Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, March 12, 1863, Image 1
RATES OF ADVERTISING. Your lines or less oontaltnte half a square. Ten er more than four, eonetittltso a square. Half sq., one day....— $0 30 o n e sq., one 20 60 " one week.... 120 ooe week.... 200 one month.. 300 " one month.. 81:0 c, three months 500 " three months 10 00 cc ris ninths.. 800 " Six months.. 15 00 " . one Year. .... 12 00 " one year —2O 00 Business notices inserted in the toast. counts, Or before marriages and deaths, PEN CENTS PER LINE for each insertion. To merchants and others advertising - by the year, liberal terms will be offered. U The number of insertions must be designated on the advertisement. 10"' Marriage! and Deaths will be inserted at the same rfitis as r egular advertiseroante. Oistellaneous. TENSIONS, BOUNTIES, 8401. PAY, War Claims mid Claims far Indemnity. sTEVIAM, STEVENS; CLARK & CO. ) Attorney's and Counsellors-at-Law, and Solicifori for all kinds of NiWary Claims, - _ 450 PENNbYLVANIA AVENUE WASHINGTON, D. D. This firm, baring a thorough knowledge of the Pen sion Business, and being familiar with the practice in all the Departments of Government, believe that they can afford greater facilities to Pension, Bounty, and other Claimants, fer the prompt and successful accom plishment of business entrusted to them, than any other Bun in Washington. They desire to secure -such an amount of this business as will enable them to execute the business fontiach claimant very cheaply, and on the basis of their pay contingent upon their SUCCESS in each race. For this purpose they will secure the services of Law Firms in each prominent locality throughout the States where such baldness may be had, fttrnish such with all the necessary blank forms of application and evidence, reguis* ite _printed Pamp . hlet:ffiadiructions, and circulars for distribution in their vicinity, with also-' elates names inserted, and upon the due execution of the papers and transmission of the same to them by their local SeSoCiates, they will promptly perform the business here. 113" Their charges will be ten dollars for officers and BVG dollars for privates, for each Pension or Bounty and ack Pay obtained, and ten per cent. on amount of - Claims for Military Supplies or Claims for Indemnity. ir7' Soldiers enlisted since the Ist of March, 1861, 'in any kind of service, Military or Naval, who are disabled by disease or' wounds, are entitled to Pensions. All soldiers who serve fOr two years, or during the war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to $lOO Bounty. Widows of soldiers who die or are killed, are entitled to Pensions, and the $lOO Bounty. If there be no widow, then the minor children. And if no minor - children, then the father, mother, sisters or brothers are end _led as above to the%loo Bounty and Back Pay. JOSEPH B. STEWART ; RESTOR It: STEVENS, • '-'• EDWARD CLARE, OBOAR A. PTEVENS, WILLIS B. GAYLORD. WsskistarON, D. C., 1862. Apply at our office, or to our Associate at Rasp:lmmo, PA.--JOHN A. BILLER _ , Attorney and Gonnsellor. Prrresono, Pe —ARTHIIBS & RIDDELL, Attor neys-at-Law. POTTSTILL; Ps..—WM. B. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor. . • Ik rua . A rtai.pra.t., PA--.T. G. MINNIOHILD, 44 LITICiOd street, WM_ hi. SMITH, Attorney and Counaellor. .WASEINGTON, CRUMRINCE, Attorney and Counsellor. - • V3 -1;31y • JACKSON .& SHOE STORE, NO. 90X.MABNIT NTRIEW, HARRISBURG, PA., Where they ntend to devote their entire time to the atannineture of BOOTS A - ND 13110 ES all hinds and varieties, in the neatest and most fash onable styles, and at satisfactory prices. Their stork will consist, in part, of Geatlemen , s .Fine calf awd Patent Leather Boots and Shoes, latest styles; Ladies , and Misses' Gaiters, and otherphoes in great variety; and in fact everything connected with the Shoe business. - CEISTOMMI WOREIVILI be particularly attended - to, and in all cases willimithifablion be 'warranted. Lute Sited up by one of the beet makers is the ementry. - The long practical experience of the undersigned, and their thorough knowledge of the business will, .they trust, be salscient.gmaantee to the public that they will do them jostles, and furnish them an article the will recommend itself for-utility, eheapnem and dura bill . .9] . , JAMESON de 00.-' IijIIRINGEWS PATENT BYRN TEA,. -LU_ s solid, concentrated extract of BEEF A 14 1) 'VEGETABLES, Convertible immediately into a nourishing and dell-- dons soup. Highly approved -by a nambm qf stains:as PAysicians. This admirable article condensed Into a compact form, all the substantial and nutritive properties of a large bulk of meat and vegetables. The readiness with which it dissolves into a rich and palatable Soap, which would require hours of preparitien according to the usual method, is an advantage in many situations of life, too obvious to need urging. Its highly nourishing qualities combined with its delicacy, renders it invaluable for the sick while for those in health, it is a perfectaubatitute for fresh meat and. vegetables. It will keep gohd bony climate_ Itis peculiarly well adapted FOR. TRAItELF.I4I„by 11 land or sea, who can thus •01lith080 accidentaldep riva flour, of a comfortable meal, to which they are so liable. FOR INVALIDS, whose capricious appetite can thus be satisfied in a moment_ FOR SPORTSMRN and EXOI7RBIOIYISTR. to whom, both its compactness Said easy preparation will recom mend it. For sale by sepSi-tf CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR! UNRICRLLED BY ANT ItlT THE U maws! AND SUP&DIOR TO ANY MO' a "Sr 33 1 4 61" X3l 1131 3 3EFSR.ED IN PENNSYLVANIA! IT IS MAD 07 _ CHOICE MINOT/RI WRITE WHE.A.7. „ ID — Delivered any place in the city freer( c harge Terms cask Ins delivery. ./Y 3O _ DOOR, 7a.;-&130. QOI 4 DIER'S CAMP COMPANION: kJ A very convenient Writing Desk; also, Portfolios, Memorandum Bean, Portnionnsies, Ac., at NUMMI ( #QQAIM7P. I . , . CHEESE !I-100 Oozes Prime Cheese (on csonnignment) poi safe at less than market rata. jylo 'WM. DOCK; Ja., Er:CO NOTIONS.—Quite a variety of useful 1. 1 1 and entertaining artieles—cheat • • 50K187.1131 3 13 BOOKEITOIII. WANTED. -A GOOD COOK th 4" V v BOO:WIDNES $O2Tli. immediat OLARET . WINN II I--:—We are ele j sipg out A VERY SUPERIOR LOT :at Jess Mass ebst! 5y9 . WM. DOC% 7s t • . DRIME POTATO ES ,k-A LARGE LOT just receivedand formula '• oca4-4.tf . VPit DOCK, Js. l & CO. . . MINCE MEAT !—Very' sttperior, just MI. received and for. gale by WM. DOCK, ji., & CO. CONDENSBD tje t--Just received awl -for sale by WM. DOCK jr., k.kio. • 10111 - ERIIETIOA , LL,Y , SBALEV , peaches, Tomatoes," Lobster, Salmon, Gyrkers, Spiced Oysters, for sale by - 11111149 01 E., jr_44/9(N: .Q311.01C.F4D ICALIBVT I I, very Choi - de ar tickylust received and for sal* by - WIL MOIL it4k,c9. I TARENO)I' MUSTARD; A!igia.TslT doiaa or itiumbel4o Aar perior Salse9.ll. IKAUP.2 SaI:MN and ci*llout, ot s ovary descripilet, far / , . - , niy2s . WM. D0M0R.,, 1 4:4: , • • T R trimmed, and - Orr 14 LAKE - Elltol3T ( recxotit,gratoz, - ItalEi veriami t qual.itY "& I"? 1 wIV- • WARI WAR 1 'LLrADY .62 . • hfarZet atreet, below Thlrd. Ampreeehred a large sesortment' cif : SWORDS , flaaisa an 1 1, F .1:194 h will sell very ley. • tz, - • ovito.4l-f SELF" SF4I - UNP - nurr , J - Aig , §l- Bestend' 'Oheiipast hi the mailcitel',Pip imunine them. 3 y 31 :WM. DOCK .11t 'OO. AENT-7-Two-dcsiraNti ghTIOD x ROOkill;seeouli atorrilkentier. Wyeth )10Unlit corner of Market Bow poi, It street. Apply)* Ida office , • i ,/,: oopMdtf ACKEREL!// ALL 11A.CNIRS%, Nos. 1, 2 and 3„ in all sized packages nee, and cock pods urarreutted. Jnet received, and - We Icor by • WM. Dom, & CO. - =I war. DOCK, Js., & 00 . . . . . . • .. . • ) , . . --.--. ----'_, '.. ; •,.... - 7 - --,•- --- .: •-, ,- -"- li k- . --I . . . , . . -• . • , IPI . . .• • , • . . • . . ~. . . . --- ---, "'=+ .- nerrtrr.7: 4-- ' -- 7,--.5 --.-.• '••.- . - .• • • . . • s , .. 1 • , 1 11 ... . -•-.••: 4 . t ::. : ;:,..!...: g-• • • . . n.: ..k. ....__._._..._._ n _. ..... . , PRICIE . TWO — OE I. 6.--NO. 164. • . HARRTSBURG, PA., THURSDAY Ili A A 1,2 . 1863 s. v - :. . ~, - . . - . .. , .. . Jilt - t 'I. - • -:,-. .- . VOL . Rushing turbo. • CIEARLE'S F. VOLLM.ER ; UPHOLSTERER, Chestnut street, four door. above"Beeonci, (Opposirs WABIitNeToN HOSE Rousi,) - Is prepared to furnish to order, in the very best style' of workmanship, Spring and Hair Mattresses, Window Our. tains, Lounges, and all other articles& of Flux - Ante in his hoe, on short notice and moderate terms. Having ex perience in the brisiness,be feels -warranted in'asking a share of pnbliapatronage, cbufident of biaability to-give satisfaction. --janlT-dtt SILAS. WAIL . •• i Ds. NO. 11, NORTH THIRD BT., HARRISBURG. STEINWA.Y S S• PIA4OS, MELODEONS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, Banjos,' Flutes, Fifes, Drums, .decortleons, STRINGS, SHIM? AND BOOK MUSIC, &0., &0., PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. ALBUMS,' Large Pier and Mantle Wiwi and Orli .I!rasno of every description made to W&t: Reguilding dons. Agency for Hevrels Sewing Machines. 117. ' Sheet Mania sent by Mail. ontl.l JOHN W. 0-LOVER, NEWMAN"' TAILOR! Has just received from New York, an assort. went of SEASONABLE GOODS, Which he- offers to big containers sus the potato et nov22) MODERATE PRIMA, - T .IiO S. C. MA.aD•OWEIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILITARY CLAIM AND PATINT AGRNT. Office-in Burldo Row, Third 'otreit, - (Vii'Siairi.) Timing formed IC connection with pattielt in Whth ingtott City, who are , reliable business.. en, any busi ness connected with, any of the Dellartnienta will Meet with immediate and careful arterkti,o 2l .':: '1:126'7 S .31 IT H & E W ATTOItisTEY.S-,AT,L.A:ir sTAtv e lF7l l ,,,iptxTisbArg, Prictioe several Courts of, Dauphin county. crd le ctious•made promptly. .; -A: 8`51 . 1111, feb2o3 - • • - • • ft/I-WING. • T, COOK, Merchant Tailok r U • , 27 QHF.BNIIT ST., br4neen.4aeonkandlriont, Me Just returned from the city alt,h,an assortment of , CLOTHS, CASSIMEt*S 414 D V : E.iTiIVeS, Which/ rill be aold at moderate 'prices and made up to order ; and, also ; an assortment of READY NADA Clothing and Gantlemen's Furnishing Goods. . : " nov2l-I.jd " N T 1 .. S T R Y . 8.-. IL .D. . 1 NO. 119 MARKET STREET 3.ISY ! fir, SKNICICIAS ItIfILDINC4 DP wrens. janS-t1 R - slaq-ipuis_ AOOll. S TORE, TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITOR*, --•- • E.'S. GERNIAX« . IT Souls 'IIIIOO2II I IITRENI', ABOV a 011:111MT, ' ArAsolostriaillit!. " • ' 1141 pot for tkoralo of Btoreoroopoo,lltererlo92lo7 ll m, lins% mod Mirka inottitleAtil. AlllO, subsoriptdone trAert for rollaiozut,publiostietuo.' - _nom WM..'H. BII.ILE . ATVORNEY OBPICI IN, EIHOMIII.4.KEIV'S .BUILDLNSE. sEgON.r? sra.gAry BBTWRIN WALNITI I •AND BaBENT SQUIBB, no2B] Nearly opposite the Buehler House. Fdtcsil,y 0 MARTIN , . FASHIONABLE. R D W ,, R: I-T ER 2 - HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA .t All sib/Amer of VISITING, WEDDING AND .131/SI MOSS CARDS ,eviented in the most artistio styles and moat reasonable terms. desl4-dtf F• • N• • • L N OIJ Ei BAITIMORN, MD. " This pleasant and commodlow! Hotel has, been tho Oughly re-frited and re-firniehed. It hi pleasantly Situated, on North-Weet.comer of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doors west of the Northerngentral Way Dopot llvaitattantiOn pairtto thti conifoit of his _guests. ii 1241 o.l.ll.lBB*ll,llift,P,ropriotor, • Mate of oeitne GI-Foye. Pa-) T}" ("• ' F . . SOEfELFEIt . 1 BOOK, 'CARD - AND' JOB:_PRINTER . No. 18 MAIULF.TIII I ItEIIT , liAltliliitoll4. tit am and binding lal i :I t t Blanks,t paid Vgn,lniF r i.H li ngpi. 00- ei. P."So Delta Bill-Hauls, &e l '- ' —' . Wedding, Visiting and %WIMP CPz,de p rint ed at Teo low pries* and In the 'best Style. jan2l . ---- TOTTVILL.VOLABB 'WOltiti;, • ...;,.. claiots; °id.** irkii is; p Ibiza AHD . Fitzlivz.kr i E • or , Mit ,D1111161311410N; • iN6S-1111. MIJ S 1.0 O E P'O At 4 %. 98,MAtnar OTBArav BARRIS/Magi Plj oigrOisitiB;43ANJO . STRINGS, • ' -s. oformardesailption. • ' Dlt4liff3, /PIO% XL117T.1113, ,A.011:1010:0110RBi_sta. , ; at the Zawart tart .; • W.KNOCHWEirIdrEIIO STORM ' ' ' . .= . / 1 113, '" ? 1 4 1 WS .15 T I PPW r • • BOOK `FOR '- THE ' TIMES - 1° A- . , , „., ~ ...._.,..... , ~-, J P a,, ' Anser i e r• An n t" a - iiqr 16 7 440. ) a P (/ ' Re3 4 . 814 7r 0 yi l. ImportantEvititilor the Year 18b1. - it ? , v 01.,, 0 VO.lker-750 pages. C?;4043; Leather 3.;50. PsB,lieh al tirill:'l4iptekrik ii-V0.,170i0 (irk: , the de 0.31411.w0rk is Main:nick a ~ reacord.of all the Im po rtant knowledge of **a year. The eve, of rr,arific to ItlieirrNmMeacte, will; of eirdiceoad p la eon:pawn:as par!, b 0 ell„cOker frappes-00i imadd,-ArNaUtera.ttiria•• thildidhanie Arta, &V . *tit -re wire dde_si-t-de,,iirtiokrfalisivill lalitlinilailalt& 4tin °lmp* lay summp on, and ready for eiiveryiniune next. t n i 11 1i() ..:- ,' , i'IVE •I', , Pill •.:*"., 1: sl . . f '3 ' ,410, 1 ow oonale , . 1 'Aeliaonla DBbEssiro Coigitiliss, 16 eliiiklis, $3 aiiisl.s9' L pAr.roiiiike. - ----. ' 5. 411441'13 TlitlYiNtkla C&Fr• 6.. Pitioaf, lilelusoraaraia aau/., $3 r roc,. .. 'Cllciopedwa [ A salwartiogis•nEiwpalwasy f icecaterii64o tko ~, alifilpi es o fthe r moo . errinBq9,ratlTlA r itM4Tici!, At , Atte/ politridift,' ft *Os. $2 1 :30 ward : - ' • e' • P" i4daki ( Lif.a*.2.P4MPOPOritetbraWarOia Et.wfiresec, AC sae . " , ma ~,,i,ranglaissitreacimisruburiwPc ),-1". •r, i . General Agrt for_ R. ArPLBTPN &09 . viiioty_ . latr.re &Adaripere eitAWdtiallyel4edie i' I 5 30. 08 c 1 ,1P , ,Tr • .. ' 1 , T 7 Iti ( .1 11 , 1- . Cie. , QW . 4ET,,,OBIERI-..Agirery . snyierioi k.) jilialrfeeivedfan4,foredetby WM; DOolli{ii.V*Ob. , DOT.KTOE§II-400 qsl:4sloXA:llo,':i maperiin;qft bid teetered- for Balejr i l 7 tEm VOW) ,A 1 INRIBP neely° gr- 06 - S" . • '4",'S' MEg:iliti,,Algigatai:._ u ES, and at reasenable prices, for sale ty WM. DOCK, & CO. COOPE GELATINE.—The bed article In the market, Ast maimed and for sale by Inaal 4-1( WM. DOGS Jl. THr, Weekly "Patriot THR CHEAPEST PAPER P -PENNSYLVANIA AND THE ONLY DEMOORATIO •PAPN' THE SEAT OF; GOVERN FORTY-FOUR COLUMNS AF READING MAT TER BACH-'WEEK I AT. TIE; J.OW PRICE OF ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS! STIESCRLb'ED FOR IN CLUBS OF NO2'. LESS THAN TEN GMARIES TO ONE ADDRESS! We have been compelled to'raise the club sublicription price to one dollaraud ftfty'fiblitelii"Ordir to save our selves from actual loss. Paper haE•risen, including taxes, about , twenty-five per cent., and Is, rising; and when we tell our Democratic friends, candidly, that we can no longer afford tgsell the Weekly PATRIOT AND Union at one dollar a year, and Inuat add fifty cents or stop the publication, we,trust they will appreciate our , position, and, instead of with4rawiug subserip tions, go to work with a will to increase our list in every-, county in the 'State . .. We hare* endeavored, and shall continue our efforts, to make the paper useful as a forty organ, and-welcome as news,meesenger ,to every fain By. We Hatter ourselves that it has not been without sonic influence in producing the glorious revolution in the politica Of the State achieved at'the late 'election ; and if fearlowinesS in the &Charge Of ditty; fidelity to the principles of the party, and an anxious desire to pro-. mote its interesti; with some experience and a moderate degree of `ability, can 'be made' eriiceable hereafter, the Weekiy.Pianion: AND Uniosulivilltfiet' be' less useful to the party or leas welcomoto: the fatuity-circle in the fu tire than it his been in the past. We confidently look for increased enconrageinent in :gib! great enterprise r end appeal to every influentillitabinicrat in State to lend its his aid in.running , our supsdriptien list up to twenty or, thirty thousand. ~The eipense to each indi vidual is trifling, the hene4 to Abo . parly - Asity. bp great.. Believing that the Democracy of the State feel tti.e rie 7 of ensitarinitik a Airlas l akit'id. ' inipiii;, l FlC; make ' thlii tipping to them for asiiiiffiriesiiwith the Yallaifcenff- r , • ; ; .• The came reasons which, s ue to raise Via Trio°. of the liii`eilY l s 4sPilatie iWieretci the Daily the price of which also ineriniaskt TheadditisinalLekst to each anhiniriber. Will be hilt trtiling3' said, :whilifiie not Illipffißfie 4 onreelyen tini;tthe change necessarliy made' will result in any_ diminution, of ;our, „gaily .circolation, ' yet, were we certain that; such would be the cringe quince, we should still be conilielled 4,OMake it; or suf fer a xidoous kw. • Undeithinie biroumstaiiiies we must throw ouradves iipp, the generosity,, or, rather, the justice of the puldic, abide,their verdict, whatever, may aY "be; ' ' • The period for which many of our imbscribers have paid for.their paper being on the eve of expiring; we take the liberty of issuing this notice, reminding them of the same, in order that they may , • „ 'RENEW THEIR 9LuAB.., We shall also take it as an especial favor if our present inheeritere will urge upon their neighbors the fact that the P.smeror AND Uxiox. ie. the only DemorrratiO paper printed in Harrisburg, end oepeidering the large amount of reading matter, embracing all the =rent., news of the day, and TELEGRAPHIC DIEPATCHEB Prom everywheremp to the moment the paper goes to preaft c polltleal,•nilnen/lanaansi general NA kcal kern; Market reporte, is decidedly the • .•;., ' . . CHEAPEST NETOSPAPHE PUBLISHED, IN THE STATE! There le aearoely a village'or town= in tie' State in which a flub , cannot be ra4ed a the proper exertion be made, and enarelzthexo !co bew : placgd 9Vhieh 613.4. OP more energetic Men cannot be found who are in favor of the dimemination of meind Demoa:itio dootrinee, who would be wlllintto make the effort to ralim'a club. DEMOCRATS OF THE. 'INTERIOR I Let us hear free! you. The Wetting war, Ind the ap• froaching segidong of Oongr,eee and the State LegiaLe• ter., are inveeted j witli inning interest, and every man ahoulAhlvetheneWs. .DAILY PA.TBSOT AND UNION. Single copy for one year, in advance_ , . .„,...4 , .$5 00 Single - coppittriag 'the , session of the iegislature.. 2 00 City eubscrlbere'teit eent's'pier Week. Copiea. applied to agenta at the rate of 21 60 per hap WSSS7.Y PATRIOT A.Nto UNION S ' every Thursday. Single copy one .year; is aoli/811130 E 2 00 Ten oopiee to one address., . ' • . 00 AubSoriptione may commenpeany,time. PAY' AL. WAYS' IN lin'AliON. We are Obilipri, to nutie this imperative. in'erokit' iiistitice cash must asomptuty subscription. .Anyperami •Bending tis a 'Club of twenty subsisribers to.the,Nfirc,phlywilibe entitled to copy for his services.' ihe . ysrica,,eyen akthe Oranced rate ie to low that We cannot offer greater inducements, than this. Additions Maybe ',nide lit any time to a Glob of subeeribera: by' insult:tins one donni: Cents for ,siteh additional nsenci )14 le ant 'neentsit.yte send es the names of those nnstitutisigtt,club, aswe satinet undertake to aiadi;ime each paper to olul Attlf/Mlbers separately:. -13Pecimen °ogee oftlie Weekly be Bent 'to all who : • - P..,481417qTW,415-C%ollsrrioburgi Pa. B .—The following lawmsed.l4,9engrunkin•is€o, defined the diity of Toetinasters in relation to the de , livery of newspapers to club subscriber': ASes Rrputii ire9.?S'ectilitisefihr Leniss4 l lB6o, page 38, chapter 181, 00,400 ,fTrovided, howeenri,tailf Wherein:OW*6l6f newspa gpersorperiodicais are r i ncedved6touirpostpleice directed ong address and the "mines of the club subscribers to 1040 they, belong, ,Witlir the Postage for a (pouter in. id vance4shail be banded to, ,the% ) pontmastpa shall de,. UT& e . sains 46 Oasis' telpective l Oinerf:"‘ :To ing‘WtheiP6Eftaliter tdlcongdyiwitie Um", it will be necessary that he be furnished with the list of numeli r oonirlingtito club ant, midok , q!"6Mer' t e, YearidYPostage in idircinci: The nniforis courtesy of (Toituassteriy airman / tiO'isminiandi pheerfuliyaeconnuoxiate 'dub subscribers; and ihclatter: UM6:the,Mirfidgei which 114 Kit a trifle -in escsaciee, bepaid in advance. _Bend on the olu??. 110 1 7 •1 it 11 V • fI(SAL ist °TICE.—P wool ptipect iw fatly ilsrforid have appointed Mrjor D 4y4111 svcaxemunrk Algentfor t4e ittlectd JPiß varton :Coal. All ordain sent to hiM Will recallle px,ffpxot attentiton at our regular primal. MOW TON d t 0 , • eaTept TrikTOMOllr. oB44 r4 l o. l. iMairi f .gieeitie 'an 'lig y for the Bite Or TrevAirton CASi?l,keipimArg Ireconnnandint; itttoiallouy oar= toinera e rafeunis, free burning,uoid, free froui Ipuril# and dot 110,1011keli. f atlitM RurPnoell egAMPVAInt Aeiftic_Cfo,lB4 , , ; C , DAVIDI4 , OOBMIOII.. Ma.Aliburg r ithriaannl4ollBo3-debl6-16tai f,„ .1 . ___ _ EiV, JORLNAITEPSIJOAR !!-. l l7l l ttii'iN ` "if M4BK , !'-rroff deadl4li/ .1 ` i 1'..110,' , , 3 . 1 1$ I . •' - W. DPc5q;a1,,0r;.(19,, NEW . RATENT; CORN .811 , 111iiiER- 4 ... , L o , 0 .1.0. t. a,nd,_ m imt complattver, - 410414( Rig, i i , mars an Otliiitilol jidloloio" WI and see 'lt "at - WfKOFIVO C i g ai ' 8 OgiNtrißktiOtree4tkfifrOVAlti.iOiTlirth: i 1 • • ~ • ponn Itisb a an d 11 , 11Lobbro for aat 192. / . ~...„ S." 0 1 Ir 14 , A - ri-,i IiSP*OTT.IOIIIIEI.I3, 1 - I ' i 1 • r ' • ". "= 1. , .; ..:I . ' : r ,r , : :.‘ ‘ ''At " 0 ' ‘ S: lll ',/ ; Ita I i: • 11. -• ' t l t i l . W '', , 1 1:: , • ,I: i . - 11 . c -=' B",„ A ryi"-7,2, 1 . 4 ' J .' '..: ", ~.. niTiclitoirs if iiiiiia:i. , ' liiuperior MsteheN Snot Aietoredi nd for male by Wbf-reent.-3*.. Woo, AirialTE Rit;AliDY l l l l TitzglEttV • ' Trctiu# rape, rwaa,.../ ti vgrpnwrifotArtiale,,ltstrictiV pwrei)jvireditipiditid for sale by , ;t: DOOKVlT....ardlap. BRic""iIBRUMESt,'. TUBS --AND BASKETS of all deecriptions, qualitiea and rim, for sale bY WM. BOCK, JR., d& CO. DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNA SAIMAG/10, TOWHEES, &c., for sale low, by wM BOOK, Ja., & CO. MR. RE 1 1 OF 'MONTGOMERY • IN Ilia • HOUSE` BiiItESAIIiATIVES, March 9th, 3.863. T The postage . aefonnt of the Itarriihnig: Postnaisiifer , (Geo. Be being being under conduleration, and an amendment h ng been offered hylidr.ler. requiring the Postulant to make oath as to the porrectneao of ; the account— Mr. REX id: Mr., SPEAK t - 1 seppose 'the object I have in, - view in ering this amendment is' well' known to m ,pf ANA psottp.re nn, this lionn. I have been opiitiod for along time that the postage account - of this rieuie has been far greater than it should honeetly be. It is known to most of the old members that I made the attempt last session , to correct amabuse which. appeared to be practiced in the postofface to the injury of the State, by issuing postage. stamps to members •in violation of law, and that, too,•before the Postmaster had an oppor tunity of , becoming acquainted with the mem-;• hers. This abuse was made more glaring by his refusing to furnish the Committee on Ac counts with the number aid value of stamp's' thus issued and refusing to •qnalify to his' postage,accounts,; the Housein every instance pasi3ing.and paying , his bills. ithout requiring 'of 'him any proof of their correctness ot4er than hiemord. • " ' ' ' It will be recollected that retilled-theatteti tion of the House, a few weeks ago, by resole- , 1 tion, to the existence of a.practice of this Postmaster of charging double and treble pos tage •- n ' doennentS; ' prod ' u'cing;' et' the same time, the most undoubted proof of the fraud practiced upon the State; butrtheiliensWvoted down the resolution,„ ppm ; the, pie*** th ere) 'could he no motive, cm the 'Part :of .the Poet wag in master` thus increasing , his. bill, he being a aalarled_6ffieer.; that, the fact thus undeniably preeeiocl; inUst,be, a ,Mititake , of hie clerks, for `should'he excused; that, iso,was Man .Of dirligh 6 oo3f; and his illAkiltePiriebould • not be #uis, assailed without, showitigi 4, me- Now, Speaker, ,thia,practiee appears to, have 'ben extensively carried,mi far too ex tensively' is be a mistake,ef his clerks. We have again been furnished with : additional proof by receiving the wrappers of papers sent to members - of Congress, with .Reeortli.Ja .them, on which i poitage stamps have-been placed in his 4:Age:although such papers were. marked free by the members sending them; and also letters from those members asking howthis is,' why postage' is charged the State on their mail matter . .when every Poatmaster should know that theirletters and documents are, free. • But, Mr. Speaker, we have alsci discovered the motive: It appears, by, a reference to the Postofficeregalations, that every, Postmaster, by increasing his receipts to , a certain. mount, is entitled "to 'additioaal clerk hire. In this consieti hie motive, particularly as be his his relatives employed in his office as clerks. If this was not eo it would be an easy matter for him to agree with his clerke as to the disposi tion'of hid increased clerk hire„he, pocketing one half and the clerks the other. But, why should we not, compel him , to swear to hie ac counts like other creditors of the State? If even there should be no motive shown , nor any evidence of fraud, is it to be , supposed that he. is more pure or honest than other men? Is it that - he is above suspicion that we must allow him to step in here and dictate to us? ~Why, Mr. Speaker, the very fact of his being a bo som friend' of the old- 81.0-knave, Cameron, ought to be sufficient to fasten suspicion upon him and damn him forever in the opinion of all honest men. It ,was' the old Winnebago who secured him the, position of,Postmaster against the t wiidies of the henest Republicans of Ilarriebirg.• He kiwi that he was the man, who Woidd i become the tool' to do hie dirty work and slander and villify. the Democratic party'by calling them Copperheads and But. 7 , ternuts, while he atlhe Fame time was plun dering the State Treasury. , , - „ Now, Mr. SpettOr,XPrepotte to look into the history of 'thie,!annti-faettd Hessian, for a few years peat. , Only go back ,to 1848 and 1849. Wethen find him presenting his bills for German printing for the, State, both of which are sworn to, upon, which oath he.drew. the full amount out et the . State treasury, but lo and behold'upon exaning th s e bills after-.. wards he is called upo n _and Compelled. to refund to; the 'State the snug 1,4t1e sum,.of . $1,174 35, "all of Which'wea hushed up to save • his feetingsitifrould,rieVer do to expose and injure the Character of this promising,. youth, I suppose we Moat:take it for granted that this was eke's' irditake;' the only motive was to a little' cash in his breeches pockets, for which , he is SIN excuiable. I suppose the gentlemen upon the opposite side of the chamber will now eonclude that this' is an e vidence of his kaf r i-, etism, and will try ?knit • procure hiM a foreign Mission; Ake 'Abraham' did Sheen, after .the Republidati' C grese 'passed,the,reselutien of censure for his connivance' at ilia 'damnable' „frauds of certain army contrae.tors,: by apd through whom,: the"-'Tan 'rya - btonfinitlei the goverunient was 'chested' out "of of net lots than $100,000,000: - I propose that the gen tleman•he , sent: to the RePnblic'ef Ilayti St. ,Domingo;: where; perhaps, le , Can Make hint self . at ~kk o me among; his brethren, • Nit; Mr. Spealieb . I • muse . prpeeed and review, another' chapter lie history. I will take the, year, 4.857, When' vie find 'him Publishing the ligis 14tive Record. Upon examining the first RicoPd 4 1 4 i71 t, find , 4tnx printing a billo , entitled • ,4 A Bur( reiati44,l,o sti ": tempts. of., court. __This c omer 'blithe prints s eventy,. one different limos c1u,11,9g the Bearden.' also ' And ' another bill whieh• ,covers bra full pegd&%Vthe RCCord,' Whidlehe' prints: tvontyi.fiv,e_titnety &fling :the session; thereby„ cheating,- tbe . ,State; Stance alone obit of $336. I. also find h,large number reprinted Same manner,. 'ofkentinnor pligierenttie l d tkitit r ßecord to I Ncfard , ;17,1ateh pharged4tre glide aa" for t fresh, ittalec,_ violatien contract,,, By . Alas - prices's of printing dead h matter .dtiring • this session this 'inf a mou s 'Abolition hireling. cheated the State out oftnotoless - than $.1;500.' Tjle. great dilficulty: .bbw _thief Irian could continpc; MIaPTAIP4O- ithis; fraud ,without being 4ilacted and. c* . posed;,, but e. keep the Tight eide r of the' members: - •,,, z: But there e ;another chapter In tilinsi , Berguer's,history te.whigh.l wisk tq, call. tbe t . `attention of:the Hopei. ,he made , proposhlagain pri nt Oa iip6erd. the coin, mittee 'awarded himitlie"tiontract but, -When' ;Pie House ,came to Confirm the contract, it was .found there, had, s„ forgery : committed. • The PaPere had :fieen h 9, p altered. The was le print 4,090 copies of the Eicord. - When. the Assistant Clerk, Mr. Rauch, read it from the desk, it appeared the papers only provided for the printing of 2,000 copies, to which Mr. Foster, a Republican member, took exceptions, charging the crime of forgery upon some one. bIiiCCH,I2, 18,63, Ii Kt I will now read -- the femayki of Mr. Foster; made at that time, and the House_ can judge of the position of Mr. Bergner and the evi donee Of Mr . his guilt. Foster said : •. "As regards the facts of the forgery, lie wishedle red - a - filtrate theni. While the con tract between the obniiiiited end Geo. Bergner 81,,Co; was before the House for ratification, he had Asked the chairman of the committee (Mr. Ramidell) whether the contract provided for the publication of two or three thousand Re cords. . He had received no answer, but the Clerk had read it two thousand.' He bad de-• murred at this, as not according to the bid of the• parties oftering to contrast; whereupon one of the parties to the_dentragt .went to the Clerk's desk, took possession of the contract and alteredlt; 'and ehatitnelit after4ard c titepped ur. to• Mr. Ramsdell, and said-in .a Pond whis-6 pert ',Tell Foster, ,/t is three:thousand.' He (Feeler) had then to satisfy hiinself as to ,tine, facts, and stepped up to Mr. Rauch, then no-. t i iiiitiVAssiaterit Clerk, end - attained the doe antekL- Upon• eximinatletrAefetund' that iiiro bad. beenerased, that three had been inserted; and that thresh* used in the alteration was not !yet dry. • lie asked.. the-Clerk (Mr. Rauch) whether it had, not, been read two, and received 'the reply; Tes, 'but it hai since been altered,' mentioning' who had done it. He (Foster) re-' turned teihis seat, made the charge' openly, and was prepared to,austain it. He now ap pealed to the House, whether its papers and records were safe when accessible to a man who would commit alteration and 'forgerY, and who occupied a seateat the very elbuW of their •Clerk.?", . . . ~ Mk. Rose also said: “When the contract be tWeati'tlie Pecord CoMmittee and Geo. Bergner . 84 Co:, with the accompanying bonda, was read, it was i stated by the gentleman from Allegheny ,(Mr: Foster) that analteration had been made in the contract since it had begn . read by the Clerk. The' discovery , : of this base forgery. .eortitaitteditalthe floor 'dile' n011si; in the Very presence •of the Repribeetatiies 'of the people ' brought - the - blush - to thelace of every honorable manor° matter.to•Whieh party ho belonged.", _. ~ , „,. , • . It was ea s y then to appreciate t he, situation . Of the 'Mende' Of' Mi. 'Bergner ' (tb:e House had its own opinion as-te'whOuta i de thealteration), and,to see; that their:only' coarse was to press 'a r ecommittal of the centract.to thecommittee. This was a nice , way of. getting out 9f the matter_ ' ' ' _ , Mr. Foster alto haid,rtsthertreistattil'another allegation, which was-that he voted with the Democrats.. Why, who , made Georgeßeig ner a, plank in ,the Republican platform, and WhoLgave hire the right, to read a member out of elleparty•if he did not put his hand in the public treasury; and help to draw some three or four , thousand dollars for theaforeeaid Geo. ;Bergner T. Ile had only to say that, if this ,men Bergner was a Plank in the Republican platform, he desitedlo spit upon that' plank." I will movrask, Mr; Speaker, if this is not sufficient to , justify this. House in dettlanding some evidence • frcon,,thia Ablition slanderer and'State l plunderer to Satisfy 'us that his post-, age accounts are correct ; that he has' not overcharged the - Stare: The - other - day Demo crats rose in their' pliCes . to'defend him. I would like to see the man now, Republican or Democrat, to rise is hisplies and justirthim. If there ism& a man, I will not deign to reply. It will be sufficient for me to know that. there are men on this floor who are willing to wink at and screen those who are detected in plun dering the public' treasury. I will leave them to reeollCilirtheir actions with their constitu ents, their- consciences ; .and , their God.. But the history, of the Republican party for the last two years Is - sufficient to prove that the' More a =min position can steal the greater the patriot he is in their eyes. Look at the number of instances in which , parties have been detected in swindling the government, and in not a single instance has one, of them been compelled to undergo the punishment their crimes deserved; but, in almost every instance, have they been. rewarded by some good appointment. Mr. Speaker, I take it to be the duty of every member on this . floor to guard well every avenue to,tiie . pubilo treasery, and not allow a single dollar, to, be , taken out unless the , one receiving it' is honestly entitled thereto. We sh • oOld protect the_ interest_ of_ the. State the same as we would our own private affairs, practicing strict honeatir, and eceiziomy, partic ularly Fin timee like the present, , When We have'' to, grain every nerve to furnish , the means to .pa,Y, feed and clothe our soldiers who are intim, tented field,• 9dergoing every privation and, risking their liviii to put doWn the rebellion and preserve the integrity of the Coritititution an the Union. This is :a 'duty we owe to our constituents, who already . burdened with 'taxation more almost than they can bear. They ,Will not iticitie 'us if we 'thus , prim:at their money to -be i faatia fro:nil:tem by thiitse land shirks who are continually erYiugont traitors 'and Copperheads to the „honest, ,upright and patrietie pemocraoy,, who have always been, and are now, 'tiling te preserve ohr . Contititu 7 Eon and reatetertheUition to the same 'happy Condition; that. it was in the days of Washing ten, Jefferson; and. Jackson, when a spirit, `of: 'fraternity eajetedbetween every sectiozOoyth, sCiotti, - East - end West. 'Then the , accursed 'rikrae ) i of Atiolftiori widiftaidly knoWn, save' o 'bri s deepisect; sinilto-daythis accursed party is chargeable,,with. till.-the •,sorrow,:losio of life, humiliation, debt, ehinplasters and_ taxation which Weir); now endoring, andere 'likely to endure lot-W °illies' to conies and froin'Prefieilt . appearances this God-forsaken party ifill.not • !rest: ntil they destroy-our - government and Upon is ruins establish a centralized "military fl Apppo loin, AwirgiilPA,P,PoA,Ahis once happy apt free people,aluvery . far worse 'than, , the; serfs ifilinasfa'are now ' enduring. , . EMI =II ••• -Pronothe Anoinjr•nroos:. • •-. • ••• ,TheiTfitErune-0, the 25th IfigVer,O3 48W41494 as legitimately.as onrs, may be defied 'a to rn, to plecest.eftor in thaveholder's aligggiS - 4ritttioneligo&ei an a,b -ngtilitrea4l?.?-:”..y tui .o' , ft no Igfi c , u.rif'r Itifles,•l' , ' But,: xity, did riot the Janette-le thins of this befOr o , they;pronlainlect the ptenstiintion," before Ehay proOlniined that:44nd' a 'h. duty to obdj Go4lo .zaher thammon'elaw2. 2 These dod-g trine,. fi.F•l4.P4fßril*Pfltt Oefke4 /ug l ore -in pieces our s governmenf2,' Following the y . e r irr ample thus s Ode, the' relidli South ,to (mike's: ' • r ,With A 0413163 blase esititittitoopzigonal liberty bills ,peesed • in eifenylnee t§gislatufe (w 4,11. two einPitit'nco s.Tet each of those perimikatiiberty bills w no, as clear tree ordriatiii:' "But Nihir did not Atka fanatics e de it in time?' •Why did-not <those-, NortkerttATea B o4 .anduenk has* .'that treasiin Was a gala? ititeregiOn North *odd lie - echoed by treason South'? Thatif•The'Nbilth'i,Mild iigieiti; the. South eouldsteallfirotals - ‘ "s ..rfr g' ' With-what,a •blaze of, , ,exultatioit thaftinados . defied the'llingitive Slave Law, rescued runs. wa y slaves,' murdered their masters, chronicled the exploits of the under-ground railroad s wiped out the slaveholders in Kansas, canonised Sohn Brown; and when at last the slovekolders re belled; shouted their battle-cry I "%Wet PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING}, • SUNDAYS EXCNYTND, ' O6 BARRETT .& CO' „Talc DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION W,lll be serTed to sub. seilbers residing in the Borough for TRN oszere PER WINK, ;livable to the Carrier. Mail subscribers I'll DOLLAkI MR ANIMAL, Tire Vi r sHRLT PATRIoT AND trinow is published, at TWO %06..r.Ans PRlANNVAt j iniliariabl7 in advanee. Ten doges tolone address, .fi_fteeor - Connected with this...oollo=mA is an erten'''. JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and fancy .type, unequalled by any establishment in the interior of the; State, for which the patronage 'of the pnblio is so. Hated. ME thank God I we've got you now just where wt, wanted you V' Senator Wilsores exultant shout in .a Boston speech irrenediately that the electiox of Lineola Wei known ; "We have our hand upon the slayikolder's throat f 'Fre vials 1" But, what voice comes to us now from over the waters, from a falr-offland, from one of England's sit:fleet statesmen, (d'lsraeli,) in n late. Parliantelvtary debate ? " And I cannot conceal from• myself the COW.' viction that those in this Route Who may bey young enough to live to witness the conclusions and ultimate consequences of this civil war,. will find that the America they Offi recognize *hen the waters have subsided, will be a dif ferent America from that which was :known. to our fathers, and even to this generation,. of Which we had so much experience. , [gear, ]tear.] It will be, I believe,. ad Americo, fir-- Wet—an America of diplomacy—an Amefiss of "vial States irndmanccutering Cabinets—an Amer ieciitefrec;uent turbulence, and'probably of freguont• tiuk..- [Hear; hear."]' 'And "what voice comes to us from Washington in llibse last days of Februaryt, 1863 ? Conscription ! Merciless conscription ! Six, or eight hundred thousand med Our expen diture, or rather our debt, by no possibility less than $1,000,000,000 'pet. 'year. X PENIIPA LEGISLATU.RE. Wzpnasnay, Mambr 11, 18681 The Senate waa called to °raw, at o'elook, by the' SPEAK.nt. , • Mr., , CONNELL presented tae Mentor:l4 of" the, religious• Society. of Friend.* against the passage of a law , to prevent the inonigirtitinn or coloretl percons into Penneylvania: Also, the remonstrance of 'Charles Meter. and EA citizens of Germantomt of similar Mr. 'REILLY, , four-' remonstrances ` front Schuylkill county against the pasetig-e. of lavis allowing corporations to hold lie %taste of lands for mining purposes. ; • - Mr. BUCHER, the petition of 134:Y citizen - 3 of Juniata county for a lair to.preventthe immi gration of negroes into this State. .' Mr, GRAHAM 'presented the petition of 2000 workingmen of" Allegheny eounty for - the passage of .a law to prevent the• payment of the wages of labor in orders- on stores. The Committee on Banks reported a bill to extend the charter of the • Bank of 'Chambers.. burg for five years "from the expiration of its Charter: Mr. REILLY, a bill requiring the Sithuyikill Haien and Lehigh River railroad company to fence their road and construct cattle guards. Mr. STEIN, a bill relative to the Catasaurfut. and Foglesville railroad company. Mr. PENNEY, a bill relative to the perpetu ation of testimony in cases of , lost records. Also, a supplement to, the : act, authorizing the denimiseionere of Allegheny county to ef111.• promise with the holders of railroad. bonds. Mr. LeiMBERTON, a supplement. to the Western Central railroad company. Mr. LOWRY, a bill to compel tbeErieennal company to bear its just proportion of toseu and keep in repair certain bridges. Mr. CONNELL, a siipplement to the act re lative'to land and building associations, per mitting them to hold rands in other wenn**. than those in which they are located. The bill directing-the recovery of the prin cipal and interest due the Commonwealth by virtue of location and other office titles, came up in order on third reading, and passed finally. .The bill to incorporate the Union, telegraph company, with power to construct a telegraph line between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, came up in order on second reading; and passed finally, with an amendment empowering the company to extend: the line to-the oily of Erie. The bill to authorize the Wyoming canal company. and its creditors to agree to an ad justnien. of their respective- rights, came up in order on second reading. Mr. WHITE opposed the passage of the bill. He looked upon it as an attempt to fritter away the'Ciaim of the Commonwealth. It Witte a proposition to release the claim of the State 'to the amount of $8,400. He was informed that the business of this canal had-not declined so much as remeented, and that in 1802 the profits Of - the company amounted to $75,000. He was 'Willing Co trust the claim.of the State to a publiesale, satisfied that more would be realizecrthan by the passage of this bill. CONNELL stated that the Committee on Finance' and the Commissioners of the Sinking rand iiirbred' this bill. The Bloomsburg rail road, which 'was a rival route, had taken away much &the btuiidoss of this canal The bond holders would be willing to sell their, heads at a greater diecount than this;; bill proposed to the State, intbe event of its' defeat. If the canal was forced to sale, it wotildnot bring suf . ficient to pay the'claitas against it. 14r., WRITE proposed to amend by providing_ that no part of the olaim of . the Stot t s shall be , 4 releases., `The subject was discussed nAt4.tbe hour of one, when the Senate,lidjenraed. HOUSE o ILEPR4S,I4TATIVEB. !;emosoe.7, Moot 11, 18GO.r. 'hie, frotiie *as called to order et, 10i a'agaiiio by. Mr. Speaker pro tem. r THE SOPIETT OF FRIENDS. ' Mr.! COGLIAAN obtainedileave to o a re—. monstrance,: from the religioni Society of • Friends against imposition of WIWI& ,fines upon them. • Mr.! S MIT El (Phila.) also obtasino l leare preient !one from the same society the immigration of coloTe,4 4 eppleipto, this Commenrealth: The* were hoth ri rgerred, to the , Pl i elferdottitaittifis• - • tone, nags the, „t h e: " FOn , r , n'aig'taxo4lllOh"Nititi taken dip t Mr. ; pp - 4, DICT eperdng ititli''hifile* couple amend,,. , ,xnento.of NOTTS, WhioOilit; inheef*, elAr anlqadOdi lby Mr. SHIT Et Re.,4piiseli the • act of 18611; beliftivdied 1 qiii,54 31 9444 1 14. 133 54 4 0 SMITH, impoSiii , g : genera; railroad: 'tat:" , Entretofore +, f.! !MT. CH AMPNkY'S fallpiv~c ' s e• reviewed .the coarse: of the PetmaybrAnati, Tang*, •gpm rith Tigard tA..theit . web*, of the • canal'eadAheir!'elroelletil tkoemegement of the ... Same; ;theolroped*rqiiit!ly• 6:4,, vast saving ~. thereby to' tile“gtettf ' 'ice s `.deitied that undeg.:, tho aot oil •1840 we hwvc any„tW. to abrogate.., : . the contract entered iota at f thet.tgee, iieNrix that 'foie 1 6f "nit - Oitiott petters Ira* thattrelethe in the.lietialefure.''" l '.' . V' •;•it k rin;.l Mr* . ..uAittalnt ! said” tliaihis subjeeLottg*lte be apimoselied War v theiight thati thaliont r ,,. 7ktvie mai tie i Nati fliVcf(diVl,tll l At§ Aft *ouldynot havii , 'Atofed - - tte } passage° t4et bill whioh was of so important a chars (te . 1;14 the one before him. He concluded by desiring tho.h Lid. Y;BlAg might be placed on record. )4r. SHANNON (Allegheny) next proceeded to questi9n the propjet; of en. p2ant.t diaoussioni, SENATE. 1 PETITIONS. SIELti INTRODUCZIF: BILLB CONS/DaRM