Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, May 23, 1863, Image 1

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. ... , .
Pons lines or less constitute half a Sinai°. ' Ten lined
or niore than four, conotitakii btiuire. " ' '
Vali sq., one day....... so -Oil i 1,... Me MT, .----. $ O6O
cc one week.,.s. - -• ,I, 00 -. -c - on e week.... 200
cc one salopt.h.. ltiNa cc . .one.montb.• 6t 3
" three mop* S_oo ' ..fc . •three months 10 00
elk uoitlii:. if 00 ~ ' six mouths.. IS 00
" And year— Sc one Teel ----- 20 "
TEr Basfuiess nOtlessinsected in the local. 00L11111
or hofOolkaaarrisiteltcmoooloo, TOT parrs kiss. LIMB for
each #4.lol'tion. T o inairChants and others !advertising'
by the '.l:llborafterniirwill be Offeisd.
ir.3"o.4tunsbar of , insertions 02103t0ellegliVated pia
Ss faalvostispipput • , • ' -- -,
AtiOageo and Deaths •
will be luserfad si,'llts inns
at es titre A la,r wivyitiiseiner4ts. •': ~4 .::.:.3
- ._ .
r t o uNtia i K PAY -
it Lti WO) - , t
aud awn ri.•
war int
sirsvrAitt IngrrnWlcAr - 994" . .
li j u rafter 80iiettopl ,
ito 2 YiN'tbrthrilacti. 'Avaut,
This flim,Batring_a_thorough..Anowledge °Ube Plati : '
sate Besiltelefiltud7 thlailiar".withibetßrikegoejot
all' the - Veptfratterltrof - ttoatnment; believe ate*flatm
can afford grater. fad:lllNa fa:Tension, Bounty, and
other Ole BligiltAgiikaggeasfal. artom
pliehmenttof c snit OtteiM IlbegrAblen,Lay other
firm in itashington e Thu. desire to secure such an
amount of this tolalikeilit wiltbiallettliem to execute
the ithliOneealior aseiLislaiMairt eery eherzyty, and on the
basisOf their,pily ieitingeol upon their success in each
edieuitiPtisttpaitioreAttervill ereettre-thowtrelees of
Litti'lltinFriblOsithlirelifurant-locality throughout-the ,
States where slob business may be had, hernia sack
ttirPnbatedert black lorms'of application raid
evidence, requisite printed pamphlet instructions,-and:
circulars for distribution in their vlainity,-wititatio•
cif'Aitgl sat -tipotir-the dulyezeolitirliEbf
the RaaVpil transmission of the same to - them by
their ' **socialite, they will promptly performAke
' -
V' Their charges will be taW2ollews for offlip, and'
fins dollars for privates, for each Pension or Bounty and
Back Pay obtained, and ten per cent. on amount of
Cllearns . fcir Military Stipptias or Ciatnottir indemnity.
irr-. Noldlers enlisted slice the letof areh,-1861-'ln
any kind of service, Aubtary or Naval, who ea disab led
by disegse or wounds are entitled to Pensions. All
sold thrit AviiettrAtio rtt t %tilt t e ltl
should it sooner ask will be - en I 1 o n .
gridocnotanidders who die erne-kidledi are eatitiwito '
Pensions, and the $lOO Bounty. Inhere be go widow,
then the miner children. Ji„nd If no minor children,
thea.iittlit*g; todiaTh ro dflbra totobrothello.7.;ft
as above to the Si linty luoillaik Pay.
BDiRABD OLAltii_ -
461ATIORD.r . r.
Bor— Apply At *tit MBAs, or to our Associate
Raintranozo, , Pkz--.lOaN k. inGlaill,-Attorneykad
-IPreeranouni-Pa...—Akilitlitn 4 111.DDELL,--kitnr
.RAIIIIETW,. Attorney sad
street, WM. M. SMITH, Attorney and °armeenor: , -
-;Trainrineerba--Pa.. 7 4BOYD , CISIIILILINCUI, Attorney
And Counsellor.
AV,K. 0 'is
It 0 E . . - S 0 RAI
Where liheVideed le . derote tbrair wane time In tie
OW 68 4 1 ,0 11'"ia:
* D .-- If - 0 it-Ik—
a3l kinds and varietiee, is tae neatest and wait tub.
samade styles. , nut at endiplia r dca7 velem
Their stock will conal.t, is part 3 of Gentlemaas "fru
psvaasxc 404,x.itoler 01.0614 and Skews, Intent otylea•
/.(ff Geappra i end other Shoes in, pest
variety; - 4,11., #n teat aanwietm with the
• arsTOrglt liart**i lbepartioularlyat hdedio
alk,TaltN Ll "P'S uc .T. l)4. wairantei•
AVAIgP-6* 4ffi2iiitt!s iosistm.
1 - **.ipial4cal:afpeidinalp:of
. the undersigned,
thei ra.afipd4 knowled ge 11/.6 Rill, they
bcipsAlpipit gua rantee ti the public that they
lil4ditinunjliatilia, and fault& akg as qtittfio titt
wU „reanapiend_itsale ‘ ioi 14*, ebpaphein and din
fjpnie lAOSBOiI t 00:
triIitMiEWSPATENT Rah; .
. _ ..
AIL i sohd, concontratad extract of - - - -
f-- - - 3 MAR :AND - IrKG=ABLEB4 • _ -
• CenvirrtiVrtmilitlr ibto a mourishing.aad. deli
cious co*. - -74 - igdix - toby'almonber of Miami
- figisiciala. :. -- - , •--- ' . , :-- .—-- - - :
Tliiiiidthimibmartdoiii Modlcused Mtn &compact form,
art ihii ciibitaatial araU. wettideo properties of alarge
I,, a utisfiapittiond -- mtemciss, -MU maths= withwhich
_lt,disillikinWtaii fi - oh cud rdiusdae-fics4 - :whith maid
~,E mail 3 iif , pirepaiontur - actordialt to. the , usual
;WipAoitylitlitadminlage himaursitatahous of -Ws, too
'blued Med trek*. Ittoldedywatirisidmscoudides
'blued A* ate, iidoketwitinvabstblikonthe
1 ili,
~,.' litaibiltif iikodeln halt% ICU a porfeetwabetittote
lot 4 . .,tro.'seitit and stretablet".' , Itwill•keep.good insmy
7;;_a - i iuntely . ll4ll‘dmited -103 oniaviadissi by
had eel.; wliio mikthiii owl& thogassaidentithiestra
'VMS oriewouifoifibTe Meal; tombith they ere soluble.
SOlVlNVAlADl3,'NriuShloapiligousappetite caw tam
m Mtfiddifhiliaindaat.--- ..‘..=•-- :- • . r ..
1011 : 01 1 altreltlili Mat 10X0IIESTONISTS:to whom,
both itscompachWiltidd may idepimitiou VW MAORI'
mend IC' ifaitiatolo* •
W2d. DOOR. Ja., & 00.
• - 713 •-_
'o' t•
3P Ali . . Grir mi3Ev...A. - zw - id. IS
,04/4.0 n fitss4Yrratioas
- Is brans or
:4H910111 , ILISBOVEL 'WHITE *Mai'.
1171)elli - 149 1 /ein 44_
TOMS cask! mpffsfiricy.
• ,• •• .
. _
America* Ammal Cyclopedia . and - - RegiMer- of
Important Events for - the Year 1861. /sled
%to. over 750 papa: Cloth 03, Leather $&5O .
rtiblithed by-45. : - Appietatt -Terk,
The design of this work is to furnishrecord of all
the important knowledge of the year. The. Urania of
the w, o g to.,theildWarefteeee, well PE course, 0 0 -
caw a conspicuous Pitt, but all other - bratichea—flei
ems, Art, idteraturei•the IdachiMbe - Articlio. will re.
came due attention. The work will be published ex
elusively breabeeMPeieMiiid iiidrfor deUredy la Joni.
itlid;noir ninnpletbr - • • -
Alesigh's Rebates. of Cupgress,l6,•thelecines.,S3 and 53 GO
per erotism - - • • ' • -
Beeressis Thirty Yerlra.t, &was, 2 earns:es, $2.5d•
died SS per eel. -
CidePeths ,-.l4as 4190www , caviled, *int , the
speeches of tee most eminent °rulers of America, 14_
steelpwrivaim m a tusbkilll.so ma., -
Yammer Life and T!mes of Aii&sii J'aiksos, 3 volumes, •
Wan aacri. - .
I#ll4lllll STBASBAI7OII, HarrisNirt. Pa.
- 13etilittd &gentler D.nAPOLISTON -& Co.
fres Circulatedesimptive of Annual Cyclopedia.
.-14 301 FACTUX11::: - ;
wins, pOSTKR,
it .rt itz s 4 . "
- Zr. cr.
- - • -
trout ateret, ridinga.
. ,
- f , tt i l ina l Tay67:lllaV l iv r 4 '
chains b t cif
1 ` ' tharriesi , ta th. •
1131:Plbto, hi
rag-ante - an d "f. t ii i;; *
49WAErn* 01011141qition, coloring :.E , i9i3r.toso or say
Igs tope oatiiisiteif of ititel Japan ete tow -Plant.
— 111r,„ 1 . ithl• //meg% St, ar
-84)13/41/3"311.E MIA& aiitevotattoeil,
"3 1
• •tt
5 //ILY M N 4 14 .11
..I.disef•- 3 4*-810 .4 1iottsr. v•,: - *• •
Also. a superior ipt4f. t sukuimi elkap44,liCJOVlAliedip
" - .24o4l l Kkritif- 6 NPOP 6I4 Z ir g n n' t
- U) latooket • -
trorirmi. 1.5."
1tiV 4 01414 4 f 4
inpurisisirMioNiMisiwyk . :Rktai
for solo low bw.rt.:. Itror etzl l s l .N.L!WMff'srl ,PRIC,
SE A tiiAjj =• - tW j'A. 4t 8 1- 737 -
7 1 4 L i tlit h g : ...." 116 t y.
4784 , s.-410-0-T-IMPOCKI,116:10:xa
- • -Int 1
.•=l,-,44 " . .....i. 3............1MM 1NN111M... 10 .k.0....11.0.415.11116111064.1......,,,,,,,,,...........e.
..., _
. .
- • --, ~' .14-1-i - **--- -- :t5. -- • - • '
. . . . -•— ~- . _
•„ . . . -.• ~ -.- •
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.1 /I '... 71 .q
~, i'l. -'sNci. ,i 00 iir .
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, , •Ir
;. LI 'l. .i 41 c.' • . ' S.
- 1. • .
, I ' - It-, 1- . ~-.•l- lc te..••
-_, • • • .• , . .• i.1..3.. . r [..1 . -' , •' , .1 _ r.
, 1,--.. ,y,,••• • '....C.,3,1,,,,41.4,,
...::::j 8. - :,' ',' -., 41 .... - SI . ::!.11' i!'i ~ ' ,Pl - 1 •••', : %•3: :
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• •• ri..
-013.- 6 215,:
" lr
- 4. ...ZVI:19111f . ,
0 -ectros-- -
W. M . M. I L 14 , FARry, `‘.
=, :TITANIC-1118 ON, '
A r lVOAlsitVg AT - rAVV .
S l 4l ' o Z ithAVE'aq s- B. IT D 4 . 8
- 7.ltEcoraczstrittEr, t
ayiwastirt• windy Oiltpdafte the Ittieiliei •
HaS 1.,0,-31. - AoDOWELL
'177170104k* LA*;;;;-.7
Office in Burkit. Row, Thit;il strut, Ma flicarivay
foreled. * 'onteithei 'Witt MAMA
ingtonjlityorno -ora..tvitable,toisinen nulakAiv: %PAT .
nees connectedwith any of the Departments wilLmeet,
with immediate and careful attention. ' • •
'etiki3kak-'kfir oorttrm
. Fl3-D-MIA-11-10:1RVII. MOW:
He la ,rum' finilyiuriparee.to atisid ProlipilyTterth
dn'den of profession In allaty.b.sanohes.
A soma .Ainn Tans 51 1 00 /Aug% mairmAirxranix •
Ames - him trcraddinOta Said &IWO lulefablzkosi
all who may favor. Iliirmas ihkliellikiidhleaneChronln
0 3- 4 1 4 41,1. 1 Fp*,t . W~,
seraNTBIDER .L vz:tf--, r: z sly
'4 1 .) 6 11# : , VA *IC
#.4.;P i tiC MOW ,
..4.46:4 9 13 " 1i g t W!. Public siatlkils Runyi,
14% , 31 54.4"-Ealiv"r4aW.:
W 41,41; 110.11 premixed so: do. anytrupg
Silk, iroolii4,"cotikii; bto.,warianterfot.good.
T A Ill{l G .
ect,l4aeriber is ready at ..nu..7014 4 ere4W'',„o. l
four doors Moe' ThArttratierra, —
MEN'S. AND, __l3o - r%
sur494mittlrag with 0 4E 111 *ng - t :Pboulla44. I t.
Palle= wishing _9 11 VS - 461 4) 0 4'14. 1 i 6 of 46n. It4B
sherttit‘nottoi. - - ale
vtrest,, .doen 4450V8i _:14 . 1001141,:,
(Oproarratinsinteraw Hosrliovar,)3
Isprepired to.farstaittearbt"the
Troaltann~pring and Hair Mattrpmea,
lAbzumeth snd all citherikillitiiis
Hite, on Woad 'biota* and' a'xitelerste
perform Were bailmen t Inaiteeleiriarrentedt Woking
share of public patronage, boOkkrtef id,ealliArtaAlso
eatlafaud on. _ jibnl7-Itt
.i0 . "..., - I.,.;:tostmg*liitP 91 1 •
S 1:1111-1,-Air IS - • Pi A-lit:011
ansigiDirdNEMO - tal4B, 91:11rEnil,' s.
174 its ,, Druinsp
prAndhl, maxi "Air!S 4te" .
kinirtiaid Oval hams.
gole4feryWigarititioa4muleto &ter; Itegaildisedom_
Agenef-lor' Sewing blirettinint:: • •
- `o"lb.iietatesio iient' by Mall. •-• z • botl-3 -
litittffiirititaiLOß 4
4ai j*Creceii.frid from Vetir„Yo4t, au . altos t,
- - .
sz...A.s,osAßLig GO O.D S ,
which he offers to hill onstorriera and the public so
now2ffr MODBR4:.T.Ezintiaffo.7 . .dtl
\V" CliMItT 'WT.DI44i 4 ' 13 ;
. 402 WI NAT epia' J•
' 3 '-- r IrE vraTiv.
General Claims for Soldiers promptly celierstea, Mete
-GlndineleMPAed - 4tQ., 411 A— •- • •I,24OAYEt
. , .. ..........
' . • gri y - A* -- -A.lll-:L.:A.'lir . i'
. ••- EttittoATßEET;ll4itirtiol4**?. _„
- 'ufbauphifi eiiinty. dol.
practice to the severia Goarl , t . e_
lectione made preleitit• . .
........i. B.:EWING.
• .
r • '
"COO ~v i nerchaut Tailor,
otltieetai?,o3!4 and 'tout,
tatitr,aadfroal the en* with an - Wisirtriienior
GE:67*s, cissiMgits AND VE S TINGS,
Which Will be sold at moderate priaea and diode-Up. to
*Wier; sook-arso, au zawisetaissa ititikAY NADI!
Cloth:iv; !dud GeatiewaentaLtusidahiaNt: GlOs•
• • - a 040,0
•• 5r73141.1,
flu •
11BY SOVKIIILIS4II34,DING, trrisirAnig.
•, -
, R ta G.rom ox -15
E. S. GERMA * I4-:.-.,-,-..
117 SOUTH 8110021 D STRUT, ABOVAJNatinfT,
Depot forthtealsofatereogoopee,perooge --' Asyl e ws;
IMAM and Mama bait-cm:mac "thie . ronnalpt!Oro
taken for religions paStoattene. A *0844Y
I •
0 1 11
,Al:oXt:t i
'Aiwa norstritslialnlftti PA• '
klutsikeneiiir*ltlVlNVf•wßiro ANSI BOW -
•NESS CABINS summits& in tibAt Mast WisAlcatZlealmi
. 000.43 toPfAil•
"if ••0 N Cr . 'I"
Ridge iTtallei street;
iimagisilune, PA.
sTrie andeTAIPO4 :inferno .titiv.poblio .Fink be bits re
-Penn iarb
y rere i trd end:patted - his roiltlietorn trnieir
OA Mite ureptuNnear the Mittad-aoneecarma is
prepared to soordo•ntalini eh sea ill** l loo l /14.40arek
erein tem eeetektyleottakederietur tee ,
His t able su pplied w ctfthe beet-von znaateta.
'afford, anditt•hle bar wt I be'llnieteettle.lei-lorands of
7 tn i aiietediditart'lleirdiaget67..'lll4
diZIODA far , CAkr a t e rl L (0)1P:0344 at.. HMI"
, fa/ „
TV; N. - /ZI PC - :u..0 11, B.*
- `ll •II;.DT SACO II 114- . , ,„
Thltisitomo4 awl -6(punedlogi Hotel j esg tho
,itoughly roAtted aado-Airaielted. ipreassantbr
shoa t ilartb-*iiratrmiti krilftard3lnd.PclakUß.
stiViiciileirraoorawestof tha NonthemnOokital ItaiD
'way Depot..r. Bymy attastion.paid to the tcivitoa"of liis
LElB=Bll‘ 4 7,prbintitiir,
Late of SeliterGrovo 'Pa.} 1 .
30.2-tt ( . •
ri . r , 43 - 10 IL:-Vg R
4. •
teo. Is siniiilli.teastilicruttilvisuite.
d:_ll44.nsrK l 4 l
s and unsta s pf.o 6 Av_arkl,
d .444 k
e4d4,..itg .14agitatDaiviattkg4
et" 411121,
,-.-.• .yt•c••;--..u.
. . t i t% 1..e:1' i l l V -I
J 3 !. -
If '
. j ., •,. :,.. !-.. -..464-Ait,..l N. 31.1 , .. r ..o.g.ii :E'er,
NO. 98 MAIM= STRUT, HAB 3OO34 g I A4 bA I' 4
EI :1.
NEBT MIMI% vuses; :
~ 10,. intionsoNapamati ~ t
n t otts . -
mi: ...1...-
s ...stip. ; ilite* ite -kit'
• sas,,Lvert trrn itumn,
.. tyr7...v.e.. •*,..t,..
• • . . f.,..
isibi .... o ,
.. :?-,,,v ituftfor :Mt .alria 11114a"018111%1E0P111
._ .
.1.4,1.4:..1.,:::. - tr... Vght.'.....52..? 4.:;.`:' . ..:7 ...JO'S:A* • - - .. 'h .. -''
t , „ . y PB ,
i ),, - 7 W r - E , TWO; CENT
HA ttii 158114t6, MAT IT I 148
- T, 4lowvir,“
tee' 'N. 4-fornilor...AvßagmeT, AND 8111;;110 '
SitßOlrEli Skt-L76ilf;'"'
Tare?sireet oppo3ite ccPatildi after taido7
Efffice,Rlriwriantrgir 14 0 1 Alt t , l I '
41 , t1RILEWT ACKB,DIN 4,titi4V Vf'd,a
neir Glittery NritomVa ettehip, *oh - rurrd
where they are prepared to take ,
llißll'OrYTT . s - ,
the ImPrered,Poloo j'argPltillitst.to/ 411 1 0 gtVen
to 041.1 p) PHONOGIIhenI3. Mao oil hank a complete
aditOrtmeitiof IltlVVVlLlPNlllSpiirhich%thati eeltat
very low prices Call and examine specimens.
Cartes de Visite $2 50 per d'kettic
yip .kin' • 4 1(1 °,1v:4o it
Whole 4 1 0 A'`.4/c l • 9 4*Nbli Al:sff.• 94 F. 4/ '. i r?tts .l :s ° -4. 34 •* , 4 tl4 s o
apicq. ,
Y -1 " Bralfinatalt:4ollßlll64l.
. 5
.• n
.5! , 6,1 1J Zr.i.
.. ,
.. 3., ,..... „.„,...„..
~ , ~,.. • . ~,i, , ..a -:L .il • , ,',l , - 111 (1.. 0
'..i.! .i 5-1 1 C. l " i 4 iBll.lilf . 12 ().-:-, LY:i . .I't <ti11:: 4 - '
' 4. , , ::::-, tla .:.' ,
~, -'
-,,,, ,;10111t; AWEEVS , O z.; 7 M
. .
i l
,J ~.: .3rotLt..,;: % , ,ii . N5 -•! i 111 , 4,1 -1(,,.: ...' 0
IN FA,LititEtiNiffifft r
FOR -RITERAIAT.AS4,APIA, -,..1 4 :Mr.44. - 14644
~ liuMßlsup,,,,onvg.NECK. AND . .19INTS,
. - SFRAlNOoRtfisFsittrEs WouNrikTu" ,
::,:- FlLlJB l oliiiDAlifitikied ALL fltaligLi yr
• r : - vhilikTX.C-40 , ..X.E. 4TPUS.:PIACCADZA4
Dr. Stephen , threet,i-of , Cenneaticatie
The great Natvs al BoVhfietier• -At , A - •
Dr.-Stephen ihreet, , COnneotiont;
is.kuplisi all over4bStiffulted-A4tert, -
Dr.litephen.liweet,l', , ofleennettbmtp.i
Tette /Mbar Dr:AveretesaargsliMe
DIN lisireienrifaHilohy , ' , Litihrignit
Cures Rheumatism and never fails. - v
Dr. Settetni Infatillbie , Liniment
Icivisirtoltrcare 1f .7.1 ,
*westDr ' - Liniment
--:lAffeti Iltprnif aid Subic i • a- , ut•••••)-4 - :
'riiiihirbeirtlizibiown remedy: foifilpisdacond Snibeig‘fQ
/NV' Liiithitent
CarslLßeadsehe hiaikedistely siict-won noir ars ktiteni
to fail.
- ' -
Sweelis iinfailible Liniment
Verde tau gt• fol• rifer; Britt ere dirsi taus
- Dr. iiiiivett 9 4 Infallible Liniment
Cur Toothache in one minute:
Dir SiiiteetvS Linfilient
Cares C tan and Wnandit imthediately :and Info no
Dry Sweet's. , tatailAltl4 l 6 Lin*inept
_ _
Is the bee.. ,,, t,. - Ten?.edy foT. , l3qT,es intheinowtt;voild
,t 0 .4'.4 used,* niore. than inal,illon tnople, and all
pralsett. ' - ' •
Dr. Sweetlii - infallible Liniment
ititeeveiffaidry !Mould
turveltibt_turat 4 •. . - _ .
Or; B , lveet's infallible: Liniment
Is for sale by all Druggists. Piles 25 cents. t •- •
_ • 4 .. AI q.NIARRSOZt,
Bole Proprietors, Norwich, et,
Foi 6tiehYl4l-11ea1ibrs.: . - • • ':ap9o•Sow-d&mt
-'4' , - . NEW - : . , 'YO RK,
-Haile the pleaseee,44,mairmicing. to their manerone
friends and patrons in the itroiy, ! that they are piepared
torfdriirdieSs asidArananda pascals nvalrAlL.,:withthant.
most eare and pr.omptltude. _Watchee su fetwatded are
regiltered; tie take upon ovirseveriltriska '
ration, and*gasr.ntee,a cafe delivery.. . '
Improved Solid Sterling Silver tin EntirAsu
ifiEVl3ICs, in•.igoLd -Traded -oider,'aistwarranted RC-
Aurapilimepiecteit. Tbie ip po entire par pattern. nade
exprS'iddy for' nieriaan Army and Navy sale. They lire !
manufsetured,ep a varrhav,wome inspier. lath Euglieh
amen mark, certify ing . their .geieurnenesi ; all' in all,
-mark° a 'Most de Pablo Week:
halter, Nit05,91.7131-24t,,Y3t#3.Yn.:--,tlto,onmen!sArnz
zeirtliCare becoming provertilit'ae Brett taltability
stomrszy. Thiy are i.patticulerlyffatuattlafes eitl
cora in the army, and travelers " Thepri6o is &marry
verif•lnfa.i.Mf 1$111) 'pe.ti eke
-41,04: t4o,east of .ordinary English Lenge, while.. they
will readily titan fur a larger price: Postage, per case, .
74ros, ; • '
RAILWAY L,Tll#l EKEEE for Aimy SPien
lation.. the Ar - Wrg andaroy Getzeitin :Of
iptuk,- ; in Ito .FehrnimAr.: number ! , saylikr,`` TWA in
tion of the tripsun'iffiot , f 'New York. Mbi - a
felt want, being a handsome andvontieeable Watch at
411.00C.A114.6.1y 10,V. figure . Superior in style and finish! .
- Veldt& y the must noveltieV Mit Should
:p.tpriAra from t.20.-te:. p each. ~61, 0 11,inwRtionRof both
gold and ailver, ifoyanevicoloied-Naitiii beautiful ilialieleitii4vietior.temslatedaerrovemenr; , ..Seld by
the ream !of sig_ of assorted designs 'Engraved and:
rolperiarelectrolitatea with gold; andliWinclitittedAier,
eme,..l4t:Tili-404W.JNA1e0!.444.1.4ka,..048,,),N .. .
Joßtaite,B l .. 6s per case
OffEERVERIN..the teriergen"
. of, fileclkaniant.:—laltia BUNTING AND °PIM erACIB I •
"0r4. - 4 - bPS'Ori'tistfitiontilit W AVOW
Upeoviimeiritha,Nstr Tati P
lustratecl News, the leading tibtdtfal,teprt - O f the roil;
zteAf at4es-iditee. fame of Jan. 10thOfiddom pagol47;'
ellttEritY Rasp z!-"Wo have been shown a most pleas.: •
' nolettelfliiai Ufa )ortit4r-Vbrk, •
.amthellere 1 3A.P.Oftere“ the
Observer, and is a EU
nnng and' Open leine - Nratc • Om
.4Dni•tif *ettlestj.triostEcOutenient.. end de;
. via edit the loefit.e.ukeheapest timepiece forieneraL and
'l.lllVe tea etWinikred It had trftftiult ind*nnec
, Itedzwith Ire tneob.Mery, - its ,- ownLMEAteS,PtteOtiMento
rendering a key entirely tinneccesiiiy. The "dies of
1 this Watch are composed of two motels tba.mater one
-being MAO ict caret gold. -It !pia,the improved, r uby ac
tion rleWei'edofthinedt;llhditteserantediMiestiistatime7,
iptetii." Price, - .ssiaortii.t4 ) Pgrav4. :14.,11! CAM of hall'
dozen, PO4. Sample Watoa.s, in, neat m o deco boxes;:
for those prOPoshif td!hoyaterholesaievs3s, l If sent
by postage is,36pents. Batelle at $lOO and ,
' ' -
'.rape have :tie atonal , •cirgnieci4:2ltuirera must'
deal with us direct, ordering from this Udvertikeinent:i
Zrrni 43aveln 'adeantre 2.ltoreittannew.May.be ipinie in
r eeney„.Pr draft. payable to our order in
IT ynti wish goe' deeent inall,4tibleise the
iimount ot the postage E mii* _ygytie your
address in full. Registered Letters only at our risk.
Address lIIISSatto hit ailtralll3,
ap29 „dim.
• •.•
kJ A. Tory c,ortiiiitent Wai4ni'D‘gli : CA;
AM I S' P AW f t-PF B t9.-
MOTIONEI:.-Iluits vanoty
1109 1 *1 1 4 1 8.11t 1 4 115— VbeT.rat, 44 .
ECOURFFIfft it 4 160610 ra.
pßESug 3 ,NupgAltp,,o4 - Ljeli arid_
Domestic Pickles, PY,,,tl;te. n l
z onlpr Salm" Oil, Ketetinp, elamptra
'.very by.. 4 • ;=-2
IV: . Co
W, ~.,-7-; . -BRAISI,
..No 62-
Jitarketatroei, : kelro.iillig4; taa feelpoai, large
agortmom or Blfiniroa; Misuse, and '4llivitc *Lich he
will sell very low. .-"1* -- '3441"
ii §4
,56 4
v .. 7 b a r DPA .
• DOCK-41Aka,.*ZP
f:att:l4:fillk ::0rY4911
4011 P
Wa'Mtnst &gal /ns flhirtWe "
Tthr **id)). 45
tpuivitritiek .1"
ICOONs, memo sittorrifooM of- W a toties idi
"Mtl 4 46 l 4Frii. D d
1, at
"IA 'ma
" 1-14 ' 1 .11.T.41V
.: 1 ;
fe ,rll, A.
"11 . 2
119 4 lie 504 4 . dillifbei .•. ~. ~..
-"•• '.' N ' ' '' ' ' "I ' -- ' ,I J - di`.l" ..ii: "",t' ..5.11..fete. ltd.r"
Titlic .6 11/1 . " 11[Wi r +: Ititr Tj
IJ ,zutill'All-PPY:44MIjt7I
bi, - ..:. : ,, !:T.H.E1'..4.64 , WA 6F;rill.lleatiM.J,-,7.-or:
•,„I" 4,,t1 ,t,
• tn 9 41.,9110,1Atelpgenr.er.
;XI "beati tofilbeitils' Witt'
re rd 'Oa 160 lakgig';ittiteitlileik'ltia!;"
aW.d,9#llvieit.hc 4efttr. voilatociK , ort itret
".17A12 11 i', 1 k1 3 iprhr,16iie.ii? awliaitestviV.
law inifitEhY'zifiriae , to ff o
0 ffirdo
The charge brought against Dir.
haT aUfolleliST; II .A
if Tubliolp renressingi ittisidationitfAitewtv
r. 4 1 O r AgllP 9l . l,3 §iffPßifi f fSd%ukl.Ypr B A. ,. - 11e0 4 ;! 7 -
ment of the Ohio, his sympab or'.ose l e t"
arms agaiost„atlauuata citieo,thite,
Stats, Oeptprifra - tifilayalletittaterla
ions; w4thkthe oaid aid Wpdoesl iittaihning
the power of the- Government in its efforts to
The specification adduced hy the TudgeAd-
Toast° in 61 the fol
roictigoterttle:lG.P.q.,) ( 1 - Zs: '7' '
)s'aidaiii3thet4lite C4ement ,
# , Cti t24 ...ot4he-Pqie Rifia °4 -4°# a k"?4
the tlrsi day 701tty"0 . 86",1; altiptint
knii4 ; county,
(31116, b fablialf
laigeinehtirig'ef•ilitlifettg and rdid. tattle sintb:i
menwinutordniOnAlt , veffeek:SO . 10110WR itDert
cdoringi;Akelprogonti ti wg.,‘4loeinhCqs,,pc 0@,„00d..,
ursneceeney wary .
,a ,war no t being wa gged
for the preser'vatio'n thi . 'a
the purpose of crushing our liberty and event-
itig allespetilun-Vi ., .‘niravide' metal freedn4lS4
the . b l oo7kfiflalkdik4e,f4kBATMe4.k9A ekh4e4kii i i
stating, , administration
„had so
Neighed. AP "woe - tight li tiiretteltlietitiratili"
• iittil`mtliiiii"Apgtelrlfilght
have been honorably obtained by 'litanies:to
the d. Aater,to44.4.e.tie,o- et& gh at
tgortutlitiotiut i ,by i
,which Sonthern 'States
cotildtd,.‘ron .
beihiejentedltheAlirbefore thet;lata( battle of
Fredericksburg by Lincoln and his j Aninione t !,
matting„ thereby she
4 1 " PliOdeOf .of 'the tOited
treivirtititint nfilhe Milted
evertidilsl4*.to 1144E44 0e People q their
,4botipb t .4 4eprivethetnpf „their xigh te. and
Charinfeiiiitig -L genititte,'Ord'Ot
No. 38 4 Headquarters Department tifitite
ith haiteensurpation lt-f ;Arbitrary authority ;,"
inviting hie hearers to resist:the same by say
ing totreer..:the Peeteelillf. o ffleYtheminions
9filPlFlr4. , P 6 4.,eofa'?,"/M P l/I •P` i thgA l 'ite
such r estrictio ns upon their . liheitilisli*Vet•
ter' Ileefaringl ' tha£se = wa lir 'it tiiiies;lind
-open' aIV cocoosiOns,4esolited:tw. do , :What ire
coma te;tie feat' the attempts P Oll l-'10444 ,:madeto build up a Monarchy upon the,rn i ne of ,pur
free „Government asserting 'that he - firmly
believed, ea lie said six months 46;1 hat the
ilea in power. are ahem tit g to tetablisiOn
. deepOtism in • thisraittitry-Oiore Xibie
„Optitessiva than' ever:eilited' - tieftire.' . ". ". Ail=. of
'and seniimints lfc well 7sfigeiclifid.
titcf,ebibfO74;' laid eneOuragiVios s iiti 'ark* 44/list
. 44p OplorimenV-'iliul could bist - :induce lit" his
biaiivert o'sbri 02:67T6it and
s i rnofth,R.ros_thckse 723- 422Z/na_cfgairat t , aiia cTrapo_
? : itiol',.cp 9:0841 X !thoirefthiitOt4:'
J'. .
. antige A:ditcreatii'Ditot'afthe
• It Otte be'eeen - that , ' the-•eliiirgenudlhe
speCifiCation,•erenit entirely sh'slain'all by' the
7evicienee,..(eniieirltitiliTnibie inquiry we raise
no qtte iteeleto' sonnet'Tank/Wig
' ha r tii;
'Pot' to the imenty:" - •
' 'Now; this offificehtik•byihe recent legisla
tion of Congtair,liiien iniefeespriesly-Cogniia
ble by the courts of the-V . 12144de States. This
appear, from the_follotving . !toque, i being
!tn. act, to .suppress insurrection,. topunish
treatitin .t,
Colitisolitei he
perty of rebels, and for otheelittrpesetie 40-
proved: Jbly.l7; 1861 ; and. -found in vctl.; 12th,
ohapter.l9kpage 688, of tile Statot es at, Large,
as printed by peder of.Congreett., We cite the
,Bectioriti relative to this topic s as - folfouti
"Sie.."2: .. Anif 'a - it farther--eildeeed; - "Thlit if
ley person 4ton-hereafter incite; oet on foot,
.assistr ; !or,eagage Ar, iggarrec
• tionagainat„theautherity of Jtie.p 440 States,
• oLt.h„,s ialvs, Cheviot; or shbll give aid or iOnifOrt
tfritteb; Cr . abill . etigage in or
idcany such - exiititifOebegion;4 sierisrreerion,
nnikbenonvioted thereof; such pernoe.,ekaltbe
imprisonment for perio4: ~Rot
~.a*cas.ding tett,yesrs, or bin flue not eipeeihpg •
tin thousand 'donors, and by the iiheraiihn'of
'ill 'hie' staves, if -any le bare 4e. by both of
said punishments, at thes,llher.etion , ,- ,the
5xg.„a.... 4 1.rid be itfurtlier.iiießiA That. very
_;person guilty of either of the °Tepees Ileac ribed
act-Ana heißririer ttoapsble and
- qtiefifiett , te hOldzany-eirtee 'titular. the:if:Failed .
..fitatetf," • -
I . The ,trihnnel tot:4 cognizance of such`oases
and' tineStionti "dislihetly"appearti . ficki - the
elndieg• tiectiettkof thitidatitte, as fotiaits.
‘ '" Si. 14. - :•:Ansfliiit; giedier-epacte4,: That the:
courts ;.;10f OW Ipited jl S,Lates shall ttan.,fulr
power to institute proceedinge; make orders'
and decieei, process; and do - 111 -- CTheri ,
things necessary to carry this act into
leis is i pottilusive7.4tti thOurisdigtion of
the - courts - of : iti f e - Vniteft Statell, and of them: 4
alone, t;)vert- 4.l4,offense alleged to hare been
: cornseitted.,-by „
Bnl:the Ong - rise - lid Eiotihis 'hire. As
if to a ifttie`door-agaifstrnnyjeuttifforoited
- lags eV those inatitatect-rby ilettrilartfei4e, it
: yksted -att. not„,..np„proved 1tt4rch,,,314 ; ,11403, ; ex
Ling certain -eases.”
'The sections' - of illienct44lirrant lalliebesie of
Vallatidighttur may:. be. found; unpapE7 ss ..
of the volume of the Statutes at.Aange ~pAtjusl,
printed by, order of Cengress,_olci are as ht . ,
lows ;
"Be it etiactedby the Sendie atid;HoeS4 of Rypz::
4if =mole iihiitid;Seatis of Anatrice
qCongresr de5entf01A43het..:.4.8.04,,,1h! p
e -PA r i eßent
th l e..'pke / sident vie(' Aittea,,
trlieneyer, .jiti:gineifit,"the ]3nbnid ` safety
. rionit tottiipmid the
iii it ' of habeas Corptiite , nnyi. esseq/itranobstit. "
ATl,litedßtatese ataripetrea*KilkaiTY ,
lege i lis A , x , o !„] ; ,, e44 : osL . B up,socied yAnd
whenever and
, ittpetiiiiit; ) itliniCifsielif, no inillferywotber,
- 01E:eel-Shill: bey compelled,`:.±oa answtr. ,6o .•: a nyrt
Writ of fia4rstuolVti% t_9 ( yonoiL.th . e., i tt.tlL9f
iltersokorpersops..dettga, *17012.Y uthora
ity of the TreSi'd cid iir Oa, eit e tifioatek
under oath; Yetitroft t►rgnf an
. Stye an ) diteskiiiii that getich.4ersolo•-..iad e etain
4: him Ite o w priono r m4tr #l,#);_ioriV tOs .
President, further proceedings ur i der',,thn wqt;!
gf,.Atibeas co rpus shall be suspereigill•y the,
11.2dg,tri)c' w rit
• rattitt'inliaretwtofes_oifizt*." Y 4 "•- [ T
ittilitgodttlyeV,,,DtAa . oso .. f.?rAvlV, 3 .t );" viN.:
been suspendi4 oPniti; -- it'funo o that
judge in that Stare is anthorizecrWitiipeuit
proceedinieliiiiituMriiiidtr this writ..]
7,z ht
adr 4 ::4'.:T . 7.1 i,'"?..t*":Mr.r.r!l4itrx.:i
o4' iiiebeililAtidi beit:furthatenettbel,
SWASKY cilrhsOlt ACIT4E;
be and t i gy are ere 7 direr it, aeon Its
.ogf 'bd.; ,
thki(dirbrili'ainVOliattiot 9edatiPior VIM United'
Stateniab&ok theyDietitiOtolf CoAtielllittikliste of;
tbcpwpig.io - roaertnrropleißsB
which thz admmistratiog of t lgtis on
u7N/Nire'dM.'"'"epliaict - Pgfirlael AA.;
*Ay kereafree'oN•teldtios
. prittosunf.44o Ate
Viiitedffisate44.l.ffi ordez-ar wathorilytsilata*On,
4 0.4 t 0 4 0 8 g1144',4. , SiffAe. l /.9r4qi*ts ?4,404 - 4 3 1 0 !#.7,
tar) .
ttraenetor.:ottter Veetl, as .
Stale or liolitibal riiii'dders t er
mime-raj. ail Awe tchtfreside , in- the: respeetinctijumi
ri64.44 4 4P8 .44 I .4 1 4 61 9:.% bitd# l o4Nik
thssaidAbsreptr i tm er . Oiler of them,,
hail; "
violated hny:iaw ire itnit t ed tote's fir
staid Jdrifidiefiotsst' , Mittatkr theddatki.:6l ,
each arrest; the Secretarrofiateteittilttraisktri
a list of suchoned by the
order or authesitrelitiketAltesident, acting
thew& theiStete tntallto4ent,:!elPil-Ahe;.BKiltre-
Lary of War a list of such i m are iwpris i oned
by the order er anthoriltily oetlier'resicfa l f,"
aatink;r3f 7 Wit,r.'
aii bf conrFstatisrj 4 j3nliglidttln
piitayit after" t'he pt s r efit liittrlact; ant'
liar tetinitifitgalift
leflatnAftf; of ptooteB4:
ittegiTherre.rnifewmni fitlaildefl /west fdtity
ortlie-.20 tihr /44
4 , e'bf aitfirco ittAtottlifivriVtakilciti
tWats eitirottkl prifiditeio
fro* . go iiiiiirligiiiiiMne ,, ,Yetb#496ol ,l l6efilphuhiliVNl
bh'iliAtiPparl= ctigr'etieltropetutV thiihnzifebt
Stittalattirntr , ctiato4 - eyi-mg - uprixinto , tintefiew
tifieWtictiMiizialiktegyt , Ve I ft dbils' 7 .,eiettie
fißleev.i . otdei ifistilhe 'Shalt , del* (byr 4
ineelk?"-1,6 , 443:;ite Shall birlitibleittieeearcindietw '
&tin handred?doilaten
RIM initriffetiniesiVinittreqUinunon jell tfornififs3 ,
ridti not IMP thitt art Imbitiliti t in eV; MOM etibte
alb* &Miff Etriivida,..iheesseetpithlit nn-iptri‘
Snit Shill , ter Atethitrged - DhYlittirtne4t3theittcoa
vithonin otthintnottuntii ' who. , .hotler ilettecebnlb
hate'tekint:nti(killth'bit fsglua itO ifits geld
erititieni4-thectteiredillUttet; ItievfolhtrPritSti
the ChikettlintiOnvibereof 5 lung thin rho iresonhe
*itincot hieditertiss - stiy wakniesisteghieriffee
fiViris4 l 4tinthsit tn , thepreasentirstiagliostpOr the
stirpthitere thereof PlatnitjAri*inicaAtoti !MO
thOdAgtijOi covri 3 befoFeiviic•saihhich*nwa
ititiylielistntsght i lbe(orettlieehargiVdstioeshes
kbhpileonninakfiditsll:•hdretpewit,9l. fete
Isseinatioleof - she neseitiiid, Ittstscpublionsfety
eheilbte4ttire'tti, Asia Asti regitiiselste UMI him
oriter toseitterinto•resegninatineistrith oriesithe
out surety, to keep the ,pence talitelbe lefogiikel
behavior< lentegis- the lanitAdit§Whit) <eookiits
44 2 4 1 0!.. 2 44 0 40 1 atinge t s+;ioigli a ltV's TJ'64}
times ; salmon judge or court, may meet, am
friat i befenie "said norrif witil
according to ,Iner, ea the , cireitnehnieneristeg
require.. - And, 4, 14 4,4 1 . L .: be . the 94.ilitir.tofcgmbiliEL
trjr4, attorn f y,qf the ih4ited ,Stp.m„ i /Attelik4
such examination biter& the r iullfe.
"Sea. '3: And 'hi ;it, friithei .: airiefett, w intifitt
east tiny of each prisonere' stutitihniunderlin=
diet ment or preseutmettt for , aeny.offfittettogghl
the laws of the 'United iStates, awt e ,b7oA4tAßg
laws bail or,soecogniaanCe . 'inat: - be akin for
the appearance for trial of such person, it shall!
be' the - alai - 6f iiiiikpaifee at once to discharge
such person'neon recognizance for
trial as aforesa4.....,lApvcase c thpaattl iseare
taxies - of Sta'e andwarsNit- any reason
- Aro;ei omit 'said tiiihif apes stt~a
aftetalaajtriidners.vicitfottrocidslh6 tialatif
sage-of .this-aet[teiAlwitgliAlt*TYPAireMft
sucAPeTtan..„. B -',i 4l / 4 g r egfiVtßlVoll cirTftlY#l l l4l.n
twe.nty,dayspra t h e tame of trace ,arrest, any . 044-
ien may, after eilighaveYtiittria
tid its': senates mithOot final* air dad ennenti
or presentment; ail proxida4 04191.01104d4E1e11-1
A* l 4. 11 4 s Wiitti a.;.. 14 114 t eksjmtke , PfAa!
afcxesahl r , tonchint any persons so an!
afOrtisia 1 . 60140ne1/ 2 , ei4pciriiW-WtEiVoiirliilf.
- ieuetepetitioneret - , anyloorhier - tieillePoPtetaeu,l
Obtain.intd:he entitloditn - hatvtgthe'saidjutigtisi
order to discharge such prisoner onAeletonn
terms .4ao,conAlitiou.s.presprittedinThe sic and
,ntion or ibis - seri '1 1 i614 . 9
li b i n w at i e t , b 54:4
-•'' The redder vas '4o4l , l7 l edueet frbar &eve rierii
visions:the law ataiihe .ilatiat444.l 0 1113 44 kt 410
Arrest ; „O h Ckett ! .,.l 3 wrlpti*,,, : ;44 „ri4QPerliPkei
that, proceedings oridertibi writ' ha - 6'am! eor 1
• 4ii - ,ire - "to be iiiiiafiniiiit tii thiveriiiiiii r ii'haii-i
'hies d'dtelihereikrattiel•iiiiftilega !.4eif=!thir: wild
- has...beemettepe oiled, by Ati ft rtresidesitpwhiabj
-not Ae : case i ! }, h4§21,te..9f 1 0 bio.'c .400 4a.
~vitt, ip.
`offig toi, grind: thi . writ 'tided ' Mai'
'had ad leen liiitilaW, litiiiott , Wite gteaticciAl,
by liftv.Pugh, the:Attorney 0f.,104 Validditog}
hem. We infer fr!Mt:*.Aos.4lotA* l . gf4114111
_71,4 , deed not , deem it necessary to daye a
• knowledge 'of 'IE! ' taws iiitiefi ' VV4iii3 ;Aron}
ditty' id' ititillinititiiri; oiltt&hits 'beagle Of Llitiol
,einlagvinffnmogall-:-undkr :Otto ftedd , astecmare
~liatOlte4L4y.giti, t 4..l9Bo, ' Reer.rime.d.l.l g Panien:ll , 44
read . the ioardals which are authorized 0 ptil:q
i'llai th*t iiiotihe'ttolficttiiiiiihilliaftilli
iitiO'.oo - iiiethi - if aitibitirt iiatereaLlii4tAlVAitalt r
, tent to-purchase. : --tihe,- , Iwolupe : printedah,rithe
, e mip,e4 .11 . 4 bileher.ti,.,*ea mit 1.4tt1e..& At'aftti,
~of 13oatoti...oritici, the 40014 , Of. Citigrese.
liiiliatirdii`Ce of tihe lava c hittit ' bi - hiti' belt'id'it
ids& fol. ittit"dolitihit'dtlirtioderitheiaN
ii , , ltd . ,_wheri *Judge 'lt Aheilivite4.-.BtatfOL is
.fautoiigacritot,of, tha.lckslatiou of qopArp4s
on. ; this head, surely ; • BUrnsicla may _
eihuaid tiiiinot liOnwitig thiti.Coirgiesii;brhe4
l 'itc Ofltily - 1 7i h,J11162, bad. et prtisSir PravidetV
for the trial hy . ;:ths Mom of •the..oiNtreelie - 1,
alleges .egliust Mr Vallandisham. Nor is it
any gaiwei to say, as Gen. 13 urges in his
statement made to the Judge', that we are in,
a state ofTerviriiii — •, and an-emergency is upoik.,,
us which requires the upeiations of some power"
that moves more-quirkiy-than the civil," for
•witf'Prethielpiti iiesi ; -of tiVich air "OMlTtineyn,
;that OunitresL.passedthle act of laacy./I.c4pAyih
4 1 034440 1 444.tcw 0 P ) V 4 94 1 11 r l ht Ma
biliV p$ thearbArsr.y d etent ion of eSonaheld
fisPvisdnerii Of the trtledglate p 6t
&lei or"
ailibilty of iht iktifsidentottbeafinhia &tarsi
as , State :oviaolitioal- pfigeflefii.:loX. QO4/ 180 4
4 hau as prialArT9 R.; wart'? Ihat gcugrpsfri pagsed ,
the act approved - on the gd of AFirth last, and .
the sections of which, ao far as they iniiii tai
thii cs l iefin -Ilitil.lreaited some i: The - intsrsl
iention'tf -azlit ottitataititial, illegally_isharged;
,Witfi th'e hied of a , bitisen, does.motaidten the o
sailee of , theltupris oistse stet Ids tiVaillandig
ham,-lieltii; whit* deprived 0 hit liberiyi mose
texegardea its daW-40 one. a !igo.r4rivi -. Py ttir
Aspipr or : Ft.in49.4ly, ~of the
~- ,ErPV i f it, ~!Ttios
thriighihe Pcp9 4 , 6 e? 911 f. _,,
xt . Pf `i Y4;V it , • ita t llh'W . "mr; lallandig
haglgp iiiFiisiined 'in tp . ri - . 44'dif% tif
ordes., , orGeopaY liii"Olife,:cootritittitlil sew
lqoe' ,the
c4llr , r . Oaift-ial'iNkalTy - ilAirgink
ir.lth;i4,l4Liiii,,Wit.iiiitzeti. for au - en.lielilios4,s•
I l'o•Fg.tiiiilwl4ly- a 006* if `Yaikieitiii Mr 1
tatitintfghata'il_eiltikeliefq'aff,ii B'igidittForop„lVl
!.tie.4l griaTif i e v , yijfOitqia 4riiiatt dig-Girt ISf
i . 1 „.. 0 ,,,, .R.,1 4,, yg0,',4 'lt , will ' ilti?eforeifil theca
i n zaft_ri, A v Ac idie.ti t :?iii t tliotlrelYypteligu f e
otki.., ;i ti cAil , t t qflltoll I , B'reiika, tirri"-iiiiine of
Vt ! ; 111, : (1 404' 9. :.: 4 # '3 : iicr i ii'o f 'tv tr atted
. ..4riq 004.1% ' *tit tilitta' lottif a"d
r i l t gly lops, fiiittlit oi 'SF 'oeriiiao 3 iftteLciehiair
-.4../.".A '"
• •
5. - tt - • - plArtr?* z•A. e 4 :
111.1.1a1,17.`7A ktrodovitt
3n: ¢:sue ;:.. _,~,
BY - Co;' :turtitETV ti . o9
Tex D - Attr .Paratiiiiiin,ritrisit4l4 eeryed.to !th
seribenfrealdtag *WOW, ran trini
ntitunitiViltiiiiii,ANfrirteta &Ai/1114"P
tIeeITOB rtrakcinittialihiikielein‘
0771478, edil litilfituespettwOrolviiiti seiNfisay,
type, nnequalla „.,
. by any establishment in the interjkg At
the g t&t. ^ ,P_r '•••••••&gs ,1611 " -la an t"
lii ERC • •
:that he may be4kiit 1Q 1i441 4C " 4,l;;#!dii:Mi n
statutes made and provided fc1,..pre 9 41 141
convieilibn# laiderlitioht•tioswastanees,
wouledarary witheltathe kuvrictiowehkuvand air
siterliatfulai!ribceizertheraseent , of s i mr ,„,bi d i ng
oritigewiesibbabit, tarot teotvii , dsets, ;I:
We have saighthatoret ibeltivie lit
in prootoltog fa - Junto 4rAtaillariblir ilVelkeizlig
ham under the Constitstion and laws of the
land; titrilThe Iri if it ceiforjgO*B 01PireAPP*
ishment according-thiaoleserts; for Mr. Stan
, tonmeigeolined- hi* abassaiato Vt. k Z#44O:OO l / 1
"11Edact.7fAil 1aihic14.443 4CAT16144f1 Ifflitrill
lifftirsl . ,9% se L etrlo to justt x 111 A& mili r
a ' efeiaitfire ' from"' 4 114 14 ' ?AV 11
0 4 rj
,administration," at the outbreak of thelibgb
'aim; whew the govertunen6 watmaltedondsionly
Ei LlAi 4l : 4 :r a Y l l e t*At e6 Pl. 4ll ibli ( rd° &Irak
loot lanticli4o4 .. , 44. 1 "PgAglACtO 1 firill4t2 ,
iprbvidectArfrTolllisisffoot iie-deolori nsototti:
i t.
,1O:WR iiii4e'iltiOrihrinfirr@li . PlifftB6s2.-rra io - ,.L
"The breikICIIPX smie dril, taalagtrie-JiliciO3
rectionobased on a oonflistioll, politica: l l44s,
ibeittg'hit eirentWithOlit prylVent tr'timp-llni
,te4 gat s et3, Wai ii . ' o 4 9 'firilY,4/ 11 0#41/5 Me,.: get /
confueloh arid perplexitya
~the, pokis:,,Mint..
Disloyalty, before ansusrisetek twldontYs . be
c.... 0440 tietiliozi - aAiiiibalibif ' %hi *brl&
by - bringing at encl . luta this i tield napicary forces
superior in numtiers‘cr thlestanding army of
the - maid Ettotba. : - , oist,7 4. 4k , , rt. 14- ,7, itliT
1 _ 4 •Fiverviertlia:tporikonsildAika 00.1intrat milateh•
'were Root 40 3"Piao.liiisid cwii , iFiatioas4r,hlfP - ,
I erg. A l l oove wirgfig g ieo fotp l erng_!,, e Arprr.'
l of driarifon,witlefrotoidetiven AIM sity iie
c*dit"gla4l l BnflatittaiPpiogOlin o fr p rieoted .
of espathisep WE fretainaterikuumh babbitt*
!men, money, and materiahe ty
.4,4 ,puppßes
to the insurg ' • • naval - form.
i Atoitivt,shimi ty fe#ificAptionp,mvx_ yards,„ fur—
'49lKAßPtrig lt e ltO nli t art p rwne l r 'Ts
irJfit t YaFt PIP .11 t, nt#1! 1 ,1 3 14 0 filSfit.
7 7 - i irr eig ,..-
...,,,, - , l6l ,,,, iiiti ,, jjort . i ltrum , - e .
„pima ii4llhaii-ANWRI. l A* ifiniffilit i -
thorities were powerless and' abtfik a 'The
1 fidlifil Masai*** *Midi ifigit tli AO Oen
i **good nottco%thstaaßlMpoilioienume* tut
, to 45 ,011 1 /M ,ftlifittsonnagotloill; .k.
icops,,p ..Ise*/ the resident, re tit lus
(1 0 . 4 7 Ceemp , x w,11,8 fig* fireffr illify
- tiWeik *Whoa& o6Vilarttkietelftittfitila VANE
ha - easercetiizquadosiltel, ) SocttellNl iiskto sae
field such nsiAjyareVAPßOlCEFeffbiWir
ized by the arlefhig 1 ,..-mrik as 140 ilea necess ri.
Iffkreto, measures I clitraventlheuseott,he
Pat,' Akio ` 4 lVe , iiiiiiallilite ioi l iVilfailte.
friaiKettaiii i sfoing*tigstpvgialtraentotiwilpi
eoiltstriea 4 onierg.iitentaieregtsieSl9llllol44lllB
k 4 18 1404 *A 1 90544%,, o uSUCl442o l rA t 's of,
ktAfte i so r mus iik, various slimes, a ?optima
pe,rsons ithiNtediii3Vesiatidlo ' iiiii weriii
be likuirtelettgageitzedbgbyid tathioiriiietesitble
pogorkrostubsoo a4cdq ttompoolohitiyitoo mg
Ili igOew =9o4oeshm4leW.WASkitelijkll7
coo m z, 3'1,4.4, ingesqvq, l to proven _ gin and
Cret:geotheitiredir42 - olepratita ijd Biiinifid
tfoittPortifilefr etteFears#6rOlinitisitsedthincl stoine - of
imitfim - t9G- 1 * 9 all IV e 7, 4 cirsiplomp* ,or
mpoji ,cundifmne w cempaliblc, !vs was thought,
iiith fitii'inibli6 saffty: ' t • - U 4 II." ' i '
"Mesatirke k s favorable cha nge
l of publioll4ol
- has occurre4; - ,,,Ae, ein Owen briny and
detain, atilt, is Ralik defte4 ; fltt whole- structure
'if Ur thrverfrmexitiz — 'Olie Witiitafiteinipiehen
- Ann toPpiebilb-iditget atoddleilitisediftetreaspit.
Abby - v*o4es -Lam. Abalit*l4l.mittr OkeklEito
482fs V** TIROCATakesh. els° na to
spoiltll7p. e i n '
surrec'tion to levee to
Itivi`etibtiliiitt I t ficticiAi , ,Wrlt . .OEII
- Piteeictenti iaonitaa4l,l3.P fadaiusful
langignishio.faiwn 0• Foftsrkloll-4404 77 00415Men
kkaatidnun Kr i akpn,,§#; I've oimi fo t wkolOt.
ife werfire will allar t - direats `M o. tip 'Witt-
Wpitibliers c W i t fife iiiiiiiififiriVew &Win
villitowiy 2 toottaiy blvialisiledoipt tikehroptioari
fftrlkel„,r4er_7.oPdril! tiltjlOifP * I
unitea to es '
- "tdtri*ailidtharY - Itirintie j iilit Taviaffef Ise
Inad# tittairthiv dirietlimi au 4h6todditap in_
: anvitieo .itione.M. , .. earns ,Ltoi 'RI isia. al L: 8 fa u 1
- .: 1 4 , ..q5T1M1 81 14,11;N0 9 Fee l AiNtiP l4 A ,i,RI `4o_;=
r stepapc v , p r epigely, gun. a case AO ialliriM49o
- El4iiiregAa iinoliieCatifliiiiiguittd'tf•Mr.
- stallaindlihaisf, WC listrthutßroade ,prawbsion
Au. Aire itscarfflgency," '1 Tiw P44414,4006-004/11,
skr.o°.f2VaiOtit , wittegriniintr ,sr
rests4u, th e. Heart, o is, :Joist popu ali e n no
'iciiier eifseil - filr ° tlie'llufiitnilisiPitiwfie-
LlecorrugsitmeisfeithttitylltuAtzlieuvisr tk44ew
leatigamiiproltidei4-Ar.:.#o MIA lkaldElkuish•
•., 4 ,N41 ICaAitY2 !elii IPII fo
imy an who are • • ea ens ots p es q ola:uagftiiiiiiiiftifidm
of Nii hdieltiiit eoii
lithatirtifithipMMlVitddittitirthhitaili4lo: s
• -0 11 1 7 I tag, ,:" „a- .....Flitg-e."--- . ~, ...)- gc,0ttt.:.....;
#,. fff ~,Totor.—Nrfailipwim stozyJs.,toia.
* Ctsiiiienittalk htP,VelieffifiT
a liciamagagedklut a aingadstrosafToseray.with
N 3
, 9PlefittillAßAWlPVgirietti6. efivkqh*,, edl
tr,_ ,91,151r,' it apot t am met „1x,,,, , 11, thta 'op
Iliihog'theiremlses, of e it' 41k foils lint&
4 1iitiFiffie'll'altIVIViregflihneeliak tiler till id
iagivraralhaaaltenLaidit hesleSalir of eggs :upon
'lo 4 tße e 9. o4o9l V o * , PlCßWM' en g- 4,004 Pg'
IsP. 3 yAßßl 2 ltteliy, , A°9l7o. 9 pateo
palms 0 s eggs, toy
.. _,s, vantage o . the
ifecS' fi3aiftifi,lficirel6'o*ed Bet oPeitadideeggs
4act.iiaitlisitfisead:sitshosed: Ora aimaisik, kere t ;
, cßitgert4 IkkAlke.loBol4 l 4 , 9:c. 4i4itt.vAtto REV .4fFe
T A)
i p. h4ols!,, 4.1c,4 „o2gaga k tbeArgemantole tig-
I ger, and ifeaan ' bath add'Ailikitne,
Militiiiitill'it Ihif iihei 'Mahe tolableimiif -the
wlatterJ 5 dehaitiipaidisaiigidemiiralitbgaitai9and
.IP$l6 We PIPIANO * Fed l'3;t4trtttle.bee•
- 00 1 !..11 6 1 3541 We iA T * i t e Ni 4l 6 l "t e i t ' '
an points to a precedent 4 vre s'o dcmaster,
F, Judge M'Gee, 'when a W01:11411 66e4 - 41ii orxii
mritim,ogiii= this sand/. tiAd sithig 2 ilirliea 'aisist)
Akos*otOel?e,l l lq 444," r fiV#4.34 kfitteen
.tife EkrptibreW yb,4whi i e . eSt is, hr them of
the obwkebb? nos' n'e'fiso ifirtatearlO'gue,
l 'ieltithijtiliiihebiloklinifOrtA4alfs4elifibliiiiise
' 'VI hist ' , lkea: , Whether otbiwituestiolo will. h t
I 1 Varrie46lo Ole *A F l l l 4@ PiVikr& ScfnaißqJ4 l )- be
-q,Fe r4 ' 3 . 4 30 t..: 1.La.5.....1.114.„4 1 1 :,., ~.„
J:j grAfigt ''LATZBE r UMW b/189P fidemsrasww,-Irt
PAEk@o.9l l eidPg f lok4ilif 1 P.912)1M 4.4 cores
io,6L6lBo Vl E iong9Lvecieftet, az I.!ultititig,
• theo*' mode - otk d 164?. faittlidliatoly'' attired
ifitty;^aw'eligi knoirlnVolcalititifoistilbliconaga
' sika skaditiaof qthieoremeti iki-sMauf 1 1-0 11 . . ng
Alltrkilif4 4 1, 91411d I N IO *11t18 3 1driflr,-, -I' he
IflA§44,vgipnpit.,o4et tones, sou mg and
104:ing 8 . 11 - tiret IMP, ti fi t h riiiiiiiii linitoky
WEidefit elitiliiilllMANtiVkinwri sid *eta 80
tircdutforildgeoe, miolfisiteisseteimef 140::kind
-1 1 !4/41 1 itigiY91114611414ife #l . 64.l442,X3tlPTtil e ri t s t
alikatg e n r elt s fifilp gig <9l.t . E. bid.
wan er nook ngi g irer e , _
j iiMaiii. 9 "Th ' atirloitiPl *On 2 !Ler, ?f .
E' okiTurskplii4Nalegaliik , chtaideislS4 iveNkt° his
(:iiieelkriailielibilPitteliMalPlELS4. l A iseh i *C7Nr
ptyikl i t i m is A i m mt.,y rof , A , l o jv1!•11 . ..,.r . p11 . et.
At tist Oe leavos,iht ligetrinintAAVelkhog
IV iiMitistrantWiti vididfifelflisPeitrilianost
194kiktagtisinfilei LEN fciatly t'ai4Ml . lr i rwith
ilimeaysitliadmirokkisoo9B gyrstetlit her
ki- an ne s p tin,
111CMVnettraPil rarebiellipki* us e
of tor tyivo a o , st!Y Piece 'Waft tiMelikaiPle
VitAilactifitg ihridellnecu Azteitgbd44..rbe will
00.0 , a 'AbOPA r - 44 A g 7tbe ts e #Vi.r ter l
: 1 414 - 4 0 1 1 .4 491£ 63 gti l alktPill e 6.4 i;ei , , , - 9 , '2
-1:.t.:)."-:41. a :004 . I :+Y ti faszoLl , a,i V 5414I::::: - . , •
1,.7 Ih . :Vr+:..V 10? le I'D ii / it ID S. ' , :fik..? i