=Z LOCAL .NEWS. TUN DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION may be had at Jack's Book Store, corner of Third and Market streets. kw, at be News Agency of George L. Walter, in Market street. near Fifth. Tan !liens.—Thader the change of schedule on a ►o different railroad, the time of closing the mails at the Hontsourg Post Moe, November 17, 1862, is as follows .rasaftwints WAY MAtr...—For an plume between Harrisburg and PhibotelphlA , st 6 . 30 a. m. Per pkiladelphis and Lancaster, at 13.10 p. m. For Bainbridge, Marietta, Columbia, Lancaster, Phila delphia and New York, at 4.20 p. m. For Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at 9.00 wi rr.--wkr mm..—for all pumps between mmHg sougasd A1t00na,12.410 p. m„ /WlNTOlingtmval Pittsburg and Erie. Pa., Cincinnati, Colosaeum and Cleveland, Ohio, at 2.45 p. m. go illewistown, Huntingdon, Tyrone, Phillipsburg, jusimaa,Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg, at 9.00 p. m. - 11011111ERI OINTIULL &AILWAY. BOBTII.—WaY Mare..—For all' places between liar gebser,lmek Raven and Blmir' a, N. T., at 12.40 p. m. DUTIL—WAY Man..—Yor all places between Her a Baltimore, Md., and Washington, B. 0., !t soi;a. m. NM York, Pe., Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D 0., at 9.00 p. m. LIBBANOI TALL= RAILIWAD. 11111T 4 .—*.sy MAIL.—Por ell pkees between Barrie barg Beide& Pottsville, listen and Philadelphia, aVI.IIO a.m. 00XBIRLAND Y&LLIY RAILROAD. Nor Heekitniesburg.Harlisle,iihippenebin and °ham berburg, 'Pa., at 7.00 a. m. Wed Iters.,..—or all ;Aimee between Harrisburg and Hagerstown,`N, at 12.80 p. m. EIeNUTIACILT. AND 131176QUSWIN.I. NAnoacklim. ,IPar Hilwood, Pinsgreve, Summit Station, Anburnand yettsville, at 12.80 p. m. gel /MON BOUTNB. For Linglestown, Masada Hill, West Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, at 7' 00 a. M. For Lisburn and Lewisbury,at 12.40 p. m. gr•onice Houra.—From 6.00 a. m. to 8.00 p. in. Sun day from 7-30 to 810 a_m_. and from 3_oo to 4.130 p.m_ Waarraw.—A good cook, to whom good wares will be given. Apply et this office. SOLDIER, DEAD.—A member of Captain Davis' cavalry eompany, named John Durham, who en listed in this city, recently died in the hospital at Murfreesboro', Tennessee, - of gangrene. The de ceased resided in Bloomfield, Perry county, prior zo entering the eervice, Fuzz Drum—Hoffman, at his saloon in Black berry alley, near Fourth street,:will serve up a free lunch to-day, to which his friends and the public generally are invited. Hoffman is an adept at his business, and those who participate on this occasion will have a lively time. OF Comm.—The "niggerheads" most bitterly hate Democratic clubs. No wonder, for these clubs are open loyal organizations, designed to put down niggarism and treason, and bring a return of peace and prosperity to the country with a res toration of "the Union as it was" under "the Con sUtutionas it is." . Marmite Hamm or me WAIL—At the solici tation of many of our citizens this decidedly mer itorious work of art will be exhibited at Brant's Hall every evening during the present week, The press of other cities speak of it in terms of high eommendathin, and we take pleasure in adding our endorsement to their just encomiums. It is wor thy the patronage of the public. THE SUPREME Corm willmeet in this city on the Al% Monday in April, when ones recently argued in Philadelphia, and which remain undecided, will be disposed of.i Many of these cases are of great interest to the public, as well as to the parties coneerned,and early decisions are anxiously looked for by plaintiffs and defendants_ Damocitarrc CLUBS are being organized in all sections of the State. This is right. The Demo crats in every district where clubs are not yet formed should organise them at once. The Abo litionists are busily engaged in forming secret and treasonable leagues, and the friends of "the Con stitution and the Union" everywhere must be up and doing, if they would save the country. ADAMS' RICPEESS ROBBERS ABBESTED.—Seven persons, one an express messenger, another a tel egraphic operator, and the balance railroad em ployees, we learn are under arrest in Baltimore, Charged with being concerned in the recent robbery of Adams' Express, on the Northern Central rail road. .None of the stolen money has been re covered. AsKISIXD Fos Itacaancr.—A thick-lipped, eb ony-colored nymph of the pave, named Mary John son, was found on the street between one and two o'clock in the morning. When arrested by the Chief of Police she rapidly skedaddled in the di rection of Beecher's avenue. The Chief started in pursuit, and after an exciting obese overhauled and captured the sable fugitive, and caged her in the look-up. Mary being an old offender, Alder man Kline committed her to prison fur vagrancy. JUST/CU OF THE PEACE.—A law passed four years ago provides that every person elected to the office of justice of the peace or alderman shall, within thirty days after election, if he intends to accept said office, give notice thereof in writing to the prothonotary of the court of common pleas of the proper county, who shall immediately inform the Secretary of the Oommonwealth of said accept ant, and no commission shall issue until the see. rotary of the commonwealth has received such notice. We print the provisions of this law for the benefit of justices of the peace recently elected. CONFEDERATE Parsozonts.—A large number of Confederate prisoners from Chicago, Columbus and other sections of the West, recently exchanged, have passed over the Pennsylvania and Northern Central railroads within a few days en toute for Dixie's land. Four hundred went down on Wednes day night, over five hundred on Friday afternoon, and about the same number on Saturday evening. They did not go through this oity,the trains passing down the other side of the river. We are in formed that the "robs" presented a very seedy ap pearance, but they were fall of fight and anxious for another opportunity to pitch into the "d—d Abolition Yankees," as they stile the Union troops. STEALING A DIENER AFTER IT 'WAS COOKED.- The other day a gentleman doing business on Market street started home at his usual hour for dinner, accompanied by two gentlemen from the rural districts, Customers of his, whom he had in vited to dine with him. Arriving at his residence, the merchant, attended by his two friends, took seats in the parlor to await the announcement of the above-named desirable meal. They had sat bat a few minutes when the lady of the house entered the room apparently in great tribulation, and °ailed her husband out, telling him after they had got into the dining room, that the splendid roast of beef he bad purchased in the morning had been stolen from the stove-oven only a few minutes before, while the eook was absent on an errand to the grocery store. On her return she went to the Stove to prepare the roast for the table, and found it missing! Here was a pretty pickle for our merchant friend to be placed in; the dinner hour NAB past, his rural guests were hungry in antici pation of the nice dinner to which they had in vited, and what could he do but take them to the merest restaurant and dine there. Since then be hes issued and order that while dinner is being reeked the kitchen-maid shall remain in the room until it is served up. Steal a man's dinner. Well, that is the meanest kind of stealing—meaner than any that ever came before the police court. Tam CARPET TRADE.—The prices of carpeting have doubled the past year, and are still increasiilk: This commodity would seem to be independent } of the war, at least so far as any class of merchandise which is not used for the arocy could be, but it is not so. The rise in carpeting is one of the direct results of the war, and its present value will not be likely to diminish until the war shall be ended. A large proportion of our carpeting is manufac tured abroad. The prices in England are higher than usual, and the increased rate of foreign ex change and the high tariff continue to appreciate prices here. Domestics carpets are also higher, in consequence of the acanthy of the materials used in their manufacture—wool, flax or hemp and cot ton. Wool is probably more largely used than any other substance in the carpet manufacture in this country i but nearly all our domestic products of this staple is now needed for soldiers' uniforms, and commands a very high pride. Cotton is no . longer to be thought of. Neither Sax nor hemp can be used for carpeting (except Brussels) in such manner as to suit the fastidious taste of our people. Therefore they are not to be considered. TBRPSICHOREAN.—The social soiree of the Lei darkrantz „association, to come off this evening at Frisoh's hall, will be a gay and brilliant affair, a large number of fair ladies having accepted invi tations to grace the occasion with their presence. The managers will leave nothing undone to render the party a pleasant one to all participants, and we have no doubt the lads and lasses who crowd the festive hall to keep time with flying feet to dance inspiring music, will realize a high degree of social amusement. AN UNPROFITABLE OPERATION.-00 Saturday morning one of the light-fingered professionals relieved a lady market-goer of her purse. Having completed her purchases and expended all her funds except two five cent shinplasters, the thiev ing operation did not result as profitably as the "professional" anticipated. It is probable, how ever, that he tried his skill upon others with more success, for almost every market morning we hear of some persons being victimized. T WE have taken over on the lit of April the balance of goods botight of Mr. Boger, to our own store, where we will continue to sell the balance left at very low prices, until the whole are sold. Among these goods are 1,000 yards remnants delaine and calico, 10, 18 and 20 cents. 500 yards remnants lawns and other dress goods, 16, 18 ind 20 cents. 200 yards of barege and lustre, 20 and 25 cents. 1,000 yards of linen crash, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 100 yards of brown and grey oloth for summer coats. 1,000 yards of linen, cotton and wool pants.stuff, cheap.. • 300 dozen of the very best spool cotton, white and corded. 1,000 papers of the very best of Smith's needles, 5 cents a paper; also stockings, gloves, pocket handkerchiefs, hoop skirts, all kla is of combs, patent timed, tapes, socks,eit'asr by the dozen or piece. Welave also on band yet about 10 pieces of CARPET, which we will sell at 75 cents per yard. 20 pieces of straw matting, cheap. 20 pieces of splendid figured window curtains. S. LEWY. TONSORIAL.—Mr. Jona Kemmerer, who stands at the head of the tonsorial business in this city, has now two shops in operation, one in the tear of the Buehler House, and another, recently opened, in Sixth street adjoining the United Stites hotel, both fitted up in the most elegant and luxurious style, with all the modern improvements. All who wish ter indulge in the luxury of a skillful and easy shave, undergo a pleasant shampooing opera: tion, or have their hair, cut and trimmed in un equaled style, should drop in at one or other of of Mr. Kemmerer's splendidly furnished saloons. He employs none but the most experienced, skill ful, polite and attentive workmen. GREAT BA.RGAINS.—Twenty per cent. Saved.—ln order to reduce stock, owing to the tearing down of the old store and building up new, I offer my stook, consisting of a large stock of three-ply In grain, Venetian and Rag Carpets; also, furniture of all descriptions, at twenty per cent less than city prices, until the - 15m OF jIINE NEXT. C. SNAVELY, mr3o-10w Second street above Locust. MILITARY BUSINESS OF ALL KINDS AT TENDED TO. EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, office, Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. oot2B—ly Weekly. "Patriot & Union," THE CHEAPEST PAPER PUBLISHED IN PENNSYLVANIA AND THE ONI,Y DEMOOILiTIO PAPER PUBLISHED AT THE SEAT OP GOVERNMENT ! FORTY-FOUR COLUMNS OF READING MAT TER EACH WEEK ! AT THE LOW PRICE OF ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS ! WHEN SUBSCRIBED FOR IN CLUBS OF NOT LESS THAN TEN COPIES TO ONE ADDRESS! We have been compelled to raise the club subscription price to one dollar and fifty cents in order to save our selves from actual loss. Paper has risen, including taxes, about twenty-five per cent., and is still rising; and when we tell our Democratic friends, candidly, that we can no longer afford to sell the Weekly PATRIOT AND UNION at one dollar a year, and must add fifty cents or stop the publication, we trust they will appreciate our position, and, instead of withdrawing their enbscrip tiona, go to work with a will to increase our list in every county in the State. We have endeavored. and shall eontinue our efforts, to make the paper useful as a party organ, and welcome as a news messenger to everfiffam ily. We flatter ourselves that it has not been without some influence in producing the glorious revolution in the politics of the State achieved at the late election ; and if fearlessness in the discharge of duty, fidelity to the principles of the party, and an anxious desire to pro mote ite interests, with some experience and a moderate degree of ability, can be made serviceable hereafter, the Weekly PATRIOT AND ONION will not be less useful to the party or less welcome to the family circle in the fu ture than it has been in the past. We confidently look for increased encouragement in this great enterprise, and appeal to every influential Democrat in the State to lend no his aid in running our supscription list up to twenty or thirty thousand. The expense to each indi vidual is trifling, the benefit to the party may be great. Believing that the Democracy of the State f ee l the he . cessity of sustaining a fearless central organ, we make this appeal to them for assistance with the fullest confi dence of success. The same reasons which induce us to raise the price of the Weekly, operate in regard to the Deily paper, the price of which is also increased. Theadditional cost to each subscriber will be but trifling; and, while we can not persuade ourselves that the change necessarily made will result in any diminution of our daily circulation, yet, were we certain that such would be the conse quence, we should still be compelled to make it, or auf fer a ruinous loss. Under these circumstances we must throw ourselves upon the generosity, or, rather, the justice of the public, and abide their verdict, whatever it may be. The period for which many of our sutpecribere have p a id for their Paper being on the ere of expiring, we take the liberty of issuing this notice, reminding them of the same, in order that they may RENEW THEIR CLUBS. We iball also take it as an especial favor it our present imbseribers will urge upon their neighbors the fait that T H E the PATRIOT AND lINIO ti ;tie only . DetnoOratio papa printed in Harrieburg,lindeonsidering the large amount of reading matter, embracing all the current newt of the diy; and TELEGRAPHIC DISP.ASCHES From everywhere up to the moment the - paper goes to press, political, miscellaneous, general and local news market'reports, hi decidedly the CHEAP.EST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE STATE! There is scarcely a village or town in the ,litate in which a club cannot , be raised if the prope r ex ertion be made, and surely there are few places in which one or more energetic men, cannot be found who are in favor of the dissemination of sound Democratic doctrines, who would be willing to make theaffort to raise a club. DEMOCRATS OF THE INTERIOR 1 Let us hear from you. The existing war; and the ap proaohing sessions of Congress and the State Legisla ture, are invested with unusual interest, and every man should hare the owe. TERMS. DAILY PAT/CLOT AND UNION. Single copy for onuyear, in advance $6 00 Single copy during the session of the Legislature.. 2 00 Oity subscribers ten cents per week. Copies supplied to agents at the rate of $l6O per hen dred. • WEEKLY PATRIOT AND 'UNION, Published every Thursday. Single copy one year, in advance $2 00 Tan aopiea to one address lb 00 Subscriptions may commence at any time. PAY AL WAYS IN ADVANCE. We are obliged to make this imperative. In every insfaxee4cash must accompany subscription. Any person sending no a club of twenty subscribers to the Weekly will be entitled to a copy for hie services. The price, even at the advanced rate is so low that we cannot offer greater inducements than this. Additions maybe made at , any , time to a club of subscribers by remitting one dollar and fifty cents for each additional name. It is not necesearyto mend WI the names of those constituting a club, as we eannot undertake to address each paper to club subscribers separately. Specimen copies of the Weekly will be sent to all who desire it. 0. BARRETT & CO., Harrisburg, Pa N. B.—The following law, panaed.by Congress In 1/180, &dime the duty of Postmasters in relation to the de livery of newspapers to club subscribers: (see Little, Brown 4- Co.'s edition of the Laws of 1860, page 38, chapter 131, section 1.) "Provided, however, that - where packageb of newspa pers or periodicals are received at any post office directed to one address, and the names of the club subscribers to which they belong, with the postage for a quarterin ad vance, shall be handed to the postmaster, he shall de liver the same to their respective owners." To enable the Postmaster to comply with this regula tion, it will be necessary that he be furnished with the list of names composing the club, and paid a quarter's (or year's) postage in Mivance„ The uniform courtesy of Postmasters, affords the-assurance that they will cheerfnliyaccommonate club subscribers, and the latter should take care that the postage, which is but a trifle in each case, bepaid in advance. Send on the clubs Ilnutetinento. • BRANT'S HALL! • SECOND IND POSITIVELY LIST WEEK. Monday Evening, April 7, AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK. THE GREAT HISTORIC MIRROR OF THE WAR, PAINTED BY MESSRS ROBERT and WIL LIAM PEARSON, of New York City. The only complete artistic work of the kind in exist ence, being a complete history of the erei4t vonteet, illustrating all the principal Battles, Bombardments, Battles, Bombardments, Battles, — Bombardments, . Naval. Engagements, Naval Engagements, Naval Nagagements, Marshes, Parades, • Well, ReVISIVS, Marches, Parades, Sieges, Reviews, Marches, Parades, Sieges, Reviews, Camp Life, Camp Life, Camp Life. Not only showing all the principal Fortifications, Towns and Cities, but also following our brave troops through their various positions and evolutions, the whole forming a series of ARTISTIC AND BEAUTIFUL SCENES. Tickets 25 centaL-Packages of sir one dollar. Doors open at 7 o'clock, to commence quarter before 8, rand Matinee on. Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, when children will be admitted for 10 cents. Persons desirous of engaging tickets will please ap ply at WARD'S Music Store, Third street. Also, at WM. KNOORS'S, Market street. ap6-6t GAIETY MUSIC HALL! WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. 808 EDWARDS Sole Proprietor. J. O. 11. SHOREY, Stage & Business Manager. BRILLIANTLY SUCCESSFUL FOR A SEA SON OF NEARLY ONE YEAR! OPEN EVERY EVENING! WITH THE GREAT GAIETY TROUPE OF STARS NEW ATTACTIONS ! NEW ATTRACTIONS! CROWDED HOUSES! CROWDED HOUSES! First Appearanee of MISS ANNIE RUSH, The Harrisburg Favorite Queen of Songs. On Monday Evening, April 6th, And every evening during the week. Assisted by the following Great Congress of Star Performers. MISS ROSE LaFOREST, The Female Champion Jig Dancer. MISS LAURA BERNARD, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE CONCERT PROFESSION, THE GREAT AMERICAN NIGHTINGALE, Whose bird-like warblinge entrance all. MRS. JULIA EDWARDS, The Harrisburg Favorite and Swiss Warbler. PROF. G. W. KIREYE and SON; Will Appear in their New and. Original Acts. J. G. H. SHOREY, The world-renowned Ethiopian Comedian, —Also— MR. CHARLIE RIVERS, The celebrated Clog Dancer . and Champion Bono Soloist. J. 11. YOUNG, The great Plantation Orator and Contraband Jester. HARRY WHARFS, The Fovorite Banjoist and King of Songs and Dances. J. Al DRIA lARDELLA, Pianist Premier. WM. BROWNELL, Solo Violinist and Interlocutor. 808 EDWARDS, The Comedian and Dancer. A NIGHTLY CHANGE OF PROGRAMME! Combining all the best and most popular fea tures of Opera, Minstrelsy, Drama, Ballad, Burlesques, Gymnastics, &c., WEEK AFTER WEEK OUR POPULARITY INCREASES! NIGHT AFTER NIGHT We are packed to repletion to witness Our great conclusion, entitled THE BLACK SHOEMAKER, THE CONTRABAND IN TROUBLE, Charaotero by the entire Company. Admission Only 20 Cents. " COME AND ERE ME." SPECIAL NOTICES.. S. T.-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, grhausted nature's great restorer. A delightful beve rage and active tonic. Composed of pure St. Croix Rum, roots and herbs. It invigoiates the body without stim ulating the brain. It destroys acidity of the stomach, creates an appetite and strengthens the system. It is a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache, and prevents Miasmatic disease from change of diet, water, Ac. It can be used at all times of day by old and young, and is particularly recommended to weak and delicate persons. sold by all erocen, Druggists, Hotel!' and galoons. / 1 - H. Drake & 00., 202 Broadway, New York. LYON'S 'HATII4.HIOIII. This delightful article for preserving and beautifying the human hair le again put up by the origins prognie tor, and le now made with the samecers, ek illeadatten tion which first created its immense and unprecedented sales of over one million bottles annuaN I is still sold at 25 cents in large bottles.. two million bottle. can easily be sold in a year when it is again known that the Kathairon is not only the most delightful hair drug. Bing, in the world,but that it cleanses the scalp of scurf and gives the hair a lively, rich, luxuriant growth, and prevents it from turning gray. These are considerations worth knowing. The Hathairon has been tested for over twelve years, and is warranted as de scribed. Any lady who values a beautiful head of hair will use the Kathairon. It le finely perfumed, cheap and satiable. It is sold by all respectable dealers through out the world. D. 8. BARNIIS & 00. novs-2awd&w6m New York. HEIMSTRBBT , I3 INEVITABLE BAIR RESTORATIVE. I•T IS NOT A DYE . , But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural Sustenance, impaired by4ge or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of /near caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Heim street's Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy proses's, but gives the hair a Luxuriant Beauty, promotes its growth, prevents its &Ping off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and lathes. It is sold by all respectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agent, D. 8. Barnes, 202 Broadway, N, Y Two sizes, 50 cents and $l. nov7-2awdBcwBm -4.- ---.. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESEMAVS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregu larities, painful menstruation, removingall obstructions whether froul cold or othommae, headache, pal" in the side, palpitation of the heart, Whites, all nervonsacest tiois, hysterics, fatigue, pain in th (back atilitubs, &c.„ disturbed sleep, which atlas from latiottlaptionof nature. DR. CHRESEMAN B PL LS was the commoneemen o ma? • dins tiElVcisntof those irregularities sail clam* MRS kip?; oor4 signed so many to a prsinalvi regP • A , enjoy good health unless he is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins to de cline. DR. CHRESEMAITS PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all asses they are invaluable, inducing, with certainty, periodical regielar tidy. They are known to thoussuds,who have nsed them at different periods, throughout the country, havingthe sanction of some of the moat miaow Physicians in America. Explicit directions, stating when they should not be used, with each Box—the Puce One Dollar per Box, containing from 60 to 60 Pills. Pills aunt by moil, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Bold by Druggists generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. Bold in Harrisburg, by 0. A. Bannvart. " Mechanicsburg, by J. B. Dellett. Carlisle. by B. Elliott. " Shippeniburg, by D_ W. Rankin. " Ohambersburg, by Miller & Hershey. " Hummelatown, by George Wolf. " Lebanon, by George Rose. dec6.d&wly THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE Hare bean diligently employed in perfecting CRISTADORO'S Excelsior HAIR DYE. It is no wonder, then, that after Careful Analysis by Dr. Chilton, IT WAS PRONOUNCED HARMLESS, And IS - HOW taking the place of all other Dyes. Those who have been disappointed with miserable imitations, are always pleased with the genuine. Any shade of black or brown, to suit all complexions, produced in ten minutes. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 6 Astor Nouse, New York. sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Price $l, $l5O and $3 per box, according to sire. Cristadoro's Hair Preservative Is Invaluable 'with his Dye, as it imparts the utmost softness, the most beautiful gloss sad groat vitality to the Hair. Price 50 cents, $1 and $2 ger bottle, according to size. nf-d/twlm A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS ! FOR. FEMALES! Infallible in Correcting, Regulating and Removing all Obstructions, from whatever tense, and always successful as a Preventive. These PILLS have been used by the Doctors for many years, both in France And America, with unparalleled success in every case; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. Females particularly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are sure toproduce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility titer this admonition, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health—other wise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit di rections accompany each box. Price $l.OO per box. Bold, wholesale and retail, by OHARIES A. BANN YAW, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Bow, and O. H. KBLLIIII, Druggist, Harrisburg, PA. - Ladies, by sending them $l.OO to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of postage" by mail. Sold also by J. L. LEDIZEGSB, Lebanon ; J. A. WoLP, Wrightsville; B. T. MILLER, York ; B. ELLIOTT, Car lisle; J. 0. Avrion, Shippensburg; J. SPANGLES, Oham bersbarg ; B. e. WILD, Newville ; A. T. KAUFFMAN, hie okaniewburg ; BROWN ac Beaman, No. 4, Booth Liber ty street, Baltimore; and by !•one Druggist" in very town and city throughout the United States. • HALL & RiTOKEL, 218 Greenwich Street, New York. General Wholesale Agents. N. B —Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box ia signed S.D. Howe. All others are a base imposition and unsafe ; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of being humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. IL Howe on every box, which hat recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent. They will tell yon the Pills are perfectly harmless, yet will do all claimed for them. S. D. HOW E, jyl7-dly Sole Proprietor, New York. • . DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINI BIENT.-A certain cure for pains and aches, and war ranted superior to any other. Croup it positively cures; relief is absolutely sure immediately it is used. Mo. there remember this, and arm yourselves with a bottle without delay. Croup is a disease which gives no no tice, frequently attacking the child in the dead hour of night ; before a physician can be summoned it may be too late. Remember, the Venetian Liniment never fails. Price 25 and 50 cents &bottle. Sold by all Drug_ gists. Office, 66 Cortlandt street, New York. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF BOTH BEXES.—A reverend gentlemen having been re atored to health in a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treat ment, without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his &Meted fellow creatures the means of cure. Henoe, on the - receipt of an, addressed enve lope, he will send (free) a copy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr, 7)R!( M. DAGNALL, 186 Innen street, Brooklyn, N. jau2o4m NSW MIMS, WESTOireSI4I. N.Y.,00..13,11152. Ma. G. TIN Erair SeannoN, Edito#. Sing Sipri Methli- Dear Sir—l wonld , state that I was induced to Ilse BRANDRETH'S PILLS through the recOmmendation of John R. Swift, of Croton, Westeheitir County, who 11/611 entirely restored to health by their use. He was sick for some two years, very costive and dyspeptic, and he tried everything, but was not relieved. Finally, he took one Brandreth's Pill every day for a week, and a dose of six Pills every day for three days, and then took one Pill every day, with occasional doses of six. In one month he was able to go to work, and in three months was well, gaining 40 pounds in weight. Yonne truly. EDWARD PURDY. Weston zzzzz COMM', as. Edward Purdy. being duly sworn, says that he resides in the town of New Castle ; that some years ago be was very sick with a sore on his leg, which had been run ning for over live years; that he was also much dis tressed by a pain in his chest i est I, besides. was very cos tive and dyspeptic; that after Tying various remedies and many physicians, he commenced using Brandreth's Pills, six to eight three times a week, and at the end of one month the core in his leg healed, and at the end of two months he was entirely cured of costiveness, dye. pepsin and pain, and has remained welt ever since. EDWARD PURDY, Sworn to before me, this 13th day of October, 1362. S. MALOOLM SMITH, Justice of the Pales. novl-2wid&w6m Por sale in Harrisburg by novl9-d&wlni PURIFY THE BLOOD. Not a few of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from the eorruption that accumnlatet in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none bave been found which Could equal in effect ATIR'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instills the vigor of health into the system and purges out the humors which make dis ease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood. Its extraordinary virtues are not yet widely known, but when they are it will no longer be a ques tion what remedy to employ in the great variety of afflicting diseases that require an alterative remedy.— Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space heredoeSnot admit certificates to show its effects. But the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Sufferers from Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, try it and see the rapidity with which it cures. Skin Diseases, Pimples, ruquies, Blotches, Eruptions, tc., are soon cleaned out of the system. At. dotthatty , s Fite, Rost or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, dx., should not be borne while they can be so speedily cured by ATER'S SARSAPARILLA. Syphilis or Venereal Disease is expelled from the sys tem by the prolonged use of this SAIMPAILI;.LA, and the patient is left as healthy as if he had never had the disease. remale Diseases are caused by Scrofula in the blood, and are generally soon curd by this EXTRACT or BARBA. FARILLA. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. For all the purposes of a family physic, take AVM's CATHARTIC PILLS, which are everywhere known to be the best purgative that is offered to the American people. Price 25 cents per box, or 5 boxes for $l. Prepared by Da. J. O. AYES Et. Co., Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Five boxes for Sl. Sold by 0. A..Bawavaaw, GROSS & Co. L O. H. MIL LEN L BONGARDNEH, Da. MILBS and L. WTXT Har risburg, and dealers everywhere tebl-tf Editors Pai r jet and Union: Dean SIRS :—With your permission I wish to say to he readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full direc tions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, tha will effectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impnritieo of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Monstacs, in less than 30 days. All ap• plications answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. P. CHAPMAN, Chemist. feb26 3mw No. 831 Broadway, New York. IILeBOLDI EXTRACT 11401117, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELHBOLIVB EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELHBOLDI EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. NEWBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC, And a positive and specific remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, And all diseases of the Urinary Organs. Bee advertisement in another column. Cut it out, and send for the medicine. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Bold by JOHN WIEBTH, 0. H. HELLER and 0. A DANNVART, Druggists. Harrisburg. stual-dawdm NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS. A VALUABLE INVESTMENT OFIERED The undersigned offers for sal. FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THREE ACRES of exeellent COAL LANDS, containing the entire 'Allegheny coal mines. situated in W shington township, Cambria ccunty. A vein of f ur feet in thickness has been opened and is now being worked la three places, The Pennsylvania Ventral railroad runs through the tract and along side of these openings. Samples furnished on application to the prrpr.eter. Reference as to quality may be had by applying to 0. W. Barnes, Philadelphia, John W. Wooster, Duncannon iron works, or in Cleveland, Ohio. Tittle indisputable—terms easy. JEREMIAH M - GONTGLE, Hemlock P. 0.. scar2o-dl2t-wtf Cambria county, Pa MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS ! We have the pleasure of informing you that 10 we are now prepared to offer, at our Old Stand, No 103, 105 and 107 North MOND St Phila delphia, a well selected stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, in every variety, of the latest importations, and of the newest said most fashionable styles.- will comprise every varety of Bonnets, Hats and Trim mings to be found in that line, of the latest and most approved shapes and s•yles. Soliciting an early call, I remain yours, respectfully, H.. WARD. mrlB.2wd T HE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER is the original and only genuine and re liable 'granger before the people. It combines more strength of frame, capacity of pressure, power and du rability than any other machine. It is the only wringer with the patent cog-wheel reg ulator. It saves time, labor, clothes and money. It will wear for years without repair. No servant can break it. No caution or skill required in its use. A child eigut years old can operate it. It saves its cost in clothing every six months. Its rubber r tiers never get loose nor tear the clothes. It will flt any tub, nod not work loose from its place. I invite the attention of this community to this wringer, believing it to be the best. Machines fur nished on trial free of expense. G W. PARSONS, 110 Market street, mr23-2tawtf Sole agent for this city PUBLIC SALE. In pursuance of an alias order of the Orphans' Court or Dauphin county, will be exposed to sale, On SATURDAY, the 4th day of April, 1863, On the Farm, at 1 o'clock, p. m., a certain tract of land, situate in Halifax township, Danthin county, ad joining lands of Wm. Reed, Matthew Mitchell, Henry Rouch and others, containing about One Hundred and Forty acres, more or lees, whereon is erected a TWO STORY WEATHERBOARD HOUSE, a Large Bank Barn, and other out-buildings. There is on this property two wells of water near the door, and a never failing spring of water near the house. There is also a large Orchard on this Farm, consisting of different binds et Fruit. Also, a tract or piece of Woodland, partly in said township and partly in Reed township, adjoining lands of Jacob Tyson, Isaac Glace and others, containing 26 acres and 95. perches, late the estate of JACOB MAAR.' ING, deceased. ' Attendance will be given and conditions of sale made known by HENRY ZEARING & MATTHEW N. MITCHELL. Executors, of said deceased. JOHN ItINOLAND, Clerk 0. C. Harrisburg, March 1863-dts • HARRY WILLIAM S, v v • CMIALITIE AAA - MATTA 402 WALNUT STRIIIIT, PHTLADELPHIA. General Claims for Soldiers promptly collected, State Claims adjusted, dco., tka. mar2o-dlm m7-dftwlm BOSTON CR AOKI] 118.—A supply of these delicious crackers just received and for sale WPC DOCK. Jr., & CO. mINCE MEAT.—A SUI-Ealolt All 111 TIOLIC just rewired and for sale by WM. DOCK. as CO. w EMIR WS AMY AND NAVY POCKET DICTIONARW , Just received and for sale st SCHRUM'S BOOKSTORR. Facts Mout Brandrathos Pills. tiara STRAW DEPARTMENT COAL ! COAL 1 ! COAL ! I ! The subscriber having bought out the Coal Yard:and fixtures formerly belonglog to ISMS M. Wheeler, /114•1 is now ready to deliver td•the citizens of Harrisbng Ly kens Valley and Wilkesbarre Coals, well PrePond) of the best quality, at the lowest market prices. All Coal delivered at the consumers , doors with the patent weigh cart. Orders left at my office, Mourn' and Mar. let, or at the yard, will be punctually attended to. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretotorept tended, I still Mil fora continuance of the same. deale-gmn DAVID WOO MINE. P. B.—One Patent Weigh Cart for Nile. WHOLESALE AND it.ETAIL. HAVING leased the Coal Yard, foot of North street, lately occupied by 0. D. NOW I inn enabled to supply the public with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF TEE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OP COX-v3ELIVAT CCIKAL.Taw FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respeotfully solicited which, if left at the office, foot of North street, or at the store of Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co., (where samples will be shown,) wil receive prompt attention. jy3l-dtf] OILLIARD DOCK. OXO. R. BILL JOHN TILL'S COAL YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT'S ROLLING MILL, Where he keeps constantly on hand IT ENS AND WILSESDARRE COAL, Such as STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, EGG and NUT, which he will dispose of at the lowest market price. Consumers will do well to call on him and, W . I. their supply, as the Coal will be delivered clean, and full weight. jan2s-dem JUST RECEIVED`! THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMEN OF FINN STEEL ENGRAVINGS ! PRINTS, AND HEADS, AN D SCENES, ADAPTED FOR GRECIAN OIL PAINTINGS, AT Win Knoche's Musk Store. No. 91 Harket street, Harrisburg, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. TUE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT; AT W. KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE, AT 93 MARKET ST. n026-tf MOTlCE.—Agreeably to the provisions I of the Act of Assembly incorporating the West Harrisburg Market Company, notice is hereby given that subscriptions to the capital stock of said company will be received on and after the 16th day of February next, at the residence of the subscriber. • W. H. VERBEKR, President pro rornpore. jan22•dtfebls QT. LOUIS FLOUR. - THE .BEST k BRAND FOR GAMILY USE in the market. 100 barrels of the eelebratgd St. Lou's Flour, universally pronounced the most superior article ever offered in the market, just received and fore by • DOCK, ./a., it CO NI.R.N.',SH FISH every Tuesday and Fri day at JOHN WISE'S Store, corner of Third and Walnut. myB WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. HENRY C. SHAFFER Sal a large dock of Widow Shades and Wall Paper on hand which will be sold very tow. Call and examine. Paper Hanging personally assented To. No. 12, MARKET STREET. Near the bridge 00t24-dtf SECRET DISEASES ! SECRET DISEASES.' SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! THE MOST CS STAIN SEEDY YVES USED. Yes, a Pesufve Cure! BALSAM CoPAVIA MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a cure. They are entirely vegetable, haring no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, iujure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures. in from two to four days, and recent eases in twenty-four hours. No exposure, no trouble, no eAange to4atever. Price male packages, $2 p Female, $3. Sold by D. W. GROSS & CO. Sent by mail by DESMOND & CO., Box 151 Phila. P co. janB-dly DLOOD! BLOOD'. SORES : THEIR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TRY'. TERS, SCALES, ROIL'S. SYPHILIS OKVENE REAL DISEASES, ETC. SAMARITAN'S R °SOT AND HERB T VICES Is offered to the public as a positive cure. Banishes.all Impurities or the blood and brings the system to A healthy action, cure those Spots, Tenets, Scales and Oopper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES, The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par ticle of the poison. FEMALES! FEMALES! In many affections with which numbers of Females sniffer, the ROOT AND HERB JUICES is most-happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in Whites, in bearing down, Falling of the Womb, Debility, and feral' com plaints incident to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR. • Keep out of hospitals. Here is a cure in any case for $5. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5, with fall direc tions. Sold by D. W. GROSS & CO. sent by Express carefully packed by DESMOND & 00,, Box 151Phila. P. O. jane-17 (IEDAR, TUBS, CHURNS and MEA k,/ !WEBS, together with a large assortment of BAS KITS; BROOMS Re., Jost received, and for male coy ow, by WM. DOOR, Fa., et CO. 11. P. It W. O. TAYLOR'S It k ss t is economical and highly detersive. it Contains no Rosin and will not wade. It is warranted not to injure the hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is therefor suitable for every purpose. Nor Bali by WM. DOOL JR.. & 00. COAL NOTICE.-WE HAVE THIS 1,./ day completed an arrangement with Henry Thomas Esq., for the sale' of the satire amount of Y, =Rim! VALLEY and SHORT MOUNTAIN MIL, mined this day by him to be delivered at DiiHomburg, bare appointed 111. BYERS Bole Agent for the EitatO of Pena. sylvania, except Philadelphia. SIITTOiI, PENNINGTON & GO. Harrisburg, Feb.l2, 1868.—feb1844w TA" AM S ! ! —Just received, a large LL supply of COVERED etrairß-OURED RAM, tar .as bat brand is the inor*et. Ivory one • old fa gnarl, mintmed. june27l WM. DOM. JR, & Ce lAUCKWHEAT MEAL 1-15,000 HA Boer Extra Suit received and for sale by dad WM. Duos, 311,'it - co, Coal.