more exerted against that portion of the people who are bob/ and virtuous ,enough to oppose despotism. The Conscription law will be so enforced as to take Democrats Away from the polls and leave the unconditional supporters the admmialration to do the voting_ In addi tion to this, the Cbllecters of the Ports, and other promideat officials,will organize millitary companies in our towns and cities, which the government will supply with arms and ammu• nition, and these organizations will _undertake to keep all opponents of the •adinieistration from the ballot-box, by violence or intimida-. tion. Should these'and other like means fail in subjegatint the people, thenthe last re source of the infernal conspirators against the country and its liberties will be the effort, upon the plea, of "necessity"—Lbe rams populi— which all : tyrants have invoked since the world began, to. prevent the next Congress from meeting! Then, ineeed, will the climex of op pression be reached. And then let the admin istration and ita partisans "stand , front nilder. l , l ' The flood-gates of popular wrath will be open ed; and when the tide begins to rise, .and surge, and roar, and sweep onward, - let these • flee away from its fury and.power who have been, and ere} yet, deliberately breaking , down those shores and dykes , of law which have thus long restrained the repressed rage of* patient, but indignant Teeple I , , • 4-.,•;;.*.t0t.f:. mon. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 9, 1868. O SABRETT a 00., PI OPEINTORB 00111pallnieStIODIS Will not be published lathe PAtitIOT LID thUOX unless accompanied With.the MOO of the • sotkor. - W. If: Kmossuss, Esq., of - Towanda, is a duly au thorised agent to collectimeounte and receive enhecrip tie= end advertisements for this paper. NOY/OMM 22,102. • PETTENGILL iv CO., Pis. 37 Pal* Roar, N. Y., and S State St., negto2l, Are 0112 Agents for the PATRIOT AN UNION. in those cities, and are authorized to . take Advertisemente and Subscriptions for ns at onr Loubst Rates. FOR SALE. Aseesmd-hand Moans Pimes,platen 80,A1 by 26inehee in good order; can be worked either . by hand or steam power , Tome moderate . Inquire at this omee. ,TG Members , or the Legislature. TheiDAhw PAirsror wrrri Thnow will be famished 'to members of the Legislature gluing the .aession at TWO Members wishing extra copies of the DAILY /WM= AND Unto, can procure them by leaving their orders at the; publication Office, Third street, or with our re porter, in either Hquee, the evening previous. TO THE .PUBLIc. TRH PATRIOT AHD Maim and all its business operations hereafter be conducted exclu sively by 0. Rims Err and T. G. ?OIefEROY, un der the firm of o.Beannrr Sc Co., the connec tion of If. F. M'Reynolds with said establish- meat having ceasedon the 20th November, inst. Novnatint, 21, 1862. beznoeritue. County convention. By direction of the County Committee, the Democratic Countir Convention of Dauphin county will meet at Harrisburg' on Tuesday, the 21st day of April, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Meetings for the selection of delegates to said Convention will be held - in the several town ships on Saturday, the 18tlif April, between the flours of 5 and 7, p. m., and in the several towns and wards between the hours of 7 and 9, p. In., on said day, at the usual places of holding delegate meetings: GEO. F. JIVEAvER, • Secretary pro tem. Harrisburg, March 28, 1863. WI 0 TICE. The report of the committee appointed to investigate the bribery alleged to have been attempted in connection with the election of U. S. Senator, will be published in the PATRIOT AND 'Union to-morrow morning. Persons wanting extra copies will leave their orders prior to 9 o'clock this evening. Forney's Comment. Forney's comment on the Report of the Com mittee on the Conduct of the War is unique. It concludes thus: "The report ought to be read by every clue, and cannot fail to command the attention which RS fairness, its unanswerable facts, and the well known abzlity and INTEGRITY of its authors de serve that it should receive." As an old friend of ours would exclaim, with. both hands raised above his head, "Gracious Heaven !" " The ' , fatness" of the report-:- mark' that ! Its "unanswerable facts"—pticlt a pin there ! " The well krown ability and IN TEGRITY" of Hen. Wade, Zachviah Chandler, and John Covode—ture down the leaf and pause for breath ! What man save Forney, the mendacious wretch wbo charges Democrats with "living upon thepubliecalamities"—who but the miserable parasite that clings to the administration for bread and writes for the privilege of plunder, could havo written a _sentence so replete with falsehood and unmer ited encomium? There are many base men in the world-many " base and ' unscrupulous wretches, many corthorants and birds of vile propensities in. the adminstration ranks—but Forney is the dirtiest, buzzard, thy most die : ado bi ed of them all. Extract from a letter dated Wrr.LiAnskavr, March SO, 180 S 0. Emmert , & Co.: 'My neighbors -- and want your weekly paper. and promise a list of ten more Subscribers in that vicinity in a few days. Please find enclosed $4 00 for the . two papers now ordered. These gentlemen affirm that the people cm posing the opposition to the Democratic party • have always failed when in power to adminis ter the affairs of the government, either State or National, to the Belief — action of the people; that they have ever 'disregarded the principles on which the government is based and upon which-11e perpetuity - depends, and have con; tinnally labored to centralize the whole power of goenrionent at Waßtington, &c. The Union League huinbng received' no encouragement here—Lett? honest Pomanry say it is merely another name for Know-Nothingism, Lamp lighters, &c.,and that a party without any fixed or defiite rule .for• its government, not daring to run their machine for two conSeou five years under the same'ntune, is not entitled to the respect of any loyal man in the land. These gentlemen are greatly pleased With your labors in bottling the vile Abolition party and with the manner in which - you hurl back upon them their hellish lies. The Democrats of this county will sustain the Government to the putting down Or the rebelllon and to the turning out of powee of the present Abolition rulerstat all hazards_ 'Beater Clymer is the choice. of the people for Governer. ' In haste, yours truly, F. Thil3 letter is a fair sample of: many others of which we are in the daily receipt. The spirit of the Democraoy throughout the whole State ls 'encortraging; And; if no mistake is made, . we shall carry the election next fall by an OTerirkphaing.ll/83001.1C The 176th Regiment (In the Telegraph of April let, is published wbat purports to be resolutions adopted by the 176th regiment Pennsylvania draftsd a men. These resolution, whatever may have been the intention of ,those who prepared at adop t . , ted them, are publiabed for[the purpo Of iv* peaebing the patriotism and fidelity to pfincti• pie and duty of the Democracy of the North. ,This being the case it is well enough to scruti nise the political anticedents of the officers who, we presume, , lvere • about the only mem bers of the regiment interested in getting them up. Taking Col. Lechler's word for it that the "regiment is 4eaidlidly Demoeratio," we may bepermitted to doobt whether the men. were .particulirly consulted, on the subject, or• had any idea of the use that was to be made of the reriolations, Oven if they were carelessly read to them. , We don't believe that any Democrat, whether in the dress of , a private citizen or a prirate soldier, woulddeliberately indorse the 4 ` Indemnity Act " or the suspension, in Stites Where the adtainistration of justice was unob structed, of the privilege of the, writ of habeas corpus. This, whatever Col. Lechler and the resolutions may say to the contrary, we don't believe. The Colonel tells us that there are but "seven Republicans out of the thlrty-six. offi cers whose names are attached to the p,roceed ings," and in the preamble to the resolutions it is stated that the reginient is composed of "citizens of Lehigh and Monroe counties." The Colonel does not, inform us what his own poli tical sentiments are, but we 'strongly suspect he is a very black Republican, or a very fishy : Democrat: We have, hoVever, some reliable . information in regard to several of the " offi cers whose names are attached to the troceed ings,"'and on the bit furnished us, Which is of Monroe county men exclusively, we rind one Abolitionist, One Wide-Awake, five Republi 7 . - cans, one Democrat; one Of uncertain politics,' and one unreliable Democrat—that is; a fishy, fellow, of whom you,can .never say preeisely where he, is to be found. We suspect, there fore, that Col. Lechler was mistaken in saying that only seven lof the thirty-siX offieers Who signed the resolution's were Republicans, for it would be remarkable if not a single Repub lican,., or, 'which is r worse, a fishy Deinoeriat, could not be found among the twenty-sii of cars Of whoa we have no account. We'look upon political proceedings from camp, fur nished by -commissioned 'officers, as very much. of a humbug—a pretty little arrangement , ol their own to secure favor and promotion ffroin Abolition heatiquartera at Washington and, Harrisburg.- With these remarks we submit.a letter from Monroe county, as our authority for the 're • marks we have made i STROUDSBURG, April 4, 1863. 0. BARRETT & Co.: Gentlemen— * * * Col, _Lechler is a stranger to me. Ido not . know him: He is not from our section of country, and Jam glad of it. I will give you It description of the officers from our. county (Monroe) - whose names are attached as partici pants' in the proceedings of the- 176th regi ment, published in the Harrisburg Telegraph.. Maj. Wm. Schoonover • Abolitionist. Adjlt. Joseph T. Walton . Wide-Awake. Capt. C. 11. Warnick..... ...... Republican. Capt. Joseph Nicholas Republican. Capt. Samuel IL Keller. Democrat. let Lt. William Loder, quite young—uncertain. Ist Lt. Harvey Bates Republican: Ist Lt. Levi Smith Republican. 2d Lt. Godfrey Ruff Democrat--unreliable. 2d Lt. Jos. P. B. Primrose. Republican. There are only two .Deikocrats among them, and, considering that-their commissions come from the Governor, (but not their understand ing,) and- various other influences brought to bear upon ambitious • officers in the . army, we can scarcely be astonished at any foolish thing they may, do. Very respectfully, &c. For the Patriot and MANUFACTURING POLITICAL CAPI TAL IN THE A RMY.' MESSRS. EDITORS :—For some time past the Abolition papers have been publishing resolu-' tions denouncing northern Democrats and stig r matizing every one who does not sing mans of praise to his Imperial Highness the Aboli tion President, and endorse all'his ultra mea sures without hesitation .or mental, reserve tion--which resolutions purport being passed with great unanimity by certain Pennsylvania regiments. The folloling extract from a sol dier's letter, published in , the Hollidaysburg Stendard, will give your readers some insight into the manner" in which this kind of- public sentiment is manufactured. He says! , 4 A piece of political trickery of this ; kind was practiced on our regiment ,a few days ago. Some of the Republican editors at,home wrote to some of their political friends in the regi ment asking them to get up a set of resolutions ,denouncing the Copperheads" -of the North'; denouncing peace propositions; branding with infamy the .Democratic State Senators whq refused to give the legislative ball to Jehn son and Wright; extolling the ,Governor of ,Pennsylvania, and endorsing the measures of the -President's emancipation and conscription acts. The resolutions were. dratted; and en dortied in the following manner: The regiMent was convened before the Colonel's marquee. The meeting was organized by calling a ram pant Abolitionist to the chair. The Colonel, by request of the chairman, stated to the regi ment the object of the meeting, after which the resolutions,were read. Immediately after the reading some one proposed that the reso lotions be endorsed by the regiment : just as .they stood. A vote was then taken, and I Suppose every Republican in the, regiment voted fox them. There was no negative vote offered, consequently we who could not conscientiously. endorse the resolutions, as they stood, were compelled to lookers on in Venice.' I suppose the resolutions will be forwarded to the different Republican county papers for publication as unanimously endorsed by our regiment. Bat the truth is, if a,negative vote had been taken,we would have sent up as loud a nay,as the endorsers did a yea." , Resolutions of this kind have lately been published as emanating from the 84th regi ment. These - who know that the original field, staff and line officers, with one : or• two excep tions, were uncompromising Democrats, to say nothing of the fact that four-ftfihs of the pi- Tates belonged to the same political family, would naturally be surprised; but the fact must be remembered that at this-time there is not a single one of the original field officers in ,the regiment,' and only two line officers—lieu tenants. Some were slain in battle, •others wounded,. and many compelled to resigh from ill-health. The resolutions purporting to' be passed by the regiment are the production of the new officers, ivho are lookipg forward to promotion, and do not empress the sentiments of the brave Democrats of the 84th. This we. have direct from one who has partiolpated in all the battles in which that excellmitregiment has been engaged. BLAIR tOURTY. , General News More about the ,Charleston epsdition. A rashingloniten4 April 7, in the N. Y.. World Y: I i i • Official information lately ?oohed the War Department, that the movement against Charleston had been initiated by theianding of a small Federal force near the foot of James Island Private letters have been received to r night from Commandei Jolin Rogets, second in command under Admiral Dupont, and also from General Hunter to his relatives, dated Friday last, fully forroborpting the re44.,aootounta p/ the landing of our farces on BC John i t I,lsland y and the Withdrawal of the enemy',. picket.. They speak in the most /sanguine manner of the contem plated movement resulting in great success, no less than ,the 'fall of Charleston. • The*Depart ment will probably have official, dispatches. to morrow. i The bread riots in Richmond, noticed in our paper yesterday, appear to be confirmed. Simi lar riots lave occurred in Savannah, and per. haps other Southern-cities. The pchor•in the South are evidently suffering , greatly for want of food. • The town of Jacksonville, Florida, was,burnt by order of Colonel Rust, of the negro brigade, when cat the eve , of evacuating the place: He carried all the Union families with him.. He alleges the burning of 'the town was in reialia- Lion for some rebel outrage. , A Cincinnati dispatch, April 7, says it is re ported that the gunboat Lexington and another boat Shelled the town of - Florence, Alabama, on the `2d instant,' and drove away . a company of rebel cavalry stationed there.. In retaliation for firing into the , gunboat St. Clair, on the` Cumberland river,' on the 31tit of, March, Captain Fit; With a, gunboat, went to dip town.of Palmyra, on Saturday.last, (4th April,) and, after giving the inhabit i ants time to leaie, burned the entire town. ` ' A 4ispatch dated the 7th, from headquarters, Arm* of the Potomac, says' there are indiea- Lions that the enemy on the opposite• sideJof the river are in possessipn of information from . , some'quarter unfavorable to their cause. ' In : regard to the ;Yazoo expedition a Cairo dikipatch of ;April 7, says Reports infregard to their azeo Pan expeditiOn are still eontie l t 7 ing. The Preponderance of that: it, is not abandoned,. Last week while the.steataer A. Da Hine. , was passing dotin Cold Water . -R wee fired into by guerillas, and 'Several Ilia . - hand's arid one engineer The Captain was mortally wounded: • . • Adyices from General Quimby'ti expedition to . the 30th ultimo, state that no progress lad' been made in the reduction of Fort GreenwOod j ., Our forces were still in front of tbe enemy, and there had been considerable skirmishing between the pickets on shore. The rebels were greatly strengthening their works. They have. received and Mounted more heavy guns, and are well supplied with ! ammunition., It is the opinion of well informed officers that our gun boats will not succeed in taking the fort. The country along the Tallahatchie is, occupied' by two regiments of rebel cavalry and swarms with guerillas. The first reconnoissance of Haine's Bluff by gunboats was made by Admi ral Porter. The object Was one of reconnoii sauce only. They proceeded within, range of the rebel batteries and fired shots over at them, but the shots were not returned. From Nashville we have intelligence that Gen. Mitchell, with 850 cavalry, went out on the 6th, on the Lebanon pike to Green Hill, And dashing into a rebel camp, where there was a large number of conscripts, on the sabre charge, he took fifteen prisoners, killed five.. and captured all their arms, horses, equip ments, &c. 'The rebels were composed of parts of Morgan's and McCown's ,bands. .Among the. prisoners are Capt. Brady, , of the Eigh teenth (rebel) Tennessee Regiment and a lieutenant of Morgan's cavalry. A still-house containing fort 7 casks of liquor was dgetroyed.' The place, had been used as a conscripting, rendezvous.. One man was wounded on our side. Gen: Mitchell's command made a march' of fifty-five miles in twelve hours. , Gov. Buckingham's majority r in Connecticut, wilt probably not exceed 2500. WAD DEPT. ADJUTANT-GEEDEAWS OFFICE. WASELIIKETON, D. 0., Tueeday, sprit 6, USW I The following officers , having been reported at the headquarters of the Army for the offen ses : hereinafter specified, are hereby notified that they will stand dismissed from the service of the United Statesunleee within fifteen days final date they appear before. the Military Commission in session in this City, of which >Gen. Ricketts is President, and make satisfac tory defense to .the charges against them Desertion -.-Seconcl Lieut. Agustus A. Hagar, 61st Pa.. Vol.; Second Lieut. Alex. M. Wright, 3 dPa. Cay.; First .Lieut. Wm. H. Goodman, 6th Pa. Res. Corps ; First Lieut. L. D. Forrest, 6th Pa. Res, Corps. Absence Without Proper Authority.—Capt. Dennis McGee, Ist Rifle Regt. Pa. Res. Corps; Assistant-Surgeon R. W. Rosi, 7th Pa. Res. Corps; Lieut. G. S. Baker, 16th Va., Vols.; .Capt. Jos: Williams, 80th N. Y. Vols.; Capt. D. J. Culbertson, 13th Ohio .1Vols.; First• Lieut, R. B. Scott, 65th N. Y. Vols. . , E. B. TOWIMEND, Aset..Adjuk.-Gen The following Pennsylvania officers are ea pt .from being dismissed ; under a' former order, having made 'satisfactory defence:— Oapt., Charles Arrow Smith, Bth Pa. Reg.; CapL (Calvin C. Moses, 68th Vol. It is reported at New Orleans that 'the rebels have begun to evacuate Port Hndson, Don't believe it. John W. Hoirlapd,of Pittsfield, Mass., recent,- ly appointed Commissary of Subsistence in the army, has absconded with $16 ; 600 of Govern.. ment inoney,,and a Jame amount of securities whioh, were'placed in his hands while actieg ebe Division Quartermaster. All the contracts for iron-clads (twelve in all) hive beets awarded. The prices for these will range from $280,000 to $400,000. They are to be finished , and added to the navy in about six months. - By telegraph yesterday afternoon We have the following Mr. Henry P. Leslie, carpenter U. S. Navy, and stationed in the Naval Academy yard at Annapolis, as superintendent of ewovernment buildings, grounds, &c., has received directions k from s the Navy Department to purchase and plant trees at suitable points , in the yard and otherwise improve and beautify it. John Tucker, late Assistant Secretary of War has publiehed a pamphlet, addressed to Secretary Stanton in vindication of his official conduct, recently aspersed by the Grimes In vestigating Committee. We , wish him a happy deliverance. This is oar own ' language,— no t that, ef: the telegraph, whieh , ,inakes out ; Mr. Tucker to be as injured innocent: The following dispatch has been received at Headquariers, St. Louis, April 7th, 1863: Maj. Qen. IL W. Halleek, General-in-Chief: .General Blunt telegraphs from Leavenworth as follows: Major Ransom, jot the 6th Kansah regiment, informs me that,he h destroyed Hicks's bands of guerillas ini Jac ks on count , Missouri, itillii)g 17, and hangitcg ,tvto w o were engaged in the robbery:of thb Sant Ga t:; , He also recovered some of the contrabanAs, and captured twenty one of the bushwhackers' horses, and seven guerilla eartips, with all their equipage, ammunition, &o. ; I i (signedi) . S. R. cIItTIS, MO. Gen. The New South, April 4th, containsa Charles ton rumor to the effect that Admiral Porter, commanding tie MisSissippil flotilla,. had been killed on board the gunboat Layfayette, in an engagement before Vicksburg. We do not credit it. • The Knights of St. Patrick, an Irish associ ation, held a meetinglit the Academy of Music, New York, on the evening of the 7th, .for the turpbse of considering and ieliering`lhe wants , of the people of Ireland, who, are said to be in imminent danger of stagvation. 6-mural :14'- Clellan was present, and before the meeting was organized was loudly, called on for a speech. He finally yielded to the:ealit and made an address of some length, the• substance of which oippears in the Tribune as follows : Gen. M'Clellan expressed his sympathy with Hie movement. He said he had departedfrom his lanai rule—to avoid vast asserctblies—be cause he knew that thitt had neither party nor political purpose. [Applause: "Bully for you l"I He had peculiar reasons for slava thizing with them; he sprang from a kindred. race; and he had seen their bravery in Mexico, 'Maryland andifirginia: Referring to immigra tiun, he said that What Was Ireland's loss had been our gain. Her aoldiers, in every field, from those of the Revolution to those of the f present sad rebellion, had upheh the honor of their adopted country. [Cheers.], Fbr gene= rations, our 'fathers had worked to.e.siablish' on ,this broad . continent one nation, onefree gov ernment, that might be the refuge for'all, froth. foreign lands. He knew that he expressed the thought of every one who listened, when he said that all tur energies; all our thou'ghts, sll our minds, if 'necessary, the last 'drop of our blood must be given to uphold that nidty, that nationahtiy. [LOud' cheers.] He &included expressing hisithanks' to the meeting, amid , gtent appledse. 1..• The official returns df the 'St. Lotilo for 'Mayor, !fie„ give qhauncey,l. 'Abijilitionist, a piajority,ofl2A47. 'The entire radical' ticket was , elected by - about the , same majority.' • • L r The follo i wing ,dated New York, 'April 8, gives the latest news from North Cap. The Evening Poet learie th it on :the 4th in stant Gen. Foster was at%Little Washington, N. p., with a bkigade. regitnent ofNorth Carolina and some other troopi were virtually , surrounded by the rebels; ivho have 'ereCted batteries on Tar River, between Newbein and `Little Washingtqn, which thei naval force of wooden' gunboats are unable to pass. It„ is understood that a battle has taken place betweeu Gen. Fester and the rebels, but • nothing definite is . known of the fight, which was evidently conducted by the rebels from their batteries. Gen. Foster's•means of defense are deemed ample, he having a fort and len. trencbmente, with sufficient ammunition and provisions.., ' Large reinforcements are in• transports below the batteries, unable to reach General Foster for want of some naval force competent to take them. It is reported that GenerV. Foster sent to Fortress Monroe some time since for naval reinforcements. It was expected that troops would be sent to him from Suffolk. A Washington dispatch says that letters have been received from officers attached to the Charleston expedition, written on the eve of the; departure of the fleet, expressing them selyed confident of success, and saying such is the, general feeling among both officers and men` attached to the fleet. The government has not Yet received any information regarding events in that quarter. A , Milwaukia, Wiebonsin, dispatch, dated Apia Bth, says the returns indicate the elec tion of Jullge ,dottren (Dena.) to , the Aupreme Bench. , . PMVIV'4 LEGISLATURE. , SENATE. WEDNESDAY,' April 8, 1863. • The Senate was called to order at 10 'o'clock by the %SPEAKER. • Messrs. DONOVAN and ODATZ Pressited petitions from GermantoWn in favor of , dUmmy' engines on the Germantown road. ' hfr. DOWRY, from the Committee on i Federal •' Relations, reported the House bill, declaring th e 224 -of Febru4y, and such days at3' the President of the United States shall bY Prb clatnation fix as days of general thankagiving: public holidays ; which was taken up and passed Bills cousins - ann. • The bill authorizing the Provernor to pur chase five acres"of ground ih the vicinity of Harrisburg for the erection pf a magazine, and to remove the combustible material from the. Arsenal, came.up in,order and passed finally. ' Mr. ItIDGWAT, ,on leave given, 'introduced a bill' to secure Second street, in Philadelphia, as a public highway ; also, a supplement - to, the Germantown passenger railway company; also,, a bill to incorporate the Philadelphia sch'ogl house building association. • , Mr. TURHEI4, called ; up the bill empoiver 'lug school directors to select sites for School houses, r hich was discussed and negatived. Mr. STARR called up Senate bill No. '456,' a supplement :to the act relative to; decedents' ; estates, which passed to third reading. Mr, CONNELL called up the ha) to) prevent frauds upon travelers, which,,after a brief,dis cussion, was negativd. , , Mr..LOW RIC, ,on leave given, introdaued bill to enable citizens ,of this :Commonwealth in the military and naval service to vote. , Oa .motion of Mr. SEERILL, the .Senate, re sumed,the,consideration of the bill to prevent the obstruction of crossings by locomotive engines and ,cars, which was discussed and peetperodfor the present. , Mr. STEIN introduced a. bill to incorporate the Pennsylvania peat company.. ,Mr. CONNELL called up the bill to punish the fraudulent-,receiving of money on deposit, whi c h passed finally. Mr, WHITE called up the supplement to the act.. of 1862, to provide for the adjudication and I :op:ail:Lt of oer.taio milikary claims, after dismission, was , postponed for the. pre sent., Adjourned until afternoon. AFTERNOON SES§ION. The Senate met at 3 o'clock. , ' In...CONNELL called up the bill to provide for the payment of troops of the reserve bri 'fade, first division of Pennsyliania for services rendered in quelling the riot in Schuylkill county, which passed seconi reading and was leid over. Mr. CONNELL called up the bill 'to !litho rise the 'trustees of ' Young's burial ground to exchange and sell certain parts thereof. which passed finally. • Mr RIDGWAY called np House bill NO. 727, to incorporate the Conloeming railroad corn pany, which passed finally' Mr. BOUND called up the House bill; ihoor. .poratieg fecompany ' to Construct a boom in the Susquehanna 'river at JerSeY, &tore, Nreeming county, which was discussed in committee of the whole, and parsed committee. Adjourned. „ HOUSE. OF REPRESENTA TIVES. WEDNESDAY, April 8, 1863. \.,Tkeilfinee wairealied tororden tit 9 i a. m• Mr. HABVEYI offel-edresoption to the effect. thati during the retttaini giomesions of this House no member shall be at liberty to speak *more than five minutes attime: On motion of Mr. GROSS, the t i me: for speak ing on general questions was extended to ten minutes. On motion of Mr.•FINCENT, the resolution f was further amended by adding thereto, "'ex cept on joint resolutions on the State of the country.” On motion of Mr. BROWN, (Warren,) the words, "and twenty minutes: et ,a time, shall be, allowed each gentlemanfon the act to erect the new.county of Madison," were added. The resolution as amended was finally adopted. _ An act incorporate the Inn an d.oal bridge company of Montgomery county, Passed finally. The supplement•to the act itteorporating ;the borough of Bbiltlehem pissed finally. An act,to :incorporate the. Atlantic navige; tion cempany. [A , company, empowered to build and , own steamers for the transportation of passerigeis, mails arid nieichandisnoi"Dela- 1 ware bay and 'tributaries, and the Atlantic ocean.a Passed finally. ' • Mr..GROSS read in place an act incerPortt ting the Grain Eleyator company c c Pittetturg . Rule strapendedn, l palofed fan*. • Mr. KAINE, (io place,) auppleinen,t ,to• the act incorporating the •PittebUrg and ,Contielle-f vine railroad company. Passed finally. .sir. PAMPA; (in pisee,) `a supplement to the set, to , encourage manufacturing OperatiOns in ithe State of Pennsylvania. Laid' on the table. N. Mr. COMIRAN, place,) an act. to pre vent street Peddling bytoung fen:tales; in streets of the city ,of Philadelphia. author izes the arrest of all females under ttie age of 18 years found peddling on the streets of Phila. delphia.] 'Mr. COCHRAN movedfa 'suspension of the orders to Alio* the consideration. of the •bill. Not agreed to. f liticlii'MUßTßl.E offered i.,be' fellOiving ; rer. , selntien `:.• , • .. *volved, That pit plerk be authorized to purchase postage ti t , and &cu.l month, and furnish them to the membersointil the close' of this seision', a n d pay ioi• them out of the contingent fund. Agreed/0Y t i ; Mr. SMITH, (Philp., :in place") an .act to inebrporate the Manaynelt and Ito#ury water coMpany. . Passed finally. '., ~ , . Mr. pEtIO; o f TE pace / _ ) an, act to jneoi l p °nate ' the' Xork; TTanover and Maryland Line railroa,d company, (connecting betweencoluni bia; on t4e 'Pennylvtpia railroad, and• Hanover, in Yorkoceunty-18 milesin length.) . ,f., • - Mr. DELLONE moved / to suspend pita orders._ to onsider the 'bill. Agreed to. Mr. C,OCHRAN • moved to postpone the con sideration of the bill lot. the present. NM agreed to. " ,' • The bill was then read a second time and laid over fpi' third(reatiiii,; : , ,i ; f : , *lr BENEDICT offered' the! following 'joint: resolution : • Whereas, The Halide ofßePresentatiten Woe directed their clerk to purchase stamps to be put upen the lettere aid dociimente until the; clone of the , present session, to be paid for out of a contingent fund; therefore, , . See. 1.. Be 'it enacted, 4.e., That the' State Treasurer be authorized and directed to pity the said clerk as a, contingent fund so much money as may be necessary, for , the purchase of said stamps. , The bill passed finally. • . Mr. SHANNON called, up an act to, enable the county of Allegheny to compromise 'with its bondholders. Passed finally! • Senate bill, entitled' "An act relating to bor.- poratiens'for manufacturing purposes in the Cotamoniealth of Pennsylvania," was con sidered. Mr. SHANNON Mated that this bill was originally framed for the co n ntrof Allegheny, but had been unanimously amended So as to include the whole Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania in. its provisions. • , , Mr. TRIMMER was opposed to the princi ple' contained in this bill—that .of, delegeting poWer to one man. It did not suit the mining districts. 'He was opposed to any corporation holding large bodies of land. Messrs. IVPMURTRIE, BROWN .(11fircer), COLEMAN, BENEDICT; VINCENT and others spcike in favor of the 'bill ; and Messrs., NEI MAN, LABAR, ,BROWN (Northumberland), GRABV.R and others spoke against it, as in apiolicable to theirponaties. Passed finally, Mr. HOPKINS (Washington) offered it resco.;• don asking the Senate ; to, return to the House "An act for the powent'of the beard of mill ito, tar elss,7 pasliedra few 'days ego, that it' mi ht be reconsidered in the }busk; as he ha sincelearned that the-original duties •of the l board had ceased, and therefore that addi tional pay for duties ; they now, perform was wrcing. The resolution was discussed at length by bIeners.SHANNON, BROWN(Mertier), SMITH (Closter), and others, in opposition, When the : resolution passed. , . NO. YOUNG (City Passenger Railways) re- Toiled, as committed, a supplement to the act; incerporating the Delaware County passenger rail Way., Adjouined Until' 4 o'clock p.'m. • AFTERNOON SESSION. I' The House met 'at . : 24 o'clock, p t . m. GEN. CAMERON AND THE 11. S. SENATORSHIP. Mr; PERSHING, from t committee hp ,pointed to 'investigate into n egations -, of at temted fraud and corrupt' n in the election of Jnited,States Senator, in ;he ,absence of the' chairinan Of the' committee, Mr: 'Wsitz- ' TIED, submitted ,tq the , liouse their : report, ,Imh h recites 1,14 evidence of T. a. foyer, Dr. Eale ey, Mr. Gra e ber, ; and others, and concludes by expresSing an opinion of the guilt of Gen. Cameron ' . ' . .., Mr. BROWN (*ai `stated 'stated thit there ,would be a minority report trete the commit tee I that the, 'minority of the committee had , been denied access to the evidence before the committee. ! , .• ( !. ,I . I • Mr. LARGER denied that the gentleman had been denied'access to the evidence. ' ' ' -' Mr. BROWN (Northumberland) , 'offered the following amendment to the resolution of the cominittee l "for discharge: , Resolved, That the. Governor be instructed to institute criminal prosecutions '.against i - pon Ot‘inero,n; Willkam Brobst, John J. Pat tersen aid Henry Thomas. ,Aer a long and excited discussion, in which 1 the friends of the , minority claiined that the repoirt should not be adopted until the report' of the minority has been heard, ' Mr. BROWN withdrew MS amendment. Mr. ROWLAND'mbyed that 10,440 copies of the report of the majority be printed in English • and !t,wo, thousand in . German,' for the use of the tlouee. ' ~ • • Mt.. .BROWN (Warren) moved to amend the metion of Mr: ROXI,ANI:O by , inserting, `'and the report of_the minority," which was declared out of order, inasmuch as there had as yet been no minority report. ' • • ' The motion of Mr. ROWLAND was agreed to. : • Mr. Smith (Chester) called up an act forlbe payment of money in lieu .of military service by those who conscientiously scruple to bear arms. Under 'consideration when the Hou'se adjourned. . I=l • • • QWEET CIDERI—A very superior lot LA just received and for sale by TW. MINK, ir.. Arno. DOTATOES.-300 BTh4I:r.JA.UV A superior qualityjnat received and for .eale low, by W 1 . 4. D I) PE JR!, ar CO. IpT the Soldier's aischarge of Malx, ' Wolf. The tinder will, please leave tha same witlt Dr. sonarrom, at the Cotten Pactory Hospital. MAI?RiEb. the morn - kg of Bth instant, in St. Stephen's church,, Tfarripburg, by the Bey. B. B Leacock, Dr. Hent B. BITY.RLIeR, tolitlps Litz in C. TRW; of lion county, Pa. 'No cords: N'eul 2.burrtittirtents. Ai F.'SIGNE.'"S NOTICE. accoun 'of Dr. David 0. Kellar, assignee of 'Phillip Peck and:, arah; his wife, of Eaat Elanosec township, has beep filsd in the Court of Common pleas of Dauptan county. and wlilbe confirmed on !the Ath dsy of lHay, 18613. maces cause be shown to the contrary. , ap94l2tltw - J. 0. YOUNG, Prothonotary. THE Stooiliolders Unisin Rail. i road and Mining Dom Palsy% are hereby'notified that an election for - Bevels Directors will be held at the office. of it aptDaeMet,; Walnut, street Biturtkir, MAy I£oo, at 2 o'clock, p. in. H.INRY. M(CORHICK, , ' • , t3eOretitry and;Trbasuret.: Harrisburg, April 4th,1863-apli-iltwte bg: ItHWAlittb.-=Any pergi s finding. cot, the dierl'arge 'of Marx. Wolf will receive the' above reward, by leaving it at theVdtton Factory .Hos- Anal, with Dr Schultz. f ap9-2t* . „ EVERYBODY IN GENF:ENL WILL SHORWPS BENEFIT,- • • Who Upholds; the' rnion and the COnetitudon and likee , to bear good 'Union Conilealitii a , iAirstr. MUSIC HALLi , THUASDAY, APRIL. 9 S ROBBY, the 'Great Comediap, Benefit THURSDAY A.VENING, APRIL Dek, , AT. THE GAIETY MGEIG HALL. G E R 'will appear horey's Benefit. FLLY MATTHEWS will appear at s Ai 0 R BENE FIT, THURSDAY NIGHT, APRIL 9th, at GAIETY , ' MUSIC HALL A: HOST ;OF VOLUNTEERS WILL APPEAR AT • •S 3 II[OII.EY'S IarANTED--A good Cook at the 111'Clel -4r 7, bin HOttief, the 'railroad, near the Rolling kiil To U, person prdp erl y ; Analified, I,pera I , w ages will. !be iven: • • • - apB-3t# ; • . GIR , ARD'FIRE - A.NI) MARINE" ' INSURANCE "COMPANY, - Of Phildtlelphia. W, NO ; MARINE RISKS TAKEN. ~ CAPITAL 3 $200,000 k . This Company has enemies* cenditeted basiness for a log term of years, and paid its losses proniptly.. Its means of paying are ample, and the indemnity prothised by our policy sure: f , • , !THOMAS CRAVEN, Presiidenti, A. S. GIMLET, Vice President. B. Az. - roaro, Secretary. ,H. H.. PARSONSIO Markat street, Agimt, ' , „ . . . . a,pB.3tawlna • TWELLING HOUSE .FOR•SALE.- IA he subscriber oers for sale bis three•storly brick DWBL T LINC* ROUSE, ff on Second street, below Cherry alley, Harrieburg, partof bis WHAEF,,on canal, above Fore= temp avenue sp64llw* MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PEN.-FIRST QUALITY WARRANTED. NONE BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD. A GREAT LUXURY! i PIRSONII In want of a Nip Prior and really good•soL, Ele will find with me a large assortment to select from, and have the.privilege to exchange the Pens Matil their hand is perfectly Hafted., dnd if by fair means the Dia monkpoints break off during twelve months, the par easier shall have the privilege to select a new one, without any charge. I bays very good Gold Pena, made by Mr. Morton, not warranted, in stiong silver-plated oases, for $1,51.25, $1.60, $2.00 For sale at SCHBFREIVS BOOKSTORE, No. 18 Market Street; Harrisburg, Pa WINDOW SHADES' of linen ,gilt bordered; and PAPER BLINDS of an •iidleim variety of designs and ornaments ; also, CURTAIN FUTURES and TASSELS at very low prior. Call at Schefferls Bookstore. THE FINEST STOCK OF PHOTO ,POCI' GRAM AL'BIIBIB, PORT FOLIO., lOARD.CASES, RET-BOOKS, for gab r I Acliefferls Bookstore t • TBE NATIONAL ALMANAC AND iANNUAL ItzpoßD for 1863. tor erala at SOHF.FFER'S 'DoorivroAE. u • • - LAR .MAT .0 ES ! 'NO . SITLP ./.1 U. R N 0 - SMELL! lfisTY GROSS of the above Superior Matches just calved, and for sale by WM. DOCK, 7a., & OCI. ;4ESSRS. CIIICKERTNG & 60: • HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE G'o L IV .Iff E‘ D.A AT TON I . ,MECAANICEP „FAIR, BOSTON, Rua) ma meow:Hum Uza, . O VIER A:gt,x - iir coitrETITORBI Wareroom for the °RIMMING PIANOS, at Rarrie hum, at 92 Market Ares% oo2S-tf • W. NNOOMPS MUSIC STORK. 'piniANos carefully packed or removed , by . R. WARD, r22-2w 12 North Third street. • • TAPANEFF, TEA.-A choice. lot of 0 this celebrated Tea just received. It isnfthe first. cargo ever imported, and is much superior to the OM IIIEIBOIT ells in quality, strength and fragrance, and is also , enti!ely free of adulteration, coloring or mixture of any It as•the natural leaf of the japenese'Tea Plant. For ears by WM. DOCK, jr., & Co p' IA. DAVIS, BILL . POSTER t v s. ! j2 . ulars, &c., earefally and promptly distributed. Residence, South above Second street. ORLEANS SUGAR !— IN HZ BUSIEST !—For gale by WM: bOCK, JR., & CO. A l SPLENDID ASSORTMENT o F ILITHOGRAPJ-I8; /Popularly, retallad at from $ to $5, ere now offered at 60 ami 75 cents; and $1 and $1 60—lublished by the Art Unir and formerly retailed by them. , Fp endid Photographic Album Pictires of all diatinj oils . ed men and Generals of the arzny,•at only! 10 cts. Fo sale at EICHEFFEE'S BooUbitore, I 18 Market istreeti Harrisburg. '0 . . li9olll i S BRUSHES, , !IVES AND. 1) ASKETO of all deseriptieinsi qualities and'priees, for sti l e by , WM. DOCK, JR., & Co. DOCKET KNIVES.—A very fine as-' almaentt,,. , / 80111 6 MR'13 BOOKSTORI. rt .! EEN CORN.—AVINSLOW'S flesh NA 'Preen Corn 4 jaet received by • WM, DOCK, Jn,, r dc CO. BARRELS' of ti _ t c h o %L,ODl. 100Q00 . MANI:W.O7I7AT la ;POIT I vRETT ISO South cress, Philaddo444, - Pa. , Thls company, with a capital of floe/ow, tke most extensive works of the kind in the world, and en expe flange in.monufgotorine of over 23 years, with a repu tation long established, having also the exclusive control of all the night soil of the great city oi' New - York, are lrephred to furnish an article, which is, without on bt, the Cheapest' and vet'y bdst fertiiiner In market. It grea. f ly'increases the yield, and ripens the crop from two to tree Weeks earlier, at an expense of front three to four dollars per acre, with little or no labor. Also, PIP Y TONS OP; BOVE :TAPEN,:being a minture • of bone and night soli ground . One, at 245 per tan—a an. peri r - article for grain arid arias. Price of Mal i REM% .$1 60 per .barrel.. Seven barrels and over. deliviered free of charge. A pamphlet containing all' neclsary information, may be had free by addreasing,a lette to tbmatilscrfbar JAMES T. FOSTER, .4 1 Oare.of the Lodi Manufacturing Company, fe 9..w3ra 66 Cour!loind et. l'igwireet li a ti (i N s allt d bi s e tre L e t do the \t 6 1:t rne - r BA ef L L E it . ,ert 'r y a one li l w io rL ot, 4, 2 w zr i t o h om et s r ln et ihezzatange 4u:time. 1 i - gnq re at the t•Brady Hones.'? 5p2.80. GEO. W. HARRIS