MIRY B 1 ALONE. Oh, Mary Malone is an exquisite girl, Her lipsara red rubies, her teeth purest pearl; Her cheeks are fresh roses, her eyes diamonds bright, Her forehead like marble, her looks lova and light. The dimples that cluster about lip and chtek Are nrs•s where young loves sport and play hide and se-k: Her tre,ses have stolen their darkness and light From the wings of the morning end brow of the night. her arms are two round slender pill.ws of anow i Just touched by a last sunset's paint-vermeil glow; All things that are lovely in earth, heaven, air, Are rifled to renter my Mary more lair. The tone of her voles is mord' musical far Than the notes of the soft-throated nightingale are; And lees graceful than Mary the mist-wreaths that rise, On the bre =th of the morning to welcome the skies. I hare thought when I kissed her that angels might sip And mistake it for uec'ar—the dew of her lip. N or mo re pare than tae thoughts of my own Mary's mien. .*re the icicles hanging from chaste Dian , s shrine. May no &made of sorrow o l erahldow h-r sky, tier heavy-winged sadness the light in her eye. A CHAPTER OF BLI/liDEß9.—From a pleasant paper in Once a Week, devoted to Sir Boyle Roche, the eccentric Irish orator, we make the following extract: Thus far the public life of Sir Boyle Roche_ Th ere is now another - view of him to be &Amid ere l—the pleasant little obitts dicta which have been put down to his score, and which lbere, is no resson to doubt he really gave ut terance to. Alter all, it is natural to suppose that the constraint of public speaking must have fettered the bovine fancy and checked the more frequent introduction of these comversa tional bulls, in the reading of which he is sup posed to have had great skill_ Many of these are harpily preserved. "Sir, I would give up half—ray, the whole of the Cthstitution, to preserve the remainder." This , however, was parliamentary. Hearing that Admiral Howe was in quest of the French, he remarked somewhat pleasantly that the Admi ral would "sweep the French Beet off the face of the earth." By-and-by came dangerous times of disaf fection, and honest men's lives were insecure. Sir Boyle writes from the country to a friend in the capital this discouraging view of his position : "You may judge," he says, "of our state, when I tell you that I write this with a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other." On one occasion, when the famous letters to the Public Advertiser were attracting univer sal attention, Sir Boyle was beard to complain bitterly of the attacks "of a certain anony mous writer, called Amine." He it was who recounted that marvellous act in gymnastics, when, in a tumult of loyalty, he "stood pros trate at the feet of his sovereign." He it was who denounced in withering language the apos tate poliiician who "turned his back on himself." He it was who introduced to public notice the ingenious yet partially confused metaphor of the rat. "Sir," said he, addressing the Speak er of the Irish House, "I smell a rat. I see itito floating in the air—but mirk me, I shall nip him in the bud." It was Sir Boyle who spoke in feeling terms cf the gentleman with whose family he was connected by marriage: "He gave me his eld est daughter, sir," he said to one of thi pro fesstonal wits of the Irish bar; "biz eldest daughter, sir." To him the wit: "If he had an o'der one he would have given her to you." Mr. Curran used humorously to insist that these etrange bits of confusion were all the re sult of careful preparation; perhaps scarcely crediting that there could be found a mind with snob an inveterate constituted twist in it. In the Irish House these sayings were wel comed with uproarious hilarity. There was the famous .speech which confounded genera tions. "I don't see, Mr. speaker, why we should put ourselves out of the way to serve posterity. What has ever posterity done for us ?" He was a little disconcerted by the burst of laughter that followed, and proceeded to explain his meaning. "By posterity, sir. I do not mean our ancestors, but these who are to come immediately after them." His invitation to the gentleman on his tray- els was hospitable and well meant—but equlv eel. "OE hope, my lord,if ever you come within a mile of my house, you'll stay there all night." lie it was who sfoTATor the proper Otmeristons of the Irina bottle, and peopossd to Parliament that it should be made compulsory that every quart bintle should contain a quart." Very pleasant, and yet perfectly intelligible, was hie meaning—though it unhappily took the fatal bovine shape—was his rebuke to the shoema- ker when getting shoes for his gouty limbs. "I told you to make one longer than the other, and instead of that, you have made one smaller than the other : the very opposite." &M ho could hit hard, and for once avoided his natural blundering turn. Mr. Curran stated he was quite capable of being the guar dian of his own honor. Sir Boyle retorted. “I wish the honorable gentleman joy of his sine cure." A Hilton Head letter says it is certain that three allititional iron-clads are building in Charleston of formidable character. One of them is designed for eel service—the second is intenil.d to operate elf the bar—und the third is designee for harbor defences. They are already laanche,d, with engines in, bat are not yet. plated. WATSON, MASTIC WORKER PRA.CTICAL CEMENTER, Is isropfircd in Cement the exterior of Duriainza with the Lien pork Improied Water-Proof * Mastic Cement. TiihrNisterial is different from all other Cements. /t. forms a aalitl 4 anrable sOhealrenoss to any burface, jaiperiabable by the action of water or frost. Every good building should be coated with this Cement ; it is ee perfect picaetver to the walls; and makes a beautiful, sae &dab, equal to Eastern brown sandstone, or any .color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Aliment, I refer to the following gentlemen J. Itifeelb residence, Penn street, Pittplm7g,finished five ' • J. H: Shoenberga:, residenca, Lawasneavale, finf.34ed five yearn.. James 111TandlaFs ' :residence. Allegheny City ,finished fi ve years. OAVill Adams, residence, Third st eet, finished four years, • Hoeveler, residence, Lswrencavaie, finished four years. J. D:. 111'Cord, Penn street, finished four years. Ron. Thomas Irwin, Diamond street, Lnishel four yeare. St ChuLti UAW .41t4 Girard lionge, finished ti years. Kittanning Court House and Bank, for Barr Z.: Moser, Architects, Pittsburg, finished five years. Order*, received at the c trice of it M'Ehlowncy, Paint ;Shop, 20 Seventh street, or please address T_ P_ WATSON, P. 0. Box 13 6. Pittsburg, Pa maylS- A' 9 1 1 BEST FAMILY SEWING 3IACHII3E IS WHEELER & WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE, Market Shiers, next to Colder's Office !Er Cali and see them in operation A general assortment of maehinerT ao4 needles we a.tantly on Lana_ MISS MARGARET 1 07111.. exhibit and sell them, .and also do all notaine sewing on therm machines in the beat manner. The patronage of the pilblic is res:oectfully snlici ted. opl3-6m 50 000 POUNDB!!! Fifty Thousand. Pounds "EXCELSIOR" HAMS SOBT EKCEMNer, which we will sell at a very low figure by the Hogshead, Tierra, Barrel or Single Ram. wy3o . WM. DOCK, jr., & Co. RECRUITS WANTED for ill° 47th IA) TWO went P. V., CoL R GOOD, now stationed lit 'goy west, Florida. Apply to' cartfi-lmoie Lieut. W. W. GEETY, Second st-1 opposite Presbyterian church. JJAMS, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNA BA.I79AIDES, TOICOITES, &t.., for nee low, by WM. DOCK, da, & Era Sur Sale St, ao VALUABL E IKON PROPE TTY for SALE—MATILDA PIIIINACER and ORR 13 4 NKS. This prop.rty is sAueed on the Juniata river, in Mifflin and Huntingdon counties, Pa., within anomie of Mount Union Station. on r01711771V&Ilia railroad. The Juniata canal and Pennsylvania railroad pass through the pro perty. It embraces about Twenty-seven Hundred Acres of land, about three hundred antes of which is good f arm 1 ,„:a. in a lash stale of cultivation; the balance is good timber land, would stippls sufficient charcoal for the furnaces The improvements area good substantial Furnace, Stack, Steam Engine, Iron Slowing Cylinders, &c.,, with all the necessary buildings. There is on this property au extensive bed of Iron Ore, being identical, in the geologic 11 series, with that at Danville and Bloomsburg. This ore can be mined and delivered at the furnac a for about one dollar per ton, Limestone in al , undance, of good quality, on this property. The extensive coal fields of the Broad Top and Alleghenies are from forty to fifty miles distant, by Pennsylvania railroad or canal, and the canal running through the property makes it one of the best locations for the manufacture of iron, either with coke or anthracite. In addition to the charcoal, the bui!dings for the fur nace sad fa, m are ample, substantial, and in good repair. The property be sold a 'bargain . , and en easy terms. For further particulars address WASHINGTON RIGHTER, COLUMBIA, Lancaster county, 'a. P. S —For quantity and quality of the ore see WrPf. Lesslie's report on same.. je3-d&witn. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE. In pursuance of the last rill and testament of JOHN &RUE, deceased, sill Le exposed to Public Bah on Saturday, the 13th day of "Tune, 1863, At the Court House, in the city of Harrisburg, of two o'clock p. m.. a valuable TRACT OF LAND, situate in the city of Harrisburg. on the Jonestown road, adjoin ing property of John Shoop, William Allison an 4 the Hitabnlen estate, it being the property of John Sele. de caased ; contain i ng Tinnty-one Acres, more or lees. aErected thereon is a good two-slo-y FRAME: ROUST, AND BARN, Other out build oga j good w--ter and a thriving young APPLE ORCHARD. Sale to commence at two o'clock, as above stated, when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by JOHN 13 .ADY_ my2s-dts Admintstrator de bonis non. C. T. A. .1 .1 011 BALEL—The BUILDINti on the 12 corner of Walnut and Short streets, used as a t;OOP ER SIIOP. This building was originally built so abet it could be turned into Dwelling Houses. It con- Sots of three separate frames placed together, each frame being 25 by 20 feet, making the entire building, as it now stands, 75 feet long and 20 feet wide. Will sell also an IGHT HORSE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, nearly new, and one of Brawbaele , s Patent Stave Cutters, sad a Set of Saws for Jointing Stavis. The above property will be sold at a bargain, se we wish to clear the ground en which the building Steads. Enquire at the Brokers Office of B. E. WOULLOOH, feb9-dtf 128 Market Street. NOTICE TO BPECULA.TORB VALUABLB BUILDING LOTS POE SAWS! A namber of large Ids@ BUILDING LOTS. adjoining taa Round Hone and Work Shope of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will be sold low and on reasonable ammo. Apply to an.lB-411y JOHN W. HALL. L OTS FOR SALE-ON NORTII ST. .L 1 and Pennsylvania Avenue. Apply to B. T. HALDEMAN, inars-dtf Cor. Front and Walnut ids. FOR SALE—A House and Lot on Sixth street, near State. Enquire at the Exchange Mee of D. L. NPOULLOCH, 2f. Market street, Where the highest price is always paid for GOLD and BILVED. febl2-dtf jOR SALE.—A TWO-STORY Fn it MUSE in Short street. Inquire of sepSOtf W. K. VERBEKE. lOpting. 3.As Lai WORK PROMISED IN ONE WEER! .., ,A,-- 1 040.-1, z-... 0 , riAttat. Ar AAP eye it . 1 . • . 4 ' ' ''', 6,m• - • -*,,'---* 4 ...e. •1;: : :, -- i ~ - 8 - - -:. _., : ~ .• v- , ,, , , 7 ~,,. 1 -4 ( 1, ' A "i-9 - -,-,----- ---...' P 4 •.;ir 3 a-EL • 11 1 3V.NBICLVANIA STE.A. SI DYEING ESTA B LIS H 'AUNT, 104 NABBBT 8T11.31.11T, B.BTWSZ3 PO UR TH AND FIFTH, RARRIBBURG- PA., • Where every description of Ladies , and Gentlemen's garments, Piece Goode, &o.,are Dyed, Cleansed, and 12 trashed in the .04 manner ad at the shortest notice. DODA.T4 k CO_ Proprietors • O AROHITECTS.—The South Ward T School Dowd will ray a premium of Thirty Dollars for a Om and areal/lathes); for a two.story Brick School House, to be erected on their lot on Fourth street The above ainrunt will be raid for the plan and specifica tions adopted. All necessary information will be given by calling on the committee Plane to be furnished by the lap at Tune. JACOB HOUdMI, President. HENRY I.BE LLENnsite en, Secretary—niy2l-dtd PONDENSED MlLK'—dust received Li and for sale by WM. DOCK jr., WALLPAPER, BOaDERS, &c., sold. yat at 1,44 t yeaes prices, without any advanw. At SCREFFER'S BOOKSTORE. PEACHES-PARED AND UNPA,RED—just received by WU. DOCK, & CO. THE NATIONAL ALMANAC AND ANNUAL RECORD for MS. for sale at BORMITER'S BOOKSTORE. " ETOW ARE YOU GREEN• BACBS. , :—DAN BRYANT'S. new comic Song. Priem 30 cents, just received and for sale by WARD, at his Idusie store, Third stteet. Call and get a copy early, ap23 APPLES!! Ibo BESIIELS PRIME APPLES just received Andfor, side /very low) by W.lll. DOCK, ce. .1 1 ,1 ENV ORLEANS SUGAR !—Firtst. rma - hrhasET !--For sale. by jyr.: Wltt. DOOR ;rx., b. CO. IVRITING -B OS 5' Amer-- /V. can Writing Fluid, splendid ink, at. 62 ceats per qtart i AltliOLD'a genuine Writing Fluid, HAR RISODi'B Colarabi•tn Writing Fluid, LAUGHLIN .& BUSHIPLELD'S Ink, Copying ink, Carmine end Bud Inks of the best quality, Blue Ink, Mucilage. &c., at SOHEMR'S BOOKSTORE. R WRITING AMERICAN WRITIN X/ FLUID, equal if uol, eel/Prior to kraoln'a Eaglesh Pluid t .tuall only 62 cents per quart bottle, at SOIIEFFER , S BOOKSTORE. -11- A M S ! New bold , a celebrated, Kiehener's EXceltior, Evans & Swift's superior. Jersey Fiala very fine. Also, Dried Ilse, Tongues and Bologna Sausdge. For sale by apl.4 WM. DOCK, jr. & Co. aREEN CORN.—WINSLOW'S freab 11,,A Grceu Corn juet, received by WM. DOCK, in., dr, CO. THE FINEST STOCK OF PHOTO GRAPH ALBUMS, PORT FOLIOI3 S OARD-OASES, ORST-BOOKS, for sato at Setsefferls Bookstore, "WHITE BRANDY ! ! !—Fox PRESERV ING Puarosas.—A very superior article, (strictly pure) just received and for sale by P ll 9 l WM. DOCK, Tr. , & Co. BUCKWHEAT MEAL...-15,000 LBS. SUPER BXTRA., from Wyoming Valley, for sale by WM_ DOM JR_ &CO. FOR SALE.-8,000 BUSHELS PRIME YELLOW CORN.- SOO bushels barley malt, first quality. bOO bushels rye. SO barrels whisky s first quality. Enquire of RIOHARD HOGRIAND, bes29tf Washington Avenne, Rarripinirg. li4LTI-1; MONEY! HAPPINESS ! ! At this season of year, when so much sickness prevail; every cue should provide himself with DR. HUH HONGIOPATHIC I.l.lDlOrtiliS, and prevent disease in its beginning. • A trosit supply always unhand at BC3IBRVER'I3 BOOR-STOWS, marla Harrisburg. WI:DIFSiVS of linear rilt: ra.ap 2 EDBofaidk variety of designs and ornaments ; also, CURTAIN FIXTURES and TASSELS at vary low prima. Call at Sehelter's Bookstore. 3nsitranrr. T NSUIIANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA INCORPORATED 1835. This limtitution is doing business on the Mutual ,Tn , suranee princrpte combined ?vita a Joint Stock Capital. By the act of Incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the company may sus tain. Ana as an additional 66cartity to the assured i the act requires thst the profits of the business shall be funded and remain. with toe corporation, as a guarantee and protection to the insured against loss, until ordered by the Board of Directors to ho redeemed in accordance with a provision of the net of incorporation. This fund will be represented by slip issued by the company, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent. NO dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and expensto exceed the amount of earned premiums. Insurances will be made on Vessels, Freights end Car goes ; on Goods trmeported by railroads or canals, and by steamboats on rivers end lakes; also, against damage or loss by Fire, for a limited time, or permanently, The undersigned, as Agent for the above well known company, will make Insurance against loss or damage by fire, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland . Traneportation Risks also taken Apply personally or by 19 - P.or to 140.13z1ta . L, MHENCH, jan2s.tf Harrisburg, Pa. LIFE INSURANCE. THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND 1101ST COUPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 405 CHESTNUT ST. NHdRTER PE RPETUL.] CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - $1,543,386 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOAN F. LOINS, Actuary, CONTINUE to 'make INSURANCE ON LIVES en the most reasonable terms, They act as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under lost Wills, and as Receivers and Assignees, The capital being paid up and inverted, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, offers %perfect security to the insured. The premin.mg may be paid yearly, half yearly or quarterly. The company add a BONGS periodica'ly to the insu rances for life. The FIRST BONDS appropriated in December, 1844 the SECOND BONUS in December, ]849, the Till D BONUS In December, 1854, and the FooßTii BONUS in 1859. These additions are made vVithlut requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to the company. The following are a few examples from the Register: Amount of Policy and Policy. { Sum I Bonus or I bonus to be increased Insured addition by future additions. No. 89 $2,508 $ 887 60 132 8,000 1,050 00 " 190 1,000 400 00 " 838 5,000 1,873 00 Agent a Harrisburg and Tieini WILLIA: jelB-dly INsuRANCE. Marine, Fire and .. Inland Transportation, Central Agency at. Ebveriablirg. Pa_, of THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF FHILADELPH.II.. • Incorporated 1794 -- Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL AND ASSETS *1,200,000 DIRECTORS: Arthur ff. Cfalln, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel P. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. }leg, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E, Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. Morris Wain, John Ma son, George L. Harrison, Francis 8.. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for the above named company, the undersigned in prepared to take Fire Risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ueliy,,on the most favorable terms. Office in Walnut street near second. WILLIAM BUEHLER, junelS-1117 Harrisburg, Pa. THE COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO., Of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. CHARTER PERPETUAL This Company continue tn ir sure building; Ineroban dim), and other property, against loss and damage by tire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or pre mium note. The large and increasing capital of the company, Gen elating of premium notes given by its members; and based upon DEZEIMEZ Insured on the mutual plan, affords a reliable guaran tee equal to ten times the average loss on the amount insured ; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally with those who may sustain less or damage as the case may admit of, consistent with justice to all parties concerned. Amount Of iPlCmluin IVo , es, 01.5E4190 49. Balance of Cash Premium unit peed, Jan. Ist. 1862 51,868 57 COO receipts during the year 1862, less Agents' OelemlaFdens 8.781 47' , Cash receipts in January, 1861— SOS 80 59,345 84 Josses and Expenses paid during the sear 188.1 $6,329 73 Balance unexpended, isebruary 2d, 1863 8,016 11 $9,345 84 A. E. GREEN, Fresideni Groitos You Net, Jr , Secrotasy. M. S. SiitrbidS, Ticasurer, DIRECTORS! M. S. Shuman, Micha•l H. Moore, George Young, jr., Nicholas McDonald, Amos S. Green. Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruner, John Fendrieh, H. Mulch, garnuel F. Eberleio, Nphreim Hershey, ~~ra ` i y g y _ I~~^rBrcp• rTNITED STATES HOTEL OPPOIRTS "ft 47: rarmsyLVAND. AUT.+ LYPANON VALLEY RAILROAD DEr:Olrg, , , RAAIL/FaltrAtf ) PA. The hzelersiped hating tam: the sboie Itsl i vhich has beet rented' "mil ran - Aland taircaighairi, bogs] It4TO to inform the public thst he is well prepared to accomi mate taose who may favor bina.wlth tsceir patronage . ; e thet,arill glee ontire eatiafletion. - The UNITED STATES /10TAL is located in the imme diate vicinity of the depots of the Pennsylvania and Lebanon 'Palley railroads, where the traveling pahlio can be accommodated withevery comfort without the 'neon. centenee or expense of going up-town Neither pane nor esper.ae shall be spared to render the guests of this establishment as comfortable as they can possibly be elsewhere in the city of Harrisburg. Careful and competent perturb will always be found at the depots on the arrival of the traita, to take charge of the baggage free of charge. Ask for the UNITED STATES HOTEL. mndly L. W. TEN Welt, rroiriator. NATIONAL tiOTEL, (LATE WHITE SWAN,) Race street, above Third, Philadelphia. This establishment off.rs great inducements, not only on account of reduced rates of board, but from the cen tral location toile avenues of trade, as Well as the con veniences afforded by several passenger railroads run ning past and contiguous to it ; by which guests can pass to and from the Hotel to the different railroad depots, should they be preferred to the regular munionses be longing to the house. I am determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort and convenience of my guests, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. Terms--$1.25 Per Day. DAVID O. PIEGIUST, (Formerly of Eagle Dote!, Lebanon, Pa ) T. V. RECIDAS, Clerk. rurll-dtf gransportation. DANIEL A. MIJENcii, Agent of the Old Wallower Line, Respectfully iefornis the public that thin Old Dail) Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now Ia existence in this city,) ia in successful operation, arol prepared to carry Freight as low as any other individual line betwee' Philadelphia, IlarriabUrg, Sunbury, Laurie. burg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Maven, and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANIEL A. MIIENCH, Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. Goode . Sent to the Warehouse of Meagre, Peacock, Zell & Rinchman. SOil and 810 Market street, above Eighth, hiladelphia, by 4 o'clock p. in., will arrive at Harrisourg. ready for delivery, next morning. my 6 EMPTYEM BARRELS.— A large number of onray Wine, Brandy and Whisky Barrels for Gale by Wei. DOCK, jr., & cO• EAGLE WORKS, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, MAVITPAOTIIRER OP BOOK-BINDERS' RIMING NACRINES AND PENS, .STAND'ING PRESSES, 1311VING MACHINES, PRESS WALD:3I AND MAOIIINES FOR GRINDING OUTTINO-MACHINE Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass VASTIAT~S, WOOD TURNINO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., ETC• ip- Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brass made to order. Gear and &raw Coning, ke., &o. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS, 117 Cash paid for Old Copper, Bragg, Sp°lter, ato, CELLAR WINDOW GRATES Of 'felons patterns, besh stationary and swinging } SASH WEIGIIS and various other Building Castings, for sale every cheap at the [my244lly) EAGLE WORKS. C. M.OLTZ, " 9 it ENGINEER, MACHINIST 4. STEAM FITTER, No. 6, NORTH sncrri STREET,' Between Walnut and Mark it, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of Avery description made and repaired. Brags Cocks of all sizes; and a large assortment of Gas Fittings constantly on band. Alt work done in this establishment will be under his own supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. 0c313 STEAM BOILERS. Hating made efficient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we are now prepared to make ifird".1E1.43.1%11 334ZPIXJ=WILIS3 of erery kind promptly and at reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by Bailey & Bro., the reputation of which is second to none in the market. ErN one but the best hands employed. Repairing promptly attended to. Address • EAGLE WORKS, may23-dly] Harrisburg, Ps. ,$3,387 60 4,050 00 1,400 00 6,876 00 WM. A. PARKHILL, ' , LUMBER AND GAS FITTER, nap STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING OFFICE. Stores, dwellings, churches ' public buildings, facto ries, dc., filled ap with gas, lead and iron pipe in a workman-like manner. Hydrant's, Wash Basins, Bath Tuba Lift and Force Pumps, Water Olosets, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas and steam. A share of public patroatge is respectfully solicited. All work promptly attended to. jet-413m X BUEHLER Ra .1 1 .11 0 V AL .. The mbseriber has removed Me PLUMBING AND DEAR FOUNDRY from Marketstreet to Fourth street above Market , opposite the Bethel Ohureh Thankful for paspatronage, he hopes, by strict attention to bual nese, tmerit a continuance of it. mar2l-dtfWM. PARKHILL. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! The want of really pure Brandy has long been felt in this country, and the opportunity to procure an article of fin& quality Oa to supersede the sale and use of the many vile compounds so often sold under the , name of .Bri.ndy,” can he regarded only as a public good. L.I.YON , S CATAWBA BRANDY possesses all the choite qualities of the hest imported liquor, and is posi t-v(oykruwn to be of PER PICT _PURITY and of SU PBAION vavon. it support of the above statement, we refer .to the certgicate of the undermentioned well-known chemists : Di, A. A. Hayes, Assayer, Boston, Mass. Dr. James li. Olailion &.,06., Chemists, New York. ill James N. Nichols, Analytical Ohemist, Boston, feloe-atna .or. J. V. P. Blaney Dr. G. A. Marriner, Analytical and Consultinr ' Chemists ,: Chicago, Illinois. Cvaj Ch.envet, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Charles Upham Sheppard, Charleston, 8. a. Hews. Gentry and Blackwood, Chemists, Term. pr. N. A. Pratt, Savannah, Georgia. All of whom have analyzed the Brandy and recommend Me a perfectly pure article and as an invalualde cnal agent.l I have,been anpointed the sole agent for the sale of tils Brandy for the city of Harrisburg and Dauphin co. nolrß-dY Dr. LOUIS WYETII. THE GREAT LIVING HISTORY. TILE , REBELLION B ECORR, ' A Diary of American Events, Edited by F.ItAIVIL 11/00RE. Publishing in parts, at 50 cents, each part illustrated with two Portraits engraved on steal. FOUR VOLUMES are now ready, at annexed prices, until April 1, 1563 Cloth $3 75 a volume. Sheep 4 00 n Half Calf, or half Morocco... 5 00 (i THE REBELLION RECORD IXDISPENSADLE TO EVIIII.Y P s IIBLIO AND Nu- VATE LIBRARY. The fear volumes contain: I. A FULL AND CONCISE DIARY OF EVENTS from the meeting of the South Carolina Convention in Dec. 1860, to the capture of New Orleans, inclusive. Over ONE TTLOUSAND MUTAT, REPORTS and Nar ratives of all the Battles and Skirmishes that have occurred during the War. Over FIVE IItINDEED BONGS AND DALLADB, both loyal and rebel. IV. FORTY-SEVEN PORTRAITS, engraved on steel, of the most celebrated men of the time, and Twenty-six Maps and Plans of Battles. V. Over THREE T,HOUSAND Incidents and Anecdotes of Personal Daring and Bravery. "As A wOltic. FOR. CONSTANT RIEFERENGE IT IS EMINENTLY TO BE REL , ED ON."" G. P. PU TN /131 Publisher, .52 .nroful CHAS. T. EVANS, Ge i3 n. Agt ,fray. 445 Broadway. • SPECIAL NOTIOE, On and after April Ist, the price of " THE REBELLION Ruaosntt will be advanced Fifty Cts. a volume. From that date the sale of Parts, from Nos 1 to 24, will be discontinued. Back sets pet , Tue REBELLION RBOOND" will be sold only in volumes. Purchasers and subscri bers who bare not completed the fear Nola must at once do 80. The work will continue to be published in parts, at 50 cents—each part illustrated with two portraits on steel. Volume V. will comprise seven parts. 6.000 POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar _mue F or sale very low, Wholesale 07 retail by WM. DOQE JR p. „Maci)incrp. STEAM BOILERS. PEIVESYL I, A NIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET AlisceUantous. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES ! H NROESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD 1 I JOHNS & CROSLEY'S TIIS lATRoma - Z.12 GLUE IN TIE WORLD! TOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, AC., do C., AC. THE ONLY ARTICLE OF THE RIND EVER PRO DUWW WHIPH WILL WITHSTAND WATER! .i3IXTRACTI3 ci.l6voy housekeeper should have a supply of Johns I Orosley's American Cement Ellue."—New York Times. "It )1 so convenient to have in the house."--Nsas York i i xpress. .1t ‘ 4 always ready ; this commends it to everybody." —Ne York Independent. , “We have tried it, and find it as useful in our hens es ivotvr."—Wilkih , Spirit of fha Timm • -- P 1 ICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. 'TM / BBRAL RE D D E MI TA O s NS TO WHOLESALE TERMS CASH. . tEr IFF sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers gene rally tirrqughout the country. TORNB & CROSLEY,. 1 (Sole Manufacturers,) 78 WILLIAM STREVI, (Corner of Liberty - Street ' ) jyll _II - NEW YORK. dly I,II#ON'S PURE OHIO CATAWBA , BRANDY. THE !::11110 CATAWBA BRANDY hag, for several years, Igen manufactured from tae pure juice of the AMERICAN CATAWBA and ISABELLA GBAP.E. and has attrined a rare popularity throughout the Weft, and South, Where great quantities of this superb article is sold for MEDICINAL and FAMILY purposea. It not only tquals. but excels the most choice IMPORTED BR ANBIES in PURITY, QUALITY and RICHNESS OF PLAVOO, and wherever it has been introduced it had' invariably met the most linqualiAed favor and Weirdo sale. •,, Bank 11'otice9. B ANKR NOTICE.—Notioe is hereby given that the undersigned have formed an associa tion and prepared a certificate for the purpose of estab lishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposit, under the provisions of the act entitled "A supplement to an Lot to establish a system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent Banks,” approved the first day of May, Anna Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one. The said Bank to be called THE FARMERS' BANK OF MOUNT JOY, to be located In the borough of Mount Joy, to consist of a capital stock of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of in creasing the same to any amount not exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Dollars in all. . . J. Hoffman Hershey, John M. Hershey, Martin B. Peirer, Jacob M. Stauffer, Reuben Gerber, John M. Bear. jan2B-deoloaw* I Ni OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given of an intention to establish a Bank of Discount, Deposit and Circulation. under thq provisions of an act, entitled "An Act to establish a system of free banking in Penn sylvania," &a , and the supplement thereto ; said Bank to be called " THE MANUFACTURERS' RANK," to be located in the borough of Columbia, _ Lancsater county, Pa., with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Dollars each. dee4-6end JUST RECEIVED! THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMEN OF FINE • STEEL ENGRAVINGS I PRINTS, AND HEADS, AND SCENES, ADAPTED FOR G-RECIAI; OIL PAINTINGS, AT Wm. Knoche's Music Store. No, 93 Market street, Harrisburg. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. • THE LARGEST AnD CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT, AT W. KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE, AT 93 MARKET ST. n026-tf JOHN TILL'S COAL ,YARD, SOUTH ,SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT'b ROLLING MILL, Where he keeps constantly on hand LYKENS AND WILKESBARRE COAL, Such as STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, EGO and NUT ; which he will dispose of at the lowest market price. Consumers will do well to call on him and, ley in their supply, as the Coal will be delivered des., and full weight. jan2s-dein cl T. LOUIS FLOUR.— THE BEST RRAND FOR FAMILY 175 F, in the market. 105 barrels of the celebrated St. Loria Flour, universally pronounced the most superior article ever offered in the market, just received and for sale by WM DOCK, ja„ dr. CO FRESH FISH every Tuesday and Fri day at NOUN WISES Store, corner of Third and VP&hat. m 92 WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. HENRY C. SHAFFER Hall a large stock of Widow Shades and Wall Taper ex hand which will be sold very low. Call and examine Paper Hanging personally attented to. No. 12, MARKET STREET, octzi-au Near the bridge_ SECRET DISEASES SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAJIIAXITAN'SGIFT! THE MOST CERTAIN REMEDY EVER USED. Yes, a Positive Cure: L'ILS/317 COPAVIA 4. MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a core. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to font days, and recent cam It twenty-four hours. No exposure, no trouble; no change whatever. Price male packages, $2 Female, $3. Sold by D. W GROSS ei; CO. Sent by mail by DESMOND & CO., Box 161 Phila. P 0. jantl.dly T.LOOD! BLOOD! 1..) SORBS; THETR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON. DITION OF TUE VITAL 'which produces • SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES. SPOTS, TET !PERS; SCALES, ROILS, Sl:Pia& 0/i BEAL DISEASES, RTC. SAMARITAN'S B, 0)0 T A N.D .HEBB . _ Is offered to the public *s a positive cure. Banishes all impurities of the blood Bad brings the system to a healthy action, cure those hpots, Petters, hcales and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES The Samaritan's Rent and 'gee, Juices la tLe west certain remedy ever prescribed. Et reIIIOTCS every par ticle of the poison. . . EMU L ES ! In many affections with which numbers of Females Suffer, the ItOOT AND maw JU/088 le ;nest happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in Whites, in bearing doivn, Falling of the Womb, Debility, and for all com , plaints incident to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR, Keep out of hospitalS. IA a cure in any case foi $5. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5, with full direc tions. Sold by D. W. GROSS & CO. Sent by Express carefally paelied by - DIISMOND k 00„ jans-1y Box 151 Phila. P.O. PEDAR TUBS, CHURNS and MEA WILES' together with-a large assortment of BAS KETS, BKOOBIS just received, and for male ter& 07, by WM. 4DOOK, Ja., &.; CO 7 fl - P. Sr, W. C. TAYLOR'S • 3NT 393 IDNET SS COAL 3E 2 It b economical and highly detersive. It contains no Rosin and will not waste. It is warranted not to injure tho hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is therefor suitable for triery purpose. For sale by WU. 1)00Z, J a, .lc• 00. TT AMSIII —Just received; a large .apply of COVERED SUGAR-CURED HAMS, - of bite best brand in the market. Every one I old is g - unr • sozooci, jetne27l WM. DOCK, JR, & Cid. BOSTON CRACK:KIM—A supply of these delicious crackers just received and for sale Whl. DOES, jr., & 0(3. AR MINCE MEAT.-A SUPERIOR, TIME just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, Ja., ISC:Co. \ATEBSTER'S ARMY AND NAVY POCKET DICTIONARY. Just received and for sale at BOHEPPER'S 800 'MORE LOOKING GLASSES —A Splendid -LA Assortment of NOW Looking Glasses, just received, at W. KNOOI:IE 2 3 Music Store, 93 Market street, where they will be sold cheap. Call and examine. mrl3 SMOKED SALMON —A choice supply for ale lay W. DOOR, jr., & Co. MINCE PIES! RAISINS, CI7 RRANTS CITRON, LEMONS, SPICES, CIDER, WINES, BRANDIES, &c., For sale by WU. DOCK, JR , 1 &CO LADIES. -MAD 8.-MADUIE BURDETT, Li from New York. Ma taken roams on the corner of Market and Seemed streets, (Wyeth , s Block) where she is prepared to cut ? fit and make Ladies' dresses of every description, and in the latent and most thehlopulle style. Also, in the same room, machine stitching of every de. Seription done by Mrs. CLARK. Boob, Ztationerp, Szr. ~„caooL BOOKS. — School Directors, Teachers, Parents, Scholars. ar.d others, in need of School Books, School Stationery, &c will find a com plete assortment at EM. POLL (mg: BON'S BOOK STORE. rket Square, Harrisburg, comprising in part the following: READERS —McGuffey's, Parker's, Cobb's Angell's. SPELLING BOOKS.— cUuffey's, Cobb's,Webstt r'S Town's. Byerly's Combry , s, }IN Gblea GRAMMARS —Bullion's, Smith's. Wood bridge's, Monteith's, irethill 7 s, Hart's, Wel al. HIS TO ES.-4rimsbaw 7 s, Davenport's. Prost 3 s,wi son's, Willards, Goodrich's, Pinnock's, Goldsm this and L't. ARlTHMraiwis.—fareenleai l s, Stoddard n. uwe-Iton's ike'e.Rose's, Colburn's, Smith and Dclee'r, Davis's. ALenectoaB.—Cireealeare, Davie's, litre, 2314, erit:ge'a. !ACT TONARPlL—Woreastsee Quarto, Academic, 001 n, rek.ensive and Primary Dictionares Walker's Moel, Cobb's, Walker, Wetsser's Primary, Webeter'e mat school_ Wehsterbß Quarto. Academic. NATURAL PHILOSOPHISS.-00matook'll, Parker% Swift's . . The above with a great variety of others can at sly time be fcuud at my store. Also, a complete snort. m-nt of School Stationery, embracing in the whit 1 e a com. plate outfit For School purr/lass. Any book not in the stern, pr !cured at one days nonce. f Country Merchants supplied at wholesale rates. ki...MANACS.—John Baer and Son's Almanac for sale at a. i 4. POLLOCK & SONT BOOS 13T01iE s Hatriabilrg. It r Wholesale and Retail. myl WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER 7nist received, our Spring , Stook of WALL PAPER BORDERS, nits fiCRRENS, &C., &c. /tie the largest end bent neleeted anortmealutlae city , rangiogiu p r i ce °rem six (6) cents up to one dollar and a quarter (51.25.) Ac we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to fell {4 as low rates, if not lower, than can be had else where. /f purchasers will tall and examine, we feel confident that we can please them in renpect to pri ce and quality. E. M POLLOCK & SON, mar 23 . Below Jones , House, Market Square. AW BOOKS I LAW BOOKS 11-A ki general assortment of LAW BOORS, all the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scarce and rare. together with a large assortment of second band Law Books, at 'eery law prices, •t tks One price Bookstore of E. M. POLLOCK So 80N, Market Square, Harrisburg. MEI FrilE subscribers propose to publish by A anbacription a <TARN MAP" of the Township of , BWATARA, ,, Dauphin county, Pa., if sufficient en couragement is given. The Map will embrace the Bounda ries of the Township and Farms contained therein, num ber of Acres, Location of Residences and Names of Pro pertyholders generally. There will also be on the Map a Table of Distances, showing the distance from each Cross Road in the Township to Harrisburg, thus ren dering it a valuable Map to Farmers and Dealers in Real Estate particularly. Those desiring 'Views of their Residences put on the Map will be charged a moderate eatra price. The Map will be neatly executed, colored and mounted, and delivered at the low price of Five Dol lars, payable on delivery of the same. CLARK & ATM, 822 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Harrisburg, November 1, le6l.—tf WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY! THE NEST DEFINING AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, novelotoo 1,054 Royal Quarto Pages and 20,000 words and meanings not found in any other English Dictionary i more than 1,000 Illustrations inserted in their proper places; over 6,000 words eynonywdzed; together with numerous tables of _pronounced proper names. Sold by E.M. . POLI/0011 & DON, Also Worcester's School Dictionaries. mar 23 ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS! NONE BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD For 76 lents, $l, $1.25, $llO, $2, $3, $4. Warranted to made of good gold, at febls SCHEFFER'I3 BOOKSTORE. ONLY ONE DOLLAR for a good Sub stantial bound Family Bible at Schehtr's Boolistore. QOl-1 - EFFEWB Bookstore is the place to J haw Geld Pons—warranted WM. KNOCHE, 93 MARKET ST., LEARRISBURG b PA DEALER IN PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU MENTS, from $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin ftrtd Guitar strings and mu sical merchandise iu • getters SHEET MUSIC. The LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand Music seat by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOC FRAMES, et•a for locating glasses and all kinds pictures always on hand. • A flu e.agortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES From smallest to largest ei'itlf Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. W3I. KNOCHE, novl—darSts 93 Market' st. - ROWL'S Sewing Lachine j 437 Broa d - L. 1., way, New Tor.k ; branch of ce cox, Market street, Harrisburg. The undersigned respectfully informs the /12114171factorzro and citizens of Rerristurg tlaatho has opened a sewing machine office for the sale of the celebrated Howe's sewing machine, making the well known lock-stitch, and adapted for all kinds of leather awl cloth, and family use. M. RAPHAEL, feb2b•dly Aviont, BOARDERS WA_NTED.----The under .l3 signed. having rented a flue large and commodious hem, in Mulberry Wee; two doors from the corner o! Second street, in the city of Harrisburg, she is prepared to accommodate single gentlemen, sr gentlemen and their wives, with boarding on reasonable terms. jylo-46m ILL JOHNSON. VLUID AND ALCOFIOL, IN LARGE -L quantities and of pure quality, for gale by WM. DOCK, .Ta., & CO. GUTTA PEROHA WATER-PROOF -12 h. C:, ME MkT CI. I (WITHOUT BRUSHING,) FOR BOOM SHOES, HARNESS, CARRIAGES, AND MILITARY LEATHER-WORE. This new and excellent article excels everything ever before in use, for beautifying and softening the Leather . It makes a polish like patent leather; will not rub Off with water, nor stain the finest white silk., and makes the leather perfectly water-proof. Twice a month ap plied on boots and shoes, and once a month for harness is sufficient. If the leather becomes dirty, wash it oft' with clean water and the polish will re-appear. War ranted ae represented. DIRECTIONS Yoh inv.—Apply a few drops on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather, and the polish is complete. Price, sTg cents per bottle. JACKSON t CO., Sole Agents, 90ji Market street. jan9-dtf FI E SIRABLE BUILDING- LOTS .14- , FOE SALE, west of the Capitol, fronting on Grand street and Hammond lane. Enquire of GEO. C TINKLE, 66 Market street febll-lrad BOSTON CBACKERS.-A LARGE SUPPLY of these delicious crackers just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, Js. , & CO . /4 OLD PENS I—The largest and 1..t -stook, from $l.OO to s4.oo—watTuutod—!lt SCIENSFEWS BOOKSTORII. VXCELSIOR T. !—SUGAR CURED nimg!—A. Dalitious . Ham, eurul caTrOWY for family use. They are superior to Aril ttolo In the mar ket. [iny24J WM. DOCK, Jo., & CO Prk,FAKFAST BACON.—A small but very choice lot of Surer Cared "Breakfast flacon (equal to the imported Toil:shire) just received. fY29 Wfd. DOGS, Pa n & co COFFEES AND SUGARS OF ALL GRADES, and at reasonable prices, l for sae & by WM. DOCK, JR., 00. Goo PH GELATINE.—The b vit &Awe in tits sus - ket, putt reedited and fa , ask by niarl4-4 1 WU. /MU Is.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers