TBE FRENCH ELECTIONS. The Paris correspondent of the Liverpool Journal writes as follows in reguard to the coming elections in France : .The coining week is big with eVents. The very fate and internal existence of France bang upon the elections which will be • decided before the end Oils month. At the Comite Delestre it was decided, by way of episode to the great chapter on freedom about to be writ ten in the history of France, that the bulletin should be red, andittot +white, which announced adherence to the candidate. This being a truly French idea, and Perfectly trivial and childish, was of couree , accepted with enthusiasm. Mom has ilreidy expressed his intention of resigning his post- of President if Thiers, Bee ryer and Odillon Barrot are chosen to float once more on the 'ocean of politics; so that the sem blance of energy manifested by the opposition )1841 brought forth some fruit at last. Xeanwhile, a crisis, which it is hoped will be peaceful, is evidently preparing. The gov ernment feels the decadence of its pater, and catches at the loosening reins with a srip that threatens to bring the steed. to its haunches. The papers are watched with thelytm eyes of hatred and suspicion. Warnings and repri- Mande are showered, dewn on all the papers without mercy for whit is said, while comniu niguez are - handed in With amazing vigilance for what is thought. ,Meanwhile, another de tachment ofAfrican troops has arrived-in Paris; end- these sOlditits - are even more inured to d ik ug:Tr , and fatigue, leas aoidats de luxe thad the A r m e s. ' They are oidently meant to fight to t o 11 [ 4 &OA 'And giie no quarter—troops that The Empire can ' Ti lton upon in case of need . sga i na t . iu toNn re genton o 80319 ; brought hither to obey orders, not to discuss t1n312, as it is fared the Chasseurs and the Zsuaves would do if` commanded to fire upon the citizens. Eat the. costume of-these Torso® is so bril liant and so becoming, that all Paris turns out to see them pass, and greets them with smiles and congratulations, instead of protesting against their admission to the city, and insis ting, upon their being quartered outside the walls. One of the men has succeeded in ren dering the- whole earps - interesting. He is accompanied by a tame lion, which he' has brettglltup from a' Milt, having tiken the crea -tete* when just born' from its mother. The -toof Mittman airing his lion in the yard of M:acme where licia quartered, fills the whole luiptilittleut With joy, and furbishes an admira ble- simian for the workmen and employees' o lose their morning in lounging round the bar nazi gate. ';Kome people think that this ab surdity has been - eneetraged for the sole pnr pine of tturningthe attention of the Betdauds from the more serious contemplation to which the appearasite of these half-savage troops might give vise in the minds of more Serious peoplp. • , A ./011111‘11 MADE AND LOST IN A YEAR.—The following facts were developed during a recent sitting of a military court of inquiry : "Albeit eight months ago a resident of St. Louis was the possessor of $4,000, which he in vested in salt.. The stock was smuggled into 'Arkansas, Where it realized an almost fabulous rice. ' This business he carried on for several months, by which time he had amassed a for thnnOt, $65,000. Elated and emboldened ay 'juices*, he took $50,000 into the interior of Arkansas, where he invested the amount in cotton , "alertly after having made the purchase. and•iiith Visions Of $lOO,OOO in his eyes, a portion of the Union forcing moved in the di rection where the Cotton was Stared. The Ontitio**ao vacated, the cotton unprotected, with DO Ole tO qUita it, , tilc COMM unrchaut having absented himself for the purpose of pro curing transportation forits removal to, mar et Cotton was accordingly seized, con ftscated,faud subtler the benefit of the' govern ment. ineintum't Made oninplain' t. gave lire' la of _his oimersitip, and claimed Payment, but all of no avail. Some time afterwards he arrived at St. Louie, and took loßginga at one of the .hotels, whickbeing crowded. he wag plactS in a room With two-strangers. The S. detectives had for some time`past been on tile trail of two notion 'smuggleni, 'aud upon the morning following - We arrival Of the bro ken cotton merchant, ki t - with his two room - matte, tiv Wted'aitriloneiin prie4u." • BOUND limos Docyalsi.- 7 Hon. J. yr. _Men:. alma' Soutuckyi thus concludes a very able address to lib constituents: - ' l "ra'intepposil t. 6 'sepainiion of thy Mateo. I am for'no' peace; nestraperision . of hostilities, based - upon the idea of peper'ition. - !Vie laws of die - rated eze e the whblinotintry: T kin for de preserva tion of th i e government of tfielfnited - States at -Wtaterr c54-aill'i4tanth all who 'rimy Et Laud in the wilyglotilii6rzfrebele and NortherkAb olitionists. 4ThnOineptation and 'the Union must and ahairtM Preserved.' " tegal A UDITOIt'S NOTICE. MO Auditor appointed by the Court of Comnion Pleas of lieiriphist tansabr, to distribute among eh, areditoris %b.. balance remaining in the hands of thiTito goner, Oinfisse of Ybitlip,Peph ; end wife, of :haat, Hanover .mall4o, in arid' county, will Bit for that purpose, at hie bffid.. , hi the city' lit Itur.isbnrg, on Ytuudey. the - :itith - eiw' of lane inst.; at 10 nielcalt a: ni.„ at: which Ai ms sad,plaetthe portion interested are hueby notified sit•eld prevent ter ;Aaiun. hi _ lERN IMITOIt'S .44 OTIC hl.--The Auditor 11, appointed dbir, tier. Acehana'..giocal .of ineephi n r'Ai4B rnong the Wirt the balance re- Meg' en /Almada or Ohrislian and Jacob Zimmer - Mteditint tbl+n bf IdfStfdeolite or Jacksion town-tde, decesenik; will meet the pecans- interented at kt 2 ttrerritr - of Harrbturg, - on - Tnesday, the ariy of Jane next, at 10 o'c.ock, a in-; or.ich Item areilmtrit notified, : ;Ili litSaf( PQ N, mySO-dWatt I) - • • • L - lord • t:P - • I 1 8. 'NOTICEt---4retttero T•estementary open the eeraie - !DttNISIL