C 23 L OCAL NEWS. Tae Maim—Under Ms change of schedule on the different railroads, the time of closing the mails at the ElArriseurg Post Office, November 17,1862, is as follows: esiNINLTANIA RAILROAD. WATSAIL—For all places between Harriaburg and Philadelphia, at 6.30 a. m. Far Philadelphia and Lancaster, at 12.10 p. m. Nor Bainbridge- Marietta, Columbia, Lancaster, Phila delphia and New York, at 4-20 p. m. NO Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at 9.00 burg a llllll nd Altoona, T.—War hi 12.40 p.o all r places between Harris goryahestown, Pittsburg and Brie Pa., Cincinnati, Clebunbus and Cleveland, Ohio, at 2.45 p. m. t o 3 Lewistown, Huntingdon, Tyrone, Phillipsburg, juseon.,ll.ollidavabura and Pittsburg, at 9.00 p. M. ifORTHMIN ours AL iAILIVAT. iNNIMIL—WaIr MAIL —Par all places between Ear sb-Das, hock tlaven and Elmira, N. Y., at 12.40 p. m. BD t r 11,-W AT Aides. —Yer Oil plasm between Ear iouurg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, B. 0, at B.eio in. For York, Pa., Baltimore, Md, , and Washington, D. 0, at 9.00 p. m. LEBANON VALLIT IMILROAD. IiMIT.-=-WaY Han ....For all places between Hanle• burg and Beading, Pottsville, Keaton and Philadelphia, at TAO a. in. 017KBERLAIID lIALLIIT RAILROAD Nor Kochaniesburg,Oarliole t ahippeneburg sal Cham berburg, Pa., at 7.00 a. m. WAY all please between Harrisburg and ileaerstown, Md., at 12.0 ➢. m. 80EUTLEILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. Bllwood, Pinegrovre, Summit Station, Auburn and Pottsville, at ISM p. m. MITAGB 10101111 New Linglestown, Monads liti; West Hanover, Ono mid Jonestown, atT 00 a. m. For Lisburn and Lewisimry,at 12.40 p. m. 117'01110e Houra.—Prom 8.00 a. m. to 8.00 p. m. Sun day from T. 30 to 8.80 a.m., and from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m. WAFTED.—A good cook, to whom good warn will be given. Apply at this office. ay 6 Trig GAIETY, notwithstanding the pressure of the times, is nightly drawing crowded houses.— The principal star of attraction now is Miss Anna Rush, one of the moat charming vocalists in the profession. THE SECOND LUTHERAN CONGREGATION of this city have secured the use of the Senate chamber as a place of worship and will occupy it each Sur day until the first of August next, when they ex pect to have a house of worship of their own. A PLassativ Paarv.-:—.The ball of the Lieder krauts society, given at Frisch's hall on Monday evening, was one of the most pleasant parties of eeason. Everything passed off in the happiest manner, much to the credit of the gentlemanly managers. ANOTHER INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE.-A com mittee of five was appointed yesterday by the House of Representatives to investigate the ac counts of Postmaster Bergner, with power to send for persons and papers. In this, as in many simi lar instances, a want of time may defeatjustice.— Let the committee go to work at once. Burr to PRINA.—A colored boy named nitibard Smith, more familliarly known as "Crazy Rich," was sent to prison yesterday afternoon by Alder man Kline, charged with assault and battery on a child of Mr. John Donner. Rich was throwing stones, as he says, at "some other niggers," one of which Mt the child and severely injured it. EXAMINE YOUR POSTAL Cuaaascr.—The Phila delphia Diat says that the police of that city have received information that attempts are making to piss Counterfeit fifty-cent currency notes. If this is true they will soon find their way to this city, and it behoove sour dealers to be on their guard against them. DRUNK AND DISORDERLY.—Dennis Harlem was drunk and disorderly on Monday night at the eorner of Third and Walnut, and officer Campbell escorted him before Alderman Kline, who sent Dennis to prison for twenty-four hours to cool off. Joe Hook, the coffee mill man, was found drunk 'and lying around loose in the gutters. He was sent over for ten days. Joe is an incorrigible drunkard and an annoyance to the police. Tan Srn.ark Laura_ Atthe meeting of the City Connell on Saturday last a resolution was adopted appointing a committee to make arrange ments with the gas company to secure the burning of the street lamps all night. The old practice of putting out the lights at about eleven o'clock in the evening, we are pleased to say, is about to be abolished. The necessity of having our streets lighted all night is being appreciated by the new Council, and we hope they will not stop in their efforts to give us sufficient light until every street in the city is furnished with lamps. ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE POOR PRISON.OI2 Monday night a prisoner named Christ. Spayd in the coun ty prison came near effecting his escape by dig ging through his cell. One of the keepers disco vered him in time to frustrate his designs. Spayd is a young man about eighteen years of age, and was committed on the charge of robbing a shoe store on Ridge Avenue. The evidence of his guilt is very eonelttsive, and we have no doubt of his conviction at the next term of court. He has a very bad character, and has been in the army and deserted several times, the last from Capt. James GONTAIIth cavalry. THE PICKPOCKETS AGAlN.—Yesterday a dis charged soldier, named Roger Malarkey, appeared before Alderman Kline and made complaint against Michael Coin, head waiter at the United States hotel, charging him with picking his pocket of S6T in greenbacks. Malarkey alleges that the theft was committed in the dining room of the ho tel while he and the accused were standing talking together. The money was in a leather pooket book, and the book was cut from the pocket, the money taken out and the book returned. The se nsed was committed for a farther hearing. The numerous crowds of lumbermen at present traveling over the railroad offers splendid induce ments to the pickpockets, and they are accordingly taking Advantage of it. On Monday night one of the gentry "went down" on a lumberman near the depot and robbed him of some $35. He and his comrades became very much exasperated, and is their endeavors to find the thief kicked ap considerable rumpus in the neighborhood of the depot. The thief, however, escaped with his booty. A CONSUlattkrit SCOUNDXIIIu—Some two years ago a man named Thomas M'Glone, from Schuyl kill county, enlisted in the Seventh cavalry Af ter the regiment arrived in Tennessee, M'Glone proved to be such a Scoundrel that the officers of the regiment were compelled to drum him out cf the service. Going to Cincinnati M'Glone enlisted in the Thirteenth United States infantry, and after serving a while in Newport barracks his real cha racter was ascertained and he was diebonorably discharged from the service. Coming to Putts vile he enlisted with Captain Wellington Jones, whose company was afterwards stationed in this city on provost duty. 'While here M'Glone enlisted with Capt. James Elder in the Eleventh 'United States infantry. Captain Eider furnished M'Glone with an entire new outfit, and after considerable exertion got him two months pay from the pay master at this post. Nc sooner bad M' Bone re. calved his pay than be deserted and went to Sobu3lltill county. Here he had the impudence to write to Captain Elder. enclosing his dishonorable discharge from :be service. Determin e d t o ma ke an example of this consummate scoundrel, Captain Elder has taken measures for his arrest, and pro bably by this time he is secure in the hands of the law. If we are not mistaken. M'Glone will receive snob punishme n t me will strike terror to the gang ef scoundrels who are traveling the country swin dling recruiting officers end the government in this I lecallY manner. [Communicated ] WAGGERIES AND VAGARIES OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATORE.-11T. Editor :—ln the days of Ham let, that illustrious descendant of the incestuous King of Denmark deemed himself c sane because he knew a hawk from a handsaw, when the wind was from the east. In this city, certain gentlemen who come here to pass laws—and make money in an honest way—give as a test of wiadow their judge ment of the meri to of beef. All of this class doubt. less live upon the fat of the land at home, hence they have an indefeasible 'right to complain abroad when steaks and roasts do not come up to their standard of excellence. On reference to the file of the House, I find the following bill reported by the Local Adiciary Committee : AN AOT providing for the app2hatiant 9r a Peer In- epeetor for the eity of Harrisburg. WHEREAS, As is evidenced by the tables of a majority of the hotels of this city, that the public are greatly imposed upon, especially during the 8414190 of the Legislature, by being compelled to eat a very inferior and cheap article of beef : And whereas, This evil is growing alarmingly wcrse from year to year, as is proven by the per sistence of the butchers of Harrisburg compelling the aforesaid high-toned and liberal hotel propri etors to buy only the poorest and toughest beef, because it is cheapest; therefore SECTION 1. Be it enacted, &c., That a committee of Sire, composed of two members of the Senate and three, of the House, to be appointed by the Speakers of the respeotive Houses immediately on the organization of the same, in each and every year hereafter, whose duty it shall be to Relent a proper and competent person to serve as an in spector of beef in Harrisburg during the session of the Legislature. Sec. 2. That should the aforesaid butchers of the city of Harrisburg, or any of them, continue to impose further upon the hotel proprietors of this city, by selling them cheap and low priced beet of a lower grade of inferiority than herein enumera ted, namely, steaks with more than three wrinkles of the horn, and roast with more than six inches of neck, any one so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than fifty dollars and undergo imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding twenty years, and be fed on rump tails during all said imprisonment. Now, a word or two on this eutject. The astute and well-fed members should not be too hard upon our butchers and landlords—they should ponder over the many conveniences they enjoy here that many do not enjoy at home. Do not our munici pal authorities wink at the existence of faro banks, palaces of pleasure, concert saloons, etc., got up with an eye single to their enjoyment? Have wa not billiard saloons, oyster saloons, and skillful physicians who can effect a cure in from three to five days? Do not the landlords in a most liberal spirit permit gentlemen to turn their rooms into bar-rooms, and invite their friends to aid them in drinking up the demijohns of whisky and brandy and smoke the segars sent them by gentleman interested in the pat/Sage of bine? Cer tainly this is dealing justly by guests, if we con sider the amount of National and State tax the landlords have to lay for the privilege of selling whisky. And yet, with all this, they must needs find fault with the steak ! About the time of the wind-up of the session heretofore, when it was time for the Honorable gentlemen to *mule their bills, they always endeavored to terrify the hotel keepers and washerwomen into an abatement by offering a bill to remove the Capitol. That dodge has become threadbare, and the idea now is to operate upon landlords by slandering them in the above manner. It is the work of a few, and I'll bet a hat to-day with either of them that none of the authors of the above intended satire get any better beef at home than they do at any of the ho. tell in Harrisburg. It is the old story—men who have little at home expect much abroad—n iggers at their beck to do their bidding—the choicest ed ibles the markets afford—in short, they went Con tinental fare and accommodations at Bull's Head prices, and because they cannot succeed in so arranging matters, they are dissatisfied. Well, let them remain so until sonaetuing better turns up. TENDER LOIN. THE PAXTON FIRP. COMPANY.—The trustees of the Paxton fire company have had conveyed to them a lot of ground, situated on Second street above Vine, and intend immediately to build a substantial and beautiful engine house. The lot is twenty-six feet on Second street running back one hundred feet, and cost six hundred and fifty dollars, which was paid in cash by the company. We learn that it is their intention to erect a build ing seventy feet deep and two stories high, sur. mounted by a beautiful curial°. On the first floor the apparatus of the company will be kept and also a large room for their meetings. The second floor will be used for balls, concerts and public meetings. The Paxton is now one of the most efficient fire companies in this city, and in their endeavors to erect themselves a comfortable and substantial house should receive that aid from our citizens which their humane and disinterested efforts for the public good so eminently entitle them. MICHAEL Coke's CASE.—At a further hearing of Michael Coine's case yesterday, before Alderman Kline, it appeared that the discharged soldier, Roger Malarkey, was not robbed at the United States hotel, and that Michael Coine had no hand whatever in the robbery. Malarkey was drunk and did'nt know where be lost his money, and the probabilities art that some of the traveling pick pockets relieved him of his greenbacks. Alderman Kline promptly discharged Mr. Caine from arrest, who it appears bears an excellent character for honesty. ilia arrest and imprisonment was made solely on the statement of Malarkey, and there was not the slightest corroborative evidence that he had a band in the robbery. MELANCHOLIC ACCIDENT.—Ao infant son of Mr. Charles Buehler, residing on Chesnut street near Fourth, met its death yesterday in a very distres sing manner. The cbild was playing in the yard near a barrel about half full of water. Whilst leaning over the barrel he lost his balance and pitched in head foremost. There was no person present in the yard with the child, and when his brother went in search of him he found him in the barrel quite dead. Little Henry was about three years of age and a very promising child. The funeral will take place from the residence of the parents to.morrow morning at ten o'clock. PERSONAL.—Majur General E. 0. C. Ord, the hero of Drainesville, one of the most gallant sol diers of the United States army, is at present in this city and stopping at the Jones Muse. Bri gadier General • Th:mas A. Welsh, of Columbia, late Colonel of the 45th P. V., passed through this city yesterday on the way to join his command, which is now in Kentucky, in Burnside's corps. REBEL PRlSONERS.—Yesterday noon quite a crowd was congregated at the depot of the Penn sylvania railroad corpany, to see a ler, o f rebel prisoners who were on their way from o .lnp Chase, in Ohio, to Fort Delaware. Too prisoners were principally officers of the rebel ser vice, captured at Arkansas Post, and were all from Texas. ANOTIIIIR 810 Glinc—We saw yesterday at the railroad another of the monster fifteen-inch guns, o n its way to the Brooklyn navy yard. It was east at the Ft. Pitt Works in Pittsburg, and it in. tended for the new iron dad battery R,...rin4 e The iron elad Roanoke is the rhz .e of an old frig ate and hale two turrets. She iv intended for the defense of the harbor of New York. Wa have taken over on the let of April the balance of goods bought of Mr. Boger, to our own store, where we will continue to sell the balance left at very low prices, until the whole are sold. Among these goods are 1,000 yards remnants delaine and calico, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 500 yards remnants lawns and other dress goods, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 200 yards of barege and lustre. 20 and 25 cents. 1,000 yards of linen crash, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 100 yards of brown and grey cloth for summer costs. 1,000 yards of linen, cotton and wool pants stuff, cheep. 300 dozen of the very best spool cotton, white and corded, 1,000 papers of the very best of Smith's needles, 5 cents a paper; also stockings; gloves, pocket handkerchiefs, hoop skirts, all iii iII of combs, patent thread, tapes, socks, )iti r by the dozen or piece. We have also on hand yet about 10 pieces of CARPET, which we will sell at 75 cents per yard. 20 pieces of straw matting, cheep, 20 pieces of splendid figured window curtains. S. LEWY. TONSORIAL.-Mr. Jonn Kemmerer, who stands at the head of the tonsorial business in this city, his now two shops in operation, one in the rear of the Buehler house, and another, recently opened, in Sixth street adjoining the United Stateg hotel, both fitted up in the most elegant and luxurious style, with all the modern' improvements. All who wish to indulge in the luxury of atskillful and easy shave, undergo a pleasant shampooing opera tion, or have their hair out and trimmed in un equaled style, should drop in at one or other of of Mr. Kemmerer's splendidly furnished saloons. He employs none but the most experieneed, skill ful, polite and attentive workmen. GREAT BARGAINS.- Twenty per cent. Saved.—ln order to reduce stock, owing to the tearing down of the old store and building up new, I offer my stock, consisting of a large stock of three-ply In grain, Venetian and Rag Carpets; also, furniture of all descriptions, at twenty per cent less than city prices, until the 15rn OF JUNE NEXT. C. SNAVELY, mr3o-10w Second street above Locust. MILITARY BUSINESS OP ALL KINDS AT TENDED TO. EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, office, Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. oct2B—ly amusements. BRANT'S HALL! SECOND AND POSITIVELY LAST WEEK. Monday Evening, April 7, AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE 'WEEK THE GREAT HISTORIC MIRROR OF THE WAR, PAINTED BY MESSRS ROBERT and WIL LIAM PEARSON, of New York City. The only complete artistic werk of the kind in exist ence, being a complete history of the Great Contest, illustrating all the principal Battles, Dombaramoute, Battles, Bombardments, Battles, Bombardments, Naval Engagements, Naval Engagements, Naval Engagements, Marehes, Parades, Sieges, Reviews, larches, Parades, Sieges, Reviews, Marches, Parades, Sieges, Reviews, Camp Life, Camp Life, Camp Life. Not only showing all the principal Fortifications, Towns and Cities, but also following our brave troops through their various positions and evolutions, the whole forming a series of ARTISTIC AND BEAUTIFUL SCENES. Tickets 25 cents—Packages of Six one &liar. Doors open at 7 ..'clock, to commence quarter before S. Grand Slatin , e on Saturday afternoon. at 8 o'clock, when children will be admitted for io c,nts. Persons desirous of engaccing tickets will please ap ply at w ARD'S Music Store Third street. Also, at W M KNOOII it'd, Market street. arhi-St GAIETY MUSIC HALL! WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. 808 EDWARDS Sole Proprietor. J. G. H. SHOREY, Stage & Business Manager. BRILLIANTLY SUCCESSFUL FOR A SEA- SON OF NEARLY ONE YEAR ! OPEN EVERY EVENING! WITH THE GREAT GAIETY TROUPE GE STARS NEW ATTAC LIONS ! NEW ATTRACTIONS! CROWDED HOUSES! CROWDED ROUSES! First Appearance of MISS ANNIE RUSH, The Harrisburg Favorite Queen of Songs, On Monday Evening, April 6th, And every evening during the week. Assisted by the following Great Congress of Star Performers. MISS ROSE LaFOREST, The Female Ghampion Jig Dancer. MISS LAURA BERNARD, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE CONCERT PROFESSION, THE GREAT AMERICAN NIGITINGALEI Whose bird-like warblings entrance all. MRS. JULIA EDWARDS, The Harrisburg Favorite and Swiss Warbler. PROF. G. W. KIRBYE and SON, Will Appear in their New and Original Acts. J. G. EL SIFIOREY, The world-renowned ELI/loran Comedian. —Also— NIR. CHARLIE RIVERS, The celebrated Clog Dancer and Champion Bone &last. J. EL YOUNG, The great Plantation Orator and Contraband Jester HARRY WILLI:43M The Favorite Banjoist and King of Songs and Dances. 3. ANDRIA lARDELLA, Pianist Premier. WM. BROWNELL, Solo Violinist. and Interlocutor. 808 EDWARDS, The Comediau and Dancer. A NIGHTLY CHANGE OF PROGRAMME! Comninitig all the best arid most popular fea tures of Oper, t, Minstrelsy, Drama, Ballad, Burlesques, Gymnastics, &s., igro WEEK AFTER WEER OUR POPULARITY INCREASES! NIGEIT AFTER NIGHT We are packed to repletion to witness our grat. conclusion, entitled THE BLACK SHOEMAKER, oa THE CONTRABAND IN TROUBLE, Chanty:fen, by the eutlie CouLip4lo3l ttt dinission Only 20 Cents!. 4 ' COAE AND SEE MK." SPCIAL NOTICES. CLEANSN TUN; BLOOD WITH corrupt, disordered or vitiated Blood, you must be sick all over. It may burst out in Pimples, or Sores, or in some active disease, or it may merely keep you listless, depressed and good for nothing. Bat you cannot have good health while your blood is impure Ayer a Sarsa parilla purges out these impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the health and expelling disease. Hence it rapidly cures a wiety of complaints which are caused by impurity toe blood, each as Scrofula or King's Evil Tumors, MC re, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, blotches, Boils, St. Antho ny's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tater or Bale Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, anter or Cmve , ous Tumors, Sore Eyes, Female Di seases, such as Retention, Irregu laray,Suppression, Whites, Steriiiry. Syphilis or Vene real Diseases, Liver Carnul tints and Heart 'luaus Try Airsu , s SARSAPARILLA, and see foryourself the sur prising activity with whisk it cleanses the blood and cures thedisorders . Arsa , s CHERRY PECTORAL is co universally known to earpMl every other rrmedy for the cure of Cough's, Colds, Infizienzer, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchia., in cipient Consumption, ard for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. and it is useless here to recount the evidence of its virtues.— The world knows them. Armes CALIHARTIO PILLS—for Costiveness, Dyspep sia, Indigestirm, Dysentery, Font Stomach, iasontice, Headache, Heartburn, Piles, Rheumatism, Dropsy. Worms, and in short for all the purposes of a purgative medicine. Prepared by Da. J. 0. AYES & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Five boxes for El. Bold by C. A. RUDIVAIIe, Gaon hCo 0. K. Kim. 1,119, J. DOMGAILDNISR, Da. MILIIS and L. Wires. Har risburg, and dealers everywhere ap7•dkw2m IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESEMAIPS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregu larities, painful menstruation, removingall obstructions whether from cold or otherwese, headache, pale in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervousanee tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain In th *back laclimbs, disturbed sleep, which Aries inm interreptior of nature. DR.- CILEESEMAN 13 PLUS was . the commencemen o Low o ilellttautof those irregularities and abetruell hiap t 4,04 signed so many to a premilii sop i R 4 1,1011( can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins to de cline, DR. G'HEESEMAIIPS PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all asses they are invaluable, inducing, with:certainty, periodical regular sty. They are known to thousands i who have needthem at different periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in America. Explicit directions, stating when they should not be used, with each Box—tbe Price One Dollar per Box, containing from 60 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by email, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Sold by Druggists generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. Sold in Harrisburg, by 0. A. Bannvart. 4, Mechanicsburg, by J. S. Hellen. Carlisle., by S. Elliott. Shippensburg, by D. W. Rankin. 4, Obambersburg by Miller & Hershey. 00 Hurnmelstowli, by eeorge Wolf. " Lebanon, by George Rom dee6-d&wly Facts About Brandreth's Pills. NrwCagrul,WxgraineTKß Co., N.Y., Oct. 23,1862. Me. G. TEN Ern SHELDON, Editor Sing Sing Republi- Dear Sir—l would state that I was induced to use BRANDRETH'S PILLS through the recommendation of John R. Swift, of Croton, Westchester County, who was entirelyitestored to health by their use. He was sick for some two years, very costive and dyspeptic, and he tried everything, but was not relieved. Finally, he took one Brandreth's Pill every day for a week, and a doss of six Pills every day for three days, and then took one Pill every day, with occasional doses of six. In one month he was able to go to work, and in three mouths was well, gaining 40 pounds in weight. Yours truly, EDWARD PURDY. ••••••^- WisarOnxima Comm, as. Edward Purdy. being duly sworn, says that he resides in the town of New Castle ; that some years ago he was very sick with a sore on his leg, which had been run ning for over nye years; that. he was also much dis tressed by a pain in his chests* 1, besides, was very cos tive and dyspeptic ; that after rying various remedies and many physicians, he commenced using Brandreth's Pills, six to eight three times a week, and at the end of one month the sore in his leg healed, and at the end of two months he was entirely cured of costiveness, dys pepsia and pain, and has remained well ever since. EDWARD PURDY, Sworn to before me i this 18th day of Odober,lBB2. 8. MALCOLM SMITH, Justice of the Pease. jor sale in Harrisburg by HILO. H. BILL novl9•d&wi A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS ! FOR FEMALES! infallisk in Correcting, Regulating and Removing all Obstruction; from whatever cause, and always successful as a Preventive. These PILLS have been need by the Doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every ; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. Females particularly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are sure to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility, , - ,fter this admonition, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health—other wise the Pills are recommended. Pull and explicit di rections accompany each box. Price $l.OO per box. Sold, wholesale and retail, by CHARLES A. BANN , Any, Druggiat, No. 2 :tined Bow, and O. N. HBLLBIt , Druggist, Harrisburg, Pa. Ladies, by sending them $1 00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and '"free of postage" by mail. Sold also by J. L. LIIHRISHOICR, Lebanon ; J. A. Won., Wrightsville; B. T. Mitaaa, York; B. ELLIOTT, Car lisle;. J. 0. ki.Tiox, chippensbnrg r J. &unmn. a, Chain bersburg ; 8. G. WILD, Newville ; A. J. BauFVMAN, Me chanicsburg; Baown & BROTHER, No. 4, South Liber ty street, Baltimore; and by ..one Druggist" in very town and city throughout the United States. HALL & BIJOKBL, 218 Greenwich Street, New York, General Wholesale Agents. N. B —Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S.D. Howe All others are a base imposition and unsafe ; therefore, as you value your lives and health, ($o say nothing of being humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which ham recently been added on account of the Plum being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent. They will tell you the Pills are perfectly harmless, yet' will do all claimed for them. S. D HOWE, ]yl7-dly Sole Proprietor, NeW York. Editors' Patriot and iNon: Dna Sins :—With your permission I wish to may to he readers of your paper that I will fiend by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full direo tiona for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, the will effectual y remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Vreckles, and all Impurites of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful I will also mail tree to those having Bald Heads or Bare Races, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Sim:Wan., in less than SO days. All ap. pHeations anewe-ed by return Mail withont charge. Respeetfally yours, THOB. P. OHAPHAN, Chemist, feb2B 3mw No. 831 Broadway, New York DR. TO BIAS' V FNE AN LINI MENT . in pint bottles at 50 cents. rages lameness, Cute, Olio, Colic, ace. Read the fallowing. BOSTON, July 7th. 1880. FL TosisB :—We have used for the past your your Horse ■dniment fnr lameness Males, bruises, colic and cuts, and in rvery hi-tanee on d it the best article I ever tried in this circus company Please sena a.xdosen, as it is the only liniment we use now. We have 108 horses, so ne very valnab e, and do not want tv leave town without it RITATT [NWT, Mxnag•ir Van Amburgh & Co's Mensgctio Sold by all Druggists. Offise, 68 Oortiandt street, ■7-d&wlm TO NERVOI'S SUFFERERS OF BOTH 811Xlit —A reverend gentlemen hawing bee n re . stored to health Ina few d ye, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular esnenalve modem of treat ment Without sumese. ennsidoga tt kis wtored duty to communicate to iv. &Mated teflon orrateres the wren. of ours Heim., 460 ton. receipt of an addressed enve lope, he wit gold (free) a .wpy of the premeription need Direct to Or. JOHN M. DkONAi.t., ldd tattoo 'greet, Brooklyn, N i0n20.3m DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, Exhausted nature's great restorer. A delightful beve. rage and active tunic. Composed of pure St. Croix Rum, roots and harm. It Invigorates the body without stim ulating the brain. It destroys acidity Of the stomach, creates an appetite am strengthens the system. It is a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhtes Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache, and prevents Miasmatic disease from change of diet, water, it O. It can be used at all times of day by old and young, and ii particniarly recommended to weak and delicate persons. Sold ly all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. P. H. Drake do Co., 20'.A Broadway, New 'York. null-awaddcwihn LYON'S BATHAIRO . This delightful article for preserving and beautifying the human hair is again put up by the whine propels tor, and is now made with the saute care, mk illandatten tion which first created its immense and unpreoedented sales of over one million bottles annual' I is still sold at 25 cents in large bottles. Two million bottles can easily De sold in a year when it is again mown that the Itathadron is not only the most delightful hair dres sing in the world,but that it cleanses the scalp of scurf and dandruff, gives the hair a lively, rich, luxuriant growth, and prevents it from turning gray. These are considerations worth knowing. The Hathairos has been tested for Over twelve yearn, and is warranted as de scribed. Any lady who values a beautiful head of hair will We the liathitiron. It is finely perfumed, cheapand skiable. It is sold by all respectable dealers through out the world. D. 8, DARNES & 00. novs-2awd&wem New York. INIMITABLE HAIR RESTORATIVE. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Heim. atreat's Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Luxuriant Beauty, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agent, D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway, N. Y Two sizes, 50 cents and 51. nov7-2awd&w6na THE MILLIONS VISITING NEW , YORE For 30 years, have always found Cristadoro's Hair Dye and Preservative Made and applied within a square of the same spot. Nothing but their UNEQUALLED PERFECTION Has given them their WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, and made them take the place of all other preparation. The Dye produces any shade desired in ten minutes. Manufactured by J. ORIBTADORO, 0 Astor House. New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Price $l, $1 50 and $3 per box, according to size. Cristatiora's Hair Preservative Is invaluable with hie Dye, as it imparts the utmost softness, the most beautiful gloss and great vitality to the Hair. Price 60 cents, $1 and $2 per bottle, according to size a7-ditylm RLESOLD'S EXTRACT sucutr, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD , B EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'id EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC, And a positive and specific remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, AAA all alma aa 0Vee..41. See advertisement in another column. Cat it out, and send for the medicine. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Sold by JOHN WYETH, C. H. HELLER and 0. A BANNVART, Druggists. Harriebttrir. ang2l-dawilm OCLAMATIO N.—Whereas, the Honorable Joule 1. Pasneow, President of the Court of Lommon Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, con-. eistingof the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin. and the lion. Samtna. LANDIS and Hon. MOSES N. YOUNG, ASSO elate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their pre- cept, bearing date the 24th day of February, 1863, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarte* Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to com mence on the foorth Mammy of April next, being the 2Tth day of April, 1863. and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given ender my hand, at Harriabur2, the 21th day of April, fn the year of our Lord, 1865. and in the eighty seventh year of the independence of the United. States. J. 1) BOAS. Sheriff NOTICE TO CAPITAL STS I VALUABLE INVENTAIENT OFFERED The undersigned offers for cal FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY Tllita,l4 ACRES of paeellent COAL LANDS, contain ng the entire /Olegßeny coal mines. situated in W shingt.m township, Cambria, county. A ven: of f- mr feet in thicknetS has been opened and is now being worked in three places. The Pennsylvania ventral railroad runs tbrongh the +rant and along aide of these openings. Samples furnished on application to the prepr etor. Reference as to quality may be had by applying to 0. W. Baitira, Philadelphia. John W. Wooster, Dune.annon iron wOrks. or in Oievelacd, Ohio. Tittle indisputable—terms easy. JEREMIAH M'GONtGLE, Hemlock P. 0 , rear2o.dl2t-Irtf Cambria county, Pa. MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS f We have the pleasure of informing you that we are now prepared to offer, at our Old Stand, No 103, 105 and 107 North SECOND St , Phila delphia, a well selected stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, in every variety. of the latest importations, and of the newest and most fashionable styles. OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT will comprise every var ety of Bonnets, Hate and Trim mings to be found in that line. of the latest and most appreved shapes and s yles. Soliciting an early call, I remain yours, respectfully, H WMtD. mrl3-2wd rp E UNIVERS 3 L CLOTH uS WRINGER is the original and only genuine and re liable winger berore the people It m kabines more strength of frame, capacity of Iv-assure, power and du rability than any other machine. It is the only wringer with the,patent cog-wheel reg ulator. It eaves time, labor, clothes and money. It will wear for years wi thont repair. No servant can break it No caution or skill required in its use. A child &gat years old can opera a it. It saves its cost in clothing every dx months - Its rubber r Uere never get loose nor tear the clothes. 1 twill fit any tub, and not work loose from its place. I ittrito the atteolieu co. this mum ity ty this wringer, believing it to be the best. Miteeifien fur nished on trial free of expen.e. (I W. PA ItaoNti, 110 Market street, zur23-2tawtt Sole agent for this city HARRY WILLIA. S, • AGENT, 402 WALNUT e PIVLA AP ELP Rl4. General Claims fir Soldiers promptly col ecte. , stale elainta adjeeted. See , dee. nt,r2o-dim Ls 'STUN CR MIKE tiS -A supply of these delicious crackers just received and for sale WM. DOM. jr , & 00 Xif M INCE MEAT. -A SU E lOR AR TICLE juot received and for rata by WM 1 1 4)1114 in.. &en WEISsIE i'B ehMY .%N1) .NaVf New York PIICKET DICTIONARY. Just received and for Bale et S LIERTIC WO STORE 17 'KING An-or menu of Now Looking • lawn just rec.-iv d, At W HNO.,HL'BMusieB r 93 e.rk t 'vet. where .hey -11 be sole cheep .'all cud einumicm. mr.S HAMS, DRIKD BEEF B LOONA SAUSAGES, TONGUES, &0., fo nul , - li.w , b WAS DOCK. Js., & 00 S. T.-1860--X. =I lIBIBISTRBET'S Coal. COAL I COAL I 1 COAL ! ! ! The subscriber haying bought out the Coal Yard:and fixtures formerly belonging to James 51. Wkeigsr, Esq., is nowready to deliver to the citizens of Harrisbug Ly kens Valley and Wilkesbarre Coats, well prepared, of the best quality, at the lowest market prices. All Coal delivered at the consumers' doors with the patent weigh cart. Orders left at my office, Fourth and Mar ket, or at the yard, will be punctually attended to. Thankful for the liberal patronagm heretofork;fig tended, I still ask for a continuance of the saws. decl6-2m* DAVID MICORMICIL P. B.—One Patent Weigh Cart for eale. COAL WHOLESALE AND itETAIL. lAVING leased the Coal Yard, foot of North street, lately occupied by 0. D. Ponta I am enabled to supply the public with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF CLIr-s - EALIV COAL. FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respectfully solicited—which, if left at the office, foot of North street, or et the store of Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co., (where samples will be shown,) wit receive prompt attention. jyBl-dtf] BILLIARD DOOR. JOHN TILL'S COAL YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT 3 B ROLLING MILL, Where ha keeps ennetantly en hand LYKENS AND WILKESBARRE COAL, &Leh se STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, EGG and NUT, which he will dispose of at the lowest market price. Consumers will do well to eall on Min and, lay in their supply, u the Coal will be delivered clean, and fall weight. AIM-Um JTJST ItEOBIVEDi THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMEN or 'FINN STEEL ENGRAVINGS I PRINTS, AND HEADS, AND SCENES, ADAPTED FOR GRECIAN OIL PAINTINGS, AT Wm. Knoche's Music Store. No. 93 Market street, Harrisburg. pHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT; W. KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE, AT 93 MARKET ST. no2B•tf NNOTlCE.—Agreeably . to the provisions of the Ant or Asse.bly incorporating the West mireahurg Market Company, retire is hereby giyou that subscriptinne to the capital stock of said company will be received on and after the 16th day of February neat, at the residence of the eu"ecrlber. W. R. VERBERIP, pin22-dtfebls President pro tempore. QT. LOUIS FLOUR.- THE BEST P BRAND FOR FAMILY USE in the market. 100 barrels of the celebrated St. Lou a Flour, universally pronounced the most superior article ever offered in the market, just received and for sale by WM DOCK, Ja., k. 00 L'RbBl - 1 F ISH. every Tuesday and Fn day at JOHN WONT Store, corner of Third ant Walnut. lora Vi ALL PAPER AND WINDOW V`, SHADES. HENRY t. SH.APPER Has a large stock of Widow Shades and Wall Paper as hand which will be sold very iow. Call and examlnis. Paper Hanging personally attested to. No. 12. MARENT STREET, Near the bridge oct24-dtt S ECRET DLSEAFES ! SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT I SAMARITAN'S GIFT! TEN MOST CEMTAIN REMEDY EVER 17811 D. Yes, a Positive Cure! BALSAM COPAVIA 4* MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a enre. Tbey are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant team, and will not. in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delis de. Cures in from two to four days, and recent cues in twenty-four hours. No exposure, no trouble, no Mange whatever. Price male paekagee, ES; Female, $3. Soli by D. w Gioriba isc Co. Sent by mail by DESMOND & CO., Box 151 Phila. P O. lan6eily BLOOD! BLOOD! SORES : THETE CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TET TERS, SCALF , S, BOILS. SYPHILIS OR VENE REAL DISEASES, ETC SAMARITAN'S ROgOT AND HERB JurcEs Is offered to the public as a positive cure. Banishes all impurities of the blood and brings the system to a healthy action, cure those Spots, Tetters, Scales and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par ticle of the poison. YEMALEIS! FEMALES! In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the nOOT AND HERB JUICES le most happily adapted, in Ulcerated. Uterus , _ in Whites, In bearing down, Falling of the Womb, Debility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex. Do NOT DESPAIR. Keep out of hospitals Here is a cure in any case foe $5. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5 with full Sires tious. Sold by D, W. 01101313 & CO. Bent by Exprese carefully pan' ed b DbBSIIIND 00„ Box 151 Phila. P.O. jan6-1y EDAR TUB'S, CHURN?. and MEA BUBBS, together with s large aaaortment of BAS KETS, BROOM P &e, foot received, cud for Dale very ow. by WMII 110f1K. JB. , & 00. H P. & W- C. TAYLtiwP MT El NM' Milt Ct Aft. I' I kt is economical and highly detersive It contains no Rosin and will not waste It is warranted not to injure the bands It will impart an agreeable odor and is theirefor Anitable for every nuroose For sale b.) WM Welt .1 it., it Cie, CoAL NoiicE.—WE 4. •AVE Lyz ni s. : day completed an .r,ampinueut with it ono , Thomas. Hag., fur the ea e or th entire a ~,,, Ir a of VALL FY and 'HORT M • a TA IN ends.,• mined y him to be d. liver. d at Miller.buip hive this day aPiild er ß ee i nh T tP °B lm7 l lPh A in gB" for 'II l'ita" or Penn sylvania. sUT TO 4 . PrN • INGTON & co. Harrisburg, Feb V 4.1868.-104 .14 ET zi MS: • .Jupa .. d large La Kapp rof COVERED SVGA it-f I" u u HAM, of eoes , xr ..4 ix. the ettermhet. lev., : , . 4 ,, e 011 d ill Olt ....a-- W....A.' W . V I . '' .ift..lt oe. i . ICKWEI KA M 1 M 9... I . 000 lba Super Extra. lust reeeir.-d and ... I. by daub WM it.. , • JR. i CO.