jXkMtat. RELMBOLD I S GENUINE PREPARATION DEELMBOLD'S BUCHU for the Bladder. ZIELIdisOLDS BUCIIU ficr the Kidneys. BUCHU for the Gravel. MNI.MBOLD'6 ffUCHIJ for the Dropsy. "lINUMIQUPS BUCHU for Nervousness. 11.111MBOLD'S KOCHI] . for Loss of Memory VEELMBOLD , B BUCHU for Dimness of Vision. VeIfI6IIIROLD'S BUCHU for Difficult Breathing. /111LMBOLD'S BUCHU for Weak Nerves. INELMBOLD'S BUCHU for General Debility. ICKLIESOLD'S BUCHU for Universal Lassitude. /11141.150L1PS BUCHU for Horror of Disease. 11011•MBOLD'S BUCHU for Night Sweats. kIELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Wakefulness. ifEBLMBOLIPS HUMID for Dryness of the Skin. MILMBOLD'S BUCHU for Eruptions. MELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Pain in the Bask. USLIEBOLD'S BUCHU for Heaviness of the Era with Temporary Suffusion and Boss of Sight. BELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Mobility and Rest! with. Want of attention and Horror of Society. ELBLMBOLD'S BUCHU for Obstructions. KRIABOLD'S BUCHU for Excesses arising front iiihmarelion, and oil dieetisee of IFEMALES-FEMAVESFEILkLIS FEMALES-FEMALES-FEMALES OLD OS YOUNG, SINGLE, ItIARRIED OR CONTI= PLATING MARRIAGE, TAIII NO MORN PILLS, TREY ARE OP NO AVAIL, NEELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIM, IS THE VERY BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD complaints incident to the Sex, whether acisir4 foam Dalmoretion, Habits of Riesipetion. or is tjae DECLINE on ORANGE OF - Lax SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHGCT IT. Vaike no more Balsam, Mercury or tinplassantMedl Adele fiar . unp/eagant and dangerous TSiseases. -1/XLMBOLLPS EXTRACT SUCHU CURES SECRET DISEASES Ilk 1 3 51/. Weir stages_ z At little expenee - rnilgilis or no changing ci d iet; No inconironiond - AN:it N 0 MXPOSURTiI. USE ErELP.ZBOLD'S EXTRACT BITCHIT for ex Amsessr arMin,r, from habits indulged in ISY YOUNG AND OLD, . kid for diseases arising from habits of dissipation ;It:removes all improper discharges, and will restore the ..gradient in a short time to a state of health and purity. USE iirELIVISOLDFS EXTRACT SWINT for die- VIEJSS and affections of the most distressing character. HELMBBLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all Viinetions and diseases pf the URINARY ORGANS, Lem` wr existing in MALE OR FEMALE, Ik'rem. whatever came originating, and no matter of HQW LOUA STANDING. Mt the above diseases and 'symptoms admit of the same Oreatment and may originate from the same cause. -READ! READ ! READ ! LMBOLD'S BUCHIT is safe and pleasantin taste odor, bat immediate in its action. Personally appeared before me, an alderman of the wily at Philadelphia, T. ELPLEIBOLD, Chemist,whe treeing duly sworn, does say that his preparation contains tea narcotic, mercury or injurious drugs, bat is purely weintable. H. T. DELMBOLD, Sole Manufasturer. Diem and subscribed before me, the 23d dm of No- Wember, 18b4. WM. P. HIBBARD, Alderman. Pew' $1 per bottle, or six for $5; delivered' to any emfareare. krepaird EL T. ECILMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 104 South Tenth st., below Chestnut, PUll'a BEWARE* OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED ;DEALERS, 'lino endeavor to dispose "or Timm own" and "onus AILMOLAS on the reputation attained by tienuine Preparations. -t/ " Nxtract Buehu. cc cc Sarsaparilla_ ti Improved Rose Wash. in Harrisburg by JOHN WYETH, O. IL KU IMIL and C. A. BANNVART, AND ALL -DRUGGISTS EVERYWRRRE. ' 41.13 K FOB HNLMI3OI.B , S, TANS NO OTILIF.„ Oat mat the advertisement and send forit AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSUBIL assen-daw3nt TO CLERGYMEN, NERVOUS SUB BERBILS, DELICATE LADIES, aca. HOOFLANDPS GERMAN BITTERS VIREPARED ONLY BY DR. C. M. JAORSOI NO. 631 ARCH STREET, .FHTLADELPHIA. re the very best Tonic and Nervine extant, and willgicr 'menet where 311 other remedies fail. This is not &met' loserlion, teat has been proved over and over agahaby edam of persons we arenow addressing, aa the certificat_ liseetra appended will show. Bo well are the virtues o Von Bitters known, that it is freely prescribed by the leedingillaysielana of Philadelphia srd vicinity. It is Nedlireirvegetable, andfrasfrom akonoiic stimulant and elk injurious ingredients. Persons advanced in life 'and libeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon them, will and in these Bitters an elixir that will restore, in a mosaaare, the energy and ardor of more youthful days, bong sap their shrunken forms, and give health and hap lemma to their remaining years. Renck and delicate children are made strong by using *lmp Bitters. In fact, it is a family medicine, and may be profitably administered to a child of three months, most delicate female, or a man of ninety. Shake the hbttle before using. Wive 46 cents per bottle. For sale by druggists ma stierefradrers generally throughout the country. Skeet Newton Brown, D. 8., Editor of Incyolo. podia of Religious Knowledge. To Dr. O. N. JAcumou.—Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, Through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet 'blow of no sufficient reason why a man may not testify lb the benefit he believes himself to have received from Any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus veatribate to the benefit of others. I do this more readilyin regard to "Hooflanirs German Sitters? prepa r ed by Dr. O. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for years, under dba impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mix ture. lam indebted to mytriend, Robert Shoemaker, Sot, for the removal of this prejudice by proper testa, nod. der encouragement to try them when suffering from Wand long continued debility. The use of three ee of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present was billowed by evident relief and restoration to a of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt gar six months before, and bad almost despaired of re gaining. I therefore thank God and my ..end for di mein me to the use of them_ J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23,1860. Crow Capt. Sickles, of Scott Legion, Co K. ikairmuituu--In the camp diseases, such as Dysentery &yphoid lever, and Mills, so common inactive service, hod nothing equal to your Bitters. Asa preventive or CU" I look upon them as invaluable, and cheerfully bast my testimony to their excellence. Yon UT% 1141. R. KOWA 'LIVED HOUR YEARS ON RICE. PHILADELPHIA, May 19,1889. • 'Da. O. R. JAoKsoN—D ear Sir : Thonghsomewhat re. litestant to give you a certificate, I think that my duty kw those similarly afflicted requires that I Should give wief statement of my case. I had suffered for years from Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia in their most aggravated forms—was unable is set animal food, or indeed any vegetables with tike sleds exception of ries, on which I subsisted for foe ?mss. I cannot pretend to describe my sufferings sitssost with pain that my memory recuret o that Ts ai ad. I should long since have been in my grace had sot my physician, Dr. Ticker% recommended the use d your Bitters, as the best Tonic with which he was an . se:doted. I had tried a number of remedies withod Saccests, but concluded to follow the advide of my modi fied adviser. I did so, and my most sangninehopes were tesehised. lam now well : and to your invaluable Bitt ers lOW it, that I am permitted to write these lines. Very gratefully yours, ALBS. S. A. LINEAII, No. 1607 Wallace street. Zona the Bev. Joseph 11. Kennard, Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Da. Isorsou—Dear Sir: I have been frequently re treaded to connect my namewith commendations of t kinds of megiumea, but regardingthe practice as mat of my appropriate sphere, I have in all cases Sioclined ; but with a clear proof in various instances, teselvarticularly in my own family, of the usefulness of Er. ilsoiland , s German Bitters, I depart for once from usual course, to express my foil conviction that for debility of the system, and especially for Liver t, it is a safe and valuabe preparation. In 4ainte cases it may fail, but usually I doubt not it wilibe Very beaotioiel to those who suffer from the above Wswassi. Yours very respectfully, J. ii. KENNARD. Bightk below Coates st., Philadelphia, Dec. 24th. JONES & XirAl43, successors to O. M. Jackson & Co., Proprietors. Principal Mize, No. 631 Arch street, Phil. lestelphia. remade by Druggists everywhere. D. W. GROSS. sERI. Agents in Harrisburg. [maylB-418Gwly M A NHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW ENSTORN D. ,fetsfrublisked,sw. a Sealed Envelops. Price Ssz Cants. A LMOTORE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND ELAD/OAL WEB OP SPEBMATORRIIREA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debnity, and pediments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, o._ essandlon, Dpilepsy and Nits; Mental and Physics" In.- volocity, resulting from Self-Abuse, ho.—By RUNT. J. OVILVIEWNLL, M. D., author of the Green Book, ft., s'A BOON TO THOUSANDS OP SITPFEBERS," *est undersea, in a plainenvelope , to any address, pose on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by -. J. O. KLINE, 12 Bowery,New York, Post willue, Esc 1586. ang9-ditw/hw R. C. WEIOHEL, SURGEON A.PID OCULIST, SIL I MISCR THIRD NEAR NORTH ISTRTAT. Baia sow fully prepared to attend promptly to the Oatlea of profession in all its branches. AL LANG AltD mum suconsann. icsmon. =music' nathles /dm In promising full and ample satistaatian to intantrommyfstorhinEwitli a call, belliediesemeOhronie INC soy etherositetre. • inISAIGwIy 'DU KE AND UNADULTERATED SPICE% from the most celebrated mills in the somnisnjust received and for sale by Wit. DOOR, Js., do CO. Owing Ifiathittes. G REAT IMPROVEMENTS IN SEW ING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. PATENTED FEBRUARY 14th, 1960. iALESROOM, 510 BROADWAY, 10T301WCT TarC,IMIE.. This Machine is oonstructed on an entirely new prin ciple of mechanism , possessing many rare and valuable mpravements, ha ving been examined by the most pro oath experts, and pronounced to be SIMPLICITY and PABFBCTION COMBINED. The following are the principal objections urged against Sewing Machines:— I.—Brcessive labor to the I 4.—lncapacity to sew every operator. i description of material.. I.—Liability to get ont of b.—Disagreeable no is 0 Order. while in operation. B.—Bxpense, trouble and loss of time in repairing ?he Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from all these Objections. It has stralaht-needle perpendicular action, makes the LOOK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither nil' nor BEVEL, and is alike on both sidesi performs perfect sewing op every description of material, from Leather to the finest Dinesook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, froin the - coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it rims as smooth as glass, and is NAUTICALLY A. NOISELESS MACHINE! It requires FIFTY PRE CENT. less power to drive it ban any other Machine in market. 4 girl of twelve yearn of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or in say to health. Its strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of con struction reader it almost impossible to get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. ' We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine this UNRIVALLED MAURINE. But in a more special manner do we solicit the pat renege of MERCHANT TAILORS, • DRESS MAKERS, COACH MAKERS, • CORSET MAKERS HOOP-SKIRT MANITFACT'RS, GAITEAPITTERS: SHIRT and BOSOM MAKERS, SHOE BINDERS, • VEST and PANTALOON MAKERS. 10" Religious and Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. PRICE OF MACHINES, COMPLETE: No. 1, or Family Machine, $45 00. No. 2, Small sized Mannfactnring, $6O 00. No. 8, Large size Manufsetu ring, $75 0( "Cabinets in Every Variety. We 'want Agents for all towns in the 'United States, where agencies are not already established, to whom a nerd discount will be given, but we make no consign ments. J. T. M'ARTHITR & CO., ;no Broadway, Newlrork. ED" T. W. GLOVER, Merchant Tailor, Agent, No. 60 Market street, Harrisburg. nov22-3ma financial. OFFICE OF JAY COOK, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, LT JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1862. The undersigned, having been appointed SUBSCRIP TION AGENT by the Secretary of the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, at once, the New Twenty' Year 6 per cent. Bonds of the United States, designated as Five-Twenties,” redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, after five years, and authorised by Act of Congress, approved Feb ruary 25,1862. The COUPON BONDS are issued in sums of $5O, $lOO, $500,51000. The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $5O, $100,5500, $140. 0 ) $ 5OOO , Interest at six per cent. per annum will commence rom date of purchase, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the present premium on gold, to about EIGHT YER CENT. PER ANNUM. Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists ,and all who have any money to invest, should know and remember that these Bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank Stacks and Securities, and the immense products of all the Manufactures, &c., &a., in the country; and that the full and ample prat don made for the payment of the interest and liquida tion of principal, by Customs Duties, Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves to-make these Bonds the Best, Most Available and Most Popular Investment in the . Market - Subscriptions received at PAR inliegal TendeNotes, or notes and checks of banks at par in Philadelphia. subscribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every facility and explanation will be afforded on appli cation at this office. A fall supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for imme diate delivery. JAY COOKE, novs-d&wBm Subscription Agent. Opting. BLAC'KWOOD'S MAGAZINE AND THE BRITISH REVIEWS, PRICES CHEAP AS EVER, TO THOSE WHO PAY PROMPTLY IN ADVANCE Notwithstanding the coat of Reprinting these Periodicals has more than doubled in consequence of the enormous rise in the price of paper and of a general adrenal) in all other expenses—and not withstanding other publishers are reducing the size or increasing the price of their publications, we shall continue, for the year 1863, to furnish ours complete, as heretofore, at the old rates, viz : THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Cduaervative.) 2 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) 3 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) 5. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) TERMS: For any one of the four Reviews (per an.) $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews - - 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews - - 7 00 For all four of the Reviews - - - 8 00 For Blackwood'a Magazine . - 3 00 For Blackwood and,one Review - 5 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews - 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews - - 9 00. For Blackwood and the four Reviews - 10 00 These will be our prices to all who pay prior to the first of ApriL ' To those who defer paying till after that time, the prices will be increased to such extent as the increased cost of Reprint may de mand—therefore, Send in Your Orders and Save Your Money. LEONARD SCOTT do CO., Publishers, No. 33 Walker street, New York. We also publish the FARMER'S GUIDE, By HENRY STEPHENS et Edinburgh end the late J. P. NORTON, of Yale College. Two volumes Royal Octavo, 1600 pages and numerous Engravings. PRICE —s6 for the two volumes. By mail ST. L. SCOTT di. CO. A PPLES ! APPLES ! it-Choice New AL York State apples, br.lter, hooey and potatoes for sale at No. 106 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. aarll-43m W. H. BIBLE & CO. Linzo of trati. N ORTHERN CENTRAA RAILWAY WINTER TIME TABLE Three daily trains to and from Baltimore and Wash ington City. Connections made with trains on Penn sylvania Railroad to and from Pittsburg and the West. Two trains daily to and front the North and West Branch, Susquehanna, Blinks and all Northern New York. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1863 the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will azrive and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, via SOUTHWARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) at 1.45 p. m.; leaves Harrisburg at b. 20 p. m. , mid ar rives at Baltimore at 1015 p. m. EXPRESS TRAIN leaires Sunbury daily (except Sun day) at 11.15 p. M.; leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) at 2.55 a. m., and arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) at 7.20 a. m. HARRISBURG AOOOMMOBATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 9.30 a. m. NORTHWARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) at 9 30 a. zn., Harrisburg at 210 p. in:, and arrives at Sunbury at 5.35 p. m. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore didly at 9.00 p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.50 a m., and leaves Har risburg daily (except Monday) at 3.20 a. in., and arrives at Stinbnry at 620 a. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) at 2.50 p. m., and sr rives at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. For farther Information apply at the Office, in Penn Sylvania Railroad Depot. J. N. ',MURRY, SuperiMeudant. Harrisburg. Jan. 15, 1883-janl9-dtf PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ! WINTER TIME TABLE! . . .. . ....., - 0:::' -..- r' '-' i';' ..•Vg—ii.. t— 0 , .....' - 41111Elai • - ~.:sai., . ', -..P.' , " : .../.. 'VI Ilk I; ' I t " A lt 't t ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1862, The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN lames Harrisburg daily at 2.45 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia, at 6.45 a. m. IAIST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 9.05 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 5.20 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p.m. This train runs via Columbia. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at West Philadel phia at 12.26 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Co lumbia, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.30 p. m. WEST.WAR.D. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at ,gl5 a. m.; Altoona, 7.55 a. m, and arrives at Pittslitirg at 12.65 noon. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadel; Iphia at 10.45 p. nt., Harrisburg at 3.15 a. m., Altoona at 8.40 a.m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. m. ' MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., Altoona at 8.45 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.80 a.. in., Har risburg at 8.55 p. m., Altoona at 8.45 p. in., and arrives atPittsburg at 1.40 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.30 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 p. m. MOUNT War ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Lan outer at 11.33 a. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80 p.m. SAMUEL' D. YOUNG, Superintendent Bait. Die. Pesten R. R. Harrisburg, November 15,1888 .—novlb.dtf WINTER ARRANGEMENT. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. • - • TEM TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK. AND PHILADELPHIA ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV. 17, 1862, the Pea. gouger Triune will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Phil adelphia, as follows, via : EASTWARD ZEPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 8.15 a. m., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 10.60 a. m., and at Philadelpbiat at 9.20 a. m. A sleeping oar is attached to thetrain through from Pittsburg without Cheap. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., ar riving in New York at 6.80 p. m., and at Philadoiphia at 1.50 p. m. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 p. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Past Mail, arriving in New YOrlS at 10.25 p. In., and Philadelphia at 7.00 p.m. WESTWARD. PAST LINE leaves New York at 0.00 m., and Phila delphia, at 8.16 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 3.80 p. m, arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. m. EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 7.00 p. m., ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.10 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A Bleep ing car is also attached to this train. Connections are made at Harriebnrgwith trains onthe Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkeabarre, Allentown, Easton, &c. Baggage checked through. Fare between New YOrk and Harrisburg, $5.15 ; between Harrisburg and Phia delphia, gals& in No. 1 cars, and $2.60 in No. 2, For tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, may& Harrisburg. WM KNOCHE, 93 MARKET BT., HARRISBURG, PA., DEALER IN P . IANOSz. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU- MENTS, from $45 to $lOO. Guitars. Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and mu- Sinai merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. The LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sen t by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD BLAMES, Miaow for looking glasses and all kinds of pictures always on hand, A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES, From smallest to largest sizes. Be`Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notioe. WM. KNOCHE, novl-dw&s 93 Market st. FOR SALE.-3,000 BUSHELS PRIME YELLOW CORN. 600 bushels barley malt, first quality. .500 bushels rye. 60 barrels whisky, fret quality. Enquire of E./OHARD HOGELAND, sep29tf „Washinston Avenue, Harrisb.a.rg. ~! . FOR SALE-A TWO-STORY FRAME . HOUBE 1 Short street. Inquire of •ep3o-tf W. K. VIOBBEHE. 800 , Stationerp, &E. riCHOOL BOOKS.—School Direoton ; Tee.chors, I?rrcuts ; Scholats. and other; in want of Scheel Books, School Stationary, &a., will find a complete rwartment at Z. M. POLLOCK & SON'S BOOK STOBB, tiarket Square, Harrisburg, comprising in part the follow t IXADEn6.-2110GUIree Prakeetl, Cobb's, Angell's SPEILLING BOOKS.—McEiulfey's, Cobb's, Webster's, Ekren% Byerly's. Combroe. BNGLISH GRAMMAltB.—Bellion's, Smith% Wood bridge's, Monteith,s, Tuthill's, Hart's. Wells'. HISTORIES .-,Cirireshaw'e, Darenporths, Irma's, Wil ton's, Willard"s, Gtodrich's, Pianock's, Ooldamith'il and lark's. ARITHMETIC'S.--Greealeaf's. Stoddard's, Imerxon's Pike's, Berm's, Oolburn's, Smith and Duke's, Davie's. ALOBBRAS.---areenlasf's, Davie% Day's, Bay% Bridge's. DlCTlONABYS.—Worcester's Quarto, Academic, Cam gehensive and Primary Dictionarea. Walker's Nchoel, Cobb's, Walker, Webeter's Primary, Webster's High lehcol. Webster's Quarto, Ace 'demi°. NATURAL PHILOSOPHITIS.—Comstook% Parker's, Swift's. The above with a great variety of others can at any time be found at my store. Also, a complete assort. meat or Scheel Stationery, embracing in the why le a com plete outfit for school purposes. Any book not in the etorc. Procured at one days notice. tEr Country Merchants sapplied at wholesale rates. ALMANACS.—John Baer and Son's Almanac for sale at S. M. POLLOCK & SON'S BOOK ISTOBB, Harrisburg. Mr Wholesale and Retail. myl WALL PAPER. I WALL PAPER, I inst received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER BORDERS, 71.1tE SCREENS &c., &a. Itie the largest and best sole oted as sortment in the city, rangingin price from six (6) cents up to one dollar and aquartor ($1.26.) As we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to sell at as low rates, if not lower, than can be had else where. If purchasers will call and examine, we feel confident that we can please them in respec t price and quality. E. M POLLOCK & SON, mar 23 Below Jones' House, Market Square. L AW BOOKS ! LAW BOOKS !1-A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scarce and rare, together with a large assortment of second-hand Law Book; at very low prima, da the one price Bookstore of E. H. POLLOOK & SON, myg Market Square, Harrisburg. THE subscribers propose to publish by I subscription a “FARM MAP'" of the e Township of (BWATARA," Dauphin county, Pa., if , sufficient is en couragement given. The Map will embrace the Bounda ries of the Township and Farma contained therein, num ber of Acres, Location of Residences and Names of Pro pertyhold ers generally. There will also be on the Map a Table of Distances, showing the distance from each Cross Road in the Township to Harrisburg, thus ren dering it a valuable Map to Farmers and Dealers in Real Estate particularly. Those desiring Views of their Residences put on the Map will be charged a moderate extra price. The Map will be neatly executed, colored and mounted, and delivered at the low price of Five Dol lars, payable on delivery of the same. • CLARK. & AIJB, 335 'Walnut street, Philadelphia. Harrisburg, November 1, 1801.—tf WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY! WEN BEST DBFINING AND PROSODECIND DICTIONARY O 1 THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, contains 1,854 Royal Quarto Pages and 20,000 words and meanings not found in any other English Dictionary; more than 1,000 Illustrations inserted in their proper places; over 5,000 words synonymized; together with numerous tables of pronounced proper names. sold by R. N. POLLOCK & 80N. Also Worcestees School Dictionaries. mar 23 • ARRANTED TWELVE MONTHS! smovrran LO OP MORTOWS UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS! PERSONS in want of a superior and really good GOLD FEN will find with me a large assortment to select from, and have the privilege to exchange the Pens nntiltheir hand is perfectly suited. And if by fair means the Dia mond points break off during twelve months, the pur chaser shall have the privilege to select a new one, without any charge. I have very good Gold Peas, in strong silver-plated eases, for $1 $1.26, $l.BO, $2.00 For sale at SOHEPPEWS BOOKSTORE, mar 26 No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS! NONE BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD I . For 75 cents, $l, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $3, $4. Warranted to be made of good gold, at tebls• BOREFFEWS BOOKSTORE. WINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt bordered; and PAP= BLINDS of an endless variety of design's and ornaments i also, 01:113TAMT PECTITRES snd TASSELS at very low prizes. Call at Scheilrees Bookstore.. ONLY ONE DOLLAR for a good Sub itantial bound Family Bible at Scheffetos Bookstore. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PORT FOLIOS, CARD-CASES, POCKET-BOOKS, for Isle at [feblfo] Seheffer's Bookstore. QCHEFFER'S Bookstore is the place to y hay Gold Pace—warranted for Sale St, to Ittnt. NI. OR SALE.—The BUILDING on the earner of Walnut and Short streets, Wed as a ()DOPER SHOP. This building was originally built so that it could be turned into Dwelling Houses. It con elite of three separate frames placed together, each frame being 25 by 20 feet, making the entire building, as itnow stands, 75 feet long and 20 feet wide. Will sell also an SIGHTHORSE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, nearly new, and one of Drawback's Patent Stave. Cutters, and a Set of Saws for Jointing . Staves. The above property will be sold at a bargain, as we -wish to clear the ground en which the building stands . Enquire at the Broker's 011100 of O. L. JiI'OULLOCH, feb9-dtf 126 Market Street. .VOTICE TO SPECULATORS 1 4. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS MOH SALT! A number of large size BUILDING LOTS, adjoining the Bound House and Work Shops Of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will be [fold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to au29411y JOHN W. HALL. FOR BALE.—A large Brick Dwelling HOUSE, situated in North Second street, containing thirteen well finished rooms, besides Bath Room and Pantries. as has been intro- ass 111 dined into nearly all of the rooms ; also, has II " hot and cold water in kitchen and bath room, with other modern improvements. There is a tine Welcome range in the kitchen, and an improved heater in the cellar. It has a fine back yard. For partioultira inquire at this office. an2o-dtf Stiottliatteotto. GTJTTA PEROJIA WATER-PROOF I_ll A. CI FL I IV al; I (WITHOUT BRUSHING,) FOR BOOTS, SHORS, HARNESS, CARRIAGES, AND MILITARY LEATHER-WORK. This new and excellent article excels everything ever before in nee, for beautifying and softening the Leather. It makes a polish like patent leather; will not rub off with water, nor stain the finest white silk, and makes the leather perfectly water-proof. Twice a month ap plied on boots and shoes, and once a month for harness is sufficient. If the leather becomes dirty, wash it off with clean water and the polish will re-appear. War ranted as represented. DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—Apply a few drops on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather, and the polish is complete. Price, 37% cents per bottle. JACKSON & 00.,.501e Agents, 90% Market street. jan9-dtf MESSRS. CHICKERING & CO. HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE GOLD MEDAL! AT THB MECHANICS' FAIR. BOSTON, MELD ftE MEOWING WEEK, OVER SIXTY COMPETITORS! Wareroom for the OHIOKERING PIANOB, at Harris burg, at 92 Market street, 0028-tf W. KNOOHIVB MUSIC ROBB. lIIOKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD FOR SALE! OUT TO STOVE OR CORD LENGTH TO -SUIT • PURCHASERS. ALSO, LOCUST POSTS AND CHESNUT RAILS CUT • TO ORDER. ALSO, STONE AND SAND FOR BUILDING PURPOSES! Inquire of the subscriber at his remideace on the Ridge road, opposite the Good Will engine house, or at the Yard, corner of Second and Eroad streets, West Harrisburg. Map 22.—tf G. B. COLE. HOWE'S Sewing Machine, 437 Broad way, New York ; branch Mace 90%, Market street, Harrisburg. The undersigned respectfully informs the manufacturers and citizens of Harrisburg that he has opened a sewing machine office for the sale of the celebrated Howe' s , sewing machine, making the well known lock-stitch, and adapted for ; all kinds of leathir and cloth, and family use. G. M. RAPHAEL, feb2s-illy Agent Alahciniots. EAGLE WORKS, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, MANUFAOTUREB, OF BOOKBINDERS' RULING DIACIIINES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOALDS, AND MACHINES NOR GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Brills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Kadin Work and Iron and Brass cASTiNEtS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., ETC. 117' Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes made to Otter. Gear and Screw Cutting, &e i ice. HICKOK'S • PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS. E:r Cash paid for Old [topper, Braes, Spotter, dm STEAM BOILERS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES Of parions patterne, both stationary and swinging, SASH WEIGHS and various other Building Castings, for sale every cheap at the [my24-dly] EAGLE WORKS. T C. MOL TZ 2 ue INGINXIIB, MAC:MERV MID BTIMI P1T29113, No. 6, Mora Sixth et, Mutes Walnut and Miatt, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every descriptionmade and spired. Brun Clocks of all sizes and a large assortment of Fittings constantly on hand. All work done in this establishment will be under his own supervision, and warranted to giro satiafaotkm. cte 26. S TEAM BOILERS. Having made efficient and permanent arrangements nor the purpose, we are now prepared to make SEVI'MA.IO/1 3EICOXXAM'I 2 1.,61 of every kind promptly and at reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by Bailey & Bro., the reputation of which is second to none in the market. irr None bat the best hands employed. Repairing promptly attended to. Address EAGLE WORKS, may23-dly] • Harrisburg, Pa. W M A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND GAS TITTER, THIRD STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING OFFICE. Stores, dwellings, churches ' public buildings, facto ries, &c., filled up with gas, lead and iron pipe in a workman-like manner. Hydrants, Wash Basins, Bath Tubs, Lift and Force Pumps, Water Closets, Lead and Iron Pipe for Neater, gas and steam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All work promptly attended to. jag -dam R EMOVAL. The ombscrilber has removed hie PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY from Market street to Fourth street above Market, opposite the Bethel Church Thankful for past patronage, he hope; by strict attention to busi ness, to merit a continuance of it. mar27•dtt WM. PARKHILL. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES!!! A NECESSITY IN EVERY. HOUSEHOLD 11 J OHN S & OROSLEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD! FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, AC.. AC., AC. THE ONLY ARTICLE OP THE RIND EVER PRO DUOED WHICH WILL WITHSTAND WATER: EXTRACTS. "Every housekeeper should have a supply of :ohne dr, Crosley's Amerfcan Cement Glue."—New York Times. "It is so convenient to have in the house.'—New York Express. "It is always ready; this commends it to everybody." —New York Independent. "We haws tried it, and find it as useful in our house as water."—Wiikor'Spirit of the Times. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. VERY LIBERAL REDUCTIONS TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. TERMS CASH. Er For sale by all Druggists said Storekeepers gene rally throughout the country. JOHNS .& °BOSLEY, • (Sole Manufacturers,) 78 WILLIAk. STREET, (Corner of Liberty Street,) jyll NEW YORK. dly T. LYON'S PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY. THE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY has, for several years, been manufactured from the pure juice of the AMERICAN CATAWBA. and i2A.BELLA GRAPE, and has attained a rare popularity threughout the West and South, where great quantities of this superb article is sold for MEDICINAL and FAMILY purposes. It not only equals, but excels the most choice IMPORTED BRANDIES in PURITY, QUALITY and RICHNESS OF FLAVOR, and wherever it has been introduced it has invariably met the most unqualified favor and extended sale. The want of really pure Brandy has long been felt in this country, and the opportunity to procure an article of such quality as to aupercede the sale and use of the many vile compounds so often sold under the name of Brandy,” can be regarded only as a public good. L. LYON'S CATAWBA BRANDY possesses all the choice qualities of the best imported liquor, and is posi tively known "to be of PERFECT PURITY and of SU PERIOR FLAVOR. In support of the above statement, we refer to the certificate of the undermentioned well-known chemists : Dr. A. A. Hayes, Assayer. Boston, Maas. Dr. James R. Chilton & Co, Chemists, New York. Dr James R. Nichols, Analytical Chemist, Boston, Mass. Dr. J. V. F. Blaney & Dr. G. A. Marriner, Analytical and Consulting Chem ists, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Cox, Chemist, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Charles Uphill] Sheppard, Charleston, S. C. Messrs. Gentry andElackwood, Chemists, Tenn. Dr. N. A. Pratt, Savannah, Georgia. • All of whom have analyzed the Brandy and recommend it as a perfectly pure article and as an invaluable medi cinal agent. I have been appointed the sole agent for the sale of this Brandy for the city of Harrisburg and Dauphin co. nova-dy Dr. LOUIS WYETH. F I N Fa '4 M _W.. 'l ll Mt. AL a "31 1 SS I ROSE. LEMON, VANILLA, GINGER, ALMOND, ORANGE, PEACH, PINE APPLE, BITTER ALMOND, CELERY, CINNAMON, NUTMEG • NECTARINE, P.MENTO, CMIIINEAL, (for coloring ' ) assorted dozens, for family use. 'The above assortment just received from one of th largest &astern Honsee—quieh Bottle and Package ma ranted. [marlo] WM. DOOR; JR., & 00. HAVE . you seen the elegant stock of JEWELRY AT HARDWICK'S, ON THIRD ST., TWO DOORS BE LOW THE TELEGRAPH Q.FPICE. They have just received a fresh consignment from the manufacturer, which are selling at Panic prices. Stationery, Envelopes, wholesale and retail, /17'AGENTI5 WANTED. octBl-dtf HEALTH, MONEY I HAPPINESS I I At this season of year, when go ranch sickness prevails, every one should provide himself with DR. HUM PHRZY,B HOMEOPATHIC ILED/OINBS, and prevent disease In its beginning: • A fresh supply always on hand at 1301CICIF.ER'8 BOOS-STOBS, marl 9 Harrisburg. ROARDEIRS WANTED.--The under signed, having rented a fine large and commodious house, in Mulberry street, two doors from the corner of Second street, in the city of Harrisburg, she is prepared tau accommodate single gentlemen, or gentlemen and their wives, with boarding on reasonable terms. jyl9-d6m R. A. JOHNSON. LADIS.-MADAME BURDETT, E from New York, has taken rooms on the corner of Market and Secoitd Streets, (Wyeth's alock,) where she is prepared to cut, at and make Ladies' dresses of every description, and in the latest and most fashionable Also, in the same room, machine stitching of every de scription done by Mrs. CLAIM. ap4-dtf NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given of an intention to establish a Bank of Discount, Deposit and Circulation, uuder the prey - Wm/8 0 the act, entitled. "An Act to establish a system of free bankieg in Penn sylvisaia," &c., and the supplement thereto ; said Bank to be called t. THE MANUFACTURERIP BANK, ,, to be located in the borough , of Columbia, Lancaster county / Pa., with a capital of One undred Thousand Dollars, to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Dollars each. 3nottrance. pSUBANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1435. This Institution is doing business on the Menai: As surance principle, combined with a Joint Stock Capital. By the Act of incorporation the Stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the Company may Mu tain. And as an additional security to the assu red,the ace. requires that the profits of the business shall be fund44l and remain with the corporation, as a guarantee and protection to the insured against loss, until ordered by the Board of Directoos to be redeemed in accordance with a provieion in the Act of Incorporation.. This fund will be represented by scrip issued by the Company, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent. No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses aid expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums. insuranees will be made on Vessels, Freights and Car goes; on &cods transported by railroads or canals, and by steamboats on rivers and lakes; also ; against damage or loss by Fire, for a limited time, or pitymanently. The undersigned, as Agent for the above well known Company, will make Insurance against loss or damage by fire, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken• Apply personally or by letter to ROBERT L. biITEZWIE, Harrisburg, Pa. jan26-tf LIFE INSURANCE. THE GERARD LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE NO. 408 CEESNUT STREET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ASSETS. 51545,888 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN P. JAMES, Actuary, CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reasonable terms. They act as Execrators, Trustees and Guardians under last Willa and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, offers a perfect security to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or quar terly. The Company add a BONUS piriodically to the Insu rances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in December, 1844, the SECOND BONUS in December, 1849, the THIRD BONUS in December, 1854, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1859. These additions are made without requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid o the Company. The following are a few examples from the Register Amount of Policy and Policy. Sum I Bonne or I bonus to be increased Insured addition by future additions. No. 89 $2,509 $ 887. 50 1 " 132 3,000 1,050 00 " 199 • 1,000 400 00 " 333 5,000 1,875 00 Agent a Harrisburg and virin WILLI/i INSURANCE. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of THE INSURANCE • COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $1,200,000. DIRECTORS: Arthur G. CeMn. Samuel W. Tones, John A. Brown, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. }MI, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William B. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. Morris Wain, John Ma son, George L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward IL Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for the above named company, the undersigned is prepared to take Fire Risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania either annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. Office in Walnut street near Second. WILLIAM BIIEHIER, junelB-dly Harrisburg, Pa. jelB-0y tiverp Stables. N 0 T I C Ell The undersigned has opened his LUMBER OPTION Cotner of Third Strut and Blackberryillify, mar HMIs Head. ALSO—Two Rooms, with folding doort, v), TO LET— suitable for a Lawyers Once. Possessionimotediately. ALSO—A number one FIRE ENGINE for oak'. W. 1/.111178,8AT. • 1411 K; :" - • . - A* 1 t_ ALSO—HORSES AND-CARRIAGES to Air at the same Office. febB-dtf. PRANK A. MURRAY. gotels: UNITED STATES HOTEL. OPPOSITE THE PENNSYLVANIA AND LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD DEPOTS. HAS*ISBMIIG, P 4. The undersigned haying taken the above Hotel, has been refitted and furnished throughout, begs le to inform the public that he is well prepared to accom modate those who may favor him with their patropage in a style that will give entire satisfaction. The 'UNITED STATES HOTEL is located in the imme diate vicinity of the depots of the Pennsylvania and Lebanon Valley railroads, where the traveling pull's ean be accommodated with every comfort without the hum. venienee or expense of going up-town. Neither pains nor expense shall be spared to render the guests of this establishment as comfortable as they can possibly be elsewhere in the city of Harrisburg. Careful and competent petters will always be fennel the depots on the arrival of the trans, to take charge of the baggage free of charge. Mk for the UNITED STATES HOTEL. my7-dly L. W. TEN EYOK. Proprietor. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATE WHITE SWAR,) • RACE STREET, ABOVE, THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. This establishment offers great inducements, not only on account of reduced rates of board, but from the central location to the avenues of trade, as well as the conveniences afforded by several passenger railroads run ning past and contiguous to it, by which guests can pass to and from the Hotel to the different railroad, depots, should they be preferred to the regular onanibtuse be longing to the house. I am determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort and convenience of my guests, and endeavor to give general eatisfaction. Terms, $1.25 per Day. DAVID 0. SIEGRIST, (Pormerlmof Eagle Hotel , Lebanon, Pa.) T. V. RHODES. Clair marll-4f transportation. DANIEL A. MUENC.H, Agent of the Old Wallower Line, Respectfully informs the public that this Old Daily Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this city,) in in successful operation % and prepared to carry Freight as low as anyother individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewis burg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Look Haven, and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANIEL A. NEURNCH, Agent, Harrisburg Pa. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs, Peacock, Zell .k Hinchman, No. 808 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. M., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, next morning. nue pEipHEws DAILY LINEI BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Muncy, Uniontown, Wateontown, Milton, Lew isburg, Northumberland, Sunbury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Hali fax, Dauphin AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the Line. (lords delivered at the Depot. of 'FREED, WARD & TREED, 811 Market !Atm; Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock P.M., willbe delivered in Harrisburg the next morniag. FREIGHT ALWAYS AS LOW AS SY ANY OTHER LINE! JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oct24-an Foot of Market at., Harrisburg. ity. $3,887 50 4,050 00 1,900 00 6,875 00 M BUEHLER.