1J cif. ALL WORK PItOMIBED IN ONE WEEK! PENNSYLVANIA • STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 204 MARK.IIT STS.11111", ILE TTV.E.EN FOURTYI AND FIFTH, HARRIBBI3III, PA. , Where every description of Ladles' and ' Oentletnenii Hannents, Piece Goods, &e., are Dyed, Cleansed, and Seishal in the best manner and at the shorted notice. n.29-d&wly DODGE & 00.. Proprietors. for gale Br, Co neut. VIDOB BALE.—The BUILDING- on the =net ot Walnut and Short streets, used as a 1300 PER SHOP. Min building was uzigiuully, built co skid it could be turned into Dwelling Housee. It con sisted three sepaiate frames placed together, each frame behig 25 by2o feet, making theentire building, itnow Stands, 76 feet long and 20 feet wide. Will sell also an last ilersoßsE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, sue, new, end one 9f j)ratobacies Patent Stave Cotters, and a Setof Saws for -11Maing Staves. the kbove - property will be sold at a bargain, as we wish to clear ithe - ground on which the building stands, Mcquire at he Brokers Office of S. L. M'OrrlnioOH, febe-itf 125 Market Street. NOTICE TO SPECULATORS I VALUABLE BUILDING. LOTS FOB aux: A number of large dm BUILDING LOTS, adjoining the Bound louse and Work Shope of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will be sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to anagally JOHN W, Cum Stables. • NEW .LIVERY AND 5 BOARDING STABLE! 1-4,'&4, The undersigned has opened a new Livery Stable le line street, adjoining the "Morgan ll#Use,” and steeked ikt with the best HORSES - in the market, an assortment of elegant COACHES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES and SLEIGHS, and everything in the livery line, which he will hire at cheap rates. HORSES BOARDED :indwell taken save of on reasonable terms. He invites kis friends to give him a call. decl6-dtf SAMUEL S. DAVIS. Um* Nolimo. RANK NOTI C E.—Notice is hereby given that the undersigneclhave formed an associa tion and prepared a certificate for the purpose of estab lishing a Wank of Issue, Discount and Deposit, under the provisions of the act entitled "A supplement to an act to establish a system of Proo Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against loss, from Insol vent Banks,' approved the first day of May, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one. The said Bank to be called TsB FARMERS , BANK OF MOUNT JOY, to be located in the borough of Mount Joy, to consist of a capital stock of One MmAted Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of in creasing the same to any amount not exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Dollars in all. J. Hoffman Hershey, . John M. Hershey, Martin B. Peifer, Jacob M. Stauffer, Bonbon Herber, John NE. Bear. jan2B-d6moao* VOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given of an lY intention to establish a Bank of Discount, Deposit and Circulation. under the provisions of an act, entitled .'An Act to establish a system of face banking in Penn sylvanis.'7 &c., and the supplement thereto; said Sank to be called "THE SIA.NTIFACTUREBS 7 BANK," to be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa., with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Dalian each dee4-6cad DMINLSTRATOR'S NOTI C E.- Whereas, Letters of administration on the estate o f Jams SEITEB, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dau phin county, deceased, having been granted tothe sub scriber, all persons indebted to the siOd estates re re— quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against said estate Will make known the same without delay. CHRISTIAN R. JAIISS, feblo-domv6t Administrator. BOSTON CRACKERS.---A LARGE SUPPLY-of these delicious crackers just received and for sale by W3l. DOM, & CO. GOLD PENS !---The largest and le= stock. from $l-OD to s4.oo—warranted at SCIDIFFER)B B001(51'01111 EXCELSIOR ! ! I-SUGAR CURED RAM !—A Delicious Iran, cured expressiN for family use. They are superior to any now in the mar ket. [my24l WM. DOCK, Js., & GO IQREIJIgAST BACON.—A small but very choice lot of Sugar Cured "BreaLfast Bacon (equal to the imported Yorkshire) just received. PAO WM. DOOM, Ja., & 00 LOTS FOR SALE-ON NORTH ST. and Pennsylvania Avenue. Apply to R. J. ITALDEMAN, Cor. Front and Walnut eta. mars-dtf HICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD FOR SALE! CUT TO STOVE OR CORD LENGTH TO SUIT PURCHASERS. •L/30, LOCUST POSTS AND CHESNUT RAILS CUT TO ORDER. ALSO, STONE AND SAND FOR BUILDING PURPOSES! Inquire of the subscriber at his residence on the Ridge road, opposite the Good Will engine house, or at the Yard, corner of Second and Broad streets, West Harrisburg. map22-dtf G. B. COLE. MINCE PIES! RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, LEMONS, SPICES, CIDER, WINES, BRANDIES, &0., For ode by was. DOCK .7a co: T A DIE S.-MADAME BURDETT, jj from New York, has taken roe= on the corner of Market and Second streets, tWyeWo'Block,) where she is prepared to cut, fit and retake drer,sea of every description, and in the latest anditfinib fashionable etyle, in the same room, miChine sti 4 tChing . 0 - every de scription done by Mrs. ap4-dtf HEALTH' MONEY!,HAPPINESS 1 At MIN ninon of year, When so muatteadoicoor 8 prevails, 'very: one should with As., HUM PHREY'S HOMOSOPATH:LO MiIDIVINZA, Ind ,preregt disease in its beginning. 1 - - - A fresh supply - always on hand at SOLUIPPIR'S BOOK-11TORN, reasl9 Harrisburg. ~ • DUCKWHEAT MEAL .IS,OOO. UM, sum ExTBA, from Wyoming Valley, for salt WitDOCK, Js., 4 CO. FOR SALE.,--3,000 BUS LS PRIMP, YELLOW COEN: lab bushels. barley malt, Brit quality. 540 Umbels 60 barrels whisky, first qnaliti. ;enquire of _ EIOHARD HOWILAND, sep29tf - Washington Avenue, Barrie burg. F OE S A TN, A - TWO•STORY FRAME ROOM in Short street. Inquire of sep3Ott W. S. YEBBZICE. 'IUPERIOR STOCK OF LIQUORS._ L) WM . DOM, 7a., le. CO_ are now able to allot ; to ta ro k c usto m ers and Ibe public at large, a stook of the purest liquors ever imported into this market, compel- Allg in part the following varieties : WHLSKint - isH, OCQTCiI.OLD BOURBON. WllO.--PORT, OLEititY, OLD MADEIRA. OTARD, DUPEY & 00. YALE BRANDY. JAMICA SPIRITS. PRIME NEW ENGLAND RUM. 1; • DRAEE's PLANTATION BITTERS. These liquors can all be warranted and in addition to Thai; Dock & Co: have on hand a hulls variety of Time, Whilltj and Brandy, to which they invite the purldealarattontion of the nubbin • TiotAkOKING !--Mesmea tICHALLINGB .1) Bi4Fmnia...r-400 Game. assarted aim , just Ft eidirid Wig tor Sale,,trkokasie mud rasa tea - WM. M 0011,11., Justtrance. INSURANCE AGENCY-. THE DuLAwAity, MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE .COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED" 1835.. This Institution is doing business on the Mutual In- SISTattG6 principle combissaci lei* a Joint Stock Capital. By the act of incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the company may sus tain. Ana as an additional security to the assured, the act requires that the profits of the business shall be funded and rev/Min with toe corporation, as a guarantee and protection to the insured against loss, until ordered by the Board of Directors to be redeemed i n accordance with a provision of the act of incorporation. This fund will be represented by scrip issued by the company, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent. No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and expenses exceed the *mount of earned premiums, Insurances will be made on Vessels, Freights and Car goes; on Goods transported by railroads or canals, and by steamboats on rivers and lakes;'also, sigainstdamage or loss by Fire, for a limited time, or permanently. The undersigned, as Agent for the above well known company, will make Insurance against loss or damage by lire, either perpetually . or annually, on property is either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also takr. Avply personally or by letter to . ROBERT L. bIVENOR, ' jan23 tf Rairisbarg, Pa. LIFE INSURA,N OE. THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 40S CHESTNUT ST. [CHARTER PERPETUL.] CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - $1,543,386 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reasonable terms. They act as Mrecutors, Trustees and Guardians under last Willa, and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital being pidd up and iiivebted, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, dffers a perfect security to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or quarterly. The company add a BONUS periodica'ly to the insu. rances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in December, Mt the SECOND ROMIG in December, 1849, the THIRD BONUS in 'December, 3854, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1859. Theee additions are made without requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to the company. The following are a few examples from the &Oster Amount of Policy oxkd Posey. I Slam . Bons or bonne to be inane* d 1 Insure& addition by future additions. No. 89 $2,509 $ 187 501 $3,387 50 a 182 3,000 1,050 00 4,050 00 gc 199 1,000 400 00 1,400 00 c( 338 5,000 1,875 00 6 ,875 00 • Agent a Harrisburg and vicinity. jelB-dly INSURANCE. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central 4.g.enoy at Harrisburg, Pa., of "THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, OP PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated' 1794--Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $1,200,000 DIRECTORS: Arthur G. OsMu, Samoa W. Jones, John A_ Brown, Samuel P. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. Morris Wain, John Ma son, George L. Harrison, Frazicis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for the above named company, the undersigned is prepared to take Piro Risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. Office in Walnut street near Second. WILLIAM BIT Second.` junelS 7 dls Harrisburg, Pa. THE; COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO., Of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. CHARTER PERPETUAL This company continue to insure buildings, merehan dise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire on the Mutual plan, either for a eaah premium or pre minm note. , The large and increasing capital of the company, con. slating of premium notes given by its members, and based upon 91,475,789 35, Insured on the mutual plan, affords a reliable guaran tee equal ,to ten times the average lose on the amount insured ; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally with those who may sustain loss or damage as the ease may admit of, consistent with justice to all parties consumed. Amount of Premium Notes, 055,620 49. Balance of Cash Preinium num pond, Jan. let. 1862 $1,668 57 Cash receipts during the year 1862, less Agents' Commissions 6.781. 47 • Cash receipts in January, /863..... 69.5 69 ---,--- $9,345 84 Losses and Expenses paid during the year 1862 $6,829 73 Balance unexpended, February 2d, 1883 3,016 11 - - $9.345 84 A. S.-&RBEN, Prim'dent GZoRGE Yoram, 7r , Secretary. N. S. SIMIAN, Treasurer. . DIRECTORS: M. S. Shuman, Michael H. Moore, George Young, jr., Nicholas -McDonald, Amos 3. Green. Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruner, • John Fendrich, E.G Minich, Sanniel F. Nberlein, Ephraim Hershey, §otels. UNITED STATES HOTEL, OPPOSITE TtrE PENNSYLVANIA AND' LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD DEPOTS, 11A1111811171G, PA. The undersigned having taken the above flotel, Which his imen refitted and furnished throughout, begs leave to inform the public that he is well prepared to !lawful wo d a to those whO may favor him with their patronage, a that will give entire eagsfaotion. The lINITHD STATES HOTEL is loeated in the ham* Mate vicinity of the depots of the Pennsylvania and Lebanon Valleyxalboads, where the travelingimblie cap be agoonumdstvitwith every comfort without the intion• venienoe or expense of going np-town Neither pains nor expense shall be spared to render the guests of this eatabliShment as comfortable as they can possibly be elsewhere in the city of Harrisburg. Carona and sompsfsokt pertere will Singe he Teti at the depots on the arrival of the trains, to take charge of the baggage/ire of charge. Ask for the UNITED STAMM HOTEL. snrf-dly plipf SIMS, Proprietor. N ATIONAL, IOTEL, (LATH WRITS SVP•AIq,) • • Race street,. above . Third, Philadelphia. , • -This estsbilidnnent offers greatinducitinerita, het only on seconut, of reduced rates of board, but from the cen tral location to the avenues of trade, as well as the con veniences afforded by Revered paesenger railroathi run ning-pest end contirtone to it, by which gneeta eau pas to and from . the Hotel to the diffcieilt radioed depots, should they be preferred'to the regales onmiermei be longing to , the house. lam determined divote my whole , attention to'thee comfort'and convenience of my siesta, and %Weaver to give general eatisfaction, Term5..41425 Per Day. OAVID 0. VIM:MIST, (Farmerljr of . Eigfe Hotel, 'Lebanon, Pa ) T. l l.llzoozo, Clerk. rarll-dtf transportation. r)ANIEL A. MIIENCH, - 2 -• Agent of the Old Wallower Line, Respectfully informs the public that this 'Old Dail) Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now is existence in this!' city,) le isgmescessful operation, and prepared to cam , Freight as low as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Ha i rrieburg, Sunbury, Lewis burg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Raven, and ab other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Iris and Williamsport and Bluaraliallroads. DANIEL A. MINOR, Apt*, Harriebur Pa. Geode lent to the Warehouse of Illeasre, Pe g, acock, Zell .& Rinehman. So. 808 and 810 Market street, above llighth,,,abilvielphia, by 4 o'clock p. VI, will arrive at nanievierg i ready for delivery, next mernlsig, myd FFPTY BA RR MLB.- A large number gra (OM Wins, Brandy and ,Wkisky Beards for sale by Wit. DOOK.jr., LLIAM BUEHLER. eb22-Stad litacl)inerp. EAGLE WORKS, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, MANTIPAOTURER OP ROOK-BINDERS' RULING NICENE% AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACHINES FOR GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, 8011.00 L FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, Ern, ETC ID- Any Machine of Wood, Iron .or Brats made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &o. H 31. OR'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS, IE7 Cash paid for Old Copper, Brass, Spelter, STEAM. BOILERS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE HATE ETRIBT CELLAR WINDOW GRATES Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging, BASH WEIGHS and various ether Building Castings , for sale every cheap at the tray24-dlyl EAGLE WORKS. O. MOLTZ, ENGINEER, MACHINIST 4. STEAM FITTER, No. 6, NORTH SHIM STREET, Between 'Walnut and Market, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every description made and repaired. Brass Cocks of all sizes, and a large assortment of Gas Fittings constantly on hand. All work done in this establishment milll be under his own supetitisioa, and warranted to give satisfaction. 6036 STEAM BOILERS. Raving made efficient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we are now prepared tO Make 1r3T~7 _1 3EIC)XX.BMIELSIBI Af every kind promptly and at reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by Bailey & Bro., the reptttation of which is second to none in the market. 117• N one but' he best Lands employed. Repairing promptl7 attencleg be ; Address EAGLE WORKS, may2B-dly] Harrisburg, Pa. WM. A. PARKUILL I nvin.BEß, AND GAS FITTER, THIRD STREW, NEXT DOOR TO THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING -OFFICE. Stores, dwellings, churches, public buildings, facto ries, ac.c., filled up .with gas, lead and iron pipe in a workman-like manner. Hydrants, Wash Basins, Bath Talm, Lift and Force Pumps, Water Closets, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas and steam. A. share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All work piomptly attended to. 02-dfim E M.O V A L. The subscriber Wks removed hie PLUMBING AND BRASS POUNDBY from Market street to Fourth street above Market, opposite the Bethel Church Thankful for past patronage, he hopes, by strict attention to busi ness, to merit a continuance of it. mar27-dtf WM .' PARB HILL. li tlaucDu3. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES ! ! A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD!! JOHNS te; CROSLEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD! FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, AC_ AC., AC. TUE ONLY ARTICLE OP THE KIND . EVER PRO. BOOED WHICH WILL WITHSTAND WATER! • EXTRACTS. "Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns Crosley's American Cement Glue?'—Neu York Times. silt is so convenient 'to have la the hoagie."—New York Express. "It is alwayeready; this commends it to everybody?) —New York independent. "We have tried it, and And it as useful in our hone as water."—Wilkes , Spirit of she Times. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE, VERY LIBERAL REDUCTIONS TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. TERMS CASH. Er roc eale by all ,Druggists and Storekeepers gene rally throughout the country. JOHNS & °ROBLEY, (Sole Manufacturers,) 78 WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of Liberty Street,) • jyll NEW TORR. di! LYON'S PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY. THE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY has, for several years, been manufactured from the pure Juice of the AMERICAN CATAWBA and ISABELLA GRAPE. and has attained a rare popularity throughout the West and South, where great quantities of this superb article is sold for MEDICINAL and FAMILY purposes. It not only equals, but excels the most choice IMPORTED BRANDIES in PURITY, QUALITY and RICHNESS OF FLAVOR, and wherever it has been introduced it had invariably met the most unqualified favor and extended sale. The want of really pure Brandy has long been felt in this country, and the opportunity to procure an article of such quality as to supercede the sale and use of the many vile compounds so often sold under the nanna of " Brandy," can be regarded only as a public good. L. LYON'S CATAWBA. BRANDY possesses all the choice qualities of the best imported liquor, and is posi tively known to be of PERP.h.OT PURITY and of SU -PBRIOR FLAVOR. In support, of the above statement, we z.efer to the certificate of the undermentioned well-known chemists Dr. A. A. Hayes, Assayer, Boston, Mass. Dr. James R. Chilton & Co., Chemists, New York. Dr. James R. Nichols, Analytical Chemist, Eoston, Mass. Dr.:. Y. P. Blaney do Di'. 4. A. Marriner, Analytical and Consulting Chemists, Chicago, Illinois, Dr. Cox, Chemist, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Charles Upham Sheppard, Charleston, S. C. Messrs. Gentry and Blackwood, Chemists, Tem. Dr. N. A. Pratt, Savannah, Georgia. All of whom have analyzed the Brandy and reiainisiced it as a perfectly pure article and as an invaluable medi cinal agent! I have been arpointed the sole agent for the sale of this Brandy for the city of Harrisburg and Dauphin co. noir343r Pr, LOINEP WYETB• THE GREAT LIVING- HISTORY. THE REBELLION RECORD, 14 :,Diary of .Ameriecin Events, ' Edited by FRA NK DI 00R E . Publishing in parts at 50 cents, each part illustrated with two Portraits engraved on steal. • FOUR VOLUMES are now ready, at annexed prices, until April 1, 1862; Cloth $3 75 a volume. Sheep 4 00 Half Calf, or half Morocco... 5 00 cc . THE REBELLION RECORD IS INDISPENSABLE ‘TD "EVENT PUBLIC AND pm ., VATS- LIBRARY. The four volumes contain: 1. A FULL AND CONCISE DIARY OP EVENTS, ; from the meeting of the South Carolina Convention in Dec. 1860, to the capture of New Orleans, inclusive. Over ONE THO'CiSAND °MOUT. REPORTS and Nar ratives of all the Settle/1 and Skirmishes that have occurred during the War, 111. Ovei PIVYi ItUNDEED SONGS AND BALLADS, both loyal and rebel. IV. /OTT-SEVEN PORTRAITS, engraved on steel, of the most celebrated men of . the time, and Twenty-six Maps and Plans of Battles. V. Over THREE THOUSAND Incidents and Anecdotes of Personal Bering and Bravery. HAS A WORE ron coNorlwr BEFEEMON IT EA EMINENTLY TO BE EEL ..ED 0. P. PUTNAM, Publisher, 332 Broadway. CHAS. T. EVANS, Gen. Agt , 448 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICE On and after April let, the pies of ig Tns Bassulow Rummy" will be advanced Flitp Cts. a volume. From that date the sale of Parts, from Nos 1 to 24, will be discontinued. saekseteef a Tea ARABIA:Ion /0/00n 1111 will be sold may in volumes. Purchasers and enbecri hers who have not comple!ed the tour vole mast at once io so. The work wtil continue to be pub/lobed in parts, at 40 ata ai_aiedi part illustrated with two portraits on Meet, Volume V. ifln eeMprlea eleven parts. i 1 ofin POUND : : Extra Prime Sugar . • %Iv pared names for sale very whelwala of Vegan by WM. DOUR 'ail 0 I tittzo of erode 1863. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Brie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its anti* length: It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Driftwood, (Second Fort,) (177 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Division, - TIME OF PASSENGER TRAMS AT HARRIS BURG. Leave Northward. Mail . 2.30 a. m. Express Train.. 3.20 p. m. Ow* run through without change both ways on these train% between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information repeetinz Passenger .business apply at the S. E. cor. 11th and Market streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents. S. B. Kingston, Jr, cor. 13th and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolde, Brie, J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. 11. H. HOUSTON, Gen l .l. Freight A g t., LEWISI.. HOUPT, Gen'l Ticket Agt., Phi Pa. JOS. D. POTTS, mars•dy Genii Manager, Williamsport. N ORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. WINTER TIME TABLE. Three daily trains to and from Baltimore and Wash ington City. Connections made with trains on Penn. sylvenia Railroad to and from Pittsburg and the West two trains daily to and from the North and Wait Branch, Susquehanna, Nlmira and all Northern New York. ON AND APT J ER MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1863 the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as nova, vie , SOUTHWARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) it 1.45 p. in.; leaves Harrisburg 'at 5.20 p. and ar rives at Baltimore at 10.15 p. m. • EXPRUB TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sun day) at 11.15 p. m.; leaves Harrisburg (except . Monday) at 2.55 a. in., and arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) at 7,20 a. in, HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 9.30 a. in. NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore dally(exeept Sunday) at 9 30 a. m., Harrisburg at 2.30 p. m., and arrives at Sunbury at 5.35 p. m. XX.PRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily at 9.00 p. in., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 a in., and leaves Har risburg daily (except Monday) at 3.20 a. in., and arrives at Sunbury at 6 20 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) at 240 p. m., and ar rives at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. For further information' apply at the Office, in Penn. Sylvania Railroad Depot. J.N. DuBARRY, Harrisburg, Jan. 15, 1863-janl9-dtf WINTER ARRANGEMENT. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. aa.. ' • TIMER TBAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK, PRILADELPIIIA ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV. 17, 1862, the Pail. ganger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Phil adelphia, as foßows, ; 1 ` EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.15 a. m., on lwerival of Pennsylvania Railroad Exprase Train from the Weat, arriving in New York at 10.50 a. m., and at Philadelphia at 9.20 a. m. A sleeping car In attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leave!' Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., ar riving in New York at 6.30 p. in., and at Philadelphia at 1.50 p. m. EAST LINE leaves Harriaburg at. 2.00 p. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad East Mail, arriving in New York at 10.25 p. in,, and Philadelphia at 7.00 p.m. WESTWARD tAST LINE leaves New York at 8.00 a. in., and Phila• delphia at 8.15 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 8.30 p. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 p. fa. 111C.PRI88 LINE leaves New York at T.OO p. m., ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.10 a. m. , and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleep ing car is also attached to this train. Corms ctiona are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and ()timberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, &c. Baggage checked through. fare between New York and Harrisburg, $5.18; between Harrisburg and Phia delpbia, $3.35 in No. 1 cars, and $2.80 in No. 2. for tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, may/ Harrlebnrg. F I N E . s. 3111 2C, ri" 3EI. AL CPM I El I ROSE, • LEMON, VANILLA, GINGER, ALMOND, ORANGE, ' PEACH, PINE APPLE, BITTER ALMOND, • .CELERY, CINNAMON. NUTMEG NECTARINE, v-MENTo, COCHINEAL, (for coloring,) assorted dozens, ,for fonriiy use. The above assortment just received from one of t.t. e largest Bastern Houseach, Bottle and Package war ranted. [marlo] WM. DOCK, Js., & CO. ROBBERY OF ADAMS' EXPRESS. FIVE • THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD. BALTIMOREI, March 19, 1868. The safe of the Adams Express Company was robbed on Wednesday night between Baltimore and /lards burg. It contained various sums of money in currency and gold, a large number of United States certificates of indebtedness, United States five.twenty bonds, and checks of the United States Treasurer on the Assistant Treasurer of New York, payable to the order of the Adams Express Company. A reward of Five Thousand Dollars is oared by the Company. The public are re ferred to the listof the numbers of the bonds and cer tificates published by the Company, and are cautioned not to negotiate any of them : Pose Mined States Certificates of Indebtedness, 0,- 000 each. numbers 21,449, 21,450, 21,451, 21,453. 48 United States Certificates, of $l,OOO each : Nes. 69,842, 59,343, 59,344. Nos. 59.212, 59,213. - No. 69.199. Nos. 59,203, 59,204 59,215, 59,205. Nos. 59,200, 59,201, 59,202. Nos. 59.148, 69.149. Nos. 59,148 59,147. Nos. 59 131. 59,130, 59,129. • Nog. 89,247, 50,248_ Nos. 59,190, 59.191, 59.192, 50,193. Nos. 59,332, 59,333, 59,834, 59 335. Nos. 59,336, 59 318, 69,319. Nos. 59,320, 59 321, 69,822, 59,33, 59,224. Nos, 50 317, 59.325 , Nos. 59 302, 89.808, 69,804, 69,306. Nos. 68.979, 59,068, 59,0.31, 59.070 . Ten 640 United States Bonds, Nos. 18,179 to 18,185 inclusive. The following ebonite tit PAL aptnndr, treasurer or 11. L., on Assistant Treitsnref, New YOrk i payable 49 tti , order of the Adams Express Company!. Check No. 856, for 81080, for ac. M. Felix, Cincinnati " 859 " 2098 18 " LBd T. Gibson, " " 855 " 1080 " Conrad & Wagner. " ** 4so " Wilson & Hayden; "4 it e 55 a 1220 " it " 864 " 5015 15 " & Co., l‘ . 86r . " 404 Geo Josp, gsg 4, 463 37 " J W Wagner &Co " 4, BEB 44 2645 "Morton, St. Louis. _ 781 " 1407 40 it R. F. Barry, The public are cautioned not to negotiate any of the above bends or certificates. HENRY SANFORD, Superintendent Adam' Express Company. mar244lm E WANTED.—One first rate CAA net Maker and two or three good laboring men wanted. Steady work and oath pay every two weeks. Apply at tke &AGMs WORKS MEW ORLEANS SUGAR!—Fissr IN LI TEI MAXIM !--For ma• by Ml 2 WM. DOCK, Js., k 00. 1863. Superintendent A IC D Dodo, fitationerp, 8.4. r. LCHOOL BOOKS.—School Directors, 7 Teachers, Parents, Bobolars, and others, in need of School Books, School Stationery, it c., win find a com plete assortment at E. M. POLLOCK 4' SON'S B B OOK swoRE, Market Etfttare, Harrisburg, comprising in - part the following : READERS —McGnffey's, Parker's, Cobb's Angell's. SPBLICING BOOKS.—mcGuffey's, Cobb's,Webstt r '5, Town's, .13yerly's Combry's. BNB - 041 GRAMMARS —"Bullion% Smith's. Wood bridge's, Monteith's, Tuthill's, Hart's, Wells'. • HlSTORlES.—Grimshaw's, Davenport's, Prost's,Wil son's, Willards, Goodrich ' s, Pinnock's, Goldsmith's and 0' art's. AASITTIMATIO 2 II.--Greenlears, Stoddard's. )meson's like's, Rose's, Oolburn's, Smith and Duke's, Davie'L ALGSBRAS.—Greenleatle, Davie's, Dare, Bare, Bridge's. • DIOTIONASYS.--Worcester's Quarto, Academic, Com prehensive and Primary Dictionares. Walker's School, Cobb's; Walker, Webeter's • Primary, Webeter's High Beliool • Webster's Quarto. academics. NATURAL PH17.4130r7t1N5.--oorastoeh i o, Parker's, Swill's. The above with le great variety of others ean at any time be found at my store. Also, a complete assort mint of School Stationery, embracing in the who le a com plete outfit for school purrooei. Any book not in the store. procured et one days notice.' T Country Merchants sopplfed at wholesale rates. ALMANAOS.--John Baer and Son'! Almanac for Mae 4 M. POLLOCK & SON'S BOOR STUB, Harrisburg. KT Wholesale and Retail. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER ! I jrist received, oar Sprickg Steele of WALL PAPER BORDERS, VIRE SCREENS, &c., &o. Itis theliorgest and best e elected assortment lathe city, rangl ng in price hernia (8) mate np to one dollar and aquarter (Om.) As we pnrehase very low for cash, wok are prepared to nil at as low sates, if not lower, than can be bad else where. If purehasers will call and examine; we feel °confident that we can please them in respect toprice and quality. N. 51 POLLOCK & SON, mar2B Below Jones , House, Market Square. LAW BOOKS I LAW BOOKS ! !—A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scarce and ?ars, together With a large assortment of second-hand Law Books, at - very low price., or tit oat pries Bookstore of E. M. POLLOCK & SON, myB Market Spare, Harrisburg. THE subscribers propose to publish by subscription a "FARM MAP" of the Township of , BWATARA," Dauphin county, Pa.. if sufficient en couragement is given. The Map will embrace the Bounda ries of the Township and Farms contained therein, num ber of Acres, Location of Besidencea and Eamon o PrO pertyholders generally. There will also be on the Map a Table of Distances, showing the distance from each Cross Road in the Township to Harrisburg, thus ren dering it a valuable Map to Farmers and Dealers in Real Estate particularly. Those desiring Views of tbeir Residences put on the Map will be charged a moderate extra price. The Map will be neatly executed, colored and mounted, and delivered at the low price of live Dol lars, payable on delivery of the same. • CLAIM t AUB, 532 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Harrisburg, November 1, 1881.—tf WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY! Pis BEST I:INFIXING AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, contains 1,864 Royal quarto Pages and 20,000 words and meanings not found in any other English Dictionary; more than 1,000 Illustrations inserted in their propar places; over 5,000 words synonymised; together with numerous tables of pronounced proper names. Sold byll. M. POLLOCK & BON. Also Worcester's School Dictionaries. , mar 22 A NO THER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS NON BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD: For n cents, n, $1.25, UM, $2, SS, $4. Warranted toe. made of good gold, at febls SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. (INLY ONE DOLLAR for a good Sub tfratantial bound Family Bible at Scheffer's Bookstore. cICHEFFER'S Bookstore is the Diu." , io lam Gold P.43o—war-ranted etroing G REAT IMPROVEMENTS IN SEW ING MACHINBS. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. PATENTED FEBRUARY 14th, ISBO. SALESROOM, 510 BROADWAY, GNAT This _plains is constructed on an entirely new prin ciple ofinechanism, possessing many rare and valuable i mprevements, having been examined by the most pro faund experts, and pronounced to be SIMPLICITY and PERFECTION COMBINED. The following are the principal objections urged against Sewing Machines I.—. Excessive labor to the 4.—lncapscity to sew every operator.„ description of material. 2.—Liability to get out of s.—Disagreeable no is e order. while in operation. 3 —Expense, trouble and loss oftitue in repairing 'The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from all these Objections. It has a straicht-needle perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither air not RAVEL, and is alike on both Bides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it rune as smooth as glass, and is EDIPELTICILLY A NOISELESS MACHINE! It requires FIFTY PER CENT. less power to drive it ban any °thin. Machine in market. A girl of twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or in ury to health, Its strength and WONDERFUL BIMPLIOITYof con striadion render it almost impossible to getout of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire eatisfaxtion. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to inpply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE . But in a more special manner do we solicit the pat ronage of MERCHANT TAILORS, DRESS MAKERS, COACH MAKERS, CORSET MAKERS, HOOP-SKIRT WIANUF AVMS, GAITEAEITTERS, SHIRT and BOSOM MAKERS, SHOE BIN WARS, VEST and PANTALOON MAKERS. ' Religious and Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. PRICE OF MACHINES, COMPLETE: No. 1, or Family Machine, 545 00. No. 2, Small sized Manufacturing, $OO 00, No, 0, Large size Manufactu ring, $75 00. Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents for all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established, to whom a liberal discount will be gives, but we make no consign.. cents. J. T. W4RTHIUR at CO., 610 Broadway, New York. Cr' S. W. GLOVER, Merchant Tailor, Agent, No.llo litacket Argot, Ilarrisburg. nov22-3md 'HOWE'S Sewing Machine, 437 Broad way, New York ; branch office 9034, Market street, Harrisburg. The undersigned respectfully informs the manufacturers and citizens of Harrisburg that:he has opened a sewing machine office for the sale of the celebrated liowe's sewing machine, making the well known look-stitch, and adapted for all kinds of leather and cloth, and family use. G M. RAPHAEL; feb2s-dly Akan: BOARDERS WANTED.--The under signed, having rented a tine large and commodious hone, in Mulberry street, two doors from the corner of Second street ? in the city of Harrisburg, she is prepared to accommodate oinglti gentlemen, 4t gentlemen and their wives, with boarding on reasonable terms. jy.l9-dflos B. A. JOHNSON. FLurD AND ALCOHOL, IN LARGE quantities and of pure quality, for Pale by • WM- DOCK, Js., & CO. GUTTA PERCHA WATER-PROOF 133C•ALOIC.XMC4.1, (WIThOUT BRITSHING,) FOR BOOTS, SHOES, HARNESS, CARRIAGES, AND MILITARY LEATHER-WORE. This nevi anti eseellent artiele eseele everything ever before in use, for beautifying and softening the Leather. It makes a polish like patent leather ; will not rub off with water, nor stain the, finest white silk, and makes the leather perfectly water-proof. Twice a month ap plied on hoofs and shoes, and once a month for harness is sufficient. If the leather becomes dirty, sash it eff with clean water and the poEsik will re-appest. War ranted as rep e reaented. DIRECTIONS You llSE.—Apply a few drops on a sponge, rith It slimly ever the leather, and the pollen la empiete. Priee,.B7% cents per bottle. JACKSON & CO., Bole Agents 'nog Market Arent. jan9-41tf DE SIRABLE BUILDING LOTS Fon SALE, neat of the Gem tol, fronting on Grand street and . Hanunond lane. Enquire or % febll-Irnd 86 Market street, Ifleilical. To CLERGYMEN, NERVOUS SUF. 'BREW, DELICATE LADIES, &a. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERN PREPARED ONLY EY DR. C. M. JACKSON, NO. 631 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Is the very best Tonic and Nervine extant, and will give relief where all other remedies fail. ' This is not a mare Desertion, but has been proved overand over againbyth„, Mass of persons we are now addressing, as the certificates hereto appended will show. So well are the virtues of the Bitters known, that it is freely prescribed by the leading physicians of Philadelphia ao-d vicinity. It entirely vegetable. and free from alconolie stimstkottard all injurious ingredients.. Pentons advanced in liftkand feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon tliez will find in these Bitters an elixir that will redtore, in a measure, the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and give health and hap. pinata to their remaining years. Weak and delicate children are made strong by using the Bitters. In fact, it ia a family medicine, and limy be profitably administered to a child of three meatus, the moat delicate female, or a man of ninety. Shake the bottle before using. Price 75 cents per bottle. For sale by druggists and storekeepers generally throughout the country. From Bev. .1 Newton Brown, B. D., Editor of }trivet°. pedia of Religions EnoWledge. To Dr. C. M. Jackeon.—Although not disposed to favor or reeommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reaeon why a man may net testify to the benefit he be/111VeS himself to have received from any eiroPle preparation, in the bops that he may thee contribute to the benefit of ethers, I do this more readily in regard to “Rootland , s German Bitters," prepared by Dr. O. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for years under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mix. tare. lam indebted to say friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them when suffenngfroa great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the preset; year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I bad not fell for six months before, and had almost despaired of re gaining. I therefore thank Ood and my friend for C. resting me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Phradelphia, June 23, 1860. From Capt. Sickles, of Scott Legion, Co. K. GENTLEMEN!--In the camp diseases, Mich as Dyitu tery, Typhoid Fever, and Chills, so common in aetivs service, I had nothing equal to your Bitter. AS a pre. ventive or cure ; I look upon them ais invaluable, and cheerfully bear my testimony to their excellence. Yours truly, WM. 11. SICKLES. LIVED FMB. YEARS ON MOE. PHILADELPHIA, May 19,1698. DR. 0. M. Jeoxsow—Dear Sir: Though somewhat r!.. hates:lt to give you a certificate, I think that my duty to those similarly afflicted requires that I should give brief statement of my ease. I had suffered for years from Liver Complaint art Dyspepsia in their moat aggravated forms—was anabii to eat animal food, or indeed any vegetables with the single exception of rice, en which I subsisted for fu t. years. I cannot pretend to describe my sufferings is almost with pain that my memory recurst o that pi riod. I should long sense have been in my greed hai not my physician, Dr. lickart, recommended the use cf: your Bitters, as the beat Tonic with whleli he wee se. quainted. I had tried a number of remedies withort success, but concluded to follow the advide of my med:. sal adviser. I did so, and my most sanguine hopes were realized. lam now well = and to your invaluable Bitten I owe it, that I am permitted to write these lines. Very gratefully yours, MRS. B. A. LINBAD, l`f9. /997 Wallace street from the Rev. Joseph K. Kennard, Pastor of the Tents Baptist Church JAcirsoN—Dear Sir: I have been frequently re arrested to connect my name with commendations of different kinds of medicines, but regardingthe practice as .out of my appropriate sphere, I have in all 0 18 , 4 declined; but with a clear proof in various instance! and particularly in my own family, of the usefulness c! Dr. Ileolland's German Bitters, I depart-for once from my usual course, to express my Mil conviction that, for general debility of the system, and especially for Liver Complaint it is a safe and valuabe preparation. in some cases it may fail, but usually I doubt not it will b., very beneficial to those who suffer from the sherd nausea. Yours very respectfully, Jr. H. KENNARD. Mahn. below Coates St., Philadelphia, Dee. 24th JONES & EVANS, successors to C. M. Jackaon Pro . prietore. Prin ci pal Mee, N. eSI .Arch street, Phi ;Amble. For sale by Druggists everywhere. D. W. GEOSii Do. Agents in Harrisburg. intay.l3-drowl7 For all THROAT ans L TING COMPLAINTA including WHOOPING COUGH, and every Coin. Taint the forerunner of, ud even actual C0!%.1-;ITMPTIO'N. ;ITMPTIO'N. This valuable preparation, nes.: all the common. components, _,spectorante, which not only mu down the eysteni, but destroy all chance of cure , will on fount on trial to possess the following properties,. an to which the most valuable testimonials may be Mara i in the pamphlets. For Whooping Cough, and as a Soothing. Syrup, i meets every want, and by early use will save the lane proportion of ruptures in children which eau be trscal to Whooping Cough. In ordinary Coughs and Bronchial Complaints, 1 . 5 forerunners of Consumption, its splendid tonic prbi.er ties make it not only the most perfect enemy to dismaa but builds up and sustains the system against a recu-- ranee of the Complaint. No nursery shottld be Wlthcz:' it, nor should parents fail to get a pamfblet, to be four with all dealers, as the only way to do justice to its vair.J. The Great NEURALGIC REMEDY and NATURAL OPIATE, adapted to every species of Nervous Cori. plaints, Nervous auti Chronic Headache, Rheu manna, C atarrh, Tooth ant! Ear Ache, Loss of Steer, and Bowel COMP - 1010- This great Neuralgic Remedy and Natural Opiate call hr special attention and interest, being free of Opium or preparations of•Opinm, or of any but its strict:F vegetable and medi cal properties • For Neuralgia, Mem miaow, Gout, Tooth and Ear Ache ? Spinal Complaints Bleeding at Lungs or Stomach. Rose or Ray Fever, 01,. tarrb, and all minor Nervous Complaints. For Loss of Sleep, Chronic or Nervous Read Ado Sick Head Ache, it has no equal, and to which we ode: testimonials from undoubted sources. For Delirium Tremens it in s. Sure Remedy. _ _ . P4 bDl‘ s For Poured Complaints, ineltsling Cholera MOrints• t: in splendidly adapted, in not only removing the puim but acting,as physic, a great contrast withOpium,whizir not only constipates and drugs the system, but maim the remedy worse than the disease. Prom Phyeicians we ask attention, and on demez 4 rOrmuheS or Trial Bottles will be sent, developing io the Anodyne an Opiate which has long been wanted, sad is the Cough Remedy such as rest entirely on one centr.ii principle. Prom invalids we ask correspondence for Pamphleteer ea planation, without " postage stamps. ,, prices—Large Cough Remedy, 60 cents per bottle. Small 25 " Tolu Anodyne, 50 " cc JOHN L. HUN NEWELL, Proprietor . CHEMIST AND PHARMACEUTIST, No. to Commercial W hart; Boston, Mass, Ver ale by nil usual wholesale and retail dealers is every town and city, and-by C. A. BANI4ITART, Agee for Harrisburg; at wholesale by GEO. H. ASHTON as MIA& liLLIIS & CO., Philadelphia. , jes-d&wly W KNOCHE, 93 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, PA DEALER IN PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the beat makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEON'S. THE BEST MAIMACTURED INSTRU MENTS, from $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Aecordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and mu sical merchandise in general SHEET MUSIC• The LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on Kane Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOC FRAMES, &Haim for looking . glasses and all ki n ds pictures always on hand. A Lis assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES. From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to ordcr at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, navl—dw&A 93 Market et. I OFFKES AND SUGARS OF' ALL GRADES, and at pensionable prices, for We bi n Wlll. DOCK, & CP GELATINE.—The bee article in the market, jutreceived Sind for sole by marl4.tf WM tinny JD TIAVANA ORANGES.—Just receive AL by WK. DOCK, Is., k CO•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers