fiemmg Jilathines. Now wn‘mN REACH OF ALL! GROVER a; BAKER’S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES! 495 BROADWAY. NEW YOlylL the plbllg/attenfion In respectfully requested to the Sollowing gm; of Janus Horn, 13., and the Gnovn a; fin. fl. Co. : _' ’4 c D mourn GROVER «1343121! 5. M. 00. ,lfur Patents being now established by the Courts, we die enabled to furnish the Gnovn & 3m: Inching, uithimportant imnrovomenta, at greatly BED UC'ED PRICES! The moderate price It which Machines, making the Gaovxx & BAKER stitch, can now be had, brings them within the tomb nf all, and renders the use of Machines nzking infurior stitches an unnecessary u it is unwise Persona limiting the beat Machines, and the right to uethm, must not only be sure to buy Machines mnking fie WW: 0; BA“: witch, but alav tint such Machines up finds “Ime mm- our mm mm thnae o 1 ‘ a ' ;'” anon-n a; 3mm: 3. u. 00., £95 Broadway, New York. . .. t - - 341.6371) FROM ELIAS HOWE m (a 4: : ’ ' All patina. are mu'loned not to make. deal in, or use It] Sewing Incline! which aev from two spool: and nuke the stitch known as the Guava: & BAKER stitch, unless the name no purchased from the GROVE! & BA— ny Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Li censes, and stayed under my patent of September 10, 1846. Slit! Company, and their “senses, Ilene, m legally euthanized under their own petents, end my slid patent, during the extended term thereof, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine. and ell “he" no 11117-608 “PO3 I ‘ nil! patent, laid will be dealt with “cording”, , ' - er found. lbw TOIL. 1E? SEND FOR A CIRCULAR £1; anus-s n KEMBLE, Agent, Harrisburg. film-dandy 7 fiusiness .Qtathz. ' ENTISTRY. run uxnfisreuxn, OGTOB 0P DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to fthe . - of Hardsburgsndvieinity. ' OFFICE IN STATE STREET, PPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. «Mutt 3.x GILDEA, 11.9.3. n M. H..'M'ILLER, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. ‘- flame! of MARKET STREET unit!“ SQUARE: ‘ . (Wyeth’l,) second floor front. mrws-zm mm” [.ll. G. WEIGHEL, . ‘ sunnaon All) ocuthr, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. not: no- fnlly prepared to amend promptly to the ‘ - ‘es of profession in all its branches. A Lola All) VERY Buoosssnn. Human. Ixrluzlos » tines him in promising fnll Ind Impie satisfaction tn who mayfsvor him with a. all. be thodime Chronic it any othar nature. m 1” 1- «1‘: I G. MO_L T Z, imam mommi- AND SHAH mm, in 0, mm; smm an, barium Walnut and Mark“, Harrisburg, Pa. winery clever: a acription made and npsind. Bun Gecko! millinggnd I Inge mmflof Gan Fittings may on hand. All workdone in flailutablishment will!» umbrhil an angel-vision, and warranted to give utilization. on RELIGIO Us BOOK STORE. 1310? AND SWDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. S. G E RMAN, fl 3011'!!! SECOND STREET, ABOVE OHESN'UT, uAuusnm, PA. Depot for tho-Isle of Sternnmopoafitereouoopio Views. Hui: aid Musical Inntrumentl. Also, auhac'riptions Eton for religious Memo 7, 11030417 FRANKLIN Housm, BALTIMORE, MD This pleasant and oommudioas Hotel has been tho roughly re-fltted and A's-furnished. [t is pleasant]; aim-ted on Worth-Wed corner of Ronni and Franklin Itroets. a for doors wast uf the Northern Central Rail ny Depot. Every attentiun paid to 1119 comfort of his gusts. G. LEISENRHWL Prnprietnr, 3012-“ . (lute of Selina Grove. PI.) N E w ARRANGE MENT; CHANGE OF LOCATION. WALLOWIu'h’S LINE. The old nook of can being dispo-ed of. the under ligned has brake out in a Inn-w place. and estublislwd a ‘lin freightliue between Philadelphia. New Ymk. [lur rishurg and nll p 0 an on the'N-nrlhem Cantu], suntan-y and Eric and I. minimum. and Bloomlhu'g mi mull. lhgnkful for the label-u] patronage heretofnre extend-«i. he unplug by pnunptnen in delivcry. toxemia all his old autumn-rs and patrons. Allgnods intenu-d for the line mu VI in delivered at the dew)' ul‘ the P ilmlelp‘nia and Bodiugmilmad, Brand an I Gallowhill fire-eta. Puil- Melphin All panda delivered gt. the depot upto 5 o’uumk, I’. IL, will reach Harri-burg next mm'ning. ' J. WALBOWEB. 43.. GPnerll *grnt, Reading Depot, Harrisburg. THE AMERICAN Bl ROS ! m GUADALOUPE: A TALE OF LOVE AND WAR. A Poem in the style of DON .1174 N, Ind equal in apt“, min-r and manner to Ilut brilliant pro lactic“ of the “11-tum! B-nn." B 7 3 wall knuwn cit zen ur- I'hilnielphi. who served with distinction in the late War with Mexico. PBIGI IIYIITY0!1VI alums SGIIEHP Eli’s ll"! IKSTORE. XO. 18 Elm-ket Street. Bunislnu-g, Pa. lor 111-lo It and! EXTRAUTS! EXTRAU’I‘S ’ woonswoa'ru an Barnum: Barnum: FLAVORING- EXTAA . o, . mun ALMOND, xxcunmn, . mm: up“ srmwhnnlw, nosx, introooivul ma for Illa by «3" WM. DOCK. 11.. l O 'l‘lll‘4‘ AMEhIUAN READER! >A p In ‘ no unfit ' "I“ u" "'“Wtins Bud". Sedan“! ‘o' 401 D PMIE'S A ND SCHUOLS non! y Ihmuuhmu. rur anuutr’. and now in the Fluent fie Pill-lie Srhlllll c-l‘ th A Fin-at Suhlml antrichn’ Penu lvnniu. In "Mar. and \ilh the uuuui-unlli vote of the and ..I 94m»! “nut!“ “m- n' mid Irxtrict. [I Inuy be h- on upphmlmn t . Illn authm- and Publinher, Sn Jh‘ rel! onrne f lmnnlnnl and 231 nth-. 315, Philadelyhil, first” p" dun-n, nr 75 o '11!» n n- copy. Oral-Hi may bu left ut this "fins tur any quantitj or number of “km. and they “fill “0 Pollmlly Ih'lin'W‘d ll! “Lou Tm Inf Etc-LII: ur pun-IBM'- \. feblß-dfim. I'ABB‘T CLASS GR' ‘0 .‘_l{l'E\S 1 x l v \V LARGE ARRIVAI‘IJ! unvum Just BBTFISRD from the Euro". eiziéh “I." '9 haw I‘d-‘ol‘ II 'fl-h “I“ 37W”! can a lap and «4.... pl?” .m-rlm-‘m or mlwriur mums. which embm.‘ "...-Imm hop-t in flu- lmht City emu-u... we "spect t-lly and ov-rdm‘lv l_vito “I 0 Puuliu to examine our ”all mud halt our mun 'l'” :49 o s 'l‘ I I x A. a ’w. v nor'baL,§D'Wl..N Es, nuwnms. -.— j u o ”@653! gr I: n v n as”: I P'rmN {nigiutf’rllly‘l' Qmplol'p mrtmom. (whim... ma mluri-‘liMé-v‘-m"“-”‘,"T“““‘ M... “3‘31““ mm I, 3} .333: NHL .1... &cn fr ‘_‘_ HUNT’S “ PEARL BEAUTIFIER,” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitenn the teeth, burdens the gumsl purifies the breath efiectnnlly. PR.ES E RT E 8 TH h f'l‘l‘Lg'll'flloANl) PREVENTB TOOTH-AOB3, mailed free or . . HUNT’S “ BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME,” ndoubla grant of orange blossom and colugne, mailed free for This exquisite perfumewss first us ed by the PRINCESS ROYAL, OF ENGLAND, on her marriage. MESSRS HUN]! 6; 00. presented the PRINCESS with an elegant ease of Perfumery, (in which all of the above articles were included.) in handsome cut glass with gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appewred in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex press t'or $6.00. Cash on either eccnmpeny the order or be paid. to the express egent. on delivery of goods. .‘ HUNT an 00., Pet/”amen to the Queen, Bloem- Suns-r, Lonnon, um 707 Susan Sugar, The Trade supplied. PHILADELPHIA. sepA-dly ‘ flinery Etablcs. CITY LIVERY STABLES, fl anxnnnnr ALLEY, fl IN THE REAR OF HERR’S HOTEL. The undersigned has re-commen ed the L I V E R Y BUSINESS in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES, located as .gbovo. with g large and varied stock of HORSES, CARRIAGES AND OMNIBUSES, Which he will hire at modernize ntea. octls-dly ‘ F. K. SWABTZ. NOTI U E 1 l The 11nd raigneq has opened his LUMBER OFFICE, Corner qf Third Street and Blackberry Alley, near Barr’s Hotel. . ALSO—Two Booms, with folding doom, To LET—I suitable To: a Lawyer’s Oflice. Possession immediately. ALSO—A number one FIRE ENGINE for sale. . W. F. MURRAY. Kb- M... ‘ 5 -. ‘ L me; £55 5-51,: ‘m-WA" ALSO—HORSES AND CARRIAGES tohire at the same Oficc. febB~dt£ FRANK A. MURRAY. CHOICE SAUCE'S! woncms'rnnsnmm. LUCKNOW cum“, CONTINENTAL, son-m ’s summm, ATHENEFM ‘ LONDON bum. 3m noumvr pun, m DIA sov, um ume swan. memsn PEPPER swam. wu. DOCK. 33.. a; co. lon- mlo by 111le MUTI U E . 'l he undersigned havmg 1 V Opened an English and Clnssical School for Boys in the Lemur:- Room of whut was formerly called the ‘- United Brothrfln Church." on Front. hetwevn Walnut and Locus! “rents. in propurad to receive pupils and instruct “mm in the hnmchen usually taught. in school» or that change”. The number of pupils in limited to twenty-five. Fur information with regard to terms, £50., apply tn Rev. Mr. Botswana and Rev. MLCATTELL. ur pel'nnuauy to [on'Zb-dtf] ‘ JAMES B. KING. CO 0 P E Bis GELA'l‘lNk}.—The best article in the market,just received and for sale In mnrlll—tf WM. DOHK Jn FR 3‘! GA RDE‘I AND FLOWER Sienna —'l'he largest stack in the City. Al] kinks of GARDEN sums, in large pnpurs. at THREE CENTS per pflner For sale by DAVID HAYN ES. mum-1m HQ Market Street. [IA MS E—3,000 lbs EX'I RA SITGAR .GURLD lIAMS in state ml for sale lnw fm- c. 1511. apIO WM. 00 K,Ju.,& Co. AWN! [A WI NF. I—WELSH BRO M. THERS’ OLD RESERVE WlNE—full hndied an fruity. In store and for suleigfihN 11. Zl' GLER. 73 Mark”. street febls HUMPHKEY'S 8P “CI FIG HOMEOPA TlllO REJIEDIES, for late It KELLER’L‘ Drum Stare, no'tl 01 Thu-RM Htrnpt INSTRUCTION [N MUSIC. I. W. WEBER. nephew mu] taught by the well re. mamhm‘ed late- I' W Weber. uf "arl‘lNhllru. in prrpured to give lesmms iu umniv ulmn thr PIANO. VIOLIN CEIJ-U. VIHI-IN and lI‘IJ'TF. ll» “’1" Kim- him-mm. at hiu rmddvmw. «.m-m-r nf Luau“ HUN" Mid Hivw alley or at thv hmlwn n" pupil: wil'lfi-dfim L. GnmmLu Pmc: m; 'rumm . nu Runway mr HANDS. MELON-luvs Am” kc Ornlvrs in mun-u must ln- loft :1! Wu KNHf‘lI ”as MT'SIC STU“ It“! \I-Irkvl firm-l. flr u RVEHLER‘S [INTEL All "rm-rs Inf! u. the above-numad plncns wil mp»! wi'h prumpl mp-u'inn Fm“ chum I'l ANIIS I‘nr mlo K ELLKH’S “RUG SII‘UI’iH is the phi.” Ir ‘lld il‘l'".\u'“ .y. In mar " "nu-“..nuu. v'I'HKAHE!SI'IJ|{,A(;EH ‘5 Nor-go waived It wuehzunu «r - nol'a . JAMES M. WHEELER. SANFORD s BLUUD PURIFYING PILLS. Pure Vegetable Ezzracta, and put up in Glass Gases, Air Tight, and will lug; us any climate. The FaminlCathar-i ' «tic PILL is a gentle bnt active Oathal‘tm, which. CD the proprieto’rhu uedm his practice more than I: twenty yours. The constantly increas-‘ in demand from those who have long Ilsud tho‘ ‘4 Pam‘s, and the satisfie tion which all exPPCSBiD regard to their use, In! induced me to NW them! I-I within the reach of all The Profession wellknnwi that different Oathsrtiu act on difl'erent portions 9-! ofthe bowels, The FAMILY CA- THABTIC PILL hla, with due reference to this 0 well established fact, been compounded from a vurie- ty of the purest V etable Extracts. which act alike H on every part of etfie an. “19an canal, and an E" good and nuts in ll] meawh-erea Gatharticin needed, such an De- I' anBem9 n t 8 0f the m Stomach. Sleepinesl, Pain: in "10 Back and Loins, tostive “93': Pain and 50"" q ness over the whole body. from sudden cold, which frequently, if n... R‘m, end i" 3 10118 a: cournv of flavor, Loss oi Appetite. a Creeping Sensation o! C 0 Id over the body, Best- lessness, Brannon], or 12mm IN THE Human E 4 INFLAMMA'I‘ORY ms. EASES, Worm: in Chi] dren or Adulta,Rheuma mudgreatyumrmn q of the 131.001) and many diseaseato wpich fleah is heir, too numero‘xa to mentioninthla IdVeflififl' 0 went. Dose,ltoB. Price Three Dimes. ——ALBo— LIVER lIIIIIanTIIII. NEVER DEBILITATES IT is compounded entire become an established fact, = and approved by all that ' sorted to with confidence M it in recommended. It has cured thousandn who had given up a" hopes unnolieited certificates in The dose mnflt be adapted individual taking it. and to actgently on thebowels. Let the dictates of your use of the LIVE“ IN will cure Livel- Com lackefllyepepsi a. Slm m e r C o m ry,Dropsy,Sour C 0 5“ v eness, Cholw rn Morbus, Cholera lance, Janndicc, es, and may be used auc ry, Family Medi- HEADACHE‘, ( a twenty minutes, i ( spoonfuls are taken ‘ tack. All who use it are In its favor. MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE 5) [la OBATOR,AND BWALLOW nn'ra T 005245; PllO9. flue Dollar pet Btu-file. . The Liver Invigorator and Family Cnthamc Pius ire ratailed by Druggista generally, and sold wholeaaia by the Twin in all the lame towns. S. To W SANFORD, M. D-, Manufactnrar and Pvt-minor. 208 Broadway, W V' Soldin "Irrishurg by D. W. GRUB“, Jfifi V. WYITH OH ARLES BAND] VAKI', and all other Druggista. Ifl-davlv _ . HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATION HELMEOLD’S RUOHV' for than "bdder. I-l ELV BOLU’S RUPHU tor the Kidneys. HELMPOLD’S BUCH IT for Ihe Gravel. HmMIBOLD’S HUI EU 'or the Dram-y. ' HELM' ohms BUOHU 'or New nsness. ~ . Hm MuOhD’d BUGHIV for LI as of M- mnry. HELM —ol.‘l)'H B: 0* U f :- D?" In 5 of V 3501:. HHLMB’II D’S BUUHU for Diflibu t Brrathing. H ELMBOLD'S BV'GqU for Weak N-nrvvs. . HE' MBUI D‘et HUGH" f- r G -ner I D bi fly. H E' M ROLD‘S 301.)" U for Universal Lnssiludo. HELVBOIm’fl BUOHU mr Horror 0' D new. HELM NOLIL’:I BU"IIU for Night Sweats. ‘ HhLMBOi D’S BUCHU fm Wakefnlness. H ELM BULD‘S HUDHU or 'Dnness at the Skin. _" I'}! M BOL D’S BUCHU for Eruptions HELM BULD’ ~ HUGUU for A ah: in the B ck. HELMBOID’E‘ BUGHU for Heuv new of the Eyelid,with Tem: nnvy .‘uflusiun and LI an of‘ right. HELMBOLD’S BCCHU tor Mobil ty and Renleanem,with Want . t Mtenfion and Horrnr oi Fociety. HELM BFLD’S BIL 1"] or Obstructions. huLM BO: 0': 8170 “U or Exueasea a: sing from India— cretion, and all Dina wars of FEMA LES—FE“ A LES—FEMALES ‘ ' If WM A 1.E.-I_FEMALES FEMA LLB OLD on YOUM}, sued}. Mummy, on CONTEM PLATIM} MARRIAGE, ‘IAKE NO MORE PILLS, THE“ ARE OF NO AVAIL FELMBOI.D’B txwuc'r RUGpU. IS THE VERY BEa‘T REMEDY IN THE WORLD For all complamtx inc'dent to the Sea whether urismg tron: In Harv-swan. Han-tn nF D snip-2t on or in the DECLINE 0 OHA‘V GE OF LIFE. SEE MM!) u s ANNIE. N 0 FA" IL" SHU‘IZI I) BE WITHOUT IT. Talia I o more Nahum. L emu". or Unpleumt Medicine for Ha I- s ant and Dalian-pus Diana-Ira H ELMBOLD ’8 EX "1' ACT RUGEU CURES . SECR LT DISE a SE3 In 3'] t eir Wages, At little Fxpunae. Little or no Charge of Diet; No lncon'enience, AND M) r XPOSURE . Use HELMBOI Us I X’I‘HAUT BUGEU fu- lineage: arming from habit~ iudn'gad in BY YuUNh‘ AND O‘LD, u u u x And for discus: arising frrm habit: of d‘ssipation. It m moves all improper discharges and will restore the patient in n short tune aa a atv u f hoalth and pl: ity. Um "ELM BOLD’S hXTRAC'I‘ P-UUIIU rm- diam: and ufl'eut I ma of flu- moat disfm-s‘nz ch‘or‘dctrl‘. Uma HhL“B’ LD‘S f XI‘RAO'I‘ hUOHU fox-all drawn-1 and «menses of five Whether existirg in 31.31.]; on FEMALE, From whatewr muse originnting. and an nutter of no .\ 1.0 M; STA RDING. ' - u l .c A“ the abnve nisrnsen and nymptnms admit Inf the lune tr utm nut and ma. nr‘gin-tr- lrl-m the [mine came. AN FAD! READ! READ! HELMROLD’T lIUUH U is suf‘e and pleuflnnb in twteand odor. but imm mate in i's acuion. Personally Erma-red halo: 1)) -. an Alderman of 1119 city or Phi-dedhla, II I', HEI.MI~OLD Chan-s , who I) mg duly nworn. 11mm my t at n a prep «rat. on cent»; as no nur «xotic, mvnu- y or injurinun drugs, but i 4 purest! vugetahls‘ 'H T HELMBULD. Sula- Munufac'urer Sworn and subscribed helm» me, the 23! d y 0! Nu-vem “121854 WM. P. H Elia: D Alderman. Prlce $1 per bottle, or six [or $5; delivuud to any ad drpsw. Prepared by H. 'l‘. HELVBOIJ), Practiml and Andyficnl Chemist. ' 104 South Truth 5!... b low CI‘I'HIDIII Phil: BEWARE (IF . HUN I'l< «mall's ANIJ UVPRINCIPLED DEHJWS. Who vndauwr tn disnnu- “or 'r a n . wx" and “omn’ mfleu-‘s ml TH c = lPU'l‘A'l' on r amen Br Helmhold’s Genuine Pun-pun inns‘ h “ Emu-act Ruchu. “ i‘ “ Bmmpafl'la. “ “ Improved Rose Wun. 901' .y I WYETrI, IND ALL 1) Al 6 151's EVRHY'VHFRE'. ASK FOR. u kl.“ BOLD" TAKE NO OTHER. Cut nut the dv-flinemnm : nvi mum ur it. ' AVD AVOID I)1r0:ITlON AND EXPO URE. ma 29-d-4w3m ALL Worm Pnummhu 1n -"~\s'_ ,1) ”14% s:\‘/~ a .\» ' \\\ E a, 1/ %a >IO 4 . PENNSYLVANTA‘ STEAM DYEING ES'I‘A B Ll SHMENT. 104 MARK ET STREET, BETWEEN F 0 (ler A NI) FIFTH. H ARRI-‘BURQ. PA., Where ovary dI-m-ripcinn M" Ladies’ and Gentlemen’p Garments. I‘ivce Gum‘s. &-c.. are Dyr-fl. G'enmu-d And finished in the hunt mnmwr and m the shay-tum untim rmfl tlNwly DODGE 01 00.. Prnptiumru. Massus. culuKEMNé—{co HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE GOLD ATTIIE MECHANICS' FA IR. BOSTON, HELD Hm Puncnmxu men, 0 VER b/J'Y' 1' UUJI I‘El'l TOl9B Warernnm Far fhe (‘HIGK BRING PIANOS, at nan-in burg. nt 92 Market. sire-H, . us23-tf \V, KNOCIIE’S MUSIC STORE. R V- M 0 V A L -—"l'he sub‘crll‘cr wou'd respt-r-rful'v inform hm- nld Mandy: and the puhlic ge emilythntshe hm: rrnmved hm' MILLIN l-Yln‘ STORE from Murkl-l firm-t t-n No. 6% Mum‘s-r Squ‘nu.‘ twn' mun-a rrnm uvnry Fu-lix’s (‘nnrnuvimwry Stare. whpro she -s pn-pvv-e-l w '"an-ish BUNNETS, HATS, 8m: , 0- all the I'm-st “le and murwrv-n neplB-dly A share of file [ml-lie ..ntrunage is reflpfl'tfully eani t-d. 81113-11“ M. CAROLAN. filthiml. 11= COMPOUNDED lI‘RUM SANFORD’S y from Gums, and h itandard Medic-nu , knorn have used ”and is new m in ull the diseases forwhich within the lint two years of relief. as the numerous my possession «how. to the tempsrament of ti a used in such quantities as judgment guide you in the VIGORATOR, And it plaints. Bill] on At- Chronic Diarrhoea, plain ts, Dysvute- Stomach, fl bit-mt Ic, Cholera, Chole lnfanhun, F l alu- Femnlr ‘l' to II n rs caiafully an an Ordina cine. It will cure Sllzb thousands can testify.) in two or three Tea. at commencement of If Ii? > giving their tom-sang URINARY ORGANS, u u muting. ONE WEEK! rn E D A L! filthimi. wwfls§i§§ma % ' 2,. :mN I‘éf‘filiflh Eng; 453 mam-3‘33 mmmma mam To THE 0111231312.»: Jay JERSEY AM, E mums. 1 . omm mom? R I [4115: {41115135. A“ WOLFE’S PURE cosmc BRANDY. ' wolgmn’s PURE MADEIRA, SHERRY AND Pom IN . womm’s PURE JAMAICA AND ST. cnoxx nun WOLFE’S puny. scoa'cn AND IRISH WHISKY. ' ALL IN BOTTLES. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to the above WINES und 141911035, im. ported by Unouno Worn, of New York, who” name in familiar in every part of this country for the purity of his celebrated Samson Scnnrrsa Mr. Wows, in his letter to ma, speaking of the purity of MI Wlxls and LIQUORS, Hays: “I will stake my reputation as I man, my standing as s merchant of thirty yen”: resi dence in the City of New York, that all the Buunr Ind WINES which I bottle an. pure as imparted, and of the best quality. and can be relied upon by every purchaser.” Every 1101 th has the proprietor! name on the wax, and 3 inc simile 0! his signature on the certificate. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themaele es For sale at Benn. by I“ Apothecarieimd Grocers in Philedelphin‘ GEORGE E. ASHTON. No. 832 Market street, Philadelphia, _ _ 80}; Agent L[m_PlL£lat(elphia. Read the following from the New ‘York Courier: Enormous Busnmss ton on: New You Madonna-. We are happy tn inform our fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and pu rchue pure Wine! and Liquors. as pure as imported, mid of the best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant’s extensive business. although it will well re pay any strangu- or citizen to visit Upon-no Wonrl’s extensive warehouse, Nos. 18, 20 and 22. Beaver street and Nos 17. 19 and 21. Marketfield street Ills stock of Felmnpps on hand randy for shipment could not have been loss than thirty thousand cums; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Slurry and Port Wines, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica. and St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wines, the" in awake, under Custom—House key, ready for bottling. Mr. WOLFE’B sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less than two years he may be equally sumuf nth” his Brandies and Wines. Bis business merits the putronsge of every lover of his species. Private femilies who wish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to' Mr WOLFE, until «very Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the. poisonous stufi" from their shelves, Ind replace it. with Wonvl’s ours Willa 3nd LIQUORS. We understand Mr. Won", for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assomd asses of Wines and Liquors. Such a. man, and such I. merchant, should he sustained Igainst his lens of thousands of op ponents in the United States. who sell nothing hut in! tations, ruinous alike to human health end hipplness.‘ For sale by 0. K. KLLLER, Draggisl, role 85. nt for Harr’shnrg. sepß-d wan: PURIFY THE BLOOD! MOFFAT’S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS A N D PHOENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these pro-em! nent Medicines have sequirrd for their invaluable em alley in I“ the Diseases which they profess to cure, he renderru the usual practice of pulling not only mower sexy, but unworthy of them. , . IN ALL CASES Ol' Asthma. Acute sud Chronic Rheumatism, “Testicu oi' the Bladder end Kidneys. ‘ BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER. COMPLAINTS, [u the 80qu sud West, where these diseases prevail they will be found invaluable. Planters, runners anti o'hers, who once use these Medicines, will never nfter wards be without them. BILIOUS CHOLIO. FEROUS LOOSEN EBB, PILES, COB TIVENEBS, COLDS aND CU! GHS, UHOLLG, ‘ CORRUPT HUMOIIS. DBOPSIEB. Drernexm—No person with this distressing dine”, should delay using these Medicines lmumlintely. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelns, Flutuleucy. Faves AND Aunt-Fm- this scourge of the Western country these Medicines will he fuund s. safe. speedy end certain remedy. Other medicines lens the system sub ject to s return or the disuse; s cure by these medi cines is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied. end be cured. Founnss or Gourust— ' GEN EBA]: DEBILI'I‘Y. GOUT, GIDDINEBB, . ‘ . GRAVEL. Hesdsches of every kind, mum-d lever, [unsanitary Rheumatism, Impure blond. Juumiiee, Loss of Appetite. "Muscunun Dislssss.—Never falls to eradicate eu tirelv all the effects ef Mercury infinitely snuner then the most powerful prepsrutiuu ell Serena-Mills. NIGHT SWEA'I'S. NERVOUS DEB] LITY'. NERVOUS COMPLAINI‘S OF ALL KINDS. ORGANIC) AFFEC'I‘IONS. Plus—The origins! pin-printm- nf these Medicines was cured of Piles} of thirty-five years’ standing, bythe the use of these Llfi‘ Medicines alone. PAIRS in the Hand, Side. Beck, Limbs. Joint! Ind Organs. ‘ nusnnnsm—Thme ufl'ected with this terrible dis else. will be sure of relief by the bite Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Belt Rheum *wellings. ' l Scsurnu, or ch’s its worst forms. Ulcer of‘gvery de‘scriilption. onus o 5 kinds are efl'ecundl ex lled b Medicines. Parents will du well 5. Jinan“! 3:: whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. ' THE LIFE PILLR AND PHOENIX BITTEBS PURIFY TH E BLOOD, And thus remove all disease frmn the system. rnsrsnsu saw sum» 31 DR. WILLIAM B. MUFFAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Authuny street, New York. . it? For sale by all Druggism. Iyll-rmwly k 4... MRS. WINSLoW, An experienced Nuriw and vanlv Physician, prawn“ to the Ittention of mothern, he: SOOTHIN G sv ,RUP, FOR‘CHILDREN TEETHING. ' which greatly facilitates: the pun-ens of teething, bi softening the gums rI-duuinu. all inflnmmtlon—wi sllay ALL PAIN am! npumno‘ulicpctiou. and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Dvgend upon it mothers. it will give rent. to yourselves, '0 l RELIEF AND HEALTH T 0 VOUR INFANTS. We have put up and snld this artiulv for uvpr ten years, and gum SAY, m CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH or it, what we have never bun-u able tu any uf nu.’ other medi cine—NEVER HAS l'l‘ FAILED. IN A- SINGLE 1N STANCE I‘o EFFECT A CURE. th-u timely used Never did we know an in~tuncr or dismtinfnction by any one who used it.- On the cunlmry. all aredelighted with its "pet-Minus, and speak in [runs of omnmendntion or its magical effects and medical virtue~. We speak in this matter “ WHAT WE DO KMDM.” after trn you-3' experivnce,-AND.PLEDGE “UH hl-J’I‘TATION FO3 'I‘H II) FULFILLMLNT OF WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE. In almnst rvery ilmtnncr whom: the infant is umffrring frumvain and exhuurdit-n. n-lirl‘ Will Do found In fifteen or twenty minutes altar the syrup in “minis tel-I'd This valuable preparatinn is the prencriptinn ofono o the moat EXPERIENCE I) and SKILLFCL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVEB FAIL ING SUCCESS ID 4 THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only "lie-wen lhe child from pain, but invigo rates the at- much and hnwrb, Curr-Wm acidity, and gives lone and unuruy tn the: whole. syutnm, It wing! must hm‘antly ro-lieve GRI PING IN 'l‘ll II) BOWELS AND WIND COLIO, 25nd overcame cunvulsimm. which. H mm flpt‘edily reme died, end indemh We In-lio-vc-il ll": MIR-T and SUREBT HEM EDV IN T" E WORLD. in I" can—n of DYSEN— -I‘};er Ind DIARRIHEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teethillg,nl' I‘m-m any m her mun. We would saw to every mother v hn hm: a . hum sullen-1m: from any nf tin: fort-going complninln—un Ni'l‘ LET YOUR PHE- J UD“ HS, NOR TH 5 I’ll I'D-l [7]" I ‘ l' .‘5 "I" 01‘" ERS, stand hrtwwn van and your sum-ring vhilll, and the reliel that Will “SURE—yen. A “SULFTELV SCI! H—m follow the use all this medicine. if tiuu-ly usvd. Pull dirrctinml for using will accmnpanv chh I-omv. {\‘nm- genuine unless the I'uc-simile nl' CURTIS & PERKINS. New York, I! an the outside wrnppn-r. Sold by Urugginls thrmuzhmn tru- wurld. ' PRIACIPAL OFFIOE, 130.: an S'rkum'. Naw You:- I'IHCE ONLY 25 CENTS PM! BOTTLE. «91129-11.» WI v V . wTu‘st: E w? R TfixTQUAmo DYC'I‘HhAIH‘! __ _, I'lll BEST DEFINING AMI PKIISI'IJSOIXG DICTNLmAM OF 'I u ~ 9.; x m 1.~1l lANGUAGE, cuntuinn 1,851 R. yn] Qu rtn rum and 20.000 wqrdsnnd "WWI-in]!!! Lnt rum-d in any min-r "-"£’ll~h "Ignomu-y; morn than 1 Duo lllusvruv‘mw inWT'l'd in thmr prope: p'uces; uver 5.0. 0 words s-yn nym'z-«l; "nether with Luau-rum! In.” I: I" prov-mmm”. l""per mini-'B. sum M 1-: m, . .nm.u- I; A- SuN. Am. “rm-0,3,".- Sl'hlml Dimiumu'it 5' 1111123 ‘ X. in N 04“ [u BED UA.MS_ J I Just. “90¢:in ”I 11016 w. noon, n., a co.