Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, April 07, 1863, Image 2

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    ecke ;-!: atrial tt.
ClOintennleatione will not be published In the Pinum
LID Vinci unless accompanied With the nee of -the
W. W. KINGSBURY, ZBQ., of Towanda, is a duly an
tlsprined agent to colleet eel:tomtit and receive sabot:alp
!law and advortisamonto for tido paper. -
Novo:mai 48.1884.
Tun PATRIOT AHD %now and all its business
operations will
.hereafter be conducted exclu
sively by O.•Banturrr and T. G. FOXIIItOY, un
der the firm of 0. Bimini"' & Co., the connec
tion of IL F. M'Reynolds with said establish
ment having ceased on the 20th November, inst.
Novnume, 21, 1862.
Democratic County Convention.
By . direction of the County Committee, the
Democratic County Convention of Dauphin
cannty will, meet at Harrisburg on Tuesday,
the 21st day of April, at 10 o'clock, a. m.
Meetings for the selection of delegates to said
Convention will be held in the several town
ships on Saturday, the 18th April, between
the hours of 6*ll 7, p. m., and in the several
towns and wards between the hours of 7 and
9, p. m., on said day, at the usual places of
holding delegate meetings.
Secretary pro tem.
Harrisburg, March 28, 1868..
South Mountain and Antietam—Official
• Report of Gen. lilleieHan.,
We publish to:day the preliminary report of
Gen. George B. M'Clellan, describing the mili
tary operations of the Army of the Potomac
from the evacuation of Harrison's Landing to
his removal from command after the battles of
South Mountain and Antietam. The general ,
facts set forth in this report are already known
to the public; the explicit description of the
military movements of the army from ths . time
of M'Clellan's resumption of the command,
through the memorable battles which it de
scribes, will be found clear, interesting and
sufficiently unembarrassed with detail to be
intelligibly traced on the chart. Apart from
its merit as a lucid and connected history of
military events, the modest and remarkable
manner in which the description of all the
operatiOns to which it refers is given, is espe
cially noteworthy. No where does the injured
General find occasion to vent his reproaches
on the conspirators against him—not a sign or
word escapes him of gratuitous denial or as
sertion. Calm and tonaliteut, he confines
himself to the strictest and simplest relation of
events in the order of their occurrence. All
this preserves to the laSt the contrast between
his conduct throughout and the conduct of his
enemies. Having kept back the publication
of this report, they have permitted it to go
forth and be followed by the detractions of the
Committee on the Conduct of the War, which
perfects .the cowardly scheme the radicals have
laid to heart, to snatch from M'Clellan all the
glory he has so richly won. To that report,
in connection with the present, we shall have
occasion to refer hereafter ; we content our
selves at this time with a alight summary of
one or two leading points of the narrative con- .
tained_in the latter.
On the 19th of August, '62, the Army of the
Potomac had evacuated Harrison's Landing, on
the James river; on the 24th of the same month
it had arrived and debarked at Alexandria, on
the Potomac. Immediately upon landing it
was ordered to the Shenandoah to take part in
the campaign of Pope; so that by the 30th
M'Clellan fotnid himself in command of
scarcely one hundred men, his whole force and
munitions, even to his transport teams used at
his headquarters, having been forwarded with
cheerful alacrity to Pope's support. After the
unfortunate issue of this campaign, M'Clellan
was, on the 2d of September, placed in com
mend of the defenses of Washington, and of
all troops to be used for that purpose. On the
disappearance of the enemy from the front of
Washington, an active advance became neces
sary to cover Baltimore, prevent the invasion
of Pennsylvania, and drive the rebels out of
Maryland. Immediately abandoning the for
tifications round the Capital, M'Clellanpashed
forward his various corps by different routes,
covering the route from Frederick to Wash
ington, and advancing on the line of the Mo
nocaoy creek. On the 12th of September the
cavalry advance of the right wing came up
with a portion of the enemy at Frederick, dis
persed them and captured 250,prisoners ; soon
after the remainder of the right wing 'passed
through the town. -At this time it was ascer
tained by a courier from Harper's Ferry that
the commander of the post had abandoned
Maryland Heights and fallen back, after re
pelling an attack of the enemy, promising to
hold out for two days until relieve& The
surrender of this post, which followed soon
after, it appears, was due to the neglect of
M'Clellan's previous advice to the authorities
at Washington to cause the force there to fall
hack upon *Maryland Heights via Hagerstown,
and, taking up the bridges on its way, entrench
and hold its position. When subsequently (on
the 12th of September) the order arrived to
Gen. It'Clellan to assume the command of it
himself, all connection between the main army
and the garrison had been cut off, and it was
too late to prevent the disaster of the shame
ful and premature surrender which took place
while every effort was being made for its relief.
On the 14th the advance came up with the main
body of the rebel army at South Mountain
pass ; the battle which followed was hotly
• contested during the day, and resulted in dis
lodging the enemy. During the night the
enemy decamped and took np his position on
the heights near Antietam creek. The victory
. which , followed to our arms on the 16th, and
the details of the previous engagement at South
• Mountain, are to be found succinctly given in
the report ; they already belong to history ;
and they already stand,upon its pages, a bright
and livingdestimony for all time of the vigor
and military'genins of the great commander,
whom no aspersion's can rob of his just fame,
the lustre of whose name no partisan malignity
can diminish. , •
We Shall publish with' more careful com
ments to-morrow the report of the Committee
on the Conduct of the War; our readers are
• meantime commended to the perusal of the
repor t of WOleilan i *Lich has been unavoid
ably delayed until to-day.
The Copperhead Party.
The term " Copperhead" is how universally
used by the Abolition press to designate the
Democratic party—nay, it is even used by the
administration, .in its official papers, for 'the
same nurpose. 'The term is intended to con
vey the idea df dislOyalty, sympathy With re
bellion, treason itself, and is used as a term
of reproach, a stigma upon the whole party.
In Indiana, especially, we have been told that
"Copperheadism," or Democracy, has exhibi
ted its treadbnable designs without disguise,
and that in other places, although more re
served in its expressions and actions, it is at
heart and in intention the same. Let us see
how this is. Here, in Pennsylvania, we know
the allegation to be false, and we think we can
show it to be equally so in reference to Indi
ana; and if false in reference to Indiana, why
of course false in its application to Democrats
The Legislature of Indiana, Democratic in
both branches, passed the following resolution:
Resolved, That notwithstanding our want
of confidence in the administration, we yet
hereby pledge ourselves to support it in all
constitutional measures to suppress the rebel
lion at the South and restore to the Government
the proper and full exercise of its legitimate
Before the adjournment of the Legislature
the members issued an address, clear in its
statements and very decided in its conclusions.
One single sentence of this address will show
the ground occupied by these "Copperheads"
in regard to what the Abolitionists term "dis
honorable peaoe"—a separate nationality—
which they falsely charge as being one of the
aims of the Democracy, while their own secret
endeavors have all been in that direction, and
are yet. The Indiana "Copperhead" address
says :
"A portion Gf the States have assumed to
withdraw from political fellowship with the
rest, and declare that a separate nationality
only will satisfy them. They ask peace on
these terms, and desire that we shall consent
to a separation. We, as Democrats,
have a
hundred times answered this request in the
negative, and we answer it again in the same
This, we take it, is plain, to the point, and
as conclusive as even the most rampant Abo
litionist could desire. We want " Copper
headism" to•be judged by the record, and not
by the false allegations of an'administration
and a party that have trampled upon the Con
stitution, warred against the Union and set
truth and decency at defiance.
The address considers the question before
war had actually commenced, and charges that
the party in poWer would make no concessions
to avert the impending evil, and proceeds:
""Very well; the administration has the
control of these questions, and we submit, as
good citizens, to its mode of settlement. Then
let the war proceed. It has had a million of
men and fifteen or eighteen hundred millions
of dollars, and yet its progress has been but
slow. The reason for this slow progress is, it
has issued too many proclamations and enac
ted too many laws for confiscation and ven
geance. It has not done enough of fighting."
The fairness and correctness of this we take
to be unquestionable by any one who has not
determined to ,shut his eyes against truth and
Then, again, the address takes up the ques
tion, and makes this just, bcld, and patriotic
declaration :
" To be true to the Union, we must be faith
ful to ont own honor. That honor requires
that we preserve the governinent of our fathers,
and that armed and unarmed treason, wher
ever they raised their head, should be over
thrown. It requires that the Southern rebel
lion be put down, and put down by the arms
of the Republic."
These are the "Copperheads " who, the Abo
lition papers say, would crawl on their bellies
and eat dirt to patch up a "dishonorable
peace " with the rebels. What a discrepaney
there is between their language and the charge
against them. They tell us in this address
that the rebellion must be put dawn, " and put
down by the arms of the Republic;" and not
only this, but they tell us how they would do it.
They say:
"By fighting and putting down armed rebels
—calling on the people of Ilie South to aban•
don the leaders, return to the protection of the
old flag, under all the guarantees of the Con
stitutign. If hard fighting against those in
arms, and love, and kindness toward those not
in army, will not put down the rebellion, we
have no remedies to offer and no advice to
give. They are the great agencies which civ
ilized nations apply to insurrectionary popula
tions, and they generally succeed where the
rulers have 'been alone governed by wisdom,
honesty, and moderation. This would be the
Democratic policy in conducting this war be
tween a kindred people. That party, if in
power to-day, would put down this rebellion,
and restore the Union as it was, in six months,
and by the honest and lawful• method of sub
duing combatants and protecting those not in
arms against the government. It would make
no war on States and populations. It would
overthrow the guilty rebel wherever found in
arms. It would confiscate nothing that did
not belong to a fighting traitor to the Union.
It would issue no proclamations to negroes,
and denounce no penalties against the inno
cent which it had not the power to enforce.
A Democratic administration would see that
our victorious legions marched wherever there
was an armed foe to conquer, and - liberating,
as they went along, not the negro, but the
white people of the South from the despotism
under which they are said to groan. It would
make no war on the helpless, and raise no
hand against the innocent. It would make
war in earliest against the rebel soldiers, and
abandon all aehemes not connected with the
overthrow of those who fight against the Union.
It would reject every Abolition scheme, and
avoid every Abolition schemer, and tell that
class of traitors that this war was for the re
storation of the white man's Union and gov
ernment, and that he might stand aside if that
programme did not suit him. A Democratic
adminstration having thus elevated the objects
of the war in the sight of Heaven and of man
kind, would call upon the people who really
Wee the Union for its own sake to rally . for its
preservation, and in sixty days it would have
half a million of new volunteers in the field.
There would be no need of conscription acts
then. The people would understand what that
war meant. That appeal would touch the
heart of every. true man in the nation. It
would reach every fireside in the land. The
citizens would march as a band of brothers
under the ensign of our beloved country, in
scribed on its ample folds the words of the
matchless Webster One Union—one Consti
tution—one destiny.' "
In this able, eloquent, and manly address no
issue is avoided—the whole field is traversed,
and every question at issue disposed,nr In
regard to the objectionable laws paned by
Congress and the duty- of the Democeacy—tlje
"Copperheads"—in reference to them, the ad
dress says :
"Laws have been passed by the Federal Con
gress which have met, and will continue to
meet, the sober condemnation of the people of
Indiana. But they are laws, nevertheless A
dead and never-to be resurrected Congress has
placed them upon the statute nooks. They are
there for evil. No good will come of them. A
mijority of those who voted for them have been
repudiated by the country, and they return no
more to the seats they have dishonored. These
laws do live after them. They stand as monu
ments of
_the depravity of the Thirty-seventh
Congreei, and of the administration whioh in
voked their aid. What is the duty of the citi
zens of Indiana in regard to these enactments ?
We say to you, and we say it as the friends of
social order, respect these laws, and show to
the world that you were worthy of better, wi
ser, and more honest Senators and Representa
tives in Congress. Show your rulers—alas
you have rulers—that the people have a higher
and a nobler sense of honor than those who
have 'bartered freedom for a great man's feast.
and sold their country for a smile.' The men
who voted for these measures of oppression
have no sympathies with the free populations
of the great Northwest. Many of them
were the venal and purchased instruments of
an administration which has signally failed to
recognize the power and majesty of the people
in the recent elections. As these men have
deceived you, it is their fault and not yours.—
But their bad and cruel laws remain. Let these
lairs have a fair trial. If they are honestly and
impartially enforced, and not made•the instru
ments of oppression to any special class of our
people, they are entitled to a perfect obedi
ence. Offer them no resistance. They can
last but two years longer, and from this mo
ment prepare for their legal repeal."
Wb have given enough of this address to
show that Indiana "Copperheadism," instead•
of being black treason, is the moat exalted
patriotism, as Democracy is every where and
always has been, but we cannot forbear to give
another paragraph, in which the nation's de
liverance is predicted and the.agency pointed
out through which the deliverance will come!
"The Democratic party is yet a power in the
country. Its manly proportions are not dwarfed
nor its powers impaired.. Its eye is bright,
and it looks with undimmed vision to the cycle
of years of glory before our now bleeding
country. Its vigorous hand is unpalsied by
age, and its strong arm brawny with the sin
ews of honest labor and unfaltering courage.
It will yet save the nation. It is an organiza
tion which exists because it loves the Constitu
tion, and it cannot disband while that anstitu-
Lion survives. It kept this people at peace
with each other for the sixty years it had con
trol of the Government, and it will bring them
together again. Its doctrines are suited to the
genius of free institutions. It teaches the
political equality of the great white race ap
pointed to control this asylum of the nations.
It is a living, moving, and never-dying senti
ment that all these States and all these peoples
have equal rights, and that none but traitors
deny their sovereign power to fashion and in
stitute such State governments as to them may
seem just. This is Democracy. Look back to
its , history. That history is full of glorious
recollections. During its power in the govern
ment of the country it added more territory to
the Union than wail embraced in the original
thirteen revolutionary States. It presided at
the baptism of the new sisters which have been
added to the confederacy, and never repulsed
one on account of her demeetio institutions.—
The nation, under the guidance of the Demo
cratic party, expanded in all the elements of
trae greatness. No State received injustice at
its hands, no class was oppressed by its legis
lation. The rich man found security far his
possessions, and the poor man was elevated by
its equitable and just laws. It pandered to no
passion, because its action was based upon the
great and enduring principles of constitutional
If this is 4 iCepperheadiam," we are “Cop
perheads"—if it is treason, we are traitors—
and the Abolitionists may make the most of
General News.
The moat important news to-day is a rumor,
said to be credited by the highest military au
thorities at Washington, that the city of Charles
ton has been captured, and is now in possession
of General Hunter and Admiral Dupont. If
this rumor had reached us at any other time
than just on the eve of the Connecticut elec
tion, we should have felt disposed to credit it,
knowing that a powerful armament has been
in process of creation and concentration for
some time past, destined to act against the re
bel city by sea and land. Coming just at this
time, we receive it with scruple as to its relia
bility. The following, from the Richmond
Dispatch of April 3, is, we presume, the foun
dation upon which the rumor rests :
"The enemy have landed in force on Sea
brook's or& ohn's Island. Three gunboats and
several transports are lying off the island.
Skirmishing has already taken place between
ours and the enemy's pickets. Our pickets are
driven in, and the Federals are advancing.
General Hagood has ordered all the women and
children end non-combatants removed from
Adam's run, which is twenty miles from Sea
brook Island."
Maj. A. J. Sheppard, of Gen. Stuart's staff,
was captured a few days since by our cavalry
in the vicinity of Dumfries, and is now in cus
tody. It is said that he has repeatedly visited
our camps in citizen's dress, and gave impor
tant information to the enemy. He will there
fore be tried as a spy, and, if convicted, eie
fluted as a spy. When taken he offered to
deliver up seven of our men, with horses,
arms and equipments, if released.
The . official account of the Point Pleasant
affair—at the mouth of the Kanawha, Western
Virginia—makes the Union loss two killed,
three wounded and, six taken prisoners. The
rebel loss in killed, wounded and prisoners is
put down at seventy-two.
Cairo dispatches say that the attack on Fort
Pemberton was re-commenced on the 27th ult.
by the gunboats Baron De Kalb and Chilicothe,
but the result was not known.
A large force of the rebels have been with
drawn from the front to the rear of Vicksburg,
in anticipation of an attack in that quarter.
The heavy guns have been removed front the
front of Vicksburg, and Quaker guns substitu
ted. Yazoo City and Fort Greenwood have
been greatly strengthened. It is nqw believed
that all the expeditions, including the one sent
down the Yazoo, have returned or are returning
to Young's Point, where it is stated nearly two
hundred transports are gathered.
The Memphis Bulletin says the United States
battery opposite Vicksburg has silenced one
of the rebel batteries at Vicksburg.
Twenty of the Anderson Cavalry - were lately
condemned to death for mutiny by court mar
tial. Gen. Rosecrans disapproved of the sen
tence, and tlie men were ordered to return to
duty. Their pardon is conditional on their
future good behavior.
A Union man, named Hooper, who tried to
evade the rebel conscription was murdered by
guerrillas on Thursday night, ten miles from
Nashville, and hie house and buildings were
burned. •
Surgeon Charles Johnson, of the First Mid
dle Tennessee infantry, son of Goy. Johnson,
was thrown from his horse at Nashville cn
Saturday and almost instantly killed.
The conversion of legal tender notes into
five-twenties, at Philadelphia, last week,
reached $8,000,000. Subscriptions are pour
ing in from every quarter.
Oar relations with Great Britain are thought
to be at this time of a most delicati nature,
growing out of the correttpondence between
Earl Russell and Minister Adams in relation
to the rebel privateer Alabama, and other re
bel vessels fitted and now fitting outin British
The extreme rigor of the law will not be
meted out to deserters who voluntarily return
to their duty within a few days, as many are
doing, not fewer, it is computed, than from a
thousand to fifteen hundred a day on the ave
rage. Those from General Hooker's army,
sentenced recently to be shot, have been par
Dispatches from Murfreesboro' give an ac
count of a brilliant skirmish on the Ist. An
expedition under Brig. Gen. Hazen and Col.
•Edwards started for Woodbury to capture the
rebel force at that point. One hundred of the
4th Ohio cavalry accompanied the expedition.
,The infantry surrounded the rebel camp; but
the cavalry dashed in so vigorously that the
rebels were dispersed and fled over the hills.—
A number were killed and wounded, and 80
were captured, together with 50 horses, a num
ber of mules, 4 wagons, and the rebel camp.—
We had only one wounded. The rebels were 600
strong, and commanded by Col. smith, and the
expedition would have been completely suc
cessful if the cavalry had not been too eager.
Telegrams from Gen. Hurlbut at Memphis,
Gen. Asboth at Columbus. and General Dodge
et Corinth, represent that there is a heavy
ferce of rebel cavalry on the Tennessee river
about Florence. •
The rebels are constructing bridges in that
section, and building floats for crossing the
Tennessee river, indicating a movement of the
rebel army from Vicksburg to join Bragg, or
the intentions of the latter to move that way.
If true, this news is important.
The foreign news by telegraph yesterday
afternoon is to the following effect :
The Polish military Dictator, Langiewiecz,
who escaped into the Austrian dominions after
his recent defeat by the Russians, has been
sent to the fortress of Cracow. The London
Post understands that the Austrian Govern
ment have resolved to place him on parole in
some Austrian town. The Russians continue
to be suoceseful in defeating the insurgents.
The London Times considers the struggle vir
tually ended, but thinks the allied powers
should require that Poland shall have the ben
efit of all the guaranties of the treaty;of Vien
The London Daily News says the Greek
Minister has been recalled and the Legation at
London abolished.
The Times city article says the demand for
money at the Bank and in the open market
was very active to the large Confederate loan
which closed at 4i e 4i 5 , ; per cent. premium.
About fifteen millions of the loan have been
taken at Liverpool, Paris, Frankfort and Am
The Daily News gives a rumor that the
Emperor of Russia has granted an amnesty to
the Poles, and will give Poland her autonomy
and a liberal constitution.
Among the Southern items of news is one
reporting the formation of a peace party,
headed by Henry S. Foote, Alexander Wesley,
editor of the Richmond Whig, and others. Re
solutions on the subject would probably pass
the lower House of Congress, before the ad
journment. It is said that the course of the
Richmond Enquirer is disapproved by many
leading members of Congress.
The Chattanooga Rebel says that a blew will
be struck before June which will unfetter
manacled Kentucky. •
MONDAY EVENING, April 6, 1863.
The Senate was called to order at SI
o'clock by the SPEAKER.
Mr. LAMBERTON, from the minority of the
Committee on Federal Relations, to which was
referred petitions, numerously signed, in favor
of a constitutional call for a national conven
tion, submitted a • report dissenting from the
report of the majority, and favorable to the
prayer of the petitioners, which was read.
Mr. LOWRY moved that the report, together
with the resolutions accompanying it, be re
ferred to the Committee on Federal Relations,
which was agreed to—yeas 19, nays 12.
Mr. KINSEY, a supplement to the act of
January 80th, to provide for the payment of
the State interest, directing the August inter
est to be paid in the currency of the govern
Mr. °LATE, a supplement to the act for the
more effectual protection of loge and lumber
in the Susquebanna river.
Mr. CONNELL, a bill relative to guardians;
also, a supplement to the act to authorize the
Wyoming canal company and its creditors to
agree to an adjustment of their respective
rights ; also, a supplement to the Girard Col
lege passenger railroad company ; also, a sup
plement to the act establishing a board of port
wardens of Philadelphia.
Mr. KII'SEY offered a resolution which MIK
adopted requesting the Adjutant General to
furnish the Senate with an estimate of the
amount of money required to pay officers of
volunteers now in the service of the United
States from the date of their commisious to the
date when they were mustered into the service.
Mr. MTANDLESS offered a resolution that
a committee of three be appointed to examine
into the condition of all institutions to which
the State appropriates money, and to report
to the Senate at the next session of the Legis
lature. Adopted—yeas 18, nays 13.
The bill relating to oorporations for manu
facturing purposes in the county of Allegheny
came up in order, was amended so as to make
it applicable to all the counties in the Common
wealth, and passed finally.
After considering several bills the Senate
a djourned. . .
MONDAY, April 6, 1863.
The House was called to order at 91 o'clock,
a. 112.
Itlr. JACKSON moved to reconsider an act
to authorize the Governor to purchase tourni
(vete for the Pennsylvania soldiers, passed
last Saturday. Agreed to. He then moved to
strike out so much of said act as made 'the
articles returnable as the property of the State,
and insert that they shall be distributed among
the soldiers, (as their property,) under the di
rection and inspection of the Surveyor Gen
Agreed to; and the bill as amended passed
Mr. NOYES read in place an act for the
erection of a boom on the Susquehanna river
at Jersey Shore, Clinton county, and moved to
suspend the orders to consider the bill.
Agreed to : and after a debate, which lasted
for two and a half houra, the bill passed finally
Mr. COCHRAN, an-'act relative to evidence
in the city of Philadelphia.
Mr. SHANNON, from thi3 committee on the
subject, reported joint resolutions thanking
the ladies of Pennsylvania for; their noble and
patriotic action for thp relief of our soldiers,
in which were especially named the Cooper
volunteer refreshment saloon, of Philadelphia,
and the subsistence committee, of Pittsburg.
Numerous amendments were then offered
and adopted, so that all the ladies' aid societies
in the Commonwealth were incorporated in the
Mr. BARGER objected to these indiscrimi
nate amendments, by which the resolutions
were to be borne down by the weight of all the
institutions in the State. The Coopers' volun
teer refreshMent salomi of Philadelphia ,was
especially mentioned because it was the largest
in the State, having spent over $4OOOO during
the pant year for the behefit of our sOldiers.
Mr. SMITH (Cheater) said it was wrong to
especially name two or three socipties, when
he Was certain that the country societies had
sent to Philadelphia more than three times the
amount that'Philadelphia herself had con
Mr. SHANNON said that the labors of the
city societies had been of a peouliar and ex
traordinary character, such as awaiting the
arrival of trains at night-time, requiring them
to have their table spread almost continually.
His speech was an eloquent tribute to the pa
triotism and liberality of the citizens of Phil
adelphhia and Pittsburg.
The original resolutions, as amended, were
then re-considered, and the amendments being
stricken out, the resolutions were again
amended by including thanks to the ladies and
citizens of the different cities, towns and coun
ties of the Commonwealth, for the aid and oom
fort extended to the soldiers of the United
States while passing through their respective
The resolutions, thus amended, thdn passed
An act to incorporate the' Big Creek railroad
An act to incorporate the Warren and Tidi
ciute railroad company (connecting with Phil
adelphia and Erie.)
Pending the discussion of the bill the House
Adjourn ed.
The House met at 2i, p.
On motion of Mr. COCHRAN, an act to au
thorize the Auditor General to draw his war
rant for money due the West Philadelphia rail
road company. Passed finally.
[This is for money appropriated to this com
pany in 1851. The board of Canal Commis
sioners being abolislied . and no other person or
persons having been authorized to borrow upon
warrant, the Auditor General is so author
ized.] '
On motion of Mr. BENEDICT, an act relative
the term cf school directors (making it com
mence and end with the common school year—
except in Philadelphia. To take effect in 1864.)
Passed finally.
On motion of Mr. BOWMAN, an act relating
to proceedings in equity. Passed finally.
On motion of Mr. LUDLOW, an act to pre
vent vexatious attachments and to regulate the
costs thereof. Passed finally.
On motion of Mr. NEIMAN, an act to incor
porate the East Pennsylvania iron company.
Passed finally.
On motion of Mr. BARGER, an act relating
to sureties. Passed finally.
On motion of Mr. CHAMPNEYS, an net to
provide for the payment of the militia called
into service by the proclamation of the Gov
ernor and the order of 11th day of September
Mr. LABAR moved to amend by adding after
the one month's pay, the words, and allow
ance for one month's rations."
Messrs. REX, SMITH (Chester) and others
opposed the amendment.
Mr. TWITpHELL . observed that if the
amendment were adopted it would take from
the treasury of the Commonwealth 'over six
hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars.
The amendment was agreed to; but subse
quently struck out in 'committee of the whole.
Passed finally, as follows:
AN ACT to provide for the payment of the militia
called into service by the proclamation of the Gov
ernor, and the order of the eleventh day of September
WHEREAS, The military of this State, to the
number of twenty-five thousand men, promptly
and gallantly responded to the proclamation
of the Governor and the order of September
last, and rendered most important services in
defence of the State and in aid of the Army of
the Potomac:
And whereas, these men are justly entitled to
some renumeration for their expenditures and
services; therefore,
SECTLAI 1. Be it enacted, 6.c., That the offi
cers, non-commissioned offeers and privates of
the militia, called into the service of this State
and the United States by the proclamation of
the Governor and the order of the eleventh day
of September last, shall each•be entitled to re
ceive one month's pay, at the same rate per
month as is prescribed by the act of Congress
for the payment of the regulars and volunteers
in the service of the United States.
SnevioN 2. That the Adjutant General of
the State shall ascertain and report to the
Auditor General, from the rolls of the rupee-.
Live companies mustered into service, accord
ng to the provisions of the first section of this
act, the names of the officers, non-commission
ed officers and privates thus mustered into
service, and shall draw his warrants upon the
State Treasurer in favor of each person enti
tled as aforesaid, and for the amounts herein
directed to be paid, out of any moneys in the
State Treasury not otherwise appropriated :
Provided, That the warrants issued by the
Adjutant General aforesaid Phan first be
countersigned and approved by the Auditor
SECTION 3. That the Governor is hereby
authorized to receive from the Treasury of the
United States the amount appropriated by an
act of the late Congress of the United States
for the pay and subsistence of the militia thus
mustered into service, and to accept the same
in full of such pay and subsistence ; the State
of Pennsylvania hereby assuming to pay the
same, according to provisions of this act.
An act for the further enforcement of sen
tences. Passed filially.
Mr. LABAR, (in place,) an act to authorize
the transfer of certain insane persons in the
Schuylkill county prison to the State Lunatic
Asylum. Passed finally.
Mr. LUDLOW called up an act relative to
proceedings supplementary to execution. In
definitely postponed.
Mr. SCHOFELD read in place an act makinc ,
the 22d day of February and such days as the
President may set aside for thanksgiving, pub
lic prayer, &c., public holidays.
[The payment of all notes, checks, bills of
exchange. or other negotiable instruments
shall be deemed to be due on the secular day
preceding protest on non-payment at time
mentioned: Provided, That nothing herein
contained shall be so construed as to render
void any demand, notice or protest made or
given as heretofore, at the option of the holder.,
nor shall the same be construed as to vary the
rights or liabilities of the parties to any such
instruments heretofore executed.] '
The rules were suspended, and the bill passed
finally. Adjourned.
''OR SALE—That valuable 'Lot on the
r corner . of. Liberty and Second athlete*. Algo r s
Houle sod Lot on North street. -
FOR RENT—Two Rooms in the Exchange Building
Enquire at the “Brady House,o ap2-3t*
HARTFORD, April 6, 12 o'clock AI
In the First district of the city Buckingh am
(Republican) is at this time 100 ahead ; in th e
Second district Seymour (Dem.) is 160 ahe a d :
in the Third district ! Buckingham is 130 ahead,
The election is progressing very quietly.- -
BOth parties ere working hard and each seetns
sanguine of success.
NEw HA\EN, April 6, 12 o'clock M.—Returns
from the Democratic Committee Rooms show
from four to five hundred majority in this city,
NEW LONDON, CONN, April 6.—This
gives William A. Buckingham, the Republican
candidate for Governor, 348 majority; Col
che-ster gives him 62 majority; Waterford 28
majority; Windham 249 majority; Grotton
100 majority ; Stonington 165 majority. There
are heavy Union gains in all the tows yet heard
from in this section of the Stale.
NEW HAVEN, April G.—This city gives Sey
mour (Dem.) for Governor 243 majority. Four
teen towns in this county give him 427 ma
jority, being a gain of 394 votes for Bucking
ham (Republican) over his vote of 1860, when
be carried the State over Seymour by 600
Naw YORK, April G.
A letter from Port Royal, dated the 31st of
March, gives the particulars of the capture of
the British blockade-running steamer Aries, a
remarkably fast vessel,,by the 11. S. gunboat
Stetton, Capt. Devines, on the 28th ult., while
going into Bull's Bay, near Charleston. She
was run aground, and was taken with all her
crew, including the pilot, named Atkins, for
merly of the steamer Marion. A part of her
cargo was destroyed by the crew. She has
already made one trip to Charleston. Capt.
Devines says she has made 13 knots an hour
since he captured her. She arrived at New
York to-day.
The United States steamer South Carolina
had captured a schooner, bound from Charles
ton for Nassau, with 70 bales of cotton.
The schooner Expedition, from Nassau for
Savannah, with salt, was captured by the gar
rison of Fort Pulaski, on March 30th, by the
use of the steamer Maitland, with a 6-pounder
Lieut. Col. Elwell, chief quartermaster of
the department of the South, had his thigh
fractured by a horse falling through a bridge.
Col. Fessenden is acting in his place.
The latest Charleston papers received here
acknowledge that the attack by the Federal
army and navy upon that city had been corn
enced,but contain nothing indicating whether
the movements of our forces have met with a
success or a repulse. It is fair to infer that
if the latter was the case, they would have
announced it in the most glowing terms known
to the rebel vocabulary. It is generally be
lieved in official quarters that at least no re
verse has beeu sustained by our troops or our
fleet, and there is the best reason to believe
that the loyal North will soon be electrified by
the gratifying announcement of the capture
and occupation of the spot where Charleston
once was located.
FORTRESS Mormon, April L.
Twelve rebel cavalrymen, with their horses
and equipments, arrived here to-day on the
Yorktown boat. They had deserted from
'ise's Legion, and came into our lines at Wil
liamsburg yesterday. They report that the
whole company is coming in as soon as an
opportunity presented, and that destitution of
food is the cause of their deserting ; that their
troops cannot endure the want of food and
clothing much longer, and for that reason
Richmond is soon to be evacuated.
The State of Maine left here at noon to-day
for City Point, with 600 rebel prisoners for
exchange, in charge of Capt. John E. Mumford.
Official information has been received here
that the rebels have a large force at or near
Wilmington, North Carolina, and the belief is
expressed in the same dispatch that on about
the 81st of March Gen. Foster was engaged in
fighting them.
Up to one o'clock to-day the government had
received no intelligence regarding affairs off
other than what has already been
puplished from the Richmond papers of Sa
NEW YORK, April 6.
General George W. Williamson, of the rebel
army, was arrested in this city on Saturday.
Re has been acting as a rebel consul at Quebec.
The prisoner was sent to Fort Lafayette. A
female, named Mrs. Atwood, who accompanies
him, was also arrested, and over five hundred
letters were found in her trunk, including cor
respondence relative to the carrying of the
mail between the North and South.
LOST—The Soldier's discharge of Marx
1.4 Wolf. The finder will please leave the same with
Dr. SCHULTZ, at the Cotton Factory Hospital.
Child Nurse is wanted, but none need apply unless
they can give geod reference. Apply to
Chestnut street.
The subscriber offers for sale his three-story brick
DWELLING HOUSE, on Second street, below Cherry
alley, Harrisburg.
ALSO—A part of his WHARF, on canal, above Forii
ter,a al enne.
PRESONS in want of a superior and really good DonD
nn will Sind with me a large assortment to select from,
and have the privilege to exchange the Pene untiltheir
hand is perfectly suited. And if by fair means the Dia
mond points break off during twelve months, the pur
chaser shall have the privilege to select a new one,
without any charge.
I have very good Gold Peas, made by Mr. Morton, not
warranted, in strong silver-plated oases, for $l., $1.26,
$1.50, $2.00
For sale at
No. 113 Market Street, Harrisburg. Pe
bordered; and PAPER BLINDS of an endless
variety of designs and ornaments ; also, CURTAIN
PIXTDP.EB and TASSELS at very low Flom Call at
Schellrers Bookstore.
POORET-BOORS, for sal* at
ticketier's Bookstore,
ANNUAL RECORD for 1883. for sale at
Gold yet at last year's prices, without any advance.
j can get fine Note Paper, Envelopes, Visiting and
can Writing Plaid, a splendid ink, at 6.2' Marta
per (Mart ; ARNOLD'S genuine Writing FIuid,HAR
RISON'S 'Columbian Writing Fluid, LAUGHLIN' &
BUSEIRIELIPS Ink, Copying Ink, Carmine and 'Red
Inks of the best.quality, Blue Ink, Mucilage. &c., at
FLUID, equal if not superior to Arnold , s Esegli z rh
Fluid, and only 02 cents per quart bo.tle. at