lOtk^, 0.1. ij .,• ..w e toter, probity—the liberty - if the nation. Who, way come of it I do not ktiow; what disaste to the nation, who can tell Y We are. I belier• in my heart. all loyal; the most of the Amer' can peeple are sound, wise, loiat, and true E lipptati-el Little knew o^e men wt's made that writing w i s d om i s se , o Liroof.,h all the interveuteg time, that fartiont; should desire to eet aside their work after they had em , o died t ie principle of honer and national life it, that great charier of our liberties—the Consti titration of the Uniteo Stares. [applause.] What. was c hat prineriple? It was diversity in sinity--;it is the principle that binds the hes trimly bodies together, that. makes ail the star, move each in its own orhit, while all fortri one iitorioos constellation. in which all are u o ite t i yet eaehls free. The people must decide this great question They have made it themselves Their v- ice must be beard and listened to, for wimp e people speaks its real sentiments. they Wart from.the heart in a voice of thunder that &tail be obryied [Great applause.] You owe it to your . public servants, who are bound to obey your will. to assert your power; anti - if the worst oinnes to the worst; if the -tide of mis tontine rises higher and higher; if the strong pillare.ofq..iherty crumble, there will be placed in the way of the people the memory of Wash , ingtonOtir the fright particular star et their devotion. Still striving to carry out his pre eepts, they will fail, if fail they must., holding the Constitution in their hands, crying with brea'b, unfailing L-allo LIVE THE UNION. Gan Q4VE Tea COPSTITITTION.. r,:rt nit VatritTli` ,0 NONDAV,McaNirmi. MARCH 2.1.863 0 BARIVITT & CO. PROPRINTOBB Illeinmuniestione will not ots pUbliaued in the PLUMS MID ewes unless seamplinied with the name of the author. W. W. Rteroanons, ?5Q., of Towards, is a duty an lhartsad agent to collect i,cconnts and receire subsonp lbws and Isdrortiarlorots for this paper, Nowassou 22. IBA s 11. PETTENGILL ic CO., 37 Park Rees, N. V 7 and a State St, Benton, ire our Agents for the PATRIOT as Uvula in those Mlle% and are authorised to take Advertisements and 11almeriptions for as at our Lawn Rein. FOR SALE. ASSOOnd-hand ADAMS Passe,platen 8931, by 261 u ohms is good order; can be worked either by hind or Masan Newer 'Parma reoderate inquire at thia office. TO THE PUBLIC_ Tim PATRIOT AND UNION ..bd all its bmiress appperations will hereof , er Fe conducted early sive ty by 0 BARORTT and T. G PormoT. tier the firm of 0. BABoarr & Co., the r' v " Lien of ll_ F. WR-3nelds with said ' tablish .. hnvitiff e as. d 4.1) the 20th IV eaber, into MOVEN B ER. 21. 1862. To I.ogisinture. IVienthewo oft.. - _.1.41014 will be furnished to !k DAILY PAIMIOT AST -re durum thr, amtion of TWO Betnhera of the begiei- IMILI.AieIt 41 " 1, COPPS of the DAILY PATAttot Dim Thrum prorure them ey leaving their orders et the r . .anion office Third street. • r with our re 1, in either Renee, the evening previous. pea Th!a cnitAitution as It Is- *he j . lidg.s of the Supreme Court of Wis a"it'Aave all AVOitioni-ts, but they are sound iiiw r' r tid.int- aof integrity. What we can "' say 6 "‘st President of the United States. of the Abot;• . toczullers of Congress, or of il l "" Ah°thi°2 1 . t(palters we WO!. of, we eon My truly °f Ju g 4 \ Paine, Dixop and th , -ir associate, they have P'14,1 1 themselves true to Sheir oath to sup. err , illb Constitution of the 'United States--they have ebt. pe.jared them- Selves for the mike of party pla'earnis or party - purposes. In a case of hatreas ei..p les w hi c h reeently cams hetovi them, involving - 3 / 4 , 3 Con atitaticnal power of he President to dt - mlare martial l' w, and seise- i m p r i son and try ~,,,f sous martial, or mutter : , crnntn i so i mi, eit , zem , Id the 'Jailed States, not /I the military ar, and residing in States whet. t h e edwinie , r4 Ciao of the civil law was a , ilist roc ed, : the ih ree j u a geo delivered a. parate G;ltkiong , differ., lug in some nOttt es.encial points ur , a ll con _ stirring in denying to the-Presioenithe powers &aimed and eivreb'cd by him. .Itt, e p„i ne idebeerr d the opin'on of the court, L w hi c h be deeds the following points: 1. The government of the United Stat, i s invested wi b foll power by the F d r4l l ititution o prosecute war. at•d there id 13 Wda power outside the C. re•ti nt on 2 Only she people, through their repre.:en lattv-s in C tigress, can suspend the writ of habeas swims 8 Tne Presidnor eau execute the laws only by Such meats its tb. Coca notion and the laws themselves here given hi m pe st er to em SO Y. 4 A military commander may d plare iiaT htw in di-trietr widen are the actu,t thegtre of woe. Where tiotaile armies are met. for :ye purpos•e of destrsiction, or in instorectiooary distsicts where dilliTir•ti.! vioirDee 41;sCord Awe t r..eruatip arivioe4l the civil authorities /MT TirT ELsEetructeß_ 6. Court- lIIKr. int ar• courts of limited and Inferior jurisdiction. Hnii have no juti-dicti•-n to try any poison • 2•xp6 such as are by d•rte amenable to -sin+ it nA. 6. The IPeislarice is the potitiral departmpot of the gov.-rrintent. and wh.n the wrrt at &Agog C9IIIA » not Eitit.prud, b 3 Ccogren4. the EX. Vlit haa tto poltrieBl power to nu t ri- Sob the. people. Jusigi!Paine moreover .leelares that he should oensiter the e5:20,41,11 tumor of the door no th t the Preaiiylent ponessea it liw table power ov r the land hp a (lector-vino or ma;• - ial law. as a ealartily Nth , if !toy 'Pad to be deplored than - the &swear of the ieLeihmi " We drnige •he ri•siter. of the Telograph meny of whom, also, 1 gitioante'y ar folonionsty, 3011td the 'AITitioT ,tt eh Elston. to rementb-r that tide the opin on ors learn- d, upv si o r Cour t , eompoite 4 of thre;. ju who .r., p Alt cal+, Atlolitionists, and eleet..-4 by that ia.ty. The COrlittitltt. on whn.e interpretationi..h ey -tire en faithfully given is , the Cnaktitution whtelt we support. which President Lincoln ham violate.i , SWId wh oh .h. Tel Whose proprietor le *swore , vifierr—sw rn to support it—dare poi Tindi.ate, hire not avow him approval nc according to i s letter, API if reads. nr iti spirit sad messing. itorr, erred by the I gli tri bunals of ib- 1 ,nd On the contrary, the c o nwitution of wh,r.h the Tologrilph Tr.tril i. a h* .2. - ept in ri • Ith4gillatiOnit of Cote .t.cl knovo.e, fvnvtie. ond traitors It iq a mere conception—a crimson cede in .mbarn, ohli-h some day_ when the usurpers in pow , r bilge comp'. red their ar inagements an rfegoo-a In slavery, they *can to wrair, as Prarn did. ID Ict - ..ra oi blood ard hang up Nit of sly hi that they tray ikatio Mao pleasure:of pinioning peqile who 1,-.1-ir tt, viiit.i.uUt litioVvie. , gr uI v. 1.1 4 11( Uetitaa s crime. The Constitnion to widen chi •iministration and the Te&graph how with SE, uch reverence isnot the one which the Father, h ave us, and the Wisconsin supreme court be .o clearly expounded and so nobly vindicated, lint one such as Mr. Stalnilerry, of Ohio, in *1 •eeent speech, alluded to in the followin cords " The Constitution says that every man ound in arms against the United States, every nie that levies wAr, and every one that give uti and strotenanee to its enemies, shall be .ung." That is the Constitution which the Abell t (mists advocate and swear by. It is not hi t ,onstitution upon which this Union wa. omitted and by which alone it can be restored Lud maintained—but a very loose affair, giving ull scope to every species of licentiousness. nd leaving free from all restraint the tyrant, n power, and the army of incendiaries, mor •ierers, corruptionists, plunderers, fanatics and 'ools, who render it an unquestioning support. iorying in their shame and bartering tht 14terties of th• it erg-miry for gold. Prepare for Coeaeription. We advise all those persons between the ages of twenty and forty five years', liable to perform military duty, to prepare their minds, bodies and estates for the I coni.ng conscription £he net of Congress places the whole control it in the hands of the President. It it xclusively a Federal measure, with which tin Stete governments will have nothing lode,- and et course it will be rigidly entorci-d. Every .ble-bodied man, not mentally disqualified with rare exceptions, of wha-soever religious creed he may be, unless be is able to pay $3OO, .rut be forced into the army for during tht war—not to exceed three years. Grunting will do no good. Soldiers are required to fill ;tic army—the word is go, and go you mr 1.3.0 b Congressional dietriet is to be an F 4141 lug district., and each enrolling distr" i s to he honored with a provost marshet with rank and pay of captain of cavalty."", with two other persons to be appoint' oy the President, shall constitute a Beard Enrollment, one of the two persona to 1)-4 physician and surgeon. These persons sr - to attend to enrolling those subject to the 'enecription ; and we have no than the ..fr will be put into operation at oonpeas President can make the appoint. - .nee' --perhaps during the present month r t ready, therefore, all you able-bodied men oetween the prescribed ages—get ready for the imperious summons which is about to call you o he field. There will be some fighting to do efore the rebels are sutjuaa , ed and the ne iroes freed, and you are the boys to do it rhe President relies upon you—Greeley relies 'port you—Phillips and Beecher and Cheever, aho have promised so much and done so ti tie; who have preached and prophecied and lied and blasphemed—all these rely upon you, ~ a 1 eon must not disappoint them. Gretaey't , 900,000 and Gov. Andrew's "swarms " proved so be all "men in buckram," shadows that disappeared when they were called. You are substantial men. There is no sham about you. You hare thsh and blood and thews and sinews —the very things that. are wanted to crush tb , rebellion, to re-establish the Union "as it ought to be," and to restore 4,000,000 of groaning Africans to freedom, equality and fraternity. Get you, therefore, ready. It is your country that calls, and you must neither evade nor disobey tier summons. How inspi ring it will be tcf march under the o d banner (Greeley's "flaunting lie") against a rebellious foe ! How pleasant and sweet it is to die for one's country in glorious war! He must be more or less than man who would not gladly, like Curtius, rush into the gaping jaws of d-ath to save his native land. Be advis•d, then, ye who are subject to conscription—gird up your loins for battle. taw. at the first blast of the trumpet, step forth and say to the pro Irmo mat shal, "We are ready—do with us as you please !" Inviting 'Negro luffiurrtction. If we can credit the New York 'tribune's Port Royal correspondent, Gin. Bunter is about making an attempt, upon a pretty large scale, to gratify the bloody instine s of the Aboli tionists by stirring up a negro insurrection in S , nth Carolina. We should have no sympathy for South Carolinians under any rnistortanes, however extreme, which might befall them in he course of regular warfare. We should look ntur such calamities as a just punishment, of the , for the promintnt part they took in for cing•n appeal to the sword—as the righteous _rewaro,4 their treason. But we cannot con templatethe horrors which will inevitably ac c"mPanY 5 -riffle insurrection without a sttull der, and out heart and head, our feelings and rea-on, alike tudemn and execrate the wretch who has coolly itanned and intends to delibe ately execute a mime .) , movement d: signed to i" c it i- the slaves tcinsurrection. If such a movsm.-nt should he tf,de, it will east a stigma upon our country that eie 1 from s of ages will not be hble to wipe out. There can lid no ex cuse offsred for it. It is ptrelY a devilish con ception, which must consign its authors and Abettors to infamy in this lite,ond to hell—as the only abode of congenial 6*Ra—in the next. With all the horrors of St. Domingo fresh in his memory—with a perfect knowledge of the infernal instincts of the semi civllhed Af. rim% when excited to fury and maddened by the si,ht of blood—that white livered hyvo. crib° and dim Greeley, thus trtum. pliantly a-tnouncts the impending atrocities: W , have from our special co, respondent at Poet. R .t al the startling annouttremen: that a force t.f 5,000 ne.roes, led by vbi eN and sup ported by r gular troops. is jii-t ready to e o . ter one of the mi-t denSely popula:ed districts ef'tt:e D pArtment of the South, in order to summon its emanripnved blanks to atm.-. Com munications have been eat .blit-hett with the negroes, and th y wait only for the appear -nee of the liberating force to spring to arms and rally uhder the nati , nal Sodden Sind ir rests ihte as an avalanche, this m ow will fall drhe- e preparation and defense are alike irn p •-eibie The Rept/bile is at length. about to -take at the heart of the rebellion. and the Pool tmation of Fr, edam, hated ond do Tided by every enemy to the mvioe. 811,M be beard in trumpet, IGUeti on the plant-to:ns of C:ao_ lio4. and echoed on the ha tie field by the cannon's opening To .r.—N Tr , barte, Feb. 27. Sundae, the 22d ulttme. Col. Corwin with re. Missouri regiments. surprised and routed n 9..4141 force at TusennehiA, Alabama, egatt ring ewn hundred ivi.oners, a number of Can n.irk, ands wAgon train. I.r,as•odl Col. Charles Hick, recently arrested in New York, has been sent to Washington and con tined in the Old Cl•pito) prison. He had on his person a pass signed by the rebel Secretary of vitnr, Benjamin, and it is supposed he wilt he tried as a spy. Fourteen men and four women, some of them captured whtle attempting to run the Potomac bin. kale and others refugees from Richmond, were lodged in the Old Capitol pri son on Thurwlay last. A dispatch from Charleston to the Savannah Republican, 'dated the 14 h. says %hat three .teasers (the Rutty, Leopord and Wagner,) from Nassau on the 9th, arrived there that morning with 'valuable cargo s ; and that the steamer Douglas ran out successfully last. night And took Hon. James B Clay, of K. ntueky, for LiverpOol. It conticeee to say that thr tdoekede is virtually raised, as not a gun was fired at any of these vessels. It is stated on high authority that General Scott will shortly 'lutist' a letter explanatory of the ens he wrote to Secretary of War Com eron charging General Weleilan with disobedi ence of hisntders. Gen. Scott's letter, which the Abolitdonistt, are now using against Gen. Welelltin, was published without G n. S ott's knowledge .or consent. and it,is said that the forthcoming letter will show that Gen. ld'Clel tan was not to blame, bovine acted under the • orders of the President and/War Department. The House on Friday atthrod an important amendment to the hill ir relation to an increase of Generale, tnakinr it obligatory to that oryon attitegrPartke sident to seledt . 43 v promotion from officers io") have tuned distinction by their sersiezet in the field. • The e ;-re negro soldier bill reported by Sen *tor 41 b'cine on Friday, provides for musty ring enrolling and organising, by the oommand tug officers in the several departments, of as many Africans liberated by certain laws. by the Preeidt-nt's proclamation, or by any other legal and competent authority exereir d in 'suppressing the rebellion, as the President shall from time to lime deem necessary, to be armed. equipped and mustered into the service of the United Stat...s, to serve during the war. It. contains a prOviso that no person of African descent shall be appointed to exercise author ity over white officers, soldiers, or men in the army end navy. This hill is intended, we suppose, to supersede that. of That. Stevens. In pursuance of general orders No. 88. from beedquartere of the army. Major General M'Dowell is acquitted of all charges, and the recent court of inquiry upon his case in dis solved. It is understood that the government has at last determined to take control of the cotton speeubttiene and of the exportation of Southern products generally. The plan to be adopted is substantially that recommended some months ago by Mr. Wetmore, of Nashville. It is proposed that government agents shall advance to the holders of cotton a certain price per pound upon its delivery within the pro tection of the Federal authorities, and that the product sba 1 be sold by agents of the govern nient, and the residue, atter deducting ad vances, einefiees Mal i;Lii•tiT: . 'eciitLitt - I'4 v5e.,...,w c months itierea.treir be paid to the parties he whom the products were furnished, upon their established proofs of loyalty. From the Army of the Potomac we learn that ra Wednesday night last (2511.) two rebel cavalry brigades, Fits. Hugh Lee'e and Hamp ton's, attemptt d to makes raid into our lines. They cutest-al the Rat pahanneek at Kelley's Ford, and eucceeded, by a strong attack, in breaking our thin line of cavalry outpomts at one or two points, and capturing a small num ber of our men. Our cavalry outposts in re serve were brought up, and the lines imme diately re-established A force was then sent in pursuit of the enemy. and our Captures inotuded two or three officers. The rebels. baying failed iu accompinthing their object, retreated in great haste across the Rappattata flock, after felling trees along the roads, and placing other obteacles in the way of the put. suing forges. The cavalry force Sent out iu pursuit of them have not yet returned. The rebel cavalry were commanded by Gen. Stuart in person. Otte of the rebel prisoners i' Gupta John Alexander, of the 2d Virginia cavalry. ,! A Cairo dispatch of the 27th announces th: arrival there of a steamer from Lake Pruv dance. The canal is almost competed, Navina i t retched from the lake to within a few rothial me. the rivtr. It is 150 fret wide, and dug do' to within one foot of the level of the lakiik Besides giving us a pass way into the , tili g ,. - , river, it will carry off the surplus water,A. thus relieve our camps b , -low. General win' ,Dorn is reported to have cragged the la nntrieeKa. at Florence, with eight thuusitad eavat4; l llS' , l i reintorce Gan. Bragg. ~a 5Me, i t ., An expedition frtan Cor;uth is repo 0040 nt; on the con'rary, peerare ye tt reptr have captured two huodred rebels at Tit #!tol•vilitabal lc, sanguine, tuteenitd, plethoric liii e rroen, clad after the manner of the bie r Alabama, on the 22d, with a large'' . : Of ammunition and a provision train. l i/ ; :' 3 'rn day, quite in the fleshly anti oute r . . The reported raid of Stonewall J444ok.tVli ve 8114 " 18 of a vain and wicked world. wards Strasburg is conit edit:tad. 144eiai he et:mid rant, ilo.t he eould "teem ae The two gunboats, in their re centretilitimiFly 018 a sucking dove ," y u might be ew e; le Bence upthe It tppithattnoelt, had a sfiak , g,f ever a man looked a beast of the field with a rebel battery below Fort Lewirii4bon Lovejoy, as be etanas cis t et mid and they eileuccal after matuonedieg it aiiole:ve stone wedeln, is he Teeterdey he wits They went platy miles up the river -401 it champion of a reduction of the tax 'on said gained imporient anfortnatioriiii.er, and applied some familiar aphotism Megaw and Hill, who commanded , 2 iiVe;iPout the slaveholder's rebellion, which struck eea, lion, report the rebels in force opigNeaSe le , rp of a thou-and strives reepotteive, Out bank of the river. Ihr •ugh the whtille4istantied most unlike the terse and rigid u rea , traversed by the boats. '''r * i . e .— 'talon of a swim:Li:noir-hie of el'i' • 1 - . rlt 1 Ma COW / 0- Rumors were life iu Waehingto r te. br. When be speaks he yeetioillatee am' I part of last week that Gen• BprOld wrikes snout b 4 m in a marqur papa re:3y for- I supersede Geu. Hunter in cominand • (laden in the address to the players. lie seems Deallement of the South. Ttuttlffight u o•eitla ein one idea. like a teas w i t h ,„„„ end to Hunter'e contemelated :4f:41;4 3 / a ide, or the discover. rof a perpetual motion. was 11.18:1 rtillaCTlA that chargei:mputinettancies his unetious teat s, that. hutating 'McClellan, with's. view to brit/lei:4M thaw with faturss, raised to Heitven, a cit. al- Court Martial, were in courseClVnibletshaeen end clooplac alt ceontenattee, in pr Jar The Conference Committee,lSulChtfer a man and a brother; or tri.i red face, indemnify the ;'resident for All ti;itill etroaen with the ex es., s of has piety slut • . 0 7.. bitrary arrests repurted in tAibibietuse o eweattng with the iespiration o ph - lent hropy, , n i g ht. Tbey agree upoirattattalitan white he inveighs from the pulpit e r ei eet t h e .• EamEre mud Fe.onte MIN. lilel l it4c i f moteorable "le-agate wan death and euveuaut L a & : at- ' pond the writ of habeal f i rpy t to t with hell " • r all officials who act untifF" t nrders The sentimental obperver paato•starotigh the President or his n i zentnlfd*lto . dons vaults and balls of our gl e an. is ettettal, wet i t o diecatirge pri , ollere airetatiAund. i thinks--as be turns his canal- dean vairds tnto power litter a gren.l jorylOr het I the -leiter. of a eight end loth, ns the el a te, q I t•••• • indict 'bent, oud 'trials act from State courts.tti, the • Ur 3, courts The new conference Frailty het on the tt ba It is thought a new pointed, and, in theil a snot. him in his double• bedded rn, I n— o f a en, fain historian who en; amid while ME I the bare tooled friars were +-loping veol e,B , n the Temple of Jupiter. 'arid eoPo,iv,ell the t ; Rz. wondraum hisfory, X, half a CPI ;ury Nino - . of , aaataiktrtp the D,ri ' n• • Snd p.il—or of ib - ttoonim ry DePl'u° l an tr,►reler firm dew Z.-altilAd, the brlll;;Lut al e. „ma. ,will h ,. it) early in Senate ”1:111•11.1. Meet I hrtilleil the Iloose. It tats shcuiti 4tieverd, and neither hoes" will reoede fr• its origin& position. the %%hole hill lutist foli. The New Yolk Tribuve of B:tturjay twytt the. Senate his avetd the proposoion of the House for another commiyee, and the I.lonse has appointed of its pat Met•srs. Dawes, Fen ton and Maynatt Rear Admit! r: Porter invtrupted the CM gunboat In•TioarlS. 48 he w :s trting on his p.srilotts trip past ;own the river. to hind at the leSident Jefferson Dt!is'anci his and hriog away every hale of wander of th on the eve of s the batteries plaribition of brother Josep rry al - le bodied m , ibi negro he says the Tribune. ; Ariel h:is stiNew York from Califon* wi , b $278 417 in K d. cotton and coon" fwd.' The stolen:1 • &v ./ yr.-77E00P LAS' TilE' RESET CoNG C ATION LA W-IVV MUD--Alt CROW Di TOWN—THE AN SENTIME 'FAUST. --dp------ Correspondiencrof the Patriot and tin' i WasuinaTioN. to Mud, m , mud—Washit.gt( Stough of spond. Every thit/ mud, over oe, P paltering hod the cars go ihisetiog through t'y puddlesthe ell* Revifilif does not a.sst lo.otootion ; is thusiseto; dud never inspirf f \o!' her how the und fog step. . Chtneellor's ig and the Cot T evcsty the ,(setipticn of ti comparuble Di; ens, end t-nni the mud here m y qui.ken .y; the Ousted eoz , ition of 1341 days of higii• titissure legi-fl Congress isolulli with de ail.. a,vy and thick as mud. Th i e ardirited debt..'. the Cons,rip tion bill hvis t gmttfed out lb',, of the s• ssion Slovens explains his haul ' bill, and finds ways and means lor the ton „of the govern ment. The .tasttrn tin-n l''• over the tax bill, and the Wes*rn men y t : or a redustion —but in vain-4 the ro t.i, whisky. Two 7z , lively shoe-mkkei from te t : DAM 3etoerday see. Paired for twoiltours 1 , t , ,. he tax on hides, and OM ever indeit'igatlr t ,tfr , ll,• who sits beside the inexoralle Cl' ' nof Ways anti ' t hi:: 'tt seripti”n of a Means ' grew el"‘" 1„, a? of the Plat te k wool mattrass. Th . C.bbler in the Senai 1110 he Pxeifuti.e see slut he vas higglingbt riggdier General in the Marine Corps. ,?, td Of course the town ' t with contrac tors and contt acted. jet: a mt pimp. Your curt-eel ondtut feel+ d' ktul fur a bed to straighten out in. Tie: ntat,rs have run i,', v the hotels down ; he a nielatteli.:i .l . le t ti satisf ctiton. I tiny a ft tly.l aside by battening vul urea, i ''ib of speculation of my own—itt askit g.f . will this thing all eel ? I 'find no ver' Oat ing prOSpect, in the unpleasit g audi t ive idea of It otti. nei,ratt. 1 , In lieu of sor i rall;' WM:sting. I give you the person 4 of ' ipt,tdes of ;he How.. 17,,batolignametiA 1 Probllly Ibe EiP • r man inquired SOT •• W :pee woe in the ti:,u t .a, now.a.m.: trio named, Mu other quilt Ohio. You . d him in juxtaro , i ion with ids huadroit and siectrieal e.olleague,leox-I w• b lltnus ti,mpers tient, tbepiirenie t ould tit'', with hair j 't 3 t. "Ircle 4 " t ~ Pt ps He has keen, • il restless, jit sil l % i,3' ed grey eyes, en expression of MOO*" intell-geuce and aato bt u ils. .In,Wuuld 1' lark tte sir and ht aring'3.4 a 141#, and t), (.„iumse and lughttul man. ootrao;olnutpeode.nt. i i Hi tri , fri)l and prejeet . and firmly .tet okiad kt.„. lie ut•mmands e ?mention a b e sett this time prof i , an 20itlitidin it. Isis mantle% as d u ' tn, pose, is fully in lk, th her of the men—quiet, ist i ..te i i t conscious. „ 1 , t er , he ip, a prepossessing. et i?, , , , eti, .fd look we +van, the vc.y a , 1 0 ( u. or ti .tti t ' . 0 ho . 4 0119 Pan Ve--g,l a xem .._ . A . r nuldteriug, &elf trusties., cunt A.mo ti ve—such a man as y«.ti would\ ~ r .i i og-in wait, lime abiding enelide4 ow e oho he dirt or thong-4. lie ‘ l ibe aiediurn height. firmly !chit and w« 1„,..i.6 strongly eugravta features a:nil :,dBqTrzion. is Vallandigham's eounterpsrt of ti He is an obeo , e, offensive looking • r with a Fqul re, roli face And red bale. ' a orow,i, you might tnke him fin. elder. Isimtur..d in lb.. church, there mile of a take—ne—though —y e.— .2!SS hat rok—ot—w herf— ye—sioad—he—eloitied look in his eon.- i •re-coed (.11 the vrtiiN oilr giettJA !lei to the contrary notwithstpling. 24148' some such dimly claw d ntek fins 0)41 my fancy alter the first clay oboly decade of rule sod rui/, The flongressionat 0-tater:lt the Ways tied Means hili hav Point- but one—the taxation : 'saint—to se•He which a new 'prat rly t+Ptltt•appointed. Th open by the a rtillatitice pot et:e Ne Secretary of the Treats thorize t to herrew rrom time Credo of the 11..ited Srates, a e.. rig V 300.000.000 fur the cur i and $600,ir00,000 , or the next , to issue i h..] e ore ceueou or re . prty:tde at the pleasure of tr. alter such period. 118 rosy lie fi iotir:,—tut less th in ten not n. I years from dare—in coin. and . [latices. nor less than $5O, as expedient, heating iniere-t a , (wetting 6 per cent., payable in ' ceecling $lOO annually, and on Semi annu illy, in emu ; and he cretton dispose ,ot such bowls I upon such Terme as he may deen tee fur !Elwin( money of the Unit ' tor any or thr err:lSt:ales of ind: it. posit, or for any of the Treasury totore i,eued or which may he • the provisions of this act.; and I ' Treasury notes, or U. S ales notes, der the provisions ct this act. ehal from taxation by or under Slate or . aurnority ; provided there sh4tl b- a v: Qt" bonds. Treasury notes and lint notes, at. any time i.tinteil under the r - i l / 4 of this 'iot, no Kr rater ouoant. etitok/6 if)i the sum of $9u0,000.1100. l'ae Seer 4 the Treasury is atitnorixed to ionic tat: eredo of the United Slates $4OO-00 6 tt rreribUry Doles. payable at . The pleas'. United States. or at such time or ti in 4 exceeding three years from date, att . 'ill Ito found most beneti •icil 10 the public l nieti anti hearing interest, at. a rate nut etkir six per cent.. payable at the periods ;4;4 on the lace of -a d notes, =rod the i l said notes and on eeri Aiwa?. a of ind 'I and di. posit the, eafier is-ued seali p lawful looney; the Treasury tarts 1 • to he of • uch denomination as the t may direc , nor less than $lO. and tri • pos. d clot, the best terms Ilia can h ' or at iy tie paid to any creditor or I Siates wiliitlit to tee. ire the Bailie • These Treasury notes may he Ma tentler to rho mime event no the Uli 4, notes for Imam fare vitae, exch.' in , Di • r they tn..y i e mete excharteciable tide IN gni:it:on•i pre-...rib, d by the :Secret ;.: holder thereof, at. the Treasury in t'ti or at the ..!Bias or any assistant I :tor depository d. signaled for that p pos . Uhlt81:1 ?M.Th.'s mic a .. goal in aril tit -; T. easury no es ollei•ed tor excl.& , to.li With th e teterect• accrued and du 'Uhl. the d Ire of interest payment sex tire •-uch exchange; and to lieu of en sm ti said Treat:ory rtt tea thus exch.! : el, I de. med. or paid at maturity. t.h. S .:ret •: issue at, equal amount of o her Tr rue 1 ' •iiid the Treasury no.'s so ex :mg i deetto d, or paid, shall he mutt . eu . 1 stroyed NM rile liicretary may dire 4. ,I rt to secure c.-rtain and peasanttam 8 Uhired Stares totes for Tt•ea.• uI no•. t required as above provided, , e Si :: -h a ll have power Pi issue Uttitp'St:,e to to the amount of $150.000 ( fl )( sinic4 y used, if i ecessoty, toc such exahan4; ht r, i part of the United States E.:toys sattitael b 'hit- seetion shall :30 isizued lgr, ors'' I'4 airy other purp..s. s that, est"ht ett ge.ilill' wh never any amount snail have hp° fs•-ue • and uppli•d. 'he earn, shale he rep* ' soie 4. i.ll.l46lif , ii , if ft oa.. the 9.1. g of 11 . 4Tiasury hetes for the Urti ed Sta'es notesa.Cre - vary is authorized ; it recutired the c eil ' else of the publio set 'vice for tt n 4 .) ti i t), I, the army arid navy surf other cr liter' Mt.', eoverement, to itt-tie on the - erElli 01 k. go .. vernment One huudeed and ily Ilit4f rt; of Urvireil S , alt•P too ea, includih thee:Orono of each notary beret-fere Huth •ri i lt-i' Tut. 4 ,it -ert...ant , dt.Or C. , I 4K -h- '1 - 1 r.,soltition pa-soil JanlJary la-i, tot rind 1 • 27 01 1 tialtit T si•., between SPeond too 'groat, interest, anti of delimit:nations not ~,,; ' one , Ras just returned front the city with an tt sartment a eis dollar. Tee seventh it mi. n!of .h,. in,l r/ t,7 1S (74 SSIMERE'S AND VRsTINGS, hill is stricken out. 1 1 pro:id d ttliat; r i . and 1,: Which will he sold at moderate prteee and made d.-u , to Wei r yLir- h 1, next tht c. ti order; and, also, au st•sortmezat or 81 , Any Ma DR , p, t if i.s•ti ' nude and Treasury notes of the I.lt•ii.: •t:' pr. i l „Clothiwg and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goeds • tufo, e i-811.-d. am.' weieh ntay4- i ,tt • shall 1 nortt-lvel I at any rim within thrity any ' e l ewe,. LE C.OLTLIJRIA INSiiiiANC.E C 0 . 9, re-pet:lively due. as lat an t•tne :hey 1 ' eiCortre din., be receivable 10 auto,, coin, The merlin', modify it g the I'l •pt-nti Trett-' Nary law is a sir oftl•tr. d 4. .4 TS OF , 268. RS-THE PUDLS-A 26. 1868 In $ very swelters a •erpnttt red; mud and ndid. Mold d Ynu r-oleru ,o the Lord of Chan oPry. og by the in- t notion of pert to , ion of o is the 'shot n;n T d r e g e t i l l a t P i n : . sell g'Y 1 LATEST BY 1 i\ El ThP Mercury's sp' oil! Wv . 4 .4 4 . fre•y. It Is tiiiibiticil Olt the i ): of Coogrese *W w . thee. e .: the 1 . ,„1 (iy of ch.- g..v.., now I k Ihe hewing' 1111,8 yietite 3 'Tertiary S wtrd. Thurl..* 9 ~,„ prop , i*re room- ranii• to, I ) ~,‘ ,-,,, a trip! on more p.le IC . Dill Hatt •sure, in view 4,0 , C . treq, A ehni,ae if. the Gib'' , \ 8 wor.l 41111 his pglicj ii: Ni.. ehtt . . , e to be rettli e t .1. W•ilker IN r() t ke 4 . ",d, the re...t...r..tien tat .. t .4 itwill eive t . ~, .. r MOM . ,r i u . e rerre, ' . pit , . '. al-ilan to -... . ' ti. we court 'pion tithe ni oprejii. iil'lPSe. he Nor. hi. II troop 1 40 , 1 I to hi. ekS • ~ iy will ft,. k, pt. izili, , Ortly ire pk/Oi 11 th ' I.derate R. paeans n) memo • ri-.., , .. e .he eutiti,tme aut. tarifa' iou • 11l tei11it0. , ........ ' - 's t: l''''f f h• .11.0 at ht.t ., crylifestaexe.tot in 4-ew. V. thmy iVaitia *.filery 1. 4 118.41 to 1,.t ' i )e.i..,...,,,•iiv. r IVO, inj ' v it they h Wh , en;', ri ...er'v e ve. pH] i. iPO 4 " d - MON,. so Iles i n . .igit•i• iiii ,;re • 0 ' 1 , ,q00 ) ,11 w ill . 1110 - t , .l' 251) re(' Wilt to 'I. RIP NI d e,..atil.tit I , i' fr . 1)111 , / N,,w i r.os;linina h ut. the , 1),..1! 110. a home. t hi' •KS‘ - t i c I ..i. 1 .,1 ...i i ' tainiatu gi 1 . rott.orn hur t r :thin.-.4 ' ~,ta ha' e , ./ or t 1 . g • •,' ; ~., Mlllt 7 BIM F lf , 14 (r 1 N >WO and -r th N • I.*. F",r:4'. ito .1115. nn tf.e the b• to• TA 40 gqi t•rdu r i hat ht) kW, w c.,•• tit'c , he, , Flatu:~~hirp rep ii s”tur n till her THE WAY 6 AND _if P._ in 1 1 1 11PORTANT I II u 0 K tig-r lii e RG. • rot) S EXIM I , is •id Doff wan ERE 1 li.g at heron. p:t itU lo EINZI lire been 'o NI men 0.41 Port t Ih,P otrawi Ovf-r nh.a , fi et Eatit*. VICKtI e.Oin 'he re' 1 1 4 rte. bn4t9\, B , ve gnt 4/ r.c.• t ;161 d or mono', 0 , P ir c' pi r , ll, 1 ) , /t. r 111-I-0 tr U Y GILHEL MA 11,1 pußiFy 4TE BL - Or , D —N,It ft the wer-t disorders that aft) et :mink nd ar, the orr pion that a , c , trinia, .. I n The h nod . the &sent , ries that have been made to I nrg. , runts nee teen toend wmeh could. q ua, n effect COMPurIND ETFRAC? 01 SAAR. rA ol• LA It cm r r I ov.t. 4 .ht hi° d nistills the s Igor of bed : I . the , • yttr ma d argil; out the berretta sr , left enr "" lt ' 41 , - , eli-e ' It stiumeteri Us hvailt y functions of tt i reed ups al l and exi l e 8 the disorders that grow and rankle i on 11 i i,g i, i blur d. ts extraordinary v i rtues re net , :t om,l its ee ~. t n h t kiewo nut when tiler. are it will no longer b remedy to call y in the e gree t y a. DOlO l 5 rig ' d nfili Vine die aces that r ittlire an ..ltrreltve rem' iin this go • 5 Sues a remedy, tat cool be reli d rn. bee 1p tr,hilii be 1 seus ht or, sod new, for the brat time, the punt one on Which they can rep -i d um spac here di time, on le Adroit certific ass to show its e Sete. Out the In] Single b the will show to the sick that it has , M not eX - l it kaesi T., . i, Suipstigiag any bang they have suer taken. St fr..ni z-crofula seroeu ous Swellings and Sores tri Pal year: d see th rai•Arty with which it enrol -kin Di 'ere,' holm Pimples, r u tic ea, ill teas, Lrupturn 1., 4 ., aro governmpt ci . shed out of th gist, m I by th iir e Rh t.AnlhOltilie FS e Roy, or Et rtpela , , T4 , ey or Sfal Jh ho,usa • where mSc hf Head, Rsagworin. ¢e., should Dot he e than rl.y r B.lrUArn RILL Athey cured by Asintio uch dethit "12 be 613 "e' 4.lY a ot ti @Roe !led front the erg , orlot , or 'rnowyro/ Pim may I le tt m y the prolong d use of 'hp SAAB •riall.t.s, and rbsi :rtea f e y• ..s d p i m s i f i a n .... t is left se healthy as if he had never had lbw rid,. ~. e ID b" Ilid met7nnaltreon.i;ae"liyl" • sorneesuzrugdedbyt7bBical:fxuristaainarteh:gbalma Iv in ``;ill„' rt , ILLA. Pm $1 per, bottle or 6 homes for si t i an tiar . P r ill th -porp sea or a famrly physic. 'eke Alas% l ik . 8 Five "ff : boxes e s th f e o for m sl eric.” P."111' ''' C %TB ,STIC PILLa , which ire el, eqwlp•r•• known to ter • nit Sit th.. beat ,cetingssape.r, ilea. \ SI ,or price 25 cent( per r ox, or a boxes for SI ton or Pr P ic r e epa h red t hy Da .1 t.,.A1l li.k & Llo , Lowell, Ham tote IN.- Sold by O . A. II4IIIIITAJIT GlioSB ACO L P.. S. inia tied Pr Ltm , J DORRARDNRA, DR litmus and L Wygra, Ban bol % r ri hurt , . and dealers everywhere enl in a 'S IJITL 1 Nem atruerti9emento g14.11.T7rl & E WING, AT TORN E . YS.A T-L. , 4 W e 1 I'INIIIID !iITRPF.Ir, Harrisbrirg, P active ' themetreral ecturts of Dataphin co my Olaf lf •t , t‘nOMede promptly. A. C SMITA. .1526 J. B. BA ING, ii UILD i G LOTS Ft R SALE.—The put swrber °fret* /or FOP 2F to tle viA se or Iha e aTx o three milts from Mo. city ie lots ure f ern aft to 40 f et 'writ, by 1W to HO fooLl ;op. Price and Wake reasonable amid, to 4' TIM t reloietor, Living in I burnt villa, feb2D-d2a* E DEMOCRATS '— For Sale —4ll Newspvp-r and .7.. b • Sea V. /it'd rink.. a zn..60, 0-11 .131 bastion 'or & Dratinsr.ttic ap- , , For t or -4 ne../o-e stamp sad address' Editors of Paq aim No UNION. 1.1)26 ued a ry Id N- ied 11 ~., MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1862. ;al 11 It . hl . I. Plr . 3 n leaving FienliFbnrg, reTurnx hilt Fincere thank,' t. . , ; bill rum roma pAtielr ii r. rZr ell/aril, re *h... bare re— . I p , fal it him. 81.0 Id be ever again rt tutu to Oafs city. bo hopes 'qua', favor may after d Ins e ff orts. COkINS AND BtiNI4:IVS. FIR. DIALS- , Y. Practical 3rir -ISt- CM> M:" 4:7111 , =1 Xfa 91C 1 .• tigers first ..nrigeon for the rem , vs' rd Uorna and Pante ions, at d ell diseases of the fe,t sod withoae lit pale, ‘utt, ng (it bleeding. Q . to , . hi A LEY •en be consulted at his room. N.. 11, If' the rnioo Hint a, Merkel wreet belween Third ass pony th s-treet a. Pare isburF, Pa.. fora abort time,. front,- , . 9, a. M., till S, v. tn. :y TESTIMIIIsrIaLS. Prom tho many traiimonial.l ir, Dr Maley's+ ryosaa.- slim from thr citia um of Barri6bu rubruit the foli g, be rerpeetfullge .. ckwilag: 1 1 Faialantuto, 1 b 2, 1863 Flaying witnesweil an oreraiiins 0- iny own foot tv., Dr. lin.lty , 1 can ryntannsend kiln to nay f , if •r•ds . b IC f.LLFNI. , Traggist,9l Market street, M mirth G ' , Dr. Maley bac extracted H a v-ry ore I anion front sip 1 1 foot, to my entire an lavacion ii, fi inen•ite re ief. , • 30111 , J II Pi X, Comer Third and Pius Harrisburg, Psi rxr rt Ilootuc, Ilerrio g, 12: Thi.in to eerfify thst Dr. .isley Px - rac ed Feverid corns from n.y rePt. without eh 1°414 pain and in OMR ti,eiy satiafactory man-er WM. KkAI SK, TelPgra,ll °Men. Ilarri ,, burg. P. BA IttRIIIO Feb 8. llidS. - Dr Mier has Ws day r. V tr.ovart a Ter , bad hookas fro-. my foot, width had bee a aciorre of annoyance tat me for years. The operation TM- et tirel. p.onleaa. G D . MIA DO h; al, Da islarr - g. loi. •', Ladies triab , rog Dr. Maley to mallet their Pratt; reqd nee r.v.lr pleabe leave their Addr ea at the il p f oted. a-I wino free f.-1,17-dte Of Columbia, Laireauter county, Pa. Thin comrany continue t.•i pure rr ercxaaa d 'se, x d kw i• ur. pert% , option to,• ppm d iorgeby tire, n the met—at lana i either for a cash prrmium or I,re. m n ..ote Ihe L rue and increaFiry ana;tal of the nalmrs. con. pistirl of pre,. ism autos gives' by its nien.bers, audlß bated urea APN, nT-11 1 . dear eh Et. .86/141 $1,475,7R3 35, TrwreA nn ti , e meta I plan tr ,,, da a reli.blp gaaraa— •,,,." : a i to te n tirn eß :111 r.we , age 1.-P • tne amnunir in-n rd ;a. it the t ire anne v.e rh.„,j art lilwrmlly with three who ul y tan lo a n.• &maize t e ca-• luny 11111111 t of , COWS'atent w th justice to wit pa Urn concerned. 'fLfi a iu a Dice. or •d others, ue make A m.t get 'Premium' Notes, *J55,020 4.0. Itabinee of Cash Premium unex.4 i vrt Jan la• IP'62 0.668 674 Cash r4-(f4ipte during the yen]. le s Ale Tit ' ,. mini,4l4 10. 6 7&1 47 Cush riceipts in Jhanury, 1863 .. 1.94 84 le'som and rrepPnmes pqd dori , g the eau 1F6 ' 16,329 73 Bet sic 13 1 . , sp." ID t ebtuary 18113 3. /6 /I • zuA. 8. 0 11.11.b.N, Pre.ittL Ge FOR Torso Jr , FesretAly. • 8 BAumax, TreaNur r. Rohort T Ryon, A* , ,, h m iiinner, .1 hi t Pt n .e lob. - Pi A Imo] p horiein. Eln,. in pr. hpv it um Qui NERUIT FERA.T. .F...RRATI - D OR 11.0 N SYRUP. prepara•ion of Lou hied'eine in identiesl (hy , «NI a sl‘sis) w th ths f r f,lned op I , llf a, Wenaha. d in Ceriiistty ift d was eel ctrl by al proprietor hi self grpuntiot the !rimy rebel) orted Euronra n .end hss . -re ext usivels' used by him dur;ngN thirty yam, p,. e si eu, with rt. gaate , t glee to. iu for rigid . p..' c , t •a n Eur pe lond!tOs Unit.ll Stat. s: /ix princiwd r o m no ,, n di p , f irm. It ,hi e tc the ta4 , and taken by thr na. at dell • etch. p•la , W , th 1 his me. i fur immdlHt;l y enters into the rmeral system. imp .rts visitor to they tal foree, repair, th.- t•s to a I. , .pr•)v-•• the bp mitt/mud th grneral cieutati n firm. one of the ion io.porta t componeott or the mood c'. fr. w e tollovift all gm e I. to 1....01i rty minuted on( beraknonle otoong . thnr of itn tit tteß, to D tic , tr el; dy.w . .r,,tmg P.m, o, f or . Femal A of all age, for ii.. theloll O' aene,a/ Ihadirly fro,. Roy owl Po6trtyo l4 ; Manhood a d Al i e; ad a leiter It g'.n In. caouOt , tifferv,l thin the et...pi tact • 0 ttrtt t 0 oh.) ty, g t * l t• on , an Cho , . o of' rump. a- it, with I h. e.tisrt s of,#' 17oit-d 8' ..teo. annu..ily regort I , to .hi- wirlicoriar eivin order to tumult heir health I i st..l ....tore /h.q. 30Unt one i Pr. pi. td only Ole proprietor himoolt, at . Th. , Labor. of JM. ROV , O a n PRIM, 1 / 4'..''' corner F. urtb and Ma bet overt% • dne. w.tb flirt. tOOl 1 i tttt• e of proprieto r r one to go. gine. A. PR'D riAunry r ,, si, .i. . i ,Ft b. 16, 1x63. —,0b20 toto Proprietor. 't: A 81, E BLIII.II.IAG 1a 'l'S • ,A ' P wear-1 ' 1 the c>.,.. t.l fro. tins GO i,mnd I , , o.as:inland taco. knquire or Own. -- , r , lad Prie. El Without (" go I- art' r f Ea= BPi CIAL Or/OPS. AST DA Y! CHARTER PERPo.TUAL -- $9 34' 84 DARILL: $ ORB : Q. f hnman 111tt bat 1 H livi t ;ore • It t rgt. Y. Uil. Ni b e MI Met o ald Am s 8. t BARRINGTON'S EISEN NYRROP SIROP LOPER. DEMI $9 345 BO ,0 23- 1 1a4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers