Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, April 11, 1863, Image 1

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Viir lines or less eonstitnte half a square. Ten linos
e• mare than four, constitute a square.
ill!f eq., one day-- $0 30 One eq.. one day...». $0 60
.4 one week.... 120 oae week.... 200
one month.. 300 one month.. 6 (.0
three mouths 600 " three months 10 00
di months.. 800 1, AZ MOnthil• •15 00
one year ..... 12 00 " oneyear --- 20 oo
7 1:3^ SUBMOBB notices inserted in the LOCAL Comma,
r , vf marriages and deaths, TEN CENTS PER LINE for
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sertion. To merchants and others advertising
tv , eie year, liberal terms will be offered.
"17 - The number of inHaritiona must be designated on
a drertioement.
alarriages and Deaths will be inserted at the Same
rtes as regular advertisements.
flt atriot tt• Riot
TEstli(owr OF CHAS. n., EARLEY.
3y Mr. Wakefield. Will you please state if
know anything in regard to Mr. Boyer's
:aterviews and arrangements with Simon Cam
rm his friends in relation to the election
, the United States Senator?
Vitness. The first thing that I knew, on
return from Philadelphia, the Monday pre
:oar to the organization of the Legislature,
Myer said to me .he had seen one of Simon
•' , .nieron's agents; that this agent (Brobst) had
I •2proached him, and on asking him if he was
, t aborired by General Cameron to do so, Brobst
;1 1,1 said he was; Boyet had inquired of Brobst,
rho he was then negotiating. eith, and Brobst
:LI him to wait until he would see him again,
:wring the course of the afternoon, and it
N ight be he could then tell him ; Boyer then
AA he had a notion to draw Probst on, and
,earn wbo he was negotiating with, and endea
-73r to thwart Brobst's designs; that same eve
zing Boyer told me he had seen Brobst again,but
Zd not get the inforMation he had expected ; I
;link it was on the next day I met Boyer and
BrobA in our room, and I left them there, as I
was politely requested to do so by Mr Boyer ;
did not know Brobst at that time; I had an
atroduction to him by Boyer sometime after-
Tsrds ; after Brobst had left Boyer told me
Brobst had wanted him to go down and
r.ee Cameron that night, at half-past 7 o'clock,
and that they were to meet at Herr's hotel,
where Brobst was to have a carriage to convey
+hem to Cameron's residence; Boyer did not
:‘eow what to do, whether to undertake to
tarry the matter any further or to stop, but he
concluded to go down and see if Brobst actu
lily had a carriage there ; we intended to go
. 0 Sanford's that night, and I walked to San
tard's with Boyer; on our way to Sanford's, at
Herr's hotel, there stood a carriage, with a
driver and two horses, and Brobst was stand
log on the porch ; Boyer said, There is
Brobst, I must get away from him ;" Boyer
went to see Brobst and I went around the cor
mer, towards Sanford's, and waited for Boyer;
he staid a few moments and then came around
to me, and we went to Sanford's; the next day,
!I was going np to my room,) as I. went up
stairs, I saw Boyer and Brobst come in at the
door; I went up and went into my room and,
as I was tired, threw myself on the bed ; our
hel roar`, which Boyer and I occupy, Adjoins
a sittine room which we use ; Brobst and Boyer
tame into the 'sitting room ;f Boyer came into
the bed room and got some segara, &c., and.
took out to Brobst; Brobst then insisted on
Boyer going down to Cameron's that evening;
Boyer laughed, and asked Brobst how many
more he was contracting with ; he .(Brobst) then
said they had two that were to leave and not
be present on the day of the election of United
States Senator, and that they wanted two more;
I think he said they Wanted four; Boyer wan
ted to know what they wanted of four, and
Brobst said, " By Jesus they are tryirig to buy
on the other eide and we want to make the
thing sure ;" after a long talk Brobst agreed
that at half-past seven Boyer and he were to
?,e down to Cameron's house, and two other
An were to go along ; I had intended leaving
the room when Beyer and Brobst first came in,
as I did not want to have anything to do with
it, but Boyer motioned to me with his hand to
remain; in the conversation between Brobst
and Boyer, Boyer said they must give him
some earnest money or band money, to which
obst replied that they mutt go down to Cam
•on, that that would be all right;' Brobat left
to room and Boyer remained; that same night
jer went down to Herr's and found the car
ige standing there, and the driver swearing
lout Brobst being drunk, but he could not eee
robst ; Dr. Boyer had told me that he did not
ce to go down to General Cameron's, as he
. not think he could carry on the matter any
trther, and he feared he could not keep from
tughing, and the General was too sharp and
odd not be drawn on, but he would only go
Herr's and see who the two men were who
re going down to Cameron's, as that was
Tenant to know so that they could be
!tided off; I was opposed to his going, and
lvised him not to; I advised him to keep out
' it all the time ; I did not like that way of
>ing business; the next morning Boyer told
. that Brobst had again called on him and
tat he had d—d Brobst and told him that he
td disappointed him, (Boyer,) that he had
ea there and Brobst had not met him, and
he would have nothing more to do with
tam, but he must send some other man, and
rat Brobst had given as an excuse that he had
a drunk and lain down, and the nigger had
Ilected to call him until nine o'clock ; Brobst
td then told him that Cameron wanted to see
Its, and about fifteen minutes afterwards
robst came over and told Boyer that Gen.
menu was at the Stale Capital Bank, and Dr.
tyer went over to see him; Boyer told me then
tt he went over to the State Capital Bank, and
a he and Cameron had had an interview, and
rev had made an arrangement by which he
is to receive 1,15,000, and that the programme
td been changed from a go away to a vote ;
next I think was on Friday, when I came
ion from the House ; Brobst hailed me at.
re corner of the State Capital Bank, and re
tested me mot to go into my room; I went
!ht on and paid no attention to him, and
tut into the hotel; he followed me into the
r room ; he then wanted a private interview
th me, which I refused; he then wattle me
ot and take a dish of oysters with him. which
refused, as I did not want to be seen in his
impany at that time—this was in the presence
r Mr. Vaughn ; I then started to go in to see
Aelt child of Mr. Veatglin's, and Brobat fol.
reed me into the hall and again requested me
it to go into my room, as there was a gentle
in with my colleague ; I wanted to
Pe who it was, and be told me it was Cam
; I did not go in ; I think it was on the
the Dr. (Boyer) went to Reading; when he
4e down stairs be (Boyer) said be had had
distinguished visitor ; he stated that they
i e laid Cameron) had made arraneements to
' deem in the care, and that Patterson was
go along, and that two other men who were
tog contracted with to go away would ire on
train, and that probably an arrangement
aid be entered into ; I think Boyer left. that
Lrrnoon ; I Raw nothing more of him until
ter :tie return from Reading on Saturday
after Boyer's return, he said that
had had a conference, and bad agreed to
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VOL. 5 -NO. 190.
send the other two men back and negotiate with
no other one than him (Boyer), and that they
were to give him $20,000 to cast a vote, and
gave up the idea of sending any one away, and
that Patterson was to hold the stakes ; he said
that they had had an interview at Don Cam
eron's house on their return to Harrisburg ;
Oh Monday I understood that they had had an
interview which amounted to little or nothing,
but that night, after the Democratic caucus, as
we went towards our hotel from the Buehler
house (late at night), Boyer stopped near the
State Capital Bank, not more than five min•
utes, and when he (Boyer) rejoined us he told
his brother and I that he had stopped at the
State Capital Bank to see Cameron, and that
they had fixed a time of meeting the next mor
ning at Herr's Hotel at half past seven o'clock;
he skid that he had agreed to meet Cameron at
the State Capital Bank, but I do not know
whether he said he met him or not; the next
morning (Tuesday) Patterson came after him
at Vaughn's, just as we elope out from break
fast, and said to Boyer he. wanted him at his
(Patterson's) room at Herr's Hotel; it was then
after eight o'clock ; Patterson had been wait
ing for him ; Patterson started off, and Boyer
put on his coat and followed him ; he laughed
and said that that morning they were to count
down the money, to pay $5,000 hand money,
and wanted to know whether be bad better
take it ; he said he had some notion of taking
the money and donating it to some charitable
purpose, and I replied to him not to touch any
money ; this is all I know about the matter,
except that after his return he said that he had
refused to take the hand money, and told them
to keep it, and they had said it would all be
kept in the safe or in Patterson's bands and
ready for him when the work was done ; he
also said that they had raised the price $5,000
when he had agreed to see the Republican cau
cus committee—that all the money was placed
in Patterson's hands, and that Dr. Fuller came
there to see him.
By Mr. Beebe. Do you know who the two
men were who were to meet with Mr. Cam
Witness. Ido not; Brobst said they were
two men from Luzerne county ; I do not know
whether they were members of the House ;
they belonged to one or the other branches,
and were to be sent off.
By Mr. Brown. When did you understand
first that Boyer was pretending to sell himself
to Gen. Cameron or hiefriends ?
Witness. I think it was on the Monday pre
vious to the organization of the House of Rep
By Mr. Brown. Did you understand from
Mr. Boyer that he intended throwing himself
in the way of Geo. Cameron and his friends
for the purpose of deceiving them prior to his
commencing operations ?
Witness. I don't recollect having any con
versation with him, or hearing the matter
broached until after his itithrview with Bronst,
when be spoke to me on Monday.
By Mr. Brown. Did you, as soon as you
learned that Boyer seriously intended making
a pretended arrangement, disapprove of his
course ?
Witness. I did.
By Mr. Beebe. Were you present or within
hearing at any interview between Mr. Boyer
and Gen. Cameron ?
Witness. Not that I know; I do not know
Gen Cameron_
By Mr. Beebe. Do you know of any im.
proper influences or appliances used by any of
the candidates to secure his election as 11. S.
Senator, either by offers of money or place ?
Witness. I don't, of my own personal know
By Mr. Beebe. Has any other member than
Boyer informed you of any such offers ?
Witness. Yea, sir.
By Mr. Beebe. State who.
Witness. Mr. Wolf, of Schuylkill, told me
that he had been approached.
By Mr. Brown. As Boyer and Brobst came
to the door of the room, did you say to Boyer
that you would like to stay and bear the fun ?
Witness. I don't recollect of saying any
thing of the kind at that time ; I did not eee
him at the door; he came up the stairs after
By Mr. Biown. Did Royer say to you that
you must take the bed room, and did you go
into the bed loom . at his suggestion, atd for
the purpose of overhearing the interview ?
Witneess. I am not clear about it; there
was some conversation like that at some time;
I remained in the room at his sugges ion, and
I suppose he wanted me to hear the interview.
ROBERT VAUGHN being duly sworn according
to law, testifies as follows:
By hir. Kilos. Will you state whether you
saw Mr. William Brobst at your house some
time prior to the election of United States Sen
ator 7
Witness. Yes, sir; I saw him there every
day for some four, five or six days previous ;
I keep the Pennsylvania House.
By Mr. Kahle. Did you see him at any time
in company with Mr. T. J. Boyer?
Witness_ Yea, sir; he was there stopping
at my house and almost every day was in his
By Mr. Keine. Do you know of Mr. Brebst
bringing any other person to your house to see
Mr. Boyer. and if so * state what he said and
did about it ?
Witness. On the Thursday or Friday pre
viong to the election of lit iced States Senator
Mr. Brobst came to me and requested me to
close a door that led from my oar room into
the entry for half an hour or longer, as be
wanted to take General Cameron up to Mr.
Boyer'e room, and that Cameron did not wish
persons eitting in the bar room to see him pass
through, and I did so.
By Mr. Heine. Did you see General Cam
eron either come in or go out of your house on
that occasion ?
Witness. No, sir, I did not.
By Mr. Heine. Had you eny conversation
either with Mr. Brobst or Mr. T. .1. Boyer in
reference to the interview between Cameron
and Boyer, and if so, state what it was?
Witness. Mr. Boyer immediately, or in the
course of a half or - three quarters of an hour
after the door had been closed at the request of
Mr Brobst, came in from the entry through
this closed door and remarked that. he bad a
distinguished visitor, General Cameron; there
was other conversation *fish I have forvt ten.
By Mr. Hain°. Did Mr. Boyer state what
was the object of Gen. Cameron's visit?
Witness. Ido not know that he did; some
persons asked Boyer, "Are you going to make
any thing out of him," (Cameron.) and Boyer
said, "I will try ;" I may have asked the ques
tion ; the answer was given publicly.
By Mr. Heine. Hltd you any other con
veleavions with Mr. Boyer on this subject, or
did he communicate what arrangement he was
making, if any, in renard to voting for Simon
Csmerou for United States Senator?
Witness. I have; for five or sit days prior
to their going down in the Reading cars,
Boyer to'd me of the negotiations as they oc
curred, or as I supposed they transpired ; after
that Boyer said nothing of any account mail
after the election of United Slates Senator.
By Mr. Brown. Up to the time of their
going on the Reading me were Jun informed
by Mr. Boyer what his purpose was in throw
ing himself in the way of Mr. Cameron and his
Witness. Ido not remember that he in
formed me.
By Mr. Brown: State whether you did know
the fact that he was in negotiation with Gen
eral Cameron or his friends for the purpose,
or for the pretended purpose, of bartering away
his (Boyer's) vote for United States Senator,
from informotion of Boyer or otherwise ?
Witness. Boyer %old me of offers and inter
views between himself, Comeron awl Brobst
in reference to that purpose, and the amount
of money offered.
By Mr. Brown. What other persons, to your
knowledge, were cognizant of the aotion Boyer
was taking ?
Witness= Ido not know, sir; there_ must
have been others in my house, as he made no
secret of it or took no care to keep it quiet.
By Mr. Brown. Did you yourself talk with
other persons on that subject prior to the
Witness. I have no doubt but that I did.
By Mr. Brown. Will you give the names of
the persons with whom you so talked.
Witness. I talked with Dr. B trley, Mr.
Samuel Wilt, and may have talked to others,
but do not remember who; it wqs the general
subject of conversation between three or four
of us about that lime ; I talked with Mr. Wilt
more than any one else ; he is my brother-in
By Mr. Brown. When Mr. Buyer reported
progress, from time to time, was it the subject
of conversations between the persons who
were confidants of Boyer's?
Witness. Ido not know that Mr. Boyer re
ported progress to me; he told me casually
when he came behind my bar what had occur
red; I do not know that he considers me a
confidant ; he communicated sometimes to me
and sometimes to Mr. Wilt, as he passed the
By Mr. Brown. Was it understood by you
and the persons that you have mimed that
Boyer was engaged in a scheme to entrap
General Cameron into an offt.r of money, or
place, to secure his (Beyer's) vote for the
United States Senator ? -
Witness. I can only speak for myself; I
so understood it; I drew the inference that he
was going to entrap him on account of his
telling these things ; these negotiations as they
By Mr. Brown. Did you and the persons
named, or any of them, in conversation with
Boyer, advise him with reference to the matter,
either as to the necessity of being cautious or
approving what he was doing, sr disapproving
thereof ?
Witness. I think I said at one time to Dr.
Boyer that if he could save the Democratic
party from defeat by deceiving Cameron that
I thought it was his duty as a Democrat to do
so. •
By Mr. Brown. Did you have conversations
with the other persons before named by you,
or any of them, or any other person or persons,
relative to the propriety of what Boyer was
doing in referenci to entrapping General
Cameron ; if so, with whom and what did each
of them say, by way of approval or disapproval,
of what Boyer was doine ?
Witness. No, sir, I had no such conversa
By Mr. gain. Do you know John J. Pat-
Witness. Yes, air.
By Mr. Kaine. Do you know of John J.
Patterson calling at your house to see Mr.
Boyer ; if so, when 't
Witness. It was either on Thursday or
Friday, or the forenoon of the day Mr. Boyer
went to Reading, he (John J. Patterson) came
to me and inquired if Dr. Boyer was in ; I
think my reply to him was that he was not in;
I do not know whether he saw him then or not;
I do not know of John J. Patterson being at
my house at any other time to see Dr Boyer.
WILLIAM BROM being duly sworn, testifies
as follows :
By Mr Wakefield. Had you any acquaint
ance with Mr. Boyer before you met him here ?
Witness. Yes, sir; we have been persunally
nequainied for several years.
By Mr. Wakefield. Did you meet Mr. Borer
at the Pennsylvania House some days prior to
the meeting of the Legislature?
Witness. I did meet Mr. Boyer there.
By Mr. Wakefield. Did you thee, or at
any time, request a private interview with Mr.
Witness. I did not, sir.
By Mr. Wakefield. Had you a meeting with
him (Mr. Boyer) at any time in hie room ?
Witness. Yes ; I met him and he met me ;
I have been at his_ room and he came to see
By Mr. Wakefield. Did you tell Mr. Boyer
at any time that ,Gemeral Cameron wanted to
see him at his hituse
Witness. I did, sir.
By Mr. Wakefield. Was there any arrange
ment between you and Mr. Boyer that you
were to take him ont to General Cameron's
Witness. There was such an arrangement;
I wanted him to go out one evening about seven
By Mr. Wakefield. Did you go 'l'
Witness. No, sir.
By Mr. W.kefield. What preparations had
you made to go?
Witness. I had hired horses and carriage at
my own expense from Sheriff Hellman, of this
town. and had it waiting at Herr's Hotel.
By Mr. Wakefield. Did you at any time
take General Cameron to Mr. Boyer's room in
the Pennsylvania House.
Witness. I did, at the•requeet of Mr. Boyer,
Welt Simon mteron to his room.
By Mr. Wakefield. Did you remain during
the interview?
Witness. No, sir; Mr. Boyer said he would
like to have a private interview with Mr. Cam
eron; so I left.
By Mr. Wakefield. Did you sqy to Mr.
Vaughn, or any other person, to keep the door
shut as you wanted to take & gentlemen to Mr.
Rover's room ?
Witness. I did ; Mr. Boyer told me to get
him up so as no one could see him, es he did
not want to be exposed ; so I went to Mr. Vaughn
and told him to keep the side- door shut.
By Mr. Wakefield. Did you, at any time
before the meeting of the Legislature, meet
General Cameron at Lewisburg or Williams
Witness. I met him at Lewisburg.
By Mr. Wakefield. 113 w long before the
meeting of the L gislature I
Witness. Some four or six weeks; I cannot
arty positively.
By Mr. Wakefield. Was that meeting with
a view of securing any Democratic members of
the Legislature to vote fur Mr. Cameron for
United States Secator ?
Witness. No, sir. it was not.
By Mr. Wakefield. /Lid yuu and Simon
Cameron any conversation ou that subject at
that time?.
Wit:tees. No, sir, not at that time.
By Mr. Wi,k,field. At any other time or
place, before the meeting of the Legislature,
had you any conversation with Gen. Cameron
on that subject ?
Witness. I went to General Cameron and
offered my services of any influence that I
could bring to bear to help to elect him United
States Senator ; he never asked me ; I offered
him my my services in preference to any other
By Mr. Wakefield. Did he authorize you to
use money, or any other means, to procure
votes of members of the Legislature for United
States Senator ?
Witness. No, tar, he did not.
By Mr. Wakefield. Did any person whatever
authorize you to use money to procure votes for
Simon Cameron for United States Senator ?
Witness. No, sir.
By Mr. Witkefield. Did you say to any one
that if Simon Cameron was elected to the Uni
ted States Senate that you could make a good
thing out of it ?
Witness. No, I did not.
By Mt. Wakefield. Did you, at any time.
ask a%y person to fill up two blank *eats on
any bank in the city of Harrisburg, and if so,
who, and what amounts ?
Witness. I did not, sir.
By Mr. Wakefield. Did you not present to
J. H. Hancock two blank checks on the State
Capital Bank and desire him to fill one for five
thousand dollars and the other for one thousand
Witness, No, sir, never,
By Mr. Wakefield. Did you, at any time,
make an arrangement for Mr. Boyer to meet
General Cameron at the State Capital Bank ?
Witness. I did ;he sent me a note, and at
his (Boyer's) request I made an arrangement
for General Cameron to meet hini there at five
By Mr. Beebe. Have you seen the statement
of T. Jefferson Boy er,
pu lished in the PATRIOT
AND UNION of 22d of January ?
Witness. Yes, sir; I saw it the next morn
By Mr. Beebe. Had you any conversation
with Mr. Boyer in reference to that statement
prior to its publication, and if so, state what
it was ?
Witness. I came down on Tuesday, the 21st
January, and stopped at the Pennsylvania
House, and after tea he (Boyer) called me into
the parlor and told me then he had a publica
tion ready for the exposure of Simon Cameron
and others, in regard to this United States
Senatorship, and asked me to go and see G . 611.
Cameron, and said if General Cameron would
give him a thousand dollars by ten o'clock that
night he would suppress the publication of that
matter, and I positively refused to have any
thing to do with it; I told him that if he had
any negotiations of that kind to effect he could
go and see General Cameron himself, as I was
not in that line of business ; then he said he
would give me until ten o'clock to see Cameron
or D0n...; he told me to go and see the Gen. or
Don until ten o'clock, and if I could da no bet
ter he would take six bun fired dollars; I told
him I would have nothing to do with it; I did
not see him any more.
By Mr. Beebe. Did you ever have any•con
versation with Jonathan H. Hancock relative
to the part you were taking to secure the elec
tion of Simon Cameron for United States Sen
ator ?
Witness. I might have told him that I was
a friend of Simon Cameron, and would do all I
could to have him elected U S. Senator.
By Mr. Beebe. Did you ever siy to the Bald
Hancock that you were authorized by General
Cameron to use money to secure his election,
or words to that effect ?
Witness. No, sir, I did not.
By Mr. Lilly. How long have you been
acquainted with Mr. Hancock?
Witness. I got acquainted with him last
fall at the Herr house.
By Mr. Lilly. Do you know what business
he tollows here?
Witness. He has not followed anything
here, except going to the faro bank ; at least
he told me so ; I never writ with him.
By Mr.' Beebe. Did you ever tell Mr. Han
-000 that you and General Cameron had made
an arrangement with a member from Clearfield
for hid vote?
Witness. I did never say such a word to Mr.
By Mr. Lilly. Have you been on very inti
mate terms with Mr. Hancock ?
Witness. I met him as a guest would meet
another at a hotel.
By Mr. Maine. Did you and he room to
gether ?
Witness. Yee, sir; we did for three or four
weeks, or it may be a little more I was sick
a while, and that is the reason Why I got in
his room.
By Mr. Beebe. Did any of the members of
the Legislature, at any time previous to the
election of the United States Senator, approach
you with an offer to vote for Simon Cameron
for a money or other consideration?
Witnres No, sir, they did not.
By Mr Pershing. When did you next gee
G e m CS moron atter your interview with him at
Lewisburg ?
Witness. Indeed I do not know; it might
have been two or three weeks after ; I came
down and went to are General Cameron, and
offered to use my influeJoe for him, and I
did so.
By Mr. Pershing. Did any perscn request
you to come down ?
Witness. No, sir, I came down on my own
account ; it was in the evening, and I drove out
to General Cameron's hon.. ; t here was no per
son present but ourselves at this interview.
By Mr. Pershing. What reply did General
Cameron make to your offer to use your influ
ence for him ?
Witness. When I told the General that I
would use my influence for him, the general
said it was more than I (Cameron) did expect
you to do; I told she General my reasons for
supporting him ; I told him thtt there were
certain men, c ►ndidates for united States Sena
tor, that I had personal reasons to oppose them,
and that I should do so under any circumstan
ces; I told him that I would use my influence;
he did not decline my services.
By Mr. Pershing. Was there any arrange
ment then between you and Simon Cameron as
to what kind of influence was to be used by
you T
Witness. No. sir; he never talked to me that
I should use any more influence than I had of
fered him.
By Mr. Pershing. Was• it after this inter
view with Mr. Cameron you met with Mr.
Boyer ?
ityiiness. It was; I had met Mr Boyer ones
here before I had the interview with Mr. Cam
eron; it was after the 0 loher election, but
then we had no conver'.ation relative to the
election of tin United States Senator.
By Mr. Pershing. Did G-neral Cameron, at
any time, revue-t you to call on Mr. Boyer and
ask him to citl to see Mr. Cameron?
Witnesi I told General Cameron that. Boyer
had shown his wiilineuers to go for him (Gin.
Cameron) for United States Senator; then Geo.
Cam' ran said he would lake to see Boyer;
saw Boyer, and he made arrangements to go
and see Gentral Camteron ; Boyer said he dtd
not wish Goners' Cameron to come to tte housr;
Borr then said it was too late. hut he would
see General Cameron at th e Sate Capital Bank;
and that 1 should go over with him the next
day ; I did meet Mr. Boyer tire next day ac
cording to arrangement, and took him over to
the State Capital Bank; General Cameron was
at the Bank when we went there; it was after
this that General Cameron and I went to see
Boyer at the Pennsylvania House.
By Mr. Pershing. Had you any knowledge
of any arrangement whatever by which Gen.
Cameron was to be elected United States Sen
ator ?
Witness. No, sir.
By Mr. Pershing. Had you any conversa
tion with John J. Patterson on that subject ?
Witness. No, sir, I had not.
By Mr. Pershing. Are you acquainted with
Andrew H. Dill, of Lewisburg; Lewis Geible,
Samuel H. Barton, Samuel Cronimiller and
George F. Miller, of the same place ?
Witness. I know them, and they are all
respectable men, as far as I know.
By Mr. - Pershing. Did you ever say, in
presence of these men or either of them, that
arrangements were made or fixed by which
General Cameron's election as United States
Senator was made certain ?
Witness. I did say to my friends up there,
right at home, that I was satisfied that General
Cameron would be elected United states sen
By Mr. Pershing. Mr. Brobet, do you ever
recollect using language of this kind—that the
arrangement for making Camel on United States
Senator was fined, and you would bet any
amount of money that he would be elected ?
Witness. I do not know of any such talk
taking place.
Br Mr. Pershing. What was it that satisfied
you that Cameron would be elected?
.Witness. Bemuse Mr. Boyer promised me
that he would vote for Gen. Cameron, and I
had every confidence that he would do it.
13y Mr. Pershing. You made this statement
to. your friends at Lewisburg after you had
offered your servicrs to Gen. Cameron ?
Witness. It was after I saw Boyer.
By Mr. Pershing. Haw long was it before
the election of the United States Senator that
you made this statement to your friends at
Lewisburg ?
Witness- it was shortly before the election
—it might have been a week ordonger ; I can't
say precisely.
By Mr. Pershing. Do you recollect having
made such a statement in a hotel at Lewisburg,
in the presence of George F.,Xiiller and others,
shortly after your visit to Gen. Cameron to
offer your services? •
nese. I did say in the hotel that I was
certain Gen. Cameron would be elected United
States Senator ; I was not satisfied until after
I had seen Boyer.
By Mr. Kaine. How often were you at Mr.
Boyer's room during this affair?
Witness. I might have been there a half a
dozen times or a dozen times.
By Mr. Kaine. At any of the times that you
Were at Mr, Boyer's rooms had you any con
versation with him in reference to an arrange
ment which had been made, or was about to
be made, by which certain members of the
Legislature should go, away, so as not to be
present at the time of the election °Me United
States Senator ?
Witness. I never talked with Boyer in re
ference to such a subject, as I knew nothing
about it.
By Mr. Heine. Did you meet Michael H.
Boyer, the father of T. J. Boyer, in his (T. J.'a)
room at any time?
I did.
By Mr. Kline. Did you say to Michael K.
Boyer that you were authorized by Mr. Cam
eron to offer T. J. Boyer ten thousand dollars
to rote for him, (Cameron,) but that he (Boyer)
asked fifteen thousand dollars.
Witness. I never did ; I never stated such
a thing to Mr. Boyer's father; but Mr.. Boyer's
father asked me what Cameron would pay, and
I told Mr. Boyer (M. ) positively, that I had
nothing to do with such. arrangements.
By Mr. Kaine. How often were you at the
residence of Gen. Cameron during the progress
of this affair?
Witnees. I might have been there three or
four times.
'By Mr. Kaine. Did you make, or attempt
to make, an arrangement with any other mem
bers of the Legislature to vote for Simon Cam
Witness. I did not.
By Mr. Beebe. What reason did Boyer give
you for intending to vote for Gen. Cameron ?
Witness. When I met Boyer he thought he
would be benefited, of course, and said that
Simon Cameron generally took care of his
By Mr. Beebe. Will you state for what
reason you offered your services to Gen. Cam
eron to seoure hie electron to the United States
Witness. In the first 'place, I considered
General Simon Cameron the best man for that
position, under the state of circumstances, for
the interests of the country, and as a matter of
course I had personal reasons to oppose Hughes
and Buckalew ; Frank Hughes and other par
ties that he was concerned with have tried to
oppose me in a title which I hold to a very
valuable property, which caused to embarrass
me in defending my title for my interest in my
By Mr. Beebe. Did you state to Jonathan
H. Hancock, or any other man, that you were
authorized by General Cameron to offer five
thousand dollars, or any other sum, for a vote?
Witness. I never did.
By Mr. Biebe. Have you had any inter
couro.e with Mr. Hancock since the election of
the United States Senator?
Witness. I have not seen him to talk to him
but once since the election; then be wanted
money (to borrow) from me to pay his board
at. Herr's; I told him I wanted my money my
self; he had borrowed five dollare.from me be
fore this.
By Mr. Lilly. Have you seen Boyer since
the election, and if so, what reason did he at
that time give for not voting for Mr. Cameron
for United States Senator ?
Witness. I saw him in the afternoon after
the election was over, in his room ; he was
lying on his bed in the room; I asked Mr.
Boyer the reason why he did not vote for Gen.
Simon Cameron, as he bad promised to do so;
he said the reasons why he aid not vote for
General Simon Cameron, as he had promised
to do so, were that a member from Snyder
county, a man of the name of Ritter, had just
came out of the Republican caucus, and Ritter
said that there were two Democratic members
to vote for General Cameron, one was in the
alphabet of 11, and the other I forget what he
mentioned ; Ritter told this to Boyer and sev
eral others, and exposed the matter; and that
Rittt r said that. he and Laporte, if those men
would vote for Simon Cameron, they would not
vote for him; he said that this was his only
reason for not voting for Cameron, as he would
expose himself and Cameron too.
By Mr Barger. What did you understand
Mr. Bayer to mean when he suid he bad a
publiodion ready for the exposure of Simon
Cameron ?
Witness. Boyer told me that he had went
to a great deal of expense, and that be thought
General Cameron ebould re.y him for his trou
ble; I then told him that I had nothing to do
with any such arrangement ; if he had anything
to do, he must go to Cameron himself.
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By Mr. Barger. How had he incurred ex
pense ?
Witness. That Ido not know ;he never told
me ; he said it was the fault of General Came
ron's Republican friends that he had not a
chance of voting for him.
'By Mr. Barger. What did Boyer say he in
tended to expose
Witness. He said he would expose General
Simon Cameron ; he did not say what he would
expose ; he said he had a statement ready for
publication ?
By Mr. Barger. Did you tell General Cam
eron about this conversation with Boyer as to
his proposed publication?
Witness. I did not; I did not go to see him;
he had gone to Washington on Tuesday.
By Mr. Barger. You made the effort to see
him, did you not?
Witness. No, air, I did not ; if I even wan
ted to do so I could not, for he had gone to
By Mi. Barger. Did you see him on his re
turn from Washington and tell him about this
conversation ? •
Witness. No, sir, I did not; I saw him yes
terday for the first time since the election of
United States Senator, except the day after the
election, when I saw him.
By Mr. Barger. Had you any conversation
with General Cameron since this committee
was appointed, in reference to your testimony
here ?
Witness. No, sir, I have not.
By Mr. Barger. Do you mean to say, sir,
that you have had no conversation with Simon
Cameron as to your being a witness before the
committee ?
Witness. No, sir ; I never spoke to him nor
he to me on the subject.
By Mr. Barger. bid yeu ever tell him that
you bad been subpoenaed as a witness
Witness. No, sir, I never told him.
By Mr. Barger. Have you and John J. Pat
terson had any conversation in relation to your
testimony here, or the proceedings of the com
mittee ?
Witness. I have seen Mr. Patterson ; Mr.
Patterson asked me, when I met him, if I had
written out a statement ; I told him that I had
not., but that I would do so.
By Mr. Barger. When was this ?
Witness. I supprse it was in the neighbor
hood of the last of January, after he returned
from Washington.
By Mr. Barger. Did you show him your
Witness. No, sir: I had none made out,
nor did I show it to him after I had one made
By Mr. Barger. Did you tell him what was
in it or what you would testify here ?
Wi •
tness. No, sir, I did not.
By Mr. B irger. You have said that you
saw Simon Cameron three or four times at hilt
house during the proceedings prior to the elec
tion of United States Senator; how often did
you see him in other places ?
Witness. I saw him frequently, but not every
By Mr. Barger. What arrangement was
made between Simon Cameron and yourself in
regard to reimbursing your expenses while
operating for his election ?
Witness. None whatever; I did, on my own
By Mr. Kline. Did you make, or attempt
to make, any arrangement, or do you know of
any arrangement attempted to be made, by
which members of the Legislature were to be
away at the time of the election of the United
States Senator?
Witness. I know nothing of it myself, nor
did I make, or attempt to make, such an ar
rangement. WILLIAM BROMIC.
MICHAEL K. BOYCE being duly sworn ac
cording to law, testifies as follows:
By Mr. Wakefield. Did any person tell you,
Mr. Boyer, previous to the late election for
United States Senator that he was authorized
by any one of the candidates to purchase a
vote by money or otherwise for said office ?
Witness. Yes, sir; I came to Harrisburg
on the 7th of January last; during that after
noon or evening Mr. Brobst met me at the
Pennsylvania House ; he spoke to me ; we had
along talk of matters and things of olden times
in the bar room ; they had a preparatory meet
ing that evening for the purpose of fixing the
time of meeting of the Democratic caucus; af
ter that was over I think I went down with
Dr. Earley from here to the Pennsylvania
House ; I met Mr. William Brobst again there ;
we sat on the sofa and talked until my son T.
J. Boyer came in ; he lives in Clearfield county;
he (Boyer) asked me to go up into his room;
we then went up and Brobst followed soon at
terwards ; we were not in the room along time
before Dr. Earley came in and asked my son to
go with him to see Mr. Cessna, Speaker'of the
House ; they left and went to see Mr. Cessna,
and Mr. Brobst and I remained by ourselves ;
Mr. Brobst then said to me a man might make
sometling nice out of this Senatorial question
here ; I asked him what a person could make
out of it; he said if a man would vote directly
for Cameron he could make ten thousand dol
litre out of it; that he was authorized to offer
that amount by Cameron, or he was authorised
to give two men five thousand dollars each to
dodge, which would amount to the same thing;
I then told him he had better keep this secret
and keep it out of Berke county, as it might
injure his brother, whe had been a candidate
for sheriff there last fall ; this is about the
substance of the conversation; he said twice
during the conversation that he was one of the
men who went up into Lucerne county to get
those men to stay at home.
By Mr. Wakefield. Where do you reside
Witness. In Reading. Berke county.
By Mr. Lilly. Did your son ever tell yen
any arrangement which he had made with Mr.
Cameron or his friends to vete for Gen. Came
ron for United States Senator
Witness. No, sir, not until after it was in
the paper, when I asked him if it was so, and
be said yes, it was just as stated in the paper.
have often been asked," says the Michigan
Volksblatt (German paper) “the.,reason of the
terrible increase in the negro population of
Detroit, since it is quite certain that all these
negroes do not come from the South. The
riddle is now solved by a letter from one of
our correspondents in Chatham, Canada West,
which contains the following :
We are now doing well in Chatham. The
number of negroes are daily diminishing, since
no white man employs them. We have no
great deficiency of better laborers .than they
are, since from twenty to thirty young. robust
emigrants, in blouses, from the !Jotted States,
capable and willing to work, arrive here dai
ly, and find at once remunerative employment,
for which they are paid in coin.' "
A singular exodus this, brought about by
our negro philanthropists! The Germans em
igrate from the Western States to Canada,
and the negroes, who are sent to Canada by
the underground railroad, return to the United
States!—Phil. Ago •
The Walton ai.4ne4, nu ins na wink course,
England, wee lately Irma by Mr. Ten Broeck'a
three years old " Bateman."