iDgeing. for Salt Sr, to Rent 1 2 1 0 R SALE.—The BUILDING on the 4 17 aseser of Walnut and Short atibeta, need as a - 4011P11182101". Thin building was originally built 00 ghat itneald be turned into Dwelling Rouses. It oon. rentsof three , separateframes placedtogether, each frame IbeisThg IS bysO feet, making the entire building, minnow earheniffr feet long and 20 feet wide. Will sell- also an IUORTHORSE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, , araaaly new, and one of Drawback's Patent Stave Cutters, 'Med 116 Seta Sams for Jointing Staves. The above Inegier will be sold at a bargain, as we wish to elear nito ground on which the building stands. Enquire at the Stokers Moe of S. L. bf'OI7LLOCH, netll.4tf 124 Market Street. NOTICE TO SPECULATORS ! WAIALABLII WITILIVENG LOTS FOR BUM Alaicurivarof large al=e BUILDING LOTS; adjoining othe iboinni'llonse and Work Shope of the Pennsylvania lionloodllornpeuy, will be sold low and on reasonable voscone. Apply to sulikily JOHN W. HALL. Lb3.etp Staliles. NEW LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE! A;l4, Mks analeeigned has opened a new Livery Stable in Woo meet, adjoining the "Morgan House," and stocked It silk the best IIIORSES in the market, an assortment of esigent COACHES, CARDiAGES, 817961118 and HiLEHHES, and everything in the livery line, which he wilt Wrest eitaap rates_ HORSES BOARDED andwell token we of on reasonable terms. He invites his frieode to give him a call. derliOdtf - SAMUEL O. DAVIS. Batik Notices. ANN NOTlCE.—Notiee is hereby .3,4! given that the undersigned have formed an associa. 'Um and prepared a certificate for the purpose of esitab- Utabinga Bank of Dale, Discount and Deposit, under Wise previsions of the act entitled "A supplement to an cast to establish a system of Free Banking in Pennsyl sad to secure the public against loss from Insol emit 1, approved the first day of Hay, Ann° Domini wighteen hindred'and sixt 7 one. The said Bank to be esdled. THE FAMINES' BANK OF MOUNT JOY, to °be tainted in - the borough of Mount Joy, to consist of a exigent stock of One Hundred Thousand Dollars in names of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of in =owing the same to any amount not exceeding Three Kinadrei Thousand Dollars in all. .11_ Hoffman Hershey, John H. Hershey, Martin B_ Fairer. Jacob M. Mantle; lionben Gerber John X. Bear. isoMi-Ormnoar* VOTlOE.—Notice is hereby given of an IA intention to 'establish a Bank of Discount, Deposit msatrarealation, under the provisions of an act, entitled -Am Act to establish a systeni of free banking in Penn lertirania," &A.; and the supplement thereto ; said Bank Ma be caned " THE MANUFACTURERS' BANK," to cm located in the 'borough of Columbia, Lancaster isomer, Pa. ,'with a capital of One Hundred Thousand lsflays, to be 7 divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Faradays each. dec4-6md ADMINISTRATOR'S IsT 0 TIC E.— Whereas, Letters of administration on the estate Wilms Meg; late of the City of Harrisburg, Dan plat county, deceased, having been granted tothe sub scriber, all persons indebted to the said estates re ro nrrectei to make immediate payment, and those having ea.niscre or demands against said estate will make known Taal name without delay. CHRISTIAN R. JAUSd, fairlo-doaw6t Administrator. MOSToN CRACKERS.—A LARGE SUPPLY of ;these delicious crackers just received oat for sale by WM. DOME, Ja., & 00 . GOLD PENS I—The largest and Les steak. from $l.OO to o.oo—warranted—at SCIDIFFERVI BOOKEITORII W2CCELSIOR 1 ! !--SUGAR CURED N' HAMS !—A Delicious Ham, cured empress/7 for Criseuiftetas. they are impeder to any nom in the mar. 4nen. imy24] WIC DOCK, JR., & CO TeREAKFAST BACON„—A small but liery-r&oies lot of Sugar Cured ""Breakfast Bann +aggro! to the imported Yorkshire) just received. WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO TOTS FOR SALE-ON NORTH ST. JR.At and Pennsylvania Avenue. Apply to Car .. B. J. HtLaduAtNsti. ~'~ SIRABLE BUILD]I LOTS lir NOR SALE, west of the Capitol, fronting on Grand asMesetand.lisunmond lane. Enquire of qEO. CIINKLE, 66 Market street, k' MINCE PIES'. • RALiptcs, CURRANTS, EITRON, LEMONS, SPICES, CEDER, 'WIRES, BRANDIES, &0., War este by WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. 11" A D I ES.-MADAME BURDETT, i_A - froin New York, lute taken rooms On the corner of lieciimet and Sectesd streets, (Wyeth's Block,) where she Pais prepared to cat, fit and make Ladies' dresses of every .aleacription, and in the latest and most fashionable style. .flee, in the same roam, machine 'stitching of every de assacietion done by Mrs. CLARK. . sp4-dtf HEALTH, MONEY 1 HAPPINESS 11 as this season of year, when so much sielmessprevaile, Asourerr one should provide himeelf . with DR. HUM WRRIPIII ROMIROPATRIO XRDIODI3IB, and prevent ellresenee is its lbeginning- A_ froth supply Mims on band at 8011.11111.11.1t1 BOOK-STORM, Y Harrialoug. 11IICKWICEA.T MEAL.-15,000 LBS. sum MITRA, from Wyoming `Wien for meg WM. DOCK. & 00. FOR • SAT.E.-1,000 BUSHELS PRIME TALLOW CORN_ _ -0411 bushels barley . malt, first quality. :440 bushels rye. SO barrels whisky, first quality. Dire of RICHARD 'WORLAND, straidatf . Washington Avenue, Harrisburg. R SALE.-A. TWO-STORY FRAXF: in Mort street. Inquire of eseriatf W. H. ITXRBEICE, tqllP - ERIOR STOCK OF LIQUORS..-- W., Will. DOCK, Js., & CO— are now able to offer to their customers and the public at large, a stock of the vorast liquors ever imported into this market, oompri wag #sattlie followinte varieties : 7ifirElLx- -1 111:1131E, SCOTCH,OLD BOURBON. WINK--PORT, SHERRY, OLD MADEIRA. qiTARD, BURRY & CO. PALE BRANDY. ' • JAMICA SPIRITS. i2RIME NEW ENGLAND RUM. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Lase liquors ion all be warranted and in addition to tibias% Dock dt Co. have on hand * large variety of Dristat, Whisky and Brandy, to which they invite the gpertionlar attention of the public. CORN.—WINSLOW'S fresh NJ' been Cora just received by WM. DOM, Js., do CO. (ON CRACKERS.—A supply of itlanikithOssa racket's gnat received and for sale jr.,4 00 G i ! ! -- MASON'S "CHALLINaII guitfr - C 11 4,100 (him. amorted HUB I pit I.