RATES OF ADVERTISING. Font lines or leas constitute half a square. en I nes or more than four, constitute a innate. Half sq., one day.-- $0 30 One mi., °1143 20 61) one moat 120 " °n° week— 200 " one month.. 300 a Mill month_ 600 " three months 500 " three monthsl.o GO OIX ..nthS.. 800 " six months.. 15 00 " one year.. • —l2 00 ,g one year —2O Oo 11X tlnsine•s noticeaingerted in the LOOAL COLVIN, Or before marriages and deaths, TEN CENTS PCS LINE for each insertion. To merchants and others advertising by the year, liberal terms will to offered. Er The n umber of insertions must be designated on the advertisement. 117 m a rriages and Denthswillhe inserted at the arne rues a s regular advertiaementS. Atisctltantono. FEN6IONg, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, Wu Claims and Chinn for Indemnity. STEWART, STEVENS, CLW. & CO., &omega and MunroFlora-at-Law. and Brgiciiant far all auk of Military Clainsr i , 460 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C. This firm, having a thorough knowledge of the Pen sion Business, and being familiar with the practice in all the Departments of Goverrunetit, believe that they can afford greaser facilities to Pension, Bounty, and other Olaimante, for the prompt and successful accom plishment of basilicas entrusted to them, than any other firm in Washington. They desire to secure such an amount of this brislings as will enable them to execute the business for each claimant very cheaply, and on the basis of Melt pay contingent upon their success is each case. for this purpose they will secure the services of Law Firms in each prominent locality throughentethe States where such business may be had, furnish such with all the necessary blank forms of application and evidence, requisite edified pamphlet instructions, and circulars for distribution in their vicinity, with asso ciates names laberted, and upon the doe execution_ of the payees and transmission of the same to them by their local associates, they will promptly perform the business here. Ur Their charges will be ten dollars for officers and five dollars for privates, for each Pension or Bounty and Back Pay obtained, and ten per cent. on amount of Claims for Military Supplies or Claims for Indemnity. '„Soldiers enlisted since the let of March, 1881, in any kind of service, Military or Naval, who are disabled by diseas or wounds, are entitled to Pension. All soldiers *ho serve for two years, or during the wsr, should it sooner close, will be entitled to $lOO Bounty. Widow* of soldiers who die or are killed, are entitled to Pensions, and the $lOO Bounty. If there be no widow, then the minor children. And if no minor children, then the father, mother, sisters or brothers are anti- Jed as above to the goo Bounty and Back Pay. JOSEPH B. STEWART, nEsroa L. STEVENS, EDW &RD OL ARIL, OBOARRTRYINS, WILLIS A. GAYLORD. WAsuisaron, D. 0. 2 1862. " Apply at our office Or tO Our Associate at Haaarenose, Pa.—JO HN A. BIGLER, Attorney and lounsellor. Pirrilsesd, PA.—Matti:TES do RIDDILL, Atter hays-at-Lew. Perraviams, PA.—WM. R. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor. Pait.anrairmA, P&.—J. G. MINNIOILTLD, 46 Atwood street, WM_ IL lIIIITII,Attorney and Couneellor. asumorros, PA.—DOYD CRIIMIIROM, Attorney and Conneellor. jyBl-dly JACBOON & CO.'S S IL 0 E - 1' 0 R NO. 90M litAllllllT BTEJJT, HARJU - SD 11.116, PA., Wbore they stool to devote Voir entire time to ths manufacture of BOOTS' A NI) SHOES • ail Muds and varieties, in the neatest and most bah. enable styles, and at satisfactory priceS. Their stock with:moist, in part, of Gentlemen's New Calf and Patent Leather Boots cad Shoes, latest styles; Ladies , and Misses , Gaiters, and otherj3hoes in great variety; and in feat everything connected with the Shoe laminess. CUSTOMER WORE will be particularly attended to, and in all moos will satisfaction be warranted. Lasts Sued asp by one of the beet makers in As costs:rye She Jong practical experience of the undersigned, and their thorough knowledge of the badness will, they 'trust, be sufficient guarantee to the public tliat the, ell do them justice, and furnish them an article the will recommend itself for utility, cheapness and duro [pal!' JACKSON & CO. lif URINGER'S PATENT BEEF TEA, in a solid, conontratexl extract of BEEF AND VEGETABLES. Uonvortibie immediately into a nourishing and deli. dons Poup. Highly approved by a number of eminent Physic/Suss. • Th a admirable article condensed into a compact form, all the substantial and nutritive properties of a large hulk ..f meat and vegetables. The retrainees with wide& it dissolves into, a rich and palatable Soup, which would require hour; of preparation according to the usual arr.thod, is an advantage in many situat.one of lie, too Obvious to need urging, Its highly nourishing qualiars eontoined with ifs delicacy, renders it invaluable for the sick; *idle for these in health, ills a pertecteobatitute for fre.h meat and vegetables. It will keep good hastily climate. It is peculiarly well adapted FOR TR&VELEES, by land or sea - , who an.. thus avoid those accidentaldepriva lions of a comfortable meal, to whish they are Boilable. FOR INVALIDS, whose capricious appetite can Ulm be satisfied in a moment. FOR tiPuRTSBIEN and EXCURSIONISTS. to whom, both its compactness and easy preparation will recom mend it. For sale by sep24-tf WM. DOCK. Jit., 4 CO CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR! UNEXCELLED BY 4.NY IN THE V ETATEs AND SUPERIOR TO ANY OFFERED IN PENNSYLVINIII IT IS MADE Or CHOICE MISSOURI WHITE WHEAT. 1 Delivered any place in the city free of chary Darns cash on detirocry. WIC DOCK, , Jc CO LOIADIE WS CAMP C(IMYANIO N A very convenient Writing peek q also, Portfolios, likensorandank Itooka, Portmonnatea, ate at EICHEPPER'S BOOKSTORE CH"SE ! 1-100 Boxes Prime Cheese (on consignment) f9ir 0445 at less than market rate. jylO WM. DOolt, Js., do CO NOTIONS.—Quite a variety of useful LI and entertaining artielea—cheap—at 80HEBY NMI BOWEBTODII, WANTE D.—A GOOD 0 1 011. at the BOMGARDNSit HOTEL. Apply Immedist VLAR WINI4III !—We are closing oat a alum BIIPBRIOR LOT at WS Mass cost! WT4 DOCK Js CO ')RIME POTATOES 1-A LAMLE LOT JIM. received and for sale low. • eceMdtt WM. DOOR, & 00. 1.4 INCE ME kV—Very superior, just ATI received and for sale by Wit DOOR, jr.. hCO CONDENSED MILK —Just reeeived and for susb. by WIN DOCK jr., Jr. 11.:0_ EL MITIC ALLY SEALED peaebea, Tomatoeg, Lnbatar, Salmon, QyrterN, (Vritera, for Sat , hi Wit NICK" ie., &CO RiIIOKND BAUM(' —A very choice b," article, just received and for sale by WM %MLR.. lc 00. "WRENCH MUSTARD, ENGLISH and r Domestic Pickles, (by the dozen or hundred,) 811- parlor Salad_ OD, Ketchup, Sauces and condiments of every dess.sintisn_ For sale by utvlS WM. DOCK, Jz.. & Co AKE TROUT !!--A small invoice of LAKE TROUT. (Maeldizaw,) trimmed, and the quality "A NO. L" Unit reoeivril and for sale very lo w WM noOK. JR.. A O4'. AII 1V It DY, No. 62 Market strPst, below Third, has reeei►ed large SaaOrtmetit cor Swamis, Saimaa and °aura. wL.eh h Will sell very low. - •..-.0-dtf 1 / 4 0111,11 1 SEALING FRUIT JARS 1- Bost and Cheapest in the markets! and examine them P)R RICNT—Two desirable OFlcitik. t lima, I wo nid dory front of Wyoth'e Huddle! darn'? of Market dome and Market street. Lppi r op Mu eeD2Bd i f MACKHRBLIII 11Si:1U 1111 L, Na.. 1, 2 sod 3, fa an shod packages sow, 114 ea k pucka,. surramtsi. Just reieshrod, and us oh to. is WK. DOME:JR., & 00. DR. 0. WE - 101IEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, RIOSIDINON THIRD NIAR NORTH STRUT. Ho is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties et profession in all its branches. 1.010 MID TART 1111001861/DL 312DICIAL 11101/RIMIIOII justides him in promising full and ample oatiotsetion to all who meylayor kimwith a cull, be thediseaseOhresde or any ether nature. WM. DOCK. JR.. a CO Patriot VOL. 5 -NO. 188. • %Maws des. WM. H. MILLER : ATTORNEY AT LAW. OTTION IN SHOEMAKER'S BUILDING,' SECOND STREET, BBIWNIN WALNUT AND MABXIIT SQUAB; n023l Nearly opposite the Buehler Nouse. rdictiAy THOS. 0. MAODOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILITARY CLAIM AND PATENT AGENT. Office in Burke's Row, Third street, (Up Biafra.) fortiod s eenesetien with parties in Wash= ington Oily, wno are reliable business men, any busi ness connected with any of the Departments will meet with immediate and careful attention. mil-y • CHARLES F. VOLLMER UPHOLSTERER; Chestnut street, four door.: above Second, (Orman WASHINGTON Ross House,) Is prepared to furnish to order, in the very best style of workmanship, Spring and Flair Mattresses, Window env. tains, Lounges, and all other articles of Furniture In hi. line, on short notice end moderate terms. Having ex. perienee in the business, he feels warranted in asking a share of public patronage, confident of his ability tow s satisfaction. janil siLAs w.K.Rap. NO. 11, NORTH THIRD ST., HARRISBURG. STEINWAY'S PIAIIOB, MBLODRONS, VIOLINS, GUIT,AIIB, Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, .aCcOrdeonv : moms, SHIM AND BOOS =WO, &C., &0., rII(ITOGRAPM FRAMES. ALM:MN Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Square and Oval Frame of every desoripUon made to order. Reminding done. Agency for Howes Sewing Machines. Irr Sheet Music sent by Mail. oetl-1 OHN W. GLOVER). MERCHANT TAILOR! Has jest received from New York, an assort. meat of SEASONABLE GOODS, which he offers to his costomere and the public nov22) MODERATE PRICES. •/. dtf SMITH. & EWING, ATTORNE.YS-AT-LAW, THIRD STREET, Illarrisburg, Praetice in the several Courts of Cestphln county. Col lootin C g made promptly. A. . SMITH feta° 7, B. *WINO!. I COOK, Merchant Tailor, •Y • 27 GELBEINITT ST., between Second and Front, Has just returned from the city with an assortment of CCOTHS, CASknifERES AND - FESTINGS, Which will be sold at moderate prices and made up to order; and, also, an assortment of READY MADE Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. nov2l4yd D ENTISTRY. B. L GEDDA, D. D. S., N 0 . 119 MARKET STREET, fot EBY & KUNKEL'S BUILDING, UP STAIRS. janB4f RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. S. GERMAN,. IT SOUTH 111100tito STUNT, 1,1401f1 011.11013 T, HAsoissono, PA. Depot for the sale of Steremicopes,Stereosoopieliews, Mode and Mioidesd Instrumento. Also, subscriptions taken for religious publications. n 013047 JOHN G. W. MARTIN, FASHIONABLE CARD WRiVER• HERE'S HOTEL, HARRISBURG, Pd- All manner of VISITING, WEDDING AND BUSI NESS CARDS executed in the most artistic styles and most resaonable terms. decl4.dtf FRANKLIN HOUSII, BALTIMORE, MD. This pleasant and commodious Hotel has been tho ; roughly re-fitted and re-furnished. It is pleasantly tuated on North-West earner of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doom west of the Northern Central Rail way Depot. leery attention paid to the comfort of his guests. G. LEIBBNRING, Proprieor, .1612-tf (Late of Saline Grove t . Pa.) THEO. F. SCITEFFER, BOOK, CARD AND JOB PRINTER' NO. 18 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. 133 Particular &Om:Aka pad to printing, ruling and binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Insurance Poli cies, Checks, Bill-Heads, &a. Wedding, Visiting and Business Cards printed at very low prices and in the best style. jan2l DVAITVIIALE6 GLASS WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, WASUP/L0T1713 CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, MINA PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PIORIII die PRESERVE BOTTLES OF IVIRT DIIIOIIIIPTIOS. 8.5.& 0. W:BlINNIIRS, 0a1.941y ff Bouth Pront /Merit, Philadelphia. MUS.I.O STOR.I4I 10:98 itAILIST 'OREM HARRISBURG}, PA! SKIRT MUSIC, PIANOS, "(BLOUSONS, GUITARS, VIOLINS. BANJO STRINGS, Of every description. f • DRUMS, 11718, VLUTBS, ACCORDIONS, eta. at tie lowest CITY PlllOlB, at W. KNOOIII , B MUSIC STORM, No. 93 Hamm Brassy., t A BOOK FOR THE TIMES I a - • American Annual Cyclopedia and Regular cj Important &ante for the Year 1861. In 1 vol 8 tro. over 750 pages. Cloth 03, Leather $3.60 Tub/irked by P. Appleton 4. Co., New York. The design of this work is to furnish a record of all the important hunwledge of the year. The events of the war, owing to their prominoucc. will, of course, egg cup; a conspicuous part, but all other branches--Bcd. ence, Art, bitrrature, the Mechanic Arts, , will re. eel.° due attention. The work will be published ex. ciooooly by subscription, and reedy for delivery bosun. sea. Aloe, new complete Gencoses Debates of Cosy" est ,16 emilinges $8 and $8.68 per yahoos. Benson' Thirty Years is 17. S. Senate, 2vohemes, and IS per Vol. Cyclopedia of American llo q uswes, covtaistitep tea speeches of the m o s t eminent Orators of America, 14 steel portraits. 2 vols. 22. 50 each . Partosee Life and Tiotol of Andrew J 44801111 valemus $2.60 each. Sadness J. F. STRellitall6ll, ffardobillgt General agent for D. &PRATO es 00. for Circulate deaerlonivo of mono] Cyclopedia sorllB4lkirtf D"'D PE ‘CHIC%-PAttED AND 117NPABED-ht-t reeeiv.4 by wm Dom rn Wfirrs OH AN 19Y I ! i—feakt eitiiSliit V puspossit.—A very *sports? article, (mica, PeF.,),fost readied aid for sale by AIM • DOOR, ir., &Vs. Hy K h ISBU KG, PA., THURSDAY . APR' t. 9 I 863. Ott :II atrial & Rion. THURSDAY MORNINO, APRIL 9 1863 REPO R•T OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE CONDUCT OF THE WA NONOLUDED.I At 10.45, a. m., of the 31st of August, Gen. Pope sends the following to Gen. Halle* from Centreville: "Our troops are all here, and in position, though much used up and worn out. I think it would, perhaps, have been greatly better if Sumner and Franklin had been here three, or four days ago. But you may rely upon our giving them (the enemy) as desperate a fight as I can force our men to stand up to. I should like to know whether you feel secure about Washington should this army be destroyed. I shall fight it as lohg as a man will stand up to the work. You must judge what is to be done, having in.view the safety of the capital. The enemy is already pushing a cavalry reoonnois sance in our front at Cub run, whether in ad vance of an-attack to-day I don't yet know. I send you this that you may know our position and my purpose." On the 2d of September General Pope was ordered to fall back to the vicinity of Wash ington, where his army came under the com mand of Gen. M'Clellan. The following is from the testimony of Gen. Halle& : Question. Had the Army of the Potomac been brought to cooperate with the Army of Virginia with the utmost energy that circum stances would have permitted, in your judg ment, as a military man, would it not have resulted in our victory instead of our defeat ? "Answer. I thought so at the time, and still think so." In relation to the command of Gen. M'Clel lan, he himself testifies as follows: "question. What position did you occupy after your arrival at Alexandria,and you had forwarded the troops which ha been under your command to the assistance of general Pope? "Answer. I was for some ,little time—ono or two days, two or three days, perhaps—with out any position; merely at my camp, without any command. On Monday, the let of Sep tember, I received verbal inetruations from General Halleek to take command of the de fences of Washington. I was, however, expressly prohibited from, in any way, assu ming any control over the troops under Gen. Pope. I think It was on the next clay atter that that I was instructed verb.dly by the President and General Halleck to go out and meet the army which watt coming in, and to assume command of it when it approitAed the po s ition that I eonsidered it ought to occupy for defensive purposes, and to post it properly." The testimony of General Halleck npon the same point is its follows: "Question. What was the position of Gen M'Clellan in regard to the troops of the Army of the Potomac NI they landed at Acquia Cre k and Alexandria? - Were they under his corn mend ; and if so. how long did they remain under his command ? - 'Answer. General M.'Clellan retained the command of the army of the Potomac, as it landed at those two points, except such portions of it as were sent into the field under General Pope. Those portions were considered as temporarily detached from his command, but still belonging to his army, and he was direc ted that all orders sent from him to the troops as detached, while under General Pope's im mediate command, mast be sent through the headquarters at Washington. He retained command of all the troops of his army as they landed' at those places until sent into the field, and reported to General Pope; and they con tinned to remain under his .commend, with the exception - of the detacbmenis, until General Pope's army fell back on Icat.hington, when all came under General M'Clellan's commend. "On his (General 141:Clellan'Forrival at A'ex andria he w*s told to take immediate command of all the troops in and about Waebnigton, to addition to those which prcKerly belonged to the Ar,my of the Potomac. Some days atter be had been verbally directed to take command he aaktd fat' a formal orJer, which was issued from the Adjutant General's office. Tne order issued from the Adjutant General's office was after General Pope's ermy omm'n ed tslliag• back, and was dated September 2; but Grit M'Clellan had been in command ever since his arrival in Alexandria. '•Question. At what time did he arrive in Alexandria? . "Answer: ffe arrived at Alexandria on the 26th of August. The formal order was issued that he might have no difficulty with General Pope's forces; that they might not question his authority." CAMPAIGN IN MARYLAND Very soon titter General Pope and his army fell bank on Washington the rebel army entered Maryland. Peeprrations were immediately made by the authorities in Washington to follow them. In relation to the.command of the army in Maryland your committee will quote from the testimony of General M'Clellan and General ElaHeck. The testimony of General WCtenon is as follows: * * "Quesion. How long did you remain in command of the defeetes of Waehingion, and what orders did you next receive, and from whom? 4 •Answer. I do not think that order, assign ing me to the defences of Washington, was ever reecindeJ, or any o her one issued in its place. I had only verbal communications with Gent eral ilaHeck betore I started on the Antietam campaign' And it was never definitely de ckled, up to the time that I left, as to whether I was to go or not. I asked the question two or three times of General whether I waß 10 COMM6I4d the troop in the field, and he said that had not been determined. And Ido not think that was one of those things that grew into shape itself. When the time came I went out." The following is the testimony of General Halleck upon twit point: ••Question By whose orders was General ellen placed in sammand or the army that lift Washington to operate in Mar)lanu ; and were those orders verbal or in waiting? "Answer. As I sawed the cater day, the order was given verb.ally to General WC ellen by the Pre-tdent, at G -nem' Ilan's Mallet about 9 o'clock in the mornia g, previous to Gen. biTtellsn leaving the city for ltockville.-; 141 will add that U. n. M . Clellau s iu virtue of hie being placed in command of the tirtitica• thins of Washington and the troops for defence within them, wat+ reAlly in cottimoud or alh the troops here at thattime. Theque4tion was &it custud by the Tres de it for two or three drys as to who should take command of the troops that. were to go into the field. The decision we' mode by himself, and announced to Oen. bletellau in my presence. I did not. knew wh4t, that decision was until I heard it thus announced." In vgard to the inelyttetione given to OWL M'Clellan his testimony is se follower • "Question. Did you have any interview with the President in relation to taking cons. wand of the troops for the Maryland campaign, or receive any instructions fram him on that point? "Answer. , I do not think he gave me any instructions after that morning, when I was told to take command of the army in front of Washington. Ido not think he gave me any instructions about the Maryland campaign. "Question. After you commenced the move ment did you receive any instructions from any one "Answer. I received some telegrams that might be looked upon in the nature of instruc tions, from General Halleok and from the Pre sident. The general tenor of General Halleck's dispatches was that I was committing an error in going so far away from Washington ; that I was going rather too fast. He had the impres sion that the main force of the enemy was on the south aide of the Potomac, and that they had only a small force in front of me to draw me on, and then they would come into Wash ington in rear. As late as the 1 8th of Septem ber, I recollect a telegram of General Halleck in which he pressed that came idea, and told me that I was wrong in going so far away." The testimony of General Halleok upon that point is as follows : `•Question. What instructions, if any, were given to General M'Ciellan in regard to the conduct of the campaign in Maryland ?" "Answer. The day the President gave Gen eral M'Clellan directions to take command of the forces in the field, we had a long conversa tion in regard to the campaign in Maryland. It was agreed between us that the troops should move up the Potomac, and, if possible, separate that portion of General Lee's army which had crossed the Potoinac from the remainder on the Virginia side. There were no defiuite instruc tions further than that understanding between us; as to the general plan of the campaign. " I submit herewith copies of dispatches to and from Gen. M'Clellan, after he left Wash ington to take command of operations in Ma ryland, to the time that he was relieved from command These papfrs comprise all the dis patches sent to and received from General M'Clellan, so far se I know, except a letter dated October 13, addressed to him by the Pre sident, and which was' shown to me just as the President was about to dispatch it to General M'Clellan, and General M'Clellan's reply, da ted October 17." [The letter of the President, with the reply of Geo. is incorpo rated in another part of this report.] "In regard to Gen M'Ctellan going too fast or too far from Washington, there can he found no such telegram from me to hem. He has mistaken the meaning of the telegrams I sent him. I telegraphed him that he was going too far, not from Washington, but from the Poto mac, leaving General Lee the opportunity to come down the Potomac and get between him and Washington. I thought General M'Clellan should keep more upon the Potomac, and press forward his left rather than his right, so as the more readily to relieve Harper's Ferry, which was the point then in most immediate danger ; that be was pu'hing forward hie right. too fast relative y to the movements of his left —not that the army was nfoving too fast or too far from Washington." The letter 4-f G e neral Halleck of Sept. 13. referred to by Gen, itl'Clellan, is as follows : [N. B.—Gen. hi'Clellan referred to a letter as late as the 13th. Doubtless this is not the letter referred to.—Eds.] " WAR. DRPARIIOI4I.. ‘ - WASITINGTON D. U., flnpt. 13. 1562 " MAJOR G MiIt:UAL GLELL AN : Yuura of 5 80. p. m , yesterday, is jam. ri ceived. General B a l ga cannot solely spare eight new regiments from here You must remember that very few troops are now received from the north s nearly all being :stopped to guard the railroad. Four regiments were Ordered to General Dix to re place Peck's division. Porter took away yes terday over 20.000. Until you know more oer tautly the enemy's force souih of the Potomac you are wrong in thus uncovering the Capital I am of opinion that the enemy will send a small column towards Pennsylvania, eo se to draw your forces in that direction, then end denly move on Washington with the forces sou:h of the Potomac, and those he may cross Over. "In your letter of the eleventh you attach too little importance to the Capital. I as-ute you that you are wrong. Tne oepture of this pace wilt'' brow us back six monthe,if it should not. destroy us. Beware of the (rile I SOW point out to you. You saw theta when here but seem to forget, them in the tiistanee. No more troops can he Sent from here till we have fresh arriVale from the north." The letter of General of the 11th. to which General llalleck here refers, contains the tallowing: "I believe this army fully appreciates the importance of a timely at. ibis time , anti will tight well ;. taut the result of a general battle, with such odds as the enemy now appenre to have spinet us, might, to say the least, be d uhtful ; ant, if we shout'] be defeated, the consequences to the country would be disas trous in the extreme. 'Under three cireumsten ore, I would recomqond that one or LWO of the three army corps now on the Potomac, opposite Washington, be at once withdrawn, and es tit to reinforce ibis army. I would ..lso advise that the force of Colonel Miles at Harper's Ferry, where it can be of little use, and is con•inurtlly exposed to be cut off by the enemy, be immediately ordered hire. • This would add about 25 000 old troops t 3 our present force.. and would greatly streng.lieu us. "If there are any rebel forces remaining on the other side of the Potomac, they mutt be so few that the troape left in the f..its, after the two carrel shall have heen withdrawn, will be sufficient to ch. ok them; and with the large cavalry force now on that. side, kept well out in front to give warning of the distant approach of Huy very large , a part of tins army might be sent hack within the iutrenchtneute to assist in repelling au attack. But even if Washington should he taken while these armi-s are cnnfrenting each other, this would not, in my judgment., bear camped-on with the ruin and disasters which would f /Dow a.sinsle de feat. of this army. If we should be successful in conquering the gigantic 100 army be•ore 118, we should 118 1 7 0 no ditticul y in reeo.tering it. On the otht r band, should their form- prove sufficiently pow. efts' to defeat us, could all the forces now around Wilahiagtou he ruthairat to pr. vent. such a victorious army. from earrying the works ou this aide of the Potoutatt,after they are uncovered by our, army Y I think not." In relation to the policy of re ewing the sits k on the day after the hauteur Antietam, General N1'06.1410 testift -e: '4T next mar •ih¢ ourlo t eol It ( r th e e ..t, lB at ti ld ) itef o re un w d ne th e a ct much distoginization in some of the com• mantis, that. I did not consider it prop-r to renew the titlark that day. e-penially its I was ears of the arrival that d ay or two fresh diyi sione, amountit g to sibilut 15 000 men As an in..tatee of the condition at some Otthetroops that turn cling, L happen to ree.dieet the returns of the first eorpa—General Ito It-At—made the morning of the 18th, by which ilivre wars shout 3 IWO men reparie.l peel' nt for duty. Four d .30 after th it the return, of the same corps showed 18,500. Union. PRICE TWO CENTS. gi I had arranged, however, to renew the at tack at daybreak on the 19th, but I learned sometime during the night or early in the morning, that the enemy had abandoned his position. It afterwards proved that he moved with great rapidity, and, not being encum bered by wagons, was enabled to get his troops across the river before we could do him any serious injury. I think that, taking into con sideration what the troops brad gone through, we got as much out of them in this Antietam campaign as human endurance WOpld bear." ABOUT BUBNOIDB. Shortly after the battle of Frederioksburg, General Burnside devised a plan for attacking the enemy in his fort. The main army was to croBe at a place some six or seven miles below Fredericksburg. The positions for the artil lery to protect the crossing were all selected ; the roads were all surveyed, and the corduroy was cut for.preparing the roads. At the same time a feint of crossing was to be made awe distance above Falmouth, which feint could be turned into, a positive attack should the enemy disoover the movement below; otherwise the main attack wan to be made below. In connection with this movement of the main army, a cavalry expedition was organized, consisting of. 2,600 of the best cavalry in the army of the Potomac, 1,000 of whom were picked men. The plan of that expedition was as follows : Accompanied by a brigade of in fantry detailed to protect the crossing of the Rappahannock, it was to proceed up to Kelly's Ford; there the thousand picked men were to cross, and to proceed to the Rapidan and cross that river at Raccoon Ford ; then to go onward and cross the Virginia Central railroad at Lon- Asa Court House ; the James river at Goochland or Carter's, blowing up the looks of the James River canal at the place of crossing ; cross the Richmond and Lynchburg railroad at a poirk south of there, blowing up the iron bridge at the place of crossing; cross the Richmond, Petersburg and Weldon railroad where it crossed the Nottoway river, destroying the railroad bridge there ; and then proceed on by General Pryor's command, and effect a junc tion with General Peck at Suffolk. where steamers were to be in waiting to take them to Aoquia Creek. -- To distract the attention of the enemy. and deceive them in regard to which body of cav alry watt the attacking column, at the time the thousand picked men crossed the Reppahan nook a portion of the remaining 1,500 was to proceed towards Warrenton ; another portion 'towards Culpeper Court House; and the re mainder were to accompany the thousand picked men as far as Raccoon Ford, and then return. While this country expedition was in progress the general movement wee to be made across the river. On the 26th of December an order was is sued for the entire command to prepare three days' cooked rations; to have their wagons filled with ten days' small rations, if possible; to have from ten to twelve days' supply of beef cattle with them; to take fora-e for their teams and their artillery and cavalry horses, and the requisite amount of ammunition—ln fact, to be in a condition to move at twelve hours' notice. Shortly after that order was issued General John Newton and General John Cochrane—the one commanding a Avision and the other a brigade in the lest grand division, under Gen. William B. Fraoklin—oame up to Washington on leave of absence. Previous to obtaining leave of absence from General Fraklin; they informed him and General William F. Smith that when they came to Washington they should take the opportunity to represent to some one in authority hete the dispirited con dition of the army, and the danger there was in attempting any movement against the enemy at that time. When they reached Washington Oen. 'Coch rane, as he slates, endeavored to find certain members of Congress, to whom to make the desired communication. Fatliog to find them, he determined to seek an iuterview with the President for the purpose of making the coin. muuication directly to him. Oa proceeding to the Pr.eident's house, he there met Secretary Seward, to whom he explained the co jest of his being there sod the general purport of his pro posed communication to the President, and requested him to procure an interview for them, which Mr. Seward promised to do, and which he did do. That day the interview took place, and Gen eral Newton opened the eu.',llct to the Presi dent. At first the President, as General New ton expresses it, "very naturally conceived that they had come there for the purpose of injuring General Burnside, and suggesang Mime other person to fill his place." General Newton states, that while he firmly believed ilkat the principal cause of the dispirited con dition of the army was want of confidence in the military capacity of General Burnside, he deemed it improper to say so to the President "right square out," and therefore endeavored to convey the same idea indirectly. When asked if he considered it any leas improper to do such a thing indirectly than it woe to do it directly, he qualified his precious assertion by saying that his ohjoct was to inform the Pt esitirnt of what he consithred to be the con dition of the army, in the hope that the Presi dent would mike inquiry, and learn the true cause fur himself. Upon perceiving this im pression upon the mind of the Present Generals Newton and Ocethratie state that they hastened to assure the President that he was entirely mistaken, and so far succeeded, that at the close of the interview the President sail to them he was glad they had called upon him, acid that he hoped that good would result from the interview. To ri.‘ urn to General Burnside. The cavalry eltpeplitiou h‘d warted; the brigade of infantry d.-tailed to alsoompAny IL had CroB2llloll the Itap• pahannock at Rich-trd'e Ford, and reiurtied by way or Bile's For.l, leaving the way clear fur the cavalry to eres4 at Kelty's Ford The day th.y hu I arranged to make the crossing, Gett• era' Burnside received frvm the Prealttnt the following telegram: t• I. have good re mon for saying that you mu•t not maim it getrral movement without letting ma'am), of it." (tenet al Burnside states that he could not intall 4l °, at the time, what reason the Prcsi d,nt could have for mending him such a tele' grain. None of the otheera of his command, accept one or two of hie staff who had remained iu camp had been told sorbing of his plan olltnot the simple fact that a univrment WAN to 13:1 wade. lle could only suppose th it the die patch rellied in POO e way to important military moveni..tits in t,thee pitta of the counry, in wh , ch it wee iseee,sary to have co•otor ition. Upon the receipt of that tel-gram, steps were in to is eiy taken 10 halt the, cavalry I apedi• tion where it then was (11l Kelley's Ford) i nt. 1 forth r orders. A portion of it WHEI sootily afterwards p•ent if to intere pt Stuart, who had ju.a wade a raid to Duttarirs sod the B ei B,borhood of .Foiriaz Court House, which it ►'ailed to 46. Genrral Iltroside same to Wa4bington to As certain trom the President the true grate of the case. Hrl was iaternird by the Prreid. w that •tae iteorral tamers from the Armv f the porous ,o, 'dicer nom s he decl nod to g Ye, had o tiled upon t.ini and reptesentrd that tarurral Burnside contemplated soon making a move- Mot, and that the army was SO dispirited and PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, SUNDAYS NXCIPTID, BY 0. BARRETT & CO ' • Twi DAILY PAreloY AID 11WION Will be tiered to alb. seribererenidlug lathe Borough for vex mire rag Weir payable to the carrier. Mail elibileribeill, flew DOLLAIaI Tie ANNOY. THE WRIIRLY PATRIOT AID lls