Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, March 18, 1863, Image 3
LOCAL NEWS. MUNICIPAL ELECTION. FOR MAYOR. OEN. A. L. TEOII.6IFORT. FOR CITY Arnorov.. JAMES M. BAY. FON SCHOOL DIRECTOR!. South District I WEIDMAN FORSTER, . t JACOB ROUSER. {JOHN EDWARDS, North District OREYNOLDS. THE DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION may be had at J a ck's Book 4tore, corner of Third and Market a`raote. Aran. at be News Agenoy of George L. Walter, in Market street..near Fifth. Finer AND SECOND Wanns.--The Democratic slob of the First ward will hold a special meeting on Wednesday evening, Marsh 18th, at 'a o'clock, at Mr. Brenneman's Black Horse hotel, in Paxton street. The Democratic club of the Second ward has kindly agreed to meet with us, and the De mocracy of the whole city is respeetfully invited to attend also. Gen. Miller, our representative in Congress, and other popular speakers will address this meeting. By order of the club. Gno. F. Wseven, JE., Beey. BALLY DErrocturs.—A joint meeting of the Democratic citizens of the Fifth and Sixth wards of the city of Harrisburg wiil be held at tke house of Henry Bostgen, on Ridge avenue, in the'Sixth ward, on Thursday evening, Hach 19. Several eminent speakers will be present. By order of the Executive Committee. Dims M. V. Waimea oath, the attention of the ladies of Harrisburg and strangers to her fancy store, corner of Second and . Walnut, where she continues to keep Dress Trimmings, Zephyrs, and a variety of fancy articles. 18-2 w PLACE or RETturzvous.—Harrisburg is among the points designated for officers and soldiers ab sent from the army without leave ,to report on or /before the first of April_ After reporting to Capt. Richard I. Dodge in this city they will at once be forwarded to their respective regiments. %Wu 17r.—The other day a freight train on the Cumberland Valley railroad ran off the track a short distance this side of Mechanicsburg, owing to the breaking of a rail; Several ears were com pletely wrecked, but none of the persons on the train sustained serioui injury. Accidents on this road are of very rare occurrence. Loam. Poorer. Arwas.—The name and site of the post office hitherto callod Union Depoeit, in this county, has been changed te"Sliatara Sta tion," and D. S. Early appointed postmaster. A new office has been established on the route from Berryaburg to Gratatown, under the name of "Curtin," and Aaron Mattis appointed postmaster. Puma Tunouaa.—Captain Jennings, of com pany A, Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry, passed through this city yesterday en route for his home in Pettevfile. The Captain has been in constant salve service since the regiment first entered Ten nessee, and participated in some of the boldest cavalry dashes made anywhere since the com mencement of the rebellion. But= Vtvans.—A conservative Republiein friend, after reading the late issues of the Tele graph., suggested to us thatthe party of which that paper is the acknowledged • organ ought to be styled "black vipers," in contradistinction to the "copperheads," by which term it designates the Democratic party. The suggestion of our Repub lie= friend is a good one and will no doubt be acted upon by the Democrats. To THIS Liana or Arita Irma Putter Ascoms- TIOM—At a special meeting of the Association, held on Saturday afternoon, March 14, it was re solved to expend $lOO for flannel, and that the members make up the same into clothing, and present it to the Christian Commission. Those willing to assist in the work will please call at Gen. Hale's room, on the Arsenal grounds, on Mainstay aftirnoon, from 2 'o'clock till 4. Etna A. BISHOP, they. Fatima VAGRANT.-A young and good looking woman, hailing from Look Haven, was before the Mayor yesterday, on a charge of drankennes and vagrancy preferred by a woman in State street, lVho keeps a house where soldiers most do congre- gate. The girl alleged that she was a boarder in the inetitution, and that the mistress eneouraged the visits of "lewd men of the baser sort." The fact of the girl's being excessively intoxicated when arrested tended to confirm the complainant'. statement, and she went to the moral reform in: stitution for a term of thirty days. ASSAULTED AN OFF/CXll.—Two stalwart soldiers belonging to. the Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry, while under the influent* of bad whisky ., assaulted the chief: of police and handled him somewhat roughly. The invincible Barney, however, finally oame off victorious, as usual, and compelled his assailants' to beg for quarters. The fellows Were taken to the Mayor's office, from which place ope of them managed to escape. The other was com mitted to the - lock-up. During the night he at tempted to break out and did considerable damage to the cell in which he was confined. The Mayor sent him to prison for ten days. Anovaan Sotnrans' Rasr.—A friend informs us, that having occasion to visit the room of the Young Men's Christian Assqpiation, he was gratified to find a large nuinber of the convalescent soldiers availing themselves of the opportunity thus af forded of spending their time pleasantly and profi tably among the society's books and papers. Some of them were taking advantage of the quiet and retirement to write their letters home. We eor- dially commend the spirit of the• Y. M. C. A. in thus adding another "Soldiers' Rest" for our sick and Wounded, and one, too, so much needed. The association, by various agencies, is doing much good throughout our conunnuity, and should re ceive !he liberal support of all oar citizens: CAUSg dt4a EPPEcT---At 'ruling prices butter is a luxury in which people of limited means cannot afford to indulge. For several days past it has been in demand at thirty cents per pound, and the price is likely to increase: Meat, vegetables, gro eeries and all articles of family consumption are selling at exorbitant rites, while there is no pro; portionate increase of wages, and working men with families to support find it difficult to "make both ends meet" at the end of each month, much less to lay up anymoney for an emergency. While government contractors and administration favor item are filching millions from the public treasury and faring sumptuously, the bone and sinew of the country who pay the taxes, and the families of our soldiers who do the fighting, are left to want and starvation ! So much for this unholy war, precip itated upon us bb Abolitionists for the freedom and elevation of Southern niggers, and now waged exclusively with a view to such a consummation: The present aspect of affairs leaves no hope that the sufferings of the industrial classes will have an early termination, sad a general advance of wages is the only present remedy we can suggest. Under existing eircumsfinces mechanics and workingmen are justifiable in demanding it. ANOTHER. DEMOCRATIC RALLT.—Tho large and enthusiastic ward meetings now in progress de monstrate that the Democracy of this city are fully alive to the importance of the coming contest, and determined to come out of it with "brows bound with viptorious wreaths." Another meeting of the friends of "Roumfort and the Constitution!' will take place at the Black Horse hotel, in the First ward, this evening, to be, addressed by able and eloquent speakers. Let there be a grand rally of the Democracy on the, occasion. The local cam paign, so auspiciously commenced; should be pro secuted with vigor until the battle shall have been fought, the 'victory won, and the glorious banner of !'the Constitution and the Union" floats in tri umph over the Capital City of the* old Keystone State. Yor snob a conaninmation let every Demo crat, every white man, every friend of constitu tional liberty, every one who is opposed to that infamous feature of the conscription law which forces poor' men into the army and exempt. the rich for money, unite with the trove Union party and work, talk and vote ! EXCITING Mmes.—The city election is now the all-absorbing topic of discussion in local politisal circles, and the contest is becoming quite &attested and exciting. The weather being bright and pleasant yesterday, squads of politicians were to bd seen at the *ideas street corners canvassing the merits and prospects of their respective candi dates with as Ditch earnestness and zeal as if the fate of the Union depended upon the result of the coming municipal election. Personal renoontres took place between a few irritable and excitable individuals, but it affords us pleasure to announce that "nobody was hurt." The day was just the kind of one to draw out "copperheads," and we noticed crowds of them on the streets, not idly sunning themselves, but busily engaged in can vassing the city and drumming up their forces to hole and kill the "black vipers" on Friday next. Palsor..—The provost guard are again doing patrol duty in this city and pinking up stragglers from the army. Offteers and privates now here with or without leave, when met on the street loy a patrol squad are promptly ordered to "halt" and show their passes. Those who are provided with the necessary documents are politely requested to "pass on," while the unfortunate individuals who cannot produce them are ordered to "fall in" and marched to the Provost Marshal's hend-quattere. The late order' in regard to absentees, and the strictness with which it is eneorced, has had the effedt of ridding our city of stragglers to a great extent, and but few shoulder-straps are now visible on the streets. Axovuan Vic .--A discharged soldier named Thompson, from one of the western counties, ar rived here last night with a pooketfull of green. backs, got his brains and legs tangled with bad whisky and laid down on the street. While in that condition and, positiop be was "rolled" and robbed of all the money in his possession, except two dollars which the thief overlooked. When we met the poor fellow he was in great distress, stated that be had not indnlged in liquor for several months previous, and mined sincerely to regret the indiscretion which resulted in the loss of his hard-earned money. Ho is but one of hundreds of soldiers who have been similarly victimised in this city within the last year. ENTERMASTIO DIIONSTRATION.—The meeting of the Democracy of the Third and Fourth wards, at Umberger's hotel last eveniag,was the moat largely attended and enthusiastic demonstration of the present campaign. Able, eloquent and patriotic addresses were delivered by 11. Ward, Esq., Gen. A. L. Roumfort, Mtn. Wm. H. Miller, J. B. Ewing, Esq., and several others. At the close of the meeting a motion was made, and unanimously adkited, to strike the name of John Till from the roll of the Fourth ward club. We have no room for a more extended notice of the meeting. COLLEctions or rim Canzsruz Commission.—At the meeting of the "United States Christian Com mission," on Wednesday evening last, the sum of $2BO 15 was contributed by citizens . then in at tendance. Since that time various persons have .contributed, in sumszanging from ono hundred to five dollars, $522, making an aggregate of $782.15. The committee will 'be happy to receive, at any time, contributions from the patriotic and benevo lenteitisens of Harrisburg in aid of the noble ob jects of the ccimmiseion. GUTTERS AND Baornms.—The editor of the nig ger organ treats his readers to a lecture on "gut ters and brothels." The subject is one on whisk he ought•te be thoroughly posted, for probably no man in the State has been in• the "gutter" oftener or had more familiarity with "brothels." When the uncharitable editor of the nigger organ flings dirt at us, we deem.it proper to fight him with his own weapon. &mum Corzogur.—"A beautiful day !" said Simon, yesterday afternoon, radiant with Sunshine and fine spirits, and quite indifferent to the sloppy walking. "Yes," answered a fellow pedeitrian, "very beautiful—above the street." "Of course," said Simon, "and isn't that enough ? Because the gods eon& as a fins day, would you have them run the thing into the ground? My good friend, don't be unreasonable!" THE Ntoctan OSCAN willfully and malielously lied in stating that we ridleuled the ambition of Mr. Till, "because he is a meehanie, a working man." Nothing contained in our item could be fairly construed into such a meaning as the nigger organ gives it, and the writer made the charge knowing it to be false. PENNSYLVANIA NEWS'. A BAND Attassrao.—Capt. Hays, of tic Pitts burg provost guard, on Sunday last arrested sev eral members of the West Middletown (Washington county) band. The persons alfuded to went into the service whoa& the war broke out as privates, and were taken from the ranks to organise a band; at the time the bands were dismissed these per eons were furloughed for a certain length of time —at the expiration of which they failed to report, hence their arrest as deserters. BURNED TO Dearn.—A little girl named Cham bers wee burned to death in West Pittsburg en Friday. The accident was occasioned by her clothes taking fit& RAILBoADS xn Tgn Om Rxoton.—The Oil Creek railroad is being pushed down rapidly. from Titus ville to Oil City. Operations have been recom menced on the Meadville and Pranklin branch, which will, it is expeetad, be in running order by spring. The Pennsylvania railroad company have also announced their determination to tap the oil region with a railroad during the coming summer. Sep Peraarry.—Tho family of Mr. Daniel Rids, residing in Minereville, adjoining Hollidaysburg, has been-visited by a disease known as whooping cough, which has proved very fatal. On Tuesday week, one of the children, Aged two years, died; on last Monday ;mother, aged four years, died; and while the parents and friends were absent from home at the funeral, the third child, aged eight years, died. Three more of hie ohibiren are tying very low, and note:footed to recover. Digolum - -In the me of &Upper £ DeltWOHer vs. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company; action to recover back the excess of freight charged by de fendants, who construed the act of Assembly com instill% the tonnage tan as intended to protect Pennsylvania interests, justice Woodward char ged that the Pennsylvania RailrOad Company was correct, the commutation being intended to apply only to local freight. A verdiet was entered for defendants. The ehse will be taken to the Supreme Court. SELLING OM! SELLING OFF I THE WHOLE STOCK or Dar GooDß:—Having bought the entire stock : of dry goods of J. A. Boger, Esq., we will com mence to sell off those goods at Mr. Boger's store,' at prieces less than can be botigivi ibr again in the city. And as all kinds of dry goods are advancing: every day in the city, this will be a good opportn. nity for those who are in want of any kind of goods. The stock consists in part of 10,000 yards of Calicos. 15,000 " Muslin,. 3,500 " Ginghams. 3,500 " Cassinetts and Kentucky Jeans. 1,000 " Cotten pants stuff. 500 4 ' Carpets. 2,000 Da ameg. 1,000 " Reinnanti of all kinds. 800 " Black Alpacas. 500. 41 ,, White Linen. • 500 " White Plaid Muslin, and Cambria. 1,000 pairs of Stockings and Half Hose. 500 " all kinds of Gloves. 1,000 papers of Smith's Needles. 100 Shawls. 100 yards of Dlaek Cloths, all prism. 800 " Colored and Black Silk. 600 " Crash and Toweling. • And'a great many other goods, such as are ge nerally kept in a first class dry goods store, and too numerous to mention. This IS a rare opportn. nity for buyers of dry goods, as the stook must be sold off by the Ist of April. B. lawr. MILITARY BUSINESS OF ALL KINDS AT. TENDED TO. EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at 'Law, office, Third street, Marriebarg, Pa. oot2B—ly ; 'musemints. GAIETY MUSIC HALL! WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Monday Evening, March 16.; ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY./ First appearance in this city of MISS LAURA BERNARD, THE CHARMING VOCALIST • AND . MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE CONCERT PROFESSION, THE GREAT AMERICAN NIGHTINGALE, Whose bird-like warblings entrance all. , AISO-THZ GREAT GAIETY TROUPE OP STARS IN • A NIGHTLY CHANGE \ OF PROGRAMME : DHSS LOUISA pAyanE, The Impersonation of Beauty and Melody, in her Sentimental and Comic Ballads. MISS ROSE LA FORREST, The Champion Female Jig and Fancy Dansense, Original and only • FEMALE ESSENCE OF OLD VIRGINIA! =PULE JOSEPHINE, The Fairy Star and Poetry of Motion. MRS. JULIA EDWARDS, ;The Harrisburg Favorite. J. G. H. SHOREY, The world-renowned Ethiopian Comedian. J. H. YOUNG, , The great Plantation Orator and Contraband Jester. HARRY WARFE, The Excelsior Banjoist and King of Songs and Dances. WM. H. BROWWELL, The favorite Negro Delineator & Interlocutor. J. H. DONELL, Solo Violinist and Composer. J. ANDRIA JRADELLA I Pianist Premier. 808 EDWARDS, The Comedian and Dancer. Comprising the most talented and versatile of combinations, who will appear EVERY_ EVENING In a choice selection of Operatic Gems, Duets, Comic Ballads, new Ind beantiful Dan ces &c. Also, the following Prize Negro Sketches and Burlesques, written expressly for them: THE BLACK BRIGADE, THE SPORTS 'OF THE POTOMAC, THE HAPPY TRIO, , HOW ARE YOU GREENBACKS? &e To conclude with the comic sketch and great Hit at the Times, entitled SAM PATCHEM IN THE' LEGISLATURE OR, Stirring Up the Aministration with Polls of Immense Attitude. • Characters by the Company. Admission Only 15 Cents. . 808 EDWARDS, Sole . Proprieter. WM. H. BaowNELL, Stage & Business Manager. iter" SIGNOR BLISS, "Via Who performs' the -Thrilling Feat of Walking upon the Ceiling, head downward, is engaged and will shortly appear. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, Third Street, below Market. MISS M. A. FIELDING'S NOVELTY TROUPE. Miss M. A. FIELDING SOLE LESSEE J. BUDD. ' BuSINESS AGENT 'B6 MANAGER CROWDED HOUSES IMMENSE SUCCESS 1 LARGEST COMPANY THAT EVER APPEARED IN TLIIB CITY, COMPRISING • NOVELTY! VARIETY! COMEDY! PROF. WM. WEBER'S SPLENDID.ORMS TRA OF SIX TALENTED MUSICIANS, zi - w . mwcw mNrs7lvxm-c4-. We are filled everynight by THE ELITE AND FASHION OF THE CITY. THIS IS TJ ONLY FAMILY RESORT IN THIS CITY. ser Come and judge for youraelves..-sai ALL NEW FEATURES FOR THIS WEEK. NEW PERFORMANCE. CHANGE EVERY EVENING. SPLENDID FARCE EVERY EVENING. Admission......... 25 Cents Gallery..• 15 di Orchestra Seats.. 50 Private Box Scabs 75 Entire Box $4.00 Doors open a quarter before seven—Commen cing a quarter before eight o'clock. SPECIAL NOTICE& S. 1.-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, Xxhatteteit nature , a great restorer. A delightful beve rage and active tonic. Composed of pure at. Croix Rum, rooks and herbs. It invigorates the body without stim ulating the brain. It destroys acidity of the stomach, creates an appetite and strengthens the system. It is a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhcea Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache, and prevent/I Miasmatic disease from change of diet, water, tee. It can be used at all times of day by old and young, and is particularly recommended to weak and delicate persona. Bold by all (}recess, Dimggiste, Hotels and Saloons. P. H. Drake & Co., 202 Broadway, New York. LYON'S KATHAIROS. This delightful article for preserving and beautifying the human hair is again pat up by the origin a proprie tot, and is now made with the same ears, skillandatten tion which Int created its imamate and unpaleedented stasis of over one Million bottles Amman I. Is still sold at 25 cents in large bottles; Two million bottles can easily be sold in a year when it is again Known that the Hatludron is not only the most delightful hair dres sing in the world, but that it cleanses the scalp of scurf and dandruff, gives the hair a lively, rich, luxuriant growth, and prevents it from turning gray. These are considerations worth knowing. The Rathairon has been tested for over twelve years, and is warranted as :de scribed. Any lady who valneit a beautiful head of hair will use the Kathairon. It is finely perfumed, cheap and skiable. It is sold by all respectable dealers through out the world. D. O. BARNES A. 00. novs-2awd&wilm New York. HEIMSTREE'VB INIMITABLE HAIR RE§TORATIVE. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, bysupplying the capillary tubes • with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the - vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. 71dB/- street's Inimitable Coloring not only restoreseair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Luxuriant Beauty, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the teat of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Need by 'both gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all +respectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agent, D. B. Barnes, 202 Broadway, N. Two sizes, 60 cents and $l. nov7,2awdlcw6m IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESEMAIIIPS: PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the milt of a long mod extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting 11l irregn- Unities, painful menstruation, removingallobetrnetiong whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the sidei palpitation of the heart, whites, all siervonialtee thnu3, hysterics, fatigue, pain in th bask eatlimbs, itc., disturbed deep, Which bark hem istentlitivisof nature. DR. CHEZSZKLI B PALE was the commenoemen o nor • dribliallatarstof those irregularities and oteltradi env tiatt eons Nig4 9 4 do many t. •Plendliter • blelhoon enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins to de cline. DR. CIIRESEMAN , S PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all UM they are invaluable, inducing, with certainty, periodical regular ity. They are known to thousands, who have used them at different periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in America, Explicit directions, stating when they should not be used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box, containing from6o to 60 Pills. PiUs sent. by mail, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Sold by Druggists generally. 8.. 13. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. gold in Harrisburg, by D. A. Bannvart. . " Mechanicsburg, by J. S. Dellett. " Carlisle ; by S. lilliott, " Shippensburg, by D. W. Rankin. obambersburg, by Miller & Hershey. Hammehrtown, by George Wolf. " Lebanon, by George Ross. dedi-d&Wly THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE Have been diligently employed in perfecting . CRISTADORO'S Eicelsior HAIR DYE. It is no wonder, then, that after Careful. Analysis by Dr. Chilton, IT WAS PRONOUNORD HARMLESS, And klnow taking the place of all other Dyes. Those who have been disappointed with miserable imitations, are always pleised with the genuine. Any - shade of back or brown, to suit all complexions, produced in ten minutes. Manufactured by J. CHIBTADORO, 6 Astor House. New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair pressen. Price $l, $1 604nd $3 per box, according to size_ Cristadoro's Hair Preservative Is invaluable with his Dye, as it imparts the utmost softness, the most beautiful gloss and great vitality to the Hair. Price 50 cents, $1 and $2 per bottle, according to size m7-ddrw.bn • DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINI NINY--A certain care for pains and aehee, and war ranted superior to any other. Croup it positively cures; relief is absolutely sure immediately it is used. Mo thers remember this, and arm yourselves with a bottle without delay. Croup is a disease which gives no no tice, frequently attacking the child in the deed hour of night; before a physician can be summoned it may be too late. Remember, the Venetian ,Liniment never fails. Price 25 and 50 centsebottle. Sold by all Drug gists. Office, 56 Cortlandt street, New York. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS ! • FOR. FEMALES: • - - Infallible in Gorreciing,.Regulasing and Removing of/ Obstructions, from whatever maws and always successful as a Preventive. , ThesejPlLLB hare been used by the Doctors for many years, beth in France and America, with unparalleled mamas in every ease; and he is urged by many thousand ' lades who used them, to make the rills - public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. Females paiticularly situated, or those supposing themselves so; are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they . are sure to produce misearriage,*and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admonition, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health—other wise the Pills are recommended. lel and explicit di rections accompany each box. Price $l.OO per box. Sold, wholesale and retail, by CHARLES A, BANN TART, Druggist, N 0.2 Jones Bow, and 0. H. KELLER, Druggist, Harrisburg, pa. Ladies, by sanding them MAO to the -Harrisburg post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (conlidentially)' sod '‘cfree of postage" by mail. - Sold also by J. L. Tamouraissi; Lebanon ;' A. Iroise, wrightsville •E. T. MILLER , York ; ELLIOTT, Car lisie; J. C. Aim; Shippensburg; J. SPAM/LIB, chem. bersburs S. WILD, Newville iA. J. KinessiAx, Me chanicsburg. Bnowst & Buomax, No. 4, South Liber ty 'street, Baltimore; and by "one Druggist" in every town an d city throughout the United Staten. HALL lc RUCHBL, 218(isoilnwich Street. New York, General. Who/mire Agents. N. B —Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden pills of any kind unless every box is signed S.D. Howe. All others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, se you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of being humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those Who show the signature of S. D. Howe on- every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent. They will tell You the Pills are perfectly harmless, yet will do all claimed for them. • 8. D. HOWD, jyri-dly Sole Proprietor, New York. TO.. NtIiVOUS SUFFERERS. OF BOTH BENDEL—A reverend gentlemen having been re stored to health in•a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine mid irregular expensive modes of treat ment, without success, consider* it his sacred duty to communicate to his ablated fellow creature! Hie means of curs.. Rance, on the receipt of an addressed. enve lope, he will send (free) a copy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DAONALL, 186 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N, Jau2o-3m Nem CASTLE,' Wawro . ncsTeir. Co., N.Y Oct. 28,1852. TIN &you Sustoomr, Editor Slag Sing Reittbli- Dear Bir—l would state that I was induced to use BRANDRETIi'S PILLS through the recommendation of John R. Swift, of Croton, Westchester County, who was entirely restored to health by their use. lie was sick for some two years, very costive and dyspeptic, and he tried everything, but was not relieved. Finally, he took one Brandreth•s Pill every day for a week, and a dose of six Pills every day for three days, and then took one. Pill every day, with occasional doses of six. In one month he was able to go toswork, and. in three months was well, gaining 40 pounds In weight. - Yours truly,. FD WARD PUBDY. WzarOassrim Comm, ea. • Edward Purdy. being duly MOM, says that he resides in the town of New Castle ; that some years ago he was very sick with•a sore on hie leg, which had been run ning for over five years; that he was slim much dis tressed by a pain in his chest,an ',betides, was very cos tive and dyspeptic; that after rying various remedies and many physician; he - commenced using Brandreth'e Pills, sir to eight three times .a week, and at the end of one month the sore in his leg healed, and at the end of two months he wee ehtirely cured of costiveness, dys pepsia and pain, and Wm remained welt ever since., '. EDWARD PIJRIIY, Sworn to before me, this 15th day of October, 18E4. nov . l-2wad&w6m B. MALCOLM SMITH, Justice qT the l'esee. Nor sale in Harrisburg by OHO. H. BBLL atov/94.84w1m PURIFY THE BLOOD.—Not a few of the worst disorders tkat afflict mankind arise from the corruption that accroUulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none bails been found which could equal in effect Avon's .COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instills the vigor of health into the system and purges out the humors which make dis ease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood. Its extraordinary virtues are not yet widely known, but when they are it will no longer be a ques tion what remedy to employ in the great variety of afflicting diseases that require an alterative remedy.— finch a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit certificates to show its effects. But the trial of a single bottle will'show to the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Bafferera from Scrofula, Serofolous Swellings and Sores, try it and see the rapidity with which it cures. Skin Diseases, Pigmies, Pustules, Blotches, Eruptions, fr., are soon cleaned out of the system. ' St. Anthony's are, Rose or Erysipelas, Tatter or Salt Rheum, Scold Head, Ringworm, tr., should not be borne while they can be so speedily eared by ATcn'a SARSAPARILLA. Syphilis or Venereal //Liaise is expelled from the sys tem by the prolonged use of this SeasarsiaLLA, and the patient left as healthy as if he, had never had the .b'emale Diseases are eansed by ilerofula in the blood, and are generally soon cured by this EXTRACT Of SARSA PARILLA. Price sl.per bottle, 0i.13 bottles for $5. For all the purposes of a family physic take AYIR'S CATHARTIC PILLS, which are everywhexe , known to be the beat piirgative that I/3 offered to the American people. Price 25 cents per to; or 5 boxes for $l, prepared by Da. 2. 0. AYER It 00., Lowell, Rms. Price 25 cents per box. _ live boxer for $l. Sold by 0. A. BIINYART, I:4oss & 00.j11.,/g. Mia r.sa, J. BONGABDASII, DR. MILL{ and L. WIITH, Har risburg, and dealers everywhere feb7-tf - XLMBOLD EXTBAOT BUCHII, - THE GREAT DIURETIC HELMBOLIPS EXTRACT lIITCHU. TU GREAT DIURETIC HELMBOLDI /11/ETBACT BUCEIII, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLDI EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC, And a positive and specific remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness Andall dieeseee of the trinerjOrgene. See advertisement in another column: Cat it out, and send for the medicine. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Bold by JOHN. WYETR, 0. H. HELLEN sod 0. A BANNYABT, Druggists, Harrisburg. aug2l-daw2ns Editors Patriot and Union Dn.ta Sins :—With your permission I wish to say to he readers, of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with i full &sec tions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, the. will effectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will ensile them to start a fall growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustacc, in less than 80 days. All ap plications answered by return mail without charge. ' Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, feb26 3mw No. 831 Broadway, New York. CITY ELECTION. In compliance with the charter of the City of Harris- Mug, notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of the several wards of said city, that an election for per sons to fi ll the various office s' of the said city, will be held at the following places, to wit ON THE THIRD FRIDAY OF MARCH, being the 20th day . of said month, 1863, between the hours of 9 o ' clock ,' a. m., and 7 o'clock, p. m., of said day. In the First Ward, the qualified voters will meet at the School Honse on the corner of 'Front street and Mary's alley, in said city, and vote for one person for Mayor, for one member of Common Council, one person for Constable, one person for Assessor, one person for Judge. and two persons „for Inspectors of Election in said Ward, and School" Directors. In the Second .Vard,:the qualified 'voters will meet, on said day, at thlitlchool House on. the corner of Dew berry alley soad.Chestnut street, and vote for one person for Mayor, one person for CommOn'Conficil r one person for Constable, one person for Assessor, one person for Judge, two persons for Inspectors of election of said Ward. and School Directors. In the Third Ward, the qualified voters will, meet on said day, at the School Rouse, corner of Walnut street and River alley, and vote for one person for Mayor, one person for Common Council, one person for Constable, ene person for Assessor, one person for Judge, and two persons for Inspectors of Election of said Ward, and School Directors. In the Fourth Ward, the qualified voters will meet on said day, at the School Rouse in West State street, and vote for one person for Mayor. one person for Common Council, one person for Constable, one person for Asses sor, one person for Judge, and two persons fpr Inspec tors of Election of said Ward, and School Directors. In the Fifth Ward, the qualified voters will meet . on 'midday, at the dairy of John Forster, corner of Ridge road and North avenue, and vote for one person for Mayo; one person for Constable, one person for Asses• sor, one person for Judge, and two persons for Inspectors of Election of said Ward, and School Directors. In the Sixth Ward, the qualified .voters will meet at the Schoolßouse on Brosd street, west of Ridge ave nue, and vote for one person for Mayo; one perm& for member of Common Council, one person for Constable, one person for Assessor, one person for Judge, and two persons for Xi/tweeters of Election in said ward,.and School Directors. m7-14twlm Given under my hand at the Mayor's Office. March 2d, 1063-dte WM. H. KEPNRR, Mayor. THE GREAT LIVING- HISTORY. THE REBELLION RECORD A Diary of American Events, " Edited 'by FRANK INOORE.-• Publishing in parts, at 50 cents, each part illustrated with two Portraits engraved on steal. - FOUR VOLUMES are now ready, at annexed prices, until April 1, 1863: • OlotE Ta a volume. Sheep • .. 400 volu me. Ralf Calf, or half Morocco... s'oo ic THE REBELLION RECORD IS 'INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY PUBLIC AND PRI VATE LIBRARY. ' ' The font volt:mac contain: - 1. • A BULL AND CONOISB DIARY OT NVIINTI3 2 from the meeting of the South. Carolina, Convention in Dec. 1860, to the capture of New Orleans, inclusive. ll._ Over ONE THOIISANDOBBIOIAL OPORTS and Nar ratives of all the Battles and Bkirmishes' that have occurred during the War. Over FIVE HUNDRED SONGS AND BALLADS, both loyslimd rebel. PORTY-SEYBR PORTRAITS, engraved on eteeliof the mod eelebrated men of the time, and Tientpaii Maps and Plum of Rattles. V. • Over THESE THOUSAND Incidents and Anecdotes of Personal Daring and Bravery. "AS A .WORN FOR CONSTANT RIP.NENNOB IT ES EMINENTLY TO BE BELIED ON." G. P. PUTNAM, Pnbliaher, • 532 Broadway. CHAS. T. EYANS, Gen. Agt MB Broadway. SPECIAL NOTION. • On aad after April let, the piles tit' gTs>l ReurLitew RICIORD" Will be adeanied Fifty Cts. a volume. Prom that date the sale of Partsfrom Nos. 1 to 24, will be discontinued. Back sets 0f ,,, Tau lisaumnoir Ricoau" will be sold.only is volumes. Purchasers and subscri bers who have not completed the four vol.. mast at once dose. The work will contibue to be published imparts, at 50 sents—each part illustrated with two portraits on steel: Volume V -will comprise parts. • MEAL-A SUPERIOR AR ITA. TIOLZ just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, Is., k CO. Facts About Brandrethvs Pills. PROCLAMATION (rod. COAL ! COAL ! ! COAL ! ! ! The subscriber haring bfinglitnut the Coal Tarnow". fixtures formerly belonging t4Wutecli• w ke°ll °T 3 .11 ••2 is now ready to deliver. to the - 44; . af Iturtabia t l ß . kens Valley and Wilkesbarre C6lfi,44lliFlireptred,:ol the best quality, at the low* ifialite(t, Prialik Al l ir Coal delltered at the consimera 2 doeiyr,ltilbe:: 'r t weigh cart o.4era iatt at my. eXasMiirtit.M4 - ket, or at the yard, will be punctually attendeirtiii;,. Thankful for the liberal patronsgerittriZeifilkill" tended, I still eak for a continuance of the saws. g r. deicl6-2m* DAVID MiCORIIII P. B.—One Patent Weigh Part for sale. COAL • WHOLESALE AND itATAIL. ifANING leased the CealiYard, Mot of North sweet, latelmeenpled•b3 0. D..lFanillif inn enabled to supply the publittirtoA • COMPLETE AILSORTMMIIM OF THE DIFFERENT • • 02021 'Lr. VARIETY A.IkTD"'rIZ - E75- OF . C0CA3941.70" CICULXihi • • FULL WEIG-11 1 1 . ALWAYS GUARANTEE'', Orders respectfully solicited--whiah„ if left office, foot of North street, or at the store of W. Dock, sr., & Co., (where samples will be shown,) wit receive prompt attention. • - jy3l-dtl] GiLLIARD DOOK. J OH-N, TILL'S r. COAL YARD,'' SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATTEP; ROLLING MILL, - Where he keeps eonstairtly on hand LYKENS AND WILKESBARRE COAL-- Mich as STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, Egli and NET, which he will dispose of at the lovrest market price. Consumers will do well to call on bim and, lay In their supply, se the Coal will bi delivered olion,:and full weight. jan24.11110 • J UST RECEIVE]! TEE LARGEST AND BEST . ASSORTMEEM OF FINN . • STEEL ENGRAVINGS PRINTS, AND. HEADS . I ,,, • AND SCENES, ADAPTED FOR GRECyiN OIL PAINTINGS, AT Win Knoches Music Stem h. 93 Market street, Harrisburg.- pIOTOGBAPHIC ALBUMS. THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENTi, AT W. iNOCIIE ' S MUSIC STORE, AT 93 MARKET ST. n0264f MOTlOE.—Agreeably: to the provision*. LI of the Act of Assembly incorporating the WH Harrisburg Market Company, notice is hereby:gieww that ritheCriptiove to the capital stock °real& eoinpanr. Will be received on and after the 16th day of Fekritailp next, at the residence of the subecriber. jan22-dtfebl6 T. LOUIS FLOUR.-=THE .REST BRAND 'FOR FAMILY USB in the market. 1S barrels of the celebrated St. Lords Fl our , = hymn, pronounced the most superior article ever offereddu the market, just received and for WO by . WM DOCK , au., eice PRUSH FISH every Tuesday and Fri .': ilay at „TORN WTI'S Store, aro" of Titifilaall Wendt. .=-Ijays WAL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. HENRYII C. SNIFFER Noe bags stook: of Widow St et Mid WAN Papa eit band which will be mold very low. Ong and enmailso. Paper Hanging personally attested to. No. 32, MARKET STREET, Near the bridge. oet24-4tf SECRET DISEASES ` ! , SECRET DISEASES!: SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! Tua MOST OCATAIN BAKED'S' SIMI USES. Yes,, a Positive Cure! f BALSAM COPATIA ¢ MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a cure.. - They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any, unpleasant taste, and will not, in any *ay,- injure that stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to four days, and recent cases it twenty-four hours. No ouposure, no trouble, no eleauge eokateeer.. Price male packages, $.2; Female, $3. Sold b r D. w. GROSS di CO. Sent by mail by DESDIOND & 00.,..80x 131 Phila. P. 0. BLOOD! BLOOD! . SORES ; THEIR CAUSE A DEFRAYED,. CON DITION OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS O.TED. TEES, SCALES BOILS. SYPHILIS Olt rpm, BEAL DISEASES, ETC. • SAMARITAN'S. • .ft 090 T 1.4. ND HERD .I' UI 0' RB - Is offered to the public as a Positive cure. Ennishes ant impurities -of the blood and bringit the 'system ti a. healthy: action, cure those Spots , Tettere r ltialeslad‘ Copper Colore d Patches. SYPHILIS OR -VENEREAL ItiZak i ii62ol. The. Samaritan's Root and ejAarb ie. tbs most %. Certain remedy ever prescribed. ./t removes every par. - tide of the poison. FEMALES!'. FEMALES:" I In many affections with whic h nrimberiva V nnate e suffer, the ROOT AND HERD Allege ip most g o ppuy adapted, in Ulcerated 'Uterus in White's; in. bearing. down, Falling of the Womb Tieldlity' and for all com— plaints incident to the sex.. • DO NOT DESPAIR. • ' Keep out 'of hospitals. Here is a cure in slime for". $5. Price ES per bottle, or six for', With three,_ - Mons.. Sold by D. W. GROSS CO. Sent by Empress carefully packed by ..; . • DESMOND & 00„ janflly Box 151 Phila. P.O. C R EDA TUBS, CHURNS and 'KEA. - ECUBES, together with * large inwortonent ot:BAS- - MT& BiLOONg &coma received, and, for eels Mr" ovo.'bv Wad. DOOH, Je.. H P.. 4% W. O. TAII4OIOB ' N i 3EI Vcr iss co ALT. I It is eronoutioal and highly doWarg 0.. It contains no Itosin and will not-waste. It le warranted not to injure theihands. It will impKt an agreeable odor, and is therefor suitable for every purpose. Por . sale wig. DOGS, .13.. /030. COAL NOTICE.—WE HAVE Tills. .datoompleted an arrangement with Henri T y t r opp, Esq., for the sale of the entire amount Z, Ns• TALLEY and SHORT MOUNTAIN COAL, mined by him to be delivered at Millersburg, have this day appointed E. BYERS Sole Agent for the Mats of Penn. _ eylvania, except Philadelpllio. SUTTON', YENNINUTON Mo. Harriebdrg, Feb. 12, 1863.—feb13.d4w A hi S! I I — , J . net readied, a large iii pp l y of COVBRAD SUGAR-OURBD TrAga t qj .so bast Limed is the market. . WBP, atie sold Is ism wool . . June27l WM. DOCK. JR../ CO. B UCKWHEAT MEAL !-15,000 Us enter Utak just received and for rale by duo WM. DOCK, IR. CIL :~f' • ~ ~; El W. K. VBEBETLI, Presidtpat pro tempers. ES