Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, March 20, 1863, Image 4
Owing. ALL WORK P,11.0h1.1.8ND IN ONE WEEK! 104. PJNNSYLV&NIA ',REAM DYEING- ESTABLISHMENT, 104 MABICII2 1 8T31.1.111, AMTICN2I2I FOTIDTH AND FIFTH. 1111IBIBBITEG, PA., Mote weer deensiption of Lod.WI and Gentlemen's Illeesnente Pleas ikooti, are pyed, Cleansed, and Aradmiatbi ' the boot manner and at the &erten nodes. DODGP k• 00..;Piraprletors. for Galt Sr, to iittnt. nBALE.—The BUILDING an the wr M Walnut and Short 'treats, used im a IPOOPES SHOP. This building was originally built so Ant it could be turned into Dwelling Houses. It con .- wogswfahsee deparateframmi placed together oath frame being brill feet, making the entire buildi ng, as itnow _Tfo feet long and 20 feetwide. Will sell also an , ARBEWHORSE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, •••• _needy new, and one of Drawback's Patent Stave Cutters, Nowta Set of Saw for Jointing Staves. The ateee =will be sold at a bargain, as we wish to clear id en which the building stands. linquire at Mee Seekers ClMee of S. L.WOULLOCH, • febh4tf MA Market Street. NOTICE TO SPECULATORS I ‘ft*f.l;3l4 'IL number of large sire BUILDING LOTS, adjoining mike Beau' Home and Work Shops of the Pennsylvania • ilibeilresa Oorapany, will be sold low and on reasonable 'peens. Bpirry'to auM94ly JOHN W. HALL. £b,er Slablee. N Enir k LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE! Met wndertigned has opened a new Livery Stable is lootreet, adjoining the "Morgan House," andatocled fats WElla the hest ROBSRB is the market, an assortment effognat COAORBS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES and $. HS, and everything in the livery line, which. he -orillitireattcheapitatos HORSES BOARDED &dwell atikes care of on reasonable terms. Re invites his Arnicads to give him a call. 4ted.6-dtf Vault Notices. ANK NOTICE.---Notioe is hereby ALF given that the undersigned have formed an 32/10C111. 'New snit prepared a certificate for the purpose of estab asking a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposit, under trice 4 peolisions of the act entitled "A supplement to an watlM establish 'a syftem of Free Banking in Pennsyl ia, said to secure the public against loss from Insol vent lianks," approved the first day of May Anno Domini hundred and sixty-one. The said Bank to be THE -FARMERS' BANK OF MOUNT JOY, to Yhe tweeted in the borough of Mount Joy, to consist of a capital stock of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, in -wirscros of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of in ormolus Sae flame to any amount not exceeding Three Vtioasalui Dollars in all. is Udffetatt Hershey, John M. Hershey, 1116artin B. railer, Jacob M. Stauffer, Aeuten.Gerber, John H. Bear. facal-damoaw* OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given of an LA -it tteeitteit to establish a Bank of Discount, Deposit sat laszulation. ander the provisions of an act, entitled . 4, 13 a Act to establish a system of free banking in Penn er/Item:la,'" .ke , and the supplement thereto; said Bank INS be called « THE MANUFACTURERS' 13AN11," to be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster .easenty., Pa., with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Spam, to be divided into two thousand shires of Fifty Daltsza each des4-6md A DMINISTRATOR'S NOT IC E.- J 1 Whereas, Letters of administration on the estate - . lsl - 3 - ael a SISITER, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dam pier 'county, deceased, having been granted tothe sub +writer_ ald parsons indebted to the said estates re re. • scested-to make immediate payment, and those having chasms or demands against said estate will make known virale,esine without delay. 01111113TIAN B. JAMS, Zsblo-doaw6t Administrator. iiptosT , N • CRACKER --A I, 9RGE j) SUPPLY of thtse delicious crackers just received :mai for sale by WM. DOOR, Ja., & CO. ,CSOLD PENS I—The largest and Lei SA gook, from $l,OO to $l.OO-- - iirmrmitcd--4 SCIENNVER 7 B BOONSTGAII. XGELSIOR ! ! I-SUGAR CURED 3 nil MI—A Delicious Ham , cured expressly for ,l4Effaider 4/411. They are superior to any now in the mar viest. Nur24l WM. PQQ, JR., & CO Wit,EAKFAST BACON.—A small Vut very choice lot of sugar Cured "Breakfast Baca* VERlNteeed to the imported Yorkshire) just received. 9f 29 WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO ..t - OTS FOR SALE-ON NORTH ST, -MA and Pennsylvania Avenue. Apply to R. J. HALDEMAN', Cor. Front and Walnut ste. 7316f6 -3tl HICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD FOR BALES -.OUT TO STOVE OR CORD LENGTH TO SUIT PURCHASERS. o;ssEEO, LIRIUSE POSTS AND CHESNUT BAILS OUT TO ORDER. STONE ADTD SAND FOR BUILDING PURPOSES! limare 6f the subscriber at his residence on the Ridge mad, opposite the Good Will engine house, or at the Yard, corner of Second and Eroad streets ; West Harrisburg. day-dltf MINCE YIE;S! CURRANTS, .CITRON. LEMONS, XPIOES, CIDER, * VTR% .„ BRANDIES, &0., - Vim sale - by WM. DOOR, & CO, 1 - _A E S.-MADAME BURDETT, ..1-11Nrem New York. hes taken rooms on the corner of .o•3lreiter wed Sewed streets. (Wyeth's Block,) where she preparAd le oat, At and itialte Lsdlen , dreefion of evert -.description, and in the latent and most fastdonable style. Also, in the same room, machine snitching of every de eimmindion done by Mn: IMAM. ap4-dtf IREALTH, MONEY ! HAPPINESS I! MSlSkisseesoneryear, whenso mush sieknemprevells t !MIT one should provide himself with DR. HUM HOMEOPATHIC NEDICINEB, and prevent ' Atlisease in its beginning. 9IL Trash anppl7 always on hand at OQUANNSWEI BOOK-OTOILI, Awn • Harrisburg. $ IVICICWHEA.T DIEAL.-15,000 LBS. /JP SUPRA EXTRA, from Wyoming Valley, for Ws WM. DOCK, .s., & 00. SALE.-3,000 Buss PRIME YELLOW CORN. • IPEPbuslitels barley malt, first quality. I itmokaskels rye. - .fielbarree whisky, Mat quality. ltraliquisaeof RICHARD ROGELAND, wepEltl Washington Avenue, Harrisburg. •:‘NOR Stdig.--A TWO-STORY FRAME %Kamm ini3bortetreet. Inguirerof 'ieft*Of W. g• VISSZIEE. gIiPBBIOR STOOK OF LIQUORS, WM. POCK, Ja., & CO.. are now able to offer to _Siker eastomers sod-tae-publie at large, a stock of the virsat " 11 1 .P itii att the f9/nors evev 4llimpl ortal into this market, compd.- 111/4K"vatietha ; V o lfirhUSlES--IRISH, SCOTCH,OLD BOURBON. 1-'.WINE-PORT, SHERRY, OLD MADEIRA. •' *LARD, DEWEY & CO. PALE BRANDY. JAMICA SPIRITS. vINLIME NEW ENGLAND RUM. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. These liquors can an be warranted; aad in addition to lbeae Deck & Co. bevy on -band 'a - large variety of Wkisky and BrandY, to Which they invite the rertionlar attenuon of the public. • 12 LA CEIN GM — TWO9OPHIATAWO numcnia."-100 Gaol*. imilor4A oft!! Awl . 4 . t ei 'las* for sale,..wisolesale and -fed` • - • WM. HOOK, AL,* UV. • INSURANCE AGENCY. • THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY , OP PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1835. This Institution is doing business on the Mutual in surance principle combined faith a Joint Stock Capital. By the act of incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the company may sus tain. Ana as an additional secinits to the assured, the act requires that the pr ofi ts of the business *ball be funded and remain with tee corporation. as a guarantee and protection to the insured against lose, until ordered by the Board of Directors to be redeemed in accordance with a provision of the act of incorporation. This fund will be represented by, scrip issued by the company, bearing interest tot exceeding six per cent. No dividend of 'drip can be made when the losses and expenses exceed' the amount of earned premiums. Insurances will be made on Vessels, Freights and Car goes; on Goods transported by Mims& or canals, and by steamlioateon riven and lakes; also, against damage or iOlis bt Fire, for • limited time, or permanently. The undersigned, as Agent for the above well known company, will make Insurance against loss or damage by fin, either perpetnally or annually, on property in either town or country. Marina-end Inland Transportation Bieks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to BOBSIIT L. MIINNON, jan2fttf Harrisburg, Pa. LIFE INSURANCE. JJ THE GERARD LIFE INSURA.NOE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, , • OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 405 CHESTNUT ST. [CHARTER PERPETUL.] • CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - $1,543,385 THOMAS RID{/WAY, Preaidont. JOHN Y. JAMES, Actuary. CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reasonable terms. They act as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under last Wilts, and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital being paid upend invested, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, °lrma a perfect security to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or quarterly. The company add a BONUS Periodically to the insu rances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in December, 1844 the SECOND BONUS in December, 1849, the THIRD BONUS in December, 1854, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1859. These additions are made without requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to the company. The following are a few examples from the Register: No. :i 52,500 8 887 60 $3,387'50 a 182 8.000 1,050 00 - 4,050 00 lc 199 1,000 400 00 1,400 00 " 838 5,000 1,875 00 6,875 00 Agent a Harrisburg and vicinity. INSVRANCE. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. Oli PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter Perpetual: CAPITAL AND ASSETS 81,200,000 DIRECTORS:. Arthur G. Clain. Samuel W. .Tones„ John A. Brown, Samuel F.Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. Morris Wain,John Ma son, George 1.. Harrison, Francis R. Clopeßdward 8. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for the above named company, the undersigned is prepared to take Fire Risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. Office in Walnut street near Second. WILLIAM BUEHLER, junell-dly Harrisburg, Pa. SAMUEL O. DAVIS. THE COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO., f 1,475,789 35, Insured on the mutual plan, affords a reliable g-oarau tee equal to ten times the average loss on the amount insured ; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally with those who may sustain loss or damage as the case may admit of, consistent with justice to all parties concerned. Amount of Premium Notes, $155,628 40. Balance of Cash Premium unex- pond, Jan. Ist. 1i62 $1,668 57 Cash receipts during the year 1862, less Agont: 2 Commissions . 6.781 47 Cash receipts in January, 1803,.... 695 60 $6.345 84 Loam and Napenses ' paid during , the year 1862 $6,329 73 Balance unexpended, February 2d, 1863 . ..... ....„ 3,016 11 -- $9.345 84 OMNI OPPOSITE THE PENNSYLVANIA AND LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD DEPOTS, _ The undersigned having taken the above Hotel, which has been t Witted.and furnished throaglent, bee leave to inform the public that he is well prepared to accomi modate those who may favor him with their patronage, e that will give entire satisfaction. G. B. 1001,11. The UNITED STATEN HOTBL is located in the imam diets vicinity of the depots of the Petuntylvaiia sue TAW.* Wiley ranee/ids, where the traveling. pnblie ass be aeoonuncdated with every comfort without the Woos venienee or expense of going up-town Neither pains nor expense shell be spared to wmulee the guilds of this establishment ea comfortable se they can possibly be elsewhere In the city of Usorrobnrs. Careful and competent porters will always be feu& at the depots on the arrival of the tiWisre, to take charge of the baggage free of Margo. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATE WHITE EIWAN,) Baca street, above Third, Philadelphia. This establishment offers great inducements, not only on account of reduced• rates of board, but from the con trig, location to the overdue of trade, as well as the con ♦eniences afforded by several paasenger railroads run ning past and contiguous to it, by which guests can pass to and from the Hotel to the different railroad depots, should they be preferred to the reguisf omnibuses be longing to the house. I am determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort and convenience of my guests, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. DANIEL A. MUENOH, Agent of the Old Wallower Line, Respectfully informs the public that this Old Dail: i frearaportation Line,'(the only Wallower Line now to existence in this clty,) in successful operation, and prepared to carry Freight as low an any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisbdis, Sunbury, Lewin burg, Williamsport, Forney Shore,lock Haven, and all other points on the Northern Oentriii.Philadelplda and Me and Williamsport and Unica Railroads. • • DANIEL 211:01NCH, Agent, • Harrisburg, Pa. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs, Peacock, Zell lc Hinchmah. Aro. 808 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, khiladelphis, by 4 o'clock p. m., will arrive at Harrisburg ready for delivery. next morning. mill 1 1 DIPTY.BAgIi.ELS. A large number J of empty Wine, Brandy and Whilsky Blirele for e by - ' WM. 00CH, jr., & 00. lingurance. Amount of Policy and Policy.. IBum I Bonus or I bonus to be increased Insured addition by future additions. LLIAM BUEHLER. jelB-dly Of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. CHARTER PERPETUAL This comtkany continue to ir sure building/4 lberoban dise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or pre mium note. The large and increasing capital of the company, con sisting of premium notes given by its members, and based upon A. S. G . REEN, Presideni Gunnels YOUNG, Jr , Secretary. M. 8. SHUMAN, Treasurer. PLRECTORS : M. S. ghat:can, Michael H. Moore, Grorge Young, jr., Nicholas McDonald, Am , :s S. Green. Robert T. Ryan, Abralrun Bruner, John Fendrieb, 11:41 Samuel F. Eberlein, Ephraim Hershey, iotels. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Al& for the UNITBD STATES HOTEL. mr-ar L. W. TEN EYON, litoplater Terms-41.25 Per Day. DAVID 0. PIEGRIBT, (Formerly of Eagle Hotel, Lebanon, Ps ) T. V. EHODSB Clerk. gransportation. EAGLE - WORKS, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, MANIMOTITEPIt OP BOOI•BINDEBS' MING NACHOS AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, • SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOALDS, AND *ACHIM 701 GRINDING 017TTING-AtACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Milli and Plodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Nadine Work and Iron and Brass c ASTIN S WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., ETC. Er Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braui made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, ite., /to. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS. Irjr (bah paid for Old Copper, Brass, Opener, As. STEAM BOILERS. PZIINSYLI , AII I / 4 .RA/LE 04. D, CELLAR WINDOW GRATES Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging, WM WEIGHS and various other Building Castings, for sole every cheap at the futy24-dlyi NAGLE WORKS. TT C. MOLTZ, ENGINEER, MACHINIST 4. STEAM FITTER, No. 6, NORTH SIHTH STREET, Between Walnut and Market, Harrisburg, Pa Machinery of every description made and repaired. Brass Cocks of all sizes. and a large assortment of Gas 'fittings constantly on hand. Ali work done in Me establishment will be under bie own supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. 0c36 STEAM BOILERS. Having made efficient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we arc now prepared to make J3T-11111ALWE 3EIC>ITAIMERLIEI of every kind proMptly and at reasonable rates. We shall nee iron made by Bailey & Bro., the reputation of which is second to none in the market. jjp"'N one but the best hands employed. Barking promptly attended to. Address BAGLB WOIIBS, May23-414] Harrisburg, Pa. WM. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND .GAS FITTER, THIRD STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING. °BEIGE. Stores, dwellings, churches, public buildings, facto ries, ko., up with gas, lead and.iron pipe in a workman-like manner. Hydrants, Wash Basins, Bath Tube Lift and Force Pumps, Water.Olosets, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas and steam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All workpromptly attended to. je2-418m E M. 0 V A L. The subscriber kaa removed kii PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY froin Marketetrest. to Fourth street above Market, opposite the Bethel Ohurch Thankful for past patronage, he hopes, by strict attention to busi ness, to merit a continuance of it. mar27-dtf WM. PARKHILL. SOIYIETHING FOR THE TIMES I A. NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD!! . JOHNS & OROSLEX'O AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! THE STRONGEST GLUE 1W THE WORLD! FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, AC., &C., W. THE ONLY ARTICLE OPI THE KIND EVER PRO DUCED WHICH. WILL WITHSTAND WATER! EXTRACTS. "Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Crasley 7 s American Cement ialne."—Neto York Times. “It. is so convenient to have in the honse.”—Nete York Express. wit is always ready ; this commends it to everybody." —New York Independent. "We have tried it, and find it es useful in our hone as water.”—Wilkes , Spirit of the Times. rßtom 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. VERY LIBERAL REDUCTIONS TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. TERMS CASH. Ezr- For tale by all Druggists and Storekeepers gene rally throughout the tatett7. JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Sole Manufacturers,) 78 WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of Liberty Street,) lyll N E W YORK. dly LYON'S PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY, TIIF OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY has,. for several years, been manufactured from tee pure .mice of the AMERICAN CATAWBA and ISABELLA GRAPE, and has attained a rare popularity throughout the . Weat and South, whero great glautities of this superb article is sold for MEDICINAL and FAMILY purposes, It not only equals, but excels the most choice IMPORTED BRANDIES in PUBIC Y, QUALITY and RICHNESS OP MAYO B, and wherever it had been introduced it had invariably met the moat unqualified favor and extended sale, The want of really pare Brandy hae long been felt in this country, and the opportunity to procure an article of such quality as to eupercede the sale and use of the many vile compounds so often sold under the name of 6 i Brandy.); can be regarded only as a public good. L. LYON S S CATAWBA BRANDY possesses all the choice qualities of the best imported liquor ' and is posi tively known to be of PERFECT PURITY and of SU PERIOR FLAVOR. febg3-3md In support of the above statement, we refer to the certificate of the undermentioned wellanown chemists ' Dr. A. A. Mayas, Assayer, Boston, Masa, Dr. James R. Chilton & Co., Chemists, New York. Dr Panels IL Nichols, Analytical Chemist, Boston, Mass.' HASSlfilinfle, PA. Dr. J. V. F. Blaney & Dr. G. A. Marriner, Analytical and Consulting Chemists. Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Con, Chemist, CinCluaatt, Ohio. Dr. Charles 'Upham Sheppard, Charleston, 8.0. Messrs. Gentry and Blackwood, Chemists, Tenn. Dr. N. A. Pratt, Savannah, Georgia. All of whom have analyzed the Brandy and recommend it as a perfectly pure article and so an invaluable medi cinal agent. - I have been anpointed the mole agent for. the ludo of tide Brandy for the city of Darristourg and Dauphin co. nova-dy ' Dr. LOUIS WYETH. UTTA PERCHA WATER-PROOF • IS Ia C=X 3NT Cr (WITHOUT BRU8HII(G,) FOR BOOTS, SHOES, HARNESS, VARRIA6SS, AND MILITARY LEATHER-WORK. • This new and excellent article excels everything ever before ip ue, for beautifying and eoftening the Leather. • It makes a polish like patentleather ; will not rub off pith water, nor stain the finiFst white silk, and makes 'the leather perfectly water-proof. Twice a month ap plied en boots and shoes, and once a month for harness is sufficient. It the leather becomes dirty, wash it off with clean water and the polish will re-appear. War ranted ars represented. DIRECTIONS IOR VOL—Apply a few drops on a sponge, nib it slowly over the leather, and the polish ie complete. Price, 87% cents per bottle. JACKSON & OQ., Sole Agents, IiON Market litroet janit-dtf mEssns. CHICXERING 00. HA FR /GAIN OBTAINI{D TAg GOLD DIEDA.L! AT THE MECHANICS' FAIR, BOSTON, NALD 711 P114:12DIRO Mm, O YEE 111.12'1' Waroroom for ike 01110M111111110 PIANOS, al Muds berg, at 02 Market street, tf W. KNOOMWS MUSIC sToltr. F B 3EI ..Ir. 11 1° I‘..AL "iffi ROBE, LEMON, VANILLA, GINGER, ALMOND, AC ORANGE!, E APPLE, PEH, BITTER ALMOND, °EL= PIN CINNAMON, NIICIT c Igg - NEOTARINE, FAUCET°, COCHINEAL, (tor coloring,) assorted damns, for /amity ass. The above assortment just received from one of tlep largest !astern Houses—eaeA Bottle axd Pack4ge (laarlo2 WM. DOOM, & 00. 6.000 POUNDS Extra Prime 'Sugar cured limp for rale very low, Ivlroleiale or retail by WM. DOOR Ja ri 0 Alac4inetv. •BOYS !MAUI STEM ,ffilacellanermo. Limo of grand. N ORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. WINTER TIME TABLE. Three daily trains to and front Baltimore and Wash ington City. Connections made with trains on Penn sylvaniii Railroad to and from Pittsburg and the West two trains daily to and from the North and West Breach, Susquehanna, Elmira and all Northern New York. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 186$ the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arise and depart from Harrisbiargand Baltimore as Bows, via SOUTHWARD HAM TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) at 1.46 p. m.; leaves Harrisburg at 6.20 p. m., and ar rives at Baltimore at 10.16 p. m. IMPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sun day) at 11.15 p. leaves Harrisburg (except lifoodiy) at 2.66 a. m., and arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) at 7.20 a. m. • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaven Harrisburg daily at 9.30 a. m. NORTHWARD. • MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore dally(ezeeptSunday) at 9 30 a. m., Harrisburg at 2.80 p. m., and arrives :at Sunbury at 6.35 p. m. BXPRZBB TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily at 9.0 p. ~ arrives at Harrisburg st 1.50 a in., and leaves Har risburg daily (except Monday) at 3.20 a. m., and arrives at linntoury at 020 a. m. • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (eicept Sunday) at 2.50 p. m., and 111' rives at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. For further information apply at the Mee, in Penn sylvania Railroad Depot. J. N. DoBARRY, Soperiistendeal. Harrisburg, Jan.ls, 1855-janito-dtf PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ! WINTER TIME TABLES n Sat FIVI MAINS DULY TO & PROM PIIILIDELSIA ON AND ATTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 187, The Passenger Trains of the Penneylvanid Rail ad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg hand Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Earrielkirg daily at 2.45 a. m. , and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.46 a. m. PAST LINE leaves 11,arrieburg daily (except Monday) at 9.05 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at.oo 1 1 - In. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 5.20 P. in., and arrives at West Philadelibia at 10.20 p.m. This trala runs via Columbia. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, "yen Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at West Phibrel- Ala at 12.25 p. In.. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN,IOO- Iwnbia, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. and arriv at Wept fkiladeleda at 0.30 p. m. WEStWAILD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN lea►ee Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.16 a. ra ; Altoona, 7.54 in. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12 55 noon. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philimiel phinat 10.95 p. za., Harrisburg - at 5.15 a. us., Altoona at 8.40 a.m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. , Harrisbarg at 1.40 p. m., Altoona at 8.46 p. m.; and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. in. PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. m., Har risburg at 3.55 p. in., Altoona at 8.45 p. m., and arrives siPittsburg at 1.40 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.80 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 p. m. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaveiLan caster at 11.23 a. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80 p.m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Superintendent East. Div. l'enn'a R.. 8. Harrisburg, November 15,1862 —noVls-dtt WINTER ARRANGEBIENT. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. • TUBE Taos MU It NEW TOER. PHILADELPHIA ON AND AFTER 'MONDAY, NOV. 17,1862, the Pas senger Trio= will leave The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York andFhil adelphia, as follows, via: EASTWARD IXpBESO I. l lpiE leaves Harrisburg at 8.15 a. on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad _Express Train from the . 11:t, arriving in New York at 10.E0 a. In., and at Philadelphiat at 9.20 a. m. A sleeping car la attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at s.oo a. in.. ar riving in New York at 8.30 p. m., altd at Philadelphia at 1.50 p. m. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.09 p. m., on a:- rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 10.25 p. in., and Philadelphia at 7.00 p.m. WESTWARD PAST LINE leaves New York at 6.00 a. m., and Phila. delpida at 8.15 a. m., arriving at Rarrieburg at 1.20 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leavea New York. at 12.00 noon, and P.k i lladelphia at 8.30 in., arriving at Narrialaarg at 8.20 P• 41. IXPIt2BB LINN loayen Mew York at 7.00 p. s. , ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.10 a. m., and connectsng with the Perinsylvania Express Train fOr Pittsburg. A sleep lug car is also attached to tide train. Clonr.e diens aro made at Harrisburgwith trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkeebarre, Allentown, Easton, Ao. Baggage checked through. Pare between New York and Harrisburg, 25.15; between Harrisburg and Phia. delpbis, $3.85 in No. 1 oars, and $2.80 in No. 2. Portickets and other information apply to J. CILYBB, General Agent, may& Harrisburg. T" GREAT LIVING HISTORY. THB REBELLION RECORD' .4. Diary of American Evelio, Edited by FRANK MOORE. Publishing in part; 'at 50 cents, each part illustrated with tiro Portraitt engraved on steal. FOUR VOLUMES are now ready, at annexed prices, until April 1,18053 ! Cloth 43 0 0 a volume. Sheep Half Calf, or half Morocco... 5 00 cg THE REBELLION RECORD IS INDIEIPENSABLB TO EVERY puma° AND PRI VATE LIBRARY. The four volumes contain: 1. A FULL AND CONCISE DIARY OF EVENTS I from the meeting. of the South Carolina Oonvention in Dec. 1600, to the capture of New Orleans, inclusive. Over ONE THOUSAND OFFICIAL REPORTS and Nar ratives of all the Battles and Skirmishes that have occurred during the War. 111. Over FIVE HUNDRED SOROS AND BALLADS, both loyil and rebel, _ Iv. POETY-SBYEN PORTBLLTB, strayed on steel, of the most celebrated men of the BUM, and Twenty-six ?daps and Plans of Battles. V. Over THESE THOUSAND Incidents and lifeadotsi of Personal Daring and Bravery. • "AS A WORK POR OONEPANT REFERENCE IT IS EMINENTLY TO BE REL , ED .01f." G. P. PUTNAM, Publisher, *32 Broadway. CIIAS. T. EVANS, .Gen. - 41:gt . 448 Draadway. SPECIAL NOTION. On and after April let, the p ice of" Tits Therir.r.rox RECORD , " will be advanced Fifty Cts. a volume. Prom that date the sale of Parts, from, Nos 1 told, will be discontinued. Back sets of '; TER Itssea.Lion Racolco" Will,be sold only 'in volumes. Purohaecre and Babson. berswho have not Completed the kur vole must at once do so. The work will continue to be published in parts, at 50 cents eachpart illustrated with ta e Portraits on steel. Vellum V. will comprise 'even. parts. • : DE.SIRABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR BALE, west of the Capitol, fronting on Grand 'trust and nonintond land . Enquire of ‘i • GEO. ( lINHLE, febnamti CO Market street, AND Mob, litationerg, Str. cCHOOL BOOKS.-- , -School Directors, Teachers, Parents, Scholars, and others, in need of School Books, School Stationery, &e., will find a com plete atmortment at E: M. POLLOCK .1. SON'S BOOK STORK. Mt rket Square, Harrisburg, comprising in part the following: READERS —McGliffey% Parker's, Cobb's A ngell's. SPELLING BOOKS.— eGuffers, Cobb'e,Websier's, Town's, Byer', 's Combry's. 7ANGLInE GRAMMARS —Bullion's, Amities. Wood bridge's, Monteith's, Tuthill's, Hart's, Wel;e'. HISTOttIES.--Gri meths wli, Davenport's, Prost's,Wil- Ban's, Willards, Goodrich's, Pissnock's, Goldsmith's and C.are's. ARITHMATIO'II.--GreenkaPs, Stoddard's. Kmorsozes fikela,Roses Colt urn's, Smith and Puke's, Dewier.. ALOBBRA/I.—artiesileaPa l Davie's, tare, RA" Bridge's. DlOTlONARTS.—Woreester's Quarto,_Acidendo,Oom prehenalve and Primary Dietionares. Walker's School, Clobb's Walker, Webster's Primary, Webster'. High eshool: Webster's Quarto, aesilenue. NATURAL PHlLOPOPHlBB.—Clonuetockla, Parker's, *MIL The above with a peat variety of others an at aay time be found at my store. Also, a complete assort m.nt of School Stationery, embracing in the who le a com plete outfit for school purroses. Any book not in the store. pr ocured it one days notice. • Ooludzy Merchant saupplied at wholesale rate'. AIMANACIS.—John Baer and flon's Almanac for We at 4.14. POLLOCK & SON'S BOOR STOKE, HairlsbUfg err Wholesale and Retail. • m7l WALL TAPER I WALL , PAPER I I Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPAS BORDABS, PIRA SORAIONS, &c., &co. Itis thelargest and best selected assortment lathe city, rangingin price rcm Mx (6) cents ap to one dollar and &quarter ($1.25.) As we purchase very low for each, we are prepared to 101 l at as low rates, if not lower, than can be had else where. If purchasers will call and examine, we feel confident that we can please them in respect to price and quality. B. M POLLOOK & SON, mar2B Below Jones , House, Market Square. LAW BOOKS I LAW BOOKS !!-A generai assortment of LAW BOOBS, all the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scarce and rare, together with a large assortment of second-hand Law Books, at very low price', at tie one price Bookstore of B. N. POLLOCK ft SON, air Market Square, Harrisburg. THE subscribers propose to publish by subscription a "FARM MAP , ' of the Township of cIiWATARA,” Dauphin county Pa., if Sufficient en couragement is given. The Map will embrace the Bounda ries of the Township and Farms contained therein, num ber of Acres, Location of Residences and Names of Pro pertyholders generally. There will also be on the Map a Table of Distances, showing the .distance from each Cross Road in the Township to Harrisbnyg, thus ren dering it a valuable Map to Farmers and Dealers in Real Estate particularly.. Those desiring Views of their Residences put on the Map will be charged a moderate extra price. The Map will be neatly executed, colored and mounted, and delivered at the low price of Five Dol lars, payable on delivery of the same. • CLASH ik AUR . • 888 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Harrisburg, November 1, 1801.—tf WOROESTEILI O I 2 I 4 2 7 I , !LL QUARTO BIBT,D2rINING AlfD 1.101/017110ING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, eontains 1,854 Royal Quarto Pages and 20,000 words and meanings not found in any other English Dictionary; more than 1,000 Illustrations inserted in their proper places; over 6,000 words synonymised; together with numerous tables of pronounced proper names. Bold by A. M. POLLOOK & SON. Also Worcester's School Dictionaries. morn WARRANTED TWELVE MONTHS! AZOIDXIt LOT or MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS! PERSONS in want of a superior and really good GOLD Mr will find with me a large assortment to select fr6m, and have the privilege to exchange the Pens until their hand is perfectly suited. And if by fair means the Dia mond points break off during twelve months, the pur chaser shall have the privilege to select a new one, without any charge. I have very good Gold Peas, in strong silver-plated cases, for $1,161.25,51.50. $2.00 - For sale at SCHBPPER'S BOOKSTORE, mar 26 No. IS Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS! NONE BETTER' IN THE WHOLE WORLD! For 75 cents, $l, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2, $4. Warranted to be made of good gold, at febls SOHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. WINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt bordered; and PAPER BLINDS of an endless variety of designs and ornaments; also, CURTAIN PIXTURES and TASSELS at very low prices. Call at Schelferls Bookstore. (PLY ONE DOLLAR for a good Sub etantlal bound Family Bible at Scheffees 'Bookstore. DITOTOGRAPII ALBU Vi S, PORT I FOLIOS, CARD-OASES, POCKET-BOOKS, for sofa at [febls] Schetrees itookslore ACHE 'F'R'S' Bookstore is the -axed lo Isnv Gala PPra—waerslttP4 .otroing G REAT, IMPROVEMENTS IN SEW- Ina MACILT.N*S. EMPIRE SIIIITTVE PATENTED FEBRUARY 14th, 1860. ALESEOOIII, 510 BROADWAY, 12 - 01=34PLME... This - Machine is constrndted on an entirely new prin ciple of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable i , epreventents9heving been exmnined by the meet pro• f.dind experts, and pronounced to bo SIMPLICITY and PIORFEGTION COMBINED, The following are the principal objections urged against Sewing Machines:— I.—Excessive labor to the 4.—lncapacity to sew every operator. description of material. 2,—Liability to get out of b.—Disagreeable noise Order. while. in operation. 3 —Expense, trouble and loss of time in repairing The Empire Sewing Machine h Exempt from all these • „, • jC0110.113. It has a atraischt-needle perpendicular action, maims the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither ALP nor RAVEL, and ie alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every -description of, material, froto heather to the finest Nansook Muslin, with oaten, linen or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Saying neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least ;astable friction, it Inns u smooth as glass, and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE! It requires FIFTY PER CENT. lees power to drive it ban any other Machine in market. A girl of twel ye ear s o of age h can work it ateatily, Without fatigue or in. tth Its strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of con. straetion reader it almost impoesible to getout of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respertnily invite an those who may desire.to lapply.themeen so with a superior article, to call and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE . But in a more special IR min 49 We solicit the pat ronage of . MEROHANVFAILORS, DRESS MAKERS, . COACH MAKERS, CORSET MAKERS, HOOP-SKIRT MANUFACTIES, GAITED FITTERS, ARLET and BOSOM MAKERS, ROE BINDERS, • VEST and PANTALOON MAKERS. er Religions and Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. PRICE OP MACHINES, COMPLETE: Re. I, or Family Mullins, $4l 00. No. 2, Small shied Manufacturing, $OO 00. No. 1, Large size Manufactu. ring, Pk 00. Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents for all towns in the . United States, where agencies are not already established, to whoti liberal diseount will be given, but we make no.coneign. meats. 3. T. MIARTLIUR do Co., MO Broadway, New York. elaygit, Mercbsat Tailor, Ageot, NV , Op Market street, *arriabarg. nov723ind • fIOWE'S Sewing Machine, 437 Broad. 11 way, New Ires - . 11; branch officio 94:13‘ , Market - street, Harrisburg. The undersigned respectfully informs the manufacturers grid citizens of Hatrialinrg that'll@ has opened a sewing machine office for the sale of the celebrated ROWe'S sewing machine, making the well knows look-stitch, and adapted for all kinds of leather and cloth ; and fainily use. 0. It: RAPHAEL, feb23-dly deco. BOARDERS WANTED.--- Under. signed; having rented a fine large and commodious hone. in Mulberry street, two doors from the corner of Second street, in the city of Harrisburg, she is prepared tb accommodate , Angle gentlemen, or gentlemen and their wives, w ith , boarding on reasonable terms. 3719 - dm * E. A. JOHNSON. FLUID AND ALCOHOL, IN LA R GE quantities and or pure quality, for R ale by WM, DOCK, Ja.,& CO. JflL&al. T O OLERGYMEN, NERVOUS SUF. - 7.11111148, =LICATA! LADI.IB, HOOFLAND P S GERMAN BITTERS PREPARED ONLY 2Y DR. C. M. JACKSON. , NO. eta ARCH STREIT, P HILADELPHId, Is the very best Tonic and Kerwin* extant, and will relief where all other remedies fail. This is not a m.„„ assertion, bat has been proved over and over againbyt h e class of persona we &renew addressing, as the certifies; hereto appended will show. Bo well are the virtues of the Bitters known, that it is freely prescribed by the leading physicians of Philadelphia a•-. 1 vicinity. It i s entirely vegetable. and free from aleogOlie stimulant sad all injurious ingredients. Persons advanced in life, sad feeling the hand of time' weighing heaSuitan tha, will And in these Bitters an elixir that restore, i n , measure, the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and give health end has. pines; to their remaining para. Weak and delicate childrenore mede strong by tisieg the 'Bitters. to fact, it li a family medicine, and may be profitably administered too and •f three months, the most delicate female, or a man of ninety. Shake the bnttli before using. Price 75 cents per bottle. For sale by draggists sal storekeepers generally throughout the country. 4 'From Rev. .T Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of Eneyelo pedia of Religions Knowledge. To Dr. 0. M. Jackson.—Although not disposed to favor or reeommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of it ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient Teason why a man may net testify to the benefit he believes himself to have readied from any simple preparation, in the hope that he mew tkes contribute to the benefit of others. I do this more readily in regard to "Noollandle Gilernsec Bitters," prepared by Dr. O. N. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for lean under the impreenion that they were chiefly an alcoholic nds. tura. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker. Esq.. for the removal of this prejudice by proper tens; and for encouragement to try them when antforingfrar a great and long continued debility. The use of ti, as bottles of these Bitteipi, at the beginning of the present year, WAS followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental rigor *doh 411 1 .4. pet fell for six months before, and had almost deepired of re. gaining. I therefore thank God and my Mont for di. renting me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, Jere 23, 1860. Prom carat. Sickles, of Scott Legion, Co. K. GeNTLeMalf :—ln the camp•4:lloeaSea, Such es. Wee& tery, Typhoid raver, and Chills, so common in active service, I had nothing equal to your Bitters. As a pre• ventive or cure, I look upon them as invaluable, ant cheerfully bear my testimony to their excellence. Tours truly,, WM. H. SICKLES. LITXD YOUR YJEARS ON 810/11. FELLADSLPIIIA, Miby Da. 0. M. laoncoN—Dear Sir : Though somewhat re. Luc:taut to give you a certificate, I think that mild, to those similarly "Meted requires that I ahould /Ova brief 'statement of my ease. I had suffered for years from Liver Complaint sad Dyspepsia in their most aggravated forma — war naafis to eat animal food, or indeed any vegetables with tio single mcaptium of rice, on which I siebeista t for few years. I cannot pretend to describe my anibrings IN almost with pain that my memory recarat o that pe ?fed. I should lase asses have been in my grove hef not my physician, Dr. Rickert, recommended the ass of your Bitters, as the best Tonic with which he was so, quainted. fhad tried a number of remedies without success, but concluded to follow the advide of my meth. cal adviser. I did so, and my moat sanguine hopes were realised. lam now well and to your invaluable Bitten, / owe it, Mutt I am permitted to write Mien lines. Wry gratefully yours, MRS: S. A. LINEAII, N0.160T Wallace street. from the Bev. Joseph 8. Folmar/ 1 , Pastor of the Test► - Baptist Church clacursow—Dsar s*: I have been frequently npi, quested to connect my name with commendations of different kinds of medicines, but regardingthe practice ai eat Of my appropriate sphere, I have in all Mil declined; but with a clear proof in various instance, and particularly in my own family, of the usefulness of Dr. lloofland , s German Bitters, ' , depart for once fret my usual course, to express my fall conviction that for general debility of the system, and espeeiaily for Live Complaint,. it is a safe and valuabe preparation. Ic some cases it may fail, but usually I doubt not it will be very beneficial to those Who suffer from the abort Wages. Yours ve.Ty respectfully, J. R. HENNAED. Eighth below Coates Bt., Philadelphia,-Deo. 24th. j J'ONES & EVANS, successors to 0. hi. Jackson & Co., l - Proprietois. Principal Wire, No. 631 Arch street, pk, adelphia. For sale by Druggists everywhere. D. W. (IRON. Co. Agents in Harrisburg. rinaylB-d&wly For all THROAT and LUNG COBTOLAINIV Including W HOO PI NC COUGH, and every Com. - Plaint the forerunner or, Ind even a c tua I CON. lUMPTION. This valuablegbeparation, hot f all the cotithon conrsiiaac,l4 :pectorants, which not only rs: doWn the system, but all chance of care, will N found orrtrial to possess the following propertb-s, ant to which the moat valuable testimonials may be teak In the pamphlets. • For Whooping Cough, and •as a Soothing Syrup, It meets every want, and by early use will save the largess proportion of ruptures in children which can be tmw4 to Whooping Cough. t In ordinary Coughs andßronchial Complaints, the forerunners of Consumption, its splendid tonic Fore , ties make it not enly the moat perfect enemy to disew bat builds up and sustains the system against a rem:• roue of the Complaint.' No nursery Should be withal!! it, nor should parents fail to get a pamphlet, to be fowl.: with all dealers, as the only wept° do j ustioe to its vales. - " • . The Great N EURALGIC 1 --s 'N \ 7: -- : . k ' oCWI., • RENIEDVand NATURAL 1 1 ,q 1, '" - "Irac a OPIATE, adapted to every! b lift 5V...-2! .. spe_cies of Nervous Coin ! ! I ,11 . I! • . a.9 sai nts, Ne rvous _ ._. ~1 1s and, _ ,...... y i - -1 --)e• P.! Chron ici c .tipana_elT, Li . _L , , u,l ' r l' 4 r 9ilr eil . xua sul, atarrti, Tooth am Ear A2lle, Lobs of Sieri 4 ! 0 i Wild Rowel Complaint!. This great Neuralgic Remedy and Natural Opiate all j fir special attention and 3:iterest being free of Opine= or preparations of Opium, or of any but Its Ftri , :ti? vegetable and medi cal properties. For Neuralgia, Rhea. inatieni., Gout, Tooth and 'Mar Ache, Spinal Coraplainti. Bleeding at Lungs or Btomsch. Roar or gel rover, Cil tarrb, and all minor Nervous Complaints. For Loss of pleep, Chronic or Nervous Herd date Sick Head Ache, it has no equal, and to which we ore::. testimonials from undoubted sources. ' _ . .; For Delirium Tremens it is a Sure Remedy. For Bowel Complaints, including Cholera Blerbm.l is splendidly adapted, in not only removing the psi but acting„as physic, a great contrast with Opium, whist not only constipates and drugs the system, but mate the remedy worse than the diabase. Prom Physicians we ask attention, and on demo' Formulae or Trial Bottles will be sent, developing in tb lileadyna an Opiate which has long been wanted, gal the Cough Remedy snob, M reet entirely on cool principle. From invalids we ask coriteponilence for PamPhleted -Insinuation, without "postage stamps)) Prices—Large Cough Remedy, 50 cents per bottle. small CC 25 " ic Tam Anodyne, fig as if JOHN L. lIIJNN.P.WELL, Proprietor, CHEMIST AND PHARMACBUTIST, No. 6 Commercial Wharf, Boston, MO - Nor sale by 11l natal wholesale and retail dealertio every town and city, and by C. A. BANIQVART, Algid for If arrlabirg; at whotagale by (HO. H. ASHTON VA CHAS. MILLIII do 00:, Philadelphia. je6.4l.kwY WM. 93 MARKET ST., BARRI - Una, Ail DZALEIt IN PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from th. bed makers, from $2OO upward*. MELODEON'S. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTfII/• MENTS, from $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Aooordeons i Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and • Guitar strings and ran. oioal merchandise IS genera SHE MT SI C. The LATEST PUBLICATIONS SI lwayaon b 3 ' Mud° stint by .tbail to any part of the ootttitry. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT Alit, AOSEtiVOO Suitoopi for looking glasses ands soli kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine aisortinent of best plated ..LOOIONG GL,ASSESJ From manliest to largest sizes. Mir Any •style of frame made to order al the sherteet.notioe. WM. KNOCHE, novl—d,wBt,a , 93 Market et. rOPFk.Us' AND SUGARS, OF ALL '.IiiRADES, and'ai reasonable Driceß."for este by . . DOCK, JR., & CO. P A VS", 4 AI 4 .44TINg.—The . bed t + article in' the marketi Just received and for eels bJ inarl4-tr • • . Wm. DO4I GEK=I ust received WM, DOCK, JR., & (70,