for-drunken -110118. John D. Walttner, who bad shipped an immense cargo of bricks on the upper deck, was found an. shored at the Buehler House yesterday morning, and towed around to the magistrate's by officer Essig. Sent twenty-four hours to the Walnut at. dry-dooks for repairs. Salomon Emanuetwas arraigned on a charge of larawiy; preferred by Mr. Levi Weaver, North street. A searehiwarrant was issued, and , the room and . fsma gibe kendanti. who boards on North street, weresearelted by officer CampbelL Several missing articles belonging .to Mr. Weaver were found, including a lot of sea shells, a picture of General Banks, ells.' These appear td have been taken by Emanuel while febgaged is potting gas fixtures in Mr. Weaver!e - hodie, to Which business be was an apprentice. A very large and mhmella- . • neous aasortmentof other goods worowlso brought to light, consisting of a pistel , .eavalry eahre, t r ove. ral quarts of percussion paps', a lot of cartridges, kc. The enterprising young notion gatherer was, in default of bail, committed to answer at quarter sessions. Tits PRO/W=7llM Daspr.—The enrolling officers keep busily at work, and arc progressing swim mingly in this district. Wt ran square Into one of them the other, night. tinder other circum stances, we should have been happy to see him.— He an affable gentleman—says "how are ye ?" to everybody. Seems very attentive and solicitous about your occupation, and how you, are getting along generally. He is -particular about entering year fall name on his list of friends, which he carries under his arm: We thought he did us too much honor, and told him so, but he didn't seem to see it in that light. Wonder of he is "disloy al," or anything The enrollar couldn't tell us to a nicety just when the affair would come off, but we see it stated by a Washington writer, who appears to be "in the ring," that it had been decided to make a draft as soon as the Provost Marshals can com plete their work. The Provost Marshal General has m o w e d not to call the nine months' men for the tint draft; to inch of them as. will volunteer, it is said, will be paid a large bounty. A circular has been sent to the provost marshals that classes all drafted men who have not joined their regi ments as deserters, and they will be tented ao aordingly. C. di. Wir.uszogi scdy. !owes the hustle! ttraet- r . lidera, °ham- . pommunicated.] House ez.rwrista.—lf there is in the female character any ore trait more strongly developed than another, IS must be en inordinate tote for cleanliness. "Iltey are willing to make the whole household, batty included, miserable for weeks, if they can oniracrifice at the shrine of their drip ping and *sling idol. The women have bee" remarkabledo all ages for the fortitude with which they wool' endure martyrdom in any cause where their soul were enlisted, and this peculiar trait Still seem to cling to them, for they can calmly I stand by 4d, with hearts rendered utterly callow/ by fasaticti instincts and usages, see a household reduced to the .most abject misery and wretched ness, all under the despicable plea that "we must clean bonsai" WO have been a woman, with the floor all arging foam, still dashing torrents of suds and w ter %in it, with all the self-satisfac -1 don of a s illinefury performing her Orgies, and with an al of pr‘voking assurance about her, as if she bait been ;commissioned by high authority to seourgq manlind and visit the earth with a Rood. , . . "Ye who I, eat! the yoke of wedlock bend With bow s sou", full well ye know the day Which we amoth sliding after week brings on Too soon! BOW te 'Car for week, and the eagacions po etess ace stay portrays, with a keen appreciation of its i onreniences, the gloom and desolation which e return of - this annual household curse entails eg the 400 w-circle. Milieu we look at i l E l l s: when I re: relish h n t h t w e h yl t n h c g a s n wh t which hr topsy-turvythed ow n s e e ° g v u e e r n t r l y e r everything h a i l c o l a y g n , the in lea n y. drene he house from garret to cellar, and mark their g yearning for the coming of the happy gin to gripect that it is not for cleanliness that it is done, but that it springs from a log natural to the female charaoter and coon f—the desire of power, of at least once io a r enjoying absolute - control of the whole house, 'tabbing a kind of "central despotism," where she may reign supreme; and wed venture the ;portion, the military to the contrary notwith. tending, thateven in General Burnside'a own ome his authority is set at defiance at the annual house-cleaning frolic. With due deference to the rowdy offenders, we enter our protest against this, as one of the greatest social evils of the day; that the home circle must be made to suffer such moist misery for weeks in order to gratify the chronic predilections of its female members ter periodi cally turning the little .hodiehold world upside down—and all for no earthly reason tint-that-they may wallow in an ocean of soap-suds and turn the wretched men forth into the street to drown sor row and chagrin in the intoxicating bowl. After a week's experience, we declare inoitemplatically that it is "not .calculated to make home happy." . . . Fprin mov W 8 alo lon [The above was handed to us by a young man, who had evidently seen better days and serener tigueB. Ilia look was haggard, his eye rolling, and his brow, already wrinkled with care, was half hidden beneath his disheveled hair; which covered his head like a scrub-broom in the last stage of demoralization. His protest is presented above. It is a "cry out of the depths." We maintain a strict neutrality on the subject which it treats. If any of our readers—especially our fair readers —see the matter in a different light s we would be glad to hear from them. Let them club Mop-Midi anii"wipe oat" their defamer..] FOOLISH.—Those peophi who 'now hoard cents and three cent pieces are foolish. They,do it pos sibly in the belief that they are much more valu able than the regular paper currency. We suppose they do not understand that cents and three cent pieces are not worth what they pass for, and that they are not a legal tender for the payment of debts amounting to more than thirty cents. A person may hoard three cent pieces to the amount of hundreds of dollars, but he cannot pay debts with them or use them at all in business transac tions beyond the amount specified, if others refuse to take them. With cents the case is still worse. The scarcity of small change forced a temporary value on them at one time, but that scarcity has passed away, se the.t the hoarding of them now is foolish business. These small coins were Wendel to circulate as change, and they were made to pass for more than they are intrinsically worth for the purpose of keeping them in circulation; therefore let them circulate. Lay in a larger stock of com mon.sense and a smaller stock of copper cents. Dttoura.—Oar exchanges, particularly from the western part of this State, represent the earth as being much parched and the vegetation' checked and suffering for want . of rain. Serious appirehen glens are felt for the future, and a regular drouth is feared by many., At hut accounts, however, there were strong indications of, an early fall f rain. The threatened calamity had a strengthen ing effect upon the produce market in the suffering regionpand the price of alCkiads of marketing bad a tendency -to climb higher. We have beard no complaint of drouth in this section. Lightshow era have fallen during , tha past week or .two in the country round about here. Even without these tve might not have suffered much, as the'soil of the Cumberland and Lebanon Tallies is Of a nature to withstand more dry weather than that . of any other part of the State. BIRD'S-NaSTING.—We sa f w.a man that saw a boy robbing a bird's nest in the trees of the Capitol Grounds the other day. Somebody ought to come down heavy on that piratical youngster. If his parents fail to teach him a wholesome respect for the heavenly law of mercy, let somebody birch him in behalf of violated moral and of municipal law. The little birds that build and sing in town-are of great use to us, as they destroy the worms and in sects that infest the trees and blight their growth. They ahonld be protected in every possible way. The boy that begins life by robbing the nests of harmless birds is in a fair way to grow up an Ish mael, with every man's hand against him, and a lively chance of a Albert, shrift out• of this stage of eziatenot. Lot him learn to be merciful and friendly to the birds, like we did—though we con fess the lesson had to be "beaten in with many stripes." WE have taken over on the let of April the balance of goods bought of Mr. Boger, to our own store, where we will continue to sell the Balance left at very low prices, until the whole are sold. AIIIOei these goods are 1,000 yards remnants delaine and calico,.l6, 18 and 20 cents. 500 yarda remnants lawns and other dress goods, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 200 yards. of barer and lustre, 20 and 25 cents. 1,000 yards of linen (wash, 18, 18 and 20 cents. 100 yards of brown and grey cloth for yammer costs. 1,000 yards of linen, cotton and,wool pants stuff, cheap. 300 dozen of the very best spool cotton, white and corded. 1,000 papers of the very beet of atniovo ueedlee, 6 cents a paper; also stockings, &veep pocket handkerchiefs, hoop skirts, all st to of combs, patent thsead, tapes, socka, soca Jr by the dozen or piece. We have also on hand yet Ramat 10 pieces of CARPET, which we will sell at 75 cents per yard. 20 pieces of straw matting, cheap.. 20 pieces of splendid figured window curtains, .$. LIMY. Pennsylvania Militia and floorttitiog 0101 , 1 * Mika Stakes kwasion, bounty, arieirainf..pa,# mind subsisted'', clubs!, de., &e., &cc m a d e auf and obi ',nod by SCGENE ; Attorney at Low, aim Third street, Herrtsbnig. Pa. ootiB-1Y 111.1.111111.11.1.11 G1e5er RAllSlallir47--Ttoesl per cent. aved.—ln order to reditee Stock, to to ing down of the old store and buildiug up new offer my Stoelt, Consisting of a large stool . ' of tee-ply In grain, Venetian and Rag Carpets ;el furniture of all descriptions, at twenty per t less than city prices, Anti! the Isrn of JUNI N T. C. airgtx, mrllo-10w Second street a ve Locust. . DR. TOBIAS' VENET/AN LINT- Bun has given universal 'ataractic; during the four teen yeirS it has been introduced balm 'United States. After being tried by milllions, it b been proclaimed the pain destroyer of the world . P n cannot be where this liniment is applied. If need directed it cannot and never has failed in a single 6stince. For colds, t coughs and influenza, it can't b ' beat. One 25 cent bottle will cure all the above, ides being useful in every family for sadden accident . such as burns, cuts, SCS/d5, insect stings, &a. 'lt It erfeetly innocent to take Internally, and can be giftelito the oldest person or yoUngest child. Price 26 ail a cents a bottle. sold by all Druggists. 000,58 Oortlandt street, je4 d&wiris ' • New York A Friend in Need. Try it. DR. SWEET'S INIALLIBLE LINIMENT is pre pared from the recipepf Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Dolmen tient, the great bone tatter, and has been used in his practice for the last iwenty years with the most aston ishing success. As spa external remedy it.le without a riyaloandorill Alleviate pain More Speedily than any other preparation. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for sores,wounds, upriins,Nrnises, ke., its soothing, heal) ing and, powerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and astonushinent of all who have ever given it a trial. fiver four, hundred certificates of re markable cures,performed by it within the last two years, attest this fact. Benadvertisement. aplleow-d&-w A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR.. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS ! FOR FEMALES! • Infallible in Correcting, Regulating and Removing all Obstructions, from whatever causs and always • successful as a Preventive. These PILLS have been used by the Doctors for many yearn, tooth in Pranee and Amerieu, with unparalleled aneeass in every ease; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to make the Pills public fat the alleviation of those Suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. Females particularly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are sure to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility Later this admonition, although their mildness world prevent any mischief to health—other wise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit di rections accompany each box. Price $l.OO per box_ gold, wholesale and retail, by CHARLES A. BANN TART, Druggist, No. 2 Zones Apw, and O. K. KELLER, Druggist, Harrisburg, Pa. Ladies, by sending. them $l.OO to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pill ' s sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of postage" by ;nail. . Sold also by J. L. Leausaoss Lebanon ; J. A. Won?, Wrightsville; E. T. MILLost. pork; 8. Es-xterr, Car lisle; 0. ALT/OH, bhippensburg; J. SPANGLICR, Oham benison ; 8. a. WILD, Newville; A. .7 . KAUFFMAN, Me chanicsburg ; BROWN fr. BROTNNR, No. 4, South Libor ktatreet,. Baltimore ; and by "one Druggist" in 'very town and city throughout the United States. IntocENcx. HALL oc ItIiONEL, 218 Greenwich Street, New York, General Whoksak Agents. N. E -Look out for counterfeits, Buy no Golden Pills ofeny kind unless every box is signed S.D. Howe. All others are a bake caaposition said unsafe ; therefore, as you value your lives and health; (to say nothing of being humbugged out of yoni money,) buy only of thole who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent. They will tell yon the Pills are perfectly harmless, yet will do all claimed for them. S. D. HOWE, jyti-dly ; Bole Proprietor ,New York. Braudrethoe Pills, New Style. BEANDRETH'a PILLS, NEW OMB, BRANDEETLPS PILLS, NEW STYLE, BRAND.RETIPS PILLS, NEW STYLE, Are infallible for oostveness, spasms, loss of appetite, sick headache, giddiness, sense of bloating after meals, dizziness, drowsiness, and cramping pains, and all die orders of the stomach and bowels. ONE Or MANY OASES. jr Original Letter at 2% Canal street, New York J. L O. COOK, publisher of the Slate Banner, Ben nington, Vt., says he was attacked with DYSPEPSIA, and suffered so severely from it, that not a particle of food could be swallowed without occasioning the most uncemfortablecensation in his stomach. For five years he suffered from this dreadful complaint, when he used BRANDRETWS PILLS. The first box did not seem to benefit him much, but the second produced a change, and by the time he had taken six boxes, a 0011 PLETE CURE was effected. He says : "My dyspepsia was gone, and my expectations of an early death vanished.” ASK FOE NEW STYLE. ASK FOR NEW STYLE. .1188 FOR NEW STYLE. ASK FOR NEW STYLE. Principal office, 291 Canal street., New York. For sale in Harrisburg by GEO. IL BELL. m5-d&wtf TILE ONLY TREPiirRATION that will instantly pro duce a splendid brown or black in ten minutes,.withont irjury to the hair or soiling the skin of the face or head, is, • • CRISTADORQ'S . HAIR DY E It has been cent/fled by Mottos! Obemints loAmeries, including Dr. B. ORILTON, to be free from every deli,- teriOUS substance, and has no egual in the certainty and rapidity of its operation. Manufactured by J. CRT/WADDED, 6 Astor House, New 'York. Sold everywhere;'sid applied by all flair Dresser*. Price $l, $l6O and . $8 per box, according .to Cristadoro's Hair Preservative Is Invaluable With hie 'Dye, as it linieir.te the utmost softness, the moat beautiful gloss and great vitality to the Hair. Pries BO - came; $1 and pqr bottle, •ceordiug to size je4-41&wlm Wr AYE It' S COMPOUND EXTRACT SARSA•• RILLA.—No one remedy is more needed in this country than a rehab' e Alterative 2 tut the sick have been so out rageously C.heated by the worthier's preparatibna of der separilla abroad that they are distrusted even with the name. Yet the (Pug cannot be blamed fOr the imposi tions froni which they have suffered. Must of the yo called.flatesparillas in the market contain little of the virtues of Sarsaparilla or anything else They are mere slops—inert and 'worthless, while a concentrated extract of she active variety of Sarsaparilla compounded with Dock, fltitlingfa, etc., is, as it ever will 10, A powerful alterative and an effetnal remedy. Stich is Ayees Ixtract of ilaisitparilla; as its truly wonderful cures of the great variety of complaints which require an alterative medicine have , abundantly shown. Do not, tberafore,discard this levalnalde menicini, because yolk have been imposed upon by something pretending to be Sarsaparills, , while it was not. When you have used Altilt'a—then and net till then, will you know the Vir tues of Sarsaparilla. For minute partienlave or the diseases it cures, we refer yon to Ayetos American Alma nee, which the agents below named will furnish gratis to all who can for it. ATint's CAIMART/0 PILLS—for the taro of CosiiroOnds*, Jaudice, Dyspepsia,.Thettigestiort, Dysentery, Foul stomach, Readarhe, Piles,. Rheumatism, Heartburn arising from diPordered atomack, Paio or Morbid Inac tion of the Bowes, .Flatuleney, Loss of Appetite, Later CornplaiPt, Dropsy, .Worms,Votit heuralgta .1 and for a Dinner Pill. Tbey are sugar-coated, so that the mostoensitiye can take them pleasantly, and they are the Teat Aperient in the word for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 46 oente per box. Five bore') for El. • Do pot he put off or unprincipled dralere with other preparations which they make more profit on. bemand Area's stud take las °there. The sick want the best old there is lor them i And,they should have it. Prepased by Da. J. 10. AYA Moss. Sold by C. A. BARATART, Gime**. Co., O. IL. Kan- LER, 7. DOMGARDN6H, D*. - Mii.xe and L. IVVXTR. Har risburg, anddeelera everywhere. je4.d&wgra MOTHERS ! MOTHERS! ! MO— THERS!!!—Don't fail to procure Mrs, WINSLOW'S Soothing Syrup for Children Teething. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United Staten, and has been need for thirty yeast with never failing sefety and Inc. aese by =Miens of, mothers and children , fiom the fee ble infaleter ens Week old to the L adu t. It not only,relleves the child, from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN TRH BoylreLt3 AND WIND COLIC. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world in ail cases of Dysentery and Diarrhtea in Children, whether it arises from teething or from any other cense. Poll directions for using will liaootopnny each bottle None getnine unless thefac simile of CURTIS. it PER KINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. - • Sold by all MediCnii . Dealers. Principal Oftlee, 411 Der street, Now York Prime only 25 cents per 'bottle. SPECIAL IsTO:TriES. =I EXCELSIOR 1 DR. CHEESENIAIIPS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive praetio. They are mild ism kW; operation, and certain in *arresting all irrega latilles, painful menstruation, removingall obetructions whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pat in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, ell seriroiseanee thins, hysteria, fatigue, pain in th back ttc., disturbed sleep, which ariso from Isturitpti of nature. DR. CRELSEMAN B PULS wits the connuenoeuunt a sneer It Ili fte 111 , 0 1 1”ator those irregularities and atufrooti oisins Inn Gni signal no many to s preinsts mgr. inbalteaa enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever an obetruation takers place the general health begins to de- are the moat effectual remedy ever blows for all ONO plaints peculiar to Females.' To all wee they are invaluable, Wining, miti &Moiety, periodical regular ity. They are known to thousands, who have asedthem at different periods, throughout the country, haringthe unction of mine of the most eminent rAtmicidss is America. Ezplieit directions, stating when they should sot be used, with each Boa—the Prise One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 to 60 PiDs. Pills sent by mail, promptly, by tomcatting to the Agents. Sold by Druggists generS l l7 ; ••• • • ' B. B. HUTCHINGS, - Proprii.t • oi, 20 Cedar street, New York. Oold in Harrisburg, by 0. A. Danneart. " Mechanicsburg, by S. Dellett. " Carlisle. by B. tlllott. " Shippeneburg, by D. W. Raskin. " Obambersburg, by Miller & Hershey. " Wucinsebstinray by Cootie Wolf. Lel4.non, by George Roes- sseti-d&wly THIRD STREET, Betweet Market and Chesnut streets. imarcust.mirms NEW ORLEANS AND METROPOLITAN MINSTREL BAND! Will appear for two nights, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, June 12 and 13, 1863, Assisted by the Star Sisters, MISS EMMA and MISS EDITH WHITING, MISS NELVI' D SEYAIORE. TICKETS 9 5 CENTS_ For full particulars see Programmes. jell J. G. 11. MOREY, Proprietor. GAIETY MUSIC HALL! WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD 808 'EDWARDS ..Sole Proprietor. JOE COOK Business Manager. Mr., 808. EDWARDS has, at a greit ex pense,'engaged a new STAR COMPAIfY, com prising the best talent in the world. They will make their first appearance in this city on MONDAY NIGHT, June ltith, on which oc casion a MAMMOTH BILL wifl he offered: NOVELTY UPON NOVELTY ! FUN UPON PUN The Greatest Attraction ever offered to Lovers DON'T FAIL TO ;COMV THIS EVENING Best Place of Amusement in the World. The 'Best Stars always employed. The Best Show in Harrisburg The Best Company. Look and Behold the Challenge Performers Every one equal to the Greatest. DAN DE MARBLE, Ire. JULIA EDWARDS will sing hei favorite songs to-night. Mast. PERRY EDWARDS,.the celebrated Jig AARON HARRIS, the celebrated Irish Come- dian. &e. , &e. &e. The whole under the management of the The favorite original Jester of Negro Contica7 LAUGH AND GROW FAT The performance THIS EVENING will con clude with the laughable farce,' THE SCENE AT PEIALONS, or THE BARBER SHOP IN UPROAR.' AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME NIGHTLY.!' ' ' Come one, Come all! Admieeion 10 cte. only. Admission Only 10 Ccnts. F. WATSON,' T. MASTIC WORKER PRACTICAL CEMNTER, Is prepered to Cement the exterior of Buildings with the New York Unravel/ i Water.;Proof Mastic Cement. Thin Material is different from all other Cements., It forme a solid, durable adhesiveness - to any surface, imperishable by tbe. action of water. or frost. Every good building should be coated with this Cement; it hi a perfect Preserver to the walls, and 'Sakes a beautiful, fine finish, equal to Eastern brown sandstoue,ot any color desired. • • Among, others for whom I have, epplied the Mastic Cement, I rifer to'the following gentle:min : J. Blese/1, iesidince, Penn street,Tittiburg, fltdshmi Ave years. ' . J. H. Shoenberger, residence, Lawrenceville, finigthed fire years. James WCanidlase, raddenee, Allegheny Olty,finishett flys years. . Calvin Adams, residence, Third, et eet - finished four years. A. Heaveler, residence, Lawrenceville; finished tour years. J. D. M'Oord, Penn street, finished four years. Mon. Thomas Irwin, Diamond street, finlehed four years. v. P St Charles 'Hotel and Girard HOW*, dtdolied five years. Kittanning Court }louse and Bank, for Barr & Moser, Architects, Pittehnle. finished 340 years. Orders received at the thee of Wlldowner,Paißt Shop, 20 Seventh street, or please address T. F. WATSON, mayl6-tt . P. O. Box 13 6. Pittsburg, Pa. MU'ILTON ' 8 UNRIVA LL SD .'GOLD PEN.-FIRBT QUALITY WABBANTBD. NONE- BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD. -,- P. 2118610 in want of a superior and lean? good fiKPLD pan will find with me a large assortment to select trent, end have the privilege to exchange the Pens until their hand is perfectly salted. And if - by fair means the Ditt. mond ' , points break . off durinetwelie months, the ptir slower shall have the privilege to select • new one, without any charge. have very good Gold Peas, Made by Mr. Morton, not warranted, $1.50, $2.00 For sale pt semrsFEHig 1100KOTOHN, • 4l.rong silver-plated came, for $l, $1.25;- No, IS Market Street, Harrisburg, Poe. WANTED.—S7S A MONTH! I want v to hire Agents in every county at $75 a month expenses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Atchines., Address, A. MADISON, tus-dam Alfred,' Maine. VATANTE D.— $6O A MONTH ! W e v Want. Agents at $6O a, month, expenses paid, to ,sell our Everlasting Pencils, Origami .Burners 2 and thirteen• other new, us ef u l an d e ndow artieles. Fi fteen crrculers sent free. Ad , irese, m5-darn 1311 AW & CLARK, Biddetord,'ldidne, 50,000 POUr • DS!!! Fifty Thousand Po4do "EICCELSIOR" le . ,7TTEIT MELVIN , whieh - rwe Will' sell . 0 am y law figure by tlio liege ad, Time, Barrel or Slagle lima. 0.730 WIC rocs, jr., & CIO. may234Bcir6z IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHIUSEMAN'S PILLS 2musements. of Athusement Admission TEN Cents JOHNNY CARL, DI'LLE JOSEPHINE DUCROW Dancer far-famed • 808 D,W A B,,I) S lities. IMEI A. GREAT LITXI7RY: N OT . 11:1114 A highly concentrated Vegetable Extract. . A PURE 'TONIC THAT WILL HELP VE THE Al• ILICTEDAND NOT MAKE D►RUNEABDS. DR. )1100FLANDIS GERMAN BITTERS, DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WILL EFFECrtrAppy and NWT CERTAINLY CURE ALL DI*EASYS AI...MING BROM A Disordered Liver, Stomach , or Kidneys. Thousand* of our citizen• are sufferinr from DYSPEP SIA and LIVER DISEASES, and to whom the following questions apply.:-we guarantee KOOPLANDS GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURB TRIM. Dyspep4ia and Liver Disease. Do von rise with a coated tongue mornings, with bad taste in the mouth and your appetite for breakfast? Do you Get when you first getup eo weak and languid you can seemly get about? Do y n hare a dieeltieklin the head at times, and often a dustiness, with headache ottaasionatly ? Are your bowels costive and itivalar, and appetite change able ? Do you throw up wind from the stomach, sad do you swell up often ? Do you feel a fulness after eating, and a sinking when the st - inlch is empty? Do yctt have heartburn occasionally? D you feel low spirited, and likilCtin the dark Yide of things? Are you not unusually nervous at times? Do you not become restless, and often lay until midnight before p.n. can go to sleep? andthen at times, don't ycn feel dull and sleepy most of the time ? Is your skin dry and scaly? also sal.ow In short, is not your life a burthen, full of forebodings ? Hoollanirs German Bitters Will cure etery ease of CHRONIC GE 'NERVOUS DEBILITY, DEsPaPE op THE KIDNEYS. AND DISEASES ABISIND • FROM A DISORDERED STOMACH. Observe the following Symptoms resulti ng from ~ Disorders of the Digestive Organs Constipation, Inward Piles. Frilnes or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Erna 'atone, Sinking or Mut ering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of t• e Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations, when in a lying posture, D•nureas of Ysion, Dote or Webs before the bight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Epee, Pain in the Side, Deck, Chest, Limbe, see., &o. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Cougaut Imaginings of Bill, and great De pression of Spirits. There are many preparations sold under the name of Bitters, put ny in quart bottles, compounded of the cheap est ehiahy or common Mtn, coating from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anse or Coriander seed. This olnee.of bitters hurl canadd, and will mailing to cause as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death el the drunkard. by their me the system is kept cantina/illy under the Influence of Acrbo.la titimulants or the worst kindirhe desire for Liquor is, created. and keit up, and the result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's life and death. For those who desire and will hare a Liquor bitters, we .publish,the following receipt: Get One B °Ole Hdoiland's Gelman Batters and mix with Three . Quarts. of goid Brandy or Wsi,ky, and the result wilt be a preparaton that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true excelence any of the numerous .Liquor ,Bitters in the market, and will cost much less. You will have all the !irises of Hoofland's Bitters in connection with a g-od article of Ltquor...at a much lees price th n these interior prepara tions will cost Yid. • . nOottirid's German Bitters WILL GIVE 'IOU A GOOD APPETITE; , • WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEALTHY NE ( RVES, WILL GIVE YOU Brisk and Energetic Feelings, WILL ?NAME ,TOU TO 1131.13 11 131)E . NYVIEr ' MT—IIT-119 ANDifILL '#OSITIVELT PRIV/MT YELLOW -*laws ..FENTR, &c. &e.. Tlia . k,auffating From Broken down and Delicate Collglitittions, Prom whatever cause, either.la' • MALE OR FEMALE, WL)...LIJEND IN YS% .GERIVIAN BITTERS A. ka.jaramilEmni , That wr I restore them to their usual health. Such has been the case in thoueands of iiiiitances, and a fair trial is but requitvd to prove the assertion BILLY WARD, NOT ALCOHOLIC 71;7' XX A. 431-3111. The Proprietor. have 'thulium& of lettere from the most enhuent ' • CLRR L AWYEREI, PaYSICIANS, and 01T14 lONS, Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to the bene ficial effects and ni-dieal virtues of these Bitters. Brom Rev. , J Newton brown, D. D., Editor of Rneyclo ' pedia of Religious KnOwlesge.. Althengli not disposto So favor or recommend entliediereee in general, through distrust of their ingre dients Nal effects, l yet know of no sufficient moons why a man may not testify to the beraillts he believes himself to have received tam any simple ,preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this more in regard to f'lloofland4 German Bitters,"" prepared by by: AL'ilr. of.thik city: becroun was prepidiced againit them forreers. under the impression that'they were chiefly an alcoholic mix ture. I ant indebted to my, friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., fin. the rernOval'of thisprejudice by Proper taste , 'end for encoeragesien't to try theni when suffering from great 'mid long eontinutd debility. The use of. three bottles of these Bitters, et the beginning of the preset t year, woe followed by evident relief and reatoratieu so degree of be,dily and mental vigor which I had net fe t for six months before, and had almost despaired of re: gaining. I therefore. than,k Rod and my friend for dr - rooting me to the use of them. • '3. NEWTON suowN. phiadelphis, lune 28, 1861. DISEASES OP KIDNEYS and BLADDER, In Young or Ueda!ale or Fannie, Are epeedili rerooved, , , d the patient iestored to health. 'fiIkILICJLTE ° These auffniag from biAIIMMUS, wuting swap : with mareely any .11 , -sh on their bones, are eared in a very short tim4; one. hottie in such cases will have a most surprising effect. • % • ," I:I'44L3EUELMITIISSI • Ravine auttaring children tut above; and wishing' to ialse them, will sever regret the day they commenced with these Bitters. . LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And those working hard with their brains, should 1.- ws3s. keep f bottle of HOONLANIPS LITTERS near them, *fi will find much benefit from it 4 nee, to both mind and body,. invigorating and,not deprpssing. I , T IS NOT g LIQUOR STIMULANT, leivifs no prostration. AND - THE *RrENDS - CIF SOLDIERS. We call the attert'on of alt hatizor relations or friends In the army to the fact that " illAllhatiD'd German Bit ters I will cure alas-tantbe of the diseases induced by ta lk:waren and priiations incident to camp life. ' 3n the nets, pnblished.almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the >lick, it will be noticed that a very larke proportion are suffering from debi lty. Every case of that kind can be readily cured by Iloofland's German Bitters. We have hea tatiog in stating that if these Bitters we q (roily Used attiring mu' soldiers: hUndreds of hike might be baVed that othervi r ise would be lost. -' The ptoPrietors a a daily receiving thankful lettentfrom anifirera inthe army and bospitale, who bay, been restored to health by the use of theas Bithre, sent to theMiby their friends. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I See tfiat the Signature of C. M. Jackson is on the WRkfTER of cach Bottle . .,`' PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS, OR HALF DOZEN, for $4 00. Should your nearest drafted not have tbe article, do not be put off by any of the intbiciedipt yrsparat one that may be offered in its place., hnKIIII4 . I*',Ian, Med. we till forward', securely packed, by?usisise. • Principal Once - _ an 4 •• No. 631 ARCH ST. wco=mss illmr4Lx‘TO, (Ertionesoni to AILiJACKSON it C 0.,) PRO PRICIVRII. roF wile by i:leitgghtfdt itaglllealers is tYery tows to the thiftdi Otabmi ; may 20 4 PBBRABED BY PARTICULAR NOTICE. RIEMEMBER TEAT TIME BITTERS ARE AND NOT. INTENDED. ARI A Attention Soldiers! REENSI SUMMER ARRANOMENT. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE, wommA&SI. THREE TRAINS RIMY TO AIW TORI. AND ON AND ANTRA MONDAY, April 20,18(3, the Pee• saner Treble will leave the Philadelphia and Reality Railroad Depot, at Nazrisbarg, for New York sod Phil adelphia, a. fellows, via RASTWARD. REPAIR LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.16 a. in., or arrival of Ponnoylvanlikitaihrout Express Train from the Wart, arriving in New York at 9.16 a. m., and at Philadelphia at 9.20 a. In. A sleeping ear Is &nailed to the train through from Pittobtirg without chow, MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., ar riving in New York at LSO m., and at Philadel phia It 1.60 p. M. PAST Lnry leaves lip at 1100 - 11eni.j on at rival of Pennsylvania Itaitt*MEllast Mail, deing Lo New York at 10.26 p. to., idiot 1.00 p.ro, ?AST LINE leaves New York at 8.00 a. 01, and Phil*. delphia at 816 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at LSO p. m • liA±L TRAIN leave/ New Yorkat 12.00' oripas Philadelphia at 8.80 p. arrivingst 8.20 p. m. Rifling LINT! leaves New York at 7.00 P. st., sr riving at Harrisburg at 1.45 a. in., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Exprees Train for Pittsburg. A sleep ing ear is also attached to this train. (Mane otions are made at Harrisburg with trains oaths Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Talley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, he. Baggage checked through. Rare between New York and. Harrisburg, $5.16; between Harrisburg and Bids delphia, $8.85 in No. 1 care, and 13.00 in No. 2, For tickets and other information apply to J.l. OLYDB, &mend. Agent, Harrisburg. sp':9 NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. Three daily trains to and from Baltimore and. Wash ington City. Connections made with trains on Penn. Sylvania Railroad to and from Pittsintrg and the. West two treble daily to and from the North and Wee Branch, Susquehanna, Elmira and all Northern New York. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1863, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway wild inlet and depart from . larriaburg and Baltimore as - MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbary.dally (except Sunday' at 10.10 a. in.; leaves Ilarriaburg at 1.15 p. m., mud ar rives at Baltimore at 5.35 p. m. TRAIN leaves annlmry daily (except Bun• .day) at 11.07 p. in.; leaves liarrialprg (except Monday) at 2.00 a. In., and arrives at Baltimore daily (exoepl Monday) at 6.15 a. in. . HARRISBURG ACOOMMOBAT/Olf TRAIN here Earrisbarg daily at 620 a. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore ilaily(nceptlitiO , Aer at 9.16 a. m, llarriaburg at , 115 p, in, and arrives Banbury at 4.06 p m. XXPRBSB TRAIN leaves Baltimore &slip at 9.15 i - m arrives at Ilarrisburg at 1.86 a M., and leaves Uar debars daily (eicept Monday) at 3.00 a. m. , and arrito4 at Sunbury at 5.33 a, m. HARRIBBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN lea.ve3 Baltimore daily (except Bunday) at 2.66 p. and . rives at Harrisburg at 7.30 P.M.' For farther information apply it the Office, in Pen sylvaniaDOilrOad Depot, J.N. DoBABRY, . Ihnoei SteperintOursoir. Harrisburg, April 20, 180-dtf PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ! Em=M-fiac :T D. ' I, 1 11;IN ';s: The Passenger Trains of the 'Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive atßarrisburg and Philadelphia ae follows : TH3017(111 EXPRINN3 TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dailTat 2.00 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia of 43.10 a. tn. MIL:BT LINE /eaves Harrisburg daily (eseept Monday) at 0.40 a. in.. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.59 a, in. Passengers take breakfast at Lanoaster. WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Mount Joy, bare/ Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at. West Philsdel ,phis at 12.25 p. m. PAST MAIL TRAIN liaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Otualsky) at I.oop. m.,.and arrives or. West Phila delphia at 5.00 p.m. • ' • - •'- - HAIMIISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via 0o; lumbia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 sa.. and arrives 1/1 West Philadelphia at 9.80 p. m. WESTWARD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaved Rarriabur daily (except Monday) at 2 00 a. m ; Att00na.,7.14. take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12. • PHILARISLPITIA BICPREI3B TRAIN leaves Hier burg daily at 8.00 a. in., Altoona ar 8 00 a.m., take break fast, and arrives at Pittabnig'it 17:30 p. m: • MAIL 'TRAIN leaves Elarristhirg at 1.16 p. m.; Al. tams at T. 16 p. m., take supper, and.artivea at Pittsburg at 12.80 a: ak. • FAST LINE leaves 'Harrisburg "3.60 0. tn., Altoonst 8.36 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 a. in. HARRISBURG AOOOMBRODATION TRAIN leaves Philsulelpina at SAO p. tn., and arrived at'Harrisburg at 8.00 p. as. WAY , ' AOHOMMODATION TRAIN leaver Philadel phia at 4.00 p. cu., and arrives at Harrisburg at 4.40 p. in. This train runs via Mount Joy. . • SAMUEL D. Yol7ll*, Superintendent Middle Die. PentiNs R. R. Harrisburg, April 16,1863.--dtf 1863.1863. , . DHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL- I great line traversal the - Northern and Northwest oountiee of Penneilivanin to the oily of ri e en Lake Node. It has been leaned by the Petkosyhmeria Rail Road Company, mod under their auspices la being rapidly opened' throughout /to entire length. - Ills now in use for Passenger and irelght badman from Harrisburg to Driftwood, (Booond pork,) (177 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS .112? fJ nis 1./b a. m. (Express Tcsia.. 3.00 a. m. Care run through without change both ways on the to trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Mail Train Jrkgaitt Sleeping Cars on Express Trains th ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Wiliiamaport and Philadelphia. For information respeetiug Paseesiger business appl at the 8. B. cos. 11,th and idarket,etreets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents B. B. Kingston, Jr., cos. 18th and Market etre Philadelphia. J. 117.. Reynolds, !tie. J. M. Drill , Agent N. C. It. It., Baltic', H. H. ROUBTOffir Freight J e t., PAW*. tzwr,s L. .110L - P'l', Tioket 11111:s 308. D. POTTS. Gen '1 Manager. Williamsport. marb•d) IF- I N I Boa, xxxoNi__ TANILLA, ALMOND, muses. PRAOH, AJPPLN BITTZB ALMOND, 02111* .1r , ' CINNAMN, bit v i t a e • N ON p ..11ENTO 000aINIAL, (ter ataatingarsatortal /IN ese: :ui > r The abuse iishotlisontitts4vossiwa Prowor tko largest masters EL/Wee—wW Donis and Pal: 1 0 war - misted. - rmsriel WM: DOON, & 00. lOCKET KNI*EIS.—A very fi ne %- olninsf*, • 110001T020 r Einzo of CraucL PHILADELPHIA WZSTWARD hilooootimatta okmmov,i:) 11l SOU T HW AHD NORTHWARD SUMMER TIME TASLEI ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1863, SASTW inD It URI,. Leave Northward.