Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, March 31, 1863, Image 2

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    is charged with infidelity because they did not
exempt these instigators •of our misfortunes
from their share of them. It was one of the
few sensible thingshils last Congress did. We
would like to see a brigade of these Abolition
presehers dodging bullets in 'a swamp. The
loss would not be great if they did not succeed
very well in dodging.—Cleveland Plaindealer.
ttst Vatriot *Rion.
Cknmintolration will not be published in the Palo!
AND trllDi unless accompanied with the Dame of the
W. W. Inniszuay, Ssq., of Towanda, le a duly an
thorized agent to collect accounts and receive !tuba:rig.
Woad and advertisements for this psPer•
No, 3T Parkitear, N. Y., and Co State St., Boston,
Ate ear Arida for the PATISIOT AS rili9A 1 1 1 those
Otis; and are authorised to take Advertisements and
lialiesiptions format our Lowest Rates.
meoond-bAndAstilln Pima, pinten993( by 26inehell
in good order; can be worked either by hand or 821111/21
power Terme moderate Inquire at this once.
-Twit PATRIOT MID ITMON and all its bdaititail
"paragons will hereafter be conducted erclu
eiVely by 0. BARRETT and T. G. POMEROY, un
der the firm of 0. BARRETT & Co., the connec
tioi of EL F. WlLeynolds with said establish
ment having teased on the 20th November, inst.
Novrairnalt, 21, 1862.
To Members of the Legislature.
The DATLy PATRIOT AIM UNION will be tarnished to
- members of the Legislature during the Hessian at vivo
Idemberovriobbig extra copies of the DAILY PATRIOT
aim UnlOn, eon primates them by leaving their orders
at the publication Moe, Third street, or with our re
-Portals breitiser Rouse, the evening previous.
Democratic county convention.
By direction -of the County Committee, the
Democratic County 'Convention of Dauphin
county will• meet at Harrisburg on Tuesday,
. the_ 21st day of .April, at 10 o'clock, a. m.
Meetings fer the-selection of delegates to said
Convention will be 'held in the several town
ships on Saturday, the 18th April, between
- the hours of 5 and a, p. m., and in the several
towns sad wards between the hours of and
in., on-said -day, at the usual places of
holding delegate meetings.
Harrisburg, Marsh 28, 1868.
• By all the laws 'of war, we have a .perfect
right to employ the slaves against their mas
ters. Caine Marius did it, and he - was esteemed
a tolerable soldier in his day; and Napoleon,
at St. Helens,-regretted that he did not •do it
in Russia; the English did it during °matey°.
lutionary War, but we never have read that
Washington threatened to hang English priso
ners upon that account.—.2vribunt.
Caine Marine, says Plutarch, passed a -sav
age and infamous oil age," was full of
timed ambition and insatiable avarice." The
"regrets" of .Napoleen are poer citations to
make precedents of in a war of brother against
brother; a senile .insurrection, and an upri
sing of the fees in Massie, are widely different
114" m 0r1......vvan the wanton outrages of
torch and are—a war bn defenseless women
and children. The hypocriay of Abolitionism
is impervious to good sense; if the rebels
hang our prisoners, the Abolitionists are to
blame —they made the war what it now is, and
by instituting unwarrantable outrages shave
put in force themselves the - law of -retaliation.
Irmijmestionlug Submission.
- George Ticknor Curtis, of Boston, addressed
, the Democratic Union association , orNew - Terk,
oa--Batnr.dar might lastyon the mthject of "Loy
alty." _According to •the. Tribune, he denied
that at any time, athether in- war•or peace, ?the
people-are bsoatil to accept, without questien,
the,.policy of' the ..agovetliment ; but areal
that conatitntioustlineans only—the ballot-box
and-free dispassion—should be brought to bear
•• to remedy the tmilscomplained
Mr. Curtis era; =questionably, eight, and
if theso peaceable, constitutional means were
permitted, the administration would stand in
no dagger of an attempt on the part of the
people to ,try other 4oad more dangerous mea
sures. -As yet there lave , beenno attempts to
suppress or prevent the exercise of the ballot
in tho free States; but the attempt-las -been
-.made to onepreas freediecusaion, without which
:the ballet-4s impaired, of -more. than half its
',..power,ata4. becomes, in fact, almost a farce.
- •
Whetherit is the intention of the. adzeinia
, tration to continue this policy; or to what en
tent they intend to carry it if iscontinued, we
know not; •ibzt this we do know, that free dis
. cuseion within the limits of the Constitution
, is a..right &std.& remedy which the - Democracy
'hold' -very dear, and which they will not yield
until•competled to do so by the meet despotic
_and irresistible means.. They hold the ballot
.available ageing all abases of government, so
long as it can be backed and strengthened by
eme discussion, and while these two rights are
v.atinterferad with they will ask no ether re
medies against the abuses of this or ani other
administration ; but once strike down free dis
cuasion,separate the two rights which are twin
bora, and we are rtudered almost powerless
against oppression,impotent to correct abuses,
and will be forced-to .the alternative of submit
ting like slaves or resisting like freemen. What
course would be taken ender such circumstan
ces, we are not prepared to• say ; but we should
apprehend -increased danger to the peace of
the country.
The Fersa•or Government they Want.
It should be kept before the people that the
Aborttionists have resolved to change the form
of this government. They want more power
than the Constitution gives them, and they
have it, unless arrested in time by. the
people. They are not scrupulous as to the
means' they use, and are now endeavoring to
court the army, so that the bayonet may have
more potency ia settling the question than the
ballot. It la to the begonet they are now ap
pealing, by falsehood ana - Battery, and if the
bayonet should yield to their appeals—which
we will not yet Believe—the people will be
coerced by the bayonet' and the, power of the
ballot beloot. In, that event. we shall have, a
form of government established giving great
ptiWer i te the rulers and little freedom. to the
peOple-rinotijer words, we shall have a Central
Secretary pro tem
Despotism, without a vestige of State rights,
with fe*, if any, popular rights, and no re
straining power at all but the despot's will.
This is what the Abolition leaders are striving
Forney says, in the Philadelphia Frees:
"Another principle must certainly be em
bodied in our reorganized form of government.
The men who shape the legislation of this
country, when the war is pist, must remember
that what we want is power and strength.
The problem will be to combine the forms of Re
publican government with the powers of a Monarchi
cal government."
In the same strain the North Ainerican re
" This war has already shown the absurdity
of a government with limited powers ; it has 'shown
that the power of every government onght to be
and Walt be UNLIMITED."
This is clear enough, we think, for the most
obtuse intellect to comprehend, and if the peo
ple refuse to be warned against the encroach
ments upon their rights contemplated by the
conspirators, they must take the consequences.
We shall do our part to defeat the project, and
if we fail shall have nothing to reproaCh our
selves with.
SeetioNal Monty and Dognintiam.
T he greatest curse of our country heretofore
and now is sectional bigotry and dogmatism.
No matter whence it sprang, education, inte
rest, pride or ambition, to it we owe the great
calamity that is now upon the nation. How
ever it may have been assisted by the confi
dence of the masses of the people_ in the
strength of our institutions, which made them
careless of the performance of political duties,
by the corruption so prevalent as to be traced
to every department of government, by reli
gionstanatieitnn, or by other causes, it is uev.
ertheleas the primary evil, the original curse,
to which may be traced the present condition
of the country—the unparalleled civil war now
raging, to end we know net how.
This bigotry and dogmatism primarily con
fined to a comparatively small section of the
North and the South—to a portion of New
England on the one side, and a portion of the
cotton growing South rin the other—has finally
infected very large portions of both sections,
and if -not in some way checked or modified,
will end in the perpetual est rangement of one
from the other, if not the ruin of both.
No•country under a free form of :government,
embracing the territorial extent and diverse
interests of ours, can exist in harmony while
such a. spirit prevails, and until the dogmatists
of both sections leant wisdom from events, and
come doin to the wammon sense doctrine that
neither can rule the other in precise accordance
with their own views, but must.give and take,
bear and forbear, in moral, political and com
mercial policy, there can be no-end of war, no
restoration of pod relationship and pros
It is;, on the one hand, idle for tbe Abolition
ists of the North to think that they can force
their peculiar ideas upon the country and
maintain the government as Ms, or put it in
anyiform in which union and freedom can to
gether be maintained; and, on the other, it is
equally idle for the pro-slavery dogmatists of
the South to suppose that they ..san impress
their peculiar dogmas upon the nation and yet
maintain its unity and integrity.
-orlnticonlitry Ben' be brought .to bear upon
these radical classes, both North and South, so
es to induce them to confine their• efforts within
theilimits of theiConstitution, and harmonize
upon rational grounds, where each can have
as much freedom-as is consistent with the ge
neral good and eempatible witlyithe pieserva
tion of the government, there would seem to
be no prospect of a change of present condi
tion, B.nd no reason why we should anticipate
a return of pease upon any terms, until one
or both sections shall be utterly -exhausted ;
and-then, with ruin staring them in the face,
and-the whole country geeatly demoralized, if
history is not all fallacious, the aware,' and
inevitable end would be despotism—from which
the restoration to free government, if restora
tion should ever take place, wouldoobe necessa
rily oloir—the people meanwhile suffering ill
the evils of oppression.
Let this, therefore,-be the mission-of the con
servative men of the country North -and South
—to curb the radical element, to put-down or
modify sectional bigotry and dogmatism, and
bring the country back to its startiegipoint of
constitutional government, . union, freedom,
peace and prosperity.
Joy at Washington.
We were told that the President was par
ticularly joyful, and that all the hangers-on
of the administration were in the very attic of
.eustacies, but were entirely unable to divine
the cause. We could not.find it in the millions
thus far uselessly spent in an unholy war—in
the hundreds of thousands of valuable !lives
sacrificed in vain—or in .our recent defeats
before Fredericksburg, Poet Hudson, Woks
-bum and other points in the Southwest—and
were about to give up the solution of this pro
blem in despair, when yesterday Forney came
to the rescue. In one of his "Occasional"
letters to the press he says 14 There is a sub-.'
stantial groundwork for the buoyancy and ex- •
ultimien which now gladdens ali loyal hearts.
The feet most prominent is undoubtedly the
extraordinary success which has attended the
financial policy of the Secretary of the Trea
sury-, and the rapidity with which his own an
ticipations have been realized." Here is the
grand secret—no discount on greenbacks—
money is to be abundant and paper promises
to pay to hold their lives by a longer tenure.
Government contractors and other robbers of
the public treasury, who have been buying up
real estate at fabulous prices, with their ill
.gains, - are relieved—the financial crisis
they feared as near at hand has been post
poned, and the whole brood of vultures and
cormorants who hang about the dying body of
the Union, can bate a longer lease of time in
whieh to gorge llemselves on the life-blood of
the nation.
There may be joy in Washington now, but
there will be, in the future, grief and mourn
ing in many a family among the people before
the debt is paid, over the creation of which the
financiers at Washington are so jubilant.
The revenue steamer Reßanee reached Bal
timore on Saturday, having in tow two prizes,
captured while attempting to go into Virginia,.
A large rebel mail and a file of late Richmond
papers was found on board of one. Also some
Confederate bonds and Virginia bank notes.
General News.
A dispatch from Cairo, March 29, says :
Memphis papers of the 27th confirm yester
day's telegram that a large force under• Sher
man passed through Sunflower and landed near
Haines' Bluff. No action had occurred up to
the latest dates.
At length we know the fate of the Indianola.
The Navy Department has received a dispatch
from Admiral Farragut, dated below Warren
ton, Miss., March 19, in which he says that
about ten miles above Grand Gulf he saw the
wreck of the Indianola on the right bank of the
river. She was partially submerged and her
uppei works were very much shattered by ex
Gen. Gilmore crossed the Kentucky river in
force on the 28th, re-captnred Danville, and is
driving the iebele in the direction of Crab
On the 28th the rebels attacked Wingfield,
on the Chowan river, and were repuleed.
On the 29th the rebels attacked Wiiliams
burg, Va., with Cavalry and infantry, and were
driven off by the Fifth Pennsylvania cavalry,
under Col. Lewis.
The condition of the Army of the Potomac
is represented as fine. A dispatch froth head.
quarters, March 29, says : The enemy's camps
are visible for several miles ; but their troops
display themselves very little. The main body
of their army lies back about fifteen hides from
Fredericksburg, though a large force has re
cently been sent down near Port Royal. De
serters are coming in by scores. Yesterday a
lieutenant and three sergeants, all from one
company, eame into our lines, and hundreds
of others would come but for the difficulties in
crossing the Rappahannock. The deserters
report great Buffering in the rebel army, and
much disaffection among the troops. Half a
pint of flour and a quarter of a pound of meat
constitute their daily rations.
The Maine Legislature adjourned on Wednes
day last. It passed a series of resolutions,
pledging support,to the national government.,
and in its ordinary legislation was unusually
free from partisan bias.
Intelligence from Murfreesboro to the 29th
says there is reason to believe that Van porn,
with 8,000 mounted infantry and cavalry, has
moved to strike the Cumberland river below
Clarksville to intercept navigation. The rebels
are said to be concentrating in front to resist
the advance of Gen. Rosecrans, not to attack
him. They are fortified at Tullahoma, Steven
son and Bridgeport, not less than 60,000 strong.
Bragg its in command of the army, with his
headquarters at Tullahoma. Gen. Joe John
ston's headquarters are at Atalanta, Georgia.
The steamer Sam Gatz, on her way from In
dependence, Missouri, while passing Sibley's
Landing, was attacked by guerrillas, and nine
negroes and two soldiers killed. All the pub
lic and private property was rifled. Three
hundred sacks of flour, forty-eight wagon beds
belonging to the government, and considerable
private property were thrown overboard. The
amount of money taken was $2,200, of which
$6OO belonged to the boat. The guerrillas had
intended to destroy the boat, but . they finally
allowed her Co proceed on her voyage. They
had follored her thirty miles.
Some olergymen in Norfolk attempted to
hold_ Kulp% -Air ~A1011"4-8 pr o c l ama ti on, but
the Unien soldiers prevented the carrying out
of the intent.
The negro expedition to Florida under Cols.
Higginson and Montgomrry is reported by
Gen. Saxton to have succeeded.
In regard to the health of the army before
Vicksburg, Gen. Grant nays it will compare
favorably with that of any army in the field.
A letterfrom Hilton Head, dated:2sth March,
says: All the monitors, six in number, left
this morning, together with several wooden
gunboats and half a dozen schooners. The
Ericsson has just arrived here with a floating
nondescript in tow—she is called the Devil,
anti her purpose is understood to be to clear
the channel of Charleston of torpedoes and
other obstructions.
The price steamer Peterhoff arrived at New
York on the 28th from Port Royal, whence she
sailed on the 24th. Acting master Lewis, who
brought her in, reports that on the night of the
24th instant, when within *eighteen miles of
Charleston, As saw many dontbsAying, and heard
the meort.of :heavy sum. All the officers of the
vessel conclude 'that this must arise from the
bombardment of Fort Sumpter, in which opin
ion they were confirmed by the
. fact that all
the monitors, seven in number, had left Port
Royal on Sunday for, what was then said,
Charleston.' Therflashds and explosions were
distinctly seen until nine o'clock . thnt night,
when the ship was thirty-five miles of the
By an arrival -at New York from New Or
leans, intelligence has been received that the
steamer Bio Die 41:88 totally destroyed *by fire
on the morning of the 22d, after her arrival at
New Orleans. The loss includes cargo and
passengers' luggage. The origin of the fire
unknown. General Groover's forces had re
turned to Baton Rouge with 350 bales of eot
ton, 1,200 to 1,500 hhds. of sugar, and over
f',,000 barrels of molasses, and information that
more can be readily obtained, Capt. Young
bkood, chief of Gen. Gardiner's staff, and five
members of the rebel Signal Corps were cap.
tared. Capt. Youngblood says the rebels have
a force in reserve which can readily be threara
into Port Hpdson or Vicksburg. U. S. stea
mers Hartford and Albatrois appear to be the
only vessels of Admiral Farragut's fleet that
passed Port Hudson. The Richmond made a
gallant attempt, but failed. The destruction of
the Mississippi is confirmed-62 of her crew
mieding, 42 of whom were taken prisoners and
the' balance killed. The 162 d N. Y. regiment
had a akirmish on the Clinton road on the 15th
with rebel cavalry, and five rebels were killed,
when the rest skedaddled. On our. side one
killed and one slightly wounded. Over 2,000
bales of cotton had been received at New Or.
leans during the past week.
For many years a certain set of men have
been striving to make Abolitionism popular, a
labor which has never been attended with suc
cess—but their zealous efforts have been in a
measure rewarded, by the asoencion to power
of an anti-slavery administration. The major
ity of the people of the United States always
have been, and still are, unalterably opposed
to the anti-American doctrines which compose
the creed of politica! Abolitionism. The very
name under which these unreasoning fanatics
sailed as a party, has ever been detested ; a
synonym for everything that is unpatriotic.—
For this reason they were driven to the neces
sity of adopting several aliases, by which they
obtained temporary but inconsiderable tri
umphs, until they have reached the zenith of
their power as “Itepublicans," not PY the will
of the people, but through the peculiar forms
of our Constitution. Abraham Lincoln took
his seat, a minority President, but when "the
blast of war blew in our ears," the people went
en masse to the aid of an endangered govern
ment, believing that the new President would
act for the whole country, and do as he wished
others to do : forget party. But we are now
eating the bitter fruits of disappointment.—
Matters went on properly until the restless
leaders of the President's party cried out,
"take care of your friends," which meant this
—"we have got a powerful army, immense re
sources, and a good cause to act as a shield for
our designs; now is the time to use what a con
fiding people has placed in your hands to push
ahead our darling scheme of Abolition ; if you
lack strength, we will by-and-by give you full
control of the purse and sword." Thus they
hoped to force Abolitionism, so nauseating,
down the throats of the people. The progress
of the war was purtosely clogged so as to have
an excuse for "military necessity," under which
they could do as they pleased, and perpetuate
their infamous rule. If they thought by, this
means to make their dogmas popular, they have
found themselves hoisted with their own pe
tard," for never was Abolitionism so much an
object of disgust and detestation as it is to-day.
A liberty-loving people can never subscribe to
it. Let us be thankful that its own acts are
proving themselves its executioner.
MONDAY EVENING, March 30, 1863.
The Senate was called to order' at 7
o'clock 14 the SPEAKER.
Mr. REILLY presented a remonstrance from
Schuylkill county against permitting corpora
tions to hold large bodies of lands for mining
Mr. FULLER, from the Committee on Banks,
IC ported the bill to extend the charter of the
Harrisburg Bank for five years from the expi
ration of its charter. •
Mr. GLATZ read in place a bill *Wive to
huckstering in the county of York.
Mr. STEIN, a bill to incorporate the Dimes'
Saving Institution of the borough of Beth:
Mr. WILSON, a supplement to the Fall
Brook coal company.
Mr. CONNELL called up the bill relative to
tolls, &0., on the Belmont Avenue and plank
roabompany, which passed finally.
Mr. PENNY called up the bill to incorporate
the United Presbyterian Board of Publication
which passed finally.
Mr. REILLY called up the bill to incorporate
the Keystone,Gold and Silver mining company,
which passed finally.
Mr. PENNY called up the bill relative to
the payment of stamp duties in judicial pro
ceedings, which passed finally.
Mr. CONNELL called up the supplement to
the act incorporating the Mexican Pacific
company, which passed to third reading.
Mr. STEIN called up the bill to incorporate
the Saucon iron company.
Mr. BOUGHTER called up the supplement to
the charter of the city of Harrisburg, confirm
ing the report of the commissioners with cer
tain exceptions
. 17 164P fi tirehtbiltio extend
the charter of the Harrisburg Bank, which
passed finally—yeas 17, nays 11.
Mr. LOWRY, on leave given, introduced
joint resolutions to sustain citizens of Penn
sylvania in the military and naval service of
the Union. Adjourned.
MONDAY, March 30, 1863.
The House was called to order at 71 o'clock
p. m., and on motion several unimportantbills
were called up and passed.
On motion of Mr. PERSHING, a supplement
to the act to provide means for the payment
of the State interest for 1868 was taken -up
and passed finally.
Mr. HOPKINS (Phila.) asked that the rules
be suspended to consider a supplement to the
charter of the Lombard and South street rail
way_ Much dismission ensued, and the bill
passed finally.
Numerous petitions were presented, among
them several for the passage of a law to pre
vent the immigration of negroes and mulattoes
into the State.
The standing committees reported a number
of bills of a local character.
Mr. HOPKINS (Wash.) reported an bill to
punish professional legislativo borers.
Senate amendments to the bill for the incor
poration of the Pittsburg and Union telegraph
company were non-concurred in, and a com
mittee of conference was appointed.
WM/WIGTON,. March 30.
Admiral Dupont, in a dispatch to the Navy
Department dated Mara 21, attaches much
importance to the destruction of the large iron
English steamer Georgians, which he says was
brought over, by a retired British officer, and
intended for the rebel navy, to be officered in
The Navy Department, up to 1 o'clock to
day, received no confirmatory dispatches as to
the reports from Cairo.
NEW YORK, March 80.
A Fortress Monroe letter of the 28th re
ports the safe arrival of the iron-clad Keokuk
at Port Royal.
It also states that an extensive fire occurred
at Richmond two weeks since, destroying
nearly 1,000,000 bushels pf corn.
The James river is being strongly fortified
by the rebels.
The rebels were in force between the Black
water and Richmond. Their numbers are com
puted at 30,000 troops.
All quiet at Suffolk.
Gen. Keys, commanding at Yorktown, had
gone to Washington to testify before the com
mittee on the conduct of the war.
NEW YORK, March 30.
Adviees from New Orleans state that on the
approach of Gen. Banks' forces the rebels re
tired to Port Hudson.
Col. Claik, of Banks' staff, was seriously
wounded in the leg while reconnoitering. The
man who shot him was subsequently killed.
Gen. Banks was at New Orleans on the 23d.
On the return of .the army to Baton Rouge
he issued a general order, announcing that the
entire object of the expedition was accom
plished, and that it was a complete success.
The movement is understood to have been a
mere diversion to enable Admiral Farragut'S
fleet to pass the batteries, and not intended
for the reduction of Port Hudson. Our fleet
only went a few miles beyond Baton Rouge.
The gunboat Essex has been near Portlludson.
The rebel force there is said to be 20,000.
Lieut. Comdg. A. Boyd Cummings, of the
Richmond, was mortally wounded, and died at
New Orleans on the 27th.
. The Richmond had three men killed. and 7
wounded. The Monongahela lost 7 killed and
22 wounded.
of the Indiana "Copperhead" resolutions ; let
every man oomparb it with the resolutions of
the "Loyal Leagues :",
Resolved,. That notwithstanding our want of
coufidenee in the administration, we yet hereby
pledge ourselves to suppress the rebellion at
the South and restore to the government the
proper and full exercise of•its legitimate au
New Wwertietments.
ENT WANTED.—One first rate Oabi
jjl net Maker and two or three good inboriug men
wanted. Steady work and cash pay every two weeks.
Apply at the mr3l-1w ' EAGLE WORKS.
FOR RENT—The Store Boom and
three or four adjoining mama in the Rrick building
corner of Second and Pine streets.
rar3l-3t* , AUG.ItTUS LIERTRUE.
L B.
B. I. WILLIAMS, No_ 16 North Sixth street, Phila
delphia, Manufacturer of
117" The largest and finest assortment in the city, at
the lowest prices. Blinds painted and trimmed equal
to new. Stofe Shades made and lettered,. mr3l-2md
Byrirtue of certain write of retail:dal .r.zponed, Le
+sari Fheia.A and Fieri Patios, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Dauphin county, Pa. and to me di
rected, well be exposed to Public Sale or Out-cry, AT THE
COURT HOUSE, in the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin
county, Pennsylvania, ow THURSDAY, APRIL 2.34,
1863, AT Orni O'CLOCK P. M,, the following valuable
Real Estates, viz
A certain Lot or Piece of Ground, aita
ated in the town of Wiconisco, Wiconisco township,
Dauphin county, Pa., Denting on the Main street 50
feet, more or less, and extending back 114 feet, more
or less, adjoining the property of Thonas Harper on the
one side, and Henry Dheaffer on the other side; -there
on erected a one-and-a-half-story Frame Dwelling.
House, a frame Blacksmith Shop, frame Stable, &c.; on
the lot are some Fruit Trees, as the-property of ISAAC
Also, at the same time and 'place, a cer
tain Lot or Piece of Ground, situated on the corner of
Chestnut street and Dewberry alley, in the City of
Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pa., fronting on Ch.stnitt
street 26 feet 8 inches, and extending back along Dew
berry alley 210 feet to Blackberry alley, and adjoining
property of Wm. J. HObinSOn On the East; thereon
erected a large two-story Brick House, with a two-story
Brick back building; also, two Frame Houses with
Frame Kitchens on Blackberry alley; also, a large
Frame Building and Frame Stable, &c., as the property
Also, at the same time and place, a cer-
tain Lot or Piece of around, situated. in the borough
of Gratztown, Lykene township, Dauphin county, Pa.,
fronting on Market street 50 feet, more or lees, and ex
tending back to North alley 200 feet, more or less, ad
joining the property of Edward (irate on the east side
and Solomon Wolf on the west side; thereon erected a
two-story Weatherboarded Log Modal: and Kitchen, and
Log Stable and other outbuildings, good water, and on
the lot are some fruit trees, &c., as the property of
Also, at the same time and place, a cer
tain lot or piece of ground, situate in the town of Fish
erville, Jackson township, Dauphin county, Pa., adjoin
ing lot of Mrs. Frank on the west, and en the east by
school lot, fronting on -- street about 60 feet, and ex
tending back about 100 feet, more or less, to an alley ;
thereon erected a one story frame building, dcc., as the
property of PHILIP MILLER.
Also, at the same time and place, two
certain adjoining lots of ground, situated on the east
side of Ridge sienna, in the Sixth ward, in the city of
Harrisburg, being lots No. 1 and 2 in the plan of lots
laid out by John W. Hall and wife, and together boun
ded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a
post the corner of a lot the property of O. S. Davis;
thence by the said avenue in a northerly direction 40
feet to the corner of lot No. 3; thence by the line of
said lot at a right angle with said avenue 211 feet to a
post; thence southerly by a line parallel with Ridge
avenue 40 feet to the line of the lot of C. 8, Davis afore
said, and thence by said line 211 feet to the place of
beginning, as the property of SAMUEL W. ROBERTS.
Also, at the same time and place, a cer
tain lot or piece of ground, situated in the town of
Highspire. Lower Swatara township, Dauphin county,
Pa., fronting on the Harrisburg and Lancaster turnpike
road 40 feet, more or less, and extending back 185 feet,
more or less, to an alley, adjoining lot of Feiletta Dem
my on the west, and lot of Shell en the east, and
the turnpike on the north, and an alley _on th,,annth
as t iatb","'al, Ifie s ame time a nd place, a cer
tain piece or ttracf-t :i n l u an 4 d7stused —s iWiconisoo town
ship, Dauphin county, Pal, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone heap; thence by
lands of Henry and William Eicbmoele south 23{ de
grees, west 109% perches to a stone i theiice by lands
of the same north 82 degrees, east 78 perches to stones;
thence by lands of Frederick Albert north 3 degrees,
east 125 perches to stones; thence by lands of Henry
and William Scbmoele due west 4,1 i perches to stones;
thence south 2 degrees, west 30 perches to stones;
thence due west 52 perches to the place of beginning,
containing fifty acres, more or less; it being the same
property which John S. Updegrove and Catherine. his
wife, by their deed dated the first day of Jannary,lBs7,
sold and ponveyed to Genrge Riney; thereon erected a
two-story frame house and saw mill, &0., as the property
Also, at the same time and place, all
that certain frame house. two stories, iiiroensions 28 by
28 feet, erected on lot No. 259 in the town of Lykens
town, Dauphin county, Pa., as the property of FRAN
CIS FEltor.r.
Also, at the same time and place, a cer
tain .piece or tract of land, situated in East Hanover
township, Dauphin county, Pa,
containing -28 acres,
more or less, adjoining lands of Andrew Hoover on the
east, Jacob Hoofnagle on the south, Peter Haulier oa
the west, and others;
thereon erected a ove-and.a.half
story log house and frame barn, spring house, weaver
shop, corn crib and good water, apple orchard with good
fruit, Ste., as the property of JOHN ADAM BROWN.
Also, at the same time and place, a
dwelling house two stories in,height, and back building
attached thereto one story in height ; said dwelling
house, two stories in height, having a front of 16 feet
and a depth of 16 feet, and said back building, one story
in height, having a width of 12 feet and a depth of 14
feet, situate upon a certain lot of ground belonging to
said Frederick Peters, on the east side of Race street,
'in the city of Harrisburg, being lot No 17 in the plan
laid out by Dr. Geo. W. Reilly, situate immediately
between and adjoining lots No. 16 and 18 in. the same
plan, now in possession and owned by Haveratick
on the west side, and John Heiler on the east side, said
house having an alley on the east side having a width
of 4 feet, said hinuse being frame, with one room down
and one room up stairs, and haying a cellar beneath
with walls of plpiik, and said appurtenances or back
building having but one room, .ko., as the Property of
Also, at the same time and place, two
certain lots of ground, situate in Lykenstown, Wicon
isco township, Dauphin county, Pa., fronting on South
.street ICO feet, more or less, and extending back 160
feet, more or .less, to an alley, adjoining property
of Gratz on the east and west, north by a 16
feet alley; thereon erected a two-story log house, frame
stable, &c., as the property of JOHN OHEAN.
Also, at the same time and place, a cer
tain piece or tract of land, situated in East Hanover
township, Dauphin county, Pa.. containing 26 acres,
more or less, adjoining lands of Thomas Hughes on the
south, William Hughes on the east, Daniel Hrich on
the north and west; thereon erected a two-story log
house and log barn, wash house, &e., good running wa
ter, apple orchard, &a , as the'property of JOHN SOW
Also, ;will be solfLat public sale at the
public house of RAYMOND & KENDIG, in theboroogh
of Middletown, Dauphin county, Pa., on FAIDA.I,
the 24th day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the
folloivirg valuable real estates, to. wit;
A certain lot or piece of ground, situate
in the borough of Middletown, Dauphin county, Pa.,
fronting on Swatara street, now called Union street, 50
feet, more or less, and extending back to Swatara creek
180 feet, more or loss, adjoining lot of Monodrama &-
Lescure on the north, and lot of William P. Murray on
the south; thereon erected a two-story framehouse and
a one-story frame building, &c., as the property of
Also, at the same time and place, a cer
tain lot of ground, situated on the corner of Lawrence
street and Witherspoon igley, in the borough of Mid
dletown, Dauphin county, Pa., fronting on Lawrence
street 50 feet, more or less, and extending back same
width 210 feet, more or less. to Franklin alley ; thereon
erected a two-story frame house, pump with good water
and $O4 e fruit trees, as the property of JOHN S. MACK
Also, at the same time and place, a cer
tain lot of ground, situate on Union Street, in the bor
ough of Middletown. Dauphin county, Pa., fronting on
Union street feet, and extending back to the Union
•canal, being lot No. 78 in the plan of Portsmouth, and
adjoining lot of the estate of Fisher, deceased, on
the north; thereon erected a two-story Frame house,
kg., as the property of GEORGE KURTZMAN.
Seized and taken into execution, and to be sold by
JACOB D. BOAS, Sheriff.
Harrisburg, March 30,1863. 5
TERMS :—The purchaser will be required to pay $5O
of the purchase money when the property is the
if under $5OO ; if over $5OO, ten per cent. of tha amount,
and the balance before the conflrmatk not the saleby the
Court. tar3l4ltw3t
NOTICE.—The Carters and Wagoners
of the City of Harrisburg are requested to meet
at Peters' Hotel, in Market street, on. Tueiday, the 31st
inst. The object, of themeeting is to effect an. organ
ization as a strike for higher wages is deemed nacaa
'WHITE BRANDY 1 I.I—FoR, Pazsztv
v Imo iouurossie.4-41'very superior article, (strictly
/ mired Julia received and for sale by •
JulYl WM. DOOM, Jr. l & Co.
MN .ID O ,ISf3.
Address "PBABLEM
Box 943 P. 0.,
Philadelphia, Pa
Circulars, &c., carefully and 'promptly distributed.
/13" Residence, South above Second street.
Assortment of New Looking Glasses, just received,
at W. IiNOuHE , S Music Store, 93 Market street, where
they w ill be sold cheap. Call and examine. rarl3
NOTICE—To nil whom it may con
cern.—Persons are hereby cautioned not to give
any credit to the firm of Early & Alamo, as Ido not
hold myself liable or responsible for any goods, wares
or merchandize contracted by said firm from this date,
Norfolk, Va., March 28, 1863—St*
Tuesday Evening, March 31,
LIAM PEARSON, of New York City.
The only complete artistic work of the kind in exist
ence, being a complete history of the Great Contest,
illustrating all the principal
Naval Engagements,
Naval Engagements,
Naval Engagements,
Parades, Sieges,
Parades, Sieges,
Parades, Sieges,
Camp Life,
Camp Life,
Camp Life,
Not only showing all the principal Fortifications,
Towne and Cities, but also following our brave troops
through their various positions and evolutions, the
whole forming a series of
Tickets 25 cents—Packages of six one dollar
Doors open at 7 o'clock, to commence quarter before
S. Persons desirous of engaging tickets will please
apply at WARD'S Music Store, Third street.
Employment! Male and Female Agents wanted
in every town and city in the United States. $2O to $4O
per month can be made, and no bumVug. Business easy
and respectable. It requires a very entail capital, and
will not interfere with other employment. This is no
book agency or humbug of any kind. No person will
regret having sent for this information, let Ma employ
ment be what it may. Full particulars given to &limbo
inclose TNN ORNY9, and address HARVEY BROWN & Co.,
Amoskeag, N. H. . mr2d-ddtw4t*
BALTIMOEI, March 19, 1563.
The safe of the Adams Express Company was robbed
on Wednesday night between Baltimore and Harris
burg. It contained various sums of money in currency
and gold, a large number of United States certificates
of indebtedness, United States five.twenty bonds, and
checks of the United States Treasurer on the Assistant
Treasurer of New York, payable to the order of the
Adams Express Company. A reward of Five Thousand
Dollars is offered by the Company. The public are in
ferred to the list of the numbers of the foods and cer.-
titicatee published by the Company, and are cautioned
not to negotiate any of them
Four United Stites Certificates of Indebtedness, $5,-
000 each, numbers 21.449, 21.450, 21,451, 21,453.
48 United States Certificates, of $l,OOO each
lies. 69,342, 69,343, 69,844.
Nos. 59.212, 59,213.
No. 59,199.
Nos. 59,203, 59,204, 59,21'5, 59,208.
N og . aw2on, cocoa, 01",102.
_ 09.145, 59.149.
Nos. 59,146, 69,147.
Nos. 59./31. 69,130, 59,129.
Nos. 59,247, 59,248.
Nos. 69,190, 59.191, 59.192, 69,193.
Nos. 69,332, 69,883, 59,834, 59 886.
Nos. 59,880, 59.318, 69.319.
Nos. 59,320, 59 821, 59,322, 59,323, 59,224.
Nos. 59 317, 59.325.
Nos. 59 302; 69,393, 59,304, 59,305.
Nos. 58,879, 59,088, 59,019, 59,070.
Ten 5-20 United States Bonds, Nos. 18,179 to 18,188
The following checks of F. E. Spinner, Treasurer of
11. S., on Assistant. Treasurer, New York, payable to
the order of the Adams Express Company;
Cheek No. 856, for $lOBO, for ac. G„ M.Felix, Cincinnati.
" 859 1 ' 2098 13 3.11 &T. Gibson, "
" 855 a 1080 " Conrad & Wagner, "
" 866 " 450 " Wilson & Hayden, "
" 865 " 3220 «A. Behlen '
864 " 5015 15 " J. Shillits& Co., "
" 867 404 " Geo Foap,
868 " 483 . 87 11 3 W Wagner & Co. "
" 858 2645 .1 H. Morton, St. Louis.
" 361 " 1507 40 " R. F. Barry,
The public are cautioned not to negotiate any of the
above bends or certificates:
HENRY SANFORD, Superintendent
Adams) Express Company.
1863. 1863.
ROAD—This great line traverses the Northern
and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of
Erie, on Lake Erie.
It has been leased by the Pentisyiroaxia' Rail Road
Company, and under their auspices is being rapidly
opened throughout its entire length.
It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business
from Harrisburg to Driftwood, (Second Fork,) (UT
miles) on the Fastens Division, and from Sheffield to
Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Division.
Leave Northward.
Mail Train..... 2.30 a. in. I Express Train.. 3.20 p. in.
Care run through without change both ways on these
trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be
tween Baltimore and Lock Haven.
Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways
between Williamsport and Ealtiinore, and Williamsport
and Philadelphia.
For information respecting Passenger business apply
at the B. E. cor. 11th and Market streets.
And for Freight business of the Company's Agents.
S. B. Kingston, Jr, cor. 13th and Market streets,
J. W. Reynolds, Ride.
J. Ili. Drill, Agent N. O. R. R.,Baltimore.
Gen'l Freight Agt., Phi Pa.
Gen , l Ticket Agt.,
Genii Manager, Williamsport.
PIANOS carefully packed or removed
by R. WARD.
mr23-2w 12 North Third street.
LOOKING GLASSES, of all sorts and
sizes, at WARD'S,
• mar23.2w 12 North Third street.
MMINCE PIES I —Raisins, Currants,
.ILL.Citron spices, Lemons, Cider, Wine, Brandy and
Btu% for Rale by WIC DOCK, Jr., k Co.
OR SALE—A Home and Lot, on
Sixth street, near State. Enquire at the Exchange
Office of B. L. MTIILLOOH,
26 Market street,
Where the highest price is always paid for (imp and
MYER. fe14.2-dtf
JAPANESE TEA.—A choice lot of
this celebrated Tea just received. It is of the first
cargo ever imported, and is much superior to the Chi
nese Teas in quality, strength and fragrance, and is also
entirely free of adulteration, coloring or mixture of any
It is the natural leaf of the Tapeneie Tea Plant;
For sale by WM. DOCK, Jr., & Co.
FIFTY GROSS of, the above Superior Matches just
e.t.a& and for sale by WM. DOOR, .141.dr. CO.
BASKETS of all descriptions, qualities and prices,
for sale bj WM. DOOR, Ja., & 00.
Green Corn just received by
the market, for sale ty WM. DOCK, .741, 1 dt CO.
WM. DOCK S Ea." &.CO