Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, April 06, 1863, Image 2

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    tfte Arid Riau.
Clomusudeations will not be published in the PAVILIOT
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lion of EL 1. Inteynolds with said establish
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.NOVEIriiIIR, 21, 1862.
To Member; of the Legislature;
The DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION will be furnished to
members of the Legislature during tile session at Two
Members wishiug extra copies of the Deux PATRIOT ,
.UD 1:1 - NioN, cau,procure them by leaving their orders
et the .publication. office, Third street, or with our re-
Porters in either House, the evening previous.
Democratic County Convention.
By direction of the County Committee, the
Democratic County Convention of Dauphin
county will meet at Harrisburg on Tuesday,
the 21st day of April, at 10 o'clock, a. m.
Meetings for the selection of delegates to said
Convention will be held in the several town
ships on Saturday, the 18th April, between
the hours of 5 and 7, p. m., and in the several
towns and wards between the hours of 7 and
9, p. in., on said day, at the usual places of
holding delegate meetings.
Secretary proem.
Harrisburg, March 28, 1863.
To Correspondents.
We shall publish the report of the Senatorial
Investigating Committee as soon as it is sub•
mitted to the Legislature.
Speech of Hon. D. W. Voorhees.
This admirable speech is con eluded in to
day's Patriot, and will be published entire is
our WEEKLY on Thursday morning. It is a
speech which should be widely circulated
among the people, and extra copies for that .
purpose will be furnished to members of the
Legislature and others, at the usual rates, if
orders are left at the office any time during to
day, or up to ten o'clock this evening.
In this war the great heart of humanity is
-struck at. The battle on our side is in behalf
-of the human race.—Prentice. -
To a certain extent this is true. "All's we ll
that ends well." Rebellion was a blow struck
-at the best interests of society, civil, political
-and religious—a blow struck at "the heart of
estsrmelt tuoil government
—and, ehat is worse, it was struck without
adequate cause. This being so, it should be
put-down—strangled—trampled upon—and we
are iwfavor of doing it. But, mark you, if it
is put down in the way, and for the purpose the
party'in power desire-4f it ends in the estab
lishment of Abolition government and sen
timents, it will terminate in favor of the most
-inhuraan race that God ever permitted to defile
and•curse-the earth.
Gov. Curtin and the Army.
The game which our worthy Governor is
playing, with the people and the army alike,
to secure another term, is not sharp enough to
deceive either the civilians or the military,
and is likely -to fail altogether, or, at least,
meet with strong opposition. We give an ex
tract from a letter from the army to the Pitts
burg Dispatch, .(an Abolition paper,) which
. shows how the Governor ' s are viewed in that
quarter. The letter is dated " Third Brigade,
"Third Division, Sixth Corps, below Falmouth,
Virginia, March 28, 1863," and the extract
reads as follows :
" We expected Gov. Curtin here the other
hay, (as he is making an electioneering tour
of the Pennsylvania regiments,) and had our
hoots all blacked to receive him—but he found
a scrub race or a pig chase in Birney's divi
sion, and so did not keep the appointment.
We calculate here that be will attempt to get
another three years in the Governor's chair on
'the Union dodge,' loyalty,' &c., although
every one knows he has done more to embar
rass the Government and aid the rebels than
any other Governor. You ought to hear the
old Thirteenth talk of some recent appoint
ments in their regiment. They can't see why
worthy sergeants and corporals who have fought
through the Peninsula, are overalaughed by
men who never smelt powder, and whose
merits are unknown to them."
State Claim Agency for Soldiers' Pay.
We note with satisfaction the appointment
by several States of Claim Agents at Washing
ton whose especial duty it is to look after sol
diers' claims against the government. These
agents secure soldiers' does Free of expense to
him, and in 4 mere prompt and eystematio
manner than the irregular, private concerns
through which the transaction of such business
usually has to pass. We should like very
much to see a Claim Agency for this State es
tablished at Washington to collect money due
Pennsylvania soldiers ; and we would suggest
the introduction of some enactment for the
purpose before the close of this Session of the
We are not so fond of parading our sympa
thy for the soldier as many of our Abolition
contempOraries; we should look, however, upon
the establishment of an official agency to se
cure the bard-earned wages of his toil and
suffering, without a discount, as an act of
practical philanthropy more serviceable to the
soldier than all Abe blatant praises of his valor,
or the pleasant encomiums of interested poli
ticians. If the Abolitionists can use the sol
dierOote him, ant make him fight, they are
waling - enough to pay him in honied words of*
whdaWbet ; but we doubt not the • more sub
stantith benefit of his honest dues would snit
ids taste and feelings quite as much as the
;.,wises of his prowess.
Promotions from the Ranks
A board of officers has been permanently
organised in the Army of the Potomac) for the
purpose of examining candidates for promo
tion from the ranks, and also those enlisted
men who have already received commissions.
Several of tbd latter have been found not to
possess the requisite qualifications for the posi
tion of commissioned officers, and their ap
pointments will therefore be revoked. The
examinations are conducted on the basis of
General Order No. 16, 1854, which requires
candidates to be examined in English gram
mar, hlktory, geography; plane and solid ge
ometry. popular astronomy, the Constitution
of the United States and the organization of
the Government under it, and also the princh
plea which regulate international intercourse.
We copy the above from the Washington
items in the New York Tribune, and commend
it to the attention of every private soldier in
the army who hoped to rise from the ranks by
merit. How this simple paragraph falsifies all
the professions of the administration and its
friends of admiration for the brave privates
and desire to elevate those of them who dis
tinguished themselves by extraordinary valor
in action or the development of military talent.
How it gives the lie to all we have heard of
their intentions to promote from the ranks.
Who ever heard of anything so absurd? Who
aver felt indignant at a greater mockery of
justice ?' Several who have " already received
cernmissions" will be put back into the ranks,
because they cannot answer such questions as
a "board of officers" may put to them in
"English grammar, history, geography, plane
and solid geometry, popular astronomy, the
Constitution of the United States and the or
ganization of Government under. it, and also
the principles which regulate international
intercourse." Why, save those officers
fresh from the military academy at West Point
and, , perhaps, a few schoolmasters, graduates
of colleges, academies, or high schools, fresh
from their booke, we venture to say there are
not in the whole army, from the grade of Ma
jor General down to Second Lieutenant, two
hindred officers who can satisfactorily answer
such questions in these branches of learning
as a Harrisburg High School teacher can put
to them. What hypocrisy is it to feed the pri
vate soldier with hopes of promotion, and then,
when he has his commission already in his
pocket, or has been recommended for a com
mission, to dash the cup of happiness from his
lips by subjecting him to such an ordeal as
that proposed ! How shameful it is ! how
cruel! how unjust ! Look at it for a moment.
Could Abraham Lincoln, President of the Uni
ted Statei, and Commander-in-Chief of the
army and navy, stand the test required of these
private soldiers recommended for promotion ?
Could Gov. Curtin, Commander-in-Chief of the
militia of Pennsylvania, although a graduate
of Dickinson College ? Could Millet*, who is
General-in-Chief, without considerable brush
ing up ? Could even the great Stanton himself ?
Lincoln could not, we are very certain, and we
doubt much—without intending any tipparage
ment of the intelligence of the gentlemen—.
whether either of the others named could.
The reports of generals in the field show
plainly enough that whatever amount of theo
retical knowledge they may have they possess
but a limited practical knowledge of English
grammar. As to the Constitution of the United
States and the government as organized under
it, they have, some time since, been practically
itsayutretta -renalisenie ;- and when it comes to
the principles which regulate international
intercourse, there is not a man in the army, or
the Cabinet, or anywhere else who can point
us to principles universally recognized. There
are certain principles supposed to regulate in
ternational intercourse, it is true, but they are
the subject of constant dispute and the occa
sion of frequent wars. The whole scheme is a
trick to set aside the private soldier, who has
shown himself to be brave and worthy, to make
room for parlor pets and young men of the
aristocracy who are supposed to command po
litical influence. Napoleon took most of his
great marshals from the ranks ; and, although
their names will live forever in history as the
bravest and best generals that ever led troops
to victory, or directed them in retreat, we
question whether they understood French
grammar, or had ever given much of their at
tention to plane and solid geometry, the con
stitution or construction of empire, or the
principles regulating international intercourse
and comity. Neither Murat, Junot, Lemma, Ney
or any of the Emperor's particular military
favorites was scholar or statesman. They were
soldiers, understanding practically the art of
war—they knew how to lead men and win vic
tory, and that was all lie wanted. What our
authorites want we do not know—but we can
see clearly enough that they do not want to
commission soldiers from the ranks.
Gen. lit'Clellan's Report.
The War Department has at length author
ized the preliminary report of Gen. M'Clellan,
of 15th October last, of his military operations
from the evacuation of Harrison's Landing to
the battle of Antietam, inclusive. It is pub
lished contemporaneously with the report of
the Committee on the Conduct of the War,
which is intended to neutralize its effect. The
littleness of this administration is discernible
in all its acts. The conclusion of Gen. M'Clel
lan's report is as follows :
While it gives me pleasure to speak of the
gallantry and devotion the officers and men
generally displayed through this conflict, I feel
it necessary to mention that some of the °M
ears and men skulked from their places until
the battle was over. Death on the spot must
hereafter be the fate of all such cowards, and
the hands of the military commanders must be
strengthened with all the power of the Gov
ernment to inflict it summarily. The easy
and disgraceful surrender of Harper's Ferry
deprived my operations of results which would
have formed a brilliant sequel to the substan
tial and gratifying success already related.
Had the garrison held out 24 hours longer,
I should, in all probability, have captured that
part of the enemy's force engaged in the attack
on Maryland Heights; while the whole garri
son—some 12,000 strong—could have been
drawn to reinforce me on the day of thh deci
sive battle. Certainly, on the morning of the
18th. I would thus have been in a position to
have destroyed the rebel army.
Under the same circumstances, had the be
sieging force on the Virginia side at Harper's
Ferry not been withdrawn, I would have had
35,000 or 40,000 less men to encounter at An
tietam, and must. have destroyed or captured
all opposed to me. As it was, I lad to mpg°
an army fresh from a recent and, to than,
great victory, and to reap the disadvantage of
their being freshly and plentifully supplied
with ammunition and supplies.
The objects and results of this brief cam
paign may be slimmed up as follows : In the
beginning of the month of September, the
safety of the National Capitol was seriously
endangered by the presence of a victorious
enemy, wbo soon after crossed into Maryland,
and then directly threatened Washington and
Baltimore, while they occupied the soil of a
loyal State, and threatened an invasion of
The Army of the Union, inferior in numbers,
wearied by long marches, deficient ,in various
supplies, worn out by numerous battles, the last
of which had not been successful, first covered
by its movements the important cities of Wash
ington and Baltimore, then boldly attacked the
victorious enemy in their chosen strong posi
tion, and drove them back, with all their supe
riority of numbers, into the State of Virginia,
thus saving the loyal States from invasion, and
rudely dispeling the rebel dreams of carrying
the war into our country, and subsisting upon
our resources.
Thirteen guns and 39 colors, more than
15,000 stand of small arms, and more than
6,000 prisoners, were the trophies which attest
the success of our arms. Rendering thanks to
Divine Providence for his blessing upon our
Ogallala, I close this brief report. I beg only
to add the hope that the army's efforts for the
cause in which we are engaged will be deemed
worthy to receive the commendation of• the
government and the country,
General News
Louisville advices of April 3, say the rebels
under General Van • Dern are attempting to
flank General Rosecrans on the left. They are
crossing the river at Palmyra. It is thought.
that Van Dorn has a heavy supply of artillery
and that the movement is aimed against Ken
From Murfreesboro, April 3, we learn that a
rumor prevails that a number of bridges are
being constructed across the Tennessee river
at Florence to connect the rebel armies of Ten
nessee and Mississippi. General Rosecrans
has approved the sentence of the deserters in
Gene. Wood and Palmer's divisions. Colonel
Lowe, at Fort Donelson, telegraphs that the
rebels are apparently in force.
We have the following additional particulars
of thb fight, on the Ist instant, in the neigh
borhood of Draneeville, near Broad Run, be
tween the rebel Capt. Mosby's troops and Capt.
Flint's squadron of First Vermont Cavalry :
Mosby's command were bivouacked on a
plantation when the Union cavalry came upon
them. The rebels were dismounted, and re
ceived our cavalry with a fire from behind
fences, which stampeded some of , the raw sol
diers. The fight soon became desperate.—
Mosby threatened his men with death if they
flinched, and himself wounded Captain Flint
five times with his revolver, killing him. Lieut.
Grout, of the Vermont cavalry, and seven men
were also killed. Our loss was about sixty
killed, wounded and prisoners.
Mosby was in the house upon the plantation
when he was surprised ; but we learn that he
rallied his men with lightling like celerity,
,and when our squadron broke he pursued and
hacked them severely. The guerilla chief re
ceived a severe sabre cut on the forehead.
We learn that the Vermont carbine compa
nies delivered their fire upon the enemy with
good effect, and then opened to the right and
left to allow the sabre companies to charge ;
but they did not come up to the work.
The bodies of Captain Flint and Lieutenant
Grout were embalmed.
The War Department has, at length, gra
cioUsly condescended to publish two of General
M'Clellan's official reports, one relating to,the
seven days battles on the Peninsula, and his
falling back to Berkely, in which he says : "To
the calm judgment of history and of the future
he leaves the task of pronouncing upon the
tfarittrElicirdittiffhlt 'One was ever More—m;c
cessfully executed ; that no army ever fought
more repeatedly, heroically and successfully
„against such great odds ; that no men of any
race ever displayed greater discipline, endur
ance, patience and cheerfulness under such
hardships," the other comprising an account of
his military operations from the time of the
evacuation of Harrison's Landing to the close
of the glorious battle of Antietam, an extract
from which we give in apother column.
A Washington dispatch ; dated April 3, to
the Philadelphia Press says:
. General Hooker evidently does not intend to
be encumbered with the long baggage trains
which used to so impede the progress of Gen
eral M'Clellan. On the retreat to Harrison's
Landing, the baggage train was more than
seventeen miles in length. Now, we are told
that two pack-mules and pack saddles have
been furnished each regiment in the Army of
the Potomac to carry the shelter tents and
extra rations of officers, and the wagons will
carry the rations for the men, unless when they
make a forced march, and carry food for two
or three days in their haversacks. This looks
like business.
This is the way in whioh the senseless brag
garts—the dirty traducers of Gen. M'Clellan
—talked when Pope established his headquar
ters in the saddle, ignored all attention to lines
of retreat, and discarded the use of the spade.
We doubt not the personal bravery of Hooker,
but we do doubt his capacity. He is a boaster,
and a boaster never yet amounted to much.
We fear these windy proclamations of his
friends are but the precursors of another
shameful and ruinous defeat.
The examination of the Detroit rioters has
closed. Eight of those arrested were dis
charged, and twelve were held for trial at the
Recorder's Court to be held this month. The
The bail was fixed at one thousand dollars.
Governor Tod, of Ohio, was arrested by the
Sheriff of Fairfield county on the lst of April,
on the charge of kidnapping Dr. Olds, an in
dictment having'been found against him for
that offence by the grand jury of Fairfield
county. The Governor was taken before Judge
Johnson of the Supreme Court on a writ of
habeas corpus, and admitted to bail to appear
before the court of Fairfield county in June
next. It will be remembered that Dr. Olds, a
leading Democrat of Fairfield county, was ar
resteny the United States Marshal under the
martial law proclamation of the President, at
the instance of Governor Tod, carried to Wash
ington and confined in prison there for some
time, when, like others, he was released with
out trial. He was represented to the govern•
meat as a "dangerous man " by Governor Tod.
A little more news from the Mississippi.
Once more the ball is "is about to open." A
Cairo dispatch says : General Grant has sue•
oeeded in placing a battery of 84-pounder Par
rot guns beyond the levee in a position to
easily reach Vioksburg and was about to open
the bombardment. That was on the 23 of
April—if true, we shall soon hear thunder.
A dispatch of the 28th ult., from Young's
Point says : The gunboats and transports ar
rived from Steel's bayou last evening, and de
barked the troops. The transports were mush
damaged by the trees, the gunboats are com
paratively uninjured. The gunboats are the
Pittsburg, Carond,olet, Cincinnati and Louis
Intelligence from Nashville, April 3, has
been received. The rebels are fortifying them
selves strongly at Palmyra. General Cook's
brigade captured twenty-five rebels at Carthage
after a smart skirmish.
The tow-boat, Watts, capsized on the 3d
inst., opposite Mount Vernon. on he Ohio
river, and thirteen men were drowned.
The following news from Pensacola has been
received in New Yor through a letter from
New Orleans :
St. Mary's Hall, the fine hotel, and all the
dwellings in Pensacola, except Malory's and
Chase's, were burned down by the United States
•troops. The 15th Maine and 28th Connecticut
regiments were left there on the departure of
the 28th Maine regiment. The soldiers seem&
to think that the entire evacuation of the place
to the enemy was intended and many swore
they would burn the place.
On Thursday, at noon, the fire commenced,
and for three days and nights the town was
filled with smoke and flame. The officers tried
to stop the work of destruction, but seemed to
have no influence over the men. Even the
troops placed to guard pkopertY set it on fire.
Col. Dyer, the'commander of the poet, was
almost distracted, and gave orders to shoot
down all persons eaugbt.in the act of incendi
aryism; but there was no one to execute them.
'Finally the long roll was beaten, and the men
got into tne Navy Yard and confined.
From the Cleveland Plaindealer
The South holds out her hand—is the North
west afraid to take it?"—Richmond Whiq.
The foregoing extract concludes a long ar
ticle in the Whig, in which are enurherated the
tios of affinity and fellowship which naturally
unite the South and West, There is a fatal
objection to the suggestions made in this arti
cle. They go upon the hypothesis of a broken
Union and dismembered Government. When
ever the South extends her hand to be helped
back into the Union morally—as she has never
ceased to be politically—we will take the band,
and favor every honorable and legal measure
to obliterate the "slings and arrows" of this
terrible strife. It shall not be said that we
have taunted the States now in arms against
the Government with their inability to cope
with us. We shall make no ungenerous allu
sions to the causes of our national suffering,
or take advantage of the credit we enjoy, of
having remained constant to the government
of our fathers. As far as it is practicable, in
the adjustment of our public troubles, we shall
dismiss resentments and rivalries, and consider
only such things as conduce to our future har
mony as a great, free and united people. Nay,
we can, without any sense of humiliation, de
clare that having been impreesed profoundly
with the horrors of internecine war we will
guard vigilantly against the recurrence of
these horrors, by a more earnest devotion to
the common charter of all our liberties, and
by the cultivation of more genial and kindly
relations with all parts of our common land.
To these things the Democracy of the North
west stands pledged, if our misguided fellow
citizens in the South will throw down their
arms and return to their allegiance to the Gov
ernment and the Laws. But let them not
harbor an idea that we contemplate the dis
ruption of this nation, as a recognized politi
cal fact. Such a thought would do them great
er harm than the loss of Richmond, Vicksburg
and Charleston. It prolongs useless strife—it
intensifies needless suffering. It sharpens
the keen edge of hunger, which they already
feel, and forebodes new homes made desolate,
and fresh graves to be filled with the flower of
their youth criminally sacrificed. The North
west cherishes neither greed nor malice in this
matter. It gives its blood and money,net to pre
serve any commercial supremacy, as has been
charged upon the East. Neither does it make
these offeringgtgVe V b " gratify any old
grudge or sectional jealousy. Its relations with
the South have always been friendly and plea
sant. It still cherishes a kindly feeling mingled
with' "more of sorrow than of anger" for the
fair Statesonce sisters under the same genial
flag and Government--now following "strange
gods," amidst the din of unnatural battle.
But for all this it is well enough not to give
countenance to any terrible mistake about its
attitude in this grave crisis. The Northwest
cannot consent that this Union be broken up.
There is the whole story. It is needless to re
capitulate the reasons which unite us here up
on this one gram! sentiment. It was said of
old, "Millions for defence-not a cent for tri
bute." So, from these great grain-growing
States, the very heart of the American repub
lic, goes up the solumn cry:—Peace, Law, Con
cord, Ample Guarantees—anything that free
men can justly offer for a Restored Union, but
on the. other hand—Fresh armies, fleets, gun
boats, taxes—the whole strength of the nation
—rather than this Representative Democracy
shall perish. Let the South, then, before all is
ruin and chaos, comprehend this sublime de
votion to the Government our fathers made.
The portals are wide open for them to return,
and when they give the sentinel the watch
word, " Union," and extend the hand—the
Northwist will not be afraid to take it.
IRON-WORKS IN AMERIOA.—The manufacture
of iron in the United States may be divided in
, to three departments—first, the blast furnaces
using anthracite coal, charcoal, raw or coked
bituminous coal; second, bloomeries or moun
tain forges, which turn ore or cast iron into
blooms or malleable iron; and third, rolling
mills, converting these into bar, rod, sheet, and
nail-plate iron, and into rails. In' 1857 the
works of these kinds amounted to about 1,131,
namely, 121
. anthracite furnaces, 500 charcoal
and coke furnaces, 300 forges, and 210 rolling
mills; and the entire production of iron was
about 783,000 tons--a decrease upon the pre
vious year of 73,235 tons; for in 1856 the total
domestic produce of pig and of rolled and ham
mered iron was 856,235 tons. In 1859 there
were only eight States of the Union destitute
of iron-works—Mississippi, Louisiana, Flori
da, Texas, lowa, Minnesota, California and Or
egon. The remaining twenty-five were em
ploying 560 furnaces, 389 forges, 210 rolling
mills; in all 1,159, producing 840,000 tons—an
increase, in two years, of twenty-eight works
and of 57,000 tons of iron. In 1856 the Penn
syliania iron-works produced 243,484 tons of
anthracite iron; in 1857, 237,318 tens; in 1858,
185,000 tons; and in 1859, 286,332 tons. To
this may be added the production of charcoal
iron, amounting to 39,500 tons. The fall in
the manufacture of 1858 was caused by the
crisis of the previous year, produced by over
speculation in the West. The quantity of iron
of all kinds, used in every form of manufac
ture in the United States, was calculated, in
1856, to be 1,330,548 tons. Of this quantity,
817,356 tons were rolled and hammered iron,
298,275 tons of which were imported, the re
maining 819,081 tons being domestic produce.
The domestic pig iron consumed in the same
year was 337,154 tons, and of fctreign 56,403.
In 1859 there was a marked increase in the
production of Penn Sylvania rolling mills; large
orders were received for rails from the South
and West. The railroads in those parts of the
Union had originally been mainly constructed
of imported rails, of a cheap and inferior qual
ity, which had very soon become unfit for use,
and it was soon discovered to he better policy
to pay a higher price for more durable iron.
The larger rolling mills for railway iron in
Pennsylvania are the Cambrian Mills, at Johns
town; the Phoenix Iron Company, at Phoenix.
ville; the Montour Mills, at Danville; the Lack
awanna Mills, at Scranton; and the Rough
and Ready, at Danville. The production of
rails in 1859 was 104,350 tons; in 1858, 65,500
tons; in 1857, 70,000 tons; and in 1856, 76,300
tons. During the latter part of 1857 the mills
were wholly or partially closed. The'aotivity
of the iron manufacture in Pennsylvania gm-
tinned during the first part of 1860, but since
October in that year it has of course experi
enced a severe check. Many of the mills that
had stopped work through the secession move
ment have• again resumed native opera ions,
especially those devoted to the rolling of
plates. The demand upon them for Govern
ment iron-plated vessels has been greater than
the capacity for such mills to supply.
CHARGING A SQUARE.—In speaking with a
friend the other day concerning the Mexican
campaign of '46, the conversation turned upon
Col. Dakin, of Louisiana, when •he related a
little anecdote which is so characteristic of the
man that we cannot refrain from repeating it.
The Colonel commanded one of the six regi
ments of volunteers, which were raised in
Louisiana after the battles of Palo Alto sap
Retinas de la Palma, and which joined General
Taylor's army speedily. The Colonel was an
old disciplinarian, very strict and capable,a nd
in a short time his regiment texcited the admi
ration of even veteran officers, by the ease and
precision with which it dillled and manoeuvred.
One morning, the regiment was drawn up,
and the men were standing at ease, after a va•
riety of marches, and charges, and evolutions,
when the Colonel took it into his head to put
their discipline to a stronger test. The regi
ment wag thrown into a square to receive cav
alry. The commander rode off a few hundred
yards, and then wheeling his horse, came down
sword in hand, at a fierce gallop, straight at his
men. He and his steed formed an imposing
looking object, for ha was a big man, and his
steed a big horse, and neither appeared to fear
the glittering and bristling bayonets against
which they were rushing. The men stood the
charge very well until the horse and rider were
within a few feet; then they broke right and
left in confusion, and opened a broad passage
for the 'cavalry' into their ranks.
Of course the Colonel was wroth, and the way
the men and officers caught it for a few mo
ments, was by no means agreeable to their
'You rebel cavalry ! Why, what would you
have done if a thousand dragoons had charged
on you as I did ?'
`Well just try us again, Colonel, and see if
we don't hurt your feelings,' cried a number
of discomfited volunteers.
The square was again formed. Off rode the
Colonel, round he wheeled, and here he came
again, at full speed, rushing straight at the
bayonets, and looking as if he would crush the
line to powder under his charger's heels. The
bayonets wavered not, though the horse came
faster and faster, and finally, with a terrible
bound, sprang at the square. The square
stood the shock, and the next moment the horse
was stretched on the ground, with a broken
bayonet in his side, and his limbs quivering in
the death-agony, while the stout riAr lay with
his foot and knee caught, and himself unable
to rise. Not a man moved ; the square was
silent, steady, and unbroken. In another in
stant the Colonel was on his feet. He replaced
his sword in the scabbard, looked gravely
and coolly at the dead horse, then at the firm
array of soldiers, and then said, in his quaint
'Very well done, boys ; both the horse and
the square did their duty. Now you are ready
for the lancers.'
The men cheered not a little.
SATURDAY, April 4.
The House was called to order by Speaker
CESSNA at l ai A. M.
To the annual appropriation bill were read and
non-concurred in.
Mr. GRADER moved the consideration of an
act to incorporate the Keystone gold and sil
ver mining company. Passed finally.
. all171111:1 /p. y
ins au
morning commissioned officers the Penn
sylvania regiments to take affidavits, acknowl
edgments to deeds, and other legal documents,
in the absence of a justice of the peace or
other officer qualified to take affidavits. Passed
Mr. BROWN (Northumberland), Local Ju
diciary, reported as committed, an act to facili
tate the transaction of business in the courts
of Philadelphia.
Mr. COCHRAN, (same), as committed, an
act for the election of an additional alderman
in the 20th Ward of Philadelphia.
Also, as committed, an act relative to the
commissioners of highways and supervisors of
Mr. JACKSON, (chairman of the Committee
on the Militia System), made a statement to
the effect that the Surgeon General, in an in
terview with the committee, had urged the ne
cessity of providing for the soldiers an article
which was much needed in the army for stop
ping the sudden effusion of blood in time of
battle; and the committee had therefore agreed
upon reporting an act authorizing the purchase
of a new and improved tourniquet for each
soldier in the Pennsylvania regiments. He
moved that the rules be suspended in order to
allow the passage of the bill. Agreed to, and
the bill passed finally.
Mr. CHAMPNEYS read in place an act for
the removal of the State arsenal at Harris
burg, and moved that the House consider the
same. Agreed to.
[This bill authorizes and requires the Gov
ernor to purchase five acres of land without
the limits of the city of Harrisburg, on which
he shall cause to be erected a new arsenal for
the storage of the powder, &c., now in the old
arsenal in Capital Park, at a cost not exceed
ing $10,000.1 Passed finally.
Mr. BARGER moved to consider an act rel
atilie to vacancies in the city councils of Phila
delphia. [This is a new bill, read in place by
Mr. BARGER, which differs from the original
bill in this, that it provides that all vacancies
in councils shall be Slled by the qualified elec
tors of the district in which the vacancy may
occur, instead of by the Mayor, as in the
printed bill.]
At the suggestion of Mr. KERNS, Mr.
BARGER consented to amend his bill 93 far
as to provide that thirty days after such va
cancy the Mayor shall issue his proclamation
ordering a new election to fill the vacancy
for the unexpired term, and such election to
occur at the next ensuing city election; when
Mr. BARGER moved to postpone the bill
until Monday. Agreed to.
A whole hour was spent in the discussion of
the propriety of holding additional sessions
next week, and of adjourning over until Mon
day afternoon ; when the House adjourned
until Monday morning at 9.1 o'clock.
PRO CL AMATI ON.—Whereas, the
Honorable Joint J. ' , Bassos, President of the Court
of tommon Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, con-
Meting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the
Hon. &must LANDIS and Hon. MOSES B. YOUNG, Asso
ciate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their pre
cept, bearing date the 24th day of February, 1863, to me
directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace
at Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to com
mence on the fourth Monday of April next, being the
2Tili day of April, 1663, and to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus
tices of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables of the said
county of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their
proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Bald day,
with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their
own remembrances, to do those things Which to their
office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in
recognisances to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and
there to prosecute against them as shall be just.
Given under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 24th day of
April, in the year of our Lord, 1868, and in the eighty
seventh year of the independence of the United States.
J. D BOAS. Sheriff
emu Corn jut readted by
WM. DOCK, 78., dr, 00
New 'Abuertielementr,
Child Nurse la wanted, but none need apply ualesx
they can give gecd reference. Apply to
bl ra HrrKOK,
Chestnut street
P UBLIC NOTlCE.—Notice ij hereby
given that letters of administra ion on the estate of
HENRY SPIES. late of Banter. township. Dauphi a
county, deceased, have b. en duly gran, ed to 'he FLOWN•
her, who lives in said township All persons hlrbte4
to said • state are requested to make peymtut, soft all
perm na haying &Sling againet the Barna will eresact
them without delay. A W LOOMIS,
April 3,1683.-504 H wilt* Administrator.
The eubaeriher offers fer sole hie three-wary briok
DWELLING ROUSE, on second street, below Cherry
alley, Harrisburg.
ALSO—A part of his WHARF, on canal, above Fors
ter's a entte.
apli-dlw* ORO. W. HARRIS.
Letters of administration upon the personal estate
of TOMAH BOWMAN, late of Millersburg. Dauphin
county, deceased, having been granted to the under
signed by the Register of mild county all miens har
ing claim's or demands against said estate are requested
to make them known without delay, and those who are
indebted to said estate to make immediate payment ts
Millersburg, Bauplaln co., Pa., spo-w6t*
TWENTY.Was stolen from the stable of JOHN HENNY in
Jefferson township, Berke county, ou the night of Wed_
old, with e d fld9Yi a wart on h
lln t e3 e 1-ftre le
,aa fore leg gß g inl(ißSati eight pewit
e) nbove the
knee, a wart on the left hind leg below the knee, and
branded on the hoof of the left fore font with the letter
X There was also stoten at the same time a SADDLE
and BRIDLE. The above reward will be paid tot the
recovery of the horse and the detection of the thief.
JOHN filtOtrir,
Commissioner of the Beroville Florae Hemp.
Bernroille, Berk: county, April 4, 18133rapt•d2twitt
PERSONS in want of s superior and really good GOLD
pie will find with me a large assortment to select from,
and have the privilege to exchange the Pens until their
hand is perfectly suited. And if by fair means the Dia
mond points break off during twelve menthe, the pur
chaser shall have the .privilege to select • new one,
without any charge.
I have very good Gold Pens, made by Mr. Morton, not
r arranted in strong silver-plated ,ases, for $l, $1.26,
$1.60, $2.00
70r Sale at
No. IS Market Street, Harriet:9nm Pe
WINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt
berdered; and PAPER BLINDS of an endless
variety of designs and ornaments; also, CURTAIN
FIXTURES and TASSELS at very low prices Call at
Selieffer's Bookstore.
POOKBT-8001111, for BSI* at
IScnetferNi Bookstore,
ANNUAL RECORD for 1868. for sale at
sold yet at last year's pr.' am without any advance.
can get fine Note Paper; E”velopes, Visiting and
can Writing Fluid, a splendid inlwat 62 cents
per quart ; ARNOLD'S genuine Writing Fluid, HAR
RISON'S Columbian Writing Fluid. LAUGHLIN &
BUSEIVIELDI Ink, Copying Ink, Carmine and Red
Inks of the beet quality, Dine Ink, Mucilage. &c,, at
FLUID, equal if not superior to Arnold's English
Fluid, and only 62 cents per quart lon.tle, sit
00111:10FER , 13 BOOKSTORE.
FOR SALE—That valuable Lot on the
corner of Liberty and Second streets. Also, a
House and Lot on North street.
FOR RENT—Two Rooms in the Exchange Re ttas-e:
•r the. olleatte Amine_ ,7 ap24t4,
-viTANTED-130101THIN4 NEW Enzgornent
Einployment ! Male and Female Agents wanted
in every town and city in the United States, $2O to $4O
per month can be made, and no humbug. Business easy
and respectable. It requires a very small capital, and
will not interfere with other employment, This is Ile
book agency or humbug of any kind. No person will
regret having sent for this information, let his employ
ment be what it may. Full particulars given to all who
inclose TEN CENTS, and address HARVEY BROWN &
Amoskeag, N. 11. mr26-dfltw4tw
BAurcions, March 19,1863.
The safe of the Adams Express Company was robbed
on Wednesday night between Baltimore and !lards
burg. It contained various sums of money in currency
and gold, a large number of United States certificates
of indebtedness, United States fitre.twenty bonds, and
cheeks of the United States Treasurer on the Apsistant
Treasur-r of New York, payable to the order of the
Adams Express Company. A reward of Five Thousand
Dollars is offered by the Company. The public are re
ferred to the list of the numbers of the bonds and cer
tificates published by the Company, and are cautioned
not to negotiate any of them :
Four United States Certificates of Indebtedness, 25 ; -
009 each, numbers 21,449, 21,450, 21,451, 21,433.
48 United States Certificates, of $l,OOO each : '
Nos. 59,342, 59,343, 59,344.
Nos. 59,212, 59,213.
No. 59,199.
Nos. 59,203, 59,204 59.9P5, 59,206.
Nos. 59,200, 59,201, 59,202. .
Nos. 59.148, 59,149.
Nos. 59,146, 59,147.
Nos. 59.131, 59,130, 59,129.
Nos. 59,247, 59,248.
Nos. 59,190, 59,191, 59.194 59,193.
Nos. 59,332, 69,333, 59,334, 59 335.
Nos. 59,880, 59.318, 09.319.
Nos. 59,820, 69
.321,.59,822, 59,323, 59,214
Nos. 59 317, 59,325.
Nos. 59 302, 59,303, 59,304, 59,305.
Nos. 58,979, 59,068, 59,069, 59,070.
Ten 5-20 United States Bonds, Nos. 15,171 to IF,ISS
The following checks of F. E. Spinner, Treasurer of
U. S., on Aniatemt Treasurer , New York, payable to
the order of the Adams Express Company
Check No. 856, for $lOBO, for ac. G. M. Felix, Cincinrsti.
" 859 " 2098 13 " J. B& T. Gibson, '•"
855 1080 " Conrad & Wagner, "
" 866 " " Wilson & Hayden, "
" 865 6 ' 7220 "A. Behlen,
" 864 " 5015 15 "J. Bh'llita & Co.,
" 6 867 " 904 " Geo Joap,
" 8113 " 483 37 "J W Wagner dc CO "
" 858 " 2615 " H. Morton, st. Louis.
gr 361 " 1507 40 " R. F. Barri, "
The public are cautioned not to negotiate any of the
above bends or certificates.
HEkatir SANFORD, Superintendent
Alum , Express Company.
M ENT WANTED.—One first rate Cabi
iv' net vitnker and two or three good laboring Keen
wanted. Steady work and cash pay every two weeks.
Apply at the inr3l-1w EAGLE WORKS.
B. 7. WILLIAMS, No. IS North Sixth stm.et. rhile.-
delphie, Mannfacttiver.of
. fig- The largest and finest assortment in the city, at
the lowest prices. Blinds painted and trimmed equal
to new. Store &Mee made and lettered. Inr3l.2md
:NG GLASSES, of all sorts and
sizes, at WARD'S,
mar23-2w 12 North Thiyd street.
MINCE PIES ! --Raisins7 -
- Curran&
Lta. Citron spines, Lemons, Cider, Wine , Brandy and
Bum, for sale by WM.DOCK jr., & Co.
FOR SALE—A House and Lot on
Sixth street . , near State. Enquire at the Exchange
Office of S. L. Iki 9 CULLOOI3,
26 Market-street,
Where the highest price is always paid for GOLD and
'SILVER. febl2-dtf
Assortment of New Looking Mayen, jest received,
at W. KorOulfE'S Aluoio Store, 93 Market etnet, Where
they mill be sold cheap. Call and examine, Iran
FIFTY GROSS of the above Superior Metehee jot
oe , ved. end fnr Ran by lur & 00.
IL SAUSAGES, TONGUES, &a., for Bale low, bv
WM. DOOR, .7A., dc 00.