C CI WHERE THEY REST In a little valley hallowed From the mountain's verdant crest, Far above the ocean's level, Far above the world's gay revel. Jost beneath the vaulted heaven, Where its first pure breath is given, There they rest. In the Spring the wild bee murmurs •-• O'er the sod above thee pressed; And the humming bird is darting, Panning, humming, sipping, darting, Sipping nectar from the clover, And the roses bending over, Where they rest. There a little dramatist glideth, Smiling on like something blest; And the fresh winds*om the mountain, Joining with the sweet-voiced fountain, Singing a ceaseless song above them, Tor all nature seems to love them, In their rest. Now the little 'Pleasant Valley," , In a pare white robe is dressed; .;end the wind in solemn measures ant their dirge and wondrous treasures, Ermine robes and gems in keeping, r 'Winter casts above the sleeping— ' Still they rest. These are but the oaskets folded In the valley's sheltered breast; Bat by faith we see the shining Of the erowne of pease entwining, Spirit brows of white and pearly, Of the loved who left us early— Gone to rest. PEWNSYLV,4IV - L4 HEWS On Friday week a number of the citizens of Mercer _and vicinity met at the court house, for the purpose of taking into consideration measures for the construction of a railroad to that place. One proposition contemplated the construction of a railroad from West Greenville, connecting either with the Atlantic and Great Western or the Erie and Pittsburg road; another for the construction o road from New Castle by way of Mercer to Brown 11171111 m. to connect at New Castle with the New Castle ana p.o‘v er Valley railroad, and at Brownsrill with the Jamestown and Franklin rail. road. Last week an employee in a stone quarry on land of Jas. Trokell, near the Iron Bridge, in Lehigh county, struck an opening in the quarry, which upon examination led to the discovery of a large subterranean cavern, about 200 hundred feet square and 75 feet high. The eatrailee is an opening of about 12 feet. The Democrat says about 500 people visited the place and inspected the Nye on Sunday. The Carbon Democrat says that one day last week a young boatman was drowned a short dis tance below Bethlehem by falling off a canal boat into the canal. After nearly an hour's search his body was recovered, and as be was bruised in the face, it is eonjectured that in falling he !truck bin head on the rudder and was stunned. about nineteen. was Peter Bolos , and be was aged about nineteen. The board of Enrollment for the 16th mili tary district, (initialling _Adams, Franklin, Fut ton, Bedford and Somerset counties,) is composed of Capt. Geo. Avatar, of Chambersburg, marshal; Dr. IL S. Seise, of Littletown, Adams county, sur geon ; and John T. Wlihonny, Gettysburg, 66121- =intoner. The total Pennaylvania coal trade for the pre sent year, so far, is 2,115,212 tons, against 1,606. 480 tons in 1862, an increase of 508,480 tone. The lirillisintsport and Elmira railroad has passed into the hands of the Northern Central railroad company. The Democracy of Beaver county will hold a grand mass meeting in Beaver on Monday, June Bth; which will be addressed by R. M. Gibson, Esq , of Washington county, and others. Lycoming, Clinton and Bradford counties have instruoted their delegates to support ion. Bloater Clymer for governor at the Jur.e Democratic State Convention. Capt. Jacob Peterman, 84th P. V., of Williams port, has died of wenn& received at the battle of Chancellerville. H. J. Strieby shot a gray eagle, in Loyalsoek tqwaship, Lyeething county, last Wednesday. witieh measured six feet and eight inches between -the tips of its extended wings. F. WATSON, T.:: c MASTIC WORKER PRACTICAL CERIENTER, freora to Cement the exterior of Buildings with The Sew York Improved Water-Proof Mastic Cement. This Materiel is different from all other Cements. It forma* solid, durable adhesiveness to any surface, Imperishable by the action of water or frost.. Every good 'building should be coated with this Cement ; it is a perfect preserver to the walls, and makes a beautiful, fine finish, equal to Eastern brown sandstone, or any color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Cement, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg, finished Ave. years. J. H. Shoenberger, residence, Lawrenceville, finished live years. James Wthuidlass, residence, Allegheny City,finished five years. Calvin Adams, residence, Third street, finished four jars. A: Hoeveler, residence, Lawrenceville, finished four years_ 3. D. WOord, Pang street, finished four years. Hon. Thomas Irwin, Diamond street, finished four years. St Charles Hotel and Girard House, finished five ypers.. gittannin g Court House and Bank, for Barr Ac.. - Moser, Architects, Pittsburg, finished five years. Orders received at the office of 8.. M'Kidowney, Paint Shop, 2.0 Seventh street, or please address T. F. WATSON. P. O. Box. 13.6. Pittsburg, Pa mayl6-t II A lj S! ! I 20,000, lbs. Composed of the following Brands juit received: NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated: NEW JERSEi—Select. EVANS & EW/ET'S—Soperior. MICHINER'S EXCELSIOR—Can-wasa MICIIINEWS EXCELSIOR—Not canvassed. IRON ClTY—Ca'avassed. la( Cl/T—Not canvassed. 'Pi LThi HAMS—Strictly prime. OADIEL , TA.RY HAMS Very good. ' • Ifr' Every Ham Bold will be guaranteed se repremen- Zed. WEI. DOCK, jr., & CO. THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MAORI= IS WHEELER & WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE; Market Square, next to Colder's o.ffice. /17'' Ca'a sad. see them in operation A gametal assortment of machinery and needles con• Bunny on hand. MISS MARGARET RINEY Will exhibit mid sell them, and also de all kinds of machine sewing anthem machines in the best manner. The pittronage of the public is respectfully soligited. aplB-Out MORTON' B 'UNRIVALLED GOLD PEN.-FIRST QUALITY WAIMANTED. NONE BETTER IN TEE WHOLE WORLD. : 4 A GREAT LIIXTIRY! mom in want of a superior and really good GOLD YAK will And with me a. lane assortment to select Vora, and hays ,the privilege _to exchange the Pens until their mo w pa r reany =died. And if by fair means the Dia mond points Weak off during twelve months, the pm , gum shall have the privilege is select a new one, without any charge. varrgooff.aold Pens, made by Mr. Morto not warranted,la strong diver-plated WON for $1, 11.25, $1.50, Per age at SCHNITEII I 6 BOONOTOBB, No- 'Marian Street, Harrisburg, pa. BLINDS SHADES. 8.. T. wuzums, N 0.16 Niuthai - Ath street, Phila delphia, Manufacturer of VENETIAN BLINDS and . - WINDOW. SHADES. . Er rbie largest and finest assortment in the city, at the lisgost prices. Blinds painted andArimmed equal to VW. StPie Shades bro4o Pr3l-2024 EED lot ante $ Co Rent. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE. - - - In pursuance of the last will and testament of JOHN MILE, deceased, will be exposed to Public Bale on Saturday, the 13th day of. June, 1863, At the Court House, in the city of Harrisburg, at two o'clock p. m.. a valuable TRACT OF LAND, situate in the city of Harrisburg, on the Jonestown road, ad,roin ing property of John Shoop, William" Allison and the Haehnlen estate. It being the property of John Bele, de ceased; containing Twenty-one Acres, more or less. Erected thereon is a good two-sto^y ' FRAME ROUSE AND BARN , Other out-build'ngs ; good water and a thriving young APPLE ORCHARD. Sale to commence at two o'clock, as above stated, when the terms and conditions of gale will he made known by JOHN lI:LADY. • my2s-dts Administrator de bonis non, C. T. A. 4;OR 6.lLE.—The BUILADINU on the .eorneT of - Walnut and Short street!, used as a %DOPER SHOP. This building was originally built 60 shit it could be turned into Dwelling Houses. It eon- Wats of three separate frames placed together, each frione being 25.1720 feet, making the entire building , t-UU.s, 75 feet long and 20 .feet wide. Will sell also an kIHHTHOESE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, nearly new, and one of Drawback's Patent Stars Cutters, and a Set of Sam for Mating Scavee. The above property will be sold at a bargain, u we wish to. clear the ground en which the building stands. Enquire at the Brokers °Moe uf S. L.WOULLOOR, feb9-4tf . 126 Market Street. NO TICE TO SPECULATORS 1 • VALUABLE Bil/LDINO LOTS FOR BALE! A number of large else Dunapia UM, Atolwing the Roind Renee and Work Shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will be sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to au2e-dly -JOHN W. HALL. LOTS FOR SALE-ON NORTH ST. and Pennsylvania Avenue. Apply to . • R. 7. HALDEMAN, taargAlif - Her. Front and Walnut ids. 'filOß SALE—A House and Lot on Sixth street, near State. Enquire at the Exchange Moo of S. L. /11.70PLIIPCgi 28 Market street, Where the highest price is always paid for GOLD and SILVER. febl2-dtf FOR SALE.-A TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE in Short street. Inquire of sep3Otf W. K. VERBERIS. ~~Etn.~. ALL WORK PROMISED IN ORE WEEK! • 1. 0 96 . PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 104 MARKET OTRZET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH, HARRIRDIiK4 PA., Where every description of Ladies , and Gentlemen'. earmente4 Piece Goode, Ac., are Dyed, Oleansed, mad laished in the tract manner and at the shortest notice. ao9-44 - Irly DODGE A 00., Proprietors. To ARCHITECTS.—The South Ward School Board will pay a premium of Thirty Dollars for a plan and specifications for a two-story Brick School House, to be erected on their lot on Fourth street The above amount will be paid for the plan and specifica tions adopted. All necessary information will be given ou the committee Plane to be furnished by the 'lst of June. ' JACOB HOUSER, President. HENRY FEMLLENBISBOKR, Secretary—iny2l-dtd CONDENSED MILK I—Just received wad for sale by WM. DOCK jr., Oc. DO. WALLPAPER, BORDERS, &c., &C., sold yet at het year's ogees, without any advance. Af SOH.P.PS.RIPS BOOKSTORE. DRIED PEACHES-PARED AND IThIPAILED—just reeaired by WM. DOCK. Tx., & CO. HE NATIONAL ALMANAC AND T , ANNUAL RECORD for 1863. for sale at SOREFFRIFS BOOKSTORE. "ITOW ARE YOU GREEN . - " J BACKS. 3 I—DAN BRYANT'S new eomie Song_ Price 30 Ceuta, just received and for sale by WARD, at his Music store, Third street. Call and get a copy early. ap2B A . -P P L 8 ! . . 150 BUSHELS PRIME APPLES just reedited and for 'sale (very low) by WM. DOCK, jr., & CO. MEW ORLEANS SUGAR I-FIRST IN THE MARKET !—For sale by jyl2 WM. DOCK Jx., & CO. WRITING FLUIDS.—BOSS' Ameri can Writing Fluid, a splendid ink, at 62 cents per quart; ARNOLD'S genuine Writing Fluid, HAR BMWS Columbian Writing Fluid, LAUGHLIN & BUSEIPIELD'S Ink, Copying Ink, Camino and Red Inks of the best quality, Blue Ink, Mucilage, &c., at SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. "Ross' AMERICAN WRITING FLUID, equal if not superior to Arnold's English, Fluid, and only 62 cents per quart bottle, at SCREFFER'S BOOKSTORE. H *A.III - 8 ! ! ! • Newbold% celebrated, • Michener's Excelsior, Evans & Swift's superior,' dorm Phi% very age. Also, Dried Beef, Tongues and Bologna Sausage. For sale by apl4 WM. DOOR, jr. & CO. JROOMS, BRUSHES, TUBS AND BASKETS of all descriptions, qualities and prices, for sale by WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. GREEN CORN.—WINSLOW'S fresh Green Corn just received by WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. THE FINEST STOCK OF PHOTO EIRAYEL ALBUMS, PORT it OLIOS, CAAD-CASES, POOKI T-800.10, for sale at Scheffees Bookstore, HITS BRANDY !I !—Fox.PRESNEW m/ Puaroass.- . -4 very superior article, (aridly pared just received and for sale by Julyl W 1 DOOR, Jr., & 00. BUCKWHEAT MEAL.-15,000 LBS. 13137.3111 NIETILA. 3 from Wyoming Valley, for 8010 by WU. DOOR. CO. FOR SALE.-3,000 BunnLs PRIME YELLOW CORN. 500 bushels barley malt, first quality. 600 bushels rye. 60 barrels whisky, first quality. Enquire of RICHARD HOGELAND, sep29tf Washington Avenue, Harrisburg. KIIPERIOR STOOK OF LIQUORS.- h.l WM. DOCK, Js ., & CO., are now able to oger to their customers and the public at large, a. stock of the purest liquors ever imported into this market, compd. sing in rani the following varieties : WiITSKX-I,RISH, SCOTCH,OLD BOURBON. WINE—w-PORT, SHERRY, OLD ).LIDEIRA. OTARD, DUPEY & CO. PALE BRANDY. JAMICA SPIRITS. PRIME NEW ENGLAND RUM. . DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. These Bowels can all be warranted; and in addition to these, Dock & Co. have on hand a large variety of Wines, Whisky and Brandy, to which they Invite the particular attention of the public!. BLACKING} ! I—DLisoles "OnerziNes s uAg KiNG.”—ioo Gross. assorted size , just re calved and for sale, wholesale awl retail. deal WM. DOCI. Zs., & CO. IN W SHADES of' linen, gilt -1I Y and PAPICE BLINDS of an endless misty of designs and ornaments; also, CURTAIN VULTURES and TASSELS at very low prices. Call at Sehellees Bookstore. TrAVANA ORANGES.—Just received AA by WM. DOCK, .12., & CO. HEALTH ) MONEY! HAPPitIESS!! At Monosson of year, whims° mush el oboes prevails, every ens should provide himself with ?HUY'S HOMOIOPATRIO 111DIOINI6, and prevent disease in its beginning. A fresh supply always on band at mule BOULEPRIIII'd BOOK-STORIII, Uonliboni. Ingurann. INS UktAN ON, AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 15135. This Institution is doing business on the Mutual In surance principle combined with a Taint Stock Capital. By the act of incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of any 'owe Which the company maY BB& tain. Ana as an additional security to•the *Blued, the act requires that the pro fi ts of the business shall be funded and remain with tee corporation, as a guarantee and protection to the insured against lose, until ordered by the Beard of Direetern to be redeemed In accordance with a provision of the act of Incorporation. This fund will be represented by scrip issued by the company, bearing interest not exceeding six percent. No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums. Insurances will be made on Vessels, Freights and Car. goes ; on Goode transported by railroads or canals, and . by steamboats on rivers and lakes; also, against damage or loss by Fire, for a limited time, Or permanently. The undersigned, as Agent for the above well known company, will make Insurance against lo ss or damag e by fire, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to ItOBBRT L. kiIJENCH, gbil2B tf Harrisburg, Pt. LIFE INSURANCE. THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE) ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 40s CHESTNUT ST. [CHARTER PERPETUL.) CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - $1,543,356 THOMAS RIDE/WAY, President. JOHN F. TAMES, Actuary. CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on Sloe most reasonable terms, They act as Excoutora, Trustees and Guardians under last Wills, and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and inve.ted, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, offers a perfect So °dray to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or quarterly. The company add a BONUS periodically to the Mm . rances for life. The EMIT BONUS appropriated in December, 1844 the SECOND BONUS in December, 1849, the THIRD BONUS in December, 1854, and the FOORTEL BONUS in 1859. These additions are made without requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to the company. The following are a few examples from the Register Amount of Policy and Policy. J Oulu I Bonne or I bonne to be increased Insured .addition by future additions. No. 89 $2,509 1 $ 887 50 " 182 3,000 1,050 00 cc 1951 1,000 400 04 " 888 5,000 1,875 00 Agent a Harrisburg and vie'. jelg-dly INSURANCE. Marine, Fire and Wand Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of THE INSITRAPTCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OP PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL ADD LOUTS 14 2 0 0 3 000 DIRECTORS: Arthur O. Odin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel P.Bmith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William. Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson B. Morris Wain, John Ma son, George L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope; Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for the - above named company, the up4ersigned is prepared to take Fire Risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania ' either annually or perpet, 'airily, on the moat favorable terms. Office in Walnut street near Second. WILLIAM BUEHLER, jnnelB du . Harrisburg, Pa. THE COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO., Of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. CHARTER PERPETUAL This eompany continue to insure buildings, merchan dise, and ether property, against lose and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or pre =pint note. The large and increasing capital of the eampany, con sisting of premium notes given by its members, and based upon $1,475,789 35, Insured on the mutual plan, affords a reliable guaran• tee equal to ten times the average lose on the amount insured ; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally with those who may sustain less or damage as the case may admit of, conaistont with justice to all parties concerned. Amount of Premium Notes, $155,620 49. Balance of Cash Premium upon. pond, lan. let. 1882... $1,60367 Cash receipts daring the year 1862, less Agents' Commissions. 6.781 47 Cash receipts in January, 1863..... 895 80 ;9,345 84 Losses and Expenses paid during the year 1862 $6,829 78 Balante unexpended, February 2d, 1868 3,016 11 59,845 84 A. S. °BRETT, Presideni Gioxec YOUNG, Jr , Secretary. Id. B. Swaies, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: M. S. Shuman, Michael H. Moore, George Young, jr., Nicholas McDonald, Amos S. Green. Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruner, John Fendrich, • H. 131, Blinich, Samuel F. Eberlein Ephraim Hershey, Adds. UNITED STATES HOTEL, OPPOSITZ THE PENNSYLVANIA AND LZBANON VALLEY RAILROAD DEPOTS, HAMM:WS, P. The undersigned having taken the above Hotel, which hall been refitted and furnishedAhromshout, bop leave to inform the public that he is well prepared to accord . ma te those who may favor him with their patronage, e that will.givs entire satisfaction. The lINITED EITATISHOTEL is loestad In the !mine diate vicinity of the depots of the Pennsylvania and Lebanon Talley rallroade, where the traveling public can be aseononedated with every comfort without the Won. venilnoo or expense of going up-town Neither pains nor emporia) shall be spared to render the guide of this setabliehment as comfortable am they can possibly be elsewhere in the city of Harrisburg. Careful and competent porters will always be found at the depots on the ordeal of the tribal, to take charge of the baggage fres of charge. Ask for the UNITED STATES HOTEL. mr-dly L. W. TEN EYCK, Pr9prieta. NATIONAL 110 TEL, (LATZ WHITE SWAT,) Race sixeet, above Third, Philadelphia. This establishment offers great inducements, not only on account of reduced rates of board, but from the cen tral location to the avenues of trade, as well as the con veniences afforded by several passenger retiree& run ning past and contiguous to it, by which guests can , pea to and from the Hotel to the different railroad depots, should they be preferred to the regular omnibuses be longing to the house. I am determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort and convenience of my guests, an indesiver to give general satisfaction. Terms--$1.25 Per Day. . . . DAVID 0. (Pos. : nearly of :Eagle Hotel, Lebanon, Pa.) T. V. RHODES, Clerk. mrll-41tf granoportation. DA.NIEL A. MUENCR, Agent of the Old Wallower Line , Respectfully infornie the public that this Old Dail) Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this ci ty, in successful operation' and prepared to carry Freight as low as any other inddual. line between 'Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewis. burg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Loch Ham. Kid all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia, and Erie and Williamsport and Elmira Railroad,. • DANIEL A. 3117ENCH, Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. 600d8 sent to the Warehouse of Messrs, Peacock, Zell & Hinehmaa. No. bOB and it/0 Market street, above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock .p. arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, next morning. myB IMPTY BARRELS:- A large number of empty IN . ine, Brandy and Whisky Du r ess for nit by . ; 4 W1441108,1r, ft:9o, $3,387 50 4,050 00 1,400 00 0,574 00 X BIIMILER. En feb23-3md Machinery. EAGLE WORKS, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, MANIIYAOTORKB OP BOOK-BINDERS' RULING MADDENED, AND PENS, OTANDINO r•RRBaES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOAL.DS, AND macnitnizs roa GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mille and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brasa CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., BM. 117" Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &a., &e. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS. try Cash paid for Old Copper, Brum, Hpetter, &e. STEAM BOILERS. fRIINSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET • CELLAR WINDOW. GRATES Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging, SASH WBIGHS and various other Building Castings, for sale every cheap at the my24-dly J RAGLB WORKS. C. 0 L T Z • g ENGINEER, MACHINIST STEAM FITTER, No. 6, NORTH EILITH STREET, Between Walnut and Martit, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every description made and repaired. EMU Cocks of all Rises, and a large assortment of Gas Fittings constantly on hand. All work done in this establishment will be under big own supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. pen STEAM BOILERS. Having made efficient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we are now prepared to make I9TMBIMIC ..IEICIPIXAMI9I./S of every kind promptly and at reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by Bailey & Bro., the reputation of which is second to none in the market. .1[17'14 one but the best hands employed. Repairing promptly attended to. Address EAGLE WORKS, may23-dly] Harrisburg, Pa. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, THIRD STREET, NE FT DOOR TO THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING OFFICE. Mores, dwellings, churches, publio buildings, facto lithl l C edlwltaPi t .n work=iemanner Hydrants , Valnas p ipe rath Tubs, Lift and Force Pumps, Water Closets, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas and steam . A share of public patronage le reepeetfally ea.:sited. AU work promptly attended to. 7e2463, R E 111 "0 V 8 L. The subeariber has veneered his PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY from Morketotroot to Fourth street above Market, opposite the Bethel Church Thankful for past patronage, ho hopes, by striot attention to busi ness, to merit s eontinnanoe of it. maaT4tf WM. PABM/lILL, Miscellaneous. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES!!! A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD! I JOHNS & CROSLEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD! FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, • ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, AC., AC., AC. THE ONLY ARTICLE ON THE KIND EVER FRO , DUCED WHICH WILL WITHSTAND WATER! EXTRACTS. gglarery housekeeper should have a supply of Johns k Oroaleee Americau Came Olue."—New York Times. "It is BD convenient to have in the house."--Nan, York Express. "It le always ready; this commends it to everybody." —Neu York Independent. "We have tried it, and and It suo useful in our hone as water. ll —Wilikee Spirit of the Timms. PRICE 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE. VERY LIBERAL REDACTIONS TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. TERMS CASH. itr For sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers gene rally throughout the country. JOHNS & OROSLEY, Mole Manufacturers ) ) 78 WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of Liberty Street,) jyll NEW YORK. dly T . LYON'S PURE 01110 CATAWBA BRANDY. THE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY has, for Several years, been manufactured from the pure juice of the AMERICAN CATAWBA and ISABELLA GRAPE, and has attained a rare popularity tbrenghout the West and South, where great quantities of this superb article is sold for MEDICINAL and FAMILY purposes. It not only equals, but excels the most choice IMPORTED BRANDIES in PURITY, QUALITY and RICHNESS OF FLAVOR, and wherever it has been introduced it had invariably met the most unqualified favor and extended tale, The want of really pure Brandy has long been felt in this country, and the opportunity to procure an article of such quality as to supersede the sale and use of the many vile compounds so often sold under the name of Brandy ,n can be regarded only as a public good. L. LYON'S CATAWBA. BRANDY possesses all the choice qualities of the best imported liquor, and is posi tively known to be of PERFECT PURITY and of SU PERIOR FLAVOR. In support of the above Statement, we refer to the certificate of the undermentioned well-known chemists : Dr. A. A. Hayes, Assayer, Boston, Mass. Dr. James R. Chilton & C 0.,. Chemists, New York. Cr. James IL Nichols, Analytical Chemist, Eaton, Mass. Dr. J. V. F. Blaney A Dr. G. A. Marriner, Analytical and Consulting Chemists. Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Cox, Chemist, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Charles Upham Sheppard, Charleston, S. C. Messrs. Gentry and Blackwood, Chemists, Tenn. Dr. N. A. Pratt, Savannah, Georgia. All of whom have analyzed the Brandy and recommend it as a perfectly pure article and as an invaluable medi cinal agent.' I have been appointed the sole agent for the sale of this Brandy for the city of Harrisburg and Dauphin co. novil-dy Dr. LOUIS WYETH. THE GREAT LIVING HISTORY. 11 THE REBELLION RECORD ) A Diary of American Event?, Edited by FRANK MOORE. Publishing in parts, at 50 cents, each part illustrated with two Portraits engraved on steal. FOUR VOLUMES are now ready, at annexed prices, until April 1, 1863: Cloth gill 75 a.volume. Sheep 4 00 6G Half Calf, or half Morocco... 5 00 " THE REBELLION RECORD IS INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY PUBLIC AND PRI VATE LIBRARY. The four volumes contain: 1. A FULL AND CONCISE DIARY OF EVENTS, from the meeting of the South Carolina Convention in Dee. 1860, to the capture of New Orleans, inclusive. Over ONE THOUSAND OFFICIAL REPORTS and Nar rativeo of all the Battles and Skirmishes that have occurred daring the War. 111. Over FIVE HUNDRED MOS AND BALLADS, both 'loyal and rebel. FORTY-SEVEN PORTRAITS, engrayed on steel, of the most celebrated men of the time, sad Twenty-sit Maps and Plans of Battles. V. Over THREE THOUSAND Incidents and Anecdotes of Personal Daring and Bravery. *US A WORN NOIS OONSTANT REFERENCE IT IS EMINENTLY TO BE RELIED ON) , G. P. PUTNAM, Publisher, 55,2 Broadway, CHAS. T. EVANS, Gen. Agt 448 Broadway. SPECIAL IgOTICE On and after April let, the price of" Tau REBELLION n ujoßD 3l w in b e advanced Mitt Cie. a volume. Prom that date the sale of Parts., from Nos. 1 to 24, will be discontinued. Back sets of ,4 nil REBELLION RECORD" will be sold only in volumes. Purchasers and subscri bers Who hare not completed the form vole must at once do so . Th e w o o / will continue to be published in parts, a t 40 oenta—eack part illustritteil with two portraits on steel. Volume V. will comprise seven parts. . POUNDS Extra Prime supr a 00,, () ,uied Ham for sale noir low, .wholsoale or retsil by • WM. DOOlO2l o Bank Notices. BANK NOTlCE.— Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have formed an amnia tion and prepared a certificate for the purpose of estab lishing a Bank of Issue , Discount Will Deposit, under the provisions of the act entitled ccd. supplement to an act to establish a system of Free Banking in Pennsyl 'imiti and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent ," approved the first any of May . , Wino Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one. The said Bank to be called THE FARMERS' BANK OP MOUNT JOY, to be located in the borough of Mount Joy, to consist of a capital stock of One Hundred Thousand Dollar!, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege o f in creasing the lame to any amount not exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Dollars in all. J. Hoffman Hershey, John H. Hershey, Martin B_ Pallor, Jseol" gtiaNAPI Reuben Gerber, John M. Bear. jan2B-ddmoaw* NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given of an intention to eatablieb. a Bank of Discount, Deposit and Oirculotion, under the provisions of an act, entitled "An Act to establish a system of free banking in Penn eylvenie," Ate., and the supplement thereto; said Bank to be called " THE MANUFACTURERS' BANS," to be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa., with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Dollars each. deo‘etnd JUST RECEIVED/ THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMEN Or rizr STEEL ENGRAVINGS PRINTS, AND HEADS, AND SCENES, ADAPTED FOR GRECILIS OIL PAINTINGS, AT Won. Knoche's Musie Store. No. 91 Market street, Harrisburg. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT, AT W. KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE, AT 93 MARKET ST. no2A-4f JOHN TILL'S COAL YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT'b ROLLING MILL, Where he keeps constantly on hand LYKENS AND WILKESBARRE COAL, Such as STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, EGG and NUT, which he will dispose of at the lowest market price. Oonsumers will do well to call on him and, lay in their supply, es the Coal will be delivered dem, and fall weight. pin2s-delm T. LOUIS FLOUR.- TIIE BEST ►J BRAND FOR FAMILY USE in the market. 100 barrels of the celebrated St. Louis Flour, universally pronounced the most superior article everoffered in the market, just received and for sale by WK. DOCK, Ts., k CO. FRESH FISH every Tuesday and Fri. day at JOHN WISE'S Store, corner of Third and Walnut. mr3 WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. HENRY C. SHAFFER Has a large stock of Widow Shades and Wall Paper os hand which will be sold very low. Call and examine Paper Hanging personalty renewed to. N 0.12, MARKET STREET, oct24-dtf Near the bridge. SECRET DISEASES ! SECRET DISEASES ! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! THE Mose ORRTAIN REMEDY lyre Uszn. Yes, a Positive Cure! BALSAM COPAVIA t MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a cure. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to four days, and recent cases in' twenty-four hours. No exposure, no trouble, an change whatever. Price male packages, $2; Female, $3. sold by D. W. GROSS & CO. Sent by mail by DESMOND & CO., Box 161 Phila. P 0. janS-dly BLOOD! BLOOD! SORES : THEIR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON- DITION OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produceo SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TET. TERS, SCALES, BOILS, SYPHILIS OR VENE REAL DISEASES, ETC. SAMARITAN'S RO9OT AND HERB JUICES Is offered to the public as a positive cure. Banishes all impurities of the blood and brings the system to a healthy action, aura those Spote, Tatters, Scales and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES The Samaritan's Hoot and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. it removes every par ticle of the poison. FEMALES ! • FEMALES! In many affections with which numbers of Females Suffer, the HOOT AND HERB JUICES is most happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in Whites, in bearing down, Hailing of the Womb, Debility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR. Keep out of hosiitale. Here is a mire in any ease fox $6. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5, with full direc tions. Sold by D. W. GROSS & CO. Sent by Express carefully patted by DESMOND & CO,, Jane-1y ' Box 1.51 Phila. P. 0. CEDAR TUBS, CHURNS and MEA. MOS, together with a large amortnieat of BAS KETS, BROOMS &0., just received, and for male very by WM. DOOK, Ja., & 00. IT P. & W. O. TAYLOR'S AA. I\T 3EI C 0 AL No It le economical and highly detersive. It contain no Rosin and will not wiled,. It is warranted not to injure the hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is therefor suitable for every purpose. Nor sale by WM. DOCK, Js. , k, CO. AMSIII —Just received, a large supply of COVERED SUGAR-CURED HAMS, qf see best brand in the markoc, Every one I old 10 guar minuted" DineSTl WM. DOOR, JR., & 00. 'ROSTON CRACKERS.—A supply of J., these delicious crackers just !amine& and for sale WM. DOOK, jr., Sr, 00. MINCE MEAT.-A SUPERIOR AR TIME just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, an., & co. WEBSTER'S ARMY AND NAVY POCKET DICTIONARY. Just received and for sale at SOREPFEWS BOOKSTORE. LOOKING GLASSE .—A Splendid Assortment of New Looking Glasses, just received, at W. !MOORE'S Music Store, 93 Market street, where they Will be eold cheep. Call and examine. mrl3 SMOKED SALMON.—A choice supply b.. 1 for sale by WM. DOCK. jr., & Co. MIN.CE PIES! RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, LEMONS, SPICES, CIDER, WINES, BRANDIES, &c., For sale by WM. DOCK, in., k CO LAADIE 8.-MADAME BURDETT, from New York, has taken roams on the corner of rket and .smond ohms, (Wyeth'B Block,) vim, she is prepared to out, lit and mate Ladies , lresses of every description, and in the latest and most fMionable style. Also, in the same roem,•maohine mind/lug of every do. Noriptios done by Mrs. CLARK. ap4-dtf Books, Otationtrp, Su. SCHOOL BOOKS—S c h ool Tr ...Arectors, Teachers, Parents, Scholars, and others, in need of school Books, liehoel Statione r y-, 0, ,will find a aam. pieta assortment at E.M. POLLOCK ¢ SON'S B GO K STORE, Mtaket Square, Harrisburg, c ompr i s i ng i n part the following: READERS.—McOutnIy% Parker's, CAL% An iIia. SPELLING BOOKS.— GeGuffey's, —0,.0 Lt. B ,Webster'a , Town's, Byerly's Combry's. ENGLISH GRAMMARS —Bullion's, Smith's, Wood bridge's, Hart ' s, Welts' , HlSTOUlRS.—Grimakawle. Davenport's, 'son's, Willarda, Goodrichte, Pinnockra, Goldsmith% and ABITHMITIO I II.--Oreenlears, Stoddard's, Emerson's Eke% Oolburres t Smith and Duke's, Dime% .6-111DBAAD.--Oreenleare, Davie% Days, ser e: Bridge's. DlCTlONABYo.—Worcester's Quarto, Academic, Oent srehensive and Primary Dictionares Walker's leahoet, Cobb's, Walker, Waketer's Primary, Webeterla g; >i School. Webster's Quarto, &oedema. NATURAL PIELLOSOPRIBIL—Cknasteetk's, Parker's, Swift's. The above with a great variety of others can at any time be found at my store, Also, a complete mut, main of School Stationery, embracing in the while a coin. plate outfit for school pnnosei. Any book not In the dare, procured at one days notice. Cr Country Merchants supplied at wholesale rates. ALMANACS.—John Baer and Son's Almanac for sate at. S. M. POLLOCK SON'S BOOK STORE, Hanisbarg. SIZr Wholesale and Retail. aryl ALL PAYER I WALL PAPER I Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER BORDERS, 8188 SOBBBNS, fee. Itie thelargeet ind beet selectedassortment bathe city, ranging price from six (0) cents up to one dollar and soinert er (11.25.) Al we purchase very low for cash, w e are prepared to sell at as low rates, if , not lower, than can be had else. where. If purchasers will call and examine, w e fe e l confident that we can please theta in rasped to p r i ce and quality. la. M POLLOON & SON, =nail Below Jones , House, Market Square. LAW BOOKS ! LAW BOOKS 11-A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scarce and rare, together with a large assortment of seeond-hand Law Books, at very low prices, at ale one pries Bookstore of B. M. POLLOCK & SON, Market Square, Harrisburg. EM3 THE subscribers propose to publish by subscription a "FARM MAP" of the Township of 93WATARA," Dauphin county, Pa., if sufficient en eonrigement is given. The Map will embraCe the bounda ries of the Township and Farms contained therein, num. ber of Acres, Location of Residences and Names of Pro. pertyholdere generally. There will also be on the Map a Table of Distances, showing the distance from each Cross Road in the Township to Harrisburg, thus ren. Gering it a valuable Map to Farmers and Dealers in Real Notate particularly. Those desiring Views of their Residences put on the Map will be charged a moderate extra price. The Map will be neatly executed, colored and mounted, and delivered at the low price of Five Dol. lare, payable on delivery of the same. CLARK & MTh, 8112 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Harrisburg, November IL, 1861.—tf WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO • DICTIONARY 1 TIM BMW RIMMING AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, contains 1,854 Royal Quarto Pages and 20,000 words and meaning/I not found is any other Dnglieh Dictionary; more than 1,000 Illustrations inserted in their proper places; over 5,000 words synonymised; together with numerous tables of pronounee4 proper names. Bold by B. If. POLLOCK & SON. Also Worcester's School Dictionaries. tuaro2 ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS! NONE BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD! Far 7h tents, $l, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $B, ss. Warranted to made of good gold, at febls SOHEPFEIVS BOOKSTORE. WILY ONE DOLLAR fora good Bub !Mantis' bound Family . %We at Schetterls Bookstore. QCHEFFEIVEI Bookstore is the plies to v, buy Gold Pens—warranted Witl. KNOCHE, 93 MARKET BT., HARRISBURG, PA DEALER IN PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the beet makers, from $2OO upward& MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU- MENTS, from $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and mu sical merchandise in general, SIIELT MUSIC. The LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROBEWOO FRAMES, Buitsoie for looking glasses and all kinds pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES From smallest to largest sizes. ler Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, novl—dw&s 93 Market st. hOWE'S Sewing Machine, 437 Broad way, New York 1 branch office 90%, Market street, Harrisburg. The undersigned respectfully informs the manufacturers and citizens of Harrisburg thathe has opened a sewing machine office for the sale of the celebrated Howe's sewing_machine, making the well known lock-stitch, and adapted for all kinds of leather and cloth, and family use. G. M. RAPHAEL, feb26-diy Aging. BOARDERS WANTED.—The under signed, having rented a fine large and commodious house, in Mulberry street, two doors from the corner of Second street, in the city of Harrisburg, she is prepared to accommodate single gentlemen, er gentlemen and their wives, with boarding on reasonable terms. jyl9-416in B. A. JOHNSON. FLUID AND ALCOHOL, IN LARGE quantities and of pure quality, for 'lsle by WM. WOK, la., & CO. GUTTA PERCHA. WATER-PROM I.• 33. X 24` C 4-2 (WITHOUT BRUSHING,) FOR BOOTS, SHOES, HARNESS, CARRIAGES, AND MILITARY LEATHER-WORK. This new and excellent article excels everything ever before in use, for beautifying and softening the Leather. It makes a polish like patent leather; will not rub off with water, nor stain the finest white Bilk, and makes the leather perfectly water-proof. Twice a month ap plied on boots and shoes, and ones a month for harness is sufficient. If the leather becomes dirty, wash it eff with clean water and Um polish will re-appear, War ranted as represented. DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—Apply a few drops on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather, and the polish is eomplete. IPriee, 873 cents per bottle. JACKSON & CO., Sole Agents, ix% Market street. jan9.dtf D ESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS NOR SALE, went of the Capitol, fronting on Grand street and Hammond lane. Enquire of GEO. MERLE, 136 Market Arent febll-lmd BOSTON CRACKERS.-A LARGE SUPPLY of these delicious crackers just received and for sale by WM. DOM ) JR. & 00. GOLD PENS !—The largest and Le stook, from 1.1.00 to 11.00—waxmated—at 60}11111111W8 BOOKSTOBAL EXCELSIOR ! 1-SUGAR CURED HAMS !-A. Delicious Ham, cured exProorlY for family use. They aro asperior to any sem in the mar ket. [D 1 9 24 .1 WM. DOCK. Ja., dr. CO BREAKFAST BACON.—A small but very choice lot of Bggar Oared "Breakfast Bacon (equal to the Imported Yorkshire) just received_ WM. DOCK, JR., & CO COFFEES AND SUGARS OF ALL GRADES, and at remaable for aala WU. DORIC, h., dc b aO. COOPE R'B (,}PLATING.--The best article in the market, jut received And for este by Inarl4-tf WM. DOON'yn.