Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, June 11, 1863, Image 1

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lour lines or less eoustitnte half • square. Ten lines
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or hel. re marriages and deaths, tel osiers ems mix for
h ijsart, liberal terms will be offeredion. To merchants and others advertising
by the year
fir The number of insertions must be designated on
he advertisement.
LIT Marriages and Deaths win le Inserted at the same
stes as regular advertisements.
Guinness dabs.
ofte with lion. David gumma,ir., Third street,
above ilarket, Harrisburg, Pa.
B.—Penslon, Bounty and Military claims of ell
'kinds rosecnted and collected.
Refer to Bona John 0. Kunkel, David Mumma,
and Lumberton. inyll-dk.went
R. E. PE1tI:II:130.N,
ap29-ddor Nearly opposite the Buehler Rouse.
Office in Burke's Row, Third street, ( Up Stairs.)
Having formed a connection with parties in Wash
ington City, IMO are reliable business men, any busi
ness tiooneoted with any of the Departments will meet
with immediate and careful attention.
He le now fully prepared to attend promo* to tin
duties of profession in all ita branches.
jnetides him in promising full and ample satisfaction t.t
Ali who may favor bilawith a call, be taediseme °brook
or Warr 4416~ saturs_ 0118-dikwl •
413 33 cze AL. s3r.. T:r CA. .
The annscribsr is ready at nO. 91, DIABICIT
four doors below fourth street, to make
In any desired style, ud with skill and promptness.
Persons wishing matting done can have it done at the
shortest mirk* ap27-dly
Chestnut street. four doors above &send,
(Ormuz Irmo/solos Boss House.)
Is prepared to tarnish to otter, in the very best style cc
workmanship, Spring and Hair Mattresses, Window Oar
tains, Loans% and allotiner artistes of furniture in bli
line, on short notice and moderate terms. Having ex
patience in the business, be feels warranted an sodding*
sham of public patronage, confident of hisablitty to give
satisfaction. Aar/4M
Am.*, Notes, Fifes, Drums, decordeess,
crams, war ♦ID DOOM NOSIO, Ae., &11. 7
Lane Pier awl Ilsatle Mirrors, Spare and Oval trams
of everydeserlptionmade teenier. Regailding done
Agency for Meares Sewing Machines.
ID"' Sheet Music mat by Mail. oetl-1
Has just received from New York, in 1111110 n.
meat of
which he otters to his customers and the labile el
4Q WALNUT smuts._
P F1T1.11.1111 LP MI at.
General Matins for Soldiers promo* dallasinsi, State
Maine adjusted, &e., &e. nvirSo4lllo
THIRD STREET, Harrisbung,
Practice in the severalSlourte of Dauphin county. Col
lections wads promitly. A. o.swert,
• 3. B. BIWING.
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Mae kart returned from the city with an seeortment of
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B. IL GILDEA, D. D. fk,
1( 0. 119 MARKIir ISTRE T,
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ludo and ltudial Instramests. Also, imlbsertitions
I Oft for seligiolut paidieihtlems. no d 7
_EAltitlBBl7Bo, PA.
All manes of VlB/11fililF, WEDDINO AND BUS,-
NESS CARDS executed la the meet artistic styles sad
most reasonable terms. deel44ltf
Ridge Avenue, eerier_ of *old street,
The undersigned informs the public that, he has re
cently reneraud and refitted his well-known a Union
Hotel" on Ridge avenue, near the Round Bone% and is
prepared to accommodate citizens, strangers and travel
era in the beet style, at moderate rtes
iftis raids will be supplied with the beet tae tiWirets
aff o rd, eitil at his oar wi I be reread superior brands of
Bytom and malt beverages. The very beat accommo
dations for railroaders employed at Urn &hops in this
fait 4114] MINRY BOriTGEN.
This pleasant and sommodions Hotel has heirs the
wesittly re-stied and re-furnished. It is pleasantly
situated on Borth West corner of Howard and Tranlilin
streets, a few doors west of the Northern Oentral Rail
way Dilow. srskia9 ,,, pad. ta the eon:effort of I.
_ Liuskitingek, Proprietor,
Jellt-tf Mate ef - Sellnit Grove.
Er . Particular attention paid to printing, ruling and
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Blanks, Manifests, Insimuroe Pail
, Bill-lieade, &a.
l Vgdding, Visiting and BUflin.3ll Cards printed at very
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Wareroom forth' 01110)1131111INSPIWK at Harris
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VOL. 5 -NO. 241.
1- ,;: atrial It anion.
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Delivered In the House of Representatives, April 2,
1863, on the Joint Resolutions on tie state of the
Mr. BOYER said :
Mr. SPEAKER : When I came into this hall
thief afternoon I did not think that it would
become necessary for me to claim the attention
of the House and occupy any part of the time
which should, perhaps, be devoted to the use
of gentlemen here who have legislation of a
different character to attend to. lint the in
temperate, ill-timed and fanatical eperch of the
gentleman from Huntingdon (Mr. Benedict)
makes it necessary for ate to depart from my
usually silent course here this sessiolf, and ask
the indulgence of the House while I attempt to
extricate this subject from the chaos into which
my amiable friend from Huntingdon has in
volved it. If in doing this I shall, after the
manner of men, be compelled to fight with
beasts It Ephesus, with dogs'at Constantinople
and pure John Browniam in the hall, let not the
scratches, the mud, the slime and the saliva
which is brought up from the conflict, be
otherwise regarded than as the insignia of ser
vice in a holy cause. Like Cervantes with his
crippled hand, made sacred by the glorious
victors of Lepanto, I shall, though maimed and
disfigured by the attack of the gentleman,
force my unwilling tongue to talk the quackery
of politics, as he did the quackery of chivalry,
out of the world ; and while I cheerfully ac
cept the plan of the fight of the gentleman
from Huntingdon, we have resolved here that
if we fall it must be with our faces to the ene
The gentleman from Huntingdon, if he "has
not misapprehended the question, has at least
rgrottsg in a great measure the courtesy duo
to 00-membera of a deliberative body in a dis
cussion of this kiwi; and he has espeoitilly
misapprehended, either by design or ignorance,
the meaning of the eighth resolution, which is
the only one that appears to claim his atten
tion, and over which he mourns in a most woe
ful strain. Sir, I will not be ao unkind as to
believe that the gentlema‘does not understand
the purport.of this eighth resolution; but the
resolutions in themselves are so unobjection
able that it became necessary for him to tar-
Lure them into a wrong application in order to
give him something to grieve over in true
whang doodle" style. No, sir, he well knew
that the resolution has no reference to the
wicked outrages of the rebels, but it refers to
the intolerable and Cruel encroachments of the
National administration upon the rights and
privileges of citizens of this Government—its
villainous efforts to suppress every right so
dear to American cit4zens. What is the sim
ple language of this resolution ?
ds That Pennsylvania will adhere to the Con
emotion and the Union as the best, it may be
the last hope of popular freedom; and for all
wrongs which may have been committed, or
evils which may exist, will seek redress under
the Constitution and within the Union by the
peaceful but powerful agency of the suffrages
of a free people."
Mr. Speaker,
when the gentleman mode his
attack upon the potent influence.of the ballot
box, he did it with increased bitterness no
doubt in anticipation of the damaging effect
Whit* that peaceful, silent and oonetitutionel
monitor would so soon have upon those who
now are growing fat and sleek on the public
pap. It is no wonder, therefore, that he should
torture this resolution into an improper inter
pretation for the purpose of giving vent, as he
otherwise dared not do, to his hatred for that
peaceful agent of the people. His reference to
votes and ballot boxes was certainly very un
fortunate ; and when he exultingly exclaimed,
"When the administration elks for men, you
offer them votes—when it asks for iron- clads,
you send it ballot boxes," I could namely con
gestive anything AO ridloulousl It strikes me
that even ballot boxes, light as they are, could
be put to better use towards crushing the rebel
lion, than mere paper proclamations, which are
considered so potent by the gentleman and
those whose bidding he indoing. Ballot boxes
could at least be Bung at a rebel, while the only
use to whioh a paper proclamation could be put
would be to cover a bullet; and it would be
scarcely hi; enough for that purpose. But,
Mr. Speaker, I will not tionatinie the time of
the House by giving further notice to a subject
which is so well understood, I think, even by
the obtuse mind of the gentleman from Hunt
ingdon, notwithstanding his dishonest effort to
give it a different application from that which
it properly has. In dismissing this subject for
the present I have no desire to diguise my
contempt for the man Who resorts to such silly
subterfuge for the purpose of making oat a
But, Mr. Speaker, I come to that part of ihe
gentleman's lamentations wherein the entire
burden of his. Hong is that the hammy mad
Meads of these resolutions balm not one word
of cheer for the administration—not one pledge
of support—Rot one alga of approval of his
pets in their war and political policy. Now, Mr.
Speaker, I profess not to speak for, the Democ
racy of this House ; I am not their exponent.
I speak , for myself and my emistituents, to
whom alone I am responsible for toy ants and
sentiments. I have no desire to disguise the
fact that for at least eight months I have had
no sympathy with the administration at Wash
ington. I have condemned in foto all the im
portant measures of that administration. They
have generally been unwise, unjust, wicked,
cruel nod unconstitutional, tending to a Cen
tralization of power and looking toward deep:A
lma. They have had for their object the de
struction of every right which the Constitution
guarantees to every citizen, and are no doubt
intended to dissolve this Union and erect on its
ruins a military despotism under the influence
of Northern Abolitionists.
The gentleman in his zeal to traduce the De
mocraue party,appeare to forget that when this
leer commenced the Democratic party with
signal unanimity, rushed to the standard of the
government, and although they knew that this
war was the direct result of the pernicious
doctrines of the party in power, yet with more
forbearance and magnanimity than was ever
before shown by any political party towards its
opponents—forgetting all :party—they rushed
to the support of the old flag, and resolved with
their lives to defend it to the last, no matter
whose folly brought it into danger, and invited
the insult to it; nor did they relax in their de
trrmination to preserve it or regret their pa
triotic action, when in July following they re
ceived from the administration the assurance
embodied in the following resolution
•' That the present deplorableAdell war has
beert„ . forced upon the country by the disunion
i4e of the Southern States, now in arms against
the Constitntional government, and in .arms
around the Capit• 1; that in this national liner
gene:, Congress, banishing all feelintof mere
passion or resentment, will recollect only its
duty to the whole country; that this war is not
waged on their part in any spirit of oppresion,
or for any purpose of conquest or subjugation,
or purpose of overthrowing or interfering with
the rights or established institutions of those
States, but to defend and maintain the supre
macy of the Constitution, and to preserve the
Union, with all the dignity, equality and rights
of the several States unimpaired ; and that as
soon as these objects are accomplished the war
ought to cease."
Thie resolutien was then the standard of the
Union ; the purposes here avowed were the
commendable objects of the war ; and every
patriot heart in the North responded to that
declaration. But behold the change! Con
gress, at the regular session, which opened in
December following, refused to reaffirm this
wise resolution ; and subsequent events have
shown that it was at the dictation of the ad
ministration. Aad now what do we find ? A
war for the Union to subdue a causeless rebel
lion ? No, sir, no; we have, instead, a war for
the abolition of slavery, and (I hesitate not to
say it) a war to establish the heresies of the
Republican party, and to afford an opportunity
for a general system of wholesale plundering
of the government, thereby forcing upon the
people an increase of taxation, already enor
mous, and far beyond the abilities of many to
pay. •
Now, sir, how does the gentleman from Hun
tingdon, or the party of which he is so faith
ful a member, propose to abolish slavery ? In
a legal way by amendment to the Constitn
etitution ? No. By emancipation proclama
tions.? No, sir, no. They know full well that
proclamations avail nothing but to prove the
imbecility and ignorance of their authors, and
they know full well that an amendment to the
Constittition, to be itself eonstitational, re
quires the ratification of three-fourths of the
States, and is therefore in this case unattain
able. What other mode then, had they, but
an unconstitutional interference, either forci
bly or fraudulently, in the domestic concerns
of sixteen States of this Union. Of course
this unconstitutional intervention had to be an
armed one ; of course we mast ha%e a dissolu
tion of the Union ; of course we must have
war between the North and the South for ef
fecting the 4nie4te of Abolitionism; while at
the same time profeseing to uphold the Union.
Now, suppose this scheme of armed law
making and law-breitking is carried out, who
will venture, even after our bitter experience,
to foretell the issue ? Who will say that lava
sion, and disasters' in its train, will be confined
to the South L By what means will the Union,
or any of its fragMents, carry on this war ? I
oenfeea I know of but one, and in that we are
anticipated by the last Congress—the substitu
don of a military monarchy for a republican
form of government-6 scheme that must re
sult in the loss of the liberties of the whole
people of these United States. But if we are
to believe the gentleman from Huntingdon, we
must plunge•into all these horrors and crimes
against free government, forfeit each man's
plighted faith, resist the peaceful execution of
the civil lawn of, the land, engage in riot and
outrage, break the •Constitution, dissolve the
Union, and embark still further in servile and
civil war, in obedience to "a law higher titan
the Conetitution l"
Now, sir, will the gentleman from Hunting.
don, or any other gentleman on the other side,
tell me where we can find a record of this
gitigher law?" We are told that it is found in
each man's own conscience. If this be true,
then every member of this house or of this
community, or of any other community, how
ever perverted his judgment, however limited
his knowledge and experience, however flighty
and unbalanced and vindiouive his general
character may be, is to set up the absurd eon
elusions of his own weak mind—nay, the cor
rupt impulses of his own bad passions—against
the laws-of the land, the older of society and
the good of the public. If this he true, then
all engagements and obligations between man
and matt, or man and woman—all that is dear
in rights or valuable in possession will become
the sport of chance in the universal lawless
neuter society, until the sword of .some un
daunted and determined soldier shall have in
terposed to redeem our country from anarchy
and confusion.
The gentleman has feelingly appealed to
God, and before him he arraigns tie, 10 sem
mends us to obey his earthly master. What
does such obedience dem and ? To harass, to
obstruct,. to wound, to murder civil officers
while in the discharge of their bounden duty—
to provoke assaseination=to encourage the
massacre of one race of men by another—to fill
society with mutual rage, resentment and all
fearful and violent etnetiens—to substitute
wrath for lovevv•to maga, friottd6 into enemies
—to place arms ht men's hands, after having
inflamed their passions and filled their hearts
with deadly hate—to plunge the country still
further into war—to heap scorn and contempt
on the name of Washington and ether honored
men of the RevOlotion—to depreciate, to villi
fy,and labor to unloose the bonds of mutual
interest and common duty which should hold
together the States of, this Union—to despoil
us of our common heritage of historical tradi
tions, of respect for our fathers, of glorious re
collections of the past, of pride in the fame of
Amerios—to'tnake of this once great, happy
United States a Golgotha—a thing to,shudder
at and despise, like that awful beacon in the
pathway of nations, the wretched negro empire
in the island of St. Domingo., Are tit* the
commands of "patriotism ? I say, away with
them ! Away with this, insane, self-conceited,
presumptons impiety and impolicy, which
cloaks its ignorance and folly under the
ions pretence of being the holy command of
pure patriotism. The position of the learned
gentleman from Huntingdon is utte) ly Mae.
I deny that any 'of his propositions will lead
to the proposed good end. I deny that the
value of the'end in question is such as to jus
tify the final dissolution of this Union and the
deluging of our fair country in blood for its at
tainment. He, sir, has not suggested a single
proposition, nor made a single remark that
could be construed into a proposition, that is
not fraught with evil and the final destruction
of this country.
The gentleman appears to think that we
have more anxiety for the success of the Dem
ocratic party than we have for the success of
the administration. If by the administration,
he means their foolish and illegal acts, the
fact is as he states ; nor have I any desire to
disguise the fact that I prefer, as every true
and loyal man must do, the success of the Dem
ocratic party to the success of Abolitionism,
with all its kindred horrors. The success of
the Democratic party is the only salvation for
the country; upon its success and the conse
quent defeat of the Abolitionists, depend the
future peace, safety, and stability of our free
Mr. Speaker, I would greatly prefer to stop
here, did not my friend's indictment contain
the very serious chor that we do tiot.love hie
"old father Abraham , "nor give hini any word
of comfort. Now, sir, Ido not wislito speak
unkindly of any, man ;_ but I cannot help,re
garding the prese nt administration and the last
Congress as one of the Worst conducted, most
incoaalatentwand aotithied" de
signs that this world las ever- seen: iTheir
system of doing things is a most villainous,
systematic cheat, for which every men who is
concerned in it deserves to be recorded in a
register of infamy. Imposture never ran snob
an un interrupted career sa u kt has for one year
past in the National &titian' ation and in Con
'This roOde pf ,speaking will donbtledie be ob
jected' to by - our friends on the Other side ; but,
sir, there is no language too strong for the ex
posure and execration of subh conduct as has
distinguished the party in power. By holding
them up to merited.contempt before the public,
a due corrective will, I trust, be administered.
If there is a sense of real religion in my friend,
or among those of his party who are making
such loud professions, then I would say that
the law of God calls for "sack-cloth and ashes."
Let such penitents as my friend from Hunting
don ithitate Zaccheus of old, who said, "Be
hold, Lord, the half of my goods I give unto
the poor, and if I have taken anything from
any man by folic! accusation, I restore him
four-fold." Let the gentleman from Hunting.
don do this, and I will have some faith in his
professions of piety, Christianity, etc.
Mr, Speaker, it ie the traditionary belief
among the Scots, that at a certain time in the
year all the adders of their moors assemble to
form from their slime an incrustation called the
" adder's stone," which receives its crowning
beauty by the king of the adders passing
through and leaving upon it traces of all its
shining beauty. .Happy is the shepherd who
at a safe distance beholds the operation, and
then with great courage steps in and secures
the prize. He is henceforth held in the high
est estimation as possessing an antidote against
deadly poison. But, sir, he does not obtain
hie treasure without some risk of being pur
sued by the whole venomous brood, in which
mite he is oompelled to seek safety in flight,
and if he does not throw some of his garments
to the enraged adders to divert their attention,
they cease not their pursuit till they have ob
tained their lost treasure or the body of their
plunderer. The Democratic party, with its
zeal for the Welfare of the country, and for
the preservation of the Government in its
original purity and dignity, was compelled to
yield to fanaticism the administration of the
government which it had for nearly three
quarters of a century kept steadily in the path
of iifotiperit, and greatness. But, sir, the
Democratic party has to-day no true member
who, however much he deplores and laments
the suffering condition of the country under
its present false rule, would not rather suffer
adversity than wear the unenviable loner
wbieh these traitors to the Constitution, to law,
to liberty and to God may now be wearing. It
was expected, sir, that when these resolutions
should be brought in here and offered as an an
tidote against the deadly poison of the opposi
tion, the whole brood would hiss and rage as
they have not hissed and raged for many
day before, but I had no idea that we should
be attacked by all the slimy brothers of the
blacksnake tribe, threatening us with the fate
of another Laocoon, who was strangled before
the altar while warning the Trojans against
the wiles of the Greeks.
Mr. Speaker, and members of the Pennsyl
vania Legislature, (which, thank God, is yet
free,) whet an important trust is that committed
to you! That our rulers have become wickedly
Corrupt—that a reform is needed—nob, dare
deny. Judging from the signs of the times as
exhibited for months, it is my deliberate opin.
ion that the structure of our government is be
ing undermined; that justice, law, order and
religion are being booted at. Is it not time,
then, that scenes like these, discreditable to the
age, and to our free institutions, should cease ?
Is there not honesty, and decency, and power
enough to stop it? If there is not, then, in
deed, henceforth our much boasted free insti
tot.iens will exist only as an idle dream. It is
a long time since Jefferson wrote, The times
will alter ; the people will become careless ; our
rulers corrupt. The time for fiximrevery es
sential element on a legal basis is while our
rulers are honest, and we ourselves united.—
From the close of this (the old) war, we shall
be going down hill. It will not be deemed
necessary to resort every moment to the people
for support; they will, therefore, be forgotten
and their rights disregarded."
Is not this prediction already realized ? The
woe, the want, the wretchedness, the misery,
the insolvency, the poverty and the anguish of
htitideeds and thousands of the human family,
whom the gambling spirit of this age has
ruined, constitute a warning voice calling on
the Democracy to oome to the rescue, with just
such resolutions as these, of all that is valuable
in their loved institutions. Far spread indeed
must be that demoralization which in a land of
abundant natural resources like ours could ex
hibit in one year so many thousand virtues
blotted out, as with a eponge,
But, Mr. Speaker, my heart sickens at the
recital of the deeds of this most foul and un
natural administration. I desire not to pursue
it any further. Ido not wish to exaggerate ; I
simply appeal to facts—facts which the past
unveils. •It is to the wisdom and unanimity of
this body that the generous, the just and suf
fering people must look for a remedy in the
adoption of wise and conciliatory resolutions,
such as these before ns. .
I adjure you to weigh well the consequences
—consider the import of the question, and I
fain syeald -hope that these resolutions may
prove en —adder's stone" among the people,
and prevent the baneful influence of Abolition
ism from continuing to overshadow the State
and the nation, Through its Special organiza
tions of all that is cunning, gteedy, heartless
and pharisaical in this Republic.
Mr. Speaker, I fear I am occupying too much
of the time of this House ; but I feel that to
retire without making a parting bow to my
classical friend from Huntingdon would be un
kind, espeeially in view of that pt i of his
speech which abounded in such gross personal
abuse of my friend from Wayne, (Mr. Nelson,)
who is not in his seat to defend himself. What
shall I say to him that would be feit ? I know
nothing that could penetrate his cantata heart.
It is related by natural historians, that there is
an animal (a sort of prototype of those beings
who wallow in the mire of political corruption)
that has become so insensible in its fatness,
that the mice have been allowed to burrow and
nestle in its back. But here, though learning,
in the language of Burke, may be oast into the
streets and trodden under the hoofs of a swi
eish multitude, yet with alt the ignorance and
disregard of the propriety of speech and decency
of manners; be can do nought but interpret the
clamor with which we are assailed, as the grunt
ing of the herd in anticipation of their well fil
led trough being emptied and themselves sent
as commoners at large, instead of being fat
tened in the well filled pens of the public* pro
viding In such frequent cases of moral dis
ease in the body politic, when just retribution
shall overtake the workers of evil, pity may
perhaps relent and hearken to the cry, aud_glve
a cent to the modern representatives of fallen
greatness, as one of -old begged, saying, while
exhibiting hie torn purple, 440601 um pauperi
And here perhaps I ought to stop; yeti can
not forbear to expose the toiserable inconsis
tency of one who will abuse an humble.servant
of 4he Lord, because forsooth he Will . not be
lieve with him in his political creed.' The
gentleman from Huntingdon belongs to a party
which was made by fiends incarnate, who pre
tended to preach the gospel in. New York and
New England, and who believe that the Consti.
Wien is "a covenant with death and an agree
ment with bell," and who, more than all
others, are responsible for this cruel and
unholy war. They have for years descended
to make common cause with those who have
published the gospel ministry of the country
as a brotherhood of thieves, by whom the corn.
munity have been urged to trample on the laws
and to crush the Constitution of their country
under foot. Need I say that I allude to the
Beeehere, the Cheevere, the Chaplin, and the
whole rascally brood of those who, Sunday
after Sunday, preach nothing but insubordina
tion to law and disobedience to God? Yes,
Mr. Speaker, they are the founders of Abo
litionism and the beings from whom the
gentleman from Huntingdon' has learned his
creed. .
We should look at this subject as stewards
of the great gifts bequeathed to ns by our fore
fathers. If there are dangers abroad, they
threaten the whole community alike. That
there is an evil in our borders, a great and
perhaps an increasing evil one which we
must unite in checking or removing, if removal
or check be possible—is well known to us all.
I mean the Pandora's box of Northern fanati
cism, uncovered by the gentleman who prece
ded me. It is impossible that we can be
deceived on this subject. The signs of the
times are too portentous to be misconstrued or
unheeded. Already we bear the 'muttering
tbueder coming from the cloud which is
stretching far and wide above our moral hori
zon, speaking a tone too deep to be unheard—
a language too plain to be misunderstood. It
tells us we are called on to defend from profa
nation the ark of political and religious liber
ty—to preserve from encroachment that Con
stitution which has poured upon our land the
abundance of prosperity. "A power subtler
than brute force, and mightier than armed
man is at work"—the power of Abolitionism—
the omnipotence of religious fanaticism. Let
the people slumber on—let them sit with ate
dal apathy beneath the wide spreading
branches of this balm upas —let them fold
their arms in quiet—and ere long a voice will
break upon the ear in a storm of ruin.
Mr, Speaker, lam no alarmist, but it is right
that we should know our friends and watch our
enemies. Who, then, are they who scatter ruin
end desolation, mildew and blight, havoc and
death in the Eden bowers of our once happy
land 't I answer, fearless of contradiction,
(and I can speak plainly in this House,) the
leaders are the ministers of the gospel of the
Beecher stamp. They are those who for years
have been aiming at supremacy in church
and state—they are those who have been
turning the world upside down by their
unholy schemes of personal aggrandizement.
All other plans having been bla.ted in the very
bud of iniquity, they ate now-endeavoring to
gain power and wealth by keeping up this un
godly war, and keeping their hands in the
plundering business. For proof of my asser
tion, look to the list of officers and members of
the Abolition loyal Union (heaven save the
mark !) leagues. In nine cases out of ten,
they have "Reverend" prefixed to their names.
Look at their - Ohne lecturers and preachers.
To a man, one lifteirltuother of the New En
gland clergy is leas ' , aka prey to the
devouring wolf, to en •-• • . 1 , 'o' treasonable
oonspiraoy against the .te South--
Many instances could 'bh — 'df men who
have abandoned the people of their Charge for
the purpose of exciting the most unholy pas
sions of the buinan heart to deeds of madness
and murder. Well may it be asked, " blessed
Jesus ! Whither are thy followers straying ?"
Yet my friend complains because a minister
dames to be honest and to do a noble net--
What has the ge*sC from Wayne done
that so offends thotWeistian feelings of the
gentleman from Hun don ? He voted fikr a
law to prevent the imibigration of negroes and
mulattoes into this State! This is the "head
and front of his offending ;'" and for this of
fence this miserable apologist of John Brown
declares him an outcast from grace and mercy
forever. Will charity never begin at home ?
Are there not enough slaves north of the Po
'tome° ? Are there no white laborers at the
North, bending under the load of poverty and
the fetters of ignorance, toiling on, in sun and
storm, for a miserable pittance--their master's
will their supreme law, their children growing
up in some instances in thoughtless, unprovi
ded ignorance ? Look at the cotton mills of
New England, where we see half a million of
females, most of them of young and tender
years, growing to womanhood, away from the
fostering care of their parents, almost as igno-''
rant of the world and of the great duties that
wa y dovoiyo upon them, as the machinery
which they attend. Yet the people here cry
out, because the Southern slaves are unedu
cated ! I will venture to affirm that there are
more slaves in' Lowell and Nashua alone than
could at any time be found south of the Poto
mac; or west of the Alleghenies. At the South
there is between themaster and slave a mutual
dependence and a mutual interest. At the
North the interest is all on one side, and all
the dependence on the other. While the white
slave is profitable to the master, he is em
ployed ; but let sickness or old age lay upon
him a Wearing hand and he is kicked into the
gutter to starve, or is sent to the almshouse to
die. Can our friends on the other eine paint
to a single case of this sort among the blacks
at the South ? Do you not know as well as you
know any fact. that the master protects and
provides for those who cannot provide for
themselves, in sickness and in health, in in
fancy and in old age? What would our friends
have us to do to get rid of this thing which
they regard as so great an evil ? How are
these ministers of grace, these angels of mercy,
to cure this heinous abomination ? Immediate
abolition, according to "Uncle Abe," is the
sovereign remedy for all evils, past, preient
and to come—immediate abolition and that by
compensation, TO turn an indolent horde of
lazy drones loose .upon the community would
be a "cure-all" with a vengeance! We should
have to build an almshouse at every cross-road,
and a penitentiary or gallows on every corner.
Our lands would be covered with ruin and our
altar stones with blood and desolation. The
hawk, when be pounces upon the trembling
dove has as much genuine phitanthrophy in
his heart as the gentleman from Huntingdon.
I oppose hie unhallowed schemes because they
are equally unjust to the master, eruel to the
slave, and hypocritical in themselves. There
is not an Abolitionist in America but would
hold slaves to-morrow if he could buy them
with wooden nutmegs. For yeare we have had
this class of men at the North witoss meat and
drink it has been to keep up a continued agi
tation. First, the war ory was, " Lo, the poor
heathen ;" next, " Lo, the poor Indian ;" and
now it is, "Lo, the poor negro." We. an see
some of the fruits . of their torsevolent doings
among the "poor:negroes ; " by looking at the
smoking ruins ILL Virgin - IA, and all along the
border Staten; and it, will not be their fault if
similar scenes are not - -witneeveil in Pennsyl
vania. , • . , ,
Shall we. then, /R t ,Spfalter,eltimber,npon
the foamingbataraoite brink
ii of Actiolition ?
Shall ire rest •iii npod the froWerY
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Venom:tea with thiceatablisbmentt is an ostensive
JOB 0/7/011.„ containing kvariety of plain and fancy
type, unequalled by any eatiblishroont in the interior of
the State, for which the patronage of the publio L so
turf, beneath which a volcano hisees ? 'Would
you have the rays of the last setting sun beam
upon a land of prosperity ? Then, let the
watchers upon the towers keep a tireless. vigil
—with unslumbering faithfulness view each
sign of the storm. The nettle that is spring
ing up in our borderia Meet be grasped firmly
or it will sting. The frozen viper must not be
warmed in our bosoms •,..its fangs are the en
gines of death. Would you see an 'Widens
foe in the garb of a epiritnel friend steal upon
the unwary and confiding, wind the, serpent
coil around the human heart, entwining its
deadly fetters, its chain of palsy with the very
fibres of life ? it not, land God forbid) let
not those who axe the heirs of men who-in an•
age of glory resisted insolence and oppression.
even unto death, fold their arise in valor indif-4
ference, when the angel of desolation is sweep
ing over the land upon the wings of a whirl
wind. It will be no time to- cry peace and
safety when the shriek' of the maiden is ring
ing in our ears and the soil of our proud State
is reeking with human gore.
I am aware, Mr. Speaker, that I have spoken
in plain language, that I have expressed my
opinion in strong terms ; but P did it, not be
cause to me it was a pleasant teak; but because
I believe before God that-I have-spoken truly.
The signs of the times are to me more ominous
than mere language can portray. Shill their
auguries may be deceptive. The course of the
administration, of which I have spoken ad
versely, may torn out to be the bright and shi
ning way. Heaven grant that it may prove so !
If an incubus has settled on my' brain, and I
have 'supped full of horrors" never to be real
ized, most happy shall I be to know that I have
only dreamed. But seeing as I have seen here
to-day, and feeling as I have - felt, I have
deemed it my duty thus to speak with the deep
conviction that if I shrank from.duty merely
because the course of my remerhe must con
travene the words of others, the very stones
upon which I tread would murmur "shame !"
I am sick and tired of these hypocritical pro
fessions of love for the Union, made by its bit
ter enemiee, the Abolitionist*. Hew can they
love the Union •when their first professions of
love for it were made long after they had bit
terly cursed it and inaugurated the process for
its destruction ? Too well have they succeeded
in their schemes. But it shall net be;
Union must and shall be preserved," and the
Democratic party must do it by just tech moo--
Wiens as these under discussion, inviting the
calm and sober patriotism of the- nation to
unite for its salvation. Look for owe moment
at the huge heap of trophies piled upon the
tombs of our glorious dead—our peatrefal re
cords of greatness and majesty—oursoil mois
tened with the patriot's blood—our atmosphere
electric with patriotism—our name refulgent
with glory throughout the world, missy have
we no trust to. guard, no bequest to defend?
Shall the dawn of some future day lad our'
watch towers abandoned, our altars over
thrown, our banners forsaken, our broiling
land, once the home of the brave and the free,
down trodden by foreign hirelings, or desolated
by internal strife. Look through the world
and show me a clime so proudly matured in
the days of its youth. Shall the freedom won
from tee mightiest of nations in. ear days of
feebleness be lost in our hour of might ? Shall
our onward course be checked.? Shall our
high fortune be forever marred, simply be
cause we have a poor, weak, wicked and mise
rable pilot at the helm of Stotot No; peril*
the thought forever !
Mr. Speaker, dark days are bsfore us, when
those who are in the possession of the immense
power of a government like ours can be found
to use it so cruelly and recklesslAss they are
doing. When I look forward to the certain
consequences of this mad course of action, my
mind is filled with the greatest alarm for the
result—not because that I believe that the
A me ri c a n people will not, 'should° the dire ne
cessity arise, defend the inestimable boon of
civil and riligious liberty almost the petty ty
rants at Washington, who are now threatening
the people, but because I wish to preserve this
Union—to save this grand scheme of human
happiness. Go back, Mr. Speaker a fee years,
to a time when this demon of Abolitionism did
not infest every avenue to the capital of the na
tion, and when it reared its hydra head in
these halls only in occasional and feeble in
stances. What did we then beheld? The sun
of heaved rising en thirty millions of free
people, who united within themselves more of
.the elements of social strength 'and
happiness than ever blesied the same number
of people before. The land smiled with happy
homesteads, which sent up as incense to
Heaven the smoke of millions of household
fires kindled on as many altars consecrated to
peace and all the domestic virtues: The hus
bandman went forth to sow his seed and to
plant his tree in perfect security, that he or his
descendants would gether the mate- The
mariner ploughed the seas add-looked prbadly
aloft to the "stars and stripes," -the emblem of
his country's greatness, and knew that its
ample folds would guard and protect him in the
most distant olimes. The young modrer re
joiced when her male child was born into the
werld, feeling that when he' should arrive at
the age of maturity, he could take tiny one of
the thousand roads that lead to *math and
honor in this happy land ' The. old. Mat de
soended willingly to theltbniti, 'Audi closed 'his
eyes in peace, with a calm oonfbleitste: that he
was leaving this fair scene as perpetual in
heritaiee to his children and thein descendants.
Sir, upon what rested all this confideate and
happiness ? It rested in' the faith felt by our
people in the Constitution and,the equal laws
which it enjoined for the mutuaLpyotectiou and
defence of the interests of all.
Instead of all the blessingatvhioh.the Cow
stitution guarantees, what do we now beholds?-
War—stern, cruel and devastating tkar-,-a land,
desolated and drenched in, fesdatmel
households desolate—widows, in Ettourniag—
orpbins weeping—mothers, deters, fathers and
brothers almost frantic at, the lowan the wool.
field of battle of a son, or a brother—while
night, morning and noon the ansiousl4lo- and
mother kneels in, the drain of her
: Iw►pliiB
ones, and while she teaches, them to lisp their
infant prayers; she pours out her bleeding soul
to Heaven for the safe return of her protector
and their father: Go, sir, to the bumble cot
tages of your rural districts, and while you
contemplate the auzions, care-worn wife and
her lovely group of innocent but halF-starving
children, representing pities°e in despair and
industry in rags; look at your streets and high
ways darkened with With Wilkie!, In mourning
weeds—listen to the rattle of the omen over
your streets by those who have lost a leg or are
otherwise maimed for life by this 'inhuman
war; and then tell me, is it treason to vote, to
speak, to wish, to resolve for peace? I tell
you, sir, whatever may be the opinion of oth.
era—however blood-thirsty they may be—l am
sick of war, and I do moat solemnly protest
against the gentleman on the _other, side stig
matizing as "traitors" those whose tender feel
ings are outraged at the !natz,y.cruelties wpe_
trated by a war which its . loadora declare is
only to abolish au stitutten eri4oh d oes not
concern uB--a war which Lbere,pronounce to
be the,direct result, of,JhotAinprtillent, if not
fanatiotein which in 4856 displayed
its ; epteenetarred anner throu,,suout the en
tire N'orth, and which has singe with steady