E ROES OF ADVERTISING. Four lines or lees constitute half a square. Ten lines •or mom than four, constitute a square. Self sq., one day.......- $0 30 Ono eq., o ne week.... ..... p 60 a one week .... 120 .. one week.... 200 - 4 one month.. 300 44 one month.. 600 4 three months 500 ,4 three months 10 00 .4 six the.. BDs 44 six months.. 15 00 emoyee.r.. _ l2 00 dz one year —2O 00 ICf" Business notices inserted in the LOOLL OOLLIMN, or before marriages and deaths, TIN OENTE4 PER LINK for each insertion. To merchants and others advertising by the year, liberal terms will be offered. The number of insertions must be designated on the advertisement. g I' Marriages and Deaths will be inserted at the same rates as regular advertisements. At atriot aniutL THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 16 1863. REMARKS 0 F HON. WILLIAM HOPKINS, OF WASHINGTON. IN THE HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES, April 9, 1863, On Joint Resolutions on the state or the country Mr. OPEA81.11.; The magnitude of the issues involved in the question before us must be my apology for trespassing upon the indulgence of the House at this late hour of the session. Before proceeding, to the discussion of the resolutions, I desire to strip the subject of the mists thrown around it by the political ha rangue delivered on last night by the learned and eloquent gentleman from Allegheny, (Mr. Shannon.) Whatever may be said of the length of that speech, or of its applicability to the subject under discussion, all will agree that its logic was irresistible. It would be im possible to remember all that was said in the course of a three ha,urs' speech; and I regret that an opportunity was not afforded me to re ply to him at the time, when his remarks were more fresh in my memory. Had a stranger chanced to eater this hall (taring the first two hours of the gentleman's speech, he would have supposed that a politi cal- gathering of partisans was assembled here, and that the orator was arraigning the great Democratic party upon a charge of inconsis tency, especially upon the slavery question. Now, Mr_ Speaker, I must confess that my powers of perception did not enable me to see the relevancy of this part of the gentleman's speech to the questions under discussion. Suppose, sir, we concede that the Democratic party has been ineonsiat.ent upon this ques tion, or that it has been even as variable upon all questions as the opposition party (with which the gentleman himself is now identified) with its varied names, how would that affect the present condition of our country ? Sir, in the present sad and trying hour, when the pil lars of our glorious Republic seem to be crum bling, and the temple of our liberties rocking on its foundation stones, it would be more pa triotic and statesmanlike to strive to prevent its utter overthrow, rather than to indulge in tirades about party consistency. Ent to the logic of the gentleman from Alle gheny. He told us that a Democratic conven tion was held in the city of Pittsburg in 1849, 'at which a resolution was adopted ‘ - against the farther extension of slavery," and therefore, by the gentleman's logic, every subordinate of the administration has a right to arrest and imprison for months a private and peaceable citizen in a loyal State, " without due process of law," or 'without even any information or accusation being made according to the re quirements of the Constitution. Is not that cittr ? illrftin—the gentleman told u that Ployd, - aTim. and Cobb had defrauded the govern out of large sums, consisting of arms, etc, and therefore he would have us be :-Te that the hundreds of millions of dollars ths,t,4ave been plundered from the Treasury during the present administration, was all right ; and not only so, but the man who ques tions the integrity of these pnblio robbers, is ‘, in sympathy with the rebellion." Is not this equally clear ? The gentleman also told us that James Bu chanan, in 1819, offered a resolution against the introduction of slavery into free territory, and therefore, according to the gentleman's logic, President Lincoln had an undoubted right to issue his proclamation freeing the slaves in the revolted States. Who will fail to be convinced such cogent reasoning as this ? Having thus dis,pssed of the gentleman's declamation, of which I cannot see the rertinenoy. I proceed, Mr. Speaker, to notice iris argument upon the resolutions. The only reference he made to these, was to the third, fourth and seventh. The third reads this "Third, That this General Assembly recog nizes a manifest difference between the admin istration of the government and the government itself; the one is transitory, limited in duration to that period of time for which the officers erected by the people are charged with the conduct of the same; the other" is permanent, intended by its founders to endure forever." This resolution the gentleman was 'pleased to stigmatize as worthy only of the notice of a school-boy. Mr. Speaker, it does not so strike me; and; inasmuch as there have been found in this House but three persons to vote with the gentleman against this resolution, I am safe in saying that there are many who recog nize here a sentiment and a principle that merits something more than a sneer—and amongst those who think so are many upon the gentleman's own side of the House, who are al most as old and as learned as himself. There are many in this land who confound the go vernment with the administration. If this is of so, why are men denounced as traitors who, while unwavering in their fidelity to the Con stitution—which is the life of the government —feel it their duty to denounce some of the measures of Mr. Lindoln, his Cabinet, and the . - flepublican Congress, who compose the admin istration? Why, sir, when was it ever sup rosed that fealty to the government required Ulna and passive acquiescence in the policy of the party who, for the time being, might have control of the administration ? If this dogma were true, our country has always been cursed with a prolific brood of traitors_ For the time has never heretofore been when those out of power did not freely discuss, and even bitterly eenounce, the measures of the party in power —if we except the days of the elder Adams, when it was attempted, by the then opponents of the Democratic party, to make it seditious and treasonable to speak disrespectfully of the President. Can it be that those days are to return again ? The fourth resolution is in these words : "Fourth. That thib General Assembly, in the exercise of its right to differ with the Federal Executive, enters its solemn protest against the proclamation of the President of the Uni ted States, dated the first day of January, o n e thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, by which he assumes to emancipate slaves in certain States, holding the same to be unwise, ...mconstitutional and void." In regard to this resolution, I shall have Fom ething to say hereafter. For the present, I pass on to the eotisideratiotx of the seventh resolution, which is as follows : "Seventh, That this General Assembly deem it proper farther to declare, that it, together with all the truly loyal people of the State, Would hail with pleasure and delight any man ifestation of a desire on the part of the seceded States to return to their allegiance to the go ver=•ment of the Union, and would, in such event, cordially and earnestly co-operate with them in the restoration of peace and the pro curement of such proper guarantees'as would .give security to all their interests and rights." And this, Mr. Speaker, is the resoul , ion which the gentleman from Allegheny treated ..with such scorn and contempt; and concern- - ... _ --- ' -- 1 - - - 4. _ . • _,---,------. -,--_-_-- .. \- - - , -7" ic - _7_ ,7-- . --- 't.• TVkr;:4 l - -- '- ---- ; L I , W ' , '--.. I .%. ll attriot •_____,__„_ f i jiH -,••• f •7 : -_4tPf , • - xi.;.:_. -- _7. -- _:.'lT_ - ~,•.A4s--_,.-ti,i.:-E.,-i:.....-,-,-',*:-i,-...,_. __- . •,, - ,-., • I -_,.. 7 . 2% _111_ IllE"' .1 : -L -4:n.' 9 7*." - ---,- -_ll_ _, ~......1 11. * ; ~ . ii,, ~.;.- 6.! • ..., -... .; • . , , t 4 0 ul, i . li - : I ' , ! 1.• :-.;:= . ~,* !.. _.....--;, ir , . . 1 t 10" ‘ „ . - I: VOL. 5.=-NO. 194. ing which he even used the polite and classic expression, that he would 4 i spit upon it." I venture to say, sir, that this resolution embo dies the spirit of every prayer that is offered to the Throne of Grace by every truly °bristle!' man. Yes, air, go with me to yonder sanctua ry of the living God, and listen to that devoted servant of the Prince of Peace, whose mission was to preach " peace on earth, good will to man," and hear him as he invokes the "Great God of Battles to restore once more to our be loved and bleeding country the inestimable blessings of peace." • What think you Mr. Speaker, would be the response of a gentleman who would sneer at such a resolution as this ? Would it be a hearty " amen?" No, sir ; no. It would be "blood," "blood," "blood." Or, Mr. Speaker, go with me, if you please, to yon der humble cottage, and as you approach tread lightly, for it is the . abode of a widow, whose husband has fallen on the battle field, in de fending the " glorious ensign of the Republic, once known and honored throughout the world." See her as she meekly bows, surrounded by her little ones ; hear her as she implores Him who has promised to be a father to the fatherless . and a husband to the widow ;" see her gushing tears, as she whispers, "0, Father, I would humbly beseech Thee to put it into the hearts of those who have taken up arms against the government to return to their al legiance, and thus stay the further ravages of this cruel war, that others may be spared from my sad fate." What would be the response of the gentlenian from Allegheny and those who applauded his sentiments on that side of the House, and in the gallery_ Would it be a nor dial "amen ?" No, sir ; I suppose it would be, "we spit upon it." Because, Mr. Speaker, such a prayer is the very essence of this sev enth resolution. Nothing, it seems, will sat isfy these gentlemen bat blood, more blood. Or in the language of a reverend gentleman, whom I shall notice by and by, the extermination of every man, woman and child in the revolted States. In the exhuberance of the genteman's desire to present the resolutions, and those who voted -for them, in as odious a light as possible, he ignored the eighth altogether. That resolution reads thus : "Eighth, That the soldiers composing our armies merit the warmest thanks of the na tion. Their country called, and nobly did they respond. Living, they shall know a nation's gratitude ; wounded, a nation's care, and dy ing, they shall live in our memories, and monuments Shall be raised to teach posterity to honor the patriots and heroes who offered their lives at their country's altar. Their widows and orphans shall be adopted by the nation, to be watched over and cared for as objects truly worthy a Elation's guardianship." And this is one of the series of 'lsolations which the gentleman calls "miserable trash," and this, notwithstanding the gentleman him self voted' for this particular one. I undertake to say, sir, that every Democrat in the Com monwealth would Cordially endorse the send ment herein contained. Mr. Speaker, we are in the midst of the most terrible civil war that history records. We are surrounded by circumstances the most ex traordinary that this or any other country has ever witne , seil. - Does it not then become the true patriot to pause and inquire, where are we? and whither are we drifting? Some two years since a wicked and unjustifiable rebellion was inaugurated in,a number of the States of this Union, under which an armed force of from four to six hundred thousand men arrayed themselves against the authority of the Federal government, while the government itself has marshalled a much larger force to compel obe dience to its Constitution and laws, and save both from overthrow. In the. incipiency of this unnatural and' deplorable strife, there .seemed to be but one object on the part of the government, and that was to restore the su premacy of the Constitution and the laws over the revolted States. This may be seen by reference to the resolution of Congress, passed in July, 1861, which was as follows: "Resolved, “That the present deplorable elvil war has been forced upon the country by the disunionists of the Southern States, now in arms against the Constitutional Government, and in arms around the Capital; that in this National emergency, eongrese, banishing all feeling of•mere. passion or resentment, will recollect only its duty to the whole country; that this war is not waged on their part in any spins of oppression, or for any purpose or conquest or subjugation or purpose of overthrowing or in terfering with the rights or established institutions of those States, but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the Constitution, and to preserve the Union, with all the dignity, equality, and rights of the several States unimpaired; and that as soon as these objects are accomplished the war ought to cease." This resolution. Mr, Speaker, was regarded at the time, and for many months afterwards, as the true test of loyalty, throughout all the loyal States, and it was adopted by a Republi can Rouse of .Representativee, with, I believe, but three dissenting votes. Thus we find the immediate representatives of the people, in the most solemn and un equivocal manner, defining what the purposes of the war, en our part, were. With the object of the war thus defined, the patriotic citizens throughout the country, without distinction of party, rallied to the support of the government by hundreds of thousands, and to their credit be it said, they did not stop ,to inquire who occupied the Executive chair, and, sir, with a patriotism rarely if ever equalled, and a cour age never surpassed, teas of thousands of these brave men have laid down their lives on the altar of their country. Yee, sir, the land has been deluged with blood in this fratricidal war, and much of it the best blood of the country, and it is not, perhaps, an exaggeration to say that a hundred thousand widows, and five hun dred thousand orphan children, are to-day wailing the loss of husband and father, to say nothing about fathers and mothers, rothers and sisters, who have lost loved ones. But all this was submitted to with becoming resigna tion. The heart stricken bowed to their sad fate, under the assurance that the terrible sacrifice was made in attempting to sustain the Constitution and Union, as they were be queathed to us by our fathers. But alas, bow delusive was this fondly cherished hope, based, as it was, upon the plighted faith of the gov ernment. In an evil hour the President yielded (as I solemnly believe against his own better judgment) to the seductive influences of the radicals who surrounded him, or in his own language, to the " outside pressure." and did that which in his inaugural address, as well as on several subsequent occasions, be declared he had no power to do Is* this alle gation true? Let the President be his own witness. In his inaugural he said, in speak ing of slavery in the States : "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of Slavery in the States where it exists. I believe ,I have no •lawful right to do so, and I have no inclina tion to do so. Theme who nominated and elected me did BO with the full knowledge that I had made this and many similar decla rations. end had never recanted them. And more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, as a law to themselves and to me, tile clear and emphatic resolution which I now read. HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1863. And in reply to a committee of his political friends from Chicago, who urged him to pro claim liberty to the slaves, he used the following truthful and significant language: "What would a proclamation of emancipation from me do, especially as we are now situated ? I do not. want to issue a document that the whole world will see must neccessarily be in operative like the Popes' bull against the comet. Would my word free the slaves, when I cannot even enforce the Constitution in the rebel States ? Is there a single court or magis trate, or individual that would be influenced ily it there ? And what reason is there to think that it would have any greater effect upon the slaves than the late law of Congress, which I approved, and which offers protection and freedom to the slaves of rebel masters who come within our lines ? Yet I cannot learn that the law has caused a single slave to come over to us. And suppose they could be induced, by a proclamation of freedom from me, to throw themselves upon us, what should we do with them ? How can we feed and care for such a multitude? Gen. Butler wrote me a few days since, that he was issuing more rations to the slaves who have rushed to him than to all the white troops under his com mand. They eat, and that is all; though it is true, Gen. Butler is feeding the whites also by thousands, for it nearly amounts to a famine there." Now, sir, I submit whether I am not fully sustained in the allegation, that the President's convictions were against the proclamation, and yet in the face of these solem asservations, and in defiance of the clearly expressed will of Congress ; he issued his celebrated proclama tion, abolishing slavery in all the States and parts of States, that were in rebellion on the first day of January, 1863, as well the slaves of loyal as disloyal masters. And here, sir, .corn-: menced discontent both in the north, and in the border slave States. All the energies of the administration seem now to be directed, towards the consummation of theproclamation, and I think I do not misrepresent, either the adminiittration or Congress, when I affirm that those who fall in battle hereafter, fall, not in a war for the restoration of the "Constitution as it is, and the Union as it was," but in a war for the abolition of slavery. And here, permit me to inquire, what new light has been shed upon the President, since he told his countrymen, under the solemnities of his oath of office, that he had no power, under the Constitution to interfere with slavery in the States ? I pause for an answer. Do I hear some one say, "he did it under the war power ?" The war power, sir ! Why if the President may do that which the Constitution forbids, under the plea of Military necessity," what is it he may, mot do ? Sir, he may, under the same pretence, usurp all the powers of the Government, Legislative and Judicial, and proclaim himself Military dictator, and thus, with one fell swoop, blot out every vestige of constitutional liberty, for which our Revolu tionary Fathers offered up their lives. Whose heart does not throb with patriotic indignation, ate the bare suggestion of such an indignity to the memory of our departed heroes and states men ? Who does not tremble for our own free dom, when such a doctrine receives the popu lar approval? Could the spirit of Washington visit our distracted land to-day, he would doubtless exclaim, in agony of soul, "0, my countrymen, did I not warn you to "frown in dignantly upon the first dawning of every at tempt to alienate any portion of the country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties, which now link together the various •parts ?" And, "did I not admonish you to beware of the formation of politicaliparties, upon geograph ical discriminations, Northern and Southern ?" etc. Mr. Speaker, until something of the same spirit wh'eh prompted these utterances, be cultivated now, as well on-the Ott of theru lers as the ruled, we can have but little hope for the future. Mr. Speaker, I will not believe that any far ther advance will be made in the direction I have indicated—l will cling to the hope that better counsels will prevail, and that the a 1.- ministration may yet be brought back to a re alization of the fact that this war was " L waged, on our part, for the purpose of or.e6- throwing or interfering with the rights or es tablished institutions of any of the States, but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the Constitution, and to preserve the Union, with all the dignity, equality and rights of the sev eral States unimpaired," St.c. Mr. Speaker, I can regard the Abolition proclamation of the President in no other light than as "an assumption' of power, not dele gated by the Constitution and laws of the country, but in derogation of both." This may seem like strong language to employ in reference to the " powers that be," which, inspiration teaches us, " are ordained of God," but, in the fear of Rim, I believe it to be true— and if, in times like these, I should fail to utter it, I should deem myself unworthy of a seat upon-this floor. Am I not fully sustained in the allegation. that. the proclamation was a usurpation of power, not warranted by the Constitution and laws, by the official declara tions of the President himself, as quoted above`? But, for the sake of argument, sup pose it be conceded that under the plea of Military necessity" the President had the power to issue the proclamation, what practi cal good can result to either race from its ex ercise ? For my life I cannot see how either can be benefitted, Mt, on the contrary, I can see nothing but "evil, and only evil, and that continually." Why, sir, look at it for a single moment. Here are some three or four millions of unfortunate beings, thrown upon their own resources, many of them without sufficient in telligence to appreciate the blessings of liberty, and wholly incapable of taking care of them selves. This, I admit, may be their misfor tune, rather than their fault, but it is, never theless, true, and hundreds and thousands of them, when left without a protector, would be obliged either to subsist on the told charity of the world, or go . down to 'premature graves from absolute starvatino. Then again, those of them who would be able and Willing to work, would come in direct competition with the labor of white men and women, and con sequently reduce their wages below subsisting point ; and flue, Tithile you would not, in the remotest manner, improve the physical condi tion of the former, you would inaugurate a policy ruinous to the latter, and create a jeal ousy and bitter strife between the two classes, which would lead to the most disastrous con sequences. But, sir, let me not be misunder stood here. I am not now, nor have I ever been, the advocete of slavery. On the con; trary, I could wish that 'there was not one of the race, either bond or free, wi'hin the limits of the United States ; that they were some where by themselves, to enjoy all the liberty they are capable of. But I have always main tained, and do still maintain, that neither Con gress nor the President has any right to inter- - fere with it in the States, either by civil or military power. This is one of the reserved rights of the individual States, and they, and they alone, can exercise it. I cannot sustain a policy which would change so 'suddenly, and so radically, their present relation, even if the power existed, until convinced that' it would benefit either them or ourselves. " Better far to bear the ills we - have than flee to others that we kuow not of." And, above all, I am opposed to ruch a change being brought about by a total disregard of constitutional obliga tions. Sir, if this power that is now claimed by the adrniuis,tration be acquiesced' in without, at least, protesting against it, then indeed - is the pertinency of the interrogatory, "Whither are we drifting ?" most apparent. We have it recorded in the book of books, that he who of fends in one particular is guilty of the whole, and the same principle is applicable to our form of goiernment. If the Executive may disregard with impunity one provision of the Constitution, which he has sworn to support, he may set at naught the entire instrument, and usurp the whole functions of the govern. ment, and dispose of property, life and liberty, as to him seemeth meet. Mr. Speaker, it has been said, here and elsewhere, that those who take exceptions to this extraordinary exercise of power on the part of the President, "are in sympathy with the rebellion." The same is said of those who condemn the enormous frauds that have been perpetrated upon the treasury, which have amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars, much of which has been exposed by committees of the friends of the administration. Yes, sir, the test of loyalty set up by certain partisans, army contractors and others, is un qualified approval of every enormity committed, whether it be the robbery of the treasury by hundreds of millions, or the arbitrary arrests of private citizens at the mere caprice of some vindictive subordinate, 'without due process of law. But, sir, the only emotion that the at tempt to establish such a test excites in my bosom is pity for the miserable creature who would thus attempt to deter the freemen of this country from an honest expression of their de testation of fraud, corruption and tyranny, wherever found to exist. Let not this "stop thief " cry of "disloyalty," or "sympathy with the rebellion," deter any from expressing his convictions on questions of public policy. 'The allegations of "sympathy with the rebellion," for such a reason, are as unfounded and false as are the miscreants who make them ,shameless and dastardly. Why, sir, there is not a battle field since the inauguration of this unhappy strife that does not give the lie direct to such allegations, and that does not send up a Cry to Heaven for vengeanle on the heads of those who make them. Sir, the whole land has been saturated with the blood of tens of thousands of just such "sympathizers," while the wretches who pour forth such vile slander have taken good care to keep out of harm's way them selves. Mr. Speaker, in my judgment., true loyalty consists in the citizen rendering to the govern ment, in time of war, either foreign or domes tic, his hearty co-operation in all legitimate measures that may be adopted for its success ful prosecution, and at the same time to ex press., in a proper spirit, his disapproval of ail frauds upon the treasury and palpable infrac tions of the Constitution. Ey this standard am willing to be judged, and stand or fall. If I may be pardoned for an allusion to one so humble as myself, I will state that from the hour of the attack on Fort Sumpter, down to the issuing of the emancipation proclamation, my voice was always for sustaining.the adatin fstration, and I may add, I trust, without sub jecting myself to the charge of egotism, that I made more speeches, such as they were, than did many of the disinterested patriots who are now so ready to talk about "sympathy with the rebellion." While this is true, I would be wanting in candor did I fail to say, in my place here, that the proclamation has never for a single moment received the approval of my judgment. When it is remembered that the President himself has repeatedly declared that he had no power to issue such a paper, and that Congress affirmed that the war was waged for no such purpose ,as.is therein avowed, is it any wonder that I, or any, one else, should hesitate in endorsing it? But, aside from the absence of power,l could not approve it, be cause I believe (whether so i4tended or not, it matters but little) it was an invitation to the slaves to rise in servile insurrection, and en gage in an indiscriminate slaughter of men, women and children. A measure calculated to lead to such atrocity can never receive my approval, and thank God for having given me a heart that revolts at even such a suggestion. 'I will go further, and say that the commanding officer who would stand by and permit such a fiendish work, without using his utmost efforts to prevent it, would deserve, while living, to bt, "whipped naked round the world," and when dead, should spend an eternity in hopeless re morse, Bat, sir, I have too high a respect for the courage and gallantry of our brave officers to believe that they would become so fitr lost to every manly impulse, so cowardly, as to tolerate such a hellish work, Think of it for a moment, milions of these half civilized creatures, instigated by unbridled pas sion, backed by the pledge of the "executive branch of the goVernment, including the army and navy, to do no act, or acts, to repress any effort theymay make to accomplish their perfect freedom." I quite from memory, not having the proclamation before me, but believe that it is substantially correct. 0, sir, go with me to that once peaceful and happy southern home. See that devoted and happy mother, surroun ded by her innocent children—see the exas perated slave approach with weapon of death in hand—see her as she clasps tightly to her bosom her darling infant, and flees for refuge, she knows not w..erc•—hear the shrieks of her other loved ones. z. 3 they cry, " 0, dear mother, save us "—s. , e her, as she becomes faint from fright and eruau9tion, as she turns with a pit eons look towards her once dutiful, but now ferocious, pursuer and preetrates herself at his feet, and exclaims, " 0, spare me, and my dar ling children!! But, ah, no, she is doomed by the teachings of fanaticism, to butchery, and with eyes upturned to Heaven she receives the fatal plow, after first, perhaps, witnessing the murder of her dear ones—and We is patriotism. With profound reverence, I pray God to deliver me from. such patriotism. Mr. Speaker, is this a mere flight of the im agination ? Is the picture overwrought, through partisan prejudices, or for partisan purpoees ? Let us see. On the 231 day of March, 1863, a certain Alfred R. Gilbert; wbo has the title of "Bee." prefixed to his name, addressed a "Union League" in Philadelphia, OR which oc casion he uttered the following ehrishan senti ments, which were applauded by a Philadelphia Republican audience. I read from the report of the address as published in the Philadelphia Inquirer, whose fidelity to the administration will not be doubted by any one; and, I may add, that L believe this respectable journal, published this infamous speech without a word of disapproval. If lam mistaken in this I will be most happy to be corrected. But to the extract ; "Advocating the 'Proclamation of Freedom,' he said : " But its inhumanity is urged. There are many. We know they speak the truth when they say that the negro slays everything within his reach when he rises in rebellion. •We have all learned the history of St. Domingo, and it would be terri ble to have a St Domingo massacre re-enacted upon our 80. But the President has declared this a military necessity, and. if blood must flow, we PRICE TWO CENTS. must not dread the consequences. Blood must flow in this war. 6 1 But so impressed am I with the greatness of the interests engaged in this rebellion, and its suppression, so satisfied of the inconceivable importance of the struggle that opens up be fore us in the suppression of this rebellion, that I speak it meaningly, and as a Christian, deliberately and calmly, that I would rather see every woman and child in the South perish than that the Southern Confederacy should succeed in attaining the objects of its leaders. (Applause.] Men sometimes are placed in crises, where to choose for any side would be fraught with ter rible consequences, and this is one of them." Sir, this occurred in the land of Penn, in the "City of Brotherly Love," in the beautiful metropolis of our great old Commonwealth, and I blush to know that such fiendish senti ments could receive applause in such a place, even amongst Republicans ; but, .I rejoice to know that neither there, or elsewhere, could a Democrat be found base enough to countenance such brutality. And lam glad, also, to know that there are very many Republicans who would dispise the miserable wretch who uttered them. And this fellow, Gilbert., yow will ob serve, tells the audience that he is a chfistian. May the Lord have mercy on his hypocritical soul ! I doubt not but that there are thousands of such christians in perdition to-day, and will be at least one more, unless he repents and ob tains.forgiveness for the above outrage upon decency and the common instincts of humanity. Sir, contemplate the scenes that I have at- tempted feebly to describe, and then tell me, 1 if you please, that to establish my " loyalty," I must approve of a proclamation which would lead to Ouch atrocities, however foreign it may have been from the intent . idn of its author, and I will tell you in reply, " Never, no never !" Rather would I be stigmatized the balance of my days as a " sympathizer," than sacrifice my manhood, by sanctioning a measure, from which every impulse of my heart recoils with loathing and horror. Yes, sir ; rather than endorse such atrocity, I would seek eternal banishment from the face of man, and drag out a miserable existence in perpetual exile. But I have no fears that my countrymen will ever regard me as a " sympathizer " for ex pressing my abhorrence of such a monstrosity. I am perfectly willing that my opinions on this subject, shall go before the country in juxta position with those who differ from me. But, Mr. Speaker, it is asked What we, on this side of the House, propose to do in refer ence to the prosecution of the war. I answer for myself and say, that so long as it continues, or until some mode of adjustment can be de vised, I am for sustaining the government in all proper measures for the suppression of the rebellion, within the Constitution, and laws made in pursuance thereof; and I am for con demning all palpable usurpations of power, whether by the executive, legislative or judi cial departments of the government. We are engaged in a terrible civil war, which in its origin was intended, on our part, to restore the authority of the Federal government over the revolted States, and " not for any purpose of conquest and subjugation, or purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of those States, but to enforce and maintain the supremacy of the Constitution and to preserve the Union, with all the dignity, equality and rights of the sev eral States unimpaired." Let the administra tion then come back to this clearly defined policy, and to this end let the war be prose cuted, and let all yield a willing co-operation, and all may not yet be lost. Mr. Speaker, we are standing on the very verge of a yawning gulf of irremediable ruin, with scarce a.. hope left for escape. Those scenes which the lamented Webster prayed God might never fall upon his vision, have fallen upon ours. Do we not "behold States dissevered, discordant, billigerent ?" Do we not see " a litnil rent in civil feuds and drench ed iu fraternal blood ?" And for what, I ask ? Why, sir, it is the natural result of causes which have been at work for many years, chief among which may be mentioned the ultraism of men North and South. If these extremists were the only sufferers it would not matter so much. 4 But unfortunately the conserva tive men of the country, those whose voices have uniformly been raised against fatielieism on the one hand, and on the other, are equally involved with those who brought the calamity upon us. Crimination and recrimination, how ever, can do no good now. I suppose the best we can do is to support the right and condemn the wrong in the future, until by the peaceful and legal instrumentality of the ballot-box, we can produce a change in our rulers, and conse quently a change of policy. Let us do this, and let all unite in humbly invoking the great God of battles, that he may graciously vouch safe to restore once more to our distracted, our bleeding, our beloved country, the inestimable blessings of peace, harmony, and fraternal regard. sPEJKuR o, HON. C. R. EARLEY, OF ELS COUNTY, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRE9ENTATIVES ) . April 8, 1863, On the Resolutions on the Steve of the Country Mr. SPEAKER : Before casting my vote on the final passage of these resolutions, it may be proper for me to eve my views in a few words touching the present state of our country. and why I am found voting for the resolutions as they are. It is shit known that the resolutions now before this House do nut in every partic ular meet my views ; but they are as near right as we can as a party agree upon at this time, and I shall therefore vote for them. I shall not refer to the numerous speeches made on the other side of the House. I think they have given their views, and I shall be content in giving mine. Holy Writ says, "Re&ove not the ancient landmarks which thy fathers have er." It is not only profitable, but it is ne cessary, to recur to first principles to see how well we have kept our ancient landmarks. Let us for a short time refresh our memories with the landmarks of our national history, and see if we have lived up to and in the faith of our fathers, or departed therefrom ; and, if we have departed, how we can return. Three years ago ire possessed a country the most prosperous and one of the most power ful upon the face of the earth. Twenty seven millions of the Caucasian race of men had attained in it almost unlimited personal and political liberty, and four millions 0f the African race had reached a civilisation never attained by an equal number of them in, any other country or in any other age. The ag ricultural productions of the . West sustained the tropical productions in the South, and both aided the manefacturing and commercial in dustry of the East—the whole presenting an aggregate of wealth nowhere else exceeded, if equalled. Thirty-four sovereign States, com bining a portion of their power in one common government, possessing among themselves ab solutely unrestricted social and commercial in tercourse. presentee an asylum to which men of all nations gladly pressed, and a fortress from which all hostile nations instinctively re coiled, and a shield under which all the nations of the Western Continent reposed in safety PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, BY 0_ BARRETT & CO' THE DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION will be served to isab • scribers residing in the Borough for TEN CENTS PER Irian a, payable to the Carrier, Mail subscribers, Fyn RoLLAza PER ANNUM. THE WEEKLY P avaiOT AND ITNtoN le puhlfshed at TWO DOLLARS YEE ANNUM , invariably in adranee. Ten oopie to one address, fifteen dollars. Connected with We establishment is an extensive JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and fancy type, unequalled by any establishment in the interior of the State, for which the patronage of the public le /0,- 110130 d. from the subjugating attacks of Europe. For all this happineps—for all this prosperity—for all this freedom—for all this wealth, power and renown—for all our glorious hopes of the In ture—Nwhat have we now ? Abraham Lincoln and the negro ! Abraham Lincoln and his ques tionable and unconstitutional policy l That is the sum of all that is now offered to us in lieu of the result of two hundred and - fifty years of incessant toil, sacrifices and war. - Of two hundred and fifty years of unparalleled achieve ment and success; that is the sum of all the wisdom and patriotism of our fathers—a wis dom and patriotism which, by the judgment of the whole human race, has never been excelled. This is the sum of all our life-long efforts which, until now, equally challenged the ap proval of all men. Let us look at our history for a moment.— When we examine the Declaration of Indepen dence it will be seen by every man that the thirteen colonies were separate sea distinct, and having separate and distinct charters, each and all as entirely distinct and separate as to their governments, as to the power of one over another, as England is to- day to control Amer; lea. The governments of the Old World, front Nimrod down, with few exceptions, depended upon the will of the governors—ours upon the will of the governed. Theirs upon force— ours upon voluntary choice. The punishment or repression of acts criminalin themselves, as murder, theft, riot and disorder, is common to all governments, but with us political ques tions among communities of men were always only subject to voluntary arrangements. Hence mutuality of concession, hence assimilation of interests, hence the absence of the waste and horrors of war and endless burdensome taxa tion, hence continual advancement in wealth and comfort of the working classes and national greatness, hence, above all and chief of all, we have untrammeled freedom, for in the clash of arms not only are the laws silent, but liberty is dumb—an axiom of all times and of all na tions. It is an axiom of which every man, woman' and child - in Pennsylvania now knows and feels by experience to be true in spirit and in letter of fact. This is theftret great and fundamental principle of liberty—the consent of the governed, the direct and only antagonist of despotism. To this let us revert. It was by such voluntary consent that in 1643 was formed' by Plymouth, Massachusetts, Connecti— cut and New Haven, the United Colonies of New England. It was by such voluntary consent that Rhode Island, refusing the restrictioq re quired of her, kept apart from the Union rat her than join it with the restriction, without any attempt by the other States to coerce on their part Rhode Island. By the same voluntary consent the thirteen colonies met in Congress; (a word a knowledge of the meaning of wrii.oh—a coming together —seems to be lost or forgotten by many;) two years afterwards, in the year 1776, these thir teen colonies declared themselves sovereign and independent States, .basing that declaration upon the same broad principle of voluntary consent. By this voluntary consent they formed the confederation known as the United States of America, in the year 1778, in the midst of the war then sustained by them against 'Great Britain, and for the establish ment of this very principle. By the same vol untary consent State after State withdrew front this •perpetual Union" of 1778, to enter that other proposed by the confederation of 1781, The States, true to the principles on which the confederation was based, used no coercion to prevent sister States from withdrawing, but, to the contrary, by the -same voluntary con sent, a convention of the States assembled in May, 1787, and labored long and patiently to compromise and adjust the different wrongs, or supposed wrongs, which were complained of by the different States, growing out of the confederation. Mr. Speaker, had we, had Abraham Lincoln and his party, rested upon this great landmark of our fathers, we would not today have been considering these resolutioirs on the state of the country--we would not now have men from every household cold in death. By the same voluntary consent eleven of the States put the new government into effect in the year 1789, Rhode Island, breaking the continuity of the territory of the new confed eration in the east; North Carolina and Vir ginia breaking in the south between the States of Georgia and South Carolina ; New York, the Empire State, breaking the same continuity and dividing the States of Connecticut, Mas sachusetts and New Hampshire from Penn sylvania. During all these years did the confederation attempt coercion ? Sir, force was not spoken of. In those days conciliation ' and love, harmony and charity, were the links which bound and the landmarks which guided, and which those wise men planted all over the pages of our country's history for future generations to refer to as their ortly chart by which to navigate our precious ship. Who doubts but that this was ajust and wise policy ? By conciliation a great nation was made—by conciliation maintained. • Sir, have we departed, from the landmarks of our fathers ? Yes, sir ; we have departed from this all-wise and christian policy two years since. And what have we ? We have just exactly what our fathers would have had had they adopted the policy of force and co ercion; we have tried it against six millions of brave people, and have the fruit held up to our eyes of thousands of homes made desolate —mourning isin every firm-house, and desola tion stands like giant despair. Sir, our whole country is reeking in blood, our good old State stained all over, and, sir, we may still send and pileup the bones of our brave sons mountain high, and the result will only be more sure separation, the inevitable result, unless we return to our old landmarks, and compromise end conciliate, The day is here when men must speak their solemn con victions—when they must tell the truth—and as I stand here favoring these resolutions I do what I believe to be my duty. By the same voluntary consent eleven of the States put the new 'government in operation. and Rhode Island and North Carolina entered in 1790. By this same policy, voluntary con sent, State after State joined the "more perfect Union," until the number of the States was nearly doubled, and they were thus kept to gether until there was elected to the executive office of the common government,by a minority of the people, a President upon sectional prin ciples, and the principles of oppression, farce end coercion. The second great principle of our government is the right of the sovereignty of the States. It was for this principle that the States waged war duiing the revolution. It was upon this principlP they formed the old Confederacy, and upon this they formed a second and more per fect Union. It delegated to the new govern - A ment a few strictly defined and closely guarded powers, those only which related t o the man agement of foreign affairs, and . to intercourse and commerce among the citizens of all the States. They (the States) reserved to them selves respectively all the essential powers of government. viz regulation of marriage, the tenure and descent of peoperty, the defidition and punishment of crime, the regulation of the right of suffrage, and all othed not expressly d e legated and distinctly grantml, these were held by their State Executiie, Legislature and
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