Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, April 10, 1863, Image 1

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Ctt Vatriot
Tc the Iroise of Representatives of the Common.
wealth of Pennsylvania:
The committee appointed under the reaolu
lion of the 20th of January last, to inquire
*tether unlawful means were employed to
cure the -election of. United States • Senator,
it authority to send for persona and papers,
leave to offer the following report :
Your committee met, for the first time, on
21st day of January, and appointed L. Jack
, Crane, Esq., as clerk. Since that time
7 have held forty-three sessions, and have
&mined thirty witnesses, and some of them
great length. A considerable portion of the
nimony thus obtained has no direct bearing
in the main question which was before the
nmittee but they have thought it best here
th to submit the whole of it, that it may
iak for itself.
It was the constant purpose of the committee
conduct the investigation in such a manner
that no injustice should be done to any one ;
they are - persuaded that the persons ex
ited will, in all ease; award to them entire
The first witness examined was Dr. T. Jef
mn Boyer, a member of the House of Repre
datives front Clearfiild county, whose state
it is substantially as follows:
in the early part of the session he met Mr.
Mem Brobst, of Lewisburg, at the Penney'.
inia House in this city i ; and after several
dings, at the request of Mr. Brobst, he
ated him a private • interview in his own
tm. During this interview Mr. Brobst made
Jwn to Di. Boyer - his - ardent desire for the
talon of General Simon Cameron to the
late of the United States ; assuring him that
was authorized. by Gen. Cameron to enter
to preliminary arrangements with any mem
r of the Legislature to secure his vote, and
offer five thousand dollars to any one who
Ad agree to absent himself on the day of
election. Mr. Brobst informed Dr. Boyer
it Gen. Cameron desired to Bee him; and
-angementa were accordingly made by them
go to Gen. cameron's house, but were not
tried out. • '
Afterwards Mr. Brobst told Dr. Boyer that
. Cameron wanted to see him at the State
iital Bank; and on Dr. Boyer's oonsentnig
the interview, be was conducted by Mr.
ihst to a back room in said bank, where he
Ind Gen. Cameron. The General then shut
door, put down the blinds, and had a pri
m interview with Dr. Boyer. He asked the
itor what he would think of two thousand
'ars for a vote, to be paid when the work
done ; and remarked that he regarded this
only - as a first installment. He spoke of
paymaaterships, at a salary of three thou
id dollars a year, one of which he could
lure for Dr. Boyer. He also requested the
:tor to name some one who should arrange
tters between them in the future; and at
suggestion of Gen. Cameron they agreed on
t Burns.
Brobst again met Dr. Boyer, and made
her engagement -with him to go to Gen.
ieron's house, but failed to fulfill his pro
e. The next day, being the Friday prior
the election for a United States Senator, Mr.
ibst informed Dr. Boyer that Gen. Cameron
ired to see him at the State Capital Bank;
as Dr.. Boyer refused to meet him there,
. Cameron, at the instance of Mr. Brobst,
conducted to the room of Dr. Boyer in the
ineylvania House.
_At this interview Gen.
neron agreed to give Dr. Boyer fifteen thou
id dollars for his
. vote ; and informed him
he was going that afternoon to Philadel
ma, on the Leoanon Valley cars, that Jim
-us was sick, and that John J. Patterson
ild go on the same train, and would make
mgements in regard to the money.
la the morning of that day Dr. - Boyer had
with John J. Patterson, who told him that
had seen Gen. Cameron, and, that he was
ire of the whole matter ; proposing at the
me time to meet Dr. Boyer at the Lebanon
hey depot. They accordingly met, and took
cars for Reading, Gen. Cameron also being
i the train.
In the baggage apartment of the New York
r, Mr_ Patterson agreed with Dr, Boyer that
should have twenty thousand dollars if he
dd vote for Gen. Cameron for United States
'ator, sutject however to the approval of the
metal, and Mr. Pattereon afterward inform
)r. Boyer that Gen. Cameron was agreed to
Arrangements were then made by Mr. Pill
ion and Dr. Boyer to meet with. Gen Cam
va on Saturday evening, at the house of J. D.
leron. Accordingly, they all met at the
Anted time and place; and it was there
!ed upon that Gen. Cameron would give
Buyer twenty thousand dollare for hie vote.
In Tuesday morning, the day of the election
Senator, Mr. Patterson called at Peonsylva
House, immediately after breakfast, and
aripanied Dr. Boyer to his (Patterson's)
1, in Herr's hotel, where they found Gen.
ieron. The G-neral told Dr. Boyer that
Fuller would have an interview with him
whenever he was ready to receive him,
requested Dr. Boyer to say to Dr. Fuller
he would vote tor him (Gen Cameron)
United States Senator. Dr. Fuller was
uliately introduced into the room, ono
tired, as the chairman of a committee
muted by the Republican caucus. whether
B .yer would vote for Gen. Cameron ; and
tying from Dr. Boyer an affirmative answer,
VW, if the statement of Dr. Boyer is a true
dive of facts, there can be no doubt as to
laployment of unlawful means to secure
election of Gen. Simon Cameron to the
tte of the United States. But the com
et had other testimony before th m, in
,rd to the transactions related by Dr.
el and it. becomes necessary, in the light
that testimony, to examine his Matins to
there were, within a few days previous
ie Senatorial election, repeated interviews
reEn Mr. Brobst and Dr Boyer cannot be
"'Ed; becau,e they not only ho h testify
f act, but. their testimony is corruherated
that. of Captain Chritzman, Dr. .E4rly,
K Boyer , and Mr. Vaughn. They
agree in reg4rd to the private in erviews
) et , ween Dr. Boyer and Gen. Cam • rots, first,
Altuo Capital Bank, and afterwards at
- I, oyer's room in the Pennsylvania House;
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V0L..5.-NO. 189.
and in this they are sustained by the testimony
of Capt. Chritzmin, Dr. Early, and Mr. Vaughn.
They agree, moreover, as to the arrangements
and preparations which. were made to visit
Geri. Canieron at his own bootie, at the request
of loir.Srobst; and as to the fact that ouch
preparations were made, we have the testimony
of Dr. Early.
There is also a marked agreement between
the testimony of Dr. Boyer and that of John S.
Patterson. They both testify that they met
in .Harrisburg on the Friday immediately pre
ceding the Senatorial election; that they went
to !Reading in the afteriumn of that day, on the
Lebanon Valley cars,, and that Gen. Cameron
was on the same train; that arrangements
were there made between Mr: Patterson and
Dr. Boyer to meet Gen. Cajun:in at the hones
of his scut, J. D. Cameron, on the next evening;
that they met according to appointment; and
that on the following Tuesday morning, the
day of the Senatorial election, Dr. Boyer, at
the request of Mr. Patterson, went to Pat
terson's room, in Herr's Hotel, where he found
Gen. Cameron, and afterwards met Dr. Fuller.
These are only a few of the numerous points
of eoncidence between the testimony of Dr.
Boyer and that of Messrs. Brobst and Patterson.
Indeed, there is almost a perfect agreement
between them, except in regard to the alleged
money transaction.
It must be evident to every one, that in the
various interviews which Mr. Brobst and Mr.
Patterson had with Dr. Boyer, their only ob
ject was, to influence him '
- by some means or
other, to vote for General Cameron for United
States Senator. But by what means did. they
attempt to accomplish this object ? Here the
testimony of these three witnesses involves a
direct contradiction. Dr. Boyer asserts that
Mr. Brobst fold him he was authorized biGen.
Cameron to offer five thousand dollars for a
vote, which Mr. Brobst denies; and that Gen.
Cameron and Mr. Patterson positively agreed
to give him twenty thousand dollars. and finally
twenty-five thousand dollars, in order to secure
his vote for 'Simon Cameron, which is emphati
cally denied by Mr. Patterson. We are there
fore bound to conclude, either that the state
ments of Dr. Boyer on the one band, or those
of Mr. Brobst and Mr. Patterson On the other,
in regard to 'this pecuniary consideration,, are
downright and deliberate falsehoods.
Men always act from motives. It is'therefore
legitimate to inquire, what motive could have
influenced Dr. Boyer, in this single case, while
allthe other leading features of his, statement
are shown to be true, to bear false testimony ?
It could riot have been fear ; for surely he had
no more to fear from telling the truth, than
from a declaration of falsehood. It could not
have : been the 'lope of gala ; for it 'is iinpos
sible'for any one to see hoNi he could have ex
pected any profit or benefit from the utterance
of any such false „statement . Nor could he
have been actuated by a malevolent or revenge
ful feeling; for there is no evidence of the
existence of any snob feeling, on the part of
Dr. Boyer, against General Cameron or any of
his friends. Moreover, to suppose that any
man could falsely and knowingly charge upon
his fellow man,. without some strong motive, a
crime which would forever blast the reputation
of its perpetrator in community, and then call
upon God in the most solemn manner in attes
tation of tbe truthfulness of his charge, would
be to ascribe to him an extraordinary degree
of moral depravity.
Here another Question will naturally arise ; :
can any motive be discovered, on the part of
Messrs. Brobst and Patterson, whloh might
incline either of them to a denial of the truth,
in regard to this money transaction ? . The an
swer is easy. If this feature of the statement
of Dr. Boyer is true, they have both been
guilty of attempting to bribe a member "of
this Legislature, which is, .under our laws, a
high misdemeanor, subjecting the offender to a
severe penalty. But who does not know, that
the fear of exposure and punishment, and of
the odium that must necessarily result from
the commission of such a crimp, would be one
of the strongest motives to iiiMPel men to false
hood? It is not reasonable to expect men to
criminate themselves.
Let us now look at this testimony from
another standpoint. Truth is always consist
ent with itself. The statement of Dr. Beyer
is a plain, straightforward, circumstantial, and
natural story of such events as might occur,
and bears upon the face of it no apparent dis
crepancy. It is ooroborated, id nearly till its
leading delails, by the testimony of Messrs.
Ertabat and Patterson, and in several particu
lars by that of Capt. Chritsman, Dr. Early, Er.
Vaughn, Michael S. Boyer, and Dr. Fuller ;
all which may.be seen by a reference. to' the
testimony of, these .gentleinen, .herewith sub
mitted. Bin now let no take a brief survey of
the statements of Messrs. Brobst and Patter
son !
Mr. Brobet met General Cameron some weeks
before the meeting of the Legislafure, - but no
conversation passed between them in regard to
the election of a United States Senator. Sub
sequently, without any request from any one,
and of big own acord, be game to ligrrisbnrg,
went the same evening to see General Cameron,
and offer him his services,:without beirig asked
to do so, to secure his election to the Senate of
the United States. He again returned to Har
risburg. stopped at Herr's Hotel, but soon re
turned to th.- Pennsylvania House, where Dr.
Boyer had . his room. He there met;with• Dr.
Boyer, had repeated interviews with him, invi
ted Boyer to go with him to General Cameron's
house, provided, horses and carriage, on , two
occasions, .to convey him there, visited . the
General three or four times at his residence,
became•tbe medium of communication between
him. and Dr. -Boyer, and made arrangements
for several meetings between -them. All this
was done by, Mr. Brobst, be it remembered, at
considerable cost both of time and money, and
without any arrangement whatever with Gen.
Cameron or any body else ; by which he was to
be 'reimbursed. This is possible, but the ques
tion will ; necessarily arise, isit at all probable ?
But again—Mr. Brobst is positively implica
ted, by other testimony than that of Dr. Boyer,
in the alleged bribery. Mr. John Hancock tes
tifies that-Mr. Brobst told him he had the au •
thority of General Cameron to use money to
aware his election as United • States Senator;
and that any arrangement he might make,
within reasonable amount, would be immedi
ately complied with by General Cameron. The
testimony of. Michael K . Boyer on this subject
is, that Mr. Brobst told Lim he was authorized
to offer ten thousand dollars for a vote. It is
also in evidence that Mr. Brobst told Mr. Pot
teiger, a member of the House, that if he would
vote for General Cameron he could rake an
independent fortune; that he would guarantee
to him five thousand dollars in hand, and a
position worth forty thousand dollars ; that if
be would name a day, be would bring General
Cameron down to Berke county and make a
final bargain.. and that he had better, let party
go to the devil, and make this money.
The testimony of Mr. John J. Patterson, as
already intimated, corroborates that of. Dr.
B oe r, in nosily every point . They agree as
to their trip to Reading, on the Lebanon Valley
road; 'their interviews on the cars; their ar
rangement to meet General Cameron at the
house of hie eon, on Saturday evening previous
to the Senatorial election; their meeting tic
cording to this arrangement; and the interview
between General 'Cameron, Dr. Boyer and
Senator Fuller, in Mr: Patterson'a ooM in
Herr's Higel. Bit Mr. Patterson defiles, most
emphatically. that either he or Gen. 'Cam'eron
offered Dr. Boyer money or anythingebie, 'as a
means of inducing him to vote for Cameroh..=
This, .whether: true - or false in itself; : is what
might be expected under the circumstances, and
is, according to the statement of Dr. Boyer,
what Mr. Patterson said he would testify if an
investigation should be inatituttidi •
There are other statements in the testimony
of Mr. Patterson that are worthy of considera
tion.- He said he came to Harrisburg at the
request or suggestion of no one; that be ar
rived There on: the eighth of Jabuity, betvieen
five and six. o'clpek in, the afternoon; that.after
supper he met General Cameron .by aeoident
in the Poetoffiee, and was. informed- by Lim
there, that he was-net :a candidate for United
etates,Senator i that the next day he sought an
interview with Dr. Boyer, in order to. ascertain
whether he really intended to vote for Gen, Ca.
nieren; . th at. after havipg some conversation With
Dr. Boyer, on their way, to Beading, he had-no
faith' in him, and- concluded that he would ad
vise General Cameron not to trust. him ;, 'and
that General Cameron said he would have no
thing to do with him. Still, however, as the
testimony of both Dr. Boyer anal Mr. - Patterson
shows, they persisted in itolding interviews
with Dr. Boyer, in order to secure his vote for
General Cameron. All this service Mr. Patter
son performed without fee or reward from any
There is one other point in Mr. Patterson's
testimony that may be noticed. He says he
was present•during the wholetime - etthe inter
view.between Senator Puller, General Cameron
and Dr. Bo.yer, at his own room in Herr's
hotel. Accordingly,' he relates in his testimony
the conversation which took place between the
partials on that nonagon. Bat the testimony
of Senator Fuller is that Mr. Pattierson Was
not in the room while he was there. Here,
then, is a liat contradiction between these two
witnelees but tine committee have.no doubt,
from the evidence before them, and from all the
ciircumetanoes of the ease, that the testimony
of Senator Fuller is literally true.
It appears from the testimony before the
cornmittee, thatlhere were other •members of
the Legislature, besides Dr. 'Boyer, "to Whom
offers of money and place weremade, to induce
them to vote - for Simon Cameron for; United
States Senator. Those who would come to an
enlightened judgment in regard to this ques
tion, may consult: the: testimony of Messrs.
Graber, Wolf, Thomas,. and Hammer. ,
Mr. Graber testifies that Mr. Henry Tho mas,
at his own house, and in a private interview
between them, urged him to vole . for General
Cameron for United States Senator, atatisked
Mr. Graber to make his 'Own lighreie if he Could
do anything. ; He 'moreover insisted' en Mi.
Graber ,go with him, at a late hour of the
night, - to See General Cameron at his own
house, and • proposed to 'take 'him in
riage ; but Mr. Graber did'not consent to any
of these proposals.
-Mr. Wolf's testimony is that Mr. Henry
Thomas said to him, "go for General Cameron,
and you shall be well paid. State how Ouch
you will take to vote for General Cameron—
put down the " figures." It is alsb in fvidence
that Mr. John L. Hammir told'Mr. Wolf that
he could make five thousand dollars by voting
for General Cameron ; and again, that he (Mr.
Wolf) could make a nice thing out of it
There is one other fact which has been
dearly brought to view in the course of the
investigation, and which doubtless has some
bearing upon the question before the commit
tee. It is this, that General Cameron enter
tained a strong desire to be elected Li) the Senate
of the United States. The proof of this is so
abundant that hardly any one who reads the
testimony herewith - submitted will call it in
question. It is seen in the anxiety which Was
manifested"on the part of General Cameron, as
brought to light in the statement of Mr. Pen
neman, to ascertain whether he. could or could
not secure the vote ef Mr. Nelsen, a Demo
cratic member from W ayne .. It le seen , more-
Over, in the' repeatedinteriiews which General
Cameron held with Dr. Boyer, as stated by
Messrs. Brobet and Patterson, in order to se
cure the vote of Dr.-Boyer. True, we are told
by. Mr. Patterson that General ameron said
to him, in their accidental interview. at 'the
post office, that' he was not 'a candidate ;• but
he also testifies that. General Cameron - told him
en the following morning, that he would he
thankful to him for anything 'he could do for
him. Aooordingly,Mr. Patterson immediately
commenced his efforts, and continued them till
the latest hour, to secure for General Cameron
the vote of Di. Bayer.
Such is a brief ootline of factsund airouth
stan6es were brought to light . in the
course of the investigation. Your committee
are therefore of the npinion that the testimony
before them justifies the following conclusion
That unlawful means ware, employed to se
cure the election - of Simon Cameron io the
Senate of the United. StateNin last January.
Your committee offer the following resolu•
Lion :
Resolved, That they be discharged from the
further consideration of the subject •
.8, WAKEFIELD, Chairman.
• D. 'CAINE,
• F. J. BARGER, • •
Question. Will you state, fully everything
which occurred between yourself and all other
persons relative to your voting for Simon
Cameron for United Staten Senator ?
Answer. Some time in the week of the
commencement - of this session of the Legisla
ture, after 'my return from Philadelphia, I met
Mr. William Beebet at the Pennsylvania House,
in this city; after several meetings he 'asked
me to see me privately; 'I invited him to my
room, and after a brief ConversatiOn, relating
to things in general, be commenced reviling
the different prominent Democratic candidates
for United States Senator, and closed by ex ;
pressing : his deoided preference for Simon
Cameron for that position; I then asked him
what he meant by that; he answered that: he
wanted to see &ion. Cameron• elected to the
United States. Senate. or something like that;
asked him to explain his' motive; he said
that Frank. Bughes had pursued him in - a law
suit and cheated him out of a large amount of
property belonging to the Brobet estate, and
that he wanted to mike some money rani
have revenge ort.him ; I asked him bow he eXr
petted .to make the money ; be said out of. Si
mon Cameron ; I asked him how this could be
done;`he said' by voting for him for t hat office ;
I asked him how much Simon would pay for IL
vote; 'I told him at the' same tinte„to . say -no
thing but the,truth—nothing but what he was
authorized to say ; previous to what I have Isin,
said I asked him whether he was autherizrd by
Cameron to come to me in regard to this mat
ter; be said he was authorized, to go, to oily
one and enter into• the preliminary arrange
ments for a vote ; he replied to my question,
above stated, he was authorized to offer five
thousand dollars.; .I asked him whether he
meant to vote or absent myself at the time; he
said he wanted some man to go away—he was
getting some others. to do the same Ihing'; he
did.not say who the' others, ere; I then told
him the amount' was too smalt=l <cotrld •not
entertain the Proposition ; he said the . - others
tread do It for. that; I asked, him who. they
were; lie declined telling until he got . permis
sion froin'Camtiron to db so ; he then left, Ind
tint leivouldipoe Cameron audaek him in re
gard to.the. price and whether. he would be
willing:lo pay anymore; he returned the same
day and 'said be Could make no other arrange
ment, and urged his former - propmeitida ; the
next day he called end- said Cameron wanted
to see me at his residence out of town, and
wanted me to go with him in' the evening ; 1
told , him rmiuld n ot promise Lich I had
seen its person with whom I had an.engageinent
that evening, and if I could get rid of it ,I
would go with him; he said he was going at
seven o'clock, 'and that be would have a car
riage for that puiposein front of Herr's hotel;
I told him that if' I could go I would . msettiM
there; I then communicated to ,Mr. Earley,: of
the Howe, what oceuvred, and asked him to
walk doWn town with rile at the appointed tithe,
which; he did cit . the time appointed; we Saw
the carriage standing there ; I went up to Mr.
Brobst and made some excuse of some -kind,
and told, him I could , not go, but would go with'
him some other time; he then said he would
go down 'and see Cameron - himeelf i` we parted
there, - and I did not see- him again Until the
next day, when he called and said that Gen.
C.amerop wanted to see me at the State Capi
tal Bank; this was in the forenoon; I went
over to the bank with Brobst, who conducted
me into the back room; General Cameron was
sitting- there alone; after putting down the
blinds, closing the doors, Ste., be, (General
Cameron,) who was alone present, asked me,
or rather said, " Well, Boyer, do you think
you could have courage enough to vote for me
for :United States Senator ?". I told him that
was a very business-like question, and that it
depended entirely on ciecurustanoes ; he . then
said, "Suppose the circumstances are all right?"
I asked him What he meant by being all right;
he said, he meant-the pecuniary consideration,
in short, the dollars and cents; I then said I
poesessed any amount of courage,; he -then
wanted to know how much I would like to have ;
I told him that I had not been in' this bUsiness
long, and 'did not know how to answer the
question; he then asked me what-I thought of
ten thousand dollars right down after the work
was done; I told him I would not answer him
definitely, and 'Wanted to know 'Whether :he
wanted - me to vote• for him or absent'myself on
the day, of the election; he said he wanted a
vote, as it / would be,a damaed bother to-get the
men away, and beildee, he only regarded the
money paid ad the 'first installment, and :if lie
had so many to take oareef he could nof eerie
them.so well. as if he had, but one; he said
something shoat two payensterships in the
army whieh were vacant, do not remember
distinctly whtit lie said' about it,) but hi 'staid
he could- get: me one of - them ; he said they
were life appointments with a salary. of three
thousand dollars a year and one thousand dol.
larti for Clerk hire . ; he then asked me who we
could get to arrange the matters 'in the future
respecting this'. I told himl could not 'suggest
anybody ;he then asked me whether-Jim Burns
would dq ; I,answered him yes; he said ,he
would send for him, and we parted . ; I think I
promised to see him at his own honsenn that
evening or the nekt, but am not positive as 'to
that; I met Brobst again 'the same day, and
Promised to go with- him' that evening or the
next to Cameron's house; he said he had had
two members down there-nod that they were
from Luzerne count r y; be said they were all
right; I walked downtown, I think, on Wei
nesday evening I had made a previous en
gagement with him' (Brobsf)`to have a carriage
and , pair of horses in front of Herr's hotel,
and be was to have a - driver engaged ; he 'said
Cameron had made arrangements to get'a car
riage and horses whenever he wanted them; at
the appointed hour the carriage was there, but
Brobst was nowhere to be found ;,I stood upon
the steps of Herr's Hotel, perhaps half an hour,
talking with some stranger, and Brobst did
not make his appearance ; I then came away
and returned atiout eleven o'clock to my rooms
at'the hotel ; when I came there , Brobst was
there; he said that. he bad gone to bed in the
evening and told the nigger to wake him up
at seven o'clock, bu,t that he did not do it; the
next day 'Brobat came to my room again and
said that General Cameron wanted to see me
at: the State Capital Bank . ;. I told him lwould
not go - a
-that if Cameron desired any further
interview he must come to mn; he then said
he would go and see Cameron, and see whether
he would call 'at my room ; I agreed to wait on
hint there twenty minutes ; he returned within
the time and brought Cameron with him; Brobst
retired ; Cameron said, "Now let usemate to
an understanding ;" I asked him in. reference
to what'? 'and he said, "This Senates husiness;"
I then told him 'muse have $16,000; he:said,
"I will give it,'' and that-le was going down
in the oars on the Lebanon Valley railroad that
day at 2 o'clock; that Jim Burns watt sick,
and' Johli l J: Pattersodwould'go down also, and
that we could there reale arrangements in 7re
gall to the-money ; I should here state that in
the morning of that day I met John.J. Patter
son,Who told me he lived in Juniata county (I
knew him previouslyy, who said he would like
t o bee me privately ; I told him I would bee
him at any time; he then sa'.d.that the money
would be all right ; I asked him What money ;
he' said, "Oh, I know all aliwit it—l seen Cam
eron;" we parted and agreed• to meet at the
depot of the 'Lebanon Valley care ; we met
there, and Cameron was also on the traihl we
went into the baggage apartment (after the
train started) of the New York car (so called
by the conductor), anti ;there John J Patterson
and myself agreed for a vote for $20,000, sub
ject to Cameron's approval:;, I then left him
th e re, and agreed to meet him in the front car,
where we had left our baggage; Patterson
soon joined me there, and said that Cameron,
although he thought it was d'amned big, agreed
to pay it to save tither blather—that he wan
ted the bother off his mind ; Patterson said
that he Would not conclude the bargain until
he had seen Cameron—that he would do no
thing without his approval , ; I then asked 'Pat
terson what Cameron's business was in the
city, beside this business of ours ; he said he
did aot positively icoow, but be thought it had
reference to (lila Senatorial matter; I told him
that 1 thought that he was going down to en
range with som ethem
, other members and get
to leave; Patterson said tie_ could . not, posi
tively say, hut that he would see Cimarron ; I
told him if this was the case I'must i'usist Oat
they should return before Monday ; I gave him
my reason for this, thertheir absence would
defeat our plans ; lie thin Went and saw Cam.
eron again; when he returned 'to me, he spid
th . at would he all right—dint they would `re
turn ; after some further conversation he said,
in connection- with this [Linger, that if there
waa. an, nveetigaiion he would without any
hesitation whatrver swear talse'y, and say that
he knew nothinq about. it ; Izstopp d at Read
lug, and so did Patterson; C .meroo , w.nt on
to Phila elphiv; Patterson said be ,wvu d re.
turn that evening: nee 4r;isburg. and, told me
afterwards tba' h. dt t ; I agreed to return , on
Saturday evening, and it wassuuderatood that
C a meron should ref urn also ; Cameron, Patter,
eon anCmysell ag ee I to , mast on. Saturday
evening at the L minim Valley depot in this
city ; I in. CP 'et, triton again at the depoti' as
agreed upon ; _he said_ we would .go to Den
Cemnron litionee,; we went there directly from
the_de,pot 4 and f ound. General_ Cameron there
ahead' of us ; he invited, .us up ,stairs into a
room, and there we agreed,:the whole l three of
us, Upon the prise, for my vote. for
Simon Cameron for United 'States Senator ; the
money - was to -be- deposited: in "Patterson's
hands - ; the ears - I had - told Patterson - that
I meet hate $5,000. in hand ; this I had• ne
glected saying before); General Cameron then
said; "This - ends it.; I will ibe Senator," and
there is no doubt but what the Southern - States
will gain their independence, and- I will- have
more powerthan any other man in that Senate,
and you - shaft never regret it;"' I then got up
to start ; Patterson said to me; "I have:got the
hand money in my pocket ;" we then parted,
and ;agreed to - meet again ow Monday ; Patter
son said he 'must go hothe; And' wbuld treturn
again on.Mondity.; .I met him (Patterson) on
Monday moraieg, end agreed to nteet. hiar at
fiv t e o'clock in his, room at Herr's. Hotel. that
evening; he said when we met, at or , about 5
O'clock, he had the hand-moneylocked up doWn
stairs in the safe, and that' he wanted me to
see Gen. Cameron again before paying iterver;
that he did. not want. to de anything without
his ccineent, and accordingly made an engage
ment for himself, Cameron and myself, to meet
at the same place the neat morning at an early
boor; the neat morning (Tuesday) Patterson
called at the. Pennsylvania House immediately
after breakfast, and we . preeeeded together to
his room at llerr's Hotel, and there found Si
mon Cameron lying upon the bed complaining
of -disease of. the bowels ; Cameron then said
Dr. Fuller would -meet me there whenever I
was ready to receive him, and that he .(Cam
eron) desired me to say to him that I would
vote for him (Cameron) for United States Sen
ator; I made some pretended objections to this,
and demanded to the, necessity for doing
so ; he said unless I .did thie there might be
some trouble in the Republican caucus, and
they might charge that he just Wanted - their
damned nominationfor effect; he said he would
not take a nomination and a defeat for ,the
entire Degislature ; I then,agreed that I would
see. Fuller, whereupon Mr. Patterson said that
the General (Cameron) would raise the price
$5,000; -all thine, being arranged, I•said that
I must now be convinced that the money part
was all right; Patterson then opened: hie bun
dle and got out a large roll of notes, purporting
to be $20,000; he then said that I could have
the hand•money;: I told him/ that upon rellee:
don I deemed it-prudent.not to have it. about
:lne—that there might be some kind of ,a row
after the election ; Pattereenthen told me that
he would take care of it and hind it to me at
any time after the election ; Dr., Filler was
then-brought in -by Patterson and introduced.
to me. by,, ,patterepn ; I then said to Dr. Fuller,
"I presume I know the object of this inter
view;" he said, "I am 'chairman of a comOtittee
of the Republican °Micmac, see yoti and ascer
tain whether you will vote for Simon Cameron;"
I answered, "Yes, if you nominate him I as
sure you it will be all right;" he said, "You,
give me that assurance ?" I again said, "Yes;"
he then said, "You peed not have any fear
with reference to your personal safety—we
have made . ample 'provision- for your protec
tion ;" this ended the interview ; Dr. Fuller
retired, Pattereon came in, Cameron assured me ,
that he would - be ever grateful, and we parted ;
I went directly to- the House of Representa
By Mr. Brown. You will please etate w)tere
you live, And when you left home for Harris-.
burg? '
Witness. T reside in'Olearfield county, which
I left for .Harrisburg on the last Tuesday in
December, and reached this city on the morn
ing of the first day of January instant.
By Mr. Brown. Had you, prior to leaving
home, any' consultation; arrangement or con
versation with any person or persons by which
you were to put yourself, in- communication
with General Cameron, with a view to draw
from him or his friends an offer for your vote ?
Witness. No, sir.
By. Mr. Brown. Is the statement in the PA
TRIOT AND UNION of ; January 22d,'1863, over
the signature of T. Jeffersonßoyer, your state
ment ?
Witness. 'Yes, sir, it is. -
By Mr. Brown. Were you solicited, after the
election of United States Senator, or before the
election, to make a written statement ?
Witnei3s. No, sir; I Made it 'of my own ac 7
• By Mr. Brown. Was the publication a mat
ter of consultation or conversation prior. to its
being made?
Witness. After I had written out the state
ment, I submitted it to a few Mends.
By Mr. Brown. ' State who those friends
Witness. Mr. Wallace, the . Senator' from
Clearfield, was one; L. Jackson Crau9,Esq.,.
from Said county, another, the latter erk of
this committee; on the suggestion of Mr. Wal-
lacif, I submitted it to a few others; who, at the
suggestion, of Mr. Wallace, were to meet at Mr.
Ciymer.'s room ; met Mr. Clymer, Mr. Lam
berton, the Senator from •Clarron, and Mr.
Keine,' Who came in after I got there, but did
not remain.
By Mr. Brown. Woe the statement left with
; the_ printer before or after you knew that a
committee of ' investigation ' had been ap
pointed ? • •
Witness. I had• written it and took it down
to the printer, or ,editors of the PATRIOT AND
UNION ' who sai d they could not publish it,for
a day or so,*and that I had better re-writeit so
as to write . it plainer ; that, of course; I did ;
this caused a - .delay of a few - days, and the
committee may have
-keen appointed before its
publication, or it was returned to, the office for
publication; in fact, I know it *as.
• By Mr. Brown: Did you, at any time, offer,
or did you. say to any person, or in the hearing
of any person, that for, one- thousand dollars„
or a tor any other sum, you would suppress the
publication ?
Wikese. • NO
p , sir.
By Mr. Brown. Prior to your- first seeing
Brobst at the Pennsylvania House, bad you any
understanding, arrangement or intention that,
you should put yoUrself in Ihe: way of Central
tameron, or any friend of his, with a view of
having them offer to buy or make an arrange
ment, to procure your vote for la eneral Cameron,'
or with, a view of : drawing from him or them
any proposition haiing reference to the ,eleo-,
Lion of a,'Usiited Statee Senator ? ' •
Witness. Thad neither understanding nor
arrangement.; hut from . what I had heard I.
resolved that if I was approached
. by -any of.
Cain• rOU ; 33 friends, I•would endeavor to defeat
By 'Mr. BroNitn. Had you conceived the pro
ject of_ patting. yoursallin the way °tale ofte;•
rutora and trying bow far they were ,dieposed,
to go in the matter.? , .
Witness. At ter the first meeting with 13robst
Iha i and did • .• . • " • '
By Iktr. Beehe. •Was it-tor this purpolie that'
you eon , inurd your interviews With Cameron,
Brobst and .Patterson? • •
Wituese. Tee, sir, it was..
By Mr Beetle Were you in pohsultatiott at
nine with aoy bther gentlemen, 'and if eo,
with who& f• . •
Witness. I woo with Mr ,Early, of ,the Musa
. 11.eprerltti4ivce, Mr. Wallace, .4hie I3enator
. .
. .
BY. O. 13A1tiltarkT & CO Q
THE DAILY PATRIOT AND trarorwill be ported to enb.
Scribersresidingit t the BorOugh foram oaarairka woes,
payible to the Carrier. Mail subscribers, sirs DOLLANN
TNT WiteriN PATRIOT AND Traros'is iribliehed at Two
DOLLARS Pea ANION, advance. Ten copies
to once 'Adresse, fifteen doltays ' ' •
Connected with this establishment b solassive
JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and_fency
type s unequalled by any establishment in,the intorici o
the Eliot", for which the patronage of the public is so -
united.. .
from Clearfield,' and 'Mr. Robert Ville:Lk the
proprietor of the Pennsylvania - Ifottse. '
By Mri-Beehei • With any others ?
Witness.- CM Sunday Ware the election Mr.
Buokelew sailed par Pe, AO I stated 4 him
what they were. doing .and •what Iliad done;
the only thing which Mr, Buokalew said was
that I should be easeful what I was doing ;- I
also communicated the same in substitute to
Mr. Kaufman, Prothonotary of Berks county,
and-to my fatherottateadinw it - - •
By. Mr. Beebe. Did they,,on either of , them;
advise or approve your course is whole or in
part ? •
Witness, They neither , of them advised, and
as I did not ask their approvslolo not reaol
leet-giat,they-snid anything aboiet•it ; or what
they said about it.
By Mr. Brown: From the.time , yott first saw
Brobst at the Pennsylvania hones until ynnr
lost interview with Cameron, did yen repot
the progress you were making; and :Moo, to
Witness. Yes, ; constantly advised
Me; Earley of what had occuired bet Ween
_these other gentlemen at such times .- as I
met them; I only spoke to Mr. .Buckalew once
on this subject; on the evening preceding the
election I was at Eu 011101.13, and saw Mr...Truck
alew; and daring a Conversation in •regard to
the Senate meeting with us i I remarked Whim
that they would; this interview with Mr.
Buckalew was purely accidental ; • merely
dropped in ; there were other gentlemen there;
I am not certain whether -my -remark was std
dreased to hini or some other person.
By Mr. Brown. Did Mr. 'Buckalew tinder
eland; or did you at any time inform hiin,that
You had concluded as arrangement. to sellyoun
vote to Cameron, or Lo that effect.? •
Witness. At the interview I had with Mr.
Buckalew on the Sunday already referred 'to .1
told him what I had been doing; I don't knoW
that I. told him that I had sold my vote to Cam
eron ; I think I did tell him what.arrangemente
I had made, and that my object wee to defeat
the schemes of Simon Cameron for the 'United:
States Senate; I am positiire I told hini so.
By Mr. Brown.. Did he at that. time censure
ybu for what you were doing or advise you to.
desist ?
Witness. I cannot say that he did.
By Mr. I3i.own. Did 'he tell yen to 'be cau
tious, and to be cautious as to what ? •
•Witness: He told me to be cautious, but he
did not say as to what. - ; • •
By Mr. Brown. What reply did you make to
his ad monition to be cautious?
WitnesS. told hit., in , Stibstanoe; that 1
would manage that mattgr myself: : •
By Mr. Brown. A; any interviews you. had
with General Cameron, Brobst or Patterson,oe
either' of the, Was aoy person
_Present by
arrangement to overhear the interviews, an& if
so, was - it kfiowthto either of the three, and
who was the person, and where was he?
Witness. At ,one . of the interviews with
Brobst, Mr. Earley, whom I met at tha door
of our own rooms, (which rooms adjoin' and
are occupied jointly by us,) asked me what'
was going on; I told him Mr. Bidet was com- •
ing up; he told . me he would like to hear the
fun ; I told him he world have to take the bed
room if he did ; which he did ;; and - I have
. no
doubt he heard the 'entire interview. -
By Mr. Brown. bid you at any time before ,
leaving home say to any person that you would
vote for Cameron e and that Mr. Bigler was the
only Democrat who could get your' ote? -
.Witneas. •
HENRY enurramen being duly morn, teed•
flee as folloNts
By Mr. Heine. Will you state how long you
have been residing in this city ?
...Witness. From five to six months, the last
month of whiph I have been residing at the
Pennsylvania House. .
By Mr. Kaine. Were .you ; at the Pengsyl•,
vania House from the sixth to the oixt t eeagk
day of January, instant?. - . • ,
I was.
By Mr. Kaine. During that time, did-you
see General Simon Cameron at the. Penneylva,
nia House,. and witre and under what oiraum
stances ? •
Witness. I saw him at the Pennsylva n ia,
House entering the front door. I had np knowl
edge of his business., I saw him enter and pass
up stair's. • '
By -Mr. Keine. Was there any person with
him? • . . . -
Witness. Not Nhen - he entered the hpuse.
A g e ntleman went up 'stairs with MM. His
name was Mr."Brobat: " •
By Mr. Kate. Did you see Mr. Brobat
terwarde ? ,
Witness. Not immediately. He was stop- :
ping at the house at the time.
By Mr. Seine. Can you MI the day bn which
you saw General'eametest and Mr. Bret:et go.
ing up stairs together? . , - . •
Witness. lam under .the imprestdon thai,
it was on the Friday previous to the elebtion
for an United States , Benator; ; • •
SENSIBLZ LANGUAGIL—The editor of the
ClarisOaii Embaasaddi proposed ea - erase &Om •
his books the name of any subscriber'Who 'ha
lieved shivery. right; whereupon al subscriber
at Rye gave him a manly rebuke for preanh
log politica instead of Christ .We quote; "In
my bumble opinion, it ishigh time this north:
ern cry about the 'evil' of Slavery, and the
'sin' of slavery Vaeput an 'end. to." If it be
the awful monstrosity. that it is, represented tot
be, why hag the Almighty permitted it to 4)40,
ever since the flood ; why was the first slave
ever created; and why has He bleit the labor
of the slave with a rerun of untold prosperity'
upon the country! Let the Almighty's works
alone. They aro fast and sure. Nothing was
made in vain. And when Re formed him it was
for the very uses to ivhich be'has been subject;
and from the result of his labors the .World
everywhere 'has been bleated. I do , not - diesi.
tate to assert my belief, then, that, God. wills
the existence. of 'slavery,: so salted . It jEfe
did not, audit Was really mini sight aid evil, •
it could nova's:tad in 'Hi's. presence. • Weitz.'
mind shout your prayers for its abolishment,:
or your lebored.arguments against it. Jr it tie
all that the fanatics of the North represent it,
He will in His own good time “bid the
sed go free," without entreaties •or Ott.'
evasions to do to. Meanwhile,' we should)
mind our •own . business emit let, ether people's '
alone.. The South must answer for .the 'curse.
of slavery'—if any
,insivereng there is to be'
—kid not we of the 'North; •who have• sins
enough in all conscience to repent of, without
bothering ourselves about' the imaginary sing
of others. And as to ,the pulpit and religious
press, it is . !Oho. time politics were abandoned
from their discussion. The holy altar has been
too long polluted With the ory of 'Down With;
slavery. I' and . others ' exrially foreign to. Rai
purpose ;, while the religious j ou rnals seem to.
have , forgot their calling entirely.,auk_
changed et,' eh'pets' thature a'positive
the name of Christian !"-- Exchange. r
Thn Pro-ident is said to -be still perplexed
w h a t t a with the condemned 3liesecotalnr
digne. • The' matter in . atilt under considers?
tion. • t , 7