tt it tt anion. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 22 1868 0. BARERTT & CO., PROPRIETORS Communications will not be published in the PATRIOT £l3l MUM unless accompanied with the name of the iithor. W. W. lEINGSBURT I TSQ., of Towanda, is a drily au thorised agentto collect accounts and receive subscrip tions and advertisements for this paper. Forawssa 22, NM. I. M. PETTENGILI. & cO., No. ST Park Row, F. Y., and 6 State St., Boston, Aro our Agents for the PAraior Az 'Carlos in those onion, sad are authorized to take Ad►ertisemeate and Subscriptions for at at our Lowest Rates- THE NATIONAL PLATFORM. PURPOSES OF THE WAR. Congress, by a vote nearly unanimous, passed the following resolution, which expresses the voice of the Nation and is the true standard of Loyalty: That the present deplorable civil war has been forced noon the country by the disnzionista of the Southern States, now in arms against the Constitutional Government, and in arms around the Capital ; that in this National emergency, Congress, bantehing all feel ing of mere passion or resentment, will recollect only its duty to the whole country; that this tear is not waged on their part in any spirit of oppression, or f r any purpose of conquest or subjugation, or purpose of overthrowing or interfering with, the rights or established institivions of those States,but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the Constitution, and to preserve the Union, with all the dignity, equality and rights of the several States unimpaired; and that as soon as these ob jects are accomplished the war ought to cease." To Tnr. PtTillslC. THE PATRIOT AND UNION and all its business operations will hereafter be conducted exclu sively by 0. BARRETT and T. G. POMEROY, un der the firm of G. BARRETT & Co., the connec tion of H. F. RElteynolds with said establish ment having ceased on the 20th November, inst. NOVEMBER 21, 1862. The Administration Organ. Let us for a moment divert our attention from the smaller fry and direct it intently to the official organ, the Washington Chronicle, edited by that prince of scoundrels, John W. Forney. The leading article of that paper, of May 20, 1863, will be the subject of our present discourse. It is headed "Another Copperhead Fizzle," and the object of the article is to disarrage the Vallandigham meeting, held in Neir York on the evening of the 18th inst. The article opens in this way : Tlie arrest of Vallandigham by General Burnside has caused some disturbance in the minds of a few over-nice men of lawyer-like notions, who cannot endure anything that is not backed by a precedent. The secession Sympathizers of the North have taken the op portunity to make another concerted attempt to alarm the sensibilities of the people and scarce them into the belief that President Lin coln is waging this war not for the purpose of conquering the South—which, -by the way, they have always heretofore objected to—but of trampling on the liberties of the North. The most considerable of these. matfestations, and in fact the only public assemblage, was the Vallandigham meeting in New York city, night before last. A crowd of several hundred boys and men came together in Union Square, and by the aid.of music several hundred citizens were stopped on their way home." These are the representations of the drunken and debauched wretch who speaks officially for the Washington administration. The political salvation of this man Forney depends upon the disruption of this govern ment and the establishment of a central des potism, controlled by the heartless villains who now employ him to do their traitorous and dirty work. We, who have known him long—known him, Ire may say, from his infancy—know him to be an abandoned, profligate politician, devoid of principle, and utterly unworthy of credit or respect. He is the enemy of everything that is virtuous—the advocate of everything that is base. We need no confirmatory evidence of this beyond his " consnelo" letter. That por trays the , man as he is, and none but the -equally ababdoned will associate with, or re cognize him as one worthy of regard or es teem. This miserable wretch is now trying his best to overturn the present system of republican government, and establish a despotism in its stead over the people. As we said before, his political salvation re quires it—the scoundrel must be "Illy Lord Forney," or nothing—he most rise with the fall of his country, or fall into insignificance, beggary and all the concomitants of the lowest estate with its rise. If the country is saved, this villain is lost—if it is rained, his fortunes may rise from the dust and ashes of its fall. To show the spirit of this kennel cur's lucu brations we quote the concluding paragraph : "If nervous and timid men are inclined to draw dark auguries from the fact that such atrocious sentiments as emanated from this meeting are entertained and permitted in the North, they may gain some consolation from looking at the other aide of the picture. Re member the two other great Oaeatiliolie when Union Square has been hallowed by the pre sence of a loyal, devoted and earnest throng of patriotic men. Remember the enthusiasm of those meetings, the fervor, the dignity, the moral and political standing of the speakers, and the thrill of emotion with which the whole loyal North responded to their sentiments ; and then look at this beggarly array of tire Points rowdies and newsboys, consider the discreet absence of the ablest of the Democratic lead ers, the profanity and violence of those who did speak, and the dead silence with which the hoots and yells of the drunken assemblage fall upon the ear of the nation We have no fears from those who are weak enough or silly enough to set themselves up as the defenders of the traitor Vallandigham, and we have no fear of this administration being condemned by the people for an act which, though it is denounied as tyrannical and despotic, excites only interest enough to raise one political meeting through the length and breadth of the buid, and that in New York city. As t 4 the justice and propriety of the arrest of Yellen dighsm, it needs no approval. It stands on its own basis of common sense. Yallandigham was a traitor. He was working in his feeble Way against the country and in favor of the rebellion. Not only he, but all such as he, who follow in his footsteps, ought to be dis posed of in the same summary manner." These times require stout, brave bearta. We trait there are at this day but few. " ner vous and timid men" left. We all brace our selves to meet the issues of the day as they are begotten, and if " summary" punishment for freedom of speech is to be the order, we ball Soon discover whether we have or have not among us men brave and patriotie enough to paralyze the hands of all such vie advo- Cates of despotism, all such heartless opposers of our free system of government as this aban doned wretch, John W. Forney. Disintegration. There are two important contingencies in volved in the progress of events in this coun try which it would be well for the people to consider—the possibility of disunion and its apparently necessary consequent—disintegra tion. Whenever disunion results from the pre sent policy of the National administration—for we solemnly believe, if persevered in, it must follow • the reckless course the administration is pursuing—nothing can stay the force of the example of one division in the country in bringing about others as well. The ablest statesman of our time, in the ablest State paper yet given to the people during the existence of our present national struggle, has foresha dowed the idea of several separations in our national domain, arising from the preponde rance of representation in the Eastern over the Middle and more wealthy and populous States. Acertain Ohio Congressman has forcibly told us how, through the operation of the tariff, the East is making money out of the war and the West being continually impoverished. Added to these, there are other agencies at work in the minds of the people, and other considera tions which, in the event of a separation North and South, will appeal powerfully to the self interest of several States and sections of the country which the policy of the administration has alienated in sympathy from the common cause of the Union, and brought hopelessly to feel its own domestic lawlessness and oppres sion. Political sentiment East is radically di verse from that of many of the Western and Middle States. The geography of trade and internal comity lies with the far West toward the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific. An im mense public debt, represented in the promis sory paper of the General Government, to be paid out of the pockets, unequally, of an im poverished, hopeless and dispirited people, could be most readily repudiated by a separa tion, which would naturally begin in tae West, and be followed in time by the sundering of the political association of the Middle and the East. The hope of reunion now maintains the public credit. The extra demand for labor which the war creates engages temporarily an extra amount of capital. This capital is fur nished by the issues of the Government, sus tained by taxation and in part paid back to the people in the wages of their work. Con sumption continues to keep pace with the ex tra demands upon and the extra supplies of labor. A peace upon the basis of separation • North and South would break down at once the confidence of hope, destroy the consump tion which the war has made, cheapen labor by throwing it 'out of employment, and take away, thus, the main sources of public reve nue. The national credit thus once destroyed the existence of the Union in half becomes in tolerable. On the other hand, the war pro longed into another decade, were that possible, would snap the excessive tension of public excitement and flood the country with repre sentative values which all the recuperative energies of our national wealth could not re deem. Between the possibility of disunion, peace and perpetual war the nation would be in the very throes of uncertainty and doubt. Probably the only solution left would be a general disintegration and a re-association of congenial States and interests. Already turbulent murmurs from the West are ominous of the passions which are at work among the people. Proscription and lawless ness by the government are bearing the bitter fruits of popular madness and tumult. The after calm of peace might give to discontent the Steady purpose of separation. Persistence in the mad career of oppression and the rule of force, may bring on open resistance and revolt If the signs of the times are mute in their warnings to the administration, if its te merity is equal to the actual expelipent of despotism, disruption may only be ilkuestion of a few months more. Through all the threatenings of the future, the refuge which remains to the people must be mainly in the State laws administered for their protection. Wise and calm men should be chosen to execute the laws—honest and fearless men to defend and maintain the rights of the people. The moral of the present is deeply instructive for the future. No'calamity can be equal to oppression either of pow& or of want which makes resistance necessary,but the degradation the people's honesty and earnest ness may suffer by the ill-chosen executives of their sovereign will. The 130th regiment Pennsylvania volun teers, to which the three companies from this place are attached, passed through town on Friday last, on their way to Harrieburg, to be mustered out of service. The companies from this place will meet with a becoming reception from their fellow citizens on their return to their homes. The Republican had the impu dence to recommend that these gallant soldiers be received by the Union League, thus making it a political demonstration, in order to manu facture capital for their rotten Abolition cause. But the true Union men of all parties took the matter into their bands, and we are pleased to state that the reception will be one in which men of all parties can unite in giving our brave soldiers a hearty welcome home. Persons who can go so far as to make a political question in receiving our veteran troops from the battle field, are certainly well calculated to represent the Abolition party.—York, Pa., Press. Seven thousand three hundred of our men have been delivered to Colonel Ludlow, and have arrived at camp Parole, Annapolis. What becomes of those statements that we had not lost over 10,000 men in all ? Recollect the telegraph putting our killed and wounded at 22,000, and now add the list or prisoners de livered up to this time, and you get an idea of the management of the Horse Jockey's pet General. Mr. Frank Moore, of the c , Rebellion Re cord," will fail to complete his history of the times if he denies a place to Forney's leader on the conviction of Vallandigham. It is so abject in its baseness, it lies so superfluously, misrepresents with such wantonness, and so wriggles in its servility, as to deserve a place among the master-pieces of hired mendacity and purchased partisanship.— World. The weak-headed fools, or the servile tragic lees to power, who indorse the arrest and imprisonment of Vallendighata will Sad an adequate measure of their infinite bassoon in the words of that profound and eminent jurist. DI ward Livingston : "There can be no abuse of animadversion on public measures. It must be unrestrained or it is no right."— World. NEWS OF TEE DAY. CINCINNATI, May 20—We have intelligence here that Gen. Grant, after destroying the State House and rebel stores in Jackeon, Miss., evacuated the place. W.j have no particulars later than Gen. Grant's own disp itches give.— A rumor is prevalent at Murfreesboro' that Gen. Bragg is cautiously withdrawing a por tion of his troops from our front and sending them to Jackson, Miss. From Shelbyville it is reported that three brigades had left there and were afterwards seen at Chattanooga. It is possible they went to Knoxville rather than Jackson. There is no doubt that theie is com motion in Bragg's army and that several di visions are moving. MURFREESBORO', TENN., May 18.—There must have been a first class battle at: Jackson when it was taken by Grant's forces. A letter from there, of the 9th of May, says troops were then pouring in from all quarters for de fense. Forces had arrived there from North Carolina, Charleston, and Port Hudson. Jack son was then being hastily fortified, and was already filled with intrenchments and pickets. Indications are that the Union arms have gained at Jackson glory and an important vic tory. MVEFREESBORO', TENN., May 19.—A deser ter from the First Alabama regiment was brought in to Gen. Stanley to-day. He re ports that the rebel forces lately at Shelbyville and Tullahoma have been withdrawn. He did not know their destination, but heard officers say they were going to retake Jackson. Several Union ladies came into our lines to night from Shelbyville. They say there are very few rebel troops between here and Shelby ville. They state positively that Gen. Johnson carried away three brigades with him to rein force Gen. Pemberton. They also say that Gen. Grant either evacua ted or was driven from Jackson. He burned the public buildings and warehouses, and des troyed the railroad. Col. Potters, an escaped prisoner, reports that Gen. Grant is strongly posted, with his flanks resting on Black river and B Lyon Pierre, and if worsted he can retreat upon Grand Gulf. The Mobile Register thinks that Gen. Grant is in a trap. If he stays longer where he is, defeat and ruin await him. It also says Gen. Johnson has Ten enough there and going there to defeat him. It even does not despair of raising the couredera,te flag in New Orleans. All the rebel papers boast of the prepara tions to overwhelm Gen. Grant, and says Gen. Bragg prays for Gen. Rosecrans to advance. CAIRO, May 20.—C0l Clayton, of the Fifth Kansas Cavalry, with his own regiment and detachments of three others, made a eel:moos sauce a few days since from Helena toward Little Rock, destroyed 200,000 bushels of corn, several buildings containing commissary stores, a number of grist mills near Colton Plant.— After sending his infantry back, he encoun tered two rebel brigades under Carter, had a severe skirmish b and escaped by swimming the Larysguille river, with a loss of two killed and eleven wounded. The rebel loss was 55 killed and a large number wounded. Gen. Price is said to have left Little Rock on the 11th in the direction of Wittsburg. Col. Hatch made a raid from Corinth last Wednesday into Alabama, bringing back 400 prisoners and GOO horses. He encountered Chalmers near Tallahatchie, but escaped un harmed. The same day Major Burke, with 800 men, made a dash from Germantown, within a few milts of Holly. Springs, had a skirmish with the rebel Faulkner, in which he lost 5 killed and 11 wounded ; the rebel loss must, have been ranch larger. We took a few prisoners and lost none. The steamer Continental, from below, brings news that the rebels evacuated Warrenton after destroying the batteries. The gunboat' Cricket, from Young's Point, with goverinueut dispatches from Admiral Por ter, has arrived. Several iron clads were sta tioned at various points in Red river. The rebels have a raft above Alexandria for the purpose of protecting their cotton boats, seve ral of which are reported above. CINCINNATI, 4 May 20.—Eleven of Morgan's cavalry came into our lines the other day and voluntarily surrendered. Reports from Cumberland Gap report an in crease of the rebel force there and at. the other gaps, whether to prevent our advance into East Tennessee or preliminary to an invasion of Kentucky, is a matter of speculation. MuaraEussouo', May 20.—Tbe Chattanooga Rebel complains that many money getters in the confederacy invariably besiege Yankee prisoners with offers of two for one for their green-backs. Georgia papers are full of reports of the splendid condition of the crops. The Chattanooga Rebel speculates on Gen. Burnside's anticipated movement on East Ten nessee, and thinks the mountain will prove an insuperable barrier to his h dvance. A Knoxville paper of the 16th inst., mentions the advance of ten federal regiments on Cum berland Gap. FORTRESS MONROE, May 19.—The expedition sent from Suffolk under command of Colonel Foster, has succeeded in its mission, and the damage done to the Seaboard and Roanoke railroad has been repaired. Our casualities in the skirmishes of the last two or throe days are insignificant. The steamship S. It. Spaulding sailed for ;Newborn this afternoon, Among her passen gers are Brig. Gen. Briggs and lady. STAFFORD COURT HOUSE; May 2 0.—Captain Newcomb, of Carl Sehurz's staff, on Monday, made four important captures, three of rebel soldiers, and the other a citizen who has been giving aid and oomfort to the enemy. Two of the soldiers were within cur lines and were supplied with gasses. They were dressed in civilian clothes, and, it seems, have been f re _ quently parsing in and out of our lines through the winter with information fur the rebel com manders. One was found at the house of an old man named Calvert, and his gray uniform was afterwards disoovered. At the same house was also found a considerable quantity of clo thing, blankets, ke., a key and several cane of powder, and a large tin box of gun caps. Cal vert wan of course arrested. By the arrest of three an .1 other 'Arm ee it 1 3 believe i that a regular chain of communica tion through our lines to the rebels has been broken up. By telegraph yesterday afternoon : W noutna.Tort, May 21.—The following was received to-day at headquarters: JacssoN, Miss , May 15, 1863, via. MEM PHIS, May 20.—T0 Major General Halleck, General in-Chief:—This place fell into our hands yesterday, after a fight of about three hours. Joe Johnson was in command. The enemy retreated north, evidently With the de sign of joining the Vicksburg forces. [Signed] U. S. GRANT, Msj. Gen. A letter from St. Thomas, May 4th says: On the 30th of April the U. S. steamer Van derbilt arrived in Portland, and, after a few hours delay, started for Martinique, where, it is reported, the U. S. steamers Alabama and Oneida have the Alabama,' alias 290, block aded in an outer bay. The Admiral deelares that, if he finds her there, he will sink her let the consequences be what they may." NEW Yong, May 21.—The steamer Union, from the coast of Texas via Key West, on 15th inst., arrived this morning. She has en board fifty prisoners and a number of discharged sea men. The Union captured the English block ade running schooner Lunette, with a valua ble cargo. The Union comes here to repair her forward engine, which was broken down. She also brings, as passengers, a number of naval officers. WASHINGTON, May 21.—Information contin ues to be received in this city that a very ex tensive trade is still carried on at Matamoras and other ports on the Rio Grande for the benefit of the rebels. Some time ago an officer of the government in that quarter mentioned the fact that the papers of suspicious vessels had boen examined, but they all appeared in proper form, and issued from Mexican custom houses. He, therefore, could take no action in the premises. There is no doubt that much contraband trade is carried on under false pre tences, the vessels of various European nations participating in the traffic on the Rio Grande, The trade is so extensive that our vessels can do but little to prevent it. CASE OF MR. V..4LLANDIGIIAM From the Journal of Commerce Governor Seymour's letter, published yes terday, is a manly and bold expression of the sentiment which pervades the entire commu nity, including all classes and kinds of men, excepting only a few who, by .having become slaves to passion and resentment, seem unable to reason calmly orj edge correctly. The power of the military organization of the United States is well defined, both by statutes and by Constitution, for the Constitution is the su preme law over soldier and civilian, over Pres ident and people. Nor was it necessary that any suck appareht collision between the ab solutism of military law and the rights of free men should occur. It was a grave, a terrible error of General Burnside, if he is personally responsible for it; of the administration, if they indeed directed it at the outset. It has been conducted, too, in a manner most offen sive to the entire spirit of our institutions, even in the immediate conduct of the court martial which tried Mr. Vallandigbam. A most curious and arbitrary distinction was drawn by the Judge Advocate, and sustained by the Court, between portions of Mr. Vallan digham's speech, by objecting to testimony re lating to "political matters," and - yet convict ing him for uttering sentiments purely political, and in no sense more or less so than the exclu ded matters. In fact, the court martial seems to have erected this curious standard of law, that a man who makes a speech discussing the policy of the war, is making only a political speech so long as he sustains Abolition views ; and something more than a political—in short, an offensive military speech—when he opposes Abolition views. Soldiers are, of course, not educated judges, and when courts martial at tempt to try men for "express or implied trea son," they make curious work of it. Starting with violation of law and right, they necessa rily end in foolish and dangerous proceedings. There is, however, a way for the adminis tration to turn all this to good account, if they so desire. It is useless to disguise the fact that there is a universal expression of opinion against the course which has been pursued. The doctrine of "sustaining the government," which loyal leagues teach, unconditionally, has met a sudden trial, and has been wounded in the house of its supporters. The radical newspapers disapprove this act of the Govern meet, with one , or two unimportant exceptions. The loyal leagues will not hold meetings and adopt resolutions to sustain it. The friends of the administration are lukewarm even in dis cussing it. A rank and total repudiation of the whole thing should at once be made. De lays are dangerous. It will not do for the President to listen to the demagogues in Washington, who, for mo tives of personal or political enmity, desire to injure their opponent in Ohio. These men are the advisers of evil always. Beyond question there are many among these men who desire the destruction of the Union. They are avow ed enemies of our national structure, professed friends of some new form of government, which they imagine, but cannot describe. Would 'that the President understoodthese men aright! instead of permitting their pernicious and deadly counsels to have influence over his views, we trust that he will see, in the course which has been pursued with Mr. Vallandigham, the greatest blow at civil liberty and American rights which has been struck since the war began, and at once repudiate all responsibility for it. Such a course would rally to his sup port all the true men in America, would elec trify the people with new hope of the triumph of free and constitutional principles over rebel lion, and do much to dissipate that cloud of gloomy apprehension which leads men to fear now that, even if we succeed in crushing armed rebellion, we shall not have succeeded in sus taining liberty in the land of Washington. Governor Seymour's letter strikes a chord in every American heart, and the response is universal. He speaks well, both as to time and as to what he says. FIGURES DO Nor Lts.—The Tribune says Lee's army, at the time Hooker crossed to give him battle, only counted 50 000 men. The Times says Hooker's army at the same time numbered 159,800 men. It thus appears . that with more than three times Lee's army Hooker was unable to whip him in the first fight, and unable to do it with twice and a half his num ber of men after he got his reinforcements. Acc Tding to the statements of the Tribune and Times. Hooker's loss in killed and woun ded. in the several battles, amounted to only 17.000 to 18,000, which, with the prisoners captured by the enemy, numbering five or six thousand more, would make the total loss from 23.000 to 24,000. Lee, it is stated by the same authorities, lost more than Hooker did, or about 80,000 men—exceeding half his original force. He could not have been reinforced by more than 10,000 to 15,000 men. That would leave his whole force after his losses—inclu ding the loss of General Jackson, who was a host in himself—from 30.000 to 40 000 men. Before this small force Hooker retreated with an army which, after all his losses, still num bered 186 000 men, or about. four to one of the enemy. So much for the generalship and fight ing qualities of the new Napoleon —Herald. ()F , F oI EC T F ON ° M I ; vi ll aanise A tra ß G R oa l8 L " 18th 1063 —an election eriO bs hrld at. in ail K of t h e on , aeresened, on walnut street, neir &rota, en There nay. 11 ma between the bosun of 2 and 4 o , clo k p in. for a Preeident, obirtwon, and a searetary sad ir. mom to a.rve 'or .he en rune year. WILLIAM BUICBLIM, majle.Otte.i* Secretary as Tleuo:o7. SPECIAL NOTICES. CLEANSE THE BLOOD.-WITH corrupt, disordered or vitiated Blood, you must be sick all over. It may burst out in Pimples, or Sores, or in some active disease, or it may merely keep you listless, depressed and good for nothing. But you cannot have good health while your blood is impure. Ayer 's Sarsa parilla purges out these impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the health and expelling disease. Bence it rapidly cures a valety of complaints which are caused by impurity o" blood. such as Scrofula or King's Evil. Tumors, Ulc , rs, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, blotches, Roils, St. Antho ny's Fire, llose or Erysipelas, Tester or Salt Rheum, Scroll Head,_Ringtoorm, c enter or Cinve , ous Tumors, Sore Eyes, Female Dt.eases ' such as Retention, Irregu larity,.Suppression,Whites,Steriti, y, Syphilis or Vene real D iseases, Liver Complaints and Heart Diseases Try AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, and see foryourself the sur prising activity with which it cleanses the blood and cures the disorders. AYRR'S CHERRY PECTORAL is so universally known to surpass every other remedy for the cure of Coughs, vas, Inflygnza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchit4., In cipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease, and it is useless here to recount the evidence of its virtues.— The world knows them. . . Armes CaminnixoLtit—for Costiteness, Dyspep sia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Jaundice, Headache, Heartburn, Piles, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Worms, and in short for all the purposes of a purgative medicine. .• Prepared by DR. J. C. AYES tc Co, Lowell, Mass. Price 26 cents per box. live boxes for $l. Sold by O. A. BANNYAST, Ososs It Co. C. H. Sm.- LIR, J. BONGARDNER, Di. MILES and L. WITTE'. Bar riabeirg, and dealers everywhere ate7-ddcw2m THE MILLIONS VISITING NEW YORK For 30 years, have always found Cristadoro's Hair Dye and Preservative Made and applied within a square of the same spot Nothing but their UNEQUALLED PERFECTION Has given them their WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, and made them take the place of all other preparations, The Dye produces any shade desired in ten minutes. Manufactured by Z. ORISTADORO, 6 Astor House. New Plc. Bold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Price $l, $1 50 and $3 per box, according to mire. Cristadoro 7 s Hair Preservative Is invaluable with his Dye, as it imparte'the utmost softness, the most beautiful gloss and great vitality to the Hair. Price 50 cent; $1 and $2 per bottle, according to size a 7 -decwlm TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF BOTH SEXES.—A reverend gentlemen having been re stored to health In a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treat ment, without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his afficted fellow creatures the means of sure. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed enve lope, he will send (free) a copy of the prescription need. Direst to Dr. JOHN M. DAGNALL, 188 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. jan2o-ato Nau '2lltutrtistmento. THE HARMONIC SOCIETY have appointed to meet this (Friday) evening at 8 oleloolt, in the leeture room of the Presbyterian church, Market square, to practice for the forthcoming concert. A lull attendance is earnestly requested. GEO. W. PARSONS, Secretary. f r o. ARCHITECTS —The South Ward a School Board will pay a premium of Thirty Dollar's for a plan and speciflottions for a two-story Brick School House, to be erected on their lot on Fourth street The above amount will be paid for the plan and specifies thins adopted. All necessary information will be given by calling on the committee Plans to be furnished by the Ist of June. JACOB HOUSER, President. Ratter EHELLEMERGER, Secretary-my2l-dtd AGOOD COOK WANTED, to whom good wages will be given. Inquire at D. WAG. NER'd, Second Ward House, corner of t econd and Ches nut. may2o.3t* FIRST PICNIC OF THE SINGING ASSOCIATION "EINTRACHT," TS HAEHNLEN'S WOODS. 0 N AIONDAY, HAY 25, 1863, The Association has made all arrangements necessary •o insure their friends and the public in general a plea sant time. Omni. uses will run every hour from L. Kcenig's resi dence in Chestnut street. Admission 25 cents. "' No improper characters will be allowed to enter the ground. A. HANEL, my2o 5t Secretary. F. WATSON, MASTIC WORKER ITO ritAc TICAL CEMENTER, Is prepared to Cement the exterior of Buildings with the New York Improved Water-Proof Mastic Cement. This Material is different from all other Cements. It forms a solid, durable adhesiveness to any surface, imperishable by the action of water or frost. Every geed building should be coated with this Cement; it is a perfect preserver to the walls, and makes a beautiful, fine finish, equal to Eastern brown sandstone, or any color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Cement, I refer to the following gentlemen : J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg, finished five years. J. H. flhoenberger, residence, Lawrenceville, finished five years. James Bl , Candlass, residence, Allegheny City,finished five years. Calvin Adams, residence, Third street, finished four years. ,A. HOeveler, residence, Lawrenceville, finished four years. J. D. M'Cord, Penn street, finished four years. Hon. Thomas Irwin, Diamond street, finished four years. St Charles Hotel and Girard House, finished five years. Kittanning Court House and Bank, for Barr & Moser, Architects, Pittsburg, finished five years. Orders received at the rffice of It M l Eldowney, Paint Shop, 20 Seventh street, or please address T. F. WATSON, mayl6-tf P. 0. Box 13 6. Pittsburg, Pa. Tip 11 0CLAKATION. MAYOR'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, May 14th, 1863. WHEREAS, tt ie the duty of every citizen to lend his aid to the preservation of the public peace; and whereas, the unlimited and indis criminate sale of intoxicating liquors to a large population must inevitably lead to serious disorders and breaches of the peace; there fore, it is hereby enjoined on all tavern keep ers and retail dealers, within the limits of the City of Harrisburg, to close their bars and to discontinue the Bale of all intoxicating beve rages, including lager beer, at six o'clock p. m. of every day in the week until further no tice. A. L. ROUMFORT, Mayor. SPECIAL NOTICE. The American Annual Oyclopmlia and Begister of Important Events of 1t432. to be published by D. Apple ton & Co., will be ready for delivery in June. The very favorab's recep'ion given to the volume for the preceding year has induced ne:to make special e , forte in the preparation of this one, Its con , ants will embrare the intellectual and material progrers of the year, the important civil and political measures of' the Federal and State Governments. an accurate and minute history of the struggles of the great armies and the many battles, illustrated with mans of the country and plans of the bAtles taken from official copies; debated or Congress, Commerce, &c ; the progress of foreign nations, the developments in science. the progress of literature, mechanical inventions and improvements. religions sti.tistice of the world, and biographical aketobee of eminent persons deceased in 1962. The contents to be arranged in alphabetical (niter. accom panied with& most extensive and complete index. An active, intelligent man wanted in every county to can vass for the work. Circulars and subscription book ittrnilibed on application, Address oTRABBAUGH, Harrisburg. Pa., Only agent for the counties of Dauphin and Cumner. land, and general agent for P. nit , yleania. snyll-2w WANTED.—S7S A MONTH! I want to hire Agents in every county at $7B a month expenses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Machines. Address, S. MADISON. zzes-dsm Alfred, Maine. ANIEI). $OO A MONTH I We want Agents at igio a month. axpenses paid. to gall our .Nterfaating Pencils, /Mews/ Bwrn.rx, sad thirteen other new, useful and cations articles. Fifteen sent free. Ad Preps. nifi-d3ut BHA.W Qc CLABIC, Biddeford, Maine. CONDENSED MILK . ---Just reatived V./ and for ludo by WM WOK jr.,* 00. VIAL' PAPER, BOdDRFS, &e., &e.;, V 1914y0114.140t year' pricen,wi tbotit arm aduaem. At 13QIIEFFBIVO BOOKETORM.* p I)otograpl)s. BURKHART & ROBBINS (FORMERLY BURKHART AND &TRINE.) I IMPROVED SKY-LIGIIT PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY , Ncrth Third street, oppoite the "Patriot and rr • • 41.0)t' Office, HrerisbuTg, Pa BURKHART & ROBBING have fitted up a gp i end , d new Gallery in Mumma'e building, on Third street, where they are prepared to take PHOTOGItAPHS,..CARrES DE VISITE AND IMBROTYPES, In all the improved styles. Particular attention give n to CARD PHOTOGRAPH/I. Al.() on hand, a complete. assortmPnt of GILT FRAMES, which the. will sell at very low prices Oall and examine specimens, Cartes ds Visite $2 h 0 per dozen. Vignettes 2 00...d0 Whole size Photographs in frames from from $2 to ,u a piece. . BURKHART & ROBB INi, Photographer,' my6.dlm Mebitai. 4- 4- DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS & WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, and ALL RHEU MATIC and NERVOUS DISORDERS. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, , The great Natural Bone Better. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Is known all over the United States. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Is the author or " Dr. liweet'e Infallnlo Liniment," Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment re a certain cure for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Burns and Beside immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and &lases. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately and was never known to fail. Jr.t Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords immediate fella' far Piletl, and seidom fails to care. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sores in the known world. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Has been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment to truly a ', friend in need,"" and every family should have it at hand. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 26 cents. IL/CIifARDSON lit Co., Sole Proprietors, Norwich r et. For sale by all Dealers. ao2o sow d& w ÜBB AR D BROS., IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, NEW YORK, Have the pleasure of announcing to their numerous friends and patrons in the Army, that Mary are prepared to fill orders and transmit parcels BY man., with the ut most csre and promptitude. Watcher( se forwarded ate registered; we take upon ourselves all risks of transpor tation, and guarantee a safe delivery. Improved Solid Sterling Silver Im ENGLISH LEVERS, in gold *lnning order, and warranted ac curate timepieces. This is an entire new pattern, made expressly for American Army and Navy sale They are manufactured in a very handeome manner. with English crown mark, certifying their genuineness; all in all, they are a most desirable Watch. FYankL•she's Blue trat.d News of Feb. 21st, )63, says :—••H one sWs TIME EIEEPERS are becoming proverbial for their reliability and accurary. They are particularly va.uable for offi cers in the army, and travelers The price is 88VaNT7- TWO DOLLARS ($72) per case of six, being about one third the cost 1.,f ordinary English Levers, while they will readily retail fur a larger price. Postage,per case, $1 84. RAILWAY TIMEKEEPERS, for Army Specu lation.—The Army and /ivy Gazette of Philadel phia, in its February number, says This importa tion of the Ronnsnn Enos ,of New York, Ma s long felt want, being a handsome and serviceable Watch at an extremely low figure." Superior in style and finish! Decidedly the most taking novelties out! Should retail at prices from $2O to $,O each. G-.ocl imitation of both gold and silver, with fancy colored hands and beautiful dials, with superior regulated movement. Sold only by the case of six of assortad designs Fngraved and superior electro-plated with gold. and sclver-plated, per CIRO Of Rix, FORTY-RIOHT DOLLARS, ($48.) By mail, poetage, 11.051 per case MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS, the Perfection of Mechanism :—BEING A BUNTING AND OPEN ifACIE, or LALLY'S OR GENTLEMAN'S WATCH OMBINED. WITH PA TENT SELF-WINDING IMPROVEMENT —The New York 17- luetrated News, the leading pictorial paper of the Uni ted States. in its issue of Jan. 10th, 1863, on page 147, voluntarily says :—"We have been shown a most pleas ingnovelty„ of which the HUBBARD BROS , Of New York, are the sole importers. It is called the Magic Time 04erver, avci is a Ranting and Oven Vane Watch coma bitted. One of the prettiest, most convenient. and de cidedly the best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use ever offered It has within it and connec ted with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely nnimeeessary. The cases of this Watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being tine 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby ac tion lever movement, and is warranted an accurate time piece." Price, superbly engraved, per case of half dozen, $204. Sample Witten.; in neat mo occo boxes, for those proposidg to buy at wholesale, $35. If sent by mail the postage is 36 cents. Retails at $lOO and upwa•ds. 1:17' We have no agents or ctrentars. Buyers must deal with us direct, ordering from this advertisement. Tmns Cash in advance Remittances may be made in United States money, or draft payable to our order in this city. If you wish goods sent by mail, enclose the amount of the postage with your order. Write your address in full. Begistered Letters only at our risk. Address HUBBARD BRO • , MPORTAHS, East Cor. _Nassau and John streets, New York. H A3IS ! 1 1 ! ap29 d3m 20,000,1b5. Composed of the following Brands just received; NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. NE 5V JERSEY--Select. EVANS it SWlFT'S—Superior. MICHINER'S EXCELSlOR—Canvassed. MICRINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not can-gan-eel. IRON ClTY—Canvassed. IRON CITY—Not canvaEsed PLAIN HAMS—Strictly prime ORDINARY HAMS—Very good. 117- Every Ham sold will be guaranteed as represen ted. SM. DOCK Jr., & CO. ROBEitT SNODGRASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offic e with Hon. David, Third stree:, above Market, Rarrisburg, Pa. N. B —Pension, Bounty and Military claims of kinds p , °scout d and collected. Refer to Hang John 0. Ruh. David Mumma, sr., and R. A. Lamberton. royll-dB.w6ra ATE PLUS Ul TRA .—A nti-CorroPive SOHOOL and 00 MM1CPCIAT. PLASTIC) PEN ! Thiii highly colihrat d prn will not oortnee in the Ink. Its elm ado sad dn•ability are aeon? l ping. It writes Ake a Gold Pen The Penman ill fird by trying , theme Pule that the recommendation is not ever estimated. E 8 GERMAN. Sole Agent fur this City. Niyizinw* I ff i_TOW ARE YOU GM VEN BACKS 3, --DAN BRYANT'S new comic. Song. Prim 30 eeL re, jest 'reared and for wile by WARD, hia Blade store, Third street. Call and get a, copy early. atTS SRIND PE AOEIE9-L•PA RED AND lINPARBD—inht reesivotl WM. DOCK, Js. , & CO. THE