was better for him and General Cameron to have the election go over for some weeks ; he (Mr. Boyer) said, I will be sure to Bali at Mr. Don Cameron's house as soon as the caucus is over; when he left, I waited at Mr Cameron's house until late and went to my hotel to bed ; I left General Cameron at his son's house in bed ; Mr Boyer did not come and I saw nothing of him that night; the next morning (Tuesday) I went to Mr Boyer's room, Pennsylvania House, and told him to come to my room, so that we could conclude what to do • this was between eight and nine o'clock ; 111;Boyer was up and was dressing ; Mr Boyer bad came out in the hall; there were one or two gentlemen in his room whom I did not know ; I did not ask him to come to my roam until he came out into the hall ; Mr Boyer said he had got so drunk the night before, after the mucus, that he did not come to Cameron's house until two o'clock in the morning, and rang the hell and got no reply and went home; Mr Boyer said he would come to my room at nine s'olook, and for me to have General Cameron there, as he was ready to vote for him LI called on General Cameron at his son's and told him Boyer would come to my . room at nine &cloak and I asked him to go along with me and meet him there; he refused at first, and said he did not think there was any use, but said if he concluded to go, after he got his breakfast he would come down ; I went to my room, and shortly after nine o'clock General Cameron came in, and a few minutes after Mr Boyer came in also ; General Cameron at once said to him; what are you going to do ? have they not scared you I are you not afraid if you vote against Buckalew 'I that it all depended on what be would say; that if he was unwilling or afraid to vote for him (Cameron) he would drop it, and not be a candidate; Mr Boyer re plied, he had fully made up his mind to vote for him, was not afraid of the mob, and would vote for him if the convention met; General Cameron told him he must say so to Senator Fuller, so that he could say to the Republican mucus that he had seen a Democrat who was willing to vote for him (Gen Cameron;) Gen Cameron said he wanted him to do this, so that no one of Mr Wilmot's friends could accuse him of asking for the nomination on Mere rumor, as he did not want the compliment of a nomi nation, and that he preferred that Mr Wilmot should have it himself; Mr Boyer consented, and said he would cheerfully tell Senator Fuller so; I went for Senator Fuller, (down stairs to hie room) and brought him up and introduced him into the room where Cameron and Boyer were ; Mr Boyer told Senator Fuller, if the Republican caucus would nominate General Cameron, he would vote for him, and that he might so tell the caucus; Senator Fuller said he would do so, and left my room, and Mr Boyer left immediately after Senator Fuller. By Mr Pershing. Had you seen Senator Fullenat any time before this ? Witness. I saw Senator Fuller at his room between the time General Cameron and Mr Boyer came to my room ; I mean to say, that after General Cameron came to my , room, I went down to Senator Fuller's room, and after I retnrne3, Mr Boyer came in, because I had wanted to know whether Senator Fuller would be in hie room in case he was wanted. By Mr Pershing. In ease Dr FuPer was wanted for what purpose ? Witness. Bo that Mr Boyer could tell h if he was willing to vote for Gen Cameron./ By Mr Pershing. Was there any arrange ment by which Dr Fuller was to meet Mr Boyer in your room on that marring ? Witness. Not that I know of. By Pershing. Had General Cameron told you anything about Dr Fuller, in regard to the Senatorial election that morning, or at any other time ? Witness. No, sir. By Mr Ptrehing. Did you understand that Dr Fuller and others, were appointed a com mittee by the Republican cation!, to see Mr Boyer, or any other Democratic, member of the Legislature, and asorrtain whether tins would Tote for General Cameron for United States Senator ? Witness. I did . not understand that they were appoint:d to see Dr Boyer, but wore ap pointed to see any one ; and knowing Dr Fuller was chairman of that committee, I called upon him to see him and see if he would be in his room, in case I wanted him to go to my room to meet Mr Boyer. By Mr Pershing. Was any other member of the committee th.szi - Dr Faller in your room on that morning? No, dr. Witness. By Mr. Perahing. You have stated in your examination all that took place between Dr Fuller and Dr Boyer, at the interview in your room that morning, have you ? Witness. I think senator Fuller told Mr Boyer by need have no fears of personal vio lence. By Mr Pershing. Did you at that interview, or any other, state to Dr Bayer that money had been deposited, or would be paid to him in consideration of his Tote for General Com mon? Witness. No, air. By Mr Pershing. Did you at that interview, Or any ether, exhibit to Mr Boyer a bundle of money or bank notes, which was to be paid to him if he voted for General Cameron ? Witness. No, sir; I had not at any time during the whole transaction, covering several days, over fifteen dollars about me, and on Tuesday afternoon, *hen I started home, I had to get Messrs Coyle and Herr to cash my check for twenty dollars to pay my hill. By Mr Pershing. The day on which you and Mr Boyer went to Reading, had yon any arrangement with General Cameron to go along tbat day Witness. No, sir; I concluded to go to Philadelphia and have a talk with Mr Boyer on die train, before I saw General Cameron that morning; and when I did see him (Cameron) I told him I was going, and be said he was going -to Philadelphia on the same train ; I would haye gone had I not seen Gen Cameron and learned he was going. By Mr Pershing. Hai General Cameron and Mr Boyer an interview on the train that tiny t Witness. Rot to my knowledge. By Mr Perching. Did you go on the train that' day expressly to have an interview with Mr Boyer on the subject of the election of an United States Senator Witness. Yes, sir ; and because I wanted this opportunity so that I could return home next day, having been informed by Mr Brobst that Me Boyer would not return before Mon day. By Mr Pershing. Did you say to General Cameron that that was your business in going et the train? Witness. Yes. air. By Mr Pershing. You have said in your ieetimony that General Cameron could be deleted easily if it were not for the mob; what reason bad you for making that statement Wimelee. Because I believed there were enough honest and loyal Dettoorate in the Rouse to el et Ueneral Cameron, if lift to their vurn free will; it was only my opinion, how; freer. By Mr Pershing. Who were three honest god loyal Democrats I • Witness. I refer to no one In particular, bet preenmed there were that many heneet Democrats in the Howse. By Mr Pershing. Had you any iuformatinn that an y Damask except Mr Boyer, would vote for General Cameron Witness. No, sir; and I never told Mr. Boyer that there were others, or that there were two on the train going down that day. (I rattan the day we went to Reading,) who were is oonference with General Cameron on the subject, and I did not know there were any others in conference with General Cameron. or arty one for his, on the -rubject ; there were other members on the train. By Mr Keine liqw often Sad you Been Me Brobst before you paw Mr Boyer the tiro time? Minos. I met Mr Beobet on Friday mein inkfbr the first time, when the conversation took placethat I have related ; I met him at the bar in the Pennsylvania House; L met him the first time on Friday morning at the State Capital Bank; I met him next at the bar of the Pennsylvania House, when I inquired for Mr Boyer about an hour afterwards ; I eeen him nest up in the Hall of the House, or perhaps I may have walked up the board walk to the Capitol with him ; I next met him at the gate of the Capitol grounds near noon ; I did not see him after that until the Tuesday following—it may, have been on Monday, and also on Tues• day, but not until the afternoon. By Mr Kaine. Where did yon see Mr Brobst on Monday ? Witness. I think I met him in Herr's bar room, but I am uncertain. By Mr Heine. Was Mr Brobst in your room at any time during these transactions ? Witness. Not that I recollect. By Mr Kaine. Were you written or tele graphed to to come t , O Harrisburg on the occa sion which you have before referred to ? Witness. No, sir. By Mr 'Caine. Had you any communication with any one, written or verbal, in reference to ; our coming here on the occasion referred to ? Witness. No, air, I bad been sick for seve ral days previous to coming down, and I came of my own accord. By Mr Heine. How long was it after yon come here before you saw General Cameron ? Witness. I have already stated that I ar rived here between five and six o'clock p m on Thursday afternoon, and saw General Cameron by accident at the post office after supper. By Mr gain. When and where did you next, see General Cameron ? Witness. I saw him on the street on Friday morning, but had no conversation with him, but that referred to when I told him I was go ing to Philadelphia. By Mr Keine. Did you meet any of the members of the Republican caucus committee at Don Cameron's house ? Witness_ Daring the evening, (Monday,) when I was at Mr Donald Cameron's house, Senator Fuller and other Senators, members and other gentlemen were there, back and for , • ward.. By Mr Kaki). Were yon present in Mr Donald Cameron's house when there was * pri vate interview between the members of the com mittee of the Republican caucus, or any of them, and General Simon Cameron ? Witness. No, air. By Mr Keine. Had yon a meeting or inter view with Mr Boyer on Monday morning, or in the forenoon of that day ? iVitnees. No, air. By Mr Kaine. Had you no meeting with Mr Boyer from the time of the meeting at Mr. Donald Cameron's house on Saturday evening, until the meeting between you at your own room on Monday evening after six o'clock ? Witness. None, except as I have already stated of baying met him in the Hall of the House on Monday afternoon ? By Mr. Keine. Are you certain that it was on the afternoon of Monday that you met him In the Rail of the Ifouse ; or was it in the fore noon. Witness. lam sure it was in the afternoon of Monday. iy Mani). Were Fon present daring the hole time of the interview between Senator Fu :r, General Cameron and Mr Boyer, at your room on Tuesday moaning ? M:!1Ki:ZZ!1=1 By Mr Koine. Where did you first most Mr Boyer when you first canto to this city, and when ? Witness. I first met Mr Boyer, as I have already stated, in the Hall of the House on Fri day morning, and merely shook hands with him and did not say to him the money would be all right, that I knew all about it, and had no conversation on any subject with him at that time whatever, except passing the usual salu tations. By the committee. Da you know anything further in regard to corrupt means being used in regard to the election of the United States Senator ? Witness. Mr Ritter, of the House, told me on the Sunday morning previous to the election, during a conversation on the subject, that he had been offered, or could get, two thousand dollars to go away at the election, bat did not tell me from whom or by whom it was cffered. By Mr Beebe. Did you ever say to Mr Boyer, during any of these interviews, that in case of an investigation into this matter, that yon would swear falsely and put it through, or words to that effect? itness. No, lir ; I never said any such thing, as I did nothing that I was ashamed to let the public know in reference to this matter, and which I would not do again for a man whom I etatteuro3 as highly as General Came ron. By Mr Beebe. Did General Cameron, or any other person for him, give you any money, or put any money under your control in any shape, for the purpose of securing his election to the United States St-nate Witnces. Neither General Cameron, nor any one for him, ever gave me any money, or put any under my control, for the purpose indica ted in this interrogatory. Jons J. PATTERSON 2ESTIMONT OF ANDREW H. DILL. Ai nusw H. Dna, being duly eworn, testifies as follows: By Mr liable. Where do you reeide Witntes. In Lewisburg, Union county, P. By Mr. Wakefield. Are you acquainted with Mr William Brobst ? Witness. Yes, sir, lam; he resides in Lew isburg--hie family is there. By Mr Wakefield. What hays yoti heard Mr Brobet say, if any thing, in regard to the elec tion of United States Senator? - Witness. Sometime in the latter part of December or first of January I was sitting in my office in the evening, and Mr William Drobst came in ; he had been in Harrisburg ; after the usual salutations, he replied to a question of mine, to use his language as nearly as I can recollect it—by God, they do not un derstand the preliminaries when they get after the Pennsylvania Dutch, and Simon Cameron is going to be the United States Senator. I expressed my surprise at that, knowing him to have been a violent Democrat; he replied that Simon Cameron was the beet man in the State of Pennsylvania, and the best man fir the in terests of the State of Pennsylvania; I said that he could not be elected, as the Democrats had one majority on joint ballot ; he replied that did tot make any difference ; that there were two men in the Legislature that he could control; that one of them was his (Brobst's) brother-in-law, and that he was going to try to control or fix him ; I do not pretend to give his language, as he speaks in broken English, but this is the substance as near as I can recollect ; be was standing all the time, and left after this remark. By Mr Wakefield. Will you atste what was Mr 'Brobst's business in Harrisburg t `Witness. He had been arrested in Lewis burg on a charge, as the justice of the peace told me, that he bad procured fraudulent ex emption papers, and it was after his discharge from this arrest, or his being at liberty, that this conversation took place—on his return home after his arrest. By Mr Walcateld. Da you knew of General .Simon Cameron having been in Lewisburg in the fall or winter of het year ? Witn.-es. Ido not. By Mr Pershing. Is this the only ccnver sation you had with Mr Brobat in relation to the Untied States Senator? Witness. No, sir; afterwarda we had a sim• liar engivereation in, the post °Zee, BO far as regards his he log a prrtipan of General Came ron, but nothing in regard to members voting. By Mr Beene. To whom, if any one, and for whit pnrpoee, did you roMmuniettle the atAittanee of your testimr.try as given above? Witness. I can't ilrecify any one in partici niar; It wan reel/led to my mind on reading the statement of Mr. Bayer, and in conversa tion with persons I stated this conversation that I had with Mr. Brobst, but with no pur pose or thought of ever becoming a witness, and how I came to be one is beyond my know ledge ; I certainly did not communicate it to any one outside of my own town. ANDUEW IL DILL. TESTIMONY OP GIDEON W. PALM/R. GIDEON W. PALMER. being duly sworn accord ing to law, testifies as follows: By Mr Wakefield. Do you know anything with regard to any unlawful or undue influences that were brought to bear, in order to E mire the election of an United States Senator at the recent election? If so, state what you know fully. Witness. I reside in Humphrysville, in Lu cerne county, and I have no knowledge of- any thing of that sort. By Mr Keine. Do you know of any efforts that were made by any persons who were candidates for United States Senator, or any of their friends, to induce members of the Legislature to be absent from Harrisburg at the time of the election, and if so, state fully what they were. Witness. I have no knowledge on the subject at all, except the town rumors during the progress of the election, (about the town of Harrisburg.) By Mr Kaine. Had you any interview with any person upon the subject of inducing members of the Legislature to absent themselves, or to procure them to vote for any particular candidate for money, or any other consideration ? - Witness. I bad not. By Mr Kaine. Wore you sent for to come to Harrisburg, or requested to be bore for any snob purpose as is inquired of in the preceding inter rogatory ? Witness. I was not. By Mr Koine. Were you in Harrisburg imme diately before and at the time of the eleotion of the United States Senator? Witness. I was in Harrisburg a few days be fore the election and at the time the election took place. By Mr Kabul. h ad,you any conversation with Mr Cyrus L Stark upon the subject before referred to Witness. I bad conversations with him, or heard him talk upon the satject of the election. By Mr Koine. Had you hey particular conver sation with Cyrus L Stark, having any reference whatever to any members of the Legislature being absent at the time of the election, and if so, state fully what you said to him, and what he said to you in reference thereto ? Witness. I lied no oonversation with him in reference to that point. . By Mr Maine. Had you any cmversation with Cyrus L Stark upon this subject, or concerning any money that was to be placed in the hands of any person, or to be deposited any whore, for the pur pose.of inducing or procuring any member or mem bers of the Legislature to absent themselves at the time of the election, or to vote for any particu lar candidate? Witness. No, sir. By Mr &sine. Do you know of any agreement, understanding or arrangemement, by which any person was to become responsible for any person as to any money, or any other consideration by which any number of members of the Legislature wore to absent thou:wolves, or to vote for any par ticular candidate ? Witness. Ido not. By Mr Barger. Detail the conversation which occurred between you and Cyrus L Stfrk upon the subject of the election of United States Sen ator ? Witness. I talked with him on the Enkject re peatedly during the days I cas here, and I do not know that I can detail any of those conversations; I mean to say that I don't remember any particu lar conversation, unless you specially refer to some eonversation. By Mr Barger. When was your last conversa tion, preceding the election, with Cyrus L. Stark Witness. I think I talked with him the day be fore the election; I think it was at the Jones House, in the reading room or office ; I saw him in one of these rooms. By Mr Barger. Give us that couvermation 83 you now recollect it. Witness. The substrate° of that conrersatien was of a general character in reference to the election; I could not give the real-motion 111 full ; I don't remember it. By Mr Barger. Please give us that conversation as you recollect it. Witness, He told mo that he was very anxious. for the election of general Cameron. Said that if he could do anything to aid in the election of General Cameron he felt willing to do anything he esuld to aid in his election; I think I told him my own opinion was that the caucus nominee of the Democratic party would be elected. I did not believe that any man belonging to the Democratic party would vote for Cameron, or any other Re publican; that is about the substance of the conver sation at that time. By Mr Barger. Tell no what was said by Mr. Stark, or yourself in that conversation, as to tke means that were being used to elect Simon Came ron ? Witness. I don't remember any conversation of hat kind, at that time. By Mr Barger, Tell us, sir, what was said by you, or Mr Stark, at any other time, as to the ratans that wore being used to elect General Cam eron P Witness. I don't remember sufficiently co state what had paned between us upon that point, If anything. By Mr Barger. Do lunderstanci you to say, sir, that you can give us no part of any suoh conver sation r Witness. I don't remember sufficiently to state what had passed between us upon that point, if any thing. By Mr Koine. Will you state, sir, if any pro positions were made to you by Cyrus L. Stark, or any other person, to assist or aid in any way, by money or otherwise, in procuring any member of the Legislature to vote for General Simon Came ron ? Witness. Stark said to me in one conversation that he knew a Democratic member of the Legis lature who would vote for General Cameron for United States Senator for twenty thousand dollars; he said that thie man wanted five thousand dollars paid to him then before he voted ; I asked him who the man was; he said he was nofwilling to tell me the name, but that he would give the name to Cameron; he asked me to go and roe Camcron about this matter, and said he thought I would find him at the, State Capital Bank; I told him that perhaps I might see Cameron or might not; I told him that I did not believe, from my knowl edge of Cameron, that he would accept that propo sition ; I told him I did not believe Cameron would trust a man who would not, trust him; be said he was very anxious to see Cameron elected, and was very certain that this man would vote for him under that arrangement; I think he said they had spoken about putting the money in his (Stark's) hands, but ho said he did not want any money in his hands; ho came around sometime afterwards, on the acme day, to where I was, and inquired if I had seen General Cameron; I told I bad not; I saw him again ; he came again and said that he bad seen Cameron himself, but told nao nothing about what eonversation be bad bad with Came ron; this ends the conversation I had with bin•, excepting the one mentioned in a former an- . ewer. By Mr Keine. Did he say who it was that was going to put the money in hilt hands? Witness. I supposed from that remark that the parties who were willing to take the money and vote for Cameron, were willing that the money should be placed in his (&ara's) hands. By Mr Rain.. Was there any proposition wad:* you to booms the hdlder of the money yourself ? Witness. Thera was not. By Mr Brown. had you any Understanding or arrangement with Mr. Stark, or any other person, that you would use any /Jeans to induce Demo eraCo members to absent themselves or to vote for General Cameron ? Witnest. I had not anything of the kind. By-Mr Brown. Did you alone, or in eoneert wi h any other person, endeavor to induee any Dem- Dennis member to absent bin:melt' or to vote for General Cameron ? Witness. I did not. By Mr Brown. Do you knew of any candidate for I:Toted States Senator using any undue means to lotluenee the election Witnfes. Ido not. By Mr Waksfield. What reason did Cyrus L. Stark give, if any. for desiring the election of Gen eral Cameron as United States Senator? Witnese. Ido not recollect ►hat he gave any apt:falai reason• 11. W. Pains. STRANGE, DRAlll..—thin day hat week an ur. kncwo colored man was found tbating down the Surqueltsunkriver in the neighborhood of Swei gart's tavern, in Dunmore township, Lanoaeter county, holding onto a log, wish bis bead above water. Ile was taken out by some men, but died within an hour afterwards, apparently in silt. Vatriot Mien. TUESDAY, MORNING, APRIL 14, 1863. 0 BARRETT ac. CO., PROPRIETORS Communisations will not be 1)01101'0d in the PA2I/07 aim Canoe unless accompanied with the name of the author. W. W. KINOZPVIT I XgQ,, of Towanda, is a duly an t hori zed agent to collect accounts and receive enbaarip tione and advertisements for this paper. NOTSIOI III 22,1282. The Latent from Charleston- The latest news we have from Charleston is up to noon of the 9th. A dispatch from a gentleman on board the Mary Sanford, dated Moorhead City, North Carolina, April 10, says they passed through the fleet off Charleston on Thursday, the 9th, at 10 a. m. The Moni tors were ranged along the beach off Cninmings' Point, all in good order. 'Arrangements had been made to blow up the Keokuk. Reports were conflicting as to future movements. One of the pilots who boarded the Mary Sanford stated that the Monitors would withdraw over the bar, and that there would be no further action for the present. On the other hand, an officer from the James Adger (gunboat) stated that the engagement would be resumed at about one o'clock, p. m., and added that Ad miral Dupont expected to be successful. The Mary Sanford left at noon, and when about twenty-five miles north heard heavy firing. We feel disposed, under the accumulation of bad news, to seize upon every item that holds out the slightest hope of something better ; and taking this statement in connection with the following, we try to persuade ourselves that a second and more successful attempt to pass the Charleston batteries may have been made. In deed if the dispatch from Moorhead City and the one below are carrot, there is reason to be lieve that such has been the case : WASHINGTON. April 11, 8, a. m.—Your friend, Lieut. C., of the Army of the Potomac, has just telegraphed me that Jeff. Davis received, late on Thursday night, 'dispatches from Com modore Ingraham, which were not published in any of yesterday's rebel journals. The na ture of the news is not known, but it is sur mised here that if it were favorable the rebels would make no secret of it. d. W. A. The relevraph seems to centre all its hopes of conquering a peace in the negro. Without his aid, that patriotic paper seems to think the jig is up. If the Southern negroes won't fight for us, but on the contrary remain true to their masters and fight for them, then, the Tel esreph tells us, "the chances of subduing a people thus united would be very slim." But if we can induce the negroes to espouse our cause, and "throw a successful [the word is aptly chosen] force of black troops, bearing with them the guaranty of freedom, into the heart of the thickest of the slave country, * * * we believe the victory would be assured to the country." So it would, we presume, if we could "throw a successful force" of white men into the same position. But the Hessian evidently has lost confidence' in white men— and we can't blame him much, if he judges all white men by those who now misgovern the country, trample upon the Constitution, rob the treasury, and lead cur soldiers to slaughter instead of victory. tied knows we are with him in want of faith in such white men. We certainly have, ourselves, more respect for and confidence in negroes than in the crazy, God defying and God•forssken Abolitionists who are every day bringing the nation nearer the verge of ruin. Bat why don't the Hessian and his fellow Abolitionists act instead of talk? Why don't they put the negro brigades in the field and save the country, instead of insulting the people and wearying their patience by in cessant gabble. Fill up your black brigades, throw your successful negro troops into the heart of rebellion and subjugate the South— or go yourselves and do it—or acknowledge your incapacity and resign the administration to abler hands. General News. LATEST PROM CHARLESTON-REPULSE OP Tuft /BON- CLADS. By yesterday afternoon's telegraph we bare received the following discouraging intelli gence: The New York Times, extra, contains par ticulars of the attack on Charleston furnished by a special correspondent who arrived in that city on the morning of the 13th from the scene of conflict. The trial was decisive. The or deal of the two hours served to prove that the defensive powers of the iron fleet were insuffi cleat to withstand the terrible force of the offensive enginery of the works it had to as sail, while the limitations of the offensive pow ers of the iron-clads took away all advantage. The result of the reconnoissance proves the utter insufficiency of the iron-clad fleet to take Charleston, without assistance. The Nahant received thirty rounds, several being bad frac tures of deck and sides below and'above the water line. The most fatal blow was by heavy rifled shot, which struck the pilot house and dislodged ; several bolts, wounding all the intnatte. The Passaic received twenty-five or thirty rounds. The most extraordinary phut was from a ten inch rifled projectile, which struck the top of the turret, scooping out a huge portion of iron, breaking all of eleven plates of one Inch tli4knese each, and 'spend ing its force on the pilot house on top of the turret, in which it made a crater three inches deep, raising the pilot house three inches. Another shot hit the turret, forcing the plate and striking inward. The carriage of the 11- inch gun was disabled by the shot, while a portion of the interior iron easing fell, lodging in the groove of the turret, and stopping its revolution. Th• Nantucket had her turret so jarred that the cover of the port hole could not be opened, and consequently her 15-inch gun could not be used. The other Monitors re ceived more or less shot, but were not disa bled. .The following from the N. Y. Tribune is the mart complete and interesting account we have seen, furnished by the correspondent of that paper who was on board the flag ship Iron sides during the action : The iron-clati squadron arrived off Chant/8- ton on the mnruing of the 6th inst. It was intended to cross the bar that afternom, but a high wind arose, which induced Admiral Du pont to postpone crossing until the next day. In the evening the Admiral issued his order of battle. The plan or the attack was to move tae iron-clad squadron up the main ship chan nel, without no:icing any Are Of the blorcs Island batteries, steer directly to Fort Sump ter and engage its northwest face, at a dis tance of GOO or 800 yards, the fire to be aimed at the centre embrasures. The line of battle to be as . follows ; Weehawken, Passaic, Patap sco, New Ironsides, flag-ship; Catskill, Nan tucket, Nahant and Keokuk. A squadron of reserve, consisting of the Canandaigua, Housatonic, Huron, Unidilla and Wissahicon, was to form outside of the bar, prepared to come, if necessary, to the support of the iron-clads. Early on the morning of the 6th instant Admiral Dupont and staff transferred their quarters from the steamer James Adger to the lronsides. About 8 o'clock a general signal to get under way was giver. Some fears were enter tained of grounding when crossing the bar, but all the vessels got over safely and came to anchor directly opposite Light House Inlet. It was deemed necessary to await the ebb tide in order to discover more readily the ob structions. The fleet was expected to be able to move to the attack at 1 o'clock p. m., but at that time a thick fog bad risen concealing the shore lines, the guidance of which the pi lots, among whom were three colored volun teers and Robert Small, required for safe steering. The Admiral then reluctantly postponed the attack to the next day. During the day a brigade of General Ferry's Division worked its way up Folly Island, es tablished itself close to the beach and opened communication with the fleet. No portion of the land force got nearer to the point of at tack, and all were obliged to play the part of ear-witnesses. Nothing was done during the remainder of the 6th. On the morning of the 7th the fog was still thick, but by 9 o'clock it had nearly cleared away, and there was no further cause for &&- lay of the attack. Up to 12 o'clock prepara tions for the conflict were continued on all the iron-clads. At 1 p. m. the pilot of the flag ship at last declared himself ready to move. The signal to get under way was made, and at fifteen min utes before 2 the whole fleet was in motion in the order given above. At 2i o'clock the bat teries on Morris Island had been passed by the first four Monitors without drawing the sire of the enemy. Shortly before three o'clock, the Irousides showed disobedience to her rudder, her bow swinging to the strong ebb tide, and threaten ing to bring her on the shoals to her right, S.ho was, therefore, compelled to come to anchor to stay her course. Meantime the first four Monitors had continued on toward the fort. The enemy allowed the Weehawken to come within 600 yards of Fort Moultrie, when two shots aoross ner bow from this fort opened the action. The Ironaides had 'again got under way and approached within 1,200 yards of Fort Sumpter, when she once more became unman ageable, and was again obliged to drop an chor. The Monitors ahead of hei had then reached the converging point of the faro of Cumming's Point batteiy, Fort Sumpter, Fort Moultrie and a work between Fort Moultrie and Moultrie ville, known as Battery Bee. A sheet of flame and volumes of smoke, ex tending from Morris to Sullivan's Islands, in augurated what has been undoubtedly the most terrific cannonade of the whole war, if, indeed, it was ever equalled in the history of the world. A perfect torrent of shot and ehell was poured upon the Monitors, wrapping them sometimes almost entirely in spouts of water thrown up by the striking projectiles. The Monitors continued their way, replying vigorously from their batteries to the enemy. They passed the north-east face cf Fort Sump ter, but when they came near its angle with the north-western face, they made out at a short distance three distinct lines of ebatruetious, consisting of floating logs with torpedoes at tached, and net works of cables held perpen dicularly in the water by weights. The Patapsco got foul of one of them, and could not make her screw work for some 15 minutes, but finally got clear. A torpedo ex ploded ose to the bow of the Weehawken, without, however, doing any damage. The vessels all steering very heavily, the narrow passages through the line of obstruc tions could not he reached. After Peveral vain attempts, the ,four vessels turned about and steamed back down the harbor, all the while sustaining a heavy fire, and responding with their guns as vigorously as they could. The Patapsco had her 200-pounder Parrott gun disabled by its own recoil early in the ac tion. The turret of the Passaio was bent in, and cramped her 11-inch gun so as to prevent its working. Shortly afterward her turret stopped revolving, and she lost all offensive power. . The Ironsides had, meantime, vainly strug gled to come closer to Fort Sampter. The rebel gunners, finding her a fixed mark, plied her freely with shot and shell. Her position was such that she could not bring her broad sides to bear until about 4 o'clock, when she got an opportunity to deliver her fire at Fort Moultrie. This was the only offensive demonstration made by her during the action. When Admiral Dupont found that he could not readily move the Ironsides, he signaled to the four iron-clads behind her to pass ahead and go to the support of the four vessels al ready engaged. In trying to pass by the Catskill and Nan tucket brushed the Ironsides on the port and starboard sides, but after awhile managed to get away and moved on. They and the Keokuk and Nahant came un der the concentric range of the forts and bat teries at about the time the other four Moni tors were turning back. They nevertheless advanced with their guns at work briskly past the northeast face of Fort Sumpter, until their course was likewise impeded by obstructions. The Cattail', Nantucket and Nahant receive' the united fire of both Forte Sumpt er and Dloul trio. The Keokuk had steered a little more to the left, and for a white received the fire of Fort Sumpter alone. She fired the gun in her for ward turret but three times, when it became dieabled. 'lei after gun could not be brought to bear effectively and was thus rendered useless. Af ter continuing under the united fire of all the forts and batteries for about three-quarters of an hour, all the Monitors and the Whitney Battery came beck in obedience to a signal from the flag-ship. The Ironetdes had already dropped back some distance out of range of Fort Sumpter. At 5 o'clock the entire fleet was out of range, and the action ceased. The Ericsson raft, known as the Devil, was attached to the bow of the Weehawken, but proved a hindrance instead of a help, by em barrassinglhe steering of the Weehawken. The monster torpedoes intended to be.con nected with the raft were not used, as they required delicate handling, and fears were en tertained as to their success. The devil was lost the day after the fight, and washed ashore . It was the intention of the Admiral to renew the attack on the next day, tut when the re ports of the commanders of the iron-clads were received, showing that two, the Keokuk and Passaic, were rutty, and three, the Patapoo, Nantucket, and Kellam were partially dizaoled, the Admiral determined to desist from's con tinuance. In this decision he was sustained by the tmanimonq opinion of the commanders of all the iron-clads. The firing on both glee wee good, and the thunder of the '3/lemonade terrific. Toe ettitang of the heavy misbiles uged by the rehele spinet the sides, decks, and tat re's of the Monitors, the reverberations or their tart& monstrous guns, the plunging of shot and shell into the surrounding waters, the dense smoke, now hiding the forts and batteries from view, then broken by sheets of flame, the uncertainty as to what new obstacle or infernal machine might he encountered by the iron -clads, the difficulty of properly maneuvering the ves sels, the anxious suspense of the inhabitants of the iron boats as to whether victory or defeat was to crown their efforts—all this made the scene one of unparalleled interest and excite ment. No worls can convey an idea of the terrible fire. The Monitors were hit from twenty to eixty times each, with the exception of the Keokuk, which, from her more exposed position, was struck by not less than ninety shots. her turrets were penetrated a number of timer, and her hull, at the water mark, showed nineteen holes. She was only kept afloat by plugging and pumping, until next morning, when she sunk on the bar in eighteen feet of water, her colors still flying. All on board were saved, but all lost every thing they had. The Ironsidea was hit from 50 to 60 times without material damage.. The enemy used only shot of the heaviest caliber. The most destructive of their missiles were of English manufacture, principally Whitworth's steel pointed projectiles. Eleven large holes, apparently running through the walls, some of which were about three feet wide, were made on the east face of Fort Sumpter, showing that our fire was not altogether ineffectual. The Monitors fired altogether about 160 rounds. The numerical weakness of the laud force rendered their direct co-operation in the attack impracticable. Upon the Navy devolved the main share of the work, and all the fighting was done by it alone. When your correspondent left the scene of conflict two of the Monitors had sailed for Port Royal, and the others were to follow. The following list comprises all the casual ties in the iron-clad squadron : Keokuk—Capt. Rhind, contusion right leg. A. Mclntosh, Acting Ensign, two wounds on forehead and fracture of skull; dangerous. Chas. McLaughlih, seaman, seriously in both legs. David Chaplin, seaman, slightly, in left aide. James Ryan, seaman, seriously, right thigh. C. D. Mott, landsman, slightly. H. Swords, seaman, slightly. J. J. Brown, seaman, slightly. - R. Nicholson, Quartermaster, slightly. Nahont—Capt•. Downs, slightly on leg from bolt. Isaac Schaffer, pilot, severely by a bolt Edward Cobb, Quartermaster, late of the Cumberland, fracture of skull from bolt; since died. John Alanlister, dangerously on head from bolt. Intelligence from Newbern to the 9th leads to the impression that Gen. Foster would be compelled to surrender for want of provisions. All attempts by land and water to eapply him with stores and reinforce him bad failed, and he was left to his own resources with twelve hundred men to contend against as many thousands. Apprehensions are even felt for the safety of Newbern ; Gen. French, who had started from that poet with 8,000 men, having been forced to fall back by supe rior numbers who were marching upon it. The rebels at Tampa Bay, Florida, played a characteristically mean trick upon a boat'q crew of the bark Pursuit. Three of them, dressed as women, decoyed a boat's crew ashore by waving a white flag. When they reached the shore, a squad of fifty or sixty ambushed rebels rose and fired on them, woun ding five of the men. The crew took to the water under refuge of the boat, which they pulled off the shore, at the eame time firing on the disguised rebels, killing one of them. The boat finally reached the chip. From 'Vicksburg we learn that the inron clads Louisville, Mound City, Carandolet, Ben ton, Lafayette and two others were prepared to run the gauntlet of the rebel batteries. Fri day or Saturday night last was fixed upon to make the attempt. Transports prepared with log and cotton bulkheads were to follow. Gen. Oeterhaus had arrived at Carthage, ten miles below Warrantor, on the Louisiana side, with a heavy Union force. The expedition against Fort Greenwood, under Generals Ross and Quimby, had returned to Helena nuns cessful, with the loss of a large number woun ded and 25 or 30 killed. Quimby's and Ho vey's divisions have been ordered to Vicksburg. Gen. Grant has moved his headquarters to Milliken's Bend. SPECIAL NOTICES. A Friend in Need. Try it DR. SWEET'S 'INFALLIBLE LINIMENT is pre pared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Oonnee ticut, the great bone setter, and has been used in hie practice for the last twenty years with the most eaten.. ishinit success. Ss an external remedy it le without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Rheumatic and Itervitur Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative ler Sores,Vounds, Sprains, Bruises, &c., its soothing, heal.. ins and powerful strengihening properties, excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given it a trial Over fear htusirtd certificates of re rearkable cures, performed by it within the last two year., attest this fact . See advertisement, New 21bertistittento. PEAK FAMIL.Y, Double Troupe of Pell Rinstere will be here on MON., DAY and TUESDAY of next week. C. C. VHABB. spl3 Agent Peak Psmily, HAMS!!! Newbold's celebrated, Michener's ltacelpior, • DUMB & Bei Ws superior, Jersey. Ilain very ace, Also, Dried Best Tongues and Relesrae Sausage. Pee sale by 4,14 WM. DOUR, jr, & Co. sa()KED SALMON. —A choice supply Ai for sale by WM. DOCK, jr, & Co. US C—A Brown, copper•colored Spanie) .1J Slut. The finder will be suitably rewarded bylaw ing it .t the White titian Hotel. spl4-3t* /WIN GBANAGITAN. R, TO L E N.—Three Grey Mulea wero stolen from Dye-e' Coal wharf on Sunday night lest A lib , ral reward will be pair for their recovery or for any evithnee which will lead to the detection of UV, thief. ■pi3 3td* x , 11. BURROWS. UNION II 0 L , Ridge Avenue, corner of Brood street, HARRISBURG, PA. The undersigned informal the public that he lige re. esotir renevaiteo and retired Ire weli-hoown " Hotel" on Ridge avenue, neer the Hound llonee, and it propared t, eccrimroodate cittz strangereand travoi era to 'he beet style, at moderate rates. Ma table will ra auppiied with the best the inertial , " &Turd, &Cr, &t his b.r unlit be fotu.d .uperior brano's ur (Inure and malt b vnia,ges. The very best &cowered &Aloes for rlilroaders emplined at the slope in Mr vicinity. liENUY BuSTGBI 4 • &pl 4 dtf • - MASON JONES, ' • SHE GREAT ORATOR. Garibaldi's Englishman. Tha %oung Men'. ehript an a Anc'et'o , are bar nT M wruounfbe hit Awn Juttro, V p q., the evlybratat Iraite., wit' 41..eiv-r h.. orghim Garib Ture• tta cr , •ning. Ap 11 14th..0,i the Ipulptitliet 6p1:c..14. 1 0111 , 101. In I °_u, t nt. rk to 25 oristk— or Nara at the Boot, Nude ea , D•tig Como, toot at the door. aplleow-d&w.