Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, May 02, 1863, Image 2
tte .!• is i d thou. SATURDAY MORNING; MAY 2, 1863. O. BARRETT & CO., PROPRIETORS Communications will not be published in the Pavane .LIM UMOa unless accompanied with the name of the author. W. W. Knossausr, Bag., of Towanda, is a duly an ilsorised *putt° collect accounts and receive subscrip tions and advertisements for This paper. Nominate 22, 1862. S. DI. PETTENGILL & CO-, Jae. SW Park Rear, N.Y., aad b State St., Belton , Are oar *rats for the Palmate Al lINION in theta cities, sad are authorised to take Advertisements and Fitbseriptioas for us at oar Lowest Rates. FOR SALE. •sue-kandADlss Pusss,pisten 89X by Seinebes !a good order; can be worked either by band or steam power Terns moderate Inquire at this (Agee. To THE PUBLIC. THE PATRIOT AND UNION and all its business operations will hereafter be conducted exclu sively by 0. BARRETT and T. a. POMEROY, tin der the firm of 0. BAR. ETT & Co., the connec tion of H. F. Witeynolds with said establish ment having ceased on the 20th November, inst. Novsitszn 21, 1802. To Correspondents. Isaimunt..—lsn't there some mistake ? We have not been able to discover in the local or editorial columns what you allude to. We profess to have a sincere respect for re 7igion, the pure and undefiled religion of Christ, as delivered by himself and preached by his Apostles. So, we presume, has Mayor Itonmfort. But that religion taught by the white-choker gentry of the Abolition pulpit, the clerical hyenas of the Beecher and Cheever echool, the ruffs of the New York Methodist Conference, semi=civilized savages, human ti gers howling for blood, soiling the garments of the church with the filth of earth, preaching not Christ and Him crucified, but the negro and him emancipated—why for that religion, taught by such men, and eulogized by such gross, ungodly and hypocritical Pharisees as Deacon Bergner and his clue, we profess to have not only no reverence, but, on the con trary, to entertain the most thorough contempt. if there is-a single devout, pure-minded Chris tian man or woman in Harrisburg who can read, without being shocked and mortified, the Telegraph's expositions of Christianity, we can only regret the ignorance or fanaticism that blinds them to the truth, and fervently pray that light may shine upon them before they open their eyes upon the realities of eternity, where God is all in all, and truth and right eousness reign triumphant and forever_ Judge Pearson's Charge. The Telegraph quotes with approbation the following passage from the charge of Judge Pearson : ' , Citizens have a right under the provisions of the Constitution to chsnge their rulers at the expiration of their term of office, and elect those who will administer the public affairs differently—but no one has the right to destroy the government itself; every such act is high treason. In a contest like that now wa:nL in nears s ; an • all who render them aid and comfort, directly or indirectly, are traitors in their acts. All who are not for the government are against it. In this great struggle for na tional existence there eat be but two parties, True men and traitors—there can be no neu trals. Every man receiving the protection of the government is _bound to render it his warmest support, whether he approves or dis approves of its administration." In its comments, that profound organ of the administration remarks : "Tim charge from Which the above has been condensed is creating st most profound sensation throughout the Commonwealth." Not having been published until Tuesday evening, it has hardly had time to circulate "throughout the Commonwealth,'' and therefore we must be permitted to con sider the expression of the Telegraph a little extravagant. But, admitting that it has been already widely circulated, we should like to know what particular part or parts of it are or is creating a "profound sensation." Cer tainly not the passage now quoted ; for, except Deacon Bergner, there is not, probably, a man in the State so ignorant as not to knort that that he owes his government support, and that he who renders aid to its enemies—who is try ing by force or stratagem to to overthrow it— is a traitor. It is presumed that every Ameri can citizen, except those of African or Hessian descent, knows this, and therefore we are little indebted to Judge Pearson for that part of his charge. Bat there is one part of it whioh the Te/egraph, has—accidentally, of course--over looked, which has possibly created some sen sation in the Abolition ranks. It has been held by the Telegraph, the Press, the Chronicle, and in fact by all the presses of the adminis tration, with rare exceptions, that the Admin istration is the government, and that to oppose the administration is to oppose the govern ment—and, therefore, whoever opposes the ad ministration, objects to its measures, and criti cises unfavorably its acts, is a traitor. That has been the Abolition doctrine, and is yet_ It does not seem to be the doctrine of Judge Pearson, and we call the attention of the Tele graph to the fact, in order that it may revise 'tte heretofore expressed opinions by the light which Judge Pearson has shed upon the sub ject. At present we shall not carry our remarks to any further extent, trusting that the Deacon will act fairly, for once, and copy into his Col -11M137 for the benefit of his readers, the fol lowing short extract from Judge Pearson's charge “Do not misunderstand me on this subject. MEN HAVE ME MOST UNLIMITED RIGHT TO CONDEMN, and, if you please, RAIL AT TIM NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION, end 06- feet to the manner in which it e;nducts public af fairs,_ but not to decry the government under which we live, or express hopes or wishes for a dissolution of the Union, Las the Abolition.. ista have done and many bf them still do,] the destruction or defeat of our armies, the suc cess of the rebels, or of the rebellion.” We can safely say that we have never trans cended this limit. How many of Deacon Berg ner's party can say so and not. lie ? How is it with the Rev. Bishops and Elders, eulogized as exemplary Christians and patriots, who ,openly and boldly, in all Conference, thanked and "gave glory to God for our defeat at the tfat end Ezeoed tvAttles of Ball Run ?". Abolition Treason. If Democrats were to utter sentiments which the Abolition radical press and leading, pro fessed and recognized frieiids of the adminis tration promulgate with impunity, the na tional prisons would soon be filled to overflow ing, and a loud call and irresistible pressure, would be made upon the President for sum mary execution to be done upon the "Copper heads" and "Traitors." Van Wyck, chairman of one of the Con gressional committees of investigation, a Republican-Abolitionist of the purest water, in speaking of the extensive swindles and rob beries of some of Lincoln's officials, says “The neck begins to chafe where the yoke of this heavy burden is borne. The adminis tration has feared to drive finish men from its door, lest hostility should be aroused against it. That which they supposed strength has been the great source of weakness. With a single exception, when has one of these men been court martialed or punished ? To-day they have injured the republic more than the South in arms. Had they been arrested, and placed under the gallows or in Fort Lafayette, your army would have been stronger, your people at home less dissatisfied. They cannot appreciate the patriotism of stealing. Your army, for a mere pittance, is deprived of all the luxuries, and, at the same time, the necessaries of life ; enduring all the privations of camp and the dangers of battle, while they see base men making mockery of the misfortune of the na tion, coining gold from the sighs and tears of the people." The Boston Commonwealth—Sumner's mouth piece—declares : "It is our conviction that the blood and treasure of this country are shamefully wasted, and that it is the duty of the people to force their rulers to the issue of freedom or slavery. If the people are not 'up to this, every conscript raised, every dollar paid will be wasted, as badly as men and money have been wasted for over two years. It is painful for us to avow a lack of faith in our rulers ; but we should be guilty of the same timidity and duplicity if we did not do so." But Wade—the immaculate Ohio Senator, chairman of the Committee on the Conduct of the War, and a prominent leader in his State and in Congress of the bloody-minded, rule or-ruin Abolition supporters of the administra tion, goes faither than others, plunges boldly into the very vortex of what our new expound ers of the Constitution call treason, and ar raigns the President and the administration for abusing the trusts yeposed in them, mis managing the war, and worse than all, charges them by inuendo, if not directly and ex plicitly, with betraying secrets of the highest importance to the enemy. All this has been done by an Abolition Con gressional Committee, in a report printed by order of Congress, and circulated among the people, and yet the presses which are every day filled with the vilest abuse of Democrats, for simple, consistent, honest opposition to unwise and unconstitutional measures, have not a word of reproach or condemnation for Wade and his committee, who have placed the blame for all the failures which have occurred upon the shoulders of the administration s and stigmatized the President, the Secretary of War and General Halleck—one or all of them —as the betrayers or betrayer of the plans of General Burnside to the enemy, Here is what the committee say : "The administration called by the people to the head of the government, in this, the most critical period of the nation's history, was more record. The call of the President for money and men had been more than complied with : no legislation which he had deemed necessary had been denied by Congress ; and the people have most nobly and generously supported and sustained what their representatives had promised in their name. The same Congress, fresh from their constituents, had again met, and there could be no doubt that as they had before acted so would they continue to act. It needs but to refor to the history of the Congress just closed, its prompt and thorough action, clothing the Executive with the fullest power, placing at his disposal all the resources of men and money which this nation possessed, to prove that your com mittee judged rightly, that Congress needed no prompting from them to do its entire duty. Not upon those whose duty it was to provide the means necessary to put down the rehellion, but upon those whose duty it was to rightfully ap ply those means, and the agents they employed for that purpose, rests the blame, if any, that the hopes of the nation have not been realized, and its expectations have been so long disap pointed." * * 4:- * "Gen. Burnside came to Washington to as certain from the President the true state of the case. He was informed by the President that some general cfficers from the Army of the Potomac, whose names he declined to give, had called upon him and represented that General Burnside contemplated soon making a move ment, and that the army was so dispirited and demoralized that any attempt to make a move ment at that time must result in disaster ; that no prominent officers in the Army of the Potomac were in favor of any movement at that time. General Burnside informed the President that none of his officers had been informed what his plan was, and thenyroceedcd to explain it in detail to the President. He urged upon the President to grant him permission to carry it out, but the President declined to do so at that time. Gen. Barka and Secretary Stanton were sent far, and then learned for the _first time of the President's action in stopping the movement ; although Gsa. Bailee]: was previously aware that a movement was contemplated by General Burnside. Gen. Halleck, with Gen. Burnside, held that the officers who had made those rep resentations to the President should at once be diemiseed the service. — Gen. nurnside remained here at that time for two days, but no conclusion was reached upon the subject. When he returned . to his camp he learned that many of the details V Use general movement, and the details of the cavalry expedition had become known to the rebel sympa thizers in Washington, thereby rendering (hat plan impraticable. When asked to whom he had communicated his plans he stated that he hod told no one in Washington except the PREsi- DENT, Secretary STANTON and Gen. HAL LECK, and in his camp none knew of it ex cept one or two of his staff officers, who had remained in camp all the time. He professed himself unable to tell how his plans had be come known to the enemy." secretary Seward's Bell "My Lord, I can touch a bell on my right hand and order the arrest of a citizen in Ohio. I can touch the bell again, and order the im prisonment of a citizen in New York: and no powtr on earth but that of the President can release them. Can the Qaeen of England, in her dominions, do as much ? " Among others we have charged that thin language was used by Wm. IL Seward, Secre tary of State, to Lord Lyon, the British Min ister. The fact is now deniedon the authority of a letter from the Department of State, signed Gat). E. B.'►zea, addressed to the editor of the Lancaster Express, in which it is said that "no such passage is to be found in 1f... Seuvrd's cor reeporickner." upon the strength of this letter, the Telegraph has waited some days for us " to do Secretary Seward the common justice of printing the fact that the nonsense attributed to him was a vile forgery." We are sorry to inform the Telegraph that it will have to wait some time longer, as we are not at present inclined io print any such fact; not because we are disinclined to do Mr. Seward " common justice," but because we are well satisfied that he need the language, and that, therefore, it is no " vile forgery." and no injustice has been done him. It may be true that the language quoted as used by the Secretary does not ap pear in his correspondence, but we can only make the concession suggested by the Telegraph when Secretary Seward denies that he used the reprehensible words attributed to him, and pro. novices them a forgery. Lord Lyon is - the man to appeal to for a withdrawal of the charge. When he does so, or Seward denies it, it will be time enough for us to say that injustice has been done, and apologize for the agency we have had in circulating the falsehood. At pre sent, believing that Mr. Seward used the lan guage quoted, as stated by Lord Lyon, we have nothing to withdraw, and no apology to make. NEWS OF THE DAY. In regard to the movement of the Army of the Rappahannock, which we have already stated commenced on Monday, the New York World says the crossing of the river took place at Port Royal, twelve miles below Fredericks burg, adding that they are in possession of im portant information which it would be impro per to divulge—but the sequal, if it be what is new hoped, will startle the entire country. [Let the country, therefore, prepare to be startled.] Gen. Stoneman continues to hold the east bank of the Rappahannock river and the bridge where it is crossed by the Orange and Alexan dria railroad. Trains run without interruption from Washington to Rappahannock Station, or within twenty miles of the limit of General. Pope's famous advance, The rebels have a large force at most all of the fords, and annoy our cavalry a good deal with light artillery. News of the capture of TuscumbiarAlaba ma, has been received by way of Memphis. Col. Chalmers, who held the place with a strong rebel force, was attacked on the 23d of April by the Federal troops under Gen. Dodge and defeated after a sharp contest, in which we lost about one hundred killed and wounded. The rebel loss is not stated. The place is now oc cupied by the Federal troops. Tuscumbia is about sixty miles east of Corinth, on the great refined connecting with Virginia ; it is direct ly south of Florence, on the south side of the Tennessee, two or three miles from that river. Our occupancy completely cuts the rebel com munication by that route. . Intelligence from Fort Royal, S. C., to the 26th, leave no doubt that another immediate attack upon Charleston (if the preparation is not meant for Savannah,) is meditated. The information is substantially this : Our troops are said to be embarking on trans ports, which are conveying them to various points between Port Royal and Charleston, and it was currently reported in naval circles that a renewed attack on the city would take place on the 3d of May. Considerable shipments of ordnance to the gunboats and Monitors had been made. Strong positions have been taken The troops on Folly island are intrenching The iron-clad fleet has been fully repaired and is ready for fresh operations. Two of the Monitors are at Port. Royal and five are off North Edisto. The Ironsides remains near Charleston bar. The utmost activity prevails on all sides. Extensive naval preparations are making for a movement—the design of which is not of course divulged. The gunboats and transports of the fleet are collecting. Several of the transports which took troops to the points named have returned to Port Royal, and are taking on board other regiments. By rebel deserters, who have come into the Union camp, it was reported that new obstruc tions had been placed in Charleston harbor, which would not allow the smallest craft to pass through. The rebel Secretary of War has been in Charleston since the bombardment, and expressed himself satisfied with the arrange ments. In Florida and around Fort Pulaski every thing was quiet. The command of Gen. Marmaduke, who was recently defeated atVape Girardeau, Missouri, by Gen. M'Niel, consists of regiments from Missouri, Arkansas and Texas. They left Pow hattan, Arkansas, on the 15th April, for the natensible purpose of occupying Pilot Knob and Cape Girardeau as a base of operations for the Missouri expedition which Gen. Price is now organizing in Arkansas, but their real purpose was no doubt plunder. The latest news we have of the defeated and retreating marauders, is contained in St. Louis and Cin cinnati dispatches of the 20th, and is up to 10 o'clock p. m. of the 28th ultimo. The St. Louis dispatch gives the following from a cor respondent of the Democrat; • At ten o'clock on Sunday night, a rebel regi ment under Col. Newton, the advance guard of Marmaduke's army, which was then retreating from Cape Girardeau, were surprised when three miles west of Jackson, while cooking their supper and loitering around the camp fires. Tbe small howitzers loaded with musket balls and hauled by hand to within thirty yards of them, were simultaneously discharged, kill ing and wounding a large number. At the same time the First lowa cavalry charged on them, and not a man of the entire regiment is supposed to have escaped, all who were not killed or wounded being taken prisoners. Ail their horses, guns, camp equipage, and several thousand dollars worth of stolen property were captured. Early next morning Gen. Vandever advanced and saw the main body of the ene my in full retreat. lie immediately followed, keeping up a constant artillery fire in their rear. At two o'clock p. m., Gen. M'Niel found him, and the combined forces continued the pursuit. Firing was heard all the afternoon, and it is scarcely possible that the rebels can escape. The force comprised four brigades under Gen. Shelby, Cola. Bainbridge and Green, and ten pieces of artillery. The First Nebras ka infantry, under Col. Baumers, did the mint lighting in the rebel attack on Cape Girardeau and behaved with great gallantry. They were posted in the woods about a mile front town and kept llarmaduke's whole force in check, while the guns from the forts played upon them, doing considerable execution. The rebel bat teries did no injury to the town. The enemy's loss was about sixty killed and two hundred wounded. The Cincinnati dispatch is the latest--it is a special to the Philadelphia Bulletin, as follows: Intelligence from Cape Girardeau is up to ten o'clock p. m. of the 28th. A skirmish took place between Gen. M'Niel's advance and the rebel rear, but with what result, except that M'Niel continued to drive them, is not known. Fighting is believed to have taken place nee: New Madrid laet evening. By the arrival of the steamer Shelidrake at New York on the 29th ult., from Havana on the 23d, we have important news from Mexico. The intelligence from Puebla is to the 3d, at which date it asserts the French were in pos session of the greater part of the city, only two fortifications being then in the hands of the Mexicans. The battle ha& been raging for thirteen days, the Mexicans fighting bravely. The French were compelled to fight from house to house. Vernet de Laumiere, the French general of artillery, was killed, as were several other officers, and Gen. Gamier, of the 51st, was severely wounded. The Mexican force in the city is estimated at 20,000. Gen. Comon fort, with 12,000 men, was holding the road between Puebla and the city of Mexico. This is French news. . We hear from New Orleans that the steamer Fox hattescaped from that city with a United States paymaster on board, and had probably made her way into Mobile. The paymaster, it is said, had in his possession the sum of six hundred thousand dollars, designed for our troops in Louisiana. An Indianapolis dispatch, April 29, says : Dr. Dorsey, a resident of this place, formerly of Maryland, was arrested to-day, charged with treasonable correspondence with the rebels.— He was sent to Louisville, where he will be tried by court martial. The land and buildings for many years past occupied by the office of the National 'stem gencer, (Washington city,) comprising about twelve thousand square feet of ground, have been purchased by Mr. William E. Spaulding for the sum of $BO,lOO. This will not change the long standing location of the National In teltz:gencer, or interfere in any way with its regular issue. Intelligence from Milliken's Bend to 23d April, says that six transports, the Tigress, Empire City, Horizon, Anglo-Saxon, Modera tor and N. J. W. Cheesman, had been selected to run the Vicksburg batteries on that night. A dispatch from Cairo, of the 30th, says it is doubtful whether any of them succeeded in passing. Four were known to be Sunk, and if the other two got through they must have been badly damaged, as the firing on them, which commenced at midnight and continued until daylight, was terrific. They were of little value except as transports for troops. River men of experience estimate the six to be Worth probably $115,000. LATER.—NEW YORK, May I.—The Tribune prints extracts from a letter dated near Vicks burg, which says that only one of the trans ports was sunk in passing the rebel batteries on the 23d. Consequently the other reports of four being sunk, &e., is a canard. Gen. Grant was reported at New Carthage. The rebel rams up the Yazoo were supposed to be about ready to come out, as a raft had been cut to pieces and had floated out. It was re ported that orders had been issued to the whole army to march, with six days' rations, Admiral Farragut reports the capture, on the Bth April, of the steamer J. D. Clark, with Major Howard of the rebel Commissary Depart ment on board. He had been making exten sive arrangements for the crossing of cattle to the eastern shore of the river at various places. Gen. Ellett's marine brigade has been ac tively occupied on the Tennessee river. He destroyed every grist and saw mill, and disil tffeltetitttganliWenTVsse&tesi49. five hun a Hamburg and Eastport were also destroyed. On his return down the river his brigade was fired on by the rebels, under Major White. The fire was returned by the . gunboats. The rebels fled, with - a loss of ten killed and twenty wounded, Major White mortally. Our loss was two killed and four wounded. The court-martial at Cincinnati have con victed F. Corbin and T. G. Graw of recruiting inside our lines for the rebel service, and sen tenced them to be shot on the 15th of this month. Campbell, convicted a few days ago as a rebel spy, was to have been hung at noon yesterday. George Douges, of Butler county, Ohio, found guilty of publicly declaring sym pathy for the rebels, was sentenced to four months' hard labor, and Wm. M'Elwee, of Illi nois, convicted of aiding deserters to escape, was sentenced to pay three hundred dollars and remain in prison until the fine was paid. The proceedings in all of these cases bad been ap proved and confirmed by Gen. Burnside. From Fairfax Court House, April 30, we learn thit Gen. Stahl had just returned • from a successful reconnoissance between Bull Run Mountains and Blue Ridge. No force of rebels was encountered, but there were slight skir mishes with straggling parties of guerrillas. Thirty-eight prisoners were taken, beside 100 horses and other spoils. It is now definitely known that the rebels have no regular forces north of the Rappahannock in Eastern Vir ginia. A Fortress Monroe dispatch of Wednesday says that some cannonading has been going on on the Nansemond since yesterday morning, where the steamers Commerce and Star ran thb rebel batteries with great credit to their com manders, Lieuts. Rowe and Horton, both of the 09th New York. Our batteries on the op posite side of the river replied to the rebel batteries to draw the attention as much as pos sible from the two boats, and that seems to have caused Ate cannonading to be kept up ever since. From Hooker's army on the Rappahannock the reports are unsatisfactory. It is said that four corps d'armee crossed at Port Royal on Wednesday—that cannonading and severe musketry firing had been heard—and that the sutlers had been ordered from Acquia Creek. A dispatch dated four miles below Fredericks burg, April 29, informs us of skirmishing go ing on there, and gives a list of several woun ded sent in, but no particulars. The dispatch concludes : Our batteries have just opened on the rebels, but we fail to draw their artillery fire or to si lence their musketry. Signal lights have been observed in busy operation upon the heights that border the Rappahannock, doubtlessly used for the purpose of warnltg the rebels of any movements of our army. The earthworks and lines of defence extend far up along the rebel side of the riier, and at night the reflec tion of many camp fires lights up the sky for miles. All conversation between the pickets is now strictly prohibited, and even the teinp ting bait of a piece of tobacco cannot procure for the rebels •the luxury of a “Yankee news paper." A Murfreesboro' dispatch of April 30, re ports the arrival that day within the Federal lines of seventeen deserters. From all ac counts a battle between Itoneorans and Bragg is imminent. The latter is said to have been reinforced largely by the arrival of General Price, who is to command at Tullahoma while Bragg takes the field. The deserters confirm the report of the rebel advance to a point north of Duck river. Some say Polk's troops have moved eight miles north of Shelbyville, on the road to Murfreesboro', and that Hardee is at War Trace ; Bragg at Bell Buckle. They say it is Breokinridge who is at Man chester, and speak of him as fiommanding a force. Rumors of reinforcements are cofirmed, but the statements generally look like exagger ation. Deserters say the rebel commanders talk boldly and loudly of their intention to drive Rosecranssout of Tennessee. Their men get a quarter ration of bacon, but plenty of meal. A SI. John's, N. F., telegram, April2o, gives a list of the passengers and crew who were saved from the wreck of the Anglo-Saxon, amounting in all to 207, to wit : thirty-three cabin passengers, one hundred and three steer age, and seventy-one of the crew. The number of lost, therefore, is two hundred and twenty seven. The vessel is a total wreck in fourteen fathoms of water. All the mails and cargo are lost. The foreign intelligence is of some impor tance. The Polish insurrection was still spreading. Sweden was putting herself on a war footing. France was uneasy, and all the western powers were watching Russia closely. Our own relations with England do not seem to be altogether free from difficulty. A good deal of warmth is exhibited by the English press on account of our Minister, Mr. Adams, giving a special license, as is alleged, to a ship to proceed from England to Matamoras, free from interruption by American cruisers, to carry supplies of arms and ammunition for the Mexicans. Earl Russell's attention was called to the subject, on the 16th of April, by a depu tation of shippers and merchants interested in the Mexican trade, and he promised to give it his attention. The following article in the Paris Moniteur of April 18, was attracting much attention in London " The growing hostility of the United States towards England is exciting uneasiness in London. The last dispatches from the Washington gov ernment have a character of increasing irrita tion." The London Tithes is very bitter on the let ter of the American Minister, Mr. Adams, to Admiral Dupont, exempting a certain ship for Mexico from England, and calls it an arrogant assumption. It says there has been nothing equal to it since Popish bulls were issued from Rome overriding the laws of England. It adds : " The exercise of the slightest authority by foreign Ministers in England is not to be permitted for one moment after the assumption of power either condemning or absolving is made known." WASHINGTON, May I.—The National Intelli gencer this afternoon has semi-officialdispatches from Gen. Banks,. dated near St. Martinsville, 17th April. He did the following. brilliant things : Marched over 300 miles, beating the enemy in three battles, dispersing his army, utterly de stroying hitt navy, capturing foundries at Franklin and New Iberia, and demolishing the salt works ten miles southwest of the latter place, capturing camp equipage, several guns, and between one and two thousand prisoners. lie cannot, for some months, organize an artaxv v aaa•; ast ta.a., Fru u loss is between 600 and 700. Nothing could exceed the conduct of officers and men. We have also, in our possession, his West, officers of sea and land. EBERLY'S IVIILLS, May 1, 1863 Editors Patriot and Union: I picked up a Church Advocate of yesterday, and on glancing over it my eye rested, 2d col umn, page 410, on the following : 6 HARNISIEURO Post Orricn.—Some time since we requested our friends at Harrisburg, who had subscription money to remit us, to pay it over to either Brother A. X. Shoemaker or Jacob Hickernell; as several letters contain ing money, mailed at that office, failed to reach us. This week we are notified of another letter containing money, mailed there on the 14th instant, (April,) which as yet has not come to hand. We hope no more money witl be mailed at that office till further orders." It seems to me your Postmaster should in quire into this, or the Department should send an agent to unravel the mystery. Where there is so much fire there must be some smoke. Your's, &o. HONESTY. THE MARKETS, PHILADELPHIA, May 1. Flour is dull ; sales small at $5 87466 12„ for superfine, $6 50E47 00 for extra, and $7 20 775 for extra family. Small sales of rye flour at $5 25. Corn meal at $4 25. There is more demand for wheat and 4,000 bushels of red sold at $1 70. Rye at $1 02. Corn, yellow, firm at 900. Oats dull at 80ce8.30, weight. Cloverseed at $5 00g5 50. Flaxseed at $3 50@,4 00. Provisions dull—no change. Whisky firm ; sales of Ohio at 45@46. NEW YORK, May 1. Cotton steady; sales of 100 bales at $666, 67c. Flour declined 56100.; sales of 6,500 bbLs. at $5 95@6 10 for State, $5 0567 10 for Ohio, and s7@7 30 for southern. Wheat, lower and nominal. Corn declined 10.; ulles of- 18,000 bus. at 88®900. Provisions dull and unchanged. Whisky dull at 456451 c. BALTDIORE, May 1. Flour steady. Wheat dull; white $1 050 2 03; red $1 7001 73. Corn firm; white 92693 c.; yellow 91692 c. Oats advanced 1 62c. Whisky firm at 45c. DIED. April 29th, at Bainbridge, Lancaster county, Doctor ROBERT H. Toss, aged 61 years. New 2 buertistmento. ANTE D-A STOUT BOY FOR THE BLAOKSMITU SHOP. Also—A fow good LABORING BIEN, et the m2-d3t EAGLE WORKS. G AIETY MUSIC HALL! MISS KELLY SEYMORE, TIIE BEAUTIFAL SONGSTRESS, WILL APPEAR TO-NIGHT! A DMINISTRATOR'S NO TIC E.-- Letters of• administration upon the estate of HENRY LAUMAN, late of Upper Swatara township, Dau• phin county, deceased, hating been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and these having claims against the same are requested to present them for settlement without delay to W. L. TREMOR. Administrator, Upper Swatara township, Dauphin county, pa. April 25, 18133-nly2-3tdlaw* VAUTION.— My wife, ELIZABETIi DANE, having left my bed and board and carried away with her sundry articles of value belonging to me, the petblie is hereby notified not to trust her on my account. And if she does not return again within fourteen days I shall have nothing; more to do with her. n32-dBt HENRY DANE. • • G AIETY MUSIC 11 Id! MISS NELLY SEYMOREI THE BEAUTIECL sONesTRESE, WILL. APPEAR TO-NIGHT WANTED TO RENT.—A suitable house for a small family, within two rooftree from Market rquare—rents from $lOO to $l2O. AddreFs P. O. Po r No. 214, Harrisburg. Apr3o-Iww TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD, Twenty dollars reward will he Feld for the detec tion of the thief who stole a tow line from the flat of the sobscriber on Monday night last. mr29-St W. K. VERBENA. WM. GASTROOS I MERCHANT TAILOR, Having opened s shop in WALNUT STREET, oce door above Fourth, informs his friends that be has near on bond a tine assortment of DRESS GOODS, which he will sell cheap and make up to order in a superior style. His long exper.ence as a tailor cables him to guarantee entire satisfaction. ap29•dlw IJJM. H. MILLER, AND R. E. FERGUSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE IN SHOEMAKER'S BUILDINO6, SECOND STREET, BETWEEN WALNUT and MARKET SQUARE, ap29-d&,w Nearly opposite the Buehler Rouse. "'TOW ARE YOU GREEN_ BACKS."—DAN BRYANT'S new comic Song. Price 30 cents, jnat received and for sale by WARD, at his Music store, Third street. Call and get a copy early. ap2B FRED. SCHNEIDER, MEADOW LANE, A PRACTICAL DYER FROM GERMANY, Takes this mode to inform the public and his nurner • one friends that he has fitted up a IMMO RCM, In Meadow Lane, in the city of Harrisburg, Pc., Where he is prepared to do anything in dyeing, as Silk, Woolen, Cotton, etc., warranted for good. ' ap213413m G AIETY MUSIC HALL! MISS NELLY SEYMORE, THE BEAUTIFUL SONGSTRESS, WILL APPEAR TO-NIGHT H UBBARD BROS., IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, NEW YORK, have the pleasure of announcing to their numerous friends and patrons in the Army, that they are prepared to fill orders and transmit parcels BY NAIL, with the ut most care and promptitude. Watches so forwarded are registered; we take upon ourselves all risks of transpor tation, and guarantee a safe delivery. Improved Solid Sterling Silver Int. ENCLISIII LEVERS, in good running order, and warranted ac curate timepieces. This is an entire new pattern, made expressly for American Army and Navy sale. Theyare manufactured in a very handsome manner, with Englida crown mark, certifying their genuineness; all in an, theyare a most desirable Watch. FrAnkLesiie'e Illge trated News of Feb. 21st, , 63, sari :—"lllmsaszn's rnic- SEEDERS are becoming proverbial for their reliability and accurary. They are particularly valuabWfor offi cers in the army, and travelers. l7 The price is SEVENTY TWO DOLLARS OM per case of Si; being about on-- third the cost of ordinary English Levers, while they will readily retail for a larger price. Postage, per case, $l.Bl. RAILWAY TIMEKEEPERS, for Army Speen lation.—The Army and It avy Gazette, of Philade!. phis, in its February number, says:—" This importa tion of the HUBBARD BROS , of New York, ails felt want, being a handsome and serviceable Watch a; an extremely low figure." Superior in style and faith Decidedly the most taking novelties out Should retail at prices from s2') to $lO each. Good imitation of bo:i gold and silver, with fancy colored hands and beautifa: dials, with superior regulated movement. sold only by the case of six of assorted designs. Engraved ard superior electro-plated with gold, and silver-plated : per case of fix, FORTY-EIGHT DOLLARS, (1648.) By mail, postage, $1.65 per case. MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS, the Perfection Of Mechanism :—BEING A MINTING AND OF2N lacy, Or LADY'S OR GENTLEMAN'S WATCH COMBINED, WITH PA TENT SELF-WINDING IMPROVEMENT.—The New York r lastrated News, the leading pictorial paper of the Uzi :led States, in its issue of Jan. 10th, 1863, on page 147, voluntarily says :—"We have been shown a most pleer tug novelty, of which the A tr:B a d o ß i n ).. Ba F o a S e . e , of Watche York , eorn are the solo importers. It is called the Tihlf. 1 2 1 e7 " br i ttii . e1;;;;Z:st, most convenient, and de trc ee i d dl reliable lyteht usehi tesbest ra machinery,on r d e c r h ed e a i p t seistto haswt i n m e ww p ii i tn e h c di e inn f gi o t r aagtnetdna eaconnret rendering a key entirely unneccessery, me cases of Sample t olo r ms masisntteupangglugteoe:tlrodv sad yadb tsu f icayes t hne h eagstt a r n s wit. svn t he ls :n e ; warrantedee i nsap m aetaeltarm r ia o loces v 7c e d casnetereas r u ooief i to y i this Watch are composed of two metals , the me outer One beingp ee t l e e l . 1 11 %; n e lever n l r 6 eio o ep v e by y o r z e m t n h ai 'os s l e 2Ci t p 4 h r . e, Ee p T , upwards. EU - We _have no agents or &molars. Buyers rockt deal with us direct, ordering from this advertisement, Trrms, Ca in advance. Remittances may he made in United States money, or draft payable to our order lo this city. If you Wish goods sent by mail, enclose the amount of the postage with your order. Write your address in full. Registered Letters only et our risk. Address RURBARD ERO3., IMPORTERS, East Cor. Nassau and ,Tobt streets, Neva York. p ROPOSALS. 309 dam Sealed ProposeTs are invited unt;l the 4ta (1.7 01 ME.v, 1863, for supplying the Ti. S. Subsistence Dcparmeit at Harrisburg, Pa., with FRESH IMP. .The first delivery of beef to be made oa the 6th day of May, 1863, or as soon thereafter as the znidersrgred may direct. A bond with good and sufficient security will "e re quired. No bid will be entertained when put in by contranors who have previously failed to comply with their cot tracts in any Department of the Government, or tea se the bidder is not present to respond to his bid. The names of firms should be stated in full . , with :Le precise addren of each member of the firm. Proposals front disloyal parties will not be considered , and an oath of allegiance n ust accompany each propo sition. All bids must be accompanied by two guaranteee. Bids to be directed tq,Capt. gyp. H, BELL. 0. 8. U. P. A., Harrisburg, Ps , and endorsed 6, Propogala for fur nishing fresh Beef." FORM OF GUARANTEE We, —, of the county of and State of —, do hereby guarantee that is able to fulfil a Contract in accordance with the terms c f his proposi , tion, and that should his .proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contract in accordance there • with. Should the contract be awarded li'Lm we are pre pared to become his securities. (This guarantee mast be appended to each The responsibility of the guarantor ri, -- .zat be shown• by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or the 11. S. District Attcrney. Proposals to be opened at 12 in., on the lth day of May, at office oa Third street, above Market. W. H. DELL, Captain, C. 3_ U. S. A_ ap2B. dtd TAILORING. iGr c>. A. 13C. Is TY sa• 3E3C .. The subscriber is ready at RO. 94, MARKET sr., four doors below Fourth street, to make MEN'S - AND BOY'S CLOTHING In any desired style, and with skill and proreptneFs. Persons wishing cutting done can have it done at the shortest notice.: ap2T-dly 20,000, lbs. Composed of the following Brat;?t, just received NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. NEW JERSEY—SeIect. BVA.NS SWlFT'S—Superi6r. MICIIINER'S EXCELSIOR—Cao vassed.. • MICHINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not canvaL•pce, IRON ClTY—Canvassed. IB ON CITY—Not can rases d PLAIN ILA.3lS—Strictly prime ORDINARY HAMS—Very go Every Ilain sell will be guaranteed as represeu ted. WIC DOCK, jr., k CO. P- is L E S► 160 BUSHELS PRIME APPLES just received awl for sale (very low) by WPC DOCK, jr., CO- BLINDS Sz SHADES. B. /. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North Sixth atreet,lt dolphin, Manufacturer of VENETIAN BLINDS and • WINDOW SHADES. jr7r.The largest and finest assortment in the oit3; et the lowest prices. Blinds painted and trimmed eons' to new. Store Shades mule end lettered. ms3l.2zad '• I I I