Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, April 11, 1863, Image 2
tte ;ri atrial 47 Ruin, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 11,1863. 0 BARRETT & 00., PROPRIZTORI3. COlmmunisations will not be published is the Pswetosi ►ID Union unless soanapaolod with the woos of the author. W. W. Knossatntr, RN, of Towanda, is a dilly au thorised agent to collect accounts and receive subscrip tion and advertisements for this paper. MUMS IS, lift. S. AL PETTENGILL & CO., No. ST Park Roar DO hie our Agents for the Pismo., 1111 1141011 in those cities, and are authorised to take Advertisements and ihibusiptions for us at our Lowest Eons. FOR SALE• Aleeentlsend Arnim ParXElESplaten UM by Mashes id good order; can be worked either by head or steam power Terms moderate Inquire at this eines. To Members of the Legislature. 11140 DAILY PATRIOT AND 'UNION will be furnished to members or the LegisWore during the session at Two DOLLARS. Members wishing extra copies of the DAILY PATRIOT ADD ifineN, can procure them by leaving their orders at the publication office, Third street, or with our re porters in either House, the evening previous. TO THE PUBLIC. THA PATRIOT AND UNION and all its business operations will hereafter be conducted exclu fluty by 0. Basun= and T. a. Foxtratos, un der the firm of 0. Banns & Co., the comics :ion of H. F. Witeynolds with said establish ment having ceased on the 20th November, inst. NOVENBER, 21, 1862. DeinocraUe County Convention. By direction of the County Committee, the Democratic County Convention of Dauphin county will meet at Harrisburg on Tuesday, the 21st day of April, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Meetings for the selection of delegates to said Convention will be held in the several town ships on Saturday, the 18th April, between the hours of 6 and 7, p. m., and in the several towns and wards between the hours of 7 and 9, p. in., on said day, at the usual places of holding delegate meetings. CIEs. F. WRAVEII, • Secretary pro tem Harrisburg, March 28, 1863. " It Rust Come to illows.r, Such is the opinion of the valiant and patri otic Hessian of the Tc/eyraph—the Lincoln postmaster, enjoying the snug little income of $3,000 or $4,000 a year in salary and perqui sites. "It must come to blows between the loyal men of the free States and the traitors," &c.—meaning that there must be civil war here in the free North between the Abolition ists, who are styled " loyal men," and the Democrats, who are styled- traitors; and the Telegraph adds : " That time is here now, and the Mows are now about to be struck." And all this— the horrors of civil war, with all its inevitable atrocities—is to take place " now," because a 11. S. detective officer has arrested four simple minded citizens of Berks county on a charge of conspiracy to "abduct President Lincoln, estab lish a Northwestern Confederacy, and resist the conscription law." We have read the prelimi nary examination of the parties implicated— Messrs. Philip Haber, Augustus F. Illlg. Ga briel Filbert, sad Harrison Oxeneider—before 11. S. Commissioner Hazlett, and really, if it were not for the seriousness of the charge, made on the oath of a 11. S. detective, we should be inclined to treat it as the greatest farce that ever was played in a court of justice. Possibly the men may be guilty of violation of law, un doubtedly they acted unwisely and unpatrioti eally—but we cannot see in the circumstance any occasion for immediately prpipitating civil war. If the hessian insists on it, how ever, and brine it about. we rick him cut as our man in the etruggle. As soon as we can find room we shall publish the proceedings in the case alluded to, and let our readers see how small a thing it takes to frighten cowards out of their senses. In the meantime, if the Abolitionists are ready—if the time is really "here now "—let them strike. We do not court, but assuredly we shall not shun the contest—and remember, we clailn'the Hessian as the first subject upon which to try our ekill and prowess. A Vote of Confidence. The Washington Chronicle (Forney's) chuck les over the admission of the New York World, previous to the Connecticut election, .that a verdict in favor of Buckingham would be an endorsement of all the measures of theead ministration, and "would be regarded as a vote of confidence in the Cabinet." Well, we re gard it in that light. The World was right. Connecticut has endorsed the measures of the administration ; has expressed, by her vote, "confidence in the Cabinet," and Forney may rejoice over the fact. But how was it accom plished? By a fair, honest, uncontrolled vote of the people ? By no means. It was effected through the power of the Government and the arbitrary control of the elective franchise by soulless corporations. It is an achievement that rogues may glory in, but that honest men and true patriots would blush to claim. The Government furloughed thousands of Abolition soldiers and sent them home to vote for Buck ingham, refusing the same privilege to Demo cratic privates who would have voted for Sey mour, and the corporations threatened all their workmen with instant dismissal if they refused to vote as directed. In that manner Connecti cut was carried for the administration—in that manner only could it have been carried. If it is a subject of congratulation, let the Aboli tionists throw up their caps, fire the big guns, and shout to the utmost capacity of their lungs. It is in their line of business to resort to and commend every species of villainy that tends to strengthen their power and fill their pock et; and no one is aetoniaked that they are ex static' over results obtained by means that would mantle the cheeks of honesty with Slashes of shame. NNW ENGLAND FEDERALISM AND MODERN Anoirriomen.—The Rochester (New York) Union says : "It is a rather significant fact that the leader of New England Federalism in 1812-14—the limn most prominent in opposition to the em bargo end the war; the man who as a Repre sentative in Congress voted for all the meas ales aredicated noon the then approaching war, but against the war itself; the man- who reported the infamona raseintion denying a tot . Of thanks to Cep►ain Lawrence for the esittsze of the Peacock; the maw w h o was and 6 State St., Seaton, among the originators of the slavery agitation; the man who, on the admission of Louisiana, declared it 'the right of all' and the duty of some of the States to prepare for separation, amicably if they can, violently if they must'— it is a rather significant fact that Josiah Quin cy lives to-day, and is an honored leader of the ultra radicals!" Jacksonville Burned. That little negro raid of General Hunter's, which Greeley announced some time ago with a devilish glee that horrified the whole country, has accomplished its Christian mission in Flori da, and returned to Rilton Head. We have not yet learned the full extent of the excesses com mitted by them and their white Yankee compan ions in arms from Maine and Connecticut ; but this much has reached us : they have burned the town of Jacksonville—committed to the flames an entire village, and turned the inhab itants, weak women and innocent children, adrift upon the world, without a bed to rest upon or a roof to cover them. Where was Higgenson, that "mild mannered man as ,ever scuttled ship or cut a throat"—where was the Jayhawker, Montgomery, the Kansas horse thief, (prominent leaders of the "black bri gade")—when Col. Rust ordered his " white trash," the Yankee Abolitionists from Connec ticut and Maine, to apply the incendiary torch and lay in ashes the most flourishing town of Florida ?—a town, too, which the Abolition journals confess was inhabited chiefly by. loyal people. Where were these trusted lieutenants of the negro-organizer Hunter—these Christian commanders of the expedition, which Greeley told us was about to "fall, sudden and irresis tible as an avalanche, where preparation and defence are alike impossible"—when Jackson ville was in flames, and the wretched inhabi tants fleeing from their blazing homes ? Pro bably looking quietly on, witnessing with fiendish joy the consummation of their pur• pose. And what if they were ? Are we to blame them, or those who sent them—the adminis tration, as whose agent they acted ? The New York Evening Post and Philadelphia Bulletin had better restrain their affected in dignation at this outrage. It is the inevitable result of their own savage and bloody teaching —it is in strict accord with the barbarous doc trines the administration and its presses have been sedulously inculcating. When they send forth from their eldete articles deliberately prepared, advising extermination, devastation, confiscation and conflagration, what milder measures can they relit' )nally expect from care less, thoughtless soldiers in the field, hardened by the cruel scenes they daily witness ? Did not these and kindred journals adtise the bur ning of Baltimore ? Have they not threatened that one stone should not be left upon another of Charleston? have not their Congtess passed confiscation acts and their President approved them ? Have they not practiced the 'seizure and incarceration in vile prisons of innocent citizens, torn rudely from the embraces of their families without warrant of law ? and have not their military chieftains expatriated, with out trial, thousands whom they merely sus pected of disloyalty ? Has not the whole policy of this administration been despotic, cruel, bloody, oppressive, unwise, unchristian and unnatural ? Why, then, single out this single instance of the destruction of Jacksonville, the least, probably, among a thousand other atrocities approved by them, or passed over in silence ? We tell these gentlemen of the Abo lition press that their howl of affected indig nation is ridiculous. They will be laughed at by those who have watched their course and read their bloody disquisitions on the enormi ty of the rebellion and the proper modes of crushing it, for this unlooked for display of squeamishness at the eleventh hour, when the engines of torture and destruction which they have recommended are all prepared and the screws and pulleys just beginning to work. Gentlemen, if you sicken at your own prescrip tions—if you cannot look upon blood and car nage, conflagration and devastation with com , posnre, shut your eyes, clench your teeth, brace your nerves, turn away from the scenes that legitimately spring from your infernal doctrines —but hold your tongues and keep your pens from paper if you would not become the butt and scorn of the world. "God save the country and the cause where such things are done in its name S and by its friends," exclaimstheEveningPost. "This is the most outrageous act committed by Union troops since the war began. * - R . * Some miscre ants from the white regiments set fire to the Lawn in various places, and in a little while nothing was left of Jacksonville but heaps of smoking ruins," says the Bulletin; and it adds farther, "the Government owes it to itself and to the country to have this matter investiga ted." To the exclamation of the Post we respond amen But with what consistency can either of these journals deprecate barbarisms which themselves have taught the people and the sol diers to look upon as merited inflictions upon a rebellions population ? What would be the difference to the inhabi tants of Jacksonville whether their property were confiscated or burned ? In either case their lot would be the same. Confiscation would dispossess them of home and the com forts of home—fire, though a more summary process, conid inflict no greater injury. We advise the gentlemen of the Abolition press to keep calm—to look with less horror and more complacency upon their own deeds which, however inhumane and revolting to others, should not appal them if they are sin cere believers in the doctrines they have preached. Men who will advocate negro exped;tions got up by such men as Hunter, and officered by the Higgensons and Montgomerys of the white camp, should not squirm at their results. But we are told that it was not the negro brigade, but the Maine and Ccunecticut troops under Rust that fired Jacksonville. There is so little, if any, difference between a Yankee Abolition ist and a full•blooded negro in sentiment and disposition, that we fail to perceive the dis tinction. They were all together, negrecs and Yankees, in the expedition, and Higgenson was the commander. R was a genuine Abolition raid, conducted on Abolition principles, and the Post and the Bulletin are as guilty as the parties who applied the torah and howled over the devilish work committed to them and which their bands so well performed. The devil may still have other atrocities in store for the negro and Yankee troops to com mit—deeds of conflagration, violation ani ex termination—deeds abhorrent to Christianity, and diagracefel to human nature.. But, what wirer may be their enormity, we trust our cul tivated, refined, exclusively patriotic Abolition friends will not again stultify themselves by any display of even mock sympathy and indig nation. Let them accept tha work as it has been laid out for them, and do it or see it done without question or doubt. By the way, "while our hands are in," we will take the liberty to ask our contemporaries what they think of the little holiday amuse ment Gen. Milroy proposes to indulge himself and army in after they shall have finished the war against the Confederates ? An extract from his letter, with the comments of the Lou isville Journal, are appended, on which we ask the opinion of the Post, the Bulletin, and other Abolition journals now in deep mourning over the destruction of Jacksonville. This threat ened wholesale massacre of General Milroy is another consequence of the doctrines and po licy of Abolitionism, on which we desire to have the calm judgment of the now seemingly repentant Abolition press. [From the Lonietille Journal.] The Abolitionists are greatly delighted with Gen. Milroy's letter in relation to the action of the Democratic members of the late Legisla ture of Indiana. Here is the closing paragraph of the letter: I join with my fellow soldiers of the 'Union everywhere in warning these traitors at homto that when we Ave crushed armed treason at the SouttEand restored the sovereignty of our Gov ernment over these misguided States (which, under God, we will surely do) we will, upon our return, while our hands are in, also exter minate treason at the North, by arms, if need be, and seal, by the blood of traitors, wherever found, the permanent peace of our country and the perpetuity of free government to all future generations. R. H. MILROY. Mark this language. Gen. Milroy warns "these traitors at home" (referring expressly to such "traitors" as the Democrats of the In. diana Legislature), that, as soon as the South ern rebellion is piit down, be and his troops upon their return, and while their hands are in, exterminate by force of arms treason at the North (such treason as that of the Indiana Legislature), and seal a peace by the blood of the traitors. Be it observed that Milroy and his troops, according to his statement, are to do all this butchery, not after awaiting the ac tion Of Civil or judicial authorities, but at once on their return from the South, before they are disbanded, "while their hands are in." The threat or notification or whatever it may be is infamous and shocking. The idea of an army's returning from a successful war, and, with their grasp upon their country's weapons unrelaxed, proceeding to decide for themselves what is treason and what classes of politicians and civilians are traitors and exterminate the treason and the traitors by a general massacre, is atrocious and revolting beyond expression. We had not supposed that the most black hearted Abolition fanatic or lunatic in all this land or in all the world could put forth or en dorse any threat or suggestion of a thing so unutterably horrible. We have no apprehension that any ef our Federal troops, even any of those under Gen. Milroy's immediate command, could ever be persuaded to undertake such a devilish work as he threatens. General News Nothing conclusive yet from Charleston. By the arrival at New York, on the 9th, of the transport Fairhaven, Acting Master Moses, from Port Royal, we have the following intelli gence: The bomardment of Fort Sumpter by the iron dads began on Monday. Captain Moses of the Fairhaven, brings in telligence from Captain Steedman that Admiral Dupont had, on the 3d of April, proceeded to Charleston with the following iron-clads:- 1. New Ironsides (flagship,) Commander Thos. Turner; 2. Patapsco, Captain D. Ammen ; 3. Catskill, Captain George W. Rogers; 4. Mon tauk, Capt. J. L. Worden; 5. Passaic, Capt. P. Drayton ; 6. Weehawken, Capt. Jno. Rodgers ; 7. Keokuk, Commander A. G. Rhind ; 8. Na hant, Captain John Downes ; Q. Nantucket, Commander D. N. Fairfax. Off Stono Inlet Captain Moses saw our army transport fleet and iron-clads anchored inside. Ile also saw the Ericsson lying aft the inlet, with a float lying astern. An English officer who left Charleston on the 28th of March gives it as his opinion that the city is as well defended as time and the means of the rebels would allow, but is by no means impregnable. Many of the implements of war upon which they in some measure rely, such as submarine batteries and torpedoes, are com paratively new and untried inventions, the ef fects of which connot be estimated. It is his opinion that, Ville Union iron-clads can resist the batteries and forts and pass within shel ling distance of the city, it can be taken or de stroyod. He thinks it madness to attempt to take it by a land force ; there are so many difficulties of ground and fortifications to over come, he thinks we have not men enough to do it. The Richmond Sentinel, April 8, believes "that the long expected attack had COMMEneed, and that the enemy were bombarding Sump ter." The Whig, of the same date, announces that the Federal "gunboats and transports had succeeded in crossing the bar, and were at an chor; " and that the Confederate " iron-clads lay between the forts, quietly awaiting the attack!' No official intelligence from Charles had been received at Washington up to mid night Thursday, but entire confidence was expressed that the attack on Charleston would prove successful. From Vicksburg we have the following : A dispatch from Young's Point, April 8, says several transports laden with troops and Gen. lilletes marine brigade and one iron -clad, star ted up stream this morning. There is no pros pect of active operations before Vicksburg for some time. A new canal, eight rniieS log, is being cut three miles above the Point, to empty into the Mississippi below Warrenton. Three dredges and the African brigade are at work on it day and night. Admiral Farragut still holds the river between Vicksburg and Port Hudson. The Queen of the West is up the Red river. Admiral Porter and Gen. Grant are reconnoitering up the Yazoo. General Steele's divisslon has landed at Greeneville, Mississippi, the object being to co • operate in the Yetlitetion of Fort Pemberton. A rebel account from Fort Pemberton, April 5, says, however, that our troops embarked the previous night and in the morning were in rapid retreat. Somewhat muddled are the amounts from that region. New Orleans reports to Ist April say that General Banks crossed with ten thousand men at Donaldsonville, and has gone down by Pla quemine bayou to reinforce Gen. Weitzel and attack the Bayou Teethe country. Colonel Boone surprised the rebels at Wood ward, Tennessee, on the Bth, recaptured cur stores, and took several prisoners. &yore skirmishing took place the next morning.— Colonel Boone pursued the rebels fifteen tulles. General Copeland, of General Stahl's divis ion, made a successful raid to Aldie, Middle burg and Ropersville, in Loudon county, Va., in which he captured some seventy rebels and ever one hundred horses. The Preeident•paid a visit to the Army on the Rappahannock on Sunday, and had a re view of the army by brigades. Rebel dispatches from Chattanooga say that a Union force of 15,000 men is advancing on Columbia, and that a battle is imminent. By telegraph yesterday afternoon: The Richmond Whig of the 9th contains a dispatch dated Vicksburg, 7th. April, which says : The enemy [Unionists] are withdraw ing their troops from the Peninsula. Yester day all their tents were struck. • Four large transports have gone up the river loaded with troops. The enemy cut the levee and turned the water into their old camping ground. A rebel dispatch from Jackson, Miss., April 7, says : Farragut, with three vessels, is above Port Hudson. He signalled the lower fleet, but none of his vessels have gone down the river yet. Vicksburg will be attacked this week. The Federals have contracted their lines at Memphis. The Hartford landed at Bayou Sara this morninz and destroyed the Govern ment stores there. The lower fleet has opened fire lying out of reach of our batteries. THE ATTACK ON CHARLESTON. We have rebel information of the attack on the fortifications of Charleston and the repulse of our fleet. A Fortress Monroe dispatch of the 10th Pays : Yesterday's Richmond lVhig contains Charleston intelligence to the 7th, as follows : The attack has commenced. Four iron-clads out of seven in the Yankee fleet are engaged. Heavy firing took place from the fleet and from the forts, Sumpter and Moultrie and Morris Island. The Ironsides was hit and run ashore, but got off and was carried out of range. At 2.9 the Monitors and Ironsides opened fire at a distance of 3000 yards. At 2.80 the fire was incessant on both sides till five o'clock, when it gradually diminished.— The fire was concentrated on Fort Sumpter. The Ironsides and Keokuk withdrew at 4 o'clock, apparently disabled. Intense excite ment prevails in the city. Our Monitors have gone out to take part. Our casualties, brie boy killed and five men badly wounded is Sumpter. The other batteries have not been heard from. April Bth-1.30 p. m.—Seven turreted iron-clads and the Ironsides are with in the Bar, and twenty-two blockading vessels off the Bar. The Keokuk is sunk on the beach off Morris' Island. There is no disposition apparent to renew the conflict. We must not remember that this information comes from the Charleston rebels through a rebel Richmond paper, and, remembering this, make due allowance—but still, we fear it is too true. We were apprenensive of such a result, and will be surprised to find it fully confirm ed by our next accounts. Yet we hope it may be otherwise. A San Francisco dispatch, April 10,says that General Wright has issued a proclamation, which concludes as follows : "Although the great mass of the people on the Pacific coast are eminently patriotic and devoted to the Union, yet, fellow citizens, we must not disguise the fact that wo have traitors in our midst, who are doing all in their power to involve their country in the horrors of a civil war. To such persens I say, pause and reflect well before plunging into the yawning abyss of treason. An indignant people will rise in their majesty and swift retributive justice will be your certain doom." PEEN'A LEGISLATURE SENATE. FRIDAY, April 10, 1863. The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock by the SPEAKER. Mr. WILSON introduced a bill to prevent banks, banking associations and other corpo rations from depreciating the currency of the United States. Mr. M'OANDLESS offered a resolution ma. king the bill from the House, imposing a fine upon those exempts from the draft from con scientious scruples, the special order for this afternoon. Not woo to—yeas 14, nays 17. The bill to enable soldiers to vote by proxy passed finally—yeas 17, nays 13. The supplement to the 13th and 15th Streets passenger railway company passed finally— yeas 22, nays 5. The bill imposing a tax upon bankers and brokers came up in order, and was postponed for the present. The bill to prevent the obstruction of rail road crossings by locomotive engines and cars was negatived. The supplement to the act of 1862, provi ding for the adjudication and payment of cer tain military claims, passed finally—yeas 20, nays 11. Mr. CONNELL called up the bill from the House to validate certain conveyances made by married women since the 11th of April, 1848, which passed finally. Mr. GRAHAM called up the House bill to prohibit the use of deleterious drugs in the manufacture and sale of liquors, which passed finally. Mr. KINSEY called up the bill in relation to actions of ejectment, which raised finally. The Senate resumed the consideration of the report of the committee of conference on the volunteer bounty bill, which was agreed to. —yeas 21, nays 11. So the bill has finally passed both Houses. Mr. JOHNSON called up house bill 816 to encourage the extension of lateral railroads, which passed finally. Mr. RIDU WAY ogled up House bill 388, supplement to the Fairmount Passenger rail way, which passed finally. Mr. DONOVAN called up the bill to incor porate the German Roman Catholic, liturgy in stitute of Philadelphia, which passed finally. M. STEIN called up the bill to incorporate the East Ponnsylvahis iron company, which passed finally. . Adjourned. • AFTERNOON SESSION The Semite met at 3 o'clock. Mr. CLYMER called up the supplement to the charter of the city of Reading, which passed finally. Mr. STEIN called up the bill incorporating a company to erect a bridge across the Lehigh river at Schuylkill Forge, which passed finally. Mr. HIESTAND called up the bill to autho rize noth ries public to take acknowledgments of deeds and other instruments of writing, which passed to third reading. Mr. CONNELL introduced a supplement to the act to extend the width of Chatham street and open part of Tioga street in the city of Phila. Passed finally. The bill to incorporate the Frankford and Holmesburg railroad company passed finally. The bill authorizing insane convicts to be sent from certain counties to the Western Tenn eplvania Hospital, passed finally. Adjourned. EVENING SESSION. The Senate met at 7} o'clock. The bill to incorporate the Philadelphia public bathing company pissed finally. Mr. RN ILLY called up the bill to repeal an act to earure the greater accountability of ear tain public officers in Schuylkill county, which passed fivally—yeas 15, nays 12. Mr. SERRILL called up the bill to exempt from taxation the Eastern Pennsylvania Bible House. Passed finally. Mr. STEIN called up the supplement to the Pennsylvania and Lehigh Link company. Passed finally. The Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth being introduced, presented a message from the Governor, nominating F. C. Penniman, of Wayne, and John H. Briggs and Jacob C. Bom berger, of Dauphin, se Trusteees of the State Lunatic Hospital. Also, a message nominating Charles R. Co burn' of Bradford, for Superintendent of Com mon Schools. The bill to exempt the property of the Franklin Institute from taxation passed finally. The bill to incorporate the Edgerly cem etery company passed finally. The vote by which the bill to prevent frauds Upon travelers was negatived, was reconsidered, and the bill coming again before the Senate it was passed to third reading and laid over. Adjourned• HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FRItTAY t April 10, 1863 The whole session was occupied in the con sideration of bills on the private calender, (numbering one hundred and thirty-five,) without reaching second reading. AFTERNOON SESSION. LOSSES IN THE LATE REBEL RAID. Senate substitute for. the House bill for the payment of claims arising from the loss of horses and other property in the October raid on the border by the rebels. [The House bill provides for the direct payment of claims ari sing from the loss of horses and other property at the hands of the Pennsylvania militia; and the Senate substitute provides that a commis sioner shall be appointed to report these dam ages to the Governor, who shall report them to the next Legislature with grounds for the different claims.] Mr. JACOBY moved to amend the Senate substitute by adding after horses the words wagons, teams, forage and other property, in eluding printing and other services. Agreed to. Concurred in, as amended. The consideration of bills on the private calender was then resumed, Adjourned. MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, April 10 Flour dull, with little export demand ; sales of 500 barrels Western extra family at $7 37i 6 7 50, $6 @6 25 for superfine, $6 So®7 for extra, $7 12-I®,B for extra family, and $8 25 (0,8 75 for fancy lots. Rye flour is selling at $5 75©6. Corn meal dull and unchanged.— Wheat quiet; sales of 2,000 bushels Penna. red at $2 6501 68, and 1,300 bushels . Delaware red at $1 70 ; white at $1 7501 85. Rye is scarce and commands $1 10. Corn in good demand, and sales of 4,000 bushels are reported at 89c. afloat. Oats is selling at 80@,83c. Provisions inactive ; salds of mess pork at $l5 50016 ; 100 casks hams at 11012 c., and 280 tierces lard at 11c. Whisky quiet ; sales of Penna. and Ohio barrels at 47®48c. NEW Thaw, April-10. Flour heavy ; 7,000 barrels sold at $6.10e 0.50 for State ' - $7.2007.30 for Ohio, and $7. 07.40 for Southern. Wheat dull ; sales unim portant; Chicoga Spring, 1.38®1.60. Corn heavy ; sales of 30,030 bushels at 86®00c.- 13eef dull. Pork heavy Lard dull. Whiskey dull at 450@461e. Stocks are better; Chicago and Rook Island, 8910 Cumberland Coa1,11171; La Crosse and Milwaukee, 32; Michigan Southern 99. Read ing, 88 0 ; Missouri 6's, 61; Gold 1461; Trea sury 7 3.10 105; Coupon 6's, 1051. Flour very dull and heavy; superfine steady. Wheat and corn scarce and unchanged. Whis key dull and depressed, and prices nominal. Groceries are very quiet. SPECIAL NOTICES. A Friend in Need. Try it. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT is pre pared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, - of Connec ticut, the great bone setter, and has been used in his practice for the last twenty years with the most aston ishing success. As an &itemsl remedy it is without a rival, and will alleviatr pain more speedily than any other preparation For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for Sores,w ounds, Sprains, Bruises, &c., its soothing, heal ing.gind powerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given it a trial Over four huntlrtd certificates of re• markable cures, performed by it within the last two years, attest this fact. See advertisement. aplleow- da:w NEW Itbuttligetnentri. *** DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, EEO GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIPP NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS & WOUNDS, PILES. lIEADACRE, and ALL RBEU DIATIC and NERVOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it is a speedy and certa 4 n remedy, and never fails This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the fa mous bone setter, and has been used in his practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing suc cess. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OP PAIN, it is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, BRETT- M&TIO tiISORDIIRS of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it has been used it has never been known to fail. RJR NEURALGIA, it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst Lases of HEADACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also w:11 it cure instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEDILITS" AND GEhr.ERAL LASSITUDE, ariFing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a moat happy and unfailirg remedy. Act. inz directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PTJ. es,—A R all external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to pre, duce an equal. Every victim if this distressing com plaint hould give it'a trial, for it will not fail to afford immediate relief, and in a majority of cases will effect a radical cure. Qtrnvsy awl S ORE THROAT are sometimes ex tremely malignant awl daogerona, but a timely applica tion of this Liniment will never fail to cure. S PR 4 INS are Nometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days _ _ BRUISES. CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ITLCRRS, BURNS and SCAL DS, yield readily to the wonderful healing propertier. of DR. SWEET'S INFAbLIBLE LIND! RNT, when used accordion. to direetione. Also, CHTLBLA Wu. FIi°STED FEET, and. INSECT BITES and STINGS. EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance .of Lameness will effectua' ly pre vent. those formidable diseases to which all horses are liable and which render so ntany othetwlse valuable horses nearly worthless. Ovr tour hundred voluntary testimonials to the won derful curative properties of this Liniment have been received within the last two years and many of them from persona in the bigheat ranks cf C UTION. To avoinmposit'on, observe the Signature and LIAO. sees of Dr Stephen Sweet on every label, and also '• Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment blown in the glass of each bottle, without which *.one are genuine. DIOR +RDSON & CO., Pole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. For sale by all dealers. aptleow-d&w BLINDS & SHADES, B. J. WILLIAMS, N 0.16 North Sixth street, Phila delphia, Matsui &starer of VENETIAN BLINDS and WILADOW SHADES. the r low T es he p la ri r cgeesst and n fi d n s e spta ansste o d rt mann t t r n mm e deyu at to new. Store Shades made aid lettered. mr3,-2md A. DAVIS, BLL POSTER. Circulars, &e., carefully and promptly distributed. U:r Residence, South above Second attest. BALTIMORE, April. 10 AUCTION. --The great sale of Fruit , Shade and Evergreen Trees, Planta, Vines an 4 Flowers, from the celebrated Nursery of Darlington Co.. Wept Chester, will come 011 on Saturday neat, 10 o'clock. in the lower Market. splo-21.* A FSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—The account, A of Dr. David C. Heller, assignee of Phillip Peck, and Farah, bis wife, of East Hanover township, h as been fllsd in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county. and wtil be confirmed on .the 12th day of M ar, 180, UDIPES cause be shown to the contrary. ap9-02t1tw J. O. YOUNG, Prothonotot 7. THE Stoelholders of the Union road and Mining Company are hereby notifoli that an election for seven Directors will be beld at tbo Mee of Wi Mem • Buehler, Walnut street, on Saturday, may 2d, 1863, at 2 o ' clock, p. Ea: _ _ HENRY MTORMICR, • Secretary and Treasurer Harrisburg, April 4th,1863-ap9-ditwte REWARD.—Any person finding the discharge of Marx Wolf will receive the abo a reward, by leaving it at the Cotton Factory Hos pital, with Dr. Schultz. ap9-24,e WANTED—A good Ccok at the M'Clibl lan House, on the railroad. near the Rolling Mill. To a person properly qualified, liberal wages wilt be given. apB-3t* G IRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelphia. likir NO MARINE RISKS TAKEN. CAPITAL $200,060, This CoMpany has successfully conducted business for a long term of years, and paid its losses promptly. Its means of paying are ample, and the indemnity promised by our policy cure. THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLET, Vice President. Jas. B. ALVORD, Secretary. 11;11.. PARSONS, 110 Market street, Agent. apB -Star 1 .11 T\WELLING HOUSE FOR SALE.-_ The subscriber offers for sale his three-story brick DWELLING ROUSE, on Second street, below Cherry alley, Harrisburg. ALSO—A part of hie WHARF, on canal, above Fors ter's ?venue sp6-dlw* MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD ALL PEN.-FIRST QUALITY WARRANTED. NONE NETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD A GREAT LUXURY! PI IREIOIIO In want of at i rTerior and really good GOLD FIN will find with me a large assortment to select from, and have the privilege to exchange the Pens until their hand is perfectly suited. And if by fair means the Dia mond points break off during twelve months, the pur chases shall have the privilege to select a new one, without any charge. I have very good told Pews, made by Mr. Morton, not warranted, in strong silver-plated eases, for $l, $1.25, $1.60, $2.00 Por sale at MUTTER% BOOKSTORE, N& 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pe THE NATIONAL ALMANAC AND ANNUAL BZOOBD for 1868. for sale at SOBBFFER'S BOOKSTORE. OL AR MATCHES! NO SULPHUR! NO SMELL! NIFTY GROSS of the above Superior Matches feat ceived, and for sale by • WM. DOCK, Ja., Bc. MESSRS. CHICKERING & CO. HAYS AGAIN OBTAINED THE G O L D • 111 E D A_ IL AT TUN MECHANICS' FAIR, BOSTON, WELD THE PASCIIDING WEEK, OVER sErry COMPETIT9iM Wareroom for the =TWINNING PIANOS, at rl4.rrie burg, at 82 Market street, 0023-tf W. KNOWER'S MUSIC STOR.Z. FPIANOS carefully packed or removed by R. WARD, Air2B-2w 12 North Third sircet. BROOMS, BRUSHES, TUBS AND BASKETS of all descriptions, qualities and prices, for sale by WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. ROBBERY OF ADAMS' EXPRESS FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD. BALTIMORS, March 10, 1563, The safe of the Adams Express Company was robbed on Wednesday night between Baltimore and liariis burg. It contained various sums of money in currency and gold, a large number of United States certitieetes of indebtedness, Unit, d States five-twenty bonds. and cheeks of the United states Treasurer on the Asalef ant Treasurer of New York, payable to the order of the Adams Express Company. A reward of Five Thoucand Dollars is offered by the Company. The public are re ferred to the list of the numbers of the Bonds and cer tificates published by the Company, and are Cautient'd not to negotiate any of them : Foar United States Certificates of Indebtedness. 5 5 .• 000 each, numbers 2.1 ,449, 2i,450, 21,451, 21,453. 48 United States Certificates, of $l,OOO each Nes. 59,842, 59,343, 59,341. - Nos. 59,212, 09,218. No. 59,199. Nos. 59,203, 59,204 59,2t5, 59,208. Nos. 59,200, 69,201,59,202. • Nos. 59.148, 59.149. Nos. 59,148, 59,147. Nos. 59 131. 59,130, 59,129. Nog. 59,247, 59,248. Nos. 59,190, 59,191, 59,192, 59,193. Nos. 59,332, 59,333, 59,334, 59,335. • Nos. 59,335, 59 318, 89,319. Nos. 59,820, 59 , 321, 69,322, 59,323, 59,024. Noe. 59 317, 59.325. Nos. 60 302, 69,803, 69,304, 59,305. Nos. 58,979, 59,088, bo,oeo, 59,070. Ten 5-20 United States. Bonds, Nos. 18,110 to 13,1 ii inclusive. The following cheeks of F#E. Spinner, Treasurer d 13., on Assistant Treasurer, New York, rayablo the order of the Adams Frpress Company : Check No. 856, for $lOBO, for ac. G. W.Felix, Cincinnati. " 859 " 2098 13 " T. B& T. Gibson, " 855 " 1080 " Conrad & Wagner, " 886 ca 400 " Wilson & Hayden, •• " 865 " 3220 , c A. Bohlen, 804 J. Stollits l & Oo - 867 " 404 " Geo Joap, " 888 " 488 37 "J W Wagner &Co " " 858 " 2045 "H. Morton, Bt. Louie. c; 361 " 1507 40 " R. V. Barry, " The public are cautioned not to negotiate any of th. 3 above bends or certificates. HENRY BANFORD, Superintendent Adams' Express Company , mar24•dlm Ey WANTED.—One first rate Cabi ari net Maker and two or three good laboring men wanted. Steady work and cash pay every two weeks. Apply at the mr3l-1 w RAGLS WORKS. BAR L t o h o e ,,s LODl 1 . 00 000 MANUFACTURING POUDRET r rE. 130 South IVarres, Philadelphia, Pa. This company, with a capital of 2150,000, the inoe i extensive works of the kind in the world, and an expe rience in manufacturing of over 23 years, with u rep=-t , having also the exclusve award of all the ug night soil of the great city of New i York, prepared to furnish an article, which is, without on tt, the Cheapest and very best fertitizer in market. Ii greatly increases the yield, and ripens the crop from tw3 to three weeks earlier, at an expense of from three : 3 four dollars per acre, with little or no labor. FIFTY TONS OF BONE TAFEL!, being a mixture of bone and night soil ground fine, at 145 per ton--44 perior article for grain and grass. Price of POOL BETTE, $1 00 per barrel. Seven barrels and e" delivered free of charge. A. pamphlet containing 5 : 1 necessary information, may be had free by addressing letter to the subscriber. MES T. Care of the Lodi Manufacturing Company. fe3l9-ar2m GO Courtlend at.. New York MEW ORLEANS SUGAR I-•--F113,8T 1:4 LI ma KARIM !—For sale by Jrl2 WET. DOCK, Is_ & CO. TINDOW SHADES of lineu p gilt v bordered; and PAPER BLINDS of an euttleo variety of designs and ornaments; also, CURTAIN FIXTURES and TASSELS at very low prime. Call At Schetrees Bookstore. G - REWsr CORN.—WINSLOW'S frail Green Corn just received by Will. DOCK. ,Tn,, 8c CO. _ THET FINEST STOCK OF 'ON GRAPII ALBUMS, POET FOLIOS, oenD-CAGE', POCKET-BOOKS. for sq.- at Selietrires Bookstore, WHITE B RANDY!! I—FoR PREsErt,V nit' Pearce:ls6.—A very . superior article, (wield pared just received sad for sale by inlyl Wit. DOCK, Jr,. & Co. I'EPLENDID ABSOR T ME N OF LITHOGRAPHS, Formerly retailed at from $3 to $6, ere now rifered 60 and 75 emits, and $ 1 and $l. 50—quhltehed by the .Aft• Voter), and formerly retailed by them, Oplendid Phororraphio Album( Pictures of all disi 4,- refilled men and Generale of the army, at only 10 ov. For male at 8 0 FIEFFICIVEI Rookelore, 18 Market street, HarriabutT • W. BARR, Auctioneer GEO. W. HARRIS