RATES OF ADVERTISING-. Fear lines four or less constitut constitute a half square. square. Ten HIM el . more than , e :lalf Es., one day....— $9 30 On° one day...« $0 60 sq. : • one Week- ... 120 .* one week-- 200 one month.. 800 gz one month.. 800 • three months 500 three monthslo 00 • • six mmths.. 800 " sir months.. 15 00 un eyear_l2 00_ it one year —2O 00 jj:r Business notices inserted in the LOCAL °manta, e before marriages and deaths. TEN CENTS Pea LINZ for ea& insertion. To merchants and others advertising by the year, liberal terms will be offered_ jj:r The number of insertions must be designated on the advertisement. uT Marriages and Deaths will be inserted at the same rates se regular advertisements. : 1 1 /hid ti anion. MONDAY MORNINO, APRIL 13 1863. THE CAMERON BRIBERY CASE. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE TO INQUIRE oTO THE TRUTHOF CHARGKS MADE BY T. JEFFERSON BOYS'S, MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATURE FRoM CLEARFIELD COUN TY, OF ATTEMPTS MADE BY GEN. SIMON CAMERON, DIRECTLY, AND THROUGH THE AGENCY OF COL. JOHN J. PATTER. soN AND WILLIAM BROBST, TO BRIBE BOYER, BY THE OFFER OF MONEY AND PROMISE OF A LUCRATIVE APPOINT. MENT, TO VOTE FOR THE ELECTION OF THE SAID SIMON CAMERON TO THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES. TESTIMONY OF JONATHAN H. HANCOCK JONATHAN H. HANCOCS being duly sworn, testified as follows : By Mr. Seine. Where do you rceidc Witness. In Luzern county, and was for merly a merchant at Suipton ; I am engaged in no business now. Mr. Keine. Row long have you been in his city ? Witness. About three months. Fiy Mr. Kaine. Were you in this city at - the time and before and after an election for an United States Senator, on the 13th day of Jan uary ultimo? Witness. I was. By Mr. Sallie. Will you now state, sir, what you know, if any thing, of what efforts were made or influences used to procure the election of any particular man or men for the pogition of United States Senator ? Witness. I heard something through this man Mr. Brobst. He said to me that Mr. Cameron had been to see him at Lewisburg, his place of residence ; I am not positive whether he said they met at Williamsport or Lewisburg; that there was an arrangement made with a Democratic member to vote for him (Simon Cameron) for United States Sena tor ; some days afterwards he (Brobat) told me it was a member from Clearfield ; we bad a number of conversations afterwards about it ; I think the last Conversation I had with him he said this member from Clearfield would stand up and vote for him (Cameron) at all hazards ; I think there was also something said about the price to be paid that was to secure another member or so—one or two mem bers, I am not certain; I asked him what the amount would be; he said that they had the thing certain, and would not be willing to give more than five thousand apiece for the other men. By Mr. Barger. When did this first convir sation occur? It was before the meeting of the Witness. 'Legislature. By Mr. Enloe. When did those other eon Tersations occur? Witness. After the meeting of the Legisla :ure, some five or six days before the election Of the United States Senator. By Mr. Koine. From the time of the meet !ng of the Legislature until the election of the United States Senator, how often did you see .11r. Brobst? _ 'Witness. I think I saw him every day when ne was in town r he roomed with me for some two or three weeks; some days he was away; once he went to Berke county, or at least he said be went there. By. Mr. Keine. At any of the conversations with Mr. Brobat, did he tell you the name of the member who was to Tote for Mr. Camereti? Witness. He did not; I never asked him; he told me it was a member from Clearfield county. By Mr. Keine. Did he tell you anything that oeeured between him and the member from Clearfield at any of their meetings, and if eo ' what! Witness. He told me that he and Mr. Cam eron had met the member from Clearfield, and had made the arrangement I' By Mr. Barger. Did he tell you what that arrangement was? Witness. Nothing more than that they had secured his vote for Mr. Cameron for United States Senator; he did not give the details. By Mr. Koine. How often had you conver sations with Mr. Brobst on this subject ? Witness. I had a gnat many. By Mr. Milne. Had you any conversation with Mr. Brobst on this subject since the elec tion Witness. No, sir; the last conversation I bad with him was on the morning of the elec tion or the evening previous thereto. By Inr, Barger. How long have you known Brohst ? Witness. I never met him until I came here; I have known him three months. • By Mr. Barger. How was it that Brobat came to diseloee to yan his arrangements ? Witness. I don't know ;we roomed together and became very intimate, and talked over his affairs. By Mr. Barger. Did Mr. Brobst disclose to you how he was to be benefitted by this Altair ? Witness. I think he said that he could make a good thing out of it; he said if his friends would go in and assist and succeed m electing Mr. Cameron they would all be served; they would be remunerated in some shape or oared for. By Mr. Barger. Did be say to you what his immediate reward or benefit would be ? Witness. He did not; he simply' said to me that he had authority to use money to accom push this purpose, if necessary ; he did not tell me from whom he had authority, but he handed me two blank cheeks on the Cameron Bank, (State Capital Bank.,) and told me to fill one for five thousand dollars and the other for one thousand dollars; I did so; this was in the evening * four or five days before the election. By Mr. Barger. Were those checks signed by any person? Witness. No air; I asked him what he in tended doing with them ; he said that if he met the person who bad engaged to meet him he would use them 20 advantage. By Mr. Barger. Did you see any other cheeks in his possession, or fill up any others for him 4 Witness. I saw him have ether blank checks, but did not fill up any others. By Mr. Barger. now 'does it happen that you and Mr. Breton have had no conversations on this subject since the election? Witness. I really don't know ; he seems to have avoided me since the election ; we had no tlifficuity ; we were on the most friendly terms before ; he has passed me several times on the street without recognizing me. By Mr Barger. Did Mr. Brobst ever tell you what arrangement he had with Simon Cameron h reference to this matter? Witness. I think he told me on one m3ll - on his return from a visit to Simon at his :bootee, or in town, that if Mr. Cameron was sleeted United States &Dater, he (Brobat) 'would be comfortable for life. By Mr. Barger. Be good enough to tell ue if he mild, at any time, that ne had the autho rity of Slum Cameron to use money to secure his (Cameron's) election to the United Staten senate? , „:'„.:...,.. .., 7 ,-) 7 `4 : - .- . -:.-., --: - ..: •------------ --:-,-, . . — .--77 . _ , - ------; 'd :•" . . 4-ii.- rINK : '' . .f. 7 . - - 7 '''' - - . 1 , tint Ott . , , . . 7 . • patriot. ___ 00 , T .r ..___ VOL. 5.-NO. 191. - Witness_ He has told me, repeatedly, that any arrangement he might make,within reason able avant, to secure a vote for Simon Cam eron for United States Senator, would immedi ately be complied with by Cameron. By Mr. Brown. Be good enougtrto tell us if he said, at any time, that he had the authci rity of Simon Cameron to use money to secure his (Cameron's) election to the United States Senate? Please answer directly, yes or no. Witness- He has told me that he had au thority of Mr. Cameron to use -money I' By Mr. Barger. Did he ever tell you how much money Simoq Cameron had authorized him to use ? Witness. He did not; he has frequently told me that they could not expect any great sum; that five thousand dollars was enough for any one map ; that was all that they could af ford to pay for one vote, as they had it secure any way. By Mr. Kaine. Did Brobst tell you at any time what was his business at Reading ? Witness. I think he told me, on his return, that he met a member or a couple of members there, and that the thing was all right. By Mr. Kaine. Had you any meeting your. self with Simon Cameron on this subjeot ? Witness. No, -sir, I have not spoken with him for ten years, but was invited several times by Mr. Brobst to meet him, but could not make it suit ; I would have met him if convenient. By Mr. Beebe. Did Mr. Brobst my to you at any time that he had or could have the votes of any other members than the member from Clearfield, for Mr. Cameron, for a money con sideration? Witness. He did ; I think there were two ; he said they were poor, wanted money, and could be reached, and that he had unbounded influence ever them. By Mr. Beebe. Give their names. Witness. I cannot remember their names Or localities. By Mr. Brown. During the three months livhich you have been in the city of Harris burg have you been in any business here f Witness. I have not, but came here to find business. By Mr. Brown. Have you any family 2 I have none. Witness. By Mr. Brown. Where have you boarded since you have been in the city, and how has your time been occupied in the meantime? Witness. I boarded at Herr's hotel, and spent my time traveling about the city, taking a little exercise, as anybody would. By Mr. Brown. How did you obtain the confidence of Mr. Brobst ? Witness. I met him ;he was a free end may kind of a fellow, and unusually communicative when he had whiskey aboard; I sometimes in dulged myself, and we mutually came together. By Mr. Brown. Did you make any proposi tions to Brobst or did he make any propositions to you, by which you were to be benefitted ? Witness. Idid not make any propositions to him, as I had none to make; he said that if Simon Cameron was elected United States Senator we would all be rich, and I was inchtdcd in the number. By Mr. Brown. Can. you state why Mr. Brobst included you with those who were to be made rich ? Witness. I can't tell; he was in one of his liberal moods into which he gets sometimes. By Mr. Brown. Did you give Mr. Brobst to understand that you would act with him in the matter of bringing about the election of Mr. Cameron ? Witness. I presume I did favor the project; be represented that there was a vast amount of money in it. *By Mr. Brown. State whether you did en tertain any expectation of receiving any profit or advantage from the election of Mr. Cam eron? Witness. • That is a difficult question to answer ; I cannot say that I did ; I could not see it. By Mr. Brown. Do you mean to be under stood as saying that you had no hopes of receiving any benefit or advantage, directly or indirectly, from the success of Brobst's efforts to secure the election of Cameron 7 Witness. I have answered this question once in a different way, but I have always had the assurance of Mr. Brobst that if Mr. Cameron was elected that I should share the spoils; that is, in taking care of his friends. By Mr. Brown. In your conversations with Brobst was the necessity of secrecy talked about, and did you have a mutual understand ing that' whatever occurred should be kept secret ? Witness. Mr. Brobst always impressed upon me, in every conversation, that it was import ant to keep it secret. By Mr. Brown. Did you concur in his opinion Witness, Yes, sir, as far as I could consist ently. By Mr. Brown. When and to whom did you first communicate what had taken place be tween you and Mr. Brobet? Niritneee. I decline answering this question. By Mr. Brown. State your reasons for de cling to answer the question. Witness. I might as well answer the ques tion as to give you the reasons for declining to answer, and consequently I decline answering. By Mr. Brown. Did yon tell any person or persons, before coming before the committee, of the conversations which you had with Mr. Brost relative to the election of United States Senator ? Witness. I decline answering. JONATHAN HANCOCK TZSTIMONT OF SMITH FULL'S& SMITH Flamm being duly sworn according to law, testifies as follows: By Mr. Beebe. Where do you reside and what is your present business here ? Witness. I reside in Fayette county, and am at present a member of the State Senate. By Mr. Beebe. What interviews had you, if any, with General Simon Cameron in refer ence to the election of United States Ben6tor, and with others on the same subject, and please state what occurred ? Witness. The Republican caucus had a meeting on the evening prior to the election of the United States Senator, preparatory to the nomination of a candidate for United States Senator, at which meeting a committee of five members of the Legislature, (members of the caucus,) viz : Menses. Laporte, Smith, of Phil adelphia, and M'Murtrie, of Blair, of the House, and Hiestand and myself of the Senate, were appointed, I being chairman of the com mittee; the duties with which that committee wee charged were to ascertain whether any Republican nominee of that caucus would be available for success on the next day, and if not, whether any war Democrat could be nomi nated whose election could be secured; in dis charge of these duties, the committee, imme diately after the adjournment of the caucus, divided, ewe of them, Col. M'Martrie and my self, visiting General Cameron that evening at the residence of his son ; the balance of the committee visited Mr. Wilmot at his hotel, the Jones How... that evening; Col M'Murtrie and myself found General Cameron in hell ; we introduced the subject of our mission ; Gen. Cameron replied that he dit.not suppose thet be could be elected, and that be bad very little ambitibil for the place, that he had supposed a short time before that he could be elected, but HA.RKISBURG, PA:, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1863. that the member of the Legislature Whosnvote he had expected to have gotten he now believed had concluded not. to vote for him, because he had promised to visit him that evening after the adjournment of the Democratic caucus, which he had not done up to that time ; that it might be something beyond his control had prevented, and that he might hear from him by morning, and asked us to visit him again in the morning; in the morning, CoL not meeting me until late, I took with me Sen ator Nichols, of Philadelphia, and visited Gen. Cameron at, the same place; he informed us that his friend had not made his appearance, and that he did not desire to be nominated, as he was satisfied that he would be defeated, and he did not want a merely complimentary nomi nation; I then returned to Herr's hotel (my boarding house) with the view of ascertaining whether Mr. Foster would accept of a nomina tion, and whether, if nominated, he could se cure any votes of the Democrats in the Legis lature to effect his election ; I sent Senator White, whom I met at the hotel, to Buehler's hotel to hunt General Foster, and to ascertain from General Foster whether he would accept and could give assurances of success; he re turned and informed me that General Foster had gone home the night previous ; soon after Mr. White's return John J. Patterson came to my room and informed me that Gen. Cameron and a friend were in his room in the same ho tel, and desired to itee the committee or myself, as its chairman, in regard to the election of United States Senator ; he gave me the num ber of his room and I went to it, and found there General Cameron lying upon a bed and a gentleman sitting there, to whom General Cameron introduced me as Dr. Boyer, of Clear field county, who he said (referring to Dr. Boyer) was the Democratic friend in the Legis lature who proposed to vote for him for United States Senator if nominated by the Republican caucus ; I turned to Dr. Boyer and said to him, "I suppose you are aware, sir, that your party has made threats of personal violence to any one of its members who violates its caucus nomination for United States Senator ;" he replied, " Yes, but by God I was elected with the understanding that I would vote for Gen. Cameron for United States Senator, and if he is nominated by the Republican party I will do it;" I then said to Dr. Boyer, "If you are determined to vote for General Cameron the Republican party will defend you if you are assailed therefor; we have made some prepa ration by bringing friends front the city for that purpose." By Mr. Pershing. Did General Cameron give you the nem of the member who inten ded to vote for him at the time you and Mr. M'Murtrie called on him ? Witness. No, sir. By Mr. Pershing. Did you know at that time who the person was who intended to vote for General Cameron, from General Cameron or any one else? Witness. I did not. By Mr. Pershing. Had you any interviews With General Cameron other than the one you have spoken of, in relation to the election of the "United States Senator, and if so, when and where ? ' Witness. I met General Cameron casually prior to that time at the banking house of his son, in company with Senator Nichols and Sen ator White, and' the subject of the United States Senator was mentioned in a general way by the parties present; General Cameron sug gested that it would be better if the election could be deferred to the session of next win ter; I met General Cameron again casually; wentto my neighbor's room (Mr. Nichols') and there was some conversation there; I found General Cameron and, I think, Senator White, and there was some conversation in regard to the United States Stlhatorship of a genera' character. By Mr. Pershing. At this conversation at the Bank, when General Xameron suggested the postponement of the election until the neat winter, did the Senator's present approve of it ? Witness. Ido not know; I was in favor of an election this session; General Cameron did not press the matter. By Mr. Pershing. Was anything said in Senator Nichols's room in regard to the.post. ponement ? Witness. Nothing that I remember. By Mr. Pershing. Was anything said in these conversations about procuring a Deo-, cratio vote for General Cameron? Witness. Nothing. By Mr. Pershing. - How long was it before the election of the United States Senator that you had your first conversation with General Cameron ? Witness. It was several days By Mr. Pershing. Did yon go to Philadel phia with General Cameron on the same train on the Friday prior to the election ? Witness. I went to Philadelphia with Gen. Cameron on one day ; I do not know that it was Friday, but it was after the adjournment of the Senate. By Mr. Pershing. Were T.- J. Boyer and John J Patterson on the train on that day? I do not recollect. Witness By Mr. Pershing. Had you any interview with General Cameron on that occasion in re gard to the United States Senatorship? Witness. I had not, neither had lan inter view with him at Philadelphia on that subject. By Mr. Prrshing. After you met Dr. Boyer in the morning, did you go to the caucus at once ? Witness. I did immediately, and reported to the caucus that General Cameron had called on me with a Democratic member of the House, who pledged himself in toy presence to vote for General Cameron, - declaring that he had been elected with that understanding, and would vote for him if nominated. By Mr. Borger. At the interview you had at the banking house with General Cameron, whstt reason did he give for postponing the election ? Witness. He gave no reason the subject of United States Senator was incidentally in troduced, and hut little said about it. By Mr. Barger. Was not the meeting at Senator Nichols' room the consequence of an arrangement for the purpose of congulting on the matter of the election of United States Senator ? Witness. So far as I was concerned, the meeting was purely accidental ; Mr. Nichols' room is next to mine, and we frequently in terchange visits; upon this occasion I went into his room without knowing that. General Cameron wee there, or was to be there. By Mr. Barger. Will you be good enough to tell us if you received information from any member of the Senate as to the probability of Mr. Buyer voting for Simon Cameron for U. S. Senator? Witness. No, sir ; I never heard Dr. Boyer's name mentioned in connection with this sub ject until the morning of the caucus, when.,l WAS ititrodti , t.4l to bits. By Mr Heine. How many interviews had you with Joon T Patterson, and what did he say to You 0 0 tbia eubjpot Witness. I had a m tment's interview with John,J. Patterson upon the portico in tront of li •rr'e Hotel, in wbiuh he inf.n med me. as a tnemher of the Republican caucus committee, the' Q-uern , CawtrQo would satisfy the com mittee before the meeting of the caucus that he could bs elected if nominated; this was about twenty minutes before I was invited to Patterson's room to see Dr. Boyer. By Mr. Raise. Was there any arrangement between you and Mr. Patterson to wait in your room to be called for to wait on Gen. Cameron to receive the assurance from him that he could be elected ? Witness. I said to Mr. Patterson at this in terview that it was near the time for the meet ing of the cattails, that the other members of the committee were not here owl had likely gone up to the caucus, and that I would detain a short time at my room, where I could be found if wanted. By Mr. Kaine. Did John J. Patterson call for you at your room shortly, and, if so, what did he say to you ? Witness. He called in a few minutes at my room, and said to me that General Cameron and a friend de3ired to see me al his (Patter sonee) room, of whioh he he gave me the num ber, on the next story above that I occupied, where I went and found General Cameron and Dr. Boyer as before stated. By Mr. Kaine. Did Mr. Patterson accom pany you to'fhe room indicated, and was he in the room at all during that interview ? Witness. He did not accompany me to the room, nor was he in the room during the in terview. By Mr. Keine. Who were in the room during that interview, and how long did the interview last? • Witness. General Cameron, Dr. Boyer and myself were in the room, and the interview lasted but a few moments. By Mr. Pershing. Was that interview soli cited of ypu as a friend of General Cameron, or as chairman of the Republican caucus com mittee ? Witness. It was as chairman of the Repub lican caucus committee. By Mr. Pershing. For what purpose ? IVitness. In order that I might convey to the caucus the evidence given to me of his availability for election, if nominated. SMITM FULLER. TESTIMONY OF ADAM WOLF. ADAM WOLF being duly MOM, testified as follows : By Mr. Wakefield. Where do you reside and what is your business at Harrisburg ? Witness. I,reside when at home in Schuyl kill county, and am here noting as a member of the House of Representatives. By Mr. Wakefield. Will you please state what you know, if anything, in regrd to im proper or unlawful means being used to secure the election of an United States Senator ? State fully all you know on that subject. Witness. Ido not know that there was any unlawful means employed ; about three or four days previous to the election of the United States Senator (one evening) I was called out of the bar room of the Brady House by a young man of the name of John Hammer; he spoke to me in regard to this Senator business, and to the best of my knowledge he asked me whether I would go for Simon Cameron pro viding F. W. Hughes, of Schuylkill county, was defeated for nomination in the Democratic caucus; we then had a good deal of conversa tion on that subject, and what was spoken by us both then I cannot recollect ; in his remarks John Hammer stated to me that I could make five thousand dollars by voting for General Simon Cameron, and that he could make a nice thing out of it; I told John that I had under stood Simon to be worth five millions, and that I would not vote for him for the whole ale; John then insisted upon seeing me at another time, as I was going away and had a friend waiting oa me; the next intimation in regard to that subject, there was a man from Schuyl- • kill county (Benj. Gouldey I think is his name) was relating to me about a very large lumber speculation down South ; he told me there was a good many thousand dollars in it which (mild be cleared there, provided he could find some person here with a capital who would purchase the land ; he asked me whether I knew a, man by the name of Harry Thomas, who resides in Harrisburg ; I told him I was not acquainted with the gentleman, but from hearsay ; he then asked me if my colleague, Mr. Graber, knew him ; I told him that Mr. Graber had told me he had seen him quite re cently and had had conversation with him, and from what Graber told me he knew him quite well; very soon after this conversation Mr. Graber came into our room - Mr. Gouldey was there ; we then had a good deal of conversation there on the war and different subjects; what all was said I cannot tell ; about the time that gentleman (Mr. Gouldey) was about to leave, be invited Mr. Graber and mysdlf to call that evening at Mr. Harry Thomas's house and meet him there ; we started to go there that evening and went akfar as the Parke House in com pany • with another man ; when Mr. •Graber started from there to go I made an excuse and did not go along ; the next morning, or a short time after that, I got a letter endorsed from Mr. Hammerahat he wanted to see me, I think, at his house; I did not g 9; the next morning after that, 'before or about 7 o'clock, this man Hammer came to the Pennsylvania House, where I board, and rapped at my door about the time I was getting up ; he told me he wanted me to go along with him ; I refused going in the first, place ; my reason for that was, I thought I knew what he wanted ; he insisted on my going along ; I told him I would first take breakfast ; he replied I could get it where we were going, as it was ready ; we then went down to Harry Thomas's; I was invited to take breakfast, and did so; Gen. Cameron came in, and I was introduced to him; he took a chair along side of me and took breakfast with me ; before I left the table the General got up and left ; there were severel men there, to the best of my knowledge, from Schuylkill County ; one or two of them were military men ; one of them spoke about this matter of voting for Cameron; he said there could be a nice thing made out of it—he was speaking to me ; I refused voting for Cameron on any con dition • the party then retired to the parlor, and Harry Thomas came to me ; he in the conversation said to me that I should go for General Cameron and I should be well paid ; he told, me to say how much I would take to vote for Cameron, and said I should put down the figures ; I declined taking anything at all ; we then went out into his parlor, and had some conversation, and I left ; in the prior we talked on other subjects; Mr. Gouldey was there. By Mr_ Keine. Were you at Mr. Henry Thomas's house more than once? Witness. No, sir. By Mr Keine. Did Mr. Hammer go into the house and remain with you there? Witness. Yes, sir. By Mr. Swine. Who introduced you to Simon Cameron there ? Witness. Ido not recollect which of the party did so. By Mr. Wile, Can you tell whether it was Mr. Hammer or Mr. Thomas Witness.. It was one of the two but I cannot tell which. . By Ur, tiins. Had you any other inter view or conversation with Mr. Thomas on this subject than the onp you have related? Witness None to my knowledge. • By Mr. %Line. How much did Mr Thomas say y ou Gould get for voting for Gen. Cameron ? PRICE TWO CENTS. Witness. He never stated any specific amount. By Mr. Kaine. Had you any other meeting or interview with Simon Cameron than the one at Mr. Thomas's ? Witness No, sir. By Mr. Brown. With the exception of the conversation between yourself and Mr. Thomas, were the other gentlemen of the party present during the conversation having reference to the election of United States Senator ? Witness. They were about, but I do not know whether they heard the conversation between me and the military man before re ferred to. By Mr. Brown. Did Gen. Cameron say any thing to you about voting for him Witness. Not a word, sir. a . • By Mr. Brown. For what reason did you suppose you knew what Mr. Hammer wanted you to go with him to Thomas's for? Witness. Because he, in a previous conver sation at the Brady House, had told me I could make $5,000 by voting for Simon Cameron. By Mr. Brown. What was the inducement for yoi to go with Mr. hammer to Mr. Thom as's house ? Witness. I had no other reason but because he insisted on my going down there. By Mr. Brown. Did you go there with the expectation that offers would be there made to you to vote for General Cameron ? Witness. I expected offers would be made. By Mr. Brown. Did you not know or be lieve that that was the very purpose for taking you' there ? Witness. I had reason to believe so from what my colleagues bad told me—Mr. Graber and Mr. Kerns. By Mr. Brown. Prior to your going to Mr. Thomas's, had you any conversation or con sultation with any one in regard to the propri ety of going there and throwing yourself in the way of General Cameron or his friends ? Witness. No, sir • it was no preconcerted plan for my going t here ; I went there of my own accord with an old friend from Schuylkill county, or formerly from there. By Mr. Brown. Prior to the election, did you know anything in regard to the course Mr. Boyer was pursuing. Witness. To the best of my knowledge the first that I knew was when this exposition of his came out in the paper. By Mr. Brown. Do you know of any can didate for United States Senator using money or making promises of place or advantage to secure a vote ? Witness. Not any but what I have stated previously ; I don't—l did not understand your question. • • By Mr. Brown. Who is Mr. Hammer, where does he live, and what is his business ? Witness. From a letter which I have, I see he signs himself John L. Hammer, and appears to be in the office of the secretary of the Com monwealth, and resides in this city. TESTIMONY Or CONRAD ORABER cowaew QRABER being duly sworn according to law, testifies as follows : By Mr. Koine. Where do you live, and what is your present business ? Witness. At Tuscarora, in Schuylkill county; I am at present a member of the Legis lature. By Mr. Keine. Will you stets. eir, if you know whether any improper influences, either direct or indirect, were had, or attempted to be had, to procure or induce any member of the Legislature to vote for any particular candi date for United States Senator ? State tally all you know in reference thereto. Witness. Two weeks before the session opened, Mr. Robert Ratliff, of Tamaqua, came to me at my store, and told me that Mr. Harry Thomas wished to see me' as soon as I would come to Harrisburg ; when. I came• to Harris burg Mr. Henry Thomas met me close at the Capitol and invited me to his house ; I went to his house with him; he then invited me again to come to his house that evening; in the eve ning I went to Mr. Harry Thomas's house and met there Mr. Kerns, of Schuylkill, (Edward Kerns, the member,) Mr. Benjamin Gbelman, of Schuylkill county, and Mr. John Hammer, of Harrisburg; I was there abort an hour when Mr. Harry Thomas said, " Gentlemen, I have the oysters ready for you ;" we . were invited to the dining room ; he had oysters cooked and raw, champagne, first-rate brandy, cakes and cheese, and a good many other luxuries; a toast was given by Mr. John Hammer, it was— " Here is to Simon Cameron for Senator—for the United States Senate ;" I raid my choice was Mr. Hughes : Mr. Harry Thomas said his choice was Mr. Cameron for the Senate; Mr. Hughes was a very good man, and would be his next choice after Mr. Cameron; Mr. Harry Thomas said,"Mr. Graber, I wish to see you in a private room ;" I went with Mr. Thomas into . a private room; Mr. Thomas asked me it I could do anything for Mr. Cameron; I told Mr. Thomas that I was sorry that he - had such a poor opinion of me ; that he knew I was elec ted as a Democrat, and could carry out nothing but Democratic principles ; Mr. Thomas said, "Graber, what does the Democratic party care about you after your time is over ? Mr. Cam eron has the control over a colliery where a man can make seventy -five thousand dollars a year; he would care nothing, and let the whole concern, mules and all, go, provided be could secure his election for United States Senator, and one vote might do it ;" " Mr. Thomas," I replied, "you have known me before for years, and you ought not to expect anything of this kind from me; " Mr. Thomas then excused him self very muc h, and asked me then to make my own fi ;urea if I could do anything ;" I told him I could not ; he told me then that this conver sation should be secret between me and him ; I told him that I would say nothing; we left the room and went out to the table again in the dining room ; we were there a short time. when Mr. Thomas asked Mr. Kerns, of Schuylkill county, a member of the Legislature, to go with him to a private room. as he wanted to see him ; they were away a while and then came back to the dining room ; I said, after they came back, that it was Vme to go home ; Mr. Kerns said he would go along; Mr. Thomas asked me if I was acquainted with General Caneron ; I told him no ; Mr. Thomas told me and Mr. Kerns, '•Gentlemen, I em just now going down to Mr. Cameron's—l wish you would go along, so that I could introduce you to the General ;" I excused myself, and told Mr. Thomas that I could not go ; we were de tained there a little while yet, then we started to go home ; in the entry Mr. Thomas asked us again to go down with him and see General Cameron ; I told him I o uld not go ; when the front door was opened Mr. Thomas said, "Gen tlemen, here is a two horse carriage for us, it will only take us a moment to go and see the General ;" I told him I could not go ; I saw the carriage standing at the door ; Mr. Thomas then said, "I hope, gentlemen, you will came to morrow morning, and take breakfast with me;" I told him . I wanted to go home in the morning; he told me breakfast would be ready early; Mr. Thomas asked us to cell at his house anyhow the next morning; we went home then; the next morning Mr. John Hammer came to my room and asked me to go down to Mr Thomas's house and take breaktiat ; I thanked him for the invitation, and told him I could not go; Mr. Hamer said, "Will you pleas, 19 SUNDAYS' NaCIPTID, BY 0. BARRETT & CO I TER DAILY PATRIOT .11111 UNION will be rerreffeeenb , scribers melding in the Borough for rur ours PIN WIEN, payible to the Carrier. Mail enbeeribers, Fyne mLLAU ?BR ANNUM.. TER WICENLY PASSIM' AND UNION iSpnbilihed at Two DOLLARS PRR ARNIM, invariably in advanpe. Ten eepie to one address,fifteen dollars. Connected with this establishment is an entenalva JOB OFFICE, containing a variety •of plain and. fancy type, unequal l ed 17 any estahliahnient in the interior or the iltate, for which the patronage of the publio L No • , !felted. • , call at Mr. Thomas's house when you go past there I said, "I will ;" I eelled at Mr. Thom as's house with Mr. Kerns, of Schuylkill; when I came there they were at breakfast; * Mr. Thomas asked me to take a drink; I told him I could not drink anything in the morning ; Mr. Thomas said, " Gentlemen, I make you ac quainted with General Cameron ;" this was before he asked us to drink; I told Mr. Thomas we would have to leave, as it was car time ; Mr. Thomas then.insisted on taking a drink ; I told him I could not take anything; Mr. Kerns then said, "I will drink for myself and Mr. Graber;" then we left for the cars; Gen eral Cameron was taking breakfast at Mr. Thomas's that morning ; Mr. Wolf, the mem ber from Schuylkill, was sitting on the - right band side of Mr. Cameron, taking breakfast also, and there• were other persons there ; this was after the meeting of the Legislature, and before the election of the United States Sena tor ; I never, at any time, had any engem-- flan with General Cameron ; I was well acquain ted with Mr. Thomas, Mr. Hatoliff and Mr. Hammer before I came to Harrisburg.; I at one time worked a colliery in Schuylkill county, of which Mr. Thomas was engineer for the com pany from which Graber & Wagner had leased. By Mr. Keine. What time in the. evening was it that the carriage was standing at Mr. Thomas's door? Witness. It was about bed time ; about ten o'clock; I cannot tell the -time exactly. EDWARD KERNS being duly sworn according; to law, testifies as follows : By Mr. Kahle. Where do you. reside, and what is your present business here. Witness. I reside in Schuylkill county, and: am here as a member of the Legislature. By Mr. Kaine. Were you present at the opening of the present session of the Legis late Lure, and if so, how long befoire 2 Witness. I was present at the opening and' a few days before ; I don't think more than two , days. By Mr. Kaine. After the meeting of the- Legislature, and before the election of United States Senator, were you -at the residenge of Mr. Henry Thomas, in this city, and if so, how often, and what other members of the Legisla ture were with you ? Witness. I was there twice; Flints there once at nightand then the next morning ; Mr. Oraber was there each time; when r went there first I went alone, but Mr. Graber came in a few moments afterwards ; the next .timo Mr. Graber went with me, and we' only stayed a few moments. By Mr. Koine. Oa the evening you passed at Mr. Thomas's had you and. Mr. Thomas any conversation on the subject of the election of United States Senator, and if so, what did he say to you ; give every word as near as you recollect, and what did you say. to him .'. you will state fully all that occurred on. that-sub ject ? ADAM WOLF. Witness. I don't recollect of Mr. Thomas saying anything at all on that subject that night; he did invite me to go to General Cam eron's By Mr. Kai. For what purpose: did• he invite you to go to General Cameron's ? Witness_ That Ido not recollect ;he said something to me about a contract on the Ly. kens Valley railroad ; I am a railroad oontrac tor. By Mr. Rhine. Did you eat supper at Mr Thomas's that night ? Witness. I did, sir. By Mr. Seine. During supper was anything said about the election of United States Sena tor, and if so, what ? Witness. The first that I heard anything said was a toast which was given, "To Simon Cameron, our next Senator ;" I then deolined drinking my wine, saying to the persons there that they might poison us ; this I said jo kingly; there was one of the party who had a glass of wine who said, in fun, "Here, Kerns, take mine, if you think there is poison is that," and I replied, "No, I will take no more• te• night " By Mr. gain. Did you, after supper, go into a private room with Mr. Thomas, and have a. private conversation with him on the subject of the election of United States Sena tor ? Witness. I went into a side room ; the-door was open ; I do not know that we had any con versation about United States Senator; . , the conversation was about having an interview with Simon Cameron the next morning. By Mr. Koine. Did you return to Mr. Thomas's the next morning, and if so, did you meet Mr. Cameron there ? Witness, Yes, sir; I returned the next morning, perhaps a half hour later than I had told him the night previous I would ;. Mr. Cam eron was . at the breakfast table,.and a. party of gentlemen at breakfast ; I only recollect the name of one—Mr. Wolf, my colleague. By Mr. Kaine. How did you first come to go to Mr. Thomas's house—by invitation, and from whom ? State particularly all about it. . Witness. By invitation from Mr. Thomas : he came to me in the hall of the House, and invited me to come down and have a glass of wine with him; that he knew of ea important piece of railway to be let, and wished to talk with me on the subject. By Mr. Keine. What conversation had you then afterwards with him OS the 'subject of the railway contract ? Witness. If we had any conversation it was that the contract was to be made the next morning at breakfast ; I declined coming to Intakfast. By Mr. Keine. What was the substance and purport of your OOtorettlat/011 on the subject of this railway contract ? Witness. The subject was that I would re alize something handsome out of the contraet, probably fifty thousand dollars. • By Mr. K.aine. Can you state definitely, where this railway was, and from who you were to get the contract? Witness. I cannot, sir ; that is' what I was trying to get at, as I wanted to mike fifty thousand dollars out of each a contract. By Mr. Kaine. You have said that your conversation with Mr. Thomas in the side room that evening had reference to going down to see General C:- . meron ; please state for• what purpose you were going to see Gen. Cameron ? Witness. Ido not recollect what was the purpose, unless it was about this railway con tr.ict ; and there was nothing said about the United States Senator. By Nix. Ktine. Did you understand from Mr. Thomas that Mr. Cameron had any control over this railway contract witness. I think not, sir. By Mr. Kaine. Did you understand from Mr. Thomas that Mr. Caineron could or would exercise any influence towards getting You this contract ? Wi+nese. I think there was something said in relation to that: By Mr. Boise Neale state what W Elsi 4 in reference to that Witness. I think that at our meeting the next morning the matter would be all ex plained, it was said By Mr. Seine. Was it understood between you awl Mr. Thomas that Mr. Cameron was to be present at the meeting the next morning I Witness. NO. sir, Mr. Cameroo's u(1411, vu PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, CONRAD GBAIMIV. TESTIMONY OP EDWARD /TERNS