cabbaging, if that word may be applied to dia mond-cutting as conveniently as to tailors, for it was sadly reduced by the process. It was cut in rose, that is, flat underneath, with its upper put in many little faces, usually tri angular. By this mode, many carats were pro bably taken from below,as its present weight is only a fraction over 279 carats. Nevertheless, it is valued at 880,000 guineas. , c i atriot t'dim FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 27, 1863. 0 MUM= & (Kit, tiIOPSIRTOPAL OemnninimAtona will not be pnbliehol in the Per uor ♦aD 1311101 as necompanied with the name of the anthem. KINGB3III7t, BBQ., of Towanda, is a &dr an t/UW.4A agent-to coiled accounts and receive sabscrlp lions and advertisements for this paper. Novinasit 22. 1522. X- M. PETTICMOILL & CO., Me. V, Parknew, Y, and 6 Meta SU, Boston, Asa oar Agents for The PATRIOT as thnoi in those stiles, and are =thorned to hike Advertnentate and Inbaniptions for as at oar Lowest Bates. VOX. VALE. Limeend-hand Japans Panee,platen 39M by Winches to good order; can be worked either by hand or steam power Terme moderate Inquire at this ogles. TO THE PUBLIC. THE PATRIOT AND 17sriow and all its business operations wlll hereafter be conducted exclu sively by 0. Beimarr and T. G. POMEROY, un der the firm .of 0. BARRETT & Co., the connec tion of H. F. M'Reynolds with said establish ment having ceased on the 20th November, inst. Novranota„ 21, 1862. To Members of the Legislature The DAILY PATRIOT AHD UNION will be furnished to Members of the Legislature during the newton at Two DOLLAR" Members wishing extra copies of the DAILY PATRIOT AID lIJI.ToR, can procure them by leaving their orders at the publication office, Third street, or with our re porters in either House, the evening previous. Dauphin County Democratic Committee. The Democratic County • Committee for the county of Dauphin will meet at the public house of James Raymond, (White Hall), in the city of Harrisburg. on SATURDAY, MARCH 28th, at 2 o'clock r. W., for the purpose of Axing a day for the election of delegates to the Democratic County Convention. and also a time for the meeting of said•convention. By order of the Chairman. FRANK Swim Secretary. Loyal Leagues. Raodyed, That we denounce the meetings re cently gotten up in this and neighboring cities, with the money and by the agency of office holders, or would-be office holders, under Re publican patronage, together with contractors, jobbers, and agents for government plunder, for the purpose of organizing "loyal leagues;" that in our judgment these leagues boar a marvellous and striking similarity to the Wide Awake clubs of 1860, and appear to be con trolled and officered by the very same class of men; that we adjure all Democrats, if any there be, who have been seduced into these leagues under false pret ences,to reflect whether the old Democratic party of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson is not a sufficiently "loy al" league to live and die in.; that we point proudly to the historical evidence of the loyalty of the Democracy to the Constitution to be found in the fact that during their sixty years' ascendancy and control in the Federal goyern ment, not one malcontent was convicted of treason, not one arbitrary arrest was made, not a single court or magistrate was imFeded in legitimate powers, •not one newspaper was suppressed, and not one drop of American blood was spilled for any political offense. We ask all men to contrast these sixty years with the two past years of Abolition ascendancy. and to remember that "by their frOits ye shall know them."- The above is one of a series of resolutions passed at a meeting of the Democratic General Committee of Mozart Hall, New York, on Tues day evening last, and contains truths which it would be well for the Democrats of this State to keep in mind. Let Democrats have nothing to do with these dark-lantern, midnight con spirators against the liberties of our country —let them organize everywhere Democratic clubs, and let their action be open as noonday —let them cling to the principles of our De mocratic fathers as the last hope of our dis tracted Union—let them show to the world that their purposes are pure, and their aim the un qualified support of the Constitution founded by Washington, and the restoration of the Union—and we can feel assured that from every watch-tower around the temple of liberty will come up the cheering cry, "All is well." Military Claims. We notice that a bill has been introduced into the Senate by Major White, entitled "A supplement to an act for the adjudication of certain military claims, approved the 16th day of April, A. D. 1861" The general objects or this bill are to com pensate officers who have been engaged in re cruiting for the volunteer service from the time they commenced recruiting until they, or the men they recruited, were mustered into the United States service. This is eminently just and proper, and should meet the approbation of every member of the Legislature. It is to be hoped that this bill will be considered, per fected, and passed at an early day. Under the military law of Congress no volunteer offi cer is entitled to pay until be shall have been mustered into the United States service, and before he can be so mustered in, a Colonel Must have recruited a full regiment, a Lieuten ant Colonel ei'x full companies, a Major four companies, a Captain one company, and a Lieu-- tenant at least forty men. As is well known throughout the entire Slate, these officers were earnestly engaged for many months, spending their time and money in this service before they succeeded in getting a sufficient number of MD to entitle them to receive their appcint meats from the government, and through the consolidation of parts of regiments to meet the urgent demand for troops, and other causes, many of them never received their appoint ments at all, and it is but simple justice that these patriotic gentlemen should be reimbursed for their expenditures. The law of 1862, under the provisions of which many have been paid, expires by its own limitation on the 16th day of April next; hence the necessity of, further legislation . to place those wiio are engaged en distant fields of 'service, and who have not-had an =opportu nity to presint their claims, upon the same footing" as those who happened to have been employed nearer home. In addition to this, she old-law provided only for the payment of those officers who recruited under the author ity of the Governor of the State, excluding from its benefits all those who recruited under the auspices of the Secretary of War. This, it seems to us,' is an invidious distinction, un warranted by the circumstances. Whatever may hare been the differences between Gover nor Curtin and General Cameron, whether the Secretary of War exceeded his constitutional powers or not, the poor soldier should not suffer by it; both classes of these men worked with equal zeal and earnestness in the cause, and should both be alike rewarded for the service they have done their country. Again, under the old law, some of the vouchers ne cessary to 'establish a claim were difficult, and, in many instances, impossible to obtain, so that all were put to unnecessary trouble, and many prevented Altogether from getting the amounts due them. While it is certainly proper that every safe guard should be thrown round the public treasury, and every precaution taken to pre vent fraud, yet this meritorious class of claim ants should not be asked to perform impossi bilities. From a cursory examination of the bill of fered by Mr. White, it strikes us as being im perfect in several important particulars, and we trust it will be carefully examined and amended, so as not only to protect the inte rests of the State, but to mete out even-handed justice to ill those who assisted in recruiting the gallan army sent by Pennsylvania to the field of battle. The New Mayor of Harrisburg. To- dav the Mayor elect will be sworn into office. Toward the unseemly aspersions of the Hessian Abolition paper, which,.during the late con test for the Mayoralty, filled its columns with the low garbage of its abuse of this highly esteemed and universally respected gentleman, we maintained a contemptuous silence. We do not mean now to reply to anything that paper has said ; what is due to the services of such a man as General Roumfort is not due to the diereputable licenee of a notoriously infamous public print. The family of General Roumfort, the new Mayor, came from the State of New York and settled in Pennsylvania in 1810. During the war of 1812 he entered, at the age of seven teen, the service of the United States, as a volunteer under General Cadwalader, to repel an expected invasion of this State by the Bri tish. After the repulse of the British at Balti more, the danger of invasion having ceased, Gen. Roumfort entered the Military Academy at West Point. In 1817 he graduated from that institution. In 1819 he resigned his li commission in the army, and opened a military and classical school at Mt. Airy, near Phila delphia, which he conducted with signal suc cess until the famous United States Bank con troversy during Gen. Jackson's administration, in which Gen. R. took a prominent part against the Bank, which resulted in his proscription by the Bank party. Having in consequence been obliged to give up his school, he was appointed without solicita tion to the post of military- store—keeper at Frankford Arsenal. In this position he re mained until the accession of Harrison to the Presidency, when he resigned. In the fall of 1841, he was elected member of the Legisla ture for the city and county of Philadelphia. He served three successive terms in the lower House, and took a prominent and distinguished part in the political measures of the day. As chairman of the Military Committee,- and the Committee of Ways and Means, he became a leading and active supporter of the bills for the forced resumption of specie payment by the banks, the cancellation of relief notes, the bill for the repeal of imprisonment for debt, and other equally important measures. In 1842 he was elected Brigadier General of the Second brigade of the First division of Pennsylvania Militia. While serving in this capacity, in 1844, at the head of the volunteers of his brigade, he was prominently engaged in quelling the memorable riots of that year in Philadelphia, and succeeded, by prompt energy and decision, in putting down the rioters and restoring order to the city. In 1845, he was appointed by Gov. Shunk Harbor Master of the port of Philadelphia, and continued to serve in this capacity until 1848. In 1851, he was appointed by the Democratic Canal Board Superintendent of the Philadel phia and Columbia railroad. Toward the close of 1852, he became Superintendent of the East ern Division of the Pennsylvania railroad and a resident of Harrisburg. In 1860, he re signed his position on the railroad, and has since lived in retirement, until his recent elec tion to the Mayoralty. * General Roumfort, in public life, has been widely known for his upright and consistent adherence to the principles of Democracy, for his sound judgment and incorruptible integ rity. In private and public he has borne the character of a polished and educated gentle man. His ability as legislator and executive officer has given him wide-spread and well merited reputation throughout the State. The Democracy of Harrisburg have done them selves and this city credit by the honor they have recently and so well bestowed upon our distinguishes townsman,. and all parties have reason for congratulation that the office is about filled so worthily in the person of Gen. Roumfort. TRH PRoBaBLE DRAFT or Naoaous.—Under this head the Cincinnati Commercial hae the following. The darkies are in for it. Their Abolition friends are after them with a deter- mination to make them fight, ?taw roles: So let them hurry up the negro draft : If the policy of arming negroes is adopted, and that seems to be the tendency of the times, the probability of a draft of the able-bodied free male blacks, in the Northern and Border States, becomes a matter worthy immediate and solemn consideration. The census of 1860 gives the following return of free male blacks: California 2,827, Connecticut 4,136, Dela Ware 9,880, Illinois 3,809, Indiana 5.791, lowa 506, Kansas 286, Kentucky 5,100, Maine 659, Ma ryland 89,746, Massaohnketts 4,469, Michigan 3,567, Miniesota 126, Missouri 1,697, New Hampshire 253, New Jersey 12,312, New York 23,178, Ohio 18,442, Pennsylvania 26,373, Rhode Island 1,831, Vermont 371, Wisconsin 653. Total 156,082. Perhaps one-third of the male blacks may be called able-bodied, giving us black men, to be drafted from, 55,327. We presume not more than 45,000 could be got at and made available. In order, therefore, to raise a form) . of 15,000 blacks, and we shall went that Tinny in addition to the contrabands convertible into soldiers. it will be necessary to draft every third, or citizen with a visibleiadmiature of African blood, having a habitation in the free and border slave States. This would seem pretty heavy for a start, but it would not be largely out of proportion to the number of white men who have entered the military service; and if the negroes, commen cing at this latt day, would do their full share, every other man of them should "go to the war." As soon as the policy of calling out our Black Reserve is adopted, there will, of course, be arrangements made to bring the negroes up to the work in full force. In the first place, doubtless, they will be allowed to volunteer, and while they are about it, all will be regis tered preparatory to the process of drafting. General News The 'Loulaville, (Ky.,) Mammal announces that the rebels are in large force under Breck inridge at Harrodsburg, and that the federal forces under Gen. Carter are falling back on Frankfort. Breokinridge has issued a procla mation carrying out the conscription act, which is being rigidly enforced in all parts of Ken tucky now under rebel rule. We learn by a dispatch from Cincinati, re ceived last evening, that there was consider able skirmishing on Wednesday and the day previous between our cavalry and the rebel advance, south of the Kentucky river. About fifty prisoners were captured. The rebel force was estimated at from four to ten thousand. our troops are concentrating rapidly, and con fidence is felt in their ability to repel the in vasion. A Confederate cavalry force under Forrest, Wheeler and Wharton, attacked our force, 500 strong, atßrentwood,nine miles from Nashville, on the Franklin road, on Wednesday morning. After a feeble resistance, with the loss of only one man killed and four wounded, the Federals, under Lieut. Colonel Bloodgood, surrendered. The enemy were afterwards pursued six miles west of Brentwood by Gen. Green Clay Smith with 600 men. Meeting at last the entire con federate force, 5,000 strong, he was forced to retire, after retaking and destroying all the wagons and 'ammunition captured by the enemy. A party of guerrillas last week made a raid on the railroad north of Grand Junction, TWO., tore up the track, destroyed cars, captured a feW prisoners and then ran. It is believed in Cincinnati that the rebel force which has occupied Danville, Ky., is to be the advance of Gen. I, ongstreet's division. Federal troops are pouring into the Queen City on their way to check the invasion of Kentucky, and an active campaign is threatened. No important movements are reported from General Hooker's Army of the Potomac. Our cavalry had a brisk skirmish with. the rebels in front of Chantilly, Va., on Monday evening. They drove the enemy for two miles, but get ting into an ambuscade in the woods our troops were driven back by a heavy fire of carbines and pistols and a superior force of the foe. Reinforcements under Captains MeGuire and Haberack then arrived, and drove back the rebels a distance of eight miles. Night com ing on our column then returned to Chantilly, with the loss of one killed, three wounded, and one of their number taken prisoner. • The Union camp at Winfield, N. C., was at tacked by a force of 300 rebels before day break on Monday, and the garrison made a vigorous defence from their block house, the gunboat, which was usually stationed there, being tem porarily absent. A force of °oval% y was im mediately forwarded by Gen. Peck from Suf= folk, to aid the beleagured camp, at six o'clock on Monday evening ; but 'the result of their enterprise has not reached us. Gen. Foster, who, fortunately, was at Plymouth, where he expected an attack, sent the gunboat Terry and another, which, he reports, will be able to cut off the retreat of the enemy. It was feared, that if relief did not arrive in time the besieged would be starved out ; but no doubt the prompt reinforcements averted this necessity. Important intelligence is conveyed by a Coucinnati dispatch, which states that the Yazoo river expedition has come to a stand still, and we are acting on the defensive. The Chillicohet was temporarily disabled in the last engagement. The Battey Wilson has been dis mounted and the guns returned to the gunboat DeKalb. The Lafayette and other gunboats are reported up the Yazoo above Haine's Bluff. Other gunboats have gone up. Stirring news is expected from that quarter. Although the evacuation of Haine's Bluff by the rebel garrison is not credited, the previous assurance that our gunboats have succeeded in reaching the Yazoo through Black's and Steele's bayous, is. The position thus at tained, when possessed by large force, must inevitably result in decided advantage both to the siege of Vicksburg and the attack on Fort Pemberton. A dispatch from Memphis to the Cincinnati Commercial says that Admiral Farragut discov ered the Indianola at Ilardtimes Bend and re captured her without resistance. The rebels had been at work on her and she was nearly ready for service: The Queen of the West is up Black river, out of the reach of our vessels. A mail from Admiral Farragut's fleet has reached Memphis. The Jackson Appeal of the 18th says that Gen. Banks failed to make the land attack, and that Farragut went on alone ; he passed the batteries at night under a terrific cannonade. The Mississippi was burned to the water's edge, and thirty of her offwers and crew were captured. It is rumored that the rebel batteries at Ilaine's Bluff have been flanked through the new route to the Yazoo river. Governor Curtin , arrived at the headquarters of the Army of the' Potomac on Wednesday. He was accompanied by Mr. Coffey, of Phila delphia, Colonel Puleston, of his staff, the Surgeon General of Pennsylvania, Mr. MeCorm meek, of the Agricultural Department, and others. The party arrived by special train, and were met with great cordiality and wel come by General Hooker. Conveyances were placed at the Governor's disposal, and be vis ited the divisions of Generals Birney and Hum phrey. His presence excited great enthusiasm among the troops}. - The Navy Department has advices of the capture of the schooner Charm at the mouth of Indian River Inlet, on the 2.2 d ult., by a boat expedition from the United States steamer Sagamore. She was bound for Nassau, N. P., with a load of cotton. Also of the capture of the Spanish sloop Relampago, at Charlotte Harbor, Florida, on the 3d instant, by the United States schooner James 8. Chambers. Her cargo consisted of coffee, liquors, shoes, Ste. She was sent to Key West for adjudica tion.. On the succeeding - day the Chambers chased ashore the sloop Ida near the same locality. Her cargo, consisting principally of liquors, *as partly saved. A rebel flag was found on board. Not being able to get her off, she was burned. The premium upon gold has fallen heavily in New York. Oa Wednesday the quotation was 1451. Yesterzlay it sold as•low as 140 and 139 i, sad a further decline is expected. This fall has crested a perfecs stampede in the mar kets, especially among produce and dry goods dealers. The Ninth army corps, General Burnside's old command, has gone west over'the Balti more and Obio railroad, to join the General in hie newleld of duty. The funeral of Major General Sumner took place at Syracuse, N. Y., on Wednesday. There was an immense gathering of the friends of the lamented chief from all parts of the country, the obsequies were unn'ually solemn and and impressive. Since the commencement of the war the death of no man has created so great a sensation throughout the country as the death of Major General Sumner. It is believed at Washington that an evacua tion of the old rebel line on the Rappahannock is going on or is about to take place. The late articles in Richmond papers stating that rail roads are unable to supply their armies as at present worked would seem to confirm this.— It is likewise alleged that Southern circles in Baltimore are of the opinion that a general evacuation is an immediate probability. A board of officers has been permanently or ganized in the Army of the Potomac, for the purpose of examining candidates for promotion from the ranks, and also those enlisted men who have already received commissions. Sev eral of the latter have been found not to possess the requisite qualifications for the position of commissioned °peers, and their appointments will therefore be revoked. Colonel Currie, commanding a sub•depart meat about Plaquemine, La., has just made a most important and successful reconcoissance into the interior of Louisiana. He rescued a large amount of cotton from destruction, and secured numbers of contrabands and prisoners. A correspondent of the Boston Herald, wri ting from the blockading fleet off Charleston, under date of March 16, confirms the previous report that a serious mutiny bee occurred at Fort Sumpter, adding that during the night of the 12th Forts Moultrie and Sumpter were seen firing at each other; that between one and two hundred shells were discharged, and that finally a white'fiag was displayed from Fort Moultrie. Deserters, a day or two afterwards, asserted that a serious mutiny had occurred, General Beauregard shooting the mutineers without trial. A gigantic attack upon Charleston has been decided on, and will be put into execution very soon. Admiral Dupont has been prepared to make the naval assault with every prospect of success for some time past, and has only de layed it to accommodate the military powers. The claims against Costa Rica comprised about forty cases. Of these, eighteen or twenty were, in the absence of the parties interested, managed by an attorney selected by the Gov_ ernment, and the remainder by Hon. Reverdy Johnson, Charles Cushing, and other eminent counsel. J. M. Carlisle was attorney for Costa Rica, and the Italian Minister acted as umpire. The aggregate claims were $2,500,000, but the result of the eommiesionts that the SUM of only $25,000, or 1 per centum on that amount, is all that is due. We have Vera Cruz dates to the 4th inst., which state that Puebla has not been taken by the French, nor did they appear to progress very rapidly. St. Domingo advices of the 9th ult. confirm the reported suppression of the rebellion there. Honduras dates to the 20th ult. represent that the revolt has been suppressed and order restored, but all males between 16 and 50 are called to arms by the government. The difficulty betireen Guatemala and San Salvador has been settled through the inter vention of the English and American Minis ters. Venezuelan dates to the 21st ult. disprove the statement that Caracoas was in possession of the insurgents, and on the contrary it is now stated that the latter have been routed. The Maine Legislature yesterday adopted concurrent resolutions fully endorsing Lin coln's emancipation proclamation, approving of compensated emancipation and the use of negroes in the military service of the United States, and opposing all suggestions of com promise, and then adjourned in die. PENN'A LEGISLATURE. SENATE. TECURSDAY, March 26, 1863. The Senate met at 14 o'clock and was called to order by the SPEAKER. PETITIONS Mr. CONNELL, the remonstrance of one hundred and ninety citizens of Germantown against the use of steam dummies on the Ger mantown passenger railway. Also, the remonstrance of ninety citizens of Philadelphia against the passage of a law to prevent the immigratioa of colored persons into this State, as contrary ro the bill of rights and obristian principles. Mr. RIDGWAY, a remonstrance against the construction of a passenger railway on Ninth and Twelfth Biretta, Philadelphia. Also, a remonstrance against the exclusion of colored persons. M. SERRILL, a petition from Chester coun ty asking that fines for the non•performance of military may be applied to county pur poses. Mr. M'SHERRY, a petition from two hun dred and twelve citizens of Adams county of similar import. Mr. REILLY, a petition from Schuylkill county for the passage of a law to prevent the payment of wages in store orders. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Mr. NICHOLS (Railroads) reported the sup plement to the Germantown passenger railway, with an amendment striking out all relating to the use of steam en said road. Mr. lIIESTAND (Corporations) reported a bill relating to the board of port wardens. Mr. LOWRY, (Federal Relations,) joint reso lutions in favor of the vigorous prosecution of the war for the suppression of rebellion. Mr. ROBINSON, from the committee of con ference on adjournment, reported a resolution providing that the Legislature will adjourn the die on Wednesday, the 15th of April, which was agreed to. BILLS OITA ODITCBD. Mr. CONNELL, a :All providing for the pay ment of the Reserve Brigade, first division of Pennsylvania militia, for services in the riots of Schuylkill county in May, 1862. Mr. STARK, a bill providing for the ergo tion of a new county out of parts of _Lonnie, to be called Madison. . . Mr. ROBINSON, a supplement to the Cleve land and Mahoning railroad company. Mr. RIDGWAY, a bill to repeal the act of May Ist, 1861, the effect of which bas been to retard the extension of sewers. This bill is introduced in accordance with the recommen dation of the board of surveyors and regula tor. DIILAWANN AND HUDSON CANAL COMPANY The SPEAKER announced Messrs. HIES TAND, WALLACE and TURRELL as the committee, in accordance with the resolution of the Senate, to investigate whether the Delaware and Hudson canal company have violated their chartered privileges. BILLS CONSIDSRED The bill from the House to prevent the obetruction of streets and highways by loco motive engines and cars, came up in order 3n second reading, and was postponed for one week. The amendments of the House to the bill legalizing the payment of bounties to volun teers, were read and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. CONNELL called up the bill to reduce the par value of the stock of the Philadelphia and Erie railroad company from one hundred to fifty dollars, which passed finally. The bill extending the time for the com mencement and completion of the Philadelphia and Montgomery County railroad passed finally. Mr. WHITE called up Senate bill No. 535, a supplement to the act of 1862 for the adju dication and payment of military claims. Mr. DONOVAN offered an amendment pro viding that any person having authority from the Governor or the Secretary of War, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act without hav ing received a commission ; which was agreed to. Mr. M'CANDLESS offered an amendment providing that when a company has been re cruited, in whole or in part, the captain or other officer shall be entitled to all the provisions of this act, except monthly pay ; which was agreed to. The Senate retuned to proceed to second reading, and the hill was postponed and ordered to be printed. Mr. REILLY called up the bill to extend the charter of the Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill County for the period of five years. Passed finally—yeas 20, nays 10. Mr. LOY/ J AY called up the bill to compel the Erie canal company to construct and keep in repair the bridges, made necessary by the con struction of their canal; which passed finally. Adjourned until this afternoon. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Senate met at 3 o'clock. BILLS CONSIDIORBD. Mr. STARK called up the bill to incorporate the Wilkesbarre and Philadelphia railroad company, which passed finally. Mr. RIDGWAY called irp House bill 388, a supplement to the Fairmount passenger rail way company, which was put on second read ing and postponed. Mr. CONNELL called up the bill in relation to the plan of survey of certain streets in the 24th Ward of the city of Philadelphia. Passed finally. Mr. CONNELL also called up the bill to con firm the title of Joseph W. Moore, of Phila delphia, to a certain tract of land in Delaware county. Passed finally. The bill relating to the Callow:Num and Fo gleaville railroad company passed finally. The bill to lay out a State road in the county of Delaware and city of Philadelphia passed finally. The supplement to the Germantown passen ger railway company passed finally. The bill to extend the charter of the Bank of Danville for five years passed finally—yeas 19, nays 8. The bill to authorize the Chisel:e poseeniger railway company to extend their traok and to sell certain real estate passed finally. The bill to adjust and settle the assessed valuation of the county of Clarion passed fi nally. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, THURSDAY, March 26, 1868. The House was called to order at 10i, o'clock, by SPEAKER CESSNA. THE REPON't ON BANNS. Mr. VINCENT offered a resolution rescind ing a resolution adopted on the 19th of Jan uary, ordering 5,000 copies of the Auditor General's report on banks, the printer not being able to furnish them. Read and adopted. Some miscellaneous business of local import was trnsacted. BILLS IN PLACE Mr. YOUNG, for the grading and paving of Woodward street, in the 24th ward, Philadel phia. Mr. M'MANUS, to incorporate the Holmes burg and I3ustleton turnpike road. Mr. VINCENT, a supplement to the Phila delphia and Erie railroad company. Senate bill No. 491, an act to incorporate the Inland telegraph company, was taken up and passed finally. FINAL ADJOURNMENT The report of the committee of conference with reference to the adjournment of the Le gislature was concurred in, and therefore this Legislature will adjourn finally April 15. An act to macadamize portions of Broad street in the city of Philadelphia, was called, read the third time and passed. The House resumed the consideration of the bill, entitled "An act for the regulation of the militia of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." Mr. LUDLOW made some remarks. The previous question was called by Mr. REX, (cutting off further debate,) the bill hav ing been so amended as to require the city of Philadelphia, instead ofithe State, to Day sixty assessors of Philadelphia $2OO each for ma king a militia enrollment in 1862. The pre vious question was sustained, and the bill, as amended, was passed. CONSIDERATION OF PRIVATE BILLS The House resumed the regular order of business by taking up No. MO on the private calender. "An act repealing a supplement to an act relating to roads and highways in West Lampeter township, Lancaster co." This bill was put at the foot of the calender. An act to incorporate the Edgely cemetery company of Philadelphia was passed. An act in relation to redeemable ground rents in the city of Philadelphia was passed. Adjourned. 1863. . 1863. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL -11 great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Fazio, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened tbrOughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Driftwood, (Second Fork,) (177 miles) on the Eastern Division, and front Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRIS- BURG. Leave Northward. Mall Train..... '2.00 a. m. I Express Treat.. 3.20 p. m. Cars run through critheut change both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be. tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. llama Sitepitig . Cars on Espreaa Trains both ware between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the B. E. eor. a llth and Market strects. And for Freight business or the Company's Agents. 8. IL Kingston, Jr , cot. 13th and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. M. Drill, Agent N. O. R. R,, Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agt., Phi Pa. LEWIS L. 110UPT, Gen'l Ticket Agt., JOB. D. POTTS. marfo.dy Genii Manager, Williamsport. MONRTART AFFAIRS. 00BIZMOTDD DAILY /ROY PKILADILTHII DIAL GOVRRNMENT SECURITIES. tress York Prices. U. 8. 6e, due 1981, Coupon ]OSX It 6 Do.— due 1881. Registered Int. off. 104 M 10$ U. 8. 7 340 Treasury Notes meg 1071 tine year 6 per cent. eertificates 99x 1023: C. S. Demand Notes, old Issue. 40 4lXpr Market firm. 13PDOIE QUOTATIONS. DADEABLII OMMISOT THIII ISTAXDAND. GOLD: • I SILVDR. American, prior to 1863 $1 86 a Do Quart's... 1 36 a DO Dims and Half Dimes. 1 30 a .... Do Halves and Qrt , s(new) 1 30 a 132 Dollars, Am. and lkiexican..... 138 a Do 6p.,perfeet 1 38 a.... I Do earning 138 a.... Do S. Amer... 1 88 a . Do Norwegian ... a .. live Francs 1 2 6 'Francs. 26 (adders. 31 Prussian Thalers...... 80 Germane:owns, 117 a 114 a ' Dag, Silver p. £, 6 20 a 6 36 Spanish and Hex. BM. silver, per az .. 1 62 Bans, U.D. assay, p. oz. 1 81 :ha 6 dwts.42% grains. American 50ji a4lji pr Do (dated prior to 1934) 45 a pr Elov.,Vieteria*. 6 79 a 6 80 130 T., old 616 a 6 67 Napoleon, 20fre. 6 60 a 5 55 10 francs....... 2 76 a 285, Prue. Daub. Fr. Wore.. poubloone, 8p..23 00 a 24 001 Do. hiesicen...22 00 i. 94 00 Do. Costa Bioei.2o 00a 22 00 Bare 900 tine... prm California, PO and $2O pieces. 35 prm California, $lO and $6 piseec, 88 $ • 10 Guilder Pie ces 5 70a 575 Ten Thalere 9 00 20 Mille Bele, Brasil 11 25 a 11 85 *A heavy Sovereign weig UNOITRFUENT MO Dieeount. New England New York City.. par New York State Jersey—large ...... x Jersey—small renneylvania Currency. it Delaware par Delaware—email........ Baltimore Maryland ....... al Die, of Columbia X Virginia 35 a 40 RATS OF DO= Discount. Boaton-- par a 1-10prm New York... 1-10prm Albany X a 3 Baltimore... X a X WaahingVn 2 D.o 34 a M Pittsburg %6X Detroit, Mich.. X a X Lexington, Hy.. 2a .. Milwaukie,Wie. X a X' PENNSYLVANIA COUNTRY BANE NOTES AT PAR LE PHILADELPHIA. HIRE OP BANKS. WHERE REDEEMED. Allentown Bank, Allentown Manta. & Mech. B'k. Bank of Cat:maligns Farm_ & Mech. Bank. Bank of Chester County ...... ....Farm. & Mech. Bank. Bank of Danville Bank N. Liberties. Bank of Delaware County. Bank of North Amer. Bank of Germantown Farm. & Mech. Bank. Bank of Montgomery County...... Western Bank. Bank of Pbcenixville. Mann!. & Mech. B'k. Bank of Northilmbefland, , ... .. Bank N. Liberties. Doylestown Bank, Doylestown.. ...Philadelphia Bank. .Easton Bank, Easton Bank of North Amer. Farm. B'k of Bucks Co., Bristol—Farm. & Mech. Bank. Farm. & Mech. Bank, Easton Girard Bask. Farmers' Bank, Lancaster Mechanics' Bank. Lancaster County Bank Western Bank. Mauch Chunk Bank. Girard Bank. Miners' Bank. Pottsville.. Bank of North Amer. Northnmberl'd C10.84t, Shamokin, Corn Exchange B'k. 'Union Bank, Reading Bank of North Amer. PENNSYLVANIA COUNTRY BANK NOTES AT MECOITET IN PHILADELPHIA. Allegheny 8ank......... X Jersey Shore Bank X Anthraeitaß'k,Tamaqua x Kittanning Bank.. X Bank of B Co.prem 50 Lewisburg Bank X Bank of Chambersburg. X Lebanon B'k, Lebanon.. X Bank of Chester Valley, Lebanon Val. B'k, Leb.. ti Coatesville .. —.. .... X Lock. Haven Bank X Bank of Crawford Coun- Mach's B'k, Pittsburg.. X ty, Meadville . Mechanicsburg B'k, Me- • Bank of chanicsburg.. .... .... X Bank of Gettysburg .... x Merchants' & Manufact. Bank of Lawrence C0...1. Bank, Pittsburg X Bank of Middletown.... 3( Mifflin County B'k, Lew- Bank of New Castle....l idtown X Bank of Pittsbn , g,prem. 50 Milton Bank, Milton.— X Bank of Pottstown 3( Monongahela Ban k, Citizens B'k, Pittsburg, X Brownsville X Clearfield County Bank.. X Meant Joy 8ank.......... X Columbia B'k, Columbia X Octoraro Bank, Oxford.. X Downingtown Bane X PetroltumWk,Titudville X Exchange B'k, Pittab'g. X Pittston Bank, Pittston, X Farmers' B'k, Pottsville' x Stroudsburg Bank X Farmers' B'k, Beading.. X Tioga County 8ank..... X Farmers' & Drovers' Wk, Venango B'k, Franklin, X Waynesburg. x West Branch Bank, Wil- Franklin Wk,Washing.. x liemsport X Ilarriaburg Bank X Wyoming Wk,Wilkesb'e X Honesdale Bank li York Bank, York ,V Iron City B ' k Yittebufk. X York County B ' k. Ar Tart. Ntw Watedisentents. WANTED-80MNTHING NEW ! Employment! Employment! Male and Female Agents wanted in every town and city in the United States. $2O to ;40 per month can be made, and no humbug. Business easy and respectable. It requires a very small capital, and will not interfere with other employment. This is ne book agency or humbug of any kind. No person will regret haying sent for this information, let his employ ment be what it may. Full particalars given to all who inclose TIM czars, and address 11,tayst Baown & Amoskeag, N. H. mr26-detm4tn RE MOVAL. The subeeriber has removed hli Coal Mice from 4th and Market to hfe Coal Yard on Canal, between Sd and 4th, where he will be happy to receive his old custom ers and their orders forotml. He will keep an assort ment of all kinds and sizes on hand, both hard and soft. Any orders left at his old office, on slate, or dropped in Post Office, will receive prompt attention. Pull weight guaranteed, and prices as low as any one else. Thank ful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, he would still ask for a continuance of the same. DAVID M'COHMICK. Harrisburg, March 213, 1863-ht* ROBBERY OF ADAMS' EXPRESS, FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD 11/among, Mareh 19, 1863. The safe of the Adams Express Company was robbed on Wednesday night between Baltimore and Bards burg. It contained various sums of money in currency. and gold, a large number of United States certificatee of indebtedness, United States five-twenty bonds, and cheeks of the United :tides Treasurer on the Ass'Stout TreasurPr of New York, payable to the order of the Adams Express Company. A reward of Five Thousand Dollars is offered by the Company. The public are re ferred to the list of the numberiof the Fonds and cer tificates published by the Company, and are cautioned not to negotiate any of them : Poor United States Certificates of Indebtedness, $5.- 000 each, numbers 21,449, 21,450, 21.081, 21.463. 48 United States. Certifiestee, of $l,OOO each Nos. 59,342, 59,343, 59,844. Nos. 59.212, t 9,213. No. 59,199. Nos. 59.203, 59,204 59,2 1 '6, 59,208. Nos. 59,200, 59,201, 69,202. Nos. 59.148, 69 149. Non. 59,148, 59,147. • Nos. 59 131, 69,130, 59,129. Nos. 69,247, 59,248. Nos. 59,190, 69.191, 59.192, 59,193. Nos. 59.332, 59,333, 59,334, 59 335. Nos. 59,336, 59 318, 69.319. Nos. 59,320, 59 321, 59,322, 59,323, 59,224. Nos. 59 317, 59.325. Nos. t 0 302, 59.303, 59 304, 50,305. Nos. 68,979, 59,068, 59,0 9, 59,070. ' Ten 5-20 United States Bonds, Nos 18,179 to 18,18 F inclusive. The following checks of P. N. Spinner, Treasurer ti`' U. S., on Assistant Treasurer, New York, tayable to the order of the Adams Express Company ; (heck No. 856, for $lOBO. for Re. G. M.Eslix, Cincinnati. cc 859 cc 2018 13 " J. B& T. Gibson, " cc 855 " 1080 cc Conrad & Wagner, t. " 806 ct 4co " Wilson & Hayden, cc 865 " 1220 " A. Beblen, " 864 " 5015 15 " J. Sh & Co.. - it 987 " 404. " Geo Jeep, " cc Bs3 " 483 37 "J W Wagner &Co it 853 cc .2845 cc B. Morton, St. Louie. c; 161 " 1507 40 " R. F. Barry, The public are cautioned not to negotiate any of the above beads or Cell ifleatee. HENRY SANFORD, Soperinteadont Adams' Expreis Company. mar24.3lm PIANOS carefully packed or removed WARD. inr 9 3-2v 12 North Third o'reot. LOOKING GLASSES, of all sorts and sizes, at WAND'S, mar23-2w 12 North Thi.d street. BROOMS, BRUSHES, TUBS AND D I ASNETS of all doaerlptiona, qailitioa and price for sale by WM. DOCK, Ja., Jr. CO• 14INCE PIES ! —Raisins, Currants, JAL Citron spleen, Lemons, Cider, Wine, Brandy sod awn, for sale by WM. DOCK. jr., Co. C A. .DAVIS, BILL POSTE& Circular/4*e., Carefully and prompt/T . distributed. !Er Betddenee. South above Second street. POR SALE—A • Rouse and Lot on Sixth street, near State. 'Enquire at the Ezebeefe l (Mee of S. L. 11 , 0131bLOCIT, 26 Market street, Where the highest price ip alwaye paid for GOLD and MICA& febli•dif BY QUOTAT/0/ 4 18, Discount Wheeling 2,* ,Ohio par Indiana.... par Indiana—Free 1% Kentucky . par Tennessee 10 MlPour' ...... ~.. 2 to 20 Illinois ...... .... 2 to 60 Wisconsin 2 to 60 Michigan.. 14 lowa ' . ... 1% Canada prnt 60 ,TIC 152LCUANGE. Digeonet Eit.Lottis X a X Louisville ..... a .. Cincinnati X a X Cleveland.— Xa X Chicago a par Dubuque, lowa, s.. Davenport, do.. 1a .. St..Psul, Min.. 1s .. Montreal, Can.. a..