RATES OF ADVERTISING. [our line! or [en column or man than four, constitute wfgfloaodq- .... $0.25 One «1., omuymsom " one week. .... 1.00 “ one week...“ 1.2!» “ one month... . 2.00 “ one month. _. 3.00 N three months. 3.00 “ three months. 5.00 0' lix autumn... . 4.00 “ nix munthl... B.o' 0! one your..- . 5.00 1‘ one year"... 10.00 1D" Busines- notim inlet-had in the man. 00km: or “for: marriage: and deaths, on. alxrs P3l un for such insertion to merchant: and other- Id'Ol’tilillg 5! “I! you labor-Im. u will be on'ered. 'l5- l‘he numborofimrtionl mu: bodesigmtod on tbs lvortiument. . 113- Mgflige. and Beams will be {mm It the an. E“ regal“ .mwngmmnnla. 7 filistcllauwus. JAG KSUN Br. _GO.’S SH 0E STORE, . NO. 90); M ARKET STREET, i HARRISBURG,,PA.. Where they intend to devote their entire time to the mufnctm of ' BOOTS AND S H O E S 0‘ 11l kind! and varieties. in the nentest nnd most insh hnnble etylee, end nt aetiefnctory prices. ‘ 111%: stock will mneiet, in pert, of Gentleman’s Hue Calfand Pale-it [mullet Boots and Shoes, Intent styles; Ladiu’ and Misscx’ Gaiters, and other shoes in greet veriety; end in feet everything connected with the Shoe business. 0 USTDMER NOR K will he putlcnlnrly nttended to, end-in ell cues will satisfaction be warranted. Laue fluid up by me qf the baa-l makers in the country. The lung pmtienl eiperience of the undersigned. end their thorough knowledge of the business will, they trust,he_enlficient guarantee to the public that they will do them Justice, end furnish them an erticie that vill’recommend itself'ror utility, chenpnm end dun ”iii". , Linn!“ J ‘nn'c-‘v t n.‘ TAKE: mu’l‘LU‘,“ 7mm; in hnvé recently. added to our and, [all flock u 7E s E G A B. a! , u nomus, , , ' , HAIL! KARE, , ’ " IL MONO, . ' , 7 LA BANANA. lOF PERFU'MERY lo: "I ngnlnnamn : TURKISH ESSENCE; ‘ ' ‘ ODOR OF MUSE. , . LUBIN’S ESSENCE BOUQUET. for an Inn: _ ' - ‘ ‘ MU LUSTIMLE, ‘ ; CRYSTAIJZED POMATUM. I ’ ~ MY li’l'hn AND VIOLET POMATUM. 103 m Connexion : ' rue OF VENICE“ , . ‘ 8081: MM! POWDER, , _ . . NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, > , , , , ' BLANO DE 2331.25. 7 o r soAr s; , v Basil's I'm!“ ' , 3088 ROSE, BENZDIN, ‘ UPPER TEN. - VIOLET, NEW lIOWN HAY, _ JUUKEY CLUB. loving the [urgent stock nnd but assortment of Toilet Articlu. we fancy that we us better nble than our com. petimn to gut up n complufie Toilet Set It any price de nim. cm sud sea. , V , »7. Alvin an ham I, I IRISH Stock of DR 068 MED [- CINES, CHEMICALS, aw , consequent of. our to ooiving slum“. I:in additions thereto. KHLLEB‘S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, .1 Into: Sta-net, tum doura But of Fourth Street, ups South side. A NEW FE \TUBE IN THE bt'lb‘E . TRADE”! IIéOBTANT T 0 HOUSEKEEPBRS! E l I. n. nuns“: k. co’s‘smuw'r sncns, In Tin hi" ”fine-l with Pawn) mid full Weight..— BLACK mums, GINGER, surnamwmu PEP. Pan, Annsmcs. MACE, cums“ PEPPER, cmsauos. GLOVES, MUSTARD. a 5 In this as» of claimant“ and tutelen Spices. it in with confid-no-I that ur- in'ruduce tn the utteulion of Housekeeper: the». superior and genuine uncles. We guarantee [in am am: only ABBOLUTILY AND PEKIEOI'L! run, but. ground from fresh Spices, selected and cleaned by us expre sly for flu plll'pns-‘ without referem to can. They ure bautif lly pscked in tin fui|, (lined with pnper ) to prevenn iu ury by keeping. um «no FULL "ml“, while the ordinary ground Spice: are almost lavas-hwy lhofl. We warrant them, i I point o'nmngth and richnuu of flwor, beyuml all comparison, II a.- sin: 31:; hit! will lbuud mtly prove. Every puck-spa bears out mum: Inn. rusnutmluud only by I. B. DUKKEE In 00 ,Xew ark; A For-do by - [l6ml] WM. DOCK, 33.”, In co. WAHRANTED'I‘W ICLVE MONTHS! ; Alu‘l'nln no! or HORTON'S UN RI V ALLED GOLD PINS! PERSONS in want or a superior m 1! really good coup II)! will flml wi 11 me an [urge maxrtment to select from, and h we in - privilege ta exchange the't‘emt until their blind is perfectly suited. And if bu‘uir means she Din mond pint! break 00‘ during "valve Inguthd. the pur ehuer nah-ll have the privilege to select I. new one, wnhnut may charge. ,7 I have very xgn «1 Gold Penn, in ltrong silver-plated men, for $l, $1.25 31 50. $2.00 ' . ' For e‘ :10 It SP-H I". '3 FER’S B DOKSTORE, met” - No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. HATCH 85 00., SHIP AGENTS f ’ um , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lawman}! 311 mm. PHILADELPHIA, minus-ls II - , Enoun. mum, rnooucu. carton; 3WIHNES AND LIQUORS, ,_ TOBAGG’O.AND GIGARS. , 1200646. ~ ' ,7 I AN ARRIVAL on ‘NI'I'W Goo‘l’S‘ " APPROPRIATE T 0 TH E' SEASON! SILK. LINEN PAPER. ..AK'!’ FANB!! FANS!!! AID'I'IEI. um armxmn 1.01 or istlrG'ED FISHING RODS! , 1m: l'li'an. Gut ud 'flalrfin'nuds Gm‘s Line—,s“: 9d “(RI-I'M Linea, um! !. genagal’ gasortmont of f llsu‘luu 3! 5031.1: ‘ " A'onln y‘ABII-n or :‘A” L’K'léNfl-G' C A N E 5! Which cc inn" cell As chelp 19 the enelpoltgr ' V Ilka-1!“ '— Loidml‘ Swim! Hickory " Ilncy'. ' Cough! ' Venues! Canes! Glues! Cluel! KILEIB’B DBUG AND'FAN'OY STORE, ' lo 9] nun!!! inns". , South side. one dum- «no! Fourth street jet DXOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, LIP-HILADELPHIA, . ' <2 . '- quurw'ruu: '7‘ ' OARBOTS, DEMIJOHNS, WIN]. PORTER MINERAL WATER. PICKLE AND rxssr: R n: nor-runs ' or svnxv onscmnmx. 11. It. a G. W. BENNERS ' 001 M" , _ -uth Front scum. Phimunuém ’ I CHIEMPAGNE W'lNhaL DUO ‘01! unmunmw, , 11mm: mm a; Cu._ , CHARLES lIEIDaIECK, ' ’ , GIESI-EH a; 0” . ' ,ANCHIm-SILLERY MOVSBEUX, ‘ SPARKLIM; “USGATEL, ' ' MUM.“ & on ‘s! ' ‘ V VBRZENAY, . CABINET. In m and for sale by JOHN IT. ZIEGLER, 73 Market. strewn de29 AP PM". “THISKY E—PUM: J mam AP ELIE—III store and for sale by - ' JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 73 Mullet street. febY F,“ k: N H I? R. h [l‘ H! Ol' IVER? DESCRIPTION, in "ans and Jars,— Eazll {adage Warranterl. WM. DUCK. Jn ,a; 0. mar EMPTY BARRELS l of every de-ccip Jinn. A l rgu Int. on hand and for sale Ly 151:1!) . , 7 “'I_L_LIAM DOCK. JR.. & Co. QC! vmuiw H [S K Y.—l inc Puncllenn t I" I'unn'scorcu WHISKY lust énwived and I'm .all‘ by 1 - “ JOHN H. ZH'HH-ER jnu'z ' 73 Market street... 1 "81‘ .k W. 14‘, V kip—A large Stu-wk o' ' .st‘TC“ ~M-Es, mmwn STOUT and LONDON PORILu. - 3"" “h: wt the lune-Ht r-H'n by . JOHN ll ZIEGLER, 73 Mnrket- sir-set. Anil HAnman's us: .snnom SOAP. 7 so Ivoxus‘t F I‘ms ym‘ncq- so u). Fur “In .1 anutwhrer’n pp ed. A. BquNSON_&_CO. ‘ . aqnan. ’ -x‘ I v :42: 33.71 I Ufi‘r ‘ ' "din. 'r »~ ~ ..swm '- :34 m ‘ $1.94" =3l: figmfi 1‘ § ' "9r : .. :f ‘9 . - $33212 - R ‘.~ _. : "(kl-.1317." . .3 .-. I“ ‘l h I -:' v - ' EMF” 3 .m“ L. a : '. 2 7"? £3 ? v IVi i: an” EH um»: fix:— -*' ~‘ -, A! Mm ‘ ‘ ' M a" éi ' ' ’ ; ”+Wv‘mw a)..- M _.. _ 71/7";- .. {a > VOL. 3. 113 mg of fltanel. PENNSYLVMiROAU. SUMMER TIME TABLE. inwanniali spb _ - FIVE TRAINS DAILY TI! 85 F 3031 PHILADELPHIA. 7 .ON AND AFTER MONDAY. APRIL 15, 1861, The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railrond Company will depart from And Arrive It Hurrisburg Ind Philadelphia as follows : 7 ‘ EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPREcS TRAIN loaves llarrhhurg At 1 15 a. m., Ind ”rim-sat West Phil ndelphia $6.10 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrigburg at 6.20 a. m., And ar rives At West Phi Imelphin at 10.05 I. In. _ FAST MAIL TRAIN lenves Harrisburg at. 1.15 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia: at 5.10 p. m. ' Thea» Trains malts close connection: M. Philadelphil. with the N- w York Linen. ' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No; 1, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.30 I. rm, snd arrives at :West Philadelphis at 12 39 p. m. , - HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Vin Co lumbia. leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m., and arrives at West Philruie‘phia. u: 9 25 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, V's. Mount Joy, have: Harrisburg M 4 20p. In, connecting n Dillerville, with HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and mm: at. West Philadelphia at 9 25 p. m. ‘ WESTWARD. 7 THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN loner Philadelphia 10 45 p. m , Harrisburg 3.05 s. m., Altoona 8.05, arrives at Pittsburg 12.40 p. via. 7 , . , ~ MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia? 30 a. m.,llarriq burg 1.10 p. n, Altounl. 7.05 p. m., Ind mivaa “Pitch burg 12 20 a. In. -» , , ‘ PAS l' LINE leaves Philadolphiu 11 45 VI 111., Harrin burg 4 05 p. m., Altoom. 8.40 1:. III" sud arrives at Pitu burg l 00 a. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves ‘Philmelphin 2 30 p. m., Lanna-ter- 6.05 p. 111., Columbi -6.40 p. 111., Ind arrives It Harrisburg 8.05 p m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN louver Philauelphis 4 00 p. m., Ltucuier 1 4i p. m., Mount Joy 8.28 p.vm‘., Elish bethtowrn 8.48 p. m., And arrives at Hairriaburg D 45 p. m. Atteution id called to the fact thuit pissengers luring PhJaLdelphia 400 p. '11! ~ connect at Lune-uter- with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and Irriw at Harrisburg It 9.45 p. In. BAM‘L D YOUNG. ' Supt. East. Dw. Penna. R. R. Harrisburg, April 12, “CL—d“ . , 7 - EW AIR LINE‘ROUT‘E NEW roux. ~ __,., VM_ 7 {4/ " . ~ ,_ ~ “A - , 944 m -» , “mm :=;===: V , . J ' -‘T' 45‘, ‘ a n. Shortest ‘in Distance and Quickest inu Tim DETWEEN THE TWO CITIES Ol‘ NEW YORK ANvli AHARRISBUI3.I3," READING. ALLEN'I‘IDWN AND EAS‘NIN MORNING EXPRESS, West, lenvee New York It 0 e. In, Arriving At. Herrishurg st Ip. an, out] 6* home between the two cities. ' “All. LINE lenree New York st 12.00 noon, Inlet rive: It Herrieburg at 8.15 p. In. MORNING MAI]. LINE, Eut, [ewes Hen-ism; 8.00 n. m , nrrivinx It New York a; 5.20 p. In. - nuances expanse Lunar-n. lenvel Hum. . hurt at 1:30 p. m., striving at New York It 9.46 p. In. ‘ connectiunl are made at Hurt-huts pt I.oop. lined“: the P‘s-enger‘l'rninein‘enchdireetion on the Penneylve ‘ tie, Gumbel-lend Valley and Northern Ger-tn! Reiko-nu Ali Trains connects: Beading with 'l‘rnine (or Potte- 1 ville-mi Philadelphln, end it Allentown for lunch ‘ Chunk, Elston, to. No change of Passenger Gare 0:13.3ng between Nev: . York and Hurrisbnrg, by the 6.00 s. :11. Line from Nee York: or the 1.15 p. m. from Harrisburg. ‘ l‘or bounty of scenery and speed, comfdi't end ecoom medetion, than Rou'te presents superior inducemente to ‘ ‘the finding public. ' , ' Fete between N ew York enduerfiahnrg, Irv: Donut“ For Ticket; Ind other infdrmation apply to J I . ‘ , J J‘. CLYDE, General Agent, > deli - ' . flurrishura, BHILAUEIfi'uIA f . ' A , READING'RAILROA‘C' WINTER, AR RANG EHENT. ' ON AND *AFTZ‘R DEC; 12. 18%. TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG on“, (sum-q; age-mm at 0.00 A. 51., 3:01.15 P. 51., my Philadelphia, arriving the" at 1.26 PAL, and 6.15 .9 11. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8 00A M. mg! 3.80 P.M.,ufiving It flutilbug it 1 P. M. In 8.10 9. 11. - ‘ . ' “Rum—l'o Philadelphiu, No. 1 om, 33.25; No. a, (in name tnin) $2 75. . ‘ PAR EB :—-To Rendinr $1.60 Ind 8139. 7 , At Beading, connect with ruins foi roman, Ilium- I'ifla, ‘l'nmnqua, claims. as. - f _ . 7 com: TRAINS mam: READING mngnxunn. pan mung.“ A. IL, 10.45 A. 11., 12.80 noon and a fin P. u. ' LEAVE PHILADELPHIA l 0! READING at 6 A. 1., 1.00 P. u.,a.30 p. “...-d 0.001". x , , FARES:—~Readmzto Philadelphia. 51.15 um! 31 u; I]!!! MORNINGTRAIN FROM ‘IIARRIBBUBG GON 1301‘8 AT ““16qu with up thin for Willow-m éitqhm' and Scranton. - Inf through tight: and other inmmtian apply to , . a. LOIJ’DI, del!) dtf , General Agent. PHI’L,'ADELPH‘IA -BEADING‘»NB'AILROAD. 'REDUC'I‘ION OF. PASSENGER FARES, ON AND é!‘?:¥3_'!__-‘,‘9§'_’.“_‘£;3l’l": 2.1860 an MM umrm N TICK 51's, 7 With 26 Coupons. will, be (sued helium-n my point. desired, good'fur the holder and any member of 'fib anily.’iu any Punenger trninumd It In] time-u. 1.5 per cent. below the raguln‘r fares. ~ .. - . , Pnrties having nominu to use the [loud frequently on. business or plenum-'O, will find the shade arrange-nun! convenient and nr-mumicnl; 1m Fuur Passenger tniim run daily each an: hatweun Rendiug and Philmlelphiu and Two Train: ('s‘ ' hetwaen Reading. Pnttnvillp and Harrisburg 0‘ vainynmnlynnemnrning’trnin ann and (me after! I" train Unrunn hatwmm Pnttnvillu and Philmielpb"' 3r! an l’utanger train on the bah-nor "allay llrrr'} PJHNIML ' ' Fnr the" “rye Tickc‘tn, or any Information relatin. chi-reek! npyiy to 5. “radii-(d. Efiq” Tram-lunar. Philmlel obit. f tho respective Ticket Agents on “W lme. or u G. A. NICOLLS, Geahral Sun‘t Ila-an 21. 1860.-mar2£ «Hf V. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAX . a ‘ Wm V, . E .__ . __ . N O-TIV.C=VE. . . 0H ANGE 01" SC H EDULE. SPRING' ARRANGEMENT. us AND AFTER FRIDAY, human 151-, [ml the Pannunger'l‘minn M the Nnrlbern central nullity will lane Harrisburg an rn‘lnwfl : HUI/VI: .00 N 73". AFROMMflnATInN TRAIN will leave “”3 on n. m. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at,..... _ 7.403. In. “All. TRAIN will 1euvent........ .. .... .. 1.00 p.ll . rmnvr: NORTH , ' , MA". TRAIN wi‘l luavv 1L”... "......“ 1 an [\_ m. EXPRESS TRAIN will lmwe ah”... "8.50 p. m. Thi- only Train [having lln'rrinhurg on Sundnvwih ‘e the ACC‘HIMHDVI‘IHN'I‘RAIN Snuth at 3.00 3. m F'nr furthvrilli‘nrumtinn apuLv M the 031113. in P 3"... wlvunin "nib-our] Dug-um. JOHN W. HALL, Again. Harrisburg. March ‘lst-dlf. l) < l NI REF F— -\ Imxtm lot of DRIED "EEFjust received by , "n 9 ; - ~ W“: DOCK. JR... 5- m “In I.l.\‘(‘rfi!tnN 11M”: NIH » Just. received It] ' WM, DUCK, J3L,‘ In (:0 HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 30. 1861. finals-5, fituttuuctg, Ba. ‘CHUUL BUOKS.—-Schuul Ulrecwm. b l‘euohurn, Parents, Scholar“, um othern,in want of School Books, School Stationery, km, will and n completa usortmem at E. M. POLLOCK £2 SON’S BOOK STORE, Market square, Harrisburg, compriling in part the follow mx— ’ . ' ' READERS.—Mcflnfley'a. Parker’s, Cobb’s Angell’s HPELLING BOOKS.—Mc(}uley’a, Oobb’l, Wehatur’l. t‘o'n’n. llnrly’u. Gombry’o. ENGLISH .GRAMMARS.—Blllion’c, Smith’s, Wood widge’s, Mouteith,n, Tuthill’a, Hart's, Welln’. _ HISTOEIIS —Grimslmw'l, Davenport's, Frost's, WII‘ wn’l. Willard’a, Goodrich’a, Pinnoct’a, Goldamith’a and Glart’u. . , , ARITHMI'I'IG’S.-'—Greonlenf’l, moddud‘a Emerson‘s- Piie’o Rose’s, Golbnrnk, Smith and Duke’s. bnne’a. ' AMEHBMB.—Gmnluf’l, Dtvie’n, Day's, nu”- Brldge’o. ~ . DIO'I'IONA BYS.—Worces'or’l Quarfo, Ac xdcmic, Com— prehemiw um! Primary Dictnoun’nn. ”tuners .wnwl, dooo'u, Walnut. We nzer'u l'mnnry, Webster-’0 [bah ichml. Wuhntnr’u Quart;- \cademxo. , NATURAL ‘l'ulhuuol’fllflbpluomlmck’l Parker’- swin’l. Thb‘ llama wilh I grant urinty Mothers mm A, my two be round at my atom. Mao, as compluto .mort mentvof School Stationery,embruing in the wlu lo a com plate outfit. for achoul purposes. Any hook not in the atom. uncured lt one day: notice; 7 F Oountrsy Merchant»: supplied at wholennlo nun. . LMANAO .—Jolm liner null Hon’n “marine lor an!!! n‘ I. M; PULLOCK a sows BOOK would, "Ifl'ilhlfl'x , "'P Wholamla- and Ratsil ‘ mvl U'PHOLSTEIRING. ' C.F.VOLLMER II prepared to do all kind» of Wurk In the UPHI)LSTF.‘N ING‘R USINESS. Pays pnrticulnr attention bu MAKING AND PUTTING DOWN UAMI'E’I‘S. MAKING AND REPAIRING MAT TI‘ASSES. REPAIRING FUIINI'I‘UNI'}. km, he. lle can b:- l'uuud M MI time: at his ”whence. in the runrnf the William Tell House, earner of llnspherrv and ILL-wk hurry Illeyn - ' aup'zn-dly \ \ W ALL PABLR! WALL PAPER ! l , Just received, our Spring Stock or WALL PAPER BORDERS. “RE SCREENS, N 0:. aw "in thelnrgun Ind bent nulucted unuorlmuntin unveil]. rungiuglu price Tram six (6) cents up to om- dullur and uqunrtur ($1.25.) A. we purchase ver'y hm for much. war om: prepared to gel) at In low rates, i an! lower. than can he hm! elm:- where._ If purchuern will call snd examine, m- I'm-l confident that we cnn please them In mu ac! to price "Id quality. I}. M POLLOCIr k SON, mur23 Below Jonen’ lion-u. Market Square. L ETTE R, CAP, ~ler P \PEHS Penn, Holders, Pencils, Envelopes. Banking Wu. of the hullquality,ht low prices. direct from an manu ‘cctnriea, a unrafl BOHEFI'ER’B CHEAP BOOKSTORE LAW BOOKS !, LAW BOOKS ! !—A general assortment of LAW BOOKS. s“ the State new and Stnudnrd Elementary Won-Inn, vim many of the d Englinh Reports. «mm mu! mm. togather with I. Mtge unortnmn! of nomad-hand Luv Banks. u 'very low prion, at the one price Buulcsum qf E M. POLLOCK Ir. SON, lays Mute! Squaw. ugtrisburg. FAMILY BI BL ES, from 13 to $lO. “mug and huhdnmnely himnd, prjnud on good paper. filth elegant clear new type 5616 n ' ‘ . ' ‘ ' mch3l so" kwuum (mm. mm “to 1‘“ E Fruit. 'waers' Handbook—b) WABlNG—wholeulp And rum) .1. ' mans! - smmrvnnm "Midtown. fut gale 8a Em that. F OR. H “NT—A cumpodlhma _§wo~sto|'y DW ELLIVG HHUSE.‘ (in Second street. below Ping) w'th wide llallJnrge Ihck Building, Marble M mtlell in Parlor, Gas in six rooms. all the r mna just pupa ed um painted; The necund story divided intn seven moms, one at” which in a. Bath. This. i n conuvctihn with 'lm fact. 1th»! the house Imus just been placed in "the mont‘ thorough repair main): il fine of the most desirablo houses in the city. Enquire of ' n, M. Pomona, JPS Market Square, Harrisburg. Fl IR SALE—JEN; B ”ILDING on the comb-r of Wul ut. Ind .Short .streets, men! In I COOPER SHOP. This building was nriginully built In that it could be turned into Dwelling Hunses. 11. cun nints of three separate franmq pinged together. etch frmne being 25 by ZJ fuel, mnkinwjhm-ntire bull-ling, us it nuw ntundn, 751 M“; long mm 20 feet widu. Will sell also an EIGHTHORSE P 0 IVER ENGINE AN!) BOILER, nearly new, and one u llmubuch’s Patent Sta-re Gutters, and :1 Sn qf Saws for Juiuniug Slaves. The above property will b' sold us. barzni‘n, as we wish to clear the ground on which the buildzng amnda Enquire an. the Broker's Office of _ 8. L. M’UULLOCH,’ fehfl-dlf ~ 126 Market Street. H“U \ES "I‘o H I')N‘|'.—-'I wo‘ or the: dwellings. in the brick row. on Third stree', near Walnut, are nfl‘ured for rent, Iran: the Ist or Auril nexa. For terms, enquire of MICHAEL BURKE. febla-dtf _ . L\ OTICE TU SPEGLLA'IORS! VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SAL?! A number of lurga size BUILDIAG LUTS,'udj-xinifig the hound Hnuse and Wurk rhuprl ol' Ihe Penn ylvauia Railroad Comp-my, will 'l9 nnld low and on reasonable terms. Apply to, . au29—dly JOHN WV HALL. F 0 4i lib/N l'.—A CUV'I'TA'G M on Pine strvet, Alan, ; HOUSE next to the Stimm Flnur. Mill. Inquire of - MRS. MIERRAY,'. upIG-dtl' Corner of Second and PiLe Sta. fiatclg. UNITED 5111125 MOTEL, sown new column or 111: um lARKI'I' stuns. , ADJUJNING TH E I’EN Nh‘YLVANIA RAIL- ROAD DEPOT, rs.ICII'I3I3:E.AL. The undersigned would reupvctfully inform the Public that he has nun-u the nhuve Hotel. fnrmerly known M “ THE MANSION HOUSE,” which he has «fitted snd newlv furnished throughuul. ’ The Runmll are spacious and commodionn. ind furnished "im «very convenience to be found in the best Hotels in t a city. ' 7 , 'l‘he “UNITED 81‘ A‘I‘ES” in admirably Inc-ted for the convenience of truckers, being: under Lh-s muue rouf With the Pemmylvnnin Railroad Depnt. and thus saving both hick him and purterage of baggage. , No pain»: will be spared tn render the “ UNITEDS'I‘A'I‘HS" a pleasant sud agreeable residence m II.“ who any fum- it with their patrmmge Charges modernte. ' uc2Z-d3mwly 'l'. W. KANAGA. Prom-19mm Bumuhmn übuam, MARKET'SQU‘A'RE, HARRISBURG, PA. (”10. J; BOLTON. lel’lul'l'nl. This old established [louse Inning changed hands during the pram-n: an. inn. hm: underghhe exp/n5: we im provements and been thilrvughly RENDVA'I‘ED AND REFITTED. ' We feel ,cnnfident. than it is now not second c. any in thn State for the comforts any mane fences whiuh pertain tn 3; First. Class lln‘vel jnnl‘Z-tf J‘US'T REUEI VIE n,’ ’ ’ .- ' , A LARGE AND SPLENDTD ASSORTMEN'I‘ 0F HIGHLY GILT AND ORNAMEN’I'AL WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER. BLINDS. ' , Of variant: barium and Cull-nu. t'nrfl m-ntl, , . TISSUE PAPER AND I'UT FLY PAPER. At [marifil SCI! EFII‘HIPS lilltbxsTuLE ' H( )“H “O \I W[l [" KY. —-y-A wry Supe rior Articln nf BOURBON WHISKY.’ inq‘mr' but tlen. in store and for sale by JOHN 11. ZIEGLP R, umrs 73 M n-rket. street. H lUKO -<\' WI )0“! !——A supeulm: Lu'r ,|u~t received, and fur salt- in qwm'ifius m unit nur chflné‘ls. Ivy » JA\l “S .\l W" WEI. Ell A lsu. ”Ali AND PINE cnustnnt‘y on hnnd an the [1 avast. prim-n. (Mu-. 3 C A H DEN Shikl) - 1 3 l—A i-‘lmsn Am; I cmIPLETI-z “Rog-Imam, ju=t I'ecv'ivvd and fur me. by ..h-gl WM Dank, JIL. & UO. '4 AV \N '\ (HGAR-“.—A I'ine [\FS wt,- m"r|t~’.o'lnprisirlz Fimu‘u Z'linxnz-am. Ln Snim. Bird. Fire Fly. hm-lvilm. In “Print", (Balm-din “c" at .52”... and q mlifies, in quarter. «mo-ti th and lune-tenth bnnxeu,just received, and lla- gulq- imv by JOHN 11. ZIFGLER, iu"3]. ' - 73 Market Street. IMP: mT, -.| . B m h-‘N \ SA U ~".-* GE.— A véry runs In: just. re ~eivenl and for sue by 7 upfi . 7A, “.‘VL‘BECK’ JR“ k” CO «' ELLIfiH’S UK I H: 3"“ DUE-is clue plaice . 'F’ m n“; has; usuertménl oi Pukte- Managua. (Mg:- Ciéatriut & Winn. TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 30, 1861 MESSA GE OF G 0 VEMO R 11mm TO THE MA It 11.4 N]! LEGISLA 2'01: 1!}. FREDERICK Md, April 27.—The Message of Governor Hicks to the State Legislature was sent to that hotly today. It is he follows: Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Represen mum :—'l‘he extraordinary condition ol ufl'oits in Mlil‘yltlul] has induct-d me townrcisethe constitutional prerogative vested in the Gover noritb summon the Legislature in special ses sion; in the hope that your wisdom may enable you to devise prompt tin-reflective means to restore pence ttnd safety to our State. 1 shall detail bt'ieiiy the startling events which have induct-d me to summon you logt'llltl‘, and which httve'so suddenly placed us in the stttte ol' ott lll‘clly. confusion and danger, from which lain eetely trust you may be able to extricate us. Believing it to be the design of the Adminis tratiotttu passftwcr our soil troops for the de tence of the city of Washington, and fearing that the passage of such troops Would excite Your pet-ple, and prosoke tt collision, I labored earnestly to induce tho President to forego his 'pttrtuétse. l wutted upon him in person, and urged the importance oi my request. 1 subse ‘qut-ntly communicated with him and his cabinet :hy special ttiSptttehes, entretttiug tlll ohundou utelll ot‘tlteirdesigns. 'l‘ottllmy request at lcould get but the teply that. Washington was threat,- cned with ttttutgk; that the Government had rt-solved to defend it ;. that. there wus no other way ofobtxtiuiug troops than Ity passing them over the soil oh“ trylttnd; uud tutu. the mili tary necessit y of tlte ruse rendered it impossible tor the Government to ttlmndon its plans, much ill'l it desired to avoid the dangers ol'u collision. My *corres'pondt-nce With the nutltortties at Washington is hersmtlt submittvd. 'the con sctjuvm-ea are known to you. On Friday lost tl. detachment "of troops from Massachusetts reechedßttltimot-e, and was punched hy nn irrrspensible mob. and neural persons on both sides were killed. ‘ The Mayor and Police Board gave to the Massachusetts soldiets all the protrction they could iili'ord; acting with the nu moat pt-o'ntptness and bravery; but they Were powerless torc strain the mob. Being in Baltimore at the time, I cooperated with the Mayor to the ful lest emcnt of my power in his efforts. The military of the city were ordered out to assist in the preservation of the peace. The railroad companies were requested by the Mayor and myself to transport no more troops to Baltimore ctty,’rand. they ptomptly :ncceded to our re~ quest; Hearing of the attack upon the soldiers, the WarVDepai-tment issued ordt rs that no more troops should pass through Baltimore city, provided they were allovied to pass outside 0" Its limits Substquently, a detachment of troops was nscer uined to he encamped at or near Cockeysville, in Baltimore county. On being informed of this, the War Depart tnent ordered them back. Before leavingßal— ti'more,.Golonol Huger. who Was in command of the United States arsenal at Pinesville, in» f-tl‘mt'd the that he had resigned his commission. Being advised of the protmhility that the mob might attempt the destruction of this property, and thereby complicate our difficulties with the authorities at Washington, [ordered Colonel l’etherbrtdge to proceed with a sulficientzforce and occupy the premls‘es in the name of the United States Government, of which proceeding [ immediately notified the War Department. On Sunday morning last I discovered that a detachment of troops, under command of Brig adier-General B. Built-n-liad rear-hell Annapolis in a steamer, and had taken possession oi the. practice ship Constitution. which, during that. any, they succeeded in getting her outsitle'thc harnor of Annapolis, where she now lies.— Altcr getting the ship «if, the steamer laid outside the harbor, and Was soon joined by another strainer. having on board the Swentn Rt giment from New York city. Brig. Gen. Butler-addressed me, asking for permission to land his forces. It. Will he 5: en by the cnrrr-spnndenee herewith phltmitted, that l ret‘ttst-d my consent. The Mayor of Annapo lis also protested, but both steamers sonn alter wards taunted and put oll' the troops—subse quently large bodies of troops reached here in transports, and were landed._ I was notified that the troops were to he marched to Washing ton. , They deeited to go without obstruction fr. tn carpeople.‘ but tin-y had orders to go to Washington, and were determined tn obey those orders. In furtherance or their designs they took military ', ossession of the Annapolis and Elk Ridge raiiruad, in regard to which act I forwarded to Brig. Gen. Bu- lerthe protest, and received the reply herewith submitted. On Wednesday morning. the two detachments first landed. took up their tine of m-rch for Wash ngtun. 'lhe people of Annapolis, though greatly exasperated. "acting under the counsel of the must prudent. citizens, refrained from molesting or obstructing the passage of the troops through the 'city. Seriously impressed withthe condition of atl'airs, nitd aux oils to avoid a repetition ot’ th-n 3 similar to those which had transpired itt Baltimore, I dt‘elllet' it thy duty to make another appeal ht Washing ton AccOrJinng I'sent a special meSFenger to Washinglnn, will: adispulch Io Ihe Adminis n‘aliuli adviringlhav. no mnre lru-ps'be sent through Maryland, than. the Iruops at. Anunpu lis he arm elm-where, and urging that. u Irucu' be offered with a Vin-w o! a. .eacemi set-Ilemem of exi~ling difiicuhiés‘by mediation. ‘lrsugJ gvsced that Lord Lyons, the Briui'sh Miniswr, mgr-quested (0 act. as me {iulor helm-cu Ihe contending parties. The result of the ‘migsiun will be seen by llle coru‘éfip-ddame he-i‘ewi h thbmin‘rd. These awn-ms have satisfied me that the. War Department hzu de ermmvd to make Annapolis the point» for Inn-Wing tronps, and Ims rested to men and maintain a. com municnlion bmween this place um] Washinglou.’ In the brief time allowed it, is impo~sible fur me lo go mare ium detuils The ducum-n's nrcou-p'nyiug (his mes-age place before ynu all [he im‘urmmion pusscrsvd by me. I shall pnamuly commupac In: such ulller informmiou as may ranch me. 7 Notwnlnsmndiug the tart. lhal ohr music lrarned and intelligent. citizens admit. lhe right nfjhc Gnvernmenl l 0 ll'flnSpOl'l inuruoPsncrus-n dur >O2l. it is evident that 91.01- linn nf Ihe pA upln 0! Maryland are Opposed Io llleo-xercist' of INS right. I have dune II“ in my puwur to mum. the citizens of Maryland, and en pl’lSc-ve the pew-e wuhiu our bur 'ers. Lawlcah “crux-renews W)“ rake pli.ce._l fear, "mos: pronpl action be Ink-u by yum. It. IS my day In udwse- yuu of my own; udnvictinns m lhu ,no_m-r Culll'su u- bn- pu-sux-d by Mary 14m], in the Illlel'guui'y which is 'ixp-m’ us. A It is ..t‘ no consequence now lu_dxscuss IhermiSe-s wuich haw. ilulm-ul ulll‘ Irnuhhs. luer ushmk l nourd summing pumeut and to our pot-lemons Iu uru.’ ’ ‘ > The l‘me of Maryland. and pvrhams of her gm. r humor slave Sm!» s, will. unduubh (lly he serl-vu-ly afl'ecu (j by the ac lon «f your honor -3-Lle Italy. 'l‘hvref::re ell-ml I eve y gnoil ‘cili-z zen le-ml ail hiax energies lo the Infikrb-‘fV-n-e us, dud lberelore suuulclfithe uulmuajily 9nd tucker- ings ofthe past he forgotten, and all strike hands in the hold cause of restoring peace to our beloved State and common country. I honestly and most earnestly entertain the con- Viction that the only safety of Maryland lies in preserving'a neutral position between our brethren ofthe North and of the South. We have violated no rights of either sec-tion ; we have beenrloyal to the Union. The unhappy contest bet Wet-n theitwo sections has not be- it commenced or encouraged by us, although we have suffered from it in the past. The impend ing war has not come by any act or any wish of ours. We have done all we could to over! it; we have hoped that Maryland and the other border-slave States. by their conservative po sition and love for the Union, might. have acted as mediators between the extremes of both seetions, and thus have prevented the terrible cuts of a prolonged civil war. Entertaining these views, I cannot counsel Maryland to take sides against the General Government until it. shall commit outrages upon us which wouldjustit‘y he in resisting its au thority. As a consrquenee, I can give no othereonnsel than that we shall array ourselves for the Union and peace, and thus preserve our soil from being polluted with the blood of our brethren. Thus. if the war must be between the North andthe South, we may force the contending parties to tumor the tielllof' bat tle from our soil, so that our lives and property may be secure. , It seems to me that, independent of all other considerations, our geographical position forces us to this. unless we are willing to see our State the theatre of a long and bloody civil war, and the consequent utter destruction of every ma ;terial interest of our people. to sny_nothmgrot' the blood of bravo men and innocent women and children, which thl cry out from our unit for vengeance upon us if we fail to do all that -in us lies to avert the impending calamity.— The course I suggest has all the while been the sole groundwork of my policy ; and but for the excitement prevttiling among our people during the past few days. I believe the object I haw kept. steadily in view during my udmiuietrotion would have been consummated. If it. has failed, Ihovethe t'ullconsciousnrss thrit throughout. the whole of the lmrmssing and painful incumbency of the Gubernatorial choir, [have labored honestly and faithfully for the peace. the safety. and the interests of Marylundnnd of our common country. This consciousness has fully sustained me in nllmy trouhles, and has enabled me to endure pa t.ient.ly:nll the cruel, unmerited, and heartless attacks that have been made upon my integrity. I have also comfort in the conviction that. my policy has been sustained by a large majority ot‘tho people, and that. nothing that. has ll‘nflS‘ pired since the recentylomenleble occurrences without our State, has shaken that. conviction. A nomentary frentio eicitement took the place of reason and gmd judgment, and men. turthe time. threw aside all thoughts of the. future, in the burning desire to avenge what. they considered wrongs. I submit. my sag-f gestions to your wisdom, and I appeal to you‘,’ not only us devoted citizens ot'tlllsrylnnd, but as husbands and fathers, to allow that. pro dence and Christian-like temper so honorable to all men, to guide your counsels. andrl im plore you not to be swayed by the passions which seem _Io be so fully aroused invour midst, to do what. the generations to come after us shall ever deplore. In conclusion. gentlemen, [ ask your indulgence if I have omitted to present to you any. other Matter of interest in connection with the important. subject. which you are summoned to consider. ,7 The short. time I have'had in which to prepare this com munication, and'the turmoil and excitement. around me they have caused omissions; if so. they 'will he promptly supplied when indicated by you. Signed. T. HOLIDAY Htcxs. PLEA. FROM ENGLAND FOR PEACE. Mn. EDITOB:—[ have just received from the accomplished Su-cretén-y 'of the London Peilce Sociepy Ihe following rdocumpnt, wilh'lhe re quest that _I would secure for it. as early and as wide 'publiéily as poseihle. By puhlishing (his plea. you will much oMiga the Irleuds of Peace on hol h sides Voflhe Atlantic. Very reapéginfully, Gun. 0. Bncxwrrn, - . Sic. Am. Peace Society BOSTON, April 25. 186]. V ADDRESS FROM 1""? PEACE SOCIETY OF LDN'DON I'o THE PEOPLE OR THE URITED STATES. FRlEquANnFuuhm-v Untttsruxsi -lt isin no presuming or dictatorial spirit. that we venture to address toyou three four words of earnest sympathy anal respectful expostulntion, in ret'tvr'eut-e to the perilous crisis in your national history through which you are now passing. But. having been'lung laboring in our humble measure, in promoting peace on earth. upon the broad principles of our commutt Chri~ti=nn ity, we. cannot but- feei'how dteply that cause to which we we devoted, is implicated ’in the result of the experiment now l-eiug'enacted in your country. , We do not feel ourselves either competent, or entitled, to ofi'er any suggestion as to the- best tut-thou) of solving those internal .dttfi-Euhies whichrow agitate your great. Common wealth. But‘we venture confidently to state, that the worst. of all solutions that can be attempted. is a. fra'rioitlal war, which must, however long and fit rcely it mny he wage-J, leave the mf'l'lls of the questions in dispute wholly untonehed, while it cannot ftil'to uxuspvrule, into ten t‘oltt nmli-gnity. the teelings of alienation which-al ready exist. War, under 'any circumstances, and berm-m any sections of the human rnce, ts an evil Whlull reason. religion and humanity cannot. hewuil too bitterly. But it civil war in a nation like your own;one ot‘ the very {are most. (tuning the nations of the earth in intelli gullct', cinlizat lull and Christian enlightenment, —a war among men ot’ the some rnce,’ lan. gouge, andreligion—u war which vmultl involve neighhors, friends, hrothers—memht-rs of the name‘Chrislinn comtnunions, children, it may he, of the some family, in mm! anti murderous conflict. With each Otter, Would I»: a spectacle at, which all mankind would stand aghast. in horror nntl dismay; aspécmulo which. more than any ero-nt. that has occurred fur ages, would smitewith discouragement. and all but 'tlespair,'the friends 01 human progrehs through out. the world. ' ’ ' ' For a long timepast, thoughtful and philane thmpic men. wit "easing with FOITttW the-dis u- ctt-tt and divided Condition of theold world. and the ferocious and s .nguitmry wars to which the» national :tnlipalhicn hove ledyhn've fondly cherished the ha pe that. tht- time might come when the sow-rm Scam-s of Europe might he so for fe'l- ran-d together. as to be brought. under the jttristliulinll of a common tribunal, whirll shnulu .lecide their diliervuc s wiyl ’ut having rc'uout‘sc to the irrational :i’tbitrumgnt. of th swor-l. In support. of the practiunhili x“, such :l. meosurv. they huVe been hitherto é-x -to appeal triunmlmut-ly to the. at-mitfi-lf’pm, amp}.- and illustration of suuh n. sgf will he senud in 3onr country. But. than“ degrev, dbht'nl'lenittg and unsustroub to thin hr.-thr.q., i; it. he now found th It you. ‘3ng :ol' gt'nwing' * who hml the imtnensé -:nh_rtiiuuities, cxentit. up side hy uidq iu‘u t'reeJtt‘dice-n which ‘ h-‘uve ‘lfrum those int-reditnrmi‘imo [ht-soil of Eu -|~l‘ljllck Ihetr routs afifirmmm‘ ‘gt' gn-tjus-ingY rope,,_ can finnt‘mgfli'vhy having recumue to ' your difl'acuctgg?” ' ', ' , 7 7 PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. smmmro Ixonrln, BY 0. BARRETT 86 CO tn: Dun! anor AID Unto: will he carved to uh mnbere residing!!! the Borough lor erx OII‘I'S run will ouehle to the 081'1'191- “-11 enbeerihen. roul MI. “.55 "9:: “unit!“ 1: bn in rm an“ I 0D“ I 81 en heretofore eerni nekiy during “1° “9"!“ of “‘9 E‘exlnleturegndimee I week the remainder of the IO": “’l' two dollars in M mnce, or three dollars at the Bipifltlrrnof the ”fin , Conducted with this establishmem in In “Mm”. 103 OFFICE, containing 3 variety of {skin And tenor type. unequnlind by any establishment n Eh. interior 0! $153“, for which the petronefl of “I. Dublin in n c . NO. 204. the old expedient'of barbarism and blood. of which even Europe is beginning to betnshamed, for its combined folly and brutality. Permit us, also, respectfully to remind you that. the evils of wnr,—’aswc know to our hitter cost. in the old worltl,——tlu not, end with itself. On the contrary. it boquenths to posterity a. sinister legacy of hutrcdsjeulousies and rival ries, which poison the blood of nations for ages, and entuil upon them burdens hardly less crushing than those of actual war. The enor— mous mililnry establishments that are now sit ting like an incubus on the heart of Europe, all but sufl'ocuting its life. ure the penalties we have to puy for the conflicts into which our ancestors plunged, Often in reference to ques tions ivhich, all man now can see, might have heen easily adjusted without. a blow, if passion had not. been permitted to usurp the pace of reason. But. the runkting recallections and mutual distrust which those quarrels engen dt-rtd, are still the source whence arises the alleged necessity for the ruinous rivalry in armaments, which is hurrying us onwurd on n pnth that, if pursued much longer. can only lend to 30mm] bimkruptcy. May Heawn in its mercy deliver Amtfl'icll fromn pollt-y which :wnnltl entangle it in the coils of such a. system its this! 7 ' 7 We implore you, than, Fricnde'and'Ft-llow- Christians, to avoid the Imul mistake of imagining that you can decide questions :of diepuch right. by conflicts of brulc force. We nppc’nl lo.Amel-icnn palriols-toem’e the land they love from Ihc dishonor of nppenring be fore the world in an attitude which can only excite the sorrow and pit) of' all good men. We appeal lo American pllllllll'lll‘opiuls to in terpose their influrnco to won] 011' n oo‘toelro phc which will not only become a source of nnuttcmblo‘ suffering and clemomlizotlon to their own country, but. which will exercise n malign influence over the flosiinies of the whole human race. Above all. we appeal to Chril tihn churches of all denominmione. and em phnticolly to the ministers of the Prince of Peace, to cloud between the living and Ihe cloud that the plague he stnyod ; by their example, by their persuasion, by their prnym, to n”:- rest an evil which will not only paralyze their oim efforts. and desolate God's inheritance by a flood of possum and crime, but which will!» it scandal and a reproach to our common Chris-V Linhity. . ' Josuru Pmon. President. ' HENRY Rlcunnn, Secretary Lennon, April 6. 1861. , . l , Aladdin begun by swupping jack-knives and géiting the heat, and bartering halves of mar blea stuck together for whole ones. When' he grew older-{and sold berries Whll'h he picked on the hill pnsmies, he gn-ased the quart pot, so that. a little capital was carried forward to the nextmeasure. Ha hnyed hard all summer, and went togvening schools in' winter. and learned the golden rule of arilhmelic—nddition {Ol- himself, suhtraclion for his neighbor; and in all-the games he held strictly to the rule of Turnahout : “ You fickle hm, .uud I‘ll tickle yuu—if I can; but. at. all evems, you tickle me." ' . ' At. an early age Aladdin was considered to be good. 3!. a bargain, which meant. lhot he always s'ucceeded in exchanging the worse for the better; always keeping the blind me of a horse to the wall when he wanted [0 sell him, and always looking six-night. at. it. when he wan ted to buy him ;' and me approving village shook its head, and said, "Let. Aladdin alone to succeed.” He grew up andleft the village for Ihe world. “He’ll be rich,” .suid the willing". with more enthusiasm and envyrthan any village says of n. drparling boy, 5‘ He’ll be honest. faithful, generous.” To Aladdin the whale world was bubs market in which to buy clump and sell clear. For him there was no beauty, no hero ism, no piety, no history. To him all lands anfl' waters are aliker No Homer rings for him along the lEgean; he only enters the wind that. will not. blow himlto Odessa. No sirens call 107 him from the sunny shore: he loves the sharp oath of o. brutal hoatswnin. ' _ Will] a Bible in his hand, and a quid in his month, he squirts about the holy places of Jeru salem. undettlculates the cos« of the aepulchre. Ho ecmtches his name with aj mktmil‘o upon Egyptian obelisks, by the ante of the hiero glyphed names of Rameses and '[otliems, names ‘ that, shook early history with their grandeur ; and the reverend echoes of the L hynn desert, that. have slept. since they heard the shout. of Alexander’s urtny marching l 0 find the oracle Art-mom are awakened by lhr‘ t~hrlll whistling of Yankee Dtiodle and Old Dm Tucker. ’ ’ He insults the Grand Lunm, hohnobs with the Great Mogul, turns his bunk upon Empe rors,‘ and lakes 3 pinch of anufl‘ out. of tin: Pope’s snutf-box. he eats flu-ah cut raw from. Ihe animal with Abyssinian, chews hang with the Arabs, smokes opium wilh the Turks, and rides fur a bride with the Cnlmuok Tartar. - Then Aladdin comes hunw. He has turned his goods and his oppnl‘tnuilil‘s over and over :ngniu, and Ihey are all tun-neg! into piles of money. The wise village weluumsa him, and yourigér gvn'emtions. as ”w shining gxumple of the sum-earn] man._ “For, my dearrson, ‘just Hunk of it! He began Wuhuolhiug; and now look 1” . , My dun-r son does look. and he sees Aladdin owning millions of doll. rs. and of all: the Do ing good-societies heris chief director. {His [mine is us goodms gnld. He has bought pic tures, and books, and slamea. lleis housed in luxury, and he pricks his moulh with a silver fur-x. ‘ He has mllome for a plll'tr. I-ul. he bouts Ihat he never tends nuyhulgrhul. lha newspaqr pers. He goes l 0 churcthwk- on Sundays, and only wakes up. whl n Ihn preacher revjles and denounce-s mite sinnersol‘ So km. and those long . 01-l Jews ol'JeruSulem 11m hand is bald and shiny with all the sermons Ilmt. have hit it and glanced 011'. He chm-a big hands ‘9 prayer, but forgets m opvu lilem whoa ‘he poor-boxris paswd round; aml he go" an” like :1 similarly snccesd‘ul man. “If?!“ d'Od that he is not. as other men n'ro :5", if: $38118: nvr'llghls a cigar, s"s"‘9l"'e "ileliluember that chair. and tvlhs theoluldten w" k l .1 . homsty is Ihobr’sx policy; a!‘- u" a s e?!” y» , , . ~ .r um k smoke. , up Mrs. Alnd-lm “""ughifies 7Th ‘ , ,n - e convex». . By "all by old'Alnl’m ov. I, "V ... e “more 2m:~113L‘1123”,..°-‘wg- S ""- w'ed «mam; 3 o i '0 k' - V. 5 papers rngr-l Ihallhey are' “n‘ or “ “Vi 'aiultnl-e-qlle' hm! -l‘ we revered ‘ summoned t3n: l'l'irnll. pullllu spit in d citizen P’W‘m’ gejinu. 'l‘hen Ibo- p-éou-ua swa l, and pin-j" ‘ ' ~ . ppu" ._ Lives! and model top uh. I'lsmg genera- ‘ ‘o} ficklel‘l undl-r the and The ”an that. he" “Hire-aw now burn over him wuh a soil: lun ll'lhm‘ no lumps :lhove n Klng'u bomb emu- Ale; and the south ‘wiuds', Jur whuau 'brouth "input: his ho}. brOw he was u-Mr uln-gful, now shews his last l‘rd wiih um "mun-s and .viol. ts, which his heel crwushéd uh-le liiriu g. And the nwu who are to be fmmell I-puu lIIBL model and purgae n. sim-lur succ-s», curek-ss‘y ask aa they stir their nod-lies. -- So. «1d Aladdin is gone a!» l;.st;‘w:ll he put. u“ null?” The >bcl.:lp-Qr_cm-ves a (-lmnh up": his lomhston'e,‘ um] graves the mum», ~- By -h--xr works yeahtfll know Ilnmfl while anme q-nefi Uhurlgs Lamb wix II insanity in his family, ark—nun, h'ev reads Aladdin's‘rplmpht“ Wherr- huh” the bnd'peo pk; buried ?”—G.-1 W; L’t‘trle‘s.’ , '1 _ -, .‘ .: THE YANKEE ALA ODIN:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers