Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, May 23, 1863, Image 2

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Communications will not be ptddiabedin the P
AND tisiox unless accompanied with the name of the
W. W. Kageaultr, Zoit., of Towanda, is a duly au
thorized sgentto oollect accounts and receive subscrip
tions and advertisements for this paper.
Novsasint 22, 1862_
no. ST Park Bow l N.Y.:and 6 State St., Boston,
Are oar Agents for the Porazor as Mao* to thole
lidos, and are authorized to take Advertisements and
Babeeripthnie for neat our Lamest Rates.
Congress, by a vote nearly unanimous, passed
the following resolution, which expresses the
voice of the Nation and is the true standard of
"That the present deplorable civil war has been
forced upon the country by the diennionisto of the
Fonthein States, now in arms against the Constitutional
Government, and in arms around the Capital; that in
this National, emergency, Congress, banishing all feel
ing of mere motion or resentment, will recollect only
ita ditty to the whole country; that this war is not
waged on their part in any spirit of oppression, or f‘r
any purpose of conquest or subjugation, or purpose of
overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established
institutions of those States,but to defend and lnalratah:
the supremacy of - the Constitution, and to preserve the
Union, with all the dignity, equality and rights of the
several States unimpaired; and that as soon as these ob
jects are accomplished the war ought to esase_77
THE PATRIOT AND lIBION and all its business
operations will hereafter be conducted exclu
sively by 0. BARRETT and T. G. POMEROY, tin
der the firm of 0. BARRETT & Co., the connec
tion of H. F. Ilti'Reynolds with said establish
ment having ceased on the 20th November, inst.
NOVRMBIR 21,1862.
A traitor, under the law of war, or a war
traitor, is a person in a place or district under
martial law, who, unauthorized by the military
commander, gives information of any kind to
the enemy or holds intercourse with' him.—
New Rules of War.
We should like to know under what part of
this definition Vallandigham received sentence
as a 4, traitor," or how any man, according to
this code, who exercises the simple privilege
of free and open discussion before his neigh
bors, can be convicted of holding intercourse
or giving information to the enemy.
Miss Annie E. Dickenson proposed to tell
an audience in Brooklyn, on Thursday night,
"flow Providence is Teaching the Nation."—
We do not pretend to iuterpret the oracles of
the Almighty, and we have as little confidence
in the divinity of the self-constituted Sybil
who does; but our scriptural remembrance fur
nishes a pertinent allusion to all women of
Miss D.'s stripe, who talk higher-law and free
love in public places to large audiences at fifty
cents a head, when King Solomon tells us—
iilt is better to dwell in the corner of a house
top than with a brawling woman in a wide
Rule but Ruin.
A telegram dated yesterday at Cincinnati
says The President has changed the sen
tence of Vallandigham from confinement in
Fort Warren to transportation through our
lines. He leaves to-day for Louisville on the
gunboat Exchange, where he will be delivered
to General -Rosecrans, who, under a flag of
truce, will deliver him into the lines of Gen.
%Bragg." The various versions of the sentence
to be passed upon this last victim of the New
Tyranny, which have continued to excite pub
lie interest and indignation for the past two
weeks, may probably come to an authentic
conclusion in the final edict described above.
The administration, since the termination of
the court martial, has vacillated doubtfully
between an instinctive fear of the effect of its
decision, the appeals of party policy, and the
settled impulse that it felt to stretch out the
arm of military force and strike down, in the
person of Yallandigham, the head and front of
that serious offending—the fearless assertion
of constitutional rights—which has troubled
Its dreams of despotism and threatened the du
ration of its power. It has oscillated between
the dread of final retribution, an uneasy con
sciousness of its own treachery, and the cow
ard and malignant fear it feels from the free ex
pression of opinion. From first to last its ten
dency to tyranny has not beets respectable for
any natural promptitude of action, but always
weak and wavering as the feeble resistance it
offered for a time to the intemperate faction
lets who now control its councils and instigate
its crimes. Fortified, at length, with a courage
borrowed from the restless desperadoes near
his person, the President has modified the sen
tence of the court martial, gratified their mal
ice, and shown the cloven foot of cowardice by
remanding out of the reach of rescue the
unfortunate object of their persecutions—
sending him through a file of bayonets to the
southern border, to be turned loose to the
mercy of men who are his declared and bitter
est enemies.
The principle which this final decree violates
is not lees torn and trampled by its sentence
of Mr. Vallandigham, than it would have
been in the instance of the humblest citi
zen of the Commonwealth, to whose pro
tection the former appealed in vain. The
act of his seizure and exile is only more
flagrant because done in more conspicuous
defiance of popular protest. It is the extreme
temerity of the deed-in the face of popular
sentiment so strongly set in favor of the culprit
that makeethe outrage deeply alarming to the
safety of the State. The sullen spirit of vio
knee impervious to the appeals of reason, or
even the powerful admonitions of self-interest
Which has sanctioned the punishment visited
on Yellandighsm,is too palpable in its purpose,
too reckless in its method, to be mistaken.—
Riot rages in its very depths, cruelty and in
justice are its prime concomitants. It can
h es itate at nothing when the series of its out
rages:lashes thefull measure of their enormity
and inspires that . Confidence, engendered by
submission, which will make a mockery of
every right the nation now holds dear, and
set at defiance all the imposing prestiges of
liberty and law.
The indictment upon which the eentence in
this case was given, presents itself• not a sin
gle violation of eupremely-oonstitnted law ; the
punishment inflicted is without a precedent,
e xempt in the history of the inierule of the
present administration—an ingenious contri
vance of a band of miserable bigots, whom the
accident of place and power has skilled only in
the uses of proscription and oppression, which,
in the providence of God, only bides the hour
of a slow, but effectual redistance.
So unseemly is despotism in the hands of
such men that it must sooner or later die of its
own debauchery—so uneasy has been its con
science hitherto that its career has been
marked by the sheerest cowardice and hesita
tion. We do not fear such men more than we
scorn and pity the madness which rages so
impotently against the ultimate day of their
discomfiture. The last experiment they have
tried at length upon the patience of the people'
is unexampled, so far, in form and feature.
It is meant to test what aptitude there is to-day
in us for the still greater oppressions itecon
templation for the morrow. It was a bold
crime against law and order ; a blow dealt di
reetly at the rights of person secured to us by
all_the usages of our national life and history.
On whom it descended matters little, save that
to show that if he be stricken how uncertain is
the fate of any humble citizen whom the mad
caprices of the administration may chance to
single out to crush and sacrifice in its insatiate
but self destroying wrath.
A Bold Sol dier Girl.
The Louisville Joarhal of the sth instant,
contains the following :
Lieut. Garraty, of Park Barracks, brought to
our office last evening a young girl in Federal
uniform, who was arrested by Sergeant Mur
ray, of the Patrol Guard, yesterday, near the
railroad. She states that her name is Lizze
Compton ; her parents died when she was an
infant in Anderson county, Tenn., and stran
gers brought her up. She fared very well un
til the rebellion broke out, when she was living
with Elijah Schermerhorn, who was a furious
secessionist, and has since joined the Confede
rate army. Lizzie was true to the Union, and
with female determination on all occasions as
serted her loyalty, until the man attempted to
punish her for her fidelity, when she left her
home and found her way to a Federal regiment,
the Second Minnesota, we think. For the last
six months Lizzie has been known as Jack, and,
although not more than sixteen years old, has
gone through a great deal of service. Col.
Mundy, commanding this post, proposed to her
to resume the habiliments of her sex and take
a position as hospital attendant, but she re
fused and reiterates her determination "to die
before she wears anything else but Uncle Sam's
uniform, until the war is over." In this re
solve she seems inflexible and says she can die
but once. She has a pleasant face, intelligent
eyes, and dimpled cheeks, and is at present
domiciled at the Park Barracks. Her conduct,
as far as we can learn, has been irreproachable,
and she feels perfect confidence in being able
to protect herself. What future disposition
will be made of her has not yet been deter
mined. We shall at this rate soon have a bat
talion of female recruits.
We would not say to all young women "go
thou and do likewise," but there are certain of
the sex among those who are contradistin
guished from the gg female women" of the day
—known as the "strong-minded"—to whom
the injunction would well apply—to Miss.
Dialing); for instance, who is making her
self ridiculous by delivering stump speeches,
which are remarkable only for their falsehoods,
indelicacy and impiety.
For the Patriot and Union
The action of the Democratic State Conven
tion, shortly, is turning the mind of everyman
in the State to cogitation upon the subject. It
is much more anxiously expected than the
Abolitionists Convention, two weeks later; and
if we act prudently and properly it is of no
consequence what they do. I shall not just
now discuss what should be the general tone
of our resolutions, further than to say that
upon the subject of the civil war they ought to
be well considered and recommend such action
as is most likelig to result in a restoration of
the Union.
A continued prosecution of the war will pre
vent the Abolitionists from making peace upon
the basis of a dissolution ; and for that reason
Lthink the Democrats ought to favor its con
tinuance. If peace is made it is disunion ;
and that once accomplished, restoration, even
reconstruction, is impossible. We should
therefore be in a situation, should dissolution
come, to be able to say to our opponents, and
to the worlti, 11 Thou canst not say I did it."
Indeed it seems to me such must be our policy,
for upon no other, as I conceive, can we save,
what has always been nearest our hearts, the
Union and the Constitution.
My suggestion, however, is this, that a reso
lution be offered right after the preliminat
organization, that the permanent President of
the Convention is not to be considered, or shall
not be a candidate for the chairmanship of the
State Commitee. It is not because of my oppo
sition to the gentlemen who have been so se
lected, but because I have seen in the conven
tions bad feeling on the subject and controlling
effect on other matters; and because I think
the honors ought to be divided among promi
nent and active Democrats, and because there
may be men outside of the convention better
qualified for chairman than its President, that
I call attention to this matter.
Columbia County
It is to the credit of the more moderate and
influential of the Republican journals, that
they take decided grounds against the arbi
trary and foolish arrest of Mr. Vallandigham.
Tho Boston Advertiser pointedly condemns the
action of General Burnside—mainly, however,
on the grounds of its impolioy. It very well
says :
“We doubt if Vallandigham with all his skill
in viliffication, could make an attack upon the
government so effective by half as those for
which his arrest and trial by court martial in
the State of Ohio have given occasion.”
The Springfield ( Mass. ) Republican is even
more emphatic in its condemnation. It says :
"It is much to be regretted that Gen. Burn
side bap uQt been assigned to some command
where there is fighting to be done ; and the
country is disappointed not to see him march
ing an army to the deliverance of the long op
pressed Unionists of East Tennessee, inetead
of mixing up civil and military affairs in the
loyal Slates of his department. * * * His
logic is vicious throughout, and the policy of
his course more so. The government cannot
punish men for treason, because their' talk
tends . to give aid and comfort to the enemy.—
His subordinate, General Ham% who rules
the sab-department of Indiana, in his supple
mentary order, goes a step beyond Burnside,
and fowly runs the thing into the ground by
threatening to punish all newspapers and
rublic speakers, < who endeavor to *ring the
war policy of the government into disre
pute. '
The Boston Traveler, another administration
paper, draws the most gloomy auguries from
this mischievous and wicked act
"The collision between the military and civil
powers cannot- be prevented from occurring
under the present state of things, and if it iA
not seasonably resisted, we shall, in a few
years, become like Mexico, a military repub
lic, where the man or the clique will rule who
can control for the time being the largest num
ber of bayonets. At present there can be no
very serious trouble; the matter all lies in the
germ, but it will grow day by day, month by
month, and year by year. Vallandigham has
many friends and followers in Ohio.
" The course of the military authorities in
proceeding against him is not calculated to de
crease their numbers. At the present he and
his friends are powerless. They are unarmed.
A convention of them is, however, to be held
on the 11th of June, and whether he is sent to
the Tortugas or t* the Soutuera lines they may
elect him and a, legislature that will support
him. Then comes the collision, and who will
answer for its consequences Y Let the oppo.
sition to the general government find itself
thoroughly seated in power in any of the States
against the military efforts of the general
government to suppress them, and it will not
hesitate to meet military power with armed
All this is true. No matter how this war
may progress or end, the future is full of the
direst portents to all who value the liberties of
their country.,
CINCINNATI, May 19.—Passengers to-night
from Lexington state that the rebels in large
force—some estimate it at 30,000-:—have en
tered Kentucky, and threaten an invasion of
the interior. Gen. Buinside has no official
notification of such a movement, although he
regards such an event as not improbable. He
believes himself fully able to check this
There are now confined in the military prison
here 220 political prisoners, all to be tried by
the court-martial now holding daily sessions.
Prisoners and deserters are arriving here by
every train.
, k o S ~1
The indications are indubitable, that Mr,
Vallandighain will be nominated for Governor
by the Democratic State Convention of Ohio,
next month.
Gen. Burnside has notifies sundry weekly
papers in this State to send him proofs of the
matter they design publishing, before it appears
in their issues ; the reason assigned being the
publication of articles against the administra
tion, Order No. 88, etc.
A letter from Suffolk, Ya., published in the
Philadelphia Inquirer, gives the particulars of
a military mistake which occurred near there,
by which the 11th Rhode Island and 152 d N.
Y. regiments, suffered severely. The corres
pondent says
The disaster took place at Deserted House,
which is about eight miles beyond Suffolk.—
Two by-roads branch off the South Quay road,
and upon each one regiment was advancing.—
These were the 11th Rhode Island and 152 d
New York volunteers. As the roads near each
other, they form a short angle, that diverges
between, and upon which there is a dense un
dergrowth, _
Across this intervening strip of laud the tiir4
regiments could but imperceptibly discern each
other. One regiment mistook the other for
rebels in ambush, and at once opened a galling
fire. This was replied to with all the ardor for
which the Union troops are characterized.—
Before the mistake was discovered, much mis
chief had been done. Both regiments suffered
to a considerable extent, and it is to be hoped
that a subsequent version will throw a more
favorable lighttipon this sad affair.
NEW Yogic, May 21.—The Syracuse Courier
of yesterday states that Mrs. Vallandigham has
became a lunatic.
READING, May 21.—The six Reading com
panies of the 12Sth regiment, returned home
this afternoon and received a glorious welcome
at the hands of the citizens of Berks ooun
ty. After the reception ceremonies, the
volunteers visited the Charles Evans Cemetery
to view the grave of their late companion in
arms, Captain Andrews, who fell at the battle
of Antietam. They then marched through the
principal streets to the Fair Grounds, where a
sumptuous banquet was provided for them.—
After partaking of the good things provided,
they were dismissed.
WASHINGTON, May 21.—The Supreme Court
of the District of Columbia to-day pronounced
a decree of total divorce in the case of General
John M. Brannon, against Eliza Brannon,
granting him the guardianship of his child.—
The material facts caused much interest, five
years ago, especially in New York. It appears
that Colonel Wyman, with whom she eloped,
was shot through the head at the battle of
Fair Oaks.
CINCINNATI, May 22.—The President has
changed the sentence of Vallandigham from
confinement in Fort Warren to transportation
through our lines. He leaves to-day for Louis
vine on the gunboat Exchange, where he will
be delivered to Gen. Rosecrans, who, under a
flag of truce, will deliver him into' the lines of
Gen. Bragg.
CINCINNATI, May 22.—The Gazette's Mur
freesboro' dispatch has contradictory reports
from Mississippi. One is that Grant has been
driven back from Jackson and Port Gibson,
and that Johnson has possession of the Jack
son and Vicksburg railroad. Another is that
Grant has beaten Johnson, and taken posses
sion of the railroad bridge over the Big Black
river, which is the most important in that sec
tion of country, entirely cutting off the rebel
communication with Vicksburg,
Advices via Cairo say our loss at Raymond
was 71 killed and 300 wounded
Sixty.five care, loaded with bacon and corn
meal, were captured between Raymond and
It appears to be Grant's intention to march
in the rear of Vicksburg to Baine's Bluff.
The rebel papers give accounts of forces from
all parte of the South moving to reinforce
Gamuts/v/7, May 22.—Information received
from Gen. Grant's headquarters at Raymond,
Miss., shows that it was his intention to de
stroy all the bridges. After the capture of
Jackson he ceased communication with Grand
Gulf in consequence of heavy escorts of troops
being necessary for such service. The army
was provided with rations for eight days.
From Jackson General Grant was t 3 proceed
to Blanes' Bluff and secure a number of trans
ports belonging to the rebels and prevent their
escape up the Yazoo.
Pemberton is thought to be in front of Grant,
and Johnson is supposed to have brought but
five thousand troops with him. It is generally
supposed a great battle would be fought before
Vicksburg surrendered, but of its final capture
no one expressed a doubt.
The bridge over the Big Black has not been
destroyed, but is guarded by five thousand
men, with instructions to destroy it if they
should be compelled to leave. Three miles of
railroad near Jackson were torn up when our
forces entered that city.
WASHINGTON, May 22.—The Richmond En
quirer of the 21st contains the following dis
patch :
MOBILE, May 19th.—The special reporter of
the Advertiser and Register, under date of 18th,
at Jackson, furnishes the following particulars
of Saturday's fight, received from the Adjutant
of the 15th Mississippi regiment, who arrived
from Canton last night.
The battle was fought at Baker's creek,
about twenty miles west of Jackson. We
whipped the enemy badly until he was. rein
forced from Jackson. Gen. Pemberton then
fell back to Big Black bridge.
General Pemberton estimates our loss at
3,000 and that of the enemy at three times as
many. General Loring, on the left, was cut
off, but he out his way through to Crystal
Springs, 25 miles south of Jackson. His loss
is unknown. Gen. Tilghman was killed.
New YORK, May 22.—The bulletin board of
the World office has a placard which says it is
rumored that the Army of the Potoinao is fall
ing back to the defences of Washington and
the upper Potomac. Gen. Hooker is known to
have removed his headquarters.
NEW Than. May 22.—Advices from Bermuda
of the sth inst., give a rumor that Captain
Semmes has resigned the commaud of the Ala
bama to his first officer, and taken command
of a fine Confederate ship mounting twenty
two guns.
NEW YORK, May 22.—The steamship Conner,
from Port Royal, brings news of a small en
gagement which took place on the night of the
14th inst., between a detachment of our forces
and about one hundred rebel soldiers, on Mor
ris island, in which the latter were driven back
across the creek. Our loss was one man
slightly wounded.
It seemed to be the general impression that
the Monitors would attempt a redaction of the
outer forts along the beach before again attack
ing Port Sumpter.
A British and a French man-of-war arrived
at Charleston on the 14th inst.
A flag of truce boat from Charleston was rc
fused admittance by the blockading fleet within
their lines, on the ground that similar boats
had used their flag of truce as a deception, in
order to gain information of our movements.
NEW YOEX, May 22.—The steamship China,
with Liverpool dates to the Bth and Queenstown
to the 9th instant, arrived at Me port this
Americsu Wake receive but little comment.
The Times expatiates on the importance of the
capture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, and
says it would open the Mississippi to the
Northwest, diminish the growing dissatisfac
tion there, and enable the Federals to claim
one more of the real victories of the war.
The New York correspondent of the Morning
Herald asserts that the Federal government
is appropriating three millions of dollars to
convey 120,000 Irishmen to America.
In the House of Commons the course of Mr.
Christie, British Minister to Brasil, and Gen.
Webb's attack on him, was debated. Lord
Palmerston and others defended Mr. Christie.
Lord Palmerston made some very uncompli
mentary remarks on Gen. Webb ; and said his
letter to Earl Russell was treated with the dis
regard it merited, and, if written by a British
diplomatist, would be sufficient ground for his
instant dismissal. Italian affairs were debated,
and some severe strictures passed on the Ital
ian Government..
In the House of Lords, Earls Shaftesbury
and Harrowby strongly denounced the Rus
sian policy towards Poland, and asserted that
separation was the only remedy. Earl Russell
expressed great confidence in the humane in
tentions of the Czar. The question of separa
tion might involve a costly war, which England
was loath to engage in without the most pres
sing necessity. He believed that the public
opinion of Europe would influence the Russian
government to restore the Polish Constitution.
It is reported that the Brazilian Minister to
London is instructed to demand explanations,
and if unsatisfactory, diplomatic relations will
be suspended.
The French Carps Legislatif is dissolved, and
the elections are fixed for the 31st of May and
Ist of June. The Bourse was dull at 69f. 55c.
The Polish question is unchanged. It is
again asserted that Napoleon will pursue his
object alone, if obliged to do so, and the in
surgents confidently rely on his assistance.
Numerous engagements are reported .with
varying successes.
It is reported that the French Minister of Ma
rine had ordered the ports on the Atlantic to
prepare to receive the Swedish fleet.
CRACOW, May 9.—The Secret Provisional
Government of Warsaw has issued a pioclama
tion, pronouncing severe penalties against any
functionaries in Poland who may attempt to
collect taxes for the Russian government_
Fresh arrests and domicilary arrests have
taken place in Cracow. •
LIVERPOOL, May 9.—The Arabia's news to
day imparted a cheerful feeling to the Federals
-in Liverpool, by the encouraging deductions
drawn from the progress of Gen. Banks.
The loss of the Anglo Saxon has created a
painful sensation.
The Berlin Cabinet held a council yesterday
to consider the exodus from Posen of large
numbers of young men, fully armed, to join
the Polish insurgents. It is reported that
the ministry determined, for the present, not
to declare Posen in a state of siege nor to close
the sessions of Parliament.
LIVERPOOL, May 9.—Breadatuffs market dull
and tendency downward, with a slight decline
on wheat and flour. Provisions flat.
LONDON, May 9.—Consoles are quoted at 981
for money. American securities firmer.
The movements in breadatuffs continue of a
limited character. There is little export de
mand for sour and only 400.bble extra family
sold at $707 25 and some superfine at $6;
rye. flour steady at $5 ; corn meal $4 26 ;
there is no change in wheat, 5,000 bus red sold
at $1 58@,1 62 and small lots of white at
75®1 85, 500 bus rye sold at $1 10.
Corn is in fair request and 4,000 bus yellow
sold at 99c. Oats are in better request, 5,000
bus Pennsylvania sold at 75®76e. 5,000 bus
barley malt sold at $1 60®1 70. Provisions
quiet, 800 tierces pickled hams sold at 81 @,90
and shoulders at sc. Lard is steady at 10®
10ic for bbls and 111(312 for kegs. Coffee is
firm, sales of Rio at 31(333c and Laguayra at
83c. 300 bbls whisky sold at 450.
Nom YORK, May 22.
Flour dull; oaks 8,000 bbig. at $5 35%5
55 for State ; $6 46®6 50 for Ohio and $6 55
®7 for Southern; Wheat quiet; Chioago
spring $1 24@1 . 47 and red Western $1 466
1 55. Corn dull ; sales of 40,000 bus. at 76® .
770. Beef dull. Pork dull. Lard dull at 9i
@M. Whisky dull at 43-I®44c. Receipts
of flout 11,225 bus; wheat 198,964 bus corn ;
150,560 bus.
Flour dull ; Ohio $6 50, extra $6 70®6 15.
Wheat active; sales of 10,000 bush.. at $1 73
®1 78 for Kentucky white; sales of 6,000
bush. Pennsylvania red at $1 6001 65. Corn
advancing; white 90®91e., yellow 91®92c.
Oats quiet at 73(374c. Whisky dull and de
clined lc.
New Ithertistments.
The tax payers of this District are hereby
notified that, pursuant to the provisions of the
Aot of Congress, passed July 1, 1862, entitled
An act to provide Internal Revenue to sup
port the Government and to pay interest on the
Public Debt," and the not to amend the same,
passed March 3, 1863, the second annual as
sessment will be made on and after the first
Monday (4th day) of May inst. The assess
ment will embrace the following items:
1. Incomas.—All incomes for the year end
ing Dec. 81, 1862, must be returned to the
Assistant Assessors, under oath, in accordance
with the instructions of the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, upon the blank forms pro
vided for that purpose.
Each person will be required to return his
total income, so far specifying the sources from
which it is derived, as to enable the Assistant
Assessors to decide what deductions shall be
made thereon.
Where a husband and wife live together, and
their taxable income is in excess of $6OO, they
will be entitled to but one deduction of $6OO,
that being the average axed by law as an Pal
mated commutation for the expense of main
taining a family. Where they live apart they
will be taxed separately, and be each entitled
to a deduction of $6OO.
Guardians and trustees, whether such trus
tees are so by virtue of their office as exeeutors,
administiators, or other fiduciary capacity, are
required to make return of the income belong
ing to minors or other persons, which may be
held in trust, as aforesaid ; and the income
tax will be assessed upon the amount returned,
after deducting such sums as are exempted
from the income tax, as aforesaid ; _Provided,
That the exemption of six hundred dollars,
under section 90 of the excise law, shall not
be allowed on account of any minor or other
beneficiary of a trust, except upon the state
ment of the guardian or trustees, made under
oath, that the minor or beneficiary has no
other income from which the said amount of
six hundred dollars may be exempted and
Interest paid by any person on incumbranoes
upon the dwelling house or estates on which he
resides, may be deducted from income ; also
his payments for necessary repairs ; as well as
the amount actually paid for rent of any dwell
ing house or estate which is the residence of
the person assessed.
Persons receiving rents may deduct there
from the amount paid for necessary repairs,
insurance and interest on incumbranoes upon
such rented property. The cost of new struc
tures, or improvements to buildings, shall not
be deducted from income.
Every farmer or planter will be required to
make return of the value of the produce of his
farm or plantation, without deduction for the
labor or services of himself and his family, or
for any portion of such produce consumed by
himself and family.
The amount paid by any farmer or planter
for hired labor and necessary repairs upon his
farm or plantation, including the subsistence
of the laborers ; and the manure purchased by
farmers to maintain their lands in present pro
ductive condition will be allowed.
Farm produce, which the producer has on
hand on the 31st day of December, 1862, must
be appraised at its market value on that day.
named in section 77 of the law (Schedule A.)
will be assessed for the taxes to which they
are liable, for the year ending May 1, 1864,
viz :
Carriages, kept for use, for hire, or for pas
Billiard Tables.
Silver Plate. ,
Gold Plate.
[The former assessments on the above named arti
cles having been made for the year 1862.]
These returns must be made to the Assistant
Assessor within ten days from date of delivery
of the blanks. Neglect, or refusal to comply
within the time named, imposes the duty on
the Assessor or Assistant Assessor to estimate
the income and the tax upon enumerated arti
cles, with an addition of fifty per cenium.
The entire income tax of every person will
be assessed at the residence of the party, and
not at the place of business.
All licenses assessed in accordance with the
act of March 3, 1863, will continue in force
,until the first day of May, 1864.
"And all licenses granted after the first day
of May in any year, will expire on the first
day of May following, and will be issued upon
the payment of a ratable proportion of the
whole amount of duty imposed for such licen
ses; and such licenses so granted will be dated
on the first day of the month in which it is is
sued. Provided, That any person, 'firm, or
corporation that on the first day of May, 1863,
held an unexpired license, will be assessed a
ratable proportion for the time between the
expiration of the license and the first day of
May, 1864."
All persons doing business within this dis
trict must apply for a new license to run from
the date their present license expires, (which
in most oases, is September Ist, 18630 to thp
first of May, 1864. Whenever, by the amend
ments, new rates of license are established,
the new license will be assessed at the new
rates, and, in all cases where the present li
cense expires September Ist, 1863, the new
license will cover a period of eight months,
and must be assessed to pay two-thirds of the
yearly tax.
When an assessment for license has been
made, neglect or refusal to girt) the list or
make the application within the time required,
and the assessment is returned in the annual
list, the fifty.per eentnm penalty prescribed in
section 11 must be added, and cannot be remit
ted, either by the Assessor or Collector.
By the act, March 3, 1863, the penalty of
two years' imprisonment is added to the puoi e h.,
ment provided in former acts, for those wh o
fail to take out license when required by the
excise laws of the United States.
The former annual easement whieh was
embarrassed for want of information on the
part of citizens, with regard to the duties ha
posed on them by the excise law. It ie man i.,
feet that, with the knowledge now attained on
the part of the taxpayer, and with the assis
tance rendered by this circular, that ignorance
of the law can no longer be pleaded by deli n _
quents in the hope of avoiding the penalties
provided. DANIEL KENDIG,
Assessor 14th District Pennsylvania.
May 22, 1868—ruy28 eta
TO ARCHITECTS.—The South Wa r d
School Board will toy a premium of Thirty Dolhre
far a plan And speellics4iOne for a two-story Brick School
House, to be erected on their lot onFourth street The
above amount will be paid for the plan and specifica
tions adopted. All necessary information will be given
by calling on the committee Plane to be fun/Med by
the let of Juno. JACOB BOUBBB, President.
HENRY ENELLENEERGER, Secretary-my2l-41td
geod v,eget will be given. Inquire at D. NSB~ S, Second Ward House, corner of Second and Ches
nut. iney2o-3t*
lit linionaxx's WOODS,
ON MONDAY, MAY 25. 188;
The Association has made all arrangements necessary
to insure their friends and the public in general a plea
sant time.
Omnibuses will run every hour from L. IL:eel& resi
dence in Chestnut street.
Admission 25 cents.
ID — No improper characters will 1)8 allowed to enter
the ground. A. HANEL,
my2o St Secretary.
'l l F. WATSON,
Ia prepared to Cement the exterior of Buildings with•
the New York Improved
WateriProof Mastic Cement.
This Material is different from all other Cements.
It forms a solid, durable adhesiveness to any , surface,
imperishable by the action of water or frost. Every
good building should be coated with this Cement; it is
a perfect preserver to the walls, and makes a beautiful,
tine finish, equal to Eastern brown sandstone, or any
color desired.
Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic
Cement, I refer to the following gentlemen
J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg, finishe d .
eve years.
T. H. Shoenberger, residence, Lawrenceville, finished ,
five years.
James MVandlass, residence, Allegheny Oity,finished
five years.
Oaivin Adams, residence, Third street, finished four
A. Hoeveler, residence, Lawrenceville, finished four
W. D. N'Uord, Penn street, finished four years.
Hon. Thomas Irwin, Diamond street. finished four
St Charles Hotel and Qirard House, finished five
Kittanning Court House and Bank, for Barr & Moser,
Architects, Pittsburg, finished five years.
Orders received at the office all M'Eldowney, Paint
Shop, 20 Seventh street, or please address
T. F. WATOOtio
P. 0. Box 13C6. Pittsburg, Pa
Harrisburg, May 14th, 1863.
WHEREAS, It is the duty of every citizen to
lend his aid to the preservation of the public
peace ; and whereas, the unlimited and indis
criminate sale of intoxicating liquors to a
large population must inevitably lead to serious
disorders and breaches of the peace; there
fore, it is hereby enjoined on all tavern keep
ers and retail dealers, within the limits of the
City of Harrisburg, to close their bars and to
discontinue the sale of all intoxicating beve
rages, including lager beer, at six o'clock p.
hi. of every day in the week until further no
tice. A. L. ROUMFORT, Mayor.
The American Annual Cyclopmiia and Register of
Important Events of 1862, to be published by D. Apple
ton & Co., will be ready for delivery in Tune.
The very favorable reception given to the volume for
the preceding year has induced us to make special ef
forts in the preparation of this one. Its contents will
embrace the intellectual and material progress of the
year, the important civil and political measures of the
Federal and State Governments, an accurate and minute
history of the struggles of the great armies and the
many battles, illustrated with maps of the country and
plans of the tattles taken from official copies; debates
of Congress, Commerce, itc,; the progress of foreign
nations, the developments in science, the progress of
literature, mechanical inventions and improvements,
religions statistics of the world, and biographical
sketches of eminent persons deceased in 1862. The
contents to be arranged in alphabetical order, accom
panied witha moat extensive and complete index, An
active, intelligent man wanted in every county to can
vass for the work. Circulars and aubscription book
furnished on application. Address
Harrisburg, Pa.,
Only agent for the counties of Dauphin and Cumber
land, and general agent for Pennsylvania. myll-2w
V to hire Agents in every county at $75 a month,
expenses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing
Machines. Address, S. MADISON,
m5-113xn Alfred, Maine_
want Agents at $6O a month, expenses paid. to
sell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and
thirteen other new, useful and Carious articles. Fifteen
circulars sent free. Address,
ms.d3m SHAW & MAIM Biddeford, Maine.
CONDENSIBD MILK !—Just received
and for sale by WM. BOOK jr, k CO.
sold yet at last year's prices, without anyadvance.
lIAMS ! ! ! !
20,000,1b5. Composed of the following Brands
just received :
EVANS it SWlFT'S—Superior.
IRON ClTY—Canvassed.
IRON CITY—Not canvassed
Pi AIN HAMS—Strictly prime
U - Every Ham sold will be guaranteed as represen
ted. WM. DOM. jr., & CO.
Office with Hon. David Humna,jr., Third street,
above Market, Harrisburg, Pa.
N. B.—Pension, Bounty and Military claims of all
kinds prosecuted and collected.
Refer to HOWL John C. Kunkel, Da-rtd Mumma, fir.,
and R 41L Lumberton. myll-d&wem
NE PLUS . ULTRA.—Anti-Corrosive
This highly celebrated Pen will not corrode in the Ink.
Its elasticity and durability are astonishing. It writes
like a Gold Pen. The Penman will find by trying these
Pens that the recommendation is not over estimated.
Sole Agent for this City.
BACKS."—DAN BRYANTI'new comic Song.
Price 80 cents, Jima received and far ads by WARD, at
hie Music store, Third atreet. Call and get a copy
early. 4108
tiNPAßED—iust received by
WM. IMS, Ts., & CO.
OTlCE.—Whereas Letters of Admin
latration have been granted to the enbaeriber this
day, on the estate of his late wife, Charlotte E. Rob
erts late of the city of Harrisburg, deo , d, all persons
having claims agidnst the estate of the -said deeld will
Please make them known to the subscriber at his resi
dence In Market Soars, in said city.
My 18, 1868-myl4-dlawilwit
MAiiry !—yor sale W by
bra d.llool< is., & CO.