OCAL .E El _ - DAILY PATIIIOT INr:i may be bad at Book Store, corner of Tilird and Market S ALSz. at hi: New: , ilier_zy of George L. Walter, biazitet street, rear r°4 Tag Mates.—Under the change of schedule on the different railroads, the time of closing the mails% at the Harrisburg Post Office, November 17,1862, is as follows PRZINSYLTANIA RAILROAD. WAY itiLm.—For all places between Harrisfoirg ar.4 Philadelphia, at 6.30 a. in. Far Philadelphia and 'Lancaster, at 12.10 p. m. For Bainbridge, Marietta, Columbia, Lancaster, Phila delphia and New York, at 4.20 p. m. For Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at 9.00 WEST.--War W.EST.—War NATL.—Nor all places between MI 111. fi b:nand Altoona, 12.40 p. m. PorJohnstown, Pittsburg and Erie, Pa., Cincinnati, ouruitais and Cleveland, Ohio, at 2.45 p. m. go Arnevistown, Himtingdon, Tyrone, Phillipsburg, )tom, Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg, at 9.00 p. m. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY 1101112H.—WAT Mme.—For all places betWeell Haven and Elmira_, N. Y., at 12.40 p. m. BOWILL— WAY Miith..—For all places between Has navarg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, B. 0., at 8.06 a. For York, Pa., Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D o_, at 9.00 p. in. 1.1111110, VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST_ WAYMant..—For all places between Harris ban and Reading, Pottsville, Easton and Philadelphia, at 7.00 a. in. 017DIRRRLAND VALLEY RAILROAD . . . Por Meabanicsbnrg,Carlisle,Shippensburg and Cha3n berbarg, Pa., at 7.00 a. M. WAY Msitn.—Por all places between Harrisburg and Hagerstown, Md., at 12.30 p. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILIWAD. For Ellwood. Pinogrove, Summit Station, Auburn and Pottsville, at 72.30 p. m. STAGE ROUTES For Linglestown, Manada Hill, West Hanover, Ono and Sonestoryn, at 7 00 a. m. For Lisburn and Lawisbury,at 12.40 p. m. UZrOffiee Hours.—From 6.00 a. ro_ to 8.00 p. m. Sun lay from 7.30 to 8.30 a.m., and from 3.00 to 4.00 p. m. GREEN.—Since the lats refreshing April show ers the grass in the Capitol lawn is looking as verdant as the Demoerazie victims of •the "Union (AtoMina) League." SPRING VEGETABLES.—We noticed in market this morning radishes, onions, spinach, salad and other productions of the garden. These early vegetables are a luxury just now, and our "coun try cousins" find ready sale for them at remunera tive prices. RssoLunoxs OF THANKS —At a late meeting of the Paxton fire company resolutions were unani mously adopted tendering thanks to J. C. Runkle, Esq., Recorder Ringland and Alderman Kline, for gratuitous services rendered in the purchase of their property in Second street near Vine. Tat RIVER is still on the rise, and rolls an int ;glenso Tolume of water just now, the upper branches and small streams emptying into them being swollen to torrents. We have heard of no serious damage to public or private property on the main stream or its branches. PICKING THENI.IP.—..The provost guard eos.tinue to pick up stragglers and deserters from the army. Yesterday we saw one of the latter class pass along the street under an escort of four armed soldiers . . A considerable number have been arrested within a few weeks and forwarded to the seat of war. STREET CLEawrao.—The scraping and repairing of the streets has at last been commenced, under the supervision of the street committee, and we are glad to learn that the work is to be continued until all our main thoroughfares shall have been thoroughly cleansed of mud and filth, and put in good condition. AsSannr Asia BArrnar.—Yesterday Charles Thomas and John Dress were before Alderman Kline, on warrants executed b, officer Deeters, the inmer for assaulting and abusing an old lady named Mary Bauchman, and the latter for whtp ping a boy named John Sore. Bath defendants gave bail for their appearance at court. JUVENILE OFFENDERS.—Three youthful ebony colored offenders, answering to the names of Smith Jackson, Dick Robinson and Frank Bennet, were arrested by officer Deeters, and arraigned before Alderman Maglanchlin, charged with assaulting and whipping a small white boy. The parents of the dusky offenders appeared and paid the coats, whereupon they were reprimanded and discharged. Comme Down.—This morning the market was well supplied with fine Delaware shad, which sold readily at seventy-five cents a pair. Some of smaller size and inferior quality were disposed of for fifty cents a pair. Judging from the large Lumber carried from market by people of all class es, rich and poor, a great many shad dinners will be served up in our city to-day. DELEGATE Er.xermits.—The Democratic dele gate elections come off this evening. We have no doubt the Democracy of the various wards, and of the boroughs and townships throughout the county, will choose good and true men to represent them in the county convention to be held in this city on Tuesday next. It is the duty of all good Democrats to attend the elections and aid in the accomplishment of such a result. CONSCRIPTION.—As the conscription act takes all unmarried men between the ages of twenty and forty-five before it touches the married men, there is said to be quite a flatter in bachelordom here abouts. The clergy may prepare for a brisk busi ness for a month to come. We have also heard of a new dodge that meets with some favor in this lo cality. As the law exempts widows' sons, several bachelors are contemplating the adoption of the widows with whom they board, as their mothers. Paoxorzn.—Recent letters from Tennessee bring the intelligence that Capt. Charles C. Davis, 'Jf this city, has been promoted to the position of Major of one of the battalions of the Seventh Penn sylvania cavalry. This announcement will be ex l'eedingly gratifying to the gallant Captain's nu merous friends at home. His distinguished servi crs in the South, for which he has frequently been complimented by the general in command, fairly endued him to promotion. We confidently predict that Major Davis will win additional laurels in his new position, and rise to still higher honors should he war continue several months longer. DISREPUTABLE LvsTlTt?jog,_Th e other day of eer Deeters arrested Ferdinand Basehore and Mary his reputed wife, on a charge of keeping a disorderly bawdy house in State street. The com plainants are two women who reside in the base ment of the house occupied by Basehore, and who, some two weeks ago, were arrested at his instance f2r drunkenness and" disorderly conduct, and har -toring "lewd men of the baser sort." After a hear ing before Alderman Maglanchlin the virtuous Fer dinand and his female companion were obliged give bail for their appearance at court to answer e charge prefeved against them. MASON JON/S.—This gentleman was not " sent :.:roes. the Federal lines," as announced by the z:ggcr organ on Thursday evening. One of the cliters of this paper yesterday received a letter :eta him, dated Chicago, April 13th, from the of which it ie eildept that the distinguished _feturer had no knowledge of the appointment zade for him in this city. •Mr. Jones designs east in the course of a short time, and we :am that arrangements will be made by the I.ttig Men's Christian Association to have him ctnre here. He will give the committee due when and where to address him on the sub- His lectures at the West are noticed by the terms highly emplimentary. GOING ONTO WINTER QUARTEES.-It is rumored that the Abolition Rome League of this city are making extensive preparations for going to house keeping. They are furnished a room which, it is said, is to be elegantly fitted up and supplied with all the luxuries the ton of their party are used to at home. This is certainly a strong evidence that it is to be a Home League, where they will be per fectly safe and have all the luxuries cf ease and comfort. And this is being done notwithstanding the pious and patriotic Deacon Bergner declares that the conscription laW "will bo enforced." Are the men who are leagued lobo this Abolition asso ciation to be exempt from serving their country ? If not, why the necessity or all this fitting up and expensive luxury ? When we see these men with their orators, councilors, editors, Ac., forming a ampany to ; go and fight for their country, we shall have some faith in their honesty and patri otism, and not until then. Tows Hera.—We notice that . petitionS are in circulation, and obtaining numerous signatures, representing to our City Fathers the necessity for a town hall, and asking them to make an appro priation sufficient to purchase a lot, in a suitable locality, upon which to erect a building for the use of the city. We have no doubt that Council, fully appreciating the want of such an institution, will respond promptly and favorably to the request of the petitioners, many of whom are prominent citi zens, extensive property holders and heavy tax payers. A town hall could be built that would answer all the purposes intended to be accom plished by the petitioners, be an ornament to the section chosen for its location, and at the same time yield a handsome revenue to the city. Let all who favor the movement take an interest in having the petitions filled up and presented to Council with out delay. HOSPITALS ABANDONED.-All the military hos pitals in tide city, and the general hospital at Camp Curtin, have been abandoned, by or der of the United States Surgeon General, and the patients removed to York. Hereafter only a post hospital, under charge of Surgeon Wilson, will be maintained here. A niggerhead organ as signs as the reason for this change that "certain Parties in Harrisburg have been constantly en gaged in remonstrating with the Surgeon General, protesting against the use of public buildings, and is every way seeking to embarrass the Medical Department with objections, impediments and complaints." This statement, whether voluntarily put forth by the nigger organ from which we ex tract it, or made by authority of the "medical de partment," is a malicious lie and infamous slander upon our citizens. KNOCKED DOWN —A personal collision took place yesterday afternoon at the corner of Fourth and South streets, between a soldier and one of the "fancy" Americans of African descent, who spot ttd yellow kid gloves and an ivory -headed cane. The latter "put on airs," and indulged in some insolent remarks which excited the indignation of the sol dier, who chastised him severely. At first tie darkey made a show of fight, but finding that he was no match for the stalwart soldier, he finally begged for quarters and apologised for his inso lence. lie left the field of action with a damaged countenance and the bleed streaming from his ex pansive nostrils, a properly punished and wiser nigger. Iv TROUBLE.-A highly respectable resident of the •:pper end of this county, whose name we sup press, recently Tidied Baltimore city. While there he purchased a horse, which subsequently proved to have been stolen, and the animal being found in his possession, he was arrested on suspi cion of being the thief. After considerable diffi culty and delay he finally succeeded in establishing the fact that he had purchased the horse, and his honesty and respectability being vouched for by parties who knew him, our Dauphin county friend was released from prison and honorably dis charged. Satisfied with his brief experience in the Monumental city, and thankful for his Providential escape from conviction as a horse thief, he took the first train for home. • NEW LIITHERAN CHAPELS.—We notice that workmen are now preparing the foundation fir a new English Lutheran chapel on Reservoir avenue, near Ridge road. The location is a pleasant one, and the edifice, when completed, will be alike creditable to the liberality of the congregation and the architectural skill of its builders, and an orna. went to that section of the city; The German Lutherans of the Sixth ward have also purchased ground on which to erect a chapel, which they hope to be able to complete in the ourse of a few months. Good citizens of all denominations, in prosperous circumstances, should contribute liber ally of their means in aid of these and similar commendable enterprises. A MESS OF GBEENS.—Moat people highly enjoy a dish of "greens." It is the first contribution of the season which the garden makes to the table, and it brings the assurance that Spring is at hand, and is a promise of more good things to come.— The custom of boiling greens with pork or other fat meat is a bad ono. The delicate flavor of spi nach, especially, is destroyed in this way, and all greens are rendered less digestible. It is much better to boil them in pure water and dress them with butter and other seasoning as.they are sent to the table. Our market now abounds with "greens" and other of the first vegetable cfferings of the season. DAMAGES AWARDED.—In the Cumberland county court this week an award of one thousand dollars damage was made to Nicholas Myers, for injuries sustained on the Cumberland Valley railroad in February IS6I. Several cars ran over one of his legs, rendering amputation necessary, and he al leged carelessness on the part of the company's agent as the cause of the accident. DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIT•-TWO dollar green backs altered to twenties aro now extensively cir culated. The alterations are so successfully done that the closest examination is necessary to detect the fraud. Twenty dollar government bills should be closely inspected before they are taken. By holding the counterfeit bills before a strong light the alterations may be detected. FIFTH WARD.—The Democratic citizens of the Fifth ward are requested to meet at the publio house of Mrs. P. Jourdan, on Saturday evening next, the 18th inst., at 71 o'clock, for the purpose of _electing delegates to represent them in the county convention, and also to fix upon a ward house for the ensuing year. By order of the ATTENTION, DE.SlocnATs SIXTH WARD !—The Democratic citizens of the Sixth ward will meet at tho public house of John Stimler, Ridge road, on Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of electing delegates to the neat Democratic County Convention to be held on the 21st inst. By order of the Executive Committee. Joir Cbsipaap. GREAT BAEGAINS. Twenty per cent. Saved.—ln order to reduce stock, owing to the tearing down of the old store and building up new, I offer my stock, consisting of a large stock of three-ply In grain, Venetian and Rag Carpets; also, furniture of all descriptions, at twenty per cent less than city prices, until the 15ra or JUNE N E X T . C. SNAVELY, UnRO-10,T Second street above Lueust. Executive Committee. TRIED WARD DENOCRA.TS, ATTENTION !—Tne Democratic citizens of the Third ward will meet at the Franklin house, on Saturday evening, Mb inst., at half-past seven o'clock, for the purpose of electing delegates to the County Convention to he held on Tuesday, 21st inct.,and also to select the ward house for the year. Dy order of the Ward Executive Committee. GEOEGE BAILEY ? Chairman FOURTH WARD DEMOCRATS, ATTENTION !—The Democrats of the Fouith ward will meet at the Morgan house, corner of Second and Pine streets, on Saturday evening,lBth inst., at half past seven o'clock, for the purpose of electing two delegates to represent them in the County Convention to be held on Tuesday, 21st inst., and also to select the ward house for the year. By order of the Ward Executive Committee. L. BERNHARD, Chair Malt ATTENTION, DEMOCRATS FIRST WARD. - A meet ing of the Democratic citizens of the First ward 4 ill be held at the house of C. E. Jauss, on Satur day evening, the 18th inst., at 1 71 o'clock, for the purpose of electing delegates to the County Con vention, to be hold on the 21st inst., and also to select the ward house for the year. By order of Ward Executive Committee. GEO F. WEAVER, Mailman. a ATTENTION, DEMOCRATS !—The Democratic citi zens of this city will meet at their respective ward houses on Saturday evening, ISth inst., for the purpose of electing delegates to the County Con vention to be held on Tuesday 21st inst., and. also to select their Ward houses for the ensuing year. DANIEL D. Boas, Presq. City Es. Committee. GEORGE F. SEATER, Seey. WE have taken over on the Ist of April the balance of goods bought of Mr. Boger, to our own store, where we will continue to sell the balance left at very low prices, until the whole arc sold. Among these goods aro 1,000 yards remnants delaine and calico, 10, 13 and 20 cents. 500 yards remnants lawns and other dress goods, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 200 yards of barege and lustre, 20 and 25 cents. 1,000 yards of linen •crash, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 100 yards of brown and grey cloth for summer coats. 1,000 yards of linen, cotton and wool pants staff, cheap. 300 -dozen of the very beet spool cotton, white and corded. 1,000 papers of the very best of Smith's needles, 5 cents a paper; also stockings, gloves, pocket handkerchiefs, hoop shirts, all i; ;ii of combs, patent thsead, tapes, socks, All 3: by the ciczen or piece. We have also on hand yet about 10 pieces of CARPET, which we will sell at 75 cents per yard. 20 pieces of straw matting, Aeon. 20 pieces of splendid figured window curtains. S. LEWY. MILITARY BUSINESS OF ALL KINDS AT TENDED TO. EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, offtee, Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. oct2B—ly 2ntusentents. BRANT'S HALL! POSITIVELY TWO EVENINGS ONLY. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, APRIL 20 and M. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE PEAK FAMILY SWISS BELL RINGERS! CARD —Desiring to present to the public, as hereto fore, an entertainment second to none, the management takes pleasure in announcing to his former patrons and the public generally, that in addition to the Original Troupe there has been added five Instrumental Solo Ar- Vets, and feeling very grateful for the very liberal pa. tronage bestowed upon him on his previous visit, will introduce a programme of the highest order. Mad. JULIA PEAK BLAISDELL, Solo Harpist, (pupil of Boehm ) Mr. J. F. SPAULDING, Solo Violinist and Solo Cornet Herr GUSTAV KAUFFMAN, Solo Violinist from the Conservatoire of Music, Leipsig, Germany. LITTLE LIZETTE, . The wonderful Contralto, and MASTER EDDIE, In their characteristic Representst - ons, "Vocal and In- strumental Selections Admission 25 cents. Tickets for sale at the Music stores and at the door. Doors open at 7; to commence at a quarter of 8. C. 0. CHASE, apls-6td Business Agent. GRAND MUSICAL MATINEE Will.be given on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, commenc ing at three o'clock. CHILDREN admitted for TEN CENTS—Adults 25 ets GAIETY MUSIC HALL! WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. 808 EDWARDS Sole Proprietor. G. W. KIKBYE, Stage & Business Manager. NEW COMPANY! NEW ORGANIZATION &C. Engagement of the STAR SISTERS, Misses EMMA and EDITH WHITING, The popular Vocalists, Dancers, &c. Also, JOHN PURCELL, The Popular Balladist. All the above favorites, in conjunction. with Bob Edwards' Star Troupe, will appear every evening in new and brilliant Acts, Songs, Dan ces, Sic. NEW ATTACTIONS ! NEW ATTRACTIONS! CROWDED HOUSES ! CROWDED HOUSES! BRILLIANT SUCCESS OF MISS ANNIE RUSH, The Harrisburg Favorite Queen of Songs. LVIISS LAURA BERNARD, THE PRETTIEST VOCALIST IN THE PROFESSION, MRS. JULIA EDWABDS, MSS ROSE .114aFORREST, The Female Champion Jig Dancers. G. W. KIRBYE, The most versatile performer in the profes sion--performing over thirty different kinds of astonishing acts, that must be seen to be apr reciated. Master GEORGE ICIRTIVE, Sr., The best Juvenile Ethiopian Comedian in the United States ; for this assertion we defy all competition. "COME AND SEE HIM." J. ANDRIA lARDELLA, Pianist, Last, but not least, is the veritable 808 EDWARDS. A NIGHTLY CHANGE OF PROGRAMME! Embracing the best and most popular fea tures of the day, including gems from the opera, Minslrelsy, Drama, Ballads, Burlesques, Gymnastics, Magic Veutriloquiem, &c,, &c. Admission . Only e.O Cents. SPECIAL NOTICES. CLEANSE TILE BLOOD. - WITH corrupt, disordered hr vitiated Blood, you must b 3 sick all over. It may burst out in Pimples, or Sores, or in some active disease, or it may merely keep yen listless, depressed and good for nothing. But you cannot hare good health while your blood is impure. Ayer's Sarsa parilla purges out these impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the health and expelling disease, Bence it rapidly cures a variety of complaints which are caused by impurity of the blood, Buell as Scrofula or King's Evil. Tumors, Ulc.:rs, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Rolls, St. Antho ny's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, t ancer or C 47127€10US Tumors, Sore Eyes, Female Di , eases, such as Retention, Irregu larity, Suppression, Whites, sterility, Syphilis or Vene real Diseases, Liver Complaints and Heart Diseases Try Aran's SARSAPARILLA, and see for yourself the sur prising activity with which it cleanses the blood and cures the disorders, ATER'S CHEERY PECTORAL i 8 80 universally known to surpass every other remedy for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, in cipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive Patientil - in advanced stages of the disease, and it is useless here to recount the evidence of its virtues.— The world knows them. AVE&S CATHARTIC PILLS—for Costiveness Dyspep sia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, 'Jaundice, Headache, Heartburn, Piles, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Worms, and in short for all the purposes of a primates medicine. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & Co, Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Five boxes for El. Bold by C, A. BANNYART, DROSS dr. Co., C. K. MIL LER, J. BONS.A.RDNER, DR. MILES and L. Wiring. Har risburg, and dealers everywhere. apT-d&w2m Editor/ Patriot and Union: BEAR SIRS :—With your permission I wish to say to he readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full &rec. tions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, the will effectually remove, in f 0 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Idoustach, in less than 30 days. All ap plications answered by return mall without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, feb26 3mw No. 831 Broadway, New York. DR, TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINI MENT, in pint bottles at 50 cents, cures lameness, cute, galls, colic, &c. Read the following: :BosTort, July 7th, 1860. Tn. Tonizs :—We have used for ` the past year your Horse Liniment for lameness, kicks, bruises, colic and outs, and in every izotance tou:d it the beet article I ever tried in this circa company. Please send s'.x dozen, as it is the only liniment we use now. We have 108 horses, some very valuable, and do not want to leave town without it HYATT FROST, Manager Tan Amburgh & Co's Menagerie. Sold by all Druggists. Office, 56 Cortlandt street, a7—d&wlm New York. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHIEESEMAIIPS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregu larities, painful menstruation, renioviegallobatructions whether from cold or otherwsee, headache, pale In the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervonsattec tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in th aback us:limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arias fram intareapticx of nature. DR. CHEESSMAN 5 PM. S was the commencemea saw!' Q :into tint' Tanta those irregularities and inbetTotii 4 taw ;1 - 11‘ con: signed so many to a preatilitt Yost k /N 410 Otcen enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins to de cline. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS ate the moat effectual remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all asses they are invaluable, inducing, with certainty,periedical regular ity. They are known to thousands, who have nsedthem at different periods, throUghout the eountry, having the sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in America. Explicit directions, stating when they should not be used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly, by remitting to the Agents, Sold by Druggists generally. R. B. RUi - CHIRGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. Sold in Harrisburg, by C. A. Bannvart. " Mechanicsburg, by J. B. Dellett. " Carlisle. by S. Elliott. Shippensburg, by D. W. Rankin. Chambersbugg, by Miller & Hershey. Hummelstown, by George Wolf. " Lebanon, by George Ross. dec6-d&wly Facts About Brandreth's Pills. NEW CASTLE , WESTCHESTER CO., N. Y., Oct. 23, 1862. Mil. G. TEN EYOE SHELDON, Editor Sing Sing Republi- Dear Sir—l would state that I was _induced to use 1311&NDRETHIS PILLS through the recommendation of John R. Swift, of Croton, Westchester County, who was entirely restored to health by their use. He was sick for some two years, very costive and dyspeptic, and he tried everything, but was not relieved. Finally, he teok one Brandreth•s Pill every day for a week, and a dose of six Pills every day for three days, and then took one Pill every day, with occasional doses of six. In one month he was able to go to work, and in three monthe was well, gaining 40 minds in weight. Yours truly, EDWARD PURDY. WESTONENTER COUNTY, fui. Edward Purdy, being duly sworn, says that he resides in the town of New Castle ; that some years ago be was very sick with a sore on his leg, which had been run tang for over five years; that he was also much dis tressed by a pain in his chestesn /, besides, was very cos tive and dyspeptic ; that after Tying various remedies and many physicians, he commenced using Brandreth's Pills, six to eight three times a week, and at the end of one month the sore in his leg healed, and at the end of two months he was entirely cured of costiveness, dys pepsia and pain, and has remained well ever since. EDWARD PURDY, Sworn to before me, this 18th day of October, 1862. $. DIALCOLM SMITH, Justice of the Peace For sale in Harrisburg by GIIO. H. BELL uovlB-d&wlto A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS 1 FOR FEMALES! Infallible in Correcting, Regulating and Removing all Obstructions, from whatever causo, and always successful as a Preventive. Theme PILLS have been weed by the Doctors for many years, both in France and America, with Unparalleled success in every case; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. Females particularly situated, or these supposing themselves so, are cautioned against These Pills while in that condition, as they are sure to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibilityafter this admonitory although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health—other wise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit di rections accompany each box. Price $l.OO per box. Sold, wholesale and retail, by CHARLES A. BANN VART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, and O. H. KELLER, Druggist, Harrisburg, Pa. Ladies, by sending' them $l.OO to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the cotintry (oonfidentially) and "free of postage by mail. Sold also by J. L. Liumnaana, Lebanon; 7. A. Wow, Wrightsville ; E. T.' MILLER, York; E. ELLIOTT, Car lisle; J. 0. ALTIOK, Shippensburgi SPANGLER, Chain- Wrstuirgi B. ff. WILD, Neirville; A. J. NAUMAN, Me chanicsburg; BROWN A BROTHER, No. 4, South Liber ty street, Baltimore; and by "one Druggist" in very town and city throughout the United States. HALL & RIICHEL, 218 Greenwich Street. New York, General Wholesale Agents. N. B —Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S . D. Howe. All others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health ; (to say nothing of being humbugged nut of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent. They will tell you the Pills are perfectly harmless, yet will do all claimed for them. S. D. HOWE 8010 Proprietor, New Yak, MESSII TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF BOTH SEXES.—A reverend gentlemen having been re stored to „health in a few dip, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treat ment, without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his afflited fellow creatures the means of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed enve lope, he will send (free) a copy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DAONALL, 186 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. jan2o-3m 411 1 - 41*- Dn. swEvirs INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, MI GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK"AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, DRUISES, OUTS & WOUNDS, _ _ PILES, HEADACHE, and ALL RHEU MATIC and NERVOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it is a speedy and certa , n remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from The recipe of Dr Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the fa mous bone setter, and has been used in his practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing suc cess. AS AN . ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, RHEU MATIC DISORDERS of every kind, and in thousands of eases where it has been used it has never been known to fail. FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also will it cure instantly FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAL LASSITUDE, arising from imprudence or excess, this Lthiment is a . most happy and unfai;ing remedy. Act ing directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES.—As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to pro duce an equal. Every victim Qf this distressing com plaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to afford immediate relief, and in &majority of cases will effect a radical cure. QUINSY and SORE THROAT are sometimes ex tremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely applica tion of this Liniment will never fail to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. ER UISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, - ULCERS, BURNS and SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healing properties of DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to directions. Also, CHILBLAIN'S, FROSTED FEET, and INSECT BITES and STINGS. EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually pre vent those formidable diseases to which all horses are liable and which render so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless. Over four hundred voluntary testimonials to the won derful curative properties of this Liniment have been received within the last two years. and many of them from persons in the highest ranks of life. CAUTION. To avoid imposit'on, observe the Signature and Like ness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also " Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment" blown in the glass of each bottle, without which cone are genuine. RICHARDSON & CO. ' Fole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. For sale by all dealers. aplleow-d&w BROOMS, BRUSHES, TUBS AND BASKETS of all descriptions, qualities and prices, for sale by WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. GREEN OORN.—WINSLOW'S fresh Green Corn put received by WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. THE FINEST STOCK OF PHOTO -11 ALBUMS, PORT POLtOS, CARD-CASES, POCKET-BOORS, for Bali at SCheifer's 'Bookstore, WHITE BRANDY I ! !-FOR PRESERV ING PURPOSEIL—A. very superior article, (strictly pure r ) just received and for sale by jcilyl WM. DOCK. Jr.. & Co. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LITHOGRAPHS, Formerly retailed at from zl to $5, sre new tiered at 50 and 75 cents, and $1 and $1 50—inblished by the Ar Union, and formerly retailed by them. Splendid Photographic Album Pictures of all distin- guished men and Generals of the army, at only 10 cts. For sale at SCHEF.P.ER'S Booksto-e, 18 Market street, Harrisburg. BLINDS & SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 18 North Sixth street, Phila delphia, Manufacturer of VENETIAN _BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. EU' The largest and finest assortment in the city, at the lowest prices. Blinds painted and trimmed equal to new. Sore 'Shades made and lettered. mr3l.2md C A. DAVIS, BLL POSTER Circulars, &c., carefully and promptly distributed. U7' Residence, south above Second street. SOLAR MATCHES! NO SULPHUR! NO SMELL!.. FIFTY GROSS of the above Superior Matches just eeived, and for sale by WM. DOCK, Ja-, & CO. MESSRS. ORICKERING & CO. HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE GOLD MEDAL! AT TUB MECHAN . ICS' FAIR, BOSTON, lista) THZ PZEOZDIWO WEEK, OYER SIXTY COMPETITORS! Wareroom for the CITIOICERING PIANOS, st Harris burg, st 92 Market street, oe2B-tf ENOCTIZT MIIRIC S4TORX MORTON'S PEN.-FIRST-QUALITY WARRANTED: NONE BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD. A GREAT LUXURY! PERSONS in want of a superior and really good GOLD rag will and with me a large assortment to select from, and have the privilege to exchange the Pens until their hand is perfectly suited. And if by fair means the Dia mond points break off during twelve months, the pur chaser shall have the privilege to select s new one, without any charge. 1. have very good Gold Pens, rr.ade by Mr. Morton, not warranted, in strong silver-plated eases, for $l, $1.26, $1.50, $2.00 For sale at SCHEPPENT BOOKSTOREI, No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Ps. THE NATIONAL ALMANAC AND ANNUAL RECORD for ]863. for sale at SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. pH BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS WHEELER & WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE, Market Square, next to Colder'a Office. Er Call and see them in operation A general assortment of machinery and needles eon• stantly on hand. MISS MARGARET HINEY Will exhibit and sell them, and also do all kinds of machine sewing on these machines in the beat manner. The patronage of the public in respectfully solicited. splB-6m GIRARD FIRE AND'MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelphia. zoir NO MARINE RISKS TAKEN. CAPITAL $200,000. tilita Company has successfully conducted business for a long term of years„ and paid its losses promptly. Its means of paying are ample, and the indemnity promised by our poliey sure. THOMAS CRAVEN, President, A. R GILLET ; Vice President. JAS. B. ALPORD, Secretary. H. K. PARSONS, 110 Market street, Agent. apB.3tawlm WALLPAPER, BORDERS, &c., &c / sold yet at last year?' prices, without any advance. At SCHEFFRIVS BOOKSTORIS. TADIES 1 YOU KNOW WERE YOU _J can get fine Note Paper, Envelopes, Visiting And Wedding Cards ? At SCHEFFER 7 S BOOKSTORE. WRITING FLUIDS.—BOSS' Ameri can Writing Fluid, a splendid ink, at 62 cents per quart; ARNOLD'S genuine Writing Fluid, MAR RISuN'S Columbian Writing Fluid, LAINHLIN d 111101IFIELD'S Ink, Copying Ink, Darmine and Red Inks of the best quality; B O Iu REFFE e Ink,RIS Mucilage BOOKSTORE.S -DOSS' AMERICAN WRIIING FLUID, equal if not superior to Arnold'a English Fluid s and only 02 cents SOH BuFb,BI B OOKSTORE. roR SALE—A Houie and Lot on Sixth street, near State. Enquire at the Exchange Office of - - Iif , GULLOOII, 28 Market street, Where the highest price is always paid for GOLD and SILVER. febl2-dtf (foal. COAL 1 COAL I ! COAL ! ! ! The subscriber having bought out the Coal Yard and flaturee formerly belonging to James M. Wheeler, Zeq., is now ready to deliver to the citizens of Harrisbug Ly kens Valley and Wilkesbarre CoCe, well prepared, of the best quality, at the lowest market prices. All Coal delivered at the consumers' doors with the patent weigh cart. Orders left at my office, Fourth and Mar ket, or at the yard, will be punctually attended to. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore:en tended, I still ask for a continuance of the salve. deel6-2nrBe DAVID M'CORMICK. P. S.—One Patent Weigh Cart for sale. CLAY._. ! WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL. J'AVING leased the Coal Yard, foot of North street, lately occupied by 0. D. Forster I am enabled to supply the public with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES 03 CLEAN COAL■ FULL WEIGHT • ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respectfully solicited—which, if left at tbi office, foot of North street, or at the store of Ina, Dock, Jr., Sp Co., (where samples will be shown,) wll receive prompt attention. jy3l-dtf] GILLIARD DOOR. JOHN T.11414' fi COAL "YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT'S . ROLLING MILL, Where he keeps constantly on hand LYKENB AND WILKESBARRE COAL, Such as STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, EGG and NUT, which he will dispose of at the lowest market price. Consumers will do well to call on him and, lay in their supply, as the Coal will be delivered clean, and full weight. jan2s-d6m JUST RECEIVED! THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMEN OP FINE STEEL ENGRAVINGS.! PRINTS, AND HEADS, AND SCENES, ADAPTED FOR GRECIAN OIL PAINTINGS, AT Wm. Knoche's Music Store. No. 91 Market street, lfarrisburg. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. TILE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT S AT W. KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE, AT 93 MARKET ST. n026-tf QT. LOUIS FLOUR. - THE BEST ) BRAND FOR FAMILY USE in the market. 100 barrels of the celebrated St. Lou's Flour. univereall7 pronounced the most superior article ever Offered in th• market, just received and for sale by WM DOCK, JR.. k CO FRESH FISH every Tuesday and Fri day at JOHN WISE'S Store, corner of Third and Walnut. rny2. • ~kTALL PAPER AND WINDOW YY SHADES. HENRY C. SHAFFER Has a large stock of Widow Shades and Wall Paper on hand which will be sold very Tow. Call and examine.. Parer Hanging personally attented to. No. 12 MARKET STREET, Near the bridge. lict24-dtf SECRET DISEA S ES ! IJ SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! THE MOST 0214TAIN REMEDY RAVER USED. Yes, a Pl3Stallt Cure! BALSAM COPAYIA ¢ MERCITRYNDISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a sure. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to four days, and recent eases in twenty-four hours. No exposure, no trouble, no change what're?. Price male packages, $2; Female, $3. Bold by D. W. OROBB & CO. Sent by mail by DESMOND & CO., Box 161 Phila. P O. jan6-dly BLOOD! BLOOD! SORES : THEIR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TET TEES, SCALES, BOILS, SYPHILIS Ols YENE• REAL DISEASES, ETC. SAMARITAN'S ROgOT AND HERB JUICE'S Is offered to the public ass positive cure. littaisheo all impurities a the blood and brings the system to a healthy action ' cure those Spots, 'Petters, Scales and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices ie'•the most certain remedy ever prescribed. it removee every par ticle of the poison. FEMALES! In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the ROOT AND HERB JIIICEB is most happily adapted, in Ulcerated *Merrill, in Whites, in bearing down, Falling of the Womb, Debility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR. Keep out of hospitals. Here is a cure in any case foi $5. Price $1 per bottle ; or eix for $5, wi th full direc t time. Bold by D. W. GROSS & CO. Sent by Express carefully peeled by DESMOND & CO, Box 151 Phila. P.O. jan6-17 CEDAR TUBS, CHURNS and MEA SURES, together with a large assortment of BAS KETS, BROOIIB &c., just received, and for sale eery owl, by WM. DOCK, Ja. , & 00. II P. & W. U. TAYLOR'S k• 'ow SOAP It is economical and highly detersive. It contains no Rosin and will not waste. It is warranted not to injure the hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is therefor suitable for every impose. For sale by Wfd. DOCK, Jt., h CO. IT AM B ! —Just received, a largo enriply of COVERED RIIGAR-CITRED HAMS, of lAS best brad ix the market. Every one IP old le gas.", linseed. 3une27l WM. DOCK, JR., k CO. POSTON CRACKERS.—A supply of these delicious makers putt received add for gale WIC & oe MINCE MEAT.-A SUPERIOR AR TIM just received and for sale by WM. DOOR; JR.,* pp. WEBSTER'S ARMY A.ND NAVY POCKET DICTIONARY. Just received and for sale at SOHEFFEWS BOOKSTORB LOOKING GLASSES.—A Splendid Assortment of New Looking Glasses, just received, at W. KNOCHE'S Music Store, 98 Market street, where they will he sold .cheap. Call and examine. mrlB RMORED SALMON.—A choice supply ►J for pale by WM. DOCK, jr., & Co. FEMALES !