LOCAL NEWS. Tux DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION may be had at Jack's Book Store, corner of Third and Market streets. PATRIOT Alm MUM—The DAILT PATRIOT MID 'UNION can be had by Dauphin s ubscribers, every morning, at the periodical store of J. S. FRAIL _ Tii MAlM—Under the change of schedule on the different railroads, the time of closing the mails at the Harrisburg Post 09ice, December Ist, 1S Q, s as follows: _ . PENNSYLVANIA R. R. a. m.—way mail, 12.15 p. m., 5. p. m., p, m. lirdsf.-•--6.30 a. m.—way mail, 3.50 p. m., 9 p. m. NORTHERN CENTRAL R. R. South.-12.15 p. m.—way mail, 9. p. m. Nortk.-1 p. in. LEBANON VALLEY R. B. 7.30 a. m. DXGPAIN AND SIISQ. R. R. 1.30 p. in. ERRISERLAND VALLEY R. R. 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m.—way BY STAGS. 7 a. m., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 7a. m., to Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1 p. ra., to Lewisberry, on Saturday. Tag SusuunavanA.—The river is again in pretty good navigable order, and quite a number of rafts paised this city on Saturday, on their way to the lower market. THE FISH MARKET.-Our fISII market was well supplied on Saturday. Shad were abundant, and were selling at 20 and 25 cents apiece. Pike, rock fish, and some few Susquehanna salmon were in market, the former selling at fair prices. Colas TO Pum4DELPnu.-15tovernor Curtin and the military gentlemen from Carlisle, who have been in conference with him for several days past, left here fur Philadelphia on Saturday morning.— We did not learn the object of their journey. TROOPS.—Four companies of cavalry passed through this city on Saturday last for Carlisle bar racks. These troops were Tart of the Government forces that arrived at New York, a few days since, from Texas. They were in the enjoyment of ex cellent health and spirits. WinsKans.—There appears to be quite a mania at present among boys just verging upon manhood, to sport "hirsute appendages" to their faces. No harm in this, boys, if you do not cultivate the ex terior to the detriment of the interior, and if, in coloring, yon don't use nitric acid! WOOD'S Missrasrs.—This evening the opening entertainment of Wood's Minstrels, from New York city, will be given in Brant's Hall. This troupe has gained a wide notoriety as being com posed of some of the best performers in this coun try, and we bespeak for them a crowded house this evening. LUCKY OR Trwr.trcxy.—A. Hollidaysburg paper, in alluding to the late accident on the Pennsylva nia railroad, says: " Mr. John Maloney, of this place, received a cut on the head and some scratches on the face; as a salve for which, we hear it re ported that he got $3OO damages, down cash, and a life ticket. Was John lucky or unlucky ?" A MODEL OFFCER.—CoI. Tway, the Supervisor of the First district of this city, is at present bu sily engaged in cleaning the streets and alleys of the lower end of the city. The Colonel has given perfect satisfaction in the capacity of Supervisor, as was testified by the City Council in unanimously re-electing him at their last stated meeting. Ranworric SOCIETY.—As will be seen from a no tice in our columns, this popular society will give one of their interesting soirees this evening. Their soirees have always been very pleasant, and we understand they have made special preparation for this occasion. Those who attend will be sure to enjoy a rich treat, . Hannisnuna Tveousitonwst. Urnox.—At a meet ing of the Harrisburg !Typographical Union, No. 14, held at the Hall of the Citizen engine house, on Saturday evening, Mr. 3 . 0111/ D. Kinneard wa s elected a delegate to attend the National Union, to meet in New York en the Bth of May. The Union was entitled to three representatives, but concluded to send but one. Nannow see.vo.—The mail train from Phila delphia, yesterday morning, encountered a cow upon the track, about a mile this side of Middle town, and had it not been for the invaluable ser vices of the patent brakes, the train would doubt less have been thrown from the track. The cow bad pulled down the guard-fence in her efforts to get out of the way of the ears, which were removed, and the train proceeded to this city. NEW YORK TO PITTSBURG WITHOUT CHANCIS.- The new arrangement of running cars through from New York to Pittsburg will go into effect to day. The first train will leave New York at 9 a. m., and connect in this city with the fast line that leaves here at 4.10 p. m. The second train will leave New York at 7.30 p. m., and connect here with the Express train at 3.10 a. m. The trains will ran at a high rate of speed and will only stop at the principal stations. They will prove a great accommodation to the through travelers. Tun Darms or Lim—Bead and treasure up the wisdom contained in the following sentences : —The battle of life, in by far the greater number of cases, must necessarily be fought up-hill; and to win it without struggle were, perhaps, to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties, there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to achieve. Difficulties may intimidate the weak, but they act only as stimulants to men of pluck and resolution. All the experience of life, indeed, serves to prove that the impediments thrown in the• way of human advancement may, for the most part, be overcome by steady good conduct, honest zeal, activity, per severance, and above all, by a determined resolu tion to surmount difficulties and standup manfully against misfortune. Let young men who are ready to yield to trifling obstacles, and accustomed to "faint by the wayside,"think of these things. Tax WAR Exerrauxzer.—The excitement in this city on Saturday morning, on account of the start ling news from the South, was intense. All sorts of rumors were afloat, and the operators in the telegraph offices were besieged by anxious appli cants to ascertain if the intelligence was correct. Snots of persons were congregated at the street corners discussing the news, and everybody ap peared to be in fever heat to get the full particu lars. At noon when the New York and Philadel_ phia papers arrived the demand for them was so great that the supply was immediately exhausted At the present writing the excitement has not abated, and everybody is anxiously awaiting fur ther intelligence from the seat of war. Yesterday morning the excitement was not aba ted, but it bad rather increased. Rumors of all kinds were in circulation, purporting to have come from Charleston—the truth or falsity of which seemed to exercise the mind of-the people. We are informed that the preachers in most of our. churches referred to the exciting state of affairs in their pulpits yesterday, and fervent prayers were offered to the Throne of Grace for the preservation of our country. CORNER LOUNGING.-At this season of the year, when the evenings are becoming pleasant for pe destrutne, there is a noticeable feature calculated to interrupt the enjoyment of those who seek pleasure iu an evening walk, which calls loudly for reform. The corners of the principal thor oughfares of our city—where loafers "most do con gregate"—present an appearance that challenges the vigilance of those who are delegated to pre serve the peace and quiet of the town. This evil, which is getting to be the subject of general re mark, has never been more apparent than at the present time. It is a deplorable sight, in these days of cheap reading, to see young men, night after night, frequenting these places, for no other purpose than to rivet their gaze upon, and ex change remarks offensive to, those who may be passing within hearing distance. These dis graceful loungers, whose presence is marked by pavements stained with tobacco juice, not only salute ears polite with offensive language, but frequently expectorate their tobacco upon the dres tea of ladies. It is high time, we think, that this growing practice should be checked. Apart from the annoyance to all respectable citizens, it en genders a love for idleness and habitual vagrancy, and is a stepping stone to graver crimes. No doubt many a young man of fair abilities has been led astray by joining these pernicious associations, and can trace his downfall to their influence.— "A word to the wise should be sufficient." COTILLION PARTY.—We would request those who are accustomed to enjoying themselves in the amusement of an exhibition of their skill in the Terpsichorean art, to purchase a ticket to the Co tillion party, to be given for the benefit of the "Paxton tribe," on Tuesday evening, the 16th inst. Tickets can be procured at the Exchange restau rant. The statement made by the Tetegraph, that the tribe will appear in costume is incorrect. SOIREE, HARMONIC SOCIETY.—The Harmonic So ciety will give their regular monthly soiree this Monday evening, commencing at 7- o'clock, in the lecture room of the Baptist church, corner of Pine and Second streets. The Society would invite the presence of subscribing and honorary members.— The full attendance of active members is desired. DAVID HAYNES, Pres% H. K. PARSONS, See'y Awnings sewed at the office of the Wheeler A. Wilson Sewing Machine Company, Third & Mar ket streets. apl2-2w. Nay Anntvat. ! NEW ARRIVAL !—Just received a large assortment of new spring goods. We name in part, 10 pieces of beautiful Challise, 121, worth 181; 10 pieces of Traveling Dress Goods, at 8, worth 121; 50 pieces of bleached and unbleached Muslin, 10, worth 121; 50 pieces of bleached Mus lin, 121, worth 15 ; also, a very large stock of Cassimeres and other summer stuff for men and boys' wear. Stella Shawls very cheap. Broche Bordering, at 25,37 and 50 cts.; also, a large stock of Cambrics and Swiss Mullins. Please call and examine at S. Lowy's, at Rhoads' Old Corner, Corner of Market and Second streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. Er WARRANTED IN ALL CASES ..ca DR. HARVEY'S CHRONO THERMAL FEMALE PILLS For the prevention and Cure of all those difficulties to which the female system is peculiarly liable arising from STOPPAGE OF NATURE OR OBS ['RUCTION. These Palls kmms never been known tofkillahAnthe dirs , trosts have been strictly followed, and they are perfectly saf. to take by the most delicate. TO MARRIED LADIES they are particularly recom mended, as they prevent difficulties. and restore nature, no matter from what cause the obstruction may arise. A few days in most cases will produce the desired eff.ct; and although so powerfel, yet no injury will ever result from their use. But those who are pregnant should not use them, as they have an effect contrary to nature. Pamphlets detailing tneir virtues, with numerous certificates from well known physicians and apothecaries, can be bad on applica tion to the agent, who will send the ring, if desired, by mail, post-paid, to any address, on receipt of the money. Sold in boxes containing sixty pills.--price One Dollar,— by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYOTT & CO., wholesale agents, North Second Mr. et, Phil adel ptda. nova-eodddcwly A NEW REMEDY Superseding CMBEBS, COPATBA, CAPSUL BS, or any compound that has ever been before the people. It has been used by ONE HUNDRED PHYSIOIANS, In their private pracree, with entire success, in all cases. SELLS SPECIFIC PILLS, For diseases of a private nature ; a run is frequent 4 per formed tie a wet*, and entire confidence may be placed in them. This remedy is a newly discovered specific, more active and speedy in its effects than Oubebs or Combs alone. The pills are half the size of Capsules, and never nauseate the stomach, or impregnate the breath. Six dozen pills in a box—price one dollar, and will be sent by mail, pasr-paid, by the agent, on receipt of the money. Sold by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYOTI' & CO., wholesale agents, North Second street, Philadelphia. nev2-eoddiwly ITELMBOLIPS EXTRACT IsUfaittj, THE GREAT DIURETIC REMIBOLD*B 'EXTRACT BUCEIU, TR Ir. GREAT DIURETIC HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT DUCEIU, . . THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC, And a Positive and SpecAc Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, And all Diseases of the Urinary Organs. See Advertisement in another column. Cut it out, and send for the Medic ne. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. • MEtalil-dait3m MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TREAT MENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERIIATORRHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual :Debility, Nervousness, Involuntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting from Self-abase. Ac. By Robt. J. Cnlverwell, M. D. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CHARLES J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York. Post Office Box. No. 4,550. warck2o-d&w3m. MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced nurse and female physician, base Sooth ing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing as inflammation—will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Per ectly safe in all eases. See advertisems LI. in another col et g td,1859-d&w/y PURIFY YOUR BLOOD.—BRANDRETIeS PILLS WARRANTED TO CURE PETER AND AGUE.--The effect of purging with BRANDEETH'S PILLS is to re-' store the health, no matter from what cause it may be suffering. They take out all impurities from the sys tem; and they have the same power of expulsion over miasm, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or indeed any poisonous exhalations breathed by DAD wbstever. In fact, if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, and im pure blood results in disease. BRANDRETIFS PILLS, though innocent as bread, yet they are cagakle of puri fying the blood and curing. disease. So, they cure all kinds of fevers, all asthmas, catarrhs, costiveness and painful affections of every kind. sold, price 25 cents, at N 0.294 Canal set, New York, and by all Druggists. Also, by GEC at BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Hathavrg, and by all respectable dealers in medicines de9-d&wlm Cristadoro's Hair Dye THE ONLY DYE Ever analyzed THE ONLY DYE .Sworn to be poisonless THE ONLY DYE For a living brown TUE ONLY DYE For a perfect black THE ONLY DYE That defies detection THE ONLY DYE .That is instantaneous and the ONLY DYE For all who desire to have the color of their hair changed with safety, certainty and ranality, to any shade they may desire. Manufactured by d CHEM 001t0, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. inurl9-dawliu Mothers, read this. The following is an extract from a letter written by a pastor of the Baptist Church to the Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Speaks volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine—MßS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING: . . . 4, We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. blaw we never said a word it favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to your readers, that this is no brzsto.g —WE HAVE TRIED IT, AND KNOW IT TO BE ALL IT maims- It is, probably, one of the most successful rcedicines of the day, because it is one of the best. And those of your readers who hare babies can't do better than to lay in a supply. Bela-dimly THE GREAT ENGLISH ItiblEDY.—Sir James Clarke's Celebrated Female Piil, , prepared from a prescrip'ion of Sir J. Clarke ; M. D., PhysicianEatraorcll nary to the Queen, This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cute of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates excess and re moves all obstructions and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly Baited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly pesiod with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent counterfeits. THEM PILLS SHOULD NOT BC TAKEN BY FEMALES DIMING THE FIRST THREE MONTI/80P PREGNANCY, AS THAT ARE SURE To BRING ON MISCARRUGB, BUT AT ANY OTHER TIME THEY ARE SAFE. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will e ffect cure when all other means have failed, and although a pow erful remedy, do not contain nron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which shoald be carefully preserved. N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 60 pills, by return mail. For hale by C. k. BANNS - ART. ITRITIBbIIII. jy7-rjaWiy Dr. Branon's Concentrated Remedies. . . No. THE GREAT II MITER. speedily eradicates all the evil effects of SEIR-AisUSE, as Loss of Memory, Shortness of Breath, GidOiness, Palpitation of the Heart. Dimness or Vision, or any constitutional derangemontg of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar . . - - • • - No. 2. TELE BALM will cure in from two to eight days. any case of GONORRWEIL, is without taste or smell, and - equires no restriction of action or dies. For either sex, trice One Dollar. No. 8. VIE TERINI will cure in the shortest possible ime, any case of GLE KT, even after all other liemedie; nave failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell Price One Dollar, No. 4. TOE PUNITF.It is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price One Dollar. No. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case of GRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all afflictions of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No. 6 FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. No. 7 TUE AMARIN will cure the Whites radically, and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One Dollar. No_ 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTTLS are certain, safe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correcting any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No 9. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a Circular. General Depot North-East corner of York Avenue and Callowhill Street. Private Office 401 York Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa For sale in Ilarrisbrire only by C. A. BANNVART. where Circulars containing valuable informat , en, with full de scriptions of each case, will be delivered gratis. en appli cation. Address DR. FELIX BRUNON, inyl-4113 , O , 0. fox 99 PhiladslOilin . Pa NEW SHOE STORE! NEW SHOE STORE!! THE PHILADELPHIA SHOE STORE, NO. 38.1 MARKET STREET, NEXT DOOR TO GEO. W. NOALLVS JEWELRY STORE. AS CHEAP AS THE CEEAPEST! AND AS GOOD AS THE BEST! The undersigned begs leave to inform the Shoe buying public of Harrisburg that he has opened a Shoe Store at the above named place, where will be found a large as sortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. Give us a call and examine our goods at the PHILADELPHIA CHEAP SHOE STORE, NO. 3S MARKET STREET. apll-dtf J. O. ICIAIBALL. REMOVAL. JOHN W. GLOVER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Has removed to 60 MARKET STREET, Where he will be pleased to see all his frieses. octB-dtf L - OR BENT.—A. COTTAGE on Pine I: street. Inquire of MRS. MURRAY, mar27-dtf Corner of Second and Pine Sts. AUCTION ! AUCTION ! ! I will sell by Public Astatine, on Wednesday, the lOth day of April, A. B. 1881, and to be continued from day to day until all is disposed of, at the Store Room, No. 12, North-western t ide of Market Squhre, next to Fei,X , S Confectionery, the entire stock of goods embracing China and Wass Ware, Tea and Toilet Sets, Molasses of diffe-ent grades, Black and Green Teas, White and Brown Sugars, Coal Oil and Fluid Lamps and Lanterns, Oil Stands and Oil, Tea Cadays, Pl-tform and Counter Scales, Sugar Milt, &e. Als'o, Liquors, such as Brandy. Wine, &c.; some old in bottles. Sale to commence at 8 o'clock in the forenoon, when terms will be made known by [ap9-dtf] W. L. TRCWICIE. ARBOR VIT/ES FOR SALE.—The subscriber has a lot of these beautiful evergreens, just received from Pittsburg, for sale at his Green-house, above town, or at his stall in the lower Market House, on Market mornings. They are in excellent condition, ant are probably the finest specimens ever brought to this place. ALSO, a lot of Locust Posts, from 6 to 22 feet in length, Which he will sell low for cash. JOIHt M. MUCK. ap2-d2w B ANK L hTTER AND BUSINESS LETTER PAPBC We would call attention to a new article of paper, called BUSINESS LETTER, which has been gotten up to meet the wants of business men and others who ob ject to Commercial Note as being to narrow, and do not -wish to use part of usual letter sheet. This overcomes toth the above objections ; is a per fect sheet; pure wove ; plate finish ; ruled on one side ; made from beet material, free from adulteration, and put up in neat boxes convenient for use. We also have a paper called BANK LETTER, :similar to the above, except it has but half the number of lines on, so as to allow a printed blank or heading above. For sale by THEO. F. SCHEFFER, mar 19 No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg. E NGLISH AND CLASSICAL BOARDING SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNA.. Students prepared for College or business. Location pleasant, healthy and easy of access by Pennsylvania Central Railroad For Circalava containing terms, tes timonials, &e., address the Principal. ap4-I.oida4tw E. L. MOORE. I UST OPENED—A FLOUR, and FEED II STORE, two doors from tte Seven Stars 'Hotel in Chesnut street, by H. BUGO WAN. Harrisburg, April 11.—ap13-6td* MMIWU TRAVELING AGENT OF THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. This old Transportation Line is still in aucces , ful operation, and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any other individual be ween Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sun bury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Ra ven, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadel phia and Erie, and Williamsport and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harrisburg D. A. MILENOH • Goods sent to PEACOCK, ZELL & HINCRMAN, No. 808 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock. p. at , will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, the next morning. . C. F. MIIENCH, ap4-dtf . Traveling Agent. - -- FIRST CLASS GROCERIES ! fr. _ _ LARGE ARRIVAL!! HAVING JUST RETURNED from the Eastern cities, where We have Selected with the greatest care a large and COM plete assortment of superior GOODS, which embrace everything kept in the best City Groceries, we respect fully and cordially invite the public to examine our stock and hear our prices. febls WIC DOCK, J R ,, & CO. CHAMPAGNE DUC DE MONTEBELLO, MEIDSIECR. & CO., CRADLES HEIDSIECR, GIESI,ER & CO., ANCHOR-SILLERY MOTTSSEDE, SPARKLING NIUSCATEL, MTJMM & CO IS, VERZENAY, CABINET. In store and for sale by JOHN ii. ZIEGLER, de2o 73 Market street WARNE'S RIFLE AND PISTOL T CrALLERY,—Now op.n for a short time, in the rear of Braut's Hall, Harrisburg. ap3.32w* WANTED -A WHITE WOMAN.- A good COOK can find constant employmentand good wages. Aptly to DANIEL WAGNER, at the Seven Stars Hotel, corner of Second and Chesnut streets. marl 2 • EVIPTY BOTTLES ! I !—Of all sizes and descriptions, for sale low by • del% WM. DOCK, 7B y & CO. ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH ! 10,000 BEAUTIFUL STEEL PLATE ENGRAVING OF THE LORD'S PR.A.V ER FOR SALE! VALUABLE PROPERTY GITEN AWAY! The idea of representing the LORD'S PRAYER by an engraving, and of ornamenting and arranging it in such a manner as to produce at once a model of neatness and taste, was conceived and carried out by ORMSBY, the celebrated Bank-note Engraver of New York city. It commences with exquisitely executed words of "Cm FATHER." and then follow in succession the other parts of the Prayer, every phrase of which is engraved in the most elegant and tasteful manner. Near the bottom of the picture is a superbly executed head of OUR SAVIOUR, and encircling the upper part of the engraving are ten angels, each bearing one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS. The engraving has received the most unqualified praise from the religious community, as there is nothing of a sectarian character about it, having been recommended by clergymen of all denominations. As an ornament it is one ofthe most splendid ever pub'ished in this country, and is destined to take the place of a poorer class of engravings. The size of the plate is 20x28 inches, and is unquestionably the cheapest engraving ever offered in this country. Who that loves Art—who that delights to study a fine engraving—who that would possess a beautiful Picture —who that would receive the impressions which such a work is calculated to impqrt, wou l d fail to secure a copy when the price is only ONE not.Lan, with the chance of securing for that sum in addition a permanent home or another valuable Gift? As a work of art this valuable and beautiful engraving is worth more than the dollar asked fot i 4 as will readiily be acknowledged on an inspection of it; but the subscribers intend to make a Gift Distribution to purchasers of the engraving of valuable presents, as follows : 1 House and Lot in York Borough; 2 Building Lots ; 2 Buekles ; Quinn & Palmees make, warranted; 1 Rockaway; 100 Valuable Books; 50 Barrels of Flour, warranted 1,000 Gilt Frames to sutt Engraving of Lord's Prayer : 500 Steel Plate Engravings—Birth of Christ; Magnifi: cent Looking-glasses;. Gold and Silver Watches; All kinds of Jewelry, embracing Cameos, Floren tines, Mosaic. Gold Stone. &c. A Gift worth from . 50 cents to $500.00 with each En graving sold. When the Engravings are all sold, a meeting of the purchasers will be called at Washington Hall, York, Pa., when the Gifts named above will be distributed in such manner as the purchasers mar determine—the purchasers selecting a committee of disinterested persona to make the awards in such manner as they may designate. The proprietors, from the favorable manner in which this Gift Enterprise has been received, and the number of Engravings already sold, hope to be able to have the whole amount disposed of by the first of July ensuing, and wben all are sold they will notify the purchasers and have the distribution of the Gifts proceeded with. This Engraving has received the commendation of the Reverend Clergy, our first citizens, and, indeed, of all classes, who enter into it with interest and spirit. Send on ONE DOLL AR and four Red Stamps to pay postage on Engraving, and you are sure to get it by re turn mail. Address AUSTIN & WEHRLY, York, Penna. J. H. AUSTIN. GEORGE WEHRLY. . . General Distribution Office No 10, South George St., York, Penna., where Engravings may be seen and pur chased. Agency for Harrisburg at WM. D. JACK'S Book and Periodical Store, corner Third and Market Ste. Any person sending a club of ten will get an extra copy and ticket. We are kindly permitted to refer to the undersigned, who have given us written recommendations, but want of apace prevents us from giving them in full. Read the following : TILE LORD'S PRAYER We have carefully examined this Engraving, offered for sale in this community by Messrs. Austin & Wehrly, and do not hedtate to pronounce it one of the finest works of American Art we have ever seen. The design is beautiful, the style of execution is superior, and the illustrations are excellent. Its appearance will at once secure for it the admiration of arefined community, and recommend it to the Christian public. It is highly or namental, and is calculated to exert a refining influence in family, and an elevating and puri tying effect upon the morals and religion of society, and it should meet. as we understand it deserves, with a rapid and extensive sale. Rev. A. H. Lochman, L. L. D., Pastor Ist Lutheran Church, York. Pa. Rev. A. W. Lilly. Pastor 2d Lutheran Church. • Rev. C. W. Thomson, Rector St Johns Prot. Episco pal Church. Rev. F. F Hagen., Pastor 31"oraviau Church. Rev. Jos. A. Ross, M. E. Church. Rev. Syl. Eagle, " St. Patrick Church. Rev. Matth. Jos. Meirer, Pastor St. Mary's Church Hon. Thomas E. Cochran, And. Gen. Penna. Henry Welsh. President York Bank David Small, Postmaster, York. Pa., and maoy others. jEr Editors or Publishers of papers giving this ad• vertisement six ins-rtions will be entitled to an Engra ving and Ticket, by forwarding the paper for that time to our address, or inserting it until that time appointed for the distribution, with an Editorial notice once in four Weeks. Wilt receive the Engraving framed with a line gold gilt frame to suit its size, and a ticket. AUSTIN & WEHRLY YORK, Feb. 19, 1.861 —apt-dtjyl BL:ICKWOOD'S MAGAZINE BRITISANDInVIEWS L. SCOTT Sc CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative.) 2. THE EDINBURGH RN:VIEW, (Whig.) S. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Free Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) 5. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs will ren der these publications unusually interesting during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news-items, crude specula tions and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the ponderous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall hare passed away. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well-established lite rary, scientific and th'ologiral character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. _ . EARLY COPIES The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, in asmuch as they can cow be placed in the hands of sub scribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS Pen ann For any one of the four Reviews - $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews - - 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews - - 700 For all four of the Reviews - - - 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine - - - 3 00 For Blackwood and one Review - - - 500 For Blackwood and twn Reviews - - 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews - 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews - 10 00 Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING A discount of twenty-five per cent. from the above prices will be allowed to Clams ordering four or more copies of any one or more or the above works. Thus : Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $3O ; and so on. POST AGE In all the principal Cities and Towns these works will be delivered FREW OF POSTAGE, When seat iv - mail, the POSTAGE to any part of the United states will be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a year for "Blackwood," and but FOURTEEN CENTS' & year for each of the Reviews. N. B.—The Price in Great Britain of the five Periodi cals above named is $3l per annum. THE FARMER'S GUIDE TO SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. BY HENRY STEPHENS, F. R S„ of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. NORTON, Professorof Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, New Haven. 2 vols. _Royal octavo. 1,600 pages, and numerous Engravings. This is, confessedly, the most complete work on Ag riculture ever published, and in order to give it a wider circulation the publishers have resolved to reduce the price to FIVE DOLLARS FOR THE TWO VOLUMES!! When sent by mail (post-pnid) to Calfornia and Ore gon the price will be $7. To every other part of the Union, end to Canada. (post-paid.) $6. Er Tibia book iS NOT the old •Gook of the Form." Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post issid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., ap9•dlw NW 54 Cold street, New York. WALL PAPER , CEILING PAPER, TRANSOM PAPER,, BORDERS, FIRE , PRINTS, WINDOW CURTAINS, TASSELS, AND FIXTURES, AT LOW PRICES, at SCREFFE R , S Book-store. Near the Harrisburg Bridge. mar2s REMOVAL. The subscriber has removed Ms PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY from Market street to Fourth street above Market, opposite the Bethel Church Thankful for past patronage. he hopes, by strict attention to busi ness, to merit a continuance of it. mar27-dtf WM. PARKHILL. FrAVANA OTGARS.—A Fine Assort ment, comprising Figaro, Zaiagozona, La Salm, Bird, Fire Fly, Etelvina, La Beriuto, Capitolio of a I sizes and qualities, in quarter, one-U th and one-tenth boxes, just received, and for sale low by JOMN R. ZIEGLER, ian3l. 73 Market Street. IMPORTED BOLOGNA SA USA GE.- A very rare lot juet received and for sale by WM. DOOR ; Ja., & coi THE STRONGEST . BOND OP UNION • YET DISCOVERED BETWEEN TEE NORTH AND SOUTH, Is PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE READ WHAT A DISTINGUISHED PHYSICIAN OF ST. LOUIS SAYS OF IT. 0 . J. WOOD, Eeq.: Dear Sir—Allow -me the pleasure and satisfaction to transmit to you the beneficial effects or your Hair Restorative after a trial of five years I commenced using your Restorative in January. 1855, since which time I have not been without a bottle on hand. When I commenced the use, my hair was quite thin, and at least one-third gray. A few applications stopped its tilling, and in three weeks time there was not a gray hair to be found, mither hag there been up to this time. After my hair was completelyrestored. I continued its use by applying two or three times per month. Ely hair has ever continued healthy, soft and glossy, and my scalp 'perfectly free from dandruff. I do not imagine the facts above mentioned will be of any particular advantage to you, or even flatter your vanity at this late day, as I am well aware they are all well known already, and even more wonderful ones throughout the Union. I have oc cupied my time in traveling the greater part of the time the past three years, and have taken pride and measure in recommending your Restorative and exhibiting its effects in my own case. In several instances I have met with people that have pronounced it a humbug . ; saying they had used it, and without effect. In every instance however, it proved by probing the matter, that they had not used the article at all, but had used some new arti cle, said to be as good as yours, and selling at abouthalf the price. I have noticed two or three articles myself advertised as above, which I have no doubt are humbugs. It is astonishing that people will patronize an article of no reputation, when there is one at hand that has been proved beyond a doubt. Apparently. some of those charlatans have not brains enough to write an advertisement, as I notice they have copied yours, word for word in several instances, merely inserting some other name in place of yours. I have, within the past five years, seen and talked with more than two thousand persons that have used your preparation with perfect success—some for baldness, gray hair, scald head, dandruff, and every disease the scalp and head are subject to. I called to see you, personally, at your original place of business here, but learned you were now living in New York. You are at liberty to publish this or to refer parties to me. Any communication addressed to me, Care box 1920, will be promptly answered. Yours, truly, JAMES WHITE, M. D. Warren Springs,. Perry Co., Pa., June 7th, 1850. PROF. WOOD.: Dear Sir—l was induced more than a year ago to try your valuable Hair Restorative, for the purpose of cleansing my head of dandruff I bad suf fered with it upon my head for years, and had never been able to get anything to do me any good in removing it, although I had tried many preparations, until I saw your advertisement in a Harrisburg paper. Being there at the time, I called at Gross & Ross's Drug Store and bought a bottle, and now am prepared to recommend it to universal use, for it has completely removed all dand ruff from my head, and an application once in two weeks keeps it free from any itching or other unpleasantness.— I must also state that my hair had become quite white in places, and, by the use of your preparation, has been restored to its original color. lem now 50 years of age, and although I have used two bottles of the Restora tive, no one has any knowledge of it, as I allow a Few gray hairs to remain in order to have my appearance comport with my age. My head is now of less trouble to me, in keeping it clean, &c., than at any time since I have been a child. I consider your preparationof great value, and although I do not like to expose myself, I consider it my duty to say so. You can use this, or any part of it, in any shape you think proper, if it is worth anything to you Yours, &c., U. H. ETTER. Bloomington, Ind.. July 30th, 1859. Dear Sir :—I here send you a statement that I think yell are entitled to the benefit of. I am a resident of Bloomington and have been for over tliirtyyears. Ism vow over 50 years of age. For about twenty years past my hair has been turning considerably gray, and was almost entirely white, and very stiff and unpliant. I had seen a number of certificates of the very wonderful effect of your Hair Restorative, but supposed there was more fiction than truth in them ; but entertaining a strong desire to have my hair, if possible, restored to its original color and fineness, as it was in my younger days a beautiful black, I concluded I would make the experi ment, commencing in a small way. I purchased one of your small bottles, at one dollar, and commenced using, iollowing directions as nearly as I could. I soon discov ered the dandruff removed, and my hair. that was fall ing off in large quantities, was considerably tightened, and a radical change taking place in the color. I have continued to use it till I have used three of your sma , l bottles. and just begun on the fourth. I have now as pretty a head of dark brown, or light black hair, as any man, or as I had in me youthful days when a boy in the hills of Western Virginia. My head is entirely clear of dandruff, and the hair ceased entirely falling off, and is as soft and fine, and feels as oily, as though it was just from under the hands of a French shampooer. Many of my acquaintances i requen fly say to me, "Butler, where did you get that fine wig?" 1 tell them it was the ef fects of your Restorative. It is almost impossible to convince them that it is the original hair of the same old gray head. Yours, truly, FREDERICK T. BUTLER, Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana. PROF. Wl:l(M's Ham RBSTORaTIVE.—In another col umn will be found an advertisement of this well-known and excellent preparation for restoring gray hair to its original color. The flair Restorative also cures cuta neous eruptions, and prevents the hair falling off. We have seen many authentic testimonials in proof of these assertions, some of which are from gentlemen whom we have known fur many years as persons of the moat re liable character. Don't dye till you have tried this Re storative.—Beston Olive Branch. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. —We are not in the habit of puffing every new discovery, for nine cases of ten they are quack nostrums, but we take great pleasure is recommending Professor Wood's article to all whose hair is falling oil, or turning gray. Our well-known contri butor. Finley Johnson, Esq., has experienced the bene fits of its application, andjoins with us in speaking of,its virtues. Let all try it, and bald beads will be as rare as snow in fiummer.—Buttimore Patriot. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE .-13talike most specifics, this is proved, by unimpeachable ev.dence, to possess great efficacy as a restorer of the hair to its pristine vigor. Where the head had become almost bald because of sickness; the use of this artide has produced a beau tiful growth of thick, glossy hair. It is therefore a val uable preparation for all classes. Its ingredients are such as to effectually eradicate dandruff and other im purities, which operate so injuriously to the hair. It also has curative properties of another descripti n In many cases pimples and other disfigurements of the skin disappear wherever it is used. There is no hakard at taching to the trial of this remedy, and its effects can only be beneficial, as the compound. if it does not cause a manifest improvement, is incapable of doing harm. as its component elements are perfectly innoxioue.—Bos ton Transcript, Apra 22, 'O9. A GETSUINE liciox.—ln our capacity as conductor of a public journal we are called upon to advertise the cure ails of the day, each of which claims to be unadultera ted in its composition and infallible in its curative ef fects—with what justice we leave our readers to deter mine. In one instance, however—Prof_ Wood's Hair Restorative—we are so well assured of the notable qualities of the article that we give it our endorsement as all that its inventor and vender claims it to be. Its effect upon a falling head of hairi9universally known to be magical; like lime or guano on exhausted land, it brings its crop wherever applied. Our own thatch is fortunately healthy, but wa advise our friends with sparsely growing hair to trythe Itestora.tive.—Columbia Spy. Quaosc NOSTRUM —The majority of hair washes, hair dyes, hair tonhs, hair oils, and the numberless prepara tions which are now before the public under such ex travagant, hycerbolical and fantastic titles as we see paraded in show windows and new.paper headings, as hair preparations, are all humbugs of the first w..ter ; their real merit, when they possess any, is, 'hat they do no harm. Hog's lard, whale oil, lard oil, sweet oil, scented and colored, make up, when in beautiful wrap pers, and white flint glass bottles, the costliest character of tonics. and when thus costly, are baptised with some tri-syllable term, and caught at by verdant young and old of both sexes. Such is not the character of Prof. Wood's Barr Restorative. T his gentleman emnes before the world without any “highfalutin" Xilophlofori urn or any other ristoundin . and startling catch-penny term ; he simply advertises a Hair Restorative—:what it e xpr.sses, precisely—and as a Restorative it acts. Buy Professor Wood's flair Restorative, add as you value your scalp, aye, your very brains, arply nothing else; for it may be that you will get some worse substance than perfumed lard oil on your cranium. it °member. Wood's ltektora live for the Hair is the best article extant..--/Ysto York Day Book. O. I. WOOD & Co., Proprietors, 444 Broadway. New York, and 714 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo., and sold by all good, Druggists. mar2•daW2ni, St. Louis, July 10th, 1860 iltebical. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION: HELMBOLD'S Mann for the Bladder. H ELM BOLD'S BUCHU for the 'Kidneys. HELMROLD'S BUCHU for the ( travel. HNLMEOLD'S BUCHU for the Drop.y. HELMBOL WS BUCHU for Nerv, lIELM ROWS BUCHU for Less of Memory. HELM POLO'S BL CRU f. r Dimne•a of V fliOD, EIELMBOLD'S BUCHU fQr t Breathing. HELMEOLWS BrO WU for Weak Nerves. EIE LINO LB'S BUCHU for Gener. I Debility. E ROLD'S BUCHU for Universal Lucinda. HELMBOLIVS BUCHU for Borror of D sease. HELM IiOLL , S BUCHU for Night Sweats. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Wakefulness. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU or Dryness of the Skin. RELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Eruptions HELMBOLD, • BUCHU for Fain in the Hek. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Heaviners of the Eyelid, with Tenttoraty uffusion and Lrsc of Fight. HEL MEOWS BUCHU for Mobil ty and Restlesnetas, with Want ,f Attention and Horror of Society. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Obstructions. UELMBOLD'd BUCHU for Excesses arising from Indis cretion, and all Diseases of FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OB OONTEM PLAT LNG MARRIAGE, TAKE NO MORE PILLS, TFIEw ARE OF NO AVAIL, HELMROLD'S FIT KA CT EUCHU, IS THE VERY BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD For all complaints inedent to the Sex whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of D ssipst'on, or in the DECLINE 0" CHANGE OF LIFE. SEE SVIVIP'i Ova ABOVE. NO FAVILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Talte co more Balsam. Mercury or Unpleasant Medicine for Um lea ant and Dangerous Diseases HELMBOLD '8 EXTRA CT BUOHU CURES _ ._ _ SECRET DISEASES In all t eir Sages, At little Expense, Little or no Change of Diet; No lineonTentence, AND NO kXPOSVRE . Use fIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII for Excesses arising from habits iminrged in BY YOUNG AND OLD cc Cc 44 44 And for diseases arising from habits of dissipation. It re moves all improper discharges, and will restore the patient in a short time to a s ate of health and put ity. Use I.IELDIBOLD 7 S EXTRACT 11110t1II for diseases and affectiens of the most distressing character. Use REVUE OLD'S EXTRACT BUCRII for all &Teams and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, cc ig Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, Cl if From whatever cause originating, and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. All the above diseases and symptoms admit of the same tr.atmtnt and may originate from the some cause. READ! READ READ ! RELMBOLD'T BIM RU is safe and pleasant in taste and odor, but immediate in its action. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, M T. HEIJMISOLD, Chem's - , who being duly sworn, does say that his preparation contains no nar cotic, mercury or injurious drugs, but is purely vegetable. R. T HELMSOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me, the 233 d ty of Novem ber, 1854. WM. P. H tRBARD, Alderman. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5; delivered to any ad dress. Prepared by IL. T. PrELVDOLD, Practical and Anclvticsl Chemist, 104 South Tenth St., b low Chestnut. Phila. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose "OF TEIBi R. max" and MOTHER" ARTIOLES ON THE DEPUTAT ON ATTAINED BY IlelmboWs Genuine Preparations. "‘ Extract Buchu. 4C CC " • Sarsaparrla. cc ‘c Improved Rose Wash. Soid &s, J WYETtE, AND ALL D fiIIG , ,ISTS EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR LIELUBOLD , S TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the sdvertisement and send 'or it, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPO3URE. mat 29-daw3m gotels. UNITED STATES HOTEL, SOUTH EAST CORNER OF 11TH AND MARKET STREETS. ADJOINING THE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD DEPOT, PI3O:7Es A3.7=0.113X-aX 3 MCMAL. The undersigned would respectfully inform thePablio that be has taken the above Hotel, formerly known as " THE MANSION HOUSE," which he has refitted and newly furnished throughout. The Rooms are spacious and commodious, anilfurniehed with every convenience to be found in the best Ilotelain the city. The "UNITED STATES" is admirably located for the convenience of travelers, being under the same roof with the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and thus saving both hack hire and porterage of baggage. No wind will be spared to render the " UNITED STATES" apleasant and agreeable residence to all who may favor it with their patronage. Charges moderate. 0c22-‘l3inwly H. W. KANAGA. Proprietor. B UERLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. This old established House having changed hands during the present semen, has undergone extensive im provements and been thoroughly RENOVATED AND REFITTED. We feel confident that it is now not second to any in the State for the comforts and eimve , fences which pertain to a First Class lintel janl2-tf for Sale & ao Rot OR BEN T.—A commodious two-story DWELLING ROUSE. (in Second street, below Pine ? ) w•th wide Ball. large Back Building, Marble Mmtles in Parlors, Gas in six rooms, all the croms just papered nun painted Thesecond story divided into seven rooms, one of which is a Bath This, in connection with the fact that the house has just been riaced in the most thorough repair makes is one of the most desirable houses in the city. Enquire of upS WOR SALE.--The BUILDING on the I corner of Walnut and Short streets, used as a COOPER SHOP. This building was originally built so that it could be turned into Dwelling Houses. It con sists of three separate frames placed together, each frame being 25 by 23 feet, making the entire building, as itnow stands, 75 feet long and 20 feet wide. Will sell also an EIGHT HORSE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, nearly new, and one o' Drawback's Patent Stare Cutlers, and a Set of Saws for Tainting Staves. The above property will be sold at a bargain, as we wish to 'clear the ground on which the building stands Enquire at the Broker's Office of S.L.WOULLOCI-1, feb9-dtf • 126 51.arket Street. TIO d U t S r ES I T t O he t. R . . e E h N e T w . , — en R.—Tree s o t r ee tre t k e t r Walnut, are offered for rent, from the let of April next. For terms, enquire of MICHAEL EITHKE. febl3-dtf m ESS.RS. CHICKERING & CO. HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE GOLD AT THE MECHANICS' FAIR, BOSTON, WELD THE PRECEDING WEEK, OVER SIXTY COMPETITORS! Wareroom for the CHIC KERING PIANOS, at Harris. burg, at 92 Market street, oc:Z-tf W. KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE. WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY ! THE BEST DEFINING AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF TAN; ENGLISH LANGUA GE, contains 1 ; 064 Royal Quarto Pages and 20,000 words and meanings not found in any other English Dictionary.; more than 1.000 Illustratiuns inserted in their proper places; over 5,000 words synonymized; together with numerous tabb-s of pronounced proper n ames. Sold by E. hi. POLLOCK & SON. Also Worcester's School Dictionaries, mar 23 WALL PAYER ! WALL Y.APER !! Just received, our Spring stock of WALL PAPER BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, &C., C. Big thelargest and best selected assortment ,n the city, ranging in price from six (6) cents up to one dollar and a quarter 41.263 As we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to sell at as low rates, if not lower, than can be had else where. If purchasers will call and examine, we feel confident that we can please them in respect to price and quality. E. M POLLOCK & SON marl House, Market Square , 3 Below Jones, : t ruST RECEIVED ; A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT - 07 RICHLY GILT AND ORNAMENTAL. WINDOW CURTAINS) PAPER BLINDS, Of various Designs and Colors, for 8 cents, TISSUE . PAPER AND CUT FLYPAPER,' At rmar26l SCHEPPER3B BOOKSTORE. TYKE N S VALLEY NUT COAL—Just .1.1 received by canal, for sale at $2.25 per ton, delivired by Patent, Weigh Cares, by Aprq 2,1861. _ JAMES M. WHEELER. JELLIES!!! CURRANT,- PEACH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY, ORANGE, RASPBERRY, QUINCE, PEA R Direct from NEW YORK , and warranted Superior. feb2T WM. DOOR, ht., tt CO, K. M. POLLOCK, Market Square, Harrisburg NI E D A L!